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My Education
Bachelor’s Degree Recipients
I would like to thank all the amazing faculty within
the printmaking program, without all of you I would
not have found my artistic voice and fallen in love
with printmaking.
A very special thank you goes to Professor John
Hitchcock, whose openness and free thinking mind
first drew me to the program, and pushed me to
pursue perfection in my work, in myself, and in the
goals I have for my future. Additional thanks to Jack
Damer and Briony Morrow-Cribbs, for challenging me
and asking the most from me, without your
guidance I wouldn’t have wanted more from my
education and for that, a million thanks.
I would like to thank my family and friends, for
always supporting me and my work, I would not
be who I am today without all of your love.
And lastly thank you UW-Madison, I wish time didn’t
move so quickly. I will miss you dearly, and I’m
looking at you, Mosse-Humanities.
- Alexander Gradecki
As a sophomore new to the dance program,
I created a solo for composition class and
presented it for a required audition. It was a
piece with spoken word called “Claws of
Affect (n.)”
To my surprise, it was chosen by faculty to
represent the department at the American
College Dance Festival, which we were
hosting that year. After performing it at the
festival for adjudication, it was chosen among
hundreds of other works to show in the gala.
I performed it again on home turf in front of
hundreds of other dancers and choreographers
from around the country; that was my
proudest badger moment.
- Henry Holmes, DANCE
The Elementary Education program is known
for its progressive force. I have been inspired
and I have inspired.
From designing a lesson in which algebra students
analyzed statistics pertinent to the controversial
mining in the Penokee Range in Northern Wisconsin,
to dancing rumba in our social studies methods class.
From a teacher telling us it was a beautiful moment
as our class groaned at the class structure to leading
my students in an environmental issue protest down
Willy Street - it’s more than I could have imagined.
I leave the program, look over my shoulder and
smile. In August, I’ll sit down in that desk in New
Orleans and breathe easy, knowing that I have
learned and will never stop learning.
- Marcela Marie Anderson, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
I want to thank all of the
great teachers I have been
fortunate enough to study
under while attending the
University of Wisconsin-
Madison, specifically those
in the School of Education. I
will always remember those
teachers that were not just
great teachers, but great
I will certainly miss the 23
people who have been
close by throughout this
crazy adventure. Being a part of a cohort family made this increasingly large university seem much
smaller. On the first day we were strangers, but within a matter of days (or perhaps minutes) we
became friends. I hope we continue to keep each other sane as we continue learning and teaching,
seeing how the adventure is just getting started! ON WISCONSIN!
Hands down the most memorable part of my education at
UW-Madison has been being a part of my ECMC cohort that
we affectionaly call “EC Street.” As a member of said cohort,
I have had the opportunity to be surrounded by an outstanding
group of individuals with whom share my passion for teaching....
As a cohort, we constantly pick each other’s brains for new ideas
and strategies as we face the never-ending new situations we
face in each unique classroom. But our relationship has
become so much more than just profession! I have meet some of
my best friends through my cohort many of which will be
lifelong friends. They are my support group, they see the best in me, and push me to be even better!
With such a huge role that this individuals play in my life, it is hard to choose just one artifact, but I have
to choose the “Warm and Fuzzies” or secret notes we have passed to each other about the strengths
(personal and professional) we see in each other. For times when I need strength I look at these notes
and my cohort reinvigorates me. For times when I need to share a classroom blunder, my ECers lend a
listening ear. For times when I need new and fresh ideas, my cohort members animinatedly share ideas
they have used. And for times when I just need to relax, my cohort has been there for me. Thank you:
Alex, Ali L., Allie T., Alissa B., Allison, Alyssa V., Amanda, Andrea, Caitlyn, Christina, Cyhnia, Danielle,
Hannah, Jill, Julie, Katie, Lauren, Mai, Marissa, Meghan, Nate, Rachel, and Sam. It’s been a blast!
- Katherine E. Chmielewski, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
I want to thank my cohort for the support and friendship they have given me these past two and
a half years! We have gone through a lot together and I couldn’t have asked for a better group.
Thank you all and I can’t wait to hear about all your future accomplishments!
I want to thank all of my wonderful cohort. I’m so lucky to have gotten stuck with you five
semesters ago! I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. All of our long classes, delicious snacks,
and interesting assignments, I’m glad I got to do it with all of you. Here’s to us!
I vividly remember the scene I caused in a crowded coffee shop when I first
opened the e-mail accepting me to the Early Childhood/English as a Second
Language program...
Two years later, I still feel embarrassed every time I think about it. Much to my
relief, I now have 24 amazing women and some pretty inspirational teachers that
are always there to share the burden of those embarrassing moments, as well as
the joy of the successful ones. Everything from discovering Dr. Travis Wright’s
secret clogging career to how long it took me to understand how scaffolding
related to education - my experience has been truly unique.
My fellow students and teachers are the reason that I enter the classroom every
morning feeling like I can change the world. At this point in time, this program
has given me the rare opportunity in life to be as equally nostalgic about the past
as I am excited about my future.
Shout out to the EC-MC cohort! You are all wonderful teachers and even better human beings.
It has been an honor and a pleasure learning with you all over these past five semesters.
Best of luck in your future endeavors!
Wow, what a journey it has been! Being a first generation college student, this moment is not only a mile-
stone and an accomplishment for myself, but for my family as well. I remember receiving the acceptance
letter, pretty much being in shock for the first five minutes, those feelings followed by overwhelming joy.
I have dreamt of being a badger for so long! I owe a lot to my teachers over the years, supervisors during
this program, cooperating teachers, and those who wrote me incredible letters of recommendation. I am
so thankful for all of the support everyone has given me!
When times have become stressful I just think about my family- Dad and Grandma and Dena – you have
supported me the whole way! When I feel unsure about myself, I just think about us sharing this glorious
day together and it gets me through. Thanks for encouraging my success my whole life! My boyfriend and
his family have given me strength as well; I thank Logan for listening to me vent and even cry, and just be-
ing amazingly supportive every day. I am thankful for his mother for giving me pep talks when I was frus-
trated with career options and being such a lovely person. I have also had the support and advice from my
best friend Nina, who is an educator herself.
Thank you to my cohort, you all are so amazing. Your support over the past two years has been unwavering
This is the second time I've donned a cap and gown.
The first time was in my twenties when I had only
myself and my studies to tend to. And believe me,
that was enough! This time, I'm in my forties and I
took three children and a husband along for the ride.
They are here to celebrate my achievement, but they
really should be wearing caps and gowns as well.
There is absolutely no way I could have been as
successful without their unwavering love and support. 
I also want to thank the twenty-four women that
stand with me today. They continually impressed
me with their passion for education, supported me
with warmth and humor and never once judged my
"mom-ness." I am a better person for knowing each
of you and I will forever hold you close to my heart.
Being a student at UW-Madison
has been an exhilarating
experience and I have learned an
immense amount of information,
not only academically, but also
about myself. However, it wasn’t
until I was accepted into the
Elementary Education Program
that I really began to know who
I wanted to be as an individual
and as a citizen of the world.
In my very first course with
Carl Grant, I was quickly
introduced to the intense
world of teaching that I have
now fallen in love with. From
then on, I was able to explore,
experiment, and endure through an array of activities and lesson plans a plenty that have shown me how to be the
best teacher I can be for my future students. This program has provided me so much insight and new ideas that I
couldn’t dream of creating on my own.
With the help of my amazing cohort and the support of all the teachers who I have met along the way, I believe that I
have found my calling. I am an amazing teacher. I am a proud graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. And I
cannot wait to see what my future holds for me. GO BADGERS! - Brittany Jean Hozeska
The last five years of my life spent at UW have been my favorite
so far. I am incredibly grateful for the experiences I’ve had, espe-
cially being accepted into the Elementary Ed. program with the
best cohort that ever existed. I am ecstatic to begin my career
this summer as a summer school teacher for MMSD. 
On Wisconsin!
I would like to acknowledge my mother for the constant support, encouragement, love
and understanding provided throughout this incredible adventure. I could not have made
this journey, or any other, without her by my side. 
