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Personal Narrative-Marching Band
1. Thirty pounds of metal resting on my left shoulder, I marched for hours in the blistering hot sun.
The sousaphone was my greatest enemy. In 6th grade I was chosen to play tuba for our middle
school band, I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me. Two years later, I had gotten pretty good. I
made all state band, won some awards, and was 1st chair. I had no intention in joining the marching
band my freshman year. It was the first day of summer, about 10 o' clock in the morning and my
phone rang. It was a number I didn't recognize but I answered it anyway. "Hello Ms. Mullen are you
coming today?"
"Coming to what? Who is this?" "This is Mr. Sax, the High school band director. To marching band
camp, we need you on tuba, I can have an ... Show more content on ...
I was picked up from my house and driven to the school. I walked into the band director's office and
he was surprised by how little I was. He said, "Wow. I don't know if your going to be strong enough
to march tuba, maybe you can try baritone." I was appalled. Of course I'm strong enough to march
tuba. "No, I'm going to play tuba" I said. I vividly remember the first time I placed the sousaphone
on my shoulder. At first it was okay. I felt comfortable, like it would be a piece of cake, but let me
tell you, there is a reason why most tuba players are big, tough 300 pound guys full of muscle. Here
I was a 89 pound 14 year old girl, with a big hunk of metal on my shoulder. It felt fine for a few
minutes, but after ten minutes it was as if my whole body was about to crumble into pieces while the
band marched on. Although it was a large obstacle, I was determined to power through. So for 7
days I learned the marching drill. I memorized the music. I played the notes. I tried not to pass out
and die. By the end of camp I had accumulated sunburn, a giant bruise on my left shoulder, and a
sense of accomplishment. There truly is nothing better than doing something people say you can't
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Marching Band Lessons
Throughout my whole life, music has been apart of who I am as a person. From church Christmas
plays to starting band in sixth grade, it's one of the only things that I have known practically since
birth. One of my favorite activities has always been band, and as a freshman in high school I joined
the marching band. Little did I know the hard work it would take, the lessons I would learn, or how I
would grow to be the leader and person I am today all from three months of dedicated time.
Marching band was first presented to me in the eighth grade when some seniors from the high
school came and told us about their experiences. It was then that I knew this was something I was
definitely interested in, and went home to excitedly tell my parents all about what I had learned.
Late in July, I showed up at Greenwood for my first day of ... Show more content on ...
This created a bit of an unexpected challenge, as since I had already been marching and playing for
almost two years, I thought that doing the same things on another instrument would be a cinch. Yet
again, I was extremely wrong. I learned how to play the mellophone during band camp that year, my
section leader and I stayed inside the entire day while he taught me the scales and worked on
learning the music. The next day was the day the band started playing and marching, and it was a
wreck. I could play one note while a marched, and only for a brief moment. This was a really
frustrating setback, and I spend the entire season working my hardest to learn how to play and
march. This time it was vitally important to the sound of the band, because the mellophone section
only had five people in it, including myself. While I never did quite get the chops to play the entire
show all the way through, I did make huge strides toward playing the entire thing, and accomplished
things I didn't think I
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Marching Band Benefits
Many kids enjoy extra–curricular activates and clubs, chess club, cheer squad. Most kids all across
America can agree that marching is probably the most join due to how fun it the competition, and
the memories many kids make will be unforgettable.The first factor that anyone with two eyes can
see is how fun it is. A lot of songs are played and in a lot of genres, funk, rock, hip–hop, R&B, and
so many more. A marching bands main purpose is to entertain and some of the things bands
directors might do may be a little over the top, like falling on the ground and having the football
announcer open the song. And one of the most fun things that any marching band can do is perform
a half time show, not only is it fun to preform it is rewarding because
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My Experience In A Marching Band
My Experience in a Marching Band For six short years I played the trumpet all throughout high
school. Throughout my whole high school career my life was dedicated to the school's high school's
marching band. I also participated in concert band but that wasn't compared to the amount of fun I
spent with marching band. Musically wise, marching band is just like concert season only the band
members are moving around and playing music. Even through the tough weather and long hours in
the heat/cold, marching band was my favorite time of band season. I was inspired to do marching
band by my brother after watching him my 8th grade year in middle school. I went to one of the
football games to see their halftime show and man was that an exciting night for me. As my mom
and I watched the band march out into the field to begin their performance, I saw my brother as he
got into position ready to play his saxophone. Once the show started, all my attention was focused
on the whole band and how their feet were all in sync. The music performance just blew me away,
especially since their was someone singing in the marching band! No one except our school's
marching band had a singer in the band. After seeing all the spectacular props and the stunning color
guard performance I kind of thought that I would give marching band a try since it all seemed easy
to to me.
At least it all seemed easy to me at the time, but once my freshman year hit, I finally got to join the
marching band. My
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Persuasive Essay On Marching Band
Imagine this: You're playing football for your high school team, you have the ball and you're
running to score, except his football is around 90 pounds, and not only are you running to score the
touchdown, you have to keep in step with 100 other players. This is what students do year round in
marching band. We have to memorize how to play three songs and around 100 spots based on where
we need to go on the field, all while keeping our backs, shoulders, and instruments straight, carrying
an instrument that weighs 40 to 100 pounds, and marching in time with 100 other kids. All of these
components are just the little parts that lead into something much bigger. We practice as much as
other sports, every person counts as part of the band's score, and what you do for marching band
meets the requirements to be called a sport. Therefore, I believe ... Show more content on ...
The backup knows how to do that person's job. They know where to go and what to do. In cheer you
have people who can take over backspot or base. In football and basketball, there are people sitting
on the bench who can go in if someone is hurt or not doing good. In marching band, no one knows
your show, or in other words, the dots and music. If someone were to get hurt, you have a week to
teach them the show before the next competition. It's very close to impossible to do. And because
there's really no way to teach someone 8–10 minutes of spots to march to and visuals, your spot will
be empty during the show. Because of this empty spot, the 4 judges 60 feet away and the other 2
walking in the middle of the show to watch up close will take the score down for the whole band. So
not only is marching band physically challenging, but also mentally challenging. Having to
remember all the music and the show, knowing there are 6 pairs of eyes on you and the people next
to you, and counting on the other kids in the band to be there and not mess up, is very
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Marching Band Research Paper
So, most people have great memories right? Mine are marching band memories. Marching band
started with my sister. My mom and my sister inspired me to do sports in the first place. It was either
marching band or volleyball. Which I believe marching band was for the best. I'm working up to the
things that my sister accomplished. My music has helped me develop my life, my values, and my
goals. My music has helped me develop my life, by letting me learn a different language. Learning
music started with my sister. She started out on flute. I swore up and down that I would never be in
band. Music has helped me with stress. Band and the people in it have formed me into who I am
today. Most music genres are soothing. I plan on being in marching
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Marching Band Constraints
To be a member of the Titan Regiment marching band the only thing that you really need is to have
motivation and drive. If you have motivation to drive you through the long hot summer days and the
early fall days as well outside. The benefits of being a member is that you will become apart of the
biggest activity system in the entire school. Also you will have access to the band room to not only
practice your instruments but as well as have a quiet study place for challenging classes. Unlike
Alan who found himself on the outside of his community in his work place (Wardle). When you are
a non–participant but a member of band you do the same thing as a band member do such as go to
marching completions at different schools, come to Friday ... Show more content on
What this mean is that when you have rules set in my place such as in marching band rules to help
make sure that no disagreements occur within the community. This is important because if there are
more negative constraints than positive constraints it could lead to the activity system possibly
failing as a community. This would result into many difficult obstacles to overcome as a community
to work properly. In the Titan Regiment there is rules set in play and discussed the first day of
anyone's marching band career. To avoid any of those negative constraints from happening. There
are formal rules that are set in place, which is written out for everyone on a piece of paper. Then
there are also informal rules that are something that you should automatically know that you should
or should not do. Some formal rules would be to never miss band practice unless a serious
emergency or a doctor's note likes college. This rule is set in place because it is crucial for all the
band members to attend practice. You cannot have an effective activity system if not all your
members attend to participate in the activity system. This is because the marching band would not
have a purpose or motive to succeed due to the fact that you need motivated members with a
purpose to have an effective band. Another formal rule would include always bringing your
instruments, food and water to practice. This is significant because your instrument is part of your
tools. If everyone in the community forgets there instrument the purpose of the practice would be
ruined because the members didn't bring there neither tools nor followed the rules. Some informal
rules you should always practice your instrument. Even though no one forces you to practice
everyday band is like studying the only way that you would become better and move up in the
community to eventually possibly move
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Marching Band Research Paper
Marching band has been the most time–consuming and enjoyable extracurricular I have participated
in throughout some of middle school and all of high school. I marched alto saxophone when I was in
the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades and I have been drum major (also known as field commander)
since my sophomore year of high school. Having this job has been a huge responsibility, but it has
also given me invaluable learning and leadership experience. There are very few positions in high
school, or even as a teenager in general, that can offer such excellent leadership experience as
serving as drum major. The role of a drum major is to conduct a marching band, essentially serving
as a metronome to set the tempo for the group. While this is my
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Narrative Essay On Marching Band
Musicality and Me
Whenever one hears the word band, what exactly do they think of? Perhaps your mind only goes as
far as a halftime performance at the Friday night football game that you try your hardest to ignore as
you talk to your friend seated beside you, or perhaps the utmost annoying phrase, "band nerd".
However; I can almost guarantee that your mind doesn't directly go to hard work, family, and
Whenever I moved to Boyle County High School, my parents were the ones who had constantly
invigorated me to join the band program. I had previously been in band at my old high school that
was located in an exceptionally small town where a quality music program was not valued, much
less a competitive marching band. A few days before I had actually started school, my guidance
counselor decided to give me a tour of the school. As she asked me several questions about what
classes I was interested in, band inevitably came up. Eventually, she brought me to ... Show more
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B had told me that I couldn't participate in that year's marching band program because I had moved
practically in the middle of the season. But to no avail, on my first official day of school, Mr. B
brought me into his office and explained to me that a girl is no longer apart of the marching band
and that I could fill her spot. So when fall band camp came around, I did just that. In the very small
amount of time of a week, I had began not only learning what a family band sincerely was, but also
true, hard work.
Besides marching band, music in general is one of the most substantial parts of my life. It has taught
me to be an overall more creative and inventive person. It has fueled my mind to be quicker and
As a senior, my marching band and general band experience is coming to a close. I can guarantee
that I will always cherish the memories and the experiences, though they may not always be good,
for forever. Band has taught me what hard work, compassion, and discipline truly
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The Parade Of The Marching Band
The flags surrounding the marching band just seem like added colors to the show. The audience
always sees the colors of the flags and uniforms and only care about the music and performance of
the show. They could also care about the scores if the band competes. Nobody ever thinks twice
about the work they put in, what talent they have to have, and what they do after marching band is
over with. What happens after marching band is an even more elaborate sport that surrounds flags,
other props and the people themselves in a more competitive field and it is called winterguard.
Colorguard is with a marching band, outside, you do not use equipment other than flags and rifles
that often, not much dance, and the uniforms usually either go with the school's colors, or if the
guard is lucky to compete, than it goes with their show. Winterguard is essentially colorguard, but
indoors. In winterguard the spotlight is literally put on the people themselves. There is no band to
spin to, there is just lyrical music. There is no field to march on, but a designed tarp to dance on. The
uniforms are made more for dance. Winter Guard International inputs winterguard as "Modern color
guard is a combination of the use of flags, sabers, mock rifles, and other equipment, as well as dance
and other interpretive movement. Color guards can be found in, high schools, middle schools, some
universities, and also some independent organizations some of which are related to drum corps."
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What Is A Marching Band Essay
What is marching band? A marching band show is arranged musical show that utilizes both bodies
and a variety of instruments. While spectators see this unique show they don't often realize how
much work actually goes into a halftime performance. Band members must analyze every moment
and focus on hitting their notes while getting to their designated spot on the field.
