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Physiology of high altitude
and deep sea diving
Dr. Sai Sailesh Kumar G
Assistant Professor
Department of Physiology
Learning objectives
 List the changes that occurs on exposure to high
 Describe the process of acclimatization
 Understand basis of acute and chronic mountain
 Describe nitrogen narcosis and decompression
 List the physiological principles of prevention and
management of decompression sickness
 If you start going to high altitudes very quickly,
there can be dangerous effects
 We discuss about how our respiration changes
when we go to high altitudes
 Normally atmospheric pressure or barometric
pressure is about 760 mmHg
 Out of this, contribution of oxygen is 21% that is
pressure of oxygen is 160 mmHg (out of 760 mmHg)
 When we ascend high altitudes, percentage of
oxygen decreases and thus PO2
 If the % of oxygen becomes less than 21% then PO2
becomes <160 mmHg (what is the problem???)
Normal Pressures
 Normally atmospheric pressure or barometric
pressure is about 760 mmHg
 Out of this, contribution of oxygen is 21% that is
pressure of oxygen is 160 mmHg (out of 760 mmHg)
 Alveolar PO2 is 104 mmHg
 As per diffusion, the PO2 should be same in
atmosphere and alveoli. Why it is not same?
 As oxygen coming down into the lungs
 It mixes with water vapor
 So you loose some oxygen in this process
 That’s why the PO2 of alveoli is lower than PO2
of atmosphere
What happens in high altitudes
 Pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere drops (less
than 160 mmHg)
 Imagine it becomes 130 mmHg
 PO2 of alveoli decreases significantly
 Imagine it may decrease to 60 mmHg or less
 What is the problem??
Recall Respiratory centers
1. Dorsal Respiratory Group
2. Ventral Respiratory Group
3. Pneumotaxic Center
4. Apneustic center
Normal mechanism
1. DRG and VRG send signals
2. Stimulation of cell bodies of neurons supplying
respiratory muscles
3. Contraction of respiratory muscles
4. Inspiration
5. Relaxation of muscles
6. Expiration
PO2 normal
1. Atmospheric PO2 is 160 mmHg
2. Alveolar PO2 is 104 mmHg
3. PO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 40 mmHg
4. PO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 104 mmHg
PO2 at high altitude
1. Atmospheric PO2 is 130 mmHg
2. Alveolar PO2 is 60 mmHg
3. PO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 40 mmHg
4. PO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 60 mmHg
5. This is called hypoxemia - abnormally low level of
oxygen in the blood.
Effect of hypoxemia
 When PO2 less than 60 mmHg (stimulus)
 Stimulation of peripheral chemo receptors
 Inactivation of potassium channels
 Opening of calcium channels
 Release of neurotransmitter
 Stimulation of nerves (cranial nerves IX and X)
 Sends signals to respiratory centers
 increase in the frequency of motor signals
Effect of hypoxemia
 Increase in the frequency of stimulation of
 Increase in the contraction
 Increase in alveolar ventilation
 Increase in the rate and depth of respiration
 Tries to bring more air in
 Imagine it increases PO2 to 80 mmHg
PO2 after hypoxemia effect
1. Atmospheric PO2 is 130 mmHg
2. Alveolar PO2 is 80 mmHg
3. PO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 40 mmHg
4. PO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 80 mmHg
What happens to stimulus to
1. When alveolar PO2 is 80 mmHg
2. PO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 40 mmHg
3. PO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 80 mmHg
4. The movement PO2 increases to 80 mmHg, the
stimulus to PCR goes away
5. No stimulation to DRG and respiration slowdown
PCO2 normal
1. Alveolar PCO2 is 40 mmHg
2. PCO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 45 mmHg
3. PCO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 40 mmHg
PCO2 at high altitude
1. As we move to high altitudes, PCO2 also decreases
2. Say Atmospheric PCO2 decreased to 25 mmHg
3. Alveolar PCO2 is 25 mmHg
4. PCO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 45 mmHg
(pressure gradient increased)
5. PCO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 25 mmHg (more
CO2 goes out)
