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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK, TORONTO, CANADA                                                              VOLUME 37, NUMBER 2

A scrap book prepared by Promiseland was presented to Judy Rois at our formal “farewell” reception.
CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                           APRIL/JUNE 2011

 HERALD                                                                   Topic
 HERALD is published six times a year
 (Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar,
 Apr/May, June/July) by
            Christ Church Deer Park
            1570 Yonge Street
            Toronto ON M4T 1Z8
            Tel: 416.920.5211
            Fax: 416.920.8400                Dear Friends,
 We welcome your submissions.
                                             THE JOURNEY TO EMMAUS (Luke 24) is one of my favourite Easter stories. I love the
 E-mail:                                     drama of the walk along the road, the stranger who appears to the two disciples and                    how he is invited to join them for their meal. It’s those words “were not our hearts
 or the editor (e-mail below).               burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the
                                             scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32) that sometimes send a shiver up my spine! It’s as if
 Interim Priest-in-Charge
 The Ven. Thomas M. Greene                   I’m there with them, and it’s all happening now.
 Assistant Curate                            Another reason why I find it easy to imagine myself there is that the story is so
 The Rev. Samantha Caravan                   anonymous. We don’t know where Emmaus actually is, except that it is a few miles
 Associate Priest
 The Rev. Canon Douglas Graydon
                                             from Jerusalem. That’s deliberate – it makes Emmaus a place where we all go when
 Honorary Assistants                         we are confused or badly hurt. And the two disciples are a bit faceless. Only one of
 The Rev. Dr. Peter Slater                   them is named – Cleopas – and we don’t hear of him again, whereas the other disciple
 The Rev. Canon Dr. David Neelands           isn’t named at all. So they weren’t the well-known followers of Jesus, like Peter, or
 The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton,
           Ecumenical Partner                James or John. They were just about anyone – and they could be us as well.
 The Rev. Michael Marshall,
           Hospital for Sick Children        We can walk to Emmaus, in the countless different ways we break bread together:
 Director of Children’s Education            think of an anxious young mother giving thanks for the birth of a child, an elderly
 Hilary Keachie                              housebound person living on their own, a maturing teenager facing up to a rather
 WARDENS                                     threatening world, a teacher about to deal with a difficult problem, a stockbroker
 Rector’s Warden (Human Resources)           wrestling with an ethical issue, a physician who is caring for a terminally ill patient,
 David Thornton
 People’s Warden (Property)                  or a young person bursting with enthusiasm at their first communion. It is in these
 Walter Blackwell                            small, intimate occasions that to break bread is just as important as on the grand,
 Deputy Warden (Finance)                     very public celebrations.
 Robert Morrow
 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE                         We know that just as Jesus came to the disciples in the Upper Room, and before that
 Editor                                      to those two disciples on the way to Emmaus, Jesus still meets us here and says “Peace
 Joyce Hamilton (      be with you”. He still explains the scriptures to us. He still asks us for food so that he
 Members                                     might show us his risen humanity and share it with us who know him in the breaking
 Henry Zaluski, MJ Rosenthal,
 Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski,
                                             of the bread.
 Peter Curzon, Kate Rieger                   So the Easter message is not some contrived happy ending. It is about that God
 Webmaster                                   speaking across the many cultures and centuries, as He will continue to do in the
 Brian Dench
                                             future, and absorbing the meaninglessness of the world, in order to bless it with his
 Organist &Director of Music                 words and nourishment. That is the real genius of walking to our Emmaus, and
 Eric Robertson                              breaking bread and sharing wine in the presence of Christ.
 Parish Administrator & Rector’s Assistant
 Jean King
                                             With every good wish and blessing for a joyous Easter.
 Sexton                                      Faithfully
 Denis Delisle
                                                          (The Ven) Thomas M. Greene,
                                                          Interim Priest-in-Charge

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                     APRIL/JUNE 2011

                        From the                                    eternal realm of God promised through the resurrection
                                                                    of Christ.
                        Upper Room                                  As we journey through Lent on our own ‘via Dolorosa’
                                                                    towards Easter, may we find HOPE our constant

ONE CAN ALMOST SMELL spring in the air! I love the winter
but there is something magical about spring. Everything
                                                                                             A“Thank you”
comes alive, there is more light, more warmth, more colour
and somehow – more hope. People sigh with grateful relief,
                                                                                             from Douglas
no more snow shoveling, wet feet, or cold gray skies. Spring,
a season that’s constantly changing physical nature, offers us
the anticipation of warmth and beauty. When we add our
faith and practice to flowers peeking through the ground
and birds singing in the leafless trees we have so much more        Thank you! To everyone at CCDP may I extend my
than anticipation – we have hope! Yet, hope can be an               thanks and deepest appreciations for the time I was granted
illusive gift. The smallest disappointment can set it backward.     with you as Associate Priest. Beginning May 1st, I will
Too many rainy days or a plant that doesn’t grow and bloom          cover for the sabbatical leave of the Reverend Canon Allan
as we had anticipated, casts a shadow of doubt. I wonder if         Budzin at St. Philip’s Anglican Church in Etobicoke.
these things are truer when hope is a feeling as opposed to
a state of being?                                                   I have felt genuine warmth and welcome from CCDP’s
                                                                    congregation. Despite my anxieties of being the “new boy”
I have been accused of being an eternal optimist. I am, and         on the block, everyone has welcomed me with uncondi-
I can’t help it, it’s part of my DNA. For me HOPE is more           tional regard. I think that speaks well to the spirit of
than seeing the glass half full, more than a feeling or way         CCDP. I think it bears an authentic testimony to the logo
of life, more than the product of self help gurus like Antony       of CCDP, “There’s Life Here”.
Robbins, creator of “The Power Within”, and Rhonda
Byrnes, author of “The Secret”. For me HOPE is a state              I have enjoyed getting to know Samantha Caravan, Tom
of being! And my faith is the foundation of that HOPE.              Greene and all the staff of CCDP. I have admired the
                                                                    dedication of the wardens, volunteers and parish leaders.
The author of the book of Hebrews begins chapter eleven             I have valued simply getting to know as many parishioners
with this statement “Now faith is the substance of things           as was possible considering my part-time position within
hoped for, the evidence of things not seen“(NRSV). Faith            the church. And finally I will admit I have enjoyed the
by its very essence begins and ends in HOPE, and is fed             early morning commutes to the 7:00am Wednesday
through signs and events in our personal lives and in the           Eucharists!
life of our community. But the world presses in daily on our
faith and hope, illness, unemployment, the homeless we see          My sabbatical coverage of St. Philip’s Etobicoke ends
daily, natural disasters too great to comprehend, our family        August 28th, what happens after that depends upon
dynamics, those whom we love but are estranged from, and            direction from my Bishop. If however, you see me sitting in
those whom we love but no longer see. All of this and more          the back pew, epistle side of the church nave, please say
challenges us to respond. I wonder if the answer may be             hello.
found in the interconnectivity of life systems. This of course      Reverend Canon Douglas Graydon
is part of the aboriginal understanding and gifted to us from
our First Nations People and found in the great law of life –
                                                                    ...and “thank you” Douglas for all that you have contributed
all life is responsible for all other life! The essence of my
                                                                    to this parish during your stay with us...and we’ll watch for
hope is that we are not alone; we are interconnected in the
                                                                    you in that back pew.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                APRIL/JUNE 2011

                                                                    Lent and Easter in PromiseLand:
                                                                    Sunday, March 27     Third Sunday in Lent
                                                                    Sunday, April 3      Fourth Sunday in Lent
                                                                    Sunday, April 10     Fifth Sunday in Lent,
                                                                                         Kids in Church
                                                                    Saturday, April 16   PromiseLand Baking Day!
                                                                                         (time to be confirmed)

A Journey of Kindness
THIS LENT, the children of PromiseLand are embarking on
journey of kindness. We began this journey together on
March 6th. In celebration of International Women’s Day,
the children and parents of PromiseLand created 11 gift
bags, each bursting with toiletries, clothing, gift cards, and
messages of love, for the women and children of Nellie’s
Women’s Shelter.                                                    Sunday, April 17     Palm Sunday,
Every day, for the full 40 days of Lent, we will all be engag-                           Harvest for the Hungry Bake Sale
ing in intentional acts of kindness. Together we drafted lists                           following the service
of potential ideas, ranging from playing with our pets to           Thursday, April 21   Maundy Thursday
sharing snacks to being nice to siblings. Every act, no mat-                             Family Potluck and Service,
ter how seemingly small or insignificant, is encouraged,                                 5:30pm
because the amazing thing with acts of kindness is their rip-
ple effect. They are contagious and will continue to affect         Friday, April 22     Good Friday
the people around us, even beyond our realization.                                       Stations of the Cross
                                                                                         Family Service, 9:15am, followed
On the Sundays leading up to Easter, we will share stories                               by a delicious breakfast of Hot
of our acts with one another, and with congregation as a                                 Cross Buns!
whole. We will also participate in another group initiative
on April 16th and 17th. We will come together for a special         Sunday, April 24     Easter Day
baking day and then sell the fruits of our labour on Palm
Sunday. The proceeds will go to support Harvest for the
Hungry, an organization that distributes food boxes
throughout Eastern Europe. Our baking efforts will not
only provide treats for the congregation at CCDP, but will
also help feed families in need across Europe.
This project will encourage us to explore and reflect on                                       Starting our 40 Acts of
Jesus’ message love and compassion for all people by engag-                                    Kindness Lenten journals.
ing in concrete actions each and every day. I am so grateful
for this opportunity to challenge myself, and look forward
to learning about others’ experiences in the coming weeks.
May you all have a meaningful and compassion filled Lent.
Director of Children’s Education

