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Gas Control System for Neonates
     Alvaro Hermida1, Antonio Martínez-Millana2, Marta Aguar Carrascosa3, Max Vento3, Vicente Traver Salcedo2
                Department of Information Systems and Computation (DSIC), Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
    Research Group of Technologies for Health and Wellbeing (TSB), ITACA Institute, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
                                                  Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain

Abstract— Preterm infants pose a significant challenge for the
neonatologist: They have an immature antioxidant defense            B. Kidney and Heart Damage.
system, but they often need resuscitation at birth, including          Vento and colleagues have shown the existence of an
forced ventilation and supplemental oxygen supply. The              exponential relationship between a marker of oxidative stress
neonatologist should keep a careful balance to accelerate the       (GSSG - oxidized glutathione) and biochemical markers of
establishment of a physiological breathing pattern while
                                                                    damage at renal tubular level (N-acetyl-glucosaminidase) and
minimizing the amount of oxygen delivered. The REOX
multicenter clinical study is generating the knowledge needed to    myocardial (cardiac troponins), 48 hours after birth in infants
optimize the amount of oxygen supplied from the precise             resuscitated with higher concentrations of oxygen [5].
moment of birth, when the sensors do not provide yet the reliable
information required to titrate the amount of oxygen using the      C. Lung Damage Induced by Unnecessary Lengthening of
resuscitation algorithms.                                               Forced Ventilation.
                                                                       Although forced ventilation by continuous positive pressure
                                                                    saves lives, it can also induce lung injury [6], so minimization
                        I. INTRODUCTION                             of its duration will improve the prognosis.
    At rest, in physiological conditions, human arterial blood is      Both experimental models and clinical studies show that a
saturated of oxygen. Most of this oxygen is bound to                lower initial oxygen concentration accelerates the
hemoglobin, although a small quantity is just dissolved on the      establishment of an effective spontaneous breathing pattern,
blood. The normal percentage of oxygenated hemoglobin as            significantly reducing the time of resuscitation [7]. Some
detected by the pulse oximeter (SpO2) ranges between 95%            markers of oxidative stress remain high even 28 days after
and 99%. A value under 95% may compromise cellular                  resuscitation, when 100% oxygen is used.
perfusion, and an SpO2 lower than 90% is defined as acute
respiratory failure.
                                                                    III. BENEFICIAL ASPECTS OF SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN DURING
    But before birth, when placental gas exchange in a liquid-
filled intrauterine environment is the only source of oxygen,
this percentage is as low as 43% [1] [2], rising rapidly after         Despite its side effects, the use of a certain amount of
labor, with the onset of spontaneous ventilation after birth,       supplemental oxygen may be necessary to successfully
reaching 80-90% in a few minutes [3].                               resuscitate an asphyxiated newborn. As Wang and colleagues
    The term infants already have a physiological antioxidant       demonstrated in their study [8], there is a highly significant
system (developed during the third trimester of pregnancy)          probability of failing in the attempt to reach the desired
that allows them to withstand the potentially pro-oxidant state,    saturation levels when the resuscitation is started with an
but preterm infants do not yet have these defenses. The             oxygen concentration of 21%. Meanwhile, Dawson has
situation worsens when you need to apply resuscitation after        published [9] that in her hospital, 92% of the infants under 30
birth, including forced ventilation and supplemental oxygen.        weeks of gestation whose resuscitation begun with an oxygen
                                                                    concentration of 21% required an increase of this
      II. SIDE EFFECTS OF SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN DURING                   Relatively low oxygen concentrations are sufficient to
                          RESUSCITATION.                            ensure a safe resuscitation. Escrig team has shown that the
                                                                    resuscitation of extremely premature infants (less than 28
A. Decreased Brain Mass.                                            weeks of gestation) can be started safely with an oxygen
   In a study with rats, Yis and colleagues have recently           concentration of 30%, reaching saturation and heart rates
shown that oxygen concentrations of 80% in the developing           similar to those obtained with higher concentrations, while
brain trigger an apoptotic neurodegenerative reaction causing       reducing the burden of total oxygen delivered to the patient,
cell death and decreased brain mass [4], with a significant         minimizing hyperoxemia and its consequences [10].
reduction of neuronal density.
