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The Title of NME is not central to page      I like this cover as it is bold edgy and fairly minimalist. It is
                                                                                                                   The pose that Rihanna is taking in this
 unlike most other magazines, however         advertised at the top of the page that this is in fact one of
                                                                                                                  shot is quite unusual and bold. She isn’t
  it still remains at the top of the page         a series of special issues and so people maybe more
                                                                                                                   just straight on to the camera and has
  and in the strongest area for drawing        inclined to purchase for this reason alone, people whom
                                                                                                                     quite a moody expression. I like this
peoples eye line to it. NME also change          may not usually buy the magazine or just occasionally.
                                                                                                                      image as although rather simple is
   the colour of the font for their title
                                                                                                                    striking and bold. The image also fills
  every week to tie in with the specific
                                                                                                                  the majority of the cover basically edge
 features of that issue, and in this case
                                                                                                                    to edge, which I feel works well as it
pink has been chosen to exaggerate the
                                                                                                                   minimises blank spaces and forces the
bold and feminine style of Rihanna. The
                                                                                                                   picture to be in your face. The colours
   pink also sets a colour theme which
                                                                                                                  chosen for the model and general cover
compliments the style and layout of the
                                                                                                                    are also that of about three primary
   cover, and creates the mood for the
                                                                                                                     colours of pink blue and black. The
    main feature. NME stands for new
                                                                                                                         connotation for this photo are
musical express, however the choice of
                                                                                                                  edgy, moody, rebel and possibly slightly
  just calling it NME is far more catchy
                                                                                                                     eccentric. Depicting Rihanna in this
   and striking. However from the title
                                                                                                                     manner will attract readers who are
alone it is difficult to guess at the genre
                                                                                                                  looking for modern and new music they
of the magazine unless you are already
                                                                                                                   will be expecting something edgy and
    aware, and so underneath the full
                                                                                                                  funky and also a feature that is possibly
             name is presented.
                                                                                                                       a little out there and outrageous.

 The details of the main features in the
  issue of this magazine is down to the                                                                           The barcode is discreetly to the bottom
bottom left and in quite a fallow area as                                                                              right, out of the way and fairly
 far as eye line. However this is ideal in                                                                         unnoticeable. However it is still at the
   not detracting or covering the main                                                                              front and perfectly placed for being
   image whilst still being clear to read                                                                         convenient to scan. This is in one of the
   and advertising the contents. These                                                                             most fallow areas for drawing the eye
 taglines and heading also intrigue the                                                                              and so inconspicuous at a glance.
reader to buy the magazine especially if
                                               The main heading for this issue is of the artist for the main feature and is central to the cover in a
     they are not particularly fans of
                                               prime spot to be seen. It stands out boldly against the black with the neon pink writing and is only
  Rihanna as these may tempt them to
                                               short, stating her name but affective. There is also only one main title used. Underneath the main
 purchase or read on regardless. So this
                                               heading there is also a quote taken form the feature article. By including this it offers the reader a
     extra information promotes the
                                                 little snippet of the contents and will hopefully make them intrigued enough to continue on to
     magazine to a larger audience.
                                                                                     purchase the magazine.
The title of Rolling Stone is central and at the top of the cover of this magazine in a very generic way. However the actual lettering is
partially covered by the main image, this expresses the importance of Lady Gaga as she isn’t being detracted from or obstructed at
 all, she is in the foreground. It also expresses that the magazine is well enough known that people still recognise the name without
seeing whole thing. The chosen font for the tile is rather old school America, which represents its rock and roll theme. The choice of
                                        red is also bold and contrasts well with the pale background.

                                                                                                          The photo for this cover, of lady
   The writing on the cover is all in one                                                                     Gaga, is rather simple and
    column on the left hand side of the                                                                understated, with pale colours and a
      page, with the main feature only                                                                   basic mid-shot. Even Gaga’s facial
written slightly bigger then the title for                                                            expression is rather plain and relaxed. I
the other contents. The writing is off to                                                              think the simpleness expresses Lady
the side in this ways so it doesn’t cover                                                                  Gaga’s impact on the magazine
the main image at all keeping it looking                                                              herself, as nothing dramatic is required
   bare and bold. The font is written in                                                               for her to be recognised. This photo
  red and black which follows the main                                                                     also fits with the theme of the
  colour scheme and is in keeping with                                                                  cover, being muted and clean. The
   the title. All the writing is also in the                                                           colour scheme of pastels also blends
     same font maintaining continuity.                                                                  with her pale hair and skin. There is
     The features of the magazine are                                                                  something striking about this photo
  separated with a thick black line and                                                                      (with her piercing gaze and
    remain clear whilst still minimalist.                                                              dramatically pale skin) which I would
   They are a secondary feature to the                                                                    like to capture in my own cover.
      cover photo and most important                                                                   However perhaps in a more unusual
      aspect. This list of the magazines                                                               and vivid way. The image covers the
contents is ideal for enticing the reader                                                             majority of the page grabbing interest.
with, as if they’re not fans of Lady Gaga                                                              Gaga’s appearance is also in keeping
     they can stile be lured to read on.                                                               with the rock and roll theme with her
     The main strap line for this cover                                                                       red lipstick and black bra.