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                    APRIL/JUNE 2011

                                                                 Holy Saturday: April 23
                                                                 7:30pm            The Great Vigil of Easter
                                                                                   Holy Eucharist with Adult Baptism and
                                                                                   Preacher: Archbishop Terry Finlay
                at Christ Church Deer Park                                         followed by Resurrection Party and
                                                                                   planting of outdoor Easter garden
 Sunday Services in Lent:
 March 27, April 3, 10
 8am              Holy Eucharist, The Book of Common
 10am             Choral Eucharist
                  Church school & child care
 April 3          Jazz Vespers

 Holy Week & Easter Services
 Palm Sunday:     April 17
 8am              Blessing of the Palms & Holy Eucharist,
                  The Book of Common Prayer.
 10am             Choral Eucharist with Procession &
                  Blessing of the Palms                          Easter Day: April 24
                  Church school & child care                     8am               Holy Eucharist,
 4:30pm           Jazz Vespers                                                     The Book of Common Prayer
 Monday and Tuesday in Holy Week: April 18 & 19                  10am              Choral Eucharist
                                                                                   Child care provided
 11am             Holy Eucharist
 Wednesday in Holy Week: April 20
 7am              Holy Eucharist followed by breakfast
 11am             Holy Eucharist
 Maundy Thursday: April 21
                                                                  Prayers and Praise
 6pm              Sung Eucharist of the Last Supper
                                                                  for Peace
                  & Stripping of the altar                        Sunday March 27 - 4:30 pm
 Good Friday:     April 22                                        Christ Church Deer Park is pleased to welcome
                                                                  the Praise team of Christ Church, Brampton
 9:15am           Stations of the Cross for families and
                  children followed by breakfast                  Join us as they lead us in songs of praise for peace.
 11am             Solemn Liturgy with choir                       Together we will lift to God our plea for the peace
                  Homilist: Archbishop Fred Hiltz,                of our world in song and word.
                  Primate, The Anglican Church of Canada          Refreshments follow in Elliott Hall
 12:00 noon       COTH Way of the Cross                           with an opportunity to meet the musicians:
                  meet at Our Lady of Perpetual Help,             Sally Campbell (leader/vocals/guitar)
                  at St Clair & Mt Pleasant                       Cathy Clark (piano/vocals), Ben Walker (drums)
                  (walk will make stops at neighbourhood          Trevor Lee (vocals/drums), Phyllis Ibbotson (vocals)
                  churches)                                       Morgan Rogers (violin/vocals), Leah Szepegi (flute/vocals)
 4pm              Annual Good Friday Concert ~                    Diamond Scott (vocals). Erin Rosart (vocals/piano)
                  Choir of Christ Church Deer Park and
                  other musicians.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                              APRIL/JUNE 2011


We threw a Fete for Judy
...AND A GOODLY CROWD turned up to honour Judy, thank
her for her leadership over the past 6 years and wish her
well in her challenging new position.

                  There were, of course,
                  presentations; a key
                  chain to represent her
                  choice of new luggage
                  and a special “thank
                  you” and scrapbook
                  from Promiseland,
                  presented by the young
                  Van Nostrands.
                  Judy, in turn, presented
                  the church with a pair
                  of hand blown, crystal
                  decanters for the
                  Eucharistic wine.

                  Judy spoke with humour and warmth of
                  memories of her time with us, with a special
                  nod to the staff, former curates (notably
                  present, Jason Priestly, Greg Carpenter and,
                  of course, Samantha), past wardens, ministry
                  leadersand loyal church workers.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                      APRIL/JUNE 2011

The Annual                                                           A Cautionary Tale
                                                                     A MOUSE looked through the crack in the wall to see the
Pancake Supper                                                       farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might
                                                                     this contain?” The mouse wondered. He was devastated to
A LARGE AND HUNGRY CROWD attended to partake in                      discover it was a mousetrap.
the feast...pancakes, sausages, ham, fruit, veggies and dips,
whipped cream (which disappeared alarmingly quickly)                 Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the
topped off with a selection of syrups...and then, the sweets         warning. “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a
table!                                                               mousetrap in the house!” The chicken clucked and scratched,
                                                                     raised her head and said, “Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is of
A short service of the imposition of ashes followed.                 grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me.
                                                                     I cannot be bothered by it.”
                                                                     The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is
                                                                     a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the
                                                                     house!” The pig sympathized, but said, “I am so very sorry,
                                                                     Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but
                                                                     pray. Be assured you are in my prayers”.
                                                                     The mouse turned to the cow and said “There is a mouse-
                                                                     trap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!” The
                                                                     cow said, “Wow, Mr. Mouse. I’m sorry for you, but it’s no
                                                                     skin off my nose.”
                                                                     So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and
                                                                     dejected, to face the farmer’s mousetrap alone. That very
                                                                     night a sound was heard throughout the the
                                                                     sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.
                                                                     The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the
                                                                     darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose
                                                                     tail the trap had caught.
                                                                     The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to
                                                                     the hospital, and she returned home with a fever. Now
                                                                     everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup,
                                                                     so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s
                                                                     main ingredient. But his wife’s sickness continued, and
                                                                     friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock.
                                                                     To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s
                                                                     wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for
                                                                     her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide
                                                                     enough meat for all of them.
                                                                     The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall
                                                                     with great sadness.
                                                                     So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem
                                                                     and think it doesn’t concern you, remember...when one of
                                                                     us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in
There were just enough pancakes and sausages left over to            this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one
provide a lovely breakfast for early communicants on Ash             another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.
Wednesday morning.                                                   Our lives are woven together for a reason.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                     APRIL/JUNE 2011

 A Word from                                                       Update from the
 the Wardens                                                       Selection Committee
AT THE TIME OF WRITING, Corporation has had its first
meeting since Vestry was held on February 27. The two new         THE COMMITTEE is busily working on the Parish Profile.
wardens; David Thornton, Rector’s Warden, and Rob Morrow,         It has been a learning opportunity for all the members.
Deputy Warden, were welcomed and briefed with regard to           We have discovered a great deal about our Parish and we are
the ongoing issues. It was decided that each warden’s main        firmly convinced that “There is Life Here”. In addition, we
responsibilities would be divided up as follows: David            have had the opportunity to learn about church governance.
Thornton – Human Resources, Walter Blackwell – Property,          We would like to thank Susan Graham-Walker for her
and Rob Morrow – Finance.                                         great assistance in helping us and guiding us in the
It is clear that Corporation will be busy this year on a number   development of the profile.
of challenging issues.                                            Part of our exploration deals with “Who we are” and we
The most immediate challenge is to select a new Rector for        would like to thank all the parishioners who have graciously
CCDP. As well, it is critical that Christ Church Deer Park        responded to the surveys and questionnaires and who have
does not loose any of its vitality during this period of          talked to the members of the committee about their hopes
transition. We are sure that, with the capable leadership of      and concerns.
Tom Greene, Samantha Caravan and Doug Graydon, as well            We hope to have the profile completed by the end of
as an enthusiastic Parish Selection Committee, we will come       March. We have a scheduled appointment with Bishop Yu
out of this period strong and ready to build a healthy future     on April 7 to review the profile and start on the next phase
together with our new Rector.                                     of the process. Then, the profile will be put on the web site
Finances are one of our most critical challenges. As presented    and interested parties can access it and put their names
at Vestry, we are committed to achieving a balanced budget        forward.
during 2011. Corporation is very optimistic that a new            Thank you all for your patience.
Stewardship Committee led by Innes van Nostrand will be           The Selection Committee
able to augment our revenue at CCDP. Corporation will also
be reviewing the potential of increased income from the
rental of our premises. We will continue to keep on top of
the financial situation through monthly meetings with our
hard working Treasurer, John Buckworth, in order to
                                                                                Information Session
continually monitor how revenue and expenses are tracking                      Results of the recent parish survey,
and take appropriate action before serious budget problems                   review of the profile developed by the
can develop. We will strive to get our finances in order so                   Selection Committee and next steps.
that everyone at CCDP can concentrate on our real mission.                              Sunday, April 10
                                                                                          at coffee hour
Amongst other challenges, Corporation, together with
involved parishioners, will try to develop means to ensure
that the many programs supported by our large body of                                Parish Forum
active and enthusiastic volunteers at CCDP are sustainable.                           The subject will be
Ways must be found to provide support to out current                      Stewardship, chaired by Innes Van Nostrand
volunteers as well as encouraging new volunteers to come                                  Date TBA
forward and take active roles in our many initiatives. Our                    Watch for details in the Bulletin or
volunteers are one of the most important reasons that we                               check our website
are able to proudly say “There’s Life Here!”                              
David Thornton       Walter Blackwell       Robert Morrow
Rector’s Warden      Peoples’ Warden         Deputy Warden

