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O u r S a v i o u r L u t h e r a n C h u rc h • G re e n B a y, W i s c o n s i n

It’s Not About The Cookies!
  Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (Vol. 2, Issue 14)                                                       February 2010

                                                                                                             by David H. Hatch

    Last month’s Voice article spoke of the Chicago                we know better!”). In clear hindsight, this was certainly
Northwestern railroad tracks that were half way between a          poor planning on our mothers’ part (Snicker snicker),
boyhood home and an elementary school in Ames, Iowa.               leaving us to make such a trek with what would turn out to
May I tell you another story that involves those same              be an inadequate quantity of “the beloved provision”.
railroad tracks?
                                                                     What were we to do, out of cookies so early in the day?
   Just as “Hard Tack” was the staple provision in the             What do you think we did?
Civil War for the soldiers’ survival, so too, in our
childhoods, cookies were the equivalent. Let’s just call              Certainly by Senter’s prompting, never mine (“Sure,
cookies “the beloved provision”. Our baby-boomer                   Pastor Dave!”), he advised that we turn around without
supermoms were baking wizards in                                                       delay and return home for more of
the kitchen and we were the recipients                                                 “the beloved provision”. Yes, we were
of their handy work.                                                                   late to school because we ran out of
                                                                                       cookies. It makes me laugh out loud to
    It was the first day of kindergarten                                               this day, the remembrance of telling
at Roosevelt Elementary School. My                                                     my mom of our supply shortage. This
close friend Senter Timmons and I                                                      will always continue to be one of my
were about to venture out toward our                                                   favorite childhood stories.
first day of school. For good reason,
Senter was named after a trading post                                                      The truth be told, I don’t think we
on the frontiers of Mississippi.                                                        turned around to resupply the cookies.
Together we shared an adventurous                                                       I don’t think we turned around because
spirit, to brave the undiscovered vast                                                  we did not want to go to school. I
cement plains, called sidewalks,                                                        believe now, some 49 years later, that
journeying the two blocks east of our                                                   Senter and I turned around because we
homes.                                                                                  did not want to leave home.

   Between our moms, Senter and I                                                             Home was a safe place,
were generously loaded with “the                                                           comfortable, secure, full of love and
beloved provision” for the big                                                             laughter. There were board games,
excursion to Roosevelt School.                                                             siblings to play with, sandboxes,
                                                                                           Matchbox cars and Tonka trucks.
   They gave us enough cookies for what they believed              There was security. Opposite of that was the expansive
was a sufficient supply for the day. Rationed, there would         unknown world, the things we heard about on the evening
be plenty, they thought, for our morning walk, class snack         news and the uncharted frontier of our young lives. Home
time and our return trip home later in the day.                    was safer. It still is.

  On our way to school that morning, by about the time                About our homes, whether they are active nests for our
we got to the railroad tracks, we were out of cookies.
Certainly Senter ate more than his fair share (“Pastor Dave,                                               Continued on page 2

Official                     Acts                                                    Pastor Dave
                                       Continued from page 1

                                       little ones or empty ones, no matter if
                                       it is a duplex or an apartment, a