       ‘Monster Goddess’ is ideal for
                                                 What I like about this cover is the almost vintage look with faded pastel shades and the fairly
   intriguing the reader. As it is clear to
                                                minimalist appearance, with the use of primarily black writing on a pale background it almost
 fans that it relates to Lady gaga, whilst
                                                reminds me of a newspaper feel. This magazine is quite unique in many respects as nowadays
     also hinting at the context of this       magazines tend to use far more vibrant and loud colours. However this colour scheme is ideal for
                    feature.                      the ‘vintage’ look which is appropriate to rock and roll, as this too is rather old fashioned.
I like this cover as it is actually quite busy and vibrant
   The Title of Q is not central to page                                                                        The choose of position for the
                                                 which would stand out on the shelf against plainer
unlike most other magazines, however
                                                  covers. Although the eye tends to be drawn away                 model of this issue is very
  it still remains at the top of the page
  and in the strongest area for drawing            from some of the main information which could             interesting and unusual as it is the
   peoples eye line to it. Q’s bold one                      detract from the key features.                   use of a long shot and with Chris
     letter title also stands out strong                                                                    balancing is a complex position. The
  against other magazines as the clear                                                                      background of the image is also very
and striking logo is easily identified and                                                                   unusual as it appears to be almost
 clear to notice. However Q chooses to                                                                        like graffiti and is incredibly dark
  keep the colour of its logo the same                                                                            and busy. Even so Chris is
each week which helps with continuity                                                                         highlighted and clear against the
however limits chose of colour scheme                                                                       back drop which is very important to
which otherwise could be more varied.                                                                        catch the readers eye to who he is.
 By keeping it the same it will become                                                                       However the fact that he is turned
  more familiar to the general market.
                                                                                                             away and looking down minimises
The title ‘Q’ itself is a little obscure and
doesn’t immediately express that it is in
                                                                                                            the chances of him being recognised
      fact a music magazine, however                                                                        when people glance at the magazine
     through its popularity and use of                                                                      maybe doesn’t promote the feature
    tagline (DISCOVER GREAT MUSIC)                                                                                    of him in this issue.
  below it is apparent to most people.

                                                                                                                 The secondary titles of this
 The main heading for this feature is                                                                       magazine are actually just as bold as
   not central to the page but off to                                                                          the main title of ‘Coldplay’ and
 one side and slanted. Although it is                                                                         seem to be of equal importance.
  positioned in this way it still stands                                                                        Although the eye is still drawn
  proud of the background and very                                                                              primarily to the Coldplay title
   clear as it contrasts well with the                                                                        because of its positioning and the
   use of white plain writing on the                                                                             other writing just provides a
dark busy background. The font type             The barcode is discreetly to the bottom left, This is in    busyness to the page. The tag line of
looks like it has been draw on with a           one of the most fallow areas for drawing the eye and           artists featured in the issue are
    pen or almost graffiti-ish which              so inconspicuous at a glance, out of the way and          along the bottom of the page which
 reflects the cool and casual attitude         fairly unnoticeable. However it is still at the front and    I think almost acts like a border and
          of the feature band.                      perfectly placed for being convenient to scan.              extra snippets of information.
To the left of the page is a band index that tells you
                                                                                                      The main contents of the magazine is
 The title of the contents reuses the        which bands are on each page. This is handy as it
                                                                                                        clearly laid out in separate sections
   main magazine title logo again to         will appeal to the audience of the magazine who
                                                                                                        with bold page numbers making it
    maintain continuity through the          are purchasing because of their interest in music
                                                                                                      quick and easy for the reader to find
magazine and constantly remind the           and bands and also advertises the extent of how
                                                                                                          the page they want. The use of
     reader which magazine they’re                        many bands are included.
                                                                                                     categories (News, radar, Reviews, Live
looking at. This title is very clear and                                                             and Features) also acts as an overview
    bold which is vital as this whole                                                                 of the general contents allowing the
 page is in the magazine to help the                                                                 reader to establish a very general view
 reader navigate and understand the                                                                  of what’s to come and directs them to
layout. This title also almost appears                                                                 the specific pages they’ll enjoy. The
 like the layout of a newspaper with                                                                 contents information in this particular
  the black and white and this title is                                                                 magazine is very generic plain and
  like a headline drawing in interest.                                                                     rather simple. However this is
                                                                                                      affective in keeping it easy to be read
                                                                                                       and understood. Although as it is so
   Central to the cover is a large image                                                              very plain it may cause some readers
  which relates to a mini article on the                                                             to skip the page and then miss out on
  contents. This is clever in holding the                                                            certain features of the magazine or be
    readers attention to the page and                                                                               uninterested.
  encouraging them to then happen to
  notice the other features. A photo is                                                              At the bottom of the page is an added
      also a quicker way of getting                                                                  red arrow which is telling us to turn to
  information across to the reader and                                                                  a particular page for the ‘No.1 Gig
 suggesting to them possible themes or
                                                                                                        Guide’ The use of the term no.1 is
further pages that may make them wish
                                                                                                      there to make it seem the very best
          to buy the magazine.
                                                                                                        and ultimate so more exciting. By
                                                                                                          placing it in a arrow it will also
   At the bottom of the page is an advert that encourages the reader to subscribe to the             subconsciously hint t to the reader to
 magazine. Although the main colour scheme for the page is red and black this advert uses              turn over and notice further pages.
   bright yellow for the font, which causes it to stand out and contrast against everything          This emphasised piece also draws the
    else, drawing the eye. The advert only includes the main aspects of the offer like the              readers attention to this paticular
  price/where to go for further information and so restricts having a chunk of information               aspect that they may otherwise
    that would put the reader off. A photo is also used to add interest and act as a ploy.                            overlook.