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                     APRIL/JUNE 2011

                                                                           ACW Lenten Lunch Learning Series
                                                                                            The Torah
                                                                             The First 5 Books of the Hebrew Testament
                                                                              Everyone is welcome to this exciting look
                                                                              at the scriptures Jesus would have known
                                                                                            from memory.
                                                                                    Tuesdays in Lent at 12 noon
                                                                                    Bring your lunch and join us
                                                                                    in the Arthur Smith Room,
                                                                               the Learning Series will begin at 12:30.

RECENTLY, a group of Christ Church Deer Park parishioners
attended services at St. Jude’s, Wexford, for the dedication                                   A.C.W.
of vestments for Greg Carpenter by the Most Rev Fred J.                                        Annual
Hiltz, 13th Primate of Canada.
The stole, designed by Greg, was produced by our own                          Spring
talented needlepointers, principally those shown above with
Greg and the Primate: Josina Zylstra, Anne Le Feuvre and
Joan Huycke.
In his relatively short time at St. Judes, Greg appears to have
quickly become much loved in that parish...our
representatives were cautioned not to try to lure him back
to CCDP.

                        Easter Memorial Flowers
                        IF YOU WOULD LIKE to contribute to
                        the cost of decorating the church for
                        Easter, please use the small brown
                        envelopes in the pews,
                        If you would like to make your                              Tuesday, May 17, 12:00 noon
                        donation in memory of a loved one,
                        print the name of the person(s) to                                     Speaker
                        be remembered on the envelope.                                  Walter Blackwell
                        Place the envelope in the offering                                 Tickets: $15.00
                        plate.                                                   Available after Church on Sundays
                                                                                        through the office or
                        Memorials wil be included in the
                                                                                call: Anne Le Feuvre, 416-484-3710
                        Easter bulletin.
                                                                          ..and remember men, you are most welcome, even
                        Donations may also be arranged
                                                                           encouraged, to join us for an excellent lunch and
                        through the office.
                                                                                        informative few hours.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                     APRIL/JUNE 2011

                                                                   We would dearly love to continue this worthwhile project,
   Outreach                                                        and look to the parish for ideas and support.
                                                                   J.R.Thornton. Outreach Chairman (acting)

                                                                   BISHOP FANUEL MAGANGANI was as charming as he was
Bishop of Northern                                                 direct when he visited Christ Church on March 14th. Only
Malawi visits CCDP                                                 four months into his episcopate the Bishop brought thanks
                                                                   and an update regarding the Dietary Program supported by
                          ON MARCH 14TH, the Clergy, and           Christ Church Deer Park. The program was originally
                          some lay people, gathered to meet        developed to support pregnant HIV positive mothers and
                          and listen to the newly confirmed        their children. Bishop Fanuel told us that initially they
                          Bishop of Northern Malawi, the           started with 35 women and children, however the success
                          Rt. Rev. Fanuel Magangani. He            of the program has meant that it has been opened up to
                          talked to us about life in Malawi,       others who are HIV positive, and to date 80 women,
                          and about what we have already           children and men are participants of the Dietary Program.
                          done, and could do, to help these        The Bishop reminded us that the anti-viral drugs without
                          people. He expressed his deep            proper nutrition are very dangerous and can kill rather than
                          gratitude for our help and said          heal. The Bishop reported “that this program is making a
he would dearly love us to visit his Diocese and see for           real difference in the lives of people. Not only are those
ourselves what has already been accomplished with our help.        taking the drug and in the program making good progress
We learned that, since 2003, when the Diocese of                   but, it has encouraged others to be tested for HIV and to
Northern. Malawi finally faced the truth about the HIV             seek help. This is the only way to break the stigma and the
epidemic, the rate of infection has dropped from 20% to            silence.”
7% of the population. He admitted that Africa is far               Within the last year Malawi has become part of the internet
behind the modern world, but that it is amazing what               system and “that has changed our world” said the Bishop.
honesty and love can accomplish.                                   With available internet, communication and updates will
In a country of 14.000,000 people 7,000,000 are children,          be much easier. A plan to match our children and the
and of these 2,000,000 are orphans. There are few people           children in the program as ‘spiritual partners’ is underway.
in the 40 – 50 year old range because of the HIV plague.           This will foster relationship with each other as the children
Malawi is a peaceful, but poor, country where 80% of the           and families pray for each other and exchange photos and
population is Christian. Most people live on $1.00 per day.        encouragement.
Hence the collection plates in the well attended churches          The Bishop’s visit has given us confidence to move forward
are sparsely filled. The church-run hospitals, orphanages,         with our continued support of this important work. We are
and clinics are forced to turn to people like us for financial     our each other’s keeper. Your continued financial support is
assistance.                                                        appreciated. To give to this initiative please make your
Now that Bishop Fanuel is in place, our lines of communi-          cheque payable to Christ Church Deer Park, and make the
cation have been reopened. Our goal was to raise $25,000.          notation ‘Malawi’ .
In 2007-8 we were able to send just under $10,000 to               Thank you,
support the Dietary Improvement Plan, and the Prenatal             Samantha Caravan
Clinic on Likoma Island. We presently have a balance of
about $6,000. We need to work on raising the additional
$9,000 in order to sustain the project for the next while.
                                                                   Ontario Poverty Reduction
Any ideas, or offers, would be welcome.                            Plan...update
On the Bishop’s return home, we will await news of                 The Hon. Deborah Matthews, Minister for Ontario’s
the births of babies (names and birth weights and their            Poverty Reduction Plan, has responded to our letter
progress) and hope that perhaps the children of                    resulting from the annual Vestry meeting. The Minister
Promiseland could act as honorary Godparents to individ-           will keep us up-to-date with any happenings in this area.
ual infants when they are baptized.

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CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                    APRIL/JUNE 2011

         Outreach Steering
        Committee Meeting
             Monday, March 28th, 7:30pm
         Board Room of Christ Church Deer Park
                        All persons
                 who have an interest in
                                                                 The Learning Ministry presents
                                                                 TWO FASCINATING EVENINGS of musical exploration with Dr,
                                                                 Michael O’Connor. 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the Arthur Smith Room
               Outreach programs at CCDP
                                                                 No specialized musical knowledge required!
                   are cordially invited.
                                                                 Tuesday, April 5
       We will review programs that are in operation,
                                                                 Exploring Mozart’s Requiem
          discuss feasibility of planned projects,
               entertain innovative ideas and                    Unfinished at his death, Mozart’s masterful Requiem remains
           plan how to work with our budget.                     an enigma, generating much romantic speculation and
                                                                 controversy. This talk will offer a commentary on the music,
           For more information, please contact
                                                                 illustrated with recorded examples. We will also explore the
            J.R. Thornton at 416-489-6740 or
                                                                 secretive genesis of the work, the possible cause of Mozart’s
                                                                 untimely death, and his widow Constanze’s efforts to have the
                                                                 score completed.
                                                                 Tuesday, April 12
                                                                 Exploring Elgar’s /Dream of Gerontius
 Report on Lay Pastoral                                          Elgar’s setting of John Henry Newman’s imaginative

 Visitor Initiative                                              evocation of the journey of the soul to God is now a treasure
                                                                 of the England choral tradition. But it was not always so:
 THANK YOU to all who attended the information session           from the beginning, the work was controversial for musical
 regarding lay pastoral visiting on Feb. 6th. It was good        and theological reasons. This talk will offer a guided listening
 to see such interest in a ministry such as this. Enough         to this radiant and hope-filled meditation on life after death.
 parishioners did step forward to justify proceeding with
 the program; however Tom Greene, Samantha Caravan                                   Dr Michael O’Connor is a lecturer at
 and I, after much conversation decided to postpone the                              St Michael’s College in the University of
 training until the fall. The success of any Lay Pastoral                            Toronto. He studied at the Pontifical
 Training program is fundamentally dependent upon                                    Gregorian University in Rome and at the
 strong leadership and support from parish clergy. At this                           University of Oxford, where he completed
 point in time, as CCDP moves through its search for a                               a doctorate on early modern biblical exegesis.
 new Incumbent, we feel it is wise to wait until the fall                            A former Warden of the Royal School of
 and then begin to build this program under CCDP’s new                               Church Music (RSCM) in the UK, he is a
 Incumbent. While many of you may know that my time              member of the Board of RSCM Canada. His interests include
 as an Associate Priest comes to an end in April, I have         the relationships between scripture, theology, worship, and
 agreed to return in the fall for the training program.          the arts (especially music).
 Therefore, please hang on! Samantha and I will keep a
 record of who you are and we will reconnect in the fall.
 Once again; thank you for your willingness to embrace
 this ministry. As we enter into our season of Lent, I wish
 you all God’s good grace.
 Douglas Graydon