                                       mansion or a cubbyhole, it’s home. It
                                       makes no difference what home was
                                                                                          around the block”, as the late
James A. Parks                         like where we grew up or what home
Born: September 24, 1960                                                                  Steve Wadzinski said.
                                       is like right now, the question is, “How
Baptized: December 13, 2009
                                       can our home be the safest most
Membership Changes
                                                                                      •   Head out to the library or
                                       enjoyable place we can make it, for
                                                                                          bookstore and bring home some
IN:     Violet Boerst, transfer from   ourselves and those who enter it?”
                                                                                          treasured reads, snuggle with a
        Atonement Lutheran,
        Green Bay (ELCA)                                                                  book and a blanket… let the
                                          Here are some things to consider
                                                                                          book take you where you have
        Adult Confirmation:            about making home a very special
                                                                                          never been before.
        Alden (Kimm) DeWitt,           place:
        Barb Talbot,
        Terry Amelse,                                                                 •   Consider good boundaries; do
                                          •   Limit the news that comes into
        James Parks,                                                                      work at work and home things
        Melissa Beaumont,                     your home. News companies
                                                                                          at home, rarely letting the line
        Tonya Herlik,                         thrive on bad news; it sells, raises
        Paul Cantwell,                                                                    cross.
                                              ratings, and, in turn, creates
        Delmer Ermis, and
        Ashley Ermis                          commercial revenue and gives us
                                                                                      •   If you are out of sorts with
                                              the blues. Consider limiting your
                                                                                          someone in the house, recall this
OUT: None                                     news intake to a minimum.
                                                                                          verse, “Do not let the sun go
Weddings                                  •   If you like sound in the
                                                                                          down while you are still angry”
None                                                                                      – Ephesians 4:26b
                                              background, consider music or
Received their Crown                          talking books to fill the silence.
                                              You may find your worry level
                                                                                      •   Put up some pictures of family
None                                                                                      and friends.
                                              to dissipate and your learning to
                                                                                      •   Decorate that bare wall you
“God Sent Us A Savior”                    •   Get out the old board games or
                                                                                          have been ignoring. Your home
                                                                                          is a gift from God – celebrate
      If our greatest need had been           buy some new ones. Invite the
               information,                                                               life in it.
                                              family or friends over and have
       God would have sent us an              a game party.
                 educator.                                                            •   Put on a pot of tea; light a little
                                                                                          candle with the lights down low.
  If our greatest need had been           •   Get that Bible off the shelf and
           technology,                        consider committing to
God would have sent us a scientist.                                                   •   Consider going over to the
                                              reading a chapter or more a
                                                                                          furnace, placing your hands on
                                              day at a set time.
      If our greatest need had been                                                       it and thanking God for the heat
                  money,                                                                  it gives to your little dwelling.
       God would have sent us an          •   If prayer has become a lost art
                economist,                    at home, bring it back to the
                                                                                      •   Make the intention to create
                                              dinner table or before bed. With
      If our greatest need had been                                                       marvelous memories in that
                 pleasure,                    children, why not come to their
                                                                                          little home.
       God would have sent us an              bed or at their bedroom door
                entertainer.                  and have a prayer with them
                                                                                      •   No matter if you run out of
                                              before the lights go out.
      But – our greatest need was                                                         cookies or not, let’s make home
             forgiveness,                                                                 a place you always want to
       So God sent us a Savior.           •   Get some fresh air, make friends
                                                                                          return to.
                                              with the seasons. “If you cannot
              - Roy Lessin                    go around the world take a walk                              David H. Hatch

Altar Guild News                                                    GOT NEWS? – Adeline, your Roving
                                                               Reporter is on the hunt for the latest scoop!
   Thank you to everyone who worked hard to
enhance our experiences in worship with the addition           Call: 468-2061, E-mail:
of the trees, flowers, plants and other beautiful
decorations this past Christmas. The church was                                Adeline Grieser
                                                               Steady Hands, Steady Heart
   It’s a busy time for the Altar Guild members as they
prepare for the many services; filling candles,
changing paraments and preparing the elements for the             A man who traveled across country weekly on
increased opportunities we have to receive the Lord’s          business, noticed a young boy waiting alone in the
Supper. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who gave their          airport lounge for his flight to be called. Boarding the
time and talents for the Lord’s work in this way.              plane the man saw the boy had been assigned the seat
                                                               next to him. The young boy was polite when the man
   Our fall meeting was held in September and the              spoke briefly to him but quietly went back to coloring
election of new officers was held. The officers for            a Garfield coloring book. He showed neither anxiety
2010 year are as follows:
       Chairwoman:               Jill Proulx                   nor worry as the plane made ready for take-off even
       Co-Chairwoman:            Michele Staszak               though a storm raged beyond the windows.
       Flowers:                  Julie Arts/Diane Prahl           During the flight, the jetliner began to bounce
       Worship Committee: Donna Arthur                         around like a kite in the wind. The turbulence,
       Wedding Coordinator: Jill Proulx                        pitching and lurching frightened many of the
       Laundress:                Barb Korth                    passengers, but the boy calmly kept working on his
   Thank you to the women named above who have                 book. A lady seated across the aisle gripped the seat
volunteered to serve as this year’s officers. The next         arm with both hands – alarmed by the wild rolling of
Altar Guild meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 15th             the aircraft. “Son,” she asked, “Aren’t you scared?”
in the sacristy. We always welcome new members –                  He looked up and smiled. “No, Ma’am, my dad’s
and invite you to call Jill Proulx or the church office        the pilot.”
for information.
   It is a one month commitment, you can choose the               At times events in our lives make us feel that we
month that is best for you and you always work with
an experienced partner. The Altar Guild is a                   are lost in the center of a wild, unending storm – we
wonderful way to help your church family without a             cannot seem to get our feet on solid ground and
lengthy time commitment. We hope to see you there.             there is no way to be safe again. In the midst of the
                                                               storm, remember that God, the Father, is our pilot
Sweet Monday                                                   and our lives are in His Loving Hands.
   Sweet Monday is a fun night where you don’t have
to worry about an RSVP or making food to bring. You              Pick up your crayons and work on the coloring
just come and enjoy. I do ask one thing, though. This is       book. The storm will pass with God at the wheel.
the perfect opportunity to invite women to Our Saviour
who have never been here – maybe never been to a                 My help comes from the Lord who made heaven
church! I ask you to take an invitation (I’ll even make        and earth. Psalm 121:2

