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Information Media for Water Supply and         From the Editor                                                                  1
           Environmental Sanitation
                                                   Your Voice                                                                       2
             Published by:                         Headline
Working Group for Water Supply and Sanitation
                                                           When drought's gone, it's time for floods                                3
                  Advisor:                                 'Rain Harvest' á la Gunung Kidul                                         9
        Director General for Urban and
 Rural Development, Department of Public Works
                                                           H. Syamsul Arief Rivai Director General for Bangda (Regional Deve-
              Board of Trustee:
                                                           lopment) Dept. Home Affairs:
  Director of Human Settlement and Housing,
National Development Planning Agency Republic              Allocate Budget of Water Supply For Village                             10
                   of Indonesia                    Telescope
      Director of Environmental Sanitation,
                 Ministry of Health                        It's all wrong with Bantar Gebang                                       13
     Director of Water Supply Development,                 DKI Jakarta Waste Management Master Plan Review                         15
           Department of Public Works
 Director of Natural Resources and Appropriate     Insight
  Technology, Director General on Village and              Water Supply Development and Poverty                                    18
           Community Empowerment,
           Department of Home Affairs                      PDAM Report Development Strategy                                        21
   Director for Facilitation of Special Planning           From Plato to WSS-BM Policy                                             23
           Environment Management,
           Department of Home Affairs                      HIPPAM Failure at Bleberan Village                                      29
               Chief Editor:
               Oswar Mungkasa                              Child Scavenger of Bantar Gebang                                        31
              Board of Editor:
         Supriyanto, Johan Susmono,                        Communal Composting, Alternative to Handling Domestic Waste             33
        Indar Parawansa, Poedjastanto              Innovation

                                                           Urinoir without flush                                                   35
    Maraita Listyasari, Rewang Budiyana,           Abstract
Rheidda Pramudhy, Joko Wartono, Essy Asiah,
                                                           The impact of Water Supply Investment to Economic
       Mujiyanto, Andre Kuncoroyekti
                                                           Growth and Income Distribution in DKI Jakarta                           36
               Rudi Kosasih
                                                           Sludge Treatment Installation                                           37
                Production:                        ISSDP Corner
                                                           Choice Model                                                            38
                Distribution:                      Around Plan Indonesia
                Agus Syuhada
                                                           Plan Indonesia in Water Supply and Environmental
                    Address:                               Sanitation Program                                                      41
   Jl. Cianjur No. 4, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
          Phone/Fax.: 62-21-31904113               Book Info                                                                       42
                    CD Info                                                                         44
                       Around WASPOLA                                                                  45
                     Around WSS                                                                      48
       Unsolicited article or opinion items        WSS Bibliography                                                                50
   are welcome. Please send to our address         Agenda                                                                          51
     or e-mail. Don't forget to be brief and
           accompanied by identity.                IATPI Clinic                                                                    52

   This magazine can be accessed at Water
 Supply and Environmental Sanitation Website           Percik magazine can be accessed through WSS website


                                                                                                      1427 H

          ime goes by. Thanks God we        course. But to some areas, for exam-        taking the lives of several people. In
          are still blessed with happy      ple Jakarta, a city of this size rain may   connection with the same condition,
          day, Iedul Fitri. On this win-    become a disaster. Rainfall that we         in Story column, we present to you the
ners' day Percik's crew and all mem-        long for may inundate vast areas of the     story of a child scavenger who
bers of WSS secretariate wish you our       city. Again, the community have no          depends his life on the Indonesia's
heartfelt greetings "Selamat Idul Fitri     way to escape from it. We will hear         largest TPA.
1427H. Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin.              again someone saying: "It's nothing             Not to be overlooked, in Reportase
Minal Aidin wal Faizin". Let's hope all     unusual."                                   column, we bring forward cooperation
of us become purified from sins and             Are we going to take it as some-        between      a    Non      Government
keep the purity in the days to come.        thing natural and let may happen as it      Organization with a community at the
     Dear readers, sadness upon sad-        usually does? Actually, drought, flood      outskirt of Jakarta for a self reliant
ness are continuously overwhelming          can be prevented if we want. Both are       waste management without adding
this country. It's now a long dry sea-      not natural phenomena that happen           burden to TPA. With an add-in of
son that we are experiencing especial-      all of a sudden. They can be predicted.     flexible ideas fixed to it this manage-
ly in Java and Nusa Tenggara.               The question is again, why should it        ment model might be suitable for
Community access to water supply            happen? The attention towards is            application in many other communi-
declines from the already desperate         lacking. Maybe the program towards          ties.
level. They drink whatever water            their prevention is still not so popular.       Dear Readers,
there is. Availability is always a ques-    That is Indonesia.                              It seems that WSS is still going to
tion. The community have no choice.             Readers, besides discussing the         be governed many different problems
Whereas the government seems                main topic on drought and flood,            coming up one after another from
unable to satisfy the demand of the         Percik also held an interview with          time to time. New issue appears any
population. Regional Utility (PDAM)         Director General for Regional               time. We have a feeling that all the
Company being the backbone for              Development, Department of Home             issues haven't been given sufficient
water supply in the regions is facing its   Affairs to find out what is the condi-      attention by the government. While
own problem; short of supply to meet        tion of development in the regions in       poor WSS condition directly affects
the consumers' demand. Therefore,           its relations with water supply and         Indonesian people. We hope that
let alone a free service, PDAM itself is    environmental sanitation. In the            something new would come out that
still defending itself.                     Teropong column we present to you           may lead us to improvement.
     Shortly we will be entering the        TPA Bantar Gebang where in last             Together we can make WSS obtain
rainy season. This is a blessing, of        September the waste hill collapsed          more attention. God bless us.

                                            Percik         October 2006                                                       1

     Motorless Water Pump                                                                       The Underdeveloped
     I read in Percik website that in Go-
rontalo they use motorless water pump                                                         Recently the Asian Development
for their water supply. I would appre-                                                    Bank in cooperation with the United
ciate it if you could provide me with                                                     Nations published in Manila a report
further information about the equip-                                                      on poverty reduction program by the
ment. Specifically I'd like to know:                                                      Asia-Pacific Nations. The report dis-
  1. What steps are taken for installing                                                  cusses the performance of various na-
     the equipment?                                                                       tions in the program.
  2. Is there possibility for our commu-                                                      The most advanced nations in re-
     nity back home to obtain govern-
                                                                                          ducing poverty are China, Malaysia,
     ment assistance for such motorless
                                                                                          Thailand, Palau, Vietnam, Armenia,
     water pump?
                                                                                          Azerbaijan, and Kirgiztan. On the
     We would be grateful if equipment
                                                                                          other hand there are several nations
like that could be installed for our com-
                                                                                          that become less committed to re-
munity in NTT. We have water supply
                                                                                          ducing poverty. They are Fiji, Kazakh-
difficulty and I am convinced that this
kind of equipment may help our com-                                                       stan, Samoa, and Uzbekistan. The next
munity.                                                                                   group of nations work harder, these are
                                                                                          India, Aghanistan, Nepal. Finally, the
                       Leonardo FoEnale      c) Articles on water supply are a bit        most underdeveloped group in terms of
                               Surabaya         wanting considering the media             poverty reduction. Members of this
                                                deals with water supply.                  group consist of Bangladesh, Indo-
   For further information about the         d) Do away with columns on envi-             nesia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pa-
motorless water pump please contact             ronmental voices, waste and               kistan, Papua New Guinea, and the Phi-
PT. Tirta Anugrah Nusantara at Hotel            drinking water containing letter          lippines.
Mahadria 4th floor Jl. Ki Mas Jong              from the reader and opinion from              ADB assessment seems to confirm
No. 12 Serang, Banten. Tel. 0254-               the editor and or an expert.              the real situation. The number of our
220270/22268 attn. Ade Purnama               e) Column dealing with environ-              poor population is increasing rather
(CEO). As for financial assistance it is        ment, waste and water supply              than diminishing. Beggars and va-
recommended that you contact the in-            from neighbouring countries that          grants are adding up day after day.
volved agency of the regional govern-           are worthy of note.                       Hunger and related diseases remain
ment. (Editor)                                 Thanks for your attention.                 unhealed. The question is now, where
                                                                                          are the government promises to reduce
    Comment and Suggestion                                       Ir. Agus Sutyoso, MSi
                                                                                          poverty? The same question must also
                                                             CEO PDAM Kota Semarang
                                                                                          be asked to the political parties and the
    As follow up to Director of Housing                             Jl. Kelud Semarang
                                                                                          people's representatives. Where are
and Settlement Systems Bappenas let-
                                                                                          your promises to improve community
ter No. 5411/Dt.6.3/09/2006 dated 4             Thank you for your comment and sug-
                                                                                          wellbeing? Shame to all of you, only
September 2006 re Water Supply and          gestion. We will take all your comment and
                                                                                          government officials, bureaucrates, and
Environmental Sanitation Information        suggestion to our consideration. We hope
                                                                                          people's representatives are prosperous
Media we would like to peresent to you      that in the future Percik will improve
the following comment and suggestion:       tomeet the expectation of the readers. In     while the common people are getting
  a) Design and layout looks excellent.     addition, we are also inviting you to con-    poorer.
  b) Articles related to environmental      ribute articles in accordance with your ca-
     sanitation are presented in suffi-     pacity. We hope your contribution will ser-                             Meddy Chandra
     cient quantity.                        ve as lesson for other readers (Editor)                              Ciputat, Tangerang

2                                            Percik         October 2006


               Water Resource in Java

    When Drought's Gone,
                                         ecently, the drought related        about water for bathing, washing and
  The natural environment
                                         news is almost daily in print       defecating; it may not be available at all.
   of Indonesia is severely
                                         and electronic flash. It is very        This picture covers almost the entire
  degraded. If at one time
                               hard for the communities to get water         island of Java. As far as eyes can see,
drought withers every green,
                               for daily need even just for drinking.        the areas along the northern coast are
 next time flood devastates
                               They have to walk for kilometres just for     completely dry. Leaves fell to the
  large areas. Whereas all
                               a pail of water, regardless of quality, for   ground. Teak woods standing like con-
    these occurences are
                               drinking and cooking. Each member of          struction piles. Withered yellow grass
 actually predictable ahead
                               the community can only take a little          looks miserable. Burned patches of land
     of time. Should they
                               because the limited source has to be          here and there. Farm lands cracked
   keep on coming back?
                               shared with so many others. Let's forget      from dryness. Farming is out of ques-

                                Percik         October 2006                                                         3