                                                         11 / HERALD
CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                     APRIL/JUNE 2011

 From the
 Organ Bench
                                                                         Christ Church Deer Park
                                                                                 are pleased to present the

                       AS I WRITE THIS, we are in the middle
                                                                        Good Friday Concert
                                                                             Music for a Most Holy Day
                       of March and we have just begun
                       our annual Lenten observances. The                  Featuring Good Friday readings and
                       music you’ll hear during our Sunday                    traditional sacred compositions
                       morning services leading up to                          with the soloists and choir of
                       Easter is in keeping with the tone of                     Christ Church Deer Park,
                       the season: the hymn texts are a bit             The Element Choir and special guest artists.
                       more reflective, the Psalms more
                       plaintive, the organ works and choir                       April 22 - 4:00pm
anthems more contemplative. Composers across the ages                                Admission Free
have written some of their most beautiful and inspiring                              All are Welcome
works for the season of Lent, and we will have the                                            1570 Yonge Street
opportunity to experience a sample of some of their works                                     (NW corner at Heath,
in the weeks ahead.                                                                           north of St. Clair subway)
                                                                                              Tel: 416-920-5211
Speaking of beautiful Lenten music, I’d like to draw your                           
attention to a special event that will be taking place during
Holy Week. On April 22nd at 4pm, the CCDP choir will
be singing works by Bach, Brahms, and Reinberger at the
annual Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation and Christ Church
Deer Park presentation of “The Good Friday Concert –
Music for a Most Holy Day”. This year’s concert will combine
Good Friday readings and traditional sacred compositions
with unique improvised choral and instrumental music.
Along with the CCDP soloists and choir, the concert will
feature duo-pianists George Vona and Lark Popov, organist
Matthew Coons, jazz trumpeter Jim Lewis, and special
guests, The Element Choir, with their conductor, Christine
Duncan. Further information/links about the concert and           FREE CONCERTS continue at 12:10 pm every Thursday
the performers can be found on either the Nine Sparrows           (with the exception of Maundy Thursday, April 21st).
website or the Music         Bring your lunch, relax and enjoy.
page of the CCDP website             Presented by Nine Sparrows Arts foundation and Christ
Admission is free, so come along and bring a friend to this       Church Deer Park
one-of-a kind concert.
In closing, I’d like to mention that our Lunchtime Chamber
Music series continues every Thursday throughout Lent
(with the exception of Maundy Thursday – April 21). The                 Remember to check our website for
recitals begin at 12:10pm and last for about forty minutes.             updates on these and other events.
Admission is free with donations welcome.                                 
Eric Robertson, Director of Music

                                                          12 / HERALD
CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                      APRIL/JUNE 2011

                                                                                      Christ Church Deer Park
                                                                                       is pleased to welcome
                                                                             the Choir of St. George’s Church, Guelph
                                                                          Dr. Gerald Manning, Organist & Director of Music

JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular
                                                                                  Choral Evensong
service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city                           April 10th, at 4:30 pm
and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’s                    Pre-service music for organ and cello:
finest jazz musicians!                                                                      “Kol Nidrei”
                                                                          by Max Bruch (based on a Hebrew liturgical song)
April 3         Dixie Demons
                                                                            Marlena Tureski, cello; Gerald Manning, organ
                Dan Douglas, trombone; Ross Wooldridge,
                clarinet; Steve Crow, trumpet; Phil Disera,
                banjo; Doug Burrell, tuba: Chris Lamont,
April 17        Tribute to Herbie Hancock
                Robi Botos, piano; Brian Barlow, drums;
                Scott Alexander, bass; Charlie Gray, trumpet;
                Perry White, saxophone
May 8           Mark Eisenman & Chase Sanborn
                                                                                  Welcome to the
                Mark, piano; Chase, trumpet                                         Book Club
May 29          Tribute to Benny Goodman                                     We invite all those who enjoy reading books
                Bob DeAngelis, clarinet; Frank Wright,                               to come to our meeting on
                vibraphone; Brian Barlow, drums;                                        Wednesday, March 30
                piano and bass TBA                                           when we will discuss the non-fiction book
June 12         Reg Schwager Trio                                                        “Three Cups of Tea”
                (other players TBA)                                                       by Greg Mortensen
July 3          Brian Barlow Big Band                                           The meeting originally scheduled for
                ‘The Sacred Music of Duke Ellington’                             Wednesday April 27 will take place
                with guest vocalist Heather Bambrick                                   TUESDAY, APRIL 26
                (Part of the TD Toronto Jazz Festival)                     The book is, “The Post Mistress”, by Sara Blake.
                                                                                For our last meeting of the season on
                                                                                        Wednesday, May 18
 HERALD                                                                     we have chosen, “Art Thefts” by Jeffery Archer.
                                                                                     All meetings start at 7:30pm
 Deadline for the next HERALD is June 8
                                                                                     in The Arthur Smith Room
 DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature
                                                                                                 Join us
 on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory?
                                                                            for lively conversation, refreshments and wine,
 An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or
                                                                                    or your own choice of beverage.
 to the Editor.
                                                                            For information, call Anne Kear: 416-924-3940
 Articles and announcements may be submitted at any
 time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the
 Atrium or e-mail the editor at

                                                            13 / HERALD
CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                           APRIL/JUNE 2011

The Gallery                                                              Following Carol’s show, Ramesh Kamath will mount
                                                                         a photographic art show themed: Nature: Its Healing
THE ART GALLERY is a part of our Art and Spiritualilty                   Power. In this exhibit Ramesh shares with us the healing
program which strives towards building a wider community.                he has felt, and continues to experience, from being in the
                                                                         middle of Nature. The printing of his images has been
Our Vision statement is: “CCDP is a place where genuine                  generously sponsored by Toronto Image Works -
spirituality, like art, is open and dynamic .... both are the            a professional printing service bureau.
hope of a world so badly in need of transformation.”
                                                                         As we continue to build a wider community of artists and
“To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts - such is               art lovers, we encourage the participation of volunteers.
the duty of the artist” - Robert Schumann                                We would like to be able to have the Gallery open for
The Art and Spirituality program picked up steam in the                  viewings between 11:30am - 1:30pm on weekdays (except
New Year. In January and February, our very own Bob                      Tuesdays) but will require at least one volunteer to be on
Reeves had a very successful show themed: Epiphany - the                 hand during that time in order to do this.
moment of Awakening/Realization. Bob’s art depicted light                Meanwhile, we continue to seek sponsors, patrons and
in interesting ways, perhaps giving us that “aha” experience.            donors to help us with the purchase and installation of
Gallery visitors were touched by it and loved it - three people          a professional track lighting system to help make the
went home with Bob’s paintings. Bob had the unenviable                   viewing of the art more enjoyable and impactful. Our
position of having 5 viewers who wanted to go home with                  goal is around $7,000. Any help is appreciated. Please
the same painting, but only one could do that. Also Bob                  speak to either Ramesh Kamath or Walter Blackwell if
may also have garnered some commissions.                                 you’ve any questions. Cheques should be made payable to
Currently Carol Knowlton-Dority has an exhibition                        CCDP and earmarked for the ASR Enhancement Fund.
themed: One in the Spirit. Carol’s paintings challenge us                Thank you!
to see that we (all of humanity) are “one” in spirit and                 We remain grateful to the sponsorship of Northern Artists,
encourage us to reflect on the attitudes that separate us                who provide all the invitations and posters for each show.
and hence our behaviour toward each other! This show
runs through May 1st.                                                    We look forward to continuing to bring you engaging,
                                                                         awe-inspiring Art that will lead to reflection.

                                                                        Feel like being more involved? Don’t have much time, but
                                                                        want to help out? Feeling new, but want to join in? Been here
                                                                        a while, but haven’t been involved? Have ideas to share?