Judi, though I am sad for it to end, and scared of what the future may bring, I will stand tall knowing
that because of you, I am who I am today: a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For the
early morning phone calls and late night text messages, for the proof reading and sharing of ideas, and
for each and every reminder calling, “You can do this!”, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
- Lauren Cecilia Karlov-Ott,
I am graduating from the Early
Childhood/ESL cohort with 23
amazing educators.
I would not have been able to make it this
far without their support and guidance,
and I am confident in knowing that
each and every one of them will make a
phenomenal teacher and have an positive
impact on their students.
I also wouldn’t be here today with out the
support of my family. They have pushed
me to get where I am today, and I am
grateful for that!
- Emily Keuler
I would like to thank my family and friends, my advisor Mary
Thompson-Shriver, teachers/supervisors, and my cohort family for the
support, encouragement, and inspiration they give me. I could not
have done this without out you! I would also like to give a special
shout-out to my fourth grade students, who remind her daily of how
wonderful this profession is!
- Janna LeGros, Elementary Education
I would like to thank the
following for helping me make it
to graduation: my wonderful
family, Bucky Badger, caffeine,
fun drinks, naps, chocolate, books,
my cohort, Madison’s gorgeous
water views.
- Hannah Kowalczyk-Harper,
Elementary Education (EC-MC)
My time at UW has been an
experience to remember - from
moving in freshman year to
Sellery and meeting some of my
best friends, to getting accepted
into the Elementary Ed. program,
to meeting each group of
amazing students with each
teaching placement.
I’m excited to begin the next
adventure of my life as I head
overseas to teach first grade at the American School of Kosovo in Pristina,
Kosovo. I’ll cherish all the memories I’ve made as a Badger. U RAH RAH
and On Wisconsin!
- Megan Landry
Elementary Education - Middle Childhood/Early Adolescence
I decided to major in education after teaching in a local summer
school K-Ready program. I was inspired by my students who,
no matter their circumstances, came to school with a smile on
their face and ready to learn. I teach for social justice, because all
students deserve a quality education regardless of where they
come from. 
I also want to thank my mom and dad, who are both
teachers, for being inspiring role models who have always encouraged
me to follow my dreams. I love you both.
- Caitlin Lesar
Early Childhood Education/ESL Program
I would like to thank my parents and my sister for their support, my
wonderful cooperating teacher, and above all: my amazing ECE/ESL
I could not have made it through my college career without their insight,
their inspiration, and their good humor. These 23 girls will
always be at the heart of my teaching practice!
- Emily Mabie
Early Childhood Education/English as a Second Language
My experience in the School of Education would not
have been the same without the mentorship from several
incredible teachers during my practicum and student
teaching. Thank you to Kristen Grothman for providing me
with a wonderful start to my teaching career. And thank
you, especially, to Shelly Duffield and Kate Greenfield, my
mentor teachers during my student teaching. You taught me
so much and I will be eternally grateful!
I would also like to thank all of the professors, lecturers,
supervisors, and teaching assistants that helped shape my
educational experience while in the School of Education. I
would like to especially thank Brian Gibbs, who I had as an
instructor for “Teaching Social Studies.” Brian, your passion
for engaging, fun, and thought-provoking pedagogy has
inspired me to push myself to be the best teacher possible.
As one of my peers in my cohort aptly said, “When stuck in a
jam or looking for inspiration, I just think--What would Brian Gibbs do?” 
Also, my entire EC-MA cohort deserves a HUGE shout out. My teaching and learning experience was enriched so
much through all of our laughs, in-depth and challenging conversations, and practicum experiences together. My
experience was especially enriched through the friendships I developed with future teachers that I truly admire and
- Emily MacCallum, Elementary Education/Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence
I was lucky enough to be placed in a cohort with these lovely
people. Could not have asked for a better group of 25 future
teachers to spend two years in the program with. They were a
support system, a resource, a motivator, and most importantly
great friends.
- Katherine Nahn
Elementary Education-MCEA
A tremendous thank you to my parents for their constant support and guidance throughout my
education. Thank you also to my siblings for their continuous inspiration and humor, and my
fiance for his thoughtfulness and encouragement. To my cohort friends and fellow teachers,
thank you for helping me to push my thinking, share my experiences with, and mostly for your
friendship the past 2.5 years. Lastly, I am thankful for all the kiddos I had the pleasure of work-
ing with throughout my pre-service teaching for helping me become the teacher I am today.
- Samantha Nohr
Elementary Education - Early Childhood-Middle Childhood
Thank you to my family for always being supportive
and helping me become the person I am today. I also
want to thank the members of my cohort who have helped
me grow as a teacher. These past two years have been
incredible with all of you! You are all truly fantastic teachers
who are going to make a profound impact in the world!
- Sarah Steele
Elementary Education 
Thank you to my amazing, loving, supportive cohort!
- Christa Peterson, Elementary Education
This photo is of my cohort, with whom I have spent the
last two years (all day, every day!). I never would have
imagined that I could grow to care for a group of people
so much. We have really become a family over the time
we’ve spent together.
I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to laugh,
learn, and grow with such an amazing group of future
- Amanda Soldner
Elementary Education, Middle Childhood - Early Adolescence
I had a wonderful time learning and growing alongside my cohort members for the last
two years. I worked in 3rd, 8th, and 7th grade classrooms on the east side here in
Madison. I also went to western Uganda from January to April of this year to teach
Science & English in a 6th grade classroom and had the most interesting and awesome
experience of my life. I would like to thank the excellent TA staff for their inspiring
instruction and my family for their unwavering support.
- Nichole Stratton
Elementary Education - Middle Childhood to Early Adolescence
I wanted to thank my family for their support throughout the
entire Education program. In addition, I want to thank all of the
professors that we had throughout our two and a half years within
the program. Their guidance and expertise helped us develop
our teaching to allow us the opportunity to change the world in
classrooms all over the world. Also, I want to thank all 23 of my
cohort peers. We went through a lot together but had a lot of
laughs throughout. I would not be the teacher I am today without
all of you! #OnWisconsin
- Karlie Tetschlag
Elementary Education Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence
I would not trade these past 2 years for anything! I had the best
cohort and I owe my experience to the amazing women who made the
journey with me. We have come so far and learned so much. We were the
guinea pigs, first cohort in the program will surely go down in history... for
many reasons :) I can’t wait to get out there and make a difference.
Go Badgers!
-Jessica C. Thomas
Elementary Education/Early Childhood and ESL
My Wisconsin Experience would not have been the same without my incredible advisor Mary
Thompson-Shriver. Mary was extremely attentive to my schedule and what would fit me best as
a learner. 
Mary took the time to get to know me as a person to better assist me through my time in the
School of Education. She genuinely cared about me, and did everything she could to ensure that
I had the best opportunities that the University could offer me. I wouldn’t have made it without
her! Thank you, Mary!
- Erin Wolf
Elementary Education
I am incredibly thankful for my cohort, my friends, family, and all the
teachers that I have had along the way.
I could not have done any of this without your amazing support! I am excited
to finish up student teaching before moving to Phoenix, where I will be a 4th
grade teacher.
- Emily Wottreng
Elementary Education - MCEA
When I think of all of the wonderful opportunities
allotted to me through the UW School of Education,
I feel very blessed. I had a particularly great learning
experience doing my practicum and student teaching
at Schenk Elementary and Whitehorse Middle Schools.
The mentor teachers I had the chance to learn from at
these schools were phenomenal and greatly helped
develop me professionally. 
Additionally, every single one of my teachers through
the UW-School of Education led challenging and
exciting classes which deepened my passion for the
teaching profession. All of the talented fellow
educators I met in my cohort have made a life-long
impact on my growth as a teacher, as well. And of
course, my family (especially my mom and dad)
and friends deserve an extra special thanks for
continuously supporting me throughout my college
experience. My journey to living out my dream of
becoming a teacher wouldn’t have been possible
without you!
