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MIS- Information
Technology Concepts
Filmon Habtemichael
Why Learn About Hardware?
• Organizations invest in computer hardware to improve
– worker productivity,
– Increase revenue,
– reduce costs,
– provide better customer service,
– speed up time-to-market, and
– enable collaboration among employees.
• Organizations that don’t make wise hardware investments
will be stuck with outdated equipment that is unreliable
and cannot take advantage of the latest software advances.
• Such obsolete hardware can place an organization at a
competitive disadvantage.
• Any machinery (most of which uses digital
circuits) that assists in the input, processing,
storage, and output activities of an
information system.
• As auto manufacturers must match the
intended use of a vehicle to its components,
so too must business managers select the
hardware components of an effective
information system.
• E.g The Iowa Health System
– Store and manage image data such as magnetic
resonance images (MRIs).
– NHS failure
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• It is also called microprocessor or processor
• The part of the computer that consists of three associated elements: the
arithmetic/logic unit, the control unit, and the register areas.
Arithmetic/logic unit (ALU)
• Performs mathematical calculations and makes logical comparisons.
Control unit
• Sequentially accesses program instructions, decodes them, and coordinates the
flow of data in and out of the ALU, registers, primary storage, and even secondary
storage and various output devices.
• A high-speed storage area in the CPU used to temporarily hold small units of
program instructions and data immediately before, during, and after execution by
the CPU.
• Registers provide temporary memory storage locations within the processor.
• Three kinds of buses link the CPU, primary storage, and
the other devices in the computer system.
• The data bus moves data to and from primary storage.
• The address bus transmits signals for locating a given
address in primary storage, indicating where data
should be placed.
• The control bus transmits signals specifying whether
to read or write data to or from a given primary storage
address, input device, or output device.
CPU speed
• The speed and performance of a computer’s
microprocessors help determine a computer’s
processing power.
• The first factor is Word length: the number of
bits that the computer can process at one
– 32 bit-process 4 bytes
– 64 bit process 8 bytes data at the same time
• A second factor affecting chip speed is cycle
– measured in megahertz
• A third factor affecting speed is the data bus
– For better performance the word length and data
bus width should match
Random access memory (RAM)
– A form of memory in which instructions or data
can be temporarily stored.
Read-only memory (ROM)
– A nonvolatile form of memory.
Cache memory
– A type of high-speed memory that a processor can
access more rapidly than main memory.
Secondary Storage Technology
Magnetic Disk
• The most widely used secondary-storage
medium today is magnetic disk. There are two
kinds of magnetic disks:
– floppy disks (used in PCs) and
– hard disks (used on large commercial disk drives
and PCS
Magnetic Tape
• is a type of sequential secondary storage
medium, now used primarily for storing
• Cheaper and slower in retrieval
• U.S. federal government is the largest user of
magnetic tape in the world, buying over 1
million reels of tape each year
• DVD-5 (DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW)
– single sided single layered
– is capable of holding up to 4.37 GB worth of data
and is available in each of the media formats listed
in the above heading.
• DVD-9 (DVD+R9 or DVD+R DL (Dual Layered))
– singled sided dual layered
– DVD-9 is capable of holding up to 8.5 GB worth of
• DVD-10 (DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW)
– double sided single layered
– is capable of holding up to 9.4 GB worth of data and is
available in each of the media formats listed in the
above heading.
– It is important to understand when buying these discs
they are labeled as "DVD-RW Only" or "DVD+RW
Only", make sure to purchase the discs designed for
your drive.
• DVD-18 (DVD+R9 or DVD+R DL (Dual Layered))
– double sided dual layered,
– is capable of holding up to 15.9 GB worth of data
DVD standards
• Unfortunately, unlike recordable CD drives,
there are many different competing standards
for creating DVD discs
• DVD-R And DVD-RW arean approved standard
by DVD Forum
• DVD+R And DVD+RW are DVD+RW Alliance
standard of disc.
Blu Ray
• The Blu-ray high-definition video-disc format
based on blue-laser technology stores at least
three times as much data as a DVD now holds.
• The primary use for this new format is in
home entertainment equipment to store high-
definition video, though this format can also
store computer data.
Holographic versatile disc
• Holographic versatile disc (HVD) is a
holographic storage format that looks like a
DVD but is capable of storing far more data.
