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Care About the People? Think About Water and Sanitation!

                   3rd Edition, 2010

    Information Media of Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
Information Media on Water Supply and
          Environmental Sanitation
                                                     Table of
              Published by:                          Contents
Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
             Working Group
         (WSES Working Group)                    From the Editor ….....................…………………………………………………………………….. 3
                                                 Your Voice …......................……………………………………………………………….…………… 4
               Responsible Person                Main Report
Housing and Settlement Director of Bappenas            UN General Assembly Legalized Human Right to water Resolution ………. 5
  Environmental Sanitation Director of the             Right to water as Human Right ............……………………………………………..... 10
                 Health Ministry                 Regulation
 Water Supply Development Director of the              Law No 39 Year 1999 on Human Right …………………………………….............. 14
             Public Work Ministry                Agenda
Natural Resources Improvement and Efficient              International Anti Poverty Day, the Difficult Access to Water Supply and
    Technology Director of Domestic Affair              Environmental Sanitation as Part of Poverty ........……………………………….. 16
                    Ministry                     Discourse
 Director of Spatial and Environmental Facili-         Nuisance on Right to water and Housing (first paper) .………………….……..18
     tation of the Domestic Affair Ministry             The State Must Guarantee the People’s Right to water .......................... 24
                                                       Care about the People? Think about Water Supply
            Head of editorial staff                     and Environmental Sanitation! ……………………….…………………………...…. 28
             Oswar Mungkasa                      Interview
                                                       Nugroho Tri Utomo, Housing and Settlement Director of Bappenas ...… 31
               Editorial Staff                          Hamong Santono, KRUHA ...................……………….….…………………………… 34
             Maraita Listyasari                        A Patra M Zen, YLBHI Director ……………...................……………………………. 36
             Nugroho Tri Utomo
                                                       Oxidation Technology for Water Supply …………………………..…….............. 38
               Managing Editor
                                                       Clay, an Effective Media to Clear Muddy Peat Moss Water ……………...... 41
              Eko Budi Harsono
                                                 Different Side
                                                       Islam Shari’a as Solution ………………………………………………........................ 45
           Design and Production
              Agus Sumarno
                                                       Public Dialogue on the Lookout for Water Conflict
                                                       Water Conflict Needs to be Anticipated by the Local Government ……...46
                                                       30% Toddler’s Death Due to Poor Sanitation ...........…………………………....48
                                                       HCTPS Workshop for Elementary School Teachers of DKI Jakarta
               Agus Syuhada
                                                       Only Three Percent of the Population Are Using Soap to Wash Hands …49
                  Nur Aini
                                                       “Water Politic” Must be the Concern of Local Government .....…………. 50
                                                       Synergy of WSES Networking Program and GBCI ………………….............… 53
               Editorial Address
     Jl. RP Soeroso 50, Central Jakarta,
                                                       Numbers of Technology to Acquire Water Supply ………………………......... 54
           Ph/Fax: (021) 31904113
                                                 CD Info …..........................….……………………………………………………………………….. 55
      Website: http//
                                                 Books Info ......................….……………………………………………………………………..… 56
                                                 Website Info .....................……………………………………………………………………….... 57
                                                 WESE Literatures .....................…………………………………………………………………... 58
   Editors accept external papers/article
                                                       US$ 150 Billion is Required To Prevent World’s Water Crisis .....…………. 59
concerning water supply and environmental
From the                                                                                                    Edis II 2010
                                                                                                               Edisii IIII,, 2010

                 ime went so fast, we have just celebrated       not only of the world, but also of Indonesia. It has
                 1431 Hijra Idul Fitri. For those who            become a long obsession on behalf of the stakeholders
                 celebrated the holiday, we would like to        that right to water as one of the human rights be the
                 say Congratulation. From the very depth         mainstream of the development in Indonesia. Thus
                 of our heart, we seek Forgiveness. May we       hopefully, the number of Indonesian people without
all become better person.                                        access to the water supply can be reduced significantly.
    On early September, we heard the news of UN                  Naturally, it’s not that simple; especially considering
General Assembly Resolution regarding Right to Water             numbers of local governments who have not completely
as Human Right. Some people may be shocked, but                  aware that water supply is an obligatory task of the local
many took the news without particular action due to              government. Surely there is still a long way to go. In
various reasons; maybe because human rights have                 that matter, we then would like to utilize the moment
been the hot topic in Indonesia for the past decade.             of this resolution to rebuild our determination regarding
This was also supported by Law No 39 Tear 1999 on                the magnitude of the leftover responsibility. There are
Human Rights. Although the idea of human rights itself           still 100 million of our fellow countrymen who are still
has been included in the Constitution (UUD 1945),                without access to the water supply.
acknowledgement of Right to Water as Human Right in                   To fully give the responsibility on the water supply
Indonesia has also been adopted implicitly in the existing       to the local government is also not a wise option. We
regulations. It was started by Law No 7 Year 2004 on             all should work together hand-in-hand with the local
Water Resources, followed by Government Regulation               government to complete this homework; as one of
(PP) No 16 Year 2005 on Water Supply Provision System.           the human rights principles, helping one another and
    This resolution represents a major progress on the           synergizing to achieve the common goal. Let’s go then.
water supply and environmental sanitation development,           What are we waiting for? (OM).


                                                  cause o the greedy and ignorance nature of
                                                  c      of                                          attention to the basic rights such as water,
                                                  t earth’s creature.
                                                  the                                                education and health? Did the people asked
                                                       So powerful is water in our lives, thus       too much? All they need is for their rights to
Internship at Percik Magazine                     take a very good care of that water, and use       be completed. To cry, they will think twice,
     I would like to introduce myself. My         it wisely. Moreover, water strength will in-       because it would mean wasting “tears”.
name is Muhammad Chaidir. I’m a college           crease and bring positive effect on our body        Once again, we must be very careful when
student of Communication Science of Reli-         if prior to using the water, such as before we     dealing with water. One wrong step will not
gious Moestopo University in Jakarta. I have      drink, we pray beforehand. This was proven         only cost one life, but also the future of our
read Percik magazine at the college library       by a Japanese professor with his research on       children and grandchildren.
and seen the content as well as several issues    water that will alter its texture and crystal                                          Maftuhah
that specifically discussing Water Supply and      according to the condition of the user. There-                                 Menteng, Jakarta
Environmental Sanitation (WSES) which was         fore, utilize the positive strength of water by
provided in simple, smart, and concise as to      using it carefully.
challenge me to take my Final Assignment
in relation of the media function that you’re
                                                                                  Rini Utami Azis    Do Not Reuse
managing in reference to the WSES develop-
                                                                                Solo, Central Java   the Plastic Bottle
                                                                                                          Water plastic bottles and glasses are
ment in Indonesia.
                                                                                                     often being reuse. In fact, those bottles and
     I am hoping that the editors of Percik
Magazine will give me an opportunity to
                                                  Growing Crisis of                                  glasses are often used over and over again.
perform research for my final assignment           Water Liberalization                               Actually, the package (bottles and glasses) is
on the Function of Internal Media in Gov-               Liberalization wave seems to be inevi-       only for one time use. There is health stan-
ernment Program of WSES Development               table anymore. All aspects of our lives must       dard that must be complied by the produc-
Acceleration. If it is possible, I will send my   submit to international agreements which           ers. This standard was meant to minimize
covering letter from my college and my Final      only concern is big capital owners.                the number of bacteria in the package.
Assignment Proposal. Thank you very much.               Discrimination in water privatization has         When the seal is broken, the bottle
Greeting for Percik.                              been revealed. One proof of policy that is         should not be reused, because those plastic
                          Muhammad Chaidir        against the people is when water become            bottles and glasses were made from poly-
                 Moestopo University Jakarta      business, thus it has become more than             ethylene terephtalate or PET that contain
                                                  moving to gain profit, but also to tie and be-      carcinogen (causing cancer). The substance
     Thank you for your kind attention and        guile others as to bow down to it, to those        is hazardous to the human health if it was
your trust on Percik Magazine. Please send        who have power over it. Water management           swallowed. Through series of bottle steril-
your formal request to perform research. We       is no longer considering water management          ization standard, when it’s sealed, the sub-
will gladly help you. Greeting from Percik.       in system as to provide fair, impartial, and af-   stance is inactive. The number of bacteria in
                                                  fordable water service for the population.         the package is guaranteed to comply with
                                                        Water is the basic needs of human, thus      the tolerance threshold.
Let’s Respect Water                               it can not be commercialized as people’s ba-            However, do not make mistake, for these
     Who can live without water? Water is
                                                  sic needs, as guaranteed in verse 33 of the        bottles were not only made of PET, but also
very useful in our daily lives at the moment.
                                                  Constitution (UUD 1945). For example, in           PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride), and this is far more
When we feel hot and dirty after daily activi-
                                                  Batam, elite estates become the first priority,     hazardous because it can cause acid rain
ties, we utilize water for showering. We then
                                                  while population of other regions with lesser      when it is being burned. PVC even has haz-
drink water whenever we are thirsty, and
                                                  economic status and slump areas, such as           ard potencies for liver, heart and weight. The
there are much more proof of our depen-
                                                  Teluk Lenggung, Pungur, are left behind and        change from PVC to PET has actually started
dency on water.
                                                  still consuming well water, which according        since the year 1988. Hopefully, there will be
     Water is so common in our lives that we
                                                  to the test result of the Health Department,       no more factories using PVC.
took it for granted. We only realized it when
                                                  is not feasible to be consumed due to the               Reusing plastic bottles and glasses cause
we’re facing difficulties to acquire clean
                                                  high number of bacteria and under the pH           the carcinogenic substance to dissolve in
water. When water pipes are experiencing
                                                  standard. Meanwhile, water treatment in-           the water we drink. If we have to reuse the
disturbance, and the water came out dirty
                                                  stallation (IPA) was built only several meters     bottles and glasses, we must wash them first
and muddy, we will be bothered. What will
                                                  from their house.                                  with soap containing disinfectant or anti bac-
happen if we can no longer enjoy water?
                                                        The growing number of suicide rate due       terial. Household soaps have complied with
        Drought, aside from the disastrous
                                                  to the high life pressure is another issue.        the standard.
                         flood has happened
                                                  How come the government is still not paying                                     Wahyu, Surabaya
                                        b e -

Main                                                                                             Edisi III, 2010

    UN General Assembly Legalized Resolution of
 Human Rights on Water
                    n early September,        In the resolution, UN General      to proper sanitation facilities. This
                    the         world’s   Assembly exhorted all of the           access difficulty has caused among
                    population,           international     population     and   others, 1,5 million death of babies
                    especially Water      Countries that have signed the         due to proper-sanitation-and-water-
                    Supply        and     resolution to increase the effort of    supply-related diseases.
Environmental Sanitation activist,        providing safe, clean, and affordable       Resolution of Right to water
and practitioners were shocked by         water supply and sanitation to all     was legalized through voting of
the issue of UN General Assembly          people. “Limited access to water       163 UN member countries. No
Resolution that emphasized access to      supply has killed more children than   country refuses this resolution. 122
water supply and proper sanitation is     AIDS, malaria, and pox”, said the      countries including China, Russia,
part of the human rights. To clarify,     Head of UN Human Right Council         German, France, Spain, and Brazil
UN General Assembly resolution            from Bolivia, Pablo Solon in UN        are supporting this resolution, while
with the title: “The right to acquire     official website.                        41 countries such as Canada, USA,
clean and safe water supply and               UN Environmental Program           England, Australia, and Botswana
sanitation is part of the human right,    Data has estimated 884 million of      were abstained.
and an important element to fully         the world population are without           Some of the countries that
and comprehensively enjoy the right       access to safe water supply, and 2,6   preferred to abstain stated
to life.”                                 billion people have limited access     that     the

Main Report
resolution does not cla
    l                      clarify the      Rights (ICCPR), where water was
magnitude of right to water as well as
         d f h                              not mentioned explicitly as human
the task that follows in order to fulfill    rights but as an inseparable part of the
the right. Regarding the resolution,        agreed human rights, which is right
WSES expert, Hening Darpito said            to life, right on proper live, right on
that at first, there was concern that        health, right on housing, and right
this resolution of right in water and       to eat. Afterward, it was mentioned
sanitation is premature; as it turned       more explicitly although still part of a
out in the voting, the resolution           convention with different theme, such
has acquired positive responds              as said in chapter 14 verse (2) letter h
from almost all of the meeting              of The Convention of the Elimination
participants.                               all Forms of Discrimination Against
                                            Women (CEDAW 1979), that state
    Long Way to Go                          (country) must take measured steps
    It was the year 1948 when the           in eliminating different forms of
Universal Declaration of Human              discrimination on women, especially
Rights (DUHAM) was issued and               women right to benefit from proper
followed in the year 1966 during            life standards of healthy water supply
the International Covenants on              and sanitation. Such was said in
Economic, Social, and Cultural              chapter 24 of The Convention on
Rights (ICESCR) and International           The Right of The Child –CRC
Covenant on Civil and Political             1989 that in the effort to prevent          malnutrition and disease spreading,
                                                                                       ev child posses the right on clean
                                                                                       drinking water.
         Water Right and Right to Water                                                    It was continued by statement
                                                                                       an appeal through Millennium

           omprehension on Water Right and Right to Water is often blur; both
           terms are often interpreted to be the same in Bahasa Indonesia, as          De
                                                                                       Declaration that comes up with
           Right on Water. Nevertheless, the two terms have significant difference.      M
                                                                                       MDGs (Millennium Development
   The power to attained water from nature is often said as Water Right has the        Go
                                                                                       Goals) project, which acting as
   following meaning:
                                                                                       commitment of the Head of
        • Attaining or diverting and utilizing magnitude of water from natural
                                                                                       Countries/Governments as UN
        • Collecting magnitude of water from water sources into one place, such as     me
                                                                                       members in fighting global poverty
            dam or other structure, or                                                 in      2000-2015,       encouraging
        • Using the water on its natural sources.                                      go
                                                                                       governments to “provide access to
        Water Right is a tool issued by a country as a water mastering institution     pr
                                                                                       proper water supply and sanitation
   to individuals or company who legally termed as ‘licences’, ‘permissions’,          for the population who has yet the
   ‘authorisations’, ‘consents’ and ‘concessions’ to utilize water. Water right in
                                                                                       be t of”.
   economic term is used as a tool to attain retribution of water utilization.
        The above term is obviously different with Right to Water as meant in               However, the explicit statement
   Human Rights Studies. The law that constitutes Water Right assumes that water       of water was not specifically
   is a commodity requires law protection from those who master it. Water Right        me
                                                                                       mentioned until the year 2002,
   can be understood as the Right to Attain Water. The difference is that water         wh the UN Committee of Social
   is a necessity (to have) and water as a right. The Right to Water (water as a       Ec
                                                                                       Economical and Cultural Right
   right) emphasizes more on water as an inseparable part of a dignified human
                                                                                       provided general comment Number
   life, therefore Right to Water is absolute and therefore it is mandatory for the
   Country to acknowledge.
                                                                                       15 in clarifying chapter 11 and 12 of
                                                                                       The Economic, Social, and Cultural

