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Serious Games for Dementia Illness Detection and
         Motivation: The eMotiva Experience
   José Luis Bayo Montón #1, Carlos Fernandez-LLatas#2, Juan Miguel García-Gomez*3, Vicente Traver Salcedo#4
                                             ITACA – Health and Wellbeing Technologies
                                             Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
                                                  ITACA - Biomedical Informatics Group
                                                Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Abstract— The increase in age-related diseases in our society is       from society. To overcome this, we need further treatment of
growing constantly as a result of medical advances, about 824.00       the disease beyond the mere management.
new cases of dementia are diagnosed each year. Different studies          The stimulation and maintenance of brain function level is
show that thanks to the plasticity of the nervous system, brain        based on the plasticity of the nervous system, a term that
degenerative processes may be delayed, this requires an adequate
                                                                       refers to the ability of our Central Nervous System to create
stimulation of cognitive activity. The stimulation activities in
patients with dementia, it is particularly difficult since it is       and modify neural connections throughout life to compensate
necessary to maintain the patient's motivation at all times.           for certain losses. With proper stimulation, the brain creates
The eMotiva project is an Internet tool of the future that tries to    new neural connections, which helps not to lose or maintain
create a synergy between doctors and people with cognitive             for more time higher functions when a disease such as
degeneration caused by diseases associated with dementia to            Alzheimer's begins neuronal destruction, [2]. Motivational
promote social inclusion as a therapeutic method for patients          processes are suitable for the treatment of these patients, based
through the use of digital content in response to behaviour            on brain plasticity, and may include exercises of attention,
disorders.                                                             orientation, memory, money management, calculation,
This article focuses on part of the developments made within the
                                                                       reasoning, and social adjustment.
project, to ensure that the patient perform a series of activities
which stimulate different cognitive processes such as memory or           Current good practices in the care of older people are based
attention, all trying to keep the patient motivated to achieve         on comprehensive approaches that include actions such as the
activities continuity and perceives that these are not a burden,       stimulation and maintenance of cognitive processes. It has
but as an activity of leisure. To achieve this, the project has used   been shown that continuous stimulation of cognitive activity
the paradigm of serious games used as a therapeutic tool.              can alleviate the degenerative process of the diseases
                                                                       associated with dementia.
                       I. INTRODUCTION                                    The eMotiva's project raises the design and the
   The aging of the population is without doubt one of the             implementation of an active and comprehensive system for
hallmarks of our time and should be classified as a success in         monitoring and motivation of people with dementia in
the health field. However, the increasing number of elderly            institutional residences. The implementation of the monitoring
means that the number of diseases of the aging process itself          subsystem is based on pattern recognition in time series, to
is increasing, as is the case of dementia. It is estimated that        detect behaviour patterns associated to disorders, and personal
there are about 5,752,754 people in Europe with dementia and           motivation is based on the technologies of motivation. B.J.
there are 824,000 new cases per year. In Spain, it affects about       Fogg [3] defines persuasive technology or motivating as a
550,000 people, representing 1.24% of the population. Spain            system designed to change attitudes or behaviours of people.
is framed in the top 5 European countries in terms of number
of cases with dementia and the third in terms of percentage                                    II. OBJETIVES
from the total population [1].                                            The primary goal of administered therapies in dementia is
   Behaviour disorders of dementia are a reality faced by the          stimulate mental abilities of the affected, maintain their
patients, families and health professionals given the long             autonomy and their social relations. In general, therapies
evolution of this disease, and the relatively rapid deterioration      administered to patients with dementia affect that patients at
that occurs, the management of behavioural symptoms is so              levels cognitive, functional (Activities of Daily Living) and /
important or more, than to trust on the potential benefit of           or behavioural.
treatment of cognitive symptoms. These disorders often affect             Based on this, eMotiva poses a motivation system that
the life of care-dependent people, who may then be excluded            seeks to promote skills in people with dementia at a cognitive
                                                                       level, to encourage mobility and promote a state of relaxation.
The objective is defined as the creation of innovative
multimedia motivation tools, which enables influence on the
attitudes or behaviour of people with dementia to alleviate
their disease process.