                                                                        Join us!
                                                                        THERE’S LIFE HERE in what we do, how we get together
   Little One, #1                       Carol Knowlton-Dority
                                                                        and what gets done.
                    One in the Spirit                                   New members are always welcome to join any group at
               Paintings by Carol Knowlton-Dority
                                                                        CCDP...choose one that interests you.
            Sunday, March 6 - Sunday, May 1

                                                                14 / HERALD
CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                   APRIL/JUNE 2011

                                                                   Speakers’ Corner
         Spring                                                    DID YOU KNOW that the ACW (Anglican Church Workers)
                                                                   often sponsor lunchtime speakers? The topics vary widely

       Rummage                                                     and are always interesting. Watch the Bulletin for details
                                                                   and dates...plan to bring along a lunch and enjoy! Tea,
                                                                   coffee and cookies are provided. Tuesdays at noon...every-
                                                                   one is welcome...don’t be shy, men...Angican Church

                                                                   Workers include you!
                                                                   During Lent, the subject is the Torah, brought to you by
                                                                   Samantha Caravan, Douglas Graydon and Tom Greene,
                                                                   ...and every Tuesday afternoon you are also welcome to
                                                                   join the Bridge starts around 1:00pm.
             GREAT PRICES!                                         In the Arthur Smith Room.

         Saturday, April 9
                                                                               Don’t forget the
         9am - 12:30pm

News!                                                                    BOOK
Rummage Sale...
back on track!
IT WAS DOWN TO THE WIRE, but Lo!...came a hero as MJ
Rosenthall stepped forward and offered to act as co-ordinator
for the next few Sales. THANK YOU MJ!
...and a heartfelt “thank you” to Rita Becker, who has led us
through 3 years of successful sales. These sales are not only
a great money raiser for the church, but are looked forward
to by many as perhaps the best such sales in the city.

           PARISH REGISTER                                               Saturday, June 4
                     Maeve Louise Platt
                                                                           10am - 2pm
                                                                         Drop off your books, (paperback, hardcover,
                                                                          coffee table); LPs. CDs. Videos and DVDs
                                                                                    in the box in the Atrium
                                                                        Please NO encyclopaedias, outdated textbooks
                                                                                        or business books

                                                          15 / HERALD
CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK                                                                                                   APRIL/JUNE 2011

    We get rid of your clutter
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      Toronto ON M4R 1A8      


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                                                                                                      “Setting the Standard
                                                                                                       in Kindness and Care”

                                                                                16 / HERALD

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Herald - parish newsletter March April 2011 vol37 no2

