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      東京大学 生産技術研究所

         永野 清仁
劣モジュラ関数 f に付随して定義される基多面体 B(f) 上

プロローグ Spanning tree のはなし

Part 1 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の理論のはなし
                          Nagano (IPCO 2007) など

Part 2 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の応用のはなし
              Nagano, Kawahara, Aihara, ICML 2011
グラフの spanning tree
              Spanning tree :
              グラフ G のすべての node をつなげ,
              かつサイクルなしの edge 部分集合

Spanning tree はたくさんある

最小重み spanning tree
  5        8      各 edge に重みがあるとし, 重み和
      7           最小のspanning tree を求めたい
  9        3
                            spanning tree を全列挙する必要なし
          最小重み              貪欲アルゴリズムで効率的に計算可能
          spanning tree                   Kruskal 1956

Spanning tree が作る多面体
Spanning tree の特性ベクトル             0-1ベクトル

 a       b
     c       (1,1,1,0,0) (1,0,1,0,1) (0,1,1,1,0) (0,0,1,1,1)

 d       e

             (1,1,0,1,0) (1,1,0,0,1) (0,1,0,1,1) (1,0,0,1,1)

多面体 PG = (これらの凸包)
Spanning tree 多面体上の最適化とその一般化

  PG = (spanning tree の特性ベクトルの凸包)

 PG 上の線形関数最小化は貪欲アルゴリズムで効率的
  に解ける (最小重み spanning tree の計算と同じ)

 基多面体 B(f) 上での線形関数最小化も同様の貪欲
  アルゴリズムで効率的に解ける Edmonds 1970

 基多面体 B(f) 上での(変数分離可能)凸関数最小化
劣モジュラ関数 f に付随して定義される基多面体 B(f) 上

プロローグ Spanning tree のはなし

Part 1 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の理論のはなし
                          Nagano (IPCO 2007) など

Part 2 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の応用のはなし
              Nagano, Kawahara, Aihara, ICML 2011
Part 1 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の理論のはなし

          On Convex Minimization
          over Base Polytopes
                        Kiyohito Nagano

 • V = {1, ..., n}
 • x ∈RV は v (∈V) 番目の成分が
   x(v) であるような n 次元ベクトル
 • x(S) =∑ x(v) (S⊆V)
Submodular Functions
V = {1, ... , n } is a finite set

Set function f : 2V→ R is
 monotone if ∀S ,T s. t. S ⊆T , f (S ) ≤ f (T )
 submodular if
   ∀S ,T ⊆V,                                      S
        f (S ) + f (T ) ≥ f (S ∪T ) + f (S ∩T )
    • Graphs, Networks
    • Game Theory, Auction Theory, Machine Learning

                           Part 1
Submodular Functions
V = {1, ... , n } is a finite set

Set function f : 2V→ R is
 monotone if ∀S ,T s. t. S ⊆T , f (S ) ≤ f (T )

   ∀S ,T s. t. S ⊆T, and ∀v ∉ T
 (equivalently) submodular if
        f (S +v ) – f (S ) ≥ f (T +v ) – f (T )
                            Diminishing reterns
    • Graphs, Networks
    • Game Theory, Auction Theory, Machine Learning

                             Part 1
An Interpretation of function f
 In this part, we assume
   f : 2V→ R is monotone & submodular, f (φ ) = 0
 Such f can be seen as a natural cost function
                            For S ⊆V, we incur cost f (S )       S

One extreme example                                  Another example
                    ∑a(v)     Monotone &             β >0
 a ∈RV
                                                       2(S ) = 0 if S =φ
       >0       v∈S           submodular
 f 1(S ) = a(S )                functions            f
                                                               β o. w.
• Customer 1 eats           functions of f 1 & f 2   The case where
• Customer 2 eats                                    we can make a
• Customer 3 eats                                    copy for free

                                   Part 1
Base Polytope B (f )
f : 2V→ R is monotone & submodular, f (φ ) = 0

   x(S) ≤ f (S ) ( φ ≠S ⊊ V ) 2n − 2 ineq
  The base polytope B(f ) ⊆RV :                   Notations:
                                                  • x = (x(v):v ∈V )∈RV

   x(V ) = f (V )             1 equality          • x(S) =∑ x(v)

f 1(S ) = a(S )                                    f 2(S ) =   0 if S =φ
                                 B(f )⊆RV   ≥0                 β o.w.

        B(f 1)                                                  B(f 2)
                                 6 inequalities
                  x(2)   n=3     1 equality

                               Part 1
Our Problem
Let g : RV → R is an n-variable, separable convex function
We mainly consider
 minx g (x) = ∑ gv (x(v))        1-variable,
              v∈V                convex
  sub. to x(S) ≤ f (S ) ∀S
                                x ∊ B (f )
          x(V ) = f (V )                                   x(1)

Assumptions :
  f : 2V→ R is monotone & submodular, f (φ ) = 0
  f is given by a value-giving oracle
  Function gv (x(v)) is differentiable & strictly convex

                             Part 1
Outline of Part 1
 Definitions
 Examples & Our Results
 Equivalence of Problems
 Remark: Efficient algorithm

                   minx g (x ) over B (f )

                    Part 1
Examples of             minx g (x ) over B (f )

 Lexicographically optimal bases           Fujishige 80
 • weight vector w ∈ RV>0
 • For x ∊ B (f ) ,
                         x(v )     x(vn)       x(v )        x(v )
     Inc.Orderw (x) = ( 1 , ... ,
                        w(v1)     w(vn) )
                                          with w(v1 ) ≤ ≤ w(vn )
                                                   1           n
        the sequence of weighted components of x in nondecreasing order

        x = (1,3,4), w = (10,10, 20)          Inc.Orderw (x )
                   x(1)    1 3 4               =( 1 , 4 , 3 )
                          10 10 20                10 20 10