The main title for this page is simple      Images featured on the page include those of the
                                                                                                     The main image for the cover is of quite a
   Contents keeping it plain and simple        double spreads within that actual issue, which are
                                                                                                       rowdy and exciting looking gig that has
      with an added follow up title of             there to interest the reader and make them         happened and relates to one of the main
     ‘Kerrang this week’ so people are        intrigued to go and actually check them out. People         features. This photo fills half of the
 clearly informed of the purpose of this       flicking to the contents before deciding to buy the       contents page, almost being taken as
   page. This is incredibly important as       magazine may also notice these and be persuaded.      more important than the information as it
      this page is absolutely crucial in
                                                                                                      draws peoples interest in and gets them
 encouraging the reader to continue on
                                                                                                        excited about the features inside. The
   to other pages and be able to easily
                                                                                                       photo is also responsible for setting the
 negotiate the magazine. The choice of
                                                                                                     general mood and tone for the rest of the
 the colour yellow and the font chosen
                                                                                                     magazine as it portrays the world of music
  is the same as that used on the cover
                                                                                                      as being bold and outrageous, reflecting
     and for both titles. This maintains
                                                                                                       the chosen bands and songs within the
continuity through the magazine, sticks
                                                                                                     magazine and also will draw in the reader
 to a theme which is more appealing to
                                                                                                        who is also interested in this style. By
the eye and gives the magazine a better
                                                                                                        showing the image of a gig it may also
              sense of identity.
                                                                                                       encourage the reader to which to book
To the bottom left of the magazine, in a                                                             one which they are able to do through the
small place out the way, is a little detail                                                                            magazine
 from the editor with his outline of this
issue and casual thoughts and opinions
   presented in quite a chatty manner.                                                                   At the bottom right of the page is an
   This gives the reader almost a little                                                               advert encouraging readers to subscribe
    introduction to the magazine and                                                                   to the magazine. This is in a contrasting
hopefully makes them feel in tune with                                                                   red box that stands out against other
what’s going on and involved on a more                                                                    elements of the page and also has
   personal level. From reading this a                                                                  example photos to act as visual aids to
person is also able to establish a feel for                                                           encourage them further. The information
     the magazine and are hopefully                                                                    of the subscription is minimal so it stays
encouraged from this to buy or read on.                                                               clear and bold without putting the reader
                                                                                                       off with loads of writing. There is also a
 The main information for this page is laid out in clear columns with category headings and          number so that people who are interested
  bold page numbers. This makes the page functional and user friendly as the reader can                         can ring in to subscribe
  easily be directed to the sections they will be most interested in and won’t be put off or         immediately, without them even having to
confused by the design. Even though fairly simple in this section it stills remains interesting         go to another page, in which time they
          with added photos of the main features that make the key bits stand out.                         may forget or won’t be bothered.
What I like about this contents is that it isn’t fussy
                                                                                                        There is only one picture used on the
    The title for this page is simply        or messy but very minimalist and quite striking with
                                                                                                        entire contents page and the picture
     ‘contents’ keeping it clear and          the hard look of Valensi. It acts as almost another
                                                                                                        fills and overwhelms the entire page.
  obvious. It also incorporates the Q             cover page with the limited text or other
                                                                                                        This draws importance to the person
 logo into the top left of the page to        images, and I think I wouldn’t use this style in my
                                                                                                       featured, showing there importance to
remind the reader of what magazine            own magazine, however I’d aim to keep it simple.
                                                                                                          the issue and addressing this to the
  they’re actually reading and keeps
                                                                                                              reader. It also keeps the page
  continuity through the pages as it
                                                                                                           minimalist which is successful in a
    continues through with the red
                                                                                                           maintaining a clean and organised
     theme. The main heading also
                                                                                                         look. The photo also includes a man
  contracts with the rest of the page
                                                                                                         wearing dark clothes that also tie in
 with the use of the white, making it
                                                                                                        with the general colour scheme of the
    more striking and bold. On the
                                                                                                        magazine which is mainly that of red
heading is also the date of the issue
                                                                                                        white and black. The facial expression
           and issue number.
                                                                                                        of the man is rather stern and hostile
                                                                                                          which could be quite off putting to
                                                                                                           look at. However it symbolises the
    The main text of the contents is
                                                                                                           attitude of this man ‘Nick’ and the
 encased in a red box at the top left of
                                                                                                         tone of the featured article allowing
 the page. The vibrant colour causes it
  to stand out as the main part of the                                                                   the reader to gather what to expect.
    page, especially against the dull
background. The title of this box is ‘100                                                              At the very bottom of the page and fairly
greatest albums ever’ emphasising and                                                                  unseen is a quote by Nick Valensi, which
exaggerating the must se appeal. Then                                                                  acts as a snippet of the main article and
 there is just a list of the main features                                                                feature. It aims to shock ‘I fart in your
 and articles in this issue with relevant                                                                    direction’ whilst create a sense of
              page numbers.                                                                              confusion and intrigue in going to this
                                                                                                       page. The fact this quote is in a white box
                                                                                                               causes it to stand out like the
 The bottom half of the contents information is of the general articles that appear in the              title, highlights importance and helps to
 magazine every week. To express their less importance they are simply against the back                    draw the eye. It gives the reader an
background and lower on the page, and so are far less prominent. Although they still have                   insight into Valensi’s character and
 clearly labelled page numbers and are laid out in a clear manner that aids the reader in                 introduces him to those that may not
        negotiating the magazine easily to find the sections that will appeal most.                                recognise him already.
