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Unit - V: Network Analysis
Dr. Tushar Bhatt
Ph. D, Mathematics
Assistant professor
Department of Science and Humanities
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Atmiya University
Rajkot - 360005
March 3, 2023
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Phases of CPM and PERT
Some Important Definitions
Project management or representation by a network diagram
Types of activities
Types of events
Common Errors
Rules of network construction
Numbering the events
Time analysis
Determination of Floats and Slack times
Critical activity and Critical path
2 Critical Path Method - CPM
3 Program Evaluation and Review Technique - PERT
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1. Introduction
The techniques of operations research used for planning, scheduling
and controlling large and complex projects are often referred as
network analysis. All these techniques are based on representation of
the project as a network of activities.
A network is a graphical plan consisting of a certain configuration of
arrows and nodes for showing the logical sequence of various activities
to be performed to achieve project objectives.
PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM
(Critical Path Method) are two of the well known techniques belong
to the family of network analysis.
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1.1 Phases of CPM and PERT
Project management by CPM and PERT can be based on the following
three phases.
1 Planning
In this phase, the whole project is broken down into smaller projects
and further into activities.
The time estimates for these activities are then determined.
Network diagram is constructed.
Study the network diagram in detail and incorporate any modification
at the initial or execution stage.
2 Scheduling
Scheduling phase involves time related activities.
A time chart is constructed showing the start and finish times of each
The chart also shows or relates one activity to other activities of the
Identify non critical activities and show the amount of slack or float
times.This is very essential to take the advantages of delay in execution
of activities or using limited available resources.
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1.1 Phases of CPM and PERT
3 Control
Controlling includes careful supervision of progress of the project with
the help of network diagram and time chart.
Continuously analyze and update all activities involved and if necessary
reschedule the project for the remaining portion of the project.
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1.2 Some Important Definitions
1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort
necessary to complete a particular part of overall project.
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1.2 Some Important Definitions
1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort
necessary to complete a particular part of overall project.
2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or
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1.2 Some Important Definitions
1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort
necessary to complete a particular part of overall project.
2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or
3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its
start further delays the completion of the whole work.
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1.2 Some Important Definitions
1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort
necessary to complete a particular part of overall project.
2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or
3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its
start further delays the completion of the whole work.
4 Amount of Slack or Float time: The difference between the
earliest time and the latest time is called as activity slack.
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1.2 Some Important Definitions
1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort
necessary to complete a particular part of overall project.
2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or
3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its
start further delays the completion of the whole work.
4 Amount of Slack or Float time: The difference between the
earliest time and the latest time is called as activity slack.
5 Total amount of slack or total float time: Total slack is the
difference of latest finish time and the duration.
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1.2 Some Important Definitions
1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort
necessary to complete a particular part of overall project.
2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or
3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its
start further delays the completion of the whole work.
4 Amount of Slack or Float time: The difference between the
earliest time and the latest time is called as activity slack.
5 Total amount of slack or total float time: Total slack is the
difference of latest finish time and the duration.
6 Free slack or free float time: Free slack is the amount of time a
job can be delayed without affecting the early start of any other job.
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1.2 Some Important Definitions
1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort
necessary to complete a particular part of overall project.
2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or
3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its
start further delays the completion of the whole work.
4 Amount of Slack or Float time: The difference between the
earliest time and the latest time is called as activity slack.
5 Total amount of slack or total float time: Total slack is the
difference of latest finish time and the duration.
6 Free slack or free float time: Free slack is the amount of time a
job can be delayed without affecting the early start of any other job.
7 Independent slack: Independent slack = Free slack −(Lf − Es)
where Lf the amount of latest finish time of a job is and Es is the
amount of earlier start of a job.
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1.3 Project management or representation by a network
Network diagram is the graphical representation of logically and
sequentially connected arrows and node, representing activities and events
respectively in a project.