- Lindsay Wenzlaff
Elementary Education- Middle Childhood Early Adolescence
I truly believe that the students
graduating from the School of Ed
this year are some of the best
I have greatly enjoyed the last
few years of learning and working
with them. You will all make
fantastic teachers.
Team Sherman Forever!
- Laura Lee Berrey
Secondary Education - Science
Thank you to my mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law,
and boyfriend for your continuous love and
- Jackie Bauer
Social Studies/Secondary Education
I would like to thank every single one of my fellow
future teachers in the secondary education program.
These past two years have been a journey. Rushing to
complete at 75 page CLP, discussing different interests and
passions within subject areas, and supporting each other
through the crazy world of student teaching.
I could not have completed this program without such
passionate and inspiring individuals. Congratulations Cohort I!
- Jamie Black
Secondary Education-Mathematics
The music ed cohort has been an
immense inspiration, and constant
support throughout my time at the
School of Education.
I’m so thankful I got to experience
my teacher training alongside each
and every one of you.
- Elizabeth Clawson
Music Education
I would like to thank my field supervisor,
Brian Gibbs. His endless enthusiasm and
passion for teaching were truly inspirational
to me as he guided me through my student
teaching placements. Whether it was a late
night meeting to work on lesson plans or a
mid-week pep talk to help me re-discover
my own passion for teaching, Brian was
always there to support me.
- Jackson Gabriel
Secondary Education-Social Studies
My experience in the School of Ed
has brought a lot of growth and
amazing new friends. I want to
thank Eric Knuth for bringing my
teaching to the 21st century and
my grandfather, in whose footsteps
I’m following, for inspiring me to
make a difference in students’ lives.
- Kevin Freitag
Secondary Ed-Mathematics
Thanks so much to
Melissa Braaten, the
best Methods teacher
ever, who taught us
Secondary Science
people how to teach
- Stephanie Hagan
Secondary Education/Biology
I would like to thank my Education Academic Advisor: Mary Thompson-Shriver. From
my first week here on campus, to frequent e-mails catching up into my senior year, she
has been the greatest academic support system. When I had any doubts or concerns
about classes or opportunities, Mary was the little angel on my shoulder that said, “go
for it!” with all confidence in me. I knew she cared about my success as an individual,
even among her hundreds of students. Thank you, Mary!
- Allisen Johnsen
Secondary Math Education
I would like to thank both my parents
for the opportunity they have given
me. They have supported me through
all the ups and downs of college and
helped fund my four years at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is
something I appreciate to the fullest
and can never repay them. Thank you
and love you Mom and Dad.
- Bryan LeRette
Secondary Mathematics Education
I’ll be pursuing my graduate degree
at the University of Pennsylvania and
teaching Elementary School at Young
Scholars Academy-Kenderton. 
I’d like to thank the School of
Education - especially the Office of
Undergraduate Recruitment and
Retention (OURR) - for being an
amazing support system during my
time here. It has been truly a joy!
On Wisconsin!
- Alicia Montague-Keels
World Languages
My parents, Tom and Patti Rosandich have had such a positive
influence on my education. Their dedication to supporting seven
children and pushing each and every one of us to strive to reach
our own goals has encouraged me to do the same for every one of
my students. I know I can always rely on their support when times
get tough and I know I can speak for all my brothers as well when
I say I love you and thank you for everything you have done for us.
- Scott Rosandich
Secondary Education - Mathematics
During my time at UW-Madison, I had the opportunity to immerse myself
at Madison West High School as a tutor, coach, and student teacher. From
assisting groups of students with a wide range of subjects to helping coach
the football team to their first playoff victory in over 30 years to having an
opportunity to teach a subject I am passionate about on a daily basis, West
has allowed me to teach, coach, and learn from a wonderful group of people.
- Patrick Ryan Sullivan
Secondary Education - Social Studies
On the first day of our Secondary Education program,
I walked into a room with the other 59 people that
made up Cohort I. I only knew a handful of those
faces at the time. On that day we were told that our
undergrad was officially over, and we quickly learned
how true that was. Our instructors, cooperating
teachers, and most of all our students kept us
busier than I’ve ever been. 
Despite our busy schedules and crazy workloads,
those two years of our program were the best two
years of my college career.
I learned lots, grew as a person and as a teacher, and
realized that my decision to become a teacher was
absolutely the right choice. Most importantly,
however, I think that the best things I’m taking away
from this program are the friends that I’ve made. We’ve been through thick and thin together as we struggled
through classes and difficult students over the past two years and have grown extremely close in the process.
Even if we spread out across the state, across the country, or even across the world, I know we will stay in contact
as friends and colleagues and continue to support one another through our teaching careers.
- Erin Silcock
Secondary Education Mathematics
It is only appropriate to end my time in the School of Education with a reflection. My time in
the School of Education has been a positive experience comprised of a continued passion for
learning about education and myself.
I want to thank all of our professors and teaching assistants who have challenged and guided my thinking and
learning. More specifically, I want to give a shout out and special thanks to Brian Gibbs and Ren Schwab who
have personally helped me develop as individual and educator. You both have had a positive influence in my
teaching and life. Lastly, I want to thank Cohort I for making this experience in the Ed school unbelievable.
- Evan Tarshish
Social Studies/ Secondary Education
My journey in the UW Madison School of Education has been wonderful and life-changing. It
has widened my mind and deepened my heart. Moving forward, I am filled with a powerful
sense of purpose.
I know that I will make a difference in the lives of young people and fight for the kind of schools they deserve.
I give special thanks to Dr. Maisha Winn for being a constant inspiration and role model throughout my time in
this program. I would also like to thank my cohort friends for a million memories and laughs. Cheers to Team
G, Winner Winner Fisher Dinner, LC1, and Cohort I. Stay true and on, Wisconsin!
- Kellie Tutkowski
Secondary English Education
I have accepted a teaching position in Copán Ruinas, Honduras to
begin my teaching career after graduation. I will teach 11th and 12th
graders history and business during the 2014-2015 school year. 
A huge thanks to all of my family and friends who have been so
encouraging and supportive of my decision and my wanderlust
attitude! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to pursue my passion
for teaching, as well as explore the amazing history and culture
within Honduras.
- Jennifer Wright
Secondary Education- Social Studies
I would like to thank the entire Kinesiology Department
for a challenging yet great learning experience over the
past two years.
The NAT is like my third home now. Special shout out to my
senior Kines graduates and the Lunch Club who meets at
Dejope Hall every week!
- Alexis C. Bell
Kinesiology-Exercise Movement and Science
I would like to thank my wife and mentor Dr. Dawn Davis, Patricia and Kenneth Belt, my children
Xavier and Zoe, my classmates, Dr. Ann Ward for her guidance and support, and the rest of my
friends and family who have always supported me in my academic endeavors.
- David W. Davis II
Kinesiology / Exercise and Movement Science
Early on sophomore year, I remember visiting my pre-health advisor, Dr. Consuelo Springfield,
and telling her I just didn’t feel right majoring in Biology. Right then and there, she was the one
who sparked my interest to pursue Kinesiology. I have known her for five years now, as she has
had the most influence on my time here at UW-Madison. 
Dr. Consuelo guided me through my academics, helped me publish an article reflecting upon
my community service mission trip to San Juan, Texas, served as the faculty advisor of my
student organization, the Professional Association of Latinos for Medical School Access,
taught me in her Chicano Latino Studies course, and allowed me to see the immense value
of my potential and compassion for others. 
When I graduate, I will remember both her kind heart and outspoken spirit always encouraging
me to follow my dreams and passions and to never give up on what I believe in. My feelings
of excitement and nervousness to graduate are beyond comparable to anything I have ever
felt before. I look forward to the future years of professionalism, laughs with friends both old
and new, and a novel chapter of this own special story I call my life. Bring it on. I know life is
only going to get better and more fulfilling from here on out. 
Thank you UW-Madison and everyone who has supported me - especially my family
- throughout these wonderful five years I will cherish forever. Once a Badger, always a
Badger! On Wisconsin!