The main photo for this spread      The title for this feature and main page of the magazine is the use of a quote from the interviewed band to
   takes up about half the page        absorb people straight in to article. It also doesn’t just simple state what the article includes but is fairly
and blends in to the background     ambiguous so to encourage the reader to be intrigued to continue on. To the to left of the page there is also
of the text. Images are covering      a tag line saying ‘WORLD EXCLUSIVE’ this emphasises the excitement and impact of the feature and adds
    about three quarters of the        appeal to the magazine as the reader feels they’re learning fresh gossip. The title and tag line are also in
 entire article. The chosen main       keeping with the colour scheme, however the tag line stands out considerably being a bright red square
    image is of one of the band                              against the plain black, drawing the eye to the important detail.
    members on stage with his
   microphone looking down. I                                                                                               The tone for the article is
      think the look this image                                                                                             actually quite formal and
   portrays is that of a rock and                                                                                                serious as it is being
  punk theme, quite casual and                                                                                               informative and concise.
sets the mood as being that of a                                                                                              It includes quotes from
      chilled and fairly sombre                                                                                                   the band members
       atmosphere. The use of                                                                                               themselves so the reader
 greyscale across all the images                                                                                               establishes insight into
 ties them together and doesn’t                                                                                               details of their life, and
  incorporate too many colours                                                                                              reveal several bits of new
  that would interfere with the                                                                                                information about the
  main colour scheme or make                                                                                                   bands come back. The
     the magazine look messy.                                                                                                article isn’t actually that
   Having just the main colours                                                                                               long and so doesn’t put
   black white and red also fits                                                                                                the reader off, by not
  with the punky genre and the                                                                                                   filling the page. And
    greyscale images also gives                                                                                                further information of
them a vintage type ‘old school’                                                                                            the band is also probably
feel. None of the photos feature                                                                                                spread out to further
 someone staring directly at the                                                                                                          pages.
   camera either. Which I think
  establishes a sense of intrigue
      and hidden thoughts and       At the side of the article is a selection of a few of MCR’s songs from their new album, and some reviews of
     feelings that hopefully the     them. By adding these into the magazine it provides the readers, who are likely to be fans of this band, a
  article will reveal. By keeping   secret snippet into what’s to, come and also informs them if the songs will appeal or not. By incorporating
     the pictures simple it also    this into the double page spread, it acts as extra advertising for the band, adds contrast to the page against
 encourages the reader to focus          the main lengthy article with dark background (with the black background.) Whilst also making the
   on the crucial content of the      information into more than just a simple passage and into the main feature, by having the extra detail.
          information itself.
The background text for this piece and one of the main headings is ‘USA’ and although the largest font of the
   The image on this page is the      page its in a faded grey, and takes a back seat against the title ‘Got the love’ which is in jet black and central
  main focus of the feature as it    to the right page, in away that draws the eye. The ‘USA’ title is also partly obscured by the image and so isn’t
      fills half the spread and is    clear to read, implying its secondary importance. It does however give hints as to the content of the article
   incredibly striking against the   and adds intrigue, just as does the heading ‘got the love’ as it makes the reader question if its simply quoting
     pale background. The pose           her song or if secret info. is given on her love life, making them read on and become truly interested.
taken up by Florence is actually
     quite suggestive and a little
raunchy, with her slightly lifting
                                                                                                                              Before the main article
   her leg in her short dress and
                                                                                                                                 itself is a section of
      high shoes. She is staring
                                                                                                                              slightly larger font, a bit
    directly at the camera with a
                                                                                                                               like an introduction to
  slight pouting expression, she
                                                                                                                             the subjects of the piece.
  looks confident and bold. The
                                                                                                                                 This little snippet is
   choice of this pose is possibly
                                                                                                                              rather ambiguous with
    expressing a slightly naughty
                                                                                                                                the phrase ‘So why is
     and daring side to her that
                                                                                                                                Florence on the floor
     people may not have seen
                                                                                                                              attacking herself?’ the
      before. The red and white
                                                                                                                                 purpose of this is to
  striped cover she is sat on fits
                                                                                                                                baffle and entice the
     with the image of sexy and
                                                                                                                             reader, as well as causing
quite domineering woman. Red
                                                                                                                               the reader to take this
  is also associated with love, in
                                                                                                                             image literally and create
       keeping with one of the
                                                                                                                               an image in their mind
     headings, a quote from her
                                                                                                                                 that seems odd and
 song. The photo seems to set a
                                                                                                                                    enthrals them.
 colour scheme for this page as
being black red and white. With
 all the true colour coming from
   the image alone, drawing the       The main article for this piece has a very casual and quirky tone. It describes the interview with Florence in
eye. Florence’s hair is even a red    quite a lot of detail and in a light hearted and playful way, picking out quotes of the all the funny one liners
 shade which also incorporates       she’s made. By compiling the article in this manner it gives the reader a sense that they are reading a behind-
    nicely into the theme and as       the-scenes, exclusive and personal article. This is especially appealing to her fans as they will be excited to
 one of her signature features it     hear about Florence as a character, and will also be insightful to those who know very little and will be able
   is cleverly emphasised in this    to establish a lot about her maybe become interested. The article isn’t actually that long and takes up a mere
                   way.              quarter of the spread. However this is successful in being able to provide an adequate amount of information
                                                                             without loosing the readers interest.
