SlideShare a Scribd company logo Module                                           Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Part 3 – Practical ideas
                                       for using technology
                                       in practice
                                       Connecting Our Worlds
                              Educational Module

                                                                                    Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                                                                    Part 3 Technology in practice

                                                                     Learning objectives:

                                                                     In completing Part 3, you will gain an
                                                                     understanding of:

Introduction                                                         •      How tools and technologies can
                                                                            enhance clinical practice
                                                                            through building rapport and a
This part contains some ideas on how to use technology in your
work. We consider many of these technologies to be alternative              connection with young people;
mechanisms for achieving your current objectives in your work with
young people.
                                                                     •      How to use these tools in your
                                                                            work with young people.

                                                                     At the end of Part 3, you will be able
                                                                     to test your understanding of these
                                                                     concepts by completing the quiz.
                                                                     We encourage you to consult the supplementary notes
                                                                     for this section which will provide you with more details
                                                                     about these strategies.

                                                                                                                                        2 Module                                                               Part 3 Technology in practice

                                                                   Part 3 of the ReachOutPro education module
                                                                   will cover the following programs and tools:

Part 3                                                             1.

                                                                        Using websites to assist with developing rapport

                                                                        Using SMS to enhance engagement

programs                                                           3.   Fun ways to provide psycho-education

                                                                   4.   Treating mild to moderate anxiety and depression

and tools                                                          5.   Assisting with monitoring of mental state

                                                                   6.   Encouraging online community engagement and
The options presented below are examples of commonly used
programs and tools that may be of benefit to your practice. We
encourage you to work with the young person in formulating how
each technique might meet their, and your own, individual needs.   7.   Enhancing wellness and relapse prevention

                                                                   8.   Using social media for health promotion

                                                                                                                                   3 Module               Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Using technology
                                       to assist with
                                       developing rapport

                                                        Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                                                Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology to assist with
developing rapport
How could this help my practice
with young people?

•     For some young people, the traditional face-to-face interaction that is part of
      an initial assessment can be extremely confronting and uncomfortable.

•     Many clinicians have found that engaging an unmotivated or unwilling young
      person can often require some flexibility and creativity in practice.

•     Such techniques might include completing the assessment at a site other
      than a clinic or office, or engaging in a mutual activity so that the focus of
      attention is not purely on the young person and their “problem”.

•     Utilising the internet during assessments can facilitate “meeting the young
      person in their own space”. This can help to build rapport and enhance the
      therapeutic relationship by showing the young person that you understand
      their world, and if you don’t, are at least willing to explore it with their

                                                                                                                        5 Module                                                   Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology to assist with
developing rapport
How do I do it ?

Looking at their page online with the young person        1. Enquire about a young person’s connection
can help to direct the attention away from them, while       to a website such as Facebook or MySpace
at the same time allowing for the development of             or whether they have an online blog can
rapport by sharing information about their lives,            help to engage them.
friendships, interests and so on.
                                                          2. Check that the young person is comfortable
This can be particularly useful in cases where the           with sharing this information with you.
young person is anxious about face-to-face
interaction, such as those who present with social        3. After they’ve agreed to show you, offer them
anxiety, or is hesitant to talk about themselves, which      control of the computer to access the page,
may be common in depression.                                 ask them to walk you through what they like
                                                             about the site, or about the things that they
                                                             would like to show you.

                                                                                                                        6 Module                              Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology to assist with
developing rapport
How are other people doing it?

If you would like to understand how          If you are interested on how to approach
other people are using technology to         a young person about using technology
build rapport, click here to read our case   to build rapport, click here to view a
study[Case study link]                       suggested conversation [Conversation

                                                                                                   7 Module                                                                         Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology to assist with
developing rapport
What resources do I need?
                                       •    A computer with good processing speed
                                       •    Access to broadband internet connection
                                       •    Internet access with permission to access social networking sites such as Facebook, tumblr, Bebo, MySpace
                                       •    Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs)

                                       •    You don’t need to know anything about technology - ask the young person to show you
                                       •    But you do need to be comfortable with asking the young person to show you

                                       Useful tips

                                       •    Allow the young person to take you through the page
                                       •    Initially ask them to show you the things that are important to them
                                       •    Query them about the page or the things that you view as you would in discussion
                                            about any other interest
                                       •    For young people with creative flair, they may have online pieces that
                                            demonstrate how they feel better than how they can explain through words                         8 Module                               Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology to assist with
developing rapport
Young person’s perspective about
sharing social networking

“We love social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace.
We also like sites such as Livejournal and Twitter. If you
understand what we like to do, we are more inclined to be open
with you about our world. What I'm saying is... be curious about
what we get up to in our spare time. Ask us about these sites and
whether we use them. If you know and understand what us young
people like to do in our spare time, we are more willing to show
you these sites. Even if you don't know much about them, let us
know that you are curious. Who knows, we might even be willing
to let you in on how we use them. Remember, this doesn't just
apply to internet sites, this applies to everything.” Becks

                                                                                                    9 Module              Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Using SMS to
                                       enhance engagement

                                                       Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                       Part 3 Technology in practice

Using SMS to enhance engagement

How could this help my practice
with young people?

• Typically, working with young people carries a higher
  rate of non-attendance than for the average adult

• SMS reminders can provide a means to circumvent
  these difficulties and tend to be considered less
  confronting and more palatable than a phone call.

• Alternatively, you can use SMS coaching with the young
  person between sessions to help them consolidate skills
  and complete tasks.

                                                                                            11 Module                              Part 3 Technology in practice

Using SMS to enhance engagement

How are other people doing it?

If you would like to understand how         If you are interested on how to approach
other people are using SMS with young       a young person about communicating
people, click here to read our case study   with them using SMS, click here to view
[Case study link]                           a suggested conversation [Conversation

                                                                                                  12 Module                                                                                     Part 3 Technology in practice

Using SMS to enhance engagement

How do I do it ?

1.   Let the young person know that you’d like to contact them using SMS.

2.   Explain why you would contact them and what such contact will be for. Is it for appointment reminders on the day, or day before
     appointments? A general check in to see how things are going? Or a warning that you’d like to give them a call to check in.

3.   Let the young person know your hours of work and when you have access to the mobile phone/service you are using to send SMS.

4.   Explain whether or not they are able to return contact through the number that the SMS will be delivered (NB. Some online messaging
     services that are used for appointments do not allow responses to be sent. This needs to be clarified).

5.   If the young person is able to return communications, set parameters around what is appropriate contact from them. What do you want them
     to tell you? What happens if the SMS indicates risk?

6.   Get their permission to contact them.

7.   Confirm best number to contact them on (NB. This is particularly important as initial contact may have come through the parents so the
     number on file may not actually be the young person’s).