tion. Harvest is impossible.
                                                                                                     Table 1
    Drought does not only overwhelm                                            Kabupatens/Kotas of Java that experience big deficit
the rurals. In some cities water is in
                                            No.       Kabupaten / City          River Basin                               No. of deficit months                      Max. deficit (m3/sec)
limitd quantity. Even for Jakarta, the                                                                         2003   2005 2010 2015 2020         2025   2003     2005 2010 2015 2020                 2025
citizens have complaining lately. Raw       I.     J AWA B A R AT
                                            1      Kuningan                 Cimanuk                 87.3 %       6      6     6     6       6      7     -9.71    -9.81 -10.13 -10.52        -10.96 -11.46
water supply for treatment plants is get-                                   Cintanduy               12.7 %
ting lower. Consequently, water supply      2      Cirebon                  Cimanuk                100.0 %       6      6     7     7       7      7     -26.75 -27.27 -28.68 -30.23         -31.94 -33.85
                                            3      Majalengka               Cimanuk                 93.6 %       7      7     7     7       6      6     -14.47 -14.15 -13.42 -12.77         -12.18 -11.64
distribution is retarded. The citizens                                      Cintanduy                6.4 %
                                            4      Indramayu                Citarum                 37.9 %       7      7     7     7       7      7
cannot do much. Luckily they still can                                                                                                                   -48.99 -48.13 -46.11 -44.33         -42.80 -41.59
                                                                            Cimanuk                 62.1 %
buy bottled water, or refill water or       5      Kota Bandung             Citarum                100.0 %       6      6     7     10      11     12    -1.94    -2.16    -2.76 -3.40       -4.09    -4.86
                                            6      Kota Cirebon             Cimanuk                100.0 %       5      5     5      5       5      6    -0.61    -0.63    -0.69 -0.74       -0.81    -0.88
water vendor although at a higher price.
                                            II.    JAWA TENGAH
But what about the poor who are far         1      Magelang                 Progo-Opak-Oyo          96.9 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -25.72 -25.85 -26.20 -26.59         -27.05 -27.57
                                                                            Jratun Seluna            0.4 %
away from the reach of clean water sup-                                     Serayu                   2.6 %
ply?                                        2      Klaten                   Progo-Opak-Oyo           2.0 %       8      8     8     8       8      8     -32.57 -32.58 -32.63 -32.71         -32.83 -32.99
                                                                            Bengawan Solo           98.0 %
    Like a double edged dagger this         3      Sukoharjo                Bengawan Solo          100.0 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -16.68 -16.66 -16.64 -16.67         -16.75 -16.91
drought will shortly be followed with       4      Karanganyar              Bengawan Solo          100.0 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -18.52 -18.44 -18.27 -18.14         -18.04 -17.97
                                            5      Sragen                   Jratun Seluna           25.9 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -20.64 -20.77 -21.17 -21.66         -22.27 -23.03
rainy season. To some the blessing from                                     Bengawan Solo           74.1 %
the sky is welcome with gratitude           6      Blora                    Jratun Seluna           44.7 %       6      6     6     7       7      7     -12.92 -12.94 -13.00 -13.07         -13.14 -13.22
                                                                            Bengawan Solo           55.3 %
because it irrigates their lands. But to    7      Pekalongan               Pemali-Comal            99.8 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -11.45 -11.48 -11.56 -11.67         -11.80 -11.94
others, rain is a disaster. Flood will                                      Serayu                   0.2 %
                                            8      Kota Semarang            Jratun Seluna          100.0 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -2.40 -2.58 -3.20 -4.05              -5.20 -6.76
come at any moment. The misery from         9      Kota Pekalongan          Pemali-Comal           100.0 %       6      6     6     6       6      7     -1.07 -1.10 -1.18 -1.27              -1.38 -1.51
water shortage will change into flood       10     Temanggung               Jratun Seluna           41.0 %       5      5     5     5       5      6     -19.09 -19.13 -19.25 -19.37         -19.51 -19.66
                                            III.   D I Y O G Y A K A R TA
sufferings.                                 1      Bantul                   Progo-Opak-Oyo         100.0 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -16.33 -16.37 -14.67 -16.63         -16.82 -17.07
    It is ironical that flood is coming     2      Gunung Kidul             Progo-Opak-Oyo          86.9 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -5.49 -5.48 -5.47 -5.45              -5.44 -5.42
                                                                            Bengawan Solo           13.1 %
back year after year. And, the signs of     3      Sleman                   Progo-Opak-Oyo          98.3 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -21.89 -21.95 -22.13 -22.34         -22.57 -22.84
                                                                            Bengawan Solo            1.7 %
its preventive measures are nowhere to
                                            4      Kota Yogyakarta          Progo-Opak-Oyo         100.0 %       6      6     6     5       5      5     -0.85    -0.83    -0.79 -0.75       -0.70    -0.66
be seen. There is no significant effort     IV.    JAWA TIMUR
                                            1      Ponorogo                   K. Brantas             2.7 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -28.93 -28.77 -28.41 -28.07         -27.76 -27.50
mutually undertaken by the stakehold-
                                                                              Bengawan Solo         97.3 %
ers. Consequently, drought and flood        2      Sidoarjo                   K. Brantas           100.0 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -15.53 -15.82 -16.78 -18.19         -20.16 -22.89
                                            3      Madiun & Kota Madiun K. Brantas                  12.6 %       8      8     8     8       8      8     -28.34 -28.25 -28.02 -27.79         -27.57 -27.35
are routines that must be accepted by                                         Bengawan Solo         87.4 %
the common people.                          4      Magetan                    Bengawan Solo        100.0 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -32.62 -32.87 -33.52 -34.19         -34.87 -35.56
                                            5      Ngawi                      Jratun Seluna          0.1 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -42.28 -43.77 -47.73 -52.03         -56.69 -61.77
                                                                              Bengawan Solo         99.9 %
Drought as annual schedule                  6      Bojonegoro                 K. Brantas             0.9 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -25.46 -25.51 -25.68 -25.89         -26.16 -26.51
                                                                              Bengawan Solo         99.1 %
   Drought that withers vast areas of       7      Tuban                      Bengawan Solo        100.0 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -26.87 -26.46 -25.47 -24.54         -23.65 -22.82
Java doesn't come all of a sudden. This     8      Lamongan                   K. Brantas             2.4 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -56.23 -55.62 -54.20 -52.95         -51.90 -51.09
                                                                              Bengawan Solo         97.6 %
means that signals of its coming have       9      Bangkalan                  Madura               100.0 %       8      8     8     8       8      8     -12.08   -12.11   -12.23   -12.38   -12.58   -12.81
been sent long before. The calculation      10     Pamekasan                  Madura               100.0 %       6      6     6     6       6      6     -13.07   -13.04   -12.98   -12.94   -12.90   -12.88
                                            11     Sumenep                    Madura               100.0 %       7      7     7     7       7      7     -16.52   -16.35   -15.95   -15.57   -15.21   -14.88
of water balance or water equilibrium       12     Sampang                    Madura               100.0 %       5      6     7     7       7      7     -10.42   -10.77   -11.81   -13.13   -14.80   -16.90
comparing water demand over avail-          V.     J A B O D E TA B E K
                                            1      DKI Jakarta                Ciliwung-Cisadane    100.0 %      N/A    N/A   N/A   N/A     N/A    N/A    -0.2      -1.5     -4.9     -8.7    -13.1    -18.0
ability conducted by Directorate of         2      Bogor & Depok & Kota Bogor Ciujung-Climan         2.9 %      N/A    N/A   N/A   N/A     N/A    N/A    -2.0      -2.6     -4.5     -7.1    -10.5    -15.0
Water Resources and Irrigation                                                Cisadea-Cikuningan     0.2 %
                                                                              Citarum                9.4 %
Bappenas in 2005 indicates that based                                         Ciliwung-Cisadane     87.4 %
                                            3      Tangerang & Kota Tangerang Ciliwung-Cisadane    100.0 %      N/A    N/A   N/A   N/A     N/A    N/A
on 2003 data some 77 percent of areas                                                                                                                    -3.9      -4.5     -6.6     -9.2    -12.7    -17.3
                                            4      Bekasi & Kota Bekasi       Ciliwung-Cisadane     64.5 %      N/A    N/A   N/A   N/A     N/A    N/A       -        -        -        -       -       -3.2
outside Jabodetabek will suffer from                                          Citarum               35.5 %
                                            5      Serang & Kota Cilegon Ciujung-Ciliman            90.2 %      N/A    N/A   N/A   N/A     N/A    N/A       -       -        -       -0.9     -4.0     -8.3
water deficit between one to eight
                                                                              Ciliwung-Cisadane      9.8 %
months. While in Jabodetabek only 50        6      Karawang & Purwakarta Citarum                   100.0 %      N/A    N/A   N/A   N/A     N/A    N/A       -       -        -        -        -       -2.2

                                            N/A: Not Available                                               Source: Result of analysis by Directorate of Water Resources and Irrigation Bappenas

4                                                  Percik                      October 2006

                                                             percent will suffer the deficit.
                   Chart 1
Water Balance Projection by Kabupaten/Kota of                    The figures were derived from calcu-
              Java and Madura                                lating water availability factor of the
                                                             catchment area (representing surface
                                                             water availability) and regional water
                                                             demand (covering water demand for
                                                             domestic, urban activity, industrial, fish
                                                             farming, animal husbandry, and irriga-
                                                                 Water balance of 2003 indicates that
                                                             the total water demand for Java and Bali
                                                             is 38,4 billion m3 during the dry season.
                                                             The demand can be satisfied only up to
                                                             25,3 m3 or about 66 percent. It is esti-
                                                             mated the deficit will be higher in 2020
                                                             as a consequence of population growth
                                                             and increasing economic activity.
                                                                 In general, drought is caused by
                                                             three influencing factors, namely global
                                                             climatic changes such as deviation of ra-
                                                             iny and dry seasons from the usual pat-
                                                             tern and other climatic changes, envi-
                                                             ronmental factor, and water resources
                                                             management and infrastructures. Spe-
                                                             cifically, the causes of dryness other
                                                             than global climatic changes include:
                                                               1. Damages in the catchment area that
                                                                  reduces water catchment carrying
                                                               2. Low performing water resource
                                                               3. Excessive underground water
                                                                  exploitation that cause lower
                                                                  groundwater table, land subsi-
                                                                  dence, and salt water intrusion;
                                                               4. Poor hydrological management.
                                                                 Water balance is divided into 4 clas-
                                                             ses: normal, low deficit, medium deficit,
                                                             big deficit.
                                                                 Normal condition when there is no
                                                             deficit month within a given year. If
                                                             there are 3 deficit months in a year it is
                                                             called low deficit. Four to six months
                                Source: result of analysis   medium deficit. More than six months
                                                             is categorized as big deficit. Table 1
 = Normal               = Low deficit
                                                             shows us areas with big deficit.
 = No deficit           = Medium deficit
                                                                 If this condition prevails, meaning

                       Percik     October 2006                                                     5

                                             Table 2                                                                          rolling again after being idle for some
                  Kabupatens/Kotas of Java that experience drinking water deficit                                             time. But to some regions, there is al-
  No.            Kabupaten / Kota        River Basin                                Max. deficit (m3/sec)                     ways anxiety that rain will cause floods.
                                                                    2003    2005     2010        2015     2020     2025
 I.     JAWA BARAT                                                                                                            This anxiety grows especially in areas
 1      Kuningan                     Cimanuk               87.3 %   -0.51   -0.54    -0.64     -0.74      -0.85    -0.96
                                     Cintanduy             12.7 %                                                             where flooding is a recurring phenome-
 2      Cirebon                      Cimanuk              100.0 %   -1.67   -1.75    -1.98     -2.22      -2.49    -2.78
 3      Majalengka                   Cimanuk               93.6 %   -0.47   -0.50    -0.55     -0.61      -0.67    -0.73      non.
                                     Cintanduy              6.4 %
 4      Indramayu                    Citarum               37.9 %   -0.17   -0.23    -0.39     -0.57      -0.75    -0.95          The cause of flooding may vary from
                                     Cimanuk               62.1 %
 5      Kota Bandung                 Citarum              100.0 %     -       -        -         -        -0.27    -0.78      region to region. Several factors causing
 6      Kota Cirebon                 Cimanuk              100.0 %   -0.38   -0.40    -0.44     -0.48      -0.53    -0.58
 II.    JAWA TENGAH                                                                                                           flood are among others sedimentation
 1      Magelang                     Progo-Opak-Oyo        96.9 %     -       -      -0.09     -0.35      -0.63    -0.94
                                     Jratun Seluna          0.4 %                                                             of river bed, overflow from embank-
                                     Serayu                 2.6 %
 2      Klaten                       Progo-Opak-Oyo         2.0 %   -1.43   -1.42    -1.39     -1.36      -1.33    -1.30      ments, poor drainage system, backwater
                                     Bengawan Solo         98.0 %
 3      Sragen                       Jratun Seluna         25.9 %     -       -        -         -        -0.30    -0.83      effect, and defective flood control facili-
                                     Bengawan Solo         74.1 %
 4      Kota Semarang                Jratun Seluna        100.0 %     -       -      -0.11     -0.55      -1.06    -1.63      ty.
 1      Bantul                       Progo-Opak-Oyo       100.0 %   -0.08   -0.11    -0.18     -0.26      -0.34    -0.43          Almost all rivers of Java carry sedi-
 2      Sleman                       Progo-Opak-Oyo        98.3 %     -       -      -0.05     -0.19      -0.35    -0.52
                                     Bengawan Solo          1.7 %                                                             ment load in big quantity scouring the
 3      Kota Yogyakarta              Progo-Opak-Oyo       100.0 %   -0.52   -0.51    -0.47     -0.44      -0.41    -0.38
 IV.    JAWA TIMUR                                                                                                            land along their banks down to the sea.
 1      Bangkalan                    Madura               100.0 %   -0.54   -0.56    -0.64     -0.72      -0.81    -0.90
 2      Pamekasan                    Madura               100.0 %   -0.47   -0.50    -0.56     -0.62      -0.69    -0.77      As a result, areas of sediment deposit
 3      Sumenep                      Madura               100.0 %   -0.69   -0.70    -0.75     -0.81      -0.86    -0.92
 4      Sampang                      Madura               100.0 %   -0.24   -0.28    -0.38     -0.49      -0.61    -0.75      are built along the river mouth. Sedi-
 1      Bogor & Depok & Kota Bogor   Ciujung-Climan         2.9 %     -       -        -         -          -      -2.6       mentation decreases the river storage
                                     Cisadea-Cikuningan     0.2 %
                                     Citarum                9.4 %                                                             capacity. In addition, sand mining in
                                     Ciliwung-Cisadane     87.4 %
 2      Tangerang & Kota Tangerang   Ciliwung-Cisadane    100.0 %     -       -        -         -        -0.2     -3.5       big rivers leads to degradation of river
                                                                                                       Max. deficit m3/sec)
                                                                                                                              beds. The big water discharge cannot be
                                                                                                                              retained within the water bodies of the
that no infrastructure intervention is                       maintains groundwater potential. This
                                                                                                                              lowland area. Water then overflows the
inroduced, it can be expected that water                     is because the island has many ground-
                                                                                                                              embankments putting farmland and the
balance deficit will be increasing.                          water basins. There are at least 80
                                                                                                                              relatively flat areas under water. Em-
Several kabupatens/kota in 2020 are                          basins spreading along Java and
                                                                                                                              bankments built along the river in the
likely to experience an increasing                           Madura. They are not fully exploited
                                                                                                                              upper watershed may protect upper wa-
deficit, among others are Kabupaten                          yet. And if any, such as ones in big
                                                                                                                              tershed areas from flooding, but it cau-
Ngawi of Bengawan Solo river basin and                       cities, they are not properly controlled.
                                                                                                                              ses more severe threat to lower water-
the city of Surabaya of the Brantas river                    As a consequence, new problems crop
                                                                                                                              shed areas. This is made worse if the
basin. The projection of water balance                       up such as decrease in groundwater
                                                                                                                              drainage system is defective. It still
condition of Java and Madura is illus-                       quality (Bandung, Semarang), spread of
                                                                                                                              does not say about backwater effect at
trated in Chart 1.                                           brackish/salt water (Jakarta and
                                                                                                                              the upper areas as consequence from
    Water balance deficit adversely                          Semarang), lower groundwater table
                                                                                                                              changes in current in the lower areas. If
affects water availability. The worst                        (Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang).
                                                                                                                              backwater happens -at a convulsion of a
impact will hit agriculture, industry, city                       There is a big groundwater proten-
                                                                                                                              stream with the main river, damming or
population, drinking water, etc.                             tial. Tables 3 through 8 illustrate gro-
                                                                                                                              river constriction- flood is unavoidable.
Drinking water supply should be given                        undwater potential by administrative
                                                                                                                                  Flood also happens if the catchment
priority because it is directly related to                   regions.
                                                                                                                              area disappears. Forest clearing and in-
basic demand for life. Table 2 illustrates
                                                                                                                              correct cropping pattern take part in it.
the regions that suffer from drinking                        Flood threats
                                                                                                                              Since there is no more water catchment
water deficit and projection up to 2025.                         It is estimated that rain will start to
                                                                                                                              area, water flows directly into the river.
                                                             fall within this month. The blessing
                                                                                                                              This condition is aggravated in steep ri-
Groundwater condition                                        from the falling droplets will bring life
                                                                                                                              verbanks and in rivers that flush swiftly
   Although currently suffering from                         back to the dry soil. Economic wheels,
                                                                                                                              in to the downstream areas, whereas the
dryness, the island of Java actually                         especially in agriculture sector, will start
                                                                                                                              retention capacity of these areas such as

  6                                                             Percik               October 2006

                              Table 3                                                                           Table 6
             Groundwater Potential in Province of Banten                                    Groundwater Potential in Province of Central Java