   Within the treatments in dementia we can distinguish two
types of therapy: drug therapy and nonpharmacological
therapy, both compatible to be developed simultaneously.
   The nonpharmacological therapy is defined as "a non-
chemical intervention, theoretically supported, focused and
replicable, made over the patient or caregiver and potentially
able to obtain a relevant benefit” [4]. Recent publications
confirm that nonpharmacological therapies have several
positive clinical effects: improve domains such as cognition,                     Figure 1 - All-in-one PC, MSI Wind Top
behaviour or mood, and reduce caregiver burden, avoid or
postpone entry into old people’s homes, and can reduce the             In those games that require physical interaction it has been
cost care economic [5].                                            chosen to use the Wiimote remote control, this device can
   In this line are raised the motivational systems within the     measure acceleration in three axes of movement, offering
project eMotiva, aimed at developing nonpharmacological            information from the user movements. We have chosen this
therapies focused on Alzheimer's patient.                          controller instead of one made to order or another brand, for
   As a motivational tool, it is proposed a software with a        its low cost and for being shown its usefulness and ease of use
games format, focused on two lines: one line on the cognitive      in existing developments in other studies.
stimulation of the person with dementia, and other line on
physical stimulation and relaxation.
   In order to ensure that the games are in line with the work
methodology of residential institutions, in-depth interviews
there have been conducted with medical personnel of the
Asociación de Familiares de enfermos de Alzheimer (AFA)
and the Boni Mediero's residence in Salamanca, and the staff
of San Sebastian's residential centre in La Pobla de Vallbona
A. Devices                                                                           Figure 2 - Wiimote remote control
   When designing and developing systems to encourage or
persuade older people, we must take into account the barriers      B. Software Technology
that they encounter in adopting and using new technologies.           For the development of games there have been used two
Martijn H. Vastenburg et al. [6], indicate the complexity and      different software development technologies. In the
learning as well as lack of perceived benefit, as key factors to   immersive type games there have been used the Microsoft
consider when developing systems of motivation for older           XNA technology, which is a set of tools for developing games
people, as users may find the cost of adopting new technology      with high graphics capabilities and performance, for both the
more than the expected benefit. In these cases they suggest to     Xbox console and computers running Windows. The second
increase the direct benefit that the technology produces to        technology used for non-immersive games is Windows
increase the benefit perceived by the user.                        Presentation Foundation (WPF), this technology is not
   To break the barrier of learning and simplify the use of        specifically designed for games, but it offers a large
games, it was decided to use natural interaction techniques        infrastructure and graphics power with animation, video and
based on the use of touchscreens as interface with the             audio capabilities. This puts it on the ability to develop non-
computer, eliminating the use of keyboards and mice, in            immersive games with high graphics performance and
particular it has been chosen an All-in-one PC which includes      interaction, reducing the development time compared with the
the computer and a touch screen in a compact and nice design,      technologies specially designed for games and 3D
reducing the psychological barrier of dealing with a computer.     environments such as XNA.

                                                                                            IV. RESULTS
                                                                      Within the project there are several game environments that
                                                                   can be divided according to their objective into: cognitive
                                                                   stimulation environments and physical stimulation
The cognitive stimulation games seek to work the areas             The screen shows a series of tiles and the user has to click
such as attention, memory or executive functions, being            on them in a particular order. This order may be numeric or
cognitive areas the most affected at the beginning of dementia.    size.
These games are presented in a touchscreen environment,
allowing users to interact with the game in a simple and
intuitive way, and are fully configurable as they allow
defining different scenarios playing with their parameters,
such as difficulty or number of items involved in the game.