Edisi III, 2010

Right Convention, that right to         which is freedom and entitlements.      the Indonesian Government has
water cannot be separated from other    Freedom means there will be             ratified international convention
human rights, for water is more than    no intervention that can cause          on economic, social, and cultural
just economic commodity and right       disablement of human right to water,    rights through Law No 11 Year
to water is indeed a human right.       such as contamination of the water      2005, implying that the country
“The human right to water entitles      to be consumed. Entitlement is right    must meet the population rights,
everyone to sufficient, physically        on water system and management          including right to drinking water.
accessible, safe and acceptable water   that enable everyone to have same           The government seems to be
for personal and domestic uses.”        opportunity and access to water.        serious in its effort by issuing Law
Right to water also includes freedom                                            No 7 Year 2004 on Water Resources,
to manage access to water. The             Government Effort                     which in verse 5 stated that the
element of right to water must also        As other human rights, with          country guarantees the right of
sufficient for human’s dignity, life,     regard to the country’s position on     everyone to acquire water for
and health. Sufficiency on right to       the duty caused by the human right,     minimal requirement of daily lives in
water cannot be translated narrowly     the country has to respect, meaning     order to achieve healthy, clean, and
on mere volume quantity and             preventing disturbance, directly/       productive live. Further clarification
technology. Water must be treated as    indirectly, of the provision of right   on right to water in this law said
social and cultural assets, more than   to water; to protect, meaning           that the people attain the right to
economic asset.                         preventing involvement of the third     (i) acquire information regarding
    In the United Nations General       party (company) in providing right      water resources management; (ii)
Comments of Committee on                to water; and to fulfill, meaning        acquire proper replacement
Economic, Social, and Cultural          taking necessary measures to ensure     on detriment die to the
Rights) Number 15, human rights         complete fulfillment of right to         implementation of
consists of two major components,       water. In the context of respect,

Main Report

water resources managem
                  management; (iii)    Regulation No 16 Year 2005 on           disposal or feces slug removal.
benefit from the water resources
benefit                                 Water Supply Provision System               In fact, technically, drinking
management; (iv) raise objection on    Development as derivation of            water quality has been constituted
water resources management plan        Law No 7 Year 2004, in this case        specifically       in      Government
that has been announced in certain     (i) acquire qualified water supply       Regulation No 82 Year 2001 on
time period accordingly to the local   service in term of quality, quantity,   Water Quality Management and
condition; (v) submit reports and      and continuity in compliance with       Water Contamination Control to
complaints to the authority on the     the existing standard; (ii) acquire     ensure protection of public interest.
detriment die to water resources       information on the structure and            Even so, the government is
management; and/or (vi) submit         magnitude of tariff as well as the       considered to fail to fulfill the
suit/claim regarding water resources   billing; (iii) submit suit on the       particular people’s right. “Indonesian
issues that has damaged their lives/   service that has harmed them; (iv)      Government’s effort to protect and
living.                                acquire proper reimbursement due        respect right to drinking water is still
    While the people’s right is        to the service indifference; and         far from people expectation,” said
further directed in Governmental       (v) acquire service of waste water      National Coordinator of People’s
                                                                       POKJA   Right to Water (KRUHA) Hamong
                                                                               Santono. “Reports by UNESCAP,
                                                                               ADB, and UNDP, have also firmly
                                                                               stated that Indonesia is currently on
                                                                               the slow lane in meeting the target
                                                                               of water supply and sanitation in
                                                                               MDGs,” he said.
                                                                                   One of the reason as to the low
                                                                               access of the public to access drink-
                                                                               ing water is the small amount of
                                                                               budget allocated by the government.
                                                                               In the year 2005, the allocated bud-
                                                                               get was only Rp 500 billion, and
                                                                               for the year 2010 was Rp 3 trillion.
                                                                               Whereas the required budget for
                                                                               water supply and sanitation devel-
                                                                               opment was approximately 2 to 3
                                                                               times the amount. “Clearer political
                                                                               agenda and commitment is required
                                                                               regarding the people’s right to wa-
                                                                               ter. Don’t just signing the resolution
                                                                               without knowing what to do with
                                                                               the problems of water supply and
                                                                               basic sanitation,” said Hamong.
                                                                                   However, back to the one of the
                                                                               principles of human right fulfill-
                                                                               ment, the process must also consider
                                                                               each government capability. Most
                                                                               important is the strong willingness
                                                                               from the government to achieve tar-

Edisi III, 2010
get fulfillment of right to water. This
is obvious considering the –almost                  Human Right Directorate General, Harkristuti Harkrisnowo:
six times- increment in water supply
and environmental sanitation bud-
                                                  Numbers of Problems in the Water Sector
get allocation in five years period                  Have Come to Government Attention
(2010-2014) compare to the previ-
ous five years (2005-2009).                                                 In the Workshop of Right to Water
                                                                        that was held by WSES Working Group at
    Local Government                                                    Bogor, Human Right Directorate General,
    as the Spearhead                                                    Harkristuti Harkrisnowo in her written
    More often than not, the main                                       speech that was read by Human Right
actor of water supply and environ-                                      Cooperation Director, Dimas Samudera Rum
mental sanitation is forgotten. Based                                   said that water is an absolute necessity in
on the existing regulations, local                                      every living creature’s life. Without water,
                                                                        no life can survive. However in reality, the
government is the one who have the
                                              world is experiencing problems with regard to water due to various
mandate to provide water supply.
                                              factors, such as rapid growth of world population, and current
Thus an important question arisen,
                                              unsustainable water management.
as to how far is the concept of right
                                                  It was also said in the speech that numbers of international
to water as human right has been
                                              policies regarding right to water have been issued such as CEDAW
comprehended by decision makers
                                              (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
at the region. If this has not been ac-       Against Women), CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) and
knowledged, we should not get our             ICESCR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and
hope up for the UN resolution to              International Convention on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights).
have impact on water supply access            Also included UN ECOSOC DECLARATION (Economic, Social, and
improvement in Indonesia. Even                Cultural Declaration) on November 2002.
after it has been acknowledged, the               While Indonesia has acknowledged entitlement of the basic right
next step will be to know how far             since the beginning in basic Constitution of UUD 1945 Chapter 33
the comprehension has been inter-             stating that “Earth, water along with its natural wealth is mastered
nalized in the planning document              by the country and utilize for the welfare of the people.” Thus, it
of local government, such as Lo-              is the task of the country to guarantee water provision for every
cal Mid-Term Development Plan                 citizen.
(RPJMD). Continue as such un-
til a fund is allocated for marginal
groups.                                   be made clear of WSES budget             in fulfilling human right which
    It is the task of the central and     allocation, especially for those that    is interdependence, is a necessity.
provincial governments to make the        are marginalized. Seems it will take     Fulfillment of right to water as
concept of right to water as human        quite some time considering 500          human right will not be achieved
right to be the mainstream of water       kabupaten/kota in Indonesia.             if the government is left to work
supply and environmental sanitation                                                alone. Let’s work together. There are
development in the local level.               Duty of All                          still approximately 100 millions of
Advocatory effort is needed both               It is clear that a little bit of     our fellow countrymen are without
to the executives and legislatives,       patience on our part is required to      access to water supply. Most of
followed by internalization through       see the result of government effort.      them come from marginalized
reviewing of RPJMD documents,             Surely cooperation of all parties,       groups. (OM)
so the dramatic improvement can           and this is also one of the principles

Laporan Utama


           Right to Water as
            Human Right
         n the history of mankind, wa-      more than mere mercy based-service;       without access to drinking water were
         ter has taken central position     (ii) basic access accomplishment needs    especially low income people who are
         and guarantees the continuity      to be accelerated; (iii) those who were   living in the rural areas.
         of human’s life in the face of     ignored receive more attention so that         Women. Women in many com-
         this earth. Water relates with     the gap could be reduced; (iv) margin-    munities have lower status compare to
somebody’s right to live, thus become       alized people and community will be       the men. Theirs is the task to collect
an inseparable part within the term of      empowered to take role in the deci-       or acquire water for domestic daily
human rights. Water entitlement as          sion making process; (v) country will     needs. The data shows that 70 percent
human right indicates two things; on        be more focus on fulfilling its duty       out of 1,3 billion of very poor people
one side is acknowledgement that wa-        due to international monitoring.          are women (WHO, 2001). Research
ter has a very important place in the                                                 shows that African household spent
lives of human, and on the other side,         Who will be impacted the Most          approximately 26 percent of their
it is necessary to protect everyone’s ac-      Speaking about right to water as       time to collect water, and in general,
cess to water. For that reason, right to    human right, there are several groups     it is the task of women (DFID, 2001).
water needs to be made positive as the      that will receive most impact by the      This condition has prevented women
highest right in the law aspect, which      change about to happen. They will be      to work, even to go to school.
is human right.                             impacted mostly because their rights           Children. Improper water condi-
                                            have been neglected for so long, and      tion increased the chance of children
   The Importance of Right                  due to various normative and legal        to suffer from many diseases. Their
   to Water as Human Right                  excuses were not the target of water      immune system has not fully devel-
   Without realizing it, there are many     supply service providers.                 oped. Children also often share the
benefits as to the resolution of right          Low income people. Among the           women’s task as water collector. As the
to water as human right. For instance       impacted groups, the poor is the most     effect, in many countries, many chil-
              (i) water became legal        suffering. This was represented by the     dren do not go to school.
                             right,         data showing 80 percent of the people          Indigenous people. Actually, it