                                               Groundwater potential                                                               Groundwater potential
  No           Kabupaten                                                             No          Kabupaten
                                        million m3/year                m3/sec                                             million m3/year                  m3/sec
   1       Pandeglang                       1.112,34                    35,27        1        Cilacap                           131,75                        4,18
   2       Lebak                               345,40                   10,95        2        Banyumas                          242,94                        7,70
   3       Tangerang                           451,23                   14,31        3        Purbalingga                       160,41                        5,09
                                                                                     4        Banjarnegara                      302,72                        9,60
   4       Serang                              631,35                   20,02
                                                                                     5        Kebumen                           124,18                        3,94
   5       Kota Tangerang                      101,09                    3,21
                                                                                     6        Purworejo                          58,21                        1,85
   6       Kota Cilegon                         54,65                    1,73
                                                                                     7        Wonosobo                          220,69                        7,00
Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team                                         8        Magelang                          560,79                       17,78
                              Table 4                                                9        Boyolali                          245,06                        7,77
           Groundwater Potential in Province of DKI Jakarta                          10       Klaten                            227,35                        7,21
                                               Groundwater potential                 11       Sukoharjo                         163,76                        5,19
  No           Kabupaten
                                       million m3/year                 m3/sec        12       Wonogiri                          348,72                       11,06
  1        Jakarta Selatan                    89,95                     2,85         13       Karanganyar                       282,55                        8,96
  2        Jakarta Timur                       111,36                   3,53         14       Sragen                            224,62                        7,12
                                                30,75                   0,97         15       Grobogan                          342,69                       10,87
  3        Jakarta Pusat
                                                                                     16       Blora                              38,67                        1,23
  4        Jakarta Barat                        72,77                   2,31
                                                                                     17       Rembang                           105,64                        3,35
  5        Jakarta Utara                        79,28                   2,51
                                                                                     18       Pati                              329,50                       10,45
Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team
                                                                                     19       Kudus                             144,86                        4,59
                             Table 5
           Groundwater Potential in Province of West Java                            20       Jepara                            326,67                       10,36
                                                                                     21       Demak                             380,72                       12,07
                                               Groundwater potential
  No           Kabupaten                                                             22       Semarang                          242,80                        7,70
                                       million m3/year                 m3/sec        23       Temanggung                        407,06                       12,91
  1        Bogor                           1.122,29                     35,59        24       Kendal                            288,19                        9,14
  2        Sukabumi                        1.034,35                    32,80         25       Batang                            337,67                       10,71
  3        Cianjur                             849,96                  26,95         26       Pekalongan                        352,16                       11,17
  4        Bandung                         1.514,95                    48,04         27       Pemalang                          301,48                        9,56
  5        Garut                           1.528,81                    48,48         28       Tegal                             197,20                        6,25
  6        Tasikmalaya                         771,38                  24,46         29       Brebes                            250,40                        7,94
  7        Ciamis                              907,64                  28,78         30       Kota Magelang                       5,14                        0,16
                                               391,62                  12,42         31       Kota Surakarta                     29,44                        0,93
  8        Kuningan
                                                                                     32       Kota Salatiga                      12,64                        0,40
  9        Cirebon                             342,94                  10,87
                                                                                     33       Kota Semarang                     146,23                        4,64
  10       Majalengka                          781,67                  24,79
                                                                                     34       Kota Pekalongan                    32,95                        1,04
  11       Sumedang                            883,07                  28,00
                                                                                     35       Kota Tegal                          6,68                        0,21
  12       Indramayu                           731,53                  23,20
                                                                                    Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team
  13       Subang                              707,25                  22,43
                                                                                                                      Table 7
  14       Purwakarta                          253,83                   8,05                           Groundwater Potential in Province of
  15       Karawang                            638,68                  20,25                              Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY)
  16       Bekasi                              482,66                  15,31                                                       Groundwater potential
                                                                                     No           Kabupaten
  17       Kota Bogor                           87,72                   2,78                                              million m3/year                  m3/sec
  18       Kota Sukabumi                        32,82                   1,04         1        Kulonprogo                         59,75                      1,89
  19       Kota Bandung                         80,76                   2,56         2        Bantul                               167,08                    5,30
  20       Kota Cirebon                         10,48                   0,33         3        Gunungkidul                          297,79                    9,44
  21       Kota Bekasi                         119,63                   3,79         4        Sleman                               311,88                    9,89
  22       Kota Depok                          124,70                   3,95         5        Kota Yogyakarta                       19,41                    0,62
Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team                                        Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team

                                                             Percik             October 2006                                                                         7

                            Table 8
          Groundwater Potential in Province of East Java
                                            Groundwater potential
  No           Kabupaten
                                      million m3/year         (m3/sec)
  1        Pacitan                          65,71                2,08
  2        Ponorogo                        421,73               13,37
  3        Trenggalek                       10,70                0,34
  4        Tulungagung                     315,34               10,00
  5        Blitar                          460,27               14,60
  6        Kediri                          595,20               18,87
  7        Malang                       1.178,00                37,35
  8        Lumajang                     1.088,80                34,53
                                                                                         Chart 2. Flood vulnerable areas in Java
                                                                                            Gambar 2. Lokasi Rawan Banjir di Pulau Jawa
  9        Jember                       1.695,89                53,78
  10       Banyuwangi                   1.642,60                52,09
  11       Bondowoso
                                                                          sand ha of affected          increasing continuously along with pop-
                                        1.034,75                32,81
  12       Situbondo                    1.170,37                37,11     areas. The distibution       ulation growth and increasing economic
  13       Probolinggo                     833,08               26,42     of flood vulnerable          activity. On the other hand, raw water
  14       Pasuruan                        615,85               19,53     areas in Java can be         availability is disrupted as consequence
  15       Sidoarjo                        264,09                8,37     seen in Chart 2.             of changes in land use pattern that
  16       Mojokerto                       360,32               11,43
                                                                              Flood         control    adversely influences hydrological char-
  17       Jombang                         380,47               12,06
  18       Nganjuk                         454,63               14,42
                                                                          through infrastructure       acteristics. This condition is aggravated
  19       Madiun                          441,68               14,01     approach has been            by the decreasing of environmental car-
  20       Magetan                         288,28                9,14     practised for a long ti-     rying capacity as a consequence of
  21       Ngawi                           441,29               13,99     me. Take a look for          degradation of the catchment area. One
  22       Bojonegoro                      254,97                8,09     instance the North Ja-       could expect that drought and flood will
  23       Tuban                           320,71               10,17
  24       Lamongan
                                                                          va     Flood     Control     come in succession. More than that,
                                           319,06               10,12
  25       Gresik                          233,58                7,41     Project and South Java       some kabupatens/kotas have put on red
  26       Bangkalan                       191,21                6,06     Flood Control Project        signal indicating inability to meet the
  27       Sampang                         154,55                4,90     in     Jawa     Tengah,      demand of the population.
  28       Pamekasan                       115,55                3,66     Citarum Flood Control            Like it or not, the kabupatens/kotas
  29       Sumenep                         193,59                6,14
                                                                          Project      south     of    that currently are critical situation in
  30       Kota Kediri                      26,44                0,84
  31       Kota Blitar                      14,20                0,45
                                                                          Bandung,       Ciliwung      water supply despite infrastructure and
  32       Kota Malang                      28,52                0,90     Cisadane Flood Control       other related interventions, must be pri-
  33       Kota Probolinggo                 23,87                0,76     Project and the cons-        oritized. Besides, it is necessary to make
  34       Kota Pasuruan                    16,43                0,52     truction of Eastern          water distribution readjustments
  35       Kota Mojokerto                    6,80                0,22     Drainage Canal (BKT)         among the various demand types, espe-
  36       Kota Madiun                      12,23                0,39
  37       Kota Surabaya
                                                                          in Jakarta, and urban        cially for irrigation in Java. This is not
                                           114,39                3,63
                                                                          development projects         an easy thing to do, of course. Indepth
 Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team
                                                                          like Bandung Urban           study is needed. More than that, water
Jakarta, Semarang and other big cities                   Development Project (BUDP) and Sura-          resources management in Java
is insufficient. Flood becomes unavoid-                  baya Urban Development Project                demands synergy and integratedness.
able.                                                    (SUDP). However, the acceleration of              The Directorate of Water Resources
    According to Dept Public Works                       flood control infrastructure develop-         and Irrigation of Bappenas suggests a
flood in Java mostly hit the north and                   ment is unable to cope with magnitude         recommendation for water resources
south coasts, basin areas and big cities.                and frequency of the flood. "Flood sea-       development program on the island of
In 2002, there were 74 flood occurences                  son" is recurring year after year.            Java divided into priority actions,
inundating 81,9 thousand ha of settle-                       Challenges of the Future                  immediate (short term), medium and
ment areas and agricultural lands. The                       Water demand for domestic, indus-         long term.
figures increased in 2003 to 91,1 thou-                  trial, city and agriculture purposes are          The necessary short term action

  8                                                        Percik        October 2006

comprises:                                       bilitation plans;                          2. Development of long term financ-
 1. Land rehabilitation and water             5. Increase in simple infrastructure              ing scenario from various different
    resources conservation, through (a)          design facilitation at local level; and        sources with emphasis on funds
    replanting of critical lands with pro-    6. Development of data base on flood              directly raised from within the com-
    ductive tree stands involving the            and drought in Java including sus-             munities; and
    community participation; (b) mini-           tainable data management concept.          3. Development of community based
    mizing sedimentation rate through           Long term priority covers sustain-              infrastructure O&M.
    river bank rehabilitation and stabi-     able drought and flood mitigation plan-           The program may work if it is sup-
    lization; (c) minimizing flooding        ning, among others:                           ported with a strong commitment from
    time to maximize irrigation water         1. Formulation of macro policy and           the     stakeholders.         Otherwise,
    efficiency; and (d) integration of           strategy for integrated, cross sector     Indonesian condition will become
    flood management and land reha-              and inter-regional implementation;        worse. Now it is up to us. MJ
    bilitation programs.
 2. Community education in flood and
    drought mitigation, through (a)
    building community awareness of                            'Rain Harvest'
    flood and drought and ways to man-
    age them; (b) improvement of com-                                á la Gunung Kidul
    munity alertness in anticipation of

    flood and drought; (c) water                    he village of Bunder, Kecama-          water for agriculture can be resol-
    thrifthiness campaign; (d) develop-             tan Patok, Gunung Kidul, Yog-          ved.
    ment of flood early warning system;
                                               yakarta belongs to arid climate re-            This retention technique can al-
    (e) development of water resources
                                               gion.    Traditinally the area was          so be used effectively to reduce ve-
    management institution; (f) human
    resources development in water             grown with cassava almost all the           locity of surface runoff, reduce
    resources management; (g) water            year round. But since it was select-        amount of flowing water and hold
    related conflict resolution through        ed as the pilot project site for rain       it for future use.
    water resources management; (h)            harvest and surface water develop-             The technology is recommend-
    prevention of land conversion              ment technology, the cassava plan-          able for application in Puncak area
    through provision of incentive and
                                               ting area has been converted to             to hold ronoff velocity and reduce
    issuance of certification; and (i)
                                               ricefield.                                  the amount of flowing water. In va-
    improvement of the role of land
    rehabilitation and water conserva-             The technology is basically qui-        rious regions dryland farming with
    tion institution.                          te simple, it collects rainwater and        water deficit can be improved with
   Medium priorities needed to sustain         surface runoff into a hydrological          this technology.     And the invest-
the immediate priority programs,               network of 20 m long, 5 m wide and          ment is not as big as a dam con-
among others:
                                               about 3 m deep reserviors.          The     struction.
 1. Improvement of water use efficien-
                                               small reservoir is capable of hol-             Thousands of small reservoirs li-
    cy for regions with high water
    deficit potential through rehabilita-      ding more or less 300 m3 of water.          ke this can be constructed along
    tion of irrgation network and effi-            The water can be used for vari-         the Ciliwung river and other rivers
    cient water distribution;                  ous purposes.     In this village it is     from upper to downstream areas.
 2. Rearrangment and control over of           used for irrigation. Water is avai-         If it is done, the impact may be ex-
    sand mining in the river bed;              lable not only during rainy season          traordinary. Drought and flood pro-
 3. Development of local level forest
                                               but also during dry monsoon, so             blems can be resolved simultane-
    product industry;
                                               that various problems related to            ously.   MJ
 4. Development of IT based land reha-

                                              Percik         October 2006                                                       9

       H. Syamsul Arief Rivai Director General for Bangda (Regional Development) Dept. Home Affairs

    Allocate Budget of Water Supply for Village!
                                                                                                                   capacity of the regions to read the
        Since the beginning of regional autonomy, the development                                                  national and provincial vision and mis-
  chorus was transferred to the regions. Using the existing resources                                              sion. The national vision should trans-
  each region owns, they are competing among each other.                                                           late itself into provincial vision. Provin-
  Sometimes, as they are busy with their own activities they have for-                                             cial vision then goes down to kabupa-
  gotten to adjust their development vision and mission to that of the                                             ten/kota vision. So, if all the vision hit
  national vision. As a result, each development proceeds as one                                                   the target, we can expect national and
  wishes.                                                                                                          provincial vision and mission is also
        The consequence of the practice is that the development does                                               developed. But, many regions do not
  not go in the national direction. Sectors that sould be treated as                                               have the capacity to find the linkages
  common priority are neglected simply because they have no direct                                                 with the provincial and national vision.
  contribution to the regional revenue. This condition does not benefit the communities, rather this is only for   As a result, tha region may have done a
  the satisfaction of the head of the region. WSS sector is one of the victims. Regional government's attention    lot of things but still miss the direction.
  is in want. How could this happen? To answer this, Percik interviewed the Director General for Regioonal         They argue it by saying, "we are an au-
  Development. The following are the excerpts:                                                                     tonomous region". Yes. You are auto-
                                                                                                                   nomous but you are bound within Unity
                                                                                                                   Nation framework. Regional objective