There is a single image on this                                                                                             The main writing of this
double page spread which takes       Items used to break up the block of text is a quote in bold which gives the reader       feature is laid out in a
   up two thirds of the feature.         a glimpse of the key contents of the article and draws their attention to           interview style with the
 The image is of the band ‘The           interesting parts they may otherwise miss or overlook. These pieces are              questions asked to the
  Black Eyed Peas’ and three of        emphasised and add interest to the article. The use of the arrows at the top of         band and then their
 the band members are rather              the text almost subconsciously encourage the reader to begin reading.                 relevant responses.
    faded into the background                                                                                               Laying it out in this ways
however one stands out clearly                                                                                                 allows the reader to
 and bold against the rest. The                                                                                              establish a great deal of
poses of the members are very                                                                                                  information in more
        confident and quite                                                                                                 concise manner without
   intimidating, expressing the                                                                                              the use of unnecessary
 genre and tone of there music                                                                                                 description, and also
and personalities, bold and out-                                                                                              means that the reader
  there. The costumes they are                                                                                              learns the exact wording
wearing follow a primarily gold                                                                                             the answers were in and
      brown and white colour                                                                                                will feel they are gaining
  scheme, which is matched by                                                                                                 detailed and exclusive
 the colour of the title font and                                                                                          information straight from
arrows. The connotations of the                                                                                               the source. The use of
         gold is the idea of                                                                                               quotes greatly appeals to
superiority, displayed well with                                                                                                  fans as they are
    the fact that this one band                                                                                              interested in all aspects
member is in front of the others                                                                                               of the group and will
  in focus and covered in gold.                                                                                                 enjoy learning their
   This implies to the audience                                                                                                actual opinions and
straight away that he is likely to                                                                                           thoughts as apposed to
    be the focus or lead of this                                                                                           ones often speculated by
               piece.                                                                                                                the press.

 The main title of this feature is in the form of the question ‘Will he won’t he?’ Which also invites the reader to speculate on the possible topic
 and then be intrigued as to the possible details. This is more effective in encouraging the reader to actually read the entire article as it doesn’t
  simply state what its about, which may cause them to feel they don’t need to bother to read on or may loose their interest before they even
   bother. The colour of the font fits with the colour of scheme of the page maintaining continuity and the bold choice of font also reflects the
 techno outgoings band style. Underneath the main title there is also a summary of the article to give the reader further insight and persuasion
still without exposing too much about details of the article. This writing is over the image however in a fallow and fairly unimportant region that
                                                        doesn’t detract from the main image.

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Magazine Analysis

  • 1. The Title of NME is not central to page I like this cover as it is bold edgy and fairly minimalist. It is The pose that Rihanna is taking in this unlike most other magazines, however advertised at the top of the page that this is in fact one of shot is quite unusual and bold. She isn’t it still remains at the top of the page a series of special issues and so people maybe more just straight on to the camera and has and in the strongest area for drawing inclined to purchase for this reason alone, people whom quite a moody expression. I like this peoples eye line to it. NME also change may not usually buy the magazine or just occasionally. image as although rather simple is the colour of the font for their title striking and bold. The image also fills every week to tie in with the specific the majority of the cover basically edge features of that issue, and in this case to edge, which I feel works well as it pink has been chosen to exaggerate the minimises blank spaces and forces the bold and feminine style of Rihanna. The picture to be in your face. The colours pink also sets a colour theme which chosen for the model and general cover compliments the style and layout of the are also that of about three primary cover, and creates the mood for the colours of pink blue and black. The main feature. NME stands for new connotation for this photo are musical express, however the choice of edgy, moody, rebel and possibly slightly just calling it NME is far more catchy eccentric. Depicting Rihanna in this and striking. However from the title manner will attract readers who are alone it is difficult to guess at the genre looking for modern and new music they of the magazine unless you are already will be expecting something edgy and aware, and so underneath the full funky and also a feature that is possibly name is presented. a little out there and outrageous. The details of the main features in the issue of this magazine is down to the The barcode is discreetly to the bottom bottom left and in quite a fallow area as right, out of the way and fairly far as eye line. However this is ideal in unnoticeable. However it is still at the not detracting or covering the main front and perfectly placed for being image whilst still being clear to read convenient to scan. This is in one of the and advertising the contents. These most fallow areas for drawing the eye taglines and heading also intrigue the and so inconspicuous at a glance. reader to buy the magazine especially if The main heading for this issue is of the artist for the main feature and is central to the cover in a they are not particularly fans of prime spot to be seen. It stands out boldly against the black with the neon pink writing and is only Rihanna as these may tempt them to short, stating her name but affective. There is also only one main title used. Underneath the main purchase or read on regardless. So this heading there is also a quote taken form the feature article. By including this it offers the reader a extra information promotes the little snippet of the contents and will hopefully make them intrigued enough to continue on to magazine to a larger audience. purchase the magazine.