Edisi III, 2010

was this indigenous people who are         when it reduced someone’s ability to        housing/settlement.
utilizing the traditional water sources.   buy other basic needs such as food,
However, with the growth of an area,       housing, healthcare and education. It            Country’s Obligation
the water source was then contami-         is not recommended for a household               The emerging issue is then how to
nated or being used exceeding its ca-      to spend more than 3% of income for         place the country in its relation with
pacity. This condition has left them       drinking water; (iv) accessible service.    water as public or social asset that has
without access to water.                   When is a service accessible? Govern-       been acknowledged as part of human
                                           ment must ensure that access to water       right. Based on UN Committee’s gen-
    Main Principle                         is available inside or within the prox-     eral comment Number 15 regarding
    The main principle of human right      imity of house, school, or workplace.       Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
in relation with water supply and san-     If possible, tolerable condition which      that right to water as other human
itation development is (i) equality and    is the time requires in getting to the      rights has raised three types of obliga-
without discrimination. This prin-         water source is 30 minutes at most.         tions for the country to take, which is
ciple is the most prominent among          Safety during the process of collecting     obligation to respect, to protect, and
other basic principles of human right      the water must also be considered; (v)      to fulfill.
framework. Consolidating this prin-        sufficient water. How many water per               Obligation to respect: maintaining
ciple into WSES development policy         person is considered to be minimum          the existing access. This implies that
requires special effort to identify the     requirement? UN indicates that water        the country does not disturb either di-
most marginalized and vulnerable           be sufficient for drinking, sanitation,       rectly or indirectly the present of right
individual and groups in water sup-        clothes washing, and cooking. At 20         to water. Other obligation includes
ply and sanitation access availability.    liter per person per day is required.       not restricting access of anyone.
Moreover, proactive actions are neces-     A water source is considered to be               Obligation to protect: involving
sary to ensure that marginalized indi-     sufficient if the minimum volume is           the third party. This obligation com-
viduals and groups are included in the     100 liters; (vi) accessible information.    pels the country to prevent third par-
target and become the focus of inter-      Right to water as human right also          ty’s involvement at any mean on the
vention. Included in these groups are      ensures available access to informa-        present of right to water. Third parties
women, children, rural communities,        tion on government’s strategies and         including individual, group, compa-
slump areas, low income communi-           policies, and also enables the people       ny, and institution are under the gov-
ties, nomadic communities, refugees,       to participate.                             ernment. The obligation also includes
senior citizens, remote communities,                                                   adopting effective regulation.
disabled people, and the people at wa-         Right to Water as Prerequisite               Obligation to fulfill: facilitation,
ter vulnerable-areas. Establishing the         of Other Human Rights                   promotion and provision. This obli-
integrated data of these groups has be-        Right to water has become a pre-        gation compels government to take
come a necessity. The main issue that      requisite to fulfilling other human          measures to fulfill right to water.
also served as hot topic is affordability   rights. As an illustration: (i) right on         How about local governments? In
without differentiating whether the         food. Unsafe water consumption has          reality, the determinant factor of fulfill-
service provider is private or govern-     prevented the effort to sufficient basic       ing right to water as human right lies
ment. Government is responsible to         nutrients and thus, right on food; (ii)     in the hand of the local government.
ensure that water is affordable to all,     right to live and right on health. Insuf-   UN General Comment Number 15
even those who cannot afford to pay.        ficient safe water has become the main       is stating that the central government
The effort can be made among others         cause of babies deaths all around the
through provision of certain amount        world; (iii) education right. Collect-              Misunderstanding
of free water, tariff block system, cross   ing water in many countries are the                 of Right to Water
subsidy mechanism and direct sub-          task of women and children, whereas           Water as Human Right does not
sidy. (ii) safe and acceptable. Water      time and distance sometimes requires
must be safe for domestic use, and         over 2 hours trips as to prevent them         • … that water is provided free for
the minimum volume must be avail-          to attend school. This includes ab-             all.
                                                                                         • … that all house must be served
able for drinking water; (iii) afford-      sence due to diarrhea; (iv) right on            through direct connection even
able service. What is affordable? Pay-      housing. Drinking water availability            when it is financially not feasible.
ment is considered to be unaffordable       is an important condition of proper           • … that the government itself must
                                                                                           provide service without delegating
                                                                                           the task to other non government
                                                             11                            parties
Prominent Practice
                                                                                                                Belgia. Social fund is introduced
                                                                                                           and funded through the source of wa-
    Main Report                                                                                            ter levy. Social fund income is being
                                                                                                           used by social institution to cover ser-
                                                                                                           vice cost of the lowest income people.
    must ensure that local governments
                             gov                          the population; (b) economically af-             Other than that, free water consump-
                                                                                                           tion was given as much as 15 m3 per
    have sufficient capacity bot in term
         sufficient           b
                            both                          fordable. Water along with its facilities        family.
    of financial and human resources to                    and services must be affordable to all.                Poto Alegre, Brazil. Public compa-
    provide water supply service. Further-                Costs incurred, both directly and in-            ny as the water supply service provider
                                                                                                           applies participative budget planning
    more, the service must also comply                    directly and other water-related costs           process. In public meetings, everyone
    with the fulfillment of human rights                   must be affordable; (c) non-discrimi-             is free to speak regarding budget pri-
    principles.                                           nation. Water along with its facilities          ority. This model has generated dra-
                                                                                                           matic increment in drinking water ac-
                                                          and services must be accessible to all,          cess to low income community.
         Indicator of Right to                            including vulnerable or marginalized                  South Africa. Every drinking wa-
         Water Fulfillment                                 groups, both in term of the law and              ter service provider institution must
                                                                                                           have consumer service unit to receive
         Water sufficiency as prerequisite                  real field fact without discrimination;           every complaints. Water Ministry is
    of right to water fulfillment, in any                  (d) information access. Access to water          prerequisite to have a national infor-
    circumstances must comply with the                    also includes the right to seek, receive         mation system which is accessible to
                                                                                                           the people.
    following factors (i) availability. Wa-               water-related information.
    ter supply for everyone must be suf-
    ficient and sustainable for individual                     Materializing Water                         stand their rights. In turn, they must
    and household needs; (ii) quality.                        as Human Right                              also know their obligation. On one
    Water for everyone or every house-                        In reality, numbers of factors are          side, public authority must also know
    hold must be safe, free of microorgan-                required to ensure water as human               their obligation. Three, multi-parties
    ism, chemical and radiology elements                  right. One, government must have                dialogue. This dialogue involves num-
    which are hazardous to human health;                  effective regulation and institution,            bers of parties from the private sector,
    (iii) accessible. Water as well as water              including public authority with clear           NGO, low income community, which
    facilities and services must be acces-                mandate with proper and sufficient                will contribute in the process of plan-
    sible by all without discrimination.                  financial and human resources. Two,              ning, development, and management
    Accessibility is marked by (a) physi-                 information and education. This is              of water supply services. This will
    cal accessibility. Water along with its               important in ensuring transparent               generate a more transparent and re-
    facilities and services must be able to               and responsible water management.               sponsible public authority. Four, cost-
    be accessed physically for everyone in                The people must know and under-                 sharing solidarity mechanism. As an
                                                                                                          example, tariff system may use cross
                                                                                                          subsidy, where the ‘have’ pays more.
Frequently Asked Question                                                                                     Meanwhile, right to water is not
• Is 20 liter per capita per day is sufficient to fulfill human right? NO. 20 liters per capita per day is
  the minimum but not yet fulfill the requirement in relation of the health aspect. To meet that,          only applicable to public companies,
  the minimum requirement is between 50 to 100 liters per capita per day.                                 but also to private. As an illustration,
• Is fund to achieve water requirement fulfillment really an obstacle? NO. It is true that large           the International Federation of Pri-
  amount of fund is required. However, it has been proven that the cost of insufficient water sup-          vate Water Operators AquaFed, that
  ply is even greater, in form of decreasing health quality of the people, loosing productive time
                                                                                                          represents various water service com-
  and school’s absence. Moreover, the fund requirement is not necessarily to be met immediately,
  but accordingly to the capacity of each government.                                                     panies from small to international
• Is everyone, even those who live in remote areas are prerequisite to have access through the            scale, has included issue on right to
  piping system? NO. Government must only ensure that everyone have access to qualified (in                water in company regulation. There
  term of availability, access, affordability, quality) access, however every region requires different     are three required elements in order
  services in accordance with each region’s requirement.                                                  for the operator to implement the
• Does the government must provide free water? NO. Human rights only guarantess that drinking
                                                                                                          concept of right to water, namely (i)
  water must be affordable and not preventing other human rights such as food, housing, and
  health.                                                                                                 clear contract including the role and
• Does human right forbid private involvement in the water supply service? NO. Human right did            responsibility of the operator; (ii) the
  not constitute certain form of water supply service. However, government must ensure, through           present of subsidy or low tariff for low
  regulation, monitoring, and reporting procedure, that all providers (public and private) do not         income community; (iii) the present
  violate human rights.
                                                                                                          of sustainable social mechanism on
• Does entitlement of right to water as human right encouraged water supply fulfillment? YES.
  Among other factors, human right stabilized the law framework which depicted right and obliga-          services toward marginalized groups
  tion, and encourage more attention toward the poor, and non-discriminative services. Human              (poor, homeless, etc.).
  rights urge the people to be actively involved.

Edisi III, 2010

                A Brief Look on Human Rights
    Definition and Characteristics of Human Right             made), is now have less power and can be held respon-
    Human right is basic rights own by human, in accor-      sible in the eyes of the law (Mansyur Effendi, 1994). The
dance with its nature, given directly by God. When these     birth of Magna Charta is then followed by a more con-
rights are ignored, it is impossible for the human to live   crete development by the birth of Bill of Rights in Eng-
as people. Officially in chapter 1 of Law No 39 Year 1999      land in the year 1689. At the time, an adage has arisen,
on Human Right it is stated that “Human Right is a set       with the main thinking that all human are equal in the
of rights that closely relate to the nature and existence    eyes of the law (equality before the law). Next devel-
of human as the creature of God and represents His ut-       opment of Human Right was marked by The American
most grace that must be respected, upheld, and pro-          Declaration of Independence that was born of Rousseau
tected by the country, law, government and all people,       and Montesquuiei concept. It is then confirmed that
for the honor and protection of                                             ISTIMEWA human is free since they were still

human’s dignity.”                                                                     in their mother’s abdomen, thus
    Based on the above formula-                                                       it is illogical when after they were
tion of Human Right, some con-                                                        born they must be chained.
clusion can be made, namely (i)                                                            Next in the year 1789 a French
Human Right was not necessar-                                                         Declaration was born where stip-
ily be given, bought, or inherited.                                                   ulation of right is further define
Human right is an automatic part                                                      as stated in the Rule of Law which
of being human; (ii) Human right                                                      among others stating that there
is applicable to all without dis-                                                     can be no arrest without legal
criminating gender, race, religion,                                                   excuse. In that matter, the prin-
ethnic, political view, or social and                                                 ciple of presumption of innocent
citizenship origin; (iii) Human right                                                 (where those who were arrested,
cannot be violated. No one has the                                                    then imprisoned and accused,
right to restrain or violate other’s                                                  have the right to resume inno-
right. People resume to have hu-                                                      cent, until proven otherwise in
man right, even when the country                                                      the court of law) is applied. In the
made laws that are against human                                                      French Declaration all rights have
right (Mansyur Fakih, 2003).                                                          been included, namely the rights
    In essence, Human Right con-                                                     that guarantee the growth of de-
sists of two most fundamental basic rights, which are        mocracy and law country with previously established
equality right and freedom right. Of the two basic rights,   principles. Furthermore, it is also important to know
other rights were formulated, or without the two, other      the Four Freedoms of President Roosevelt that was es-
human rights will be difficult to enforce.                     tablished on January 6th 1941.
                                                                 All of these rights after World War II (where Hitler
   The Development of Human Right Forethought                annihilated millions of lives) were made to be the foun-
   The development of Human Right forethought in the         dation of thoughts in formulating the universal nature
world is initiated in Magna Charta on the year 1215 in       of Human Rights, which better known as The Uni-
England, that among others includes the thinking that        versal Declaration of Human Rights that was es-
the king who once hold an absolute power (king made          tablished by the UN in 1948.
the law, but he himself is bonded by the very law he

                                                               With their intelligence and conscience, human
                                                           have the freedom to decide for themselves their action
                                                           or behavior. Furthermore, to balance the freedom,
                                                           human still have the ability to responsible for all of
                                                           their actions.
                                                               It is this basic freedom and rights that was defined
                                                           as human right that naturally attached to human as

Law No 39 Year 1999                                                  a grace from God. These rights cannot be
                                                                     denied. Denial of these rights means denial

on Human Rights                                                      of human dignity. Therefore, any country,
                                                                     government, or organization are obligated
                                                                     to acknowledged and protect human right

       o far, human right has been a common topic
                                                           on all human without exception. This would mean
       among the people. Even so, not everyone knows
                                                           that human right must always be the reference point,
       for sure what it means. Human right is a basic
                                                           and the goal of implementing the life of community,
right that naturally attached on human; it is universal
                                                           nation, and country.
and imperishable, thus needs to be protected, respected,
                                                               In line with the above perspective, Pancasila as the
maintained, and cannot be ignored, reduced, or taken
                                                           foundation of this country includes the thought that
by anyone.
                                                           human were created by God to hold two aspects, namely
    Meanwhile, to show respect, Indonesian people
                                                           individual and social aspects. Therefore, the freedom of
as member of the United Nation that bears moral
                                                           everyone is limited by other’s human right. This means
and legal responsibility to upheld and implement
                                                           that everyone bears an obligation to acknowledged and
the Universal Declaration of Human Right that was
                                                           respect other people’s human right.
established by the United Nation, and other various
                                                               The obligation is also applicable for every
international instruments in relation to human
                                                           organization on any level, especially country and
right, has consciously issued Indonesia Republic
                                                           government. Thus, country and government responsible
Parliament Decree No XVII/MPR/1998 on Human
                                                           to respect, protect, defend, and guarantee human right
Right. Moreover, arrangement of human rights has
                                                           of every citizen and people without discrimination.
basically stated in different laws, including laws that
                                                           The obligation to respect human right is reflected in
established various international convention on human
                                                           the Preamble of UUD 1945 that inspires the whole
right. However, to accommodate all of the existing
                                                           chapters in its body, especially in relation to citizen’s
regulations, it is necessary to establish Law No 39 Year
                                                           equality in law and governance, right to work and
1999 on Human Right.
                                                           proper living, freedom to associate and gather, right to
    In this law, human right is clearly defined as a set
                                                           express thoughts verbally and written, freedom to hold
of rights that was attached to human’s nature and
                                                           religion and to worship accordingly with their religion
existence as God’s creature, and represents His utmost
                                                           and beliefs, right to receive education and teaching.
grace that must be respected, upheld, and protected by
                                                               The basic thinking on the establishment of the Law
the country, law, Government, and everyone for the
                                                           is as followed:
honor of human’s dignity.
                                                               a. God Almighty is the creature of the universe and
    That people are blessed by conscience and
                                                                  everything in it;
intelligence which give them the ability to differentiate
                                                               b. Basically, human is blessed with a soul, form,
   between good and bad, which will further lead
                                                                  structure, ability, willingness and other ease by
                    and direct their action and attitude
                                                                  their creator to guarantee their life’s continuity;
                                  toward life.