   On the other hand, with the aim of stimulating physically,
we propose a virtual paradise which seeks to encourage the
abandonment of the idle, transmit peace and quiet to the
   All in line with the conclusions drawn from interviews with
medical personnel, where the main lines were: The use of
simple equipment, easy to use and intuitive; Development of
games that incorporate visual or auditory stimuli to improve                    Figure 4 - Follow the sequence (screen capture)
memory, strengthen the patient's daily life activities, allowing
customization of the games to the needs and abilities of the
patient, and finally not forgetting the fun as the engine of              2) How to play:
motivation for encouraging the use of games.                          At the beginning of the game, the tiles are displayed, and
A. Rowing                                                          the player must click on the appropriate order. In the case of
                                                                   numbered tiles, each tile carries within it a number, starting
       1) Description:                                             with 1 and ending in the number of tiles that you have on the
   The game is based on a realistic graphical model that           board. The player must to click the tiles in increased
allows users to immerse themselves in a tropical paradise and      numerical order.
interact with it.                                                     If we play by size, on the board appear tiles of various sizes,
   The game features several scenarios where the user can          but this time without a number. In this case, the player must
move slowly interacting with the game using the Wiimote            click the tiles beginning with the smallest and ending with the
remote control.                                                    largest.
   The figure shows a tropical paradise with an island in the         If the appropriate tile is clicked, it turns green, indicating
background, a sunny day and clear water, this scenario intends     that is the correct. If is wrong, on top of the screen is displays
to convey peace and quiet to the user.                             a message encouraging you to try again, and is counted as a
                                                                   mistake. Once all the tiles are lit, it is indicated in the same
                                                                   part of the screen that the game is over and scores are stored.
                                                                   If you click on a green tile also counts as a mistake.
                                                                      You can configure how tiles appear on the board, having
                                                                   three distributions. In the first distribution tiles are arranged in
                                                                   a straight line. In the second, the tiles are aligned along a line
                                                                   by decreasing size. In the third, the tiles are randomly
                                                                   distributed across the board. So the game has defined six
                                                                   levels of difficulty, which cover all combinations of tile types
                                                                   and distributions on the board.
                                                                   C. Dress the doll
                                                                      1) Description:
                                                                     The screen shows a doll and a set of clothes. The user
                 Figure 3 - Rowing (screen capture)                should dress the doll with the appropriate ones.

      2) How to play:
  To play you need a screen and a Wiimote. The remote
control is taken as an oar and using gentle circular motion, the
camera is moved around the stage following a predefined path.
B. Follow the sequence
   1) Description:
Figure 5 - Dress the doll (screen capture)                       Figure 6 - Link sounds with elements (screen capture)

       2) How to play:                                                       2) How to play:
   The screen shows a figure that can be male or female, and             To start the game, the user must click on the button labelled
many different clothing. The player must drag each piece of           "Play Sound" that appears on the left side of the board. When
clothing to the area where it belongs. When it is close enough,       clicked, it plays an audio associated with any of the items
the garment is adjusted automatically, and a message reports          represented on the board. Having heard the sound, you must
that it has been placed properly. When the article does not           click on the element of the board related to that sound,
approach to the area corresponding to it, nothing happens, so         clicking on another element is counted as a mistake, and on
you cannot put an item out of place.                                  top of the screen tells the player to try again. If correct, is also
   The silhouette can be male or female, depending on the             indicated with a message. The elements that have already been
difficulty. If male, the clothes are four: shoes, tie, shirt and      clicked count as a mistake if you click them again and sound
trousers. Therefore, at least four elements appear on the screen,     does not change until you get right which element it belongs.
without the dummy. If the figure is female, there are a jacket,          The sounds can be heard as often as necessary. When you
a handbag, high heels, a skirt and a mobile, a total of five          click on the correct item, the sound changes to the next item,
pieces.                                                               and when all have been clicked correctly, indicates that the
   You can bring up one set of items or two sets of items for         game is finished and data is saved. The sounds order is
each silhouette. That is, in the case of man, can be configured       random and the way the figures are placed on the board is
to appear a set of trousers, shirt, tie and shoes in yellow colour,   random too, so every game is different.
and other set in blue colour, and the same for the female                The elements vary in type and number to increase the
figure, although in this case the colours are black and blue.         complexity, taking from musical instruments or animals, to
   In the first degree of difficulty, only appears one set of         fragments of songs that must be associated with the interpreter.
clothes, and the player simply has to drag each garment into
his place, so that you cannot make mistakes. However, when            E. Grouping objects
there are two pieces of each garment, we can control that the            1) Description:
player must dress the silhouette in a particular colour or select       Various objects appear on the screen related in some way
the clothes in the same colour.                                       and the user will have to separate them into two groups
D. Link sounds with elements                                          according to their relationship.

    1) Description:
   This game, as well as visual and tactile, incorporates sound
elements. Various elements are presented on the screen, each
one with a distinctive sound. The user must connect the sound
you hear with its visual representation.

