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Music video research
Genre: Glam-Rock
Artist, song/link Genre Thoughts
Lady Gaga- Born This Way
Pop/Alternative Overall: I like Lady Gaga's
challenging nature. She pushes
the boundaries. I like the
individuality of her work. It's
something completely different
to contemporary culture.
This is instantly recognisable for
my overall genre of “Glam-
Rock” as it's flamboyant and
'different'. You don't always see
this in every-day music videos.
Lady Gaga is an icon, through
her believes and campaigns, to
the LGBTQ community and we
can see this through how 'out-
there' her video is. She is unique
and that is what is liked about
Camera work
Due to the metaphorical story of
aliens etc, various conventions
are played around with. For
example, unusual camera shots
to emphasise the storytelling.
As the video is based in space,
the Mise-en-Scene plays a
HUGE part in the storytelling
with everything 'out of this
world', including unusual
segments of alien-birth and
reproduction. Aside from this,
there is also performance within
the video. This is also
contemporary to enforce the
metaphor behind the song and
Although, durations within the
video, Lady Gaga, herself and a
male are seen in Skeleton make-
up and suits. This contrasts to
the original Science-fiction
A music video ALWAYS needs
extensive editing it fit in with
various aspects such as lip
syncing, but it also needs to have
'quick' editing to fit in with the
conventions of a music video.
This is not specific to this genre.
This is the case for ALL music
videos. They have to keep the
audience interested and engaged.
Specifically, one of the aspects I
like about the editing in this
video is that it doesn't always
match up or isn't always neat but
matches with Lady Gaga's
eccentric nature.
Due to the 'Born This Way'
video's cinematic storyline
nature, there is more than just
the artist's single on the video.
From 0:00-2:38 minutes, the
juxtaposition of the orchestral
piece playing under Lady Gaga's
narrative dialogue. This is to
help tell create the tense
atmosphere Lady Gaga wants
you to feel. Having said it is a
juxtaposition, it could be seem
that the agitated orchestral music
helps to emphasise the abrupt
nature of the Science-fiction
theme. This then reaches the
eventual music of the track,
which perfectly matches with
Critics have noted cultural
references to artists such as
Michael Jackson, Madonna,
Björk, late fashion designer,
Alexander McQueen, as well as
Greek Mythology and
Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé-
Pop/Alternative Overall –
I like this video. Although there
are certain aspects of the piece I
feel need to be addressed. For
example, the storyline of th`e
video sees Lady Gaga and
Beyoncé team up, to kill various
males. They're being made to be
viewed as 'bunny boilers' with
their eccentric, yet provocative
clothing and make-up. This, in
my opinion, is faulty as it
sexualises, not only serial
killing, but women in this role.
Showing that if women were to
complete this terrible crime, it
could be somewhat tolerable, as
the video also shows the women
have a right to do it when the
males are being objectificational
to other women within the café
where some of the action is
taking place. While I am
completely against
discrimination of any sort or on
any level, the video can be seen
to be hypocritical as it can be
seen to say, crime can be
punished with crime.
gender identity-nudity
- masculine female prison
guards/ transgenderality/
When the prison officers strip
Lady Gaga naked, they walk
away, with one of them
exchanging: “I told ya she didn't
have a [dick]”. This could lead
to two connotations; the first
being that men would not be
able to enjoy this naked image of
her, if she was to have a penis or
that, any female that is seen to
obtain the societal 'correct'
genitalia, is not a 'normal'
female, at all- gender
A fight within the canteen of the
prison is also focused on within
the video. Showing that female's
physically fighting with each
other is something unusual and
you wouldn't expect this as it
isn't 'the norm' for women to
heatedly fight like this.
Genre conventions
This video is instantly
recognisable for the genre. As
previously stated with other
Lady Gaga video, it is
flamboyant and comes up with a
completely original idea and
concept. Lady Gaga is known
for her daring attitude and this
video is no different.
-colourful, eye-catching
-It can be raised how the male
homosexual community look up
to these artists, without being
attracted to them.
-Or perhaps how these artists are
representing a minority in the
industry and they feel they are
'owning' it for them.