                                                               Don’t Sweat It –
one for you), give the invitation to a lady in your
neighborhood, and personally invite her to our sweet,
fun night. Sweet Things on the Schedule:                           Humor is a great asset in missionary life. Indeed,
   • Mug and Muffin: Bring your favorite mug and               if a missionary lacks a good sense of humor he could
       enjoy muffins.                                          be in serious trouble.
   • An Easter Surprise: Easter recipes & egg lessons.             A missionary, home in Greenland for a visit, was
   • Spring Cleaning                                           being urged by his friends to give up the idea of
   • Mad Hatter Tea Party                                      returning to his mission in India because it was so hot
   • Wedding Wonders and Woes (& fashion show?)                there. “Remember, Greg,” they warned, “it can get as
                                                               high as 120 degrees in the shade!”
      Join us for our first night of fun                           “Well,” grinned the happy missionary, “We don’t
   Monday, February 1, 2010 from 7-8:30pm                      always have to stay in the shade, do we?”

Pastor Greg
February 2010

Trinity News                                                     basketball. Students are also involved in cheerleading. See the
                                                                 school’s website for the schedule. Come and watch the
“My Times are in Your Hands” (Ps 31:15) “My Times are in         students use their God-given talents.
Your Hands” (Ps 31:15) – We are well into the new year and it
is comforting to know that God is in control.                   School email – The new email address for the school is
                                                       All of the teachers have email
Calendar –                                                      addresses which are listed on the website.
  March 3 . . . . . . . . . .Grandparents Day
  March 5 . . . . . . . . . .Taste Of Trinity                   Wish list items –
  March 6 . . . . . . . . . .NEW LHS Expo                       Science Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 each
  March 7-13 . . . . . . .Lutheran Schools Week                 Air Quality Test Kit . . . . . . . . . . . $27.50
  March 19 . . . . . . . . .Partnering with Parents Movie Night Geology Field Trip in a Bag . . . . . $40
  March 27-April 6 . .Easter Break                              Listening Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300
                                                                Discover America Carpet . . . . . . . $500
Website and radio ads – To help raise awareness of the
ministry of Lutheran schools, we have joined the other          Fund Raising – There has not been a tuition increase for
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod schools in the area to           three years, thanks in part to the following fund raisers-
sponsor a website,, and Milk Caps, Box Tops, Capri Sun labels, Tyson Project A+
to sponsor radio ads on Christian radio, 90.1 and 91.5 Tell     labels (both new), Target Credit Card Rebate, Kwik Trip
your friends about these and encourage them to send their       Scrip, Thrivent Giving Plus Matching Funds, Christmas
children to a school where they are surrounded by the love of Cards, Packer Concession Workers,, and
God all day.                                                    HP printer cartridges. Thank you to all those of you who
                                                                have so faithfully supported Trinity through these efforts
Athletics – Boys and girls in grades 4-8 are competing in       and please continue to do so.

