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The Voice Online
                                                                     Our Saviour Lutheran Church

                                                                                                July 2012 
                                                                                                Volume 1, Issue 1 

“No Trespassing” – Have you ever                                                                Inside this issue:
jumped a fence?
                                                                                                August Usher     4
By David Hatch              from a strained                                                     Schedule
                            relationship with                                                   Official Acts    4
You have heard the          someone, to a guilty
stories of kids, now        conscience, to a                                                    The Truth        5
being grandfathers,         shotgun, to jail time.                                              Project
climbing over or under a
fence to get something                                                                          Camp Luther      7
                            Trespassing involves                                                News
they wanted. Perhaps it     getting what we want
was grabbing a              (desire) at our                                                     Open Letter to   6-
cucumber from the                                                                               LCMS             8
                            neighbor’s expense                                                  Members
neighbor’s garden, a        (and against his                                                    Our Saviour      9
sneak peak at a sports      wishes).                                                            July Calendar
event, a shortcut through
the woods when                                                                                  Camp Luther      10
                                     Even if there is                                          News
hunting, etc. The stories
                                      no fence, a kid 
may be lighthearted and
                                      sneaking a 
seemingly innocent, but
in the larger picture,                candy bar at the 
trespassing where we do               convenience 
not belong can land us                store, out of 
in big trouble. We could
                            (See ‘No Trespassing’ on page 3)
experience anything

 What Does “Deep Discipleship” Mean?                                         By David H Hatch

Our congregational          different folks. By any            who desires to deepen
theme this year is          definition, it would               their faith-life by
“Deepen Your                mean to grow in our                serving, they may
Discipleship”. What         faith-life, to take it             stretch themselves and
does that mean,             deeper than we have                step out doing things
anyway? It could mean       gone so far.                       they had never done
different things to                                            (See Discipleship-page 2)
                            Idea One: For someone

Discipleship (continued from page 1)

                      before. That could be       giving toward a project-    their Savior through
                      opening their home to       fund at church.             prayer and meditation.
                      someone in need,                                        Find a place where you
                      sacrificing time on a       Idea Four: For another,     can be alone and go
                      faith-based project (like   it may mean jumping         there, regularly.
                      Habitat for Humanity),      into a Bible class,
                      being on a church board     taking notes during the     Idea Seven: One person
                      or teaching Sunday          sermon or listening to a    may deepen their
                      School. They might call     sermon over again, on-      discipleship by looking
                      the pastor and offer to     line, at the church         back at their life, like a
                      serve in some capacity      website. This would be      walker on a trail, or
                      that matches their skills   forming a new solid         breaking their life down
                      and interests.              habit.                      into chapters in a story,
                                                                              recounting the blessings
                      Idea Two: For another,      Idea Five: For someone      and hardships over the
                      deepening their             else, it may mean           years. They may be
                      discipleship may mean       setting off on a reading    surprised at how they
                      embracing a new habit       campaign, lapping up        have grown through
                      in their devotional life,   the good works of           troubles and been
                      perhaps prayers or          contemporary Christian      blessed over the years.
“How will you         Scripture readings          authors or digging into     This could end up being
deepen your           during set times of the     the archives of the         a writing project that
discipleship, your    day. With this idea, one    writings of ancient         would turn out to be a
faith‐life?”          might want to set some      Christian authors, or       gift to the children!
                      goals and, with God’s       doing a parade of
                      help, stick with them!      readings of Christian       How will you deepen
                                                  biographies.                your discipleship, your
                      Idea Three: For another,                                faith-life? Is it
                      it may mean stepping to     Idea Six: Yet someone       important to you?
                      another ongoing level of    else may set aside          Valuable?Precious? He
                      sacrificial giving,         solitude time during the    hopes your faith-life is
                      perhaps to the needy, to    day to purify their heart   paramount to you, it is
                      a church mission fund,      and mind, bringing a        to Him.
                      sponsoring a student or     deeper harmony with

No Trespassing (from page 1)

       sight of the attendant              fence!                          also heartily forgive and also
       and with no posted sign            And we rationalize              readily do good to those who
       prohibiting such “little                                            sin against us.
                                           “crossing the line”, 
       looting” is “jumping a              saying things like, “Well, 
       moral fence” and                                                    The truth is, when we realize 
                                           that won’t hurt them, 
       trespassing against that                                            that we have crossed over 
                                           they have plenty.”, 
       owner. A little candy bar                                           and taken something from 
                                           “They will never know.”, 
       today could lead to grand                                           our neighbor (even going 
                                           “Hey, everyone is, why 
       theft auto, if the lesson is                                        against his wishes is 
                                           am I any different?”, 
       not learned early.                                                  trespassing), and that this is 
                                           “What goes around 
      It could be said that                                               also an offense against God 
                                           comes around, a lot of 
       blatantly staring at                                                in the Commandments, and 
                                           folks have done that to 
       someone is robbing them                                             that Christ forgives us for 
       of their privacy,                                                   this when we are repentant, 
                                          Sin is defined as 
       trespassing against their                                           then forgiving our neighbor 
                                           “trespassing”. It’s just 
       space. We may not think                                             for doing that against us 
                                           that simple!  
       so, but if you have ever                                            comes easy! 
                                          Let’s let the Lord’s         
       had someone stare at                Prayer and Luther’s 
       you, you know we would                                              The conclusion may well be 
                                           explanation of it, clarify      stated, “Go and trespass no 
       prefer they would stop. Is          this point… 
       not that a sure and                                                 more, and if you have, apply 
       certain sign of                                                     grace and apologize if the 
                                       Jesus - “And forgive us our
       trespassing? If we would                                            offense calls for it.” 
                                       trespasses, as we forgive
       not want it done to us                                               
                                       those who trespass against
       then, for sure, no one          us.”                                 
       would want it done to                                                
       them.                           Luther - What does this
      It is certain that speaking     mean? – Answer: We pray
       ill of someone behind his       in this petition that our
       or her back is trespassing      Father in heaven would not
       [crossing the fence] and        look upon our sins, nor deny
       robbing them of their           such petitions on account of
       reputation. We would            them; for we are worthy of
                                       none of the things for which
       not want that done to us. 
                                       we pray, neither have we
      The examples are 
                                       deserved them; but that He
       endless. We cross moral         would grant them all to us
       fences against our              by grace; for we daily sin
       neighbors all the time,         much, and indeed deserve
       even if it does not             nothing but punishment. So
       involve crossing a              will we verily, on our part,
       wooden or a barbed wire 