W        hat does regional develop-
         ment currently look like?
    Regional development vision is now
                                                          ons have been playing according to it.
                                                          They have taken care of themselves
                                                          pretty well. Everyone seems to know
                                                                                                                   is set in the framework of national ob-
                                                                                                                   jectives. That is the system that we
                                                                                                                   must build.
part of national development paradigm.                    what he is doing. As we know Law No.
The new paradigm reflected in the Law                     32 is a new law, effective only in 2004.                     Does it mean the regions main-
No 32 on Regional Government is that                      But previously Law No. 22 of 1999 has                    tain their own egoism?
most of government authorities are now                    provisioned the authority. Since the go-                     Yes. For the reason of autonomy
delegated to the regional government.                     vernment reform i.e. since rescinsion of                 and resources management, social poli-
By so doing the regions have a bigger                     Law No. 574 to be replaced by Law No.                    tic progress, and for the reason that the
opportunity especially in development                     22 the process has been continuing.                      regional vision and mission is largely
planning and implementation to impro-                     Since Law No 22 seven years ago the au-                  determined by the vision and mission of
ve welfare of the community and to pro-                   thority has been delegated to the heads                  the elected Bupati. It is the Bupati's vi-
vide the best services. Therefore the ini-                of the region except those that must be                  sion and mission that is translated into
tiative, creativity must grow from the                    absolutely vested on the central govern-                 Medium Term Regional Development
region. Therefore the paradigm for                        ment. The regions are already playing                    Plan (RJMPD). Some of the elected Bu-
regional development is now converted                     within that rule now. The issue is to                    pati hardly understand the regional po-
into developing region. Developing re-                    herd them to reconcile their vision and                  tential as a wholesome. The approach is
gion implies that the region takes the                    mission with the ones developed by In-                   based more on how you choose me. The
initiative in planning what is needed                     donesia Bersatu (United Indonesia) ca-                   knowledge about the kabupaten/kota it-
and what to do to develop the region on                   binet. This is actually the subsystem of                 self is weak because most of them are
its own in order to bring welfare to the                  national development. That is the area                   outsider, coming from some other place.
population. That is the essence of the                    we must deal with.                                       However, as a beginning this is still an
current development paradigm.                                                                                      acceptable condition. In the future, a
                                                             What is the problem why the                           bupati candidate must fully knowledge-
   Have the regions adopted the                           regions do not proceed quite in                          able about his region, otherwise it'd be
paradigm?                                                 line with the central?                                   difficult for him to plan a development.
   They should have. Most of the regi-                       This is closely related with the                      You could imagine someone born and

10                                                           Percik             October 2006

brought up in Jakarta should become a
Bupati in Tulungagung, what does he
know about the region except from writ-
ten documents, figures, etc. This is not
enough if he doesn't know the people,
the community and their actual conditi-
on. From there his vision is born. The
people elect him and he wins the office.
That is then translated into RJMPD.
Whether this is suitable, we do not know
yet. Whether he reconciles it with the
provincial vision? Quite unlikely. That
is where the discrepancy comes from.

     What should regional vision
and mission look like in order to                           Parliament has to adjust local vision with national vision.
be sustainable?
     First, it must be part of the national   issued a Home Minister circular letter.       fore it is impossible to impose limitation
vision and mission. Though some spe-          The regional demand for such a plan-          if they have ample data and sufficient
cific characteristics may appear ac-          ning must be responded, but it would          knowledge about their own region.
cording the regional condition. Say for       take a long time for issuance of a gov-
instance, for a coastal region, the vision    ernment regulation, therefore for the              Let us move to WSS sector.
is closely related to sea coast. But it       time being we issued the Min of Home          What's your opinion on the re-
must in tune with the national vision i.e     Affairs circular letter on Regional           gions' care to this this matter?
poverty reduction. In the past there          Medium Term Development Plan.                      The awareness to clean water supply
used to be a national development plan-       Therefore the Bupati's vision and mis-        of the communities must be improved.
ning system. Actually this mechanism is       sion must be tied with regional govern-       We have a WSS program with specific
still applicable. We have the so-called       ment regulation, in order that he does        emphasis on demand for clean water. It
rakorbang (development coordination           not forget to fulfill his promises he made    is even planned that by 2015 eighty per-
meeting). Bottom up, beginning from           when campaigning for office. This is to       cent of our people must consume clean
village level, then to kecamatan, to ka-      provide the population with a control         water supply. The problem of today is
bupaten, province. Vision development         mechanism should the bupati try to            our people of the regions drink whatever
must learn from this mechanism.               evade from his promises. The people           water is available. If water looks clear
Otherwise, it would be difficult to make      then may say "Bupati is going against         they take it as clean. In reality it is not
the linkage.                                  Regional Government Regulation".              always the case. That's why we need to
                                                                                            build awareness to clean and hygienic
    What does Bangda do to make                  Does it mean that so far there is          water. Secondly, townspeople are a lit-
the regions proceed towards the               no hierarchial tie?                           tle luckier, because they have PDAM.
expected direction?                              Not yet. We hope it is decreed in a        The problem is that most PDAM are
    We are still preparing a government       government regulation. If possible,           poorly managed so that 80 percent of
regulation on regional development            pursuant to Law No. 32.                       them are operating in red. What about
planning. We hope that through the                                                          that? Clean water is vital to us but when
bottom up principle all the stakeholders         Doesn't it imply limiting the              it's contaminated it will become the so-
will be involved. Beginning from village      regions' room for maneuver?                   urce of various diseases. In dry season
level development plan, then kecamaan,           Not really. Look here. What the re-        like this everywhere people are crying
kabupaten/kota, province, up to natio-        gions choose for vision and mision are        for water. What's the regional go-
nal level. A village may have its own vi-     the bases for policy formulation. They        vernment's preparation to cope with the
sion. But there are activities of the vil-    developed their vison and mision based        problem? I had a chance to take a look
lage that are part of kecamatan pro-          on data. Not simply on imagination.           at a draft regional budget, the regions
gram, and so forth. Prior to that we          Based on research conclusion. There-          depend too heavily on PDAM. But

                                               Percik         October 2006                                                           11

PDAMs are only in capital cities. The         gional governments) the awareness             ported with sufficient regional budget.
kecamatans are overlooked. That's why         about the importance of water supply is
Bangda in cooperation with CARE and           somewhat neglected. What we can do is              Do we need a regulation to
WASPOLA try to fulfill the demand.            to provide them with examples. WSLIC          maintain our own environment?
There are more people living outside the      is an exemplary project on how to ma-              Certainly. Because water is closely
kabupaten capital cities. They take wa-       nage water supply and environmental           related to environment, especially fo-
ter from pit wells, or rivers, which they     sanitation.                                   rest, therefore the signal is getting clear-
have only very little knowledge about.                                                      er today. It is not only necessary, it is al-
That's why a little bit brackish, never         That means that some regions'               ready in action. Especially in forest cle-
mind. They don't know that in the long        budget is limited?                            aring, we strictly forbid it. On the other
run it will be dangerous to health.             Yes, it is.                                 hand, our demand for wood is very high.
                                                                                            And we do not have alternative, if not
    What about the awareness of                   Is it possible to push the re-            wood then what? Now we in Bangda are
the regional government?                      gions to become self reliant?                 preparing a policy to minimize wood
    In general the regions are aware that         This is how it stands. This is a pro-     consumption. The solution is utilization
clean water is in demand. That's why they     blem of perception. As if drinking water      of light steel for construction. I was the
depend their hope on PDAM. But PDAM           is easily accessible by everyone. You         Governor of Sulawesi Barat, and that
can only cover townspeople. They should       know. The common people of the re-            has started over there. In spite of there
provide regional budget (APBD) for water      gion already consume bottled water.           is abundant wood in the area. If you
supply at kecamatan, village levels, and      There is even a Bupati who has a bottled      need wood you just cut one tree. But
population concentration areas. This is       water producing company knowing that          that means a disturbance, no matter
the part of foreign assistance for helping    ther's a limited supply from outside.         how insignificant it seems. There must
the people of the rural areas.                The Bupati's wife runs the water bot-         be a policy. Otherwise men will always
                                              tling enterprise. But that's not the solu-    need wood though it is prohibited.
     But the fact is the most regions         tion. Because the people's buying capa-       That's the beginning of illegal logging.
provide very little budget, doesn't           city is low, the demand for water for do-     As for with light steel there are not many
it mean low priority?                         mestic consumption is countinuous and         who are familiar with this kind of stuff.
     Exactly. It is not a priority. What is   increasing, the solution is not through       Whereas it is quakeproof and white ants
prioritized is physical construction, in-     bottled water. The solution is through        free. Therefore for water protection,
frastructure. As if water will emerge by      exploring a water source and process          one of the methods is forest protection.
itself. We have to admit that everybody       the water to be worthy of use. This can       Forest is significantly influential to
drinks, no one dies of dehydration. But the   be done through a program and is sup-         hydrological cycle. MJ
question is whether the water is worth
drinking. That's what we have to find out.

    Is there any effort from central
government to make the regions
prioritize this?
    Our effort is to develop cooperation
with donor countries because speaking
of water supply implies a big invest-
ment, but it touches the needs of the ge-
neral public. Together with Bappenas,
Public Works, Health we implement
WASPOLA and WSLIC to push esta-
blishment of water supply provision. But
this is limited both in terms of charac-
teristics and coverage area. We hope the
regions would take note on it and follow
the idea. I think for many Pemdas (re-            Uncontrolled and illegal logging is devastating water resources sustainability.

12                                             Percik         October 2006

             It's all wrong with
             BANTAR GEBANG
             aste material tragedy keeps        ment, the TPA that started operation in     paction (50%) and reduction by sca-
             on haunting our waste ma-          1992 should be closed down in Decem-        vengers. Based on the height of the mo-
             nagement in Indonesia. Last        ber 2003. But the plan did not work.        und in 2003 and for height variation
year, death toll count to scores of people      The contract was extended based on a        between 12 to 15 metres, TPA Bantar
buried under by the toppling down of            consclusion and recommendation if an        Gebang can still be used for 417-1.015
TPA (final disposal site) Lewigajah, near       independent consultant. Monev con-          days.
Bandung. Last month, shortly before             ducted by the independent consultant in         On the other hand DKI Jakarta Cle-
daybreak of 8 September it was the time         collabotation with Jakarta Cleaning         aning Agency cannot release the TPA
for TPA Bantar Gebang, Bekasi to take           Agency, Human Resources and Envi-           just like that. It is because DKI does not
the live of 5 people and wounded several        ronment Research Centre University of       have a replacement. The plan to build
others.                                         Indonesia and Development and En-           an integrated waste management facili-
    Both tragedies evolved from diffe-          vironment Study Centre Islamic Univer-      ty (TPST) at Bojong, Kecamatan Kela-
rent backgrounds. At Lewigajah, the ex-         sity "45" Bekasi concluded "assuming        panunggal, Bogor does not work
panse waste field slid downhill burying         the amount of waste that enters TPA         because of the local community's reject-
the low lying settlement along the path.        Bantar Gebang is in accordance with         ion. Like it or not, TPA Bantar Gebang
While in Bantar Gebang the top of 20 m          that of 2003 condition (i.e 20.000 m3       is still the only hope. Certainly DKI
high waste mound collapsed burying              daily) and is decreasing due to the ope-    doesn't want the tragedy like the one in
scavengers who were then operating at           ration of new TPAs in several other pla-    Bandung to happen here.
the base of the mound.                          ces and with reference to Cleaning              Once there was a rumour that the
    Some people put the blame on PT.            Agency data of 2003 (14.000 m3 per          TPA was going to be enlarged. There is
Patriot Bangkit Bekasi (PBB), the TPA           day); the decrease in amount of waste in    a 2,3 ha piece of land that might be
Bantar Gebang management. The com-              the TPA from decomposition and com-         used. But the plan met a bih constraint.
pany that is operating on contract with
                                                                                                                        SOURCE:BAGONG S
DKI (Special Province) Jakarta is consi-
dered incapable of managing the 108 ha
waste dumping area. The company is
blamed for operating in disregard of the
SOP. Pursuant to provisions of the con-
tract the area must be treated with sani-
tary landfill, but the real fact indicates it
is not more than open dumping. On the
other hand, the Governor of DKI Ja-
karta, Sutiyoso, blamed the scavengers
who unscropulously entered the danger
zone of the waste disposal area. Critics
and counter critics were flowing to and
fro for some time. Up to now there is no
acceptable solution how this matter
should be handled.
    Apart from it, TPA Bantar Gebang
that is divided into 5 zones is heavily
burdened. Based on the previous agree-                        Scavengers are fighting over the wastes around loaders.

                                                 Percik        October 2006                                                        13

There are so many go-betweeners roam-                                                    Public Works, Ministry of Environment,
ing around so that the land price                                                        and Bappenas to help them in the TPA
jumped too high much above the tax-                  In 2004 the Centre for              management. According to him the
able price. Should the TPA be enlarged,           Study and Development of               TPA needs mining for organic matter a
the capacity will remain insufficient to                                                 useful input for farming.
receive 6.000 tons of waste that comes            Environmental Technology                   In the long run he suggests that DKI
incessantly every day.                            (BPPT) once made a study               applies 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) prin-
    In 2004 the Centre for Study and              on the possibility for reha-           ciple right from the source of the waste.
Development of Environmental Tech-                                                       Composting can also be undertaken in
nology (BPPT) made a study on the                    bilitation of TPA Bantar            the waste source area. This is important
possibility for rehabilitation of TPA                 Gebang in 2004. The                considering that 44,63 percent of DKI
Bantar Gebang. The study concludes,                study concludes, the TPA              waste consists of organic material. "If
the TPA can still be rehabilitated into an                                               this works as expected, TPA will only
environmentally friendly and can be                can still be rehabilitated            deal with the remainder. And that
used continuously. The organic matter               into an environmentally              means the lesser amount," says Bagong.
content underneath the pile can be                 friendly and can be used                  In a different occasion, the head of
mined for reclamation of critical lands                                                  Jakarta Cleaning Agency, Rama Budi
or ex mining areas.                                        continuously.                 said that the problem related to waste
    Up to now there is no concrete acti-                                                 handling is not only from technical
on to handle TPA Bantar Gebang. Eve-                                                     aspect. The non technical aspect is even
rything seems to run as usual, despite                                                   bigger. He is aware that the technical
the death tolls. "This is because TPA                                                    age of TPA Bantar Gebang is coming to
Bantar Gebang is an arena to make mo-        for six months. Whereas, everyone is        an end. That is why DKI Jakarta has
ney. Everyone is competing for money         aware that PBB's capacity is question-      completed a reassessment of the Solid
here," says Bagong Sutoyo, Chairman of       able. No one knows of its working capi-     Waste Management Master Plan com-
NGO Coalition for National Waste Ma-         tal, whether it has or none at all. PBB     piled by JICA in 1987. The review con-
nagement. He tells a story about the         does not apply any hi tech waste treat-     cluded a new DKI Jakarta Waste Mana-
smell of politic in this largest TPA. Big    ment facility. Speaking about its human     gement action plan for the next 10 years
political parties lend their hands to de-    resources, no one knows if this company     (2005-2015).
termine its existence. Not counting still,   hires anyone with acceptable knowledge          The action plan has taken into con-
exploitation and hoodlum practices that      on waste management. Bagong can only        sideration all the influencing factors in
may not be less cruel.                       wonder why such a company is appoint-       waste management including institu-
    Bagong was one the Coordinator of        ed to manage TPA Bantar Gebang.             tional, legal and financial aspects. The
Working Group for Handling TPA Ban-          "Whether DKI does not have a better         approach and strategy includes redu-
tar Gebang revealed that money politics      business partner?" he says while adding     cing and reuse as much as possible
that makes the TPA management deter-         that KKN (corruption, collusion and ne-     waste before transporting it to TPA;
rent. "The Rp 120 thousand monthly           potism) practice was behind the ap-         sorting; development of waste manage-
management fee is pressured from eve-        pointment.                                  ment facilities in various locations and
ry side. Everyone wants a share. As a             In addition, he added further up to    waste management zones; application
result the money that should be used for     now there is no tripartite agreement in-    of hi tech waste processing; exploration
waste management is spent unnecessa-         volving the DKI Regional Government,        of opportunity for inter-regional and
rily for non technical expenses. The         Bekasi Municipal Government and pri-        private sector cooperation; and chang-
TPA operation is thickly clad with hood-     vate sector. The only agreement is bet-     ing the community paradigm that waste
lum and corruption and nepotism prac-        ween DKI and Bekasi Munipal Govern-         is actually an economic resource. This
tices," he concludes                         ment. It is the dark relationship that      strategy includes decentralization, ap-
    Still according to him, the appoint-     causes the TPA management looks like        plication of hi tech and inter-regional
ment of PT PBB is inseparable from the       it is now.                                  cooperation. If this works, the burden
practices. The company should termi-              Bagong suggests that it is high time   borne by TPA Bantar Gebang will be
nate its contract in July 2006. Only God     for DKI to request support from the cen-    much lighter. The question remains,
knows that it is extended two times each     tral government such as BPPT, Dept of       when? MJ