2009 Actual Receipts & Expenses Almost Balance
Actual expenses in 2009 were $21,000 lower than budgeted. The lower expenses almost offset the shortfall in receipts of
$25,000. Here is a breakdown of the 2009 income statement. You can contact Gay Pivonka (or the church office at 468-
4065) with any questions.
Item                                   2009 Budget                  2009 Actual                   Difference
Traditional Unified Giving             $548,380                     $525,494                      ($22,886)
Nontraditional Revenue Items:
  - Fund Raisers                       $16,000                      $16,647                       $647
  - Rental to Trinity                  $31,947                      $28,388                       ($3,559)
  - Rental to Others                   $5,000                       $5,034                        $34
  - Preschool                          $48,275                      $40,577                       ($7,698)
  - Kitchen / Coffee Bar / Etc.        $21,700                      $24,319                       $2,619
  - Other                              $1,700                       $7,264                        $5,564
Total Nontraditional Revenue           $124,622                     $122,229                      ($2,393)
Total Receipts                         $673,002                     $647,723                      ($25,279)

Budgeted Expense Items:
 - Salaries & Benefits                   $258,856                         $254,657                         ($4,199)
 - Trustees                              $115,840                         $101,606                         ($14,234)
 - Missions                              $60,839                          $59,639                          ($1,200)
 - Mortgage                              $155,321                         $155,321                         $0
 - Education                             $17,340                          $13,932                          ($3,408)
 - Administration                        $16,110                          $17,823                          $1,713
 - Fellowship                            $13,700                          $15,663                          $1,963
 - To Reserves                           $23,960                          $21,291                          ($2,669)
 - Balance                               $11,035                          $12,129                          $1,094
Total Budgeted Expenses                  $673,001                         $652,061                         ($20,940)
Non-budgeted Receipts                                                     $30,434
Non-budgeted Expenses                                                     $30,560


    Church Calendar
                              1                    2                    3                     4                         5                6
                              5:30pm Youth Board   7:00am Bible Study   3:30pm   Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag                           Youth Movie
                              7:00pm Elders        9:00am Bible Study   6:00pm   Praise Band          Worship, Parlor                    Night and Pizza
                                     Meeting       6:30pm Cub Scouts    6:00pm   Confirmation 12:45pm Staff Meeting                      Prep
                              7:00pm Sweet         7:00pm Choir         7:00pm   P&F Meet. 5:00pm NEWLHS
                                     Monday               Practice                                    Basketball
                                                                                              7:00pm Trad. Worship

7    SANCTITY OF LIFE         8                    9                    10                    11                        12               13
7:45am Trad. Worship        7:00pm Church          7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm       Brown Bag       5:00pm Fish Fry
8:00am Pizza Pick Up                 Council       9:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Praise Band               Worship, Parlor
9:15am Praise Wor. & SS                            7:00pm Choir       6:00pm Confirmation 12:45pm      Staff Meeting
9:30am Bible Study, Parlor                                                                5:00pm       Fish Fry Prep
10:30am SS Teacher Meet                                                                   7:00pm       Trad. Worship
10:30am Bible Study, Parlor                                                               7:45pm       Evangelism
10:45am Trad. Worship       No Trinity Classes                                                         Meeting
2:00pm Gym Rental

14 COMMUNION                  15                   16                   17 ASH WED.           18                        19               20
7:45am  Trad. Worship       6:30pm Altar Guild     6:30am Spring      12:15pm Worship
9:15am  Praise Worship                                    Primary     3:30pm Youth
        & Sunday School                                   Election             Night
9:30am Bible Study, Parlor                         7:00am Bible Study 7:00pm Worship
10:30am Bible Study, Parlor                        9:00am Bible Study
10:45am Trad. Worship                              6:30pm Cub Scouts
2:00pm Gym Rental                                  7:00pm Choir

21                            22                   23                   24                    25                        26               27
7:45am  Trad. Worship       7:30pm Trinity         7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag
9:15am  Praise Worship             School          9:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Praise Band          Lenten
        & Sunday School            Board           7:00pm Choir       6:00pm Confirmation         Worship, Parlor
9:30am Bible Study, Parlor                                                                12:45pm Staff Meeting
10:30am Bible Study, Parlor                                                               7:00pm Lenten
10:45am Trad. Worship                                                                             Worship
2:00pm Gym Rental

7:45am  Trad. Worship
9:15am  Praise Worship
        & Sunday School
9:30am Bible Study, Parlor
10:30am Bible Study, Parlor
10:45am Trad. Worship
2:00pm Gym Rental