• Prototype HVD devices have been created
with a capacity of 3.9 terabytes (TB) and a
transfer rate of 1 gigabit per second (1 Gbps).
At that capacity, an HVD could store as much
information as 830 DVDs or 160 Blu-Ray discs.
Access Method
• Sequential access A retrieval method in which data
must be accessed in the order in which it is stored.
• Direct access A retrieval method in which data can be
retrieved without the need to read and discard other
• sequential access storage devices (SASDs) A device
used to sequentially access secondary storage data.
• direct access storage devices (DASDs). A device used
for direct access of secondary storage data.
Redundant array of independent
disks (RAID)
• A method of storing data that generates extra bits of
data from existing data, allowing the system to create a
“reconstruction map” so that if a hard drive fails, it can
rebuild lost data.
• With this approach, data is split and stored on different
physical disk drives using a technique called striping to
evenly distribute the data.
Disk mirroring
• A process of storing data that provides an exact copy
that protects users fully in the event of data loss.
• One application of RAID
Enterprise Storage Options
• Attached Storage
• Network-Attached Storage
– Storage devices that attach to a network instead
of to a single computer.
– NAS includes software to manage storage access
and file management and relieve the users’
computers of those tasks
– both application software and files can be served
faster because they are not competing for the
same processor resources
• Storage Area Network
– a special-purpose, high-speed network that
provides direct connections between data-storage
devices and computers across the enterprise
– Using a SAN, an organization can centralize the
people, policies, procedures, and practices
• Parallel computing is the simultaneous
execution of the same task on multiple
processors to obtain results faster.
• Grid computing is the use of a collection of
computers, often owned by multiple individuals
or organizations, to work in a coordinated
manner to solve a common problem.
• Grid computing is a low-cost approach to parallel
• European and Asian researchers are using a grid
consisting of some 40,000 computers spread
across 45 countries to combat the deadly bird flu.
Examples of grid computing
• SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) @Home project
– SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected
computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
– You can participate by running a free program that downloads and
analyzes radio telescope data.
• BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing)
– Developed by University of California, Berkeley, BOINC lets you
contribute computing power on your home PC to projects doing
research in many scientific areas.
– BOINC is a common one for academic projects seeking public
• Folding@home (abbreviated as FAH or F@h)
– Understanding how proteins self-assemble (“protein folding”) is a holy
grail of modern molecular biophysics.
• Einstein@Home
Einstein@Home is a program that uses your
computer’s idle time to search for spinning neutron
stars (also called pulsars) using data from the LIGO
gravitational wave detector. It also searches for radio
pulsars in binary systems, using data from the Arecibo
Observatory in Puerto Rico.
• LHC@home
LHC@home is a volunteer computing program which
enables you to contribute idle time on your computer
to help physicists develop and exploit particle
accelerators, such as CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.
• Cloud computing involves using a giant cluster
of computers that serves as a host to run
applications that require high-performance
• Cloud computing supports a wider variety of
applications than grid computing and pools
computing resources so they can be managed
primarily by software rather than people.
Cloud computing
Grid computing Cloud computing
What? Grids enable access to shared computing
power and storage capacity from your
Clouds enable access to leased computing
power and storage capacity from your
Who provides the service? Research institutes and universities
federate their services around the world
through projects such as EGI-InSPIRE and
the European Grid Infrastructure.
Large individual companies e.g. Amazon
and Microsoft and at a smaller scale,
institutes and organisations deploying
open source software such as Open Slate,
Eucalyptus and Open Nebula.
Who uses the service? Research collaborations, called "Virtual
Organisations", which bring together
researchers around the world working in
the same field.
Small to medium commercial businesses
or researchers with generic IT needs
Who pays for the service? Governments - providers and users are
usually publicly funded research
organisations, for example through
National Grid Initiatives.
The cloud provider pays for the computing
resources; the user pays to use them
Where are the computing resources? In computing centres distributed across
different sites, countries and continents.
The cloud providers private data centres
which are often centralised in a few
locations with excellent network
connections and cheap electrical power.
Why use them? - You don`t need to buy or
maintain your own large computer
- You can complete more work
more quickly and tackle more
difficult problems.
- You can share data with your
distributed team in a secure way.