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1.3 Project management or representation by a network
Network diagram is the graphical representation of logically and
sequentially connected arrows and node, representing activities and events
respectively in a project.
Figure: Events and activity
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1.3 Project management or representation by a network
Now observe the following figure i and j indicates event represented by the
nodes in which node i known as tail and j is known as head moreover the
symbol A means an arrow in between i and j indicates an activity.
Figure: Network diagram
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1.4 Types of activities
1 Preceding activity:
Activity that must be accomplished before a given event can occur.
2 Succeeding activity:
Activity that cannot be accomplished until an event has occurred.
3 Concurrent activity:
Activity taking place at same time or in the same location.
4 Dummy activity:
Activity which neither consumes time nor resources but is used simply
to represent a connection or a link between the events is known as
dummies. It is shown in network by a dotted line.
5 In above mentioned figure, A is a preceding activity of B, B is a
preceding activity of C, D is a preceding activity of E and E is a
preceding activity of F.
6 Similarly B is a succeeding activity of A, C is a succeeding activity of
B, E is a succeeding activity of C and F is a succeeding activity of E.
7 Moreover the activities A and D arise from even 1 at same time of
same location therefore A and D are becomes concurrent activities.
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1.4 Types of activities
Now for understanding the dummy activity observe the following figure:
Figure: Network diagram and dummy activity
Here according to the rule of network theory, there is only one starting
point and one ending point. But in above mentioned figure, we observe
that there are two ending points node 4 and node 5. So it is necessary to
add a dummy activity between node 3 and node 4 because after that
procedure event 4 is not an end of the network. Therefore the activity E in
above figure is called dummy activity and it is denoted by a dotted line.
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1.5 Types of events
1. Merge Event
An event is said to be Merge event if two or more than two activities are
end at the same node (event).
Figure: Merge Event
In above figure an event i is Merge event.
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1.5 Types of events
2. Burst Event
An event is said to be Burst event if it is a starting point of two or more
than two activities.
Figure: Burst Event
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1.6 Common Errors
1. Looping (Cycling)
Drawing an endless loop in a network is known as error of looping.
Figure: Loop or Cycle
In above figure double arrow for activity B create an endless loop in
between the events 2, 3 and 4.
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1.6 Common Errors
2. Dangling
To disconnect an activity before the complication of all activities called
error of dangling.
Figure: Dangling
In above figure an activity F is disconnected before completion of
remaining all activities.
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1.6 Common Errors
3. Redundancy
Unnecessarily inserting the dummy activity in a network diagram is known
as error of redundancy.
Figure: Redundancy
In above figure an activity F is a dummy activity which is unnecessary
because there is a path between events 2 to 4 is already exists. Therefore
it creates an error namely redundancy.
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1.7 Rules of network construction
Try to avoid the arrow the cross each other.
Use straight arrow.
No event can occur until every activity preceding it has been
An event can’t occur twice.
Dummies should be introduced only if it is extremely necessary.
Network has only one entry point called start event and one end point
Use arrow left to right. Avoid mixing two directions.
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1.8 Numbering the events
Number must be unique.
Number should be carried out on a sequential basis from left to right
and top to bottom.
Initial event must be numbered as 1.
Number of all new starts events 2, 3 and so on.
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1.9 Time analysis
1 Tij = tij = Estimate completion time of activity (i, j).
2 ESij = Earliest starting time of activity (i, j).
3 EFij = Earliest finishing time of activity (i, j).
4 LSij = Latest starting time of activity (i, j).
5 LFij = Latest finishing time of activity (i, j).
Forward pass computation (Left to Right)
Zero is the starting time for the project.
(EF)ij = (ES)ij + tij
Ej = maxi (Ej + tij )
Backward pass computation (Right to Left)
For ending event assume E = L.
(LFij ) = (LF)ij − tij .
Lj = minj (Lj − tij ).
