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MAY 2012                        VOLUME I, ISSUE 5

    The Voice Online

On Christian duty
                                   Could there be a better           Luther, has a Table of
                                   example of “duty” than in the     Duties. We could print it here,
                                   account below from the            but that would be too easy.
                                   sinking of the Titanic?           Why not search out your
                                           A survivor of the         Catechism. You will find it
                                   Titanic confirmed the often       directing you to some of your
                                   repeated account that the         God given duties! Let’s
                                   members of the orchestra          joyfully do them, until He calls
                                   sacrificed their chances of       us home.
               Pastor Dave Hatch   escape by continuing to play
                                   as the lifeboats were lowered,
        Years ago, the word        but added the       information
“Duty” was one of the first        that even after the
principles of character, life      majority had been
and conduct. The word              swept      to    their
appears super frequently in        deaths, a lone player
the literature of old. Have we     dutifully clung on.
forgotten that word and its        “There was only one
deep meaning? We seem to           musician left,” he
have replaced it with a more       said. “He was the
general and vague word,            violinist and was
“responsibility.” Many would       playing the air of the
agree, “duty” has a sense of       hymn “Nearer, My
a    moral God given               God, to Thee.” The
assignment behind it.              notes of this music
Responsibility, by many            were the last thing I
street definitions, is more        heard before I went
task-like. Duty has holiness       off the poop (deck)
connected to it. Check that        and felt myself going
dictionary!                        headlong into the icy
        It is has been said,       water      with    the
study duty. Learn duty.            engines          and
Detect your God assigned           machinery buzzing
duty. Go and do that duty to       in my ears.”
the best of your ability until             Our     Small
the last moment of your life.      Catechism,          by
   Page 2
                                      Third Ladies                       OSLC softball
                                      Luncheon likely to                 season resumes
OSLC                                  make another                       residing in new
official acts                         lasting impression                 home

                                            This annual event will              The most fun you
Baptisms:                            be held on Saturday, May            can have…
Aiden Paul Wadzinski                 12, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. in the       …at the ballpark! On
Born: June 24, 2011                  multi-purpose room of Our           Sunday       nights,    the
Baptized: March 25, 2012             Saviour Lutheran Church.            Christian Softball League
Son of Jeremy and Micaela                   The     Northeast            will have a new home: the
Wadzinski                            Wisconsin Lutheran High             A s hw a ub e n on  Sp or ts
Membership Changes                   School Stage One Choir will         Complex. With four ball
IN:                                  perform for the luncheon for        fields, the games for
Brett and Nicole Messerschmidt,      the first time, prior to the        Division I and Division II
and unconfirmed minor children,      luncheon.                           can be played at the same
Isabel and Norah, Profession of             Please plan to attend        time! We will boast the
Faith                                and arrive before 11:00 a.m.        same great fellowship as
                                     for this wonderful event for        before. The schedule of
Deena Schwittay, transfer from       Ladies only. The cost is $12        times,       dates    and
Trinity Lutheran, Green Bay, WI      per person; reservations            opponents will be out soon
(ELCA)                               should be made in person            so keep open a few nights
                                     with the church office, by          and plan to cheer on our
Eric Mullen, Profession of Faith
                                     calling (920) 468-4065 or by        teams. Sorry, no pets are
(admitted Dec. 2011 by Adult
                                     e-mail at         allowed on the grounds so
Confirmation in error)
                                                                         leave Fido at home.
Terry Jorgensen, transfer to St.     Her name was Terry                                 Pastor Dave Hatch
John’s Lutheran Church, Luxem-
burg, WI (LCMS)                              Her name was Terry Amelse. She became very attached to
                                     Our Saviour Lutheran Church and to the Bible and Brunch gang
Wesley and Lanita Williams,          that meets in the Parlor every Tuesday morning. Terry had
transfer to Our Savior’s Lutheran,   attended for several years, but a terminal illness had come to visit
Marinette, WI (ELCA)                 and was determined to stay. Terry became housebound. From the
                                     bed in her home where she knew the Lord would come and take
                                     her in a few days, OSLC member Terry huddled her telephone
James and Diane Rusch, transfer      close and listened to the greetings from her OSLC Bible and
to Calvary Lutheran Church,          brunch friends who were gathered in our Parlor. The ladies passed
Waupaca, WI (LCMS)                   the telephone around the room. Within a week from that call Terry
                                     had “gone home.” Her funeral would be within 10 days from the
Received their Crown:                sound of her joyful voice that day. Terry was ready for the Savior to
Terry A. Amelse                      come and take her home.
January 6, 1939 ~ March 18,                  Perhaps you met Terry. Terry came to OSLC because a
2012                                 friend invited her.
Funeral service held on March
22, 2012                                                                         Continued on page 4
Green Bay Trinity                  Donate, volunteer,
                                    graduates 8th                      buy at this year’s