Camera work
Different to Lady Gaga's last
video I analysed, this video is set
completely on planet Earth, in
America. Therefore, the camera
work used is similar to that of a
normal music video. The video
starts off with various
establishing shots to show to
high-security prison Lady Gaga
has been taken to. e.g.
(the above is a high-angled
establishing shot)
There are also examples of
panning shots of the other
female prisoners as they watch
in their cells. Said females can
also appear to be physically
attractive, some undertaking
sexual implied mannerisms or
gestures, further implying the
objectification of female
prisoners. Playing up the gender
theories within media. Perhaps
this could be an unusual fantasy
of a male, and therefore, they
could, as Judith Butler said,
watch this video both
voyeristically, and fetishistically,
gaining pleasure from seeing
women in this societal position.
This is further exemplified with
Lady Gaga's nudity and when
she is seen to spontaneously kiss
another attractive tom-boy
looking female. Perhaps a
similar situation to adult-films
they watch in their own time.
Throughout the video,
dismemberment can be seen.
This further expands my point
around the idea of selling the
idea that women that commit
crime are 'sexy'...
The video is set around Beyoncé
bailing Lady Gaga out of prison
therefore, includes everything
that you would traditionally
associate with this situation, e.g.
prison surroundings, a 'get-away'
car,a desert road and a diner they
visit to continue their crime(s).
Costume/make-up- One of the
aspects of the mise-en-scene I
feel does not conform to the
situation of prison/crime, is the
choice of clothing and make-up
(high-end fashion within a
prison/couture), not only by
Lady Gaga and Beyoncé but
some of the characters within the
prison. For example:
All of the above costumes and
make-up, in a realistic prison,
would most likely, not be worn
or allowed.
Once Lady Gaga exits the
prison, herself and Beyoncé
travel down a desert road to a
diner, in the 'Pussy Waggon' (star
appeal/synergy?), made famous
from Quentin Tarantino's 1994
film, 'Pulp Fiction', where they
continue to commit their crimes.
Again, here, their choice of
clothing is questionable within
the situation as you wouldn't
expect people who have just
been released from prison and
their accompaniment to be
wearing such extravagant
clothing. e.g.
The editing techniques within
the video are similar to those of
any other music video, although,
perhaps, due to the short film
nature of the music video, some
elements are different to
effectively tell the story. For
example, a music video is
normally fast-paced, and while
this is, the beginning sets the
story up for the viewer and
therefore has to be allowed time
to develop. Thus, why the song
does not start until roughly 2
minutes 47 seconds.
There are certain instances
where the edit coincides with
what is happening on screen or
in the track. For example, Lady
Gaga takes photos of Beyoncé,
the screen is seen flashing, like it
would if the flashlight came on
during a photo. Also, the beat in
the song jitters, the image is
made to do the same.
As raised above, the video is a
short film and therefore, uses
sound other than the track to tell
the story. For example, using
dialogue, and 'everyday' sound
(shoes clipping on the floor,
ringing telephones, doors
shutting, alarms, fingers on
laptop keyboards, car engine,
tinned radio/speaker voices etc).
-Thelma and Louise- serial
killers who travelled around in a
ford convertible
-Pussy Wagon
-Pulp Fiction- gore/violence-
suggesting women could be as
Kylie Minogue- Can't Get You
Out Of My Head
Pop/Dance Overall
This is a performance music
video that heavily incorporates
various features of the Glam-
Rock genre. For example, a
strong female figure and
flamboyant backing dancers,
wearing daring outfits, all to a
backdrop of computer-generated
Camera work
Unlike the last two videos, this
very much so is like a 'normal'
music video; and therefore the
camera work is nothing
extravagant, it uses a range, such
as establishing, panning, low-
angled, mid-shots and close-ups-
These help to enforce Kylie's
strong persona.
The video seems to be set in a
future reality, where most
aspects are robot-generated.
Therefore, this is enforced
through the computer-generated
setting or high-definition studio,
clothing, props, make-up, hair
styles and choreography. For
flamboyant backing dancers/
clothing/ choreography
Editing is completed to reflect
the tempo of the song during
certain parts. For example, when
the tempo is fast, the pace of the
video seems to speed up.