6. PCO2 decreases in the blood (very bad??)
CO2 – Normal Mechanism
CO2 – Normal Mechanism
 CO2 easily cross Blood brain barrier
 When PCO2 increases in interstitial fluid of medulla
and CSF, the CO2 reacts with water of the tissues and
forms carbonic acid
 Carbonic acid dissociates and releases hydrogen ions
 Hydrogen ions stimulates the chemo sensitive area
and thus respiration
CO2 –Mechanism at high altitude
 PCO2 decreases
 Decrease in H+ ions
 Inhibition of central chemo receptors
 Inhibition of DRG
 Inhibition of VRG
 Decrease in the frequency of action potentials
 Decrease in the alveolar ventilation
 Decrease in the rate and depth of respiration
What is happening
 Initially there is hypoxemia
 Increase in ventilation
 Brings PO2 back to normal
 In this process more CO2 moves out
 PCO2 decreases
 Inhibition of CCR
 Decrease in the ventilation
Lost more CO2 from body?
 If we breath out more CO2
 Respiratory alkalosis
 PH is very high due to low PO2
How your body deals this condition?
 Acclimatization
 Kidney comes into the role
 kidney consists of intercalated cells
 When PH increases in blood (decrease in H+ ions)
 Intercalated cells pumps H+ ions out (into blood)
 Increase in H+ ions (PH back to normal)
 Stimulation of CCR
 Stimulation of respiratory centers
 Increase in the rate and depth of respiration
Is this enough?
 No …. Not enough
 Kidney again comes into the role
 When the PO2 decreases (hypoxia)
 When PH increases in blood (decrease in H+ ions)
 Hypoxia inducing factor is released from PCT
 Production of hormone - erythropoietin
 Stimulation of bone marrow
 Increase in RBC (polycythemia) – increase in HB
 Increase in oxygen carrying capacity
Is this enough?
 No …. Not enough
 Due to polycythemia there is increase in the
 Due to hypoxemia there is increase in the
 Increase in ventilation and perfusion
 Good V/P coupling there
 Efficient gaseous exchange
Is this enough?
 Yes for short periods stay
 If stay for longer periods angiogenesis takes place
 Angiogenesis - formation of new blood vessels
 In high altitude PO2 decreases
 Less oxygen supply to tissues
 Endothelial cells of blood vessels releases
vascular endothelial growth factor (VGF)
 Sprouts blood vessels
 More blood vessels
 Angiogenesis
Is this enough?
 If stay still very longer periods the shape of chest
wall also changes to large or barrel shape.
 Increase in the diffusion capacity due to increase in
the pulmonary capillary blood volume and increase
in the lung air volume.
 In permanent natives of high altitudes, the number
of mitochondria and cellular enzymes is plentiful
than the sea level habitants. (cellular
1. Increase in the rate and depth of respiration
2. Increase in the RBC (polycythemia)
3. Normal V/P ratio (efficient gas exchange)
4. Angiogenesis
5. Change in shape of chest
How long it takes to climb Everest
1. Entire climb takes 6-9 weeks
2. First week – arrive to base camp
3. Next 3-4 weeks – going up and down the
mountain to establish camps with food, fuel and
4. Acclimatization process can not be rushed
If you climb Everest very fast???
 Acclimatization will not takes place
 Cerebral edema
 Pulmonary edema
 Called as Acute mountain sickness
Cerebral edema at high altitude?
 Low PO2 in systemic circulation
 Vasodilation of blood vessels
 Increase in the blood flow through cerebral blood
 More fluid loss
 Increase in fluid accumulation
 Cerebral edema
Cerebral edema at high altitude?
 Increase in intra cranial pressure
 Head ache
 Increase in Pulse rate
 Herniation of brain that compresses the respiratory
 Death
What medications should I carry?
 Acetazolamide (inhibits carbonic anhydrase) and
increases CO2 (stimulates RC)
 Mannitol (relieves cerebral edema)
 Dexamethasone (steroid) – relieves cerebral
 Oxygen supplements
pulmonary edema at high altitude?