- Christina Elizabeth Duarte, Kinesiology: Exercise and Movement Science
My time here at UW-Madison has been
I have been given so many great opportunities
through the Kinesiology Program and want to
thank everyone who made my experience here
so wonderful.
My future plans are to complete the Physician
Assistant Program and to begin my career as a
PA providing quality healthcare to people in my
community. This school has provided me with all
the tools to make these next steps in my journey
Congratulations graduates!
- Crystal Farrand
Kinesiology-Exercise and Movement Science
I never understood why Athletic Training was in the School of Education, but I believe that it is
because education NEVER stops in this field and that the motivation to educate patients and
health care professionals while seeking learning opportunities is critical.
I know that my experiences at Wisconsin has prepared me to continue to keep learning so I can pass on the
information to others. All of my thoughtful teachers (Shari Clark, Dr. Bell, Dr. Winterstein, Tony Penutto) and
clinical preceptors have inspired me, pushed me, and never hesitated to help out their students. I would like
to thank them for these past 2 challenging years in the program, along with my mother, father, sister, and
extended family. I will be attending the University of Hawaii for a masters in athletic training.
- Emily Harada
Kinesiology - AthleticTraining
During my time in the Kinesiology program I had the privilege of studying
under the tutelage of numerous amazing and inspiring professors, as well as had
the opportunity to meet some of my closest friends. After graduation I plan to
take a year off and work as a Medical Scribe in Minneapolis, MN before eventually
applying to medical school. I would like to thank all of the faculty members within
the Kinesiology program and my fellow classmates for making my time here at
UW-Madison so memorable.
- Ellen Kronzer
Kinesiology - Exercise and Movement Science
I had the great pleasure of working with
a number of unbelievable staff who had a
profound impact on my education.
I would like to single out Cindy Kuhrasch, Nancy
Krattiger-Ziltener, Tim Gattenby, Bonnie Klassy,
and Dan Timm as staff who helped me a lot
along the way. I will cherish the many
relationships I have built with students
and staff from this great university.
On Wisconsin!
- Brice Peterson, Kinesiology - Physical Education
The Kinesiology Exercise Movement Science program in the School
of Education has been an amazing experience that has provided me
with a wealth in information, instruction from incredibly faculty and
long-lasting friendships forged from long hours of hard work and
getting to know my peers both in and outside of class. 
A few particular faculty members I would like to personally thank for having
a profound impact on my education are the incredible staff members of the
Anatomy Department, who brought a cadaver lab to life and provided a
riveting learning experience that has furthered my passion to pursue a career
in healthcare. Dr. Diffee, my professor of Exercise Physiology, taught one of
my favorite courses here at UW-Madison and challenged me to think about
the complexities of the human body, to think like a healthcare practitioner to
understand how specific bodily changes affect other systems and lead to
disease states. I would like to thank Donna Freitag with the Center for Leadership
and Involvement, for guiding me through the process of receiving my
Leadership Certificate. Lastly, I would like to thank Dija Selimi, my pre-health
advisor, for taking time to meet with me every semester, discuss future goals
and aid in the planning process because it can be a bit overwhelming at times. 
My plans following graduation are to work with a healthcare IT startup
company here in Madison and take some time off to travel before
applying to medical school.
- Evan Prawda, Kinesiology - Exercise Movement Science
One of the highlights of my time in the Kinesiology Department was
getting to volunteer for 3+ semesters with Tim Gattenby in the Adapted
Fitness program, helping individuals with diverse abilities develop
exercise programs and achieve their goals.
Tim is one of the most motivated and inspiring people I have ever met, and my
time getting to work with him was the most valuable experience I’ve had at this
He has changed my plans for the future, inspiring me to want a career working
with people with disabilities. His profound knowledge base and positive outlook
on life have had such a large impact on me, and he will definitely be what I
remember when I look back on my time at UW-Madison.
Thank you, Tim!
- Rachel Prince
Kinesiology: Exercise and Movement Science
When my grandparents took me to my first
Badger game, I knew I was home.
I am so thankful to have spent the past four years at
UW-Madison, being forced to get fit thanks to the
outstanding Kinesiology department.
I want to give a big thank you to my parents for all of
the love, support and groceries they have provided
me with throughout my undergrad years. I won’t miss
the cold, windy, mile long walk to the NAT for 8 a.m.
class, but I will miss the beautiful people inside.
- Erica Scharf
Kinesiology-Exercise and Movement Science
After four crazy years as an undergraduate student, I
will now be attending Rosalind Franklin University of
Medicine and Science for graduate school! I am
continuing my education in their Doctor of Physical
Therapy (DPT) Program and cannot wait to begin this
wonderful journey. 
It will be an exciting experience and I am beyond thrilled to
know I will finally reach my dream career in just a few years!
Thank you UW-Madison staff and faculty for preparing me for
this amazing opportunity...and an even bigger thank you to my
absolutely fantastic family and friends for your continuous love
and support every step of the way.
I DID IT! WE DID IT! Congratulations class of 2014!
- Kahlin Shandley
These past few years have been filled with countless cups of coffee,
exams, papers, laughter, new friendships, and adventure.
I have overcome obstacles, learned a great deal about who I am, and
made unforgettable memories. This has been a life changing journey
that I would not change for the world.
I would like to thank my incredible and amazing family for sharing
your words of wisdom and above all, your endless support and confi-
dence in me. I know that I would not have made it to this day without
all of your love and encouragement. I’ll love you forever!
- Kimberly Lieberman
Rehabilitation Psychology
The School of Education has provided numerous
community experiences during the last four years.
I value the strong emphasis on interning within
the community and working with individuals with
This has provided real-world experiences as I
continue to pursue a career in Occupational
Therapy. I would like to extend thanks to the Fran
and Brad Taylor Scholarship Foundation and to
the Marion O. Cole Scholarship Foundation for
assisting my journey in the School of Education.
I would like to greatly thank my Powers-Knapp
Scholarship Family who has supported me over
the past four years! Thank you family and friends!
- Caitlin Rhoten
I would like to thank all my professors who helped me make the best of my time here at
Madison. I would especially like to thank Professor Brian Phillips. You are an incredible
teacher and an inspiration to everyone who takes your class. Thank you so much for all
that you do! 
I would also like to thank Virginia Waddick. You have been more than helpful and I would
not be here today without your guidance!
- Caitlin Van Sloun, Rehabilitation Psychology
A huge THANK YOU to my cooperating teacher!
You have taught me more than any textbook ever
- Michael Fliegel
Special Education
First and foremost, I want to thank the Office of Undergraduate Recruitment
and Retention for allowing me to stroll into their offices without making
appointments and for humoring me by listening to my master plans of how
to graduate without spending five years here (that didn’t work as I have been
here exactly five years). Nevertheless, they have always been supportive of
my decisions and have always given me a chance to prove myself worthy of
the education that I have received here. 
Even though I only took one class with her, I really appreciated being in
the company of Dr. Ladson-Billings. It was very frustrating not having
much access to professors of color on this campus, within the School of
Education and within my department and being the only undergraduate
student of color in the Special Ed program did not come without challenges.
However, the pep talks and small words of motivation had great impact
throughout my job search and for that I will forever be grateful. I also do not
underestimate the work she has done to make it easier for future game-changers in education like myself and
the work she does on an everyday basis to ensure that teachers are accessing each of their students’ wealth of
knowledge and valuing the cultural and social capital they possess. 
I also would like to extend my gratitude to my department. They have been extremely supportive of my
endeavors and gave me a space where I felt free enough to assert my opinions (of which there was never any
shortage) and my outlook on best practices within the educational system. I am eternally grateful to be another
success story and want to also give thanks to my predessor, Regina Williams and (hopefully in a few years) our
protege, Amani-Breanna Alexander.