  • 2. The title of Rolling Stone is central and at the top of the cover of this magazine in a very generic way. However the actual lettering is partially covered by the main image, this expresses the importance of Lady Gaga as she isn’t being detracted from or obstructed at all, she is in the foreground. It also expresses that the magazine is well enough known that people still recognise the name without seeing whole thing. The chosen font for the tile is rather old school America, which represents its rock and roll theme. The choice of red is also bold and contrasts well with the pale background. The photo for this cover, of lady The writing on the cover is all in one Gaga, is rather simple and column on the left hand side of the understated, with pale colours and a page, with the main feature only basic mid-shot. Even Gaga’s facial written slightly bigger then the title for expression is rather plain and relaxed. I the other contents. The writing is off to think the simpleness expresses Lady the side in this ways so it doesn’t cover Gaga’s impact on the magazine the main image at all keeping it looking herself, as nothing dramatic is required bare and bold. The font is written in for her to be recognised. This photo red and black which follows the main also fits with the theme of the colour scheme and is in keeping with cover, being muted and clean. The the title. All the writing is also in the colour scheme of pastels also blends same font maintaining continuity. with her pale hair and skin. There is The features of the magazine are something striking about this photo separated with a thick black line and (with her piercing gaze and remain clear whilst still minimalist. dramatically pale skin) which I would They are a secondary feature to the like to capture in my own cover. cover photo and most important However perhaps in a more unusual aspect. This list of the magazines and vivid way. The image covers the contents is ideal for enticing the reader majority of the page grabbing interest. with, as if they’re not fans of Lady Gaga Gaga’s appearance is also in keeping they can stile be lured to read on. with the rock and roll theme with her The main strap line for this cover red lipstick and black bra. ‘Monster Goddess’ is ideal for What I like about this cover is the almost vintage look with faded pastel shades and the fairly intriguing the reader. As it is clear to minimalist appearance, with the use of primarily black writing on a pale background it almost fans that it relates to Lady gaga, whilst reminds me of a newspaper feel. This magazine is quite unique in many respects as nowadays also hinting at the context of this magazines tend to use far more vibrant and loud colours. However this colour scheme is ideal for feature. the ‘vintage’ look which is appropriate to rock and roll, as this too is rather old fashioned.
  • 3. I like this cover as it is actually quite busy and vibrant The Title of Q is not central to page The choose of position for the which would stand out on the shelf against plainer unlike most other magazines, however covers. Although the eye tends to be drawn away model of this issue is very it still remains at the top of the page and in the strongest area for drawing from some of the main information which could interesting and unusual as it is the peoples eye line to it. Q’s bold one detract from the key features. use of a long shot and with Chris letter title also stands out strong balancing is a complex position. The against other magazines as the clear background of the image is also very and striking logo is easily identified and unusual as it appears to be almost clear to notice. However Q chooses to like graffiti and is incredibly dark keep the colour of its logo the same and busy. Even so Chris is each week which helps with continuity highlighted and clear against the however limits chose of colour scheme back drop which is very important to which otherwise could be more varied. catch the readers eye to who he is. By keeping it the same it will become However the fact that he is turned more familiar to the general market. away and looking down minimises The title ‘Q’ itself is a little obscure and doesn’t immediately express that it is in the chances of him being recognised fact a music magazine, however when people glance at the magazine through its popularity and use of maybe doesn’t promote the feature tagline (DISCOVER GREAT MUSIC) of him in this issue. below it is apparent to most people. The secondary titles of this The main heading for this feature is magazine are actually just as bold as not central to the page but off to the main title of ‘Coldplay’ and one side and slanted. Although it is seem to be of equal importance. positioned in this way it still stands Although the eye is still drawn proud of the background and very primarily to the Coldplay title clear as it contrasts well with the because of its positioning and the use of white plain writing on the other writing just provides a dark busy background. The font type The barcode is discreetly to the bottom left, This is in busyness to the page. The tag line of looks like it has been draw on with a one of the most fallow areas for drawing the eye and artists featured in the issue are pen or almost graffiti-ish which so inconspicuous at a glance, out of the way and along the bottom of the page which reflects the cool and casual attitude fairly unnoticeable. However it is still at the front and I think almost acts like a border and of the feature band. perfectly placed for being convenient to scan. extra snippets of information.
  • 4. To the left of the page is a band index that tells you The main contents of the magazine is The title of the contents reuses the which bands are on each page. This is handy as it clearly laid out in separate sections main magazine title logo again to will appeal to the audience of the magazine who with bold page numbers making it maintain continuity through the are purchasing because of their interest in music quick and easy for the reader to find magazine and constantly remind the and bands and also advertises the extent of how the page they want. The use of reader which magazine they’re many bands are included. categories (News, radar, Reviews, Live looking at. This title is very clear and and Features) also acts as an overview bold which is vital as this whole of the general contents allowing the page is in the magazine to help the reader to establish a very general view reader navigate and understand the of what’s to come and directs them to layout. This title also almost appears the specific pages they’ll enjoy. The like the layout of a newspaper with contents information in this particular the black and white and this title is magazine is very generic plain and like a headline drawing in interest. rather simple. However this is affective in keeping it easy to be read and understood. Although as it is so Central to the cover is a large image very plain it may cause some readers which relates to a mini article on the to skip the page and then miss out on contents. This is clever in holding the certain features of the magazine or be readers attention to the page and uninterested. encouraging them to then happen to notice the other features. A photo is At the bottom of the page is an added also a quicker way of getting red arrow which is telling us to turn to information across to the reader and a particular page for the ‘No.1 Gig suggesting to them possible themes or Guide’ The use of the term no.1 is further pages that may make them wish there to make it seem the very best to buy the magazine. and ultimate so more exciting. By placing it in a arrow it will also At the bottom of the page is an advert that encourages the reader to subscribe to the subconsciously hint t to the reader to magazine. Although the main colour scheme for the page is red and black this advert uses turn over and notice further pages. bright yellow for the font, which causes it to stand out and contrast against everything This emphasised piece also draws the else, drawing the eye. The advert only includes the main aspects of the offer like the readers attention to this paticular price/where to go for further information and so restricts having a chunk of information aspect that they may otherwise that would put the reader off. A photo is also used to add interest and act as a ploy. overlook.