 Low PO2 in pulmonary circulation
 Vasoconstriction of blood vessels
 Blood is diverted to medium constricted or normal
blood vessels
 Increase in blood flow
 Increase in leak of fluid
 Accumulation of fluid
 Pulmonary edema
Chronic mountain sickness
 Seen in individuals who stays for long at high altitudes
 Polycythemia increases viscosity of blood and decreases
the blood flow to the tissues ( oxygen delivery decreases)
 All alveoli now becomes low oxygen state, so
vasoconstriction of all pulmonary blood vessels results in
increase in the arterial pressure and failure of right side of
 Poorly oxygenated blood
 These individuals recover within days or weeks when they
are moved to low altitudes
Deep sea diving
 Descending beneath the sea, the pressure
increases tremendously
 To prevent collapse of lungs, air must be supplied at
very high pressures
 This will expose the blood in the lungs to extremely
high pressure – hyper-barism
 Beyond certain limits, these high pressures cause
major alterations in the body physiology and can be
Physiological effects of deep sea
 Nitrogen narcosis at high nitrogen pressure
 Oxygen toxicity at high pressure
 Carbon dioxide toxicity due to deep sea diving
Nitrogen narcosis
 At the sea level pressure, the nitrogen has no significant
effect on body functions
 When the diver remains beneath the sea for an hour or
more and breathing compressed air, the depth at which
the first symptom occurs is 120 feet
 At 120 feet, diver begins to be jovial
 At 150-200 feet, he becomes drowsy
 At 200-250 feet, his strength wanes considerably (
unable to do required work)
 Beyond 250 feet, he becomes useless
Nitrogen narcosis
 Similar as alcoholic intoxication
 Also called raptures of the depths
 Mechanism is same as any other gas anesthetics
 Nitrogen dissolves in the fatty substances in the
neural membranes, alters the neuronal excitability
Oxygen toxicity at high pressures
 When PO2 of blood increases (say 100 mmHg), there
will be increase in the dissolved oxygen in addition to
that bound to hemoglobin
 Extremely high PO2 (when oxygen is breathed at high
pressures) is detrimental to body tissues
 Causes brain seizures and coma in 30-60 minutes
 These seizures occurs with out warning sign and are
 Nausea, muscle twitchings, dizziness, disturbance of
vision, irritability and disorientation
Oxygen toxicity at high pressures
 Molecular oxygen converts into active form of oxygen called
oxygen free radicals
 One of the most important form of oxygen free radicals is
super oxide free radical and other is peroxide free radical
 Even at normal PO2, these free radicals will be continuously
 Body is equipped with enzymes to remove these free radicals
(oxidases, catalases, superoxide dismutase)
 But when PO2 is above the critical levels, there will be
excessive oxygen free radicals
Oxygen toxicity at high pressures
 Free radicals oxidizes the polyunsaturated fatty
acids that are essential components of many of cell
 Also oxidizes cellular enzymes and damages the
cellular metabolic processes
 Nervous tissues are highly susceptible due to
high lipid content
 Most lethal effect of oxygen toxicity is brain
Carbon dioxide toxicity
 Depth alone does not increase the rate of CO2 production in
the body
 As long as diver continues to breath normal tidal volume and
expires the CO2 as it is formed, Alveolar PCO2 will be
 In certain types of diving gear, diving helmet and some type
of rebreathing apparatus, CO2 will build up.
 Beyond 80 mmHg PCO2, the respiratory centers will be
 Respiratory acidosis, narcosis, lethargy and even anesthesia.
Decompression sickness
 If a diver stays longer periods beneath the sea,
nitrogen is dissolved in the body
 If he comes to surface suddenly, nitrogen bubbles
are formed in the body fluids (intra or extra cellular)
 Cause minor to serious damage to any area of the
 This is called as Decompression sickness
 Also called as Bends, compressed air sickness,
Caisson disease, Diver’s paralysis, Dysbarism
Symptoms of Decompression
 Gas bubbles blocks many blood vessels in different
 Tissue ischemia and death
 In 85-90% of people, pain in the joints and muscles
of legs and arms (bends)
 In 5-10% of people, paralysis, dizziness or
 in 2% of people, chokes, shortness of breath,
pulmonary edema and death
Prevention and management of
Decompression sickness
 Slow ascent
 Tank decompression
 Using helium oxygen mixture in spite of nitrogen
 Why??
Why helium??