8.   Set up a trial period for the young person to use SMS and review at next consultation.

9.   Send SMS.

10. Record contact in patient notes.

                                                                                                                                                          13 Module                                                                      Part 3 Technology in practice

Using SMS to enhance engagement

What resources do I need?
                                       •   Mobile phone, OR

                                       •   Access to an internet capable computer

                                       •   Basic competence in using mobile SMS, OR

                                       •   Basic navigation of websites

                                       Useful tips

                                       •   Refer to Part 4 of this module for advice on setting professional boundaries and
                                           managing risk
                                       •   Remember, your availability to be contacted by mobile should come with the same
                                           ground rules to young people that you might set for contacting you at the office.
                                           Common areas include what is and isn’t appropriate contact, how much time the
                                           young person needs to give you to reply, and what happens if you are not at work.              14 Module                                Part 3 Technology in practice

Using SMS to enhance engagement

Young person’s perspective about
sharing social networking

“I think texting is a great way to confirm appointments or even to
remind young people about homework (if they are ok with this!). I
even got a text one time from a counsellor right before she knew I
had to face a really anxiety provoking experience - it came out of
the blue and was a once off thing to remind me of what we had
talked about and let me know she was thinking of me and
believed in me. It made SUCH a difference!”Meke

                                                                                                     15 Module                Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Fun ways to provide

                                                         Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                                                         Part 3 Technology in practice

Fun ways to provide psycho-education

How could this help my practice
with young people?

•     Most young people, although keen to connect with information, tend not to relate so well to paper based
      information which they can perceive as out-dated or irrelevant.

•     Many people go looking online for information[1] and hence it is useful to direct them to relevant and appropriate

•     A number of online games (aka Serious Games) have been recently developed to appeal to young people in
      order to provide psycho-education on several relevant issues. Similarly, YouTube is a goldmine for resources
      that can provide education as are apps. Even personal stories can be found online to normalise the young
      person’s experience.

•     The important thing is to ensure the information provided is accurate and appropriate for the young person that
      you are working with.

•     We recommend that whatever resource you decide to use, you may want to take the young person though the
      sites during a session or “prescribe” it for them to complete over the week. Providing them with
      recommendations of alternative sites and guidelines on how to judge information is also encouraged.                        17 Module                             Part 3 Technology in practice

Fun ways to provide psycho-education

How are other people doing it?

If you would like to understand how        If you are interested on how to approach
other people are using technology for      a young person about using technology
psycho-education, click here to read our   for psycho-education, click here to view
case study [Case study link]               a suggested conversation
                                           [Conversation link]

                                                                                                 18 Module                                                            Part 3 Technology in practice

Fun ways to provide psycho-education

How do I do it ?

Use your clinical judgement with any online information website or game you suggest to a young person.

1. Check out the program first, know what it does and how it does it, and even use it yourself before
   recommending it.

2. Explain to the young person what the site is about, how it will benefit them, where to find it and how to use it.

3. Set expectations:

       a) What to expect from the site (eg., serious games are unlikely to be up to the standard of gaming young
          people expect so this needs to be communicated early to them so that aren’t disappointed).

       b) About the engagement with the site (eg., is it a once off or is it on ongoing tool for them to use?).

4. Ideally, if there is a computer available in your practice, it is beneficial to walk the young person through the
   website that you are intending for them to view.

                                                                                                                                 19 Module                                                                           Part 3 Technology in practice

Fun ways to provide psycho-education

What resources do I need?
                                       •    A computer with good processing speed [link to definition of processing speed]
                                       •    Access to broadband internet connection
                                       •    Internet access that facilitates access to external websites
                                       •    Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs)

                                       •    Prior knowledge of sites
                                       •    Ability to evaluate the quality of the resources online
                                       •    Basic competence in using websites
                                       •    Basic competence in using iPhone applications

                                       Useful tips

                                       •    Work with the young person to set realistic expectations of use.

                                       •    Discuss when / where they will do it
                                                                                                                                               20 Module                                 Part 3 Technology in practice

Fun ways to provide psycho-education

Young person’s perspective about using online
information in sessions

“The utilisation of technology will not necessarily provide all the
answers to questions a young person may have, and any
treatment(s) certainly cannot be done entirely through technology
in a significant number of cases, so you as a health care
professional don't need to make the radical switch from 'complete
offline' to 'complete online' support. Use it as a complementary
tool in a language and method that's understood by young
people.” Chris

                                                                                                      21 Module                   Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Treating mild to moderate
                                       anxiety and depression

                                                            Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                                                       Part 3 Technology in practice

Treating mild to moderate anxiety and

How could this help my practice
with young people?

•     Recent research into online treatment for anxiety and depression has shown promising results in both the
      adolescent and adult populations [2-6].

•     More recently, there has been an increasing interest in online programs for young people, with a recent review
      highlighting that six out of eight studies identified a reduction in depression and/or anxiety symptoms post-
      intervention [6].

•     Such programs are often considered to be more engaging and appealing to young people [7], and can overcome
      traditional barriers to access.

•     Utilising an online cognitive behavioural or Interpersonal therapy treatment program may be beneficial for young
      people presenting with mild to moderate or “at risk of developing” anxiety and depressive disorders.

•     Such programs may be relatively text heavy and we recommend their use particularly for young people with
      average to above average verbal skills.

                                                                                                                               23 Module                            Part 3 Technology in practice

Treating mild to moderate anxiety and

How are other people doing it?

If you would like to understand how        If you are interested on how to approach
other people are using online              a young person about using online
interventions for depression or anxiety,   interventions for depression or anxiety,
click here to read our case study          click here to view a suggested
[Case study link]                          conversation [Conversation link]

                                                                                                 24 Module                                                       Part 3 Technology in practice

Treating mild to moderate anxiety and

How do I do it ?

1. Start by familiarising yourself with the program you intend to recommend. Type e-couch into your internet browser
   to find a link to this website. Alternatively type into your navigation bar.

2. You can choose to open an account or use the test account:

      Username: tess94

3. Once logged in, explore the programs available on the left hand side navigation bar including depression, anxiety
   and bereavement. Consider whether this may be appropriate for the young person you are treating.

4. If you decide this intervention may be appropriate we suggest you take the young person through the website in
   session initially and check in regularly about how they are progressing. They may find completing an online CBT
   program for example raises questions or issues that are appropriate for further discussion.

5. Check-in with the young person at each follow-up session about how the program is going.

                                                                                                                            25 Module                                 Part 3 Technology in practice

Treating mild to moderate anxiety and

Young person’s perspective about
using e-therapies

“Go out and have a look at what's available yourself so you know
what it's about and always keep it as a possibility. A website that
young people can access confidentially and in their own time to
find information or work through treatment programs like
moodgym are invaluable, especially when someone says they
don't want to talk about it.” Kris

                                                                                                      26 Module                 Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Using online mood
                                       trackers or mood apps to
                                       assist with monitoring
                                       of mental state

                                                          Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                                                           Part 3 Technology in practice

Assisting with monitoring of mental state

How could this help my practice
with young people?