March 2010 Usher Schedule
                                                                        Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN
Day:       Date:        Service:            Lead                        Usher Team:
Thu.       04-Mar       7:00 pm             J. Boettcher
Sun.       07-Mar       7:45 am             A. Knaus                    Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun.       07-Mar       9:15 am             W. Chamberlain              Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain;
                                                                        Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman
Sun.       07-Mar       10:45 am            G. Buechner                 Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King;
                                                                        Rich Spangenberg
Thu.       11-Mar       7:00 pm HC          C. Arthur                   Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun.       14-Mar       7:45 am HC          J. Kielpikowski             Chad Kielpikowski; †UN; †UN;
Sun.       14-Mar       9:15 am HC          D. Wians                    Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth;
                                                                        Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun.       14-Mar       10:45 am            M. Charles                  Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN
Thu.       18-Mar       7:00 pm             P. Kuehl                    Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN;
Sun.       21-Mar       7:45 am             M. Dalebroux                Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun.       21-Mar       9:15 am             R. Vande Hei                Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei;
                                                                        Rachel Vande Hei
Sun.       21-Mar       10:45 am            R. Bruhn                    Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu.       25-Mar       7:00 pm HC          J. Boettcher                Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN
Sun.       28-Mar       7:45 am HC          M. Morgan                   Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun.       28-Mar       9:15 am HC          D. Bitters                  Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz;
                                                                        Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun.       28-Mar       10:45 am            G. Buechner                 Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King;
                                                                        Rich Spangenberg
†UN = Usher Needed If you’d like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you’d like to join, or
contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or email

Servants – A Priceless Treasure, LWML is coming back to OSLC!
One Has Gone Home.                   It has been many years since we’ve hosted LWML. It’s time
                                 to restart! LWML stands for Lutheran Women’s Missionary
   The word “Volunteers” falls short of the holiness                  League (also known as Lutheran Women in Mission.)
involved in doing church work. The word, “Servant” is far                From the national website (
more descriptive. There are so many servants here at Our                 Lutheran Women in Mission Are...
Saviour and we are grateful for them all. On January 18th                • Walking with the Lord,
we laid to rest a long-time servant at Our Saviour, Gary                 • Totally confident of Christ’s presence in serving and
Brosig. Gary had been called to serve the congregational                   living.
family back in the 1980’s. His work as Congregational                     LWML -
President put him in the position to work with the comings               • It has as its “mission heart” thousands of volunteers
                           and goings of pastors; church                   who are dedicating their lives daily to making a
                           vision and administration;                      difference in this world.
                           countless meetings and endless                • It is women who are finding avenues to use their God-
                           hours for the Lord’s work. We                   given talents as they meet the challenges to share the
                           give our brother Gary back to the               Gospel message.
                           Lord who made him; who bought                 • The LWML seeks to develop and maintain a greater
                                                                           mission consciousness among women of the LCMS
                           him at the cross; who walked
                                                                           through education, inspiration, and service.
                           with him in his “dash”; and who
                           carried him from this valley to his          For general information about LWML, consult the
                           heavenly home. May the Lord       website. For district info, go to
Gary Brosig and Jim        give comfort to his family during
Jossie, childhood friends this time of loss. We thank the                Watch for further developments in future newsletters
and both OSLC members Lord for servants!                                                and announcements.

OSLC Business Directory
Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the     If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact
cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month.                       Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail:

                                                                       © 2010 Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved. Design compliments of Adagirl Design LLC.

                                                  Thank You
                                                                                                              Our Saviour Lutheran Church
                                                                                                             Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
                                                                                                                   120 S. Henry Street

                                                    A big thanks goes out to all the
                                                                                                                  Green Bay, WI 54302

                                                  women who signed up for the Bad

You’re A Good
                                                                                                                             (920) 468-4065

                                                  Girls Bible study.
                                                                                                              Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch

Man, Charlie
                                                                                                              (920) 465-8118
                                                     We had around 30 women most

                                                  weeks, and we did plenty of reading,
                                                  discussing, and thinking. It was fun
                                                                                                              Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland
                                                  and rewarding to study women in
                                                                                                              (920) 544-3614
Concordia University in Mequon will               the Bible who are more like us than
be performing the musical, You’re A               we sometimes admit. Above all, we
Good Man, Charlie Brown, on                       saw that God’s grace is so deep and
                                                                                                              Church Office – Michelle Burhite
February 19th at 10am and 7pm, and                so wide, it covers all sinners – from
                                                                                                              (920) 468-4065
on February 20th at 7pm.                          Eve – to the woman at the well – to
                                                  every woman alive today.
Ramona Marquardt (a 2008 graduate
                                                                                                              Preschool Dir. – Christina Scholz
of N.E.W.L.H.S. and a member of                      If you missed the study, I will
                                                                                                              (920) 468-3596
Our Saviour) will play the part of                offer it again when the weather
“Lucy” during the 7pm performance                 warms up. I’ll also offer another Bad
on the 19th.                                      Girls book for those who just can’t
                                                                                                              Our Saviour Web
                                                  get enough!
Ask for directions to the auditorium
when arriving at the entrance gate to                Watch the announcements after
                                                                                                             Vol. 2 No. 14, February 2010 The Voice