 • Lexicographically optimal base :
                                             min ∑   x(v)2 over
   lex. max Inc.Orderw(x) over B(f )                            B(f )
        x                                     x v ∈V w(v)

                               Part 1
Examples of                minx g (x ) over B (f )

 Lexicographically optimal bases            Fujishige 80
 • weight vector w ∈ RV>0
 • Lexicographically optimal base :
                                               min ∑   x(v)2 over
   lex. max Inc.Orderw(x) over B(f )                              B(f )
        x                                       x v ∈V w(v)
Related problems:
    Generalization of lex opt flow        Megiddo 74
    Egalitarian solution in convex game         Dutta & Ray 89
    Lex opt base x*       minimum ratio problem min f (S )
                                                       X ⊆V   w(S )
    Min norm point x*     submodular function minimization (SFM)
        (w = 1)   Fujishige 84       (Now f is not necessarily monotone)
                          Size-constrained SFM (See Part 2)
                                 Part 1
Examples of            minx g (x ) over B (f )     (continued)
 Lex opt bases Fujishige 80                       2
                                        min ∑ x(v) over B(f )
   • weight vector w ∈ RV >0             x v ∈V w(v)

 Submodular utility allocation (SUA) markets Jain & Vazirani 07
  • money vector m ∈ RV >0         max ∑ m (v ) ln x(v ) over B(f )
                                         x   v ∈V
   Surprisingly, we will see
    Corollary (Our Result)
    The lex opt base problem and the SUA market problem
    have the same solution if w = m
 Subproblems in approximation algorithms
      • Facility location with submodular penalty (Chudak & Nagano, 07)
      • Submodular cost set cover problem (Iwata & Nagano, 09)

                               Part 1
Outline of Part 1
 Definitions
 Examples & Our Results
 Equivalence of Problems
 Remark: Efficient algorithm

                   minx g (x ) over B (f )

                    Part 1
α -curve C = { xα∈ RV : α ∈ J }
     Let C⊆RV be the set of optimal solutions to
             minx { Σ gv (x(v )) : x(V ) = β } ∀β > 0
                         v ∈V
                           minimization under a budget constraint

       β1                       β2                β3                Curve C
β1             β2
 C = { xα   ∈ RV : α ∈ J ⊆ R }              where xα (v ) = (gv) (α ),
            α -curve                              J is an interval⊆ R
 Since gv is convex, α1 < α2 ⇒ xα1< xα2

                                     Part 1
Examples of α - curve C
Positive vectors w, m ∈ RV >0

 gv (x(v )) = x(v )2 / w (v )         gv (x(v )) = - m (v ) ln x(v )
   Lex opt base, Fujishige 80             SUA market, Jain-Vazirani 07

                 α -curve C                                α -curve C
       w                                        m
                          half line                                      half line

 C = { 2α w : α ∈ (0, +∞) }               C = { - 1 m : α ∈(- ∞, 0) }
           xα                                 xα
                                  If w = m, two curves coincide

                                 Part 1
Rationality of optimal solutions

From the correctness of Decomposition Algorithm, we obtain
sufficient conditions for the rationality of optimal solutions :

 Theorem (Our Result)                                        y*
  ∀β ∈Q>0,∀U⊆V , the optimal solution y* to              β

        min U { Σ gv (y(v )) : y(U ) = β } is rational            β
        y ∈R v ∈U
 then    the optimal solution x* to
         minx g (x ) over B (f )    is rational

                                   Part 1
Equivalence of problems

Suppose that we are given
                                         α - curve C(1)
          (1)            (1)
         g (x ) = ∑     gv (x(v ))
                v ∈V
                                         α - curve C(2)
         g (x ) = ∑ gv (x(v ))
                 v ∈V

Theorem    (Our Result)
Curves C(1) and C      coincide
    minx g(1)(x ) over B (f ) and minx g(2)(x ) over B (f )
    have the same optimal solution

                                Part 1
Equivalence of problems (examples)
The lex opt base problem (Fujishige 80) and the SUA market
problem (Jain&Vazirani 07) have the same solution if w = m
   gv (x(v )) = x(v )2 / w (v )     gv (x(v )) = - m(v ) ln x(v )

            w          α -curve C                  m          α -curve C

                             2 curves coincide
Suppose all functions gv are the same (gv = g0)
  x ∈ B(f ) minimizes Euclidean norm ||x|| if and only if
   x ∈ B(f ) minimizes g(x ) = ∑ g0 (x(v))
                                       v ∈V

                                  Part 1
Outline of Part 1
 Definitions
 Examples & Our Results
 Equivalence of Problems
 Remark: Efficient algorithm

                  minx g (x ) over B (f )

                   Part 1
Remark: Efficient Algorithm
In this work, we generalized the discussion of
Fleischer & Iwata 03 for lex. opt. base problem

    An efficient algorithm for minx g(x ) over B (f )
    via parametric submodular function minimization
                  The method is similar to the parametric cut
                  algorithm by Gallo, Grigoriadis & Tarjan 89

Parametric version of Orlin's algorithm (IPCO07)

     Theorem (Nagano 07, manuscript)
      minx g(x ) over B (f ) can be solved in O(n6+ n5EO) time,
     where EO is the time for one function evaluation

                            Part 1
劣モジュラ関数 f に付随して定義される基多面体 B(f) 上

プロローグ Spanning tree のはなし

Part 1 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の理論のはなし
                          Nagano (IPCO 2007) など

Part 2 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の応用のはなし
              Nagano, Kawahara, Aihara, ICML 2011
Part 2 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の応用のはなし

