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15 millions Households in Indonesia Still Do not Have Access to Drinking Water
                                                                       Edisi II, 2010
                        II Edition, 2010


           Multi Village
Information Media on Water Supply and
          Environmental Sanitation
                                                        Table of
              Published by:                             Contents
Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
             Working Group
         (WSES Working Group)                    From The Editor.......................................................................................................... 3
                                                 Your Voice .................................................................................................................. 4
               Responsible Person                Main Report
Housing and Settlement Director of Bappenas      	 Story on Multi Village System in NTT ………………………………………………….............. 5
  Environmental Sanitation Director of the       	 Reflecting On the Multi Village System in North Kodi NTT …..………………….......... 8
                 Health Ministry                 	 Bernd Ugner, Tears Stream as Telling The Story about NTT Child Who
 Water Supply Development Director of the        	 Apreciate the Water ……..................................................................................... 12
              Public Work Ministry               Regulation
Natural Resources Improvement and Efficient      	 The Arrangement of Water Management Needs
    Technology Director of Domestic Affair       	 a Sound Umbrella Regulation ............................................................................ 15
                    Ministry                     Agenda
 Director of Spatial and Environmental Facili-   	 The World Environment Day............................................................................... 17
     tation of the Domestic Affair Ministry      	 The Land Degradation and World Drought Mitigation Day ………………………….... 20
            Head of editorial staff              	 15 Millions Households in Indonesia Do Still Not Have Access
             Oswar Mungkasa                      	 to Drinking Water .........................................................................................…… 22
                                                 	 BPSAB Study in 5 Districts in West Java And East Java …......…………………………… 27
               Editorial Staff                   Interview
             Maraita Listyasari                  	 Budi Yuwono General Director of Cipta Karya …..........…………………………………… 31
             Nugroho Tri Utomo                   Inovasion
                                                 	 Simple Technology to Turn Rain Water Into Drinking Water. …………………......... 34
               Managing Editor                   	 Through Ozonization and Filtration Peat Water Becomes Clean ………...……...... 36
              Eko Budi Harsono                   Different Side
                                                 	 Water Crisis And Indonesia’s  Water Endurance …..............…………………………… 38
           Design and Production                 Testimonial
              Agus Sumarno                       	 Teti Suryani, The Teacher Who Becomes Trash Composer...………………………….. 42
                   Sofyar                        Reportation
                                                 	 Community Based Total Sanitation Roadshow In Grobogan. ……………………..….. 44
           Circulation/Secretariat               	 The 2010 AMPL Development Consolidation Meeting .……………….................... 45
               Agus Syuhada                      	 The Ministry of Environment High Level Forum
                  Nur Aini                       	 The Impact of Water Crisis On Society, Women, and Children ….………………..... 46
                                                 	 The INDOWATER Exhibition 2010 …………………………………….…………................... 48
               Editorial Address                 	 Jakarta’s Ground Water is Not Decent to Consume. ………………………............….. 49
     Jl. RP Soeroso 50, Central Jakarta,         Guidelines
           Ph/Fax: (021) 31904113                	 An Easy Way to Built Sun Distalator for Water Purifying. ………………………......... 52
      Website: http//              CD Info ………………………………………………………………………..……………............................ 54
     e-mail:             Book Info ………………………………………………………………………..…………........................... 55
                     Web Sites Info …………………………………………………………………………………….................. 56
                                                 AMPL Library ...……………………………………………………………………………......................... 57
   Editors accept external papers/article        Facts
concerning water supply and environmental        	 Facts Related to the Water Scarcity……………………………………………….................. 58
From                                                                                                              Edisi II, 2010
  The Editor                                                        drinking water development activities. However, later
                                                                    in this edition we highlight more the example of multi
                                                                    village system in the area of Kodi (NTT) by considering

                                                                    these activities has reached the largest population until
         n the past ten years, the water supply and                 now, which is about 17,000 people. This is very surprising
         sanitation development has gone a lot of                   considering many of PDAMs’ can only reach around
         substantial changes. Especially after the agreement        2.000 – 5.000 customers.
         of National Community-Based Water Supply and                   We also need to inform you that until now we have
         Environmental Sanitation Policy in 2003 and the            succeeded in publishing Percik in two versions, which
optimal functioning of Water Supply and Environmental               are the regular edition and special edition. Regular
Sanitation Working Group (AMPL Working Group)                       edition is published 4 (four) times each year, and planned
in AMPL development. This condition encourages                      regulrly on a three monthly basis, although in reality it
the rampant development of                                                                     can only be issued after June.
Community-based water supply                                                                    As for the special edition, it is
and sanitation in throughout                                                                    the result of collaboration with
Indonesia, which involves                                                                       stakeholders to present a specific
almost all stakeholders ranging                                                                 topic, with a flexible time of
from central government, local                                                                  publication. Until now, there are
governments, NGOs, and                                                                          3 special editions that have been
communities. Further on, the                                                                    published, namely edition of
spirit has created a movement                                                                   “Community-based Solidwaste
that goes far beyond our                                                                        Management” in collaboration
imagination. Take for example                                                                   with BORDA and its network,
major projects that currently                                                                   “A Decade of Community-
implement community-based                                                                       based AMPL Mainstreaming
approach, among others are                                                                      Efforts” in collaboration with
WASPOLA, Pro AIR, WSLIC-2, CWSH,                                    WASPOLA, and “7 Years of SANIMAS” in collaboration
     PAMSIMAS, ISSDP that becomes USDP, WES,                        with BORDA. In 2010, two editions were planned to be
UNICEF, Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS),                      published, one edition on the Sanitation Development
which has been enhanced to become the national                      Acceleration Program (PPSP) in collaboration with
Community Based total Snitation program (STBM) and                  the Technical Team of Sanitation Development, and
replicated into Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing           “The Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES)
(STOPS). This is not to mention the activities of NGOs              UNICEF” in collaboration with UNICEF. Several
that cooperate with the government including Plan                   special editions are now on the negotiation phase with
Indonesia, and SIMAVI. Also not to forget, the activities           several stakeholders. The entire special editions were also
in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by             published in English. Surely this is good news for the
companies.                                                          development of our beloved magazine.
     From the rise of Community-based activities, the                   Starting this edition, readers will lsee some changes
emergence phenomenon of community-based activities                  in the editorial composition because of the mutations of
involving more than one community and across more                   some members of the AMPL working group, who have
than one village, and even reach the population in the              been involved in publishing Percik. Nevertheless, we hope
number of tens of thousands of people, are identified.              that this will not reduce quality, but on the contrary,
     Some people even call it PDAM Village, in term of              improves the quality of our beloved magazine.
it size. The interesting fact is that the process is based on           Finally, we do not forget to congratulate for those who
community-based. This seems to violate the mainstream               are fasting. Enjoy, and please do not forget the things that
rules that the community-based activities are very local            we always wait from you, the critics and suggestions
(one village, one community), not exceeding certain                 from readers. (OM)
amount (average 2000-3000 population).
     But in reality many areas already have multi-village

          Voice                                We are very glad to read your letter.
                                           Thank you very much for your attention
                                                                                       The Deepening Gap of
                                                                                       Water Distribution
                                           and your trust to our magazine as a
                                           media that’s consistently and trusted
                                           in providing the information related to          Our Planet Earth is  rich of water.
                                           the drinking water and environment          Every expert says that our world
Puskesmas                                  issues. We will, of course, give            have at least 1.360.000.000 km3 of
Need Percik Magazine                       attention to your request to get this       water. From that total volume, about
                                           magazine regularly. Greetings to all        1.320.000.000 km3 or about 97,2
    We are one of the Percik Magazine      friends at the Puskesmas Batulampa.         percent is the sea. 25.000.000 km3
reader, even though until now we                                                       or about 1,8 percent is ground water.
only recieved once of the last Percik                                                  250.000 km3 is plain water in the lake
Magazine March and October 2008            Save Our Water                              and river, and rest of it 13.000 km3 or
edition, we want to be a permanent                                                     about 0.001 percent is a water in the
customer and get the latest edition.           Nobody needs no water, Yes,             atmosfer in form of rain cloud.
As a Sanitarian who works at the           everybody needs water. Everyone                  However, from the volume of the
Puskesmas with more than 10 years          needs at least 5 litre of water everyday.   water that’s so big, not all of it can
(2000-2010) working time of course I       Without it, there will be no life.          be use by human for living. Only the
have a lot experience, but it doesn’t           But, it’s very dissapointing when      ground water and half of the plain
mean that all the sanitation problems      a lot of people doesn’t care about the      water volume that can be use for
can be handled easily. For one example,    water supply. Spoiled the water with        living. The worst thing is, that clean
there was a time when we were asked        using it more than what is needed.          water volume has been decreasing
to give the technical assistance for the   Just like we didn’t need it. In fact,       fast because the deforestation,
latrine production, specifically for the   every human being needs water. Of           industrial and house toxic pollution,
beach area, flood and stage house. We      course, we pay every drop of the water      the increased of population of the
had a little bit of problems, because      that’s filled our bathroom tank, but it     worlds, also the increased of the
we didn’t have the manual book or          doesn’t mean that we can consume            living standards so the consume of
the technical guidelines. Beside, of       the water without a limit. Of course        the water was increased too.
course the knowledge or the theory         the Government who controlled the                These conditions press the
that we received at the University was     water, so it could be delivered to the      United Nation to proclaim year 2005
not easy to be recalled again.             public. But it doesn’t mean that the        until 2015 as a ‘water decade’. The
    Because of that, we hope  you can      responsibility of the water is just the     proclaimed of ‘water decade’ by UN is
kindly send us or provide the informa-     Government job. Because, the truth is       a real policy. From a series of scientist
tion to us about the magazines, books,     that water has it own limit. Because of     researches it is known that the used
CDs, and other things that’s related       that, if every stakeholder don’t care,      of the water has been increased six
to the latrine production. If you can,     there is the possibility of water to        times in the last 100 years. The effect
please include one that’s completed        stop flowing.                               is, in that period, 20 percent from the
with the picture and the size.                 Let’s imagine if the water stop         total volume of the clean water on
    Thank you so much for your atten-      flowing. Do we have to expect from          Earth is all gone, while the price of it
tion. We wish that Percik Magazine         the rain water? Or do we have to            has increased twice of the real price.
will always sparks the knowledge and       distil the seawater? Poor us if those       The problem is not just that. From
the informations everytime, especially     things come true. We have to save the       time to time, the water distribution is
the one that’s related to the drinking     water as early as possible. Because         creating a biger gap.
water and the environmental sanita-        water would be very useful for our
tion.                                      generations, so we have to take care                        Maximus Ali Perajaka
    		                   Na’ Mal Saleh     of it. It’s a moral responsibility for us                   Pesanggrahan, Jakarta
                Perumahan Puskesmas        to keep it sustainable.
                   Kabupaten Pinrang,                             Lina Naibaho
                        South Sulawesi
                                                         Medan, North Sumatera

Main                                                                                                      Edisi II, 2010

The Story About Multi
Village System in NTT
                                                                                                                           PRO AIR

                odi Sub district, West      Kodi Sub district, West Sumba Daya          water service in Kodi subsdistrict was
                Sumba Daya Regency,         Regency was focused on the construc-        finished last year. Now the villagers
                East Nusa Tenggara          tion of the clean water service that        can be happy and say “Getting water
                is one of the real suc-     serves five villages, which are Kori vil-   is so near”,” said Bernard.
                cessful example of the      lage, Homba village, Karipir village,           Bernd recognize that the devel-
multi village clean water facility devel-   Hohawungo village, and Wailabubur           opment program of drinking water
opment. this is due to the fact that the    village. The total number of the vil-       multi villages in Kodi was conducted
multi villages drinking water supply        lagers who need this service is 17.000      by the community with struggle. A
program that has been done in view          people with the cost of 37 billions Ru-     number of obstacles had occured. The
villages in Kodi Subsdrict was done         piah in form of water source protec-        target of pipeline construction almost
with a high budget and manage to            tion system.                                could not be reached because of the
cover services for the public in a very         “The multi village drinking wa-         poor work of the contractor, especially
large population. Not to mention the        ter system that we do is a pipe with a      the main contractor who were work-
complex problems at the field, neither      gravity flow in 4 villages with the wa-     ing on the construction at the water
technical or non technical, during the      ter tank capacity of 400 m3, the trans-     source location. "We are grateful that
implementation.                             mission pipe is 6,8 km, distribution        we could easily solve the prob-
    According the coordinator of Pro        pipe is 60 km, and also build 55 unit       lems. The main obstacle in the
Air, Bernd Ugner, the service of the        of water shop and 210 house con-            development process of
drinking water in multi village in          nections. This multi village drinking       multi vil-