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1.10 Determination of Floats and Slack times
1. Float
It is defined as the difference between the latest and earliest activity time.
There are three types of floats.
(a) Total Float
(TF)ij = (LS)ij − (ES)ij OR (Li − Ei ) − tij
Where Ei = Earliest time for tail event
Li =Latest time for tail event
tij = Normal time for activity (i, j).
(b) Free Float
FFij = (Ej − Ei ) − tij
Where Ei = Earliest time for tail event
tij =Normal time for activity (i, j).
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1.10 Determination of Floats and Slack times
(c). Independent Float
IFij = (Ej − Li ) − tij
Where Ei = Earliest time for tail event
Li = Latest time for tail event
tij = Normal time for activity (i, j).
2. Slack
It is defined as the difference between latest and earliest event time.
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1.11 Critical activity and Critical path
An activity (i, j) is said to be critical, if it has total float TFij = 0.
A path throughout the network is said to be critical if it satisfies the
following three conditions.
1 ESi = LFi
2 ESj = LFj
3 ESj = ESi = LFj − LFi = tij
Where ESi = Earliest starting time of initial event.
LFi = Latest finishing time of initial event.
ESj = Earliest starting time of final event.
LFj = Latest finishing time of final event.
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2. CPM
Ex-1: Construct a network for a project whose activities and precedence
relationships are as given below:
Activity A B C D E F G H I J K
Predecessor - - - A B B C D E H, I F, G
Figure: Given Network
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2. CPM - Ex - 1: Solu...
Figure: Required Network
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2. CPM - Ex - 2
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2. CPM - Ex - 2: Solu...
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2. CPM - Ex - 3
Ex-3: A project schedule has the following properties. According to that
(1) Construct a network.
(2) Compute the earliest event time and latest event time.
(3) Determine the critical path and total project duration.
(4) Compute total and free float for each activity.
Activity 1-2 1-3 2-4 3-4
Time (days) 14 1 1 1
(i) Network diagram
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2. CPM - Ex - 3: Solu...
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2. CPM - Ex - 3: Solu...
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2. CPM - Ex - 3: Solu...
The critical path = 1 − 2 − 4
Total project duration = 4 + 1 = 5 days
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2. CPM - EX - 4
Ex - 4: Determine the early start and late start in respect of all node
points and identify critical path for the following network
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2. CPM - Ex - 4: Solu...
Solution : Calculation of E and L for each node is shown in the network
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2. CPM - Ex - 4: Solu...
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2. CPM - Ex - 4: Solu...
From the table, the critical nodes are
(1, 2), (2, 5), (5, 7), (5, 8), (7, 10)and(8, 10).
From the table, there are two possible critical paths
(i)1 → 2 → 5 → 8 → 10
(ii)1 → 2 → 5 → 7 → 10
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2. CPM - Ex - 5
Ex - 5: Find the critical path and calculate the slack time for the
following network
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2. CPM - Ex - 5: Solu...
Solution: The earliest time and the latest time are obtained below
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2. CPM - Ex - 5: Solu...
Solution: From the above table, the critical nodes are the activities
(1, 3), (3, 5)and(5, 9)
The critical path is 1 → 3 → 5 → 9.
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The main objective in the analysis through PERT is to find out the
completion for a particular event within specified date. The PERT
approach takes into account the uncertainties. The three time values are
associated with each activity.
1 Optimistic time: It is the shortest possible time in which the activity
can be finished. It assumes that everything goes very well. This is
denoted by t0.
2 Most likely time: It is the estimate of the normal time the activity
would take. This assumes normal delays. If a graph is plotted in the
time of completion and the frequency of completion in that time
period, then most likely time will represent the highest frequency of
occurrence. This is denoted by tm.
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3 Pessimistic time: It represents the longest time the activity could
take if everything goes wrong. As in optimistic estimate, this value
may be such that only one in hundred or one in twenty will take time
longer than this value. This is denoted by tp.