 Has only one-fifth of narcotic effect of nitrogen
 The amount of helium dissolves in the body is less
when compared to nitrogen
 Low density of helium keeps the airway resistance
minimum (work of breathing less)
 Self Contained Under Water Breathing Apparatus
 Designed by French explorer Jacques Cousteau
 Advantage- Only required amount of air enters the
mask and on expiration, the air can not go back to
tank but instead is expired into the sea
 Limitation – only limited time one can remain
beneath water

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Physiology of High altitude and deep sea diving

  • 1. Physiology of high altitude and deep sea diving Dr. Sai Sailesh Kumar G Assistant Professor Department of Physiology RDGMC
  • 2. Learning objectives  List the changes that occurs on exposure to high altitude  Describe the process of acclimatization  Understand basis of acute and chronic mountain sickness  Describe nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness  List the physiological principles of prevention and management of decompression sickness
  • 3. Introduction  If you start going to high altitudes very quickly, there can be dangerous effects  We discuss about how our respiration changes when we go to high altitudes
  • 4. Introduction  Normally atmospheric pressure or barometric pressure is about 760 mmHg  Out of this, contribution of oxygen is 21% that is pressure of oxygen is 160 mmHg (out of 760 mmHg)  When we ascend high altitudes, percentage of oxygen decreases and thus PO2  If the % of oxygen becomes less than 21% then PO2 becomes <160 mmHg (what is the problem???)
  • 5. Normal Pressures  Normally atmospheric pressure or barometric pressure is about 760 mmHg  Out of this, contribution of oxygen is 21% that is pressure of oxygen is 160 mmHg (out of 760 mmHg)  Alveolar PO2 is 104 mmHg  As per diffusion, the PO2 should be same in atmosphere and alveoli. Why it is not same?
  • 6. Why??  As oxygen coming down into the lungs  It mixes with water vapor  So you loose some oxygen in this process  That’s why the PO2 of alveoli is lower than PO2 of atmosphere
  • 7. What happens in high altitudes  Pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere drops (less than 160 mmHg)  Imagine it becomes 130 mmHg  PO2 of alveoli decreases significantly  Imagine it may decrease to 60 mmHg or less  What is the problem??
  • 8. Recall Respiratory centers 1. Dorsal Respiratory Group 2. Ventral Respiratory Group 3. Pneumotaxic Center 4. Apneustic center
  • 9. Normal mechanism 1. DRG and VRG send signals 2. Stimulation of cell bodies of neurons supplying respiratory muscles 3. Contraction of respiratory muscles 4. Inspiration 5. Relaxation of muscles 6. Expiration
  • 10. PO2 normal 1. Atmospheric PO2 is 160 mmHg 2. Alveolar PO2 is 104 mmHg 3. PO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 40 mmHg 4. PO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 104 mmHg
  • 11. PO2 at high altitude 1. Atmospheric PO2 is 130 mmHg 2. Alveolar PO2 is 60 mmHg 3. PO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 40 mmHg 4. PO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 60 mmHg 5. This is called hypoxemia - abnormally low level of oxygen in the blood.
  • 12. Effect of hypoxemia  When PO2 less than 60 mmHg (stimulus)  Stimulation of peripheral chemo receptors  Inactivation of potassium channels  Opening of calcium channels  Release of neurotransmitter  Stimulation of nerves (cranial nerves IX and X)  Sends signals to respiratory centers  increase in the frequency of motor signals
  • 13. Effect of hypoxemia  Increase in the frequency of stimulation of diaphragm  Increase in the contraction  Increase in alveolar ventilation  Increase in the rate and depth of respiration  Tries to bring more air in  Imagine it increases PO2 to 80 mmHg
  • 14. PO2 after hypoxemia effect 1. Atmospheric PO2 is 130 mmHg 2. Alveolar PO2 is 80 mmHg 3. PO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 40 mmHg 4. PO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 80 mmHg
  • 15. What happens to stimulus to PCR? 1. When alveolar PO2 is 80 mmHg 2. PO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 40 mmHg 3. PO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 80 mmHg 4. The movement PO2 increases to 80 mmHg, the stimulus to PCR goes away 5. No stimulation to DRG and respiration slowdown
  • 16. PCO2 normal 1. Alveolar PCO2 is 40 mmHg 2. PCO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 45 mmHg 3. PCO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 40 mmHg
  • 17. PCO2 at high altitude 1. As we move to high altitudes, PCO2 also decreases slightly 2. Say Atmospheric PCO2 decreased to 25 mmHg 3. Alveolar PCO2 is 25 mmHg 4. PCO2 of the Blood entering the lungs is 45 mmHg (pressure gradient increased) 5. PCO2 of the Blood leaving the lungs is 25 mmHg (more CO2 goes out) 6. PCO2 decreases in the blood (very bad??)
