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Karla Jenica N. Patlunag
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog
I dedicate this narrative report, first and
foremost to our God Almighty, the hero of my life,
the source of my knowledge and wisdom in
accomplishing my Narrative Report in Practice Teaching.
To my beloved family who always there to support me in all of
my plans and goal accomplishment; my Mother and Father,
my brothers and sister who motivates me,
To my professors; especially Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog for supervising us in
practice teaching,
To my Cooperating Teacher, Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog for giving her
support, advices and making the best in me.
To my Cooperating School, San Isidro Elementary School and
Its entire staff from the Principal, its teachers and
to all the
non- teaching staff for the opportunity
to be around and to work
with them confidently.
To all my Cooperating classes, Grade III – Quartz and
Grade III – Pilot.
I would like to express my whole - heartedly thanks to and deepest
gratitude to the following people who were able to give their willingness to help,
for their unwavering and undying support, motivation, and precious time for the
completion of this narrative report.
To Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog, our supervising teacher for her untiring
guidance, concern, support, encouragement, understanding and most of all for the
love that she gave to all the practice teacher’s.
To Mr. Tito A. Caba - caba, Principal of San Isidro Elementary School,
for the very wholehearted welcome. Thank you for assenting to bear with us for
a quiet a number of weeks.
To Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog, my Cooperating Teacher in San Isidro
Elementary School, for painstakingly checking my lesson plans and guiding me
with my lessons and proposing suggestions for me to progress. Thank you for
letting me be myself and mentoring me all throughout my stay in the school.
To All the staff of San Isidro Elementary School, for their guidance and
support in making this narrative report.
To all the students of San Isidro Elementary School, for their kindness,
cooperation and respect given to me as practice teacher that inspires me to
continue my chosen career. Also I would like to extend my appreciation to my
Students in Grade III – Quartz and Grade III – Pilot that I had handled,
for their cooperation and for being not only a student but a “Friends and
barkadas” that is always there in my side in times of happiness and sorrow and
also they are the one who gave hope and strength to pursue my profession.
To my loving and supportive guardians; Mama and Papa, for their untiring
support, financial assistance, for their love, care, advice and encouragement to
make this teaching portfolio. Thank you so much! And I Love you.
And above all, to our Almighty God, for His unconditional love and for all
the blessing He is showering upon me each day of my life. With love and
gratitude, I thank Him for guiding me during my training and for making this On-
the-Job Training a possible one. For the provision and wisdom He has bestowed
upon me, for keeping me and my love ones always safe, for giving me enough
knowledge and ability to perform each task that was assigned to me. I thank Him
for His comfort during the times that I am about to give up. By His grace, I was
able to finish this training without any conflict.
“Nothing can be a more ennobling act for a teacher to see his work
effectively done in the campus accomplished through a labor of dedicated
service, selfless commitment and his love to his student-advice. This makes
the teaching profession a serious noble calling but only for the few, the
noble and proud.”
.. On my pre-service training, a lot of experiences gave me lessons. The different
experiment we made inside the class amidst the transformation of behavior and
characters. The laughter of my students proved me that in every problem, there
is a big solution. So don’t stop and provoke instead step up and grow for the
attainment of your desires. The advises unexpectedly delivered when my
students need a comfort Taught me to become emphatic and serious, all of these
and many others are worth cherishing and emulating …
“Another History of My Life”
Dear Father, our God whom created the
world, the almighty source of knowledge
and wisdom, above all you are everything.
Thank you Lord God for giving me
opportunity to touch the lives and hearts
of my students. Bless us each day and guide
us through your loving presence in every
journey of our lives. Help me to be a fine
teacher, to be merciful to my students, to
balance mercy and discipline in the right
measure for each students, to keep my
genuine love as much as possible, to keep
my lessons always interesting, to recognize
what motivates each of my students, to be
fair to all, to be a good role model, but
most of all, make me your instrument to
show your great love to all of my students.
Dear students,
I promise….
To be nice and smile often. To care about each of you. To be
understanding. To help you when you are struggling. To be patient
with you. To be fair and consistent. To enjoy teaching you. To be
trustworthy. Never scream at you. That I will get to know you. To
believe you. To make learning interesting and meaningful. That I will
not embarrass you in front of your peers. That I will challenge you
to be your very best. To do everything I can to help you succeed.
And I promise that no matter what….
I will never give up on you…
Phase II Sitio Knights of Columbus
Brgy. San Roque, Antipolo City
MobileNo. 09486534785
E-mail Add:
Personal Information
Date of Birth: April 20, 1995
Age: 21
Birth Place: Paranaque City
Height: 5’2
Weight: 58 kls.
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Educational Attainment
Bachelor of Elementary Education
World Citi Colleges Antipolo City
2013- 2017
San Roque National High School
Antipolo City
Juan Sumulong Elementary School
2006 – 2007
October 3, 2014
World Citi Colleges
November 20, 2014
February 13, 2015
October 15, 2016
October 16, 2016
October 16, 2016
A. Y. 2014 – 2015
SELFIE! Your Life Speaks Loud
September 11, 2013
World Citi Colleges
THE VOICE: A Teacher’s Power Tool
September 14, 2013
World Citi Colleges
iWITNESS: School Paper Seminar
March 08, 2014
World Citi Colleges
Knowledge Management
September 17 & 18, 2014
World Citi Colleges
ICT: Materials that Matters
October 04, 2014
World Citi Colleges
Career Basics
October 25, 2014
World Citi Colleges
Philippine History and Filipino Identity in Global Environment
November 04, 2014
World Citi Colleges
LEADER: Leveling Up Excellence And Development Through Establishing Relations
September 16, 2015
World Citi Colleges
April 22, 2016
World Citi Colleges
May 5, 2015
Loreland Farm Resort
Company Position Year
Loreland Farm Resort Housekeeping 2015 – 2016
Dedication . . . . . . . . . v
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . vi
My Certificates . . . . . . . . . vii
Teacher’s Prayer . . . . . . . . . viii
Teacher’s Creed . . . . . . . . . ix
Resume . . . . . . . . . x
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . xi
I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . 16
1. Preliminaries . . . . . . . . 18
2. Code of Ethics of Student Teacher . . . . . 22
3. My Philosophy of Education as an Elementary Teacher . . 26
1. History of My Cooperating School . . . . . 29
2. Mission, Vision and Core Values of My Cooperating School . 32
September 15, 2016 . . . . . . . 38
September 21, 2016 . . . . . . . 39
September 22, 2016 . . . . . . . 40
September 23, 2016 . . . . . . . 41
Table of Contents
September 29, 2016 . . . . . . . 42
September 30, 2016 . . . . . . . 43
October 5, 2016 . . . . . . . . 44
October 6, 2016 . . . . . . . . 45
October 7, 2016 . . . . . . . . 46
October 10, 2016 . . . . . . . . 47
October 11 – 14, 2016 . . . . . . . 48
October 17 – November 3, 2016 . . . . . . 49
November 7, 2016 . . . . . . . . 50
November 8, 2016 . . . . . . . . 51
November 9, 2016. . . . . . . . . 52
November 10, 2016. . . . . . . . 53
November 17, 2016. . . . . . . . 54
November 18, 2016. . . . . . . . 55
Meeting with the Principal. . . . . . . 57
Meeting with the Cooperating Teacher. . . . . 57
Working with my Cooperating Teacher. . . . . 57
My Unforgettable Experience in each Day. . . . . 58
How did I Establish Classroom Routine? . . . . . 59
Preparation of Instructional Materials. . . . . 59
The Authentic Assessment I used. . . . . . 60
Structuring Bulletin Board. . . . . . . 60
School Activities I Participated in. . . . . . 61
What I Learned in those Activities. . . . . . 61
Class Picture. . . . . . . . . 62
Earthquake Drill. . . . . . . . . 64
MILO CHAMP Caravan. . . . . . . . 65
Launching of School MRF “Materials Discovery Facilities” . 66
My Everyday Classroom Activities. . . . . . 67
My Classroom Facilities. . . . . . . . 68
My Cooperating Teacher. . . . . . . . 69
My Supervisor in Practice Teaching. . . . . . 70
My Demonstration Day. . . . . . . . 71
VII. MY LESSON PLANS. . . . . . . . 78
VIII. MY BEST LESSON PLAN. . . . . . . 89
IX. MY REFLECTION. . . . . . . . . 94
X. CLEARANCE FORM . . . . . . . . 97
There are many professions which man has adopted according to his
knowledge and ability. A person can adopt any profession depends upon his aptitudes
and capability. All profession is important for human development but teaching is the
profession which can lead people to its stairways of success. Teaching is a noble
profession because teachers must go beyond to the fullest of having a great effort
to deliver a good quality of education to educate their students. Teaching as
profession requires a great motivation and moral strength, it aims at enlightening
and contentment of mind in men broadens and illuminates the corners of human
hearts and mind.
Through the guidance of teacher, man drinks from the sources of truth,
beauty and goodness and tries to incorporate them in the life. Let me say that the
teaching is the profession which shows man the road which leads him to God as the
teacher touches not only the mind of the learners but also their heart. If we have
the jar of heart to teach , a mission and vision in life to share our knowledge to our
students then it’s our vocation not just a job to earn salary but also to reap a good
fruit through students who gain knowledge and discover their own capabilities from
our guidance.
“Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden. Those
who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flower”
- Unknown author
Educators are like a gardener who cultivate and mold a student to be a great
individual with a good heart and a broad knowledge of what an education really means
to the world and society. As a gardener, I am held responsible for my garden. I have
to make sure that my plants are healthy and rich in nutrients from the sunlight they
get through. I will make sure that they have learned and get a good quality of
education as a gardener wants his plants to grow with quality.
A. Practice Teaching
What is Practice Teaching?
The practical implementation of the information and strategies that students
have learned in Holy Cross College is what we know as practice teaching. In and
outside of school classrooms the student teachers practice what they have learned
and are supervised by teachers from the college, cooperating teachers, and school
Practice Teaching is a crucial part of every student teacher’s life during
college. Student teachers or pre-service teachers are college students teaching
under the supervision of a certified teacher in order to qualify for a degree in
education. These certified teachers are called cooperating teachers and the school
where this teacher is working is called the cooperating school.
Why do we have to undergo Practice Teaching?
The Purpose of Practice Teaching is to provide qualified teachers that are
prepared and trained by following one of the practical educational theories in one of
the three levels: Elementary, Intermediate, High School. In my case then it is
Elementary level. Another reason is to prepare student teachers for their career as
teachers by incorporating them completely into the school atmosphere so that they
feel as if they are part of the school. Next is to think and meditate on
the practical reality of teaching. It also pushes to encourage student
teachers to be creative and to develop their abilities as a professional teacher.
B. Student Teacher's Code of Ethics
The Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession provide a framework
of principles that describes the knowledge, skills, and values inherent in Philippines’
teaching profession. These standards articulate the goals and aspirations of the
profession. These standards convey a collective vision of professionalism that guides
the daily practices of Student Teachers of the Institute of Teacher Education.
The Purposes of the Ethics of Practice Teaching are:
 to inspire a shared vision for the teaching profession
 to identify the values, knowledge and skills that are distinctive to the
teaching profession
 to guide the professional judgment and actions of the teaching profession
 to promote a common language that fosters an understanding of what it means
to be a member of the teaching profession.
The Standards of Practice Teaching are:
 Commitment to Students and Student Learning
Student Teachers are dedicated in their care and commitment to students.
They treat students equitably and with respect and are sensitive to factors that
influence individual student learning. Student Teachers facilitate the development
of students as contributing citizens of the Filipino society.
 Professional Knowledge
Student Teachers strive to be current in their professional knowledge and
recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student
development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and
related policies and legislation to inform professional judgment in practice.
 Professional Practice
Student Teachers apply professional knowledge and experience to promote
student learning. They use appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation,
resources and technology in planning for and responding to the needs of individual
students and learning communities. Student Teachers refine their professional
practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection.
 Leadership in Learning Communities
Student Teachers promote and participate in the creation of collaborative,
safe and supportive learning communities. They recognize their shared
responsibilities and their leadership roles in order to facilitate student success.
Student Teachers maintain and uphold the principles of the ethical standards in
these learning communities.
 Ongoing Professional Learning
Student Teachers recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional
learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional
practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research,
collaboration and knowledge.
 The Code addresses the interdependent duties, rights and responsibilities of
student teachers, faculty members and educational partners.
 By addressing common issues and needs, the Code seeks to articulate and
make explicit ethical principles that transcend disciplinary boundaries. These
principles reflect the fundamental values that are expressed in the duties,
rights and responsibilities of all involved in Teacher Education.
 The Code requires a reasonable flexibility in the implementation of common
principles. It is designed to help those involved in Teacher Education, as a
matter of sound ethical reasoning, to understand and respect the contexts in
which they work and accommodate the needs of others.
 The Code seeks to encourage continued reflection and thoughtful response to
ethical issues. It does not seek definitive answers to all ethical questions or
situations. Rather, it seeks to outline the guiding principles to ethical conduct
and to identify major issues which are essential to the development and
implementation of this Code.
Context of an ethics framework for student teachers
 The principles and norms guiding ethical conduct are developed within an ever-
evolving complex societal context, elements of which include the need for
reflective action and ethical principles. Education is premised on a
fundamental moral commitment to advance and construct knowledge and to
Code of Ethics for Student Teachers
ensure human understanding and respect for individual and collective well-
being and integrity.
 The moral imperative of respect translates into the following ethical
principles that assume a student-centered perspective as outlined for
Teacher Education.
Ethics and law
 “Teaching is governed by a legal and regulatory framework”. The law affects
and regulates the standards and norms of teaching behaviors in a variety of
ways such as respecting privacy, confidentiality, intellectual property,
competence. Human rights legislation prohibits discrimination and recognizes
equal treatment as fundamental to human dignity and well-being. Teachers
should respect the spirit of the Rights and Freedoms particularly the sections
dealing with life, liberty and the security of the person as well as those
involving equality and discrimination and the Article 11, of R.A. No. 7836 that
sets out the obligations and rights of teachers.
Guiding ethical principles
Ethical student teachers should respect the following guiding ethical principles:
 Respect for human dignity
 Speaks and acts towards all students with respect and dignity; and deals
judiciously with them at all times, always mindful of their individual rights and
personal sensibilities.
 Respects the dignity and responsibilities of cooperating teachers, peers,
principals, parents and other professionals or Para-professionals within the
school, school board and community.