                    SOCIETY OF NEONATOLOGY                              Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) will be
   The question about the ideal percentage of supplemental           applied from start to all infants ≤ 28 weeks according to the
oxygen affects especially the beginning of resuscitation, when       rules of the SEN.
it is necessary to decide the initial amount of added oxygen            For prematures of 29 weeks, the ventilatory support will be
(FiO2, Oxygen Inspired Fraction) without having objective            individualized according to the FC, respiratory effort, SpO2
information on which to rely. Once the sensors are beginning         and color.
to provide quantitative information on the patient's condition,         Once initial stabilization is achieved by maintaining a heart
as the degree of blood oxygenation (SpO2) and heart rate             rate > 100 bpm, SpO2 > 75% or progressive rise in respiratory
(HR), and the neonatologist observes the patient's response to       effort present, CPAP will be delivered using a face mask
resuscitation and stabilization, it is time to apply the             connected to the "T" piece at H 5cmH2O.
resuscitation algorithm established by the Spanish Society of           If at any time appear bradycardia, maintained apnea,
Neonatology [11] [12] [13].                                          gasping or SpO2 does not rise gradually, positive pressure
                                                                     ventilatory support will be applied.
A. Stimulation:
                                                                        Endotracheal intubation will be considered individually if
   The gentle handling of the premature infant in the first          assessment is negative after check that the positive pressure
seconds of life is usually enough to start the spontaneous           ventilatory support is being correctly applied.
breathing. If not, evaluate the gentle stimulation of the skin in
caudo-cranial direction.                                             D. Oxygen administration:
                                                                        Changes in the Inspired Oxygen Fraction (FiO2) will
B. Assess the situation:
                                                                     always be performed in combination with changes in
  1) Breathing: - Spontaneous respiration is normally set            ventilatory support, after checking the effectiveness of the
between the first and third minute of life. The breathing            ventilatory support.
pattern more or less regular basis will maintain a heart rate >         If the SpO2 has to be modified (increased or decreased) the
100 bpm, a progressive increase in SpO2 and progressive              changes will be in steps of 10% at intervals of 10-30 seconds.
improvement of the color.                                               In extreme situations it is possible to initiate the
  - The presence of prolonged apnea, gasping type breathing,         administration of oxygen at 100% for any of the groups when
or bradycardia are indications of initiation of ventilatory          cardiac massage or administration of medication in the
support.                                                             delivery room is needed (HR < 60 bpm for 30 seconds which
                                                                     does not respond to proper positive pressure ventilation), or
   2) Heart: - Assessed by direct auscultation, palpation of         when HR < 100 bpm for more than 2 minutes.
central or brachial pulses, pulses at the base of the umbilical
cord or by pulse oximetry.                                           E. Circulatory support:
   - An HR > 100 bpm is considered a leading indicator of the           Heart rate will be monitored in all patients initially by
effectiveness of the stabilization-resuscitation maneuvers.          auscultation or palpation of pulses and then by pulse oximetry.
   - In extremely preterm (≤ 26 weeks) consider that the                An HR < 100 bpm will be considered bradycardia and
establishment of a HR ≥ 100 bpm physiologically may take 2           extreme bradycardia when HR < 60 bpm.
to 3 minutes.                                                           Positive pressure ventilatory support during 30 seconds will
                                                                     be applied to bradycardia newborns and the situation will then
   3) Color and SpO2: - The color is an unreliable indicator         be re-evaluated, regardless of the initial FiO2.
for being difficult to assess during the fetal-neonatal transition      If the heart rate does not increase over 60 bpm, cardiac
and not be a marker of tissue oxygenation status.                    massage will be started with a sequence of 3:1 for 30 seconds.
   - The saturation by pulse oximetry provides accurate                 Assess endotracheal intubation at this time. If there is no
information of the oxygenation status in real time and               proper response to ventilatory support and cardiac massage,
subsequent changes in response to resuscitation.                     adrenaline will be administered.