Main Report

                                                                                                                            PRO AIR

lage drinking water successfully solved      on the additional funds request for            The main reason of all the villages
by replacing the main contractor with        that extra work. Every time the prob-      in NTT proposed for the multi villag-
the sub-contractors who have a better        lems come, we involved the commu-          es drinking water program is because
performance," he said.                       nity and village officials to find the     of the difficulty of obtaining water. To
    In addition to drinking water            solutions together. The principle is       fulfill their drinking water needs usu-
supply multi villages in Kodi, ProAir        that the society’s interest is important   ally they have to walk no less than 2
also constructing another one in Alor        for the development acceleration of        miles to the water source or get water
district. From 6 system that’s entirely      facilities and sustainability courses of   in the river at a distance of 1.5 km.
in the form of pipe system, located          multi-village drinking water system to         Spurred by difficulty to fulfill the
in Pantar district, East Pantar, South       be able to succeed.                        need for clean water, which they have
West Alor, East Alor, Northeast Alor,                                                   been experienced for many years,
they are expected to utilized by ±               Other District                         therefore, when the Pili community
10.280 people from a number of vil-              Beside the Kodi district, the suc-     and its neighboring village recieved
lages. Now the development of pipe-          cess story of ProAir in implementing       information that ProAir offers the
line proccess is still on going. It is ex-   the multi village drinking water can       cooperation for development of clean
pected that in December 2010 it can          also be found in the Pili village and      water service, some society leaders of
be completed.                                Kamura village, which are the vilage       Pili village took the initiative to gather
    Special for Bouweli village and Ka-      program location for ProAir in Timor       the community for discussion in or-
bir in the district of Pantar, the multi     Tengah Selatan (TTS) district, Nusa        der to prepare the contribution that is
village pipeline construction was in         Tenggara Timur. The valuable lessons       requiered by ProAir.
a slow progress, but now it’s already        learned of successful management               During the meeting, the commu-
back to normal. This is because of           multi-village drinking water can be        nity discussed several issues that were
changes in the water network system          seen during the process of filing pro-     required in order to be involved in
design and construction (Detailed            posals, planning, construction, until      ProAir programs, including the pool-
engineering design / DED) from the           self-management, maintenance of wa-        ing of in-cash contribution that must
               consultants that have         ter supply facilitiy by the community      be shown through initial maintenance
                               an impact     itself.                                    savings. Soon after that meeting, the

Edisi II, 2010

Pili village community succeded to         they can also use it for business like    annual work plans and Annual Cash-
collect in cash contribution as expect-    gardening, planting vegetables for        flow of the group, the collection of
ed in time and relatively faster than      nutritional fullfillment of the family.   monthly fees to increase the financial
other villages who also became ProAir      Beside, the water can also be sold to     group capacity. Particularly for finan-
program target areas.                      provide additional income for month-      cial groups Aitum Banum, until Sep-
    In fact the Pili and Kamura vil-       ly fee. Apparently, by experiencing the   tember 2009, has been recorded an
lagers raised the maintenance fund         approach process, which places the        income Rp. 25,974,370 .- in the form
no more than three weeks. Some of          community as the main actors, it ac-      collection of initial savings andmonth-
the community representatives of Pili      tually built the independence, while      ly fees. Meanwhile, the expenditures
village then went to the ProAir office     encouraging the awareness of com-         are used for management incentives
to bring the proposal, complete with       munity to be responsible for the sus-     fees, meeting cost, procurement in-
evidence of initial savings in the form    tainability of the program’s output.      ventory, maintenance system (valves
of photo copy of bank account worth            The sense of ownership and aware-     replacement ), transportation,office
Rp.7.000.000, - and several commu-         ness to maintain the sustainability of    supplies and others, with the total up
nity consensus documents as required       the program outputs is what really        to to Rp.7.495.549,.
by ProAir.                                 is encouraging the community that             In overall, the cash balance
    In response to this request, ProAir    institutionalized within the Clean        of Banum Aitum group until the
followed up with some activities, both     Water Management Body (BP-SAB)            end of September 2009 is up to
planning together with the communi-        "Banum Aitium" to fix seriously the       Rp.18.478.821,-. Interestingly, it was
ty, training or construction activities.   group. These are proved by the estab-     noted that the monthly fees was al-
The community is very enthusiastic         lishment of a semi-permanent build-       ready paid by the community (cover-
and proactive in following the process,    ings for office sized 6 x 16 m, formu-    age members) until December 2010,
because people really want to get out      lation of rules (AD / ART), which         which is administratively recorded
from their difficulties that they have     was then legalized with the issuance      properly and regularly by the treasurer
been facing all those time.                of Notary Groups, development of          of the group. Thus, any of the techni-
    What happen next?                                                                         cal side, the group has already
Thanks to the cooperation                                                                     had the technical personnel
with ProAir, active participa-                                                                skilled. These people has been
tion, perseverance and hard                                                                   following the internship at
work, they were finally suc-                                                                  the time of job construction
ceded in building clean water                                                                 progress. In addition, they
gravity piping systems with                                                                   also have been provided with
pipeline along the 5403 me-                                                                   equipment and training by a
ters and 11 pieces Tugu Kran/                                                                 professional technical person-
Public Hydran. The system                                                                     nel from ProAir before the
can serve 274 households                                                                      system was handed over to
or 680 people. In addition                                                                    the community.
there are also 5 units of well                                                                    Of course everything be-
that serve 166 households or                                                                  comes a pride for the commu-
about 501 people. For sani-                                                                   nity because the result of their
tation facilities, there are 14                                                               hard work also get a positive
units Floor Wash/Bathroom                                                                     appreciation from outsiders
and 1 toilet. Now the people                                                                  who are triggered to place the
are satisfied and pleased with                                                                community as the main ac-
the presence services.                                                                        tors in development, for the
    Since the water is now                                                                    sustainable results of the
available, the water is not                                                                   development itself.
only used for bathing, wash-
ing, cooking and drinking,
                                                                                      PRO AIR

Main Report

  Reflecting On the
  Multi Village System
  in North Kodi NTT
                                                                                                                      PRO AIR

           orth Kodi in the Nusa Teng-     ity in Sumba in 2002 and planned to           Water Source "Mataloko"
           gara Timur is one of the        be finished in 2010.                          There is only one large water
           area in West Sumba, which           In 2005-2006, during the time         source in Kodi known as "Mataloko"
experiencing water shortages almost        of the survey, the piping system from     with debit of water 40 to 250 liters
throughout the year. Although dur-         the community have been damaged,          per second. This water source is locat-
ing rainy season, abundant water, soil     while the deep wells need the expen-      ed in a cave in the hills of Wailabubur
coral and rock structure of the karst      sive pump operation and mainte-           in Rokoraka forest. The ProAir team
resulting in low capacity in saving wa-    nance. The water price becomes ex-        survey showed that this water source
ter. The government has sought over-       pensive because the water from wells      can be used to supply water for about
come through several water supply          or the river was transported by the ve-   50,000 people in 10-12 the village in
projects in form of providing shallow      hicles that could reached Rp.150,000      Kodi. However, the effort to build a
wells or deep wells, and gravity piping    for all conveyance, which is only 2-4     system of this magnitude actually ex-
systems, but it seems only to function     m3, which is only enough for a week.      ceeds the ProAir framework, because
partially.                                 In addition, that water as well as the    it was not anymore a simple develop-
    And then the latest project is         water sources in the region has been      ment of rural water supply systems.
ProAir, namely the Rural Water Sup-        heavily polluted. And then several vil-       However, after a long discussion
ply Project NTT, financed by KFW           lages community in Kodi asked the         and long negotiations between the
               and GTZ, had started        ProAir assistance to build water sys-     Steering Committee in Jakarta (bet-
                              its activ-   tem.                                      ter known now as a AMPL working

Edisi II, 2010

group) and the Southwest Sumba            calculating the contribution of mon-        2007, the implementing consultant
district local government, eventually     ey in unit volume rice. The donated         that empowers the community con-
KFW (Credit Anstalt fuer Wieder-          money required to support the supply        cluded that the payment with one
aufbau) is willing to provide techni-     system development water by ProAir          price (Flat rate) as generally in com-
cal support and financial, and GTZ        was intended not to pay for construc-       munity-based system in rural areas is
(Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusam-      tion but as savings for financing initial   not sufficient in funding for systems
menarbeit) is ready to provide a sup-     operation and maintenance system by         with public taps. To reach the level
port for community empowerment in         community groups manager water              of service and collection of the funds
building the multi village system in      (maintenance savings).                      needed in professional management,
four villages (Wailabubur, Homba-             With the accumulation of funds,         it needs a combination of system with
karipit, Hoha Wungo and Kori). The        stakeholders decided to prepare the         the water kiosk and household con-
support has conditional arrangement       development of water supply system          nections.
that communities provide a cash do-
nation and labor and material/energy
(in-kind), and were willing to also
manage the system.
    As the first step a survey that in-
cludes water sources measurements
and alternative investigation, consid-
ering Kodi’s geography is very flat. In
addition, in-depth discussion about
expected results in terms of social,
institutional, financial and technical
before any final decision. At the same
time, it was also decided to build a
special management organization
based on the principle 'ownership by
society', 'professional management' in
the clear 'law framework'.
    In 2006 a Master Plan was devel-
oped for the North Kodi and in 2007,
the monthly fees from the commu-
                                                                                                                        PRO AIR
nity began to be collected and initial
preparation of water management           in Kodi can be continue, including              DED had to be adjusted and In
group was performed. On 25th No-          making Detailed Engineering De-             April 2008 a new tender process for
vember 2006 and again in early 2007,      sign / DED. On 13th August 2007,            pipeline transmission can begin. Ten-
the stakeholders gathered at Kodi and     KFW submitted to the Ministry of            der for transmission pipelines and
agree that at least 75% of money do-      Health that all conditions precedent        distribution system, as well as supply,
nations of Rp 30,000 per member of        for the system in Kodi has been met         should be conducted separately. Beside
households for about 15,000 users         and there’s no other objected imple-        the preparation and appraisal process
water must be collected on June 31,       mentation in Kodi development sys-          that needs a long time, this communi-
2007. On 4th July 2007 cash dona-         tem. So it was began the development        ty-based system also face many prob-
tions from community collected to-        of DED and preparation of tenders           lems in construction. For example, the
taled Rp.424.034.505, or 94% of           based on calculation magnitude of the       shift of the pipeline due to renovation
the amount needed Rp. 450 million.        'safe' from Mataloko source that is 32      or widening the road. Or the need for
This succeed is based on the efforts      liters per seconds.                         land purchases in Noha village
and cooperated of community groups            But a complex system like this is       and Wailabubur border because
and government in developing an in-       not without challenges. In the pe-          only this place, which is
novative approaches, for example by       riod between October and November           slightly

Main Report

higher, suitable for public reservoir     not only in the terms of construc-        developed at 2007 and in its develop-
construction of 400 m3. The pur-          tion but also with the development        ment will be adjusted with the local
chase of this land is governed by the     of community-based organizations.         circumstances. However, when the
community and sub-district heads of       The ProAir team has worked hard to        water begins to flow later at the end of
North Kodi and facilitated by ProAir      build this community organization,        2010, all the resources is must already
and Local Government in Southwest         not just at the village level but also    be formed and ready to function.
Sumba. The delayed process was com-       at inter-village for the comprehensive        At this time water rates is set at
pounded by problems with local con-       management by considering the de-         Rp. 5 per liter or Rp.100 for one
tractors and rain, which is happening     cent representation. In the end, this     buckets or jerry cans of 20 liters. For
all over the year. Another problem is     organization is even greater than re-     this reason, a special coin produced
the difficulty of obtaining Ministry      gional organization of drinking water     by the project is used, until now there
of Forestry for permission to build       in West Sumba.                            is 250,000 pieces. One coin valued at
a transmission pipeline in Rokoraka           The organizational structure for      Rp.2.550 worth to pay 510 liters.
forest. Because the governance system     the multi village system in Kodi that         The transmission pipeline is cur-
and legal forest status is not so obvi-   was developed in the year 2007/2008,      rently under construction. When it’s
ous, the process of obtaining permits     was based on the concept like this:       completed, there will be a 6.8 km
(temporary) takes almost a year. Dur-     (see diagram)                             pipeline transmission and 46.4 km of
ing that time, construction transmis-         Professional unit that demands the    distribution pipes. The community
sion work is stops.                       staff is paid was selected and trained.   has built 57 stalls, where one will be
                                          Members of this unit will do the man-     used specifically for water trucks. From
    Community Based                       agement, operation and maintenance        the target of 210 households connec-
    Multi Village Organization            of daily routine while the multi vil-     tion, 170 connections have already
    However, in 2009 the construc-        lage organization will be watching        been installed. It is expected that by
tion of the system is well performed,     them. This management concept was         the end of year 2010 this system will
                                                                                                                      PRO AIR

Edisi II, 2010

        Diagram Konsep Struktur Organisasi Penyedia Air Bersih Kodi Utara

                                                                              Konsultasi dan       Manajer Umum
  Komite                                                     Rekomendasi
 Keuangan                         Dewan Federasi                                 Koordinasi
   Audit                                                                             Harian
  Laporan                                                    Laporan Rutin
 Keuangan      Rekomendasi
                                         4 Anggota
                                                                                          Bagian                   Bagian
                                                                                          Teknis                  Keuangan

                                                                                           Staf                     Staf
                               Federasi Pengelola Air                                       ---                      ---
     4                                                                                      ---                      ---

         Kepala               Kepala              Kepala       Kepala
         Komite               Komite              Komite       Komite
        Pelaksana            Pelaksana           Pelaksana    Pelaksana

                                                                                Komunikasi dan Kerjasama Harian

        Pelaksana            Pelaksana          Pelaksana     Pelaksana
         Harian               Harian             Harian        Harian

                                                                                            cal government of West Sumba is very
                                                                                            supportive and planning to develop a
                                                                                            further new type of the system, which
                                                                                            is Community Based Organization
                                                                                            or CBO that utilizes the professional
         Asosiasi             Asosiasi           Asosiasi       Asosiasi                    expertise, and expected to become an
        Pengelola            Pengelola          Pengelola      Pengelola                    organization that is sustainable in serv-
                                                                                            ing the needs of water for community,
                                                                                            Kodi. With coverage of 10 villages and
                                                                                            50,000 water users, this system is the
       Penguna memilih perwakilan untuk masing-masing Asosiasi Pengelola
                                                                                            same size as the system for a rather
                                                                                            large city in the province.
        Pengguna             Pengguna           Pengguna      Pengguna
                                                                                                For that, it requires support for the
                                                                                            CBO, access to the information and
                                                                                            "expertise" (special skill knowledge)
                                                                                            and the availability of materials and
                                                                                            proper equipment, adequate funding
                                                                                            and guaranteed, as well as the expertise
be completed and operated normally.              helps to prepare and guide the people.     in the institutional and technical fields.
The Kfw total investment is Rp.37 bil-           Engineer and site Inspectors design,       And finally it requires the right proc-
lion or about 3 million Euro.                    manage, and oversee the construc-          cess to develop the organizations as the
    This complex process of multi vil-           tion and the construction contractor.      owner and legitimate managers.
lage development and construction is             Many of the problems faced. How-
long and difficult because besides in-           ever, thanks to cooperation between                                   The author is
volving many parties, this process faces         citizens and local government that has                       Team Leader Financial
various problems. Many peoples are               been facilitated by the project team,              Cooperation ProAir (MOH, KfW
involved. The people team motivator              most problems could be fixed. The lo-                     Component) / RODECO