A marching band show is a moving picture; something completely different. It's a little bit of math
and theatre and obviously music.
Learning to get to the right mark on the field while hitting the right note on a musical instrument
takes a lot of sacrifice, hard work, preparation and teamwork. It takes a gifted and dedicated student
to play high–quality and performance–ready music. In a marching band, that same student
accomplishes physically rigorous and complex drills, keeps the music coming and balances between
multiple hours of practice each week along with academics and other responsibilities such as work,
family and other things of the sort. A marching band is complemented by color guard, that practices
equally rigorous hours to go along with the show, using colorful flags, rifles, props, and ... Show
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A marching band show is amazingly captivating. Marching band was first mainly seen in the
military by giving music and used as a sort of correspondence between driving troops. This kind of
marching band was restricted to simply percussion and brass, for example, the snare and the
trumpet. The military would oftentimes use the trumpet as a sort of alert to wake up or to announce
that the enemy was approaching the base. This was especially vital in the Civil War, yet then started
losing its essentialness after the war got done with, obliging John Philip Sousa to take his band on
tour. His marching style is thought to be significantly American and his most mainstream piece is
Stars And Stripes
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Marching Band Research Paper
Marching band consists of musicians who march in either a military style or corps style on a field.
The musicians put on a show with music, marching, and visuals, and compete in competitions.
Marching bands usually wear uniforms with their organization's colors, marching shoes, hats,
plumes, etc. In a high school or college marching band, putting together a show is an important part
of football games. On the other hand, concert band or a symphonic band is a sit–down ensemble that
generally plays classic music and concert marches. The attire for concert bands is usually formal,
with tuxedos and dresses. Even though marching band and concert band both have musicians who
play music in a group, both styles are very different. Marching band and concert band are different
because of the physical activity, practice, and the difficulty in music.
Marching and concert band both require ... Show more content on ...
In marching band, there is woodwinds, brass, drumline percussion, and pit percussion. In concert
band, there is woodwind, brass, percussion, and double–bass instruments. The only difference in
instruments are the double bass and drumline. Since those instruments are different, the music for
marching and concert band are not very similar. Concert music usually consists of intricate classical
pieces such as overtures from famous musicians like Bach and Mozart. In concert band, the only
aspect of the band is how well the band plays the certain type of music. In marching band, since
there are various details that are involved, the music is easier to play than concert. Marching shows
can have three, four, or even five parts to complete the entire show. Even though each part of the
show is short, the pieces for marching band have many parts that repeat to make it easier to
memorize. Band directors tend to compose or find music that can compensate for the fact that the
musicians also need to have meticulous
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Importance Of Marching Band
What do you think of when you hear "marching band?" Something along the lines of nerd, geek,
unpopular, awkward, etc. Why is that so? Movies and TV shows portray students in the marching
band as nerds that are socially awkward and are only focused on grades. Marching band is
challenging, more so than people think it is. Marching band is often portrayed incorrectly on TV
shows and in movies; they are not what most people think they are. Marching band requires
dedication, determination, skill, and teamwork.
At Stony Brook University, the marching band is also known as Stony Brook's "athletic band." This
gives marching band a little of the credit it deserves. Marching band is just as difficult, if not more
difficult than some sports. There ... Show more content on ...
That sounds easy in theory, but there is more to it. Each person is a part of the entire image/figure so
if someone is not in the right spot it is obvious. On the field, the marching band has to move in
many different directions, forward, backward, left, right, and on the diagonals, while facing forward.
They have to make sure they know what they are doing and trust that everyone else knows what
they are doing to avoid colliding and hurting each other. Everyone has to be thinking ahead. They
have to pay attention, making sure they are stepping off with the right foot and being aware of their
horns ensuring they are facing the audience.
Stony Brook University's marching band is the "Spirit of Stony Brook." What a perfect name for this
dedicated and spirited group of students. They are always psyched and proud to be at Stony Brook.
They acknowledge that they are Seawolves and embrace it. This characteristic of the Spirit of Stony
Brook makes Stony Brook feel like a Big 10 School even when it really is not. They are so energetic
especially for the football and basketball games. Whenever the question, "What's a Seawolf?" is
asked the band always responds with "I'm a Seawolf!" and it is so in sync it is breathtaking. The
marching band also knows the lyrics to the Stony Brook Fight Song and the alma mater, most
students at Stony Brook do not even know that Stony Brook has their own fight
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Marching Band Recruitment
The Penn Hills Marching Band is by no means a small band, boasting approximately eighty
members for the 2016–2017 season. However, there is always room for improvement, especially
when accounting for the large population of our school district. There are many recruitment
strategies that the band could employ to boost participation, as well as increase enthusiasm within
the group. All members of the band should work to recruit across a much broader range of students;
appealing to middle school concert band students exclusively does not reach as many people as
possible. Publicity events such as the band's annual trip to the middle school for a performance and
the community day events are also key to future member enrollment. With as much potential ...
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This can be achieved through events that the band partakes in throughout the year. One of the most
important events is the trip to Linton to perform for middle students. Over the past several years, it
has usually only been the seventh grade concert band students watching the performance. Why not
treat this like an assembly for the seventh and eighth graders, and bring the whole grade to watch?
This goes back to the fact that there is no prerequisite to join the band, just a willingness to work
hard. More realistically, the marching band could perform twice, once for the seventh grade and
once for the eighth grade. This event is very important to recruiting those long–time members of the
band. Another event that has been discontinued in the past several years is the Penn Hills
community day event. The band typically performed a stand still of the show, to showcase only the
musical aspects as well as the visual ensemble's choreography. While the "Unity in the Community"
event is no longer in place, there are other community events, such as the "Summerfest" that still
happens every year. The best way for the band to get their message out is to perform, not just talk
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Marching Band A Sport Essay
Throughout history, the subject of whether marching band is a sport or not has been a controversial
topic. Certain people believe marching band is not a sport, while others deem that it is. No matter
how you view this topic, there is only one irrefutable answer. Which is, marching band by
description is a sport. To unearth the answer to the question, we must first learn what the definition
of a sport is. According to the Webster Dictionary a sport is: a contest or game in which people do
certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other. To
justify that this is the actual meaning, we will also glance at the definition according to the Oxford
Dictionary. The Oxford Dictionary states that a sport is: an activity involving physical exertion and
skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. A
marching band is a group of musicians who play instruments while marching. Marching band
requires skill and athleticism on all spectrums. Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays we rehearse at
the top parking lot. That is right, we are not commissioned a field to practice on; we practice on an
uneven, unmerciful parking lot! Consequently, when it is a hot day, our practice is a few degrees
hotter; due to the absorption of the sun's rays into the blacktop. Monday and Thursday rehearsals are
from 5:30 to 8:30. Every Saturday we start practice at 8am and end at 12pm. Each rehearsal, we
stretch for
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Argumentative Essay: Marching Band
Marching band has always been a big part of my life. My most innocuous and cherished memories
have revolved around my band. The whole experience felt ephemeral, but the time was well spent.
Within my experience I have noticed something: band is not very well supported. Now why is this?
This should not be the case. Band is an experience that has, and will, change many lives. Band is
commonly known to improve school scores. Marching band in particular will also help young
students become more responsible, and marching band also creates a safe space within the band
community. And these reasons should be proof enough for more support, whether it be financial or
just within the everyday community. Band, marching band in particular, helps improve
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Marching Band Concepts
a.) Concepts:
Marching bands play at high schools, colleges, parades, football games, service (army).
Marching band is a group of people play instrumental while marching.
Marching band is a group of people. Learning outcome:
At the end of this activity the children will be familiarized with the types of instruments a marching
band plays and the places we can find a marching band play such as in a parade.
Students will have some awareness of what a marching band is, how to march and hopefully be
familiar with some instruments used in a marching band
b.) Common Core Standards:
The common core standards were met by discussing what a marching band is and physically
showing the students what instruments are
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Marching Band Monologue
It all started at the end of last summer. I'm the Drum Major of my school's band, and for that reason,
I was the most nervous I had ever been in my life. At any one point, there were over 150 people
watching my every move, and it was nerve–racking. Last summer, they watched me through the
hardest time of my entire life.
I was given the position in April, but until August, it was essentially just a title. Four months of
virtually nothing staring at a musical score, just before I am expected to dive headfirst into leading a
marching band. It was completely absurd, yet somehow, I managed. It was hard work, and for that
first month, I was faced with failure more often than success, but my confidence grew, and I began
to realize the true potential of the season ahead of me.
As things got better at school, things got worse at home. My father was in bad health, and it wasn't
getting better. As the summer progressed he became erratic, and he acted ... Show more content on ...
It was a long debate with the faculty, my mother, and social workers on whether or not my sister and
I were to perform in the football game, but it was ultimately up to us to decide. we had agreed that if
one of us did not want to participate in an event, neither of us would, but my sister and I both agreed
it would be beneficial to be around our friends, so we went. We rode the bus up there, just like any
other football game, and arrived with a sense of normalcy. Because my father died on school
grounds, and with the police involved, it was common knowledge between not only my team and its
fans, but the home team and its fans from almost thirty miles away. During the game, our band
director conducted the band as my sister and I sat in the bleachers, trying to be as inconspicuous as
possible. We enjoyed ourselves, and it was nice to finally watch a football game, rather than have
my back turned almost the entire
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Importance Of Marching Band
I participated in marching band for all four years of high school. For those who do not fully
understand what marching band is, it is a time intensive sport. Yes, a sport; try jazz running with a
Tuba. Luckily I only played Mellophone, but still my arms would ache after holding it up, my lips
would feel dead, just useless flaps of skin, and I would just feel drained all over after drilling basics
and roll–stepping for hours on end. Playing an instrument, roll stepping to keep tone, hitting your
dot, and keeping the formation at the same time, is a lot of hard work. Marching band has impacted
my life in so many ways.
My freshmen and sophomore year were the years I was still trying to figure out how to do band
correctly, I was still figuring out how to march properly and to play while marching. It took me a
long time to figure out how to do this at a good level, it took me many hours outside of band
practice to perfect my skills. It wasn't until my junior before my skills were finally recognized. My
band director, Mr. Brown, appointed me Mellophone section leader. This means that I was solely
responsible for 18 other mellophones. I was responsible for making sure they memorized their
music correctly, teach them how to march on an individual level, and be someone who they can look
up to and strive to be like. I wanted this position, but once I saw them all on the first day of August
band camp they intimidated me. The realization that I was going to have to lead this section to
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The Purpose Of The Marching Band
Have you ever truly thought of the purpose of the marching band? For most people, the marching
band at the football games is just there for "decoration." Everyone thinks the band is only there to
entertain the fans, but in reality, they are doing so much more. Yes, they are there for entertainment,
but the marching band is one of the biggest support systems the team has. For some members of the
team, they cannot play well without hearing the band. In high school, the marching band attended
every football game, so it made sense to continue the tradition in college. If a player has gotten used
to hearing the blaring sound of the trumpets or the big bang of the drums as they are sprinting down
the field, they are most likely to play well when they hear it because it is familiar. Just as the
cheerleaders cheer for our boys to make touchdowns, the marching band plays their hearts out in
hopes of seeing the score light up in favor of our team.
Most people only see the finished product of what the marching band does, but they do not see the
hard work it takes to master their skills. I saw, firsthand, the background work that goes into the
preparation of the pep songs and the big halftime show. My suitemate, Jackie, is in the marching
band and plays the drums. Because of her, I know how many countless hours go into preparing for
the games.
"Why do you guys have to practice so much?," I asked Jackie.
"We need tons of practice to make sure we hit every note perfectly and so we won't
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Marching Band Analyse
It began during my 8th grade year, I started to play in the marching band for the football games and
parades. Percussion was my cup of tea because I know that I could nail it by reading and
memorizing the music more often. It took me days to memorize my music for the half–time
performances, especially for the parades. Meanwhile at the football field for the first time ever, I
begin to think that maybe it did not turn out to be bad after all. For the rest of the football season
during half–time, I finally got the hang of it. Marching fundamentals was quite a bit confusing. So
that took me weeks to figure out remembering the fundamentals before the half–time performance.