- You don`t need to buy or
maintain your own personal
computer centre
- You can quickly access extra
resources during peak work periods
What are they useful for? Grids were designed to handle large
sets of limited duration jobs that
produce or use large quantities of
data (e.g. the LHC and life sciences)
Clouds best support long term
services and longer running jobs
How do they work? Grids are an open source
technology. Resource users and
providers alike can understand and
contribute to the management of
their grid
Clouds are a proprietary technology.
Only the resource provider knows
exactly how their cloud manages
data, job queues, security
requirements and so on.
Benefits? - Collaboration: grid offers a
federated platform for
distributed and collective work.
- Ownership : resource
providers maintain ownership
of the resources they
contribute to the grid
- Transparency: the
technologies used are open
source, encouraging trust and
- Resilience: grids are located at
multiple sites, reducing the risk
in case of a failure at one site
that removes significant
resources from the
- Flexibility: users can quickly
outsource peaks of activity
without long term commitment
- Reliability: provider has
financial incentive to guarantee
service availability (Amazon, for
example, can provide user
rebates if availability drops
below 99.9%)
- Ease of use: relatively quick
and easy for non-expert users
to get started but setting up
sophisticated virtual machines
to support complex applications
is more difficult.
Drawbacks? - Reliability: grids rely on distributed
services maintained by distributed staff,
often resulting in inconsistency in
reliability across individual sites, although
the service itself is always available.
- Complexity: grids are complicated to
build and use, and currently users require
some level of expertise.
- Commercial: grids are generally only
available for not-for-profit work, and for
proof of concept in the commercial sphere
- Generality: clouds do not offer many of
the specific high-level services currently
provided by grid technology.
- Security: users with sensitive data may
be reluctant to entrust it to external
providers or to providers outside their
- Opacity: the technologies used to
guarantee reliability and safety of cloud
operations are not made public.
- Rigidity: the cloud is generally located at
a single site, which increases risk of
complete cloud failure.
- Provider lock-in: there’s a risk of being
locked in to services provided by a very
small group of suppliers.
When? The concept of grids was proposed in
1995. The Open science grid (OSG) started
in 1995 The EDG (European Data Grid)
project began in 2001.
In the late 1990`s Oracle and EMC offered
early private cloud solutions . However the
term cloud computing didn't gain
prominence until 2007.
Advanced input
• A magnetic stripe card
– stores limited amounts of data by modifying the
magnetism of tiny iron-based particles contained
in a band on the card.
– Magnetic stripe cards are commonly used in credit
cards, transportation tickets, and driver’s licenses.
– the card contain any information about the
cardholder in the magnetic stripe.
• Point-of-Sale Devices
– are terminals used in retail operations to enter
sales information into the computer system. The
POS device then computes the total charges,
including tax.
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Devices
• Another type of special-purpose input/output device, the
automated teller machine (ATM)
• is a terminal that bank customers use to perform
withdrawals and other transactions with their bank
• The ATM, however, is no longer used only for cash and bank
– Companies use various ATM devices, sometimes called kiosks, to
support their business processes.
– Some can dispense tickets, such as for airlines, concerts, and
soccer games.
– Some colleges use them to produce transcripts.
Pen Input Devices
• By touching the screen with a pen input
device, you can activate a command or cause
the computer to perform a task, enter
handwritten notes, and draw objects and
Touch-Sensitive Screens
• Advances in screen technology allow display
screens to function as input as well as output
• E.g windows 8 pcs
Bar-Code Scanners
• A bar-code scanner employs a laser scanner to read a
bar-coded label widely used in grocery store checkouts
and warehouse inventory control.
• A radio frequency signal can update this memory as
the status of the item changes. The data transmitted by
the tag might provide identification, location
information, or details about the product tagged, such
as date manufactured, retail price, color, or date of
Advanced Output Devices
• Eyebud Screens
• Eyebud screens are portable media devices
that display video in front of one eye.
• They employ optical technology that provides
very high resolution and “enlarges” the video
or images.
Categories of Computers
• A personal computer (PC), which is sometimes
referred to as a microcomputer, is one that can be
placed on a desktop or carried from room to
• A workstation also fits on a desktop but has more
powerful mathematical and graphics processing
capability than a PC and can perform more
complicated tasks than a PC in the same amount
of time. Workstations are used for scientific,
engineering, and design work that requires
powerful graphics or computational capabilities.