•     Regular monitoring of mental state is a crucial part of any treatment plan.

•     As part of the natural cognitive development, some adolescents and young people may be
      limited in their capacity to reflect on changes.

•     Accuracy of information is particularly relevant for those prescribing medications, as
      determining change in mental state will directly influence decisions to increase, stop, or
      change the medication the young person is receiving.

•     Given young people’s preference for online or phone based interactions, utilising online
      mood monitors may be preferable to traditional pen and paper diaries.

                                                                                                                                   28 Module                          Part 3 Technology in practice

Assisting with monitoring of mental state

How are other people doing it?

If you would like to understand how     If you are interested on how to approach
other people are using mood trackers,   a young person about using mood
click here to read our case study       trackers, click here to view a suggested
[Case study link]                       conversation [Conversation link]

                                                                                              29 Module                                                                       Part 3 Technology in practice

Assisting with monitoring of mental state
How do I do it ?
MEDHELP on-line

1.   Sign up to and familiarise yourself with the website. Alternatively, you can also use
     this test account by entering the following details:

         Password: f4k2x3

2.   Add the Mood Tracker and Sleep Tracker applications. These provide graphs showing the entries
     for particular days and patterns across the week.

3.   Spend some time entering data into these graphs to familiarise yourself with the process. To do this
     simply click on the date, then on the boxes associated with rankings and symptoms.

4.   If you have access to an iPhone, download the “Moody Me” and “Sleep Cycle” applications, and try
     using them to enter your data and synchronise with your online account.

5.   Via the website or the iPhone application, browse the user forums and see how people interact and
     support each other.

6.   Before asking a young person to use the tools, make sure they have they appropriate resources
     and access (i.e. daily computer access and/or iPhone).

7.   Take the young person through the page during a session and ask how they would feel about using
     it as opposed to keeping a written diary.

8.   Show the young person the user forums - most young people are relieved to know there is a
     community of support and advice they can engage with and contribute to.

9.   Indicate to the young person that they would need to sign up for their own account and that this
     would retain the privacy of all information they choose to add to it.
                                                                                                                                            30 Module                                                                         Part 3 Technology in practice

Assisting with monitoring of mental state

What resources do I need?
                                       •    A computer with good processing speed [link to definition of processing speed]
                                       •    Access to broadband internet connection
                                       •    Internet access that facilitates access to external websites
                                       •    Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs)
                                       •    iPhone (if using applications)

                                       •    Basic competence in using websites
                                       •    Basic competence in using iPhone applications

                                       Useful tips

                                       •    Get the young person to set targets for how many times a day they will update
                                            their information, and discuss when / where they will do it

                                       •    Check the young person’s use of the site and utilise the information they provide
                                            during the next session                                                                          31 Module                               Part 3 Technology in practice

Assisting with monitoring of mental state

Young person’s perspective about using online
information in sessions

“Another idea is to get the young person to do homework online
or via email. For example if you are doing mood diaries or ABCs -
or wanting them to monitor certain behaviours, then you could
have them complete this online (if you have this set up) or to
email it through the updated form each night, for example. Makes
it a bit more fun!” Meke

                                                                                                    32 Module              Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Encouraging online
                                       community engagement
                                       and connection

                                                       Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                                                            Part 3 Technology in practice

Encouraging online community engagement
and connection

How could this help my practice
with young people?

•     Social isolation is a common experience of young people experiencing mental illness   [10].

•     This is particularly salient in rural and marginalised populations and can be exacerbated in those young
      people experiencing emerging mood, behavioural and psychotic disorders.

•     A number of Australian websites now exist with the aim to decrease the experience of isolation. These
      sites do this by providing an opportunity for young people to connect with others who are suffering with
      the same condition or who have recently recovered from similar difficulties.

•     Recently, research has shown that the more a young person engages with an online community, the
      better their improvements [11, 12].

•     Connecting with a web based community which aims to promote equality and justice can allow for the
      young person to connect with their own values and provide an opportunity to act in accordance with them.

•     This can have a profound effect on their own sense of identity and meaning and can facilitate their
      recovery.                                                                                                                     34 Module                            Part 3 Technology in practice

Encouraging online community engagement
and connection

How are other people doing it?

If you would like to understand how       If you are interested on how to approach
other people are building community       a young person about building
engagement using technology, click        engagement using technology, click
here to read our case study [Case study   here to view a suggested conversation
link]                                     [Conversation link]

                                                                                                35 Module                                          Part 3 Technology in practice

Encouraging online community engagement
and connection

How do I do it ?

•     As with previous suggestions, we encourage you to use your clinical
      judgement as to the appropriateness of this intervention. Consider the
      benefits of a moderated forum over an unmoderated forum in terms of
      resilience, coping and social skills.

•     Explore the young person’s specific interests.

•     Provide several options or sites and talk through with the young person
      what they might be more interested in. If unsure, do a Google search with
      the young person.

•     Work through the website with the young person and help them to

•     Set expectations about site usage for outcomes. Encourage engagement
      with the site.

•     Follow up in the next few sessions to get their feedback on the site and
      offer assistance if they need it.
                                                                                                                  36 Module                                                                         Part 3 Technology in practice

Encouraging online community engagement
and connection

What resources do I need?
                                       •    A computer with good processing speed [link to definition of processing speed]
                                       •    Access to broadband internet connection
                                       •    Internet access that facilitates access to external websites
                                       •    Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs)

                                       •    You don’t need to know anything about technology - ask the young person to show you
                                       •    But you do need to be comfortable with asking the young person to show you
                                       •    Knowledge of the sites prior to recommending it to the young person is encouraged

                                       Useful tips

                                       •    Allow the young person to take you through the page

                                       •    Follow-up the experience of the young person with the site in the next session
                                                                                                                                             37 Module                                Part 3 Technology in practice

Encouraging online community engagement
and connection

Young person’s perspective about using an
online forum

“ Today I realised that running away from things, or hiding in bed
for a decade isn't really going to solve anything. Tomorrow I am
really going to try and see things positively. Also, thank you
everyone for making me feel welcome on these forums :) I am
finding them really fantastic for gaining perspective and thinking
about things differently " Forum comment

                                                                                                     38 Module               Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Using technology for
                                       wellness and relapse

                                                        Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                                        Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology for wellness and relapse

How could this help my practice
with young people?

• Emerging evidence indicates that engagement with online tools can
  actually facilitate wellness [15] and prevent the development of mental
  illness [16-18].

• The diversity of information and resources available on the internet
  means that there are many tools and articles that can assist with

• Encouraging young people to engage with technology, to utilise tools to
  monitor their own wellness, and seek information from credible sites can
  improve their self-management and prevention.