- Chantal Fuller, Special Education

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Commencement - Spring 2014 | Education Stories

  • 1. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD My Education Story... Bachelor’s Degree Recipients COMMENCEMENT DAY - MAY 17, 2014
  • 2. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ART I would like to thank all the amazing faculty within the printmaking program, without all of you I would not have found my artistic voice and fallen in love with printmaking. A very special thank you goes to Professor John Hitchcock, whose openness and free thinking mind first drew me to the program, and pushed me to pursue perfection in my work, in myself, and in the goals I have for my future. Additional thanks to Jack Damer and Briony Morrow-Cribbs, for challenging me and asking the most from me, without your guidance I wouldn’t have wanted more from my education and for that, a million thanks. I would like to thank my family and friends, for always supporting me and my work, I would not be who I am today without all of your love. And lastly thank you UW-Madison, I wish time didn’t move so quickly. I will miss you dearly, and I’m looking at you, Mosse-Humanities. - Alexander Gradecki ART/BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS
  • 3. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD DANCE As a sophomore new to the dance program, I created a solo for composition class and presented it for a required audition. It was a piece with spoken word called “Claws of Affect (n.)” To my surprise, it was chosen by faculty to represent the department at the American College Dance Festival, which we were hosting that year. After performing it at the festival for adjudication, it was chosen among hundreds of other works to show in the gala. I performed it again on home turf in front of hundreds of other dancers and choreographers from around the country; that was my proudest badger moment. - Henry Holmes, DANCE
  • 4. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD The Elementary Education program is known for its progressive force. I have been inspired and I have inspired. From designing a lesson in which algebra students analyzed statistics pertinent to the controversial mining in the Penokee Range in Northern Wisconsin, to dancing rumba in our social studies methods class. From a teacher telling us it was a beautiful moment as our class groaned at the class structure to leading my students in an environmental issue protest down Willy Street - it’s more than I could have imagined. I leave the program, look over my shoulder and smile. In August, I’ll sit down in that desk in New Orleans and breathe easy, knowing that I have learned and will never stop learning. - Marcela Marie Anderson, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 5. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD I want to thank all of the great teachers I have been fortunate enough to study under while attending the University of Wisconsin- Madison, specifically those in the School of Education. I will always remember those teachers that were not just great teachers, but great people. I will certainly miss the 23 people who have been close by throughout this crazy adventure. Being a part of a cohort family made this increasingly large university seem much smaller. On the first day we were strangers, but within a matter of days (or perhaps minutes) we became friends. I hope we continue to keep each other sane as we continue learning and teaching, seeing how the adventure is just getting started! ON WISCONSIN! - Karl Boehmer, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 6. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD SPRING 2014 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Hands down the most memorable part of my education at UW-Madison has been being a part of my ECMC cohort that we affectionaly call “EC Street.” As a member of said cohort, I have had the opportunity to be surrounded by an outstanding group of individuals with whom share my passion for teaching.... As a cohort, we constantly pick each other’s brains for new ideas and strategies as we face the never-ending new situations we face in each unique classroom. But our relationship has become so much more than just profession! I have meet some of my best friends through my cohort many of which will be lifelong friends. They are my support group, they see the best in me, and push me to be even better! With such a huge role that this individuals play in my life, it is hard to choose just one artifact, but I have to choose the “Warm and Fuzzies” or secret notes we have passed to each other about the strengths (personal and professional) we see in each other. For times when I need strength I look at these notes and my cohort reinvigorates me. For times when I need to share a classroom blunder, my ECers lend a listening ear. For times when I need new and fresh ideas, my cohort members animinatedly share ideas they have used. And for times when I just need to relax, my cohort has been there for me. Thank you: Alex, Ali L., Allie T., Alissa B., Allison, Alyssa V., Amanda, Andrea, Caitlyn, Christina, Cyhnia, Danielle, Hannah, Jill, Julie, Katie, Lauren, Mai, Marissa, Meghan, Nate, Rachel, and Sam. It’s been a blast! - Katherine E. Chmielewski, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 7. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD SPRING 2014 ELEMENTARY EDUCATION I want to thank my cohort for the support and friendship they have given me these past two and a half years! We have gone through a lot together and I couldn’t have asked for a better group. Thank you all and I can’t wait to hear about all your future accomplishments! - Christina Cliff, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - ECMC I want to thank all of my wonderful cohort. I’m so lucky to have gotten stuck with you five semesters ago! I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. All of our long classes, delicious snacks, and interesting assignments, I’m glad I got to do it with all of you. Here’s to us! - Jill Discher, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - ECMC
  • 8. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD I vividly remember the scene I caused in a crowded coffee shop when I first opened the e-mail accepting me to the Early Childhood/English as a Second Language program... Two years later, I still feel embarrassed every time I think about it. Much to my relief, I now have 24 amazing women and some pretty inspirational teachers that are always there to share the burden of those embarrassing moments, as well as the joy of the successful ones. Everything from discovering Dr. Travis Wright’s secret clogging career to how long it took me to understand how scaffolding related to education - my experience has been truly unique. My fellow students and teachers are the reason that I enter the classroom every morning feeling like I can change the world. At this point in time, this program has given me the rare opportunity in life to be as equally nostalgic about the past as I am excited about my future. - Marissa Duric, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION/ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 9. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD Shout out to the EC-MC cohort! You are all wonderful teachers and even better human beings. It has been an honor and a pleasure learning with you all over these past five semesters. Best of luck in your future endeavors! - Meghan Ernest, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 10. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD Wow, what a journey it has been! Being a first generation college student, this moment is not only a mile- stone and an accomplishment for myself, but for my family as well. I remember receiving the acceptance letter, pretty much being in shock for the first five minutes, those feelings followed by overwhelming joy. I have dreamt of being a badger for so long! I owe a lot to my teachers over the years, supervisors during this program, cooperating teachers, and those who wrote me incredible letters of recommendation. I am so thankful for all of the support everyone has given me! When times have become stressful I just think about my family- Dad and Grandma and Dena – you have supported me the whole way! When I feel unsure about myself, I just think about us sharing this glorious day together and it gets me through. Thanks for encouraging my success my whole life! My boyfriend and his family have given me strength as well; I thank Logan for listening to me vent and even cry, and just be- ing amazingly supportive every day. I am thankful for his mother for giving me pep talks when I was frus- trated with career options and being such a lovely person. I have also had the support and advice from my best friend Nina, who is an educator herself. Thank you to my cohort, you all are so amazing. Your support over the past two years has been unwavering and so true. We made it! GO BADGERS! WE TEACHERS ARE GOING TO ROCK SOCKS OFF!! - Nicole Fatsis, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION /ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 11. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION This is the second time I've donned a cap and gown. The first time was in my twenties when I had only myself and my studies to tend to. And believe me, that was enough! This time, I'm in my forties and I took three children and a husband along for the ride. They are here to celebrate my achievement, but they really should be wearing caps and gowns as well. There is absolutely no way I could have been as successful without their unwavering love and support.  I also want to thank the twenty-four women that stand with me today. They continually impressed me with their passion for education, supported me with warmth and humor and never once judged my "mom-ness." I am a better person for knowing each of you and I will forever hold you close to my heart. - Kimberly Healy, EARLY CHILDHOOD/ESL
  • 12. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Being a student at UW-Madison has been an exhilarating experience and I have learned an immense amount of information, not only academically, but also about myself. However, it wasn’t until I was accepted into the Elementary Education Program that I really began to know who I wanted to be as an individual and as a citizen of the world. In my very first course with Carl Grant, I was quickly introduced to the intense world of teaching that I have now fallen in love with. From then on, I was able to explore, experiment, and endure through an array of activities and lesson plans a plenty that have shown me how to be the best teacher I can be for my future students. This program has provided me so much insight and new ideas that I couldn’t dream of creating on my own. With the help of my amazing cohort and the support of all the teachers who I have met along the way, I believe that I have found my calling. I am an amazing teacher. I am a proud graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. And I cannot wait to see what my future holds for me. GO BADGERS! - Brittany Jean Hozeska