Bernd Ugner, Tears Stream
   as Telling The Story About NTT Child
        Who Apreciates the Water

                                                                                                            PRO AIR

               ne of the figures behind the success of     providing the community-based drinking water in NTT.
               the Pro Air program in providing water      At the first time he got connected with the community
               service for the people of Nusa Tenggara     NTT, particularly in rural areas, the condition at
               Timur (NTT) is Bernd Ugner. A tall          that time was not like now. First time I was in East
               German man who is 198 cm tall, maybe        Sumba the condition was more apprehensive. Water
he’s one of the "Champions" behind the successful of       availability was very limited, the villagers must walk up
multi-village drinking water in Nusa Tenggara Timur.       to tens of kilometers to obtain drinking water in Nabbo
    "I am often overwhelmed when remembering the           water source.
struggle of small village society in Nusa Tenggara Timur       According to Bernd, one of the greatest obstacles
to get drinking water. One of the stories that I could     in multi-village water supply in NTT is the geographical
never forget is a10 year old child who walked 3 km         issues and cultural issues. Geographical issue is very
carrying a jerry can into one of a water source. When      clear because most of village in NTT is hilly, as for the
he reached the water source and filled his jerry can, he   cultural issues; the people in NTT have a habit to stay
did not remove the rest of the water that he got, but      on top of the hill, while the water source is located
put it back into the well. Children as small as he was     below. They do not want to get close to the water
realized the importance of the water for his another       source and prefer to be on the hill because of reasons
brother," said Bernd touched when telling the story to     to survive from their enemy attacks is far more easy to
Percik.                                                    do. And they’re hold it very strong. In fact the reason
                  Bernd Ugner has since 2003 involved      was absurd, because if the enemy is already control
                            in the ProAir program in       the water sources, of course they will never get water.

Edisi II, 2010

They also no longer able to move to the source water        NTT there are also rivers that have a lot of water.
because of their ancestors were buried at that hills.           The position and role of the government is quite
    The first time I created a program to empower           positive though the local government itself is facing
communities to obtain drinking water in East                decentralization problems. Specialization is one of the
Sumba, from a number of districts only two districts        problems, beside the supervision, the cooperation
proposed the need to get a technical assistance and         between parties and community service. PDAM
infrastructure. At least 84 villages were proposing that    activity was more directed at the provision of drinking
they need to get the water needs fullfilled as soon as      water in urban areas, while the regular funds from
possible. Unfortunately a number of proposals had           the central government were not sufficient to supply
many weaknesses because of the cultural issues and          drinking water in rural areas.
water resources are located under the village and               ProAir is a community based drinking water project,
need time to lift it above. From the number of those        in order for community to maintain and manage the
proposals (84 villages) only 8 villages that matched the    facilities. This is the translation of national policy listed
gravity system, they are which Pro Air helped at that       in the National Community Based Water Supply and
time. There are many separated village, distance from       Environmental Sanitation Development Policy. Of
one house to another house is quite far. The number         course it’s not easy to change the people's behavior
of this proposal shows the evidence of water demand         so they can be responsible for managing their own
is very high.                                               facilities.
    "We traveled to every village to see how big their          This project is different from the other conventional
needs were. We see these things are very serious. It        project, where the system has been finished and used.
was indeed a real dilemma, if they were provided with       In Pro Air, it takes a very difficult struggle to make
water pumps to lift water upward the hill it would          people aware of the usefulness of the system, and the
be very difficult because there was no electricity          final target is people able to maintain, manage and
and diesel. And we also doubt the public was able           care about their own facilities. "So don’t be negative
to manage it. Finally, we only helped 8 villages.           thinking, because in ProAir, construction is a process
Investment that ProAir provide to each person was           not just build up and finish. But it’s also important
about 100 Euros per head, " he said.                        about what about the next. This is what ProAir wants
    ProAir, is a German government drinking water           to achieve. I have the experience about how difficult it
project in NTT, which was began in 3 districts namely       is to run this program," he said.
East Sumba, West Sumba and Central South Timor.                 How difficult it is to give the understanding to
And then it was extended to the districts of Alor           the communities. Until now we are still learning
and Ende. ProAir is a water                                                            and looking for the most
drinking service program                                                               optimal form so this
that has a based on rural                                                              program can succeed. The
community that use the gravity                                                         expected commitment
system and dug wells. ProAir                                                           from the community is that
involve all parties, including                                                         the community realize the
engineers that set the design                                                          importance to manage and
and programing in accordance                                                           maintain the public facilities,
with the rules of the game of                                                          especially the drinking water
international standards, as well                                                       so that the system can survive
as sustainability.                                                                     as long as possible and not just
    Drinking water was found                                                           end up as monuments.
deep in the soilarid and rocky                                                             This is the reality in villages
land in NTT. The problem                                                               in the most districts in the
was how to lift the water up                                                           province of East Nusa
to the surface, to serve the                                                           Tenggara. The small
community especially for those                                                         rainfall rate, dry land
who live in the high land. In
                                                                              PRO AIR


conditions have made the water as a rare item.               the investment. ProAir partners in the region is
Almost every house in countryside should send one            the Regional Development Planning Board Agency
of its members to walk to get water in a considerable        (Bappeda), Health agency, Public Works agency, and
distance place every day. And it’s no exception for          Rural Community Empowerment Agency (BMPD).
children. Many learning time is wasted due to “pulling           The aim is to form the structure of simple
up” the weight to fulfill the water needs at home.           management at the village level that enables the
    It must be admitted, said Bernd, the NTT resident        independence in the management of potable water
enthusiasm to get water could be seen from the               supply system and sustainable sanitation. This
contribution of personnel for the smooth construction        program also helps the local governments in order to
of drinking water facilities in their village. Old, young,   establish and empower management organization and
male, female, all present to realize their dream             infrastructure, building monitoring systems for the
together. This cooperation is essential for increasing       water structure, and develop the regulation on water
the ownership sense from public for the facilities.          source protection.
    It has been described by Bernd, that ProAir is a             The impact that’s expected in long-term, supply of
synergy of the Ministry of Health of the Republic            drinking water and sustainable sanitation is expected
of Indonesia (Kemenkes), KfW Bankengruppe (KfW               to improve health conditions of the community.
Banking Group), and Germany Technical Cooperation            Closer distance to the water source will reduce the
(GTZ), who agreed to implement together the ProAir           time spent by the mothers and children to fetch the
program along the district Government in East Nusa           water. This will opened up opportunities to perform
Tenggara.                                                    more productive activities, which in the end will
    Within the scope of this cooperation, GTZ provides       reduce poverty level. By transferring the responsibility
a technical assistance for the community development,        responsibility for managing the water and sanitation
              and KfW provides a temporary                   to the community, it will create new employment
                             financial assistance for        opportunities and economic diversification.

Regulation                                                                                                     Edisi II, 2010

     The Arangement of Water Management
       Needs a Sound Umbrella Regulation
             ater is the gift from God to his people, includ-   general dicipline that’s reflected the society justice.
             ing the Indonesian people, while in the Article
             33 the 3rd paragraph of the 1945 Constitution          The Management Authority
mandated that mastery over the earth, water, and airspace,          Since the enactment of Otda Law No. 22 on1999 until
as well as wealth contained in it is to be used maximumly       it has been revised into Law No. 32 on 2004, laws that’s
for the sake of prosperity of the people. The ownery which      related to water management is Act No.7 on 2004 on wa-
has wrote does not place the country as the owner, but re-      ter resources. In the law of Water Resources there are two
mained on the implementation of countries functions.            types of authority that explained in detail (chapters 16 and
    Water is the most thing that living things need, includ-    18). The law of water resources provides the authority and
ing humans, plants and animals, therefore the used of the       responsibility of local government on water resource man-
water is need to set to provide benefits for the people. In     agement including setting water resources management
the water network distribution, it’s required a coordinated     policy, setting the patterns of water resources management,
system, both among the actors or the policy makers, and         establish a management plan water resources, establish and
the guarantee of getting enough water.                          manage the protected water source resources, carry out
    So importance the wa-                                                                     the management of water re-
ter problems are, neither                                                                     sources, regulate, establish and
to meet the needs of many                                                                     permit the supply, allocation,
people’s live or for the ag-                                                                  exploitation of water, form a
ricultural needs (especially                                                                  water resources council, meet
food plants) and purposes                                                                     the minimum basic of day-
in other sectors. It can’t be                                                                 to-day needs of the water and
denied that water becomes a                                                                   maintain the effectiveness, ef-
commodity that has a stra-                                                                    ficiency, quality, and order im-
tegic position of interests                                                                   plementation of water resource
for the needs of living, busi-                                                                management in the river area
ness, industry, agriculture /                                                                 in one districts / city.
irrigation, and food that has                                                                     This way, the water resource
been a part of the national                                                                   law in overall describes the au-
defense system. The strate-                                                                   thority both substantive and
gic position of the water in                                                                  technical. Technical author-
controlling many part of the                                                                  ity particularly concern rules
living can’t be circumvented                                                                  regarding settings, determina-
that the water would be a                                                                     tion, licensing, supply, alloca-
matter of attraction from                                                                     tion, utilization, and the uti-
various interests. Therefore,                                                                 lization of water resources
the issue of the water must                                                                   and the formation of
be well handed through the                                                                    councils, while the water
laws and regulations that POKJA                                                               authority
can protect and realized the


is dealing with the other eight substantive authority, which     ual or business party with the permission of the Govern-
can briefly be said as an autonomous authority of natural        ment or local government within their authority.
resources management.
    The water resources law is seen to set about the com-            Licensing
munity participation. In this section letter (d) it says: ‘In        Can be understood that licenzing put the position and
line with the spirit of democratization, decentralization,       role of the state in accordance with the basic philosophy
and the openness in the order of society life, nation, and       Constitution (UUD 1945), in UU SDA it’s important
state, the society needs given a role in the management of       for placing the society sense of justice. Licensing refers
water resources’. This rules is set more comprehensive and       to the protection of the interests of the people thought
widespread in the CHAPTER XI about rights, obligations           many of the raw water needs and the concept of conser-
and society participation. It has been said “society has an      vation environment and sustainability of water resources.
equal opportunity to participate in the planning process,        Licensing in SDA was gave as a whole (art.45), including
implementation, and supervision of management water              the use of water at the location (4a), Waste water container
resources.” The implementation of that participation will        (4b), the utilization of water resources (4c), water alloca-
then stipulated in the Government Regulation. This law           tion for business and water resource management plan (ar-
also stipulates the right of the people that has to fullfil as   ticle 46).
a prerequisite of the implementation of true participation.
Those rights are the rights of information, benefit, com-        Domestic Raw Water
pensation, objection, reports and complaints and the right           In the case of household drinking water supply, then
to sue to the court as the management of water resources.        the development system is became the government and
                                                                 local government responsible, but its implementation can
    The Water Right Arrangements                                 be given to state-owned companies, cooperatives, private
    The Water Use Rights                                         enterprises, and communities (Law SDA Article 40). Ad-
    The water use rights enumerated in the Act SDA article       justing for the provision of systems development drinking
6, 7, 8, and 9 were divided into 2 (two) categories, namely      water aims to:
the right to use water and water rights lease. The right to          a. the created of a quality drinking water management
use water is the right to use the water for daily basic needs            services with a reasonable price;
or noncommercial, while the water rights lease is to cul-            b. a balance achieving between consumer interests and
tivate water for the purposes commercial. This has been                  service providers; and
explicitly placed the water as a commodity item that can             c. the increased of efficiency and coverage of drinking
be traded. Rights of the water may not be leased or trans-               water services.
ferred, partially or completely, while the right to use water
obtained without permission to meet daily basic needs for            Conservation
individuals and for small-scale agriculture within an irriga-        UU SDA emphasizes the concept of conservation of
tion system.                                                     natural resources and distribution of resources to maintain
    The right to water use requires a permission by the          the stability of the source power and water cycles, as well
Government or regional governments within their author-          as administrative thinking (licensing and granting rights).
ity if:                                                          Conservation gets emphasis to the sustainability of the wa-
    a. how to use it was done by changing the natural con-       ter resources that have been destructed at the forests on
        dition of water sources;                                 the uplands (mountains) with the prevention efforts in
    b. intended for groups that require a large amounts of       concrete.
        water; or                                                    Forest and environmental destruction that has been
    c. used for agricultural irrigation system of the people     done systematically as stated in UU no. 23 1997 on the
        outside the existing ones.                               Environment is to get more serious attention, the punish-
    The right to use the water includes the right to drain       ment against the destructor was formulated in the concept
the water from or into the soil through other people’s           of a very hard punishment neither a physically punishment
land adjacent to the land based on the approval of holders       or fines as much as possible. Conservation must cultivate
        of land rights (can contain damages or compensa-         the spirit to all elements of society to preserve the water
                       tion agreement). These rights can be      resources, farm conservation in the upstream region to be
                                     granted to any individ-     stimulated the spirit of conservation. (eko / dewi)

Agenda                                                                                                    Edisi II, 2010