                                    grade students                     Kid’s Only sale!
 O SLC                                      On May 30, 2012, Our
                                    Saviour Lutheran Church’s
                                                                              Donations are being
                                                                       accepted until Sunday, May
                                    Sanctuary will be hosting the      13, for this year’s sale to be
                                    graduation of five 8th grade       held on      Saturday, May 19
                                    students from our association      from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
                                    school, Green Bay Trinity.         Items can includes kid’s
                                    The graduation will take place     clothes (baby through teen
                                    during our normal Thursday         and even maternity clothes),
                                    service at 7:00 p.m. Everyone      toys, games, furniture and
Fish fries come to                  is invited to attend this joyous   more…anything kid related.
a season’s end                      event. A reception will be         Whether or not you donate,
                                    held after the event for Green     please make plans to come
                                    Bay Trinity graduates and          and buy; you won’t be
        Join us on May 11,          their families.                    disappointed in the selection
2012 for the last fish fry of the                                      or the prices! To volunteer,
season. Although we’ll be                                              please contact Maggie Hinz at
back in September, it will be       Busy day in the                    laughterandbless-
a long summer without that          middle of May             or call 265-
great food and the wonderful                                           6432.
fellowship opportunities the
fish fry can bring.                        You may not have
                                    enough room to put all of the      Gear up for
We have many folks to thank         day’s events on your calendar      vacation Bible
including…                          so just write in ‘church’ and
       … all of the dedicated       leave it at that. On May 20,       school
volunteers who worked this          the children will attend their
year in the kitchen and dining      last day of Sunday school for            Make sure that June 18
room.                               the year and that means the        through 21 is on your calendar
       … the new faces that         annual Ice Cream Social. This      for VBS this summer. Ages 3
joined us and hopefully will        year, the Ice Cream Social will    through grade 5 ( for the 2011-
be back next year.                  be part of the “Servant            2012 school year) can come
       … the ladies who made        Sunday” celebration and            from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
the pies sold each night as a       potluck dinner. To allow for       for entertainment, crafts,
fundraiser.                         all to join in on the              snacks and more. The theme is
       … the youth who              celebration, there will be no      ‘Sky-Everything is possible
worked for tips by serving          10:45am service that day. Pull     with God’ and Camp Luther
drinks and helping as               out that special “crowd            will lead grades 1-5 while
needed.                             pleasing” recipe and join          volunteers are needed for the
       … everyone who               together with other members        pre-kindergarten           and
donated soda and other items        of OSLC in thanking the many       kindergarten         groups.
used for each month’s event.        servants that keep Our             Registration forms will be
                                    Saviour serving others in the      available soon.
                                    name of Jesus Christ.
MAY 2012
                                                                                    Page 4

Exciting news from GBLSA;
Redeemer joins association
                                                               Terry, from page 2

        The    Green     Bay    and after school care,         She was one of the regulars
Lutheran School Association     combined fundraising, and      at Bible and brunch and the
has     exciting news for the   in the future, possible        ladies wrapped            their
upcoming            school      expanded curriculum and        friendship around her like a
year!         Redeemer          extra-curricular activities.   welcoming blanket to a
Lutheran Church has joined      We will keep you updated       stranger. Terry had fulfilled
the association. We thank       on these opportunities in      her occupational duty a few
the Lord for the successful     future communications.         years ago as a nurse at one
partnership with Redeemer              Please join us in       of the local hospitals. After
in    athletics     and    in   praying that God continues     retirement she spent time and
purchasing            some      to richly bless our combined   energy looking after her
materials over the past few     ministry      of   Christian   elderly brother, keeping her
years and we pray that God      education here in the Green    relationships alive and
will continue to bless our      Bay area.                      deepening her faith life.
combined efforts in the                                                From the top of a long
future.                                                        list of enviable character
        Previously Redeemer                                    traits, the moving one was
and Trinity (operated by                                       Terry’s      acceptance of her
                                                               death—the Spirit’s comfort in
GBLSA) housed grades K-8
                                                               her soul, mind and emotions.
on their own campuses.
                                                               She had told her pastors of
The 2012-2013 school year
                                                               the last items she needed to
will see that Redeemer and
                                                               accomplish, her final tasks,
Trinity will continue to hold
                                                               and then she did them. That
grades K-4 and the
                                                               is when the peace came over
combined grades 5-8 will                                       her. It was that inner calm
be held at the Trinity                                         from within her that made the
campus.      This expansion                                    “phone call from the Parlor”
will result       in    more                                   so dynamic for those who
opportunities for growth of                                    talked to her that day.
the GBLSA beyond each of                                               Terry was with us a
our current facilities. The                                    short time, but she made a
current scenario will be                                       long and lasting impression of
reviewed annually to make                                      faith.
accommodations            for
enrollment and staffing.
        This will mean that
families of both schools will
have      some     exciting
opportunities available to
them especially in the areas
of transportation, before
       Page 5

                            June usher schedule
  † UN -Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you'd
          like to join. Or, contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or by e-mail:

Day: Date:   Service:      Lead         Usher Team:
Sun.   03-Jun   7:45 am    A. Knaus      Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun.   03-Jun   9:15 am    D. Wians      Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun.   03-Jun   10:45 am                 R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu.   07-Jun   7:00 pm    B. Clayton    Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun.   10-Jun   7:45 am    J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun.   10-Jun   9:15 am    R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun.   10-Jun   10:45 am   G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu.   14-Jun   7:00 pm    C. Arthur     Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun.   17-Jun   7:45 am    M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun.   17-Jun   9:15 am    D. Bitters    Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey
Sun.   17-Jun   10:45 am   M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Thu.   21-Jun   7:00 pm    P. Kuehl      Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun.   24-Jun   7:45 am    M. Morgan     Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun.   24-Jun   9:15 am    W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan
Sun. 24-Jun 10:45 am       R. Bruhn      Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu. 28-Jun 7:00 pm        B. Clayton    Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN

What is the purpose of our family?                                                              Pastor Dave Hatch

         Now that is an                  answers might be.                     answers? Would they be
interesting question.                    What did you come up with?            much different than the ones
         Let's imagine a family          How about this list?                  from the family at home
is sitting around the evening            -To love each other                   lapping up strawberry
meal. They are a young                   -To be kind to our neighbors          shortcake? I suspect the
household, Mom, Dad and                  -To teach and to learn                answers would be quite
several children. Dad looks              -To share                             similar, at least in a broad
around the table after the               -To serve                             form. Let's follow that first
mashed potatoes have been                -To encourage                         question with another one,
devoured and the chicken is              -To love God                          shall we? "How can we
down to the bones. He notes              How about asking that                 improve on that list, both at
a sense of contentment on                question over dessert at your         home and at our church?"
every face. Mom brings out               house this very night?                        We may be asking
the strawberry shortcake as                     Now, imagine it is             those very questions in the
Dad asks the group, "What is             Sunday morning at church.             months ahead, as we all may
the purpose of our family?"              The pews are full. During the         be participating in a
         What do you suppose             sermon the pastor walks out           congregational self-study. We
the answer would be? How                 into the audience and asks,           will learn about why we are
might the discussion go?                 "What is the purpose of our           here, how the Savior desires
Take a moment and guess                  family?" What would you               us to serve and how we can
what four or five of the                 guess would be the various            improve our serve.
MAY 2012
                                                                                            Page 6

Reasons your child should attend preschool
at Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Dear Families,                      learner for “doing”        in   a
                                    play-based curriculum?
    As a parent you have a very                                                              Please join
tough choice to make about          • As a result of the program, do                         the      Our
your      child’s     preschool     you feel your child will develop                         Saviour
experience. For most children       skills to think and investigate,                         Lutheran
preschool      is   their   first   learning about the world                                 C h u r c h
educational experience and the      around them?                                             youth along
launching of their educational                                                               with youth
career which will span the          • Is it important that your child                        from fellow
remainder of their lives. I pray    attend a pre-k program with          circuit churches to raise money
that, as you make this choice,      numerous years of success?           for the hungry in Haiti by
you realize that Our Saviour        OSLC preschool has more than         donating pledges to the 30
Lutheran Church preschool is        35 years of experience.              Hour Famine.
here for you and we would love                                                   The youth will be fasting
to partner with you for these       •Is it important that your child     for 30 hours straight Friday,
first educational years.            enjoys a highly functional           June 1 at noon through
    If you choose to visit          classroom designed to meet the       Saturday, June 2 at 6:00 p.m.
preschools in the area and you      preschool child’s best interests ?           If you are a youth and
begin to choose what program                                             would like to raise pledges,
is right for your family, please           You, as a parent are, a       please let Will, Whitney or Avra
consider what each program          partner in your child’s growth       know. Start taking pledges
has to offer your child.            and development.        If you       today! If you are someone
                                    answered yes to any of these         wanting to make a pledge, find
• Does it have a warm caring        questions you may want to            a youth who will be fasting and
Christian environment?              consider sending your child to       is taking pledges.
                                    OSLC three – year – and four/                During the famine, we
•   If    the    environment        five – year – old preschool.         will be joined by guest youth
developmentally    appropriate      Please contact Our Saviour           director (and Will’s cousin)
and are the experience geared       today and schedule to visit a        Chris Flores and some youth
toward children?                    classroom.                           from a group who have
                                                                         travelled to Haiti to show us
   Will your child be able to      Serving the Master Teacher,          where the donated money will
participate in activities that      Christina L. Scholz                  be       going. We will also be
promote social, emotional,                                               blessed with live music by
intellectual, physical and                                               Justin St. Thomas and the
spitual growth?                                                          Funky Fresh Fellowship. T h e
                                                                         famine is
• As a result of the program, do                                         brought
you feel confident that your                                             to     you
child will become a passionate                                           by:
MAY 2012

S’more about Camp                                                                                                        Page 7