                                                                                    Figure 7 - Grouping objects (screen capture)

                                                                            2) How to play:
                                                                        The game is to group shapes according to their shape or
                                                                      colour. It features a configurable number of elements on the
board that the player must drag to a defined area, in which to      have ten weeks of duration, during which patients will have
group the items based on certain criteria.                          thirty play sessions, it will try to assess the status of the
   When starting the game, in the central part appear the           patient before the study and at its conclusion, comparing their
figures, distributed randomly. In the upper left corner             evolution against a control group, to try to validate the
indicates the way they should be grouped. The areas where the       theoretical conclusions initially mentioned in this article and
figures must be carried are green and yellow boxes that are in      proposed in the eMotiva's project.
the ends of the board. When the figures are close enough to
these boxes will automatically move on them. Once placed, a                               ACKNOWLEDGMENT
figure cannot be moved again. When all have been placed, it           Authors thank the eMotiva consortium                        for    their
will display a message in the middle of the board indicating        contribution to this work.
that the game has ended.
   You can vary the difficulty of the game using the number                                      REFERENCES
of elements and the number of colours of them.

                      V. CONCLUSIONS
                                                                    [1]   C.L. Ferri, M. Prince, et al, “Global prevalence of dementia: a Delphi
   The developed games aim to raise enough motivation for                 consensus study”, The Lancet, vol 366, pp. 2112-2117, Dec. 2005.
users to feel connected to their internal dynamics, which           [2]   P. Ramos, et al, La enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias.
include playful and entertaining aspects, with a high value of            Detección y cuidados en personas mayores, ser. Promoción de la Salud
                                                                          en personas mayores. Ed. Madrid, España: Dirección General de
auditory stimulation, visual and incorporating progressive                Atención Primaria. Comunidad de Madrid, 2007, vol 10.
levels of difficulty.                                               [3]   B.J. Fogg, Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What
   On the one hand, we must emphasize the importance of                   We Think and Do, 1st ed., Ed. San Francisco, United States of America:
those games where, as in the Rowing game, it interacts with               Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003.
                                                                    [4]   R. Muñiz, J. Olazarán, Mapa de terapias no farmacológicas para
the movement itself, recreations where the user is moving to              demencias tipo Alzheimer. Guía de iniciación para profesionales,
increase physical activity and, as a therapeutic tool, aims to            International Non Pharmacological Therapies Project, Sep. 2010.
improve motor skills. In addition, the overall atmosphere of        [5]   J. Olazarán, B. Reisbergi, C. Beck, et al, “Nonpharmacological
the game tries to generate an atmosphere of calm and                      Therapies in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review of Efficacy”,
                                                                          Dementia an Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, vol. 30, pp. 161-178, Sep.
animosity to involve the player emotionally, which will                   2010.
increase their motivation to perform the task. Emotions are an      [6]   M. Vastenburg, T. Visser, M. Vermaas, D. Keyson, “Designing
important part of motor learning, a means of reinforcement or             acceptable assisted living services for elderly users”, in European
for avoidance of behaviours, are useful to produce a                      Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Nuremberg, Germany, Nov. 2008,
                                                                          p 1-12.
significant motivation to prevent apathy, inactivity or
   On the other hand, the other games try to stimulate different
areas of cognition such as memory, attention or executive
functions, as well as stimulate visual and auditory perception.