  • 1. HERALD CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK, TORONTO, CANADA VOLUME 37, NUMBER 2 A scrap book prepared by Promiseland was presented to Judy Rois at our formal “farewell” reception.
  • 2. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 Tom’s HERALD Topic HERALD is published six times a year (Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar, Apr/May, June/July) by Christ Church Deer Park 1570 Yonge Street Toronto ON M4T 1Z8 Tel: 416.920.5211 Fax: 416.920.8400 Dear Friends, We welcome your submissions. THE JOURNEY TO EMMAUS (Luke 24) is one of my favourite Easter stories. I love the E-mail: drama of the walk along the road, the stranger who appears to the two disciples and how he is invited to join them for their meal. It’s those words “were not our hearts or the editor (e-mail below). burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the PARISH CLERGY scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32) that sometimes send a shiver up my spine! It’s as if Interim Priest-in-Charge The Ven. Thomas M. Greene I’m there with them, and it’s all happening now. Assistant Curate Another reason why I find it easy to imagine myself there is that the story is so The Rev. Samantha Caravan anonymous. We don’t know where Emmaus actually is, except that it is a few miles Associate Priest The Rev. Canon Douglas Graydon from Jerusalem. That’s deliberate – it makes Emmaus a place where we all go when Honorary Assistants we are confused or badly hurt. And the two disciples are a bit faceless. Only one of The Rev. Dr. Peter Slater them is named – Cleopas – and we don’t hear of him again, whereas the other disciple The Rev. Canon Dr. David Neelands isn’t named at all. So they weren’t the well-known followers of Jesus, like Peter, or The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, Ecumenical Partner James or John. They were just about anyone – and they could be us as well. The Rev. Michael Marshall, Hospital for Sick Children We can walk to Emmaus, in the countless different ways we break bread together: Director of Children’s Education think of an anxious young mother giving thanks for the birth of a child, an elderly Hilary Keachie housebound person living on their own, a maturing teenager facing up to a rather WARDENS threatening world, a teacher about to deal with a difficult problem, a stockbroker Rector’s Warden (Human Resources) wrestling with an ethical issue, a physician who is caring for a terminally ill patient, David Thornton People’s Warden (Property) or a young person bursting with enthusiasm at their first communion. It is in these Walter Blackwell small, intimate occasions that to break bread is just as important as on the grand, Deputy Warden (Finance) very public celebrations. Robert Morrow EDITORIAL COMMITTEE We know that just as Jesus came to the disciples in the Upper Room, and before that Editor to those two disciples on the way to Emmaus, Jesus still meets us here and says “Peace Joyce Hamilton ( be with you”. He still explains the scriptures to us. He still asks us for food so that he Members might show us his risen humanity and share it with us who know him in the breaking Henry Zaluski, MJ Rosenthal, Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski, of the bread. Peter Curzon, Kate Rieger So the Easter message is not some contrived happy ending. It is about that God Webmaster speaking across the many cultures and centuries, as He will continue to do in the Brian Dench PARISH STAFF future, and absorbing the meaninglessness of the world, in order to bless it with his Organist &Director of Music words and nourishment. That is the real genius of walking to our Emmaus, and Eric Robertson breaking bread and sharing wine in the presence of Christ. Parish Administrator & Rector’s Assistant Jean King With every good wish and blessing for a joyous Easter. Sexton Faithfully Denis Delisle (The Ven) Thomas M. Greene, Interim Priest-in-Charge 2 / HERALD
  • 3. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 From the eternal realm of God promised through the resurrection of Christ. Upper Room As we journey through Lent on our own ‘via Dolorosa’ towards Easter, may we find HOPE our constant companion. Samantha ONE CAN ALMOST SMELL spring in the air! I love the winter but there is something magical about spring. Everything A“Thank you” comes alive, there is more light, more warmth, more colour and somehow – more hope. People sigh with grateful relief, from Douglas no more snow shoveling, wet feet, or cold gray skies. Spring, a season that’s constantly changing physical nature, offers us the anticipation of warmth and beauty. When we add our faith and practice to flowers peeking through the ground and birds singing in the leafless trees we have so much more Thank you! To everyone at CCDP may I extend my than anticipation – we have hope! Yet, hope can be an thanks and deepest appreciations for the time I was granted illusive gift. The smallest disappointment can set it backward. with you as Associate Priest. Beginning May 1st, I will Too many rainy days or a plant that doesn’t grow and bloom cover for the sabbatical leave of the Reverend Canon Allan as we had anticipated, casts a shadow of doubt. I wonder if Budzin at St. Philip’s Anglican Church in Etobicoke. these things are truer when hope is a feeling as opposed to a state of being? I have felt genuine warmth and welcome from CCDP’s congregation. Despite my anxieties of being the “new boy” I have been accused of being an eternal optimist. I am, and on the block, everyone has welcomed me with uncondi- I can’t help it, it’s part of my DNA. For me HOPE is more tional regard. I think that speaks well to the spirit of than seeing the glass half full, more than a feeling or way CCDP. I think it bears an authentic testimony to the logo of life, more than the product of self help gurus like Antony of CCDP, “There’s Life Here”. Robbins, creator of “The Power Within”, and Rhonda Byrnes, author of “The Secret”. For me HOPE is a state I have enjoyed getting to know Samantha Caravan, Tom of being! And my faith is the foundation of that HOPE. Greene and all the staff of CCDP. I have admired the dedication of the wardens, volunteers and parish leaders. The author of the book of Hebrews begins chapter eleven I have valued simply getting to know as many parishioners with this statement “Now faith is the substance of things as was possible considering my part-time position within hoped for, the evidence of things not seen“(NRSV). Faith the church. And finally I will admit I have enjoyed the by its very essence begins and ends in HOPE, and is fed early morning commutes to the 7:00am Wednesday through signs and events in our personal lives and in the Eucharists! life of our community. But the world presses in daily on our faith and hope, illness, unemployment, the homeless we see My sabbatical coverage of St. Philip’s Etobicoke ends daily, natural disasters too great to comprehend, our family August 28th, what happens after that depends upon dynamics, those whom we love but are estranged from, and direction from my Bishop. If however, you see me sitting in those whom we love but no longer see. All of this and more the back pew, epistle side of the church nave, please say challenges us to respond. I wonder if the answer may be hello. found in the interconnectivity of life systems. This of course Reverend Canon Douglas Graydon is part of the aboriginal understanding and gifted to us from our First Nations People and found in the great law of life – ...and “thank you” Douglas for all that you have contributed all life is responsible for all other life! The essence of my to this parish during your stay with us...and we’ll watch for hope is that we are not alone; we are interconnected in the you in that back pew. 3 / HERALD
  • 4. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 Lent and Easter in PromiseLand: Sunday, March 27 Third Sunday in Lent Sunday, April 3 Fourth Sunday in Lent Sunday, April 10 Fifth Sunday in Lent, Kids in Church Saturday, April 16 PromiseLand Baking Day! (time to be confirmed) A Journey of Kindness THIS LENT, the children of PromiseLand are embarking on journey of kindness. We began this journey together on March 6th. In celebration of International Women’s Day, the children and parents of PromiseLand created 11 gift bags, each bursting with toiletries, clothing, gift cards, and messages of love, for the women and children of Nellie’s Women’s Shelter. Sunday, April 17 Palm Sunday, Every day, for the full 40 days of Lent, we will all be engag- Harvest for the Hungry Bake Sale ing in intentional acts of kindness. Together we drafted lists following the service of potential ideas, ranging from playing with our pets to Thursday, April 21 Maundy Thursday sharing snacks to being nice to siblings. Every act, no mat- Family Potluck and Service, ter how seemingly small or insignificant, is encouraged, 5:30pm because the amazing thing with acts of kindness is their rip- ple effect. They are contagious and will continue to affect Friday, April 22 Good Friday the people around us, even beyond our realization. Stations of the Cross Family Service, 9:15am, followed On the Sundays leading up to Easter, we will share stories by a delicious breakfast of Hot of our acts with one another, and with congregation as a Cross Buns! whole. We will also participate in another group initiative on April 16th and 17th. We will come together for a special Sunday, April 24 Easter Day baking day and then sell the fruits of our labour on Palm Sunday. The proceeds will go to support Harvest for the Hungry, an organization that distributes food boxes throughout Eastern Europe. Our baking efforts will not only provide treats for the congregation at CCDP, but will also help feed families in need across Europe. This project will encourage us to explore and reflect on Starting our 40 Acts of Jesus’ message love and compassion for all people by engag- Kindness Lenten journals. ing in concrete actions each and every day. I am so grateful for this opportunity to challenge myself, and look forward to learning about others’ experiences in the coming weeks. May you all have a meaningful and compassion filled Lent. Hilary Director of Children’s Education 4 / HERALD
  • 5. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 Holy Saturday: April 23 7:30pm The Great Vigil of Easter Holy Eucharist with Adult Baptism and Confirmation Preacher: Archbishop Terry Finlay at Christ Church Deer Park followed by Resurrection Party and planting of outdoor Easter garden Sunday Services in Lent: March 27, April 3, 10 8am Holy Eucharist, The Book of Common Prayer 10am Choral Eucharist Church school & child care April 3 Jazz Vespers Holy Week & Easter Services Palm Sunday: April 17 8am Blessing of the Palms & Holy Eucharist, The Book of Common Prayer. 10am Choral Eucharist with Procession & Blessing of the Palms Easter Day: April 24 Church school & child care 8am Holy Eucharist, 4:30pm Jazz Vespers The Book of Common Prayer Monday and Tuesday in Holy Week: April 18 & 19 10am Choral Eucharist Child care provided 11am Holy Eucharist Wednesday in Holy Week: April 20 7am Holy Eucharist followed by breakfast 11am Holy Eucharist Maundy Thursday: April 21 Prayers and Praise 6pm Sung Eucharist of the Last Supper for Peace & Stripping of the altar Sunday March 27 - 4:30 pm Good Friday: April 22 Christ Church Deer Park is pleased to welcome the Praise team of Christ Church, Brampton 9:15am Stations of the Cross for families and children followed by breakfast Join us as they lead us in songs of praise for peace. 11am Solemn Liturgy with choir Together we will lift to God our plea for the peace Homilist: Archbishop Fred Hiltz, of our world in song and word. Primate, The Anglican Church of Canada Refreshments follow in Elliott Hall 12:00 noon COTH Way of the Cross with an opportunity to meet the musicians: meet at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Sally Campbell (leader/vocals/guitar) at St Clair & Mt Pleasant Cathy Clark (piano/vocals), Ben Walker (drums) (walk will make stops at neighbourhood Trevor Lee (vocals/drums), Phyllis Ibbotson (vocals) churches) Morgan Rogers (violin/vocals), Leah Szepegi (flute/vocals) 4pm Annual Good Friday Concert ~ Diamond Scott (vocals). Erin Rosart (vocals/piano) Choir of Christ Church Deer Park and other musicians. 5 / HERALD
  • 6. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 Events We threw a Fete for Judy ...AND A GOODLY CROWD turned up to honour Judy, thank her for her leadership over the past 6 years and wish her well in her challenging new position. There were, of course, presentations; a key chain to represent her choice of new luggage and a special “thank you” and scrapbook from Promiseland, presented by the young Van Nostrands. Judy, in turn, presented the church with a pair of hand blown, crystal decanters for the Eucharistic wine. Judy spoke with humour and warmth of memories of her time with us, with a special nod to the staff, former curates (notably present, Jason Priestly, Greg Carpenter and, of course, Samantha), past wardens, ministry leadersand loyal church workers. 6 / HERALD