Wherein, the beat slows, slow-
motion visuals are seen.
Unlike the previous analysed
videos, the sound for this is
straight-forward. It is all digetic
sound. In other words, the only
sound you can hear is the track,
with Kylie lip syncing to it.
The director, Dawn Shadforth
blocked some shots of the initial
driving scene based upon similar
shots of Shirley Manson piloting
an aeroplane in her award-
winning dogfight clip for
Garbage’s “Special”.
Kylie Minogue- In Your Eyes
Pop/Dance Overall
I really like the disco/dance
concept of this video. The
electro-pop vibe is showcased
through various aspects, such as
the mise-en-scene, camera work,
editing and of course, sound.
Again, this follows the
conventions of the genre, as it is
colourful, yet sultry and
Camera work
In my opinion, the camera work
reflects the busy, agitating,
overwhelming feel of the song.
The song is a dance hit and this
can certainly be seen through the
distorted and quick shots. This
camera work helps to enforce the
common sense of euphoria that
comes with dance tracks of this
type. For example:
(note: close-up of Kylie's lips-
both voyeuristic and fetishistic.
Also how the screen splits into
(The same could be said for this
close-up shot of her head)
(You can't quite make out what
is happening here. That is what
the director wants you to feel)
(The director seems to
use various filters to disorientate
the viewer)
See here how the backing dancer
The performance on screen also
seems to blend with the vibrant/
neon lights throughout too (This
could cross over with Mise-en-
As the video finishes, Kylie is
seen close-up to the camera
before it moves away, showing a
crane shot of her, before moving
up and the video finishes.
The aspects of Mise-en-Scene
work together with all the other
elements to produce a funky and
energetic music video. For
example, as previously
mentioned, the fluorescent
backing lights, pictured:
work with the brightly coloured
costumes to make the video
visually appealing. e.g shown
above and:
(note how the colours work well
Here, the backing dancers are
wearing what seem to be
futuristic costumes. Works in
partnership with the both
fluorescent/bright and sultry
Here, the light flashes with the
which you can see here:
Here, Kylie is seen to be wearing
a flowing dress that seems to be
made of literal strips of material
covering only her front body and
She is seen here to 'punch' the
camera wearing a 'Kylie' finger
piece. This is to establish, to her
target audience, who she is, if we
didn't know already. Very similar
to 'sassy' greetings that are
stereotypical with female divas.
e.g. “It's Britney, bitch”
She also during a shot, is seen
wearing a black corset w with a
long, flowing pink tail coming
from the back of her pink pants:
Editing is completed to reflect
the tempo of the song during
certain parts. For example, when
the tempo is fast, the pace of the
video seems to speed up.
Wherein, the beat slows, slow-
motion visuals are seen.
The visuals within the video
move neatly move around the
bass- it seems floaty, in a sense.
The song is a disco genre and
therefore involves various
elements to create a euphoric
feeling for the listener. For
example, the track includes tinny
sounding layered vocals and
dance-style beat and bass.
Dawn Shadforth, the previous
director of Kylie’s “Can’t Get
You Out of My Head”, for this
video, envisioned a “science-
fiction” theme. Kylie and her
artistic director, William Baker
had become interested in the
street interpretation of robotic,
jerky movements and included
that within this video. The
costumes also represent this
interest and have been described
by Baker as being a mixture of
“hip-hop chic with sci-fi
White- Blush
Indie-pop Overall- I like this video. I
personally feel it has a similar
feel to my chosen track- glam-
rock and makes you want to
dance. The glamourous-rock is
showcased through various
aspects, not only the musical
hooks but the mise-en-scene is
captivating, mysterious and
Camera work
Within the video, I see many
instances of continuous shots,
where the camera moves around
the action rather than cutting
between edited shots. Almost
like it’s a POV shot.
The camera is also shaky in
parts, further exemplifying the
video is POV.
The camera closes-up and mid-
shots on the band and relevant
aspects, such as the protagonists
involved. Seen here:
Throughout the video, double-
vision and distortion is also
depicted through the camera
work, seen below; This could
imply drug-use of the video’s
POV subject.