                                                                                                             40 Module                           Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology for wellness and relapse

How are other people doing it?

If you would like to understand how      If you are interested on how to approach
other people are using technology for    a young person about using technology
relapse prevention and wellness, click   for relapse prevention and wellness,
here to read our case study              click here to view a suggested
[Case study link]                        conversation [Conversation link]

                                                                                               41 Module                                                        Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology for wellness and relapse

How do I do it ?

1. Do your research

      a) Know what sites are popular, what ones are useful, and what ones are helpful.

      b) Make sure you are aware of confidentiality constraints & risks by using the tool.

      c) Try the tools in a private space.

2. Introduce the idea of a management or wellness plan to the young person by explaining

      a) Why the plan is required.

      b) What is the purpose of the tool.

3. Demonstrate the tool with the young person.

4. Set parameters around use and guidelines.

5. Document plan.
                                                                                                                             42 Module                                                                         Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology for wellness and relapse

What resources do I need?
                                       •    A computer with good processing speed [link to definition of processing speed]
                                       •    Access to broadband internet connection
                                       •    Internet access that facilitates access to external websites
                                       •    Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs)
                                       •    iPhone (if using applications)

                                       •    Knowledge of websites and tools
                                       •    Ability to judge the quality of information available
                                       •    Basic competence in using websites
                                       •    Basic competence in using iPhone applications

                                       Useful tips

                                       •    Get the young person to set targets for how many times a day they will update
                                            their information, and discuss when / where they will do it

                                       •    Follow-up on use in the next session                                                             43 Module                                 Part 3 Technology in practice

Using technology for wellness and relapse

Young person’s perspective about using online

“There’s so much scary stuff out there in terms of anorexia.
When I’ve looked for anorexia help online I always find Pro-Ana
stuff and it freaks me out. It’s also really unhelpful and can
sometimes almost trigger me. I was a little unsure when my
therapist suggested another website as I didn’t know what to
expect. But Something-Fishy was great. I’ve developed online
support and have people to turn to when it gets tough. I know
that this is important as I’m always going to battle with anorexia.
And if I can’t get hold of my therapist, I can turn to my online
friends.” Sam

                                                                                                      44 Module                 Part 3 Technology in practice

                                       Using social media for
                                       health promotion

                                                          Part 3 – Technology in practice Module                                                                              Part 3 Technology in practice

Using social media for health promotion

How could this help my practice
with young people?

•     The complete integration of technology into our lives provides more opportunities and ways to reach our
      intended audiences.

•     With the advent of social networking the form of Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and blogs, young people are able
      to communicate to a wide audience with one action – and do so on a regular basis.

•     However, this technology and catchment is not limited to young people, and can present networking
      opportunities for those people working with young people too [20].

•     A recent study by Davies and Cranston (2008) highlighted several areas in which social networking can provide
      opportunities for youth workers and their work. These areas included;

          1.     The promotion of organisational activities;

          2.     Recruitment of young people for projects;

          3.     Engagement with organisation through seeking the views of young people;

          4.     Keeping in contact through sending messages to young people;

          5.     Sharing of media.

                                                                                                                                                      46 Module                         Part 3 Technology in practice

Using social media for health promotion

How are other people doing it?

If you would like to understand how    If you are interested on how to approach
other people are using social media,   a young person about using social
click here to read our case study      media, click here to view a suggested
[Case study link]                      conversation [Conversation link]

                                                                                             47 Module                                               Part 3 Technology in practice

Using social media for health promotion

How do I do it ?

Before embarking on the use of social networking, it is important to consider
what your objectives of the communication are, and how best to meet these.
Consideration of any legal and ethical issues is also required (see Part 4 for
more information on these). In order to utilise social networking we recommend
the following steps;

1. Check your organisational policy around social communication.

2. Define your objectives of the communication – is it for contact, a reminder,
   event promotion, raising awareness of an issue, etc.?

3. Decide on the appropriate forum for the communication – is it Twitter,
   Facebook, or another site.

4. Create an account with the site if the organisation does not already have one.

5. Post your message.

6. Follow-up on any communication generated from this.
                                                                                                                    48 Module                                                                         Part 3 Technology in practice

Using social media for health promotion

What resources do I need?
                                       •    A computer
                                       •    Access to broadband internet connection
                                       •    Internet access that facilitates access to external websites
                                       •    Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs)
                                       •    iPhone (if using applications)

                                       •    Knowledge of websites and tools
                                       •    Basic competence in using websites
                                       •    Basic competence in using iPhone applications

                                       Useful tips

                                       •    Always check organisational guidelines about social networking

                                                                                                                                             49 Module                                                        Part 3 Technology in practice

Using social media for health promotion

Young person’s perspective about use of social
networking for health promotion

This quote has come from a young person who engaged in a recent social media campaign, the
Stealth Campaign, a competition run through’sFacebook page:

“As the competition progressed I actually helped a friend confront
depression, anxiety and drug problems that he has had for years,
and he is back on track to getting better and going to university.
It's funny how things can pan out sometimes.”

                                                                                                                             50 Module                                                                                    Part 3 Technology in practice

1.        Barney, L.J., K.M. Griffiths, and M. Banfield, Information Needs of People with Depression: An Investigation of Queries and Problems Reported on an Online
          Support-Group Forum, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia.
          p. 45.
2.        Griffiths, K.M., L. Farrer, and H. Christensen, The efficacy of internet interventions for depression and anxiety disorders: a review of randomised controlled
          trials. Med J Aust, 2010. 192(11 Suppl): p. S4-11.
3.        Griffiths, K.M. and H. Christensen, Internet-based mental health programs: a powerful tool in the rural medical kit. Aust J Rural Health, 2007. 15(2): p. 81-7.
4.        Christensen, H., et al., Community-based prevention programs for anxiety and depression in youth: a systematic review. J Prim Prev, 2010. 31(3): p. 139-70.
5.        Calear, A.L. and H. Christensen, Systematic review of school-based prevention and early intervention programs for depression. J Adolesc, 2010. 33(3): p.
6.        Calear, A.L. and H. Christensen, Review of internet-based prevention and treatment programs for anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. Med J
          Aust, 2010. 192(11 Suppl): p. S12-4.
7.        Cunningham, M.J., et al., The Cool Teens CD-ROM for anxiety disorders in adolescents : a pilot case series. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2009. 18(2): p.
8.        Proudfoot, J., et al. Web-enabled Mobile Phone Program for Monitoring and Managing Mild to Moderate Depression, Anxiety and Stress. in The International
          Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011. Sydney, Australia.
9.        Reid, S.C., et al. Using mobile phones to detect, treat, and manage adolescent mental health: A randomised controlled trial of the mobiletype program in rural
          and metro primary care. in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011. Sydney, Australia.
10.       SANE Australia, SANE Research Report 1: Mental illness and social isolation. 2005, SANE Australia: Victoria, Melbourne.
11.       Barak, A., Causal Relationships Between Level of Engagement in Online Support Groups and Participants’ Outcomes, in The International Society for
          Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 19.
12.       Trockel, M.T., et al. Does a Moderated Online Discussion Group Help? A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Internet-Based Intervention for College Women
          at Risk for Eating Disorder Onset. in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011. Sydney,
13.       Metcalf, A., J. Stephens-Reicher, and P. Collins, National Survey 2010. 2010.
14.       Griffiths, K.M., et al., The 6 and 12-month effectiveness of a peer-to-peer depression Internet Support Group, in The International Society for Research in
          Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 27.
15.       Schueller, S.M. and A.C. Parks, Disseminating Self-Help: Positive Psychology Exercises in an Online Trial, in The International Society for Research in
          Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 37.
16.       Christensen, H., et al., Preventing anxiety and depression: the results from an indicated RCT (community sample in Australia) and a selective RCT (Medical
          trainees in USA, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 23.
17.       Lintvedt, O.K., et al., Evaluating the effectiveness and efficacy of an Internet-based self-help intervention for the prevention of depression: A randomised
          controlled trial., in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 31.
18.       Taylor, C.B., et al., Internet Delivered Universal and Targeted Healthy Weight Regulation/body image and Eating Disorder Prevention Programs for High
          School Students, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 38.
19.       Davies, T. and P. Cranston. Youth Work and Social Networking: Interim Report. 2008 [cited 2011 4th April, 2011]; Available from:

                                                                                                                                                                 51 Module                                                                       Part 3 Technology in practice

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Part 3 - Technology in Practice Tutorial

  • 1. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Part 3 – Practical ideas for using technology in practice Connecting Our Worlds Educational Module Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 2. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Learning objectives: In completing Part 3, you will gain an understanding of: Introduction • How tools and technologies can enhance clinical practice through building rapport and a This part contains some ideas on how to use technology in your work. We consider many of these technologies to be alternative connection with young people; mechanisms for achieving your current objectives in your work with young people. • How to use these tools in your work with young people. At the end of Part 3, you will be able to test your understanding of these concepts by completing the quiz. We encourage you to consult the supplementary notes for this section which will provide you with more details about these strategies. 2
  • 3. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Part 3 of the ReachOutPro education module will cover the following programs and tools: Part 3 1. 2. Using websites to assist with developing rapport Using SMS to enhance engagement programs 3. Fun ways to provide psycho-education 4. Treating mild to moderate anxiety and depression and tools 5. Assisting with monitoring of mental state 6. Encouraging online community engagement and The options presented below are examples of commonly used programs and tools that may be of benefit to your practice. We connection encourage you to work with the young person in formulating how each technique might meet their, and your own, individual needs. 7. Enhancing wellness and relapse prevention 8. Using social media for health promotion 3
  • 4. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology to assist with developing rapport Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 5. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology to assist with developing rapport How could this help my practice with young people? • For some young people, the traditional face-to-face interaction that is part of an initial assessment can be extremely confronting and uncomfortable. • Many clinicians have found that engaging an unmotivated or unwilling young person can often require some flexibility and creativity in practice. • Such techniques might include completing the assessment at a site other than a clinic or office, or engaging in a mutual activity so that the focus of attention is not purely on the young person and their “problem”. • Utilising the internet during assessments can facilitate “meeting the young person in their own space”. This can help to build rapport and enhance the therapeutic relationship by showing the young person that you understand their world, and if you don’t, are at least willing to explore it with their guidance. 5
  • 6. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology to assist with developing rapport How do I do it ? Looking at their page online with the young person 1. Enquire about a young person’s connection can help to direct the attention away from them, while to a website such as Facebook or MySpace at the same time allowing for the development of or whether they have an online blog can rapport by sharing information about their lives, help to engage them. friendships, interests and so on. 2. Check that the young person is comfortable This can be particularly useful in cases where the with sharing this information with you. young person is anxious about face-to-face interaction, such as those who present with social 3. After they’ve agreed to show you, offer them anxiety, or is hesitant to talk about themselves, which control of the computer to access the page, may be common in depression. ask them to walk you through what they like about the site, or about the things that they would like to show you. 6
  • 7. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology to assist with developing rapport How are other people doing it? If you would like to understand how If you are interested on how to approach other people are using technology to a young person about using technology build rapport, click here to read our case to build rapport, click here to view a study[Case study link] suggested conversation [Conversation link] 7
  • 8. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology to assist with developing rapport What resources do I need? Infrastructure • A computer with good processing speed • Access to broadband internet connection • Internet access with permission to access social networking sites such as Facebook, tumblr, Bebo, MySpace OR • Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs) Knowledge • You don’t need to know anything about technology - ask the young person to show you • But you do need to be comfortable with asking the young person to show you Useful tips • Allow the young person to take you through the page • Initially ask them to show you the things that are important to them • Query them about the page or the things that you view as you would in discussion about any other interest • For young people with creative flair, they may have online pieces that demonstrate how they feel better than how they can explain through words 8
  • 9. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology to assist with developing rapport Young person’s perspective about sharing social networking “We love social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace. We also like sites such as Livejournal and Twitter. If you understand what we like to do, we are more inclined to be open with you about our world. What I'm saying is... be curious about what we get up to in our spare time. Ask us about these sites and whether we use them. If you know and understand what us young people like to do in our spare time, we are more willing to show you these sites. Even if you don't know much about them, let us know that you are curious. Who knows, we might even be willing to let you in on how we use them. Remember, this doesn't just apply to internet sites, this applies to everything.” Becks 9
  • 10. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using SMS to enhance engagement Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 11. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using SMS to enhance engagement How could this help my practice with young people? • Typically, working with young people carries a higher rate of non-attendance than for the average adult population. • SMS reminders can provide a means to circumvent these difficulties and tend to be considered less confronting and more palatable than a phone call. • Alternatively, you can use SMS coaching with the young person between sessions to help them consolidate skills and complete tasks. 11
  • 12. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using SMS to enhance engagement How are other people doing it? If you would like to understand how If you are interested on how to approach other people are using SMS with young a young person about communicating people, click here to read our case study with them using SMS, click here to view [Case study link] a suggested conversation [Conversation link] 12
  • 13. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using SMS to enhance engagement How do I do it ? 1. Let the young person know that you’d like to contact them using SMS. 2. Explain why you would contact them and what such contact will be for. Is it for appointment reminders on the day, or day before appointments? A general check in to see how things are going? Or a warning that you’d like to give them a call to check in. 3. Let the young person know your hours of work and when you have access to the mobile phone/service you are using to send SMS. 4. Explain whether or not they are able to return contact through the number that the SMS will be delivered (NB. Some online messaging services that are used for appointments do not allow responses to be sent. This needs to be clarified). 5. If the young person is able to return communications, set parameters around what is appropriate contact from them. What do you want them to tell you? What happens if the SMS indicates risk? 6. Get their permission to contact them. 7. Confirm best number to contact them on (NB. This is particularly important as initial contact may have come through the parents so the number on file may not actually be the young person’s). 8. Set up a trial period for the young person to use SMS and review at next consultation. 9. Send SMS. 10. Record contact in patient notes. 13
  • 14. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using SMS to enhance engagement What resources do I need? Infrastructure • Mobile phone, OR • Access to an internet capable computer Knowledge • Basic competence in using mobile SMS, OR • Basic navigation of websites Useful tips • Refer to Part 4 of this module for advice on setting professional boundaries and managing risk • Remember, your availability to be contacted by mobile should come with the same ground rules to young people that you might set for contacting you at the office. Common areas include what is and isn’t appropriate contact, how much time the young person needs to give you to reply, and what happens if you are not at work. 14