Back then, I heard a person who was cheering on for me and it just made
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The Importance Of Marching Band
What is Marching Band? Marching band is not what people think. It strains your body and takes a
lot of hard work. An example of a practice would be, when you get there you start out by getting
into stretch block. While you are in stretch block, You might feel like you get harassed and annoyed
by the leadership. Then after you do that you go and tune with your particular section. Then, you go
back to music warm up. Finally you to practice. The most popular quote you hear, is when the Band
director says one more time, it is not really one more time. Onto leadership.
There are many different leadership positions in band to make the band run smoothly. The positions
are: Drum major, Band Captain, Lieutenant, Brass/Woodwind Captain, Section Leader, and
Librarian. The Drum Major is responsible for conducting the Raider Regiment in all rehearsals and
performances. They oversee uniform inspections, keeps time during breaks and transition time, and
oversees cleanliness of facilities. They are the most important part of leadership. The band Captain
Oversees program operations and reports to the Band Director. The band captain supports Section
Captains in their responsibilities, they supervise events, reports damage to the Director, plans and
conducts student leadership meetings with Director oversight. They oversee program operations in
the absence of a full–time Band Director. They basically would run the band if the Band direction
left. The lieutenant is the assistant
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Marching Band Observation
One of the most influential leadership roles that I have had the honor of holding is being the drum
majorette for my high school and junior high marching band. Included in this role, I not only
conducted the band, but I energetically gave constructive criticism, provided encouragement, and
listened to my fellow band members' opinions. Relating to John Quincy Adams' quote, I
implemented goals regarding to success for individual band members and the band as a whole,
essentially supporting my members to "dream more" and to see the bigger picture. Junior high
members who joined our band this marching season were granted the opportunity to attend a pre–
session with our band director and I before the start of band camp. During this session, the band
director and I taught them marching fundamentals and presented them with tips relating to
memorizing music and how to sufficiently mark their maneuvers in their music. This session
allowed the junior high members to catch up with the older members and ,substantially, "learn
more". ... Show more content on ...
After expressing this belief to my fellow band members, a majority of them decided to work harder
and "do more" to present a more awe–inspiring presentation of our show. Encompassing this
dedication to advance the quality of our show allowed for all of my band members to, in one form or
another, better themselves as a musician or "become more" of an essential component to the entirety
of our marching
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Marching Band Research Paper
Cut Short
Unfortunately, band is always overlook in high school. The students that don't participate in band
fail to notice that we are more than just band nerds. Just because band members are A & B students
and very good at their instrument dose not mean we are nerds. Marching band is the biggest student
run organization at Miramar high school. Band does not get finically supported by the school so
band members have to fundraise to keep the organization running. The sport organizations get
supported by the school because they think students care more about sports than band. I am a
member of the Miramar High School Marching Band/Concert season, and I can tell you thats not
true and we should get supported. Miramar High students and teachers ... Show more content on ...
Students school pride went though the roof, they started calling the game "Patriots vs Falcons,"
Twitter war started between the student body about who was going to win, who was the best and
even who band would blow out who. Also if our football team won the game; that can give the band
more events to perform in, so we had to go and support the football team.
Sadly, the band had no money to rent the buses so we could attend the biggest game of the season. I
remember band members going to our principle and beg her to help us out with the busses. My four
years in band, this was a first time the school help us financially. She said yes, We were so happy to
find out that we had a ride to the game.
Game day all the students and teaches was excited and hype. As band members walk down the
hallway singing band songs like SOS, ICE CREAM MAN, and DARK–SIDE. Before we could step
one foot out of the hallway, I spotted the expensive buses. Theses buses had A/C, Wifi, Tv,
Reclining seats, Shades to block the sun and all. The football team and cheerleaders were jumping
with joy and excitement while the band was standing there in shock.We got two small white busses.
They didn't even to try to give us a yellow school bus. I did not know about the others but I was
joyful that we had a ride to the game. That joy disappear as soon as the bus drivers tried to
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Marching Band Eassy
In 5th grade I chose the trumpet and a love began that will follow me for most of my educational
career. At first I did not know I would have this love, but this piece of brass I held in my hands
would eventually turn into a passion. I grew older starting high school and begin a journey a journey
through marching band. Freshman year band camp was absolutely miserable I was told it would be
sunny and very very hot. I got there and every single day it rained. I almost quit band after that year
just because I hated band camp. That would have been a huge mistake. In my sophomore year I
auditioned and made it into the symphonic band. I was ecstatic and ready to become a better player.
With a higher chair I had more responsibility I felt like I needed ... Show more content on ...
Sensabaugh my leadership capabilities I knew I had them I just had to show it. Junior year came
around and I became a squad leader for the show TIME. It was a great honor to be a squad leader. I
had my squadlings and I taught them the drill, I made them laugh, but I kept them in line. During
that band camp I went to the press box to ask Mr. Sensabaugh a question about the drill. After
answering he stated "you are doing a very good job out there Mr. Dulka" I felt proud of myself in
that moment I felt like I showed him what I could do as a leader, but that wasn't where I was going
to stop. My entire career I lived under Andy Planitz's shadow he was the best trumpet in our grade
and he got most of the recognition. This moment where I was told I did a good job really made me
confident in my abilities. Senior year came around and I ran for the Band Council President position
after weeks of awaiting a decision I got the job. I was the leader of the band I made many key
decisions regarding band camp the the shirts. I took the position and the responsibility with great
pride I was ready to lead the band. Band has helped me create a lot of friends my best friend Adam
will now stick by my side through
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Preparation For A Marching Band
The sport/activity that I have chosen to talk about is marching band. Technically, this would be my
second year doing it but I am looking forward to doing marching band and jazz band later in high
school. So, I have chosen this activity to talk about because it's actually really fun and entertaining.
Many people would watch you, maybe, play one of their favorite songs while walking down the
streets of their hometown. Yea, it could get dark in that town, but it's better to be doing it, than to
not. There are many things to talk about with this sport like preparing, positioning, and errors. To be
honest there are a lot of errors in marching band, and it can get very detailed and confusing.
Preparation for Accomplishment of Activity Preparation for marching band can be fairly simple.
First, you obviously need to get your instrument and start putting it together once in a quiet, non–
distracting place. If your instrument is a woodwind, it would do you a whole lot better if you were to
wet your reed. If you have a brass instrument, it would help your ametuar to do some buzzing
excersises. Percussion would be able to manage their 5–stroke roll better and their paradiddles better
if they do left to right and right to left drills. After your instrument is put together, practice your
songs. If you've got that down, practice marching. Starting with your right foot, and keeping a
steady beat. In marching you have to walk with a steady pace as the rest of your group and/or band.
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Marching Band Research Paper
You can tell a lot about a school by their marching band. At the beginning of my freshman year, I
had the privilege of attending a Wisconsin Badger game at Camp Randall and it was an awesome
experience. I have long forgotten the logistics of the game itself, but I still remember the marching
band. With their high knees perfectly in step, their tight spins perfectly in time, and their shining
silver instruments perfectly in position, the excitement they brought to the crowd was undeniable. I
easily envisioned myself playing "On Wisconsin" on the field, hyping up fans with my music. After
I learned flutes were not a part of Madison's traditional style marching band, I decided to pick up
playing the trumpet because I knew that one day, if I ever ... Show more content on
I could take advantage of research facilities like the Woodman Astronomical Library and enroll in
classes that explore everything from the physics of our solar system to the history of our universe. I
see myself joining interdepartmental clubs like Astronomy Club and Women in Physics and I hope
to someday be a part of a research opportunity like the renowned IceCube Neutrino Observatory. In
addition to working towards my major, I am thrilled at the prospect of being able to take the wide
variety of classes available at UW–Madison. Throughout high school I have taken classes based
solely on exploring new subjects for fun and to potentially discover a new interest, and I hope to do
the same at Madison. I could fulfill my desire to connect with my Slavic roots and study Czech. I
could empower myself with a class on gender and women's studies, question my existence with a
class on the meaning of life, overcome my stage fright with a class on music performance. With my
aspirations held high and seemingly endless opportunities ahead of me, the sky's the limit. At the
University of Wisconsin–Madison, with my trumpet and my telescope angled high, not even the sky
would be the
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Essay On Marching And Marching Band
12. Skateboarding and marching band might not seem very similar with alike characteristics, but
you would be surprised how I train for both of them very similarly. When I go to the skatepark I
always am there for over three hours at a time. This means that I have good breath control. If a
random person tried skating for three hours they would be passed out on the ground because they
would run out of breath. That is the same thing for marching band. In marching band I will be
running across the field while playing blasting into my tuba. In order to be able to do something
longer, such as skate for a longer period of time, you must do a warm up. This means that I can't just
go to the skatepark and start shredding. I first should do basic tricks before advancing into harder
tricks. In marching band there is a stunt called a lunge. This is when you stick your leg out in a 45
degree angle and stretch it out. When I am skating there is a trick called a staple gun. That is where I
take one leg off of my board and stick in on the ground, forming a 45 degree angle. As you can tell
these are very similar stunts. I am good at lunging in marching band because I am good at
performing the staple gun on my skateboard. This is probably my favorite movement skill that is in
marching band and in skateboarding. Of course you need leg strength to be good at skateboarding.
Skating is all about your legs, therefore you need no upper body strength to be able to shred on a
skateboard. However did you know that that is the exact same thing with marching band. In
marching band i hold my tube from my shoulders, and my shoulders are on my legs. Therefore my
legs are actually lifting my instrument. In addition to holding my instrument, my legs are also
running across the field. This means that you should work out properly. Every Day at the gym I do
leg lifts, and leg curls. These are common leg workouts to enhance your leg's strength.
8. I am in competitive marching band. This means that I can compete up to 16 different bands at a
time. In band we all have the mindset of a winner. Right when we march onto the field as a band, we
know that we will own that field, and that we will win. Winning does not mean everything, but it
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Marching Band Reflection
In every cilché high school drama movie, the marching band is depicted as dull and its students are
often characterized as outcasts. Being a naive middle schooler who has seen several of these types
of movies, I believed every word of it for the longest time. Despite this stigma I had, I still joined
our school's marching band program, and every opinion I had built up about marching band
completely changed within a single year. I now know that the decision I made to join marching band
completely changed how I would experience high school. At the end of my eighth grade year, I had
to choose my classes for the upcoming year. I had taken band three years prior and I was inevitably
going to continue on with it, but there were two options for band at Pattonville High School. I had to
pick between marching band and concert band. Concert band would be similar to the setting in
middle school, which is what I was so adjusted to. Marching band, on the other hand, was a whole
new concept. Marching band consisted of moving around the football field while playing music,
which on the surface appeared too complicated for me. My brother participated in marching band
prior to me, so I already formed an opinion on the activity on my own. I definitely was not going to
join the marching band, well at least that was what I thought. "You're joining the marching band,"
my mom declared as she erased the small check mark I placed on the registration sheet. She took a
black ink pen and checked the marching band option for me without hearing my argument.
"Mom, please. I really don't want to join." I was practically begging at this point, but she refused to
listen. I pleaded with her all night until she became fed up with my complaining.
"You will join marching band," she stated sternly, "but if you don't like it after one year you can
quit." She handed me the bright yellow sheet. I grabbed it from her and studied the small black mark
on the sheet. I contemplated crossing out my mother's selection and picking concert band once
again. I had a mental battle for a couple seconds as I intently stare at the piece of paper in my hand.