Size-constrained Submodular Minimization
through Minimum Norm Base

                    Kiyohito Nagano
                    Yoshinobu Kawahara
                    Kazuyuki Aihara
Size-constrained Submodular Minimization
                                 through Minimum Norm Base

    Outline of Part 2
                     The densest subgraph problem
                     This problem is an important special case of
     Introduction
                     the size-constrained submodular minimization
     Size-constrained submodular minimization
     The algorithm through minimum norm base
     Concluding remarks

Part 2
Example: Finding a dense graph
    G = (V, E) : undirected graph                    1            2 1           1    4
             node set V = {1, ... , n}              3      2       1        3
             edge set E                              5            6
    Edge weights we ≥ 0(e∈E)                  S={2,3,6}
    Integer k (0≤ k ≤ n)                           I ({2,3,6}) =1+1 =2

    Densest k-subgraph problem :
     Find a k-subset S ⊆ V (|S|=k ) that maximizes I(S),
     where I(S) is sum of weights of edges within S

Part 2                    Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Example: Finding a dense graph
                                                                     1 2
     Densest k-subgraph problem :                                  1     1 1 4
      maximize I(S)                                               3 2   1 3
                                                                   5   6
      subject to S⊆{1, ... , n}, |S|= k                              2
                                        If k =3, an optimal solution is {1,5,6}
          NP-hard and constant factor approx algorithms are not known
      Community detection problem in complex networks
      Identification of functional modules in protein-protein
        interaction networks
                                                submodular minimization
     In this talk, we deal with
     a more general discrete optimization problem

Part 2                          Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Size-constrained Submodular Minimization
                              through Minimum Norm Base

    Outline of Part 2
     Introduction
     Size-constrained submodular minimization
     The algorithm through minimum norm base
     Concluding remarks     min f (S)
                             sub. to S ⊆{1,..., n}, |S| = k
                             f : submodular
                           This problem generalizes
                             densestsize constraint
                                   a k-subgraph problem
                             size-constrained minimum
                             cut problem
                             Fundamental NP-hard problems

Part 2
Definition: Submodular function

     V ={1, ... , n } is a finite set

     A real-valued function f defined on 2V = { S : S ⊆ V } is

          submodular if                                                             V
                                                                             S        T
             ∀S, T ⊆V                                                    1
                                                                                 3       4
                  f (S)+ f (T )≥ f (S ∪T)+ f (S ∩T)
                                                                     5                       8

               Discrete analogue of convex function (Lovász 1983)
               This function arises in many fields, e.g.,
                 graph theory, game theory, machine learning, etc.

Part 2                        Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Examples of submodular functions
    Graph G = (V, E) with edge weights we ≥ 0 (e∈E)
                        V ={1, ... , n }

     Ex. 1. Intensity function I : 2V→ R                                 S
                                                                               1           2            3
                              both of two endpoints
         I (S) =       we :                                              4
                                                                                                        8   9
                              of e∈E are in S                                 10       11          12

          – I is submodular (i.e. I is supermodular)

     Ex. 2. Cut function C : 2V→ R                                       S
                                                                               1           2            3
                              e∈E has one endpoint in S
         C (S) =   Σ   we :
                              and one in V – S

                                                                                                        8   9
                                                                                       11          12

          C is submodular

Part 2                             Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Submodular optimization (general form)

     min or max f (S)               • V ={1, ... , n}
                                    • submodular function f : 2V→ R
     subject to S ∈F
                                    • feasible region F ⊆2V

    We deal with minimization problems                                    solvable
                                                                          in poly time
         Unconstrained Submodular Minimization (USM)
         Size-constrained Submodular Minimization (SSM)                    NP-hard

    Assumption: Computation of each value f (S) is a basic operation
                (Given value oracle which answers value queries)

Part 2                      Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Unconstrained submodular minimization (USM)

   Problem (USM)          min f (S)
                                                                          solvable in
                          s. t. S ⊆V ={1, ... , n}                        poly time

    polynomial time algorithm:
         ellipsoid method: Grotschel, Lovasz & Schrijver (1981, 1988)
         combinatorial algorithm: Schrijver (2000), Iwata+ (2001)

    ”practical” algorithm: Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm (2005)
          much faster in practice (Fujishige+ 2006)
          this algorithm computes the minimum norm base
            minimum L2-norm point in the base polyhedron B(f ) ⊆Rn

         min norm base x*∈Rn              minimizer of f ⊆{1, ... , n}

Part 2                      Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Size-constrained submodular minimization (SSM)
    Problem (SSM)          min f (S)           integer k (0≤ k ≤ n)

                           s. t. S ⊆V , |S| = k
      There is no constant factor approximation algorithm
       that runs in polynomial time (Svitkina & Fleischer, 2008)
      special cases                                                        1 1 2 1 1 4
                                                                           3 2   1 3
         • f =–I        Densest k-subgraph problem                          5
                                                                              2 6

         • f =C         Size-constrained minimum cut problem
            Both of these are fundamental NP-hard problems
            Even for these special cases, good approx algorithms are not known
         In this work, we propose a new method for (SSM) that
             utilizes the minimum norm base
             computes ”a portion of exact optimal solutions”

Part 2                       Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Example of outputs of the proposed method
   For all k =0, ... , n, consider the densest k-subgraph problems
                                            max I (S) s. t. S ⊆V, |S| = k

          1 1 2 1 1 4      method            1         2             4
         3 2 1 3                                              3
          5 2 6                               5        6

                   k=0      yes          Outputs: {},{1,5,6},{1,2,5,6},
                   k=1      no                    {1,2,3,4,5,6}
                   k=2       no
                   k=3      yes                   Our method gives optimal
                   k=4      yes                   solutions for k = 0, 3, 4, 6
                   k=5       no
                                                           a portion of exact
                   k=6      yes
                                                           optimal solutions
Part 2                      Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Problem (SSM) in ML                                 min f(S) s. t. S⊆V, |S|= k

