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Tamsin George

Existing Textual Product Analysis
           - Media AS

The colour scheme used is
black, white and red. These                                                                                  The photograph used for
colours have been chosen                                                                                     the front cover is an un-
to appeal to a bold and                                                                                      posed style image. Liam
slightly           alternative                                                                               looks very casual and this
audience. The colours are                                                                                    photo shows his cool side.
all flat and solid which give                                                                                The black and white is in
the magazine a clean and                                                                                     keeping       with      the
crisp feel.                                                                                                  black, white and red theme
                                                                                                             too. It also relates to an
                                                                                                             older style image which
On the front cover the                                                                                       could be because Liam
picture dominates it, this is                                                                                wants to be like John
so the reader is captured by                                                                                 Lennon (also shown by the
who is on the front                                                                                          glasses he is wearing). A
cover, and then want to                                                                                      high contrast has been
read more about it on the                                                                                    used which makes the
inside pages.                                                                                                photo have a professional
                                                                                                             look, reminding us of his

The fonts used are all bold
and block like, this shows a
male dominated audience                                                                                      The writing style is short
because if it was female                                                                                     and to the point. This is to
the magazine is more likely                                                                                  draw in the reader and so
to use for feminine                                                                                          they can tell easily what is
associated      fonts    like                                                                                featuring in the magazine.
Bradley script.

                                 The overall look of the magazine is bold and the simple colours give it a
                                 chic edge, making it come across as an upmarket magazine.
This is the masthead and is written in a bold red font.
   Red is usually the colour that means ATTENTION, and by                                                  The writing style on the
                                                             FRONT COVER #2
   using red it captures the users attention.                                                              front cover is short quotes
                                                                                                           or statements that are
                                                                                                           designed to hook the
   The overall look of the                                                                                 reader. The plain writing is
   front cover is busy, but                                                                                very informative and un-
   bold and easy to look at.                                                                               descript showing that the
                                                                                                           target audience want to
                                                                                                           know information and get
   A colour photograph has                                                                                 straight to the point. This
   been used for this front                                                                                suggests a male dominated
   cover, by using colour it                                                                               audience and females are
   shows that the band are                                                                                 often associated with more
   current    and      bringing                                                                            flowery, gossip like writing.
   something new to the
   music culture. It is a posed
   photograph and Alex
   Turner      is      wearing
   sunglasses to keep some                                                                                   Like on the first front
   mystery and to create a                                                                                   cover, the photograph
   barrier between him and                                                                                   of the band dominates
   the reader, reinforcing his                                                                               the majority of the
   stardom and distance                                                                                      page. This tells you
   from the average person.                                                                                  instantly which band is
   The composition of the                                                                                    featuring in the current
   photo tells us that Alex                                                                                  issue and by keeping
   Turner is the leader of the                                                                               the text limited the
   band, by putting him in                                                                                   reader wants to buy the
   front of the other band                                                                                   magazine so they can
   members we know who is                                                                                    read further into the
   in charge and of the most                                                                                 tag/headlines.

The fonts used are the same as on the previous front cover, by
keeping continuity between issues the magazine is easily               This is a second NME front cover that uses a red and black colour
recognizable and still appeals to the same male dominated              scheme. This makes the magazine easily recognizable to the regular
audience. Red font is usually associated with danger, so by using      readers and also appeals to a wide range of people.
this all over the page it gives it an edgey feel.
This is the Masthead.                 FRONT COVER #3

                                                       The photograph used is meant to
These are all cover lines, they are                    look natural and un posed, giving
all stories within the magazine                        off the impression that Florence
however do not take the main                           is a relaxed kind of person. It uses
focus, they just make the reader                       soft tones and colours to match
aware of other reading within the                      her feminine image and the
magazine other than the main                           feminine look that the magazine
headline.                                              is going for in this issue.