August 2012                            OSLC Usher Schedule
Day: Date:   Service:     Lead              Usher Team:

Thu. 02-Aug 7:00 pm       P. Kuehl          Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun. 05-Aug 7:45 am       J. Kielpikowski   Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun. 05-Aug 9:15 am       R. Vande Hei      Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun. 05-Aug 10:45 am      R. Bruhn          Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu. 09-Aug 7:00 pm       B. Clayton        Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun. 12-Aug 7:45 am       M. Dalebroux      Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun. 12-Aug 9:15 am       D. Bitters        Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun. 12-Aug 10:45 am      G. Buechner       Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu. 16-Aug 7:00 pm       C. Arthur         Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun. 19-Aug 7:45 am       M. Morgan         Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun. 19-Aug 9:15 am       W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz
Sun. 19-Aug 10:45 am      M. Charles        Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Thu. 23-Aug 7:00 pm       P. Kuehl          Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun. 26-Aug 7:45 am       A. Knaus          Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun. 26-Aug 9:15 am       D. Wians          Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun. 26-Aug 10:45 am      R. Bruhn          Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu. 30-Aug 7:00 pm       B. Clayton        Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
      †UN-Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the Lead Usher of the group you'd like to join,
or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or by email at

                                                   Official Acts
Baptisms                                                                  Membership Changes
Rori June Newberry                                                        IN:       Linda Cummings, Adult Confirmation
Born: January 6, 2012                                                               Jerry Derenne, Adult Confirmation
Baptized: May 27, 2012                                                              Marshall Marquardt, Profession of Faith
Daughter of Anthony Newberry and Lynn
Cardinal                                                                  OUT: Delmar and Katherine (Katie) Lacount,
                                                                                      and children, Samantha and Joshua,
Madelynn Josephine Aspenson                                                           release
Born: April 15, 2011                                                           Karin Sconzert, release
Baptized: June 3, 2012                                                         Barb Talbot – remove; added in error
Daughter of Joel Aspenson and Stacy Compton                                    Cristina Brosig, release (out of state)
                                                                               Amy Loritz, release (out of town)
Isabella Hart Aspenson                                                         Nancy Verheyen, release (out of town)
Born: March 21, 2012                                                           Karl and Jennie Kuepper and baptized
Baptized: June 3, 2012                                                                 children, Jacob Martin, Nicholas
Daughter of Joel Aspenson and Stacy Compton                                            and Alex, release
                                                                               Dale Hackbarth, release (out of state)
Jack Theodore Krouth
Born: March 20, 2012                                                      Received their Crown
Baptized: June 3, 2012
Son of Kelley and Kathryn Krouth                                          Darrell D. Butrymowicz
                                                                          December 21, 1941 ~ May 30, 2012
Priya Deanna Sullivan                                                     Funeral service held on June 2, 2012
Born: March 13, 2012
Baptized: June 10, 2012
Daughter of Evan and Tara Sullivan                                        Page 4
OSLC to Launch The Truth Project
In the film, Indiana Jones and      by Focus on the Family. It is     6:30‐8:30pm. You will 
the Last Crusade, the story         not for everyone, but it may      encounter cookies. We will 
begins with Dr. Jones, a well‐      be for you.                       meet in the comfort of the 
known adventurer‐                                                     church parlor. 
archeologist, directing his         It is for you if:                  
college students to two                   You like to learn and      Enrollment for each class is 
vastly different classrooms.                 you would enjoy some     limited to 12 people (per 
He says, “Archaeology is the                 studying at home         time period). Should we not 
search for fact... not truth. If             between classes.         fill the classes with our own 
it's truth you're looking for,            You wish to commit to      members, we will offer these 
Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is              something that can       sessions to members of other 
right down the hall. If you                  have a deep              congregations. If you would 
want the facts, follow me.”                  stretching change in     like to commit to this class, 
                                             your thought‐life and    enroll today. Call the church 
Here, we want to focus on                    world perspective.       office at (920) 468‐4065 or 
Truth.                                    You long to have a         send an email to info@oslc‐
                                             deep discipleship If you want more 
“What is Truth?”, asked                      with Christ.             information, visit the Truth 
Pontius Pilate to Jesus. And              You wish to interact       Project website at 
that is the question of most                 with other Christians    http://www.thetruthproject.
philosophers.                                and build life‐long      org/ 
For a world without Christ,                                                 Scheduled Class Dates 
truth changes with the winds        We will offer two long                              
of opinion, culture and             running classes beginning                September 6 and 20 
perception. For the Christian,      September 6, 2012 and                         October 4 
Christ is Truth and His Word        ending March 20, 2013,                   November 1 and 29 
is Truth. Christ brings us          meeting 12 times,                            December 13 
unchangeable Truth.                 approximately every other                 January 10 and 24 
Our Saviour is going to offer       week. Classes will meet on                February 7 and 20 
a special class called The          Thursdays (Wednesdays                       March 6 and 20
Truth Project.  It was created      during Lent) from 9‐11am or 
                                                  Page 5 

   OSLC members, please see the special letters on the next three pages. The first is an 
    introductory letter from the president of our denomination. The second is a joint 
     letter signed by many Christian denominational representatives, an Open Letter. 
    These letters address our position on the current state of affairs regarding the US 
      government's requirement about health insurance coverage including required 
  payment for child abortive services. It is easy to dismiss this as "distant", irrelevant or 
       the making of a mountain out of a molehill. We encourage to read this, to be 
   informed, to be compassionate and to have ethical convictions based on your faith. 
                                  Thank‐you! Pastor Dave 
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life.

