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Coacharya	Mastery	in	Leadership	Series	
22	January	2020	
Mental	Health	in	the	Workplace	–		
A	leadership	and	coaching	conundrum	
“The	 challenge	 of	 working	 ethically	 means	 that	 we	 will	 inevitably	
encounter	 situa>ons	 that	 require	 responses	 to	 unexpected	 issues,	
resolu>on	of	dilemmas,	and	solu>ons	to	problems.”	
ICF	Defini;on	of	Coaching	
ICF	Revised	(2019)	Code	of	Ethics	
ICF	Updated	(2019)	Core	Competency	Model	–	UCC1	and	UCC2		
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626	
Some	of	my	explora;ons	and	learnings	…	
•  David	Boud	–	Adult	Learning	Theory	–	experien;al	learning	
•  Senior	Manager	–	CCMA	–	statutory	Labour	Law	ins;tu;on	
•  Academic	and	researcher	–	map	and	territory	
•  Living	systems	thinking	–	Gregory	Bateson;	Fritjof	Capra	
•  Leadership	–	Margaret	Wheatley;	Derek	Sivers	
•  ICF	ACTP	and	MCC	–	complexity;	diversity;	quality	assurance	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626
What	perplexed	me	when	I	started	coaching	a^er	years	of	working	as	a	
psychologist	….	
What	I	heard	people	say	….	
	“	Coaches	work	with	people	who	are	well	…..	
	Counsellors/therapists/psychologists	work	with	people	with	mental	
health	issues”	
A	boundary	issue?	A	ques>on	of	territory?	
An	ethical	ques>on	-	a	ques>on	about	scope	of	prac>ce,	remit	
A	call	for	self-regula>on	in	the	world	of	
subtle	signals	uncertainty	
The	prevalence	of	mental	illness	–	The	GLOCAL	reality	
•  Mental	disorders	are	commonly	occurring	and	o^en	seriously	
impairing	in	many	countries	throughout	the	world.	The	
life;me	DSM-IV	disorder	prevalence	es;mates	(combining	
anxiety,	mood,	externalizing,	and	substance	use	disorders)	
are	18.1–36.1%	
•  According	to	the	only	representa;ve	study	conducted	so	far	
in	South	Africa,	30.3%	of	adults	will	have	suffered	from	some	
form	of	mental	disorder	in	a	life;me	
•  Media	–	movies,	DVDs,	ar;cles	in	magazines,	newspaper,	
blogs,	interest	groups.		
•  Your	Lived	experience?	
Expansion	of	treatment	could	be	cost-effec>ve	both	from	both	
employer	and	societal	perspec>ves.
On	Leadership	…	
•  Gazillions	of	textbooks,	video	clips,	theories,	models	–	all	claim	that	
they	are	right/significant.	Silver	bullet?	
•  Margaret	Wheatley	–	A	leader	is	someone	who	steps	up	to	serve	
when	the	community	has	a	need	
	Willing	to	be	disturbed	–	
•  Derek	Sivers	–	a	lone	nut	who	inspires	and	welcomes	a	first,	and	
then	more	followers	
•  The	mnemonic	game	LEADER	
•  The	metaphor	game	-	ship	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626	
Mental	Health	and	Mental	Illness	–	in	the	context	of	coaching	
If	we	say	we	are	interested	in	promo;ng	mental	health	why	is	our	
professional	language	about	mental	health	so	impoverished	and	
restricted	in	comparison	with	our	language	about	mental	illness?	
Mental	Health	–	a	defini.on	–	World	Health	Organisa.on	
Mental	health	is	a	“state	of	well-being	in	which	every	individual:	
•  realises	his	or	her	own	poten;al	
•  Can	cope	with	the	normal	stresses	of	life	
•  Can	work	produc;vely	and	fruitully	
•  Is	able	to	make	a	contribu;on	to	her	or	his	community”.	
A	resource:	WHO-AIMS	Report	of	Mental	Health	System	in	South	Africa	(2007)
ICF	Defini;on	of	Coaching	
“ICF	defines	coaching	as	partnering	with	clients	in	a	thought-
provoking	and	crea;ve	process	that	inspires	them	to	maximize	
their	personal	and	professional	poten;al.”	
Hidden	in	FAQs	-	hmps://coachfedera;	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626	
Coaching	pre-supposi>ons	
Coaches	work	with	a	clinically	well	popula;on	in	terms	of	mental	
“The	suffering	func;onal”	vs	“the	suffering	dysfunc;onal”	vs	“the	
mentally	ill”	
At	a	minimum	every	execu>ve	who	is	to	receive	coaching	should	
first	receive	a	psychological	evalua>on”	-	Berglas	cited	in	Buckley	&	
Buckley	p	12	
Func>oning	appropriately	relies	on	context	and	judgment		-	it’s	a	
construc>on	not	a	fact	
“They	were	okay	when	we	started…”
ICF	Revised	(2019)	Code	of	Ethics	
•  2015	revision	was	a	jump	the	curve	leap	–	
	No	No	No	Don’t	to	aspire	to	Be	and	Do	as	follows	….	