   - In non-asphyxiated premature infants, the first
measurements of SpO2 at birth typically range from 40-45%.
Subsequently, these figures rise slowly to 80-85% at 10                V. THE STANDARD SATURATION CURVE OF THE HEALTHY
                                                                         NEWBORN AS A GUIDE TO DRIVE RESUSCITATION EFFORTS.
minutes after birth.
   - When required supplemental oxygen during resuscitation,            To achieve a balance between minimizing oxygen load and
the safety range of SpO2 to avoid both hypo as hyperoxemia           accelerating the establishment of a "normal" physiological
had been established between 85-93%.                                 breathing pattern, it is necessary to establish a benchmark to
   - In preterm infants who require resuscitation at birth, there    define the normal pace and "natural" evolution during the first
are no reference ranges, therefore, the assessment of the            minutes of life. To this end, studies such as Dawson and
effectiveness of stabilization-resuscitation maneuvers should        colleagues [9] have analyzed the evolution of pulse oximetry
be based on the combination of FC, response to stimuli and           saturation measured by optical SpO2 during the first 10
rise of the SpO2.
minutes of life of hundreds of infants who did not need                          concentration of 100% can be dangerous, especially in
resuscitation at birth.                                                          situations of ischemia followed by reperfusion, where the
                                                                                 accumulation of purine derivatives during ischemia causes the
                                                                                 appearance of large amounts of free radicals in the lung at the
                                                                                 sudden combination with pure oxygen [16].
                                                                                    It is also proven [8] that the natural concentration of 21% is
                                                                                 in most cases insufficient to achieve the target saturations in
                                                                                 an acceptable time.
                                                                                    Once the extremes are discarded, it is still necessary to
                                                                                 reduce the range of initial concentrations where the best
                                                                                 balance can be found. This is the purpouse of our study.
                                                                                 B. Working Hypothesis
                                                                                   "The use of low concentrations of oxygen as the initial
                                                                                 gas mixture during resuscitation of preterm infants of
                                                                                 extremely low birth weight can help reduce the toxicity
                                                                                 due to excess oxygen."
                                                                                 C. Main Objective
Fig. 1 Third, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 97th SpO2 percentiles for term
infants at ≥ 37 weeks of gestation with no medical intervention after birth.
                                                                                   The REOX trial (EUDRACT: 2008-005047-42) whose
                                                                                 promoter and principal investigator is Dr. Maximo Vento
                                                                                 Torres (Hospital La Fe, Consellería de Sanitat de la
                                                                                 Generalitat Valenciana), aims to reduce the cited range by
                                                                                 comparing the results of two intermediate concentrations: 30%
                                                                                 and 60%.

                                                                                         Initial O2     O2 relative     Group
                                                                                      concentration    concentration
                                                                                               21%        100%          Insufficient
                                                                                               30%        150%          REOX-LOX
                                                                                               60%        300%          REOX-HOX
                                                                                              100%        500%          Excessive

                                                                                    To do this, a multicenter randomized double-blind study
                                                                                 was designed, with a cohort of 325 patients selected from
                                                                                 infants who required any ventilatory support maneuver during
Fig. 2 Third, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 97th SpO2 percentiles for        resuscitation, during the first 10 minutes after birth, and
preterm infants at < 32 weeks of gestation with no medical intervention after    whose gestational age were less than 30 weeks but greater
                                                                                 than or equal to 24 weeks.
                                                                                    Randomization was balanced in blocks of 10 patients,
   From these data, the standard target saturations are defined:                 stratified into two gestational age groups: ≤ 26 weeks (24, 25
                                                                                 and 26) and > 26 weeks (27, 28 and 29).
              Time from birth           Target SpO2 Range                           Formally, the main objective of the study is "to reduce the
                     3 minutes          55-80%                                   rate of intubation in the delivery room derived from the quick
                     5 minutes          75-90%                                   establishment of normal diaphragmatic movement and
                   10 minutes           90-97%                                   physiological breathing pattern using low concentrations of
                                                                                 supplemental oxygen following the same pattern as in
                                                                                 experimental models." [17]

                   VI. THE REOX CLINICAL TRIAL
                                                                                   VII.     BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHASES OF CLINICAL
                                                                                                      TRIAL PROTOCOL.