Evidently, my conscious won, and I just slid the registration sheet in my folder. While everyone was
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The Benefits Of Marching Band
The Benefits of Marching Band
Ebony K. Lawton
Dr. Cloud
Foundations for Success
Brenau University
The Benefits of Marching Band "Hut one, hut two, hike!" from the football team, "Go Panthers,
go!" exclaim the cheerleaders and "To be, or not to be..." from the drama club. Walking through a
high school on different days of the week one can hear students practicing and the students can be
found all over the campus in various extra–curricular activities. Then a whistle sounds, a drum
major loudly commands the band to attention. Hundreds of students dedicating their time for the
sound of music. Time that they could be using to do homework or at the mall with friends because it
will all be worthwhile. Apart from being beneficial as an extra–curricular activity, band is an
especially optimal option because of the continued music education. Overall, the marching band is
beneficial because of the social and cognitive development and students can build a strong sense of
responsibility and leadership.
Social Platforms Socially, students form lasting bonds. Members of the band connect with one
another, being that they go on trips together, rehearse music, and attend football games and other
functions. Even if some members are not friends, they will still be able to relate. Additionally, the
students develop substantial intrapersonal skills. Learning how to communicate with others is an
essential life skill. Also, being in marching band is physical, so collectively students can
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Marching Band Essay
"Roll those feet! Keep those toes high! Square your shoulders! Keep the tempo moving!" This can
be heard by directors, in most marching band rehearsals, as the band is racing around the field while
playing mentally demanding music. Competitive marching band, the highlight of some high
schoolers' fall season, is defined by Merriam–Webster as "a group of musicians who play
instruments while marching together at a parade or sports event" ("Marching Band"). In comparison
a sport is defined as "a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a
specific set of rules and compete against each other" ("Sports"). High school competition band is
where a band practices from July to November to prepare one show to be ... Show more content on ...
Not only this, as competition marching bands are performing, the members are required to keep
their shoulders perfectly parallel with the press box sideline, no matter what direction they may be
traveling. On top of all the physical attributes, performers also have to have all music memorized to
perfection. Part of playing music is to count–mentally count in time and tempo. To make the activity
of marching band more difficult, members also have to be able to play while moving to at fast
speeds to exact locations on the field to create new forms. To, as they say "put a cherry on top," all
of this has to be done at the same time. For all members of a competition band, they have to
multitask throughout the entire performance with no mental or physical breaks. Mr. Spettel, Marion
Local Schools band director, compares marching band and sports as "Physically and mentally it
shares all the same aspects because the mental aspects of memorizing music, playing expressively,
and using dynamic contrast. All of that is just like football or volleyball: remembering plays,
strategizing to get the best possible outcome. And I think one could argue that marching band is just
as physically demanding as a lot of other athletics." All of these items lead to having a strong mental
presence as members are
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Marching Band Research Paper
Introduction: Marching band was one of the most difficult/challenging activity systems that I have
ever done in my life. But at the same time it was an inspirational and motivating aspect of my life.
The very first thing it taught me was the definition of hard work. This was because I spent hundreds
of hours to my dedication and devotion to band marching around the field in the hot sun every day.
Even though there were times when I wanted to quit; one such instance was when we were out
performed by another school, other times it was becuase of the teacher being a little too hard on me
when I first started. Despite setbacks such as these, I had an ardent attraction to marching band,
mainly because in middle school I was a part of concert band, which made me love music. The
biggest, reason why I chose to do marching band, aside from my enjoyment of music, was because
towards the end of my eighth grade year my middle school band director told us about a huge
opportunity that we had coming up to become a part of the high school across the street marching
band. They were called the Titan Regiment. She told us the difference between concert and ... Show
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I enjoyed tremendously being a part of this activity system. We all worked together as members in
this activity systems in a unique way in the summer and through school, we made music playing
instruments all at the same time, all 350 of us. During my career in marching band I was extremely
involved in marching band. This is because I went above and beyond by signing up to become a part
of the leadership team in the Titan Regiment marching band in my junior and senior year as a
section leader. I did this because I wanted to be a part of the authority (leadership team) to help
guide neophytes become better
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Narrative Essay On Marching Band
Ever since I was in fifth grade, a dream of mine had always been to make it into my high school's
marching band. During my first year in Broken Arrow, my mother and I went to go see our band for
its send off performance. I remember sitting high up in the stadium, completely blown away by what
I saw on the field. As a child, I was just fascinated by how fun everything looked; my favorite
moment was when I saw tuba players riding bicycles on the field. I had no idea at the time, but my
mother and I had just witnessed a nationally acclaimed band that, at the time, had won two Grand
National Championships. I started preparing for the chance to get into the Pride the moment I hit
sixth grade. Joining the band program, I spent three years learning ... Show more content on ...
I remember being terrified, unsure about what was coming. During the weeks before the audition
camp, everyone warned me of harsh summer practices and strict, unrelenting control from the upper
echelon of band directors. The stories didn't bother me. I had no doubt in my mind that I would
make it –– and that I would survive it. I practiced my audition music a thousand times; it was,
essentially, burned into my memory.
However, there was one obstacle that I wasn't sure that I could overcome: the physical tryouts. I
couldn't keep my feet in time while playing, which was incredibly vital to getting into any kind of
marching band, nationally acclaimed or not. Try as I may, my feet just couldn't get in time over the
course of the camp. At this point, I knew it would be the music audition that would be my saving
On the next Sunday, the results for who had made it had come out. I hadn't made the cut. It felt like
everything came crashing down around me. I had spent the entirety of my eighth grade year
worrying and stressing about whether or not I could balance all advanced classes and band. I didn't
once consider if I would make it or not. My self–esteem was shattered. I lost any faith that I had for
myself, and it took me a long time to build myself back up to the person that I am
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Marching Band Legacy Essay
I spend so much of my time balancing my band and school life, I feel it would be impossible to
ignore my legacy within my bands. My legacy would have to include what I've spent most of my
time in, and what I loved doing. In my case, I'm lucky enough to have both of these be the same
thing. I spend about nineteen hours a week working in marching band, and I have loved doing this
the whole time. I am currently the senior drum major and if I was to look back at the legacy I have
left behind, I would have to include this. Not only has it given me a chance to lead the band I love to
be in, it has allowed me to teach and inspire passion within the younger members of my band to
continue music.
I have always looked to spend more time in music, so even with the challenges of marching band I
have been the lead bassist for my school's top jazz band all four years of my journey. Even with the
time I spend in marching, I spend at least four hours a week creating music with my peers. In this
I've not only been able to prove to myself that I can play, but I've also learned how to synergize with
my fellow musicians to make something beautiful. I've been able to transfer this to my life outside
of band through group projects and community service projects.
I've also ... Show more content on ...
Starting a band has taught me plenty of skills, and these will certainly translate to my legacy. My
family legacy will show this and my passion for what I do will show through my time and work. Not
only did I have to continue my leadership roles, but I had to work with administration to make
everything work on the basketball courts. In my future, I hope to be able to revisit my high school to
see my program still up and running. Almost all of my time and energy has gone into my band
career and continuing it is my passion. My legacy is centered around what I love and I wouldn't
want it any other
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Concert Band Vs Marching Band Essay
Sometimes, a talent is a blessing. However, it can also bring a lifetime of toil.
Both in middle school and high school, I stayed in the elective Band. There exist two types of bands
in the school: Concert Band and Marching Band. In Concert Band, you choose and play an
instrument. Based on which one you play, you could receive the melodic material or the
accompaniment. Marching Band, however, has elevated difficulty by forcing you to march and play
simultaneously. The marching instruments could be the same instrument, an alternate form of the
instrument, or another instrument if you play a concert instrument which you cannot march. I play
an instrument called the tuba which almost always has the bass line, usually plays longer notes than
the rest of the band, and gets an occasional solo by a fluke
While on a family trip in the summer after 7th grade, I traveled to China for a purpose to tour the
country's largest monuments. I indeed received knowledge about the history of China, but there was
something else I learned from ... Show more content on ...
Two months after school started, I crashed into a state of depression. After being told multiple times
that there would be no way out of means since my sousaphone and tuba skills outmatch the majority
of the same instruments section, I then concluded that I will forever suffer by playing sousaphone
and tuba. I now felt like I was enslaved into the sousaphone and that the only way out was ending
my life. The following Thursday was the day I finally mentioned of a possibility of committing
suicide because I felt it would get me out of playing sousaphone. Despite longing for an escape
route out of life, I cleared my issue the day later. I finally resolved this issue by discussing with the
high school band director. He would let me do something I dreamed of for a long time. The solution
was that I would march baritone saxophone in my sophomore
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Research Paper On Marching Band
Most people think marching band is just a bunch of band nerds running around on a football field.
Little do they know is how they got there.
It's 7:45 am in the middle of June and the band room is filled with excited and scared students. As
everyone prepares for their 8 hour day of marching they make their way to the football field.
Freshman walking in not knowing what to expect, Sophomores talking about their memories they
had last year, Juniors coming in wishing they were seniors, and Seniors coming in hoping this will
be the best marching season of their life. This is what we like to call the beginning of "hell weeks".
Two weeks in the middle of summer filled with blood, sweat, tears, and marching. About 50% of the
work gets done here. After hell weeks there's practices 3 times a week, maybe 4, for the next four
months. All of this just for 7–9 minutes on a football field.
"It's a sport that is completely ignored."– Isabella Martinez (Marches for the Mighty Javelinas,
Junior at Crystal City High School). To most people in band they would agree 100% to Isabella's
definition of marching band. The definition of "sport" is; an activity involving physical exertion and
skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Marching
band involves a lot of hand eye coordination. Eyeing the coordinate na trying to make it there
without bumping into the person to the left or right. Marching band is also a group effort, without
one person there's
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Marching Band Position
This past semester I was chosen to be the Drum Major of the marching band. Drum Major is the
highest student position possible, and it is the position that requires the most responsibility and
commitment. This was my biggest challenge, and I took the opportunity to not only gain more
leadership experience, but also to lead the marching band to another successful competition season.
The Drum Major is similar to the conductor of a band that guides a large group of students through a
judged performance. Our performance is roughly a ten–minute show, but we spend about ten hours a
week rehearsing. This year, my school has a marching band program of over 120 students, each with
their own unique talents and personalities. It was my responsibility
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Marching Band Monologue
"Mom, I don't think I want to go anymore."
"Ella, I already paid. You're gonna have to go"
"I'm gonna die," I thought in my head.
I'm on my way to my first band camp. I joined my high school's marching band a few months ago
and have been working all summer on my marching and music. Now, one week before my eighth
grade year, I'm spending a week at a summer camp with sweaty band geeks. Am I excited? Sure. Am
I extremely nervous and feel like throwing up my McDonalds? Absolutely!
My mom continued driving down the road to the camp. My anxiety got worse as the minutes went
by. I kept thinking that things would go wrong. Maybe I would break my phone on accident. Maybe
the upperclassmen would be mean. Maybe I would get injured or sick. Maybe I ... Show more
content on ...
Drill is our spots for the formations we make. Although it doesn't look like it, drill is really hard. We
set a few spots during rehearsal at the high school, but this week we are setting drill for the first
three movements. Each year we pick a show –this year's is Charlotte: A Spider's Story, a show based
off of Charlotte's Web– and each show has four movements. Our first movement is titled Morning
On the Farm,, which is an introduction piece. The second movement, Winter Pig, is telling the part
where Charlotte is explaining to Wilbor she will not let him get killed. Our third movement, I'm
Dying, is slow song about Charlotte dying. We won't learn our fourth movement until after band
camp, but it's a mixture of Charlotte's babies and a closer. We get to perform the first three
movements on Friday, the last day of band
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Why Is Marching Band A Sport
Should Marching Band a sport, or Not?
When you think of something that should be considered a sport, marching band is not necessarily
something that comes to mind. For one, it fits the definition of sport being physically exerting, so
much so that some members have even fainted due to exhaustion. On top of the members that
march, there is also the color guard. The color guard is a group or section in the band that not only
marches, but uses other items in the show. Most times they can do as much, if not more, work than
the members that play instruments. Second, it requires a lot of skill, not only do you have to
walk/run/march in time, but you also have to play your music from memory while marching to
different points on the field at different speeds. The last criteria for being a sport is being played in a
team or by an individual. DCI ( Drum Corps International) is the highest level of competitive
marching band. The shows can last much longer than high school marching band, up to 15 minutes,
on top of that, their shows are much more vigorous and exerting.