Thin Client
• A thin client is a low-cost, centrally managed
computer with no extra drives, such as a CD or
DVD drive, or expansion slots.
• A mainframe is the largest computer, a
powerhouse with massive memory and
extremely rapid processing power. It is used for
very large business, scientific, or military
applications where a computer must handle
massive amounts of data or many complicated
• A supercomputer is a highly sophisticated and
powerful computer that is used for tasks requiring
extremely rapid and complex calculations with
hundreds of thousands of variable factors.
• Supercomputers use parallel processing and can
perform billions and even trillions of calculations
per second, many times faster than the largest
• Server computer specifically optimized to
provide software and other resources to other
computers over a network.
Capacity Planning and Scalability
• Capacity planning is the process of predicting when a
computer hardware system becomes saturated.
• It considers factors such as the
– maximum number of users that the system can
– the impact of existing and future software applications,
– performance measures such as minimum response time
for processing business transactions.
• Although capacity planning is performed by
information system specialists, input from managers is
• Scalability refers to the ability of a computer, product,
or system to expand to serve a larger number of users
without breaking down.
• There are several approaches to achieving scalability.
– One is to scale up, replacing, for example, a small server
with a larger multiprocessor server or even a mainframe.
– Another approach is to scale out, which involves adding a
large number of smaller servers.
• The choice of approach depends on the nature of the
application or set of applications requiring upgraded
hardware capacity.
Hardware Acquisition and the Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO) of Technology Assets
• The actual cost of owning technology
resources includes both direct and indirect
• TCO designates the total cost of owning
technology resources, including initial
purchase costs, the cost of hardware and
software upgrades, maintenance, technical
support, and training.
• A key to reducing TCO is to create a
comprehensive asset management plan.
• Software tools are now available to help identify
and track these technology assets.
• TCO for a PC might run up to three times the
original purchase price
• Some of these tools even show managers what
assets are breaking down and why, and when
these assets should be cycled out of service.
Monitoring Technology Trends
• Computing technology continues to change at
a blinding pace, requiring managers to
constantly monitor technology trends and
make decisions about upgrading the
organization’s information technology
• New hardware technologies can provide new
ways of organizing work and sources of new
products and services.

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Mis chapter 5

  • 2. Why Learn About Hardware? • Organizations invest in computer hardware to improve – worker productivity, – Increase revenue, – reduce costs, – provide better customer service, – speed up time-to-market, and – enable collaboration among employees. • Organizations that don’t make wise hardware investments will be stuck with outdated equipment that is unreliable and cannot take advantage of the latest software advances. • Such obsolete hardware can place an organization at a competitive disadvantage.
  • 3.
  • 4. Hardware • Any machinery (most of which uses digital circuits) that assists in the input, processing, storage, and output activities of an information system.
  • 5. COMPUTER SYSTEMS: INTEGRATING THE POWER OF TECHNOLOGY • As auto manufacturers must match the intended use of a vehicle to its components, so too must business managers select the hardware components of an effective information system. • E.g The Iowa Health System – Store and manage image data such as magnetic resonance images (MRIs). – NHS failure
  • 6. Central Processing Unit (CPU) • It is also called microprocessor or processor • The part of the computer that consists of three associated elements: the arithmetic/logic unit, the control unit, and the register areas. Arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) • Performs mathematical calculations and makes logical comparisons. Control unit • Sequentially accesses program instructions, decodes them, and coordinates the flow of data in and out of the ALU, registers, primary storage, and even secondary storage and various output devices. Register • A high-speed storage area in the CPU used to temporarily hold small units of program instructions and data immediately before, during, and after execution by the CPU. • Registers provide temporary memory storage locations within the processor.
  • 7.
  • 8. • Three kinds of buses link the CPU, primary storage, and the other devices in the computer system. • The data bus moves data to and from primary storage. • The address bus transmits signals for locating a given address in primary storage, indicating where data should be placed. • The control bus transmits signals specifying whether to read or write data to or from a given primary storage address, input device, or output device.