                                                                                         as UNEP launched the official
                                                                                         site will be centered in the
                                                                                         city of Kigali, the capital of
                                                                                         Rwanda, a country in East
                                                                                             UNEP is planning to make
                                                                                         the World Environment Day
                                                                                         (WED) 2010 as the largest
                                                                                         celebration in stimulating the
                                                                                         public of the world awareness

                                                                                         for the importance of
              he World Environment Day/WED is                                            environmental sustainability.
              commemorated on 5th June every year since       WED theme this time is related to the declaration of
              The UN held environment conference in       2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity with COP
              Stockholm in 1977. The commemoration        10 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya,
              of the World Environment Day was held       Japan, which lasted on 18 to 29 October 2010.
under the coordination of United Nations Environment          This theme is expected to invite the whole world to
Programme (UNEP), which established the United            preserve the diversity of life on earth. Provide awareness
Nations since 1977.                                       that a world without biodiversity is a very bleak
    On this World Environment Day 2010, it has            prospect. Millions of people and millions of species
theme of "Many Species. One Planet. One Future". The      sharing together in the same planet, and only
Commemoration of the World Environment Day 2010,          together we all can enjoy a


safer and more prosperous future.                                     The selection of this theme is considered important by
    Living environment, often referred to as the                 the Ministry of Environment Gusti Mohammad Hatta as
environment, is a term that can include all living and non       it reminds that Indonesia is blessed with biodiversity rich
living creatures in nature that are in earth or part of the      by God and it must be inherited to the next generations.
Earth, which functions naturally without excessive human         "Indonesia is blessed with a very high biodiversity with
intervention. The opponents of environment are artificial        a 90 types of ecosystems, 40 thousand plant species, and
environment, which covers an area and its components             300 thousand species of animals. A lot of biodiversity is a
which heavily influenced by humans.                              potential which can be exploited for the national economic
    The World Environment Day is celebrated in many              development and increased the society welfare," said
cases in countries such as Kenya, New Zealand, Poland,           Mohammad Hatta. President Yudhoyono himself in his
Spain and the United States. The activities include rallies      speech said the importance of biodiversity for Indonesia
and streets parades, as well as concerts, planting trees, and    and the world. "Our Country have a unique geography.
cleaning campaigns. In many countries, the annual event          We are rich of biodivertsity and we also have a wealth of
is used to improve the political attention and the action        nature, the world's longest beach, the world's third largest
to increase the public awareness about the importance of         forest. Rich of the flora, fauna, and plasmanufa. We have
considering environmental problems.                              500 species of mammals, 12 percent owned by the world.
                                                                 500 species of reptiles or 7 percent owned by the world.
    In Indonesia                                                 1500 bird species or 17 per cent owned by the world. 38
    In Indonesia the World Environment Day                       thousand plant species, 1260 species of medical plants, 700
commemorations is have a good welcome from the                   seaweed species, 450 species of coral stone, and 2 thousand
government and people of Indonesia. The President                fish species, "said SBY.
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, along with the First Lady                   "Let us think about it, how God Almighty endowed
Ani Yudhoyono is celebrating the World Environment               Indonesia with such biodeversity that’s difficult to find
Day, which falls on 5th June, 2010 at the State Palace.          in another countries. Therefore, our moral obligation,
Indonesia, through the Ministry of Environment, adopted          our humanitarian duty, is to maintain its sustainability,
the spirit of the whole nation in the world, and brought         and when we use for the welfare of the people, and then
the theme, “The Biodiversity, Our World Future”. United          it must necessarily maintain the sustainability rules for
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) itself picks the            good environment, namely systemable development. Not
theme “Many Species, One Planet, One Future“.                    just for our generation but for our grandchildren in the
                                                                                    future. Green development," Yudhoyono
                                                                                           On this occasion President
                                                                                      Yudhoyono gave the Kalpataru award to
                                                                                      12 people/organizations in 4 categories,
                                                                                      the Adipura award has increased from
                                                                                      126 cities in 2009 to 140 cities in in
                                                                                      2010. As for the Independent Adiwiyata
                                                                                      awards are given to the 25 schools.
                                                                                          Some regions also celebrated
                                                                                      the World Environment Day. The
                                                                                      Government of Riau Islands Province
                                                                                      perform a flag ceremony that’s lead
                                                                                      by the Kepri Governor HM Sani
                                                                                      himself in the Office of the Governor,
                                                                                      Tanjungpinang. The series of
                                                                                      commemorations in the province of
                                                                                      Riau Islands is the making of book about
                                                                                      the environment. This book received
                                                                                      the national award level. Other activities

Edisi II, 2010

                                                                                                                FOTO-FOTO: ISTIMEWA

are management of environmental impact, socialization         and Chairman DPRD Gorontalo province Marten Taha
of the danger of B3 waste for the environment and also        and then followed by the other officials.
the management and utilization of clean water. Another            The top of the World Environment Day 2010 in the
activity is to conduct a memorandum of understanding          East Java was held at Dam Sub Selorejo Ngantang Malang
between the Government of Riau Islands Province, the          and in Kota Batu on 26th July. The head of Environment
Controling Agency of Batam and the Government of              Agency in East Java Province, Indra Wiragana SH on LJ,
Batam, about the marine management.                           said, a series of events was started on 23rd to 26th July with
    "The peak of Environment Day is planting 500 trees        several activities, including a green tent held on 24 to 26
in Sungai Pulai and a dove release at the Governor Office",   July in Dam Selorejo-Malang.
said the Environment Head of Riau Islands Province,               The questionnaire distribution on "Caring for the
Khairul Ja'far.                                               Watershed (DAS) Brantas " was held on July 23rd, in Kota
    In order to commemorate the nature of Gorontalo           Batu. "With the spread of this questionnaire is intended
Province, the 38th World Environment Day at the               for the community so they will know about the current
Provincial Gorontalo together with the meeting of Korpri      condition of the Brantas river and make them participate
and the 17th National Family Day at the District Level of     in preserving and improving the quality of this watershed",
Gorontalo, Vice Governor of Gorontalo H. Toni Uloli, SE       Indra said. Furthermore, by conducting the vehicle
attended the memorial ceremony and was accompanied by         emission tests for the public so they will know about the
the DPRD chairman of the Gorontalo province Marten            burden potential of CO2 pollution by motor vehicles,
Taha at the Bongohulawa District Limboto camp ground          which will be held on July 23rd on the Road of Kota
in Gorontalo district. This ceremony was started by trees     Batu. (Eko)
planting by the Deputy Governor of Gorontalo Toni Uloli,


                  n 1994 the UN General has declared June 17th
                  as the Day of the Land Degradation and World
                  Drought Mitigation Day through the resolution
                  No. A/Res/49/115 to increase public awareness
                  about the dangers of land degradation. This shows
         that the land degradation is a global problem and it is
         a dangerous process of environmental degradation in
         the world. The UN General called on all countries and
         in civil society groups to commemorated, and support
         the activities related to prevention and control of land
         degradation every June 17th to raise the awareness of
         the society towards sustainable development principles
              As one of concern from our country and solidarity
         to the problem of global land degradation, Indonesia
         ratified the 1998 UN Convention on the UN Convention
         Combat Desertification, which abbreviated as UNCCD,
         through Presidential Decree No. 135 of 1998. UNCCD
         also known as the Convention Rio, which is the result
         of Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro with the other couple
         of environmental conventions, namely the Convention
         on Bio Diversity/CBD and UNFCCC (Convention
         framework for climate change).
             The Ministry of Forestry efforts to invite the society
         to plant the trees together through the Indonesian
         plant campaign, such as the National Movement for
         Land Rehabilitation and Social Forestry (Gerhan),

Edisi II, 2010


The Indonesian Planting Action (APSI), Women's                Indonesia.
Planting and Maintain Trees Movement (GPTPP) is                   This World Degradation Reduction Day in 2010 was
an implementation of the UNCCD convention in                  adjusted to the theme of year 2010 as the International
Indonesia.                                                    Year of Biodiversty, namely: "Enhancing anywhere soils,
    Also the development of society Forest, People's          enhances life everywhere ".
Forest and Non-Wood Forest Products (NTFPs) which                 That theme illustrates that land degradation and
is conducted on lands that must be protected. However,        drought is significantly affecting all of the components of
nowadays the activities are more referred with the carbon     biodiversity in the soil. Size of the critical and very critical
sequestration as a framework implementation of the            land throughout Indonesia has exceeded 30 million ha.
convention of the climate change (UNFCCC).                    The prevention or rehabilitation of degraded land must
    The purpose of convening Memorial Day of                  be carefully programmed which in line with sustainable
prevention of land degradation is to recall the problem       agricultural development for a positive impact on people's
of land degradation in connection with the carrying           welfare.
capacity of watershed issues for the future of the nation.        In relation to the construction of water supply and
With that, the goal to be achieved is to increase the         sanitation, of course the reduction in critical lands will
understanding of land degradation and awareness the           increase the sustainability of water resources, and
dangers to the national life in order to obtain support       reduce flooding in the rain season and drought in
from the stakeholder concerning the forest and the            summer [Eko].
land protection and rehabilitation throughout DAS in


       15 Millions
         Households in Indonesia Still
     Do not Have Access to Drinking Water
By Lauren Damiar

                    rinking water supply in Indonesia is quite
                    big actually. Indonesia has 6 percent of the
                    world's water supply. While in Asia Pacific,
                    21 percent of water supply is in Indonesia.
                    But compared to Malaysia and some other
countries in Southeast Asia, the fulfillment water supply for
the population in Indonesia is much lower.
     Until now the Indonesian people who have access of
drinking water is less than 40 percent. The coverage of pipe
system only 17 percent, far below the target that has been set
     The network covers only 32 percent of the urban areas
and much lower in rural areas. Of course the real scope in
the field is much lower, and in many places, it’s not optimally
     Currently, the Ministry of Public Works is working hard
to build a drinking water facilities for 15 million family in
30,000 village in Indonesia who have a difficulty in getting
a drinking water. and the required budget is Rp 15 trillion.
Each year until 2010 Rp 5 trillion is needed. The assumption
is each village requires Rp 500 million.
     The condition of water supply in Indonesia is not so dif-
                 ferent with what happened at the global level.
                                 Indonesia is facing the avail-

Edisi II, 2010

ability of drinking water problems that continues to decrease      season, people in the Sungai Rengit village, Talang Kelapa sub
to 15-35 percent every year due to natural damage and pollu-       district, and Limbang Mulia village, Pangkalan Balai subdis-
tion. This condition will get worsen if the supply of drinking     trict, Banyuasin district must be patient to wait in the line of
water are compared with the population growth. By the year         a hundreds people, day and night, to get the drinking water
of 2015, the number of Indonesia's population is projected         from the only well in the area. And who can’t stand in the line
to reach 245.7 million people. More than half that number          is forced to buy the water at the price of Rp.3.500 per 20-liter
live in the city with a more large drinking water usage per        jerry can at the Air Batu, 18 kilometers from their village.
capita than the rural population. Consequently, the growth
of drinking water demand is not comparable with the condi-             Nusa Tenggara Timur: Water Crisis Region
tions of supply and increase of the supply.                            Nusa Tenggara Timur is one of the most place that’s face
    Because of that, it’s hard to avoid the majority of Indo-      the worst water crisis. The crisis are both in the aspect of
nesia society to deal with the limited compliance of drinking      availability (quantity) or quality. Throughout 2007, the news
water as their daily problems. About 6 million poor people in      about the water crisis in East Nusa Tenggara fills the pages of
several places in Indonesia should buy drinking water from         local newspapers almost everyday. The drinking water crisis
vendors at a much more expensive price than the price of wa-       occurred almost of the part of East Nusa Tenggara. From the
ter taps. At least there are 15 million Families in 30,000 vil-    19 (now 20) districts in East Nusa Tenggara district only 5
lages in Indonesia do not have a clean water service.              districts that are relatively provided for their needs.
    A number of drinking water problems occur in almost                In the dry season, 29 water sources and nine pumped
every place. In the district of Tembuni, Tembuni Bay, the          wells that has become the water source of Kupang citizens
community found it difficult to gett drinking water because        drops dramatically, from 10-75 liters per second during the
the water is mixed with oil. In Palembang, during the dry          rainy season to 0.5 to 20 liters per second. This thing is makes
                                                           POKJA   it difficult for the PDAM distribution with the principles of
                                                                   gravity, so that the water distribution reduced from 3 days to
                                                                   5-7 days.
                                                                        In addition to supply shortage, the people of Kupang
                                                                   also deal with water quality issues. According to the results
                                                                   of the City Health Office of Kupang, 12 dug wells that serve
                                                                   water tank owned by PDAM and the local entrepreneurs to
                                                                   sell to the citizens is less than 80 meters. Many of them even
                                                                   less than 10 meters. Therefore, the available water was comee
                                                                   from bacteria-contaminated surface water.
                                                                        Rural, the question of the availability of drinking water is
                                                                   more challenging. Almost all districts in the regency of Ku-
                                                                   pang, which are the rural areas, face the clean water crisis.
                                                                        Villagers Lefuleo, West Kupang district must walk 4 km
                                                                   from their village to get clean water.
                                                                        In East Baumata village, North Baumata and Kuaklalo
                                                                   in the district Taebenu, the community can’t afford to fi-
                                                                   nance the operational cost of water pump anymore that need
                                                                   Rp.600.000 per four hours. While in some villages in the dis-
                                                                   trict of West Amarasi, residents are forced to buy water worth
                                                                   Rp. 200.000 thousand per tank.
                                                                        The water crisis even experienced by the residents of Ti-
                                                                   long, in the Oelnasi village, that has the biggest dam in NTT.
                                                                   The networkpipe and 11 container vessels that have been built
                                                                   in the village, such as fringe benefits of land transfer by
                                                                   the people to the dam (the people surrender the land
                                                                   in cultural way with the promise of getting the
                                                                   water service), and the water was