The cognitive stimulation has its biological basis in
neuroplasticity or plasticity of the nervous system as
mentioned in the introduction. On this basis, frequent
interaction with a game environment rich in stimuli, can be
considered positive in maintaining cognitive abilities in
people with dementia. Each game presents a challenge and an
attempt to improve day by day, which can have effects on
people's emotional interaction. So the games are presented as
elements that can promote motivation.
   After an initial presentation of the games to the medical
staff, the first assessments are agree that these appear to
comply with the guidelines of simplicity, the inclusion of
different requested elements of cognitive stimulation and
capacity to be included easily in their daily activities with the
F. Future lines of work:
   The path or line of work ahead is clearly marked and goes
through to make a gaming implementation of motivation in
the centres that are part of the project. To carry out
subsequently a randomized controlled study, in subjects with
Alzheimer-type dementia, in its later stages. The study will

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  • 1. Serious Games for Dementia Illness Detection and Motivation: The eMotiva Experience José Luis Bayo Montón #1, Carlos Fernandez-LLatas#2, Juan Miguel García-Gomez*3, Vicente Traver Salcedo#4 # ITACA – Health and Wellbeing Technologies Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain 1 2 4 * ITACA - Biomedical Informatics Group Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain 3 Abstract— The increase in age-related diseases in our society is from society. To overcome this, we need further treatment of growing constantly as a result of medical advances, about 824.00 the disease beyond the mere management. new cases of dementia are diagnosed each year. Different studies The stimulation and maintenance of brain function level is show that thanks to the plasticity of the nervous system, brain based on the plasticity of the nervous system, a term that degenerative processes may be delayed, this requires an adequate refers to the ability of our Central Nervous System to create stimulation of cognitive activity. The stimulation activities in patients with dementia, it is particularly difficult since it is and modify neural connections throughout life to compensate necessary to maintain the patient's motivation at all times. for certain losses. With proper stimulation, the brain creates The eMotiva project is an Internet tool of the future that tries to new neural connections, which helps not to lose or maintain create a synergy between doctors and people with cognitive for more time higher functions when a disease such as degeneration caused by diseases associated with dementia to Alzheimer's begins neuronal destruction, [2]. Motivational promote social inclusion as a therapeutic method for patients processes are suitable for the treatment of these patients, based through the use of digital content in response to behaviour on brain plasticity, and may include exercises of attention, disorders. orientation, memory, money management, calculation, This article focuses on part of the developments made within the reasoning, and social adjustment. project, to ensure that the patient perform a series of activities which stimulate different cognitive processes such as memory or Current good practices in the care of older people are based attention, all trying to keep the patient motivated to achieve on comprehensive approaches that include actions such as the activities continuity and perceives that these are not a burden, stimulation and maintenance of cognitive processes. It has but as an activity of leisure. To achieve this, the project has used been shown that continuous stimulation of cognitive activity the paradigm of serious games used as a therapeutic tool. can alleviate the degenerative process of the diseases associated with dementia. I. INTRODUCTION The eMotiva's project raises the design and the The aging of the population is without doubt one of the implementation of an active and comprehensive system for hallmarks of our time and should be classified as a success in monitoring and motivation of people with dementia in the health field. However, the increasing number of elderly institutional residences. The implementation of the monitoring means that the number of diseases of the aging process itself subsystem is based on pattern recognition in time series, to is increasing, as is the case of dementia. It is estimated that detect behaviour patterns associated to disorders, and personal there are about 5,752,754 people in Europe with dementia and motivation is based on the technologies of motivation. B.J. there are 824,000 new cases per year. In Spain, it affects about Fogg [3] defines persuasive technology or motivating as a 550,000 people, representing 1.24% of the population. Spain system designed to change attitudes or behaviours of people. is framed in the top 5 European countries in terms of number of cases with dementia and the third in terms of percentage II. OBJETIVES from the total population [1]. The primary goal of administered therapies in dementia is Behaviour disorders of dementia are a reality faced by the stimulate mental abilities of the affected, maintain their patients, families and health professionals given the long autonomy and their social relations. In general, therapies evolution of this disease, and the relatively rapid deterioration administered to patients with dementia affect that patients at that occurs, the management of behavioural symptoms is so levels cognitive, functional (Activities of Daily Living) and / important or more, than to trust on the potential benefit of or behavioural. treatment of cognitive symptoms. These disorders often affect Based on this, eMotiva poses a motivation system that the life of care-dependent people, who may then be excluded seeks to promote skills in people with dementia at a cognitive level, to encourage mobility and promote a state of relaxation.