4 Expected time: It is the average time an activity will take if it were
to be repeated on large number of times and is based on the
assumption that the activity time follows Beta distribution, this is
given by
te =
(t0 + 4tm + tp)
5 The variance for the activity is given by

tp − t0
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3. PERT - Ex - 1
Ex - 1: For the project
Task A B C D E F G H I J K
Least time 4 5 8 2 4 6 8 5 3 5 6
Greatest time 8 10 12 7 10 15 16 9 7 11 13
Find the earliest and latest expected time to each event and also critical
path in the network.
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3. PERT - Ex - 1: Solu...
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3. PERT - Ex - 1: Solu...
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3. PERT - Ex - 1: Solu...
The critical path is A → C → E → H → K.
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3. PERT - Ex - 2
Ex - 2: A project has the following characteristics
Construct a PERT network. Find the critical path and variance for each
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3. PERT - Ex - 2: Solu...
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3. PERT - Ex - 2: Solu...
Solution: The network is constructed as shown below
The critical path: 1 → 2 → 4 → 6 → 7 → 9 → 10.
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  • 1. Unit - V: Network Analysis Dr. Tushar Bhatt Ph. D, Mathematics Assistant professor Department of Science and Humanities Faculty of Engineering and Technology Atmiya University Rajkot - 360005 March 3, 2023 Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 1 / 45
  • 2. Table of Contents 1 Introduction Phases of CPM and PERT Some Important Definitions Project management or representation by a network diagram Types of activities Types of events Common Errors Rules of network construction Numbering the events Time analysis Determination of Floats and Slack times Critical activity and Critical path 2 Critical Path Method - CPM 3 Program Evaluation and Review Technique - PERT Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 2 / 45
  • 3. 1. Introduction The techniques of operations research used for planning, scheduling and controlling large and complex projects are often referred as network analysis. All these techniques are based on representation of the project as a network of activities. A network is a graphical plan consisting of a certain configuration of arrows and nodes for showing the logical sequence of various activities to be performed to achieve project objectives. PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method) are two of the well known techniques belong to the family of network analysis. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 3 / 45
  • 4. 1.1 Phases of CPM and PERT Project management by CPM and PERT can be based on the following three phases. 1 Planning In this phase, the whole project is broken down into smaller projects and further into activities. The time estimates for these activities are then determined. Network diagram is constructed. Study the network diagram in detail and incorporate any modification at the initial or execution stage. 2 Scheduling Scheduling phase involves time related activities. A time chart is constructed showing the start and finish times of each activity. The chart also shows or relates one activity to other activities of the project. Identify non critical activities and show the amount of slack or float times.This is very essential to take the advantages of delay in execution of activities or using limited available resources. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 4 / 45
  • 5. 1.1 Phases of CPM and PERT 3 Control Controlling includes careful supervision of progress of the project with the help of network diagram and time chart. Continuously analyze and update all activities involved and if necessary reschedule the project for the remaining portion of the project. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 5 / 45
  • 6. 1.2 Some Important Definitions 1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort necessary to complete a particular part of overall project. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 6 / 45
  • 7. 1.2 Some Important Definitions 1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort necessary to complete a particular part of overall project. 2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or nodes. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 6 / 45
  • 8. 1.2 Some Important Definitions 1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort necessary to complete a particular part of overall project. 2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or nodes. 3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its start further delays the completion of the whole work. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 6 / 45