 Respect for vulnerable persons
 Respects and recognizes ethical obligations towards vulnerable persons. This
principlerecognizes that students are in a vulnerable position and that
student teachers are in a privileged relationship with students and their
families and will always refrain from exploiting that relationship in any form
or manner.
 Respect for confidentiality and privacy
 Respects the confidential nature of all information related to students and
their families and will share such information in an appropriate manner only
with those directly concerned with their welfare.
 Respects the confidential nature of all information related to all school
personnel and will share such information in an appropriate manner.
 Respect for justice
 Respects and recognizes the right of individuals to be treated with fairness
and equity and the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest.
 Respect for safety of students
 Respects the right of individuals to expect that student teachers will engage
in practices that aim to ensure the physical, psychological and emotional
safety of students.
 Respect for existing ethical codes and professional standards
 Respects the authority, roles and responsibilities of the cooperating teacher
and agrees to adhere to the responsibilities and obligations for teachers as
outlined in the Education Act, Faculty and University handbooks as well as all
local agreements by host school boards and schools.
 Balancing harm and benefits
Acknowledges that any potentially harmful practices (e.g. Science Labs and Physical
Education Activities) must be balanced with anticipated benefits and conducted in a
prudent informed manner.
The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching.
~ Aristotle
Do you know why we are here today? What is our purpose in life? Isn’t it we
always look for ways to find our calling? Looking back over my four years in college, I
have become a passionate believer in the teaching profession and its power and
ability to empower all those that come into contact with it. Whether you are
someone that possesses natural talent or not, everyone has relevant experiences
that they can bring to the table when they are approaching and interacting with
teaching. Unquestionably, for me, teaching has been a lifesaver. It enables me to
express my innermost thoughts and feelings: happiness, fear, frustration, anger,
sadness, pain and love. No matter the medium, teaching manages to surge through my
soul and become something tangible for all to see. That is the power of teaching that
is a part of my belief as future teacher.
Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.
~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you think you are intelligent that’s good but without character it is useless.
Number one misconception about education is “Teachers are the ones who impose
ideas and form a student’s habit.” Wrong! We are only facilitators not dictators.
Everyone is different therefore we cannot force our own beliefs into the mind of
the child. What does a teacher do then? Teachers only select the best influences to
My Philosophy of Education as an
Elementary Teacher
make the students infer into doing the right things in life. These influences or
stimuli chosen by the teachers affect the students and assist them into becoming
better individuals with intelligence. We cater to different personalities and social
background that’s why psychology is a subject taken by education students. This
helps us in guiding the students to the right path by understanding how the mind
works. So for me, the goal of true education is to make someone an individual filled
with wisdom and right attitude towards life.
Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.
~ John Dewey
The moment a student enters the gates of the school, many doors open for
the individual. Education still happens even after the student gets home. Education is
left after schooling. We are not just teaching for the sake of the present situations.
We teach for a future generation of lifelong learners. My philosophy as a secondary
teacher is influenced by these quotes of famous people. Not because they are
famous but because what these words convey cut through me and stay within me.
A Brief
of the School
Soar... Aim ...Now!
Through the proposal of the Antipolo City Government headed by Mayor
Angelito C. Gatlabayan and as endorsed by Ms. Melinda D. Gedang, who was then the
principal of Antipolo National High School' as per Resolution No. 41-A-99, a resolution
approving the opening of ANHS- San Isidro Annex for the staff of the school year
1999-2000 and for other purposes. ANHS - San Isidro Annex formally started its
With the strength of 11 teachers including Mr. Reynaldo L. Agustin who
was then designated by Ms. Melinda D. Gedang as Teacher-ln-Charge, the newest
satellite school of Antipolo National High School catered to 464 students divided into
eight classes. With only six rooms available, two of which was converted to a principal's
receiving section, the administration resorted to two-shift scheme. The said satellite
school initiated with a program for the first year level only, offering education in all
learning areas mandated in the National Secondary Education Curriculum. The first
year came about successfully with 92.63% first year students promoted to second
year level.
History of San Isidro
Elementary School
On August 28, 2006, a city resolution no. 2006-180 was made still under the
administration of Mayor Angelito C. Gatlabayan. The resolution granted the usufruct
over the site of the ANHS-San Isidro Annex, situated at C. Lawis Extension, Brgy. San
lsidro, Antipolo City with an area of 8,146 m2. The transfer of certificate of title
(TCT) No. 179165 was awarded to Mr . Reynaldo L. Agustin on September 12, 2006.
After the awarding of title, first year & second year students transferred to the new
site where 2 makeshift buildings composed of 9 classrooms awaits them , 2 of which
were used as a library and a faculty room. Mr. Nixon C. Maximo was designated by Mr.
Reynaldo L. Agustin as officer-in-charge for the freshmen and sophomores while the
juniors and seniors were still at Sin Isidro Elementary School area. Construction of
four-storey sixteen classroom school building undertaken by the Rizal
Provincial Government was immediately done to cater the 2,897 enrollees. Cong.
Roberto Puno led the construction of teachers' lounge, drinking and wash area in the
same year.
In the year 2007, ANHS-San Isidro Annex became San Isidro National High
School with 57 teaching personnel and 3 non-teaching personnel headed by Mr.
Reynaldo L. Agustin holding a position as Principal I.
Building of school infrastructures was given priority by government officials as
stated in the site development plan for San Isidro National High School. Yearly, new
building is at hand. In the year 2008, Principal Led Building (PLED) 1, a two-storey
four classrooms, was made. Another two-storey four classroom PLED 2 was built in
the year 2009. Also in that year, a stage was put up through the initiative of Cong.
Roberto Puno. In the year 2010, TLE building, a two-storey building connecting the
PLED 1 and 2, was constructed under the administration of Mayor Danilo O. Leyble
while Gov. Casimiro Ynares III granted the request of the school to put up a multi-
purpose covered court. Another PLED building was created in the year 2011 to
accommodate the increasing number of enrollees of the school. And now two-storey
six classroom building is waiting to welcome the first year students this coming school
year 2012-2013.
Last September 20, 2012 there was a reshuffle of principals in the division
making Mrs. Delia R. Granale, from Maximo Gatlabayan Memorial National High
School, the new school head of the "school of achievers" - SINHS. At present, the
school has 104 competent teachers and 3 dynamic nonteaching personnel to serve the
2,924 students. As time unfolds, the school continues to make a remarkable
performance in any endeavors.
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to
quality, equitable, culture based and complete basic
education where:
 Students learn in a child – friendly, gender
sensitive, safe and motivating environment.
 Teachers facilitate learning and constantly
nurture every learner.
 Administrators and staff, as stewards of the
institution’ ensure an enabling and supportive
environment for effective learning to happen.
 Family, community and other stakeholders are
actively engaged and share responsibility for
developing lifelong learners.
We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose competencies and values
enable them to realize their full potential and
contributes meaningfully to building the nation.
We are learner – centered public institution that
continuously improves itself to pursue its mission.
Maka – Diyos
The Deployment and my Everyday
Life as a Student Teacher
September 14, 2016
I arrived at school late and it gave me a worried emotion because I think I
wouldn’t be deployed in my practice teaching and Field Study. While running on my
way to the lobby. I saw my classmate and talk to him if Dr. Abiog is still there. And
the next, he told me that Dr. Abiog already on her way in San Roque National High
School. I went there and saw Dr. Abiog. She already deployed the students in their
mentor. The next school was going to is San Isidro Elementary School. That is the
school I was deployed. She talked the Office-in-Charge of school and individually
deploys or set the mentor that would help us in our on-job-training and Field Study.
Then that day, I already met my mentor. She is a Grade III Adviser in a middle
section. Her name is Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog. She is very gracious and decent. The
first time I saw her gives me motivation to study and to make my practice teaching
be productive.
September 15, 2016
This is my first day in observing the assigned class section to me. My mentor
started to introduce me in the class. After she introduced me, she continued the
lesson. I felt so nervous that time. Nothing comes out in my mind but I can do this. I
told myself that this is it. I started observing my mentor. I observed the way she
talked to the students, the way she delivered the questions and obviously I was
surprised because all things that I’ve learned in school were really applied.
I started listening with the lesson she were discussing. And it’s all about
reading a story. After that she let the student to know the moral lesson in the story
and write if what they learned.
Time I started to observe Mrs. Tandog was the time I started to tell myself
that being a teacher is easy. Also, handling students is very easy. She advised me
that, the difficult part in teaching is to let the student imagine what your lesson all
about is.
September 21, 2016
It is my second day in Observing. The students are still afraid of me. My
mentor already gave me a task. She left out the room and ask a favor to let me
handle the students temporarily. When she’s gone, I let them do the activity for
that time because it is Math time. Their topic were all about Multiplication. At first
I was nervous because the subject was really hard for me. But when I started to
talk in front of them, automatically my mouth opened and started to talk not knowing
that the lesson was really easy.
The time goes by while we were in the middle of checking their activity, my
mentor came in. it so happy. It was nice to feel that moment. I felt that I’m already
a teacher. My mentor congratulate me and still advicing me in different ways in
managing and handling the students. The next subject is science and it gives me
more confidence because this one is my favorite subject. My mentor started to
discuss. And I was amazed because Mother tongue were already applied. It is very
helpful to the students because they can easily expressed their understanding and
knowledge about the lesson. They can easily cope up with the lesson. Technology also
help the students in a way that in a short period of time, just one click and the can
understand the lesson through video clips, stories and pictures.
September 22, 2016
It was a great day to me because I came early in the school. My mentor gave
me breakfast chips and ate near her table at the back of the classroom. And after
she gave me the food, she started the lesson for this day. As the time goes down,
the next teacher just came in on time. The teacher said that there will be a
summative test in Mathematics but before the examination start , she briefly
discussed the content of the test. While she is talking in front of them and asking if
the students really understand the lesson. Sadly, while she is asking some question
to students, no one answer from them. The class was so quiet. And as I saw, I think
that the student did not fully understand the lesson, so the teacher cancelled the
exam and try another strategies and approach in which the students will able to
understand well the lesson. Then I realized that not all teachers are effective in
teaching. Not all will understand and know the needs of the students.
September 23, 2016
I am ready to attend my class, my second home. My second family. That’s my
students. It was surprise day because my mentor finally gave me the power to take
or handle the class. At first, my students are afriad of me. The room is covered with
silence. I started to talked. My lesson begins with the story. Then the students will
find the word with the long “I” sounds. While telling the story, I was amazed when I
asked my first question because they are all raising their hands to answer. I felt so
happy for that. It shows that they understand the story I was telling to them. Then
after the story telling, the students began their activity. And I see to it that
everybody is doing their work.
The next lesson is very creative and full of imagination of the students. It is
an art class wherein they are the one who make a map out of wet paper and glue. The
group one make the most neat and beautiful artwork. The map of Calabarzon Region
IV – A.
September 29, 2016
I arrived early at my assigned school. Since I was absent 2 days ago, my
mentor interviewed me about what happened to me. Then I told her that I was
absent because I got sick. She asked me if im okay and said to her not fully okay. My
mentor tlod me about what happened when I was absent. I was frustrated because
one of my co – intern were being ask why is he always went out in time of his duty.
He didn’t observe inside the claaroom and just go around inside the school. His
mentor told him too to teach already but he didn’t come to school the next day. This
happening makes the grade 4 teacher report him in the principal’s office. And want
him to report to his mentor.
As the time goes by, my mentor do not let me handle the class because of my
condition. I just make my lesson plan for the following day that I will teach them.
And it gives me more exciting as the time runs. While on their activity two students
were fighting. One student were hit in mouth that cause bleeding. I was nervous that
time. I don’t know what to do. Then, my student told me that they have a first aid
kit in the cabinet. I immediately get it and applied it to my students.
September 30, 2016
This day my mentor had a one on one lesson to those students who are having
a hard time in coping and understanding the lesson in Mathematics. While she is
doing it, she let me handle the class for a while. I discussed the process of
multiplication in other students in many procedures. I’m happy that they easily
understand what I taught them. At 9:30, school gathered an earthquake drill. This is
to practice the different safety measure during and after the earthquake if it is
suddenly happen. After the said drill, my mentor asked me to handle this class
because all teachers in Grade III need to practice playing volleyball iin order to win
the game for their teacher’s competition in Teacher’s Day. I handle the class and
taught them about Multiplication with zero. I’m proud because they easily
understand the lesson. Its already 11:50 when I allowed them to go home. One of my
students gave me a card, saying “Happy Teacher’s Day Teacher Karla.”
October 5, 2016
Thank you for this day. It was a greatful and happy day because my students
gave me a Teacher’s greeting card. My students greet me in chorus “Happy Teacher’s
Day Ma’am Karla!” It was a touching moment when they greet me. The lesson was
continued and I seated at the back and observed my mentor as she gently discussed
the different “Panghalip Pananong”. Im glad that the students can answer in her
question. I saw her as a very dedicated teacher. She always gave me an advice that
would help me in teaching.
Before I leave the school, she already gave me the lesson that I would teach.
She said that I will be the one to prepare the Instructional Materials. My critique
gave me all the references she uses in teaching. These books that would help me in
teaching. The curriculum guide in K – 12, the Budget of Work and the lesson plan she
October 6, 2016
It was typical day. Not so happy because when I arrived at school my mentor
is very angry with one of the student. She command the student to stand near the
door. She said ,”Come to me if you’re ready to do your work.” The student says sorry
to his teacher. He go back to his chair and write his seatwork. My mentor told me
that these student has a Hyperactivity Disorder.
After that Mam Tandog asked me that I should start my practice teaching on
Monday. She give me the books which I will going to use as references. At first, I
was nervous when she said that but I realized that this is the way in my dreams. I
will become a teacher on Monday. There’s a lot of emoticon running in my mind. But
this is the field and career I choose to.
October 7, 2016
Its Friday and the students has a summative test. I just help my mentor in
assisting the students in giving the exam. After the exam they had the reading of
the story. The students are very happy. They are very active. I admire my mentor
because the section she handling is at middle section but then I felt that I was in a
pilot section because of the interaction they make.they are very alive. Our room is
located behind the covered court, so if any program is done our class is affected
because of the loud sounds coming from the event or program. Our class is a little
bit distracted but then my mentor is very dedicated in teaching. She gave the
students a group activity so that students will have things to do.