never flowed. Every day the mother in Tilong have to walk 3        filtration. To obtain the water that is free from infiltration of
kilometers to carry the water.                                     sea water, a borehole that reach tens of meters deep is needed.
     The water crisis is even worse on the island of Sabu, both    Community do not have a sufficient funds and technology
in West Sabu districts, East Sabu, Sawu Mehara and Liae dis-       to it.
trict. Evenly across the community there is dealing with the
lack of clean water supply. In Belu regency, from the 400,000          The Suffering Continues
inhabitants, only 12 percent who enjoy the clean water. The            Drinking water crisis is affecting many problems, such
villages resident in the Benanain riverside like Tafuli village    as disease, the decrease of the level of prosperity, the low of
in Rainhat district, Benae village in Central Malacca district,    productivity, and neglect of the opportunity to get education.
and Manleten village in West Tasifeto district was forced to       In East Nusa Tenggara, throughout August until September
consume Benanain river water, which is muddy and contami-          2007, 11 childrens died due to diarrhea due to lack of avail-
nated with animal feces. Residents are not able to walk 30-10      ability of drinking water and the poor conditions of sanita-
km each day to the nearest water source or buy pumps and           tion. In this province, children die in case of diarrhea occurs
pipes for water to drain from the water source that is located     throughout the year.
in the valley. The same pattern was faced by the society of            In addition to drinking water access, which is one of the
                                                                                            welfare indicators, for the people who’s
                                                                                            forced to buy the drinking water from
                                                                                            peddler (tank cars and wheelbarrow),
                                                                                            the limited of drinking water mean
                                                                                            additional burden budget for home
                                                                                            consumption. The price of water on
                                                                                            the seller is much more costly than the
                                                                                            usual price from PDAM. Therefore,
                                                                                            people who do not have the access
                                                                                            for the PDAM service or the supply
                                                                                            water stops in the dry season, must
                                                                                            reduce the another consumption so
                                                                                            they could cover the expenditure to
                                                                                            buy clean water.
                                                                                                Villages that do not have enough
                                                                                            water resources, the people will have
                                                                                            to walk for hours just to take one or
                                                                                            two jerry cans of water from the source
                                                                                            that’s so far away, or spend their time
                                                                                            in the long line at the only source of
Kateri village in the Weliman district, and Buliaran village in    water that’s existing and limited. If only houses in the villages
Sasitamean district.                                               has been served water pipelines, of course the available time
     As in Belu district, the society in Ngada district was also   can be used to perform the economic activities that supply the
forced to consume river water because the source of drink-         family incomes, or also socio-cultural activities.
ing water is away from the village. Too tiring to walk 3-7 km          For childrens, far and limited water resources from home
to the source of drinking water every day, villagers of Mainai     or settlements means that they will lose the opportunity to
village in Wolomeze and Benteng Tawa village in the Riung          continue to go to school. In West Solor, East Flores, before the
Barat district, was forced to used the muddy river water and       existance of the development rainwater tanks program (PAH),
become the puddle of the animals. The residents in Pondok          young women can’t proceed to go to school at the higher level
village West Sumba district, experience similar problems.          because they must take the responsibility for the availability
     In Solor, East Flores district and 8 districts in Lembata     of the water for household. For hours they spent to walk and
district, despite having a well, the public consumes water that    waiting in the line to take the water from the sources that’s
                is not safe. The residents owned wells are con-    located far away from home. That responsibility is a division
                                taminated by the sea water in-     of roles with the parents who work in the fields.

Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010
Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010

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Multi Village Drinking water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation magazine. 2nd Edition 2010