A. Context
                                                                                 A. Phases 1 and 2: Validation of the Comprehensive
  A decade after the heated debate [14] about the safety and                         Monitoring System.
necessity of using pure oxygen for resuscitation of
asphyxiated newborns [15], it can be assumed as proven that a                       "A comprehensive monitoring system will be implemented
                                                                                 to register at all times the performed resuscitation maneuvers
and the patient's response to them. This system will consist of                                   REFERENCES
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  • 1. Gas Control System for Neonates Alvaro Hermida1, Antonio Martínez-Millana2, Marta Aguar Carrascosa3, Max Vento3, Vicente Traver Salcedo2 1 Department of Information Systems and Computation (DSIC), Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain 2 Research Group of Technologies for Health and Wellbeing (TSB), ITACA Institute, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain anmarmil, 3 Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain, Abstract— Preterm infants pose a significant challenge for the neonatologist: They have an immature antioxidant defense B. Kidney and Heart Damage. system, but they often need resuscitation at birth, including Vento and colleagues have shown the existence of an forced ventilation and supplemental oxygen supply. The exponential relationship between a marker of oxidative stress neonatologist should keep a careful balance to accelerate the (GSSG - oxidized glutathione) and biochemical markers of establishment of a physiological breathing pattern while damage at renal tubular level (N-acetyl-glucosaminidase) and minimizing the amount of oxygen delivered. The REOX multicenter clinical study is generating the knowledge needed to myocardial (cardiac troponins), 48 hours after birth in infants optimize the amount of oxygen supplied from the precise resuscitated with higher concentrations of oxygen [5]. moment of birth, when the sensors do not provide yet the reliable information required to titrate the amount of oxygen using the C. Lung Damage Induced by Unnecessary Lengthening of resuscitation algorithms. Forced Ventilation. Although forced ventilation by continuous positive pressure saves lives, it can also induce lung injury [6], so minimization I. INTRODUCTION of its duration will improve the prognosis. At rest, in physiological conditions, human arterial blood is Both experimental models and clinical studies show that a saturated of oxygen. Most of this oxygen is bound to lower initial oxygen concentration accelerates the hemoglobin, although a small quantity is just dissolved on the establishment of an effective spontaneous breathing pattern, blood. The normal percentage of oxygenated hemoglobin as significantly reducing the time of resuscitation [7]. Some detected by the pulse oximeter (SpO2) ranges between 95% markers of oxidative stress remain high even 28 days after and 99%. A value under 95% may compromise cellular resuscitation, when 100% oxygen is used. perfusion, and an SpO2 lower than 90% is defined as acute respiratory failure. III. BENEFICIAL ASPECTS OF SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN DURING But before birth, when placental gas exchange in a liquid- RESUSCITATION. filled intrauterine environment is the only source of oxygen, this percentage is as low as 43% [1] [2], rising rapidly after Despite its side effects, the use of a certain amount of labor, with the onset of spontaneous ventilation after birth, supplemental oxygen may be necessary to successfully reaching 80-90% in a few minutes [3]. resuscitate an asphyxiated newborn. As Wang and colleagues The term infants already have a physiological antioxidant demonstrated in their study [8], there is a highly significant system (developed during the third trimester of pregnancy) probability of failing in the attempt to reach the desired that allows them to withstand the potentially pro-oxidant state, saturation levels when the resuscitation is started with an but preterm infants do not yet have these defenses. The oxygen concentration of 21%. Meanwhile, Dawson has situation worsens when you need to apply resuscitation after published [9] that in her hospital, 92% of the infants under 30 birth, including forced ventilation and supplemental oxygen. weeks of gestation whose resuscitation begun with an oxygen concentration of 21% required an increase of this concentration. II. SIDE EFFECTS OF SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN DURING Relatively low oxygen concentrations are sufficient to RESUSCITATION. ensure a safe resuscitation. Escrig team has shown that the resuscitation of extremely premature infants (less than 28 A. Decreased Brain Mass. weeks of gestation) can be started safely with an oxygen In a study with rats, Yis and colleagues have recently concentration of 30%, reaching saturation and heart rates shown that oxygen concentrations of 80% in the developing similar to those obtained with higher concentrations, while brain trigger an apoptotic neurodegenerative reaction causing reducing the burden of total oxygen delivered to the patient, cell death and decreased brain mass [4], with a significant minimizing hyperoxemia and its consequences [10]. reduction of neuronal density.