Concordia University.                             the snow thaws.
                                                                                                             (permit No. 59) is published monthly by Our
                                                                                                             Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights

                                                                  – Stephenie Hovland
                                                                                                             reserved. No portion of this publication
                                                                                                             may be reproduced without permission.

Our Saviour Lutheran Church
                                                                                  Non-Profit Organization
120 S. Henry St.                                                                     U.S. Postage Paid
Green Bay, WI 54302                                                                     Permit #59
(920) 468-4065                                                                        Green Bay, WI


Evangelism Offers a Sneak Preview into 2010
   Every year, thanks to the many donations of time,     • Missionary Support
talents and treasures, you wonderful people of Our       • Provide informational brochures to people with
Saviour Lutheran allow the Board of Evangelism to          questions
reach out to our community and beyond. For that with     • “Pair and a Spare” underwear and socks
grateful hearts we thank you!                              campaign for the Homeless
                                                         • Live Nativity / Toys for Teens / Gifts to those
   As for 2010, once again there will be many ways         alone at Bornemann NH
you can contribute. Some tentative plans are noted       • Christmas and Easter Flowers to Shut-ins
below:                                                   • Specific Congregational Request
   • Donations of food for a Local Food Pantry
   • Donations of used cell phones for Soldiers and      If you have a mission that you would like Our
     Victims of Abuse                                  Saviour Lutheran to support, or have a mission idea
   • Bornemann’s Valentine Party (assisted by the      you would want to get involved with, contact Matthew
     Trinity Lutheran School)                          Norem or Pastor Greg.
   • Meals for the Homeless at St. John’s (Project
     Leader Gloria Morgan)                               “Doing everything in your power to meet the
   • Annual ‘Help for the Homeless’ personal and         needs of another is one of the greatest gifts you
     cleaning products collection                        can ever give, and one of the most satisfying gifts
   • Ladies Luncheon (Project Leader Lynn Wians)         you will ever receive.”
   • Financial Peace University (class II)                                                   – Anonymous.