•  2019	con;nues	the	focus	on	how	to	show	up	as	a	professional	
•  Partnering	–	discernment;	dignity;	respect	–	trustworthiness	
Ambiguity;	uncertainty;	ever-changing	and	yet	stability-seeking	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626	
UCC1	–	Demonstrates	Ethical	Prac;ce	
Defini;on:	Understands	and	consistently	applies	coaching	ethics	and	
standards	of	coaching	
1.  	Demonstrates	personal	integrity	and	honesty	in	interac;ons	with	
clients,	sponsors	and	relevant	stakeholders	
2.  	Is	sensi;ve	to	clients'	iden;ty,	environment,	experiences,	values	
and	beliefs	
3.  	Uses	language	appropriate	and	respectul	to	clients,	sponsors	and	
relevant	stakeholders	
4.  Abides	by	the	ICF	Code	of	Ethics	and	upholds	the	Core	Values	
5.  	Maintains	confiden;ality	with	client	informa;on	per	stakeholder	
agreements	and	per;nent	laws	
6.  Maintains	the	dis;nc;ons	between	coaching,	consul;ng,	
psychotherapy	and	other	support	professions	
7.  Refers	clients	to	other	support	professionals,	as	appropriate	
Resource	-	h[ps://coachfedera>	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626
Resource	for	referral	–	ICF	Website	
UCC1	–	Demonstrates	Ethical	Prac;ce	
7.	Refers	clients	to	other	support	professionals,	as	appropriate	
Resource	-	h[ps://coachfedera>	
PDF	–	10	Top	Indicators	to	refer	a	client	to	a	mental	health	professional	
“It	is	important	to	note	that	the	appearance	of	any	one	of	these	
indicators,	except	for	#10	which	must	be	referred	and	followed	up	on	
immediately,	does	not	indicate	the	immediate	need	for	a	referral	to	a	
psychotherapist	or	community	mental	health	agency;	everyone	can	
experience	a	very	brief	episode	of	any	of	the	indicators.	However,	if	you	
see	that	several	indicators	are	emerging	and	that	the	client	is	not	
presen;ng	as	whole,	competent	and	capable	then	it	is	;me	for	a	referral	
to	a	mental	health	professional	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626	
UCC2:	2.	Embodies	a	Coaching	Mindset	
Defini;on:	Develops	and	maintains	a	mindset	that	is	open,	curious,	
flexible	and	client-centered	
1.  Acknowledges	that	clients	are	responsible	for	their	own	choices	
2.  Engages	in	ongoing	learning	and	development	as	a	coach	
3.  Develops	an	ongoing	reflec;ve	prac;ce	to	enhance	one's	coaching	
4.  Remains	aware	of	and	open	to	the	influence	of	context	and	
culture	on	self	and	others	
5.  Uses	awareness	of	self	and	one's	intui;on	to	benefit	clients	
6.  Develops	and	maintains	the	ability	to	regulate	one's	emo;ons	
Mentally	and	emo;onally	prepares	for	sessions	
7.  Seeks	help	from	outside	sources	when	necessary	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626
Ladder	of	Inference	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626	
nothing	so	
wrong	with	
	that	what’s	
right	with	us,	
can’t	fix	
Working	in	uncertainty	territory?	
The	reason	for	a	coaching	rela;onship	to	exist	is	so	that	the	client	can	
benefit.	“If	for	any	reason	–	psychological,	physical	or	prac;cal	the	
client	cannot	enter	in	to	the	rela;onship	then	it	will	fail	to	achieve	any	
expected	benefit”	Buckley	&	Buckley	p11	
Early		recogni>on:	
-  Recognise	the	signs	–	no.cing	is	sufficient.		
-  Check	–	inquire	before	you	advocate		
-  Decide	on	a	way	forward	–	for	you,	for	the	client,	for	the	coaching	
-  Contractual	obliga;ons	
-  Ethical	guidelines	
-  Prac;cal	considera;ons	
Pay	a%en(on	to	the	strength,	frequency	and	severity	of	interference,	
not	the	diagnos(c	significance	of	the	symptom	itself.
Op>ons	when	mental	illness	signs	show	up	
-	Coach	becomes		uncertain	
1.  Con;nue	to	coach	with	awareness	of	sensi;vity	/	vulnerability	
2.  Con;nue	coaching	and	add	other	support	/services	
3.  Stop	coaching	and	support	to	seek	other	services	via	referral	
4.  Ini;ate	emergency	ac;on	
What	to	ask	instead	of	rumina>ng	or	specula>ng	
Ask	yourself		3	ques;ons:	
•  To	what	extent	and	in	what	ways	can	my	coaching	help?	
(Remember	the	purpose	of	coaching	–	defini;on	and	
coaching	agreement)	
•  What	are	my	limita(ons?	(despite	my	good	inten;ons)	
•  Should	my	coaching	con(nue?	What	will	be	an	early	sign	
that	I	should	stop	coaching,	and	discuss	referral	instead?	
Adapted	from	Buckley	(2010)
What's	wise	when	faced		with	mental	
illness	in	the	coaching	context?	
CONSULT	–	share	the	dilemma	with	someone	who	has	appropriate	
authority	and	exper;se	
KEEP	NOTES	–	informa;on	and	ac;ons	NOT	OPINIONS	and	
SUPPOSITIONS.	Avoid	diagnos;c	language	
DRAW	ON	RESOURCES	–	literature;	colleagues;	exper;se	in	the	
client’s	world	eg	GP	
An	example	of	a	useful	text	–	evidence-based	prac;ce	
Alan	Carr	–	What	works	with	children,	adolescents,	and	adults?	A	
review	of	research	on	the	effec.veness	of	psychotherapy.	
Coacharya	Mastery	in	Leadership	Series	
22	January	2020	
Mental	Health	in	the	Workplace	–		
A	leadership	and	coaching	conundrum	
Thank	you	for	a[ending.	
I’d	be	glad	to	hear	of	any	experiments	you	try	and	how	they	go.	
Also	 if	 you’d	 like	 to	 learn	 more	 on	 this	 topic	 by	 a[ending	
further	online	short	courses	(ICF-CCE)	–	drop	me	an	e-mail	or	a	
Dr	Svea	van	der	Hoorn			E:	svea@solu;				M:	+27	72	533	9626

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