RUN—Saturday, May 26. This is a beautiful and
challenging course through the trails of Camp Luther.
You will run along two lakes and up and down many
hills in this exciting, winding course. Join us whether
you are in it to win it, or just want to enjoy our beautiful
Camp Luther!! The Kids Fun Run will follow. Register
by May 12 to receive a free t-shirt! Or you can register           GET AWAY WITH THE GUYS FOR A GREAT
the day of the event. Register online with Tortoise and            WEEK OF FISHING AND GOLF! The retreat is May 15
Hare Race Management at, or                       -18. 3 nights in a cottage, 7 meals, guest speakers and
download a printable PDF form at                                   plenty of time for fishing and golfing. Only $135—even                                                 lower if you come with a group of 4 or more!
Spring Workbee Weekend, April 27-29 or May 18-20 or CANOE ADVENTURES! Relish some one on one time
just call to set up another time to volunteer. Workbees
                                                           with your child this summer and experience an adventure
are great fun for adults and families. Workbee runs from
Friday evening through Sunday lunch. It’s FREE, and        together in the process. Camping, devotions, fun and
it’s a great way to give back as a family and help         fellowship plus time away from the distractions of life.
children learn about Christian service. Join us this year! Join the canoe adventures August 9-12.
                                                         EXPLORER SUMMER CAMP FOR GRADES 1-3!!
GRANDPARENTS!! When was the last time you
                                                         Explorer Camp is designed to ease the transition for campers
had meaningful one-on-one time with your grandchild?
                                                         who have completed grades 1, 2 or 3 to come to Camp Luther
Spend that special time away at Camp Luther this
                                                         on their own before they are ready to stay for a whole week.
summer at GrandKids Camp, June 22-24 or Aug 10-12.
                                                         This weekend program includes activities like: parachute
                                                         games, swimming, arts and crafts, songs, Christian Growth,
                                                         campfire devotions and more! Register them today at
GREAT DAY OF GOLF! The Camp Luther Golf        
Challenge is set for June 8 at the Northwood Golf Club
in Rhinelander. NEW this year, Competitive Division      CHOOSE CAMP LUTHER WITH YOUR
and Hackers Division! Great prizes and lunch provided. THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS!! It’s easy and it
Free housing at camp. Each foursome is asked to raise    benefits Camp Luther and Every Kid to Camp! Log on to
$800 for camp. Proceeds to retire the mortgage at camp. or call 800-THRIVENT
                                                         (800-847-4836) and get started TODAY!! Eligibility is
                                                         established by Thrivent and by your premiums, account values
                                                         and volunteer leadership! You simply go online and they do
OPEN!! Visit to                the rest. THANK YOU for giving to Camp Luther!!
register online or watch our video!! Camp Luther
has an exciting summer planned for children K-       JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!!
12. Registrations are pouring into Camp, so          We now have over 1750 likes
register now to get the village you want on the      on Facebook, so join us there
week you want. “Witness” from Acts 1:8 is our        to hear what’s happening at
theme for this summer!! Struggling financially       Camp, to share memories and
this year? Ask about our Campership program          to spread the word about the
(online: Summer Camps: Summer Camp Corner.) ministry and joy that is Camp
Camp Luther is a ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up the Body of Christ for service to the church and
witness to the world. Camp Luther/1889 Koubenec Road/Three Lakes, WI 54562/877-264-CAMP "Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the
North Wisconsin District LCMS."
Sunday                    Monday                  Tuesday                 Wednesday               Thursday
                                                                                                                                                        MAY 2012
                                                    1                        2                       3                       4
                                                    7a Bible study           12p Staff meeting       12:15p Worship
                                                                             1p Super sale meeting                                                       7p Youth movie
                                                    8a OLM meeting                                   7p Trad worship
                                                    9a Bible study           3p Youth night                                                              night
                                                                             6p Praise band
                                                    7p Choir practice        6p Confirmation
                                                                             6:30p FPU
                                                                             6:30p Youth board
                                                                             7p P&F meeting
6                          7                        8                        9                       10                      11                          12
7:45a Trad worship         12:30p Stepping On       6:30a Primary Recall     12p Staff meeting       12:15p Worship          2:30p Richter/Hetrick       11a Ladies
9:15a Praise worship       6:30p Worship            Election                 3p Youth night          4p Fish fry prep        wedding                     Luncheon with
9:15a Bible study          committee                7a Bible study           6p Praise band          5:30p Richter/Hetrick                               NEWLHS Stage One
9:30a Sun school
10:30a Bible study
                           7p Elders meeting        9a Bible study           6p Level 2 only         wedding rehearsal                                   concert
10:30a SS teacher                                   6:30p Cub scouts         confirmation            7p Trad worship         5p Fish fry
meeting                                             7p Choir practice        6:30p FPU
10:45a Trad worship                                                          6:30p Sr. high Bible
W/ holy baptism            NO SCRIP IN PM                                    study
6:30p Basketball           MICHELLE OUT
13 Communion               14                       15                       16                      17                      18                          19
Mite box Sunday                                     7a Bible study           12p Staff meeting       12:15p Worship          3p Kids Only sale set up    8a-12p Kids Only
Mother’s Day               9a Last day of 3-year-   8a OLM meeting           3p Youth night          7p Trad worship         in gym                      Rummage Sale;
7:45a Trad worship         old preschool            9a Last day of 4-year-   6p Praise band                                                              gym
9:15a Praise worship       12:30p Stepping On       old preschool            6p Level 2 only
9:15a Bible study          6p Council meeting       9a Bible study           Confirmation
9:30a Sun school                                    7p Choir practice        6:30p FPU
10:30a Bible study                                                           6:30p Sr. high Bible
6:30p Basketball                                                             study
20                         21                       22                       23                      24                      25                          26
7:45a Trad worship         12:30p Stepping On       7a Bible study           12p Staff meeting       12:15p Worship
9:15a Praise worship       7p Board of education    9a Bible study           6p Praise band          6p Couponing class
9:15a Bible study                                   6:30p Cub scouts                                 7p Trad worship
9:30a Last day of Sunday
10:30a Bible study
10:30a Servant Sunday                                                                                                        NO SCRIP –
brunch and ice cream                                                                                                         MICHELLE OUT
6:30p Basketball
6:30p Trinity musical
27 Communion               28                       29                       30                      31                      JUNE 1                      JUNE 2
7:45a Trad worship         6:30p GBLSA              7a Bible study           12p Staff meeting       12:15p Worship          30 Hour Famine              30 Hour Famine
9:15a Praise worship       7p Stewardship           8a OLM meeting           6p Praise band          7p Trad worship with
10:45a Trad worship                                 9a Bible study                                   Green Bay Trinity 8th
6:30p Basketball                                    6:30p Altar guild                                Grade Graduation
                           MEMORIAL DAY             meeting
                           Office closed            NO SCRIP –
                                                    MICHELLE OUT
Our Saviour Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod

                                        OSLC business directory
     Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of
“The Voice Online” each month. If you would like to advertise please contact Michelle at
                   (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail at

         Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch        *Photo credits:
                         (920) 465-8118       Page 1:
        Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland
                         (920) 544-3614

       Church Office – Michelle Burhite
                         (920) 468-4065 Vol. 1 No. 5, May 2012; “The Voice Online” is published monthly by
              Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this
                                             publication may be reproduced without permission.
  Preschool Director – Christina Scholz Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke.
                         (920) 468-3596 The opinions expressed in this publication are not always
         reflective of the editor’s views.
                                             Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions
                                             and comments at
                                             Thanks to those who have already commented!
  120 S. Henry Street                        I am always seeking more congregational input and
 Green Bay, WI 54302                         submissions.

                                             What do you want to read about?
   (920) 468-4065                            Submissions can be sent to

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  • 1. MAY 2012 VOLUME I, ISSUE 5 The Voice Online OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH—GREEN BAY WIS. On Christian duty Could there be a better Luther, has a Table of example of “duty” than in the Duties. We could print it here, account below from the but that would be too easy. sinking of the Titanic? Why not search out your A survivor of the Catechism. You will find it Titanic confirmed the often directing you to some of your repeated account that the God given duties! Let’s members of the orchestra joyfully do them, until He calls sacrificed their chances of us home. Pastor Dave Hatch escape by continuing to play as the lifeboats were lowered, Years ago, the word but added the information “Duty” was one of the first that even after the principles of character, life majority had been and conduct. The word swept to their appears super frequently in deaths, a lone player the literature of old. Have we dutifully clung on. forgotten that word and its “There was only one deep meaning? We seem to musician left,” he have replaced it with a more said. “He was the general and vague word, violinist and was “responsibility.” Many would playing the air of the agree, “duty” has a sense of hymn “Nearer, My a moral God given God, to Thee.” The assignment behind it. notes of this music Responsibility, by many were the last thing I street definitions, is more heard before I went task-like. Duty has holiness off the poop (deck) connected to it. Check that and felt myself going dictionary! headlong into the icy It is has been said, water with the study duty. Learn duty. engines and Detect your God assigned machinery buzzing duty. Go and do that duty to in my ears.” the best of your ability until Our Small the last moment of your life. Catechism, by
  • 2. THE VOICE ONLINE Page 2 Third Ladies OSLC softball Luncheon likely to season resumes OSLC make another residing in new official acts lasting impression home This annual event will The most fun you Baptisms: be held on Saturday, May can have… Aiden Paul Wadzinski 12, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. in the …at the ballpark! On Born: June 24, 2011 multi-purpose room of Our Sunday nights, the Baptized: March 25, 2012 Saviour Lutheran Church. Christian Softball League Son of Jeremy and Micaela The Northeast will have a new home: the Wadzinski Wisconsin Lutheran High A s hw a ub e n on Sp or ts Membership Changes School Stage One Choir will Complex. With four ball IN: perform for the luncheon for fields, the games for Brett and Nicole Messerschmidt, the first time, prior to the Division I and Division II and unconfirmed minor children, luncheon. can be played at the same Isabel and Norah, Profession of Please plan to attend time! We will boast the Faith and arrive before 11:00 a.m. same great fellowship as for this wonderful event for before. The schedule of Deena Schwittay, transfer from Ladies only. The cost is $12 times, dates and Trinity Lutheran, Green Bay, WI per person; reservations opponents will be out soon (ELCA) should be made in person so keep open a few nights with the church office, by and plan to cheer on our Eric Mullen, Profession of Faith calling (920) 468-4065 or by teams. Sorry, no pets are (admitted Dec. 2011 by Adult e-mail at allowed on the grounds so Confirmation in error) leave Fido at home. OUT: Terry Jorgensen, transfer to St. Her name was Terry Pastor Dave Hatch John’s Lutheran Church, Luxem- burg, WI (LCMS) Her name was Terry Amelse. She became very attached to Our Saviour Lutheran Church and to the Bible and Brunch gang Wesley and Lanita Williams, that meets in the Parlor every Tuesday morning. Terry had transfer to Our Savior’s Lutheran, attended for several years, but a terminal illness had come to visit Marinette, WI (ELCA) and was determined to stay. Terry became housebound. From the bed in her home where she knew the Lord would come and take her in a few days, OSLC member Terry huddled her telephone James and Diane Rusch, transfer close and listened to the greetings from her OSLC Bible and to Calvary Lutheran Church, brunch friends who were gathered in our Parlor. The ladies passed Waupaca, WI (LCMS) the telephone around the room. Within a week from that call Terry had “gone home.” Her funeral would be within 10 days from the Received their Crown: sound of her joyful voice that day. Terry was ready for the Savior to Terry A. Amelse come and take her home. January 6, 1939 ~ March 18, Perhaps you met Terry. Terry came to OSLC because a 2012 friend invited her. Funeral service held on March 22, 2012 Continued on page 4