  • 9. CPU speed • The speed and performance of a computer’s microprocessors help determine a computer’s processing power. • The first factor is Word length: the number of bits that the computer can process at one time. – 32 bit-process 4 bytes – 64 bit process 8 bytes data at the same time
  • 10. • A second factor affecting chip speed is cycle speed – measured in megahertz • A third factor affecting speed is the data bus width. – For better performance the word length and data bus width should match
  • 11. Memory Random access memory (RAM) – A form of memory in which instructions or data can be temporarily stored. Read-only memory (ROM) – A nonvolatile form of memory. Cache memory – A type of high-speed memory that a processor can access more rapidly than main memory.
  • 12. Secondary Storage Technology Magnetic Disk • The most widely used secondary-storage medium today is magnetic disk. There are two kinds of magnetic disks: – floppy disks (used in PCs) and – hard disks (used on large commercial disk drives and PCS
  • 13. Magnetic Tape • is a type of sequential secondary storage medium, now used primarily for storing backups. • Cheaper and slower in retrieval • U.S. federal government is the largest user of magnetic tape in the world, buying over 1 million reels of tape each year
  • 14. DVD • DVD-5 (DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW) – single sided single layered – is capable of holding up to 4.37 GB worth of data and is available in each of the media formats listed in the above heading. • DVD-9 (DVD+R9 or DVD+R DL (Dual Layered)) – singled sided dual layered – DVD-9 is capable of holding up to 8.5 GB worth of data
  • 15. cont • DVD-10 (DVD-R, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW) – double sided single layered – is capable of holding up to 9.4 GB worth of data and is available in each of the media formats listed in the above heading. – It is important to understand when buying these discs they are labeled as "DVD-RW Only" or "DVD+RW Only", make sure to purchase the discs designed for your drive. • DVD-18 (DVD+R9 or DVD+R DL (Dual Layered)) – double sided dual layered, – is capable of holding up to 15.9 GB worth of data
  • 16. DVD standards • Unfortunately, unlike recordable CD drives, there are many different competing standards for creating DVD discs • DVD-R And DVD-RW arean approved standard by DVD Forum • DVD+R And DVD+RW are DVD+RW Alliance standard of disc.
  • 17. Blu Ray • The Blu-ray high-definition video-disc format based on blue-laser technology stores at least three times as much data as a DVD now holds. • The primary use for this new format is in home entertainment equipment to store high- definition video, though this format can also store computer data.
  • 18. Holographic versatile disc • Holographic versatile disc (HVD) is a holographic storage format that looks like a DVD but is capable of storing far more data. • Prototype HVD devices have been created with a capacity of 3.9 terabytes (TB) and a transfer rate of 1 gigabit per second (1 Gbps). At that capacity, an HVD could store as much information as 830 DVDs or 160 Blu-Ray discs.
  • 19. Access Method • Sequential access A retrieval method in which data must be accessed in the order in which it is stored. • Direct access A retrieval method in which data can be retrieved without the need to read and discard other data. • sequential access storage devices (SASDs) A device used to sequentially access secondary storage data. • direct access storage devices (DASDs). A device used for direct access of secondary storage data.
  • 20. Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) • A method of storing data that generates extra bits of data from existing data, allowing the system to create a “reconstruction map” so that if a hard drive fails, it can rebuild lost data. • With this approach, data is split and stored on different physical disk drives using a technique called striping to evenly distribute the data. Disk mirroring • A process of storing data that provides an exact copy that protects users fully in the event of data loss. • One application of RAID
  • 21. Enterprise Storage Options • Attached Storage • Network-Attached Storage – Storage devices that attach to a network instead of to a single computer. – NAS includes software to manage storage access and file management and relieve the users’ computers of those tasks – both application software and files can be served faster because they are not competing for the same processor resources
  • 22. • Storage Area Network – a special-purpose, high-speed network that provides direct connections between data-storage devices and computers across the enterprise – Using a SAN, an organization can centralize the people, policies, procedures, and practices
  • 23.
  • 24. Computing • Parallel computing is the simultaneous execution of the same task on multiple processors to obtain results faster.
  • 25. cont • Grid computing is the use of a collection of computers, often owned by multiple individuals or organizations, to work in a coordinated manner to solve a common problem. • Grid computing is a low-cost approach to parallel computing. • European and Asian researchers are using a grid consisting of some 40,000 computers spread across 45 countries to combat the deadly bird flu.