Edisi III, 2010
    c. To protect, maintain, and improve human               as criminal act, civil act, and/or administrative act in
       dignity, entitlement and protection of human          accordance with the law and regulations.
       right is required, for without it, one will loose         The law consists of 11 chapters and 106 sections.
       his nature and dignity, as to drive him to be a       However, the verses that were directly connected to
       wolf for other people (homo homini lupus);            the fulfillment of housing, water and environmental
    d. Because human is a social creature, one’s human       sanitation is specified in
       right is limited by other’s human right, therefore,       a. Section 9 stated that (1) Everyone have the right
       freedom or human right is not without limit;                 to live, defend their lives and improve their
    e. Human right cannot be eliminated by anyone                   living; (2) Everyone have the right to serene,
       under any circumstances;                                     safe, peaceful, happy, and physical and mental
    f. Every human right contains obligation to respect             prosperity; (3) Everyone have the right on well
       other human right, thus in human right, there                and healthy environment.
       are basic obligation;                                     b. Section 11 stated that everyone have the right to
    g. Human rights need to be truly respected,                     fulfill their basic requirements in order to grow
       protected, and enforced, and thus, government,               and developed properly.
       country’s officials, and other public functionaries         c. Section 40 stated that everyone have the right to
       have obligation and responsibility to guarantee              proper housing and living.
       implementation of respect, protection, and
       enforcement of human rights.                             Law No 11 Year 2005 on International
    Within this law, human right was arranged                   Legalization of Covenant on Economic,
with the guidance of United Nation Human Right                  Social, and Cultural Rights
Declaration, Convention on the Elimination of All               This covenant confirms and defines Human
Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Convention            Rights points in the aspects of economic, social, and
on the Rights of the Child, and other international          cultural of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Instruments that regulate human right.                       (DUHAM) within its law-binding stipulations. The
    These laws specifically regulate the right to live and    covenant consists of preamble and 31 sections.
the right to not forcefully eliminated and/or killed,           Covenant Preamble reminds the countries of their
right to have family and continue to descent, right to       obligation according to the UN Charter to improve
develop self, right to justice, right to personal freedom,   and protect Human Rights, reminds individuals on
right to safety, right on welfare, right to join in the      their obligation to work hard for the improvement
governance, women right, child right, and right of           and organization of Human Right as regulated in this
religion freedom. Other than regulation of human right,      Covenant in relation with other individuals and its
basic obligation, along with task and responsibility of      communities, and acknowledged that, in accordance
the government is also arranged in relation of human         with DUHAM, it is the future goal of man kind to
right reinforcement.                                         enjoy civil and political freedom, and free from fear
    In this law, public participation in the form of         and shortcoming, which can only be achieved when
complaints and/or claim on violation of human right,         condition is established for everyone to be able to
proposal teaching of policy formulation in relation with     enjoy their economic, social, and cultural rights, as
human right to Human right National Commissary,              well as their civil and political rights.
research, education, and dispersing information on              Of the 31 sections of this paw, water supply and
human right.                                                 environmental sanitation is stipulated in reference
    The law of Human Right is the umbrella of all            to section 11, which is right to proper living
human right regulations. Therefore, both direct and          standard. (OM)
indirect violation of human right will be sanctioned



                      International Day of Eradication for Poverty
      Difficult Access to Water Supply and
        Sanitation as Poverty Indicator

                    n October 17th every year, the world        Then, in order to respect the historical moment,
                    population commemorates The             the UN has initiated a resolution No 47/196 dated
                    International Day for the Eradication   December 22nd 1992, which established October 17th
                    of Poverty. Poverty for developing      as International Day of Eradication for Poverty, which
                    countries such as Indonesia for         was commemorated by the world population until
example, represents a special note. The difficult access      date. On 2010, a global campaign that was mobilized
of the world population to acquire basic service of         by the world alliance called Global Call Against
sanitation and proper drinking water is clearly an          Poverty (GCAP) continue to be done.
indication of poverty. World Health Organization                On September 2000, representatives of 189
(WHO) stated that limitation of 95 percent of the low       countries have gathered in New York in a Millennium
income people to access water has made poverty trap         Summit that was initiated by the UN. The result is
for 1,2 billion of the world population.                    Millennium Declaration consisting of 8 common
    As known, on October 17th 1987, over 100                project points of development targets to be
thousand people have gathered to demonstrate at             accomplished by participant countries before year
Trocadero of Paris, France, exactly where Universal         2015. The eight projects comprise poverty eradication
Declaration of Human Right was signed back in the           and extreme hunger (with income standard below
year 1948, for all the world population to reflect the       1,25 USD/day), even distribution of basic education,
fate of victims of extreme poverty, violence, hunger,       gender equality and women empowerment, fight
and difficult access to drinking water and poor               against diseases especially HIV AIDS and malaria,
          sanitation that happened almost everywhere        reducing children mortality rate, improving mothers’
                          all around the world.             health, guaranteeing environmental capacity and

Edisi III, 2010

establishing global partnership for development. When       as International Day of Poverty Eradication, and the
observed, all projects come down to one target, which       world population commemorates it in different events.
is elimination of a big problem called “poverty”.
     Speaking about UN’s version of poverty                     In Indonesia
eradication, we cannot help but think of Millennium             Poverty Eradication Day is also commemorated at
Development Goals (MDG) which also represents the           several cities in Indonesia, such as Lampung, Mataram,
UN’s product in the year 2000 in order to create world      Garut, Cianjur, Tasikmalaya, and Purwekerto. In
without poverty by the year 2015. As part of UN,            Bandar Lampung, as much as 50 activists of SRMI
Indonesia has applied MDGs program since 2004.              have walked from Adipura monument to the office
In MDGs itself, we knew, there are eight grandiose          of Local Kota Government. They urged the newly-
programs in fields of poverty, health, education,            elected mayor to realize his political promises during
environmental, and gender equality.                         campaign, especially in poverty eradication.
     “However, to tell you the truth, we highly doubt           Upon the insistence, Bandar Lampung mayor
MDGs success in Indonesia, because practically,             Herman HN has accepted and conducted dialogue
poverty –and the process of impoverishment- did             with representative of SRMI activists. The Mayor has
not decline at all. We still heard about hunger plague      promised to complete numbers of issues demanded by
that happened all over the                                                                SRMI, namely education,
country, which means                                                                      health, and residents’
extreme poverty is still                                                                  documents (personal
exist. Population’s health                                                                identification –KTP;
also continues to decline.                                                                family certificate –KK;
Children’ and mothers’                                                                    birth certificate), will be
mortality rate in Indonesia                                                               materialized in the year
is still significantly high,                                                               2011.
large numbers of people are                                                                   In Tasikmalaya, Jawa
still having the difficulty                                                                 Barat, SRMI activists
to acquire water supply                                                                   have come to kabupaten
service, and they are still                                                               government’s office and
living with poor sanitation,”                                                             demanded legalization of
said Head of Health Consumer Protection Foundation,         regional regulation draft (Raperda) on street merchants
dr Marius Wijayarta to Percik.                              (PKL) protection. People also questioned the small
     Education, health, difficult access to water and         amount of health budget that mostly came as grant
poor basic sanitation are clearly part of poverty. Not to   from Provincial Government of Jawa Barat.
mention the issue of gender equality which currently            The similar was also happened in Garut, Jawa
is like a far away dream, due to the high frequency         Barat, where protestor decided to refuse Alfamart
of children’s and women’s trafficking. Target of the          development that may interfere with public’s economy,
environmental field is almost invisible because everyday     especially small merchants. In Cianjur, Jawa Barat, as
we continue to witness facts on environmental damage        much a 300 of SRMI activists have come to the office
around us, such as flood and landslide. There are many       of local council (DPRD). People questioned the small
other facts that can confirm our doubts on MDGs’             amount of education and health budget, whereas
success.                                                    budget for agency’s cars continue to grow.
     Humanitarians, non government organizations                Adjacent to that, people also insisted for Cianjur
working on environment and public health issues             government to increase budget for education
claimed that poverty is violation of human right, thus      and health, as well as protection for Indonesian
they demand that people of the world respect the right.     Worker (TKI) abroad. (Eko/
Later, UN General Assembly declared October 17th



          Matter of Right to
         Water and on Housing
                                            (First Paper)

Dr Cekli Setya Pratiwi, SH.,LL.M.                      health, education, and culture” are adequately met
                                                       and available for all. In line with this fundamental
                                                       goal, an instrument of the International Bill of

               he International Covenant on            Rights is established to provide protection both
               Economic and Social Rights (from        for individuals and groups with regard to rights
               hereon will be refer to as CESCR)       on economic, social, and cultural, namely 1966
               have been formulated and agreed         CESCR. CESCR has basically provide entitlement
               to be part of The International Bill    of right to work, right to receive education, right
of Rights with no other intention than to protect      on proper living, right to healthy environment,
human rights so that people can experience a life      right to develop culture, etc. Right on proper
that is whole, free, safe, protected, and healthy.     living will be reviewed in this paper and will be
Right to live as the most natural right will never     focused on right on a house and water.
 be accomplished unless all of the required basic          Compare to the civil and political rights in
               rights to a living such as “right to    CCPR, rights on economic, social and cultural
                               work, food, housing,    are often considered as second degree rights where

EEdisi III, 2010
                                                                                               Edisii IIII,, 2010
                                                                                                dis I

fulfillment is unforceable, non-justiciable, and        has obligated countries to guarantee right to water
to be fulfilled progressively. However, along with      for all citizen.
entitlement of global Bill of Rights system that           Thus, it is obvious that both civil-political
was marked by DUHAM 1948, then countries               right, as well as economic, social, and cultural
in the world have emphasized over and over             rights is inseparable due to its interdependent
through World Conference on Human Right in             nature and because both require equal attention
the year 1993 by stating that both Human Right’s from the country in term of application,
features, namely CCPR and CESCR have an                socialization, and protection; considering that
equal important position. UN General Assembly          fulfilling civil and political rights alone without
resolution No 32/130 on December 1977 stating: fulfilling one’s economic, social and cultural rights
“(a) All human rights and fundamental freedoms         is highly improbable. Thus, in order to fulfill
are invincible and interdependent; equal attention economic, social, and cultural rights, national and
and urgent consideration should be given to the        international support in policy is necessary.
implementation, promotion, and                             Hence, all forms of denial on economic, social,
protection of both civil and political,                and cultural rights due to the thinking that put
and economical, social and cultural                    economic, social, and cultural rights as unreal, or
rights; (b) The full realization of                                 does not require country’s involvement,
civil and political rights without                                  or can progressively fulfilled, are no
the enjoyment of economic, social             … that right          longer relevant; more so when CESCR
and cultural rights is impossible;                                  has been adopted by the UN General
                                               to water is
the achievement of lasting progress                                 Assembly through 2200 A (XXI)
in the implementation of human                something             Resolution on December 1966 and
rights is dependent upon sound and         that cannot be has been applied since January 3rd
effective national and international       apart from other 1976. Even today, since CESCR has
policies of economic and social
                                            human rights            been ratified by 143 countries, CESCR
development, as recognized by the                                   experienced change of character from
Proclamation of Teheran of 1968”.                                   multilateral to international customary
   In the year 2002, the Committee                                  la meaning that it binds all country
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in                          w or without ratification.
General Comment No 15, has firmly provide
interpretation of section 11 and 12 of the                             II. Assessing Guarantee
International Covenant on Economic, Social and             of Right on Housing and to Water in Positive
Cultural Rights, that right to water is one thing      Law
that cannot be apart from other human rights.              Discussing the matter of law guarantee on the
In its argumentation, this Committee has shown         people’s right on housing and to water, we need
that plenty of other human rights that cannot be       to see how far the law in Indonesia can provide
fulfilled without right to water. Right to live, right adequate guarantee on these rights. On the aspect
to food, right to maintain health level, are rights    of law guarantee, it is more than quality of the
where in order to fulfill requires right to water as    law substance that regulates the matter in every
prerequisite.                                          National Law, but must also consider Indonesia’s
   It is mentioned that water is not only needed       obedience as part of the International community
to drink but also an inseparable part of the           with awareness to accept and acknowledged
food processing, or creation of healthy housing        the International Laws especially ones
and other human’s requirement for a living.            that has become part of our
Furthermore it is confirmed that the committee          country’s positive


law. It is important to co rm due to many
                        confi                            of International Covenant on Economic, Social
views and practices saying that National Law and
                     sayin                              and Cultural Rights. Consequently, since 2005
International Law is separated from one another;        Indonesia is obligated by law to immediately adapt
in consequence, Law makers, law enforcers, or           every law product that relate with the content of
even decision makers often neglect the binding          the covenant; with the purpose of strengthening
nature of that specific International Law, and it        guarantee on people’s right fulfillment on
often implied on the force taking of people’s rights    economic, social, and cultural aspects.
that have been acknowledged by international                 Then in the context of people’s right guarantee
community as human rights that cannot be                on proper living especially housing and water,
reduced by anyone including the country, unless         how will CESCR discommode participant
specific conditions applied which needs to be            countries to immediately take important steps in
clearly regulated by the Law.                           acknowledging the rights? On the matter, Section
   With regard of the discussion object in this         11 Verse (1) CESCR stated that: The State Parties
paper, which is guarantee of people’s right on          of the present Covenant recognize the right of
                                                                 everyone to and adequate standard of
                                                                 living for himself and his family, including
                                                                 adequate food, clothing and housing, and
                                                                 to the continuous improvement of living
                                                                 conditions. The State Parties will take
                                                                 appropriate steps to ensure the realization
                                                                 of this right, recognizing to this effect
                                                                 essential importance of international
                                                                 cooperation based on free consent.
                                                                     Implication of the above CESCR
                                                                 Section 11 Verse (1) stipulation is
                                                                 that every country that has participate
                                                                 or ratified the covenant (including
                                                                 Indonesia), has the obligation to recognize
                                                       ISTIMEWA  the right of every citizen on proper
                                                                 living standard that consist of adequate
proper living especially housing and water,             food, clothing and housing and continuously
juridical implication of Indonesia’s acceptance         improving living condition. The word ‘recognize’
to an International Agreement is immediately            as in recognizing right of every citizen to proper
establish new law if it has not yet exist,              living standard, such as adequate food, clothing,
synchronize/change whenever contradiction               and housing, have implicated the country with
present or even revocation if the regulation is         obligation to respect, obligation to protect,
considered to be inappropriate or against the           obligation to promote, and obligation to fulfill
people’s rights. In the matter of people’s right on     rights in the CESCR covenant through real steps
proper living which is included in the scope of         in accordance to 1986 Limburg principles and
economic, social, and cultural rights, Indonesia        1997 Maastricht principles, including legislative
has officially become the participant of The 1966         actions to adjust or change all laws and regulations
International Covenant on Economic, Social              in Indonesia, at the central level down to the local
    and Cultural Rights (CESCR) through a               level, when it is against the covenant content.
                   ratification of Law No 12 Year
                              2005 on Legalization        1. Implementation Regulation with Chance in