  • 3. Green Bay Trinity Donate, volunteer, graduates 8th buy at this year’s orts grade students Kid’s Only sale! sh O SLC On May 30, 2012, Our Saviour Lutheran Church’s Donations are being accepted until Sunday, May Sanctuary will be hosting the 13, for this year’s sale to be graduation of five 8th grade held on Saturday, May 19 students from our association from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. school, Green Bay Trinity. Items can includes kid’s The graduation will take place clothes (baby through teen during our normal Thursday and even maternity clothes), service at 7:00 p.m. Everyone toys, games, furniture and Fish fries come to is invited to attend this joyous more…anything kid related. a season’s end event. A reception will be Whether or not you donate, held after the event for Green please make plans to come Bay Trinity graduates and and buy; you won’t be Join us on May 11, their families. disappointed in the selection 2012 for the last fish fry of the or the prices! To volunteer, season. Although we’ll be please contact Maggie Hinz at back in September, it will be Busy day in the laughterandbless- a long summer without that middle of May or call 265- great food and the wonderful 6432. fellowship opportunities the fish fry can bring. You may not have enough room to put all of the Gear up for We have many folks to thank day’s events on your calendar vacation Bible including… so just write in ‘church’ and … all of the dedicated leave it at that. On May 20, school volunteers who worked this the children will attend their year in the kitchen and dining last day of Sunday school for Make sure that June 18 room. the year and that means the through 21 is on your calendar … the new faces that annual Ice Cream Social. This for VBS this summer. Ages 3 joined us and hopefully will year, the Ice Cream Social will through grade 5 ( for the 2011- be back next year. be part of the “Servant 2012 school year) can come … the ladies who made Sunday” celebration and from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. the pies sold each night as a potluck dinner. To allow for for entertainment, crafts, fundraiser. all to join in on the snacks and more. The theme is … the youth who celebration, there will be no ‘Sky-Everything is possible worked for tips by serving 10:45am service that day. Pull with God’ and Camp Luther drinks and helping as out that special “crowd will lead grades 1-5 while needed. pleasing” recipe and join volunteers are needed for the … everyone who together with other members pre-kindergarten and donated soda and other items of OSLC in thanking the many kindergarten groups. used for each month’s event. servants that keep Our Registration forms will be Saviour serving others in the available soon. name of Jesus Christ.
  • 4. MAY 2012 Page 4 Exciting news from GBLSA; Redeemer joins association Terry, from page 2 The Green Bay and after school care, She was one of the regulars Lutheran School Association combined fundraising, and at Bible and brunch and the has exciting news for the in the future, possible ladies wrapped their upcoming school expanded curriculum and friendship around her like a year! Redeemer extra-curricular activities. welcoming blanket to a Lutheran Church has joined We will keep you updated stranger. Terry had fulfilled the association. We thank on these opportunities in her occupational duty a few the Lord for the successful future communications. years ago as a nurse at one partnership with Redeemer Please join us in of the local hospitals. After in athletics and in praying that God continues retirement she spent time and purchasing some to richly bless our combined energy looking after her materials over the past few ministry of Christian elderly brother, keeping her years and we pray that God education here in the Green relationships alive and will continue to bless our Bay area. deepening her faith life. combined efforts in the From the top of a long future. list of enviable character Previously Redeemer traits, the moving one was and Trinity (operated by Terry’s acceptance of her death—the Spirit’s comfort in GBLSA) housed grades K-8 her soul, mind and emotions. on their own campuses. She had told her pastors of The 2012-2013 school year the last items she needed to will see that Redeemer and accomplish, her final tasks, Trinity will continue to hold and then she did them. That grades K-4 and the is when the peace came over combined grades 5-8 will her. It was that inner calm be held at the Trinity from within her that made the campus. This expansion “phone call from the Parlor” will result in more so dynamic for those who opportunities for growth of talked to her that day. the GBLSA beyond each of Terry was with us a our current facilities. The short time, but she made a current scenario will be long and lasting impression of reviewed annually to make faith. accommodations for enrollment and staffing. This will mean that families of both schools will have some exciting opportunities available to them especially in the areas of transportation, before