  • 18. CO2 – Normal Mechanism
  • 19. CO2 – Normal Mechanism  CO2 easily cross Blood brain barrier  When PCO2 increases in interstitial fluid of medulla and CSF, the CO2 reacts with water of the tissues and forms carbonic acid  Carbonic acid dissociates and releases hydrogen ions  Hydrogen ions stimulates the chemo sensitive area and thus respiration
  • 20. CO2 –Mechanism at high altitude  PCO2 decreases  Decrease in H+ ions  Inhibition of central chemo receptors  Inhibition of DRG  Inhibition of VRG  Decrease in the frequency of action potentials  Decrease in the alveolar ventilation  Decrease in the rate and depth of respiration
  • 21. What is happening  Initially there is hypoxemia  Increase in ventilation  Brings PO2 back to normal  In this process more CO2 moves out  PCO2 decreases  Inhibition of CCR  Decrease in the ventilation  OPPOSITE ACTIONS
  • 22. Lost more CO2 from body?  If we breath out more CO2  Respiratory alkalosis  PH is very high due to low PO2
  • 23. How your body deals this condition?  Acclimatization  Kidney comes into the role  kidney consists of intercalated cells  When PH increases in blood (decrease in H+ ions)  Intercalated cells pumps H+ ions out (into blood)  Increase in H+ ions (PH back to normal)  Stimulation of CCR  Stimulation of respiratory centers  Increase in the rate and depth of respiration
  • 24. Is this enough?  No …. Not enough  Kidney again comes into the role  When the PO2 decreases (hypoxia)  When PH increases in blood (decrease in H+ ions)  Hypoxia inducing factor is released from PCT  Production of hormone - erythropoietin  Stimulation of bone marrow  Increase in RBC (polycythemia) – increase in HB  Increase in oxygen carrying capacity
  • 25. Is this enough?  No …. Not enough  Due to polycythemia there is increase in the perfusion  Due to hypoxemia there is increase in the ventilation  Increase in ventilation and perfusion  Good V/P coupling there  Efficient gaseous exchange
  • 26. Is this enough?  Yes for short periods stay  If stay for longer periods angiogenesis takes place  Angiogenesis - formation of new blood vessels
  • 27. Angiogenesis  In high altitude PO2 decreases  Less oxygen supply to tissues  Endothelial cells of blood vessels releases vascular endothelial growth factor (VGF)  Sprouts blood vessels  More blood vessels  Angiogenesis
  • 28. Is this enough?  If stay still very longer periods the shape of chest wall also changes to large or barrel shape.  Increase in the diffusion capacity due to increase in the pulmonary capillary blood volume and increase in the lung air volume.  In permanent natives of high altitudes, the number of mitochondria and cellular enzymes is plentiful than the sea level habitants. (cellular acclimatization)
  • 29. Acclimatization 1. Increase in the rate and depth of respiration 2. Increase in the RBC (polycythemia) 3. Normal V/P ratio (efficient gas exchange) 4. Angiogenesis 5. Change in shape of chest
  • 30. How long it takes to climb Everest 1. Entire climb takes 6-9 weeks 2. First week – arrive to base camp 3. Next 3-4 weeks – going up and down the mountain to establish camps with food, fuel and oxygen 4. Acclimatization process can not be rushed
  • 31. If you climb Everest very fast???  Acclimatization will not takes place  Cerebral edema  Pulmonary edema  Called as Acute mountain sickness
  • 32. Cerebral edema at high altitude?  Low PO2 in systemic circulation  Vasodilation of blood vessels  Increase in the blood flow through cerebral blood vessels  More fluid loss  Increase in fluid accumulation  Cerebral edema
  • 33. Cerebral edema at high altitude?  Increase in intra cranial pressure  Head ache  Increase in Pulse rate  Herniation of brain that compresses the respiratory centers  Death
  • 34. What medications should I carry?  Acetazolamide (inhibits carbonic anhydrase) and increases CO2 (stimulates RC)  Mannitol (relieves cerebral edema)  Dexamethasone (steroid) – relieves cerebral edema  Oxygen supplements
  • 35. pulmonary edema at high altitude?  Low PO2 in pulmonary circulation  Vasoconstriction of blood vessels  Blood is diverted to medium constricted or normal blood vessels  Increase in blood flow  Increase in leak of fluid  Accumulation of fluid  Pulmonary edema
  • 36. Chronic mountain sickness  Seen in individuals who stays for long at high altitudes  Polycythemia increases viscosity of blood and decreases the blood flow to the tissues ( oxygen delivery decreases)  All alveoli now becomes low oxygen state, so vasoconstriction of all pulmonary blood vessels results in increase in the arterial pressure and failure of right side of heart.  Poorly oxygenated blood  These individuals recover within days or weeks when they are moved to low altitudes