Overlapping of moving image is
also present. Further implying
the POV subject is disorientated.
The camera closes-up and mid-
shots on the band and relevant
aspects, such as the protagonists
involved. Seen here:
Throughout the video, double-
vision and distortion is also
depicted through the camera
work, seen below; This could
imply drug-use of the video’s
POV subject.
Overlapping of moving image is
also present. Further implying
the POV subject is disorientated.
The camera also spins to further
The pace of the video then
speeds up as it implies the POV
subject, is reaching the climax of
substance consumption. We then
are made aware that the POV is
of one of the protagonists
featured throughout the video.
The camera then moves from the
disorientation, to panning away
from the protagonist’s eyes/face
to him being stood, with some
sort of abstract pattern painted
on his face, next to five letter
balloons, spelling out ‘BLUSH’,
the name of the song.
The mise-en-scene for this video
is straight-forward. It seems the
director wanted a dark colour
scheme to the video. Hence why
the camera work is very dark.
Location- The video seems to
have been shot in an
underground venue. As that is
perhaps what the director wanted
to create the aesthetic and
Clothing/ costume- This, unlike
my previous music video, is
straightforward. The extras,
protagonist(s) and band all seem
to be wearing smart-casual
clothing. The only clothing item
that is different is the sparkly
jacket that the female
protagonist is wearing. The male
protagonist, at the end of the
video, is seen wearing an
abstract pattern upon his face
with face paint.
Editing- The video begins with
a static screen, thought-beating
to the music, then progressing to
spell out “WHITE”.
There are various elements of
the editing that help to convey
the video’s story. For example,
as previously mentioned,
double-vision and distortion is
used. This is to portray the POV
subject as intoxicated by
substances. This is completed
through after effects.
Several of the video’s shots seem
to be continuous. This purposely
been emphasised through the
editing process.
The camera, throughout the
video, also jitters, like speakers.
This again, are thought-beats;
emphasising the rhythm.
Shots such as Close-ups, mid-
shots are used when focusing on
the band themselves. This is to
stress the focus of the band as it
is their video and fans want to
see them.

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Music video research

  • 1. Music video research Genre: Glam-Rock Artist, song/link Genre Thoughts Lady Gaga- Born This Way ( h?v=wV1FrqwZyKw) Pop/Alternative Overall: I like Lady Gaga's challenging nature. She pushes the boundaries. I like the individuality of her work. It's something completely different to contemporary culture. This is instantly recognisable for my overall genre of “Glam- Rock” as it's flamboyant and 'different'. You don't always see this in every-day music videos. Lady Gaga is an icon, through her believes and campaigns, to the LGBTQ community and we can see this through how 'out- there' her video is. She is unique and that is what is liked about her. Camera work Due to the metaphorical story of aliens etc, various conventions are played around with. For example, unusual camera shots to emphasise the storytelling. e.g. Mise-en-Scene As the video is based in space, the Mise-en-Scene plays a HUGE part in the storytelling with everything 'out of this world', including unusual segments of alien-birth and reproduction. Aside from this, there is also performance within the video. This is also contemporary to enforce the metaphor behind the song and
  • 2. video. Although, durations within the video, Lady Gaga, herself and a male are seen in Skeleton make- up and suits. This contrasts to the original Science-fiction theme. Editing A music video ALWAYS needs extensive editing it fit in with various aspects such as lip syncing, but it also needs to have 'quick' editing to fit in with the conventions of a music video. This is not specific to this genre. This is the case for ALL music videos. They have to keep the audience interested and engaged. Specifically, one of the aspects I like about the editing in this video is that it doesn't always match up or isn't always neat but matches with Lady Gaga's eccentric nature. Sound Due to the 'Born This Way' video's cinematic storyline nature, there is more than just the artist's single on the video. From 0:00-2:38 minutes, the juxtaposition of the orchestral piece playing under Lady Gaga's narrative dialogue. This is to help tell create the tense atmosphere Lady Gaga wants you to feel. Having said it is a juxtaposition, it could be seem that the agitated orchestral music helps to emphasise the abrupt nature of the Science-fiction theme. This then reaches the eventual music of the track, which perfectly matches with video. Intertexuality Critics have noted cultural