  • 26. Examples of grid computing • SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) @Home project – SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). – You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. • BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) – Developed by University of California, Berkeley, BOINC lets you contribute computing power on your home PC to projects doing research in many scientific areas. – BOINC is a common one for academic projects seeking public volunteers • Folding@home (abbreviated as FAH or F@h) – Understanding how proteins self-assemble (“protein folding”) is a holy grail of modern molecular biophysics.
  • 27. cont • Einstein@Home Einstein@Home is a program that uses your computer’s idle time to search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the LIGO gravitational wave detector. It also searches for radio pulsars in binary systems, using data from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. • LHC@home LHC@home is a volunteer computing program which enables you to contribute idle time on your computer to help physicists develop and exploit particle accelerators, such as CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.
  • 28. • Cloud computing involves using a giant cluster of computers that serves as a host to run applications that require high-performance computing. • Cloud computing supports a wider variety of applications than grid computing and pools computing resources so they can be managed primarily by software rather than people.
  • 30. Grid computing Cloud computing What? Grids enable access to shared computing power and storage capacity from your desktop Clouds enable access to leased computing power and storage capacity from your desktop Who provides the service? Research institutes and universities federate their services around the world through projects such as EGI-InSPIRE and the European Grid Infrastructure. Large individual companies e.g. Amazon and Microsoft and at a smaller scale, institutes and organisations deploying open source software such as Open Slate, Eucalyptus and Open Nebula. Who uses the service? Research collaborations, called "Virtual Organisations", which bring together researchers around the world working in the same field. Small to medium commercial businesses or researchers with generic IT needs Who pays for the service? Governments - providers and users are usually publicly funded research organisations, for example through National Grid Initiatives. The cloud provider pays for the computing resources; the user pays to use them Where are the computing resources? In computing centres distributed across different sites, countries and continents. The cloud providers private data centres which are often centralised in a few locations with excellent network connections and cheap electrical power.
  • 31. Why use them? - You don`t need to buy or maintain your own large computer centre - You can complete more work more quickly and tackle more difficult problems. - You can share data with your distributed team in a secure way. - You don`t need to buy or maintain your own personal computer centre - You can quickly access extra resources during peak work periods What are they useful for? Grids were designed to handle large sets of limited duration jobs that produce or use large quantities of data (e.g. the LHC and life sciences) Clouds best support long term services and longer running jobs (E.g. How do they work? Grids are an open source technology. Resource users and providers alike can understand and contribute to the management of their grid Clouds are a proprietary technology. Only the resource provider knows exactly how their cloud manages data, job queues, security requirements and so on.
  • 32. Benefits? - Collaboration: grid offers a federated platform for distributed and collective work. - Ownership : resource providers maintain ownership of the resources they contribute to the grid - Transparency: the technologies used are open source, encouraging trust and transparency. - Resilience: grids are located at multiple sites, reducing the risk in case of a failure at one site that removes significant resources from the infrastructure. - Flexibility: users can quickly outsource peaks of activity without long term commitment - Reliability: provider has financial incentive to guarantee service availability (Amazon, for example, can provide user rebates if availability drops below 99.9%) - Ease of use: relatively quick and easy for non-expert users to get started but setting up sophisticated virtual machines to support complex applications is more difficult.
  • 33. Drawbacks? - Reliability: grids rely on distributed services maintained by distributed staff, often resulting in inconsistency in reliability across individual sites, although the service itself is always available. - Complexity: grids are complicated to build and use, and currently users require some level of expertise. - Commercial: grids are generally only available for not-for-profit work, and for proof of concept in the commercial sphere - Generality: clouds do not offer many of the specific high-level services currently provided by grid technology. - Security: users with sensitive data may be reluctant to entrust it to external providers or to providers outside their borders. - Opacity: the technologies used to guarantee reliability and safety of cloud operations are not made public. - Rigidity: the cloud is generally located at a single site, which increases risk of complete cloud failure. - Provider lock-in: there’s a risk of being locked in to services provided by a very small group of suppliers. When? The concept of grids was proposed in 1995. The Open science grid (OSG) started in 1995 The EDG (European Data Grid) project began in 2001. In the late 1990`s Oracle and EMC offered early private cloud solutions . However the term cloud computing didn't gain prominence until 2007.