Marching band can be tough as it is, marching in extreme conditions and experiencing borderline
exhaustion. There has been many reports and incidents of members fainting/passing out during
practice and a performance, not only due to exhaustion but also as a result of heat stroke or ... Show
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After marching band there is college level marching band and after that there is
professional/competitive leagues suchs as DCI(Drum Corps International). In college level
marching band it is expected that the members be able to play their instrument at a mastered level,
making no mistakes whatsoever. In DCI and college level the shows performed become much more
advanced, even more so in DCI. It has been recorded that a DCI member can burn over 700 calories
in a single show of eleven to twenty
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Personal Narrative-Marching Band

  • 1. Personal Narrative-Marching Band 1. Thirty pounds of metal resting on my left shoulder, I marched for hours in the blistering hot sun. The sousaphone was my greatest enemy. In 6th grade I was chosen to play tuba for our middle school band, I didn't like it at first, but it grew on me. Two years later, I had gotten pretty good. I made all state band, won some awards, and was 1st chair. I had no intention in joining the marching band my freshman year. It was the first day of summer, about 10 o' clock in the morning and my phone rang. It was a number I didn't recognize but I answered it anyway. "Hello Ms. Mullen are you coming today?" "Coming to what? Who is this?" "This is Mr. Sax, the High school band director. To marching band camp, we need you on tuba, I can have an ... Show more content on ... I was picked up from my house and driven to the school. I walked into the band director's office and he was surprised by how little I was. He said, "Wow. I don't know if your going to be strong enough to march tuba, maybe you can try baritone." I was appalled. Of course I'm strong enough to march tuba. "No, I'm going to play tuba" I said. I vividly remember the first time I placed the sousaphone on my shoulder. At first it was okay. I felt comfortable, like it would be a piece of cake, but let me tell you, there is a reason why most tuba players are big, tough 300 pound guys full of muscle. Here I was a 89 pound 14 year old girl, with a big hunk of metal on my shoulder. It felt fine for a few minutes, but after ten minutes it was as if my whole body was about to crumble into pieces while the band marched on. Although it was a large obstacle, I was determined to power through. So for 7 days I learned the marching drill. I memorized the music. I played the notes. I tried not to pass out and die. By the end of camp I had accumulated sunburn, a giant bruise on my left shoulder, and a sense of accomplishment. There truly is nothing better than doing something people say you can't ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Marching Band Lessons Throughout my whole life, music has been apart of who I am as a person. From church Christmas plays to starting band in sixth grade, it's one of the only things that I have known practically since birth. One of my favorite activities has always been band, and as a freshman in high school I joined the marching band. Little did I know the hard work it would take, the lessons I would learn, or how I would grow to be the leader and person I am today all from three months of dedicated time. Marching band was first presented to me in the eighth grade when some seniors from the high school came and told us about their experiences. It was then that I knew this was something I was definitely interested in, and went home to excitedly tell my parents all about what I had learned. Late in July, I showed up at Greenwood for my first day of ... Show more content on ... This created a bit of an unexpected challenge, as since I had already been marching and playing for almost two years, I thought that doing the same things on another instrument would be a cinch. Yet again, I was extremely wrong. I learned how to play the mellophone during band camp that year, my section leader and I stayed inside the entire day while he taught me the scales and worked on learning the music. The next day was the day the band started playing and marching, and it was a wreck. I could play one note while a marched, and only for a brief moment. This was a really frustrating setback, and I spend the entire season working my hardest to learn how to play and march. This time it was vitally important to the sound of the band, because the mellophone section only had five people in it, including myself. While I never did quite get the chops to play the entire show all the way through, I did make huge strides toward playing the entire thing, and accomplished things I didn't think I ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Marching Band Benefits Many kids enjoy extra–curricular activates and clubs, chess club, cheer squad. Most kids all across America can agree that marching is probably the most join due to how fun it the competition, and the memories many kids make will be unforgettable.The first factor that anyone with two eyes can see is how fun it is. A lot of songs are played and in a lot of genres, funk, rock, hip–hop, R&B, and so many more. A marching bands main purpose is to entertain and some of the things bands directors might do may be a little over the top, like falling on the ground and having the football announcer open the song. And one of the most fun things that any marching band can do is perform a half time show, not only is it fun to preform it is rewarding because ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. My Experience In A Marching Band My Experience in a Marching Band For six short years I played the trumpet all throughout high school. Throughout my whole high school career my life was dedicated to the school's high school's marching band. I also participated in concert band but that wasn't compared to the amount of fun I spent with marching band. Musically wise, marching band is just like concert season only the band members are moving around and playing music. Even through the tough weather and long hours in the heat/cold, marching band was my favorite time of band season. I was inspired to do marching band by my brother after watching him my 8th grade year in middle school. I went to one of the football games to see their halftime show and man was that an exciting night for me. As my mom and I watched the band march out into the field to begin their performance, I saw my brother as he got into position ready to play his saxophone. Once the show started, all my attention was focused on the whole band and how their feet were all in sync. The music performance just blew me away, especially since their was someone singing in the marching band! No one except our school's marching band had a singer in the band. After seeing all the spectacular props and the stunning color guard performance I kind of thought that I would give marching band a try since it all seemed easy to to me. At least it all seemed easy to me at the time, but once my freshman year hit, I finally got to join the marching band. My ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Marching Band Imagine this: You're playing football for your high school team, you have the ball and you're running to score, except his football is around 90 pounds, and not only are you running to score the touchdown, you have to keep in step with 100 other players. This is what students do year round in marching band. We have to memorize how to play three songs and around 100 spots based on where we need to go on the field, all while keeping our backs, shoulders, and instruments straight, carrying an instrument that weighs 40 to 100 pounds, and marching in time with 100 other kids. All of these components are just the little parts that lead into something much bigger. We practice as much as other sports, every person counts as part of the band's score, and what you do for marching band meets the requirements to be called a sport. Therefore, I believe ... Show more content on ... The backup knows how to do that person's job. They know where to go and what to do. In cheer you have people who can take over backspot or base. In football and basketball, there are people sitting on the bench who can go in if someone is hurt or not doing good. In marching band, no one knows your show, or in other words, the dots and music. If someone were to get hurt, you have a week to teach them the show before the next competition. It's very close to impossible to do. And because there's really no way to teach someone 8–10 minutes of spots to march to and visuals, your spot will be empty during the show. Because of this empty spot, the 4 judges 60 feet away and the other 2 walking in the middle of the show to watch up close will take the score down for the whole band. So not only is marching band physically challenging, but also mentally challenging. Having to remember all the music and the show, knowing there are 6 pairs of eyes on you and the people next to you, and counting on the other kids in the band to be there and not mess up, is very ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Marching Band Research Paper So, most people have great memories right? Mine are marching band memories. Marching band started with my sister. My mom and my sister inspired me to do sports in the first place. It was either marching band or volleyball. Which I believe marching band was for the best. I'm working up to the things that my sister accomplished. My music has helped me develop my life, my values, and my goals. My music has helped me develop my life, by letting me learn a different language. Learning music started with my sister. She started out on flute. I swore up and down that I would never be in band. Music has helped me with stress. Band and the people in it have formed me into who I am today. Most music genres are soothing. I plan on being in marching ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Marching Band Constraints Members: To be a member of the Titan Regiment marching band the only thing that you really need is to have motivation and drive. If you have motivation to drive you through the long hot summer days and the early fall days as well outside. The benefits of being a member is that you will become apart of the biggest activity system in the entire school. Also you will have access to the band room to not only practice your instruments but as well as have a quiet study place for challenging classes. Unlike Alan who found himself on the outside of his community in his work place (Wardle). When you are a non–participant but a member of band you do the same thing as a band member do such as go to marching completions at different schools, come to Friday ... Show more content on ... What this mean is that when you have rules set in my place such as in marching band rules to help make sure that no disagreements occur within the community. This is important because if there are more negative constraints than positive constraints it could lead to the activity system possibly failing as a community. This would result into many difficult obstacles to overcome as a community to work properly. In the Titan Regiment there is rules set in play and discussed the first day of anyone's marching band career. To avoid any of those negative constraints from happening. There are formal rules that are set in place, which is written out for everyone on a piece of paper. Then there are also informal rules that are something that you should automatically know that you should or should not do. Some formal rules would be to never miss band practice unless a serious emergency or a doctor's note likes college. This rule is set in place because it is crucial for all the band members to attend practice. You cannot have an effective activity system if not all your members attend to participate in the activity system. This is because the marching band would not have a purpose or motive to succeed due to the fact that you need motivated members with a purpose to have an effective band. Another formal rule would include always bringing your instruments, food and water to practice. This is significant because your instrument is part of your tools. If everyone in the community forgets there instrument the purpose of the practice would be ruined because the members didn't bring there neither tools nor followed the rules. Some informal rules you should always practice your instrument. Even though no one forces you to practice everyday band is like studying the only way that you would become better and move up in the community to eventually possibly move ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Marching Band Research Paper Marching band has been the most time–consuming and enjoyable extracurricular I have participated in throughout some of middle school and all of high school. I marched alto saxophone when I was in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades and I have been drum major (also known as field commander) since my sophomore year of high school. Having this job has been a huge responsibility, but it has also given me invaluable learning and leadership experience. There are very few positions in high school, or even as a teenager in general, that can offer such excellent leadership experience as serving as drum major. The role of a drum major is to conduct a marching band, essentially serving as a metronome to set the tempo for the group. While this is my ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Narrative Essay On Marching Band Musicality and Me Whenever one hears the word band, what exactly do they think of? Perhaps your mind only goes as far as a halftime performance at the Friday night football game that you try your hardest to ignore as you talk to your friend seated beside you, or perhaps the utmost annoying phrase, "band nerd". However; I can almost guarantee that your mind doesn't directly go to hard work, family, and dedication. Whenever I moved to Boyle County High School, my parents were the ones who had constantly invigorated me to join the band program. I had previously been in band at my old high school that was located in an exceptionally small town where a quality music program was not valued, much less a competitive marching band. A few days before I had actually started school, my guidance counselor decided to give me a tour of the school. As she asked me several questions about what classes I was interested in, band inevitably came up. Eventually, she brought me to ... Show more content on ... B had told me that I couldn't participate in that year's marching band program because I had moved practically in the middle of the season. But to no avail, on my first official day of school, Mr. B brought me into his office and explained to me that a girl is no longer apart of the marching band and that I could fill her spot. So when fall band camp came around, I did just that. In the very small amount of time of a week, I had began not only learning what a family band sincerely was, but also true, hard work. Besides marching band, music in general is one of the most substantial parts of my life. It has taught me to be an overall more creative and inventive person. It has fueled my mind to be quicker and better. As a senior, my marching band and general band experience is coming to a close. I can guarantee that I will always cherish the memories and the experiences, though they may not always be good, for forever. Band has taught me what hard work, compassion, and discipline truly ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Parade Of The Marching Band The flags surrounding the marching band just seem like added colors to the show. The audience always sees the colors of the flags and uniforms and only care about the music and performance of the show. They could also care about the scores if the band competes. Nobody ever thinks twice about the work they put in, what talent they have to have, and what they do after marching band is over with. What happens after marching band is an even more elaborate sport that surrounds flags, other props and the people themselves in a more competitive field and it is called winterguard. Colorguard is with a marching band, outside, you do not use equipment other than flags and rifles that often, not much dance, and the uniforms usually either go with the school's colors, or if the guard is lucky to compete, than it goes with their show. Winterguard is essentially colorguard, but indoors. In winterguard the spotlight is literally put on the people themselves. There is no band to spin to, there is just lyrical music. There is no field to march on, but a designed tarp to dance on. The uniforms are made more for dance. Winter Guard International