  • 3. references to artists such as Michael Jackson, Madonna, Björk, late fashion designer, Alexander McQueen, as well as Greek Mythology and surrealism. Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé- Telephone ( h?v=EVBsypHzF3U) Pop/Alternative Overall – I like this video. Although there are certain aspects of the piece I feel need to be addressed. For example, the storyline of th`e video sees Lady Gaga and Beyoncé team up, to kill various males. They're being made to be viewed as 'bunny boilers' with their eccentric, yet provocative clothing and make-up. This, in my opinion, is faulty as it sexualises, not only serial killing, but women in this role. Showing that if women were to complete this terrible crime, it could be somewhat tolerable, as the video also shows the women have a right to do it when the males are being objectificational to other women within the café where some of the action is taking place. While I am completely against discrimination of any sort or on any level, the video can be seen to be hypocritical as it can be seen to say, crime can be punished with crime. gender identity-nudity - masculine female prison guards/ transgenderality/ transsexuality When the prison officers strip Lady Gaga naked, they walk away, with one of them exchanging: “I told ya she didn't have a [dick]”. This could lead to two connotations; the first being that men would not be able to enjoy this naked image of
  • 4. her, if she was to have a penis or that, any female that is seen to obtain the societal 'correct' genitalia, is not a 'normal' female, at all- gender identity/perceptions. A fight within the canteen of the prison is also focused on within the video. Showing that female's physically fighting with each other is something unusual and you wouldn't expect this as it isn't 'the norm' for women to heatedly fight like this. Genre conventions This video is instantly recognisable for the genre. As previously stated with other Lady Gaga video, it is flamboyant and comes up with a completely original idea and concept. Lady Gaga is known for her daring attitude and this video is no different. -colourful, eye-catching -'sassy' -It can be raised how the male homosexual community look up to these artists, without being attracted to them. -Or perhaps how these artists are representing a minority in the industry and they feel they are 'owning' it for them. Camera work Different to Lady Gaga's last video I analysed, this video is set completely on planet Earth, in America. Therefore, the camera work used is similar to that of a normal music video. The video starts off with various establishing shots to show to high-security prison Lady Gaga has been taken to. e.g.
  • 5. (the above is a high-angled establishing shot) There are also examples of panning shots of the other female prisoners as they watch in their cells. Said females can also appear to be physically attractive, some undertaking sexual implied mannerisms or gestures, further implying the objectification of female prisoners. Playing up the gender theories within media. Perhaps this could be an unusual fantasy of a male, and therefore, they could, as Judith Butler said, watch this video both
  • 6. voyeristically, and fetishistically, gaining pleasure from seeing women in this societal position. This is further exemplified with Lady Gaga's nudity and when she is seen to spontaneously kiss another attractive tom-boy looking female. Perhaps a similar situation to adult-films they watch in their own time. Throughout the video, dismemberment can be seen. This further expands my point around the idea of selling the idea that women that commit crime are 'sexy'...
  • 7. Mise-en-scene The video is set around Beyoncé bailing Lady Gaga out of prison therefore, includes everything that you would traditionally associate with this situation, e.g. prison surroundings, a 'get-away' car,a desert road and a diner they visit to continue their crime(s). Costume/make-up- One of the aspects of the mise-en-scene I feel does not conform to the situation of prison/crime, is the choice of clothing and make-up (high-end fashion within a prison/couture), not only by Lady Gaga and Beyoncé but some of the characters within the prison. For example:
  • 8. All of the above costumes and make-up, in a realistic prison, would most likely, not be worn or allowed. Once Lady Gaga exits the prison, herself and Beyoncé travel down a desert road to a diner, in the 'Pussy Waggon' (star appeal/synergy?), made famous from Quentin Tarantino's 1994 film, 'Pulp Fiction', where they continue to commit their crimes. Again, here, their choice of clothing is questionable within the situation as you wouldn't
  • 9. expect people who have just been released from prison and their accompaniment to be wearing such extravagant clothing. e.g.