October 10, 2016
It was a fine day today. A very remarkable day. This is my first day to
handle the class and teach them. I already prepared my Instructional Materials. It
was very special moment because this time I will apply my skills and what I’ve
learned in school and what I observed in my mentor. By this moment, I would say
that it is my chance to show what I’ve learned.
But this strong confident feeling goes down when my critique started to
checked my prepared lesson plan. I feel so perturbed when I saw that she is writing
a lot in my lesson plan. Then she started to talked and looked at me with smiling
face. She discussed to me the different aggrieve of my lesson plan. And its give a lot
of nervous she check first my lesson plan before I started to teach. But then she
said that I should continued what I prepare then she will look at me on what should
be develop.
October 11 - 14, 2016
This week, I was absent because I got a seroius disease which comes to the
point that they need to bring me in the hospital. But I don’t want to be hospitalized
because I know it would takes so many days before I’d be better. Chose to rest in
our house. And I already reach out to my mentor about what happened to me, then
she adviced me to rest and come to school whenever I’m better.
October 17 – November 3, 2016
Semestral Break of the Students
November 7, 2016
Today is 3rd Periodical Examination of the students and I just help my
mewntor in preparing and managing the class while taking their exams. After the
exams, the class had an experiment about force using paper airplane and paper boat.
The class are instructed to make a paper airplane and paper boat. Then, my mentor
started to ask the students how the airplanes moved. Students replied that it is
moving through their hands. And my mentor finally discussed the meaning of force
using the paper airplane and paper boat. After their discussion they had an activity,
but suddenly one teacher came in and said that there will be having a class picture.
Students prepare theirselves in as I lead them in the place where the class picture
will be done. I was watching them when my mentor called the photographer and
instructed him to had another chair for me. I was shocked yet in the back of my
mind I’m happy. Because this is my first time in taking the class picture that I
seated in the middle beside my mentor. Im happy.
November 8, 2016
Today is a continuation of Periodical Exam in Mathematics. And the students
are seriously taking it. The classroom are covered with classroom. After the
difficult exam, they had their eating time. After 15 minutes of break, the teacher
said, “okay, clean up time.” Then the students started to sing ,”Clean up. Clean up.
Everybody do your shares.” It is nice to see the students are all together helping
each other in cleaning the rooms. My mentor said that it is a good routine for the
students after their recess time. All are in their places and getting ready for the
next subject. My mentor started her lesson in Filipino. Still my mentor want me to
observe again in the back. I was thinking if my mentor just wanted me to observed
her and not to let me teach.
November 9, 2016
I arrived at school with many people in the covered court. When I came in in
the room, I ask my mentor on the preparation outside and ssaid that it is the MILO.
Students are allowed drinking Milo for free. My mentor gave me instruction to
manage the students in the court. I lead them in the court and let them fall in line
properly. The event goes successful and then we go back to the room and take their
break time.
November 10, 2016
This day the supervisors of Division of DepEd came in the school. They’re
going to observe the teachers from Grade III to Grade V. That’s why a few days
before today, my mentor is busy doing some Instructional Materials and Lesson
Plans. She is the one that is assigned to be observed by the Supervisors. But the
things that gives me a weird feeling is, before the observer came, my mentor told
me to go home early because of the Supervisor are coming. If the observer came
and saw us interns, they would let the interns teach and the interns will be the one
to be obsrved by the supervisors. I feel so nervous about what I heard but when I’m
on my way home, I realized that, why would the supervisors do that if they are the
one who received the MOA for deploying Interns in that school. Ang it made me
laugh. Maybe my mentor is a little bit shy and nervous that’s why she let me go home
November 17, 2016
I came school early and saw the students in the court falling in line. I entered
the room asking my mentor what is happening outside. And she said that it is the
practice of the students in their First Communion. Since I’m not a Catholic, I just
let the student follow what the Cathechist instructed to the students.
This day is very unexpected. My mentor wanted me to choose what will be the
topic or lesson I will used in my Final Demo. At first, she let me choose what subject
I want to teach,. She gave me English, Science or Mathematics. Since my first major
subject when I was in Secondary Education is Science, I chose Science. My heart is
in the field of science. Ilove teaching the concepts of Science and doing
experiments with my students.
November 18, 2016
This day the class will be doing an art class. Their going to make a finger paint.
They will put the paint in their hands and printed it in their paper. This activity make
the whole classroom a big disaster! The paint is leaked around the floor yet
students are happily doing their activity. My mentor went out so I’m the who left in
the room. It’s a totally mess. I don’t know what to do. I just stand in the front of
the classroom and shouted ,”Go back to your seat and zip your mouth!”. The students
are running and the room is filled with silence. I looked them and saw that they are
afraid of me. Then I discussed to them what I said to them earlier. I asked one
student, “What did I tell you earlier? What are the things we need to do while doing
your activity?” The Student answered ,’ Work quietely and neatly.”
I collected their work and posted in our bulletin board the best work of the
students. All students got their works.
My Experiences
in the School
I and my co-student teacher never had any meeting with our cooperating principal
the day of our deployment because that time Mr. Tito A. Caba – caba had a meeting
outside the school. . So Ma’am Gatlabayan (master teacher) was the one to give us
orientation about the school policies, rules and regulations. She was also the one who
entertained us while waiting for our cooperating teacher.
I felt good and I enjoyed my first meeting with my cooperating teacher which
was Ma’am Miraflor O. Tandog. She was very nice and supportive cooperating
teacher. She discussed the things I need to familiarize with the teaching learning
process. She was assigned to grade 3 levels and I was lucky enough by getting along
with her. I saw her as responsible teacher and at the same time friendly and a
mother to all students under her care especially me as her apprentice.
Thanks to Ma’am Tandog who served as my guide throughout my whole
internship in San Isidro Elementary School. As a student teacher, I wanted to learn
more on how to develop my ability when it comes to my profession. Ma’am Tandog
never lose her passion in correcting my apprehension and she never forgot to give
feedback on the things that I need to improve. She always gives suggestions and
collaborates with me about my lesson planning.
Working with Ma’am Tandog was an unforgettable experience. She was the
one who gave color to my practice teaching. She was very straight to the point in
telling all my weaknesses in teaching. At the same, she was the first one who
encouraged me to improve my own self and make my teaching experiences
meaningful. She molded me and shared me a lot of things about teaching strategies
and methods and most of all to be a responsible teacher.
Teacher’s Day. I could never forget the special day for teacher because I
was surprised when my students from 3- Quartz gave me a letters of appreciation. I
never thought that they would recognize me as their teacher. They gave it to me
without knowing that it was in my lesson plan. I couldn’t help myself but to thank
them with all of my heart.
Grand Demonstration Day. My demonstration teaching turns to what I sortly
expected. Every resource and effort was invested. Although my preparation was not
enough to say that it would be successful but still I refused my uneasy feelings and
filled myself with confidence. I made my lesson plan a day before my demo. I was in
a rush doing my instructional materials because of limited amount of time. Finally, my
final demonstration day came and it was suddenly my creeps to do my IM’s
When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established
in the classroom, children know what’s expected of them and how to do certain
things on their own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows teachers to
spend more time in meaningful instruction - Linda Shalaway
Ma’am Tandog already had her own routines on how to make her instruction be
very effective and make her students be more disciplined. As her student teacher, I
also set my routines and classroom procedures. I got acquainted with routines and I
ensured to be very organized, systematic and orderly in my classes. I come to school
daily as early as 6:00 am before my cooperating teacher arrived, I already in our
first class and I asked students to maintain classroom cleanliness. When I was the
one to teach, I made sure that my daily routines was already established. I did not
start my lesson unless all students were listening. Before I dismissed my class, their
classroom was already clean and I gave them their assignments or home task.
I anchored my instructional materials to the objectives of my lesson plan. I
used to be creative and artistic in making my IM’s. Since my subject that I taught
was Science, I always make sure that students never got too harsh on understanding
my lesson. I used different pictures and videos and let my students to analyze the
video first. Of course, the discussion would not be exciting if there was no game
motivation and group work activity. In every activity, I provided my class a Manila
paper and pentel pen for each group and I let them to study the assigned task with
them. After the lesson, I assessed my students to determine if they learned and
understood the topic that I had discussed.
Authentic assessment is very important in teaching learning process among
students and teachers. It determines the student’s performance throughout the
discussion. It measures the learning improvement of the students and through
assessment the quality of teaching performance of the teacher could determine.
Every end of discussion I gave my students an evaluation. I usually use flashcards
and give a limited time for the students to solve the problem.
Bulletin board is important in reminding the students about school’s important
announcement, additional information on a particular subject matter, school policies
and important dates to remember. It also helps to reinforce learning and interact
with student’s attention.
In structuring bulletin board, I considered first the theme and the objective
of the bulletin board. Next, the content and the information posted on it should be
updated and students could relate based on real life situation that happened daily.
I required my students to have their own portfolio for them to see if there’s
any progress on their performance and task. Portfolio is important in linking the
assessment to the instruction. It measures the quality of teaching and reveals any
weaknesses or strength in lesson strategy or method.
As part of being pre-service teacher, I was obliged to join in any school
activities for me to develop my social skills especially my responsibility to cooperate
with the school and also to be acquainted with my fellow co-student teachers,
learners, teachers and staff.
The Earthquake drills. Every 6 am when the bell rang, all students, teachers
including me and my co-student teachers conducted a drop procedure of duck, cover
and hold. We assisted the students while leaving the building in an orderly manner
until we reached the evacuation area beside the school. Earthquake drills and
exercises are extremely important part of preparedness plan because it
taught students and personnel on how to respond to the actual earthquake, since the
location of the school is prone to earthquake fault line.
I learned how to be a multi-tasking pre-service teacher especially when it
comes to participating in school activities. It helped me to strengthen and develop
my sense of responsibility and on how to be more creative in preparing plan for
particular activity.
School: San Isidro Elementary School
Mentor: Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog
Student Teacher: Karla Jenica N. Patlunag}
Grade and Section: Grade III – Quartz
Principal: Mr. Tito A. Caba – caba
Date: November 7, 2016
Earthquake Drill
Students do the Drop, Cover and Hold on.
Launching of School MRF
“Materials Recovery
My Everyday Classroom Activities
Students doing their group activities.
Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog
Grade III – Quartz Adviser
San Isidro National High School
Ma’am Miraflor O. Tandog. She was very nice and supportive cooperating teacher.
She discussed the things I need to familiarize with the teaching learning process.
She was assigned to grade 3 levels and I was lucky enough by getting along with her.
I saw her as responsible teacher and at the same time friendly and a mother to all
students under her care especially me as her apprentice.
My Cooperating Teacher
Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog
Practice Teaching Adviser
Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog. She is our adviser in Practice Teaching She helps us in many
problems inside the school. She’s the one who deploy us in our Cooperating Schools
and talk to each cooperating teachers. A kind of teacher who serves as our second
mother in school because she will do everything for the sake of our goodness. I
admired her because of her dedication in the service. Her willingness to help is thru
her heart and this make study more harder because of the people like these. When
someone is encouraging me that I had the ability that I can do, I push myself to do
it and prove them that they are correct with what they are expecting to me. Just
like Dr. Abiog.
My Supervisor in Practice Teaching
My Demonstration Day
Finally, after three months of training here at San Isidro National School, my
most awaited and special day came. December 2, 2016 was my schedule for the
demonstration teaching. I held my demo-teaching at the room of Grade III – Pilot.
Instead of being nervous, I felt excitement jitters on my bones. I was confident
that I would make my demonstration successful and it happened as I expected. With
the encouragement and supports of my students and cooperating teacher Ma’am
Myra, I made my day more fun, I did my very best to share my knowledge, to touch
learner’s heart, to inspire and specially to make them learn while enjoying my class.
I was so energetic that day. Without the help of my beloved cooperating
teacher, my final demonstration would not be successful. I came to school as early
as 7 am to have a little discussion with Ma’am Myra. She checked my lesson plan and
gave some feedback and suggestions to make it more meaningful.
My observers were Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog from our University, My supportive
cooperating teacher Ma’am Myra, I also invited a Master Teacher in Grade IV
Department. Before the time schedule, I already prepared all the instructional
materials that I used for my demo - teaching.
My lesson plan as I expected seemed on smooth sailing. I did creative
discovery approach. Recognizing learners’ intelligences could be a great factor to
have a good variety of strategies in teaching. My students were very attentive and
they never failed me in executing my daily routines. I observed my students were
also energetic most of them raised their hands to answer my questions until the
abstract topic revealed by the students themselves. Suddenly there was a question
on my mind while I was executing my lesson as I saw my observers’ smiling face
since the beginning of my demonstration and it inspired me to be more energetic in
my teaching with a big wonder why.
Since the classroom of grade III – Pilot located near beside the road, the
noise coming from the vehicles could be heard inside the class. The quality
of sound I used from the audio of my instructional materials was not good
enough to be heard by my students specially those at the back. Physical
condition of the classroom is important in effective teaching –learning
process. It was a barrier to my discussion that is why I spoke louder as
much as I could to get my student’s attention and for them to understand
the flow of the topic.
According to my students, they learned about the different the
sounds they heard and its application in real life situation. My students
learned on how to participate in a discussion and to value grouping
activities. Because they are all interested to my subject, with their
eagerness to learn, they got all a high scores in their quiz out of 5 items.
Teaching is my passion as I thought that it’s easy to be in front of the class
and deliver what the topic is all about but I was totally wrong. Teaching is not an
easy job because there were a lot of things to be considered specially the learner’s
diversity. We all know that we cannot teach what we don’t have so it would better to
start disciplining ourselves as the students look up for us as the apple of their eyes
inside or outside of the classroom.
Students have their intelligences that are essential in teaching-learning
process. A productive teacher knows what is the best for his students to learn in a
Objective, creativity and time management in planning were most
important factors in the success of every man’s craft.
One of my mistakes that I did was planning my lesson and preparing
instructional materials a day before my final demonstration. I never
thought that it would be better enough if I did the planning one week
before the day of my demonstration teaching so that I could see if there
would be anything to be change to improve my lesson plan. Through the
guidance, help and encouragement of Ma’am Myra, the level of my
confidence went back on its track that even though I prepared my lesson
plan and IM’s with lack of time I knew I could still make it well as a whole.
But I have to make sure that being unprepared would not be happen again.
meaningful ways. It is not enough just to spoon feed our learners with knowledge
without giving any value on it and relates every lesson in real life situation. I learned
to be responsible in everything, to be a role model, to be an actress and specially to
be students’ best friend but I set limit not to be so close with them.