  • 9. 1.2 Some Important Definitions 1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort necessary to complete a particular part of overall project. 2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or nodes. 3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its start further delays the completion of the whole work. 4 Amount of Slack or Float time: The difference between the earliest time and the latest time is called as activity slack. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 6 / 45
  • 10. 1.2 Some Important Definitions 1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort necessary to complete a particular part of overall project. 2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or nodes. 3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its start further delays the completion of the whole work. 4 Amount of Slack or Float time: The difference between the earliest time and the latest time is called as activity slack. 5 Total amount of slack or total float time: Total slack is the difference of latest finish time and the duration. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 6 / 45
  • 11. 1.2 Some Important Definitions 1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort necessary to complete a particular part of overall project. 2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or nodes. 3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its start further delays the completion of the whole work. 4 Amount of Slack or Float time: The difference between the earliest time and the latest time is called as activity slack. 5 Total amount of slack or total float time: Total slack is the difference of latest finish time and the duration. 6 Free slack or free float time: Free slack is the amount of time a job can be delayed without affecting the early start of any other job. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 6 / 45
  • 12. 1.2 Some Important Definitions 1 Activity: It represents some action and is a time consuming effort necessary to complete a particular part of overall project. 2 Event: Beginning and end points of an activity are called events or nodes. 3 Critical activity: An activity is said to be critical if any delay in its start further delays the completion of the whole work. 4 Amount of Slack or Float time: The difference between the earliest time and the latest time is called as activity slack. 5 Total amount of slack or total float time: Total slack is the difference of latest finish time and the duration. 6 Free slack or free float time: Free slack is the amount of time a job can be delayed without affecting the early start of any other job. 7 Independent slack: Independent slack = Free slack −(Lf − Es) where Lf the amount of latest finish time of a job is and Es is the amount of earlier start of a job. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 6 / 45
  • 13. 1.3 Project management or representation by a network diagram Network diagram is the graphical representation of logically and sequentially connected arrows and node, representing activities and events respectively in a project. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 7 / 45
  • 14. 1.3 Project management or representation by a network diagram Network diagram is the graphical representation of logically and sequentially connected arrows and node, representing activities and events respectively in a project. Figure: Events and activity Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 7 / 45
  • 15. 1.3 Project management or representation by a network diagram Now observe the following figure i and j indicates event represented by the nodes in which node i known as tail and j is known as head moreover the symbol A means an arrow in between i and j indicates an activity. Figure: Network diagram Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 8 / 45
  • 16. 1.4 Types of activities 1 Preceding activity: Activity that must be accomplished before a given event can occur. 2 Succeeding activity: Activity that cannot be accomplished until an event has occurred. 3 Concurrent activity: Activity taking place at same time or in the same location. 4 Dummy activity: Activity which neither consumes time nor resources but is used simply to represent a connection or a link between the events is known as dummies. It is shown in network by a dotted line. 5 In above mentioned figure, A is a preceding activity of B, B is a preceding activity of C, D is a preceding activity of E and E is a preceding activity of F. 6 Similarly B is a succeeding activity of A, C is a succeeding activity of B, E is a succeeding activity of C and F is a succeeding activity of E. 7 Moreover the activities A and D arise from even 1 at same time of same location therefore A and D are becomes concurrent activities. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 9 / 45