  • 10. Editing The editing techniques within the video are similar to those of any other music video, although, perhaps, due to the short film nature of the music video, some elements are different to effectively tell the story. For example, a music video is normally fast-paced, and while this is, the beginning sets the story up for the viewer and therefore has to be allowed time to develop. Thus, why the song does not start until roughly 2 minutes 47 seconds.
  • 11. There are certain instances where the edit coincides with what is happening on screen or in the track. For example, Lady Gaga takes photos of Beyoncé, the screen is seen flashing, like it would if the flashlight came on during a photo. Also, the beat in the song jitters, the image is made to do the same. Sound As raised above, the video is a short film and therefore, uses sound other than the track to tell the story. For example, using dialogue, and 'everyday' sound (shoes clipping on the floor, ringing telephones, doors shutting, alarms, fingers on laptop keyboards, car engine, tinned radio/speaker voices etc). Intertexuality -Thelma and Louise- serial killers who travelled around in a ford convertible -Pussy Wagon -Pulp Fiction- gore/violence- suggesting women could be as violent Kylie Minogue- Can't Get You Out Of My Head ( h?v=c18441Eh_WE) Pop/Dance Overall This is a performance music video that heavily incorporates various features of the Glam- Rock genre. For example, a strong female figure and flamboyant backing dancers, wearing daring outfits, all to a backdrop of computer-generated scenary. Camera work Unlike the last two videos, this very much so is like a 'normal' music video; and therefore the camera work is nothing extravagant, it uses a range, such
  • 12. as establishing, panning, low- angled, mid-shots and close-ups- These help to enforce Kylie's strong persona. Mise-en-scene The video seems to be set in a future reality, where most aspects are robot-generated. Therefore, this is enforced through the computer-generated setting or high-definition studio, clothing, props, make-up, hair styles and choreography. For example: (setting) (clothing/setting) flamboyant backing dancers/ clothing/ choreography Editing Editing is completed to reflect
  • 13. the tempo of the song during certain parts. For example, when the tempo is fast, the pace of the video seems to speed up. Wherein, the beat slows, slow- motion visuals are seen. Sound Unlike the previous analysed videos, the sound for this is straight-forward. It is all digetic sound. In other words, the only sound you can hear is the track, with Kylie lip syncing to it. Intertextuality The director, Dawn Shadforth blocked some shots of the initial driving scene based upon similar shots of Shirley Manson piloting an aeroplane in her award- winning dogfight clip for Garbage’s “Special”. Kylie Minogue- In Your Eyes ( h?v=IbO2mb_sYsA) Pop/Dance Overall I really like the disco/dance concept of this video. The electro-pop vibe is showcased through various aspects, such as the mise-en-scene, camera work, editing and of course, sound. Again, this follows the conventions of the genre, as it is colourful, yet sultry and sophisticated. Camera work In my opinion, the camera work reflects the busy, agitating, overwhelming feel of the song. The song is a dance hit and this can certainly be seen through the distorted and quick shots. This camera work helps to enforce the common sense of euphoria that comes with dance tracks of this type. For example: (note: close-up of Kylie's lips- both voyeuristic and fetishistic. Also how the screen splits into
  • 14. three) (The same could be said for this close-up shot of her head) (You can't quite make out what is happening here. That is what the director wants you to feel)
  • 15. (The director seems to use various filters to disorientate the viewer) See here how the backing dancer jitters: 6825976 The performance on screen also seems to blend with the vibrant/ neon lights throughout too (This could cross over with Mise-en- scene)...