  • 7. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 The Annual A Cautionary Tale A MOUSE looked through the crack in the wall to see the Pancake Supper farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might this contain?” The mouse wondered. He was devastated to A LARGE AND HUNGRY CROWD attended to partake in discover it was a mousetrap. the feast...pancakes, sausages, ham, fruit, veggies and dips, whipped cream (which disappeared alarmingly quickly) Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the topped off with a selection of syrups...and then, the sweets warning. “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a table! mousetrap in the house!” The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is of A short service of the imposition of ashes followed. grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it.” The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!” The pig sympathized, but said, “I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers”. The mouse turned to the cow and said “There is a mouse- trap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!” The cow said, “Wow, Mr. Mouse. I’m sorry for you, but it’s no skin off my nose.” So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer’s mousetrap alone. That very night a sound was heard throughout the the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital, and she returned home with a fever. Now everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. But his wife’s sickness continued, and friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness. So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn’t concern you, remember...when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in There were just enough pancakes and sausages left over to this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one provide a lovely breakfast for early communicants on Ash another and make an extra effort to encourage one another. Wednesday morning. Our lives are woven together for a reason. 7 / HERALD
  • 8. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 A Word from Update from the the Wardens Selection Committee AT THE TIME OF WRITING, Corporation has had its first meeting since Vestry was held on February 27. The two new THE COMMITTEE is busily working on the Parish Profile. wardens; David Thornton, Rector’s Warden, and Rob Morrow, It has been a learning opportunity for all the members. Deputy Warden, were welcomed and briefed with regard to We have discovered a great deal about our Parish and we are the ongoing issues. It was decided that each warden’s main firmly convinced that “There is Life Here”. In addition, we responsibilities would be divided up as follows: David have had the opportunity to learn about church governance. Thornton – Human Resources, Walter Blackwell – Property, We would like to thank Susan Graham-Walker for her and Rob Morrow – Finance. great assistance in helping us and guiding us in the It is clear that Corporation will be busy this year on a number development of the profile. of challenging issues. Part of our exploration deals with “Who we are” and we The most immediate challenge is to select a new Rector for would like to thank all the parishioners who have graciously CCDP. As well, it is critical that Christ Church Deer Park responded to the surveys and questionnaires and who have does not loose any of its vitality during this period of talked to the members of the committee about their hopes transition. We are sure that, with the capable leadership of and concerns. Tom Greene, Samantha Caravan and Doug Graydon, as well We hope to have the profile completed by the end of as an enthusiastic Parish Selection Committee, we will come March. We have a scheduled appointment with Bishop Yu out of this period strong and ready to build a healthy future on April 7 to review the profile and start on the next phase together with our new Rector. of the process. Then, the profile will be put on the web site Finances are one of our most critical challenges. As presented and interested parties can access it and put their names at Vestry, we are committed to achieving a balanced budget forward. during 2011. Corporation is very optimistic that a new Thank you all for your patience. Stewardship Committee led by Innes van Nostrand will be The Selection Committee able to augment our revenue at CCDP. Corporation will also be reviewing the potential of increased income from the rental of our premises. We will continue to keep on top of the financial situation through monthly meetings with our hard working Treasurer, John Buckworth, in order to Information Session continually monitor how revenue and expenses are tracking Results of the recent parish survey, and take appropriate action before serious budget problems review of the profile developed by the can develop. We will strive to get our finances in order so Selection Committee and next steps. that everyone at CCDP can concentrate on our real mission. Sunday, April 10 at coffee hour Amongst other challenges, Corporation, together with involved parishioners, will try to develop means to ensure that the many programs supported by our large body of Parish Forum active and enthusiastic volunteers at CCDP are sustainable. The subject will be Ways must be found to provide support to out current Stewardship, chaired by Innes Van Nostrand volunteers as well as encouraging new volunteers to come Date TBA forward and take active roles in our many initiatives. Our Watch for details in the Bulletin or volunteers are one of the most important reasons that we check our website are able to proudly say “There’s Life Here!” David Thornton Walter Blackwell Robert Morrow Rector’s Warden Peoples’ Warden Deputy Warden 8 / HERALD
  • 9. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 ACW Lenten Lunch Learning Series The Torah The First 5 Books of the Hebrew Testament Everyone is welcome to this exciting look at the scriptures Jesus would have known from memory. Tuesdays in Lent at 12 noon Bring your lunch and join us in the Arthur Smith Room, the Learning Series will begin at 12:30. RECENTLY, a group of Christ Church Deer Park parishioners attended services at St. Jude’s, Wexford, for the dedication A.C.W. of vestments for Greg Carpenter by the Most Rev Fred J. Annual Hiltz, 13th Primate of Canada. The stole, designed by Greg, was produced by our own Spring talented needlepointers, principally those shown above with Greg and the Primate: Josina Zylstra, Anne Le Feuvre and Joan Huycke. In his relatively short time at St. Judes, Greg appears to have Luncheon quickly become much loved in that parish...our representatives were cautioned not to try to lure him back to CCDP. Easter Memorial Flowers IF YOU WOULD LIKE to contribute to the cost of decorating the church for Easter, please use the small brown envelopes in the pews, If you would like to make your Tuesday, May 17, 12:00 noon donation in memory of a loved one, print the name of the person(s) to Speaker be remembered on the envelope. Walter Blackwell Place the envelope in the offering Tickets: $15.00 plate. Available after Church on Sundays through the office or Memorials wil be included in the call: Anne Le Feuvre, 416-484-3710 Easter bulletin. ..and remember men, you are most welcome, even Donations may also be arranged encouraged, to join us for an excellent lunch and through the office. informative few hours. 9 / HERALD
  • 10. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 We would dearly love to continue this worthwhile project, Outreach and look to the parish for ideas and support. Faithfully, J.R.Thornton. Outreach Chairman (acting) BISHOP FANUEL MAGANGANI was as charming as he was Bishop of Northern direct when he visited Christ Church on March 14th. Only Malawi visits CCDP four months into his episcopate the Bishop brought thanks and an update regarding the Dietary Program supported by ON MARCH 14TH, the Clergy, and Christ Church Deer Park. The program was originally some lay people, gathered to meet developed to support pregnant HIV positive mothers and and listen to the newly confirmed their children. Bishop Fanuel told us that initially they Bishop of Northern Malawi, the started with 35 women and children, however the success Rt. Rev. Fanuel Magangani. He of the program has meant that it has been opened up to talked to us about life in Malawi, others who are HIV positive, and to date 80 women, and about what we have already children and men are participants of the Dietary Program. done, and could do, to help these The Bishop reminded us that the anti-viral drugs without people. He expressed his deep proper nutrition are very dangerous and can kill rather than gratitude for our help and said heal. The Bishop reported “that this program is making a he would dearly love us to visit his Diocese and see for real difference in the lives of people. Not only are those ourselves what has already been accomplished with our help. taking the drug and in the program making good progress We learned that, since 2003, when the Diocese of but, it has encouraged others to be tested for HIV and to Northern. Malawi finally faced the truth about the HIV seek help. This is the only way to break the stigma and the epidemic, the rate of infection has dropped from 20% to silence.” 7% of the population. He admitted that Africa is far Within the last year Malawi has become part of the internet behind the modern world, but that it is amazing what system and “that has changed our world” said the Bishop. honesty and love can accomplish. With available internet, communication and updates will In a country of 14.000,000 people 7,000,000 are children, be much easier. A plan to match our children and the and of these 2,000,000 are orphans. There are few people children in the program as ‘spiritual partners’ is underway. in the 40 – 50 year old range because of the HIV plague. This will foster relationship with each other as the children Malawi is a peaceful, but poor, country where 80% of the and families pray for each other and exchange photos and population is Christian. Most people live on $1.00 per day. encouragement. Hence the collection plates in the well attended churches The Bishop’s visit has given us confidence to move forward are sparsely filled. The church-run hospitals, orphanages, with our continued support of this important work. We are and clinics are forced to turn to people like us for financial our each other’s keeper. Your continued financial support is assistance. appreciated. To give to this initiative please make your Now that Bishop Fanuel is in place, our lines of communi- cheque payable to Christ Church Deer Park, and make the cation have been reopened. Our goal was to raise $25,000. notation ‘Malawi’ . In 2007-8 we were able to send just under $10,000 to Thank you, support the Dietary Improvement Plan, and the Prenatal Samantha Caravan Clinic on Likoma Island. We presently have a balance of about $6,000. We need to work on raising the additional $9,000 in order to sustain the project for the next while. Ontario Poverty Reduction Any ideas, or offers, would be welcome. Plan...update On the Bishop’s return home, we will await news of The Hon. Deborah Matthews, Minister for Ontario’s the births of babies (names and birth weights and their Poverty Reduction Plan, has responded to our letter progress) and hope that perhaps the children of resulting from the annual Vestry meeting. The Minister Promiseland could act as honorary Godparents to individ- will keep us up-to-date with any happenings in this area. ual infants when they are baptized. 10 / HERALD