         Densest k-subgraph problem (f = – I)
           This problem naturally formulates a community
           detection problem in complex networks
          The identification of functional modules in protein-
          protein interaction networks is known as an important
          application (Dittrich et al., 2008)

         Size-constrained minimum cut problem (f = C)
          This problem deals with an explicit size constraint
          Contrastingly, spectral clustering, which is one of the
          most popular clustering algorithms, can deal with a
          minimum cut problem with an implicit size constraint

Part 2                        Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Size-constrained Submodular Minimization
                                through Minimum Norm Base

    Outline of Part 2
     Introduction
     Size-constrained submodular minimization
     The algorithm through minimum norm base
     Concluding remarks
           Our algorithm uses the basic polyhedral theory
           associated with submodular functions x3    B( f )
               f : 2V→ R             B(f ) ⊆ Rn                     x1
             submodular func     base polyhedron      x2

Part 2
Base polyhedron
   For a submodular function f : 2V→ R with f ({}) =0,
   the base polyhedron B(f ) ⊆ Rn is given by

            B(f ) = {x∊Rn : Σ xi ≤ f (S) (∀S ⊆ V),                   Σ xi = f (V)}
                                   i∈S                              i∈V
                    B(f ) is determined by 2n – 2 inequalities and 1 equality

         If n = 3, B(f) is determined by                                          x3
                                                                                       B( f )
          x1 ≤ f ({1}) , x1 + x2 ≤ f ({1, 2})
          x2 ≤ f ({2}) , x1 + x3 ≤ f ({1, 3})     23 – 2 ineq                                   x1
          x3 ≤ f ({3}) , x2 + x3 ≤ f ({2, 3})
              x1 + x2 + x3 = f ({1, 2, 3})        1 equality

Part 2                                Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Minimum norm base and algorithms
     The minimum norm base x*∈ Rn is an optimal solution to
                          min   Σ i∈V xi2      s. t. x∊B(f )

          x* can be computed efficiently       (Fleischer & Iwata, 2003; Nagano, 2007)
         Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm (2005) finds x* much faster in practice

     Algorithms through minimum norm base x*∈ Rn
         The Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm for (USM) min f(S) s. t. S⊆V
         S*={i ∊ V : x*< 0} minimizes f
                      i                           The problem can be solved
               In FW algorithm, we use partial information about x*

         The proposed algorithm for (SSM) min f(S) s. t. S⊆V, |S|= k
               In our algorithm, we use full information about x*

Part 2                          Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
min f(S) s. t. S⊆V, |S|= k
   Algorithm for (SSM)
   Consider the following algorithm:                      surprisingly simple!
    Algorithm SSM
    Step1: Compute the minimum norm base x*∈B(f )⊆ Rn
    Step2: Let ξ1 < ξ2 < ⋯ < ξ d be distinct values of x*
           Return T0 :={} and Tj := {i ∊ V : xi * ξ j }, ∀j = 1,..., d

    Example                                        1 2
                                                1      1 1 4
    The densest k-subgraph problems on          3 2 1 3                 B(–I ) ⊆ R6
                                                   2 6
                                            7                     7     7
    The minimum norm base is x* = (– , –2, –1, –1, – , – ) ∈B(–I )
                                            3                     3     3
    Thus we have ξ1 =– , ξ2 =–2, ξ3 =–1,
                 T0={} , T1={1,5,6}, T2={1,2,5,6}, T3={1,2,3,4,5,6}
                           optimal solutions for some of size constraints

Part 2                        Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
min f(S) s. t. S⊆V, |S|= k
   Algorithm for (SSM)
   Consider the following algorithm:                            surprisingly simple!
    Algorithm SSM
    Step1: Compute the minimum norm base x*∈B(f )⊆ Rn
    Step2: Let ξ1 < ξ2 < ⋯ < ξ d be distinct values of x*
           Return T0 :={} and Tj := {i ∊ V : xi * ξ j }, ∀j = 1,..., d

    Theorem [This work] For each j ∈{0, 1,... , d}, Tj ⊆ V is
    an optimal solution to Problem (SSM) w. r. t. k = |Tj |.

         Algorithm SSM computes ”a portion of exact optimal solutions”
         Running time = computation of the minimum norm base
         E.g., an implementation of the Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm can be found in
         a toolbox for submodular function optimization by Krause (2010, JMLR)

Part 2                              Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Proof of the validity of the algorithm SSM (sketch)
     Define a function h : R → R as
         h(λ)= min{f (S)–|S|λ : S ⊆ V} (λ ∊ R)                        0
                              linear function in λ
              h is the minimum of 2n linear functions
     h(λ)                   λ
                                        Each Sj is an exact optimal
          0                             solution to problem (SSM)
         S0   S1 S                      w.r.t. some size constraint
                   2   S3

         Furthermore, with the aid of the result of Fujishige
         (1980), we can show that Sj=Tj for all j, where each
         Tj is the subset returned by the algorithm SSM

Part 2                          Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Application to artificial data
         Networks are randomly generated from the GENRMF generator
         For each randomly generated network, we considered
            the size-constrained minimum cut problem
            the size-constrained minimum s-t cut problem
            the densest k-subgraph problem

    The number of subsets (= d) found by the algorithm SSM:

            dataset 1 (Genrmf-long)               dataset 2 (Genrmf-wide)

Part 2                         Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Application to real data
    We applied the algorithm SSM to the densest k-
    subgraph problems on the network with 5,000
    nodes and 31,664 edges (n = 5000)
                     This is a sub-network of social network data cnr-2000