  • 17. 1.4 Types of activities Now for understanding the dummy activity observe the following figure: Figure: Network diagram and dummy activity Here according to the rule of network theory, there is only one starting point and one ending point. But in above mentioned figure, we observe that there are two ending points node 4 and node 5. So it is necessary to add a dummy activity between node 3 and node 4 because after that procedure event 4 is not an end of the network. Therefore the activity E in above figure is called dummy activity and it is denoted by a dotted line. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 10 / 45
  • 18. 1.5 Types of events 1. Merge Event An event is said to be Merge event if two or more than two activities are end at the same node (event). Figure: Merge Event In above figure an event i is Merge event. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 11 / 45
  • 19. 1.5 Types of events 2. Burst Event An event is said to be Burst event if it is a starting point of two or more than two activities. Figure: Burst Event Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 12 / 45
  • 20. 1.6 Common Errors 1. Looping (Cycling) Drawing an endless loop in a network is known as error of looping. Figure: Loop or Cycle In above figure double arrow for activity B create an endless loop in between the events 2, 3 and 4. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 13 / 45
  • 21. 1.6 Common Errors 2. Dangling To disconnect an activity before the complication of all activities called error of dangling. Figure: Dangling In above figure an activity F is disconnected before completion of remaining all activities. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 14 / 45
  • 22. 1.6 Common Errors 3. Redundancy Unnecessarily inserting the dummy activity in a network diagram is known as error of redundancy. Figure: Redundancy In above figure an activity F is a dummy activity which is unnecessary because there is a path between events 2 to 4 is already exists. Therefore it creates an error namely redundancy. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 15 / 45
  • 23. 1.7 Rules of network construction Try to avoid the arrow the cross each other. Use straight arrow. No event can occur until every activity preceding it has been completed. An event can’t occur twice. Dummies should be introduced only if it is extremely necessary. Network has only one entry point called start event and one end point (emergence). Use arrow left to right. Avoid mixing two directions. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 16 / 45
  • 24. 1.8 Numbering the events Number must be unique. Number should be carried out on a sequential basis from left to right and top to bottom. Initial event must be numbered as 1. Number of all new starts events 2, 3 and so on. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 17 / 45
  • 25. 1.9 Time analysis 1 Tij = tij = Estimate completion time of activity (i, j). 2 ESij = Earliest starting time of activity (i, j). 3 EFij = Earliest finishing time of activity (i, j). 4 LSij = Latest starting time of activity (i, j). 5 LFij = Latest finishing time of activity (i, j). Forward pass computation (Left to Right) Zero is the starting time for the project. (EF)ij = (ES)ij + tij Ej = maxi (Ej + tij ) Backward pass computation (Right to Left) For ending event assume E = L. (LFij ) = (LF)ij − tij . Lj = minj (Lj − tij ). Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 18 / 45
  • 26. 1.10 Determination of Floats and Slack times 1. Float It is defined as the difference between the latest and earliest activity time. There are three types of floats. (a) Total Float (TF)ij = (LS)ij − (ES)ij OR (Li − Ei ) − tij Where Ei = Earliest time for tail event Li =Latest time for tail event tij = Normal time for activity (i, j). (b) Free Float FFij = (Ej − Ei ) − tij Where Ei = Earliest time for tail event tij =Normal time for activity (i, j). Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 19 / 45
  • 27. 1.10 Determination of Floats and Slack times (c). Independent Float IFij = (Ej − Li ) − tij Where Ei = Earliest time for tail event Li = Latest time for tail event tij = Normal time for activity (i, j). 2. Slack It is defined as the difference between latest and earliest event time. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 20 / 45
  • 28. 1.11 Critical activity and Critical path An activity (i, j) is said to be critical, if it has total float TFij = 0. A path throughout the network is said to be critical if it satisfies the following three conditions. 1 ESi = LFi 2 ESj = LFj 3 ESj = ESi = LFj − LFi = tij Where ESi = Earliest starting time of initial event. LFi = Latest finishing time of initial event. ESj = Earliest starting time of final event. LFj = Latest finishing time of final event. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 21 / 45
  • 29. 2. CPM Ex-1: Construct a network for a project whose activities and precedence relationships are as given below: Activity A B C D E F G H I J K Predecessor - - - A B B C D E H, I F, G Figure: Given Network Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 22 / 45
  • 30. 2. CPM - Ex - 1: Solu... Figure: Required Network Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 23 / 45