Edisi III, 2010

Neglecting the People’s Right on housing
         First, it cannot be denied that Indonesia’s
courage in ratifying CESCR is one of Indonesia’s
recognition for rights on economic, social and
cultural of its citizen, which include right on
housing and to water. Nevertheless, ratification
alone is not enough. To see how far Indonesia
as CESCR participant fulfill its obligation to
guarantee fulfillment of economic, social, and
cultural rights especially with regard to right on
housing and to water of its citizen is to see that
the substance of all laws and regulation from the         ISTIMEWA
highest hierarchy (UUD 1945) to the lowest,              slightly different for Section 28H prefers the term
from central level to local level, have been adapted “physical and mental prosperous life”.
or synchronized with CESCR substances; or                     In the next part, physical and mental life
even more extreme, concrete measures are taken           prosperity is clarified to only cover “right to reside”
where laws and regulations which are against the         and “right to proper and healthy environment”.
substance of CESCR be revoked or no longer in            In the writer’s opinion, “right to reside” has wider
effect.                                                   connotation that “right on housing”, where one
    Reviewing the substance of                           may reside without having any house; whereas
UUD 1945 as the highest regula-                          one with a house is not automatically residing.
tion or source of all laws in Indo-                                        In a communal social condition as
nesia, after four amendments, espe-                                        such Indonesia, it’s safe to say that
cially the Second Amendment on            It cannot b denied that
                                           Indonesia’s courage in          almost everyone have residency
August 18th 2000, there are several ratifying CESCR is one of although not everyone have a
Human Right-related Sections that         Indonesia’s recognition house, because they could reside
have been changed and added.               for rights on economic,         with family, child, or parents.
UUD 1945 is considered to be              social and cultural of its
                                                    citizen                   Other right as realization
more detail in regulating and guar-                                           prosperous life is the right
                                                                           of p
anteeing Human Right protection                                               healthy environment. In
                                                                           to h
compare to the previous Section                                            UU 1945, right to good and
28; this is certainly worthy of appreciation. How-                         healthy environment does not
ever, whether the more detail Section 28 is already automatically refer to right on adequate food. This
                                                                   i ll f
in harmony with the content of newly ratified CE- certainly very different with the will of CESCR
SCR in the year 2005 requires further review.            that firmly entitles and obligated every participant
    With regard to right on housing, UUD 1945            country to guarantee the right of its citizen to
especially Section 28H Verse (1) stated that:            adequate food.
“Everyone have the right to live prosperously                 Therefore, Indonesia as a country that ratifies
-both physically and mentally-, have a place to          CESCR has not yet succeed in guaranteeing the
stay, and enjoy good and healthy environment,            right of its citizen to proper living -which includes
and right to receive health service”.                    right to adequate clothing and food (including
    The term “recognition of right on proper             water) and adequate housing- in its
living“ in CESCR Section 11 Verse (1) indicates          constitution. The concept present in Section
proper living such as in adequate food, clothing         28H of UUD 1945 is only
and housing, whereas Section 28H Verse (1) is

Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010
Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010

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Right to Water. Indonesia Water and Sanitation Magazine. 3rd Edition 2010