14                                            Percik         October 2006
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Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. October 2006. When Drought's Gone It's Time for Floods
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. October 2006. When Drought's Gone It's Time for Floods
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. October 2006. When Drought's Gone It's Time for Floods
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National Sanitation Conference 2007. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine....
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National Sanitation Conference 2007. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine....
Oswar Mungkasa
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. June 2006. Bantul Completely Shattered
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Oswar Mungkasa
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine 'PERCIK' vol. 8 May 2005
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Oswar Mungkasa
Water and Sanitation in the hands of SBY-JK.Indonesia Water and Sanitation Ma...
Water and Sanitation in the hands of SBY-JK.Indonesia Water and Sanitation Ma...Water and Sanitation in the hands of SBY-JK.Indonesia Water and Sanitation Ma...
Water and Sanitation in the hands of SBY-JK.Indonesia Water and Sanitation Ma...
Oswar Mungkasa
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' Vol 4 June 2004
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Oswar Mungkasa
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Highlight 2005. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sa...
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Highlight 2005. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sa...Indonesia Water and Sanitation Highlight 2005. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sa...
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Highlight 2005. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sa...
Oswar Mungkasa
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' Vol 6 October 2004
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Oswar Mungkasa
Achieving MDGs Sanitation Target Through CLTS.Indonesia water and Sanitation ...
Achieving MDGs Sanitation Target Through CLTS.Indonesia water and Sanitation ...Achieving MDGs Sanitation Target Through CLTS.Indonesia water and Sanitation ...
Achieving MDGs Sanitation Target Through CLTS.Indonesia water and Sanitation ...
Oswar Mungkasa
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' Vol 3 February 2004
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Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' Vol 3 February 2004
Oswar Mungkasa
Small Scale Water Provider. Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. ...
Small Scale Water Provider. Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. ...Small Scale Water Provider. Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. ...
Small Scale Water Provider. Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. ...
Oswar Mungkasa
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' First Edition August...
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' First Edition August...Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' First Edition August...
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' First Edition August...
Oswar Mungkasa
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Ed...
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Ed...Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Ed...
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Ed...
Oswar Mungkasa
Mediterranean report final
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Mediterranean report final
Fresh water for the future
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Fresh water for the future
Christina Parmionova
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
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Oswar Mungkasa

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Green School. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. August 2007
Green School. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. August 2007Green School. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. August 2007
Green School. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. August 2007
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National Sanitation Conference 2007. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine....National Sanitation Conference 2007. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine....
National Sanitation Conference 2007. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine....
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Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine 'PERCIK' vol. 8 May 2005
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Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine 'PERCIK' vol. 8 May 2005
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Water and Sanitation in the hands of SBY-JK.Indonesia Water and Sanitation Ma...
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' Vol 4 June 2004
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Indonesia Water and Sanitation Highlight 2005. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sa...
Indonesia Water and Sanitation Highlight 2005. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sa...Indonesia Water and Sanitation Highlight 2005. PERCIK. Indonesia Water and Sa...
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Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' Vol 6 October 2004
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Achieving MDGs Sanitation Target Through CLTS.Indonesia water and Sanitation ...
Achieving MDGs Sanitation Target Through CLTS.Indonesia water and Sanitation ...Achieving MDGs Sanitation Target Through CLTS.Indonesia water and Sanitation ...
Achieving MDGs Sanitation Target Through CLTS.Indonesia water and Sanitation ...
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' Vol 3 February 2004
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Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' Vol 3 February 2004
Small Scale Water Provider. Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. ...
Small Scale Water Provider. Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. ...Small Scale Water Provider. Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. ...
Small Scale Water Provider. Indonesian Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. ...
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' First Edition August...
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' First Edition August...Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' First Edition August...
Indonesia Water Supply and Sanitation Magazine. 'PERCIK' First Edition August...
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Ed...
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Ed...Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Ed...
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Ed...
Mediterranean report final
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Mediterranean report final
Fresh water for the future
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Fresh water for the future
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
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Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. October 2006. When Drought's Gone It's Time for Floods