  • 34. Advanced input • A magnetic stripe card – stores limited amounts of data by modifying the magnetism of tiny iron-based particles contained in a band on the card. – Magnetic stripe cards are commonly used in credit cards, transportation tickets, and driver’s licenses. – the card contain any information about the cardholder in the magnetic stripe.
  • 35. • Point-of-Sale Devices – are terminals used in retail operations to enter sales information into the computer system. The POS device then computes the total charges, including tax.
  • 36. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Devices • Another type of special-purpose input/output device, the automated teller machine (ATM) • is a terminal that bank customers use to perform withdrawals and other transactions with their bank accounts. • The ATM, however, is no longer used only for cash and bank receipts. – Companies use various ATM devices, sometimes called kiosks, to support their business processes. – Some can dispense tickets, such as for airlines, concerts, and soccer games. – Some colleges use them to produce transcripts.
  • 37. Pen Input Devices • By touching the screen with a pen input device, you can activate a command or cause the computer to perform a task, enter handwritten notes, and draw objects and figures.
  • 38. Touch-Sensitive Screens • Advances in screen technology allow display screens to function as input as well as output devices • E.g windows 8 pcs
  • 39. Bar-Code Scanners • A bar-code scanner employs a laser scanner to read a bar-coded label widely used in grocery store checkouts and warehouse inventory control. • A radio frequency signal can update this memory as the status of the item changes. The data transmitted by the tag might provide identification, location information, or details about the product tagged, such as date manufactured, retail price, color, or date of purchase.
  • 40. Advanced Output Devices • Eyebud Screens • Eyebud screens are portable media devices that display video in front of one eye. • They employ optical technology that provides very high resolution and “enlarges” the video or images.
  • 41. Categories of Computers • A personal computer (PC), which is sometimes referred to as a microcomputer, is one that can be placed on a desktop or carried from room to room • A workstation also fits on a desktop but has more powerful mathematical and graphics processing capability than a PC and can perform more complicated tasks than a PC in the same amount of time. Workstations are used for scientific, engineering, and design work that requires powerful graphics or computational capabilities.
  • 42. Thin Client • A thin client is a low-cost, centrally managed computer with no extra drives, such as a CD or DVD drive, or expansion slots. • A mainframe is the largest computer, a powerhouse with massive memory and extremely rapid processing power. It is used for very large business, scientific, or military applications where a computer must handle massive amounts of data or many complicated processes.
  • 43. • A supercomputer is a highly sophisticated and powerful computer that is used for tasks requiring extremely rapid and complex calculations with hundreds of thousands of variable factors. • Supercomputers use parallel processing and can perform billions and even trillions of calculations per second, many times faster than the largest mainframe. • Server computer specifically optimized to provide software and other resources to other computers over a network.
  • 44. Capacity Planning and Scalability • Capacity planning is the process of predicting when a computer hardware system becomes saturated. • It considers factors such as the – maximum number of users that the system can accommodate, – the impact of existing and future software applications, and – performance measures such as minimum response time for processing business transactions. • Although capacity planning is performed by information system specialists, input from managers is essential.
  • 45. • Scalability refers to the ability of a computer, product, or system to expand to serve a larger number of users without breaking down. • There are several approaches to achieving scalability. – One is to scale up, replacing, for example, a small server with a larger multiprocessor server or even a mainframe. – Another approach is to scale out, which involves adding a large number of smaller servers. • The choice of approach depends on the nature of the application or set of applications requiring upgraded hardware capacity.
  • 46. Hardware Acquisition and the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Technology Assets • The actual cost of owning technology resources includes both direct and indirect costs, • TCO designates the total cost of owning technology resources, including initial purchase costs, the cost of hardware and software upgrades, maintenance, technical support, and training.
  • 47. cont • A key to reducing TCO is to create a comprehensive asset management plan. • Software tools are now available to help identify and track these technology assets. • TCO for a PC might run up to three times the original purchase price • Some of these tools even show managers what assets are breaking down and why, and when these assets should be cycled out of service.
  • 48.
  • 49. Monitoring Technology Trends • Computing technology continues to change at a blinding pace, requiring managers to constantly monitor technology trends and make decisions about upgrading the organization’s information technology infrastructure. • New hardware technologies can provide new ways of organizing work and sources of new products and services.