  • 2. The objective is defined as the creation of innovative multimedia motivation tools, which enables influence on the attitudes or behaviour of people with dementia to alleviate their disease process. III. MATERIALS AND METHODS Within the treatments in dementia we can distinguish two types of therapy: drug therapy and nonpharmacological therapy, both compatible to be developed simultaneously. The nonpharmacological therapy is defined as "a non- chemical intervention, theoretically supported, focused and replicable, made over the patient or caregiver and potentially able to obtain a relevant benefit” [4]. Recent publications confirm that nonpharmacological therapies have several positive clinical effects: improve domains such as cognition, Figure 1 - All-in-one PC, MSI Wind Top behaviour or mood, and reduce caregiver burden, avoid or postpone entry into old people’s homes, and can reduce the In those games that require physical interaction it has been cost care economic [5]. chosen to use the Wiimote remote control, this device can In this line are raised the motivational systems within the measure acceleration in three axes of movement, offering project eMotiva, aimed at developing nonpharmacological information from the user movements. We have chosen this therapies focused on Alzheimer's patient. controller instead of one made to order or another brand, for As a motivational tool, it is proposed a software with a its low cost and for being shown its usefulness and ease of use games format, focused on two lines: one line on the cognitive in existing developments in other studies. stimulation of the person with dementia, and other line on physical stimulation and relaxation. In order to ensure that the games are in line with the work methodology of residential institutions, in-depth interviews there have been conducted with medical personnel of the Asociación de Familiares de enfermos de Alzheimer (AFA) and the Boni Mediero's residence in Salamanca, and the staff of San Sebastian's residential centre in La Pobla de Vallbona (Valencia). A. Devices Figure 2 - Wiimote remote control When designing and developing systems to encourage or persuade older people, we must take into account the barriers B. Software Technology that they encounter in adopting and using new technologies. For the development of games there have been used two Martijn H. Vastenburg et al. [6], indicate the complexity and different software development technologies. In the learning as well as lack of perceived benefit, as key factors to immersive type games there have been used the Microsoft consider when developing systems of motivation for older XNA technology, which is a set of tools for developing games people, as users may find the cost of adopting new technology with high graphics capabilities and performance, for both the more than the expected benefit. In these cases they suggest to Xbox console and computers running Windows. The second increase the direct benefit that the technology produces to technology used for non-immersive games is Windows increase the benefit perceived by the user. Presentation Foundation (WPF), this technology is not To break the barrier of learning and simplify the use of specifically designed for games, but it offers a large games, it was decided to use natural interaction techniques infrastructure and graphics power with animation, video and based on the use of touchscreens as interface with the audio capabilities. This puts it on the ability to develop non- computer, eliminating the use of keyboards and mice, in immersive games with high graphics performance and particular it has been chosen an All-in-one PC which includes interaction, reducing the development time compared with the the computer and a touch screen in a compact and nice design, technologies specially designed for games and 3D reducing the psychological barrier of dealing with a computer. environments such as XNA. IV. RESULTS Within the project there are several game environments that can be divided according to their objective into: cognitive stimulation environments and physical stimulation environments.