  • 1. 15 millions Households in Indonesia Still Do not Have Access to Drinking Water Edisi II, 2010 II Edition, 2010 INFORMATION MEDIA OF WATER SUPPLY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Multi Village Drinking Water
  • 2. Information Media on Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Table of Published by: Contents Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Working Group (WSES Working Group) From The Editor.......................................................................................................... 3 Your Voice .................................................................................................................. 4 Responsible Person Main Report Housing and Settlement Director of Bappenas Story on Multi Village System in NTT ………………………………………………….............. 5 Environmental Sanitation Director of the Reflecting On the Multi Village System in North Kodi NTT …..………………….......... 8 Health Ministry Bernd Ugner, Tears Stream as Telling The Story about NTT Child Who Water Supply Development Director of the Apreciate the Water ……..................................................................................... 12 Public Work Ministry Regulation Natural Resources Improvement and Efficient The Arrangement of Water Management Needs Technology Director of Domestic Affair a Sound Umbrella Regulation ............................................................................ 15 Ministry Agenda Director of Spatial and Environmental Facili- The World Environment Day............................................................................... 17 tation of the Domestic Affair Ministry The Land Degradation and World Drought Mitigation Day ………………………….... 20 Discourse Head of editorial staff 15 Millions Households in Indonesia Do Still Not Have Access Oswar Mungkasa to Drinking Water .........................................................................................…… 22 BPSAB Study in 5 Districts in West Java And East Java …......…………………………… 27 Editorial Staff Interview Maraita Listyasari Budi Yuwono General Director of Cipta Karya …..........…………………………………… 31 Nugroho Tri Utomo Inovasion Simple Technology to Turn Rain Water Into Drinking Water. …………………......... 34 Managing Editor Through Ozonization and Filtration Peat Water Becomes Clean ………...……...... 36 Eko Budi Harsono Different Side Water Crisis And Indonesia’s Water Endurance …..............…………………………… 38 Design and Production Testimonial Agus Sumarno Teti Suryani, The Teacher Who Becomes Trash Composer...………………………….. 42 Sofyar Reportation Community Based Total Sanitation Roadshow In Grobogan. ……………………..….. 44 Circulation/Secretariat The 2010 AMPL Development Consolidation Meeting .……………….................... 45 Agus Syuhada The Ministry of Environment High Level Forum Nur Aini The Impact of Water Crisis On Society, Women, and Children ….………………..... 46 The INDOWATER Exhibition 2010 …………………………………….…………................... 48 Editorial Address Jakarta’s Ground Water is Not Decent to Consume. ………………………............….. 49 Jl. RP Soeroso 50, Central Jakarta, Guidelines Ph/Fax: (021) 31904113 An Easy Way to Built Sun Distalator for Water Purifying. ………………………......... 52 Website: http// CD Info ………………………………………………………………………..……………............................ 54 e-mail: Book Info ………………………………………………………………………..…………........................... 55 Web Sites Info …………………………………………………………………………………….................. 56 AMPL Library ...……………………………………………………………………………......................... 57 Editors accept external papers/article Facts concerning water supply and environmental Facts Related to the Water Scarcity……………………………………………….................. 58 sanitation.
  • 3. From Edisi II, 2010 The Editor drinking water development activities. However, later in this edition we highlight more the example of multi village system in the area of Kodi (NTT) by considering I these activities has reached the largest population until n the past ten years, the water supply and now, which is about 17,000 people. This is very surprising sanitation development has gone a lot of considering many of PDAMs’ can only reach around substantial changes. Especially after the agreement 2.000 – 5.000 customers. of National Community-Based Water Supply and We also need to inform you that until now we have Environmental Sanitation Policy in 2003 and the succeeded in publishing Percik in two versions, which optimal functioning of Water Supply and Environmental are the regular edition and special edition. Regular Sanitation Working Group (AMPL Working Group) edition is published 4 (four) times each year, and planned in AMPL development. This condition encourages regulrly on a three monthly basis, although in reality it the rampant development of can only be issued after June. Community-based water supply As for the special edition, it is and sanitation in throughout the result of collaboration with Indonesia, which involves stakeholders to present a specific almost all stakeholders ranging topic, with a flexible time of from central government, local publication. Until now, there are governments, NGOs, and 3 special editions that have been communities. Further on, the published, namely edition of spirit has created a movement “Community-based Solidwaste that goes far beyond our Management” in collaboration imagination. Take for example with BORDA and its network, major projects that currently “A Decade of Community- implement community-based based AMPL Mainstreaming POKJA approach, among others are Efforts” in collaboration with WASPOLA, Pro AIR, WSLIC-2, CWSH, WASPOLA, and “7 Years of SANIMAS” in collaboration PAMSIMAS, ISSDP that becomes USDP, WES, with BORDA. In 2010, two editions were planned to be UNICEF, Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), published, one edition on the Sanitation Development which has been enhanced to become the national Acceleration Program (PPSP) in collaboration with Community Based total Snitation program (STBM) and the Technical Team of Sanitation Development, and replicated into Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing “The Water and Environmental Sanitation (WES) (STOPS). This is not to mention the activities of NGOs UNICEF” in collaboration with UNICEF. Several that cooperate with the government including Plan special editions are now on the negotiation phase with Indonesia, and SIMAVI. Also not to forget, the activities several stakeholders. The entire special editions were also in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by published in English. Surely this is good news for the companies. development of our beloved magazine. From the rise of Community-based activities, the Starting this edition, readers will lsee some changes emergence phenomenon of community-based activities in the editorial composition because of the mutations of involving more than one community and across more some members of the AMPL working group, who have than one village, and even reach the population in the been involved in publishing Percik. Nevertheless, we hope number of tens of thousands of people, are identified. that this will not reduce quality, but on the contrary, Some people even call it PDAM Village, in term of improves the quality of our beloved magazine. it size. The interesting fact is that the process is based on Finally, we do not forget to congratulate for those who community-based. This seems to violate the mainstream are fasting. Enjoy, and please do not forget the things that rules that the community-based activities are very local we always wait from you, the critics and suggestions (one village, one community), not exceeding certain from readers. (OM) amount (average 2000-3000 population). But in reality many areas already have multi-village 3
  • 4. Your Voice We are very glad to read your letter. Thank you very much for your attention The Deepening Gap of Water Distribution and your trust to our magazine as a media that’s consistently and trusted in providing the information related to Our Planet Earth is rich of water. the drinking water and environment Every expert says that our world Puskesmas issues. We will, of course, give have at least 1.360.000.000 km3 of Need Percik Magazine attention to your request to get this water. From that total volume, about magazine regularly. Greetings to all 1.320.000.000 km3 or about 97,2 We are one of the Percik Magazine friends at the Puskesmas Batulampa. percent is the sea. 25.000.000 km3 reader, even though until now we or about 1,8 percent is ground water. only recieved once of the last Percik 250.000 km3 is plain water in the lake Magazine March and October 2008 Save Our Water and river, and rest of it 13.000 km3 or edition, we want to be a permanent about 0.001 percent is a water in the customer and get the latest edition. Nobody needs no water, Yes, atmosfer in form of rain cloud. As a Sanitarian who works at the everybody needs water. Everyone However, from the volume of the Puskesmas with more than 10 years needs at least 5 litre of water everyday. water that’s so big, not all of it can (2000-2010) working time of course I Without it, there will be no life. be use by human for living. Only the have a lot experience, but it doesn’t But, it’s very dissapointing when ground water and half of the plain mean that all the sanitation problems a lot of people doesn’t care about the water volume that can be use for can be handled easily. For one example, water supply. Spoiled the water with living. The worst thing is, that clean there was a time when we were asked using it more than what is needed. water volume has been decreasing to give the technical assistance for the Just like we didn’t need it. In fact, fast because the deforestation, latrine production, specifically for the every human being needs water. Of industrial and house toxic pollution, beach area, flood and stage house. We course, we pay every drop of the water the increased of population of the had a little bit of problems, because that’s filled our bathroom tank, but it worlds, also the increased of the we didn’t have the manual book or doesn’t mean that we can consume living standards so the consume of the technical guidelines. Beside, of the water without a limit. Of course the water was increased too. course the knowledge or the theory the Government who controlled the These conditions press the that we received at the University was water, so it could be delivered to the United Nation to proclaim year 2005 not easy to be recalled again. public. But it doesn’t mean that the until 2015 as a ‘water decade’. The Because of that, we hope you can responsibility of the water is just the proclaimed of ‘water decade’ by UN is kindly send us or provide the informa- Government job. Because, the truth is a real policy. From a series of scientist tion to us about the magazines, books, that water has it own limit. Because of researches it is known that the used CDs, and other things that’s related that, if every stakeholder don’t care, of the water has been increased six to the latrine production. If you can, there is the possibility of water to times in the last 100 years. The effect please include one that’s completed stop flowing. is, in that period, 20 percent from the with the picture and the size. Let’s imagine if the water stop total volume of the clean water on Thank you so much for your atten- flowing. Do we have to expect from Earth is all gone, while the price of it tion. We wish that Percik Magazine the rain water? Or do we have to has increased twice of the real price. will always sparks the knowledge and distil the seawater? Poor us if those The problem is not just that. From the informations everytime, especially things come true. We have to save the time to time, the water distribution is the one that’s related to the drinking water as early as possible. Because creating a biger gap. water and the environmental sanita- water would be very useful for our tion. generations, so we have to take care Maximus Ali Perajaka Na’ Mal Saleh of it. It’s a moral responsibility for us Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Perumahan Puskesmas to keep it sustainable. Batulampa Kabupaten Pinrang, Lina Naibaho South Sulawesi Medan, North Sumatera 4
  • 5. Main Edisi II, 2010 Report The Story About Multi Village System in NTT K PRO AIR odi Sub district, West Kodi Sub district, West Sumba Daya water service in Kodi subsdistrict was Sumba Daya Regency, Regency was focused on the construc- finished last year. Now the villagers East Nusa Tenggara tion of the clean water service that can be happy and say “Getting water is one of the real suc- serves five villages, which are Kori vil- is so near”,” said Bernard. cessful example of the lage, Homba village, Karipir village, Bernd recognize that the devel- multi village clean water facility devel- Hohawungo village, and Wailabubur opment program of drinking water opment. this is due to the fact that the village. The total number of the vil- multi villages in Kodi was conducted multi villages drinking water supply lagers who need this service is 17.000 by the community with struggle. A program that has been done in view people with the cost of 37 billions Ru- number of obstacles had occured. The villages in Kodi Subsdrict was done piah in form of water source protec- target of pipeline construction almost with a high budget and manage to tion system. could not be reached because of the cover services for the public in a very “The multi village drinking wa- poor work of the contractor, especially large population. Not to mention the ter system that we do is a pipe with a the main contractor who were work- complex problems at the field, neither gravity flow in 4 villages with the wa- ing on the construction at the water technical or non technical, during the ter tank capacity of 400 m3, the trans- source location. "We are grateful that implementation. mission pipe is 6,8 km, distribution we could easily solve the prob- According the coordinator of Pro pipe is 60 km, and also build 55 unit lems. The main obstacle in the Air, Bernd Ugner, the service of the of water shop and 210 house con- development process of drinking water in multi village in nections. This multi village drinking multi vil- 5
  • 6. Main Report PRO AIR lage drinking water successfully solved on the additional funds request for The main reason of all the villages by replacing the main contractor with that extra work. Every time the prob- in NTT proposed for the multi villag- the sub-contractors who have a better lems come, we involved the commu- es drinking water program is because performance," he said. nity and village officials to find the of the difficulty of obtaining water. To In addition to drinking water solutions together. The principle is fulfill their drinking water needs usu- supply multi villages in Kodi, ProAir that the society’s interest is important ally they have to walk no less than 2 also constructing another one in Alor for the development acceleration of miles to the water source or get water district. From 6 system that’s entirely facilities and sustainability courses of in the river at a distance of 1.5 km. in the form of pipe system, located multi-village drinking water system to Spurred by difficulty to fulfill the in Pantar district, East Pantar, South be able to succeed. need for clean water, which they have West Alor, East Alor, Northeast Alor, been experienced for many years, they are expected to utilized by ± Other District therefore, when the Pili community 10.280 people from a number of vil- Beside the Kodi district, the suc- and its neighboring village recieved lages. Now the development of pipe- cess story of ProAir in implementing information that ProAir offers the line proccess is still on going. It is ex- the multi village drinking water can cooperation for development of clean pected that in December 2010 it can also be found in the Pili village and water service, some society leaders of be completed. Kamura village, which are the vilage Pili village took the initiative to gather Special for Bouweli village and Ka- program location for ProAir in Timor the community for discussion in or- bir in the district of Pantar, the multi Tengah Selatan (TTS) district, Nusa der to prepare the contribution that is village pipeline construction was in Tenggara Timur. The valuable lessons requiered by ProAir. a slow progress, but now it’s already learned of successful management During the meeting, the commu- back to normal. This is because of multi-village drinking water can be nity discussed several issues that were changes in the water network system seen during the process of filing pro- required in order to be involved in design and construction (Detailed posals, planning, construction, until ProAir programs, including the pool- engineering design / DED) from the self-management, maintenance of wa- ing of in-cash contribution that must consultants that have ter supply facilitiy by the community be shown through initial maintenance an impact itself. savings. Soon after that meeting, the 6
  • 7. Edisi II, 2010 Pili village community succeded to they can also use it for business like annual work plans and Annual Cash- collect in cash contribution as expect- gardening, planting vegetables for flow of the group, the collection of ed in time and relatively faster than nutritional fullfillment of the family. monthly fees to increase the financial other villages who also became ProAir Beside, the water can also be sold to group capacity. Particularly for finan- program target areas. provide additional income for month- cial groups Aitum Banum, until Sep- In fact the Pili and Kamura vil- ly fee. Apparently, by experiencing the tember 2009, has been recorded an lagers raised the maintenance fund approach process, which places the income Rp. 25,974,370 .- in the form no more than three weeks. Some of community as the main actors, it ac- collection of initial savings andmonth- the community representatives of Pili tually built the independence, while ly fees. Meanwhile, the expenditures village then went to the ProAir office encouraging the awareness of com- are used for management incentives to bring the proposal, complete with munity to be responsible for the sus- fees, meeting cost, procurement in- evidence of initial savings in the form tainability of the program’s output. ventory, maintenance system (valves of photo copy of bank account worth The sense of ownership and aware- replacement ), transportation,office Rp.7.000.000, - and several commu- ness to maintain the sustainability of supplies and others, with the total up nity consensus documents as required the program outputs is what really to to Rp.7.495.549,. by ProAir. is encouraging the community that In overall, the cash balance In response to this request, ProAir institutionalized within the Clean of Banum Aitum group until the followed up with some activities, both Water Management Body (BP-SAB) end of September 2009 is up to planning together with the communi- "Banum Aitium" to fix seriously the Rp.18.478.821,-. Interestingly, it was ty, training or construction activities. group. These are proved by the estab- noted that the monthly fees was al- The community is very enthusiastic lishment of a semi-permanent build- ready paid by the community (cover- and proactive in following the process, ings for office sized 6 x 16 m, formu- age members) until December 2010, because people really want to get out lation of rules (AD / ART), which which is administratively recorded from their difficulties that they have was then legalized with the issuance properly and regularly by the treasurer been facing all those time. of Notary Groups, development of of the group. Thus, any of the techni- What happen next? cal side, the group has already Thanks to the cooperation had the technical personnel with ProAir, active participa- skilled. These people has been tion, perseverance and hard following the internship at work, they were finally suc- the time of job construction ceded in building clean water progress. In addition, they gravity piping systems with also have been provided with pipeline along the 5403 me- equipment and training by a ters and 11 pieces Tugu Kran/ professional technical person- Public Hydran. The system nel from ProAir before the can serve 274 households system was handed over to or 680 people. In addition the community. there are also 5 units of well Of course everything be- that serve 166 households or comes a pride for the commu- about 501 people. For sani- nity because the result of their tation facilities, there are 14 hard work also get a positive units Floor Wash/Bathroom appreciation from outsiders and 1 toilet. Now the people who are triggered to place the are satisfied and pleased with community as the main ac- the presence services. tors in development, for the Since the water is now sustainable results of the available, the water is not development itself. only used for bathing, wash- ing, cooking and drinking, PRO AIR 7
  • 8. Main Report Reflecting On the Multi Village System in North Kodi NTT PRO AIR N orth Kodi in the Nusa Teng- ity in Sumba in 2002 and planned to Water Source "Mataloko" gara Timur is one of the be finished in 2010. There is only one large water area in West Sumba, which In 2005-2006, during the time source in Kodi known as "Mataloko" experiencing water shortages almost of the survey, the piping system from with debit of water 40 to 250 liters throughout the year. Although dur- the community have been damaged, per second. This water source is locat- ing rainy season, abundant water, soil while the deep wells need the expen- ed in a cave in the hills of Wailabubur coral and rock structure of the karst sive pump operation and mainte- in Rokoraka forest. The ProAir team resulting in low capacity in saving wa- nance. The water price becomes ex- survey showed that this water source ter. The government has sought over- pensive because the water from wells can be used to supply water for about come through several water supply or the river was transported by the ve- 50,000 people in 10-12 the village in projects in form of providing shallow hicles that could reached Rp.150,000 Kodi. However, the effort to build a wells or deep wells, and gravity piping for all conveyance, which is only 2-4 system of this magnitude actually ex- systems, but it seems only to function m3, which is only enough for a week. ceeds the ProAir framework, because partially. In addition, that water as well as the it was not anymore a simple develop- And then the latest project is water sources in the region has been ment of rural water supply systems. ProAir, namely the Rural Water Sup- heavily polluted. And then several vil- However, after a long discussion ply Project NTT, financed by KFW lages community in Kodi asked the and long negotiations between the and GTZ, had started ProAir assistance to build water sys- Steering Committee in Jakarta (bet- its activ- tem. ter known now as a AMPL working 8