  • 1. Care About the People? Think About Water and Sanitation! 3rd Edition, 2010 Information Media of Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
  • 2. Information Media on Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Table of Published by: Contents Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Working Group (WSES Working Group) From the Editor ….....................…………………………………………………………………….. 3 Your Voice …......................……………………………………………………………….…………… 4 Responsible Person Main Report Housing and Settlement Director of Bappenas UN General Assembly Legalized Human Right to water Resolution ………. 5 Environmental Sanitation Director of the Right to water as Human Right ............……………………………………………..... 10 Health Ministry Regulation Water Supply Development Director of the Law No 39 Year 1999 on Human Right …………………………………….............. 14 Public Work Ministry Agenda Natural Resources Improvement and Efficient International Anti Poverty Day, the Difficult Access to Water Supply and Technology Director of Domestic Affair Environmental Sanitation as Part of Poverty ........……………………………….. 16 Ministry Discourse Director of Spatial and Environmental Facili- Nuisance on Right to water and Housing (first paper) .………………….……..18 tation of the Domestic Affair Ministry The State Must Guarantee the People’s Right to water .......................... 24 Care about the People? Think about Water Supply Head of editorial staff and Environmental Sanitation! ……………………….…………………………...…. 28 Oswar Mungkasa Interview Nugroho Tri Utomo, Housing and Settlement Director of Bappenas ...… 31 Editorial Staff Hamong Santono, KRUHA ...................……………….….…………………………… 34 Maraita Listyasari A Patra M Zen, YLBHI Director ……………...................……………………………. 36 Nugroho Tri Utomo Innovation Oxidation Technology for Water Supply …………………………..…….............. 38 Managing Editor Clay, an Effective Media to Clear Muddy Peat Moss Water ……………...... 41 Eko Budi Harsono Different Side Islam Shari’a as Solution ………………………………………………........................ 45 Design and Production Reportage Agus Sumarno Public Dialogue on the Lookout for Water Conflict Sofyar Water Conflict Needs to be Anticipated by the Local Government ……...46 30% Toddler’s Death Due to Poor Sanitation ...........…………………………....48 Circulation/Secretariat HCTPS Workshop for Elementary School Teachers of DKI Jakarta Agus Syuhada Only Three Percent of the Population Are Using Soap to Wash Hands …49 Nur Aini “Water Politic” Must be the Concern of Local Government .....…………. 50 Synergy of WSES Networking Program and GBCI ………………….............… 53 Editorial Address Guidance Jl. RP Soeroso 50, Central Jakarta, Numbers of Technology to Acquire Water Supply ………………………......... 54 Ph/Fax: (021) 31904113 CD Info …..........................….……………………………………………………………………….. 55 Website: http// Books Info ......................….……………………………………………………………………..… 56 e-mail: Website Info .....................……………………………………………………………………….... 57 WESE Literatures .....................…………………………………………………………………... 58 Facts Editors accept external papers/article US$ 150 Billion is Required To Prevent World’s Water Crisis .....…………. 59 concerning water supply and environmental sanitation.
  • 3. From the Edis II 2010 Edisii IIII,, 2010 Editor T ime went so fast, we have just celebrated not only of the world, but also of Indonesia. It has 1431 Hijra Idul Fitri. For those who become a long obsession on behalf of the stakeholders celebrated the holiday, we would like to that right to water as one of the human rights be the say Congratulation. From the very depth mainstream of the development in Indonesia. Thus of our heart, we seek Forgiveness. May we hopefully, the number of Indonesian people without all become better person. access to the water supply can be reduced significantly. On early September, we heard the news of UN Naturally, it’s not that simple; especially considering General Assembly Resolution regarding Right to Water numbers of local governments who have not completely as Human Right. Some people may be shocked, but aware that water supply is an obligatory task of the local many took the news without particular action due to government. Surely there is still a long way to go. In various reasons; maybe because human rights have that matter, we then would like to utilize the moment been the hot topic in Indonesia for the past decade. of this resolution to rebuild our determination regarding This was also supported by Law No 39 Tear 1999 on the magnitude of the leftover responsibility. There are Human Rights. Although the idea of human rights itself still 100 million of our fellow countrymen who are still has been included in the Constitution (UUD 1945), without access to the water supply. acknowledgement of Right to Water as Human Right in To fully give the responsibility on the water supply Indonesia has also been adopted implicitly in the existing to the local government is also not a wise option. We regulations. It was started by Law No 7 Year 2004 on all should work together hand-in-hand with the local Water Resources, followed by Government Regulation government to complete this homework; as one of (PP) No 16 Year 2005 on Water Supply Provision System. the human rights principles, helping one another and This resolution represents a major progress on the synergizing to achieve the common goal. Let’s go then. water supply and environmental sanitation development, What are we waiting for? (OM). POKJA 3
  • 4. Your Voice cause o the greedy and ignorance nature of c of attention to the basic rights such as water, t earth’s creature. the education and health? Did the people asked So powerful is water in our lives, thus too much? All they need is for their rights to Internship at Percik Magazine take a very good care of that water, and use be completed. To cry, they will think twice, I would like to introduce myself. My it wisely. Moreover, water strength will in- because it would mean wasting “tears”. name is Muhammad Chaidir. I’m a college crease and bring positive effect on our body Once again, we must be very careful when student of Communication Science of Reli- if prior to using the water, such as before we dealing with water. One wrong step will not gious Moestopo University in Jakarta. I have drink, we pray beforehand. This was proven only cost one life, but also the future of our read Percik magazine at the college library by a Japanese professor with his research on children and grandchildren. and seen the content as well as several issues water that will alter its texture and crystal Maftuhah that specifically discussing Water Supply and according to the condition of the user. There- Menteng, Jakarta Environmental Sanitation (WSES) which was fore, utilize the positive strength of water by provided in simple, smart, and concise as to using it carefully. challenge me to take my Final Assignment in relation of the media function that you’re Rini Utami Azis Do Not Reuse managing in reference to the WSES develop- Solo, Central Java the Plastic Bottle Water plastic bottles and glasses are ment in Indonesia. often being reuse. In fact, those bottles and I am hoping that the editors of Percik Magazine will give me an opportunity to Growing Crisis of glasses are often used over and over again. perform research for my final assignment Water Liberalization Actually, the package (bottles and glasses) is on the Function of Internal Media in Gov- Liberalization wave seems to be inevi- only for one time use. There is health stan- ernment Program of WSES Development table anymore. All aspects of our lives must dard that must be complied by the produc- Acceleration. If it is possible, I will send my submit to international agreements which ers. This standard was meant to minimize covering letter from my college and my Final only concern is big capital owners. the number of bacteria in the package. Assignment Proposal. Thank you very much. Discrimination in water privatization has When the seal is broken, the bottle Greeting for Percik. been revealed. One proof of policy that is should not be reused, because those plastic Muhammad Chaidir against the people is when water become bottles and glasses were made from poly- Moestopo University Jakarta business, thus it has become more than ethylene terephtalate or PET that contain moving to gain profit, but also to tie and be- carcinogen (causing cancer). The substance Thank you for your kind attention and guile others as to bow down to it, to those is hazardous to the human health if it was your trust on Percik Magazine. Please send who have power over it. Water management swallowed. Through series of bottle steril- your formal request to perform research. We is no longer considering water management ization standard, when it’s sealed, the sub- will gladly help you. Greeting from Percik. in system as to provide fair, impartial, and af- stance is inactive. The number of bacteria in fordable water service for the population. the package is guaranteed to comply with Water is the basic needs of human, thus the tolerance threshold. Let’s Respect Water it can not be commercialized as people’s ba- However, do not make mistake, for these Who can live without water? Water is sic needs, as guaranteed in verse 33 of the bottles were not only made of PET, but also very useful in our daily lives at the moment. Constitution (UUD 1945). For example, in PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride), and this is far more When we feel hot and dirty after daily activi- Batam, elite estates become the first priority, hazardous because it can cause acid rain ties, we utilize water for showering. We then while population of other regions with lesser when it is being burned. PVC even has haz- drink water whenever we are thirsty, and economic status and slump areas, such as ard potencies for liver, heart and weight. The there are much more proof of our depen- Teluk Lenggung, Pungur, are left behind and change from PVC to PET has actually started dency on water. still consuming well water, which according since the year 1988. Hopefully, there will be Water is so common in our lives that we to the test result of the Health Department, no more factories using PVC. took it for granted. We only realized it when is not feasible to be consumed due to the Reusing plastic bottles and glasses cause we’re facing difficulties to acquire clean high number of bacteria and under the pH the carcinogenic substance to dissolve in water. When water pipes are experiencing standard. Meanwhile, water treatment in- the water we drink. If we have to reuse the disturbance, and the water came out dirty stallation (IPA) was built only several meters bottles and glasses, we must wash them first and muddy, we will be bothered. What will from their house. with soap containing disinfectant or anti bac- happen if we can no longer enjoy water? The growing number of suicide rate due terial. Household soaps have complied with Drought, aside from the disastrous to the high life pressure is another issue. the standard. flood has happened How come the government is still not paying Wahyu, Surabaya b e - 4
  • 5. Main Edisi III, 2010 Report UN General Assembly Legalized Resolution of Human Rights on Water O n early September, In the resolution, UN General to proper sanitation facilities. This the world’s Assembly exhorted all of the access difficulty has caused among population, international population and others, 1,5 million death of babies especially Water Countries that have signed the due to proper-sanitation-and-water- Supply and resolution to increase the effort of supply-related diseases. Environmental Sanitation activist, providing safe, clean, and affordable Resolution of Right to water and practitioners were shocked by water supply and sanitation to all was legalized through voting of the issue of UN General Assembly people. “Limited access to water 163 UN member countries. No Resolution that emphasized access to supply has killed more children than country refuses this resolution. 122 water supply and proper sanitation is AIDS, malaria, and pox”, said the countries including China, Russia, part of the human rights. To clarify, Head of UN Human Right Council German, France, Spain, and Brazil UN General Assembly resolution from Bolivia, Pablo Solon in UN are supporting this resolution, while with the title: “The right to acquire official website. 41 countries such as Canada, USA, clean and safe water supply and UN Environmental Program England, Australia, and Botswana sanitation is part of the human right, Data has estimated 884 million of were abstained. and an important element to fully the world population are without Some of the countries that and comprehensively enjoy the right access to safe water supply, and 2,6 preferred to abstain stated to life.” billion people have limited access that the 5
  • 6. Main Report ISTIMEWA resolution resolution does not cla l clarify the Rights (ICCPR), where water was magnitude of right to water as well as d f h not mentioned explicitly as human the task that follows in order to fulfill rights but as an inseparable part of the the right. Regarding the resolution, agreed human rights, which is right WSES expert, Hening Darpito said to life, right on proper live, right on that at first, there was concern that health, right on housing, and right this resolution of right in water and to eat. Afterward, it was mentioned sanitation is premature; as it turned more explicitly although still part of a out in the voting, the resolution convention with different theme, such has acquired positive responds as said in chapter 14 verse (2) letter h from almost all of the meeting of The Convention of the Elimination participants. all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW 1979), that state Long Way to Go (country) must take measured steps It was the year 1948 when the in eliminating different forms of Universal Declaration of Human discrimination on women, especially Rights (DUHAM) was issued and women right to benefit from proper followed in the year 1966 during life standards of healthy water supply the International Covenants on and sanitation. Such was said in Economic, Social, and Cultural chapter 24 of The Convention on Rights (ICESCR) and International The Right of The Child –CRC Covenant on Civil and Political 1989 that in the effort to prevent malnutrition and disease spreading, ev child posses the right on clean every dr drinking water. Water Right and Right to Water It was continued by statement an appeal through Millennium and C omprehension on Water Right and Right to Water is often blur; both terms are often interpreted to be the same in Bahasa Indonesia, as De Declaration that comes up with Right on Water. Nevertheless, the two terms have significant difference. M MDGs (Millennium Development The power to attained water from nature is often said as Water Right has the Go Goals) project, which acting as following meaning: co commitment of the Head of • Attaining or diverting and utilizing magnitude of water from natural Co Countries/Governments as UN sources. • Collecting magnitude of water from water sources into one place, such as me members in fighting global poverty dam or other structure, or in 2000-2015, encouraging • Using the water on its natural sources. go governments to “provide access to Water Right is a tool issued by a country as a water mastering institution pr proper water supply and sanitation to individuals or company who legally termed as ‘licences’, ‘permissions’, for the population who has yet the ‘authorisations’, ‘consents’ and ‘concessions’ to utilize water. Water right in be t of”. benefi economic term is used as a tool to attain retribution of water utilization. The above term is obviously different with Right to Water as meant in However, the explicit statement Human Rights Studies. The law that constitutes Water Right assumes that water of water was not specifically is a commodity requires law protection from those who master it. Water Right me mentioned until the year 2002, can be understood as the Right to Attain Water. The difference is that water wh the UN Committee of Social when is a necessity (to have) and water as a right. The Right to Water (water as a Ec Economical and Cultural Right right) emphasizes more on water as an inseparable part of a dignified human pr provided general comment Number life, therefore Right to Water is absolute and therefore it is mandatory for the Country to acknowledge. 15 in clarifying chapter 11 and 12 of The Economic, Social, and Cultural 6
  • 7. Edisi III, 2010 Right Convention, that right to which is freedom and entitlements. the Indonesian Government has water cannot be separated from other Freedom means there will be ratified international convention human rights, for water is more than no intervention that can cause on economic, social, and cultural just economic commodity and right disablement of human right to water, rights through Law No 11 Year to water is indeed a human right. such as contamination of the water 2005, implying that the country “The human right to water entitles to be consumed. Entitlement is right must meet the population rights, everyone to sufficient, physically on water system and management including right to drinking water. accessible, safe and acceptable water that enable everyone to have same The government seems to be for personal and domestic uses.” opportunity and access to water. serious in its effort by issuing Law Right to water also includes freedom No 7 Year 2004 on Water Resources, to manage access to water. The Government Effort which in verse 5 stated that the element of right to water must also As other human rights, with country guarantees the right of sufficient for human’s dignity, life, regard to the country’s position on everyone to acquire water for and health. Sufficiency on right to the duty caused by the human right, minimal requirement of daily lives in water cannot be translated narrowly the country has to respect, meaning order to achieve healthy, clean, and on mere volume quantity and preventing disturbance, directly/ productive live. Further clarification technology. Water must be treated as indirectly, of the provision of right on right to water in this law said social and cultural assets, more than to water; to protect, meaning that the people attain the right to economic asset. preventing involvement of the third (i) acquire information regarding In the United Nations General party (company) in providing right water resources management; (ii) Comments of Committee on to water; and to fulfill, meaning acquire proper replacement Economic, Social, and Cultural taking necessary measures to ensure on detriment die to the Rights) Number 15, human rights complete fulfillment of right to implementation of consists of two major components, water. In the context of respect, 7
  • 8. Main Report water resources managem management; (iii) Regulation No 16 Year 2005 on disposal or feces slug removal. benefit from the water resources benefit Water Supply Provision System In fact, technically, drinking management; (iv) raise objection on Development as derivation of water quality has been constituted water resources management plan Law No 7 Year 2004, in this case specifically in Government that has been announced in certain (i) acquire qualified water supply Regulation No 82 Year 2001 on time period accordingly to the local service in term of quality, quantity, Water Quality Management and condition; (v) submit reports and and continuity in compliance with Water Contamination Control to complaints to the authority on the the existing standard; (ii) acquire ensure protection of public interest. detriment die to water resources information on the structure and Even so, the government is management; and/or (vi) submit magnitude of tariff as well as the considered to fail to fulfill the suit/claim regarding water resources billing; (iii) submit suit on the particular people’s right. “Indonesian issues that has damaged their lives/ service that has harmed them; (iv) Government’s effort to protect and living. acquire proper reimbursement due respect right to drinking water is still While the people’s right is to the service indifference; and far from people expectation,” said further directed in Governmental (v) acquire service of waste water National Coordinator of People’s POKJA Right to Water (KRUHA) Hamong Santono. “Reports by UNESCAP, ADB, and UNDP, have also firmly stated that Indonesia is currently on the slow lane in meeting the target of water supply and sanitation in MDGs,” he said. One of the reason as to the low access of the public to access drink- ing water is the small amount of budget allocated by the government. In the year 2005, the allocated bud- get was only Rp 500 billion, and for the year 2010 was Rp 3 trillion. Whereas the required budget for water supply and sanitation devel- opment was approximately 2 to 3 times the amount. “Clearer political agenda and commitment is required regarding the people’s right to wa- ter. Don’t just signing the resolution without knowing what to do with the problems of water supply and basic sanitation,” said Hamong. However, back to the one of the principles of human right fulfill- ment, the process must also consider each government capability. Most important is the strong willingness from the government to achieve tar- 8