  • 13. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD The last five years of my life spent at UW have been my favorite so far. I am incredibly grateful for the experiences I’ve had, espe- cially being accepted into the Elementary Ed. program with the best cohort that ever existed. I am ecstatic to begin my career this summer as a summer school teacher for MMSD.  On Wisconsin! - Grace Jorgenson, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - MCEA ELEMENTARY EDUCATION I would like to acknowledge my mother for the constant support, encouragement, love and understanding provided throughout this incredible adventure. I could not have made this journey, or any other, without her by my side.  Judi, though I am sad for it to end, and scared of what the future may bring, I will stand tall knowing that because of you, I am who I am today: a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For the early morning phone calls and late night text messages, for the proof reading and sharing of ideas, and for each and every reminder calling, “You can do this!”, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  - Lauren Cecilia Karlov-Ott, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION/ ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE
  • 14. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION I am graduating from the Early Childhood/ESL cohort with 23 amazing educators. I would not have been able to make it this far without their support and guidance, and I am confident in knowing that each and every one of them will make a phenomenal teacher and have an positive impact on their students. I also wouldn’t be here today with out the support of my family. They have pushed me to get where I am today, and I am grateful for that! - Emily Keuler EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION/ESL PROGRAM
  • 15. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION I would like to thank my family and friends, my advisor Mary Thompson-Shriver, teachers/supervisors, and my cohort family for the support, encouragement, and inspiration they give me. I could not have done this without out you! I would also like to give a special shout-out to my fourth grade students, who remind her daily of how wonderful this profession is! - Janna LeGros, Elementary Education I would like to thank the following for helping me make it to graduation: my wonderful family, Bucky Badger, caffeine, fun drinks, naps, chocolate, books, my cohort, Madison’s gorgeous water views. - Hannah Kowalczyk-Harper, Elementary Education (EC-MC) My time at UW has been an experience to remember - from moving in freshman year to Sellery and meeting some of my best friends, to getting accepted into the Elementary Ed. program, to meeting each group of amazing students with each teaching placement. I’m excited to begin the next adventure of my life as I head overseas to teach first grade at the American School of Kosovo in Pristina, Kosovo. I’ll cherish all the memories I’ve made as a Badger. U RAH RAH and On Wisconsin! - Megan Landry Elementary Education - Middle Childhood/Early Adolescence
  • 16. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD#UWGRAD I decided to major in education after teaching in a local summer school K-Ready program. I was inspired by my students who, no matter their circumstances, came to school with a smile on their face and ready to learn. I teach for social justice, because all students deserve a quality education regardless of where they come from.  I also want to thank my mom and dad, who are both teachers, for being inspiring role models who have always encouraged me to follow my dreams. I love you both. - Caitlin Lesar Early Childhood Education/ESL Program I would like to thank my parents and my sister for their support, my wonderful cooperating teacher, and above all: my amazing ECE/ESL cohort. I could not have made it through my college career without their insight, their inspiration, and their good humor. These 23 girls will always be at the heart of my teaching practice! - Emily Mabie Early Childhood Education/English as a Second Language ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 17. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION My experience in the School of Education would not have been the same without the mentorship from several incredible teachers during my practicum and student teaching. Thank you to Kristen Grothman for providing me with a wonderful start to my teaching career. And thank you, especially, to Shelly Duffield and Kate Greenfield, my mentor teachers during my student teaching. You taught me so much and I will be eternally grateful! I would also like to thank all of the professors, lecturers, supervisors, and teaching assistants that helped shape my educational experience while in the School of Education. I would like to especially thank Brian Gibbs, who I had as an instructor for “Teaching Social Studies.” Brian, your passion for engaging, fun, and thought-provoking pedagogy has inspired me to push myself to be the best teacher possible. As one of my peers in my cohort aptly said, “When stuck in a jam or looking for inspiration, I just think--What would Brian Gibbs do?”  Also, my entire EC-MA cohort deserves a HUGE shout out. My teaching and learning experience was enriched so much through all of our laughs, in-depth and challenging conversations, and practicum experiences together. My experience was especially enriched through the friendships I developed with future teachers that I truly admire and respect. - Emily MacCallum, Elementary Education/Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence
  • 18. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION I was lucky enough to be placed in a cohort with these lovely people. Could not have asked for a better group of 25 future teachers to spend two years in the program with. They were a support system, a resource, a motivator, and most importantly great friends. - Katherine Nahn Elementary Education-MCEA A tremendous thank you to my parents for their constant support and guidance throughout my education. Thank you also to my siblings for their continuous inspiration and humor, and my fiance for his thoughtfulness and encouragement. To my cohort friends and fellow teachers, thank you for helping me to push my thinking, share my experiences with, and mostly for your friendship the past 2.5 years. Lastly, I am thankful for all the kiddos I had the pleasure of work- ing with throughout my pre-service teaching for helping me become the teacher I am today. - Samantha Nohr Elementary Education - Early Childhood-Middle Childhood
  • 19. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD Thank you to my family for always being supportive and helping me become the person I am today. I also want to thank the members of my cohort who have helped me grow as a teacher. These past two years have been incredible with all of you! You are all truly fantastic teachers who are going to make a profound impact in the world! WE DID IT!!! - Sarah Steele Elementary Education  ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Thank you to my amazing, loving, supportive cohort! - Christa Peterson, Elementary Education
  • 20. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION This photo is of my cohort, with whom I have spent the last two years (all day, every day!). I never would have imagined that I could grow to care for a group of people so much. We have really become a family over the time we’ve spent together. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to laugh, learn, and grow with such an amazing group of future educators! - Amanda Soldner Elementary Education, Middle Childhood - Early Adolescence I had a wonderful time learning and growing alongside my cohort members for the last two years. I worked in 3rd, 8th, and 7th grade classrooms on the east side here in Madison. I also went to western Uganda from January to April of this year to teach Science & English in a 6th grade classroom and had the most interesting and awesome experience of my life. I would like to thank the excellent TA staff for their inspiring instruction and my family for their unwavering support. - Nichole Stratton Elementary Education - Middle Childhood to Early Adolescence
  • 21. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION I wanted to thank my family for their support throughout the entire Education program. In addition, I want to thank all of the professors that we had throughout our two and a half years within the program. Their guidance and expertise helped us develop our teaching to allow us the opportunity to change the world in classrooms all over the world. Also, I want to thank all 23 of my cohort peers. We went through a lot together but had a lot of laughs throughout. I would not be the teacher I am today without all of you! #OnWisconsin - Karlie Tetschlag Elementary Education Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence I would not trade these past 2 years for anything! I had the best cohort and I owe my experience to the amazing women who made the journey with me. We have come so far and learned so much. We were the guinea pigs, first cohort in the program will surely go down in history... for many reasons :) I can’t wait to get out there and make a difference. Go Badgers! -Jessica C. Thomas Elementary Education/Early Childhood and ESL
  • 22. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD#UWGRAD My Wisconsin Experience would not have been the same without my incredible advisor Mary Thompson-Shriver. Mary was extremely attentive to my schedule and what would fit me best as a learner.  Mary took the time to get to know me as a person to better assist me through my time in the School of Education. She genuinely cared about me, and did everything she could to ensure that I had the best opportunities that the University could offer me. I wouldn’t have made it without her! Thank you, Mary! - Erin Wolf Elementary Education I am incredibly thankful for my cohort, my friends, family, and all the teachers that I have had along the way. I could not have done any of this without your amazing support! I am excited to finish up student teaching before moving to Phoenix, where I will be a 4th grade teacher. - Emily Wottreng Elementary Education - MCEA ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 23. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD When I think of all of the wonderful opportunities allotted to me through the UW School of Education, I feel very blessed. I had a particularly great learning experience doing my practicum and student teaching at Schenk Elementary and Whitehorse Middle Schools. The mentor teachers I had the chance to learn from at these schools were phenomenal and greatly helped develop me professionally.  Additionally, every single one of my teachers through the UW-School of Education led challenging and exciting classes which deepened my passion for the teaching profession. All of the talented fellow educators I met in my cohort have made a life-long impact on my growth as a teacher, as well. And of course, my family (especially my mom and dad) and friends deserve an extra special thanks for continuously supporting me throughout my college experience. My journey to living out my dream of becoming a teacher wouldn’t have been possible without you! - Lindsay Wenzlaff Elementary Education- Middle Childhood Early Adolescence ELEMENTARY EDUCATION