In response to the incursion of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) into the realm of religious
freedom with its controversial contraceptive mandate issued earlier this year, we are compelled to offer “Free Exercise
of Religion: Putting Beliefs into Practice,” an open letter to our members and, indeed, all Americans.

Twenty-four leaders of religious organizations across the country have joined with us in signing the letter. Together,
these signatories represent more than 10 million American men, women and children. They represent religious
organizations that stand with us in opposition to the contraceptive mandate on the grounds that it is an infringement of
our God-given right to act according to the tenets of our faith.

We are preparing to issue this letter even as we await a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), a historic piece of legislation meant to extend health coverage to
millions of uninsured Americans. The HHS contraceptive mandate represents one of the reforms included in the law.
The ramifications of the anticipated ruling are, of course, as yet unknown.

That said, our action in authoring this letter is not a statement on the global design of PPACA. As Christians living out
our calling to serve our brothers and sisters with the mercy and love of Jesus Christ, we support and engage in wide-
ranging efforts to restore health and well-being to the sick and suffering.

Thus, this letter specifically is in response to one effect of the contraceptive mandate—one that would require religious
organizations, with only narrowly defined exceptions, to include coverage for contraceptives, including those that could
cause the death of unborn babies, in their employee health plans. This is in direct opposition to a core teaching of The
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod—that only God gives and takes life.

I encourage you to read the letter and to share it widely.

In Christ,

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, President
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

                                                             Page 6 
                                Putting Beliefs into Practice
               An Open Letter from Religious Leaders in the United States to All Americans

Dear Friends, 
Religious institutions are established because of religious beliefs and convictions. Such institutions 
include not only churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship, but also schools and 
colleges, shelters and community kitchens, adoption agencies and hospitals, organizations that provide 
care and services during natural disasters, and countless other organizations that exist to put specific 
religious beliefs into practice. Many such organizations have provided services and care to both 
members and non‐members of their religious communities since before the Revolutionary War, saving 
and improving the lives of countless American citizens. 
As religious leaders from a variety of perspectives and communities, we are compelled to make known 
our protest against the incursion of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 
into the realm of religious liberty. HHS has mandated that religious institutions, with only a narrow 
religious exception, must provide access to certain contraceptive benefits, even if the covered 
medications or procedures are contradictory to their beliefs. We who oppose the application of this 
mandate to religious institutions include not only the leaders of religious groups morally opposed to 
contraception, but also leaders of other religious groups that do not share that particular moral 
That we share an opposition to the mandate to religious institutions while disagreeing about specific 
moral teachings is a crucial fact. Religious freedom is the principle on which we stand. Because of 
differing understandings of moral and religious authority, people of good will can and often do come to 
different conclusions about moral questions. Yet, even we who hold differing convictions on specific 
moral issues are united in the conviction that no religious institution should be penalized for refusing to 
go against its beliefs. The issue is the First Amendment, not specific moral teachings or specific 
products or services. 
The HHS mandate implicitly acknowledged that an incursion into religion is involved in the mandate. 
However, the narrowness of the proposed exemption is revealing for it applies only to religious 
organizations that serve or support their own members. In so doing, the government is establishing 
favored and disfavored religious organizations: a privatized religious organization that serves only itself 
is exempted from regulation, while one that believes it should also serve the public beyond its 
membership is denied a religious exemption. The so‐called accommodation and the subsequent 
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) do little or nothing to alleviate the problem.  
No government should tell religious organizations either what to believe or how to put their beliefs into 
practice. We indeed hold this to be an unalienable, constitutional right. If freedom of religion is a 
constitutional value to be protected, then institutions developed by religious groups to implement their 
core beliefs in education, in care for the sick or suffering, and in other tasks must also be protected. 
Only by doing so can the free exercise of religion have any meaning. The HHS mandate prevents this 
free exercise. For the well‐being of our country, we oppose the application of the contraceptive 
mandate to religious institutions and plead for its retraction. 
Sincerely yours, 
 Leith Anderson                                 The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison               Sister Loraine Marie Maguire, l.s.p.
 President                                      President                                      Provincial Superior, Baltimore Province
 National Association of Evangelicals           The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod             Little Sisters of the Poor

 Gary M. Benedict                               Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr.                    The Rev. John A. Moldstad
 President                                      Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church           President
 The Christian and Missionary Alliance U.S.     Bishop, Fellowship of International Churches   Evangelical Lutheran Synod

 Bishop John F. Bradosky                        The Very Rev. Dr. John A. Jillions             Deaconess Cheryl D. Naumann
 North American Lutheran Church                 Chancellor                                     President
                                                Orthodox Church in America                     Concordia Deaconess Conference
                                                                                               The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

 The Most Rev. Robert J. Carlson                The Most Blessed Jonah                         The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez
 Archbishop of St. Louis                        Archbishop of Washington                       President
                                                Metropolitan of All American and Canada        NHCLC
                                                Orthodox Church in America                     Hispanic Evangelical Association

 Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan                      Imam Faizul R. Khan                            Sister Joseph Marie Ruessmann,
 Archbishop of New York                         Founder and Leader                             R.S.M., J.D., J.C.D., M.B.A.
 President                                      Islamic Society of Washington Area             Generalate Secretary
 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops                                                  Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan

 Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, S.V.                The Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky                The Rev. Mark Schroeder
 Superior General of the Sisters of Life        Director of External Affairs                   President
                                                and Interchurch Relations                      Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
                                                Orthodox Church in America

 Sister Barbara Anne Gooding, R.S.M.            The Most Rev. William E. Lori                  L. Roy Taylor
 Director, Department of Religion               Archbishop of Baltimore                        Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of
 Saint Francis Health System                    Chairman                                       thePresbyterian Church in America
                                                USCCB Ad Hoc Committee for
                                                Religious Liberty

 Sister Margaret Regina Halloran,l.s.p.         Sister Maria Christine Lynch, l.s.p.           Sister Constance Carolyn Veit, l.s.p.
 Provincial Superior, Brooklyn Province         Provincial Superior, Chicago Province          Communications Director
 Little Sisters of the Poor                     Little Sisters of the Poor                     Little Sisters of the Poor