  • 1.
  • 2. Information Media for Water Supply and From the Editor 1 Environmental Sanitation Your Voice 2 Published by: Headline Working Group for Water Supply and Sanitation When drought's gone, it's time for floods 3 Advisor: 'Rain Harvest' á la Gunung Kidul 9 Director General for Urban and Interview Rural Development, Department of Public Works H. Syamsul Arief Rivai Director General for Bangda (Regional Deve- Board of Trustee: lopment) Dept. Home Affairs: Director of Human Settlement and Housing, National Development Planning Agency Republic Allocate Budget of Water Supply For Village 10 of Indonesia Telescope Director of Environmental Sanitation, Ministry of Health It's all wrong with Bantar Gebang 13 Director of Water Supply Development, DKI Jakarta Waste Management Master Plan Review 15 Department of Public Works Director of Natural Resources and Appropriate Insight Technology, Director General on Village and Water Supply Development and Poverty 18 Community Empowerment, Department of Home Affairs PDAM Report Development Strategy 21 Director for Facilitation of Special Planning From Plato to WSS-BM Policy 23 Environment Management, Department of Home Affairs HIPPAM Failure at Bleberan Village 29 Story Chief Editor: Oswar Mungkasa Child Scavenger of Bantar Gebang 31 Reportage Board of Editor: Supriyanto, Johan Susmono, Communal Composting, Alternative to Handling Domestic Waste 33 Indar Parawansa, Poedjastanto Innovation Editor: Urinoir without flush 35 Maraita Listyasari, Rewang Budiyana, Abstract Rheidda Pramudhy, Joko Wartono, Essy Asiah, The impact of Water Supply Investment to Economic Mujiyanto, Andre Kuncoroyekti Growth and Income Distribution in DKI Jakarta 36 Design/Illustrator: Regulation Rudi Kosasih Sludge Treatment Installation 37 Production: ISSDP Corner Machrudin Choice Model 38 Distribution: Around Plan Indonesia Agus Syuhada Plan Indonesia in Water Supply and Environmental Address: Sanitation Program 41 Jl. Cianjur No. 4, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat Phone/Fax.: 62-21-31904113 Book Info 42 CD Info 44 e-mail: Around WASPOLA 45 Around WSS 48 Unsolicited article or opinion items WSS Bibliography 50 are welcome. Please send to our address Agenda 51 or e-mail. Don't forget to be brief and accompanied by identity. IATPI Clinic 52 This magazine can be accessed at Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Website Percik magazine can be accessed through WSS website at
  • 3. F R O M E D I TO R CREATED BY RUDI KOZ Happy Eid Mubarak 1427 H T ime goes by. Thanks God we course. But to some areas, for exam- taking the lives of several people. In are still blessed with happy ple Jakarta, a city of this size rain may connection with the same condition, day, Iedul Fitri. On this win- become a disaster. Rainfall that we in Story column, we present to you the ners' day Percik's crew and all mem- long for may inundate vast areas of the story of a child scavenger who bers of WSS secretariate wish you our city. Again, the community have no depends his life on the Indonesia's heartfelt greetings "Selamat Idul Fitri way to escape from it. We will hear largest TPA. 1427H. Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin. again someone saying: "It's nothing Not to be overlooked, in Reportase Minal Aidin wal Faizin". Let's hope all unusual." column, we bring forward cooperation of us become purified from sins and Are we going to take it as some- between a Non Government keep the purity in the days to come. thing natural and let may happen as it Organization with a community at the Dear readers, sadness upon sad- usually does? Actually, drought, flood outskirt of Jakarta for a self reliant ness are continuously overwhelming can be prevented if we want. Both are waste management without adding this country. It's now a long dry sea- not natural phenomena that happen burden to TPA. With an add-in of son that we are experiencing especial- all of a sudden. They can be predicted. flexible ideas fixed to it this manage- ly in Java and Nusa Tenggara. The question is again, why should it ment model might be suitable for Community access to water supply happen? The attention towards is application in many other communi- declines from the already desperate lacking. Maybe the program towards ties. level. They drink whatever water their prevention is still not so popular. Dear Readers, there is. Availability is always a ques- That is Indonesia. It seems that WSS is still going to tion. The community have no choice. Readers, besides discussing the be governed many different problems Whereas the government seems main topic on drought and flood, coming up one after another from unable to satisfy the demand of the Percik also held an interview with time to time. New issue appears any population. Regional Utility (PDAM) Director General for Regional time. We have a feeling that all the Company being the backbone for Development, Department of Home issues haven't been given sufficient water supply in the regions is facing its Affairs to find out what is the condi- attention by the government. While own problem; short of supply to meet tion of development in the regions in poor WSS condition directly affects the consumers' demand. Therefore, its relations with water supply and Indonesian people. We hope that let alone a free service, PDAM itself is environmental sanitation. In the something new would come out that still defending itself. Teropong column we present to you may lead us to improvement. Shortly we will be entering the TPA Bantar Gebang where in last Together we can make WSS obtain rainy season. This is a blessing, of September the waste hill collapsed more attention. God bless us. Percik October 2006 1
  • 4. Y O U R VO I C E Motorless Water Pump The Underdeveloped Indonesia I read in Percik website that in Go- rontalo they use motorless water pump Recently the Asian Development for their water supply. I would appre- Bank in cooperation with the United ciate it if you could provide me with Nations published in Manila a report further information about the equip- on poverty reduction program by the ment. Specifically I'd like to know: Asia-Pacific Nations. The report dis- 1. What steps are taken for installing cusses the performance of various na- the equipment? tions in the program. 2. Is there possibility for our commu- The most advanced nations in re- nity back home to obtain govern- ducing poverty are China, Malaysia, ment assistance for such motorless Thailand, Palau, Vietnam, Armenia, water pump? Azerbaijan, and Kirgiztan. On the We would be grateful if equipment other hand there are several nations like that could be installed for our com- that become less committed to re- munity in NTT. We have water supply ducing poverty. They are Fiji, Kazakh- difficulty and I am convinced that this kind of equipment may help our com- stan, Samoa, and Uzbekistan. The next munity. group of nations work harder, these are India, Aghanistan, Nepal. Finally, the Leonardo FoEnale c) Articles on water supply are a bit most underdeveloped group in terms of Surabaya wanting considering the media poverty reduction. Members of this deals with water supply. group consist of Bangladesh, Indo- For further information about the d) Do away with columns on envi- nesia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pa- motorless water pump please contact ronmental voices, waste and kistan, Papua New Guinea, and the Phi- PT. Tirta Anugrah Nusantara at Hotel drinking water containing letter lippines. Mahadria 4th floor Jl. Ki Mas Jong from the reader and opinion from ADB assessment seems to confirm No. 12 Serang, Banten. Tel. 0254- the editor and or an expert. the real situation. The number of our 220270/22268 attn. Ade Purnama e) Column dealing with environ- poor population is increasing rather (CEO). As for financial assistance it is ment, waste and water supply than diminishing. Beggars and va- recommended that you contact the in- from neighbouring countries that grants are adding up day after day. volved agency of the regional govern- are worthy of note. Hunger and related diseases remain ment. (Editor) Thanks for your attention. unhealed. The question is now, where are the government promises to reduce Comment and Suggestion Ir. Agus Sutyoso, MSi poverty? The same question must also CEO PDAM Kota Semarang be asked to the political parties and the As follow up to Director of Housing Jl. Kelud Semarang people's representatives. Where are and Settlement Systems Bappenas let- your promises to improve community ter No. 5411/Dt.6.3/09/2006 dated 4 Thank you for your comment and sug- wellbeing? Shame to all of you, only September 2006 re Water Supply and gestion. We will take all your comment and government officials, bureaucrates, and Environmental Sanitation Information suggestion to our consideration. We hope people's representatives are prosperous Media we would like to peresent to you that in the future Percik will improve the following comment and suggestion: tomeet the expectation of the readers. In while the common people are getting a) Design and layout looks excellent. addition, we are also inviting you to con- poorer. b) Articles related to environmental ribute articles in accordance with your ca- sanitation are presented in suffi- pacity. We hope your contribution will ser- Meddy Chandra cient quantity. ve as lesson for other readers (Editor) Ciputat, Tangerang 2 Percik October 2006
  • 5. HEADLINES SOURCE:MUJIYANTO Water Resource in Java When Drought's Gone, IT'S NOW TIME FOR FLOODS R ecently, the drought related about water for bathing, washing and The natural environment news is almost daily in print defecating; it may not be available at all. of Indonesia is severely and electronic flash. It is very This picture covers almost the entire degraded. If at one time hard for the communities to get water island of Java. As far as eyes can see, drought withers every green, for daily need even just for drinking. the areas along the northern coast are next time flood devastates They have to walk for kilometres just for completely dry. Leaves fell to the large areas. Whereas all a pail of water, regardless of quality, for ground. Teak woods standing like con- these occurences are drinking and cooking. Each member of struction piles. Withered yellow grass actually predictable ahead the community can only take a little looks miserable. Burned patches of land of time. Should they because the limited source has to be here and there. Farm lands cracked keep on coming back? shared with so many others. Let's forget from dryness. Farming is out of ques- Percik October 2006 3
  • 6. HEADLINES tion. Harvest is impossible. Table 1 Drought does not only overwhelm Kabupatens/Kotas of Java that experience big deficit the rurals. In some cities water is in No. Kabupaten / City River Basin No. of deficit months Max. deficit (m3/sec) limitd quantity. Even for Jakarta, the 2003 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2003 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 citizens have complaining lately. Raw I. J AWA B A R AT 1 Kuningan Cimanuk 87.3 % 6 6 6 6 6 7 -9.71 -9.81 -10.13 -10.52 -10.96 -11.46 water supply for treatment plants is get- Cintanduy 12.7 % ting lower. Consequently, water supply 2 Cirebon Cimanuk 100.0 % 6 6 7 7 7 7 -26.75 -27.27 -28.68 -30.23 -31.94 -33.85 3 Majalengka Cimanuk 93.6 % 7 7 7 7 6 6 -14.47 -14.15 -13.42 -12.77 -12.18 -11.64 distribution is retarded. The citizens Cintanduy 6.4 % 4 Indramayu Citarum 37.9 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 cannot do much. Luckily they still can -48.99 -48.13 -46.11 -44.33 -42.80 -41.59 Cimanuk 62.1 % buy bottled water, or refill water or 5 Kota Bandung Citarum 100.0 % 6 6 7 10 11 12 -1.94 -2.16 -2.76 -3.40 -4.09 -4.86 6 Kota Cirebon Cimanuk 100.0 % 5 5 5 5 5 6 -0.61 -0.63 -0.69 -0.74 -0.81 -0.88 water vendor although at a higher price. II. JAWA TENGAH But what about the poor who are far 1 Magelang Progo-Opak-Oyo 96.9 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -25.72 -25.85 -26.20 -26.59 -27.05 -27.57 Jratun Seluna 0.4 % away from the reach of clean water sup- Serayu 2.6 % ply? 2 Klaten Progo-Opak-Oyo 2.0 % 8 8 8 8 8 8 -32.57 -32.58 -32.63 -32.71 -32.83 -32.99 Bengawan Solo 98.0 % Like a double edged dagger this 3 Sukoharjo Bengawan Solo 100.0 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -16.68 -16.66 -16.64 -16.67 -16.75 -16.91 drought will shortly be followed with 4 Karanganyar Bengawan Solo 100.0 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -18.52 -18.44 -18.27 -18.14 -18.04 -17.97 5 Sragen Jratun Seluna 25.9 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -20.64 -20.77 -21.17 -21.66 -22.27 -23.03 rainy season. To some the blessing from Bengawan Solo 74.1 % the sky is welcome with gratitude 6 Blora Jratun Seluna 44.7 % 6 6 6 7 7 7 -12.92 -12.94 -13.00 -13.07 -13.14 -13.22 Bengawan Solo 55.3 % because it irrigates their lands. But to 7 Pekalongan Pemali-Comal 99.8 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -11.45 -11.48 -11.56 -11.67 -11.80 -11.94 others, rain is a disaster. Flood will Serayu 0.2 % 8 Kota Semarang Jratun Seluna 100.0 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -2.40 -2.58 -3.20 -4.05 -5.20 -6.76 come at any moment. The misery from 9 Kota Pekalongan Pemali-Comal 100.0 % 6 6 6 6 6 7 -1.07 -1.10 -1.18 -1.27 -1.38 -1.51 water shortage will change into flood 10 Temanggung Jratun Seluna 41.0 % 5 5 5 5 5 6 -19.09 -19.13 -19.25 -19.37 -19.51 -19.66 III. D I Y O G Y A K A R TA sufferings. 1 Bantul Progo-Opak-Oyo 100.0 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -16.33 -16.37 -14.67 -16.63 -16.82 -17.07 It is ironical that flood is coming 2 Gunung Kidul Progo-Opak-Oyo 86.9 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -5.49 -5.48 -5.47 -5.45 -5.44 -5.42 Bengawan Solo 13.1 % back year after year. And, the signs of 3 Sleman Progo-Opak-Oyo 98.3 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -21.89 -21.95 -22.13 -22.34 -22.57 -22.84 Bengawan Solo 1.7 % its preventive measures are nowhere to 4 Kota Yogyakarta Progo-Opak-Oyo 100.0 % 6 6 6 5 5 5 -0.85 -0.83 -0.79 -0.75 -0.70 -0.66 be seen. There is no significant effort IV. JAWA TIMUR 1 Ponorogo K. Brantas 2.7 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -28.93 -28.77 -28.41 -28.07 -27.76 -27.50 mutually undertaken by the stakehold- Bengawan Solo 97.3 % ers. Consequently, drought and flood 2 Sidoarjo K. Brantas 100.0 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -15.53 -15.82 -16.78 -18.19 -20.16 -22.89 3 Madiun & Kota Madiun K. Brantas 12.6 % 8 8 8 8 8 8 -28.34 -28.25 -28.02 -27.79 -27.57 -27.35 are routines that must be accepted by Bengawan Solo 87.4 % the common people. 4 Magetan Bengawan Solo 100.0 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -32.62 -32.87 -33.52 -34.19 -34.87 -35.56 5 Ngawi Jratun Seluna 0.1 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -42.28 -43.77 -47.73 -52.03 -56.69 -61.77 Bengawan Solo 99.9 % Drought as annual schedule 6 Bojonegoro K. Brantas 0.9 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -25.46 -25.51 -25.68 -25.89 -26.16 -26.51 Bengawan Solo 99.1 % Drought that withers vast areas of 7 Tuban Bengawan Solo 100.0 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -26.87 -26.46 -25.47 -24.54 -23.65 -22.82 Java doesn't come all of a sudden. This 8 Lamongan K. Brantas 2.4 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -56.23 -55.62 -54.20 -52.95 -51.90 -51.09 Bengawan Solo 97.6 % means that signals of its coming have 9 Bangkalan Madura 100.0 % 8 8 8 8 8 8 -12.08 -12.11 -12.23 -12.38 -12.58 -12.81 been sent long before. The calculation 10 Pamekasan Madura 100.0 % 6 6 6 6 6 6 -13.07 -13.04 -12.98 -12.94 -12.90 -12.88 11 Sumenep Madura 100.0 % 7 7 7 7 7 7 -16.52 -16.35 -15.95 -15.57 -15.21 -14.88 of water balance or water equilibrium 12 Sampang Madura 100.0 % 5 6 7 7 7 7 -10.42 -10.77 -11.81 -13.13 -14.80 -16.90 comparing water demand over avail- V. J A B O D E TA B E K 1 DKI Jakarta Ciliwung-Cisadane 100.0 % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -0.2 -1.5 -4.9 -8.7 -13.1 -18.0 ability conducted by Directorate of 2 Bogor & Depok & Kota Bogor Ciujung-Climan 2.9 % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -2.0 -2.6 -4.5 -7.1 -10.5 -15.0 Water Resources and Irrigation Cisadea-Cikuningan 0.2 % Citarum 9.4 % Bappenas in 2005 indicates that based Ciliwung-Cisadane 87.4 % 3 Tangerang & Kota Tangerang Ciliwung-Cisadane 100.0 % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A on 2003 data some 77 percent of areas -3.9 -4.5 -6.6 -9.2 -12.7 -17.3 4 Bekasi & Kota Bekasi Ciliwung-Cisadane 64.5 % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - - - - - -3.2 outside Jabodetabek will suffer from Citarum 35.5 % 5 Serang & Kota Cilegon Ciujung-Ciliman 90.2 % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - - - -0.9 -4.0 -8.3 water deficit between one to eight Ciliwung-Cisadane 9.8 % months. While in Jabodetabek only 50 6 Karawang & Purwakarta Citarum 100.0 % N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - - - - - -2.2 N/A: Not Available Source: Result of analysis by Directorate of Water Resources and Irrigation Bappenas 4 Percik October 2006
  • 7. HEADLINES percent will suffer the deficit. Chart 1 Water Balance Projection by Kabupaten/Kota of The figures were derived from calcu- Java and Madura lating water availability factor of the catchment area (representing surface water availability) and regional water demand (covering water demand for domestic, urban activity, industrial, fish farming, animal husbandry, and irriga- tion). Water balance of 2003 indicates that the total water demand for Java and Bali is 38,4 billion m3 during the dry season. The demand can be satisfied only up to 25,3 m3 or about 66 percent. It is esti- mated the deficit will be higher in 2020 as a consequence of population growth and increasing economic activity. In general, drought is caused by three influencing factors, namely global climatic changes such as deviation of ra- iny and dry seasons from the usual pat- tern and other climatic changes, envi- ronmental factor, and water resources management and infrastructures. Spe- cifically, the causes of dryness other than global climatic changes include: 1. Damages in the catchment area that reduces water catchment carrying capacity; 2. Low performing water resource infrastructures; 3. Excessive underground water exploitation that cause lower groundwater table, land subsi- dence, and salt water intrusion; 4. Poor hydrological management. Water balance is divided into 4 clas- ses: normal, low deficit, medium deficit, big deficit. Normal condition when there is no deficit month within a given year. If there are 3 deficit months in a year it is called low deficit. Four to six months Source: result of analysis medium deficit. More than six months is categorized as big deficit. Table 1 = Normal = Low deficit shows us areas with big deficit. = No deficit = Medium deficit If this condition prevails, meaning Percik October 2006 5