                                          X 104          Intensity

    The algorithm provides
    optimal solutions for 57       I(S)   2
    out of 5000 size levels

                                              0   1000   2000       3000   4000   5000
Part 2                    Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
Size-constrained Submodular Minimization
                              through Minimum Norm Base

    Outline of Part 2
     Introduction
     Size-constrained submodular minimization
     The algorithm through minimum norm base
     Concluding remarks

Part 2
Concluding remarks
         To the size-constrained submodular minimization
         problem, we have proposed a new method that
         computes a portion of exact optimal solutions

         This result contrasts sharply with the NP-hardness of SSM
         (see also the result of Nagano, Kawahara & Iwata, NIPS 2010)

         Our method is simple. We just utilize the minimum
         norm base to the fullest extent.
         The Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm does not have worst
         time complexity bounds, so its complexity analysis
         should be given in future works.

Part 2                       Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base

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  • 1. 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化問題の理論と応用 数理助教会 2011年11月24日 東京大学 生産技術研究所 最先端数理モデル連携研究センター 永野 清仁
  • 2. 本発表の構成 劣モジュラ関数 f に付随して定義される基多面体 B(f) 上 での凸関数最小化問題に関する理論と応用のはなし プロローグ Spanning tree のはなし Part 1 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の理論のはなし Nagano (IPCO 2007) など Part 2 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の応用のはなし Nagano, Kawahara, Aihara, ICML 2011
  • 3. グラフの spanning tree Spanning tree : グラフ G のすべての node をつなげ, かつサイクルなしの edge 部分集合 Spanning tree はたくさんある プロローグ
  • 4. 最小重み spanning tree 5 8 各 edge に重みがあるとし, 重み和 7 最小のspanning tree を求めたい 9 3 spanning tree を全列挙する必要なし 最小重み 貪欲アルゴリズムで効率的に計算可能 spanning tree Kruskal 1956 プロローグ
  • 5. Spanning tree が作る多面体 edgeの有無を1と0で表した Spanning tree の特性ベクトル 0-1ベクトル a b c (1,1,1,0,0) (1,0,1,0,1) (0,1,1,1,0) (0,0,1,1,1) d e (1,1,0,1,0) (1,1,0,0,1) (0,1,0,1,1) (1,0,0,1,1) 多面体 PG = (これらの凸包) 凸包 実はこの多面体は基多面体B(f)の例になっている プロローグ
  • 6. Spanning tree 多面体上の最適化とその一般化 PG = (spanning tree の特性ベクトルの凸包)  PG 上の線形関数最小化は貪欲アルゴリズムで効率的 に解ける (最小重み spanning tree の計算と同じ) 一般化  基多面体 B(f) 上での線形関数最小化も同様の貪欲 アルゴリズムで効率的に解ける Edmonds 1970  基多面体 B(f) 上での(変数分離可能)凸関数最小化 も多項式時間では解ける 今日はこの最適化問題に対する理論と応用のはなし プロローグ
  • 7. 本発表の構成 劣モジュラ関数 f に付随して定義される基多面体 B(f) 上 での凸関数最小化問題に関する理論と応用のはなし プロローグ Spanning tree のはなし Part 1 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の理論のはなし Nagano (IPCO 2007) など Part 2 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の応用のはなし Nagano, Kawahara, Aihara, ICML 2011
  • 8. Part 1 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の理論のはなし On Convex Minimization over Base Polytopes Kiyohito Nagano Notations: • V = {1, ..., n} • x ∈RV は v (∈V) 番目の成分が x(v) であるような n 次元ベクトル • x(S) =∑ x(v) (S⊆V) v∈S
  • 9. Submodular Functions V = {1, ... , n } is a finite set Set function f : 2V→ R is  monotone if ∀S ,T s. t. S ⊆T , f (S ) ≤ f (T )  submodular if V ∀S ,T ⊆V, S T f (S ) + f (T ) ≥ f (S ∪T ) + f (S ∩T ) • Graphs, Networks • Game Theory, Auction Theory, Machine Learning Part 1
  • 10. Submodular Functions V = {1, ... , n } is a finite set Set function f : 2V→ R is  monotone if ∀S ,T s. t. S ⊆T , f (S ) ≤ f (T ) ∀S ,T s. t. S ⊆T, and ∀v ∉ T  (equivalently) submodular if V v T S f (S +v ) – f (S ) ≥ f (T +v ) – f (T ) Diminishing reterns • Graphs, Networks • Game Theory, Auction Theory, Machine Learning Part 1
  • 11. An Interpretation of function f In this part, we assume f : 2V→ R is monotone & submodular, f (φ ) = 0 Such f can be seen as a natural cost function For S ⊆V, we incur cost f (S ) S One extreme example Another example ∑a(v) Monotone & β >0 a ∈RV 2(S ) = 0 if S =φ >0 v∈S submodular f 1(S ) = a(S ) functions f β o. w. $5 Intermediate • Customer 1 eats functions of f 1 & f 2 The case where • Customer 2 eats we can make a • Customer 3 eats copy for free Part 1
  • 12. Base Polytope B (f ) f : 2V→ R is monotone & submodular, f (φ ) = 0 x(S) ≤ f (S ) ( φ ≠S ⊊ V ) 2n − 2 ineq The base polytope B(f ) ⊆RV : Notations: • x = (x(v):v ∈V )∈RV x(V ) = f (V ) 1 equality • x(S) =∑ x(v) v∈S x(3) f 1(S ) = a(S ) f 2(S ) = 0 if S =φ B(f )⊆RV ≥0 β o.w. B(f 1) B(f 2) x(1) 6 inequalities x(2) n=3 1 equality Part 1
  • 13. Our Problem Let g : RV → R is an n-variable, separable convex function We mainly consider x(3) minx g (x) = ∑ gv (x(v)) 1-variable, v∈V convex sub. to x(S) ≤ f (S ) ∀S x ∊ B (f ) x(V ) = f (V ) x(1) x(2) Assumptions :  f : 2V→ R is monotone & submodular, f (φ ) = 0  f is given by a value-giving oracle  Function gv (x(v)) is differentiable & strictly convex Part 1
  • 14. Outline of Part 1  Definitions  Examples & Our Results  Equivalence of Problems  Remark: Efficient algorithm minx g (x ) over B (f ) Part 1