                                                                                               Dr. George O. Wood
                                                                                               General Superintendent
                                                                                               The General Council of the Assemblies of God

  Our Saviour Lutheran Church
  120 S. Henry Street
  Green Bay, WI 54302
  (920) 468-4065
  Senior Pastor - David H. Hatch                                                         Church Office – Michelle Burhite
  (920) 465-8118                                                                         (920) 468-4065                                                             
Associate Pastor - Greg Hovland                                                          Preschool Director – Christina Scholz
(920) 544-3614                                                                           (920) 468-3596                                                               
July 2012
       Sunday                 Monday                   Tuesday                Wednesday            Thursday               Friday              Saturday

1                       2                       3                        4                    5                    6                     7
7:45am Trad Worship                             7am Bible Study                               12:15pm Worship
9:15am Praise Worship                           9am Bible Study                               7pm Trad Worship
10:45am Trad Worship

                        Michelle-Vacation       Michelle-Vacation        Office Closed
                        No SCRIP Sales          No SCRIP Sales

8 Communion             9                       10                       11                   12                   13                    14
Mite Box Sunday                                 7am Bible Study          12pm Staff Meeting   12:15pm Worship      6:30pm Process/Baez   2:30pm Process/Baez
7:45am Trad Worship                             9am Bible Study          7pm Youth/Young      7pm Trad Worship     Wedding Rehearsal     Wedding
9:15am Worship                                  6pm Praise Band          Adult Bible Study
9:15am Bible Study
10:30am Bible Study
10:45am Trad Worship
4:15pm OSLC2 on F2
5:30pm OSLC1 on F3

15                      16                      17                       18                   19                   20                    21
7:45am Trad Worship     7pm Board of            7am Bible Study          12pm Staff Meeting   12:15pm Worship
9:15am Praise Worship   Education               9am Bible Study          7pm Youth/Young      7pm Trad Worship
10:45am Trad Worship                            6pm Praise Band          Adult Bible Study
4:15pm OSLC1 on F1
6:45pm OSLC2 on F2

22 Communion            23                      24                       25                   26                   27                    28
7:45am Trad Worship     6:30pm GBLSA            7am Bible Study          12pm Staff Meeting   12:15pm Worship
9:15am Praise Worship   7pm Stewardship         8a OLM Meeting           7pm Youth/Young      7pm Trad Worship
10:45am Trad Worship                            9am Bible Study          Adult Bible Study
TBD Softball Playoffs                           6pm Praise Band

                                                No SCRIP Sales

29                      30                      31                       Super Sale set up will begin at 8am on Monday July 30 and then start at 9am
7:45am Trad Worship     8am Super Sale Set Up   7am Bible Study          on weekdays after that until August 17. To volunteer or for questions, call Jill
9:15am Praise Worship   (transport items from   9am Super Sale Set Up
                                                                         Proulx at 465-1437. Donations will be accepted until noon on Wednesday,
10:45am Trad Worship    basement to gym)        in Gym
TBD Softball Playoffs                           9am Bible Study          August 15, to allow time for preparing the donations for sale. Call Michelle in
                                                6pm Praise Band          the church office at (920) 468-4065 if you have any other questions.
S’more about Camp Luther
                                                        WE STILL HAVE A PLACE FOR YOU!! Summer Camp Spots Still Availa-
                                                       ble! We still have spots available in almost every camp. Registration has been
                                                       fantastic but we still have openings!! KinderCamp, GrandKids and Explorer
                                                       Camps have openings in all sessions. Pathfinder and Trailblazer have varied
                                                       spaces available. IMPACT has openings in all sessions and so does Xtreme
                                                       Teen. Quest has just a few left in the July 15-20 session. Go to
                                              to explore your options to experience “Witness” at
                                                       Camp Luther this summer!!
August 31-September 3- Plan now for a meaningful
and relaxing weekend with your family at sum-          COUPLES RETREAT!! Sept 21-23- Couples of every age can benefit from
mer’s end. You can join with other families with the   time well spent together. Here is a great weekend to do just that! Enjoy camp
weekend’s fun activities or open your own trails to    or local activities, take part in guest speaker Bible study and learning, enjoy
fun and bonding as a family. There will be adult       devotions offered by camp staff and cap it all off with a candlelit dinner!!
and child age-appropriate Bible study sessions to      Grow, bond and recharge at the Camp Luther Couples Retreat.
add faith growth to your new family tradition!

                                                       FATHER/SON AND MOTHER/DAUGHTER CANOE ADVENTURES!
GRANDPARENTS!! When was the last time you
                                                       Relish some one on one time with your child this summer and experience an
had meaningful one-on-one time with your
                                                       adventure together in the process. Camping, devotions, fun and fellowship
grandchild? Spend that special time away at Camp
                                                       plus time away from the distractions of life. Join the canoe adventures August
Luther this summer at GrandKids Camp, August 10
                                                       9-12. Register at There is still room for YOU!!
-12. Register online at

                                                       EXPLORER SUMMER CAMP FOR GRADES 1-3!! Explorer Camp is
LIVE, LAUGH, AND LOVE LADIES RETREAT!!                 designed to ease the transition for campers who have completed grades 1, 2 or
Oct 5-7 – Refuel in God’s Word and the company of      3 to come to Camp Luther on their own before they are ready to stay for a
other awesome women at this “just for ladies”          whole week. This weekend program includes activities like: parachute games,
retreat. The schedule is designed to draw you closer   swimming, arts and crafts, songs, Christian Growth, campfire devotions, and
to God and to each other through a variety of          more! Register them today at
individual, large group and small group activities.
There will also be trips to Cranberry Fest in Eagle
River, a Ladies night out, plus walking, biking or     CHOOSE CAMP LUTHER WITH YOUR THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS!!
canoeing amid the beautiful fall colors!               It’s easy and it benefits Camp Luther and Every Kid to Camp! Log on to
                                              or call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and
BRICKS FOR MORTGAGE REDUCTION!! Leave                  get started TODAY!! Eligibility is established by Thrivent and by your
your mark as part of the legacy that is the ministry   premiums, account values and volunteer leadership! You simply go online
of Camp Luther. You can support the effort to          and they do the rest. THANK YOU for giving to Camp Luther!!
reduce and remove the mortgage and also leave a
remembrance on a brick in Camp’s beautiful
courtyard. Your gift of $500 or more makes a           JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!!
difference!! Go to to learn         We now have over 1850 likes
more.                                                  on Facebook, so join us there
                                                       to hear what’s happening at
SCRAP, CRAFT AND QUILT! Oct 26-28 – Women              Camp, to share memories and
of all ages and crafting levels, bring your supplies
                                                       to spread the word about the
and enjoy time to craft, share and fellowship
together! There will be attendees from novice to       ministry and joy that is Camp
expert so there will be much to learn and to teach.    Luther.
There will be spiritual growth time as the days
begin and end and throughout the day while you
craft. Go to to learn more.

      Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is
           to build up the Body of Christ for service to the church and witness to the world.
          Camp Luther/1889 Koubenec Road/Three Lakes, WI 54562/877-264-CAMP
                        "Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District LCMS."

OSLC Business Directory 
Advertisements in the business 
directory help Our Saviour defray 
the cost of ‘The Voice Online’ each 
month. If you would like to 
advertise, please contact Michelle 
at (920) 468­4605 or by email at 
Photo credits: 
Page 1: 
Page 3:

            Vol. 1 No. 1, July 2012; ‘The Voice Online’ is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved.  
                                    No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission. 
           Edited by Michelle Burhite. The opinions expressed in this publication are not always reflective of the editor’s views. 
        Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions and comments at info@oslc­ Thanks to those who have 
                            already commented! I am always seeking more congregational input and submissions. 
                                                       What do you want to read about? 
                                                 Submissions can be sent to info@oslc­ 

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2012 july voice r1

  • 1. The Voice Online Our Saviour Lutheran Church July 2012  Volume 1, Issue 1  “No Trespassing” – Have you ever Inside this issue: jumped a fence? August Usher 4 By David Hatch from a strained Schedule relationship with Official Acts 4 You have heard the someone, to a guilty stories of kids, now conscience, to a The Truth 5 being grandfathers, shotgun, to jail time. Project climbing over or under a fence to get something Camp Luther 7 Trespassing involves News they wanted. Perhaps it getting what we want was grabbing a (desire) at our Open Letter to 6- cucumber from the LCMS 8 neighbor’s expense Members neighbor’s garden, a (and against his Our Saviour 9 sneak peak at a sports wishes). July Calendar event, a shortcut through the woods when Camp Luther 10  Even if there is  News hunting, etc. The stories no fence, a kid  may be lighthearted and sneaking a  seemingly innocent, but in the larger picture, candy bar at the  trespassing where we do convenience  not belong can land us store, out of  in big trouble. We could (See ‘No Trespassing’ on page 3) experience anything What Does “Deep Discipleship” Mean? By David H Hatch Our congregational different folks. By any who desires to deepen theme this year is definition, it would their faith-life by “Deepen Your mean to grow in our serving, they may Discipleship”. What faith-life, to take it stretch themselves and does that mean, deeper than we have step out doing things anyway? It could mean gone so far. they had never done different things to (See Discipleship-page 2) Idea One: For someone 1
  • 2. Discipleship (continued from page 1) before. That could be giving toward a project- their Savior through opening their home to fund at church. prayer and meditation. someone in need, Find a place where you sacrificing time on a Idea Four: For another, can be alone and go faith-based project (like it may mean jumping there, regularly. Habitat for Humanity), into a Bible class, being on a church board taking notes during the Idea Seven: One person or teaching Sunday sermon or listening to a may deepen their School. They might call sermon over again, on- discipleship by looking the pastor and offer to line, at the church back at their life, like a serve in some capacity website. This would be walker on a trail, or that matches their skills forming a new solid breaking their life down and interests. habit. into chapters in a story, recounting the blessings Idea Two: For another, Idea Five: For someone and hardships over the deepening their else, it may mean years. They may be discipleship may mean setting off on a reading surprised at how they embracing a new habit campaign, lapping up have grown through in their devotional life, the good works of troubles and been perhaps prayers or contemporary Christian blessed over the years. “How will you  Scripture readings authors or digging into This could end up being deepen your  during set times of the the archives of the a writing project that discipleship, your  day. With this idea, one writings of ancient would turn out to be a faith‐life?”  might want to set some Christian authors, or gift to the children! goals and, with God’s doing a parade of help, stick with them! readings of Christian How will you deepen biographies. your discipleship, your Idea Three: For another, faith-life? Is it it may mean stepping to Idea Six: Yet someone important to you? another ongoing level of else may set aside Valuable?Precious? He sacrificial giving, solitude time during the hopes your faith-life is perhaps to the needy, to day to purify their heart paramount to you, it is a church mission fund, and mind, bringing a to Him. sponsoring a student or deeper harmony with 2
  • 3. No Trespassing (from page 1) sight of the attendant  fence!  also heartily forgive and also and with no posted sign   And we rationalize  readily do good to those who prohibiting such “little  sin against us. “crossing the line”,  looting” is “jumping a  saying things like, “Well,  moral fence” and  The truth is, when we realize  that won’t hurt them,  trespassing against that  that we have crossed over  they have plenty.”,  owner. A little candy bar  and taken something from  “They will never know.”,  today could lead to grand  our neighbor (even going  “Hey, everyone is, why  theft auto, if the lesson is  against his wishes is  am I any different?”,  not learned early.  trespassing), and that this is  “What goes around   It could be said that  also an offense against God  comes around, a lot of  blatantly staring at  in the Commandments, and  folks have done that to  someone is robbing them  that Christ forgives us for  me!”  of their privacy,  this when we are repentant,   Sin is defined as  trespassing against their  then forgiving our neighbor  “trespassing”. It’s just  space. We may not think  for doing that against us  that simple!   so, but if you have ever  comes easy!   Let’s let the Lord’s    had someone stare at  Prayer and Luther’s  you, you know we would  The conclusion may well be  explanation of it, clarify  stated, “Go and trespass no  prefer they would stop. Is  this point…  not that a sure and  more, and if you have, apply  certain sign of  grace and apologize if the  Jesus - “And forgive us our trespassing? If we would  offense calls for it.”  trespasses, as we forgive not want it done to us    those who trespass against then, for sure, no one  us.”   would want it done to      them.  Luther - What does this  It is certain that speaking  mean? – Answer: We pray ill of someone behind his  in this petition that our or her back is trespassing  Father in heaven would not [crossing the fence] and  look upon our sins, nor deny robbing them of their  such petitions on account of reputation. We would  them; for we are worthy of none of the things for which not want that done to us.  we pray, neither have we  The examples are  deserved them; but that He endless. We cross moral  would grant them all to us fences against our  by grace; for we daily sin neighbors all the time,  much, and indeed deserve even if it does not  nothing but punishment. So involve crossing a  will we verily, on our part, wooden or a barbed wire  3