  • 5. THE VOICE ONLINE Page 5 June usher schedule † UN -Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you'd like to join. Or, contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or by e-mail: Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Sun. 03-Jun 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 03-Jun 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 03-Jun 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 07-Jun 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 10-Jun 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 10-Jun 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 10-Jun 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 14-Jun 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 17-Jun 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 17-Jun 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 17-Jun 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 21-Jun 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 24-Jun 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 24-Jun 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz Sun. 24-Jun 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 28-Jun 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN What is the purpose of our family? Pastor Dave Hatch Now that is an answers might be. answers? Would they be interesting question. What did you come up with? much different than the ones Let's imagine a family How about this list? from the family at home is sitting around the evening -To love each other lapping up strawberry meal. They are a young -To be kind to our neighbors shortcake? I suspect the household, Mom, Dad and -To teach and to learn answers would be quite several children. Dad looks -To share similar, at least in a broad around the table after the -To serve form. Let's follow that first mashed potatoes have been -To encourage question with another one, devoured and the chicken is -To love God shall we? "How can we down to the bones. He notes How about asking that improve on that list, both at a sense of contentment on question over dessert at your home and at our church?" every face. Mom brings out house this very night? We may be asking the strawberry shortcake as Now, imagine it is those very questions in the Dad asks the group, "What is Sunday morning at church. months ahead, as we all may the purpose of our family?" The pews are full. During the be participating in a What do you suppose sermon the pastor walks out congregational self-study. We the answer would be? How into the audience and asks, will learn about why we are might the discussion go? "What is the purpose of our here, how the Savior desires Take a moment and guess family?" What would you us to serve and how we can what four or five of the guess would be the various improve our serve.
  • 6. MAY 2012 Page 6 Reasons your child should attend preschool at Our Saviour Lutheran Church Dear Families, learner for “doing” in a play-based curriculum? As a parent you have a very Please join tough choice to make about • As a result of the program, do the Our your child’s preschool you feel your child will develop Saviour experience. For most children skills to think and investigate, Lutheran preschool is their first learning about the world C h u r c h educational experience and the around them? youth along launching of their educational with youth career which will span the • Is it important that your child from fellow remainder of their lives. I pray attend a pre-k program with circuit churches to raise money that, as you make this choice, numerous years of success? for the hungry in Haiti by you realize that Our Saviour OSLC preschool has more than donating pledges to the 30 Lutheran Church preschool is 35 years of experience. Hour Famine. here for you and we would love The youth will be fasting to partner with you for these •Is it important that your child for 30 hours straight Friday, first educational years. enjoys a highly functional June 1 at noon through If you choose to visit classroom designed to meet the Saturday, June 2 at 6:00 p.m. preschools in the area and you preschool child’s best interests ? If you are a youth and begin to choose what program would like to raise pledges, is right for your family, please You, as a parent are, a please let Will, Whitney or Avra consider what each program partner in your child’s growth know. Start taking pledges has to offer your child. and development. If you today! If you are someone answered yes to any of these wanting to make a pledge, find • Does it have a warm caring questions you may want to a youth who will be fasting and Christian environment? consider sending your child to is taking pledges. OSLC three – year – and four/ During the famine, we • If the environment five – year – old preschool. will be joined by guest youth developmentally appropriate Please contact Our Saviour director (and Will’s cousin) and are the experience geared today and schedule to visit a Chris Flores and some youth toward children? classroom. from a group who have travelled to Haiti to show us  Will your child be able to Serving the Master Teacher, where the donated money will participate in activities that Christina L. Scholz be going. We will also be promote social, emotional, blessed with live music by intellectual, physical and Justin St. Thomas and the spitual growth? Funky Fresh Fellowship. T h e famine is • As a result of the program, do brought you feel confident that your to you child will become a passionate by:
  • 7. MAY 2012 S’more about Camp Page 7 THIRD ANNUAL HAPPY CAMPER 5K TRAIL RUN—Saturday, May 26. This is a beautiful and challenging course through the trails of Camp Luther. You will run along two lakes and up and down many hills in this exciting, winding course. Join us whether you are in it to win it, or just want to enjoy our beautiful Camp Luther!! The Kids Fun Run will follow. Register by May 12 to receive a free t-shirt! Or you can register GET AWAY WITH THE GUYS FOR A GREAT the day of the event. Register online with Tortoise and WEEK OF FISHING AND GOLF! The retreat is May 15 Hare Race Management at, or -18. 