The overall look of this front                         The writing style is still short and
cover is gentle and feminine. This                     informative, telling you what is in
theme is compiled by use of                            the rest of the magazine. This is
colours, font and the photograph                       to keep the usual audience
of the female (Florence) as the                        interested, still keeping the male
main topic.                                            audience hooked.

The text to picture ratio still
remains the same as the previous                       The font used for the word
front covers that I looked at, the                     “Florence” is in italics, which has
picture dominates the majority of                      a more feminine and gentle feel
the cover.                                             compared to the rest of the
                                                       writing used on the front cover.
                                                       This is because it is targeting the
This front cover uses a slight                         female audience, rather than the
variation on the colour schemes                        usual block-like male associated
usually used. It’s less obtrusive                      font. It is also the lead article in
and the toned down colours give                        the magazine, you can tell this
a more feminine feel. The blue                         from the dominance of the word
textured background is softer                          over the page.
than the usual harsh flat white
used and appeals to a more
female oriented audience.
The colour scheme used is
black and white. This                               CONTENTS PAGE #1
makes the page nice and
simple and easy to
comprehend. The aim of
the page is to show
information, so being                                                                                 The masthead is centred
simple and easy to read is                                                                            showing a more formal
essential. However it is                                                                              layout but to contrast this
unusual for there to be no                                                                            the photographs showing
red in the colour scheme                                                                              each story are more
of NME. This may show                                                                                 abstract, bringing back
that they occasionally like                                                                           that unique and individual
to do something different,                                                                            feel, matching the Indie
to show their diversity.                                                                              target audience.

The photographs show
people clearly and are all                                                                            The text to image ratio is
of similar size, showing                                                                              split so that images
the different stories all                                                                             dominate most of the
have        the     equal                                                                             page, with just a short pull
importance. They are all                                                                              quote underneath them.
documentary photos (e.g.                                                                              The quote is there to
bands playing live) which                                                                             explain                 the
gives     the    magazine                                                                             picture, although the
authenticity          and                                                                             pictures are meant to be
credability.                                                                                          the key indicator to what
                                                                                                      the article is about. This
The fonts used are bold                                                                               suggests that the reader is
and easy to read. Some of                                                                             going to be well educated
the taglines are in                                                                                   in the subjects of the
italics, giving the overall                                                                           magazine and do not need
image some variation and                                                                              everything explaining to
added interest. This is                                                                               them.
unusual for an NME
magazine which usually        The overall look of this contents page is neat and organised, this is
sticks        to     more     done so that it is easy to find the article that you are looking for.
conventional      standard

The colour scheme used is
black, red and white. This
continues the usual NME
magazine colours, making                                                                              The masthead is bold and
the page fit comfortably                                                                              instantly lets the reader
into                   the                                                                            know what they can find
magazine,        creating                                                                             in this weeks issue.
continuity between the
                                                                                                      The text to image ratio is
There     is   only   one
                                                                                                      split that although the
photograph used which
                                                                                                      photograph is large and
shows      the   featuring
                                                                                                      centred,      the     text
article. You can tell that
                                                                                                      surrounding it dominates
it’s the featuring article
                                                                                                      a large proportion of the
from the dominance of
                                                                                                      page. This shows the
the photograph on the
                                                                                                      importance of the other
page. The photograph is
                                                                                                      articles, not just the
of the band playing live
                                                                                                      featuring one.
which appeals to the
target audience who like
the authenticity factor of
live music.