  • 15. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using SMS to enhance engagement Young person’s perspective about sharing social networking “I think texting is a great way to confirm appointments or even to remind young people about homework (if they are ok with this!). I even got a text one time from a counsellor right before she knew I had to face a really anxiety provoking experience - it came out of the blue and was a once off thing to remind me of what we had talked about and let me know she was thinking of me and believed in me. It made SUCH a difference!”Meke 15
  • 16. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Fun ways to provide psycho-education Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 17. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Fun ways to provide psycho-education How could this help my practice with young people? • Most young people, although keen to connect with information, tend not to relate so well to paper based information which they can perceive as out-dated or irrelevant. • Many people go looking online for information[1] and hence it is useful to direct them to relevant and appropriate information. • A number of online games (aka Serious Games) have been recently developed to appeal to young people in order to provide psycho-education on several relevant issues. Similarly, YouTube is a goldmine for resources that can provide education as are apps. Even personal stories can be found online to normalise the young person’s experience. • The important thing is to ensure the information provided is accurate and appropriate for the young person that you are working with. • We recommend that whatever resource you decide to use, you may want to take the young person though the sites during a session or “prescribe” it for them to complete over the week. Providing them with recommendations of alternative sites and guidelines on how to judge information is also encouraged. 17
  • 18. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Fun ways to provide psycho-education How are other people doing it? If you would like to understand how If you are interested on how to approach other people are using technology for a young person about using technology psycho-education, click here to read our for psycho-education, click here to view case study [Case study link] a suggested conversation [Conversation link] 18
  • 19. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Fun ways to provide psycho-education How do I do it ? Use your clinical judgement with any online information website or game you suggest to a young person. 1. Check out the program first, know what it does and how it does it, and even use it yourself before recommending it. 2. Explain to the young person what the site is about, how it will benefit them, where to find it and how to use it. 3. Set expectations: a) What to expect from the site (eg., serious games are unlikely to be up to the standard of gaming young people expect so this needs to be communicated early to them so that aren’t disappointed). b) About the engagement with the site (eg., is it a once off or is it on ongoing tool for them to use?). 4. Ideally, if there is a computer available in your practice, it is beneficial to walk the young person through the website that you are intending for them to view. 19
  • 20. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Fun ways to provide psycho-education What resources do I need? Infrastructure • A computer with good processing speed [link to definition of processing speed] • Access to broadband internet connection • Internet access that facilitates access to external websites OR • Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs) Knowledge • Prior knowledge of sites • Ability to evaluate the quality of the resources online • Basic competence in using websites • Basic competence in using iPhone applications Useful tips • Work with the young person to set realistic expectations of use. • Discuss when / where they will do it 20
  • 21. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Fun ways to provide psycho-education Young person’s perspective about using online information in sessions “The utilisation of technology will not necessarily provide all the answers to questions a young person may have, and any treatment(s) certainly cannot be done entirely through technology in a significant number of cases, so you as a health care professional don't need to make the radical switch from 'complete offline' to 'complete online' support. Use it as a complementary tool in a language and method that's understood by young people.” Chris 21
  • 22. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Treating mild to moderate anxiety and depression Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 23. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Treating mild to moderate anxiety and depression How could this help my practice with young people? • Recent research into online treatment for anxiety and depression has shown promising results in both the adolescent and adult populations [2-6]. • More recently, there has been an increasing interest in online programs for young people, with a recent review highlighting that six out of eight studies identified a reduction in depression and/or anxiety symptoms post- intervention [6]. • Such programs are often considered to be more engaging and appealing to young people [7], and can overcome traditional barriers to access. • Utilising an online cognitive behavioural or Interpersonal therapy treatment program may be beneficial for young people presenting with mild to moderate or “at risk of developing” anxiety and depressive disorders. • Such programs may be relatively text heavy and we recommend their use particularly for young people with average to above average verbal skills. 23
  • 24. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Treating mild to moderate anxiety and depression How are other people doing it? If you would like to understand how If you are interested on how to approach other people are using online a young person about using online interventions for depression or anxiety, interventions for depression or anxiety, click here to read our case study click here to view a suggested [Case study link] conversation [Conversation link] 24
  • 25. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Treating mild to moderate anxiety and depression How do I do it ? 1. Start by familiarising yourself with the program you intend to recommend. Type e-couch into your internet browser to find a link to this website. Alternatively type into your navigation bar. 2. You can choose to open an account or use the test account: Username: tess94 Password:ecouch 3. Once logged in, explore the programs available on the left hand side navigation bar including depression, anxiety and bereavement. Consider whether this may be appropriate for the young person you are treating. 4. If you decide this intervention may be appropriate we suggest you take the young person through the website in session initially and check in regularly about how they are progressing. They may find completing an online CBT program for example raises questions or issues that are appropriate for further discussion. 5. Check-in with the young person at each follow-up session about how the program is going. 25
  • 26. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Treating mild to moderate anxiety and depression Young person’s perspective about using e-therapies “Go out and have a look at what's available yourself so you know what it's about and always keep it as a possibility. A website that young people can access confidentially and in their own time to find information or work through treatment programs like moodgym are invaluable, especially when someone says they don't want to talk about it.” Kris 26
  • 27. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using online mood trackers or mood apps to assist with monitoring of mental state Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 28. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Assisting with monitoring of mental state How could this help my practice with young people? • Regular monitoring of mental state is a crucial part of any treatment plan. • As part of the natural cognitive development, some adolescents and young people may be limited in their capacity to reflect on changes. • Accuracy of information is particularly relevant for those prescribing medications, as determining change in mental state will directly influence decisions to increase, stop, or change the medication the young person is receiving. • Given young people’s preference for online or phone based interactions, utilising online mood monitors may be preferable to traditional pen and paper diaries. 28
  • 29. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Assisting with monitoring of mental state How are other people doing it? If you would like to understand how If you are interested on how to approach other people are using mood trackers, a young person about using mood click here to read our case study trackers, click here to view a suggested [Case study link] conversation [Conversation link] 29