  • 31. 2. CPM - Ex - 2 Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 24 / 45
  • 32. 2. CPM - Ex - 2: Solu... Solution: Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 25 / 45
  • 33. 2. CPM - Ex - 3 Ex-3: A project schedule has the following properties. According to that (1) Construct a network. (2) Compute the earliest event time and latest event time. (3) Determine the critical path and total project duration. (4) Compute total and free float for each activity. Activity 1-2 1-3 2-4 3-4 Time (days) 14 1 1 1 Solution: (i) Network diagram Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 26 / 45
  • 34. 2. CPM - Ex - 3: Solu... Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 27 / 45
  • 35. 2. CPM - Ex - 3: Solu... Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 28 / 45
  • 36. 2. CPM - Ex - 3: Solu... The critical path = 1 − 2 − 4 Total project duration = 4 + 1 = 5 days Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 29 / 45
  • 37. 2. CPM - EX - 4 Ex - 4: Determine the early start and late start in respect of all node points and identify critical path for the following network Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 30 / 45
  • 38. 2. CPM - Ex - 4: Solu... Solution : Calculation of E and L for each node is shown in the network Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 31 / 45
  • 39. 2. CPM - Ex - 4: Solu... Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 32 / 45
  • 40. 2. CPM - Ex - 4: Solu... From the table, the critical nodes are (1, 2), (2, 5), (5, 7), (5, 8), (7, 10)and(8, 10). From the table, there are two possible critical paths (i)1 → 2 → 5 → 8 → 10 (ii)1 → 2 → 5 → 7 → 10 Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 33 / 45
  • 41. 2. CPM - Ex - 5 Ex - 5: Find the critical path and calculate the slack time for the following network Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 34 / 45
  • 42. 2. CPM - Ex - 5: Solu... Solution: The earliest time and the latest time are obtained below Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 35 / 45
  • 43. 2. CPM - Ex - 5: Solu... Solution: From the above table, the critical nodes are the activities (1, 3), (3, 5)and(5, 9) The critical path is 1 → 3 → 5 → 9. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 36 / 45
  • 44. 3. PERT The main objective in the analysis through PERT is to find out the completion for a particular event within specified date. The PERT approach takes into account the uncertainties. The three time values are associated with each activity. 1 Optimistic time: It is the shortest possible time in which the activity can be finished. It assumes that everything goes very well. This is denoted by t0. 2 Most likely time: It is the estimate of the normal time the activity would take. This assumes normal delays. If a graph is plotted in the time of completion and the frequency of completion in that time period, then most likely time will represent the highest frequency of occurrence. This is denoted by tm. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM & OT March 3, 2023 37 / 45
  • 45. 3. PERT 3 Pessimistic time: It represents the longest time the activity could take if everything goes wrong. As in optimistic estimate, this value may be such that only one in hundred or one in twenty will take time longer than this value. This is denoted by tp. 4 Expected time: It is the average time an activity will take if it were to be repeated on large number of times and is based on the assumption that the activity time follows Beta distribution, this is given by te = (t0 + 4tm + tp) 6 5 The variance for the activity is given by σ2 = tp − t0 6 2 Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM OT March 3, 2023 38 / 45
  • 46. 3. PERT - Ex - 1 Ex - 1: For the project Task A B C D E F G H I J K Least time 4 5 8 2 4 6 8 5 3 5 6 Greatest time 8 10 12 7 10 15 16 9 7 11 13 Find the earliest and latest expected time to each event and also critical path in the network. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM OT March 3, 2023 39 / 45
  • 47. 3. PERT - Ex - 1: Solu... Solution: Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM OT March 3, 2023 40 / 45
  • 48. 3. PERT - Ex - 1: Solu... Solution: Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM OT March 3, 2023 41 / 45
  • 49. 3. PERT - Ex - 1: Solu... Solution: The critical path is A → C → E → H → K. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM OT March 3, 2023 42 / 45
  • 50. 3. PERT - Ex - 2 Ex - 2: A project has the following characteristics Construct a PERT network. Find the critical path and variance for each event. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM OT March 3, 2023 43 / 45
  • 51. 3. PERT - Ex - 2: Solu... Solution: Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM OT March 3, 2023 44 / 45
  • 52. 3. PERT - Ex - 2: Solu... Solution: The network is constructed as shown below The critical path: 1 → 2 → 4 → 6 → 7 → 9 → 10. Dr. Tushar Bhatt (AU) SM OT March 3, 2023 45 / 45