There is a room for improvement in everything we do. Practice teaching gives way
for me to know my strength and weaknesses when it comes to teaching. Sometimes I
speak very fast, sometimes very gradual that I never recognized having lapses in my
lesson. I have to practice the manner of speaking in a calm way and I must be aware
of every word that comes out from my mouth. The good thing was I have well-
modulated voice which is effective in delivering the subject matter.
My Lesson Plans
My First Lesson Plan
Kabanata 4: Pagmamana ng Katangian – Heredity
I. Layunin:
- Naiisa – isa ang katangian ng magkakatulad at kaparehong uri ng mga
nanganganak na hayop.
II. Sanggunian
K-12 Curriculum Guide p. 19, S3LT – II9 –h13
T.G Chapter 4 p. 100
L.M Kabanata 4, Gawain 1 p. 98
III. Kagamitan
Larawan at Video clips ng mga Hayop at ng kanilang supling
IV. Pamamaraan
A. Panimulang Gawain
- Pag tsi-tsek ng Attendance
- Pagwawasto ng takdang aralin
- Balik Aral
B. Panlinang na Gawain
I. Pagganyak
- Pagpapakita ng mga larawan ngmga hayop at supling
Tanong: Ano ang mga katangian na magkakatulad ng
mga larawan?
II. Paglalahad ng Aralin
- Ang bawat katangian ng mga hayop ay naibabahagi sa kanilang
mga supling
-Hugis ng katawan, hugis ng mga paa, kulay at iba pa-
III. Pangkatang Gawain
Pamantayan sa Paggawa
1. Magtala ng mga at ibigay ang tawag sa kanilang mga supling.
Pangalan ng Nanay na Hayop Tawag sa kanilang anak
Halimbawa: Aso tuta
1. Manok
2. baboy
3. pusa
4. kangaroo
5. toro
IV. Pagproseso ng mga itinala sa mga talahanayan ng mga mag aaral.
- Paano ipinakikita ang pagmamana ng katangian at pagkakaiba iba ng mga
- Ang bawat supling ng bawat hayop ay may sariling katawagan. Dito napag-iiba iba
ang mga mga hayop ayon sa kanilang namamanang lahi o katangian.
- paghambingin ang katangian ng mga hayop at sa tao. Ano ang kanilang pagkakaiba?
V. Pagtataya
Isulat ang ngalan ng mga hayop. Pagtapat – tapatin ang bawat pangalan.
VI. Takdang Aralin
Magdikit ng mga larawan ng hayop at ng kanilang mga supling.
My Third Lesson Plan I made in Everyday Teaching
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
a. identify renewable resources and nonrenewable resources.
b. describe how living things benefit from the environment.
c. protect and conserve the available natural resources.
II. Subject Matter
A Topic:
Earth and Its Natural Resources
B. Materials:
Pictures; Cartolina; Print Materials
C. Reference:
Science Works
Gregorio L. Jesuitas, pp. 244-247
D. Science Process:
Observing, Communicating, Comparing, Classifying
E. Value:
Thank God for creating a wonderful environment to live in.
III. Methodology
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Priming Activating Knowledge
Learning Task 1-Review
Last time we discussed about what? Safe and wise use of light, heat, sound
Is there any question about our past
Alright, let us answer this statement by
true or false.
Everyone read the direction on the
DIRECTION: Write TRUE on the blank
if the statement is correct and FALSE if
it is not correct.
___________ 1. People exposed to noisy
engines without proper ear protection
will likely damage their ears.
___________ 2. Play under the sun for
long hours.
___________ 3. Do not insert your
fingers or any small object into an outlet.
___________ 4. It is safe to use
electrical appliances when wet.
___________ 5. Drink plenty of water
and do not wait until you are thirsty to
Learning Task 2 – Motivation
(Show a picture of the Earth)
and electricity in daily life.
DIRECTION: Write TRUE on the blank
if the statement is correct and FALSE if
it is not correct.
___TRUE _ 1. People exposed to noisy
engines without proper ear protection
will likely damage their ears.
___FALSE__ 2. Play under the sun for
long hours.
___TRUE __ 3. Do not insert your
fingers or any small object into an outlet.
__FALSE __ 4. It is safe to use
electrical appliances when wet.
__TRUE _ 5. Drink plenty of water
and do not wait until you are thirsty to
Class, what picture is on the board?
When you look at the earth from the
outer space, what does it look like?
What do you think is the bluish color
surface of the earth?
Very good!
Now class, how many percent of the
earth’s surface is covered by water?
Very good!
As you look closer, what is the other
color that you see?
What does the green color represent on
earth’s surface?
Very good.
How many percent of earth’s covered
with land?
Yes. Correct.
The picture of the earth.
Its looks like a blue marble.
The bluish color that covers the surface
of the earth is water.
75% of the earth’s surface is covered by
The green color represents the land.
25% of the land.
Is earth also covered with air?
What colors represent the air in this
Correct. Very good!
B. Lesson Proper
Learning Task 3 - Activity
Now class, let us have picture puzzle. As
you can see, I have here 4 envelopes.
Inside it is the picture that you are going
to form.
I will divide you into two groups. Each
group will have two envelopes to form.
I will give you 5 minutes to do that.
Is it clear?
Group 1
Yes it is covered with air.
The white color represents the air.
Yes it is.
Group 2
Learning Task 4 – Analysis
Where do we find the animals?
Correct. And what is environment?
All things that we see in our surrounding
are all part of the environment, including
Can you give examples of living things?
What do we call the things in the
What are natural resources?
In the environment.
Environment is everything that makes up
the surroundings and affects the
activities of living things. It consists of
all living and nonliving things on earth.
Human, plants and animals
Natural resources.
A natural resource is anything that
people can use which comes from nature
like land, water and air.
Without water, air and land, living things
cannot exist, so they are dependent upon
the environment.
How do living things benefit from the
Correct. Now class let us go back with
these two groups.
There are two groups of natural
Can you identify the first picture in the
first group?
Does sunlight give us unlimited supply of
light in a day?
Very good!
What about the other picture?
Very good.
Can animals be replaced? How?
Correct. This group of natural resources
was considered as renewable resources.
What are renewable resources?
Can you identify the pictures in the
second group?
If the first group are called renewable
Yes it does.
Yes. It can replace through reproduction.
Renewable resources are natural
resources that can be replaced or
renewed within a short period of time.
Petroleum and Coal.
Non-renewable resources
Because it takes a long period of time to
replace it.
Nonrenewable resources are natural
resources that cannot be easily replaced
within a short period of time. They can
take hundreds or even million years to
No. Because it can cause pollution that is
very harmful to our environment.
resources, how about the second group?
Why do you think petroleum and coal is
under nonrenewable resources?
Now class what are nonrenewable
Do you think the improper use of this
nonrenewable resources good in our
environment? Why?
Do you have any idea what are the uses
of these nonrenewable resources?
So, what do we need to do to those
nonrenewable resources?
Very good.
How do we prevent pollution?
Very good!
Is it important to conserve and protect
our natural resources? Why?
What do we need in order to survive?
What is the effective way to conserve
our natural resources?
Those are use for running electricity and
We need to use them wisely.
We can prevent pollution by proper
disposal of these nonrenewable
Yes it is. Because we need it to survive.
We need the Earth’s natural resources.
Bottles, newspaper, magazines, boxes
Natural resources are the naturally
occurring materials that are used by
living things.
What are the things that can be
Very good!
Learning Task 5 – Abstraction
Again class what are natural resources?
What are the two groups of natural
What are renewable resources?
Very good!
Give me examples of renewable
What are nonrenewable resources?
What do we need to do to those
nonrenewable resources?
Renewable and nonrenewable.
Renewable resources are the natural
resources that can be replenish in a
short period of time.
Sunlight, water, air, plants and animals.
Nonrenewable resources are the natural
resources that cannot be easily to
replace within a short period of time.
We need to use it wisely.
Learning Task 6 – Application
Now class, I want you to look under your
chair. As you can see some of you have
the picture. I will call you one by one and
then you will tell what is in the picture
then identify what group of resources is
Is it clear class?
Moon Nuclear
Renewable Resources
Nonrenewable Resources
Crude Oil
Renewable Resources
Nonrenewable Resources
Renewable Resources
Nonrenewable Resources
V. Evaluation
Write R on the blank if the material is renewable and N if it is nonrenewable.
_______ 1. Stars
_______ 2. LPG
_______ 3. Kerosene
_______ 4. Vegetables
_______ 5. Tree
V. Assignment
List at least 5 natural resources found in the Philippines.
My Best Lesson Plan
-Nailalarawan ang mga gamit ng tunog
-Napahahalagahan ang gamit ngtunog
Kabanata 3: Mga Tunog
Gawain 4: Mga Gamit ngTunog
Sanggunian: S3FE–IIIg-h-4
Larawan ng ambulansya, trak ng bumbero, kampana,
alarm clock, chart, projector at computer
A. Panimulang Gawain
1. Ulat Kalusugan
2. Ulat Panahon
3. Kaunting Kaalaman
4. BalikAral
-Ano ano ang mga pinanggagalingan ng tunog?
B. Panlinang na Gawain
-Pakinggan ang tunog? Saan nyo itomadalas naririnig?
2. PaglalahadngGawain
 Pangkatang Gawain
Pangkat 1– Pagbuo ng puzzle ng larawan at ibigayang gamit ng tunog nito. (Ambulansya)
Pangkat 2-Pagbuo ng puzzle ng larawan at ibigayang gamit ng tunog nito.
(Trak ng basura)
Pangkat 3– Paggawa ng rapayon sa gamit ng tunog ng nasa larawan.
Pangkat 4– Paggawa ng tula ayon sa gamit ng tunog ng nasa larawan.
Pangkat 5– Paggawa ng Role Playing ayon sa gamit ng tunog ng nasa larawan. (pitoo whistle)
 Pamantayan sa Paggawa
 Pamamaraan sa Paggawa
1. Suriinang mga larawan at tukuyin ang mga gamit ng tunog nito. Punan ng impormsyon ang talahanayan.
 Ano ano ang gamit ng tunog?
 Bakit mahalaga ang gamit ng tunog?
 Kailan ginagamit ang mga tunog na ito?
 Maaari ba itong gamitinsa araw araw?
Pag uulat ng bawat pangkat/Pagproseso ng mga sagot
Pagbubuo ngkonsepto
MgaBagay Gamit ngTunog
Senyales na maguumpisa na ang misa
Senyales na may sunog
Senyales na kailangan ng gumising
Senyales na may dadalhing pasyente sa ospital
Senyales ng pulis sa trapiko
Ibapang Gamit ngTunog
1.Ultrasound -ginagamit itopara marinig ang tibokng puso ng baby habang nasa loob ng tyan
2.Echolocation–ginagamit ang tunog ngmga hayop katulad ng
paniki para malaman ang direksyon ng mga kasama nila.
-Bakit mahalaga ang gamit ng tunog?
Panuto: Pagtapatin ang nasa Hanay A sa Hanay B.
HanayA HanayB
A. Senyales ng paggising sa umaga
2. B. Senyales ng pulis sa trapiko
3. C. Senyales na may dadalhing
pasyente sa ospital
4. D. Senyales sa pag uumpisa ngmisa
5. E. Senyales na may sunog
V.Takdang Aralin
Gumupit ng 5 larawan na tumutunog at ibigayang gamit nito. Idikit itosa inyong kwaderno.
Antas ng Masteri:
5 -
4 -
3 -
2 -
1 -
Desisyon sa Pagtuturo
Prepared By:
Checked By:
My Reflections
San Isidro Elementary School has been my second home for almost 3
months. I witnessed its by leafs and bounds, its improvements that after the
mind of the people on how they view ISU-R beofre and lead them to a wider
perspective that this institution is able to produce quality graduate who are
equip with morally upright values as well as a repertoise of knowledge and a
respectacle of skills.
It is but normal to feel excited because I will undergoing the highlights
of my course which is the pre-service training. Earlier before deployment, I
knew it already on what school they will be going to deploy me due to the fact
that some teachers permit us to deploy knowing that one of my co-students
ismy boyfriend and her mother is working this school as a Grade V Teacher.
That’s why when I saw my praticum site, pressure immediately colonized my
vein and nervousness abrupt occupied my soul. Every student demands you to
prepare all the time. I knew it because I was one. Every single meeting is like
my final demonstration day. It is really indispensable to perform well. One
thing more that adds pressure to me is that maybe, I will not be able to meet
the expectations of my teachers as well as my Students. It is quite
frustrating if that is so. But on the other hand, I feel happy because it will not
be difficult for me to adjust into a new environment and glad because I know
that my cooperating teacher has a storehouse of knowledge and values as well
as skills that they will be going to impart to me in order to improve my teaching
skills as well as good classroom management.
Am I really prepared to teach?
The common litany that runs if we talk about teaching is that”it is the
nobiest of all professions”. Nothing is more profound profession than teaching
for teachers invest their own time, energy and in the long run, invest their own
lives just to touch the lives of others as they ofetn say “My Teacher, My Her”.
How great is the feelng to be called hero. But then again, I always go back to
the question, am I really prepared to teach? I do believe that three years of
preparation is enough. I have gained a repertoire of healthy knowledge,
receptacle of goo values and starehouse of usefull skills. A truly prepared
teacher is someone who can make a difference in child’s life to ignite curiosity
and growth o their students. It is the most rewarding part of teaching. But as
much as teaching can be rewarding, it can also be frustrating and stressfull
when dealing with unmotivated students, large classes and heavy workloads.
Most frustrating one, teachers will sometimes have to deal with unruly
behavior and violence from students. These are all part of teaching. Teaching is
not simply “ teaching”. You must ensure that your students are really learning
from you, how they assimilate the knowledge, imbibe the values and foster the
skills, must be monitor by you. You can only perform all these if you exhibit a
sense of preparedness in teaching. Going back again to the question, am I really
prepared to teach? I can say “Yes I am”. This is through the help of the people
behind me especially my cooperating teachers who continuously motivating me
to strive, to do my best, to make the most out of it in teaching. Although, I
still have something to lear in the field of teaching. Preparedness and
readiness are key factors to make teaching meaningful and colorful. This will
lead to a better development of the students and the teacher as well.