inputs winterguard as "Modern color guard is a combination of the use of flags, sabers, mock rifles, and other equipment, as well as dance and other interpretive movement. Color guards can be found in, high schools, middle schools, some universities, and also some independent organizations some of which are related to drum corps." ( ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. What Is A Marching Band Essay What is marching band? A marching band show is arranged musical show that utilizes both bodies and a variety of instruments. While spectators see this unique show they don't often realize how much work actually goes into a halftime performance. Band members must analyze every moment and focus on hitting their notes while getting to their designated spot on the field. A marching band show is a moving picture; something completely different. It's a little bit of math and theatre and obviously music. Learning to get to the right mark on the field while hitting the right note on a musical instrument takes a lot of sacrifice, hard work, preparation and teamwork. It takes a gifted and dedicated student to play high–quality and performance–ready music. In a marching band, that same student accomplishes physically rigorous and complex drills, keeps the music coming and balances between multiple hours of practice each week along with academics and other responsibilities such as work, family and other things of the sort. A marching band is complemented by color guard, that practices equally rigorous hours to go along with the show, using colorful flags, rifles, props, and ... Show more content on ... A marching band show is amazingly captivating. Marching band was first mainly seen in the military by giving music and used as a sort of correspondence between driving troops. This kind of marching band was restricted to simply percussion and brass, for example, the snare and the trumpet. The military would oftentimes use the trumpet as a sort of alert to wake up or to announce that the enemy was approaching the base. This was especially vital in the Civil War, yet then started losing its essentialness after the war got done with, obliging John Philip Sousa to take his band on tour. His marching style is thought to be significantly American and his most mainstream piece is Stars And Stripes ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Marching Band Research Paper Marching band consists of musicians who march in either a military style or corps style on a field. The musicians put on a show with music, marching, and visuals, and compete in competitions. Marching bands usually wear uniforms with their organization's colors, marching shoes, hats, plumes, etc. In a high school or college marching band, putting together a show is an important part of football games. On the other hand, concert band or a symphonic band is a sit–down ensemble that generally plays classic music and concert marches. The attire for concert bands is usually formal, with tuxedos and dresses. Even though marching band and concert band both have musicians who play music in a group, both styles are very different. Marching band and concert band are different because of the physical activity, practice, and the difficulty in music. Marching and concert band both require ... Show more content on ... In marching band, there is woodwinds, brass, drumline percussion, and pit percussion. In concert band, there is woodwind, brass, percussion, and double–bass instruments. The only difference in instruments are the double bass and drumline. Since those instruments are different, the music for marching and concert band are not very similar. Concert music usually consists of intricate classical pieces such as overtures from famous musicians like Bach and Mozart. In concert band, the only aspect of the band is how well the band plays the certain type of music. In marching band, since there are various details that are involved, the music is easier to play than concert. Marching shows can have three, four, or even five parts to complete the entire show. Even though each part of the show is short, the pieces for marching band have many parts that repeat to make it easier to memorize. Band directors tend to compose or find music that can compensate for the fact that the musicians also need to have meticulous ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Importance Of Marching Band What do you think of when you hear "marching band?" Something along the lines of nerd, geek, unpopular, awkward, etc. Why is that so? Movies and TV shows portray students in the marching band as nerds that are socially awkward and are only focused on grades. Marching band is challenging, more so than people think it is. Marching band is often portrayed incorrectly on TV shows and in movies; they are not what most people think they are. Marching band requires dedication, determination, skill, and teamwork. At Stony Brook University, the marching band is also known as Stony Brook's "athletic band." This gives marching band a little of the credit it deserves. Marching band is just as difficult, if not more difficult than some sports. There ... Show more content on ... That sounds easy in theory, but there is more to it. Each person is a part of the entire image/figure so if someone is not in the right spot it is obvious. On the field, the marching band has to move in many different directions, forward, backward, left, right, and on the diagonals, while facing forward. They have to make sure they know what they are doing and trust that everyone else knows what they are doing to avoid colliding and hurting each other. Everyone has to be thinking ahead. They have to pay attention, making sure they are stepping off with the right foot and being aware of their horns ensuring they are facing the audience. Stony Brook University's marching band is the "Spirit of Stony Brook." What a perfect name for this dedicated and spirited group of students. They are always psyched and proud to be at Stony Brook. They acknowledge that they are Seawolves and embrace it. This characteristic of the Spirit of Stony Brook makes Stony Brook feel like a Big 10 School even when it really is not. They are so energetic especially for the football and basketball games. Whenever the question, "What's a Seawolf?" is asked the band always responds with "I'm a Seawolf!" and it is so in sync it is breathtaking. The marching band also knows the lyrics to the Stony Brook Fight Song and the alma mater, most students at Stony Brook do not even know that Stony Brook has their own fight ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Marching Band Recruitment The Penn Hills Marching Band is by no means a small band, boasting approximately eighty members for the 2016–2017 season. However, there is always room for improvement, especially when accounting for the large population of our school district. There are many recruitment strategies that the band could employ to boost participation, as well as increase enthusiasm within the group. All members of the band should work to recruit across a much broader range of students; appealing to middle school concert band students exclusively does not reach as many people as possible. Publicity events such as the band's annual trip to the middle school for a performance and the community day events are also key to future member enrollment. With as much potential ... Show more content on ... This can be achieved through events that the band partakes in throughout the year. One of the most important events is the trip to Linton to perform for middle students. Over the past several years, it has usually only been the seventh grade concert band students watching the performance. Why not treat this like an assembly for the seventh and eighth graders, and bring the whole grade to watch? This goes back to the fact that there is no prerequisite to join the band, just a willingness to work hard. More realistically, the marching band could perform twice, once for the seventh grade and once for the eighth grade. This event is very important to recruiting those long–time members of the band. Another event that has been discontinued in the past several years is the Penn Hills community day event. The band typically performed a stand still of the show, to showcase only the musical aspects as well as the visual ensemble's choreography. While the "Unity in the Community" event is no longer in place, there are other community events, such as the "Summerfest" that still happens every year. The best way for the band to get their message out is to perform, not just talk about ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Marching Band A Sport Essay Throughout history, the subject of whether marching band is a sport or not has been a controversial topic. Certain people believe marching band is not a sport, while others deem that it is. No matter how you view this topic, there is only one irrefutable answer. Which is, marching band by description is a sport. To unearth the answer to the question, we must first learn what the definition of a sport is. According to the Webster Dictionary a sport is: a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other. To justify that this is the actual meaning, we will also glance at the definition according to the Oxford Dictionary. The Oxford Dictionary states that a sport is: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. A marching band is a group of musicians who play instruments while marching. Marching band requires skill and athleticism on all spectrums. Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays we rehearse at the top parking lot. That is right, we are not commissioned a field to practice on; we practice on an uneven, unmerciful parking lot! Consequently, when it is a hot day, our practice is a few degrees hotter; due to the absorption of the sun's rays into the blacktop. Monday and Thursday rehearsals are from 5:30 to 8:30. Every Saturday we start practice at 8am and end at 12pm. Each rehearsal, we stretch for ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Argumentative Essay: Marching Band Marching band has always been a big part of my life. My most innocuous and cherished memories have revolved around my band. The whole experience felt ephemeral, but the time was well spent. Within my experience I have noticed something: band is not very well supported. Now why is this? This should not be the case. Band is an experience that has, and will, change many lives. Band is commonly known to improve school scores. Marching band in particular will also help young students become more responsible, and marching band also creates a safe space within the band community. And these reasons should be proof enough for more support, whether it be financial or just within the everyday community. Band, marching band in particular, helps improve ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Marching Band Concepts a.) Concepts: Marching bands play at high schools, colleges, parades, football games, service (army). Marching band is a group of people play instrumental while marching. Marching band is a group of people. Learning outcome: At the end of this activity the children will be familiarized with the types of instruments a marching band plays and the places we can find a marching band play such as in a parade. Expectations: Students will have some awareness of what a marching band is, how to march and hopefully be familiar with some instruments used in a marching band b.) Common Core Standards: The common core standards were met by discussing what a marching band is and physically showing the students what instruments are ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Marching Band Monologue It all started at the end of last summer. I'm the Drum Major of my school's band, and for that reason, I was the most nervous I had ever been in my life. At any one point, there were over 150 people watching my every move, and it was nerve–racking. Last summer, they watched me through the hardest time of my entire life. I was given the position in April, but until August, it was essentially just a title. Four months of virtually nothing staring at a musical score, just before I am expected to dive headfirst into leading a marching band. It was completely absurd, yet somehow, I managed. It was hard work, and for that first month, I was faced with failure more often than success, but my confidence grew, and I began to realize the true potential of the season ahead of me. As things got better at school, things got worse at home. My father was in bad health, and it wasn't getting better. As the summer progressed he became erratic, and he acted ... Show more content on ... It was a long debate with the faculty, my mother, and social workers on whether or not my sister and I were to perform in the football game, but it was ultimately up to us to decide. we had agreed that if one of us did not want to participate in an event, neither of us would, but my sister and I both agreed it would be beneficial to be around our friends, so we went. We rode the bus up there, just like any other football game, and arrived with a sense of normalcy. Because my father died on school grounds, and with the police involved, it was common knowledge between not only my team and its fans, but the home team and its fans from almost thirty miles away. During the game, our band director conducted the band as my sister and I sat in the bleachers, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. We enjoyed ourselves, and it was nice to finally watch a football game, rather than have my back turned almost the entire ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Importance Of Marching Band I participated in marching band for all four years of high school. For those who do not fully understand what marching band is, it is a time intensive sport. Yes, a sport; try jazz running with a Tuba. Luckily I only played Mellophone, but still my arms would ache after holding it up, my lips would feel dead, just useless flaps of skin, and I would just feel drained all over after drilling basics and roll–stepping for hours on end. Playing an instrument, roll stepping to keep tone, hitting your dot, and keeping the formation at the same time, is a lot of hard work. Marching band has impacted my life in so many ways. My freshmen and sophomore year were the years I was still trying to figure out how to do band correctly, I was still figuring out how to march properly and to play while marching. It took me a long time to figure out how to do this at a good level, it took me many hours outside of band practice to perfect my skills. It wasn't until my junior before my skills were finally recognized. My band director, Mr. Brown, appointed me Mellophone section leader. This means that I was solely responsible for 18 other mellophones. I was responsible for making sure they memorized their music correctly, teach them how to march on an individual level, and be someone who they can look up to and strive to be like. I wanted this position, but once I saw them all on the first day of August band camp they intimidated me. The realization that I was going to have to lead this section to ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Purpose Of The Marching Band Have you ever truly thought of the purpose of the marching band? For most people, the marching band at the football games is just there for "decoration." Everyone thinks the band is only there to entertain the fans, but in reality, they are doing so much more. Yes, they are there for entertainment, but the marching band is one of the biggest support systems the team has. For some members of the team, they cannot play well without hearing the band. In high school, the marching band attended every football game, so it made sense to continue the tradition in college. If a player has gotten used to hearing the blaring sound of the trumpets or the big bang of the drums as they are sprinting down the field, they are most likely to play well when they hear it because it is familiar. Just as the cheerleaders cheer for our boys to make touchdowns, the marching band plays their hearts out in hopes of seeing the score light up in favor of our team. Most people only see the finished product of what the marching band does, but they do not see the hard work it takes to master their skills. I saw, firsthand, the background work that goes into the preparation of the pep songs and the big halftime show. My suitemate, Jackie, is in the marching band and plays the drums. Because of her, I know how many countless hours go into preparing for the games. "Why do you guys have to practice so much?," I asked Jackie. "We need tons of practice to make sure we hit every note perfectly and so we won't ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Marching Band Analyse It began during my 8th grade year, I started to play in the