  • 4. August 2012 OSLC Usher Schedule Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Thu. 02-Aug 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 05-Aug 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 05-Aug 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 05-Aug 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 09-Aug 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 12-Aug 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 12-Aug 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 12-Aug 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 16-Aug 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 19-Aug 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 19-Aug 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz Sun. 19-Aug 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 23-Aug 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 26-Aug 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 26-Aug 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 26-Aug 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 30-Aug 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN †UN-Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the Lead Usher of the group you'd like to join, or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or by email at Official Acts Baptisms Membership Changes Rori June Newberry IN: Linda Cummings, Adult Confirmation Born: January 6, 2012 Jerry Derenne, Adult Confirmation Baptized: May 27, 2012 Marshall Marquardt, Profession of Faith Daughter of Anthony Newberry and Lynn Cardinal OUT: Delmar and Katherine (Katie) Lacount, and children, Samantha and Joshua, Madelynn Josephine Aspenson release Born: April 15, 2011 Karin Sconzert, release Baptized: June 3, 2012 Barb Talbot – remove; added in error Daughter of Joel Aspenson and Stacy Compton Cristina Brosig, release (out of state) Amy Loritz, release (out of town) Isabella Hart Aspenson Nancy Verheyen, release (out of town) Born: March 21, 2012 Karl and Jennie Kuepper and baptized Baptized: June 3, 2012 children, Jacob Martin, Nicholas Daughter of Joel Aspenson and Stacy Compton and Alex, release Dale Hackbarth, release (out of state) Jack Theodore Krouth Born: March 20, 2012 Received their Crown Baptized: June 3, 2012 Son of Kelley and Kathryn Krouth Darrell D. Butrymowicz December 21, 1941 ~ May 30, 2012 Priya Deanna Sullivan Funeral service held on June 2, 2012 Born: March 13, 2012 Baptized: June 10, 2012 Daughter of Evan and Tara Sullivan Page 4
  • 5. OSLC to Launch The Truth Project In the film, Indiana Jones and  by Focus on the Family. It is  6:30‐8:30pm. You will  the Last Crusade, the story  not for everyone, but it may  encounter cookies. We will  begins with Dr. Jones, a well‐ be for you.  meet in the comfort of the  known adventurer‐   church parlor.  archeologist, directing his  It is for you if:    college students to two   You like to learn and  Enrollment for each class is  vastly different classrooms.  you would enjoy some  limited to 12 people (per  He says, “Archaeology is the  studying at home  time period). Should we not  search for fact... not truth. If  between classes.  fill the classes with our own  it's truth you're looking for,   You wish to commit to  members, we will offer these  Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is  something that can  sessions to members of other  right down the hall. If you  have a deep  congregations. If you would  want the facts, follow me.”  stretching change in  like to commit to this class,    your thought‐life and  enroll today. Call the church  Here, we want to focus on  world perspective.  office at (920) 468‐4065 or  Truth.   You long to have a  send an email to info@oslc‐   deep discipleship If you want more  “What is Truth?”, asked  with Christ.  information, visit the Truth  Pontius Pilate to Jesus. And   You wish to interact  Project website at  that is the question of most  with other Christians  http://www.thetruthproject. philosophers.   and build life‐long  org/    friendships.    For a world without Christ,    Scheduled Class Dates  truth changes with the winds  We will offer two long    of opinion, culture and  running classes beginning  September 6 and 20  perception. For the Christian,  September 6, 2012 and  October 4  Christ is Truth and His Word  ending March 20, 2013,  November 1 and 29  is Truth. Christ brings us  meeting 12 times,  December 13  unchangeable Truth.  approximately every other  January 10 and 24  Our Saviour is going to offer  week. Classes will meet on  February 7 and 20  a special class called The  Thursdays (Wednesdays  March 6 and 20 Truth Project.  It was created  during Lent) from 9‐11am or  Page 5  OSLC members, please see the special letters on the next three pages. The first is an  introductory letter from the president of our denomination. The second is a joint  letter signed by many Christian denominational representatives, an Open Letter.  These letters address our position on the current state of affairs regarding the US  government's requirement about health insurance coverage including required  payment for child abortive services. It is easy to dismiss this as "distant", irrelevant or  the making of a mountain out of a molehill. We encourage to read this, to be  informed, to be compassionate and to have ethical convictions based on your faith.  Thank‐you! Pastor Dave 
  • 6. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life. In response to the incursion of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) into the realm of religious freedom with its controversial contraceptive mandate issued earlier this year, we are compelled to offer “Free Exercise of Religion: Putting Beliefs into Practice,” an open letter to our members and, indeed, all Americans. Twenty-four leaders of religious organizations across the country have joined with us in signing the letter. Together, these signatories represent more than 10 million American men, women and children. They represent religious organizations that stand with us in opposition to the contraceptive mandate on the grounds that it is an infringement of our God-given right to act according to the tenets of our faith. We are preparing to issue this letter even as we await a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), a historic piece of legislation meant to extend health coverage to millions of uninsured Americans. The HHS contraceptive mandate represents one of the reforms included in the law. The ramifications of the anticipated ruling are, of course, as yet unknown. That said, our action in authoring this letter is not a statement on the global design of PPACA. As Christians living out our calling to serve our brothers and sisters with the mercy and love of Jesus Christ, we support and engage in wide- ranging efforts to restore health and well-being to the sick and suffering. Thus, this letter specifically is in response to one effect of the contraceptive mandate—one that would require religious organizations, with only narrowly defined exceptions, to include coverage for contraceptives, including those that could cause the death of unborn babies, in their employee health plans. This is in direct opposition to a core teaching of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod—that only God gives and takes life. I encourage you to read the letter and to share it widely. In Christ, The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, President The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Page 6 