  • 11. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 Outreach Steering Committee Meeting Monday, March 28th, 7:30pm Board Room of Christ Church Deer Park All persons who have an interest in lm The Learning Ministry presents TWO FASCINATING EVENINGS of musical exploration with Dr, Michael O’Connor. 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the Arthur Smith Room Outreach programs at CCDP No specialized musical knowledge required! are cordially invited. Tuesday, April 5 We will review programs that are in operation, Exploring Mozart’s Requiem discuss feasibility of planned projects, entertain innovative ideas and Unfinished at his death, Mozart’s masterful Requiem remains plan how to work with our budget. an enigma, generating much romantic speculation and controversy. This talk will offer a commentary on the music, For more information, please contact illustrated with recorded examples. We will also explore the J.R. Thornton at 416-489-6740 or secretive genesis of the work, the possible cause of Mozart’s untimely death, and his widow Constanze’s efforts to have the score completed. Tuesday, April 12 Exploring Elgar’s /Dream of Gerontius Report on Lay Pastoral Elgar’s setting of John Henry Newman’s imaginative Visitor Initiative evocation of the journey of the soul to God is now a treasure of the England choral tradition. But it was not always so: THANK YOU to all who attended the information session from the beginning, the work was controversial for musical regarding lay pastoral visiting on Feb. 6th. It was good and theological reasons. This talk will offer a guided listening to see such interest in a ministry such as this. Enough to this radiant and hope-filled meditation on life after death. parishioners did step forward to justify proceeding with the program; however Tom Greene, Samantha Caravan Dr Michael O’Connor is a lecturer at and I, after much conversation decided to postpone the St Michael’s College in the University of training until the fall. The success of any Lay Pastoral Toronto. He studied at the Pontifical Training program is fundamentally dependent upon Gregorian University in Rome and at the strong leadership and support from parish clergy. At this University of Oxford, where he completed point in time, as CCDP moves through its search for a a doctorate on early modern biblical exegesis. new Incumbent, we feel it is wise to wait until the fall A former Warden of the Royal School of and then begin to build this program under CCDP’s new Church Music (RSCM) in the UK, he is a Incumbent. While many of you may know that my time member of the Board of RSCM Canada. His interests include as an Associate Priest comes to an end in April, I have the relationships between scripture, theology, worship, and agreed to return in the fall for the training program. the arts (especially music). Therefore, please hang on! Samantha and I will keep a record of who you are and we will reconnect in the fall. Once again; thank you for your willingness to embrace this ministry. As we enter into our season of Lent, I wish you all God’s good grace. Douglas Graydon 11 / HERALD
  • 12. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 From the Organ Bench and Christ Church Deer Park are pleased to present the AS I WRITE THIS, we are in the middle Good Friday Concert Music for a Most Holy Day of March and we have just begun our annual Lenten observances. The Featuring Good Friday readings and music you’ll hear during our Sunday traditional sacred compositions morning services leading up to with the soloists and choir of Easter is in keeping with the tone of Christ Church Deer Park, the season: the hymn texts are a bit The Element Choir and special guest artists. more reflective, the Psalms more plaintive, the organ works and choir April 22 - 4:00pm anthems more contemplative. Composers across the ages Admission Free have written some of their most beautiful and inspiring All are Welcome works for the season of Lent, and we will have the 1570 Yonge Street opportunity to experience a sample of some of their works (NW corner at Heath, in the weeks ahead. north of St. Clair subway) Tel: 416-920-5211 Speaking of beautiful Lenten music, I’d like to draw your attention to a special event that will be taking place during Holy Week. On April 22nd at 4pm, the CCDP choir will be singing works by Bach, Brahms, and Reinberger at the annual Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation and Christ Church Deer Park presentation of “The Good Friday Concert – Music for a Most Holy Day”. This year’s concert will combine Good Friday readings and traditional sacred compositions with unique improvised choral and instrumental music. Along with the CCDP soloists and choir, the concert will feature duo-pianists George Vona and Lark Popov, organist Matthew Coons, jazz trumpeter Jim Lewis, and special guests, The Element Choir, with their conductor, Christine Duncan. Further information/links about the concert and FREE CONCERTS continue at 12:10 pm every Thursday the performers can be found on either the Nine Sparrows (with the exception of Maundy Thursday, April 21st). website or the Music Bring your lunch, relax and enjoy. page of the CCDP website Presented by Nine Sparrows Arts foundation and Christ Admission is free, so come along and bring a friend to this Church Deer Park one-of-a kind concert. In closing, I’d like to mention that our Lunchtime Chamber Music series continues every Thursday throughout Lent (with the exception of Maundy Thursday – April 21). The Remember to check our website for recitals begin at 12:10pm and last for about forty minutes. updates on these and other events. Admission is free with donations welcome. Eric Robertson, Director of Music 12 / HERALD
  • 13. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 Christ Church Deer Park is pleased to welcome the Choir of St. George’s Church, Guelph Dr. Gerald Manning, Organist & Director of Music JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular Choral Evensong service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city April 10th, at 4:30 pm and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’s Pre-service music for organ and cello: finest jazz musicians! “Kol Nidrei” by Max Bruch (based on a Hebrew liturgical song) April 3 Dixie Demons Marlena Tureski, cello; Gerald Manning, organ Dan Douglas, trombone; Ross Wooldridge, clarinet; Steve Crow, trumpet; Phil Disera, banjo; Doug Burrell, tuba: Chris Lamont, drums April 17 Tribute to Herbie Hancock Robi Botos, piano; Brian Barlow, drums; Scott Alexander, bass; Charlie Gray, trumpet; Perry White, saxophone May 8 Mark Eisenman & Chase Sanborn Welcome to the Mark, piano; Chase, trumpet Book Club May 29 Tribute to Benny Goodman We invite all those who enjoy reading books Bob DeAngelis, clarinet; Frank Wright, to come to our meeting on vibraphone; Brian Barlow, drums; Wednesday, March 30 piano and bass TBA when we will discuss the non-fiction book June 12 Reg Schwager Trio “Three Cups of Tea” (other players TBA) by Greg Mortensen July 3 Brian Barlow Big Band The meeting originally scheduled for ‘The Sacred Music of Duke Ellington’ Wednesday April 27 will take place with guest vocalist Heather Bambrick TUESDAY, APRIL 26 (Part of the TD Toronto Jazz Festival) The book is, “The Post Mistress”, by Sara Blake. For our last meeting of the season on Wednesday, May 18 HERALD we have chosen, “Art Thefts” by Jeffery Archer. All meetings start at 7:30pm Deadline for the next HERALD is June 8 in The Arthur Smith Room DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature Join us on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory? for lively conversation, refreshments and wine, An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or or your own choice of beverage. to the Editor. For information, call Anne Kear: 416-924-3940 Articles and announcements may be submitted at any time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the Atrium or e-mail the editor at 13 / HERALD
  • 14. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 The Gallery Following Carol’s show, Ramesh Kamath will mount a photographic art show themed: Nature: Its Healing THE ART GALLERY is a part of our Art and Spiritualilty Power. In this exhibit Ramesh shares with us the healing program which strives towards building a wider community. he has felt, and continues to experience, from being in the middle of Nature. The printing of his images has been Our Vision statement is: “CCDP is a place where genuine generously sponsored by Toronto Image Works - spirituality, like art, is open and dynamic .... both are the a professional printing service bureau. hope of a world so badly in need of transformation.” As we continue to build a wider community of artists and “To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts - such is art lovers, we encourage the participation of volunteers. the duty of the artist” - Robert Schumann We would like to be able to have the Gallery open for The Art and Spirituality program picked up steam in the viewings between 11:30am - 1:30pm on weekdays (except New Year. In January and February, our very own Bob Tuesdays) but will require at least one volunteer to be on Reeves had a very successful show themed: Epiphany - the hand during that time in order to do this. moment of Awakening/Realization. Bob’s art depicted light Meanwhile, we continue to seek sponsors, patrons and in interesting ways, perhaps giving us that “aha” experience. donors to help us with the purchase and installation of Gallery visitors were touched by it and loved it - three people a professional track lighting system to help make the went home with Bob’s paintings. Bob had the unenviable viewing of the art more enjoyable and impactful. Our position of having 5 viewers who wanted to go home with goal is around $7,000. Any help is appreciated. Please the same painting, but only one could do that. Also Bob speak to either Ramesh Kamath or Walter Blackwell if may also have garnered some commissions. you’ve any questions. Cheques should be made payable to Currently Carol Knowlton-Dority has an exhibition CCDP and earmarked for the ASR Enhancement Fund. themed: One in the Spirit. Carol’s paintings challenge us Thank you! to see that we (all of humanity) are “one” in spirit and We remain grateful to the sponsorship of Northern Artists, encourage us to reflect on the attitudes that separate us who provide all the invitations and posters for each show. and hence our behaviour toward each other! This show runs through May 1st. We look forward to continuing to bring you engaging, awe-inspiring Art that will lead to reflection. Feel like being more involved? Don’t have much time, but want to help out? Feeling new, but want to join in? Been here a while, but haven’t been involved? Have ideas to share? Join us! THERE’S LIFE HERE in what we do, how we get together Little One, #1 Carol Knowlton-Dority and what gets done. One in the Spirit New members are always welcome to join any group at Paintings by Carol Knowlton-Dority CCDP...choose one that interests you. Sunday, March 6 - Sunday, May 1 14 / HERALD
  • 15. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 Speakers’ Corner Spring DID YOU KNOW that the ACW (Anglican Church Workers) often sponsor lunchtime speakers? The topics vary widely Rummage and are always interesting. Watch the Bulletin for details and dates...plan to bring along a lunch and enjoy! Tea, coffee and cookies are provided. Tuesdays at noon...every- one is welcome...don’t be shy, men...Angican Church SALE SELECTION, QUALITY, Workers include you! During Lent, the subject is the Torah, brought to you by Samantha Caravan, Douglas Graydon and Tom Greene, ...and every Tuesday afternoon you are also welcome to join the Bridge starts around 1:00pm. GREAT PRICES! In the Arthur Smith Room. Saturday, April 9 Don’t forget the 9am - 12:30pm News! BOOK Rummage Sale... back on track! IT WAS DOWN TO THE WIRE, but Lo!...came a hero as MJ Rosenthall stepped forward and offered to act as co-ordinator SALE for the next few Sales. THANK YOU MJ! ...and a heartfelt “thank you” to Rita Becker, who has led us through 3 years of successful sales. These sales are not only a great money raiser for the church, but are looked forward to by many as perhaps the best such sales in the city. PARISH REGISTER Saturday, June 4 Baptism Maeve Louise Platt 10am - 2pm Drop off your books, (paperback, hardcover, coffee table); LPs. CDs. Videos and DVDs in the box in the Atrium Please NO encyclopaedias, outdated textbooks or business books 15 / HERALD
  • 16. CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK APRIL/JUNE 2011 We get rid of your clutter Maxine the Maximizer Organizing Efficiency Consultant Our Services: Home organization / Home staging Office organization / Estate organizing Gift certificates 416-590-1008 Family owned and operated Withadedicatedteamofthefinestdirectorsintheprofession,theCrawford familycontinuesthetraditionofservingthecommunityofNorthToronto. • Burial Cremation • Ample parking available • No obligation Pre-Planning • Chapel, Reception children’s Services recreation rooms. 159 Eglinton Ave. W. Toronto ON M4R 1A8 416-489-8733 Sarah Barrett 416-465-9878 SARAH’S Flower Design Garden Inspiraton Companion Care for Seniors •beautiful bouquets for parties, weddings and all occasions• Need someone you can trust to stay with •garden consultations, assistance and planting• a loved one? Our experienced, compassionate caregivers provide meal prep, hygiene assistance, light housekeeping, laundry, medication reminders, grocery shop, respite care, etc. Robert O’Reilly ExecutiveDirector All screened and bonded. Hourly and live-in care. 7BPleasantBlvd.,Box1053 Toronto,OntarioM4T1K2 Call for a free consultation Tel:416923-3779 by a Registered Nurse! Fax:416923-0083 (416) 572-7739 1-800-883-7761 Website: “Setting the Standard in Kindness and Care” 16 / HERALD