marching band for the football games and parades. Percussion was my cup of tea because I know that I could nail it by reading and memorizing the music more often. It took me days to memorize my music for the half–time performances, especially for the parades. Meanwhile at the football field for the first time ever, I begin to think that maybe it did not turn out to be bad after all. For the rest of the football season during half–time, I finally got the hang of it. Marching fundamentals was quite a bit confusing. So that took me weeks to figure out remembering the fundamentals before the half–time performance. Back then, I heard a person who was cheering on for me and it just made ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Importance Of Marching Band What is Marching Band? Marching band is not what people think. It strains your body and takes a lot of hard work. An example of a practice would be, when you get there you start out by getting into stretch block. While you are in stretch block, You might feel like you get harassed and annoyed by the leadership. Then after you do that you go and tune with your particular section. Then, you go back to music warm up. Finally you to practice. The most popular quote you hear, is when the Band director says one more time, it is not really one more time. Onto leadership. There are many different leadership positions in band to make the band run smoothly. The positions are: Drum major, Band Captain, Lieutenant, Brass/Woodwind Captain, Section Leader, and Librarian. The Drum Major is responsible for conducting the Raider Regiment in all rehearsals and performances. They oversee uniform inspections, keeps time during breaks and transition time, and oversees cleanliness of facilities. They are the most important part of leadership. The band Captain Oversees program operations and reports to the Band Director. The band captain supports Section Captains in their responsibilities, they supervise events, reports damage to the Director, plans and conducts student leadership meetings with Director oversight. They oversee program operations in the absence of a full–time Band Director. They basically would run the band if the Band direction left. The lieutenant is the assistant ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Marching Band Observation One of the most influential leadership roles that I have had the honor of holding is being the drum majorette for my high school and junior high marching band. Included in this role, I not only conducted the band, but I energetically gave constructive criticism, provided encouragement, and listened to my fellow band members' opinions. Relating to John Quincy Adams' quote, I implemented goals regarding to success for individual band members and the band as a whole, essentially supporting my members to "dream more" and to see the bigger picture. Junior high members who joined our band this marching season were granted the opportunity to attend a pre– session with our band director and I before the start of band camp. During this session, the band director and I taught them marching fundamentals and presented them with tips relating to memorizing music and how to sufficiently mark their maneuvers in their music. This session allowed the junior high members to catch up with the older members and ,substantially, "learn more". ... Show more content on ... After expressing this belief to my fellow band members, a majority of them decided to work harder and "do more" to present a more awe–inspiring presentation of our show. Encompassing this dedication to advance the quality of our show allowed for all of my band members to, in one form or another, better themselves as a musician or "become more" of an essential component to the entirety of our marching ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Marching Band Research Paper Cut Short Unfortunately, band is always overlook in high school. The students that don't participate in band fail to notice that we are more than just band nerds. Just because band members are A & B students and very good at their instrument dose not mean we are nerds. Marching band is the biggest student run organization at Miramar high school. Band does not get finically supported by the school so band members have to fundraise to keep the organization running. The sport organizations get supported by the school because they think students care more about sports than band. I am a member of the Miramar High School Marching Band/Concert season, and I can tell you thats not true and we should get supported. Miramar High students and teachers ... Show more content on ... Students school pride went though the roof, they started calling the game "Patriots vs Falcons," Twitter war started between the student body about who was going to win, who was the best and even who band would blow out who. Also if our football team won the game; that can give the band more events to perform in, so we had to go and support the football team. Sadly, the band had no money to rent the buses so we could attend the biggest game of the season. I remember band members going to our principle and beg her to help us out with the busses. My four years in band, this was a first time the school help us financially. She said yes, We were so happy to find out that we had a ride to the game. Game day all the students and teaches was excited and hype. As band members walk down the hallway singing band songs like SOS, ICE CREAM MAN, and DARK–SIDE. Before we could step one foot out of the hallway, I spotted the expensive buses. Theses buses had A/C, Wifi, Tv, Reclining seats, Shades to block the sun and all. The football team and cheerleaders were jumping with joy and excitement while the band was standing there in shock.We got two small white busses. They didn't even to try to give us a yellow school bus. I did not know about the others but I was joyful that we had a ride to the game. That joy disappear as soon as the bus drivers tried to ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Marching Band Eassy In 5th grade I chose the trumpet and a love began that will follow me for most of my educational career. At first I did not know I would have this love, but this piece of brass I held in my hands would eventually turn into a passion. I grew older starting high school and begin a journey a journey through marching band. Freshman year band camp was absolutely miserable I was told it would be sunny and very very hot. I got there and every single day it rained. I almost quit band after that year just because I hated band camp. That would have been a huge mistake. In my sophomore year I auditioned and made it into the symphonic band. I was ecstatic and ready to become a better player. With a higher chair I had more responsibility I felt like I needed ... Show more content on ... Sensabaugh my leadership capabilities I knew I had them I just had to show it. Junior year came around and I became a squad leader for the show TIME. It was a great honor to be a squad leader. I had my squadlings and I taught them the drill, I made them laugh, but I kept them in line. During that band camp I went to the press box to ask Mr. Sensabaugh a question about the drill. After answering he stated "you are doing a very good job out there Mr. Dulka" I felt proud of myself in that moment I felt like I showed him what I could do as a leader, but that wasn't where I was going to stop. My entire career I lived under Andy Planitz's shadow he was the best trumpet in our grade and he got most of the recognition. This moment where I was told I did a good job really made me confident in my abilities. Senior year came around and I ran for the Band Council President position after weeks of awaiting a decision I got the job. I was the leader of the band I made many key decisions regarding band camp the the shirts. I took the position and the responsibility with great pride I was ready to lead the band. Band has helped me create a lot of friends my best friend Adam will now stick by my side through ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Preparation For A Marching Band The sport/activity that I have chosen to talk about is marching band. Technically, this would be my second year doing it but I am looking forward to doing marching band and jazz band later in high school. So, I have chosen this activity to talk about because it's actually really fun and entertaining. Many people would watch you, maybe, play one of their favorite songs while walking down the streets of their hometown. Yea, it could get dark in that town, but it's better to be doing it, than to not. There are many things to talk about with this sport like preparing, positioning, and errors. To be honest there are a lot of errors in marching band, and it can get very detailed and confusing. Preparation for Accomplishment of Activity Preparation for marching band can be fairly simple. First, you obviously need to get your instrument and start putting it together once in a quiet, non– distracting place. If your instrument is a woodwind, it would do you a whole lot better if you were to wet your reed. If you have a brass instrument, it would help your ametuar to do some buzzing excersises. Percussion would be able to manage their 5–stroke roll better and their paradiddles better if they do left to right and right to left drills. After your instrument is put together, practice your songs. If you've got that down, practice marching. Starting with your right foot, and keeping a steady beat. In marching you have to walk with a steady pace as the rest of your group and/or band. Whilst ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Marching Band Research Paper You can tell a lot about a school by their marching band. At the beginning of my freshman year, I had the privilege of attending a Wisconsin Badger game at Camp Randall and it was an awesome experience. I have long forgotten the logistics of the game itself, but I still remember the marching band. With their high knees perfectly in step, their tight spins perfectly in time, and their shining silver instruments perfectly in position, the excitement they brought to the crowd was undeniable. I easily envisioned myself playing "On Wisconsin" on the field, hyping up fans with my music. After I learned flutes were not a part of Madison's traditional style marching band, I decided to pick up playing the trumpet because I knew that one day, if I ever ... Show more content on ... I could take advantage of research facilities like the Woodman Astronomical Library and enroll in classes that explore everything from the physics of our solar system to the history of our universe. I see myself joining interdepartmental clubs like Astronomy Club and Women in Physics and I hope to someday be a part of a research opportunity like the renowned IceCube Neutrino Observatory. In addition to working towards my major, I am thrilled at the prospect of being able to take the wide variety of classes available at UW–Madison. Throughout high school I have taken classes based solely on exploring new subjects for fun and to potentially discover a new interest, and I hope to do the same at Madison. I could fulfill my desire to connect with my Slavic roots and study Czech. I could empower myself with a class on gender and women's studies, question my existence with a class on the meaning of life, overcome my stage fright with a class on music performance. With my aspirations held high and seemingly endless opportunities ahead of me, the sky's the limit. At the University of Wisconsin–Madison, with my trumpet and my telescope angled high, not even the sky would be the ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Essay On Marching And Marching Band 12. Skateboarding and marching band might not seem very similar with alike characteristics, but you would be surprised how I train for both of them very similarly. When I go to the skatepark I always am there for over three hours at a time. This means that I have good breath control. If a random person tried skating for three hours they would be passed out on the ground because they would run out of breath. That is the same thing for marching band. In marching band I will be running across the field while playing blasting into my tuba. In order to be able to do something longer, such as skate for a longer period of time, you must do a warm up. This means that I can't just go to the skatepark and start shredding. I first should do basic tricks before advancing into harder tricks. In marching band there is a stunt called a lunge. This is when you stick your leg out in a 45 degree angle and stretch it out. When I am skating there is a trick called a staple gun. That is where I take one leg off of my board and stick in on the ground, forming a 45 degree angle. As you can tell these are very similar stunts. I am good at lunging in marching band because I am good at performing the staple gun on my skateboard. This is probably my favorite movement skill that is in marching band and in skateboarding. Of course you need leg strength to be good at skateboarding. Skating is all about your legs, therefore you need no upper body strength to be able to shred on a skateboard. However did you know that that is the exact same thing with marching band. In marching band i hold my tube from my shoulders, and my shoulders are on my legs. Therefore my legs are actually lifting my instrument. In addition to holding my instrument, my legs are also running across the field. This means that you should work out properly. Every Day at the gym I do leg lifts, and leg curls. These are common leg workouts to enhance your leg's strength. 8. I am in competitive marching band. This means that I can compete up to 16 different bands at a time. In band we all have the mindset of a winner. Right when we march onto the field as a band, we know that we will own that field, and that we will win. Winning does not mean everything, but it means ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Marching Band Reflection In every cilché high school drama movie, the marching band is depicted as dull and its students are often characterized as outcasts. Being a naive middle schooler who has seen several of these types of movies, I believed every word of it for the longest time. Despite this stigma I had, I still joined our school's marching band program, and every opinion I had built up about marching band completely changed within a single year. I now know that the decision I made to join marching band completely changed how I would experience high school. At the end of my eighth grade year, I had to choose my classes for the upcoming year. I had taken band three years prior and I was inevitably going to continue on with it, but there were two options for band at Pattonville High School. I had to pick between marching band and concert band. Concert band would be similar to the setting in middle school, which is what I was so adjusted to. Marching band, on the other hand, was a whole new concept. Marching band consisted of moving around the football field while playing music, which on the surface appeared too complicated for me. My brother participated in marching band prior to me, so I already formed an opinion on the activity on my own. I definitely was not going to join the marching band, well at least that was what I thought. "You're joining the marching band," my mom declared as she erased the small check mark I placed on the registration sheet. She took a black ink pen and checked the marching band option for me without hearing my argument. "Mom, please. I really don't want to join." I was practically begging at this point, but she refused to listen. I pleaded with her all night until she became fed up with my complaining. "You will join marching band," she stated sternly, "but if you don't like it after one year you can quit." She handed me the bright yellow sheet. I grabbed it from her and studied the small black mark on the sheet. I contemplated crossing out my mother's selection and picking concert band once again. I had a mental battle for a couple seconds as I intently stare at the piece of paper in my hand. Evidently, my conscious won, and I just slid the registration sheet in my folder. While everyone was ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The Benefits Of Marching Band The Benefits of Marching Band Ebony K. Lawton Dr. Cloud Foundations for Success Brenau University The Benefits of Marching Band "Hut one, hut two, hike!" from the football team, "Go Panthers, go!" exclaim the cheerleaders and "To be, or not to be..." from the drama club. Walking through a high school on different days of the week one can hear students practicing and the students can be found all over the campus in various extra–curricular activities. Then a whistle sounds, a drum major loudly commands the band to attention. Hundreds of students dedicating their time