  • 9. Edisi III, 2010 get fulfillment of right to water. This is obvious considering the –almost Human Right Directorate General, Harkristuti Harkrisnowo: six times- increment in water supply and environmental sanitation bud- Numbers of Problems in the Water Sector get allocation in five years period Have Come to Government Attention ISTIMEWA (2010-2014) compare to the previ- ous five years (2005-2009). In the Workshop of Right to Water that was held by WSES Working Group at Local Government Bogor, Human Right Directorate General, as the Spearhead Harkristuti Harkrisnowo in her written More often than not, the main speech that was read by Human Right actor of water supply and environ- Cooperation Director, Dimas Samudera Rum mental sanitation is forgotten. Based said that water is an absolute necessity in on the existing regulations, local every living creature’s life. Without water, no life can survive. However in reality, the government is the one who have the world is experiencing problems with regard to water due to various mandate to provide water supply. factors, such as rapid growth of world population, and current Thus an important question arisen, unsustainable water management. as to how far is the concept of right It was also said in the speech that numbers of international to water as human right has been policies regarding right to water have been issued such as CEDAW comprehended by decision makers (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination at the region. If this has not been ac- Against Women), CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child) and knowledged, we should not get our ICESCR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and hope up for the UN resolution to International Convention on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights). have impact on water supply access Also included UN ECOSOC DECLARATION (Economic, Social, and improvement in Indonesia. Even Cultural Declaration) on November 2002. after it has been acknowledged, the While Indonesia has acknowledged entitlement of the basic right next step will be to know how far since the beginning in basic Constitution of UUD 1945 Chapter 33 the comprehension has been inter- stating that “Earth, water along with its natural wealth is mastered nalized in the planning document by the country and utilize for the welfare of the people.” Thus, it of local government, such as Lo- is the task of the country to guarantee water provision for every cal Mid-Term Development Plan citizen. (RPJMD). Continue as such un- til a fund is allocated for marginal groups. be made clear of WSES budget in fulfilling human right which It is the task of the central and allocation, especially for those that is interdependence, is a necessity. provincial governments to make the are marginalized. Seems it will take Fulfillment of right to water as concept of right to water as human quite some time considering 500 human right will not be achieved right to be the mainstream of water kabupaten/kota in Indonesia. if the government is left to work supply and environmental sanitation alone. Let’s work together. There are development in the local level. Duty of All still approximately 100 millions of Advocatory effort is needed both It is clear that a little bit of our fellow countrymen are without to the executives and legislatives, patience on our part is required to access to water supply. Most of followed by internalization through see the result of government effort. them come from marginalized reviewing of RPJMD documents, Surely cooperation of all parties, groups. (OM) so the dramatic improvement can and this is also one of the principles 9
  • 10. Laporan Utama POKJA Right to Water as Human Right I n the history of mankind, wa- more than mere mercy based-service; without access to drinking water were ter has taken central position (ii) basic access accomplishment needs especially low income people who are and guarantees the continuity to be accelerated; (iii) those who were living in the rural areas. of human’s life in the face of ignored receive more attention so that Women. Women in many com- this earth. Water relates with the gap could be reduced; (iv) margin- munities have lower status compare to somebody’s right to live, thus become alized people and community will be the men. Theirs is the task to collect an inseparable part within the term of empowered to take role in the deci- or acquire water for domestic daily human rights. Water entitlement as sion making process; (v) country will needs. The data shows that 70 percent human right indicates two things; on be more focus on fulfilling its duty out of 1,3 billion of very poor people one side is acknowledgement that wa- due to international monitoring. are women (WHO, 2001). Research ter has a very important place in the shows that African household spent lives of human, and on the other side, Who will be impacted the Most approximately 26 percent of their it is necessary to protect everyone’s ac- Speaking about right to water as time to collect water, and in general, cess to water. For that reason, right to human right, there are several groups it is the task of women (DFID, 2001). water needs to be made positive as the that will receive most impact by the This condition has prevented women highest right in the law aspect, which change about to happen. They will be to work, even to go to school. is human right. impacted mostly because their rights Children. Improper water condi- have been neglected for so long, and tion increased the chance of children The Importance of Right due to various normative and legal to suffer from many diseases. Their to Water as Human Right excuses were not the target of water immune system has not fully devel- Without realizing it, there are many supply service providers. oped. Children also often share the benefits as to the resolution of right Low income people. Among the women’s task as water collector. As the to water as human right. For instance impacted groups, the poor is the most effect, in many countries, many chil- (i) water became legal suffering. This was represented by the dren do not go to school. right, data showing 80 percent of the people Indigenous people. Actually, it 10
  • 11. Edisi III, 2010 was this indigenous people who are when it reduced someone’s ability to housing/settlement. utilizing the traditional water sources. buy other basic needs such as food, However, with the growth of an area, housing, healthcare and education. It Country’s Obligation the water source was then contami- is not recommended for a household The emerging issue is then how to nated or being used exceeding its ca- to spend more than 3% of income for place the country in its relation with pacity. This condition has left them drinking water; (iv) accessible service. water as public or social asset that has without access to water. When is a service accessible? Govern- been acknowledged as part of human ment must ensure that access to water right. Based on UN Committee’s gen- Main Principle is available inside or within the prox- eral comment Number 15 regarding The main principle of human right imity of house, school, or workplace. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in relation with water supply and san- If possible, tolerable condition which that right to water as other human itation development is (i) equality and is the time requires in getting to the rights has raised three types of obliga- without discrimination. This prin- water source is 30 minutes at most. tions for the country to take, which is ciple is the most prominent among Safety during the process of collecting obligation to respect, to protect, and other basic principles of human right the water must also be considered; (v) to fulfill. framework. Consolidating this prin- sufficient water. How many water per Obligation to respect: maintaining ciple into WSES development policy person is considered to be minimum the existing access. This implies that requires special effort to identify the requirement? UN indicates that water the country does not disturb either di- most marginalized and vulnerable be sufficient for drinking, sanitation, rectly or indirectly the present of right individual and groups in water sup- clothes washing, and cooking. At 20 to water. Other obligation includes ply and sanitation access availability. liter per person per day is required. not restricting access of anyone. Moreover, proactive actions are neces- A water source is considered to be Obligation to protect: involving sary to ensure that marginalized indi- sufficient if the minimum volume is the third party. This obligation com- viduals and groups are included in the 100 liters; (vi) accessible information. pels the country to prevent third par- target and become the focus of inter- Right to water as human right also ty’s involvement at any mean on the vention. Included in these groups are ensures available access to informa- present of right to water. Third parties women, children, rural communities, tion on government’s strategies and including individual, group, compa- slump areas, low income communi- policies, and also enables the people ny, and institution are under the gov- ties, nomadic communities, refugees, to participate. ernment. The obligation also includes senior citizens, remote communities, adopting effective regulation. disabled people, and the people at wa- Right to Water as Prerequisite Obligation to fulfill: facilitation, ter vulnerable-areas. Establishing the of Other Human Rights promotion and provision. This obli- integrated data of these groups has be- Right to water has become a pre- gation compels government to take come a necessity. The main issue that requisite to fulfilling other human measures to fulfill right to water. also served as hot topic is affordability rights. As an illustration: (i) right on How about local governments? In without differentiating whether the food. Unsafe water consumption has reality, the determinant factor of fulfill- service provider is private or govern- prevented the effort to sufficient basic ing right to water as human right lies ment. Government is responsible to nutrients and thus, right on food; (ii) in the hand of the local government. ensure that water is affordable to all, right to live and right on health. Insuf- UN General Comment Number 15 even those who cannot afford to pay. ficient safe water has become the main is stating that the central government The effort can be made among others cause of babies deaths all around the through provision of certain amount world; (iii) education right. Collect- Misunderstanding of free water, tariff block system, cross ing water in many countries are the of Right to Water subsidy mechanism and direct sub- task of women and children, whereas Water as Human Right does not mean…. sidy. (ii) safe and acceptable. Water time and distance sometimes requires must be safe for domestic use, and over 2 hours trips as to prevent them • … that water is provided free for the minimum volume must be avail- to attend school. This includes ab- all. • … that all house must be served able for drinking water; (iii) afford- sence due to diarrhea; (iv) right on through direct connection even able service. What is affordable? Pay- housing. Drinking water availability when it is financially not feasible. ment is considered to be unaffordable is an important condition of proper • … that the government itself must provide service without delegating the task to other non government 11 parties
  • 12. Prominent Practice Belgia. Social fund is introduced and funded through the source of wa- Main Report ter levy. Social fund income is being used by social institution to cover ser- vice cost of the lowest income people. must ensure that local governments gov the population; (b) economically af- Other than that, free water consump- tion was given as much as 15 m3 per h have sufficient capacity bot in term ffi sufficient b both fordable. Water along with its facilities family. of financial and human resources to and services must be affordable to all. Poto Alegre, Brazil. Public compa- provide water supply service. Further- Costs incurred, both directly and in- ny as the water supply service provider applies participative budget planning more, the service must also comply directly and other water-related costs process. In public meetings, everyone with the fulfillment of human rights must be affordable; (c) non-discrimi- is free to speak regarding budget pri- principles. nation. Water along with its facilities ority. This model has generated dra- matic increment in drinking water ac- and services must be accessible to all, cess to low income community. Indicator of Right to including vulnerable or marginalized South Africa. Every drinking wa- Water Fulfillment groups, both in term of the law and ter service provider institution must have consumer service unit to receive Water sufficiency as prerequisite real field fact without discrimination; every complaints. Water Ministry is of right to water fulfillment, in any (d) information access. Access to water prerequisite to have a national infor- circumstances must comply with the also includes the right to seek, receive mation system which is accessible to the people. following factors (i) availability. Wa- water-related information. ter supply for everyone must be suf- ficient and sustainable for individual Materializing Water stand their rights. In turn, they must and household needs; (ii) quality. as Human Right also know their obligation. On one Water for everyone or every house- In reality, numbers of factors are side, public authority must also know hold must be safe, free of microorgan- required to ensure water as human their obligation. Three, multi-parties ism, chemical and radiology elements right. One, government must have dialogue. This dialogue involves num- which are hazardous to human health; effective regulation and institution, bers of parties from the private sector, (iii) accessible. Water as well as water including public authority with clear NGO, low income community, which facilities and services must be acces- mandate with proper and sufficient will contribute in the process of plan- sible by all without discrimination. financial and human resources. Two, ning, development, and management Accessibility is marked by (a) physi- information and education. This is of water supply services. This will cal accessibility. Water along with its important in ensuring transparent generate a more transparent and re- facilities and services must be able to and responsible water management. sponsible public authority. Four, cost- be accessed physically for everyone in The people must know and under- sharing solidarity mechanism. As an example, tariff system may use cross subsidy, where the ‘have’ pays more. Frequently Asked Question Meanwhile, right to water is not • Is 20 liter per capita per day is sufficient to fulfill human right? NO. 20 liters per capita per day is the minimum but not yet fulfill the requirement in relation of the health aspect. To meet that, only applicable to public companies, the minimum requirement is between 50 to 100 liters per capita per day. but also to private. As an illustration, • Is fund to achieve water requirement fulfillment really an obstacle? NO. It is true that large the International Federation of Pri- amount of fund is required. However, it has been proven that the cost of insufficient water sup- vate Water Operators AquaFed, that ply is even greater, in form of decreasing health quality of the people, loosing productive time represents various water service com- and school’s absence. Moreover, the fund requirement is not necessarily to be met immediately, but accordingly to the capacity of each government. panies from small to international • Is everyone, even those who live in remote areas are prerequisite to have access through the scale, has included issue on right to piping system? NO. Government must only ensure that everyone have access to qualified (in water in company regulation. There term of availability, access, affordability, quality) access, however every region requires different are three required elements in order services in accordance with each region’s requirement. for the operator to implement the • Does the government must provide free water? NO. Human rights only guarantess that drinking concept of right to water, namely (i) water must be affordable and not preventing other human rights such as food, housing, and health. clear contract including the role and • Does human right forbid private involvement in the water supply service? NO. Human right did responsibility of the operator; (ii) the not constitute certain form of water supply service. However, government must ensure, through present of subsidy or low tariff for low regulation, monitoring, and reporting procedure, that all providers (public and private) do not income community; (iii) the present violate human rights. of sustainable social mechanism on • Does entitlement of right to water as human right encouraged water supply fulfillment? YES. Among other factors, human right stabilized the law framework which depicted right and obliga- services toward marginalized groups tion, and encourage more attention toward the poor, and non-discriminative services. Human (poor, homeless, etc.). rights urge the people to be actively involved. 12
  • 13. Edisi III, 2010 A Brief Look on Human Rights Definition and Characteristics of Human Right made), is now have less power and can be held respon- Human right is basic rights own by human, in accor- sible in the eyes of the law (Mansyur Effendi, 1994). The dance with its nature, given directly by God. When these birth of Magna Charta is then followed by a more con- rights are ignored, it is impossible for the human to live crete development by the birth of Bill of Rights in Eng- as people. Officially in chapter 1 of Law No 39 Year 1999 land in the year 1689. At the time, an adage has arisen, on Human Right it is stated that “Human Right is a set with the main thinking that all human are equal in the of rights that closely relate to the nature and existence eyes of the law (equality before the law). Next devel- of human as the creature of God and represents His ut- opment of Human Right was marked by The American most grace that must be respected, upheld, and pro- Declaration of Independence that was born of Rousseau tected by the country, law, government and all people, and Montesquuiei concept. It is then confirmed that for the honor and protection of ISTIMEWA human is free since they were still human’s dignity.” in their mother’s abdomen, thus Based on the above formula- it is illogical when after they were tion of Human Right, some con- born they must be chained. clusion can be made, namely (i) Next in the year 1789 a French Human Right was not necessar- Declaration was born where stip- ily be given, bought, or inherited. ulation of right is further define Human right is an automatic part as stated in the Rule of Law which of being human; (ii) Human right among others stating that there is applicable to all without dis- can be no arrest without legal criminating gender, race, religion, excuse. In that matter, the prin- ethnic, political view, or social and ciple of presumption of innocent citizenship origin; (iii) Human right (where those who were arrested, cannot be violated. No one has the then imprisoned and accused, right to restrain or violate other’s have the right to resume inno- right. People resume to have hu- cent, until proven otherwise in man right, even when the country the court of law) is applied. In the made laws that are against human French Declaration all rights have right (Mansyur Fakih, 2003). been included, namely the rights In essence, Human Right con- that guarantee the growth of de- sists of two most fundamental basic rights, which are mocracy and law country with previously established equality right and freedom right. Of the two basic rights, principles. Furthermore, it is also important to know other rights were formulated, or without the two, other the Four Freedoms of President Roosevelt that was es- human rights will be difficult to enforce. tablished on January 6th 1941. All of these rights after World War II (where Hitler The Development of Human Right Forethought annihilated millions of lives) were made to be the foun- The development of Human Right forethought in the dation of thoughts in formulating the universal nature world is initiated in Magna Charta on the year 1215 in of Human Rights, which better known as The Uni- England, that among others includes the thinking that versal Declaration of Human Rights that was es- the king who once hold an absolute power (king made tablished by the UN in 1948. the law, but he himself is bonded by the very law he 13 13
  • 14. Regulation With their intelligence and conscience, human have the freedom to decide for themselves their action or behavior. Furthermore, to balance the freedom, human still have the ability to responsible for all of their actions. It is this basic freedom and rights that was defined as human right that naturally attached to human as Law No 39 Year 1999 a grace from God. These rights cannot be denied. Denial of these rights means denial on Human Rights of human dignity. Therefore, any country, government, or organization are obligated to acknowledged and protect human right S o far, human right has been a common topic on all human without exception. This would mean among the people. Even so, not everyone knows that human right must always be the reference point, for sure what it means. Human right is a basic and the goal of implementing the life of community, right that naturally attached on human; it is universal nation, and country. and imperishable, thus needs to be protected, respected, In line with the above perspective, Pancasila as the maintained, and cannot be ignored, reduced, or taken foundation of this country includes the thought that by anyone. human were created by God to hold two aspects, namely Meanwhile, to show respect, Indonesian people individual and social aspects. Therefore, the freedom of as member of the United Nation that bears moral everyone is limited by other’s human right. This means and legal responsibility to upheld and implement that everyone bears an obligation to acknowledged and the Universal Declaration of Human Right that was respect other people’s human right. established by the United Nation, and other various The obligation is also applicable for every international instruments in relation to human organization on any level, especially country and right, has consciously issued Indonesia Republic government. Thus, country and government responsible Parliament Decree No XVII/MPR/1998 on Human to respect, protect, defend, and guarantee human right Right. Moreover, arrangement of human rights has of every citizen and people without discrimination. basically stated in different laws, including laws that The obligation to respect human right is reflected in established various international convention on human the Preamble of UUD 1945 that inspires the whole right. However, to accommodate all of the existing chapters in its body, especially in relation to citizen’s regulations, it is necessary to establish Law No 39 Year equality in law and governance, right to work and 1999 on Human Right. proper living, freedom to associate and gather, right to In this law, human right is clearly defined as a set express thoughts verbally and written, freedom to hold of rights that was attached to human’s nature and religion and to worship accordingly with their religion existence as God’s creature, and represents His utmost and beliefs, right to receive education and teaching. grace that must be respected, upheld, and protected by The basic thinking on the establishment of the Law the country, law, Government, and everyone for the is as followed: honor of human’s dignity. a. God Almighty is the creature of the universe and That people are blessed by conscience and everything in it; intelligence which give them the ability to differentiate b. Basically, human is blessed with a soul, form, between good and bad, which will further lead structure, ability, willingness and other ease by and direct their action and attitude their creator to guarantee their life’s continuity; toward life. 14