  • 3. The cognitive stimulation games seek to work the areas The screen shows a series of tiles and the user has to click such as attention, memory or executive functions, being on them in a particular order. This order may be numeric or cognitive areas the most affected at the beginning of dementia. size. These games are presented in a touchscreen environment, allowing users to interact with the game in a simple and intuitive way, and are fully configurable as they allow defining different scenarios playing with their parameters, such as difficulty or number of items involved in the game. On the other hand, with the aim of stimulating physically, we propose a virtual paradise which seeks to encourage the abandonment of the idle, transmit peace and quiet to the player. All in line with the conclusions drawn from interviews with medical personnel, where the main lines were: The use of simple equipment, easy to use and intuitive; Development of games that incorporate visual or auditory stimuli to improve Figure 4 - Follow the sequence (screen capture) memory, strengthen the patient's daily life activities, allowing customization of the games to the needs and abilities of the patient, and finally not forgetting the fun as the engine of 2) How to play: motivation for encouraging the use of games. At the beginning of the game, the tiles are displayed, and A. Rowing the player must click on the appropriate order. In the case of numbered tiles, each tile carries within it a number, starting 1) Description: with 1 and ending in the number of tiles that you have on the The game is based on a realistic graphical model that board. The player must to click the tiles in increased allows users to immerse themselves in a tropical paradise and numerical order. interact with it. If we play by size, on the board appear tiles of various sizes, The game features several scenarios where the user can but this time without a number. In this case, the player must move slowly interacting with the game using the Wiimote click the tiles beginning with the smallest and ending with the remote control. largest. The figure shows a tropical paradise with an island in the If the appropriate tile is clicked, it turns green, indicating background, a sunny day and clear water, this scenario intends that is the correct. If is wrong, on top of the screen is displays to convey peace and quiet to the user. a message encouraging you to try again, and is counted as a mistake. Once all the tiles are lit, it is indicated in the same part of the screen that the game is over and scores are stored. If you click on a green tile also counts as a mistake. You can configure how tiles appear on the board, having three distributions. In the first distribution tiles are arranged in a straight line. In the second, the tiles are aligned along a line by decreasing size. In the third, the tiles are randomly distributed across the board. So the game has defined six levels of difficulty, which cover all combinations of tile types and distributions on the board. C. Dress the doll 1) Description: The screen shows a doll and a set of clothes. The user Figure 3 - Rowing (screen capture) should dress the doll with the appropriate ones. 2) How to play: To play you need a screen and a Wiimote. The remote control is taken as an oar and using gentle circular motion, the camera is moved around the stage following a predefined path. B. Follow the sequence 1) Description:
  • 4. Figure 5 - Dress the doll (screen capture) Figure 6 - Link sounds with elements (screen capture) 2) How to play: 2) How to play: The screen shows a figure that can be male or female, and To start the game, the user must click on the button labelled many different clothing. The player must drag each piece of "Play Sound" that appears on the left side of the board. When clothing to the area where it belongs. When it is close enough, clicked, it plays an audio associated with any of the items the garment is adjusted automatically, and a message reports represented on the board. Having heard the sound, you must that it has been placed properly. When the article does not click on the element of the board related to that sound, approach to the area corresponding to it, nothing happens, so clicking on another element is counted as a mistake, and on you cannot put an item out of place. top of the screen tells the player to try again. If correct, is also The silhouette can be male or female, depending on the indicated with a message. The elements that have already been difficulty. If male, the clothes are four: shoes, tie, shirt and clicked count as a mistake if you click them again and sound trousers. Therefore, at least four elements appear on the screen, does not change until you get right which element it belongs. without the dummy. If the figure is female, there are a jacket, The sounds can be heard as often as necessary. When you a handbag, high heels, a skirt and a mobile, a total of five click on the correct item, the sound changes to the next item, pieces. and when all have been clicked correctly, indicates that the You can bring up one set of items or two sets of items for game is finished and data is saved. The sounds order is each silhouette. That is, in the case of man, can be configured random and the way the figures are placed on the board is to appear a set of trousers, shirt, tie and shoes in yellow colour, random too, so every game is different. and other set in blue colour, and the same for the female The elements vary in type and number to increase the figure, although in this case the colours are black and blue. complexity, taking from musical instruments or animals, to In the first degree of difficulty, only appears one set of fragments of songs that must be associated with the interpreter. clothes, and the player simply has to drag each garment into his place, so that you cannot make mistakes. However, when E. Grouping objects there are two pieces of each garment, we can control that the 1) Description: player must dress the silhouette in a particular colour or select Various objects appear on the screen related in some way the clothes in the same colour. and the user will have to separate them into two groups D. Link sounds with elements according to their relationship. 