The fonts used are bold
and easy to read. This
makes articles easy to find
and clear to the reader.
The fonts of this contents
page also stick to the
classic NME colours of
red, white and black,
                              The overall look of this contents page is neat and organised, this is
                              done so that it is easy to find the article that you are looking for.
                                                                                     The masthead is to the
 The colour scheme used is
                                                                                     right of the page showing
 black, white and red,
                                                                                     how it has been given less
 although there are also a
                                                                                     importance this week
 number of other colours
                                                                                     over the featuring article
 used which make the page
                                                                                     of the Kaiser Chiefs.
 more      energetic    and
 playful. The consistency of
 red, white and black bring                                                          The fonts used are bold
 the image back to the                                                               and use bright colours.
 classic     NME       look.                                                         This shows a fun and
 However, the colours are                                                            casual    side to the
 muted compared to the                                                               magazine, capturing the
 bold bright colours of the                                                          reader’s attention whilst
 current NME magazines,                                                              reflecting their playful
 this in an old issue and                                                            personalities.
 shows how the magazine
 evolves with the times,                                                             Although there is one
 keeping current and up to                                                           main photograph showing
 date.                                                                               the feature article, the
                                                                                     writing dominates the
                                                                                     majority of the page
The photographs show a                                                               showing        that     the
range of bands showing                                                               information is the most
the magazines diversity.                                                             essential part of the page.
The slanted angles they
have been set at give the
magazine and informal
twist and remind me of a
football style magazine.
This reminds us that this is
a more male targeted
                               The overall look of this contents page is messy and
magazine. .
                               full of colour, giving an energetic feel to it.
The colour scheme                                                                    The photographs used on this double
                                                          DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD #1      page spread are all documentary
used    on     this
double        page                                                                   style images. The main photograph is
spread           is                                                                  of a live event, aimed at the reader of
white, black, pink                                                                   this magazine whose hobbies are
and orange. The                                                                      going to live music events.
Pink and orange
are     continued
from the main
photograph into
some of the text                                                                                        The photo to
and other smaller                                                                                       text ratio is
images across the                                                                                       almost even but
double        page                                                                                      there is slightly
spread                                                                                                  more text. This
                                                                                                        shows that the
                                                                                                        text is the main
                                                                                                        focus, but some
                                                                                                        photos are there
                                                                                                        to    give    the
                                                                                                        reader     visual
The writing style is                                                                                    information and
informal and by                                                                                         to break up the
using a sports                                                                                          page making the
related title “game                                                                                     writing easier to
on”, shows the                                                                                          digest.
magazines      male
oriented      target

                                                                                  The overall look of the page is full of
The font used is easy to read and simple. This makes                              information and pictures, and by putting
all the writing easy to follow for the reader and by                              a range of colours and some quirky
setting out the first of the pages into four columns it                           angles it gives the page a fun and
breaks it down making it more digestible.                                         interesting look, reflecting the
                                                                                  alternative target audience.
The colour scheme                                            DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD #2                                    The      photographs
used on this double                                                                                                   used on this double
page      spread      is                                                                                              page spread are all
black, white and                                                                                                      of Liam, showing his
orange. The colour                                                                                                    importance       and
scheme brings the                                                                                                     enhancing         his
page           together                                                                                               dominance over the
making      it    more                                                                                                music world. By
aesthetically                                                                                                         having       minimal
pleasing. By including                                                                                                colours     in   the
the     orange,       it                                                                                              photographs they
transforms        what                                                                                                have       an    old
would be a fairly                                                                                                     fashioned
conventional       DPS                                                                                                edge,     connecting
into        something                                                                                                 Liam with music
different           and                                                                                               history.
interesting        that
catches the eye.
The writing style is                                                                                                  The photo to text
fairly informal. By                                                                                                   ratio is almost even
having a short and                                                                                                    but there is slightly
catchy       headline                                                                                                 more      text.   By
“What’s Next For The                                                                                                  keeping this ratio
Eye” it shows that                                                                                                    almost even it gives
we are meant to                                                                                                       the             page
already know who                                                                                                      balance, making it
“The Eye” are and                                                                                                     look aesthetically
that it does not need                                                                                                 pleasing to the
explaining further.                                                By having the photographs                          reader.
                                                                   of Liam in the place where
                                                                   the headline would usually
The font used is easy to read and simple. This makes all           be found, it shows that the
the writing easy to follow for the reader and by splitting         images do all the talking
the text into manageable sized columns it gives the                themselves, and that they     The overall look of the page is clean cut
reader the opportunity to read it in sections rather than          have become the headline.     and crisp. This gives it an edge of
lumping it all in one where the reader may feel                    This shows the level of       sophistication but by using the orange
overwhelmed.                                                       stardom that Liam has.        colour it adds some more fun to it.
The colour scheme used                                                                                          The graphics used on
                                                       DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD #3                                    this DPS (double page
on this double page
spread is unusual for an                                                                                        spread) dominate most
NME page. The colours                                                                                           of the page and
have been chosen to                                                                                             instantly give the reader
reflect the album that is                                                                                       a feel of the grunge
being talked about, not                                                                                         image. This lets the
the magazine scheme                                                                                             reader              know
colours. This is to                                                                                             immediately whether or
enhance              the                                                                                        not they would be
importance of the                                                                                               interested in reading
album.               The                                                                                        the article.
blues, oranges, and
blacks     have    been
carried through from                                                                                            In this double page
the image on the                                                                                                spread there is more
left, to the text on the                                                                                        imagery               than
right which gives the                                                                                           text,              perhaps
page continuity and                                                                                             suggesting that the
making it look like a                                                                                           importance of this
piece of artwork.                                                                                               article is in the image of
                                                                                                                it and not in the actual
The writing style is
                                                                                                                writing. By making the
informal and by using a
                                                                                                                graphics dominate the
sports related title
                                                                                                                page it shows a lot of
“game on”, shows the
                                                                                                                time has gone into the
magazines         male
                                                                                                                design, highlighting the
oriented         target
                                                                                                                importance of the