  • 37. Deep sea diving  Descending beneath the sea, the pressure increases tremendously  To prevent collapse of lungs, air must be supplied at very high pressures  This will expose the blood in the lungs to extremely high pressure – hyper-barism  Beyond certain limits, these high pressures cause major alterations in the body physiology and can be lethal
  • 38. Physiological effects of deep sea diving  Nitrogen narcosis at high nitrogen pressure  Oxygen toxicity at high pressure  Carbon dioxide toxicity due to deep sea diving
  • 39. Nitrogen narcosis  At the sea level pressure, the nitrogen has no significant effect on body functions  When the diver remains beneath the sea for an hour or more and breathing compressed air, the depth at which the first symptom occurs is 120 feet  At 120 feet, diver begins to be jovial  At 150-200 feet, he becomes drowsy  At 200-250 feet, his strength wanes considerably ( unable to do required work)  Beyond 250 feet, he becomes useless
  • 40. Nitrogen narcosis  Similar as alcoholic intoxication  Also called raptures of the depths  Mechanism is same as any other gas anesthetics  Nitrogen dissolves in the fatty substances in the neural membranes, alters the neuronal excitability
  • 41. Oxygen toxicity at high pressures  When PO2 of blood increases (say 100 mmHg), there will be increase in the dissolved oxygen in addition to that bound to hemoglobin  Extremely high PO2 (when oxygen is breathed at high pressures) is detrimental to body tissues  Causes brain seizures and coma in 30-60 minutes  These seizures occurs with out warning sign and are lethal  Nausea, muscle twitchings, dizziness, disturbance of vision, irritability and disorientation
  • 42. Oxygen toxicity at high pressures  Molecular oxygen converts into active form of oxygen called oxygen free radicals  One of the most important form of oxygen free radicals is super oxide free radical and other is peroxide free radical  Even at normal PO2, these free radicals will be continuously formed  Body is equipped with enzymes to remove these free radicals (oxidases, catalases, superoxide dismutase)  But when PO2 is above the critical levels, there will be excessive oxygen free radicals
  • 43. Oxygen toxicity at high pressures  Free radicals oxidizes the polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential components of many of cell membranes  Also oxidizes cellular enzymes and damages the cellular metabolic processes  Nervous tissues are highly susceptible due to high lipid content  Most lethal effect of oxygen toxicity is brain dysfunction
  • 44. Carbon dioxide toxicity  Depth alone does not increase the rate of CO2 production in the body  As long as diver continues to breath normal tidal volume and expires the CO2 as it is formed, Alveolar PCO2 will be normal.  In certain types of diving gear, diving helmet and some type of rebreathing apparatus, CO2 will build up.  Beyond 80 mmHg PCO2, the respiratory centers will be depressed.  Respiratory acidosis, narcosis, lethargy and even anesthesia.
  • 45. Decompression sickness  If a diver stays longer periods beneath the sea, nitrogen is dissolved in the body  If he comes to surface suddenly, nitrogen bubbles are formed in the body fluids (intra or extra cellular)  Cause minor to serious damage to any area of the body  This is called as Decompression sickness  Also called as Bends, compressed air sickness, Caisson disease, Diver’s paralysis, Dysbarism
  • 46. Symptoms of Decompression sickness  Gas bubbles blocks many blood vessels in different tissues  Tissue ischemia and death  In 85-90% of people, pain in the joints and muscles of legs and arms (bends)  In 5-10% of people, paralysis, dizziness or unconsciousness  in 2% of people, chokes, shortness of breath, pulmonary edema and death
  • 47. Prevention and management of Decompression sickness  Slow ascent  Tank decompression  Using helium oxygen mixture in spite of nitrogen  Why??
  • 48. Why helium??  Has only one-fifth of narcotic effect of nitrogen  The amount of helium dissolves in the body is less when compared to nitrogen  Low density of helium keeps the airway resistance minimum (work of breathing less)
  • 49. SCUBA  Self Contained Under Water Breathing Apparatus  Designed by French explorer Jacques Cousteau  Advantage- Only required amount of air enters the mask and on expiration, the air can not go back to tank but instead is expired into the sea  Limitation – only limited time one can remain beneath water
  • 50. SCUBA