  • 9. Edisi II, 2010 group) and the Southwest Sumba calculating the contribution of mon- 2007, the implementing consultant district local government, eventually ey in unit volume rice. The donated that empowers the community con- KFW (Credit Anstalt fuer Wieder- money required to support the supply cluded that the payment with one aufbau) is willing to provide techni- system development water by ProAir price (Flat rate) as generally in com- cal support and financial, and GTZ was intended not to pay for construc- munity-based system in rural areas is (Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusam- tion but as savings for financing initial not sufficient in funding for systems menarbeit) is ready to provide a sup- operation and maintenance system by with public taps. To reach the level port for community empowerment in community groups manager water of service and collection of the funds building the multi village system in (maintenance savings). needed in professional management, four villages (Wailabubur, Homba- With the accumulation of funds, it needs a combination of system with karipit, Hoha Wungo and Kori). The stakeholders decided to prepare the the water kiosk and household con- support has conditional arrangement development of water supply system nections. that communities provide a cash do- nation and labor and material/energy (in-kind), and were willing to also manage the system. As the first step a survey that in- cludes water sources measurements and alternative investigation, consid- ering Kodi’s geography is very flat. In addition, in-depth discussion about expected results in terms of social, institutional, financial and technical before any final decision. At the same time, it was also decided to build a special management organization based on the principle 'ownership by society', 'professional management' in the clear 'law framework'. In 2006 a Master Plan was devel- oped for the North Kodi and in 2007, the monthly fees from the commu- PRO AIR nity began to be collected and initial preparation of water management in Kodi can be continue, including DED had to be adjusted and In group was performed. On 25th No- making Detailed Engineering De- April 2008 a new tender process for vember 2006 and again in early 2007, sign / DED. On 13th August 2007, pipeline transmission can begin. Ten- the stakeholders gathered at Kodi and KFW submitted to the Ministry of der for transmission pipelines and agree that at least 75% of money do- Health that all conditions precedent distribution system, as well as supply, nations of Rp 30,000 per member of for the system in Kodi has been met should be conducted separately. Beside households for about 15,000 users and there’s no other objected imple- the preparation and appraisal process water must be collected on June 31, mentation in Kodi development sys- that needs a long time, this communi- 2007. On 4th July 2007 cash dona- tem. So it was began the development ty-based system also face many prob- tions from community collected to- of DED and preparation of tenders lems in construction. For example, the taled Rp.424.034.505, or 94% of based on calculation magnitude of the shift of the pipeline due to renovation the amount needed Rp. 450 million. 'safe' from Mataloko source that is 32 or widening the road. Or the need for This succeed is based on the efforts liters per seconds. land purchases in Noha village and cooperated of community groups But a complex system like this is and Wailabubur border because and government in developing an in- not without challenges. In the pe- only this place, which is novative approaches, for example by riod between October and November slightly 9
  • 10. Main Report higher, suitable for public reservoir not only in the terms of construc- developed at 2007 and in its develop- construction of 400 m3. The pur- tion but also with the development ment will be adjusted with the local chase of this land is governed by the of community-based organizations. circumstances. However, when the community and sub-district heads of The ProAir team has worked hard to water begins to flow later at the end of North Kodi and facilitated by ProAir build this community organization, 2010, all the resources is must already and Local Government in Southwest not just at the village level but also be formed and ready to function. Sumba. The delayed process was com- at inter-village for the comprehensive At this time water rates is set at pounded by problems with local con- management by considering the de- Rp. 5 per liter or Rp.100 for one tractors and rain, which is happening cent representation. In the end, this buckets or jerry cans of 20 liters. For all over the year. Another problem is organization is even greater than re- this reason, a special coin produced the difficulty of obtaining Ministry gional organization of drinking water by the project is used, until now there of Forestry for permission to build in West Sumba. is 250,000 pieces. One coin valued at a transmission pipeline in Rokoraka The organizational structure for Rp.2.550 worth to pay 510 liters. forest. Because the governance system the multi village system in Kodi that The transmission pipeline is cur- and legal forest status is not so obvi- was developed in the year 2007/2008, rently under construction. When it’s ous, the process of obtaining permits was based on the concept like this: completed, there will be a 6.8 km (temporary) takes almost a year. Dur- (see diagram) pipeline transmission and 46.4 km of ing that time, construction transmis- Professional unit that demands the distribution pipes. The community sion work is stops. staff is paid was selected and trained. has built 57 stalls, where one will be Members of this unit will do the man- used specifically for water trucks. From Community Based agement, operation and maintenance the target of 210 households connec- Multi Village Organization of daily routine while the multi vil- tion, 170 connections have already However, in 2009 the construc- lage organization will be watching been installed. It is expected that by tion of the system is well performed, them. This management concept was the end of year 2010 this system will PRO AIR 10
  • 11. Edisi II, 2010 Diagram Konsep Struktur Organisasi Penyedia Air Bersih Kodi Utara Pimpinan Konsultasi dan Manajer Umum Komite Rekomendasi Keuangan Dewan Federasi Koordinasi Audit Harian Laporan Laporan Rutin Keuangan Rekomendasi 4 Anggota Terpilih Bagian Bagian Teknis Keuangan Staf Staf Federasi Pengelola Air --- --- 4 --- --- Kepala Komite Pelaksana Kepala Kepala Kepala Kepala Komite Komite Komite Komite Pelaksana Pelaksana Pelaksana Pelaksana Komunikasi dan Kerjasama Harian Pelaksana Pelaksana Pelaksana Pelaksana Harian Harian Harian Harian cal government of West Sumba is very Anggota supportive and planning to develop a further new type of the system, which is Community Based Organization or CBO that utilizes the professional Asosiasi Asosiasi Asosiasi Asosiasi expertise, and expected to become an Pengelola Pengelola Pengelola Pengelola organization that is sustainable in serv- ing the needs of water for community, Kodi. With coverage of 10 villages and 50,000 water users, this system is the Penguna memilih perwakilan untuk masing-masing Asosiasi Pengelola same size as the system for a rather large city in the province. Pengguna Pengguna Pengguna Pengguna For that, it requires support for the CBO, access to the information and "expertise" (special skill knowledge) and the availability of materials and proper equipment, adequate funding and guaranteed, as well as the expertise be completed and operated normally. helps to prepare and guide the people. in the institutional and technical fields. The Kfw total investment is Rp.37 bil- Engineer and site Inspectors design, And finally it requires the right proc- lion or about 3 million Euro. manage, and oversee the construc- cess to develop the organizations as the This complex process of multi vil- tion and the construction contractor. owner and legitimate managers. lage development and construction is Many of the problems faced. How- long and difficult because besides in- ever, thanks to cooperation between The author is volving many parties, this process faces citizens and local government that has Team Leader Financial various problems. Many peoples are been facilitated by the project team, Cooperation ProAir (MOH, KfW involved. The people team motivator most problems could be fixed. The lo- Component) / RODECO 11
  • 12. Bernd Ugner, Tears Stream as Telling The Story About NTT Child Who Apreciates the Water O PRO AIR ne of the figures behind the success of providing the community-based drinking water in NTT. the Pro Air program in providing water At the first time he got connected with the community service for the people of Nusa Tenggara NTT, particularly in rural areas, the condition at Timur (NTT) is Bernd Ugner. A tall that time was not like now. First time I was in East German man who is 198 cm tall, maybe Sumba the condition was more apprehensive. Water he’s one of the "Champions" behind the successful of availability was very limited, the villagers must walk up multi-village drinking water in Nusa Tenggara Timur. to tens of kilometers to obtain drinking water in Nabbo "I am often overwhelmed when remembering the water source. struggle of small village society in Nusa Tenggara Timur According to Bernd, one of the greatest obstacles to get drinking water. One of the stories that I could in multi-village water supply in NTT is the geographical never forget is a10 year old child who walked 3 km issues and cultural issues. Geographical issue is very carrying a jerry can into one of a water source. When clear because most of village in NTT is hilly, as for the he reached the water source and filled his jerry can, he cultural issues; the people in NTT have a habit to stay did not remove the rest of the water that he got, but on top of the hill, while the water source is located put it back into the well. Children as small as he was below. They do not want to get close to the water realized the importance of the water for his another source and prefer to be on the hill because of reasons brother," said Bernd touched when telling the story to to survive from their enemy attacks is far more easy to Percik. do. And they’re hold it very strong. In fact the reason Bernd Ugner has since 2003 involved was absurd, because if the enemy is already control in the ProAir program in the water sources, of course they will never get water. 12
  • 13. Edisi II, 2010 They also no longer able to move to the source water NTT there are also rivers that have a lot of water. because of their ancestors were buried at that hills. The position and role of the government is quite The first time I created a program to empower positive though the local government itself is facing communities to obtain drinking water in East decentralization problems. Specialization is one of the Sumba, from a number of districts only two districts problems, beside the supervision, the cooperation proposed the need to get a technical assistance and between parties and community service. PDAM infrastructure. At least 84 villages were proposing that activity was more directed at the provision of drinking they need to get the water needs fullfilled as soon as water in urban areas, while the regular funds from possible. Unfortunately a number of proposals had the central government were not sufficient to supply many weaknesses because of the cultural issues and drinking water in rural areas. water resources are located under the village and ProAir is a community based drinking water project, need time to lift it above. From the number of those in order for community to maintain and manage the proposals (84 villages) only 8 villages that matched the facilities. This is the translation of national policy listed gravity system, they are which Pro Air helped at that in the National Community Based Water Supply and time. There are many separated village, distance from Environmental Sanitation Development Policy. Of one house to another house is quite far. The number course it’s not easy to change the people's behavior of this proposal shows the evidence of water demand so they can be responsible for managing their own is very high. facilities. "We traveled to every village to see how big their This project is different from the other conventional needs were. We see these things are very serious. It project, where the system has been finished and used. was indeed a real dilemma, if they were provided with In Pro Air, it takes a very difficult struggle to make water pumps to lift water upward the hill it would people aware of the usefulness of the system, and the be very difficult because there was no electricity final target is people able to maintain, manage and and diesel. And we also doubt the public was able care about their own facilities. "So don’t be negative to manage it. Finally, we only helped 8 villages. thinking, because in ProAir, construction is a process Investment that ProAir provide to each person was not just build up and finish. But it’s also important about 100 Euros per head, " he said. about what about the next. This is what ProAir wants ProAir, is a German government drinking water to achieve. I have the experience about how difficult it project in NTT, which was began in 3 districts namely is to run this program," he said. East Sumba, West Sumba and Central South Timor. How difficult it is to give the understanding to And then it was extended to the districts of Alor the communities. Until now we are still learning and Ende. ProAir is a water and looking for the most drinking service program optimal form so this that has a based on rural program can succeed. The community that use the gravity expected commitment system and dug wells. ProAir from the community is that involve all parties, including the community realize the engineers that set the design importance to manage and and programing in accordance maintain the public facilities, with the rules of the game of especially the drinking water international standards, as well so that the system can survive as sustainability. as long as possible and not just Drinking water was found end up as monuments. deep in the soilarid and rocky This is the reality in villages land in NTT. The problem in the most districts in the was how to lift the water up province of East Nusa to the surface, to serve the Tenggara. The small community especially for those rainfall rate, dry land who live in the high land. In PRO AIR 13
  • 14. PRO AIR conditions have made the water as a rare item. the investment. ProAir partners in the region is Almost every house in countryside should send one the Regional Development Planning Board Agency of its members to walk to get water in a considerable (Bappeda), Health agency, Public Works agency, and distance place every day. And it’s no exception for Rural Community Empowerment Agency (BMPD). children. Many learning time is wasted due to “pulling The aim is to form the structure of simple up” the weight to fulfill the water needs at home. management at the village level that enables the It must be admitted, said Bernd, the NTT resident independence in the management of potable water enthusiasm to get water could be seen from the supply system and sustainable sanitation. This contribution of personnel for the smooth construction program also helps the local governments in order to of drinking water facilities in their village. Old, young, establish and empower management organization and male, female, all present to realize their dream infrastructure, building monitoring systems for the together. This cooperation is essential for increasing water structure, and develop the regulation on water the ownership sense from public for the facilities. source protection. It has been described by Bernd, that ProAir is a The impact that’s expected in long-term, supply of synergy of the Ministry of Health of the Republic drinking water and sustainable sanitation is expected of Indonesia (Kemenkes), KfW Bankengruppe (KfW to improve health conditions of the community. Banking Group), and Germany Technical Cooperation Closer distance to the water source will reduce the (GTZ), who agreed to implement together the ProAir time spent by the mothers and children to fetch the program along the district Government in East Nusa water. This will opened up opportunities to perform Tenggara. more productive activities, which in the end will Within the scope of this cooperation, GTZ provides reduce poverty level. By transferring the responsibility a technical assistance for the community development, responsibility for managing the water and sanitation and KfW provides a temporary to the community, it will create new employment financial assistance for opportunities and economic diversification. 14
  • 15. Regulation Edisi II, 2010 The Arangement of Water Management Needs a Sound Umbrella Regulation W ater is the gift from God to his people, includ- general dicipline that’s reflected the society justice. ing the Indonesian people, while in the Article 33 the 3rd paragraph of the 1945 Constitution The Management Authority mandated that mastery over the earth, water, and airspace, Since the enactment of Otda Law No. 22 on1999 until as well as wealth contained in it is to be used maximumly it has been revised into Law No. 32 on 2004, laws that’s for the sake of prosperity of the people. The ownery which related to water management is Act No.7 on 2004 on wa- has wrote does not place the country as the owner, but re- ter resources. In the law of Water Resources there are two mained on the implementation of countries functions. types of authority that explained in detail (chapters 16 and Water is the most thing that living things need, includ- 18). The law of water resources provides the authority and ing humans, plants and animals, therefore the used of the responsibility of local government on water resource man- water is need to set to provide benefits for the people. In agement including setting water resources management the water network distribution, it’s required a coordinated policy, setting the patterns of water resources management, system, both among the actors or the policy makers, and establish a management plan water resources, establish and the guarantee of getting enough water. manage the protected water source resources, carry out So importance the wa- the management of water re- ter problems are, neither sources, regulate, establish and to meet the needs of many permit the supply, allocation, people’s live or for the ag- exploitation of water, form a ricultural needs (especially water resources council, meet food plants) and purposes the minimum basic of day- in other sectors. It can’t be to-day needs of the water and denied that water becomes a maintain the effectiveness, ef- commodity that has a stra- ficiency, quality, and order im- tegic position of interests plementation of water resource for the needs of living, busi- management in the river area ness, industry, agriculture / in one districts / city. irrigation, and food that has This way, the water resource been a part of the national law in overall describes the au- defense system. The strate- thority both substantive and gic position of the water in technical. Technical author- controlling many part of the ity particularly concern rules living can’t be circumvented regarding settings, determina- that the water would be a tion, licensing, supply, alloca- matter of attraction from tion, utilization, and the uti- various interests. Therefore, lization of water resources the issue of the water must and the formation of be well handed through the councils, while the water laws and regulations that POKJA authority can protect and realized the 15