The font used matches the style of the album genre.              The overall look of the page is like a piece
It’s a slanted angles and has scratch marks through              of art. The artwork continued through the
it, giving it a grunge feel. The italics used in the             double page spread would attract the
tagline give a sense of softness which contrasts the             reader to it, making it more appealing to
disturbing words.                                                read.

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Media - Existing Product Analysis

  • 1. Tamsin George Existing Textual Product Analysis - Media AS
  • 2. FRONT COVER #1 The colour scheme used is black, white and red. These The photograph used for colours have been chosen the front cover is an un- to appeal to a bold and posed style image. Liam slightly alternative looks very casual and this audience. The colours are photo shows his cool side. all flat and solid which give The black and white is in the magazine a clean and keeping with the crisp feel. black, white and red theme too. It also relates to an older style image which On the front cover the could be because Liam picture dominates it, this is wants to be like John so the reader is captured by Lennon (also shown by the who is on the front glasses he is wearing). A cover, and then want to high contrast has been read more about it on the used which makes the inside pages. photo have a professional look, reminding us of his stardom. The fonts used are all bold and block like, this shows a male dominated audience The writing style is short because if it was female and to the point. This is to the magazine is more likely draw in the reader and so to use for feminine they can tell easily what is associated fonts like featuring in the magazine. Bradley script. The overall look of the magazine is bold and the simple colours give it a chic edge, making it come across as an upmarket magazine.
  • 3. This is the masthead and is written in a bold red font. Red is usually the colour that means ATTENTION, and by The writing style on the FRONT COVER #2 using red it captures the users attention. front cover is short quotes or statements that are designed to hook the The overall look of the reader. The plain writing is front cover is busy, but very informative and un- bold and easy to look at. descript showing that the target audience want to know information and get A colour photograph has straight to the point. This been used for this front suggests a male dominated cover, by using colour it audience and females are shows that the band are often associated with more current and bringing flowery, gossip like writing. something new to the music culture. It is a posed photograph and Alex Turner is wearing sunglasses to keep some Like on the first front mystery and to create a cover, the photograph barrier between him and of the band dominates the reader, reinforcing his the majority of the stardom and distance page. This tells you from the average person. instantly which band is The composition of the featuring in the current photo tells us that Alex issue and by keeping Turner is the leader of the the text limited the band, by putting him in reader wants to buy the front of the other band magazine so they can members we know who is read further into the in charge and of the most tag/headlines. interest. The fonts used are the same as on the previous front cover, by keeping continuity between issues the magazine is easily This is a second NME front cover that uses a red and black colour recognizable and still appeals to the same male dominated scheme. This makes the magazine easily recognizable to the regular audience. Red font is usually associated with danger, so by using readers and also appeals to a wide range of people. this all over the page it gives it an edgey feel.
  • 4. This is the Masthead. FRONT COVER #3 The photograph used is meant to These are all cover lines, they are look natural and un posed, giving all stories within the magazine off the impression that Florence however do not take the main is a relaxed kind of person. It uses focus, they just make the reader soft tones and colours to match aware of other reading within the her feminine image and the magazine other than the main feminine look that the magazine headline. is going for in this issue. The overall look of this front The writing style is still short and cover is gentle and feminine. This informative, telling you what is in theme is compiled by use of the rest of the magazine. This is colours, font and the photograph to keep the usual audience of the female (Florence) as the interested, still keeping the male