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Narrative in Practice Teaching

  • 1. 2 2 ANarrativeReport in PracticeTeaching Karla Jenica N. Patlunag Student Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog Professor
  • 2. 3 3
  • 3. 4 4 I dedicate this narrative report, first and foremost to our God Almighty, the hero of my life, the source of my knowledge and wisdom in accomplishing my Narrative Report in Practice Teaching. To my beloved family who always there to support me in all of my plans and goal accomplishment; my Mother and Father, my brothers and sister who motivates me, To my professors; especially Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog for supervising us in practice teaching, To my Cooperating Teacher, Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog for giving her support, advices and making the best in me. To my Cooperating School, San Isidro Elementary School and Its entire staff from the Principal, its teachers and to all the non- teaching staff for the opportunity to be around and to work with them confidently. To all my Cooperating classes, Grade III – Quartz and Grade III – Pilot. DEDICATION
  • 4. 5 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my whole - heartedly thanks to and deepest gratitude to the following people who were able to give their willingness to help, for their unwavering and undying support, motivation, and precious time for the completion of this narrative report. To Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog, our supervising teacher for her untiring guidance, concern, support, encouragement, understanding and most of all for the love that she gave to all the practice teacher’s. To Mr. Tito A. Caba - caba, Principal of San Isidro Elementary School, for the very wholehearted welcome. Thank you for assenting to bear with us for a quiet a number of weeks. To Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog, my Cooperating Teacher in San Isidro Elementary School, for painstakingly checking my lesson plans and guiding me with my lessons and proposing suggestions for me to progress. Thank you for letting me be myself and mentoring me all throughout my stay in the school. To All the staff of San Isidro Elementary School, for their guidance and support in making this narrative report. To all the students of San Isidro Elementary School, for their kindness, cooperation and respect given to me as practice teacher that inspires me to continue my chosen career. Also I would like to extend my appreciation to my Students in Grade III – Quartz and Grade III – Pilot that I had handled, for their cooperation and for being not only a student but a “Friends and barkadas” that is always there in my side in times of happiness and sorrow and also they are the one who gave hope and strength to pursue my profession.
  • 5. 6 6 To my loving and supportive guardians; Mama and Papa, for their untiring support, financial assistance, for their love, care, advice and encouragement to make this teaching portfolio. Thank you so much! And I Love you. And above all, to our Almighty God, for His unconditional love and for all the blessing He is showering upon me each day of my life. With love and gratitude, I thank Him for guiding me during my training and for making this On- the-Job Training a possible one. For the provision and wisdom He has bestowed upon me, for keeping me and my love ones always safe, for giving me enough knowledge and ability to perform each task that was assigned to me. I thank Him for His comfort during the times that I am about to give up. By His grace, I was able to finish this training without any conflict.
  • 6. 7 7 MY CERTIFICATES “Nothing can be a more ennobling act for a teacher to see his work effectively done in the campus accomplished through a labor of dedicated service, selfless commitment and his love to his student-advice. This makes the teaching profession a serious noble calling but only for the few, the noble and proud.” .. On my pre-service training, a lot of experiences gave me lessons. The different experiment we made inside the class amidst the transformation of behavior and characters. The laughter of my students proved me that in every problem, there is a big solution. So don’t stop and provoke instead step up and grow for the attainment of your desires. The advises unexpectedly delivered when my students need a comfort Taught me to become emphatic and serious, all of these and many others are worth cherishing and emulating … “Another History of My Life”
  • 7. 8 8 Dear Father, our God whom created the world, the almighty source of knowledge and wisdom, above all you are everything. Thank you Lord God for giving me opportunity to touch the lives and hearts of my students. Bless us each day and guide us through your loving presence in every journey of our lives. Help me to be a fine teacher, to be merciful to my students, to balance mercy and discipline in the right measure for each students, to keep my genuine love as much as possible, to keep my lessons always interesting, to recognize what motivates each of my students, to be fair to all, to be a good role model, but most of all, make me your instrument to show your great love to all of my students. Amen. TEACHER’S PRAYER
  • 8. 9 TEACHER’S CREED Dear students, I promise…. To be nice and smile often. To care about each of you. To be understanding. To help you when you are struggling. To be patient with you. To be fair and consistent. To enjoy teaching you. To be trustworthy. Never scream at you. That I will get to know you. To believe you. To make learning interesting and meaningful. That I will not embarrass you in front of your peers. That I will challenge you to be your very best. To do everything I can to help you succeed. And I promise that no matter what…. I will never give up on you…
  • 9. 10 PATLUNAG, KARLA JENICA N. Phase II Sitio Knights of Columbus Brgy. San Roque, Antipolo City MobileNo. 09486534785 E-mail Add: Personal Information Date of Birth: April 20, 1995 Age: 21 Birth Place: Paranaque City Height: 5’2 Weight: 58 kls. Civil Status: Single Nationality: Filipino Educational Attainment Tertiary Bachelor of Elementary Education World Citi Colleges Antipolo City 2013- 2017 Secondary San Roque National High School Antipolo City 20010-2011 Primary Juan Sumulong Elementary School 2006 – 2007
  • 11. 12 iWITNESS: School Paper Seminar March 08, 2014 World Citi Colleges Knowledge Management September 17 & 18, 2014 World Citi Colleges ICT: Materials that Matters October 04, 2014 World Citi Colleges Career Basics October 25, 2014 World Citi Colleges Philippine History and Filipino Identity in Global Environment November 04, 2014 World Citi Colleges LEADER: Leveling Up Excellence And Development Through Establishing Relations September 16, 2015 World Citi Colleges “UNPOPULAR” April 22, 2016 World Citi Colleges “LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP “ May 5, 2015 Loreland Farm Resort WORK EXPERIENCE Company Position Year Loreland Farm Resort Housekeeping 2015 – 2016
  • 12. 13 Dedication . . . . . . . . . v Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . vi My Certificates . . . . . . . . . vii Teacher’s Prayer . . . . . . . . . viii Teacher’s Creed . . . . . . . . . ix Resume . . . . . . . . . x Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . xi I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . 16 1. Preliminaries . . . . . . . . 18 2. Code of Ethics of Student Teacher . . . . . 22 3. My Philosophy of Education as an Elementary Teacher . . 26 II. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHOOL 1. History of My Cooperating School . . . . . 29 2. Mission, Vision and Core Values of My Cooperating School . 32 III. THE DEPLOYMENT AND MY EVERYDAY LIFE AS A STUDENT TEACHER September 15, 2016 . . . . . . . 38 September 21, 2016 . . . . . . . 39 September 22, 2016 . . . . . . . 40 September 23, 2016 . . . . . . . 41 Table of Contents
  • 13. 14 September 29, 2016 . . . . . . . 42 September 30, 2016 . . . . . . . 43 October 5, 2016 . . . . . . . . 44 October 6, 2016 . . . . . . . . 45 October 7, 2016 . . . . . . . . 46 October 10, 2016 . . . . . . . . 47 October 11 – 14, 2016 . . . . . . . 48 October 17 – November 3, 2016 . . . . . . 49 November 7, 2016 . . . . . . . . 50 November 8, 2016 . . . . . . . . 51 November 9, 2016. . . . . . . . . 52 November 10, 2016. . . . . . . . 53 November 17, 2016. . . . . . . . 54 November 18, 2016. . . . . . . . 55 IV. MY EXPERIENCES IN THE SCHOOL CAMPUS Meeting with the Principal. . . . . . . 57 Meeting with the Cooperating Teacher. . . . . 57 Working with my Cooperating Teacher. . . . . 57 My Unforgettable Experience in each Day. . . . . 58 How did I Establish Classroom Routine? . . . . . 59 Preparation of Instructional Materials. . . . . 59 The Authentic Assessment I used. . . . . . 60 Structuring Bulletin Board. . . . . . . 60 School Activities I Participated in. . . . . . 61
  • 14. 15 What I Learned in those Activities. . . . . . 61 Class Picture. . . . . . . . . 62 V. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Earthquake Drill. . . . . . . . . 64 MILO CHAMP Caravan. . . . . . . . 65 Launching of School MRF “Materials Discovery Facilities” . 66 VI. MY PRACTICE TEACHING My Everyday Classroom Activities. . . . . . 67 My Classroom Facilities. . . . . . . . 68 My Cooperating Teacher. . . . . . . . 69 My Supervisor in Practice Teaching. . . . . . 70 My Demonstration Day. . . . . . . . 71 VII. MY LESSON PLANS. . . . . . . . 78 VIII. MY BEST LESSON PLAN. . . . . . . 89 IX. MY REFLECTION. . . . . . . . . 94 X. CLEARANCE FORM . . . . . . . . 97
  • 15. 16 INTRODUCTION There are many professions which man has adopted according to his knowledge and ability. A person can adopt any profession depends upon his aptitudes and capability. All profession is important for human development but teaching is the profession which can lead people to its stairways of success. Teaching is a noble profession because teachers must go beyond to the fullest of having a great effort to deliver a good quality of education to educate their students. Teaching as profession requires a great motivation and moral strength, it aims at enlightening and contentment of mind in men broadens and illuminates the corners of human hearts and mind. Through the guidance of teacher, man drinks from the sources of truth, beauty and goodness and tries to incorporate them in the life. Let me say that the teaching is the profession which shows man the road which leads him to God as the teacher touches not only the mind of the learners but also their heart. If we have the jar of heart to teach , a mission and vision in life to share our knowledge to our students then it’s our vocation not just a job to earn salary but also to reap a good fruit through students who gain knowledge and discover their own capabilities from our guidance. “Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden. Those who would have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flower” - Unknown author
  • 16. 17 Educators are like a gardener who cultivate and mold a student to be a great individual with a good heart and a broad knowledge of what an education really means to the world and society. As a gardener, I am held responsible for my garden. I have to make sure that my plants are healthy and rich in nutrients from the sunlight they get through. I will make sure that they have learned and get a good quality of education as a gardener wants his plants to grow with quality.
  • 17. 18 Preliminaries A. Practice Teaching What is Practice Teaching? The practical implementation of the information and strategies that students have learned in Holy Cross College is what we know as practice teaching. In and outside of school classrooms the student teachers practice what they have learned and are supervised by teachers from the college, cooperating teachers, and school principals. Practice Teaching is a crucial part of every student teacher’s life during college. Student teachers or pre-service teachers are college students teaching under the supervision of a certified teacher in order to qualify for a degree in education. These certified teachers are called cooperating teachers and the school where this teacher is working is called the cooperating school. Why do we have to undergo Practice Teaching? The Purpose of Practice Teaching is to provide qualified teachers that are prepared and trained by following one of the practical educational theories in one of the three levels: Elementary, Intermediate, High School. In my case then it is Elementary level. Another reason is to prepare student teachers for their career as teachers by incorporating them completely into the school atmosphere so that they feel as if they are part of the school. Next is to think and meditate on the practical reality of teaching. It also pushes to encourage student
  • 18. 19 teachers to be creative and to develop their abilities as a professional teacher. B. Student Teacher's Code of Ethics The Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession provide a framework of principles that describes the knowledge, skills, and values inherent in Philippines’ teaching profession. These standards articulate the goals and aspirations of the profession. These standards convey a collective vision of professionalism that guides the daily practices of Student Teachers of the Institute of Teacher Education. The Purposes of the Ethics of Practice Teaching are:  to inspire a shared vision for the teaching profession  to identify the values, knowledge and skills that are distinctive to the teaching profession  to guide the professional judgment and actions of the teaching profession  to promote a common language that fosters an understanding of what it means to be a member of the teaching profession.
  • 19. 20 The Standards of Practice Teaching are:  Commitment to Students and Student Learning Student Teachers are dedicated in their care and commitment to students. They treat students equitably and with respect and are sensitive to factors that influence individual student learning. Student Teachers facilitate the development of students as contributing citizens of the Filipino society.  Professional Knowledge Student Teachers strive to be current in their professional knowledge and recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student development, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and legislation to inform professional judgment in practice.  Professional Practice Student Teachers apply professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning. They use appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in planning for and responding to the needs of individual students and learning communities. Student Teachers refine their professional practice through ongoing inquiry, dialogue and reflection.  Leadership in Learning Communities Student Teachers promote and participate in the creation of collaborative, safe and supportive learning communities. They recognize their shared responsibilities and their leadership roles in order to facilitate student success.
  • 20. 21 Student Teachers maintain and uphold the principles of the ethical standards in these learning communities.  Ongoing Professional Learning Student Teachers recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration and knowledge.
  • 21. 22  The Code addresses the interdependent duties, rights and responsibilities of student teachers, faculty members and educational partners.  By addressing common issues and needs, the Code seeks to articulate and make explicit ethical principles that transcend disciplinary boundaries. These principles reflect the fundamental values that are expressed in the duties, rights and responsibilities of all involved in Teacher Education.  The Code requires a reasonable flexibility in the implementation of common principles. It is designed to help those involved in Teacher Education, as a matter of sound ethical reasoning, to understand and respect the contexts in which they work and accommodate the needs of others.  The Code seeks to encourage continued reflection and thoughtful response to ethical issues. It does not seek definitive answers to all ethical questions or situations. Rather, it seeks to outline the guiding principles to ethical conduct and to identify major issues which are essential to the development and implementation of this Code. Context of an ethics framework for student teachers  The principles and norms guiding ethical conduct are developed within an ever- evolving complex societal context, elements of which include the need for reflective action and ethical principles. Education is premised on a fundamental moral commitment to advance and construct knowledge and to Code of Ethics for Student Teachers
  • 22. 23 ensure human understanding and respect for individual and collective well- being and integrity.  The moral imperative of respect translates into the following ethical principles that assume a student-centered perspective as outlined for Teacher Education. Ethics and law  “Teaching is governed by a legal and regulatory framework”. The law affects and regulates the standards and norms of teaching behaviors in a variety of ways such as respecting privacy, confidentiality, intellectual property, competence. Human rights legislation prohibits discrimination and recognizes equal treatment as fundamental to human dignity and well-being. Teachers should respect the spirit of the Rights and Freedoms particularly the sections dealing with life, liberty and the security of the person as well as those involving equality and discrimination and the Article 11, of R.A. No. 7836 that sets out the obligations and rights of teachers.