3 nights in a cottage, 7 meals, guest speakers and download a printable PDF form at plenty of time for fishing and golfing. Only $135—even lower if you come with a group of 4 or more! VOLUNTEER AT CAMP LUTHER! Join us for a FATHER/SON AND MOTHER/DAUGHTER Spring Workbee Weekend, April 27-29 or May 18-20 or CANOE ADVENTURES! Relish some one on one time just call to set up another time to volunteer. Workbees with your child this summer and experience an adventure are great fun for adults and families. Workbee runs from Friday evening through Sunday lunch. It’s FREE, and together in the process. Camping, devotions, fun and it’s a great way to give back as a family and help fellowship plus time away from the distractions of life. children learn about Christian service. Join us this year! Join the canoe adventures August 9-12. EXPLORER SUMMER CAMP FOR GRADES 1-3!! GRANDPARENTS!! When was the last time you Explorer Camp is designed to ease the transition for campers had meaningful one-on-one time with your grandchild? who have completed grades 1, 2 or 3 to come to Camp Luther Spend that special time away at Camp Luther this on their own before they are ready to stay for a whole week. summer at GrandKids Camp, June 22-24 or Aug 10-12. This weekend program includes activities like: parachute games, swimming, arts and crafts, songs, Christian Growth, GET YOUR FOURSOME TOGETHER FOR A campfire devotions and more! Register them today at GREAT DAY OF GOLF! The Camp Luther Golf Challenge is set for June 8 at the Northwood Golf Club in Rhinelander. NEW this year, Competitive Division CHOOSE CAMP LUTHER WITH YOUR and Hackers Division! Great prizes and lunch provided. THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS!! It’s easy and it Free housing at camp. Each foursome is asked to raise benefits Camp Luther and Every Kid to Camp! Log on to $800 for camp. Proceeds to retire the mortgage at camp. or call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and get started TODAY!! Eligibility is established by Thrivent and by your premiums, account values SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION IS and volunteer leadership! You simply go online and they do OPEN!! Visit to the rest. THANK YOU for giving to Camp Luther!! register online or watch our video!! Camp Luther has an exciting summer planned for children K- JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!! 12. Registrations are pouring into Camp, so We now have over 1750 likes register now to get the village you want on the on Facebook, so join us there week you want. “Witness” from Acts 1:8 is our to hear what’s happening at theme for this summer!! Struggling financially Camp, to share memories and this year? Ask about our Campership program to spread the word about the (online: Summer Camps: Summer Camp Corner.) ministry and joy that is Camp Luther. Camp Luther is a ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up the Body of Christ for service to the church and witness to the world. Camp Luther/1889 Koubenec Road/Three Lakes, WI 54562/877-264-CAMP "Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District LCMS."
  • 8. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday MAY 2012 1 2 3 4 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 12:15p Worship 5 1p Super sale meeting 7p Youth movie 8a OLM meeting 7p Trad worship 9a Bible study 3p Youth night night 6p Praise band 7p Choir practice 6p Confirmation 6:30p FPU 6:30p Youth board 7p P&F meeting 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7:45a Trad worship 12:30p Stepping On 6:30a Primary Recall 12p Staff meeting 12:15p Worship 2:30p Richter/Hetrick 11a Ladies 9:15a Praise worship 6:30p Worship Election 3p Youth night 4p Fish fry prep wedding Luncheon with 9:15a Bible study committee 7a Bible study 6p Praise band 5:30p Richter/Hetrick NEWLHS Stage One 9:30a Sun school 10:30a Bible study 7p Elders meeting 9a Bible study 6p Level 2 only wedding rehearsal concert 10:30a SS teacher 6:30p Cub scouts confirmation 7p Trad worship 5p Fish fry meeting 7p Choir practice 6:30p FPU 10:45a Trad worship 6:30p Sr. high Bible W/ holy baptism NO SCRIP IN PM study 6:30p Basketball MICHELLE OUT 13 Communion 14 15 16 17 18 19 Mite box Sunday 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 12:15p Worship 3p Kids Only sale set up 8a-12p Kids Only Mother’s Day 9a Last day of 3-year- 8a OLM meeting 3p Youth night 7p Trad worship in gym Rummage Sale; 7:45a Trad worship old preschool 9a Last day of 4-year- 6p Praise band gym 9:15a Praise worship 12:30p Stepping On old preschool 6p Level 2 only 9:15a Bible study 6p Council meeting 9a Bible study Confirmation 9:30a Sun school 7p Choir practice 6:30p FPU 10:30a Bible study 6:30p Sr. high Bible 6:30p Basketball study 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 7:45a Trad worship 12:30p Stepping On 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 12:15p Worship 9:15a Praise worship 7p Board of education 9a Bible study 6p Praise band 6p Couponing class 9:15a Bible study 6:30p Cub scouts 7p Trad worship 9:30a Last day of Sunday school 10:30a Bible study 10:30a Servant Sunday NO SCRIP – brunch and ice cream MICHELLE OUT social 6:30p Basketball 6:30p Trinity musical 27 Communion 28 29 30 31 JUNE 1 JUNE 2 7:45a Trad worship 6:30p GBLSA 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 12:15p Worship 30 Hour Famine 30 Hour Famine 9:15a Praise worship 7p Stewardship 8a OLM meeting 6p Praise band 7p Trad worship with 10:45a Trad worship 9a Bible study Green Bay Trinity 8th 6:30p Basketball 6:30p Altar guild Grade Graduation MEMORIAL DAY meeting Office closed NO SCRIP – MICHELLE OUT
  • 9. THE VOICE ONLINE Our Saviour Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod OSLC business directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of “The Voice Online” each month. If you would like to advertise please contact Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail at YOUR AD HERE! Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch *Photo credits: (920) 465-8118 Page 1: draft_lens19083064module156562974photo_1327452378Titanic_Band.jpg Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614 Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 Vol. 1 No. 5, May 2012; “The Voice Online” is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission. Preschool Director – Christina Scholz Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke. (920) 468-3596 The opinions expressed in this publication are not always reflective of the editor’s views. Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions and comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! 120 S. Henry Street I am always seeking more congregational input and Green Bay, WI 54302 submissions. What do you want to read about? (920) 468-4065 Submissions can be sent to