  • 5. The main title for this page is simple Images featured on the page include those of the The main image for the cover is of quite a Contents keeping it plain and simple double spreads within that actual issue, which are rowdy and exciting looking gig that has with an added follow up title of there to interest the reader and make them happened and relates to one of the main ‘Kerrang this week’ so people are intrigued to go and actually check them out. People features. This photo fills half of the clearly informed of the purpose of this flicking to the contents before deciding to buy the contents page, almost being taken as page. This is incredibly important as magazine may also notice these and be persuaded. more important than the information as it this page is absolutely crucial in draws peoples interest in and gets them encouraging the reader to continue on excited about the features inside. The to other pages and be able to easily photo is also responsible for setting the negotiate the magazine. The choice of general mood and tone for the rest of the the colour yellow and the font chosen magazine as it portrays the world of music is the same as that used on the cover as being bold and outrageous, reflecting and for both titles. This maintains the chosen bands and songs within the continuity through the magazine, sticks magazine and also will draw in the reader to a theme which is more appealing to who is also interested in this style. By the eye and gives the magazine a better showing the image of a gig it may also sense of identity. encourage the reader to which to book To the bottom left of the magazine, in a one which they are able to do through the small place out the way, is a little detail magazine from the editor with his outline of this issue and casual thoughts and opinions presented in quite a chatty manner. At the bottom right of the page is an This gives the reader almost a little advert encouraging readers to subscribe introduction to the magazine and to the magazine. This is in a contrasting hopefully makes them feel in tune with red box that stands out against other what’s going on and involved on a more elements of the page and also has personal level. From reading this a example photos to act as visual aids to person is also able to establish a feel for encourage them further. The information the magazine and are hopefully of the subscription is minimal so it stays encouraged from this to buy or read on. clear and bold without putting the reader off with loads of writing. There is also a The main information for this page is laid out in clear columns with category headings and number so that people who are interested bold page numbers. This makes the page functional and user friendly as the reader can can ring in to subscribe easily be directed to the sections they will be most interested in and won’t be put off or immediately, without them even having to confused by the design. Even though fairly simple in this section it stills remains interesting go to another page, in which time they with added photos of the main features that make the key bits stand out. may forget or won’t be bothered.
  • 6. What I like about this contents is that it isn’t fussy There is only one picture used on the The title for this page is simply or messy but very minimalist and quite striking with entire contents page and the picture ‘contents’ keeping it clear and the hard look of Valensi. It acts as almost another fills and overwhelms the entire page. obvious. It also incorporates the Q cover page with the limited text or other This draws importance to the person logo into the top left of the page to images, and I think I wouldn’t use this style in my featured, showing there importance to remind the reader of what magazine own magazine, however I’d aim to keep it simple. the issue and addressing this to the they’re actually reading and keeps reader. It also keeps the page continuity through the pages as it minimalist which is successful in a continues through with the red maintaining a clean and organised theme. The main heading also look. The photo also includes a man contracts with the rest of the page wearing dark clothes that also tie in with the use of the white, making it with the general colour scheme of the more striking and bold. On the magazine which is mainly that of red heading is also the date of the issue white and black. The facial expression and issue number. of the man is rather stern and hostile which could be quite off putting to look at. However it symbolises the The main text of the contents is attitude of this man ‘Nick’ and the encased in a red box at the top left of tone of the featured article allowing the page. The vibrant colour causes it to stand out as the main part of the the reader to gather what to expect. page, especially against the dull background. The title of this box is ‘100 At the very bottom of the page and fairly greatest albums ever’ emphasising and unseen is a quote by Nick Valensi, which exaggerating the must se appeal. Then acts as a snippet of the main article and there is just a list of the main features feature. It aims to shock ‘I fart in your and articles in this issue with relevant direction’ whilst create a sense of page numbers. confusion and intrigue in going to this page. The fact this quote is in a white box causes it to stand out like the The bottom half of the contents information is of the general articles that appear in the title, highlights importance and helps to magazine every week. To express their less importance they are simply against the back draw the eye. It gives the reader an background and lower on the page, and so are far less prominent. Although they still have insight into Valensi’s character and clearly labelled page numbers and are laid out in a clear manner that aids the reader in introduces him to those that may not negotiating the magazine easily to find the sections that will appeal most. recognise him already.