  • 15. Examples of minx g (x ) over B (f )  Lexicographically optimal bases Fujishige 80 • weight vector w ∈ RV>0 • For x ∊ B (f ) , x(v ) x(vn) x(v ) x(v ) Inc.Orderw (x) = ( 1 , ... , w(v1) w(vn) ) with w(v1 ) ≤ ≤ w(vn ) 1 n the sequence of weighted components of x in nondecreasing order x = (1,3,4), w = (10,10, 20) Inc.Orderw (x ) x(3) x(1) 1 3 4 =( 1 , 4 , 3 ) 10 10 20 10 20 10 x(2) • Lexicographically optimal base : min ∑ x(v)2 over lex. max Inc.Orderw(x) over B(f ) B(f ) x x v ∈V w(v) equivalent Part 1
  • 16. Examples of minx g (x ) over B (f )  Lexicographically optimal bases Fujishige 80 • weight vector w ∈ RV>0 • Lexicographically optimal base : min ∑ x(v)2 over lex. max Inc.Orderw(x) over B(f ) B(f ) x x v ∈V w(v) equivalent Related problems: Generalization of lex opt flow Megiddo 74 Egalitarian solution in convex game Dutta & Ray 89 Lex opt base x* minimum ratio problem min f (S ) X ⊆V w(S ) Min norm point x* submodular function minimization (SFM) (w = 1) Fujishige 84 (Now f is not necessarily monotone) Size-constrained SFM (See Part 2) Part 1
  • 17. Examples of minx g (x ) over B (f ) (continued)  Lex opt bases Fujishige 80 2 min ∑ x(v) over B(f ) • weight vector w ∈ RV >0 x v ∈V w(v)  Submodular utility allocation (SUA) markets Jain & Vazirani 07 • money vector m ∈ RV >0 max ∑ m (v ) ln x(v ) over B(f ) x v ∈V Surprisingly, we will see Corollary (Our Result) The lex opt base problem and the SUA market problem have the same solution if w = m  Subproblems in approximation algorithms • Facility location with submodular penalty (Chudak & Nagano, 07) • Submodular cost set cover problem (Iwata & Nagano, 09) Part 1
  • 18. Outline of Part 1  Definitions  Examples & Our Results  Equivalence of Problems  Remark: Efficient algorithm minx g (x ) over B (f ) Part 1
  • 19. α -curve C = { xα∈ RV : α ∈ J } Let C⊆RV be the set of optimal solutions to minx { Σ gv (x(v )) : x(V ) = β } ∀β > 0 v ∈V minimization under a budget constraint β3 β2 β1 β1 β2 β3 Curve C β1 β2 β3 parameter ‐1 C = { xα ∈ RV : α ∈ J ⊆ R } where xα (v ) = (gv) (α ), α -curve J is an interval⊆ R Since gv is convex, α1 < α2 ⇒ xα1< xα2 component-wise Part 1
  • 20. Examples of α - curve C Positive vectors w, m ∈ RV >0  gv (x(v )) = x(v )2 / w (v )  gv (x(v )) = - m (v ) ln x(v ) Lex opt base, Fujishige 80 SUA market, Jain-Vazirani 07 α -curve C α -curve C w m half line half line C = { 2α w : α ∈ (0, +∞) } C = { - 1 m : α ∈(- ∞, 0) } α xα xα If w = m, two curves coincide Part 1
  • 21. Rationality of optimal solutions From the correctness of Decomposition Algorithm, we obtain sufficient conditions for the rationality of optimal solutions : Theorem (Our Result) y* ∀β ∈Q>0,∀U⊆V , the optimal solution y* to β min U { Σ gv (y(v )) : y(U ) = β } is rational β y ∈R v ∈U then the optimal solution x* to minx g (x ) over B (f ) is rational Part 1
  • 22. Equivalence of problems Suppose that we are given α - curve C(1) (1) (1) g (x ) = ∑ gv (x(v )) v ∈V (2) α - curve C(2) (2) g (x ) = ∑ gv (x(v )) v ∈V Theorem (Our Result) (2) Curves C(1) and C coincide minx g(1)(x ) over B (f ) and minx g(2)(x ) over B (f ) have the same optimal solution Part 1
  • 23. Equivalence of problems (examples) Corollary The lex opt base problem (Fujishige 80) and the SUA market problem (Jain&Vazirani 07) have the same solution if w = m gv (x(v )) = x(v )2 / w (v ) gv (x(v )) = - m(v ) ln x(v ) w α -curve C m α -curve C 2 curves coincide Corollary Suppose all functions gv are the same (gv = g0) x ∈ B(f ) minimizes Euclidean norm ||x|| if and only if x ∈ B(f ) minimizes g(x ) = ∑ g0 (x(v)) v ∈V Part 1
  • 24. Outline of Part 1  Definitions  Examples & Our Results  Equivalence of Problems  Remark: Efficient algorithm minx g (x ) over B (f ) Part 1
  • 25. Remark: Efficient Algorithm In this work, we generalized the discussion of Fleischer & Iwata 03 for lex. opt. base problem An efficient algorithm for minx g(x ) over B (f ) via parametric submodular function minimization The method is similar to the parametric cut algorithm by Gallo, Grigoriadis & Tarjan 89 Parametric version of Orlin's algorithm (IPCO07) Theorem (Nagano 07, manuscript) minx g(x ) over B (f ) can be solved in O(n6+ n5EO) time, where EO is the time for one function evaluation Part 1
  • 26. 本発表の構成 劣モジュラ関数 f に付随して定義される基多面体 B(f) 上 での凸関数最小化問題に関する理論と応用のはなし プロローグ Spanning tree のはなし Part 1 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の理論のはなし Nagano (IPCO 2007) など Part 2 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の応用のはなし Nagano, Kawahara, Aihara, ICML 2011
  • 27. Part 2 劣モジュラ制約下の凸最適化の応用のはなし Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base Kiyohito Nagano Yoshinobu Kawahara Kazuyuki Aihara
  • 28. Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base Outline of Part 2 The densest subgraph problem This problem is an important special case of  Introduction the size-constrained submodular minimization  Size-constrained submodular minimization  The algorithm through minimum norm base  Concluding remarks Part 2