  • 8. HEADLINES Table 2 rolling again after being idle for some Kabupatens/Kotas of Java that experience drinking water deficit time. But to some regions, there is al- No. Kabupaten / Kota River Basin Max. deficit (m3/sec) ways anxiety that rain will cause floods. 2003 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 I. JAWA BARAT This anxiety grows especially in areas 1 Kuningan Cimanuk 87.3 % -0.51 -0.54 -0.64 -0.74 -0.85 -0.96 Cintanduy 12.7 % where flooding is a recurring phenome- 2 Cirebon Cimanuk 100.0 % -1.67 -1.75 -1.98 -2.22 -2.49 -2.78 3 Majalengka Cimanuk 93.6 % -0.47 -0.50 -0.55 -0.61 -0.67 -0.73 non. Cintanduy 6.4 % 4 Indramayu Citarum 37.9 % -0.17 -0.23 -0.39 -0.57 -0.75 -0.95 The cause of flooding may vary from Cimanuk 62.1 % 5 Kota Bandung Citarum 100.0 % - - - - -0.27 -0.78 region to region. Several factors causing 6 Kota Cirebon Cimanuk 100.0 % -0.38 -0.40 -0.44 -0.48 -0.53 -0.58 II. JAWA TENGAH flood are among others sedimentation 1 Magelang Progo-Opak-Oyo 96.9 % - - -0.09 -0.35 -0.63 -0.94 Jratun Seluna 0.4 % of river bed, overflow from embank- Serayu 2.6 % 2 Klaten Progo-Opak-Oyo 2.0 % -1.43 -1.42 -1.39 -1.36 -1.33 -1.30 ments, poor drainage system, backwater Bengawan Solo 98.0 % 3 Sragen Jratun Seluna 25.9 % - - - - -0.30 -0.83 effect, and defective flood control facili- Bengawan Solo 74.1 % 4 Kota Semarang Jratun Seluna 100.0 % - - -0.11 -0.55 -1.06 -1.63 ty. III. DI YOGYAKARTA 1 Bantul Progo-Opak-Oyo 100.0 % -0.08 -0.11 -0.18 -0.26 -0.34 -0.43 Almost all rivers of Java carry sedi- 2 Sleman Progo-Opak-Oyo 98.3 % - - -0.05 -0.19 -0.35 -0.52 Bengawan Solo 1.7 % ment load in big quantity scouring the 3 Kota Yogyakarta Progo-Opak-Oyo 100.0 % -0.52 -0.51 -0.47 -0.44 -0.41 -0.38 IV. JAWA TIMUR land along their banks down to the sea. 1 Bangkalan Madura 100.0 % -0.54 -0.56 -0.64 -0.72 -0.81 -0.90 2 Pamekasan Madura 100.0 % -0.47 -0.50 -0.56 -0.62 -0.69 -0.77 As a result, areas of sediment deposit 3 Sumenep Madura 100.0 % -0.69 -0.70 -0.75 -0.81 -0.86 -0.92 4 Sampang Madura 100.0 % -0.24 -0.28 -0.38 -0.49 -0.61 -0.75 are built along the river mouth. Sedi- V. JABODETABEK 1 Bogor & Depok & Kota Bogor Ciujung-Climan 2.9 % - - - - - -2.6 mentation decreases the river storage Cisadea-Cikuningan 0.2 % Citarum 9.4 % capacity. In addition, sand mining in Ciliwung-Cisadane 87.4 % 2 Tangerang & Kota Tangerang Ciliwung-Cisadane 100.0 % - - - - -0.2 -3.5 big rivers leads to degradation of river Max. deficit m3/sec) beds. The big water discharge cannot be retained within the water bodies of the that no infrastructure intervention is maintains groundwater potential. This lowland area. Water then overflows the inroduced, it can be expected that water is because the island has many ground- embankments putting farmland and the balance deficit will be increasing. water basins. There are at least 80 relatively flat areas under water. Em- Several kabupatens/kota in 2020 are basins spreading along Java and bankments built along the river in the likely to experience an increasing Madura. They are not fully exploited upper watershed may protect upper wa- deficit, among others are Kabupaten yet. And if any, such as ones in big tershed areas from flooding, but it cau- Ngawi of Bengawan Solo river basin and cities, they are not properly controlled. ses more severe threat to lower water- the city of Surabaya of the Brantas river As a consequence, new problems crop shed areas. This is made worse if the basin. The projection of water balance up such as decrease in groundwater drainage system is defective. It still condition of Java and Madura is illus- quality (Bandung, Semarang), spread of does not say about backwater effect at trated in Chart 1. brackish/salt water (Jakarta and the upper areas as consequence from Water balance deficit adversely Semarang), lower groundwater table changes in current in the lower areas. If affects water availability. The worst (Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang). backwater happens -at a convulsion of a impact will hit agriculture, industry, city There is a big groundwater proten- stream with the main river, damming or population, drinking water, etc. tial. Tables 3 through 8 illustrate gro- river constriction- flood is unavoidable. Drinking water supply should be given undwater potential by administrative Flood also happens if the catchment priority because it is directly related to regions. area disappears. Forest clearing and in- basic demand for life. Table 2 illustrates correct cropping pattern take part in it. the regions that suffer from drinking Flood threats Since there is no more water catchment water deficit and projection up to 2025. It is estimated that rain will start to area, water flows directly into the river. fall within this month. The blessing This condition is aggravated in steep ri- Groundwater condition from the falling droplets will bring life verbanks and in rivers that flush swiftly Although currently suffering from back to the dry soil. Economic wheels, in to the downstream areas, whereas the dryness, the island of Java actually especially in agriculture sector, will start retention capacity of these areas such as 6 Percik October 2006
  • 9. HEADLINES Table 3 Table 6 Groundwater Potential in Province of Banten Groundwater Potential in Province of Central Java Groundwater potential Groundwater potential No Kabupaten No Kabupaten million m3/year m3/sec million m3/year m3/sec 1 Pandeglang 1.112,34 35,27 1 Cilacap 131,75 4,18 2 Lebak 345,40 10,95 2 Banyumas 242,94 7,70 3 Tangerang 451,23 14,31 3 Purbalingga 160,41 5,09 4 Banjarnegara 302,72 9,60 4 Serang 631,35 20,02 5 Kebumen 124,18 3,94 5 Kota Tangerang 101,09 3,21 6 Purworejo 58,21 1,85 6 Kota Cilegon 54,65 1,73 7 Wonosobo 220,69 7,00 Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team 8 Magelang 560,79 17,78 Table 4 9 Boyolali 245,06 7,77 Groundwater Potential in Province of DKI Jakarta 10 Klaten 227,35 7,21 Groundwater potential 11 Sukoharjo 163,76 5,19 No Kabupaten million m3/year m3/sec 12 Wonogiri 348,72 11,06 1 Jakarta Selatan 89,95 2,85 13 Karanganyar 282,55 8,96 2 Jakarta Timur 111,36 3,53 14 Sragen 224,62 7,12 30,75 0,97 15 Grobogan 342,69 10,87 3 Jakarta Pusat 16 Blora 38,67 1,23 4 Jakarta Barat 72,77 2,31 17 Rembang 105,64 3,35 5 Jakarta Utara 79,28 2,51 18 Pati 329,50 10,45 Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team 19 Kudus 144,86 4,59 Table 5 Groundwater Potential in Province of West Java 20 Jepara 326,67 10,36 21 Demak 380,72 12,07 Groundwater potential No Kabupaten 22 Semarang 242,80 7,70 million m3/year m3/sec 23 Temanggung 407,06 12,91 1 Bogor 1.122,29 35,59 24 Kendal 288,19 9,14 2 Sukabumi 1.034,35 32,80 25 Batang 337,67 10,71 3 Cianjur 849,96 26,95 26 Pekalongan 352,16 11,17 4 Bandung 1.514,95 48,04 27 Pemalang 301,48 9,56 5 Garut 1.528,81 48,48 28 Tegal 197,20 6,25 6 Tasikmalaya 771,38 24,46 29 Brebes 250,40 7,94 7 Ciamis 907,64 28,78 30 Kota Magelang 5,14 0,16 391,62 12,42 31 Kota Surakarta 29,44 0,93 8 Kuningan 32 Kota Salatiga 12,64 0,40 9 Cirebon 342,94 10,87 33 Kota Semarang 146,23 4,64 10 Majalengka 781,67 24,79 34 Kota Pekalongan 32,95 1,04 11 Sumedang 883,07 28,00 35 Kota Tegal 6,68 0,21 12 Indramayu 731,53 23,20 Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team 13 Subang 707,25 22,43 Table 7 14 Purwakarta 253,83 8,05 Groundwater Potential in Province of 15 Karawang 638,68 20,25 Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) 16 Bekasi 482,66 15,31 Groundwater potential No Kabupaten 17 Kota Bogor 87,72 2,78 million m3/year m3/sec 18 Kota Sukabumi 32,82 1,04 1 Kulonprogo 59,75 1,89 19 Kota Bandung 80,76 2,56 2 Bantul 167,08 5,30 20 Kota Cirebon 10,48 0,33 3 Gunungkidul 297,79 9,44 21 Kota Bekasi 119,63 3,79 4 Sleman 311,88 9,89 22 Kota Depok 124,70 3,95 5 Kota Yogyakarta 19,41 0,62 Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team Percik October 2006 7
  • 10. HEADLINES Table 8 Groundwater Potential in Province of East Java Groundwater potential No Kabupaten million m3/year (m3/sec) 1 Pacitan 65,71 2,08 2 Ponorogo 421,73 13,37 3 Trenggalek 10,70 0,34 4 Tulungagung 315,34 10,00 5 Blitar 460,27 14,60 6 Kediri 595,20 18,87 7 Malang 1.178,00 37,35 8 Lumajang 1.088,80 34,53 Chart 2. Flood vulnerable areas in Java Gambar 2. Lokasi Rawan Banjir di Pulau Jawa 9 Jember 1.695,89 53,78 10 Banyuwangi 1.642,60 52,09 11 Bondowoso sand ha of affected increasing continuously along with pop- 1.034,75 32,81 12 Situbondo 1.170,37 37,11 areas. The distibution ulation growth and increasing economic 13 Probolinggo 833,08 26,42 of flood vulnerable activity. On the other hand, raw water 14 Pasuruan 615,85 19,53 areas in Java can be availability is disrupted as consequence 15 Sidoarjo 264,09 8,37 seen in Chart 2. of changes in land use pattern that 16 Mojokerto 360,32 11,43 Flood control adversely influences hydrological char- 17 Jombang 380,47 12,06 18 Nganjuk 454,63 14,42 through infrastructure acteristics. This condition is aggravated 19 Madiun 441,68 14,01 approach has been by the decreasing of environmental car- 20 Magetan 288,28 9,14 practised for a long ti- rying capacity as a consequence of 21 Ngawi 441,29 13,99 me. Take a look for degradation of the catchment area. One 22 Bojonegoro 254,97 8,09 instance the North Ja- could expect that drought and flood will 23 Tuban 320,71 10,17 24 Lamongan va Flood Control come in succession. More than that, 319,06 10,12 25 Gresik 233,58 7,41 Project and South Java some kabupatens/kotas have put on red 26 Bangkalan 191,21 6,06 Flood Control Project signal indicating inability to meet the 27 Sampang 154,55 4,90 in Jawa Tengah, demand of the population. 28 Pamekasan 115,55 3,66 Citarum Flood Control Like it or not, the kabupatens/kotas 29 Sumenep 193,59 6,14 Project south of that currently are critical situation in 30 Kota Kediri 26,44 0,84 31 Kota Blitar 14,20 0,45 Bandung, Ciliwung water supply despite infrastructure and 32 Kota Malang 28,52 0,90 Cisadane Flood Control other related interventions, must be pri- 33 Kota Probolinggo 23,87 0,76 Project and the cons- oritized. Besides, it is necessary to make 34 Kota Pasuruan 16,43 0,52 truction of Eastern water distribution readjustments 35 Kota Mojokerto 6,80 0,22 Drainage Canal (BKT) among the various demand types, espe- 36 Kota Madiun 12,23 0,39 37 Kota Surabaya in Jakarta, and urban cially for irrigation in Java. This is not 114,39 3,63 development projects an easy thing to do, of course. Indepth Source: Analysis result by Dinamaritama Team like Bandung Urban study is needed. More than that, water Jakarta, Semarang and other big cities Development Project (BUDP) and Sura- resources management in Java is insufficient. Flood becomes unavoid- baya Urban Development Project demands synergy and integratedness. able. (SUDP). However, the acceleration of The Directorate of Water Resources According to Dept Public Works flood control infrastructure develop- and Irrigation of Bappenas suggests a flood in Java mostly hit the north and ment is unable to cope with magnitude recommendation for water resources south coasts, basin areas and big cities. and frequency of the flood. "Flood sea- development program on the island of In 2002, there were 74 flood occurences son" is recurring year after year. Java divided into priority actions, inundating 81,9 thousand ha of settle- Challenges of the Future immediate (short term), medium and ment areas and agricultural lands. The Water demand for domestic, indus- long term. figures increased in 2003 to 91,1 thou- trial, city and agriculture purposes are The necessary short term action 8 Percik October 2006
  • 11. HEADLINES comprises: bilitation plans; 2. Development of long term financ- 1. Land rehabilitation and water 5. Increase in simple infrastructure ing scenario from various different resources conservation, through (a) design facilitation at local level; and sources with emphasis on funds replanting of critical lands with pro- 6. Development of data base on flood directly raised from within the com- ductive tree stands involving the and drought in Java including sus- munities; and community participation; (b) mini- tainable data management concept. 3. Development of community based mizing sedimentation rate through Long term priority covers sustain- infrastructure O&M. river bank rehabilitation and stabi- able drought and flood mitigation plan- The program may work if it is sup- lization; (c) minimizing flooding ning, among others: ported with a strong commitment from time to maximize irrigation water 1. Formulation of macro policy and the stakeholders. Otherwise, efficiency; and (d) integration of strategy for integrated, cross sector Indonesian condition will become flood management and land reha- and inter-regional implementation; worse. Now it is up to us. MJ bilitation programs. 2. Community education in flood and drought mitigation, through (a) building community awareness of 'Rain Harvest' flood and drought and ways to man- age them; (b) improvement of com- á la Gunung Kidul munity alertness in anticipation of T flood and drought; (c) water he village of Bunder, Kecama- water for agriculture can be resol- thrifthiness campaign; (d) develop- tan Patok, Gunung Kidul, Yog- ved. ment of flood early warning system; yakarta belongs to arid climate re- This retention technique can al- (e) development of water resources gion. Traditinally the area was so be used effectively to reduce ve- management institution; (f) human resources development in water grown with cassava almost all the locity of surface runoff, reduce resources management; (g) water year round. But since it was select- amount of flowing water and hold related conflict resolution through ed as the pilot project site for rain it for future use. water resources management; (h) harvest and surface water develop- The technology is recommend- prevention of land conversion ment technology, the cassava plan- able for application in Puncak area through provision of incentive and ting area has been converted to to hold ronoff velocity and reduce issuance of certification; and (i) ricefield. the amount of flowing water. In va- improvement of the role of land rehabilitation and water conserva- The technology is basically qui- rious regions dryland farming with tion institution. te simple, it collects rainwater and water deficit can be improved with Medium priorities needed to sustain surface runoff into a hydrological this technology. And the invest- the immediate priority programs, network of 20 m long, 5 m wide and ment is not as big as a dam con- among others: about 3 m deep reserviors. The struction. 1. Improvement of water use efficien- small reservoir is capable of hol- Thousands of small reservoirs li- cy for regions with high water deficit potential through rehabilita- ding more or less 300 m3 of water. ke this can be constructed along tion of irrgation network and effi- The water can be used for vari- the Ciliwung river and other rivers cient water distribution; ous purposes. In this village it is from upper to downstream areas. 2. Rearrangment and control over of used for irrigation. Water is avai- If it is done, the impact may be ex- sand mining in the river bed; lable not only during rainy season traordinary. Drought and flood pro- 3. Development of local level forest but also during dry monsoon, so blems can be resolved simultane- product industry; that various problems related to ously. MJ 4. Development of IT based land reha- Percik October 2006 9
  • 12. I N T E RV I E W H. Syamsul Arief Rivai Director General for Bangda (Regional Development) Dept. Home Affairs Allocate Budget of Water Supply for Village! SOURCE:MUJIYANTO capacity of the regions to read the Since the beginning of regional autonomy, the development national and provincial vision and mis- chorus was transferred to the regions. Using the existing resources sion. The national vision should trans- each region owns, they are competing among each other. late itself into provincial vision. Provin- Sometimes, as they are busy with their own activities they have for- cial vision then goes down to kabupa- gotten to adjust their development vision and mission to that of the ten/kota vision. So, if all the vision hit national vision. As a result, each development proceeds as one the target, we can expect national and wishes. provincial vision and mission is also The consequence of the practice is that the development does developed. But, many regions do not not go in the national direction. Sectors that sould be treated as have the capacity to find the linkages common priority are neglected simply because they have no direct with the provincial and national vision. contribution to the regional revenue. This condition does not benefit the communities, rather this is only for As a result, tha region may have done a the satisfaction of the head of the region. WSS sector is one of the victims. Regional government's attention lot of things but still miss the direction. is in want. How could this happen? To answer this, Percik interviewed the Director General for Regioonal They argue it by saying, "we are an au- Development. The following are the excerpts: tonomous region". Yes. You are auto- nomous but you are bound within Unity Nation framework. Regional objective W hat does regional develop- ment currently look like? Regional development vision is now ons have been playing according to it. They have taken care of themselves pretty well. Everyone seems to know is set in the framework of national ob- jectives. That is the system that we must build. part of national development paradigm. what he is doing. As we know Law No. The new paradigm reflected in the Law 32 is a new law, effective only in 2004. Does it mean the regions main- No 32 on Regional Government is that But previously Law No. 22 of 1999 has tain their own egoism? most of government authorities are now provisioned the authority. Since the go- Yes. For the reason of autonomy delegated to the regional government. vernment reform i.e. since rescinsion of and resources management, social poli- By so doing the regions have a bigger Law No. 574 to be replaced by Law No. tic progress, and for the reason that the opportunity especially in development 22 the process has been continuing. regional vision and mission is largely planning and implementation to impro- Since Law No 22 seven years ago the au- determined by the vision and mission of ve welfare of the community and to pro- thority has been delegated to the heads the elected Bupati. It is the Bupati's vi- vide the best services. Therefore the ini- of the region except those that must be sion and mission that is translated into tiative, creativity must grow from the absolutely vested on the central govern- Medium Term Regional Development region. Therefore the paradigm for ment. The regions are already playing Plan (RJMPD). Some of the elected Bu- regional development is now converted within that rule now. The issue is to pati hardly understand the regional po- into developing region. Developing re- herd them to reconcile their vision and tential as a wholesome. The approach is gion implies that the region takes the mission with the ones developed by In- based more on how you choose me. The initiative in planning what is needed donesia Bersatu (United Indonesia) ca- knowledge about the kabupaten/kota it- and what to do to develop the region on binet. This is actually the subsystem of self is weak because most of them are its own in order to bring welfare to the national development. That is the area outsider, coming from some other place. population. That is the essence of the we must deal with. However, as a beginning this is still an current development paradigm. acceptable condition. In the future, a What is the problem why the bupati candidate must fully knowledge- Have the regions adopted the regions do not proceed quite in able about his region, otherwise it'd be paradigm? line with the central? difficult for him to plan a development. They should have. Most of the regi- This is closely related with the You could imagine someone born and 10 Percik October 2006