1) Description: This game, as well as visual and tactile, incorporates sound elements. Various elements are presented on the screen, each one with a distinctive sound. The user must connect the sound you hear with its visual representation. Figure 7 - Grouping objects (screen capture) 2) How to play: The game is to group shapes according to their shape or colour. It features a configurable number of elements on the
  • 5. board that the player must drag to a defined area, in which to have ten weeks of duration, during which patients will have group the items based on certain criteria. thirty play sessions, it will try to assess the status of the When starting the game, in the central part appear the patient before the study and at its conclusion, comparing their figures, distributed randomly. In the upper left corner evolution against a control group, to try to validate the indicates the way they should be grouped. The areas where the theoretical conclusions initially mentioned in this article and figures must be carried are green and yellow boxes that are in proposed in the eMotiva's project. the ends of the board. When the figures are close enough to these boxes will automatically move on them. Once placed, a ACKNOWLEDGMENT figure cannot be moved again. When all have been placed, it Authors thank the eMotiva consortium for their will display a message in the middle of the board indicating contribution to this work. that the game has ended. You can vary the difficulty of the game using the number REFERENCES of elements and the number of colours of them. V. CONCLUSIONS [1] C.L. Ferri, M. Prince, et al, “Global prevalence of dementia: a Delphi The developed games aim to raise enough motivation for consensus study”, The Lancet, vol 366, pp. 2112-2117, Dec. 2005. users to feel connected to their internal dynamics, which [2] P. Ramos, et al, La enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias. include playful and entertaining aspects, with a high value of Detección y cuidados en personas mayores, ser. Promoción de la Salud en personas mayores. Ed. Madrid, España: Dirección General de auditory stimulation, visual and incorporating progressive Atención Primaria. Comunidad de Madrid, 2007, vol 10. levels of difficulty. [3] B.J. Fogg, Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What On the one hand, we must emphasize the importance of We Think and Do, 1st ed., Ed. San Francisco, United States of America: those games where, as in the Rowing game, it interacts with Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003. [4] R. Muñiz, J. Olazarán, Mapa de terapias no farmacológicas para the movement itself, recreations where the user is moving to demencias tipo Alzheimer. Guía de iniciación para profesionales, increase physical activity and, as a therapeutic tool, aims to International Non Pharmacological Therapies Project, Sep. 2010. improve motor skills. In addition, the overall atmosphere of [5] J. Olazarán, B. Reisbergi, C. Beck, et al, “Nonpharmacological the game tries to generate an atmosphere of calm and Therapies in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review of Efficacy”, Dementia an Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, vol. 30, pp. 161-178, Sep. animosity to involve the player emotionally, which will 2010. increase their motivation to perform the task. Emotions are an [6] M. Vastenburg, T. Visser, M. Vermaas, D. Keyson, “Designing important part of motor learning, a means of reinforcement or acceptable assisted living services for elderly users”, in European for avoidance of behaviours, are useful to produce a Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Nuremberg, Germany, Nov. 2008, p 1-12. significant motivation to prevent apathy, inactivity or passivity. On the other hand, the other games try to stimulate different areas of cognition such as memory, attention or executive functions, as well as stimulate visual and auditory perception. The cognitive stimulation has its biological basis in neuroplasticity or plasticity of the nervous system as mentioned in the introduction. On this basis, frequent interaction with a game environment rich in stimuli, can be considered positive in maintaining cognitive abilities in people with dementia. Each game presents a challenge and an attempt to improve day by day, which can have effects on people's emotional interaction. So the games are presented as elements that can promote motivation. After an initial presentation of the games to the medical staff, the first assessments are agree that these appear to comply with the guidelines of simplicity, the inclusion of different requested elements of cognitive stimulation and capacity to be included easily in their daily activities with the patient. F. Future lines of work: The path or line of work ahead is clearly marked and goes through to make a gaming implementation of motivation in the centres that are part of the project. To carry out subsequently a randomized controlled study, in subjects with Alzheimer-type dementia, in its later stages. The study will