  • 29. Example: Finding a dense graph 1 G = (V, E) : undirected graph 1 2 1 1 4 node set V = {1, ... , n} 3 2 1 3 edge set E 5 6 2 Edge weights we ≥ 0(e∈E) S={2,3,6} Integer k (0≤ k ≤ n) I ({2,3,6}) =1+1 =2 Densest k-subgraph problem : Find a k-subset S ⊆ V (|S|=k ) that maximizes I(S), where I(S) is sum of weights of edges within S Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 30. Example: Finding a dense graph 1 2 Densest k-subgraph problem : 1 1 1 4 maximize I(S) 3 2 1 3 5 6 subject to S⊆{1, ... , n}, |S|= k 2 If k =3, an optimal solution is {1,5,6}  NP-hard and constant factor approx algorithms are not known Applications:  Community detection problem in complex networks  Identification of functional modules in protein-protein interaction networks size-constrained submodular minimization In this talk, we deal with a more general discrete optimization problem Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 31. Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base Outline of Part 2  Introduction  Size-constrained submodular minimization  The algorithm through minimum norm base  Concluding remarks min f (S) sub. to S ⊆{1,..., n}, |S| = k f : submodular This problem generalizes densestsize constraint a k-subgraph problem size-constrained minimum cut problem Fundamental NP-hard problems Part 2
  • 32. Definition: Submodular function V ={1, ... , n } is a finite set A real-valued function f defined on 2V = { S : S ⊆ V } is  submodular if V S T ∀S, T ⊆V 1 2 3 4 7 f (S)+ f (T )≥ f (S ∪T)+ f (S ∩T) 6 5 8 Discrete analogue of convex function (Lovász 1983) This function arises in many fields, e.g., graph theory, game theory, machine learning, etc. Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 33. Examples of submodular functions Graph G = (V, E) with edge weights we ≥ 0 (e∈E) V ={1, ... , n }  Ex. 1. Intensity function I : 2V→ R S 1 2 3 both of two endpoints Σ 6 I (S) = we : 4 5 7 8 9 of e∈E are in S 10 11 12 – I is submodular (i.e. I is supermodular)  Ex. 2. Cut function C : 2V→ R S 1 2 3 e∈E has one endpoint in S C (S) = Σ we : and one in V – S 4 10 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 C is submodular Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 34. Submodular optimization (general form) min or max f (S) • V ={1, ... , n} • submodular function f : 2V→ R subject to S ∈F • feasible region F ⊆2V We deal with minimization problems solvable in poly time Unconstrained Submodular Minimization (USM) Size-constrained Submodular Minimization (SSM) NP-hard Assumption: Computation of each value f (S) is a basic operation (Given value oracle which answers value queries) Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 35. Unconstrained submodular minimization (USM) Problem (USM) min f (S) solvable in s. t. S ⊆V ={1, ... , n} poly time  polynomial time algorithm: ellipsoid method: Grotschel, Lovasz & Schrijver (1981, 1988) combinatorial algorithm: Schrijver (2000), Iwata+ (2001)  ”practical” algorithm: Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm (2005) much faster in practice (Fujishige+ 2006) this algorithm computes the minimum norm base minimum L2-norm point in the base polyhedron B(f ) ⊆Rn min norm base x*∈Rn minimizer of f ⊆{1, ... , n} Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 36. Size-constrained submodular minimization (SSM) Problem (SSM) min f (S) integer k (0≤ k ≤ n) s. t. S ⊆V , |S| = k NP-hard  There is no constant factor approximation algorithm that runs in polynomial time (Svitkina & Fleischer, 2008)  special cases 1 1 2 1 1 4 3 2 1 3 • f =–I Densest k-subgraph problem 5 2 6 • f =C Size-constrained minimum cut problem Both of these are fundamental NP-hard problems Even for these special cases, good approx algorithms are not known In this work, we propose a new method for (SSM) that utilizes the minimum norm base computes ”a portion of exact optimal solutions” Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 37. Example of outputs of the proposed method For all k =0, ... , n, consider the densest k-subgraph problems max I (S) s. t. S ⊆V, |S| = k proposed 1 1 2 1 1 4 method 1 2 4 3 2 1 3 3 5 2 6 5 6 k=0 yes Outputs: {},{1,5,6},{1,2,5,6}, k=1 no {1,2,3,4,5,6} k=2 no k=3 yes Our method gives optimal k=4 yes solutions for k = 0, 3, 4, 6 k=5 no a portion of exact k=6 yes optimal solutions Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 38. Problem (SSM) in ML min f(S) s. t. S⊆V, |S|= k Densest k-subgraph problem (f = – I) This problem naturally formulates a community detection problem in complex networks The identification of functional modules in protein- protein interaction networks is known as an important application (Dittrich et al., 2008) Size-constrained minimum cut problem (f = C) This problem deals with an explicit size constraint Contrastingly, spectral clustering, which is one of the most popular clustering algorithms, can deal with a minimum cut problem with an implicit size constraint Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 39. Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base Outline of Part 2  Introduction  Size-constrained submodular minimization  The algorithm through minimum norm base  Concluding remarks Our algorithm uses the basic polyhedral theory associated with submodular functions x3 B( f ) f : 2V→ R B(f ) ⊆ Rn x1 submodular func base polyhedron x2 Part 2