for the sound of music. Time that they could be using to do homework or at the mall with friends because it will all be worthwhile. Apart from being beneficial as an extra–curricular activity, band is an especially optimal option because of the continued music education. Overall, the marching band is beneficial because of the social and cognitive development and students can build a strong sense of responsibility and leadership. Social Platforms Socially, students form lasting bonds. Members of the band connect with one another, being that they go on trips together, rehearse music, and attend football games and other functions. Even if some members are not friends, they will still be able to relate. Additionally, the students develop substantial intrapersonal skills. Learning how to communicate with others is an essential life skill. Also, being in marching band is physical, so collectively students can ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Marching Band Essay "Roll those feet! Keep those toes high! Square your shoulders! Keep the tempo moving!" This can be heard by directors, in most marching band rehearsals, as the band is racing around the field while playing mentally demanding music. Competitive marching band, the highlight of some high schoolers' fall season, is defined by Merriam–Webster as "a group of musicians who play instruments while marching together at a parade or sports event" ("Marching Band"). In comparison a sport is defined as "a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other" ("Sports"). High school competition band is where a band practices from July to November to prepare one show to be ... Show more content on ... Not only this, as competition marching bands are performing, the members are required to keep their shoulders perfectly parallel with the press box sideline, no matter what direction they may be traveling. On top of all the physical attributes, performers also have to have all music memorized to perfection. Part of playing music is to count–mentally count in time and tempo. To make the activity of marching band more difficult, members also have to be able to play while moving to at fast speeds to exact locations on the field to create new forms. To, as they say "put a cherry on top," all of this has to be done at the same time. For all members of a competition band, they have to multitask throughout the entire performance with no mental or physical breaks. Mr. Spettel, Marion Local Schools band director, compares marching band and sports as "Physically and mentally it shares all the same aspects because the mental aspects of memorizing music, playing expressively, and using dynamic contrast. All of that is just like football or volleyball: remembering plays, strategizing to get the best possible outcome. And I think one could argue that marching band is just as physically demanding as a lot of other athletics." All of these items lead to having a strong mental presence as members are ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Marching Band Research Paper Introduction: Marching band was one of the most difficult/challenging activity systems that I have ever done in my life. But at the same time it was an inspirational and motivating aspect of my life. The very first thing it taught me was the definition of hard work. This was because I spent hundreds of hours to my dedication and devotion to band marching around the field in the hot sun every day. Even though there were times when I wanted to quit; one such instance was when we were out performed by another school, other times it was becuase of the teacher being a little too hard on me when I first started. Despite setbacks such as these, I had an ardent attraction to marching band, mainly because in middle school I was a part of concert band, which made me love music. The biggest, reason why I chose to do marching band, aside from my enjoyment of music, was because towards the end of my eighth grade year my middle school band director told us about a huge opportunity that we had coming up to become a part of the high school across the street marching band. They were called the Titan Regiment. She told us the difference between concert and ... Show more content on ... I enjoyed tremendously being a part of this activity system. We all worked together as members in this activity systems in a unique way in the summer and through school, we made music playing instruments all at the same time, all 350 of us. During my career in marching band I was extremely involved in marching band. This is because I went above and beyond by signing up to become a part of the leadership team in the Titan Regiment marching band in my junior and senior year as a section leader. I did this because I wanted to be a part of the authority (leadership team) to help guide neophytes become better ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Narrative Essay On Marching Band Ever since I was in fifth grade, a dream of mine had always been to make it into my high school's marching band. During my first year in Broken Arrow, my mother and I went to go see our band for its send off performance. I remember sitting high up in the stadium, completely blown away by what I saw on the field. As a child, I was just fascinated by how fun everything looked; my favorite moment was when I saw tuba players riding bicycles on the field. I had no idea at the time, but my mother and I had just witnessed a nationally acclaimed band that, at the time, had won two Grand National Championships. I started preparing for the chance to get into the Pride the moment I hit sixth grade. Joining the band program, I spent three years learning ... Show more content on ... I remember being terrified, unsure about what was coming. During the weeks before the audition camp, everyone warned me of harsh summer practices and strict, unrelenting control from the upper echelon of band directors. The stories didn't bother me. I had no doubt in my mind that I would make it –– and that I would survive it. I practiced my audition music a thousand times; it was, essentially, burned into my memory. However, there was one obstacle that I wasn't sure that I could overcome: the physical tryouts. I couldn't keep my feet in time while playing, which was incredibly vital to getting into any kind of marching band, nationally acclaimed or not. Try as I may, my feet just couldn't get in time over the course of the camp. At this point, I knew it would be the music audition that would be my saving grace. On the next Sunday, the results for who had made it had come out. I hadn't made the cut. It felt like everything came crashing down around me. I had spent the entirety of my eighth grade year worrying and stressing about whether or not I could balance all advanced classes and band. I didn't once consider if I would make it or not. My self–esteem was shattered. I lost any faith that I had for myself, and it took me a long time to build myself back up to the person that I am ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Marching Band Legacy Essay I spend so much of my time balancing my band and school life, I feel it would be impossible to ignore my legacy within my bands. My legacy would have to include what I've spent most of my time in, and what I loved doing. In my case, I'm lucky enough to have both of these be the same thing. I spend about nineteen hours a week working in marching band, and I have loved doing this the whole time. I am currently the senior drum major and if I was to look back at the legacy I have left behind, I would have to include this. Not only has it given me a chance to lead the band I love to be in, it has allowed me to teach and inspire passion within the younger members of my band to continue music. I have always looked to spend more time in music, so even with the challenges of marching band I have been the lead bassist for my school's top jazz band all four years of my journey. Even with the time I spend in marching, I spend at least four hours a week creating music with my peers. In this I've not only been able to prove to myself that I can play, but I've also learned how to synergize with my fellow musicians to make something beautiful. I've been able to transfer this to my life outside of band through group projects and community service projects. I've also ... Show more content on ... Starting a band has taught me plenty of skills, and these will certainly translate to my legacy. My family legacy will show this and my passion for what I do will show through my time and work. Not only did I have to continue my leadership roles, but I had to work with administration to make everything work on the basketball courts. In my future, I hope to be able to revisit my high school to see my program still up and running. Almost all of my time and energy has gone into my band career and continuing it is my passion. My legacy is centered around what I love and I wouldn't want it any other ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Concert Band Vs Marching Band Essay Sometimes, a talent is a blessing. However, it can also bring a lifetime of toil. Both in middle school and high school, I stayed in the elective Band. There exist two types of bands in the school: Concert Band and Marching Band. In Concert Band, you choose and play an instrument. Based on which one you play, you could receive the melodic material or the accompaniment. Marching Band, however, has elevated difficulty by forcing you to march and play simultaneously. The marching instruments could be the same instrument, an alternate form of the instrument, or another instrument if you play a concert instrument which you cannot march. I play an instrument called the tuba which almost always has the bass line, usually plays longer notes than the rest of the band, and gets an occasional solo by a fluke While on a family trip in the summer after 7th grade, I traveled to China for a purpose to tour the country's largest monuments. I indeed received knowledge about the history of China, but there was something else I learned from ... Show more content on ... Two months after school started, I crashed into a state of depression. After being told multiple times that there would be no way out of means since my sousaphone and tuba skills outmatch the majority of the same instruments section, I then concluded that I will forever suffer by playing sousaphone and tuba. I now felt like I was enslaved into the sousaphone and that the only way out was ending my life. The following Thursday was the day I finally mentioned of a possibility of committing suicide because I felt it would get me out of playing sousaphone. Despite longing for an escape route out of life, I cleared my issue the day later. I finally resolved this issue by discussing with the high school band director. He would let me do something I dreamed of for a long time. The solution was that I would march baritone saxophone in my sophomore ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Research Paper On Marching Band Most people think marching band is just a bunch of band nerds running around on a football field. Little do they know is how they got there. It's 7:45 am in the middle of June and the band room is filled with excited and scared students. As everyone prepares for their 8 hour day of marching they make their way to the football field. Freshman walking in not knowing what to expect, Sophomores talking about their memories they had last year, Juniors coming in wishing they were seniors, and Seniors coming in hoping this will be the best marching season of their life. This is what we like to call the beginning of "hell weeks". Two weeks in the middle of summer filled with blood, sweat, tears, and marching. About 50% of the work gets done here. After hell weeks there's practices 3 times a week, maybe 4, for the next four months. All of this just for 7–9 minutes on a football field. "It's a sport that is completely ignored."– Isabella Martinez (Marches for the Mighty Javelinas, Junior at Crystal City High School). To most people in band they would agree 100% to Isabella's definition of marching band. The definition of "sport" is; an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Marching band involves a lot of hand eye coordination. Eyeing the coordinate na trying to make it there without bumping into the person to the left or right. Marching band is also a group effort, without one person there's ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Marching Band Position This past semester I was chosen to be the Drum Major of the marching band. Drum Major is the highest student position possible, and it is the position that requires the most responsibility and commitment. This was my biggest challenge, and I took the opportunity to not only gain more leadership experience, but also to lead the marching band to another successful competition season. The Drum Major is similar to the conductor of a band that guides a large group of students through a judged performance. Our performance is roughly a ten–minute show, but we spend about ten hours a week rehearsing. This year, my school has a marching band program of over 120 students, each with their own unique talents and personalities. It was my responsibility ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Marching Band Monologue "Mom, I don't think I want to go anymore." "Ella, I already paid. You're gonna have to go" "I'm gonna die," I thought in my head. I'm on my way to my first band camp. I joined my high school's marching band a few months ago and have been working all summer on my marching and music. Now, one week before my eighth grade year, I'm spending a week at a summer camp with sweaty band geeks. Am I excited? Sure. Am I extremely nervous and feel like throwing up my McDonalds? Absolutely! My mom continued driving down the road to the camp. My anxiety got worse as the minutes went by. I kept thinking that things would go wrong. Maybe I would break my phone on accident. Maybe the upperclassmen would be mean. Maybe I would get injured or sick. Maybe I ... Show more content on ... Drill is our spots for the formations we make. Although it doesn't look like it, drill is really hard. We set a few spots during rehearsal at the high school, but this week we are setting drill for the first three movements. Each year we pick a show –this year's is Charlotte: A Spider's Story, a show based off of Charlotte's Web– and each show has four movements. Our first movement is titled Morning On the Farm,, which is an introduction piece. The second movement, Winter Pig, is telling the part where Charlotte is explaining to Wilbor she will not let him get killed. Our third movement, I'm Dying, is slow song about Charlotte dying. We won't learn our fourth movement until after band camp, but it's a mixture of Charlotte's babies and a closer. We get to perform the first three movements on Friday, the last day of band ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Why Is Marching Band A Sport Should Marching Band a sport, or Not? When you think of something that should be considered a sport, marching band is not necessarily something that comes to mind. For one, it fits the definition of sport being physically exerting, so much so that some members have even fainted due to exhaustion. On top of the members that march, there is also the color guard. The color guard is a group or section in the band that not only marches, but uses other items in the show. Most times they can do as much, if not more, work than the members that play instruments. Second, it requires a lot of skill, not only do you have to walk/run/march in time, but you also have to play your music from memory while marching to different points on the field at different speeds. The last criteria for being a sport is being played in a team or by an individual. DCI ( Drum Corps International) is the highest level of competitive marching band. The shows can last much longer than high school marching band, up to 15 minutes, on top of that, their shows are much more vigorous and exerting. Marching band can be tough as it is, marching in extreme conditions and experiencing borderline exhaustion. There has been many reports and incidents of members fainting/passing out during practice and a performance, not only due to exhaustion but also as a result of heat stroke or ... Show more content on ... After marching band there is college level marching band and after that there is professional/competitive leagues suchs as DCI(Drum Corps International). In college level marching band it is expected that the members be able to play their instrument at a mastered level, making no mistakes whatsoever. In DCI and college level the shows performed become much more advanced, even more so in DCI. It has been recorded that a DCI member can burn over 700 calories in a single show of eleven to twenty ... Get more on ...