  • 23. 24 Guiding ethical principles Ethical student teachers should respect the following guiding ethical principles:  Respect for human dignity  Speaks and acts towards all students with respect and dignity; and deals judiciously with them at all times, always mindful of their individual rights and personal sensibilities.  Respects the dignity and responsibilities of cooperating teachers, peers, principals, parents and other professionals or Para-professionals within the school, school board and community.  Respect for vulnerable persons  Respects and recognizes ethical obligations towards vulnerable persons. This principlerecognizes that students are in a vulnerable position and that student teachers are in a privileged relationship with students and their families and will always refrain from exploiting that relationship in any form or manner.  Respect for confidentiality and privacy  Respects the confidential nature of all information related to students and their families and will share such information in an appropriate manner only with those directly concerned with their welfare.  Respects the confidential nature of all information related to all school personnel and will share such information in an appropriate manner.  Respect for justice  Respects and recognizes the right of individuals to be treated with fairness and equity and the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest.  Respect for safety of students
  • 24. 25  Respects the right of individuals to expect that student teachers will engage in practices that aim to ensure the physical, psychological and emotional safety of students.  Respect for existing ethical codes and professional standards  Respects the authority, roles and responsibilities of the cooperating teacher and agrees to adhere to the responsibilities and obligations for teachers as outlined in the Education Act, Faculty and University handbooks as well as all local agreements by host school boards and schools.  Balancing harm and benefits Acknowledges that any potentially harmful practices (e.g. Science Labs and Physical Education Activities) must be balanced with anticipated benefits and conducted in a prudent informed manner.
  • 25. 26 The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching. ~ Aristotle Do you know why we are here today? What is our purpose in life? Isn’t it we always look for ways to find our calling? Looking back over my four years in college, I have become a passionate believer in the teaching profession and its power and ability to empower all those that come into contact with it. Whether you are someone that possesses natural talent or not, everyone has relevant experiences that they can bring to the table when they are approaching and interacting with teaching. Unquestionably, for me, teaching has been a lifesaver. It enables me to express my innermost thoughts and feelings: happiness, fear, frustration, anger, sadness, pain and love. No matter the medium, teaching manages to surge through my soul and become something tangible for all to see. That is the power of teaching that is a part of my belief as future teacher. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. If you think you are intelligent that’s good but without character it is useless. Number one misconception about education is “Teachers are the ones who impose ideas and form a student’s habit.” Wrong! We are only facilitators not dictators. Everyone is different therefore we cannot force our own beliefs into the mind of the child. What does a teacher do then? Teachers only select the best influences to My Philosophy of Education as an Elementary Teacher
  • 26. 27 make the students infer into doing the right things in life. These influences or stimuli chosen by the teachers affect the students and assist them into becoming better individuals with intelligence. We cater to different personalities and social background that’s why psychology is a subject taken by education students. This helps us in guiding the students to the right path by understanding how the mind works. So for me, the goal of true education is to make someone an individual filled with wisdom and right attitude towards life. Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself. ~ John Dewey The moment a student enters the gates of the school, many doors open for the individual. Education still happens even after the student gets home. Education is left after schooling. We are not just teaching for the sake of the present situations. We teach for a future generation of lifelong learners. My philosophy as a secondary teacher is influenced by these quotes of famous people. Not because they are famous but because what these words convey cut through me and stay within me.
  • 28. 29 Soar... Aim ...Now! Through the proposal of the Antipolo City Government headed by Mayor Angelito C. Gatlabayan and as endorsed by Ms. Melinda D. Gedang, who was then the principal of Antipolo National High School' as per Resolution No. 41-A-99, a resolution approving the opening of ANHS- San Isidro Annex for the staff of the school year 1999-2000 and for other purposes. ANHS - San Isidro Annex formally started its operation. With the strength of 11 teachers including Mr. Reynaldo L. Agustin who was then designated by Ms. Melinda D. Gedang as Teacher-ln-Charge, the newest satellite school of Antipolo National High School catered to 464 students divided into eight classes. With only six rooms available, two of which was converted to a principal's receiving section, the administration resorted to two-shift scheme. The said satellite school initiated with a program for the first year level only, offering education in all learning areas mandated in the National Secondary Education Curriculum. The first year came about successfully with 92.63% first year students promoted to second year level. History of San Isidro Elementary School
  • 29. 30 On August 28, 2006, a city resolution no. 2006-180 was made still under the administration of Mayor Angelito C. Gatlabayan. The resolution granted the usufruct over the site of the ANHS-San Isidro Annex, situated at C. Lawis Extension, Brgy. San lsidro, Antipolo City with an area of 8,146 m2. The transfer of certificate of title (TCT) No. 179165 was awarded to Mr . Reynaldo L. Agustin on September 12, 2006. After the awarding of title, first year & second year students transferred to the new site where 2 makeshift buildings composed of 9 classrooms awaits them , 2 of which were used as a library and a faculty room. Mr. Nixon C. Maximo was designated by Mr. Reynaldo L. Agustin as officer-in-charge for the freshmen and sophomores while the juniors and seniors were still at Sin Isidro Elementary School area. Construction of four-storey sixteen classroom school building undertaken by the Rizal Provincial Government was immediately done to cater the 2,897 enrollees. Cong. Roberto Puno led the construction of teachers' lounge, drinking and wash area in the same year. In the year 2007, ANHS-San Isidro Annex became San Isidro National High School with 57 teaching personnel and 3 non-teaching personnel headed by Mr. Reynaldo L. Agustin holding a position as Principal I.
  • 30. 31 Building of school infrastructures was given priority by government officials as stated in the site development plan for San Isidro National High School. Yearly, new building is at hand. In the year 2008, Principal Led Building (PLED) 1, a two-storey four classrooms, was made. Another two-storey four classroom PLED 2 was built in the year 2009. Also in that year, a stage was put up through the initiative of Cong. Roberto Puno. In the year 2010, TLE building, a two-storey building connecting the PLED 1 and 2, was constructed under the administration of Mayor Danilo O. Leyble while Gov. Casimiro Ynares III granted the request of the school to put up a multi- purpose covered court. Another PLED building was created in the year 2011 to accommodate the increasing number of enrollees of the school. And now two-storey six classroom building is waiting to welcome the first year students this coming school year 2012-2013. Last September 20, 2012 there was a reshuffle of principals in the division making Mrs. Delia R. Granale, from Maximo Gatlabayan Memorial National High School, the new school head of the "school of achievers" - SINHS. At present, the school has 104 competent teachers and 3 dynamic nonteaching personnel to serve the 2,924 students. As time unfolds, the school continues to make a remarkable performance in any endeavors.
  • 31. 32 MISSION To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture based and complete basic education where:  Students learn in a child – friendly, gender sensitive, safe and motivating environment.  Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.  Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution’ ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen.  Family, community and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing lifelong learners.
  • 32. 33 VISION We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose competencies and values enable them to realize their full potential and contributes meaningfully to building the nation. We are learner – centered public institution that continuously improves itself to pursue its mission.
  • 33. 34 CORE VALUES Maka – Diyos Makatao Makakalikasan Makabansa
  • 35. 36 The Deployment and my Everyday Life as a Student Teacher
  • 36. 37 September 14, 2016 I arrived at school late and it gave me a worried emotion because I think I wouldn’t be deployed in my practice teaching and Field Study. While running on my way to the lobby. I saw my classmate and talk to him if Dr. Abiog is still there. And the next, he told me that Dr. Abiog already on her way in San Roque National High School. I went there and saw Dr. Abiog. She already deployed the students in their mentor. The next school was going to is San Isidro Elementary School. That is the school I was deployed. She talked the Office-in-Charge of school and individually deploys or set the mentor that would help us in our on-job-training and Field Study. Then that day, I already met my mentor. She is a Grade III Adviser in a middle section. Her name is Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog. She is very gracious and decent. The first time I saw her gives me motivation to study and to make my practice teaching be productive.
  • 37. 38 September 15, 2016 This is my first day in observing the assigned class section to me. My mentor started to introduce me in the class. After she introduced me, she continued the lesson. I felt so nervous that time. Nothing comes out in my mind but I can do this. I told myself that this is it. I started observing my mentor. I observed the way she talked to the students, the way she delivered the questions and obviously I was surprised because all things that I’ve learned in school were really applied. I started listening with the lesson she were discussing. And it’s all about reading a story. After that she let the student to know the moral lesson in the story and write if what they learned. Time I started to observe Mrs. Tandog was the time I started to tell myself that being a teacher is easy. Also, handling students is very easy. She advised me that, the difficult part in teaching is to let the student imagine what your lesson all about is.
  • 38. 39 September 21, 2016 It is my second day in Observing. The students are still afraid of me. My mentor already gave me a task. She left out the room and ask a favor to let me handle the students temporarily. When she’s gone, I let them do the activity for that time because it is Math time. Their topic were all about Multiplication. At first I was nervous because the subject was really hard for me. But when I started to talk in front of them, automatically my mouth opened and started to talk not knowing that the lesson was really easy. The time goes by while we were in the middle of checking their activity, my mentor came in. it so happy. It was nice to feel that moment. I felt that I’m already a teacher. My mentor congratulate me and still advicing me in different ways in managing and handling the students. The next subject is science and it gives me more confidence because this one is my favorite subject. My mentor started to discuss. And I was amazed because Mother tongue were already applied. It is very helpful to the students because they can easily expressed their understanding and knowledge about the lesson. They can easily cope up with the lesson. Technology also help the students in a way that in a short period of time, just one click and the can understand the lesson through video clips, stories and pictures.
  • 39. 40 September 22, 2016 It was a great day to me because I came early in the school. My mentor gave me breakfast chips and ate near her table at the back of the classroom. And after she gave me the food, she started the lesson for this day. As the time goes down, the next teacher just came in on time. The teacher said that there will be a summative test in Mathematics but before the examination start , she briefly discussed the content of the test. While she is talking in front of them and asking if the students really understand the lesson. Sadly, while she is asking some question to students, no one answer from them. The class was so quiet. And as I saw, I think that the student did not fully understand the lesson, so the teacher cancelled the exam and try another strategies and approach in which the students will able to understand well the lesson. Then I realized that not all teachers are effective in teaching. Not all will understand and know the needs of the students.
  • 40. 41 September 23, 2016 I am ready to attend my class, my second home. My second family. That’s my students. It was surprise day because my mentor finally gave me the power to take or handle the class. At first, my students are afriad of me. The room is covered with silence. I started to talked. My lesson begins with the story. Then the students will find the word with the long “I” sounds. While telling the story, I was amazed when I asked my first question because they are all raising their hands to answer. I felt so happy for that. It shows that they understand the story I was telling to them. Then after the story telling, the students began their activity. And I see to it that everybody is doing their work. The next lesson is very creative and full of imagination of the students. It is an art class wherein they are the one who make a map out of wet paper and glue. The group one make the most neat and beautiful artwork. The map of Calabarzon Region IV – A.
  • 41. 42 September 29, 2016 I arrived early at my assigned school. Since I was absent 2 days ago, my mentor interviewed me about what happened to me. Then I told her that I was absent because I got sick. She asked me if im okay and said to her not fully okay. My mentor tlod me about what happened when I was absent. I was frustrated because one of my co – intern were being ask why is he always went out in time of his duty. He didn’t observe inside the claaroom and just go around inside the school. His mentor told him too to teach already but he didn’t come to school the next day. This happening makes the grade 4 teacher report him in the principal’s office. And want him to report to his mentor. As the time goes by, my mentor do not let me handle the class because of my condition. I just make my lesson plan for the following day that I will teach them. And it gives me more exciting as the time runs. While on their activity two students were fighting. One student were hit in mouth that cause bleeding. I was nervous that time. I don’t know what to do. Then, my student told me that they have a first aid kit in the cabinet. I immediately get it and applied it to my students.
  • 42. 43 September 30, 2016 This day my mentor had a one on one lesson to those students who are having a hard time in coping and understanding the lesson in Mathematics. While she is doing it, she let me handle the class for a while. I discussed the process of multiplication in other students in many procedures. I’m happy that they easily understand what I taught them. At 9:30, school gathered an earthquake drill. This is to practice the different safety measure during and after the earthquake if it is suddenly happen. After the said drill, my mentor asked me to handle this class because all teachers in Grade III need to practice playing volleyball iin order to win the game for their teacher’s competition in Teacher’s Day. I handle the class and taught them about Multiplication with zero. I’m proud because they easily understand the lesson. Its already 11:50 when I allowed them to go home. One of my students gave me a card, saying “Happy Teacher’s Day Teacher Karla.”
  • 43. 44 October 5, 2016 Thank you for this day. It was a greatful and happy day because my students gave me a Teacher’s greeting card. My students greet me in chorus “Happy Teacher’s Day Ma’am Karla!” It was a touching moment when they greet me. The lesson was continued and I seated at the back and observed my mentor as she gently discussed the different “Panghalip Pananong”. Im glad that the students can answer in her question. I saw her as a very dedicated teacher. She always gave me an advice that would help me in teaching. Before I leave the school, she already gave me the lesson that I would teach. She said that I will be the one to prepare the Instructional Materials. My critique gave me all the references she uses in teaching. These books that would help me in teaching. The curriculum guide in K – 12, the Budget of Work and the lesson plan she made.
  • 44. 45 October 6, 2016 It was typical day. Not so happy because when I arrived at school my mentor is very angry with one of the student. She command the student to stand near the door. She said ,”Come to me if you’re ready to do your work.” The student says sorry to his teacher. He go back to his chair and write his seatwork. My mentor told me that these student has a Hyperactivity Disorder. After that Mam Tandog asked me that I should start my practice teaching on Monday. She give me the books which I will going to use as references. At first, I was nervous when she said that but I realized that this is the way in my dreams. I will become a teacher on Monday. There’s a lot of emoticon running in my mind. But this is the field and career I choose to.
  • 45. 46 October 7, 2016 Its Friday and the students has a summative test. I just help my mentor in assisting the students in giving the exam. After the exam they had the reading of the story. The students are very happy. They are very active. I admire my mentor because the section she handling is at middle section but then I felt that I was in a pilot section because of the interaction they make.they are very alive. Our room is located behind the covered court, so if any program is done our class is affected because of the loud sounds coming from the event or program. Our class is a little bit distracted but then my mentor is very dedicated in teaching. She gave the students a group activity so that students will have things to do.
  • 46. 47 October 10, 2016 It was a fine day today. A very remarkable day. This is my first day to handle the class and teach them. I already prepared my Instructional Materials. It was very special moment because this time I will apply my skills and what I’ve learned in school and what I observed in my mentor. By this moment, I would say that it is my chance to show what I’ve learned. But this strong confident feeling goes down when my critique started to checked my prepared lesson plan. I feel so perturbed when I saw that she is writing a lot in my lesson plan. Then she started to talked and looked at me with smiling face. She discussed to me the different aggrieve of my lesson plan. And its give a lot of nervous she check first my lesson plan before I started to teach. But then she said that I should continued what I prepare then she will look at me on what should be develop.