  • 40. Base polyhedron For a submodular function f : 2V→ R with f ({}) =0, the base polyhedron B(f ) ⊆ Rn is given by B(f ) = {x∊Rn : Σ xi ≤ f (S) (∀S ⊆ V), Σ xi = f (V)} i∈S i∈V B(f ) is determined by 2n – 2 inequalities and 1 equality If n = 3, B(f) is determined by x3 B( f ) x1 ≤ f ({1}) , x1 + x2 ≤ f ({1, 2}) x2 ≤ f ({2}) , x1 + x3 ≤ f ({1, 3}) 23 – 2 ineq x1 x3 ≤ f ({3}) , x2 + x3 ≤ f ({2, 3}) x2 x1 + x2 + x3 = f ({1, 2, 3}) 1 equality Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 41. Minimum norm base and algorithms The minimum norm base x*∈ Rn is an optimal solution to min Σ i∈V xi2 s. t. x∊B(f ) x* can be computed efficiently (Fleischer & Iwata, 2003; Nagano, 2007) Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm (2005) finds x* much faster in practice Algorithms through minimum norm base x*∈ Rn The Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm for (USM) min f(S) s. t. S⊆V S*={i ∊ V : x*< 0} minimizes f i The problem can be solved In FW algorithm, we use partial information about x* The proposed algorithm for (SSM) min f(S) s. t. S⊆V, |S|= k In our algorithm, we use full information about x* Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 42. min f(S) s. t. S⊆V, |S|= k Algorithm for (SSM) Consider the following algorithm: surprisingly simple! Algorithm SSM Step1: Compute the minimum norm base x*∈B(f )⊆ Rn Step2: Let ξ1 < ξ2 < ⋯ < ξ d be distinct values of x* Return T0 :={} and Tj := {i ∊ V : xi * ξ j }, ∀j = 1,..., d ≤ Example 1 2 1 1 1 4 The densest k-subgraph problems on 3 2 1 3 B(–I ) ⊆ R6 5 2 6 7 7 7 The minimum norm base is x* = (– , –2, –1, –1, – , – ) ∈B(–I ) 3 3 3 7 Thus we have ξ1 =– , ξ2 =–2, ξ3 =–1, 3 T0={} , T1={1,5,6}, T2={1,2,5,6}, T3={1,2,3,4,5,6} optimal solutions for some of size constraints Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 43. min f(S) s. t. S⊆V, |S|= k Algorithm for (SSM) Consider the following algorithm: surprisingly simple! Algorithm SSM Step1: Compute the minimum norm base x*∈B(f )⊆ Rn Step2: Let ξ1 < ξ2 < ⋯ < ξ d be distinct values of x* Return T0 :={} and Tj := {i ∊ V : xi * ξ j }, ∀j = 1,..., d ≤ Theorem [This work] For each j ∈{0, 1,... , d}, Tj ⊆ V is an optimal solution to Problem (SSM) w. r. t. k = |Tj |. Algorithm SSM computes ”a portion of exact optimal solutions” Running time = computation of the minimum norm base E.g., an implementation of the Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm can be found in a toolbox for submodular function optimization by Krause (2010, JMLR) Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 44. Proof of the validity of the algorithm SSM (sketch) h(λ) Define a function h : R → R as λ h(λ)= min{f (S)–|S|λ : S ⊆ V} (λ ∊ R) 0 linear function in λ h is the minimum of 2n linear functions h(λ) λ Each Sj is an exact optimal 0 solution to problem (SSM) S0 S1 S w.r.t. some size constraint 2 S3 Furthermore, with the aid of the result of Fujishige (1980), we can show that Sj=Tj for all j, where each Tj is the subset returned by the algorithm SSM Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 45. Application to artificial data Networks are randomly generated from the GENRMF generator For each randomly generated network, we considered  the size-constrained minimum cut problem  the size-constrained minimum s-t cut problem  the densest k-subgraph problem The number of subsets (= d) found by the algorithm SSM: dataset 1 (Genrmf-long) dataset 2 (Genrmf-wide) Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 46. Application to real data We applied the algorithm SSM to the densest k- subgraph problems on the network with 5,000 nodes and 31,664 edges (n = 5000) This is a sub-network of social network data cnr-2000 ( X 104 Intensity 3 The algorithm provides optimal solutions for 57 I(S) 2 out of 5000 size levels 1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 k Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base
  • 47. Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base Outline of Part 2  Introduction  Size-constrained submodular minimization  The algorithm through minimum norm base  Concluding remarks Part 2
  • 48. Concluding remarks To the size-constrained submodular minimization problem, we have proposed a new method that computes a portion of exact optimal solutions This result contrasts sharply with the NP-hardness of SSM (see also the result of Nagano, Kawahara & Iwata, NIPS 2010) Our method is simple. We just utilize the minimum norm base to the fullest extent. The Fujishige-Wolfe algorithm does not have worst time complexity bounds, so its complexity analysis should be given in future works. Part 2 Size-constrained Submodular Minimization through Minimum Norm Base