  • 7. The main photo for this spread The title for this feature and main page of the magazine is the use of a quote from the interviewed band to takes up about half the page absorb people straight in to article. It also doesn’t just simple state what the article includes but is fairly and blends in to the background ambiguous so to encourage the reader to be intrigued to continue on. To the to left of the page there is also of the text. Images are covering a tag line saying ‘WORLD EXCLUSIVE’ this emphasises the excitement and impact of the feature and adds about three quarters of the appeal to the magazine as the reader feels they’re learning fresh gossip. The title and tag line are also in entire article. The chosen main keeping with the colour scheme, however the tag line stands out considerably being a bright red square image is of one of the band against the plain black, drawing the eye to the important detail. members on stage with his microphone looking down. I The tone for the article is think the look this image actually quite formal and portrays is that of a rock and serious as it is being punk theme, quite casual and informative and concise. sets the mood as being that of a It includes quotes from chilled and fairly sombre the band members atmosphere. The use of themselves so the reader greyscale across all the images establishes insight into ties them together and doesn’t details of their life, and incorporate too many colours reveal several bits of new that would interfere with the information about the main colour scheme or make bands come back. The the magazine look messy. article isn’t actually that Having just the main colours long and so doesn’t put black white and red also fits the reader off, by not with the punky genre and the filling the page. And greyscale images also gives further information of them a vintage type ‘old school’ the band is also probably feel. None of the photos feature spread out to further someone staring directly at the pages. camera either. Which I think establishes a sense of intrigue and hidden thoughts and At the side of the article is a selection of a few of MCR’s songs from their new album, and some reviews of feelings that hopefully the them. By adding these into the magazine it provides the readers, who are likely to be fans of this band, a article will reveal. By keeping secret snippet into what’s to, come and also informs them if the songs will appeal or not. By incorporating the pictures simple it also this into the double page spread, it acts as extra advertising for the band, adds contrast to the page against encourages the reader to focus the main lengthy article with dark background (with the black background.) Whilst also making the on the crucial content of the information into more than just a simple passage and into the main feature, by having the extra detail. information itself.
  • 8. The background text for this piece and one of the main headings is ‘USA’ and although the largest font of the The image on this page is the page its in a faded grey, and takes a back seat against the title ‘Got the love’ which is in jet black and central main focus of the feature as it to the right page, in away that draws the eye. The ‘USA’ title is also partly obscured by the image and so isn’t fills half the spread and is clear to read, implying its secondary importance. It does however give hints as to the content of the article incredibly striking against the and adds intrigue, just as does the heading ‘got the love’ as it makes the reader question if its simply quoting pale background. The pose her song or if secret info. is given on her love life, making them read on and become truly interested. taken up by Florence is actually quite suggestive and a little raunchy, with her slightly lifting Before the main article her leg in her short dress and itself is a section of high shoes. She is staring slightly larger font, a bit directly at the camera with a like an introduction to slight pouting expression, she the subjects of the piece. looks confident and bold. The This little snippet is choice of this pose is possibly rather ambiguous with expressing a slightly naughty the phrase ‘So why is and daring side to her that Florence on the floor people may not have seen attacking herself?’ the before. The red and white purpose of this is to striped cover she is sat on fits baffle and entice the with the image of sexy and reader, as well as causing quite domineering woman. Red the reader to take this is also associated with love, in image literally and create keeping with one of the an image in their mind headings, a quote from her that seems odd and song. The photo seems to set a enthrals them. colour scheme for this page as being black red and white. With all the true colour coming from the image alone, drawing the The main article for this piece has a very casual and quirky tone. It describes the interview with Florence in eye. Florence’s hair is even a red quite a lot of detail and in a light hearted and playful way, picking out quotes of the all the funny one liners shade which also incorporates she’s made. By compiling the article in this manner it gives the reader a sense that they are reading a behind- nicely into the theme and as the-scenes, exclusive and personal article. This is especially appealing to her fans as they will be excited to one of her signature features it hear about Florence as a character, and will also be insightful to those who know very little and will be able is cleverly emphasised in this to establish a lot about her maybe become interested. The article isn’t actually that long and takes up a mere way. quarter of the spread. However this is successful in being able to provide an adequate amount of information without loosing the readers interest.
  • 9. There is a single image on this The main writing of this double page spread which takes Items used to break up the block of text is a quote in bold which gives the reader feature is laid out in a up two thirds of the feature. a glimpse of the key contents of the article and draws their attention to interview style with the The image is of the band ‘The interesting parts they may otherwise miss or overlook. These pieces are questions asked to the Black Eyed Peas’ and three of emphasised and add interest to the article. The use of the arrows at the top of band and then their the band members are rather the text almost subconsciously encourage the reader to begin reading. relevant responses. faded into the background Laying it out in this ways however one stands out clearly allows the reader to and bold against the rest. The establish a great deal of poses of the members are very information in more confident and quite concise manner without intimidating, expressing the the use of unnecessary genre and tone of there music description, and also and personalities, bold and out- means that the reader there. The costumes they are learns the exact wording wearing follow a primarily gold the answers were in and brown and white colour will feel they are gaining scheme, which is matched by detailed and exclusive the colour of the title font and information straight from arrows. The connotations of the the source. The use of gold is the idea of quotes greatly appeals to superiority, displayed well with fans as they are the fact that this one band interested in all aspects member is in front of the others of the group and will in focus and covered in gold. enjoy learning their This implies to the audience actual opinions and straight away that he is likely to thoughts as apposed to be the focus or lead of this ones often speculated by piece. the press. The main title of this feature is in the form of the question ‘Will he won’t he?’ Which also invites the reader to speculate on the possible topic and then be intrigued as to the possible details. This is more effective in encouraging the reader to actually read the entire article as it doesn’t simply state what its about, which may cause them to feel they don’t need to bother to read on or may loose their interest before they even bother. The colour of the font fits with the colour of scheme of the page maintaining continuity and the bold choice of font also reflects the techno outgoings band style. Underneath the main title there is also a summary of the article to give the reader further insight and persuasion still without exposing too much about details of the article. This writing is over the image however in a fallow and fairly unimportant region that doesn’t detract from the main image.