  • 2. IV. THE ALGORITHM FOR RESUSCITATION FROM THE SPANISH C. Ventilatory support: SOCIETY OF NEONATOLOGY Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) will be The question about the ideal percentage of supplemental applied from start to all infants ≤ 28 weeks according to the oxygen affects especially the beginning of resuscitation, when rules of the SEN. it is necessary to decide the initial amount of added oxygen For prematures of 29 weeks, the ventilatory support will be (FiO2, Oxygen Inspired Fraction) without having objective individualized according to the FC, respiratory effort, SpO2 information on which to rely. Once the sensors are beginning and color. to provide quantitative information on the patient's condition, Once initial stabilization is achieved by maintaining a heart as the degree of blood oxygenation (SpO2) and heart rate rate > 100 bpm, SpO2 > 75% or progressive rise in respiratory (HR), and the neonatologist observes the patient's response to effort present, CPAP will be delivered using a face mask resuscitation and stabilization, it is time to apply the connected to the "T" piece at H 5cmH2O. resuscitation algorithm established by the Spanish Society of If at any time appear bradycardia, maintained apnea, Neonatology [11] [12] [13]. gasping or SpO2 does not rise gradually, positive pressure ventilatory support will be applied. A. Stimulation: Endotracheal intubation will be considered individually if The gentle handling of the premature infant in the first assessment is negative after check that the positive pressure seconds of life is usually enough to start the spontaneous ventilatory support is being correctly applied. breathing. If not, evaluate the gentle stimulation of the skin in caudo-cranial direction. D. Oxygen administration: Changes in the Inspired Oxygen Fraction (FiO2) will B. Assess the situation: always be performed in combination with changes in 1) Breathing: - Spontaneous respiration is normally set ventilatory support, after checking the effectiveness of the between the first and third minute of life. The breathing ventilatory support. pattern more or less regular basis will maintain a heart rate > If the SpO2 has to be modified (increased or decreased) the 100 bpm, a progressive increase in SpO2 and progressive changes will be in steps of 10% at intervals of 10-30 seconds. improvement of the color. In extreme situations it is possible to initiate the - The presence of prolonged apnea, gasping type breathing, administration of oxygen at 100% for any of the groups when or bradycardia are indications of initiation of ventilatory cardiac massage or administration of medication in the support. delivery room is needed (HR < 60 bpm for 30 seconds which does not respond to proper positive pressure ventilation), or 2) Heart: - Assessed by direct auscultation, palpation of when HR < 100 bpm for more than 2 minutes. central or brachial pulses, pulses at the base of the umbilical cord or by pulse oximetry. E. Circulatory support: - An HR > 100 bpm is considered a leading indicator of the Heart rate will be monitored in all patients initially by effectiveness of the stabilization-resuscitation maneuvers. auscultation or palpation of pulses and then by pulse oximetry. - In extremely preterm (≤ 26 weeks) consider that the An HR < 100 bpm will be considered bradycardia and establishment of a HR ≥ 100 bpm physiologically may take 2 extreme bradycardia when HR < 60 bpm. to 3 minutes. Positive pressure ventilatory support during 30 seconds will be applied to bradycardia newborns and the situation will then 3) Color and SpO2: - The color is an unreliable indicator be re-evaluated, regardless of the initial FiO2. for being difficult to assess during the fetal-neonatal transition If the heart rate does not increase over 60 bpm, cardiac and not be a marker of tissue oxygenation status. massage will be started with a sequence of 3:1 for 30 seconds. - The saturation by pulse oximetry provides accurate Assess endotracheal intubation at this time. If there is no information of the oxygenation status in real time and proper response to ventilatory support and cardiac massage, subsequent changes in response to resuscitation. adrenaline will be administered. - In non-asphyxiated