  • 30. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Assisting with monitoring of mental state How do I do it ? MEDHELP on-line 1. Sign up to and familiarise yourself with the website. Alternatively, you can also use this test account by entering the following details: Username:moodmonitor Password: f4k2x3 2. Add the Mood Tracker and Sleep Tracker applications. These provide graphs showing the entries for particular days and patterns across the week. 3. Spend some time entering data into these graphs to familiarise yourself with the process. To do this simply click on the date, then on the boxes associated with rankings and symptoms. 4. If you have access to an iPhone, download the “Moody Me” and “Sleep Cycle” applications, and try using them to enter your data and synchronise with your online account. 5. Via the website or the iPhone application, browse the user forums and see how people interact and support each other. 6. Before asking a young person to use the tools, make sure they have they appropriate resources and access (i.e. daily computer access and/or iPhone). 7. Take the young person through the page during a session and ask how they would feel about using it as opposed to keeping a written diary. 8. Show the young person the user forums - most young people are relieved to know there is a community of support and advice they can engage with and contribute to. 9. Indicate to the young person that they would need to sign up for their own account and that this would retain the privacy of all information they choose to add to it. 30
  • 31. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Assisting with monitoring of mental state What resources do I need? Infrastructure • A computer with good processing speed [link to definition of processing speed] • Access to broadband internet connection • Internet access that facilitates access to external websites OR • Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs) • iPhone (if using applications) Knowledge • Basic competence in using websites • Basic competence in using iPhone applications Useful tips • Get the young person to set targets for how many times a day they will update their information, and discuss when / where they will do it • Check the young person’s use of the site and utilise the information they provide during the next session 31
  • 32. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Assisting with monitoring of mental state Young person’s perspective about using online information in sessions “Another idea is to get the young person to do homework online or via email. For example if you are doing mood diaries or ABCs - or wanting them to monitor certain behaviours, then you could have them complete this online (if you have this set up) or to email it through the updated form each night, for example. Makes it a bit more fun!” Meke 32
  • 33. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Encouraging online community engagement and connection Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 34. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Encouraging online community engagement and connection How could this help my practice with young people? • Social isolation is a common experience of young people experiencing mental illness [10]. • This is particularly salient in rural and marginalised populations and can be exacerbated in those young people experiencing emerging mood, behavioural and psychotic disorders. • A number of Australian websites now exist with the aim to decrease the experience of isolation. These sites do this by providing an opportunity for young people to connect with others who are suffering with the same condition or who have recently recovered from similar difficulties. • Recently, research has shown that the more a young person engages with an online community, the better their improvements [11, 12]. • Connecting with a web based community which aims to promote equality and justice can allow for the young person to connect with their own values and provide an opportunity to act in accordance with them. • This can have a profound effect on their own sense of identity and meaning and can facilitate their recovery. 34
  • 35. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Encouraging online community engagement and connection How are other people doing it? If you would like to understand how If you are interested on how to approach other people are building community a young person about building engagement using technology, click engagement using technology, click here to read our case study [Case study here to view a suggested conversation link] [Conversation link] 35
  • 36. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Encouraging online community engagement and connection How do I do it ? • As with previous suggestions, we encourage you to use your clinical judgement as to the appropriateness of this intervention. Consider the benefits of a moderated forum over an unmoderated forum in terms of resilience, coping and social skills. • Explore the young person’s specific interests. • Provide several options or sites and talk through with the young person what they might be more interested in. If unsure, do a Google search with the young person. • Work through the website with the young person and help them to navigate. • Set expectations about site usage for outcomes. Encourage engagement with the site. • Follow up in the next few sessions to get their feedback on the site and offer assistance if they need it. 36
  • 37. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Encouraging online community engagement and connection What resources do I need? Infrastructure • A computer with good processing speed [link to definition of processing speed] • Access to broadband internet connection • Internet access that facilitates access to external websites OR • Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs) Knowledge • You don’t need to know anything about technology - ask the young person to show you • But you do need to be comfortable with asking the young person to show you • Knowledge of the sites prior to recommending it to the young person is encouraged Useful tips • Allow the young person to take you through the page • Follow-up the experience of the young person with the site in the next session 37
  • 38. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Encouraging online community engagement and connection Young person’s perspective about using an online forum “ Today I realised that running away from things, or hiding in bed for a decade isn't really going to solve anything. Tomorrow I am really going to try and see things positively. Also, thank you everyone for making me feel welcome on these forums :) I am finding them really fantastic for gaining perspective and thinking about things differently " Forum comment 38
  • 39. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology for wellness and relapse prevention Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 40. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology for wellness and relapse prevention How could this help my practice with young people? • Emerging evidence indicates that engagement with online tools can actually facilitate wellness [15] and prevent the development of mental illness [16-18]. • The diversity of information and resources available on the internet means that there are many tools and articles that can assist with prevention. • Encouraging young people to engage with technology, to utilise tools to monitor their own wellness, and seek information from credible sites can improve their self-management and prevention. 40
  • 41. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology for wellness and relapse prevention How are other people doing it? If you would like to understand how If you are interested on how to approach other people are using technology for a young person about using technology relapse prevention and wellness, click for relapse prevention and wellness, here to read our case study click here to view a suggested [Case study link] conversation [Conversation link] 41
  • 42. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology for wellness and relapse prevention How do I do it ? 1. Do your research a) Know what sites are popular, what ones are useful, and what ones are helpful. b) Make sure you are aware of confidentiality constraints & risks by using the tool. c) Try the tools in a private space. 2. Introduce the idea of a management or wellness plan to the young person by explaining a) Why the plan is required. b) What is the purpose of the tool. 3. Demonstrate the tool with the young person. 4. Set parameters around use and guidelines. 5. Document plan. 42
  • 43. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology for wellness and relapse prevention What resources do I need? Infrastructure • A computer with good processing speed [link to definition of processing speed] • Access to broadband internet connection • Internet access that facilitates access to external websites OR • Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs) • iPhone (if using applications) Knowledge • Knowledge of websites and tools • Ability to judge the quality of information available • Basic competence in using websites • Basic competence in using iPhone applications Useful tips • Get the young person to set targets for how many times a day they will update their information, and discuss when / where they will do it • Follow-up on use in the next session 43