  • 13. I N T E RV I E W SOURCE:DPR.GO.ID brought up in Jakarta should become a Bupati in Tulungagung, what does he know about the region except from writ- ten documents, figures, etc. This is not enough if he doesn't know the people, the community and their actual conditi- on. From there his vision is born. The people elect him and he wins the office. That is then translated into RJMPD. Whether this is suitable, we do not know yet. Whether he reconciles it with the provincial vision? Quite unlikely. That is where the discrepancy comes from. What should regional vision and mission look like in order to Parliament has to adjust local vision with national vision. be sustainable? First, it must be part of the national issued a Home Minister circular letter. fore it is impossible to impose limitation vision and mission. Though some spe- The regional demand for such a plan- if they have ample data and sufficient cific characteristics may appear ac- ning must be responded, but it would knowledge about their own region. cording the regional condition. Say for take a long time for issuance of a gov- instance, for a coastal region, the vision ernment regulation, therefore for the Let us move to WSS sector. is closely related to sea coast. But it time being we issued the Min of Home What's your opinion on the re- must in tune with the national vision i.e Affairs circular letter on Regional gions' care to this this matter? poverty reduction. In the past there Medium Term Development Plan. The awareness to clean water supply used to be a national development plan- Therefore the Bupati's vision and mis- of the communities must be improved. ning system. Actually this mechanism is sion must be tied with regional govern- We have a WSS program with specific still applicable. We have the so-called ment regulation, in order that he does emphasis on demand for clean water. It rakorbang (development coordination not forget to fulfill his promises he made is even planned that by 2015 eighty per- meeting). Bottom up, beginning from when campaigning for office. This is to cent of our people must consume clean village level, then to kecamatan, to ka- provide the population with a control water supply. The problem of today is bupaten, province. Vision development mechanism should the bupati try to our people of the regions drink whatever must learn from this mechanism. evade from his promises. The people water is available. If water looks clear Otherwise, it would be difficult to make then may say "Bupati is going against they take it as clean. In reality it is not the linkage. Regional Government Regulation". always the case. That's why we need to build awareness to clean and hygienic What does Bangda do to make Does it mean that so far there is water. Secondly, townspeople are a lit- the regions proceed towards the no hierarchial tie? tle luckier, because they have PDAM. expected direction? Not yet. We hope it is decreed in a The problem is that most PDAM are We are still preparing a government government regulation. If possible, poorly managed so that 80 percent of regulation on regional development pursuant to Law No. 32. them are operating in red. What about planning. We hope that through the that? Clean water is vital to us but when bottom up principle all the stakeholders Doesn't it imply limiting the it's contaminated it will become the so- will be involved. Beginning from village regions' room for maneuver? urce of various diseases. In dry season level development plan, then kecamaan, Not really. Look here. What the re- like this everywhere people are crying kabupaten/kota, province, up to natio- gions choose for vision and mision are for water. What's the regional go- nal level. A village may have its own vi- the bases for policy formulation. They vernment's preparation to cope with the sion. But there are activities of the vil- developed their vison and mision based problem? I had a chance to take a look lage that are part of kecamatan pro- on data. Not simply on imagination. at a draft regional budget, the regions gram, and so forth. Prior to that we Based on research conclusion. There- depend too heavily on PDAM. But Percik October 2006 11
  • 14. I N T E RV I E W PDAMs are only in capital cities. The gional governments) the awareness ported with sufficient regional budget. kecamatans are overlooked. That's why about the importance of water supply is Bangda in cooperation with CARE and somewhat neglected. What we can do is Do we need a regulation to WASPOLA try to fulfill the demand. to provide them with examples. WSLIC maintain our own environment? There are more people living outside the is an exemplary project on how to ma- Certainly. Because water is closely kabupaten capital cities. They take wa- nage water supply and environmental related to environment, especially fo- ter from pit wells, or rivers, which they sanitation. rest, therefore the signal is getting clear- have only very little knowledge about. er today. It is not only necessary, it is al- That's why a little bit brackish, never That means that some regions' ready in action. Especially in forest cle- mind. They don't know that in the long budget is limited? aring, we strictly forbid it. On the other run it will be dangerous to health. Yes, it is. hand, our demand for wood is very high. And we do not have alternative, if not What about the awareness of Is it possible to push the re- wood then what? Now we in Bangda are the regional government? gions to become self reliant? preparing a policy to minimize wood In general the regions are aware that This is how it stands. This is a pro- consumption. The solution is utilization clean water is in demand. That's why they blem of perception. As if drinking water of light steel for construction. I was the depend their hope on PDAM. But PDAM is easily accessible by everyone. You Governor of Sulawesi Barat, and that can only cover townspeople. They should know. The common people of the re- has started over there. In spite of there provide regional budget (APBD) for water gion already consume bottled water. is abundant wood in the area. If you supply at kecamatan, village levels, and There is even a Bupati who has a bottled need wood you just cut one tree. But population concentration areas. This is water producing company knowing that that means a disturbance, no matter the part of foreign assistance for helping ther's a limited supply from outside. how insignificant it seems. There must the people of the rural areas. The Bupati's wife runs the water bot- be a policy. Otherwise men will always tling enterprise. But that's not the solu- need wood though it is prohibited. But the fact is the most regions tion. Because the people's buying capa- That's the beginning of illegal logging. provide very little budget, doesn't city is low, the demand for water for do- As for with light steel there are not many it mean low priority? mestic consumption is countinuous and who are familiar with this kind of stuff. Exactly. It is not a priority. What is increasing, the solution is not through Whereas it is quakeproof and white ants prioritized is physical construction, in- bottled water. The solution is through free. Therefore for water protection, frastructure. As if water will emerge by exploring a water source and process one of the methods is forest protection. itself. We have to admit that everybody the water to be worthy of use. This can Forest is significantly influential to drinks, no one dies of dehydration. But the be done through a program and is sup- hydrological cycle. MJ question is whether the water is worth SOURCE:DPR.GO.ID drinking. That's what we have to find out. Is there any effort from central government to make the regions prioritize this? Our effort is to develop cooperation with donor countries because speaking of water supply implies a big invest- ment, but it touches the needs of the ge- neral public. Together with Bappenas, Public Works, Health we implement WASPOLA and WSLIC to push esta- blishment of water supply provision. But this is limited both in terms of charac- teristics and coverage area. We hope the regions would take note on it and follow the idea. I think for many Pemdas (re- Uncontrolled and illegal logging is devastating water resources sustainability. 12 Percik October 2006
  • 15. TELESCOPE It's all wrong with BANTAR GEBANG W aste material tragedy keeps ment, the TPA that started operation in paction (50%) and reduction by sca- on haunting our waste ma- 1992 should be closed down in Decem- vengers. Based on the height of the mo- nagement in Indonesia. Last ber 2003. But the plan did not work. und in 2003 and for height variation year, death toll count to scores of people The contract was extended based on a between 12 to 15 metres, TPA Bantar buried under by the toppling down of consclusion and recommendation if an Gebang can still be used for 417-1.015 TPA (final disposal site) Lewigajah, near independent consultant. Monev con- days. Bandung. Last month, shortly before ducted by the independent consultant in On the other hand DKI Jakarta Cle- daybreak of 8 September it was the time collabotation with Jakarta Cleaning aning Agency cannot release the TPA for TPA Bantar Gebang, Bekasi to take Agency, Human Resources and Envi- just like that. It is because DKI does not the live of 5 people and wounded several ronment Research Centre University of have a replacement. The plan to build others. Indonesia and Development and En- an integrated waste management facili- Both tragedies evolved from diffe- vironment Study Centre Islamic Univer- ty (TPST) at Bojong, Kecamatan Kela- rent backgrounds. At Lewigajah, the ex- sity "45" Bekasi concluded "assuming panunggal, Bogor does not work panse waste field slid downhill burying the amount of waste that enters TPA because of the local community's reject- the low lying settlement along the path. Bantar Gebang is in accordance with ion. Like it or not, TPA Bantar Gebang While in Bantar Gebang the top of 20 m that of 2003 condition (i.e 20.000 m3 is still the only hope. Certainly DKI high waste mound collapsed burying daily) and is decreasing due to the ope- doesn't want the tragedy like the one in scavengers who were then operating at ration of new TPAs in several other pla- Bandung to happen here. the base of the mound. ces and with reference to Cleaning Once there was a rumour that the Some people put the blame on PT. Agency data of 2003 (14.000 m3 per TPA was going to be enlarged. There is Patriot Bangkit Bekasi (PBB), the TPA day); the decrease in amount of waste in a 2,3 ha piece of land that might be Bantar Gebang management. The com- the TPA from decomposition and com- used. But the plan met a bih constraint. pany that is operating on contract with SOURCE:BAGONG S DKI (Special Province) Jakarta is consi- dered incapable of managing the 108 ha waste dumping area. The company is blamed for operating in disregard of the SOP. Pursuant to provisions of the con- tract the area must be treated with sani- tary landfill, but the real fact indicates it is not more than open dumping. On the other hand, the Governor of DKI Ja- karta, Sutiyoso, blamed the scavengers who unscropulously entered the danger zone of the waste disposal area. Critics and counter critics were flowing to and fro for some time. Up to now there is no acceptable solution how this matter should be handled. Apart from it, TPA Bantar Gebang that is divided into 5 zones is heavily burdened. Based on the previous agree- Scavengers are fighting over the wastes around loaders. Percik October 2006 13
  • 16. TELESCOPE There are so many go-betweeners roam- Public Works, Ministry of Environment, ing around so that the land price and Bappenas to help them in the TPA jumped too high much above the tax- In 2004 the Centre for management. According to him the able price. Should the TPA be enlarged, Study and Development of TPA needs mining for organic matter a the capacity will remain insufficient to useful input for farming. receive 6.000 tons of waste that comes Environmental Technology In the long run he suggests that DKI incessantly every day. (BPPT) once made a study applies 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) prin- In 2004 the Centre for Study and on the possibility for reha- ciple right from the source of the waste. Development of Environmental Tech- Composting can also be undertaken in nology (BPPT) made a study on the bilitation of TPA Bantar the waste source area. This is important possibility for rehabilitation of TPA Gebang in 2004. The considering that 44,63 percent of DKI Bantar Gebang. The study concludes, study concludes, the TPA waste consists of organic material. "If the TPA can still be rehabilitated into an this works as expected, TPA will only environmentally friendly and can be can still be rehabilitated deal with the remainder. And that used continuously. The organic matter into an environmentally means the lesser amount," says Bagong. content underneath the pile can be friendly and can be used In a different occasion, the head of mined for reclamation of critical lands Jakarta Cleaning Agency, Rama Budi or ex mining areas. continuously. said that the problem related to waste Up to now there is no concrete acti- handling is not only from technical on to handle TPA Bantar Gebang. Eve- aspect. The non technical aspect is even rything seems to run as usual, despite bigger. He is aware that the technical the death tolls. "This is because TPA age of TPA Bantar Gebang is coming to Bantar Gebang is an arena to make mo- for six months. Whereas, everyone is an end. That is why DKI Jakarta has ney. Everyone is competing for money aware that PBB's capacity is question- completed a reassessment of the Solid here," says Bagong Sutoyo, Chairman of able. No one knows of its working capi- Waste Management Master Plan com- NGO Coalition for National Waste Ma- tal, whether it has or none at all. PBB piled by JICA in 1987. The review con- nagement. He tells a story about the does not apply any hi tech waste treat- cluded a new DKI Jakarta Waste Mana- smell of politic in this largest TPA. Big ment facility. Speaking about its human gement action plan for the next 10 years political parties lend their hands to de- resources, no one knows if this company (2005-2015). termine its existence. Not counting still, hires anyone with acceptable knowledge The action plan has taken into con- exploitation and hoodlum practices that on waste management. Bagong can only sideration all the influencing factors in may not be less cruel. wonder why such a company is appoint- waste management including institu- Bagong was one the Coordinator of ed to manage TPA Bantar Gebang. tional, legal and financial aspects. The Working Group for Handling TPA Ban- "Whether DKI does not have a better approach and strategy includes redu- tar Gebang revealed that money politics business partner?" he says while adding cing and reuse as much as possible that makes the TPA management deter- that KKN (corruption, collusion and ne- waste before transporting it to TPA; rent. "The Rp 120 thousand monthly potism) practice was behind the ap- sorting; development of waste manage- management fee is pressured from eve- pointment. ment facilities in various locations and ry side. Everyone wants a share. As a In addition, he added further up to waste management zones; application result the money that should be used for now there is no tripartite agreement in- of hi tech waste processing; exploration waste management is spent unnecessa- volving the DKI Regional Government, of opportunity for inter-regional and rily for non technical expenses. The Bekasi Municipal Government and pri- private sector cooperation; and chang- TPA operation is thickly clad with hood- vate sector. The only agreement is bet- ing the community paradigm that waste lum and corruption and nepotism prac- ween DKI and Bekasi Munipal Govern- is actually an economic resource. This tices," he concludes ment. It is the dark relationship that strategy includes decentralization, ap- Still according to him, the appoint- causes the TPA management looks like plication of hi tech and inter-regional ment of PT PBB is inseparable from the it is now. cooperation. If this works, the burden practices. The company should termi- Bagong suggests that it is high time borne by TPA Bantar Gebang will be nate its contract in July 2006. Only God for DKI to request support from the cen- much lighter. The question remains, knows that it is extended two times each tral government such as BPPT, Dept of when? MJ 14 Percik October 2006