  • 47. 48 October 11 - 14, 2016 This week, I was absent because I got a seroius disease which comes to the point that they need to bring me in the hospital. But I don’t want to be hospitalized because I know it would takes so many days before I’d be better. Chose to rest in our house. And I already reach out to my mentor about what happened to me, then she adviced me to rest and come to school whenever I’m better.
  • 48. 49 October 17 – November 3, 2016 Semestral Break of the Students
  • 49. 50 November 7, 2016 Today is 3rd Periodical Examination of the students and I just help my mewntor in preparing and managing the class while taking their exams. After the exams, the class had an experiment about force using paper airplane and paper boat. The class are instructed to make a paper airplane and paper boat. Then, my mentor started to ask the students how the airplanes moved. Students replied that it is moving through their hands. And my mentor finally discussed the meaning of force using the paper airplane and paper boat. After their discussion they had an activity, but suddenly one teacher came in and said that there will be having a class picture. Students prepare theirselves in as I lead them in the place where the class picture will be done. I was watching them when my mentor called the photographer and instructed him to had another chair for me. I was shocked yet in the back of my mind I’m happy. Because this is my first time in taking the class picture that I seated in the middle beside my mentor. Im happy.
  • 50. 51 November 8, 2016 Today is a continuation of Periodical Exam in Mathematics. And the students are seriously taking it. The classroom are covered with classroom. After the difficult exam, they had their eating time. After 15 minutes of break, the teacher said, “okay, clean up time.” Then the students started to sing ,”Clean up. Clean up. Everybody do your shares.” It is nice to see the students are all together helping each other in cleaning the rooms. My mentor said that it is a good routine for the students after their recess time. All are in their places and getting ready for the next subject. My mentor started her lesson in Filipino. Still my mentor want me to observe again in the back. I was thinking if my mentor just wanted me to observed her and not to let me teach.
  • 51. 52 November 9, 2016 I arrived at school with many people in the covered court. When I came in in the room, I ask my mentor on the preparation outside and ssaid that it is the MILO. Students are allowed drinking Milo for free. My mentor gave me instruction to manage the students in the court. I lead them in the court and let them fall in line properly. The event goes successful and then we go back to the room and take their break time.
  • 52. 53 November 10, 2016 This day the supervisors of Division of DepEd came in the school. They’re going to observe the teachers from Grade III to Grade V. That’s why a few days before today, my mentor is busy doing some Instructional Materials and Lesson Plans. She is the one that is assigned to be observed by the Supervisors. But the things that gives me a weird feeling is, before the observer came, my mentor told me to go home early because of the Supervisor are coming. If the observer came and saw us interns, they would let the interns teach and the interns will be the one to be obsrved by the supervisors. I feel so nervous about what I heard but when I’m on my way home, I realized that, why would the supervisors do that if they are the one who received the MOA for deploying Interns in that school. Ang it made me laugh. Maybe my mentor is a little bit shy and nervous that’s why she let me go home early.
  • 53. 54 November 17, 2016 I came school early and saw the students in the court falling in line. I entered the room asking my mentor what is happening outside. And she said that it is the practice of the students in their First Communion. Since I’m not a Catholic, I just let the student follow what the Cathechist instructed to the students. This day is very unexpected. My mentor wanted me to choose what will be the topic or lesson I will used in my Final Demo. At first, she let me choose what subject I want to teach,. She gave me English, Science or Mathematics. Since my first major subject when I was in Secondary Education is Science, I chose Science. My heart is in the field of science. Ilove teaching the concepts of Science and doing experiments with my students.
  • 54. 55 November 18, 2016 This day the class will be doing an art class. Their going to make a finger paint. They will put the paint in their hands and printed it in their paper. This activity make the whole classroom a big disaster! The paint is leaked around the floor yet students are happily doing their activity. My mentor went out so I’m the who left in the room. It’s a totally mess. I don’t know what to do. I just stand in the front of the classroom and shouted ,”Go back to your seat and zip your mouth!”. The students are running and the room is filled with silence. I looked them and saw that they are afraid of me. Then I discussed to them what I said to them earlier. I asked one student, “What did I tell you earlier? What are the things we need to do while doing your activity?” The Student answered ,’ Work quietely and neatly.” I collected their work and posted in our bulletin board the best work of the students. All students got their works.
  • 55. 56 My Experiences in the School Campus
  • 56. 57 MEETING WITH THE PRINCIPAL I and my co-student teacher never had any meeting with our cooperating principal the day of our deployment because that time Mr. Tito A. Caba – caba had a meeting outside the school. . So Ma’am Gatlabayan (master teacher) was the one to give us orientation about the school policies, rules and regulations. She was also the one who entertained us while waiting for our cooperating teacher. MEETING WITH THE COOPERATING TEACHER I felt good and I enjoyed my first meeting with my cooperating teacher which was Ma’am Miraflor O. Tandog. She was very nice and supportive cooperating teacher. She discussed the things I need to familiarize with the teaching learning process. She was assigned to grade 3 levels and I was lucky enough by getting along with her. I saw her as responsible teacher and at the same time friendly and a mother to all students under her care especially me as her apprentice. WORKING WITH MY COOPERATING TEACHER Thanks to Ma’am Tandog who served as my guide throughout my whole internship in San Isidro Elementary School. As a student teacher, I wanted to learn more on how to develop my ability when it comes to my profession. Ma’am Tandog never lose her passion in correcting my apprehension and she never forgot to give feedback on the things that I need to improve. She always gives suggestions and collaborates with me about my lesson planning.
  • 57. 58 Working with Ma’am Tandog was an unforgettable experience. She was the one who gave color to my practice teaching. She was very straight to the point in telling all my weaknesses in teaching. At the same, she was the first one who encouraged me to improve my own self and make my teaching experiences meaningful. She molded me and shared me a lot of things about teaching strategies and methods and most of all to be a responsible teacher. MY UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCES IN EACH DAY Teacher’s Day. I could never forget the special day for teacher because I was surprised when my students from 3- Quartz gave me a letters of appreciation. I never thought that they would recognize me as their teacher. They gave it to me without knowing that it was in my lesson plan. I couldn’t help myself but to thank them with all of my heart. Grand Demonstration Day. My demonstration teaching turns to what I sortly expected. Every resource and effort was invested. Although my preparation was not enough to say that it would be successful but still I refused my uneasy feelings and filled myself with confidence. I made my lesson plan a day before my demo. I was in a rush doing my instructional materials because of limited amount of time. Finally, my final demonstration day came and it was suddenly my creeps to do my IM’s
  • 58. 59 HOW DID I ESTABLISH CLASSROOM ROUTINES? When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established in the classroom, children know what’s expected of them and how to do certain things on their own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows teachers to spend more time in meaningful instruction - Linda Shalaway Ma’am Tandog already had her own routines on how to make her instruction be very effective and make her students be more disciplined. As her student teacher, I also set my routines and classroom procedures. I got acquainted with routines and I ensured to be very organized, systematic and orderly in my classes. I come to school daily as early as 6:00 am before my cooperating teacher arrived, I already in our first class and I asked students to maintain classroom cleanliness. When I was the one to teach, I made sure that my daily routines was already established. I did not start my lesson unless all students were listening. Before I dismissed my class, their classroom was already clean and I gave them their assignments or home task. PREPARATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS I anchored my instructional materials to the objectives of my lesson plan. I used to be creative and artistic in making my IM’s. Since my subject that I taught was Science, I always make sure that students never got too harsh on understanding my lesson. I used different pictures and videos and let my students to analyze the video first. Of course, the discussion would not be exciting if there was no game motivation and group work activity. In every activity, I provided my class a Manila paper and pentel pen for each group and I let them to study the assigned task with them. After the lesson, I assessed my students to determine if they learned and understood the topic that I had discussed.
  • 59. 60 THE AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENTS I USED Authentic assessment is very important in teaching learning process among students and teachers. It determines the student’s performance throughout the discussion. It measures the learning improvement of the students and through assessment the quality of teaching performance of the teacher could determine. Every end of discussion I gave my students an evaluation. I usually use flashcards and give a limited time for the students to solve the problem. STRUCTURING BULLETIN BOARD Bulletin board is important in reminding the students about school’s important announcement, additional information on a particular subject matter, school policies and important dates to remember. It also helps to reinforce learning and interact with student’s attention. In structuring bulletin board, I considered first the theme and the objective of the bulletin board. Next, the content and the information posted on it should be updated and students could relate based on real life situation that happened daily. PORTFOLIO, JOURNAL AND GRAPHIC ORGANIZER I required my students to have their own portfolio for them to see if there’s any progress on their performance and task. Portfolio is important in linking the assessment to the instruction. It measures the quality of teaching and reveals any weaknesses or strength in lesson strategy or method.
  • 60. 61 SCHOOL ACTIVITIES I PARTICIPATED IN As part of being pre-service teacher, I was obliged to join in any school activities for me to develop my social skills especially my responsibility to cooperate with the school and also to be acquainted with my fellow co-student teachers, learners, teachers and staff. The Earthquake drills. Every 6 am when the bell rang, all students, teachers including me and my co-student teachers conducted a drop procedure of duck, cover and hold. We assisted the students while leaving the building in an orderly manner until we reached the evacuation area beside the school. Earthquake drills and exercises are extremely important part of preparedness plan because it taught students and personnel on how to respond to the actual earthquake, since the location of the school is prone to earthquake fault line. WHAT I LEARNED IN THOSE ACTIVITIES? I learned how to be a multi-tasking pre-service teacher especially when it comes to participating in school activities. It helped me to strengthen and develop my sense of responsibility and on how to be more creative in preparing plan for particular activity.
  • 61. 62 CLASS PICTURE School: San Isidro Elementary School Mentor: Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog Student Teacher: Karla Jenica N. Patlunag} Grade and Section: Grade III – Quartz Principal: Mr. Tito A. Caba – caba Date: November 7, 2016
  • 63. 64 Earthquake Drill Students do the Drop, Cover and Hold on.
  • 65. 66 Launching of School MRF “Materials Recovery Facilities”
  • 66. 67 My Everyday Classroom Activities Students doing their group activities.
  • 67. 68
  • 68. 69 Mrs. Miraflor O. Tandog Grade III – Quartz Adviser San Isidro National High School Ma’am Miraflor O. Tandog. She was very nice and supportive cooperating teacher. She discussed the things I need to familiarize with the teaching learning process. She was assigned to grade 3 levels and I was lucky enough by getting along with her. I saw her as responsible teacher and at the same time friendly and a mother to all students under her care especially me as her apprentice. My Cooperating Teacher
  • 69. 70 Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog Practice Teaching Adviser Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog. She is our adviser in Practice Teaching She helps us in many problems inside the school. She’s the one who deploy us in our Cooperating Schools and talk to each cooperating teachers. A kind of teacher who serves as our second mother in school because she will do everything for the sake of our goodness. I admired her because of her dedication in the service. Her willingness to help is thru her heart and this make study more harder because of the people like these. When someone is encouraging me that I had the ability that I can do, I push myself to do it and prove them that they are correct with what they are expecting to me. Just like Dr. Abiog. My Supervisor in Practice Teaching
  • 71. 72 Finally, after three months of training here at San Isidro National School, my most awaited and special day came. December 2, 2016 was my schedule for the demonstration teaching. I held my demo-teaching at the room of Grade III – Pilot. Instead of being nervous, I felt excitement jitters on my bones. I was confident that I would make my demonstration successful and it happened as I expected. With the encouragement and supports of my students and cooperating teacher Ma’am Myra, I made my day more fun, I did my very best to share my knowledge, to touch learner’s heart, to inspire and specially to make them learn while enjoying my class. I was so energetic that day. Without the help of my beloved cooperating teacher, my final demonstration would not be successful. I came to school as early as 7 am to have a little discussion with Ma’am Myra. She checked my lesson plan and gave some feedback and suggestions to make it more meaningful. My observers were Dr. Lourdes E. Abiog from our University, My supportive cooperating teacher Ma’am Myra, I also invited a Master Teacher in Grade IV Department. Before the time schedule, I already prepared all the instructional materials that I used for my demo - teaching. My lesson plan as I expected seemed on smooth sailing. I did creative discovery approach. Recognizing learners’ intelligences could be a great factor to have a good variety of strategies in teaching. My students were very attentive and they never failed me in executing my daily routines. I observed my students were also energetic most of them raised their hands to answer my questions until the abstract topic revealed by the students themselves. Suddenly there was a question on my mind while I was executing my lesson as I saw my observers’ smiling face
  • 72. 73 since the beginning of my demonstration and it inspired me to be more energetic in my teaching with a big wonder why. WHAT DID NOT GO WELL? WHY? Since the classroom of grade III – Pilot located near beside the road, the noise coming from the vehicles could be heard inside the class. The quality of sound I used from the audio of my instructional materials was not good enough to be heard by my students specially those at the back. Physical condition of the classroom is important in effective teaching –learning process. It was a barrier to my discussion that is why I spoke louder as much as I could to get my student’s attention and for them to understand the flow of the topic. WHAT DID MY STUDENTS LEARN? According to my students, they learned about the different the sounds they heard and its application in real life situation. My students learned on how to participate in a discussion and to value grouping activities. Because they are all interested to my subject, with their eagerness to learn, they got all a high scores in their quiz out of 5 items.
  • 73. 74 WHAT WAS LEARNED ABOUT TEACHING? Teaching is my passion as I thought that it’s easy to be in front of the class and deliver what the topic is all about but I was totally wrong. Teaching is not an easy job because there were a lot of things to be considered specially the learner’s diversity. We all know that we cannot teach what we don’t have so it would better to start disciplining ourselves as the students look up for us as the apple of their eyes inside or outside of the classroom. Students have their intelligences that are essential in teaching-learning process. A productive teacher knows what is the best for his students to learn in a WHAT WAS LEARNED ABOUT PLANNING? Objective, creativity and time management in planning were most important factors in the success of every man’s craft. One of my mistakes that I did was planning my lesson and preparing instructional materials a day before my final demonstration. I never thought that it would be better enough if I did the planning one week before the day of my demonstration teaching so that I could see if there would be anything to be change to improve my lesson plan. Through the guidance, help and encouragement of Ma’am Myra, the level of my confidence went back on its track that even though I prepared my lesson plan and IM’s with lack of time I knew I could still make it well as a whole. But I have to make sure that being unprepared would not be happen again.