main topic. audience hooked. The text to picture ratio still remains the same as the previous The font used for the word front covers that I looked at, the “Florence” is in italics, which has picture dominates the majority of a more feminine and gentle feel the cover. compared to the rest of the writing used on the front cover. This is because it is targeting the This front cover uses a slight female audience, rather than the variation on the colour schemes usual block-like male associated usually used. It’s less obtrusive font. It is also the lead article in and the toned down colours give the magazine, you can tell this a more feminine feel. The blue from the dominance of the word textured background is softer over the page. than the usual harsh flat white used and appeals to a more female oriented audience.
  • 5. The colour scheme used is black and white. This CONTENTS PAGE #1 makes the page nice and simple and easy to comprehend. The aim of the page is to show information, so being The masthead is centred simple and easy to read is showing a more formal essential. However it is layout but to contrast this unusual for there to be no the photographs showing red in the colour scheme each story are more of NME. This may show abstract, bringing back that they occasionally like that unique and individual to do something different, feel, matching the Indie to show their diversity. target audience. The photographs show people clearly and are all The text to image ratio is of similar size, showing split so that images the different stories all dominate most of the have the equal page, with just a short pull importance. They are all quote underneath them. documentary photos (e.g. The quote is there to bands playing live) which explain the gives the magazine picture, although the authenticity and pictures are meant to be credability. the key indicator to what the article is about. This The fonts used are bold suggests that the reader is and easy to read. Some of going to be well educated the taglines are in in the subjects of the italics, giving the overall magazine and do not need image some variation and everything explaining to added interest. This is them. unusual for an NME magazine which usually The overall look of this contents page is neat and organised, this is sticks to more done so that it is easy to find the article that you are looking for. conventional standard fonts.
  • 6. CONTENTS PAGE #2 The colour scheme used is black, red and white. This continues the usual NME magazine colours, making The masthead is bold and the page fit comfortably instantly lets the reader into the know what they can find magazine, creating in this weeks issue. continuity between the pages. The text to image ratio is There is only one split that although the photograph used which photograph is large and shows the featuring centred, the text article. You can tell that surrounding it dominates it’s the featuring article a large proportion of the from the dominance of page. This shows the the photograph on the importance of the other page. The photograph is articles, not just the of the band playing live featuring one. which appeals to the target audience who like the authenticity factor of live music. The fonts used are bold and easy to read. This makes articles easy to find and clear to the reader. The fonts of this contents page also stick to the classic NME colours of red, white and black, The overall look of this contents page is neat and organised, this is done so that it is easy to find the article that you are looking for.
  • 7. CONTENTS PAGE #3 The masthead is to the The colour scheme used is right of the page showing black, white and red, how it has been given less although there are also a importance this week number of other colours over the featuring article used which make the page of the Kaiser Chiefs. more energetic and playful. The consistency of red, white and black bring The fonts used are bold the image back to the and use bright colours. classic NME look. This shows a fun and However, the colours are casual side to the muted compared to the magazine, capturing the bold bright colours of the reader’s attention whilst current NME magazines, reflecting their playful this in an old issue and personalities. shows how the magazine evolves with the times, Although there is one keeping current and up to main photograph showing date. the feature article, the writing dominates the majority of the page The photographs show a showing that the range of bands showing information is the most the magazines diversity. essential part of the page. The slanted angles they have been set at give the magazine and informal twist and remind me of a football style magazine. This reminds us that this is a more male targeted The overall look of this contents page is messy and magazine. . full of colour, giving an energetic feel to it.