  • 24. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD SECONDARY EDUCATION I truly believe that the students graduating from the School of Ed this year are some of the best people. I have greatly enjoyed the last few years of learning and working with them. You will all make fantastic teachers. Team Sherman Forever! - Laura Lee Berrey Secondary Education - Science
  • 25. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD SECONDARY EDUCATION Thank you to my mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, and boyfriend for your continuous love and encouragement. - Jackie Bauer Social Studies/Secondary Education I would like to thank every single one of my fellow future teachers in the secondary education program. These past two years have been a journey. Rushing to complete at 75 page CLP, discussing different interests and passions within subject areas, and supporting each other through the crazy world of student teaching. I could not have completed this program without such passionate and inspiring individuals. Congratulations Cohort I! - Jamie Black Secondary Education-Mathematics
  • 26. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD SECONDARY EDUCATION The music ed cohort has been an immense inspiration, and constant support throughout my time at the School of Education. I’m so thankful I got to experience my teacher training alongside each and every one of you. - Elizabeth Clawson Music Education
  • 27. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD I would like to thank my field supervisor, Brian Gibbs. His endless enthusiasm and passion for teaching were truly inspirational to me as he guided me through my student teaching placements. Whether it was a late night meeting to work on lesson plans or a mid-week pep talk to help me re-discover my own passion for teaching, Brian was always there to support me. - Jackson Gabriel Secondary Education-Social Studies SECONDARY EDUCATION My experience in the School of Ed has brought a lot of growth and amazing new friends. I want to thank Eric Knuth for bringing my teaching to the 21st century and my grandfather, in whose footsteps I’m following, for inspiring me to make a difference in students’ lives. - Kevin Freitag Secondary Ed-Mathematics Thanks so much to Melissa Braaten, the best Methods teacher ever, who taught us Secondary Science people how to teach science! - Stephanie Hagan Secondary Education/Biology
  • 28. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD I would like to thank my Education Academic Advisor: Mary Thompson-Shriver. From my first week here on campus, to frequent e-mails catching up into my senior year, she has been the greatest academic support system. When I had any doubts or concerns about classes or opportunities, Mary was the little angel on my shoulder that said, “go for it!” with all confidence in me. I knew she cared about my success as an individual, even among her hundreds of students. Thank you, Mary! - Allisen Johnsen Secondary Math Education SECONDARY EDUCATION I would like to thank both my parents for the opportunity they have given me. They have supported me through all the ups and downs of college and helped fund my four years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is something I appreciate to the fullest and can never repay them. Thank you and love you Mom and Dad. - Bryan LeRette Secondary Mathematics Education
  • 29. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD I’ll be pursuing my graduate degree at the University of Pennsylvania and teaching Elementary School at Young Scholars Academy-Kenderton.  I’d like to thank the School of Education - especially the Office of Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention (OURR) - for being an amazing support system during my time here. It has been truly a joy! On Wisconsin! - Alicia Montague-Keels World Languages SECONDARY EDUCATION
  • 30. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD SECONDARY EDUCATION My parents, Tom and Patti Rosandich have had such a positive influence on my education. Their dedication to supporting seven children and pushing each and every one of us to strive to reach our own goals has encouraged me to do the same for every one of my students. I know I can always rely on their support when times get tough and I know I can speak for all my brothers as well when I say I love you and thank you for everything you have done for us. - Scott Rosandich Secondary Education - Mathematics During my time at UW-Madison, I had the opportunity to immerse myself at Madison West High School as a tutor, coach, and student teacher. From assisting groups of students with a wide range of subjects to helping coach the football team to their first playoff victory in over 30 years to having an opportunity to teach a subject I am passionate about on a daily basis, West has allowed me to teach, coach, and learn from a wonderful group of people. - Patrick Ryan Sullivan Secondary Education - Social Studies
  • 31. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD SECONDARY EDUCATION On the first day of our Secondary Education program, I walked into a room with the other 59 people that made up Cohort I. I only knew a handful of those faces at the time. On that day we were told that our undergrad was officially over, and we quickly learned how true that was. Our instructors, cooperating teachers, and most of all our students kept us busier than I’ve ever been.  Despite our busy schedules and crazy workloads, those two years of our program were the best two years of my college career. I learned lots, grew as a person and as a teacher, and realized that my decision to become a teacher was absolutely the right choice. Most importantly, however, I think that the best things I’m taking away from this program are the friends that I’ve made. We’ve been through thick and thin together as we struggled through classes and difficult students over the past two years and have grown extremely close in the process. Even if we spread out across the state, across the country, or even across the world, I know we will stay in contact as friends and colleagues and continue to support one another through our teaching careers. - Erin Silcock Secondary Education Mathematics
  • 32. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD It is only appropriate to end my time in the School of Education with a reflection. My time in the School of Education has been a positive experience comprised of a continued passion for learning about education and myself. I want to thank all of our professors and teaching assistants who have challenged and guided my thinking and learning. More specifically, I want to give a shout out and special thanks to Brian Gibbs and Ren Schwab who have personally helped me develop as individual and educator. You both have had a positive influence in my teaching and life. Lastly, I want to thank Cohort I for making this experience in the Ed school unbelievable. YOU ROCK! - Evan Tarshish Social Studies/ Secondary Education My journey in the UW Madison School of Education has been wonderful and life-changing. It has widened my mind and deepened my heart. Moving forward, I am filled with a powerful sense of purpose. I know that I will make a difference in the lives of young people and fight for the kind of schools they deserve. I give special thanks to Dr. Maisha Winn for being a constant inspiration and role model throughout my time in this program. I would also like to thank my cohort friends for a million memories and laughs. Cheers to Team G, Winner Winner Fisher Dinner, LC1, and Cohort I. Stay true and on, Wisconsin! - Kellie Tutkowski Secondary English Education SECONDARY EDUCATION
  • 33. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD I have accepted a teaching position in Copán Ruinas, Honduras to begin my teaching career after graduation. I will teach 11th and 12th graders history and business during the 2014-2015 school year.  A huge thanks to all of my family and friends who have been so encouraging and supportive of my decision and my wanderlust attitude! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to pursue my passion for teaching, as well as explore the amazing history and culture within Honduras. - Jennifer Wright Secondary Education- Social Studies SECONDARY EDUCATION
  • 34. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD I would like to thank the entire Kinesiology Department for a challenging yet great learning experience over the past two years. The NAT is like my third home now. Special shout out to my senior Kines graduates and the Lunch Club who meets at Dejope Hall every week! - Alexis C. Bell Kinesiology-Exercise Movement and Science KINESIOLOGY I would like to thank my wife and mentor Dr. Dawn Davis, Patricia and Kenneth Belt, my children Xavier and Zoe, my classmates, Dr. Ann Ward for her guidance and support, and the rest of my friends and family who have always supported me in my academic endeavors. - David W. Davis II Kinesiology / Exercise and Movement Science
  • 35. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD KINESIOLOGY Early on sophomore year, I remember visiting my pre-health advisor, Dr. Consuelo Springfield, and telling her I just didn’t feel right majoring in Biology. Right then and there, she was the one who sparked my interest to pursue Kinesiology. I have known her for five years now, as she has had the most influence on my time here at UW-Madison.  Dr. Consuelo guided me through my academics, helped me publish an article reflecting upon my community service mission trip to San Juan, Texas, served as the faculty advisor of my student organization, the Professional Association of Latinos for Medical School Access, taught me in her Chicano Latino Studies course, and allowed me to see the immense value of my potential and compassion for others.  When I graduate, I will remember both her kind heart and outspoken spirit always encouraging me to follow my dreams and passions and to never give up on what I believe in. My feelings of excitement and nervousness to graduate are beyond comparable to anything I have ever felt before. I look forward to the future years of professionalism, laughs with friends both old and new, and a novel chapter of this own special story I call my life. Bring it on. I know life is only going to get better and more fulfilling from here on out.  Thank you UW-Madison and everyone who has supported me - especially my family - throughout these wonderful five years I will cherish forever. Once a Badger, always a Badger! On Wisconsin! - Christina Elizabeth Duarte, Kinesiology: Exercise and Movement Science