  • 74. 75 meaningful ways. It is not enough just to spoon feed our learners with knowledge without giving any value on it and relates every lesson in real life situation. I learned to be responsible in everything, to be a role model, to be an actress and specially to be students’ best friend but I set limit not to be so close with them. WHAT IMPROVEMENTS WILL I MAKE TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE IN MY CLASS? There is a room for improvement in everything we do. Practice teaching gives way for me to know my strength and weaknesses when it comes to teaching. Sometimes I speak very fast, sometimes very gradual that I never recognized having lapses in my lesson. I have to practice the manner of speaking in a calm way and I must be aware of every word that comes out from my mouth. The good thing was I have well- modulated voice which is effective in delivering the subject matter.
  • 76. 77 My First Lesson Plan Kabanata 4: Pagmamana ng Katangian – Heredity I. Layunin: - Naiisa – isa ang katangian ng magkakatulad at kaparehong uri ng mga nanganganak na hayop. II. Sanggunian K-12 Curriculum Guide p. 19, S3LT – II9 –h13 T.G Chapter 4 p. 100 L.M Kabanata 4, Gawain 1 p. 98 III. Kagamitan Larawan at Video clips ng mga Hayop at ng kanilang supling IV. Pamamaraan A. Panimulang Gawain - Pag tsi-tsek ng Attendance - Pagwawasto ng takdang aralin - Balik Aral B. Panlinang na Gawain I. Pagganyak - Pagpapakita ng mga larawan ngmga hayop at supling Tanong: Ano ang mga katangian na magkakatulad ng mga larawan? II. Paglalahad ng Aralin - Ang bawat katangian ng mga hayop ay naibabahagi sa kanilang mga supling -Hugis ng katawan, hugis ng mga paa, kulay at iba pa-
  • 77. 78 III. Pangkatang Gawain Pamantayan sa Paggawa 1. Magtala ng mga at ibigay ang tawag sa kanilang mga supling. Pangalan ng Nanay na Hayop Tawag sa kanilang anak Halimbawa: Aso tuta 1. Manok 2. baboy 3. pusa 4. kangaroo 5. toro IV. Pagproseso ng mga itinala sa mga talahanayan ng mga mag aaral. - Paano ipinakikita ang pagmamana ng katangian at pagkakaiba iba ng mga hayop? Konsepto - Ang bawat supling ng bawat hayop ay may sariling katawagan. Dito napag-iiba iba ang mga mga hayop ayon sa kanilang namamanang lahi o katangian. Paglalapat - paghambingin ang katangian ng mga hayop at sa tao. Ano ang kanilang pagkakaiba? V. Pagtataya Isulat ang ngalan ng mga hayop. Pagtapat – tapatin ang bawat pangalan. VI. Takdang Aralin Magdikit ng mga larawan ng hayop at ng kanilang mga supling.
  • 78. 79 My Third Lesson Plan I made in Everyday Teaching I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to: a. identify renewable resources and nonrenewable resources. b. describe how living things benefit from the environment. c. protect and conserve the available natural resources. II. Subject Matter A Topic: Earth and Its Natural Resources B. Materials: Pictures; Cartolina; Print Materials C. Reference: Science Works Gregorio L. Jesuitas, pp. 244-247 D. Science Process: Observing, Communicating, Comparing, Classifying E. Value: Thank God for creating a wonderful environment to live in. III. Methodology Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity A. Priming Activating Knowledge Learning Task 1-Review Last time we discussed about what? Safe and wise use of light, heat, sound
  • 79. 80 Is there any question about our past lesson? Alright, let us answer this statement by true or false. Everyone read the direction on the board. DIRECTION: Write TRUE on the blank if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not correct. ___________ 1. People exposed to noisy engines without proper ear protection will likely damage their ears. ___________ 2. Play under the sun for long hours. ___________ 3. Do not insert your fingers or any small object into an outlet. ___________ 4. It is safe to use electrical appliances when wet. ___________ 5. Drink plenty of water and do not wait until you are thirsty to drink. Learning Task 2 – Motivation (Show a picture of the Earth) and electricity in daily life. No. . DIRECTION: Write TRUE on the blank if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not correct. ___TRUE _ 1. People exposed to noisy engines without proper ear protection will likely damage their ears. ___FALSE__ 2. Play under the sun for long hours. ___TRUE __ 3. Do not insert your fingers or any small object into an outlet. __FALSE __ 4. It is safe to use electrical appliances when wet. __TRUE _ 5. Drink plenty of water and do not wait until you are thirsty to drink.
  • 80. 81 Class, what picture is on the board? When you look at the earth from the outer space, what does it look like? What do you think is the bluish color surface of the earth? Very good! Now class, how many percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water? Very good! As you look closer, what is the other color that you see? What does the green color represent on earth’s surface? Very good. How many percent of earth’s covered with land? Yes. Correct. The picture of the earth. Its looks like a blue marble. The bluish color that covers the surface of the earth is water. 75% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. Green. The green color represents the land. 25% of the land.
  • 81. 82 Is earth also covered with air? What colors represent the air in this picture? Correct. Very good! B. Lesson Proper Learning Task 3 - Activity Now class, let us have picture puzzle. As you can see, I have here 4 envelopes. Inside it is the picture that you are going to form. I will divide you into two groups. Each group will have two envelopes to form. I will give you 5 minutes to do that. Is it clear? Group 1 Yes it is covered with air. The white color represents the air. Yes it is.
  • 82. 83 Group 2 Learning Task 4 – Analysis Where do we find the animals? Correct. And what is environment? All things that we see in our surrounding are all part of the environment, including us. Can you give examples of living things? What do we call the things in the environment? What are natural resources? In the environment. Environment is everything that makes up the surroundings and affects the activities of living things. It consists of all living and nonliving things on earth. Human, plants and animals Natural resources. A natural resource is anything that people can use which comes from nature like land, water and air. Without water, air and land, living things cannot exist, so they are dependent upon the environment.
  • 83. 84 How do living things benefit from the environment? Correct. Now class let us go back with these two groups. There are two groups of natural resources. Can you identify the first picture in the first group? Does sunlight give us unlimited supply of light in a day? Very good! What about the other picture? Very good. Can animals be replaced? How? Correct. This group of natural resources was considered as renewable resources. What are renewable resources? Can you identify the pictures in the second group? If the first group are called renewable Sunlight. Yes it does. Animals. Yes. It can replace through reproduction. Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replaced or renewed within a short period of time. Petroleum and Coal. Non-renewable resources Because it takes a long period of time to replace it. Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that cannot be easily replaced within a short period of time. They can take hundreds or even million years to form. No. Because it can cause pollution that is very harmful to our environment.
  • 84. 85 resources, how about the second group? . Why do you think petroleum and coal is under nonrenewable resources? Now class what are nonrenewable resources? Do you think the improper use of this nonrenewable resources good in our environment? Why? Do you have any idea what are the uses of these nonrenewable resources? So, what do we need to do to those nonrenewable resources? Very good. How do we prevent pollution? Very good! Is it important to conserve and protect our natural resources? Why? What do we need in order to survive? Correct! What is the effective way to conserve our natural resources? . Those are use for running electricity and energy. We need to use them wisely. We can prevent pollution by proper disposal of these nonrenewable resources. Yes it is. Because we need it to survive. We need the Earth’s natural resources. Recycling. Bottles, newspaper, magazines, boxes etc. Natural resources are the naturally occurring materials that are used by living things.
  • 85. 86 What are the things that can be recycling? Very good! Learning Task 5 – Abstraction Again class what are natural resources? Correct. What are the two groups of natural resources? Correct. What are renewable resources? Very good! Give me examples of renewable resources. Correct. What are nonrenewable resources? Correct. What do we need to do to those nonrenewable resources? Renewable and nonrenewable. Renewable resources are the natural resources that can be replenish in a short period of time. Sunlight, water, air, plants and animals. Nonrenewable resources are the natural resources that cannot be easily to replace within a short period of time. We need to use it wisely.
  • 86. 87 Learning Task 6 – Application Now class, I want you to look under your chair. As you can see some of you have the picture. I will call you one by one and then you will tell what is in the picture then identify what group of resources is that. Is it clear class? Moon Nuclear Renewable Resources Nonrenewable Resources Water Crude Oil Renewable Resources Nonrenewable Resources Fruits Fuel Renewable Resources Nonrenewable Resources
  • 87. 88 V. Evaluation Write R on the blank if the material is renewable and N if it is nonrenewable. _______ 1. Stars _______ 2. LPG _______ 3. Kerosene _______ 4. Vegetables _______ 5. Tree V. Assignment List at least 5 natural resources found in the Philippines.
  • 89. ScienceIII I.Layunin -Nailalarawan ang mga gamit ng tunog -Napahahalagahan ang gamit ngtunog II.PaksangAralin Kabanata 3: Mga Tunog Gawain 4: Mga Gamit ngTunog Sanggunian: S3FE–IIIg-h-4 Kagamitan: Larawan ng ambulansya, trak ng bumbero, kampana, alarm clock, chart, projector at computer III.Pamamaraan A. Panimulang Gawain 1. Ulat Kalusugan 2. Ulat Panahon 3. Kaunting Kaalaman 4. BalikAral -Ano ano ang mga pinanggagalingan ng tunog? B. Panlinang na Gawain 1.Pagganyak -Pakinggan ang tunog? Saan nyo itomadalas naririnig? 2. PaglalahadngGawain  Pangkatang Gawain Pangkat 1– Pagbuo ng puzzle ng larawan at ibigayang gamit ng tunog nito. (Ambulansya) Pangkat 2-Pagbuo ng puzzle ng larawan at ibigayang gamit ng tunog nito. (Trak ng basura) Pangkat 3– Paggawa ng rapayon sa gamit ng tunog ng nasa larawan.
  • 90. (orasanoAlarmclock) Pangkat 4– Paggawa ng tula ayon sa gamit ng tunog ng nasa larawan. (kampana) Pangkat 5– Paggawa ng Role Playing ayon sa gamit ng tunog ng nasa larawan. (pitoo whistle)  Pamantayan sa Paggawa  Pamamaraan sa Paggawa 1. Suriinang mga larawan at tukuyin ang mga gamit ng tunog nito. Punan ng impormsyon ang talahanayan. MgaTanong  Ano ano ang gamit ng tunog?  Bakit mahalaga ang gamit ng tunog?  Kailan ginagamit ang mga tunog na ito?  Maaari ba itong gamitinsa araw araw? Pag uulat ng bawat pangkat/Pagproseso ng mga sagot Pagbubuo ngkonsepto MgaBagay Gamit ngTunog Senyales na maguumpisa na ang misa Senyales na may sunog Senyales na kailangan ng gumising Senyales na may dadalhing pasyente sa ospital Senyales ng pulis sa trapiko
  • 91. Ibapang Gamit ngTunog 1.Ultrasound -ginagamit itopara marinig ang tibokng puso ng baby habang nasa loob ng tyan 2.Echolocation–ginagamit ang tunog ngmga hayop katulad ng paniki para malaman ang direksyon ng mga kasama nila. 3.Paglalapat -Bakit mahalaga ang gamit ng tunog? IV.Pagtataya Panuto: Pagtapatin ang nasa Hanay A sa Hanay B. HanayA HanayB 1. A. Senyales ng paggising sa umaga
  • 92. 2. B. Senyales ng pulis sa trapiko 3. C. Senyales na may dadalhing pasyente sa ospital 4. D. Senyales sa pag uumpisa ngmisa 5. E. Senyales na may sunog V.Takdang Aralin Gumupit ng 5 larawan na tumutunog at ibigayang gamit nito. Idikit itosa inyong kwaderno. Antas ng Masteri: 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - ______________ Desisyon sa Pagtuturo Prepared By: KARLA JENICA N. PATLUNAG
  • 95. San Isidro Elementary School has been my second home for almost 3 months. I witnessed its by leafs and bounds, its improvements that after the mind of the people on how they view ISU-R beofre and lead them to a wider perspective that this institution is able to produce quality graduate who are equip with morally upright values as well as a repertoise of knowledge and a respectacle of skills. It is but normal to feel excited because I will undergoing the highlights of my course which is the pre-service training. Earlier before deployment, I knew it already on what school they will be going to deploy me due to the fact that some teachers permit us to deploy knowing that one of my co-students ismy boyfriend and her mother is working this school as a Grade V Teacher. That’s why when I saw my praticum site, pressure immediately colonized my vein and nervousness abrupt occupied my soul. Every student demands you to prepare all the time. I knew it because I was one. Every single meeting is like my final demonstration day. It is really indispensable to perform well. One thing more that adds pressure to me is that maybe, I will not be able to meet the expectations of my teachers as well as my Students. It is quite frustrating if that is so. But on the other hand, I feel happy because it will not be difficult for me to adjust into a new environment and glad because I know that my cooperating teacher has a storehouse of knowledge and values as well as skills that they will be going to impart to me in order to improve my teaching skills as well as good classroom management.
  • 96. Am I really prepared to teach? The common litany that runs if we talk about teaching is that”it is the nobiest of all professions”. Nothing is more profound profession than teaching for teachers invest their own time, energy and in the long run, invest their own lives just to touch the lives of others as they ofetn say “My Teacher, My Her”. How great is the feelng to be called hero. But then again, I always go back to the question, am I really prepared to teach? I do believe that three years of preparation is enough. I have gained a repertoire of healthy knowledge, receptacle of goo values and starehouse of usefull skills. A truly prepared teacher is someone who can make a difference in child’s life to ignite curiosity and growth o their students. It is the most rewarding part of teaching. But as much as teaching can be rewarding, it can also be frustrating and stressfull when dealing with unmotivated students, large classes and heavy workloads. Most frustrating one, teachers will sometimes have to deal with unruly behavior and violence from students. These are all part of teaching. Teaching is not simply “ teaching”. You must ensure that your students are really learning from you, how they assimilate the knowledge, imbibe the values and foster the skills, must be monitor by you. You can only perform all these if you exhibit a sense of preparedness in teaching. Going back again to the question, am I really prepared to teach? I can say “Yes I am”. This is through the help of the people behind me especially my cooperating teachers who continuously motivating me to strive, to do my best, to make the most out of it in teaching. Although, I still have something to lear in the field of teaching. Preparedness and readiness are key factors to make teaching meaningful and colorful. This will lead to a better development of the students and the teacher as well.