  • 7. FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION: Putting Beliefs into Practice An Open Letter from Religious Leaders in the United States to All Americans Dear Friends,    Religious institutions are established because of religious beliefs and convictions. Such institutions  include not only churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship, but also schools and  colleges, shelters and community kitchens, adoption agencies and hospitals, organizations that provide  care and services during natural disasters, and countless other organizations that exist to put specific  religious beliefs into practice. Many such organizations have provided services and care to both  members and non‐members of their religious communities since before the Revolutionary War, saving  and improving the lives of countless American citizens.    As religious leaders from a variety of perspectives and communities, we are compelled to make known  our protest against the incursion of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)  into the realm of religious liberty. HHS has mandated that religious institutions, with only a narrow  religious exception, must provide access to certain contraceptive benefits, even if the covered  medications or procedures are contradictory to their beliefs. We who oppose the application of this  mandate to religious institutions include not only the leaders of religious groups morally opposed to  contraception, but also leaders of other religious groups that do not share that particular moral  conviction.    That we share an opposition to the mandate to religious institutions while disagreeing about specific  moral teachings is a crucial fact. Religious freedom is the principle on which we stand. Because of  differing understandings of moral and religious authority, people of good will can and often do come to  different conclusions about moral questions. Yet, even we who hold differing convictions on specific  moral issues are united in the conviction that no religious institution should be penalized for refusing to  go against its beliefs. The issue is the First Amendment, not specific moral teachings or specific  products or services.    The HHS mandate implicitly acknowledged that an incursion into religion is involved in the mandate.  However, the narrowness of the proposed exemption is revealing for it applies only to religious  organizations that serve or support their own members. In so doing, the government is establishing  favored and disfavored religious organizations: a privatized religious organization that serves only itself  is exempted from regulation, while one that believes it should also serve the public beyond its  membership is denied a religious exemption. The so‐called accommodation and the subsequent  Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) do little or nothing to alleviate the problem.     No government should tell religious organizations either what to believe or how to put their beliefs into  practice. We indeed hold this to be an unalienable, constitutional right. If freedom of religion is a  constitutional value to be protected, then institutions developed by religious groups to implement their  core beliefs in education, in care for the sick or suffering, and in other tasks must also be protected.  Only by doing so can the free exercise of religion have any meaning. The HHS mandate prevents this  free exercise. For the well‐being of our country, we oppose the application of the contraceptive  mandate to religious institutions and plead for its retraction.   
  • 8. Sincerely yours,    Leith Anderson The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison Sister Loraine Marie Maguire, l.s.p. President President Provincial Superior, Baltimore Province National Association of Evangelicals The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Little Sisters of the Poor Gary M. Benedict Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. The Rev. John A. Moldstad President Senior Pastor, Hope Christian Church President The Christian and Missionary Alliance U.S. Bishop, Fellowship of International Churches Evangelical Lutheran Synod Bishop John F. Bradosky The Very Rev. Dr. John A. Jillions Deaconess Cheryl D. Naumann North American Lutheran Church Chancellor President Orthodox Church in America Concordia Deaconess Conference The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod The Most Rev. Robert J. Carlson The Most Blessed Jonah The Rev. Samuel Rodriguez Archbishop of St. Louis Archbishop of Washington President Metropolitan of All American and Canada NHCLC Orthodox Church in America Hispanic Evangelical Association Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan Imam Faizul R. Khan Sister Joseph Marie Ruessmann, Archbishop of New York Founder and Leader R.S.M., J.D., J.C.D., M.B.A. President Islamic Society of Washington Area Generalate Secretary United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, S.V. The Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky The Rev. Mark Schroeder Superior General of the Sisters of Life Director of External Affairs President and Interchurch Relations Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Orthodox Church in America Sister Barbara Anne Gooding, R.S.M. The Most Rev. William E. Lori L. Roy Taylor Director, Department of Religion Archbishop of Baltimore Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of Saint Francis Health System Chairman thePresbyterian Church in America USCCB Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty Sister Margaret Regina Halloran,l.s.p. Sister Maria Christine Lynch, l.s.p. Sister Constance Carolyn Veit, l.s.p. Provincial Superior, Brooklyn Province Provincial Superior, Chicago Province Communications Director Little Sisters of the Poor Little Sisters of the Poor Little Sisters of the Poor Dr. George O. Wood General Superintendent The General Council of the Assemblies of God ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    Our Saviour Lutheran Church   120 S. Henry Street   Green Bay, WI 54302   (920) 468-4065   Senior Pastor - David H. Hatch Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 465-8118 (920) 468-4065 Associate Pastor - Greg Hovland Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 544-3614 (920) 468-3596