  • 44. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using technology for wellness and relapse prevention Young person’s perspective about using online communities “There’s so much scary stuff out there in terms of anorexia. When I’ve looked for anorexia help online I always find Pro-Ana stuff and it freaks me out. It’s also really unhelpful and can sometimes almost trigger me. I was a little unsure when my therapist suggested another website as I didn’t know what to expect. But Something-Fishy was great. I’ve developed online support and have people to turn to when it gets tough. I know that this is important as I’m always going to battle with anorexia. And if I can’t get hold of my therapist, I can turn to my online friends.” Sam 44
  • 45. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using social media for health promotion Part 3 – Technology in practice
  • 46. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using social media for health promotion How could this help my practice with young people? • The complete integration of technology into our lives provides more opportunities and ways to reach our intended audiences. • With the advent of social networking the form of Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and blogs, young people are able to communicate to a wide audience with one action – and do so on a regular basis. • However, this technology and catchment is not limited to young people, and can present networking opportunities for those people working with young people too [20]. • A recent study by Davies and Cranston (2008) highlighted several areas in which social networking can provide opportunities for youth workers and their work. These areas included; 1. The promotion of organisational activities; 2. Recruitment of young people for projects; 3. Engagement with organisation through seeking the views of young people; 4. Keeping in contact through sending messages to young people; 5. Sharing of media. 46
  • 47. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using social media for health promotion How are other people doing it? If you would like to understand how If you are interested on how to approach other people are using social media, a young person about using social click here to read our case study media, click here to view a suggested [Case study link] conversation [Conversation link] 47
  • 48. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using social media for health promotion How do I do it ? Before embarking on the use of social networking, it is important to consider what your objectives of the communication are, and how best to meet these. Consideration of any legal and ethical issues is also required (see Part 4 for more information on these). In order to utilise social networking we recommend the following steps; 1. Check your organisational policy around social communication. 2. Define your objectives of the communication – is it for contact, a reminder, event promotion, raising awareness of an issue, etc.? 3. Decide on the appropriate forum for the communication – is it Twitter, Facebook, or another site. 4. Create an account with the site if the organisation does not already have one. 5. Post your message. 6. Follow-up on any communication generated from this. 48
  • 49. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using social media for health promotion What resources do I need? Infrastructure • A computer • Access to broadband internet connection • Internet access that facilitates access to external websites OR • Alternative connection device such as an iPhone or iPad (either yours or theirs) • iPhone (if using applications) Knowledge • Knowledge of websites and tools • Basic competence in using websites • Basic competence in using iPhone applications Useful tips • Always check organisational guidelines about social networking 49
  • 50. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Using social media for health promotion Young person’s perspective about use of social networking for health promotion This quote has come from a young person who engaged in a recent social media campaign, the Stealth Campaign, a competition run through’sFacebook page: “As the competition progressed I actually helped a friend confront depression, anxiety and drug problems that he has had for years, and he is back on track to getting better and going to university. It's funny how things can pan out sometimes.” 50
  • 51. Module Part 3 Technology in practice References 1. Barney, L.J., K.M. Griffiths, and M. Banfield, Information Needs of People with Depression: An Investigation of Queries and Problems Reported on an Online Support-Group Forum, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 45. 2. Griffiths, K.M., L. Farrer, and H. Christensen, The efficacy of internet interventions for depression and anxiety disorders: a review of randomised controlled trials. Med J Aust, 2010. 192(11 Suppl): p. S4-11. 3. Griffiths, K.M. and H. Christensen, Internet-based mental health programs: a powerful tool in the rural medical kit. Aust J Rural Health, 2007. 15(2): p. 81-7. 4. Christensen, H., et al., Community-based prevention programs for anxiety and depression in youth: a systematic review. J Prim Prev, 2010. 31(3): p. 139-70. 5. Calear, A.L. and H. Christensen, Systematic review of school-based prevention and early intervention programs for depression. J Adolesc, 2010. 33(3): p. 429-38. 6. Calear, A.L. and H. Christensen, Review of internet-based prevention and treatment programs for anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. Med J Aust, 2010. 192(11 Suppl): p. S12-4. 7. Cunningham, M.J., et al., The Cool Teens CD-ROM for anxiety disorders in adolescents : a pilot case series. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2009. 18(2): p. 125-9. 8. Proudfoot, J., et al. Web-enabled Mobile Phone Program for Monitoring and Managing Mild to Moderate Depression, Anxiety and Stress. in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011. Sydney, Australia. 9. Reid, S.C., et al. Using mobile phones to detect, treat, and manage adolescent mental health: A randomised controlled trial of the mobiletype program in rural and metro primary care. in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011. Sydney, Australia. 10. SANE Australia, SANE Research Report 1: Mental illness and social isolation. 2005, SANE Australia: Victoria, Melbourne. 11. Barak, A., Causal Relationships Between Level of Engagement in Online Support Groups and Participants’ Outcomes, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 19. 12. Trockel, M.T., et al. Does a Moderated Online Discussion Group Help? A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Internet-Based Intervention for College Women at Risk for Eating Disorder Onset. in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011. Sydney, Australia. 13. Metcalf, A., J. Stephens-Reicher, and P. Collins, National Survey 2010. 2010. 14. Griffiths, K.M., et al., The 6 and 12-month effectiveness of a peer-to-peer depression Internet Support Group, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 27. 15. Schueller, S.M. and A.C. Parks, Disseminating Self-Help: Positive Psychology Exercises in an Online Trial, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 37. 16. Christensen, H., et al., Preventing anxiety and depression: the results from an indicated RCT (community sample in Australia) and a selective RCT (Medical trainees in USA, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 23. 17. Lintvedt, O.K., et al., Evaluating the effectiveness and efficacy of an Internet-based self-help intervention for the prevention of depression: A randomised controlled trial., in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 31. 18. Taylor, C.B., et al., Internet Delivered Universal and Targeted Healthy Weight Regulation/body image and Eating Disorder Prevention Programs for High School Students, in The International Society for Research in Internet Interventions: The 5th Annual Researchers Meeting. 2011: Sydney, Australia. p. 38. 19. Davies, T. and P. Cranston. Youth Work and Social Networking: Interim Report. 2008 [cited 2011 4th April, 2011]; Available from: 51
  • 52. Module Part 3 Technology in practice Evaluation Education Module Pilot Webinar Participants We are conducting a survey to evaluate the newly launched ReachOut Pro If you are completing this module as pre-reading for a Educational Module - Connecting Our Worlds, currently being piloted on ReachOut Pro Webinar, please use the link below to undertake a The survey aims to understand more about who separate survey tailored for your training program. uses the module, what aspects are considered most useful and also how it might be improved in the future. [Click here to begin the survey for Webinar Participants] As this module is a pilot, we ask that you take a moment to complete an online survey, to assist us in assessing the value of these professional development resources for your practice. Your feedback will contribute to more valuable and effective resources for other professionals in your sector. If you have finished using the Education Module, we would appreciate your feedback on it’s usefulness for your practice. [Click here to begin the survey] 52