premature infants, the first measurements of SpO2 at birth typically range from 40-45%. Subsequently, these figures rise slowly to 80-85% at 10 V. THE STANDARD SATURATION CURVE OF THE HEALTHY NEWBORN AS A GUIDE TO DRIVE RESUSCITATION EFFORTS. minutes after birth. - When required supplemental oxygen during resuscitation, To achieve a balance between minimizing oxygen load and the safety range of SpO2 to avoid both hypo as hyperoxemia accelerating the establishment of a "normal" physiological had been established between 85-93%. breathing pattern, it is necessary to establish a benchmark to - In preterm infants who require resuscitation at birth, there define the normal pace and "natural" evolution during the first are no reference ranges, therefore, the assessment of the minutes of life. To this end, studies such as Dawson and effectiveness of stabilization-resuscitation maneuvers should colleagues [9] have analyzed the evolution of pulse oximetry be based on the combination of FC, response to stimuli and saturation measured by optical SpO2 during the first 10 rise of the SpO2.
  • 3. minutes of life of hundreds of infants who did not need concentration of 100% can be dangerous, especially in resuscitation at birth. situations of ischemia followed by reperfusion, where the accumulation of purine derivatives during ischemia causes the appearance of large amounts of free radicals in the lung at the sudden combination with pure oxygen [16]. It is also proven [8] that the natural concentration of 21% is in most cases insufficient to achieve the target saturations in an acceptable time. Once the extremes are discarded, it is still necessary to reduce the range of initial concentrations where the best balance can be found. This is the purpouse of our study. B. Working Hypothesis "The use of low concentrations of oxygen as the initial gas mixture during resuscitation of preterm infants of extremely low birth weight can help reduce the toxicity due to excess oxygen." C. Main Objective Fig. 1 Third, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 97th SpO2 percentiles for term infants at ≥ 37 weeks of gestation with no medical intervention after birth. The REOX trial (EUDRACT: 2008-005047-42) whose promoter and principal investigator is Dr. Maximo Vento Torres (Hospital La Fe, Consellería de Sanitat de la Generalitat Valenciana), aims to reduce the cited range by comparing the results of two intermediate concentrations: 30% and 60%. Initial O2 O2 relative Group concentration concentration 21% 100% Insufficient 30% 150% REOX-LOX 60% 300% REOX-HOX 100% 500% Excessive To do this, a multicenter randomized double-blind study was designed, with a cohort of 325 patients selected from infants who required any ventilatory support maneuver during Fig. 2 Third, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 97th SpO2 percentiles for resuscitation, during the first 10 minutes after birth, and preterm infants at < 32 weeks of gestation with no medical intervention after whose gestational age were less than 30 weeks but greater birth. than or equal to 24 weeks. Randomization was balanced in blocks of 10 patients, From these data, the standard target saturations are defined: stratified into two gestational age groups: ≤ 26 weeks (24, 25 and 26) and > 26 weeks (27, 28 and 29). Time from birth Target SpO2 Range Formally, the main objective of the study is "to reduce the 3 minutes 55-80% rate of intubation in the delivery room derived from the quick 5 minutes 75-90% establishment of normal diaphragmatic movement and 10 minutes 90-97% physiological breathing pattern using low concentrations of supplemental oxygen following the same pattern as in experimental models." [17] VI. THE REOX CLINICAL TRIAL VII. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHASES OF CLINICAL TRIAL PROTOCOL. A. Context A. Phases 1 and 2: Validation of the Comprehensive A decade after the heated debate [14] about the safety and Monitoring System. necessity of using pure oxygen for resuscitation of asphyxiated newborns [15], it can be assumed as proven that a "A comprehensive monitoring system will be implemented to register at all times the performed resuscitation maneuvers
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