  • 16. As the video finishes, Kylie is seen close-up to the camera before it moves away, showing a crane shot of her, before moving up and the video finishes. Mise-en-scene The aspects of Mise-en-Scene work together with all the other elements to produce a funky and energetic music video. For example, as previously mentioned, the fluorescent backing lights, pictured:
  • 17. work with the brightly coloured costumes to make the video visually appealing. e.g shown above and: (note how the colours work well together)
  • 18. Here, the backing dancers are wearing what seem to be futuristic costumes. Works in partnership with the both fluorescent/bright and sultry lighting. Here, the light flashes with the beat: which you can see here: 6825949 Here, Kylie is seen to be wearing a flowing dress that seems to be made of literal strips of material covering only her front body and derrière. She is seen here to 'punch' the camera wearing a 'Kylie' finger piece. This is to establish, to her
  • 19. target audience, who she is, if we didn't know already. Very similar to 'sassy' greetings that are stereotypical with female divas. e.g. “It's Britney, bitch” She also during a shot, is seen wearing a black corset w with a long, flowing pink tail coming from the back of her pink pants: Editing Editing is completed to reflect the tempo of the song during certain parts. For example, when the tempo is fast, the pace of the video seems to speed up. Wherein, the beat slows, slow- motion visuals are seen. The visuals within the video move neatly move around the bass- it seems floaty, in a sense. Sound The song is a disco genre and therefore involves various elements to create a euphoric feeling for the listener. For example, the track includes tinny sounding layered vocals and dance-style beat and bass. Intertextuality Dawn Shadforth, the previous director of Kylie’s “Can’t Get You Out of My Head”, for this video, envisioned a “science- fiction” theme. Kylie and her artistic director, William Baker had become interested in the street interpretation of robotic, jerky movements and included
  • 20. that within this video. The costumes also represent this interest and have been described by Baker as being a mixture of “hip-hop chic with sci-fi lunacy”. White- Blush ( h?v=D1u1bZkGk4E) Indie-pop Overall- I like this video. I personally feel it has a similar feel to my chosen track- glam- rock and makes you want to dance. The glamourous-rock is showcased through various aspects, not only the musical hooks but the mise-en-scene is captivating, mysterious and attractive. Camera work Within the video, I see many instances of continuous shots, where the camera moves around the action rather than cutting between edited shots. Almost like it’s a POV shot. The camera is also shaky in parts, further exemplifying the video is POV. The camera closes-up and mid- shots on the band and relevant aspects, such as the protagonists involved. Seen here:
  • 21. Throughout the video, double- vision and distortion is also depicted through the camera work, seen below; This could imply drug-use of the video’s POV subject. Overlapping of moving image is also present. Further implying the POV subject is disorientated. E.g.
  • 22. The camera closes-up and mid- shots on the band and relevant aspects, such as the protagonists involved. Seen here:
  • 23. Throughout the video, double- vision and distortion is also depicted through the camera work, seen below; This could imply drug-use of the video’s POV subject. Overlapping of moving image is also present. Further implying the POV subject is disorientated. E.g. The camera also spins to further disorientate. The pace of the video then speeds up as it implies the POV subject, is reaching the climax of substance consumption. We then are made aware that the POV is of one of the protagonists featured throughout the video. The camera then moves from the disorientation, to panning away from the protagonist’s eyes/face to him being stood, with some sort of abstract pattern painted on his face, next to five letter balloons, spelling out ‘BLUSH’, the name of the song.
  • 24.
  • 25. Mise-en-Scene The mise-en-scene for this video is straight-forward. It seems the director wanted a dark colour scheme to the video. Hence why the camera work is very dark. Location- The video seems to have been shot in an underground venue. As that is perhaps what the director wanted to create the aesthetic and atmosphere. Clothing/ costume- This, unlike my previous music video, is straightforward. The extras, protagonist(s) and band all seem to be wearing smart-casual clothing. The only clothing item that is different is the sparkly jacket that the female protagonist is wearing. The male protagonist, at the end of the video, is seen wearing an abstract pattern upon his face with face paint. Editing- The video begins with a static screen, thought-beating to the music, then progressing to spell out “WHITE”. There are various elements of the editing that help to convey the video’s story. For example, as previously mentioned, double-vision and distortion is used. This is to portray the POV subject as intoxicated by substances. This is completed through after effects.
  • 26. Several of the video’s shots seem to be continuous. This purposely been emphasised through the editing process. The camera, throughout the video, also jitters, like speakers. This again, are thought-beats; emphasising the rhythm. Shots such as Close-ups, mid- shots are used when focusing on the band themselves. This is to stress the focus of the band as it is their video and fans want to see them.