  • 16. Regulation is dealing with the other eight substantive authority, which ual or business party with the permission of the Govern- can briefly be said as an autonomous authority of natural ment or local government within their authority. resources management. The water resources law is seen to set about the com- Licensing munity participation. In this section letter (d) it says: ‘In Can be understood that licenzing put the position and line with the spirit of democratization, decentralization, role of the state in accordance with the basic philosophy and the openness in the order of society life, nation, and Constitution (UUD 1945), in UU SDA it’s important state, the society needs given a role in the management of for placing the society sense of justice. Licensing refers water resources’. This rules is set more comprehensive and to the protection of the interests of the people thought widespread in the CHAPTER XI about rights, obligations many of the raw water needs and the concept of conser- and society participation. It has been said “society has an vation environment and sustainability of water resources. equal opportunity to participate in the planning process, Licensing in SDA was gave as a whole (art.45), including implementation, and supervision of management water the use of water at the location (4a), Waste water container resources.” The implementation of that participation will (4b), the utilization of water resources (4c), water alloca- then stipulated in the Government Regulation. This law tion for business and water resource management plan (ar- also stipulates the right of the people that has to fullfil as ticle 46). a prerequisite of the implementation of true participation. Those rights are the rights of information, benefit, com- Domestic Raw Water pensation, objection, reports and complaints and the right In the case of household drinking water supply, then to sue to the court as the management of water resources. the development system is became the government and local government responsible, but its implementation can The Water Right Arrangements be given to state-owned companies, cooperatives, private The Water Use Rights enterprises, and communities (Law SDA Article 40). Ad- The water use rights enumerated in the Act SDA article justing for the provision of systems development drinking 6, 7, 8, and 9 were divided into 2 (two) categories, namely water aims to: the right to use water and water rights lease. The right to a. the created of a quality drinking water management use water is the right to use the water for daily basic needs services with a reasonable price; or noncommercial, while the water rights lease is to cul- b. a balance achieving between consumer interests and tivate water for the purposes commercial. This has been service providers; and explicitly placed the water as a commodity item that can c. the increased of efficiency and coverage of drinking be traded. Rights of the water may not be leased or trans- water services. ferred, partially or completely, while the right to use water obtained without permission to meet daily basic needs for Conservation individuals and for small-scale agriculture within an irriga- UU SDA emphasizes the concept of conservation of tion system. natural resources and distribution of resources to maintain The right to water use requires a permission by the the stability of the source power and water cycles, as well Government or regional governments within their author- as administrative thinking (licensing and granting rights). ity if: Conservation gets emphasis to the sustainability of the wa- a. how to use it was done by changing the natural con- ter resources that have been destructed at the forests on dition of water sources; the uplands (mountains) with the prevention efforts in b. intended for groups that require a large amounts of concrete. water; or Forest and environmental destruction that has been c. used for agricultural irrigation system of the people done systematically as stated in UU no. 23 1997 on the outside the existing ones. Environment is to get more serious attention, the punish- The right to use the water includes the right to drain ment against the destructor was formulated in the concept the water from or into the soil through other people’s of a very hard punishment neither a physically punishment land adjacent to the land based on the approval of holders or fines as much as possible. Conservation must cultivate of land rights (can contain damages or compensa- the spirit to all elements of society to preserve the water tion agreement). These rights can be resources, farm conservation in the upstream region to be granted to any individ- stimulated the spirit of conservation. (eko / dewi) 16
  • 17. Agenda Edisi II, 2010 ISTIMEWA as UNEP launched the official site will be centered in the city of Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, a country in East Africa. UNEP is planning to make the World Environment Day (WED) 2010 as the largest celebration in stimulating the public of the world awareness T for the importance of he World Environment Day/WED is environmental sustainability. commemorated on 5th June every year since WED theme this time is related to the declaration of The UN held environment conference in 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity with COP Stockholm in 1977. The commemoration 10 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, of the World Environment Day was held Japan, which lasted on 18 to 29 October 2010. under the coordination of United Nations Environment This theme is expected to invite the whole world to Programme (UNEP), which established the United preserve the diversity of life on earth. Provide awareness Nations since 1977. that a world without biodiversity is a very bleak On this World Environment Day 2010, it has prospect. Millions of people and millions of species theme of "Many Species. One Planet. One Future". The sharing together in the same planet, and only Commemoration of the World Environment Day 2010, together we all can enjoy a 17
  • 18. Agenda safer and more prosperous future. The selection of this theme is considered important by Living environment, often referred to as the the Ministry of Environment Gusti Mohammad Hatta as environment, is a term that can include all living and non it reminds that Indonesia is blessed with biodiversity rich living creatures in nature that are in earth or part of the by God and it must be inherited to the next generations. Earth, which functions naturally without excessive human "Indonesia is blessed with a very high biodiversity with intervention. The opponents of environment are artificial a 90 types of ecosystems, 40 thousand plant species, and environment, which covers an area and its components 300 thousand species of animals. A lot of biodiversity is a which heavily influenced by humans. potential which can be exploited for the national economic The World Environment Day is celebrated in many development and increased the society welfare," said cases in countries such as Kenya, New Zealand, Poland, Mohammad Hatta. President Yudhoyono himself in his Spain and the United States. The activities include rallies speech said the importance of biodiversity for Indonesia and streets parades, as well as concerts, planting trees, and and the world. "Our Country have a unique geography. cleaning campaigns. In many countries, the annual event We are rich of biodivertsity and we also have a wealth of is used to improve the political attention and the action nature, the world's longest beach, the world's third largest to increase the public awareness about the importance of forest. Rich of the flora, fauna, and plasmanufa. We have considering environmental problems. 500 species of mammals, 12 percent owned by the world. 500 species of reptiles or 7 percent owned by the world. In Indonesia 1500 bird species or 17 per cent owned by the world. 38 In Indonesia the World Environment Day thousand plant species, 1260 species of medical plants, 700 commemorations is have a good welcome from the seaweed species, 450 species of coral stone, and 2 thousand government and people of Indonesia. The President fish species, "said SBY. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, along with the First Lady "Let us think about it, how God Almighty endowed Ani Yudhoyono is celebrating the World Environment Indonesia with such biodeversity that’s difficult to find Day, which falls on 5th June, 2010 at the State Palace. in another countries. Therefore, our moral obligation, Indonesia, through the Ministry of Environment, adopted our humanitarian duty, is to maintain its sustainability, the spirit of the whole nation in the world, and brought and when we use for the welfare of the people, and then the theme, “The Biodiversity, Our World Future”. United it must necessarily maintain the sustainability rules for Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) itself picks the good environment, namely systemable development. Not theme “Many Species, One Planet, One Future“. just for our generation but for our grandchildren in the future. Green development," Yudhoyono POKJA explained. On this occasion President Yudhoyono gave the Kalpataru award to 12 people/organizations in 4 categories, the Adipura award has increased from 126 cities in 2009 to 140 cities in in 2010. As for the Independent Adiwiyata awards are given to the 25 schools. Some regions also celebrated the World Environment Day. The Government of Riau Islands Province perform a flag ceremony that’s lead by the Kepri Governor HM Sani himself in the Office of the Governor, Tanjungpinang. The series of commemorations in the province of Riau Islands is the making of book about the environment. This book received the national award level. Other activities 18
  • 19. Edisi II, 2010 FOTO-FOTO: ISTIMEWA are management of environmental impact, socialization and Chairman DPRD Gorontalo province Marten Taha of the danger of B3 waste for the environment and also and then followed by the other officials. the management and utilization of clean water. Another The top of the World Environment Day 2010 in the activity is to conduct a memorandum of understanding East Java was held at Dam Sub Selorejo Ngantang Malang between the Government of Riau Islands Province, the and in Kota Batu on 26th July. The head of Environment Controling Agency of Batam and the Government of Agency in East Java Province, Indra Wiragana SH on LJ, Batam, about the marine management. said, a series of events was started on 23rd to 26th July with "The peak of Environment Day is planting 500 trees several activities, including a green tent held on 24 to 26 in Sungai Pulai and a dove release at the Governor Office", July in Dam Selorejo-Malang. said the Environment Head of Riau Islands Province, The questionnaire distribution on "Caring for the Khairul Ja'far. Watershed (DAS) Brantas " was held on July 23rd, in Kota In order to commemorate the nature of Gorontalo Batu. "With the spread of this questionnaire is intended Province, the 38th World Environment Day at the for the community so they will know about the current Provincial Gorontalo together with the meeting of Korpri condition of the Brantas river and make them participate and the 17th National Family Day at the District Level of in preserving and improving the quality of this watershed", Gorontalo, Vice Governor of Gorontalo H. Toni Uloli, SE Indra said. Furthermore, by conducting the vehicle attended the memorial ceremony and was accompanied by emission tests for the public so they will know about the the DPRD chairman of the Gorontalo province Marten burden potential of CO2 pollution by motor vehicles, Taha at the Bongohulawa District Limboto camp ground which will be held on July 23rd on the Road of Kota in Gorontalo district. This ceremony was started by trees Batu. (Eko) planting by the Deputy Governor of Gorontalo Toni Uloli, 19
  • 20. POKJA I n 1994 the UN General has declared June 17th as the Day of the Land Degradation and World Drought Mitigation Day through the resolution No. A/Res/49/115 to increase public awareness about the dangers of land degradation. This shows that the land degradation is a global problem and it is a dangerous process of environmental degradation in the world. The UN General called on all countries and in civil society groups to commemorated, and support the activities related to prevention and control of land degradation every June 17th to raise the awareness of the society towards sustainable development principles sustainable. As one of concern from our country and solidarity to the problem of global land degradation, Indonesia ratified the 1998 UN Convention on the UN Convention Combat Desertification, which abbreviated as UNCCD, through Presidential Decree No. 135 of 1998. UNCCD also known as the Convention Rio, which is the result of Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro with the other couple of environmental conventions, namely the Convention on Bio Diversity/CBD and UNFCCC (Convention framework for climate change). The Ministry of Forestry efforts to invite the society to plant the trees together through the Indonesian plant campaign, such as the National Movement for Land Rehabilitation and Social Forestry (Gerhan), 20
  • 21. Edisi II, 2010 ISTIMEWA The Indonesian Planting Action (APSI), Women's Indonesia. Planting and Maintain Trees Movement (GPTPP) is This World Degradation Reduction Day in 2010 was an implementation of the UNCCD convention in adjusted to the theme of year 2010 as the International Indonesia. Year of Biodiversty, namely: "Enhancing anywhere soils, Also the development of society Forest, People's enhances life everywhere ". Forest and Non-Wood Forest Products (NTFPs) which That theme illustrates that land degradation and is conducted on lands that must be protected. However, drought is significantly affecting all of the components of nowadays the activities are more referred with the carbon biodiversity in the soil. Size of the critical and very critical sequestration as a framework implementation of the land throughout Indonesia has exceeded 30 million ha. convention of the climate change (UNFCCC). The prevention or rehabilitation of degraded land must The purpose of convening Memorial Day of be carefully programmed which in line with sustainable prevention of land degradation is to recall the problem agricultural development for a positive impact on people's of land degradation in connection with the carrying welfare. capacity of watershed issues for the future of the nation. In relation to the construction of water supply and With that, the goal to be achieved is to increase the sanitation, of course the reduction in critical lands will understanding of land degradation and awareness the increase the sustainability of water resources, and dangers to the national life in order to obtain support reduce flooding in the rain season and drought in from the stakeholder concerning the forest and the summer [Eko]. land protection and rehabilitation throughout DAS in 21
  • 22. Discourse 15 Millions Households in Indonesia Still Do not Have Access to Drinking Water By Lauren Damiar D rinking water supply in Indonesia is quite big actually. Indonesia has 6 percent of the world's water supply. While in Asia Pacific, 21 percent of water supply is in Indonesia. But compared to Malaysia and some other countries in Southeast Asia, the fulfillment water supply for the population in Indonesia is much lower. Until now the Indonesian people who have access of drinking water is less than 40 percent. The coverage of pipe system only 17 percent, far below the target that has been set earlier. The network covers only 32 percent of the urban areas and much lower in rural areas. Of course the real scope in the field is much lower, and in many places, it’s not optimally functioning. Currently, the Ministry of Public Works is working hard to build a drinking water facilities for 15 million family in 30,000 village in Indonesia who have a difficulty in getting a drinking water. and the required budget is Rp 15 trillion. Each year until 2010 Rp 5 trillion is needed. The assumption is each village requires Rp 500 million. The condition of water supply in Indonesia is not so dif- ferent with what happened at the global level. Indonesia is facing the avail- 22
  • 23. Edisi II, 2010 ability of drinking water problems that continues to decrease season, people in the Sungai Rengit village, Talang Kelapa sub to 15-35 percent every year due to natural damage and pollu- district, and Limbang Mulia village, Pangkalan Balai subdis- tion. This condition will get worsen if the supply of drinking trict, Banyuasin district must be patient to wait in the line of water are compared with the population growth. By the year a hundreds people, day and night, to get the drinking water of 2015, the number of Indonesia's population is projected from the only well in the area. And who can’t stand in the line to reach 245.7 million people. More than half that number is forced to buy the water at the price of Rp.3.500 per 20-liter live in the city with a more large drinking water usage per jerry can at the Air Batu, 18 kilometers from their village. capita than the rural population. Consequently, the growth of drinking water demand is not comparable with the condi- Nusa Tenggara Timur: Water Crisis Region tions of supply and increase of the supply. Nusa Tenggara Timur is one of the most place that’s face Because of that, it’s hard to avoid the majority of Indo- the worst water crisis. The crisis are both in the aspect of nesia society to deal with the limited compliance of drinking availability (quantity) or quality. Throughout 2007, the news water as their daily problems. About 6 million poor people in about the water crisis in East Nusa Tenggara fills the pages of several places in Indonesia should buy drinking water from local newspapers almost everyday. The drinking water crisis vendors at a much more expensive price than the price of wa- occurred almost of the part of East Nusa Tenggara. From the ter taps. At least there are 15 million Families in 30,000 vil- 19 (now 20) districts in East Nusa Tenggara district only 5 lages in Indonesia do not have a clean water service. districts that are relatively provided for their needs. A number of drinking water problems occur in almost In the dry season, 29 water sources and nine pumped every place. In the district of Tembuni, Tembuni Bay, the wells that has become the water source of Kupang citizens community found it difficult to gett drinking water because drops dramatically, from 10-75 liters per second during the the water is mixed with oil. In Palembang, during the dry rainy season to 0.5 to 20 liters per second. This thing is makes POKJA it difficult for the PDAM distribution with the principles of gravity, so that the water distribution reduced from 3 days to 5-7 days. In addition to supply shortage, the people of Kupang also deal with water quality issues. According to the results of the City Health Office of Kupang, 12 dug wells that serve water tank owned by PDAM and the local entrepreneurs to sell to the citizens is less than 80 meters. Many of them even less than 10 meters. Therefore, the available water was comee from bacteria-contaminated surface water. Rural, the question of the availability of drinking water is more challenging. Almost all districts in the regency of Ku- pang, which are the rural areas, face the clean water crisis. Villagers Lefuleo, West Kupang district must walk 4 km from their village to get clean water. In East Baumata village, North Baumata and Kuaklalo in the district Taebenu, the community can’t afford to fi- nance the operational cost of water pump anymore that need Rp.600.000 per four hours. While in some villages in the dis- trict of West Amarasi, residents are forced to buy water worth Rp. 200.000 thousand per tank. The water crisis even experienced by the residents of Ti- long, in the Oelnasi village, that has the biggest dam in NTT. The networkpipe and 11 container vessels that have been built in the village, such as fringe benefits of land transfer by the people to the dam (the people surrender the land in cultural way with the promise of getting the water service), and the water was 23
  • 24. Discourse never flowed. Every day the mother in Tilong have to walk 3 filtration. To obtain the water that is free from infiltration of kilometers to carry the water. sea water, a borehole that reach tens of meters deep is needed. The water crisis is even worse on the island of Sabu, both Community do not have a sufficient funds and technology in West Sabu districts, East Sabu, Sawu Mehara and Liae dis- to it. trict. Evenly across the community there is dealing with the lack of clean water supply. In Belu regency, from the 400,000 The Suffering Continues inhabitants, only 12 percent who enjoy the clean water. The Drinking water crisis is affecting many problems, such villages resident in the Benanain riverside like Tafuli village as disease, the decrease of the level of prosperity, the low of in Rainhat district, Benae village in Central Malacca district, productivity, and neglect of the opportunity to get education. and Manleten village in West Tasifeto district was forced to In East Nusa Tenggara, throughout August until September consume Benanain river water, which is muddy and contami- 2007, 11 childrens died due to diarrhea due to lack of avail- nated with animal feces. Residents are not able to walk 30-10 ability of drinking water and the poor conditions of sanita- km each day to the nearest water source or buy pumps and tion. In this province, children die in case of diarrhea occurs pipes for water to drain from the water source that is located throughout the year. in the valley. The same pattern was faced by the society of In addition to drinking water access, which is one of the welfare indicators, for the people who’s forced to buy the drinking water from peddler (tank cars and wheelbarrow), the limited of drinking water mean additional burden budget for home consumption. The price of water on the seller is much more costly than the usual price from PDAM. Therefore, people who do not have the access for the PDAM service or the supply water stops in the dry season, must reduce the another consumption so they could cover the expenditure to buy clean water. Villages that do not have enough water resources, the people will have to walk for hours just to take one or two jerry cans of water from the source that’s so far away, or spend their time POKJA in the long line at the only source of Kateri village in the Weliman district, and Buliaran village in water that’s existing and limited. If only houses in the villages Sasitamean district. has been served water pipelines, of course the available time As in Belu district, the society in Ngada district was also can be used to perform the economic activities that supply the forced to consume river water because the source of drink- family incomes, or also socio-cultural activities. ing water is away from the village. Too tiring to walk 3-7 km For childrens, far and limited water resources from home to the source of drinking water every day, villagers of Mainai or settlements means that they will lose the opportunity to village in Wolomeze and Benteng Tawa village in the Riung continue to go to school. In West Solor, East Flores, before the Barat district, was forced to used the muddy river water and existance of the development rainwater tanks program (PAH), become the puddle of the animals. The residents in Pondok young women can’t proceed to go to school at the higher level village West Sumba district, experience similar problems. because they must take the responsibility for the availability In Solor, East Flores district and 8 districts in Lembata of the water for household. For hours they spent to walk and district, despite having a well, the public consumes water that waiting in the line to take the water from the sources that’s is not safe. The residents owned wells are con- located far away from home. That responsibility is a division taminated by the sea water in- of roles with the parents who work in the fields. 24