  • 15. Edisi III, 2010 c. To protect, maintain, and improve human as criminal act, civil act, and/or administrative act in dignity, entitlement and protection of human accordance with the law and regulations. right is required, for without it, one will loose The law consists of 11 chapters and 106 sections. his nature and dignity, as to drive him to be a However, the verses that were directly connected to wolf for other people (homo homini lupus); the fulfillment of housing, water and environmental d. Because human is a social creature, one’s human sanitation is specified in right is limited by other’s human right, therefore, a. Section 9 stated that (1) Everyone have the right freedom or human right is not without limit; to live, defend their lives and improve their e. Human right cannot be eliminated by anyone living; (2) Everyone have the right to serene, under any circumstances; safe, peaceful, happy, and physical and mental f. Every human right contains obligation to respect prosperity; (3) Everyone have the right on well other human right, thus in human right, there and healthy environment. are basic obligation; b. Section 11 stated that everyone have the right to g. Human rights need to be truly respected, fulfill their basic requirements in order to grow protected, and enforced, and thus, government, and developed properly. country’s officials, and other public functionaries c. Section 40 stated that everyone have the right to have obligation and responsibility to guarantee proper housing and living. implementation of respect, protection, and enforcement of human rights. Law No 11 Year 2005 on International Within this law, human right was arranged Legalization of Covenant on Economic, with the guidance of United Nation Human Right Social, and Cultural Rights Declaration, Convention on the Elimination of All This covenant confirms and defines Human Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Convention Rights points in the aspects of economic, social, and on the Rights of the Child, and other international cultural of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Instruments that regulate human right. (DUHAM) within its law-binding stipulations. The These laws specifically regulate the right to live and covenant consists of preamble and 31 sections. the right to not forcefully eliminated and/or killed, Covenant Preamble reminds the countries of their right to have family and continue to descent, right to obligation according to the UN Charter to improve develop self, right to justice, right to personal freedom, and protect Human Rights, reminds individuals on right to safety, right on welfare, right to join in the their obligation to work hard for the improvement governance, women right, child right, and right of and organization of Human Right as regulated in this religion freedom. Other than regulation of human right, Covenant in relation with other individuals and its basic obligation, along with task and responsibility of communities, and acknowledged that, in accordance the government is also arranged in relation of human with DUHAM, it is the future goal of man kind to right reinforcement. enjoy civil and political freedom, and free from fear In this law, public participation in the form of and shortcoming, which can only be achieved when complaints and/or claim on violation of human right, condition is established for everyone to be able to proposal teaching of policy formulation in relation with enjoy their economic, social, and cultural rights, as human right to Human right National Commissary, well as their civil and political rights. research, education, and dispersing information on Of the 31 sections of this paw, water supply and human right. environmental sanitation is stipulated in reference The law of Human Right is the umbrella of all to section 11, which is right to proper living human right regulations. Therefore, both direct and standard. (OM) indirect violation of human right will be sanctioned 15
  • 16. Agenda POKJA International Day of Eradication for Poverty Difficult Access to Water Supply and Sanitation as Poverty Indicator O n October 17th every year, the world Then, in order to respect the historical moment, population commemorates The the UN has initiated a resolution No 47/196 dated International Day for the Eradication December 22nd 1992, which established October 17th of Poverty. Poverty for developing as International Day of Eradication for Poverty, which countries such as Indonesia for was commemorated by the world population until example, represents a special note. The difficult access date. On 2010, a global campaign that was mobilized of the world population to acquire basic service of by the world alliance called Global Call Against sanitation and proper drinking water is clearly an Poverty (GCAP) continue to be done. indication of poverty. World Health Organization On September 2000, representatives of 189 (WHO) stated that limitation of 95 percent of the low countries have gathered in New York in a Millennium income people to access water has made poverty trap Summit that was initiated by the UN. The result is for 1,2 billion of the world population. Millennium Declaration consisting of 8 common As known, on October 17th 1987, over 100 project points of development targets to be thousand people have gathered to demonstrate at accomplished by participant countries before year Trocadero of Paris, France, exactly where Universal 2015. The eight projects comprise poverty eradication Declaration of Human Right was signed back in the and extreme hunger (with income standard below year 1948, for all the world population to reflect the 1,25 USD/day), even distribution of basic education, fate of victims of extreme poverty, violence, hunger, gender equality and women empowerment, fight and difficult access to drinking water and poor against diseases especially HIV AIDS and malaria, sanitation that happened almost everywhere reducing children mortality rate, improving mothers’ all around the world. health, guaranteeing environmental capacity and 16
  • 17. Edisi III, 2010 establishing global partnership for development. When as International Day of Poverty Eradication, and the observed, all projects come down to one target, which world population commemorates it in different events. is elimination of a big problem called “poverty”. Speaking about UN’s version of poverty In Indonesia eradication, we cannot help but think of Millennium Poverty Eradication Day is also commemorated at Development Goals (MDG) which also represents the several cities in Indonesia, such as Lampung, Mataram, UN’s product in the year 2000 in order to create world Garut, Cianjur, Tasikmalaya, and Purwekerto. In without poverty by the year 2015. As part of UN, Bandar Lampung, as much as 50 activists of SRMI Indonesia has applied MDGs program since 2004. have walked from Adipura monument to the office In MDGs itself, we knew, there are eight grandiose of Local Kota Government. They urged the newly- programs in fields of poverty, health, education, elected mayor to realize his political promises during environmental, and gender equality. campaign, especially in poverty eradication. “However, to tell you the truth, we highly doubt Upon the insistence, Bandar Lampung mayor MDGs success in Indonesia, because practically, Herman HN has accepted and conducted dialogue poverty –and the process of impoverishment- did with representative of SRMI activists. The Mayor has not decline at all. We still heard about hunger plague promised to complete numbers of issues demanded by that happened all over the SRMI, namely education, country, which means health, and residents’ extreme poverty is still documents (personal exist. Population’s health identification –KTP; also continues to decline. family certificate –KK; Children’ and mothers’ birth certificate), will be mortality rate in Indonesia materialized in the year is still significantly high, 2011. large numbers of people are In Tasikmalaya, Jawa still having the difficulty Barat, SRMI activists to acquire water supply have come to kabupaten service, and they are still government’s office and ISTIMEWA living with poor sanitation,” demanded legalization of said Head of Health Consumer Protection Foundation, regional regulation draft (Raperda) on street merchants dr Marius Wijayarta to Percik. (PKL) protection. People also questioned the small Education, health, difficult access to water and amount of health budget that mostly came as grant poor basic sanitation are clearly part of poverty. Not to from Provincial Government of Jawa Barat. mention the issue of gender equality which currently The similar was also happened in Garut, Jawa is like a far away dream, due to the high frequency Barat, where protestor decided to refuse Alfamart of children’s and women’s trafficking. Target of the development that may interfere with public’s economy, environmental field is almost invisible because everyday especially small merchants. In Cianjur, Jawa Barat, as we continue to witness facts on environmental damage much a 300 of SRMI activists have come to the office around us, such as flood and landslide. There are many of local council (DPRD). People questioned the small other facts that can confirm our doubts on MDGs’ amount of education and health budget, whereas success. budget for agency’s cars continue to grow. Humanitarians, non government organizations Adjacent to that, people also insisted for Cianjur working on environment and public health issues government to increase budget for education claimed that poverty is violation of human right, thus and health, as well as protection for Indonesian they demand that people of the world respect the right. Worker (TKI) abroad. (Eko/ Later, UN General Assembly declared October 17th 17
  • 18. Discourse ISTIMEWA Matter of Right to Water and on Housing (First Paper) Dr Cekli Setya Pratiwi, SH.,LL.M. health, education, and culture” are adequately met and available for all. In line with this fundamental goal, an instrument of the International Bill of T he International Covenant on Rights is established to provide protection both Economic and Social Rights (from for individuals and groups with regard to rights hereon will be refer to as CESCR) on economic, social, and cultural, namely 1966 have been formulated and agreed CESCR. CESCR has basically provide entitlement to be part of The International Bill of right to work, right to receive education, right of Rights with no other intention than to protect on proper living, right to healthy environment, human rights so that people can experience a life right to develop culture, etc. Right on proper that is whole, free, safe, protected, and healthy. living will be reviewed in this paper and will be Right to live as the most natural right will never focused on right on a house and water. be accomplished unless all of the required basic Compare to the civil and political rights in rights to a living such as “right to CCPR, rights on economic, social and cultural work, food, housing, are often considered as second degree rights where 18
  • 19. EEdisi III, 2010 Edisii IIII,, 2010 dis I fulfillment is unforceable, non-justiciable, and has obligated countries to guarantee right to water ht to be fulfilled progressively. However, along with for all citizen. entitlement of global Bill of Rights system that Thus, it is obvious that both civil-political was marked by DUHAM 1948, then countries right, as well as economic, social, and cultural in the world have emphasized over and over rights is inseparable due to its interdependent through World Conference on Human Right in nature and because both require equal attention the year 1993 by stating that both Human Right’s from the country in term of application, features, namely CCPR and CESCR have an socialization, and protection; considering that equal important position. UN General Assembly fulfilling civil and political rights alone without resolution No 32/130 on December 1977 stating: fulfilling one’s economic, social and cultural rights “(a) All human rights and fundamental freedoms is highly improbable. Thus, in order to fulfill are invincible and interdependent; equal attention economic, social, and cultural rights, national and and urgent consideration should be given to the international support in policy is necessary. implementation, promotion, and Hence, all forms of denial on economic, social, protection of both civil and political, and cultural rights due to the thinking that put and economical, social and cultural economic, social, and cultural rights as unreal, or rights; (b) The full realization of does not require country’s involvement, civil and political rights without or can progressively fulfilled, are no the enjoyment of economic, social … that right longer relevant; more so when CESCR and cultural rights is impossible; has been adopted by the UN General to water is the achievement of lasting progress Assembly through 2200 A (XXI) in the implementation of human something Resolution on December 1966 and rights is dependent upon sound and that cannot be has been applied since January 3rd effective national and international apart from other 1976. Even today, since CESCR has policies of economic and social human rights been ratified by 143 countries, CESCR development, as recognized by the experienced change of character from Proclamation of Teheran of 1968”. multilateral to international customary m In the year 2002, the Committee la meaning that it binds all country law, on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in w or without ratification. with General Comment No 15, has firmly provide interpretation of section 11 and 12 of the II. Assessing Guarantee International Covenant on Economic, Social and of Right on Housing and to Water in Positive Cultural Rights, that right to water is one thing Law that cannot be apart from other human rights. Discussing the matter of law guarantee on the In its argumentation, this Committee has shown people’s right on housing and to water, we need that plenty of other human rights that cannot be to see how far the law in Indonesia can provide fulfilled without right to water. Right to live, right adequate guarantee on these rights. On the aspect to food, right to maintain health level, are rights of law guarantee, it is more than quality of the where in order to fulfill requires right to water as law substance that regulates the matter in every prerequisite. National Law, but must also consider Indonesia’s It is mentioned that water is not only needed obedience as part of the International community to drink but also an inseparable part of the with awareness to accept and acknowledged food processing, or creation of healthy housing the International Laws especially ones and other human’s requirement for a living. that has become part of our Furthermore it is confirmed that the committee country’s positive 19
  • 20. Discourse law. law. It is important to co rm due to many confi of International Covenant on Economic, Social views and practices saying that National Law and sayin and Cultural Rights. Consequently, since 2005 International Law is separated from one another; Indonesia is obligated by law to immediately adapt in consequence, Law makers, law enforcers, or every law product that relate with the content of even decision makers often neglect the binding the covenant; with the purpose of strengthening nature of that specific International Law, and it guarantee on people’s right fulfillment on often implied on the force taking of people’s rights economic, social, and cultural aspects. that have been acknowledged by international Then in the context of people’s right guarantee community as human rights that cannot be on proper living especially housing and water, reduced by anyone including the country, unless how will CESCR discommode participant specific conditions applied which needs to be countries to immediately take important steps in clearly regulated by the Law. acknowledging the rights? On the matter, Section With regard of the discussion object in this 11 Verse (1) CESCR stated that: The State Parties paper, which is guarantee of people’s right on of the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to and adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. The State Parties will take appropriate steps to ensure the realization of this right, recognizing to this effect essential importance of international cooperation based on free consent. Implication of the above CESCR Section 11 Verse (1) stipulation is that every country that has participate or ratified the covenant (including Indonesia), has the obligation to recognize ISTIMEWA the right of every citizen on proper living standard that consist of adequate proper living especially housing and water, food, clothing and housing and continuously juridical implication of Indonesia’s acceptance improving living condition. The word ‘recognize’ to an International Agreement is immediately as in recognizing right of every citizen to proper establish new law if it has not yet exist, living standard, such as adequate food, clothing, synchronize/change whenever contradiction and housing, have implicated the country with present or even revocation if the regulation is obligation to respect, obligation to protect, considered to be inappropriate or against the obligation to promote, and obligation to fulfill people’s rights. In the matter of people’s right on rights in the CESCR covenant through real steps proper living which is included in the scope of in accordance to 1986 Limburg principles and economic, social, and cultural rights, Indonesia 1997 Maastricht principles, including legislative has officially become the participant of The 1966 actions to adjust or change all laws and regulations International Covenant on Economic, Social in Indonesia, at the central level down to the local and Cultural Rights (CESCR) through a level, when it is against the covenant content. ratification of Law No 12 Year 2005 on Legalization 1. Implementation Regulation with Chance in 20
  • 21. Edisi III, 2010 Neglecting the People’s Right on housing First, it cannot be denied that Indonesia’s courage in ratifying CESCR is one of Indonesia’s recognition for rights on economic, social and cultural of its citizen, which include right on housing and to water. Nevertheless, ratification alone is not enough. To see how far Indonesia as CESCR participant fulfill its obligation to guarantee fulfillment of economic, social, and cultural rights especially with regard to right on housing and to water of its citizen is to see that the substance of all laws and regulation from the ISTIMEWA highest hierarchy (UUD 1945) to the lowest, slightly different for Section 28H prefers the term from central level to local level, have been adapted “physical and mental prosperous life”. or synchronized with CESCR substances; or In the next part, physical and mental life even more extreme, concrete measures are taken prosperity is clarified to only cover “right to reside” where laws and regulations which are against the and “right to proper and healthy environment”. substance of CESCR be revoked or no longer in In the writer’s opinion, “right to reside” has wider effect. connotation that “right on housing”, where one Reviewing the substance of may reside without having any house; whereas UUD 1945 as the highest regula- one with a house is not automatically residing. tion or source of all laws in Indo- In a communal social condition as nesia, after four amendments, espe- such Indonesia, it’s safe to say that cially the Second Amendment on It cannot b denied that be Indonesia’s courage in almost everyone have residency August 18th 2000, there are several ratifying CESCR is one of although not everyone have a Human Right-related Sections that Indonesia’s recognition house, because they could reside have been changed and added. for rights on economic, with family, child, or parents. UUD 1945 is considered to be social and cultural of its citizen Other right as realization more detail in regulating and guar- prosperous life is the right of p anteeing Human Right protection healthy environment. In to h compare to the previous Section UU 1945, right to good and UUD 28; this is certainly worthy of appreciation. How- healthy environment does not heal ever, whether the more detail Section 28 is already automatically refer to right on adequate food. This i ll f in harmony with the content of newly ratified CE- certainly very different with the will of CESCR SCR in the year 2005 requires further review. that firmly entitles and obligated every participant With regard to right on housing, UUD 1945 country to guarantee the right of its citizen to especially Section 28H Verse (1) stated that: adequate food. “Everyone have the right to live prosperously Therefore, Indonesia as a country that ratifies -both physically and mentally-, have a place to CESCR has not yet succeed in guaranteeing the stay, and enjoy good and healthy environment, right of its citizen to proper living -which includes and right to receive health service”. right to adequate clothing and food (including The term “recognition of right on proper water) and adequate housing- in its living“ in CESCR Section 11 Verse (1) indicates constitution. The concept present in Section proper living such as in adequate food, clothing 28H of UUD 1945 is only and housing, whereas Section 28H Verse (1) is 21