  • 9. July 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7:45am Trad Worship 7am Bible Study 12:15pm Worship 9:15am Praise Worship 9am Bible Study 7pm Trad Worship 10:45am Trad Worship Michelle-Vacation Michelle-Vacation Office Closed No SCRIP Sales No SCRIP Sales 8 Communion 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mite Box Sunday 7am Bible Study 12pm Staff Meeting 12:15pm Worship 6:30pm Process/Baez 2:30pm Process/Baez 7:45am Trad Worship 9am Bible Study 7pm Youth/Young 7pm Trad Worship Wedding Rehearsal Wedding 9:15am Worship 6pm Praise Band Adult Bible Study 9:15am Bible Study 10:30am Bible Study 10:45am Trad Worship 4:15pm OSLC2 on F2 5:30pm OSLC1 on F3 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7:45am Trad Worship 7pm Board of 7am Bible Study 12pm Staff Meeting 12:15pm Worship 9:15am Praise Worship Education 9am Bible Study 7pm Youth/Young 7pm Trad Worship 10:45am Trad Worship 6pm Praise Band Adult Bible Study 4:15pm OSLC1 on F1 6:45pm OSLC2 on F2 22 Communion 23 24 25 26 27 28 7:45am Trad Worship 6:30pm GBLSA 7am Bible Study 12pm Staff Meeting 12:15pm Worship 9:15am Praise Worship 7pm Stewardship 8a OLM Meeting 7pm Youth/Young 7pm Trad Worship 10:45am Trad Worship 9am Bible Study Adult Bible Study TBD Softball Playoffs 6pm Praise Band Michelle-Vacation No SCRIP Sales 29 30 31 Super Sale set up will begin at 8am on Monday July 30 and then start at 9am 7:45am Trad Worship 8am Super Sale Set Up 7am Bible Study on weekdays after that until August 17. To volunteer or for questions, call Jill 9:15am Praise Worship (transport items from 9am Super Sale Set Up Proulx at 465-1437. Donations will be accepted until noon on Wednesday, 10:45am Trad Worship basement to gym) in Gym TBD Softball Playoffs 9am Bible Study August 15, to allow time for preparing the donations for sale. Call Michelle in 6pm Praise Band the church office at (920) 468-4065 if you have any other questions.
  • 10. S’more about Camp Luther WE STILL HAVE A PLACE FOR YOU!! Summer Camp Spots Still Availa- ble! We still have spots available in almost every camp. Registration has been fantastic but we still have openings!! KinderCamp, GrandKids and Explorer Camps have openings in all sessions. Pathfinder and Trailblazer have varied spaces available. IMPACT has openings in all sessions and so does Xtreme Teen. Quest has just a few left in the July 15-20 session. Go to to explore your options to experience “Witness” at Camp Luther this summer!! LABOR DAY WEEKEND FAMILY RETREAT!! August 31-September 3- Plan now for a meaningful and relaxing weekend with your family at sum- COUPLES RETREAT!! Sept 21-23- Couples of every age can benefit from mer’s end. You can join with other families with the time well spent together. Here is a great weekend to do just that! Enjoy camp weekend’s fun activities or open your own trails to or local activities, take part in guest speaker Bible study and learning, enjoy fun and bonding as a family. There will be adult devotions offered by camp staff and cap it all off with a candlelit dinner!! and child age-appropriate Bible study sessions to Grow, bond and recharge at the Camp Luther Couples Retreat. add faith growth to your new family tradition! FATHER/SON AND MOTHER/DAUGHTER CANOE ADVENTURES! GRANDPARENTS!! When was the last time you Relish some one on one time with your child this summer and experience an had meaningful one-on-one time with your adventure together in the process. Camping, devotions, fun and fellowship grandchild? Spend that special time away at Camp plus time away from the distractions of life. Join the canoe adventures August Luther this summer at GrandKids Camp, August 10 9-12. Register at There is still room for YOU!! -12. Register online at EXPLORER SUMMER CAMP FOR GRADES 1-3!! Explorer Camp is LIVE, LAUGH, AND LOVE LADIES RETREAT!! designed to ease the transition for campers who have completed grades 1, 2 or Oct 5-7 – Refuel in God’s Word and the company of 3 to come to Camp Luther on their own before they are ready to stay for a other awesome women at this “just for ladies” whole week. This weekend program includes activities like: parachute games, retreat. The schedule is designed to draw you closer swimming, arts and crafts, songs, Christian Growth, campfire devotions, and to God and to each other through a variety of more! Register them today at individual, large group and small group activities. There will also be trips to Cranberry Fest in Eagle River, a Ladies night out, plus walking, biking or CHOOSE CAMP LUTHER WITH YOUR THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS!! canoeing amid the beautiful fall colors! It’s easy and it benefits Camp Luther and Every Kid to Camp! Log on to or call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and BRICKS FOR MORTGAGE REDUCTION!! Leave get started TODAY!! Eligibility is established by Thrivent and by your your mark as part of the legacy that is the ministry premiums, account values and volunteer leadership! You simply go online of Camp Luther. You can support the effort to and they do the rest. THANK YOU for giving to Camp Luther!! reduce and remove the mortgage and also leave a remembrance on a brick in Camp’s beautiful courtyard. Your gift of $500 or more makes a JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!! difference!! Go to to learn We now have over 1850 likes more. on Facebook, so join us there to hear what’s happening at SCRAP, CRAFT AND QUILT! Oct 26-28 – Women Camp, to share memories and of all ages and crafting levels, bring your supplies to spread the word about the and enjoy time to craft, share and fellowship together! There will be attendees from novice to ministry and joy that is Camp expert so there will be much to learn and to teach. Luther. There will be spiritual growth time as the days begin and end and throughout the day while you craft. Go to to learn more. Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up the Body of Christ for service to the church and witness to the world. Camp Luther/1889 Koubenec Road/Three Lakes, WI 54562/877-264-CAMP "Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District LCMS."
  • 11.   OSLC Business Directory  Advertisements in the business  directory help Our Saviour defray  the cost of ‘The Voice Online’ each  month. If you would like to  advertise, please contact Michelle  at (920) 468­4605 or by email at  info@oslc­    Photo credits:  Page 1:  http://exploringdays.files.wordpress .com/2012/06/screen-shot-2012-06- 09-at-23-23-28.png   Page 3: property_management/images/no_tr espassing_sign_6.jpg    Vol. 1 No. 1, July 2012; ‘The Voice Online’ is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved.   No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission.    Edited by Michelle Burhite. The opinions expressed in this publication are not always reflective of the editor’s views.    Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions and comments at info@oslc­ Thanks to those who have  already commented! I am always seeking more congregational input and submissions.    What do you want to read about?  Submissions can be sent to info@oslc­