  • 8. The colour scheme The photographs used on this double DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD #1 page spread are all documentary used on this double page style images. The main photograph is spread is of a live event, aimed at the reader of white, black, pink this magazine whose hobbies are and orange. The going to live music events. Pink and orange are continued from the main photograph into some of the text The photo to and other smaller text ratio is images across the almost even but double page there is slightly spread more text. This shows that the text is the main focus, but some photos are there to give the reader visual The writing style is information and informal and by to break up the using a sports page making the related title “game writing easier to on”, shows the digest. magazines male oriented target audience. The overall look of the page is full of The font used is easy to read and simple. This makes information and pictures, and by putting all the writing easy to follow for the reader and by a range of colours and some quirky setting out the first of the pages into four columns it angles it gives the page a fun and breaks it down making it more digestible. interesting look, reflecting the alternative target audience.
  • 9. The colour scheme DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD #2 The photographs used on this double used on this double page spread is page spread are all black, white and of Liam, showing his orange. The colour importance and scheme brings the enhancing his page together dominance over the making it more music world. By aesthetically having minimal pleasing. By including colours in the the orange, it photographs they transforms what have an old would be a fairly fashioned conventional DPS edge, connecting into something Liam with music different and history. interesting that catches the eye. The writing style is The photo to text fairly informal. By ratio is almost even having a short and but there is slightly catchy headline more text. By “What’s Next For The keeping this ratio Eye” it shows that almost even it gives we are meant to the page already know who balance, making it “The Eye” are and look aesthetically that it does not need pleasing to the explaining further. By having the photographs reader. of Liam in the place where the headline would usually The font used is easy to read and simple. This makes all be found, it shows that the the writing easy to follow for the reader and by splitting images do all the talking the text into manageable sized columns it gives the themselves, and that they The overall look of the page is clean cut reader the opportunity to read it in sections rather than have become the headline. and crisp. This gives it an edge of lumping it all in one where the reader may feel This shows the level of sophistication but by using the orange overwhelmed. stardom that Liam has. colour it adds some more fun to it.
  • 10. The colour scheme used The graphics used on DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD #3 this DPS (double page on this double page spread is unusual for an spread) dominate most NME page. The colours of the page and have been chosen to instantly give the reader reflect the album that is a feel of the grunge being talked about, not image. This lets the the magazine scheme reader know colours. This is to immediately whether or enhance the not they would be importance of the interested in reading album. The the article. blues, oranges, and blacks have been carried through from In this double page the image on the spread there is more left, to the text on the imagery than right which gives the text, perhaps page continuity and suggesting that the making it look like a importance of this piece of artwork. article is in the image of it and not in the actual The writing style is writing. By making the informal and by using a graphics dominate the sports related title page it shows a lot of “game on”, shows the time has gone into the magazines male design, highlighting the oriented target importance of the audience. spread. The font used matches the style of the album genre. The overall look of the page is like a piece It’s a slanted angles and has scratch marks through of art. The artwork continued through the it, giving it a grunge feel. The italics used in the double page spread would attract the tagline give a sense of softness which contrasts the reader to it, making it more appealing to disturbing words. read.