  • 36. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD KINESIOLOGY My time here at UW-Madison has been unforgettable. I have been given so many great opportunities through the Kinesiology Program and want to thank everyone who made my experience here so wonderful. My future plans are to complete the Physician Assistant Program and to begin my career as a PA providing quality healthcare to people in my community. This school has provided me with all the tools to make these next steps in my journey possible. Congratulations graduates! - Crystal Farrand Kinesiology-Exercise and Movement Science
  • 37. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD KINESIOLOGY I never understood why Athletic Training was in the School of Education, but I believe that it is because education NEVER stops in this field and that the motivation to educate patients and health care professionals while seeking learning opportunities is critical. I know that my experiences at Wisconsin has prepared me to continue to keep learning so I can pass on the information to others. All of my thoughtful teachers (Shari Clark, Dr. Bell, Dr. Winterstein, Tony Penutto) and clinical preceptors have inspired me, pushed me, and never hesitated to help out their students. I would like to thank them for these past 2 challenging years in the program, along with my mother, father, sister, and extended family. I will be attending the University of Hawaii for a masters in athletic training. - Emily Harada Kinesiology - AthleticTraining During my time in the Kinesiology program I had the privilege of studying under the tutelage of numerous amazing and inspiring professors, as well as had the opportunity to meet some of my closest friends. After graduation I plan to take a year off and work as a Medical Scribe in Minneapolis, MN before eventually applying to medical school. I would like to thank all of the faculty members within the Kinesiology program and my fellow classmates for making my time here at UW-Madison so memorable. - Ellen Kronzer Kinesiology - Exercise and Movement Science
  • 38. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD KINESIOLOGY I had the great pleasure of working with a number of unbelievable staff who had a profound impact on my education. I would like to single out Cindy Kuhrasch, Nancy Krattiger-Ziltener, Tim Gattenby, Bonnie Klassy, and Dan Timm as staff who helped me a lot along the way. I will cherish the many relationships I have built with students and staff from this great university. On Wisconsin! - Brice Peterson, Kinesiology - Physical Education
  • 39. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD KINESIOLOGY The Kinesiology Exercise Movement Science program in the School of Education has been an amazing experience that has provided me with a wealth in information, instruction from incredibly faculty and long-lasting friendships forged from long hours of hard work and getting to know my peers both in and outside of class.  A few particular faculty members I would like to personally thank for having a profound impact on my education are the incredible staff members of the Anatomy Department, who brought a cadaver lab to life and provided a riveting learning experience that has furthered my passion to pursue a career in healthcare. Dr. Diffee, my professor of Exercise Physiology, taught one of my favorite courses here at UW-Madison and challenged me to think about the complexities of the human body, to think like a healthcare practitioner to understand how specific bodily changes affect other systems and lead to disease states. I would like to thank Donna Freitag with the Center for Leadership and Involvement, for guiding me through the process of receiving my Leadership Certificate. Lastly, I would like to thank Dija Selimi, my pre-health advisor, for taking time to meet with me every semester, discuss future goals and aid in the planning process because it can be a bit overwhelming at times.  My plans following graduation are to work with a healthcare IT startup company here in Madison and take some time off to travel before applying to medical school. - Evan Prawda, Kinesiology - Exercise Movement Science
  • 40. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD KINESIOLOGY One of the highlights of my time in the Kinesiology Department was getting to volunteer for 3+ semesters with Tim Gattenby in the Adapted Fitness program, helping individuals with diverse abilities develop exercise programs and achieve their goals. Tim is one of the most motivated and inspiring people I have ever met, and my time getting to work with him was the most valuable experience I’ve had at this University. He has changed my plans for the future, inspiring me to want a career working with people with disabilities. His profound knowledge base and positive outlook on life have had such a large impact on me, and he will definitely be what I remember when I look back on my time at UW-Madison. Thank you, Tim! - Rachel Prince Kinesiology: Exercise and Movement Science
  • 41. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD KINESIOLOGY When my grandparents took me to my first Badger game, I knew I was home. I am so thankful to have spent the past four years at UW-Madison, being forced to get fit thanks to the outstanding Kinesiology department. I want to give a big thank you to my parents for all of the love, support and groceries they have provided me with throughout my undergrad years. I won’t miss the cold, windy, mile long walk to the NAT for 8 a.m. class, but I will miss the beautiful people inside. - Erica Scharf Kinesiology-Exercise and Movement Science
  • 42. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD KINESIOLOGY After four crazy years as an undergraduate student, I will now be attending Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science for graduate school! I am continuing my education in their Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program and cannot wait to begin this wonderful journey.  It will be an exciting experience and I am beyond thrilled to know I will finally reach my dream career in just a few years! Thank you UW-Madison staff and faculty for preparing me for this amazing opportunity...and an even bigger thank you to my absolutely fantastic family and friends for your continuous love and support every step of the way. I DID IT! WE DID IT! Congratulations class of 2014! - Kahlin Shandley Kinesiology
  • 43. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD These past few years have been filled with countless cups of coffee, exams, papers, laughter, new friendships, and adventure. I have overcome obstacles, learned a great deal about who I am, and made unforgettable memories. This has been a life changing journey that I would not change for the world. I would like to thank my incredible and amazing family for sharing your words of wisdom and above all, your endless support and confi- dence in me. I know that I would not have made it to this day without all of your love and encouragement. I’ll love you forever! - Kimberly Lieberman Rehabilitation Psychology REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY
  • 44. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY The School of Education has provided numerous community experiences during the last four years. I value the strong emphasis on interning within the community and working with individuals with disabilities. This has provided real-world experiences as I continue to pursue a career in Occupational Therapy. I would like to extend thanks to the Fran and Brad Taylor Scholarship Foundation and to the Marion O. Cole Scholarship Foundation for assisting my journey in the School of Education. I would like to greatly thank my Powers-Knapp Scholarship Family who has supported me over the past four years! Thank you family and friends! - Caitlin Rhoten REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY
  • 45. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY I would like to thank all my professors who helped me make the best of my time here at Madison. I would especially like to thank Professor Brian Phillips. You are an incredible teacher and an inspiration to everyone who takes your class. Thank you so much for all that you do!  I would also like to thank Virginia Waddick. You have been more than helpful and I would not be here today without your guidance! - Caitlin Van Sloun, Rehabilitation Psychology SPECIAL EDUCATION A huge THANK YOU to my cooperating teacher! You have taught me more than any textbook ever could. - Michael Fliegel Special Education
  • 46. SPRING 2014 #UWGRAD SPECIAL EDUCATION First and foremost, I want to thank the Office of Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention for allowing me to stroll into their offices without making appointments and for humoring me by listening to my master plans of how to graduate without spending five years here (that didn’t work as I have been here exactly five years). Nevertheless, they have always been supportive of my decisions and have always given me a chance to prove myself worthy of the education that I have received here.  Even though I only took one class with her, I really appreciated being in the company of Dr. Ladson-Billings. It was very frustrating not having much access to professors of color on this campus, within the School of Education and within my department and being the only undergraduate student of color in the Special Ed program did not come without challenges. However, the pep talks and small words of motivation had great impact throughout my job search and for that I will forever be grateful. I also do not underestimate the work she has done to make it easier for future game-changers in education like myself and the work she does on an everyday basis to ensure that teachers are accessing each of their students’ wealth of knowledge and valuing the cultural and social capital they possess.  I also would like to extend my gratitude to my department. They have been extremely supportive of my endeavors and gave me a space where I felt free enough to assert my opinions (of which there was never any shortage) and my outlook on best practices within the educational system. I am eternally grateful to be another success story and want to also give thanks to my predessor, Regina Williams and (hopefully in a few years) our protege, Amani-Breanna Alexander. - Chantal Fuller, Special Education