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  • 1. O u r S a v i o u r L u t h e r a n C h u rc h • G re e n B a y, W i s c o n s i n It’s Not About The Cookies! Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (Vol. 2, Issue 14) February 2010 by David H. Hatch Last month’s Voice article spoke of the Chicago we know better!”). In clear hindsight, this was certainly Northwestern railroad tracks that were half way between a poor planning on our mothers’ part (Snicker snicker), boyhood home and an elementary school in Ames, Iowa. leaving us to make such a trek with what would turn out to May I tell you another story that involves those same be an inadequate quantity of “the beloved provision”. railroad tracks? What were we to do, out of cookies so early in the day? Just as “Hard Tack” was the staple provision in the What do you think we did? Civil War for the soldiers’ survival, so too, in our childhoods, cookies were the equivalent. Let’s just call Certainly by Senter’s prompting, never mine (“Sure, cookies “the beloved provision”. Our baby-boomer Pastor Dave!”), he advised that we turn around without supermoms were baking wizards in delay and return home for more of the kitchen and we were the recipients “the beloved provision”. Yes, we were of their handy work. late to school because we ran out of cookies. It makes me laugh out loud to It was the first day of kindergarten this day, the remembrance of telling at Roosevelt Elementary School. My my mom of our supply shortage. This close friend Senter Timmons and I will always continue to be one of my were about to venture out toward our favorite childhood stories. first day of school. For good reason, Senter was named after a trading post The truth be told, I don’t think we on the frontiers of Mississippi. turned around to resupply the cookies. Together we shared an adventurous I don’t think we turned around because spirit, to brave the undiscovered vast we did not want to go to school. I cement plains, called sidewalks, believe now, some 49 years later, that journeying the two blocks east of our Senter and I turned around because we homes. did not want to leave home. Between our moms, Senter and I Home was a safe place, were generously loaded with “the comfortable, secure, full of love and beloved provision” for the big laughter. There were board games, excursion to Roosevelt School. siblings to play with, sandboxes, Matchbox cars and Tonka trucks. They gave us enough cookies for what they believed There was security. Opposite of that was the expansive was a sufficient supply for the day. Rationed, there would unknown world, the things we heard about on the evening be plenty, they thought, for our morning walk, class snack news and the uncharted frontier of our young lives. Home time and our return trip home later in the day. was safer. It still is. On our way to school that morning, by about the time About our homes, whether they are active nests for our we got to the railroad tracks, we were out of cookies. Certainly Senter ate more than his fair share (“Pastor Dave, Continued on page 2 1
  • 2. Official Acts Pastor Dave Continued from page 1 little ones or empty ones, no matter if it is a duplex or an apartment, a Baptisms mansion or a cubbyhole, it’s home. It makes no difference what home was around the block”, as the late James A. Parks like where we grew up or what home Born: September 24, 1960 Steve Wadzinski said. is like right now, the question is, “How Baptized: December 13, 2009 can our home be the safest most Membership Changes • Head out to the library or enjoyable place we can make it, for bookstore and bring home some IN: Violet Boerst, transfer from ourselves and those who enter it?” treasured reads, snuggle with a Atonement Lutheran, Green Bay (ELCA) book and a blanket… let the Here are some things to consider book take you where you have Adult Confirmation: about making home a very special never been before. Alden (Kimm) DeWitt, place: Barb Talbot, Terry Amelse, • Consider good boundaries; do • Limit the news that comes into James Parks, work at work and home things Melissa Beaumont, your home. News companies at home, rarely letting the line Tonya Herlik, thrive on bad news; it sells, raises Paul Cantwell, cross. ratings, and, in turn, creates Delmer Ermis, and Ashley Ermis commercial revenue and gives us • If you are out of sorts with the blues. Consider limiting your someone in the house, recall this OUT: None news intake to a minimum. verse, “Do not let the sun go Weddings • If you like sound in the down while you are still angry” None – Ephesians 4:26b background, consider music or Received their Crown talking books to fill the silence. You may find your worry level • Put up some pictures of family None and friends. to dissipate and your learning to increase. • Decorate that bare wall you “God Sent Us A Savior” • Get out the old board games or have been ignoring. Your home is a gift from God – celebrate If our greatest need had been buy some new ones. Invite the information, life in it. family or friends over and have God would have sent us an a game party. educator. • Put on a pot of tea; light a little candle with the lights down low. If our greatest need had been • Get that Bible off the shelf and technology, consider committing to God would have sent us a scientist. • Consider going over to the reading a chapter or more a furnace, placing your hands on day at a set time. If our greatest need had been it and thanking God for the heat money, it gives to your little dwelling. God would have sent us an • If prayer has become a lost art economist, at home, bring it back to the • Make the intention to create dinner table or before bed. With If our greatest need had been marvelous memories in that pleasure, children, why not come to their little home. God would have sent us an bed or at their bedroom door entertainer. and have a prayer with them • No matter if you run out of before the lights go out. But – our greatest need was cookies or not, let’s make home forgiveness, a place you always want to So God sent us a Savior. • Get some fresh air, make friends return to. with the seasons. “If you cannot - Roy Lessin go around the world take a walk David H. Hatch 2
  • 3. Altar Guild News GOT NEWS? – Adeline, your Roving Reporter is on the hunt for the latest scoop! Thank you to everyone who worked hard to enhance our experiences in worship with the addition Call: 468-2061, E-mail: of the trees, flowers, plants and other beautiful decorations this past Christmas. The church was Adeline Grieser beautiful! Steady Hands, Steady Heart It’s a busy time for the Altar Guild members as they prepare for the many services; filling candles, changing paraments and preparing the elements for the A man who traveled across country weekly on increased opportunities we have to receive the Lord’s business, noticed a young boy waiting alone in the Supper. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who gave their airport lounge for his flight to be called. Boarding the time and talents for the Lord’s work in this way. plane the man saw the boy had been assigned the seat next to him. The young boy was polite when the man Our fall meeting was held in September and the spoke briefly to him but quietly went back to coloring election of new officers was held. The officers for a Garfield coloring book. He showed neither anxiety 2010 year are as follows: Chairwoman: Jill Proulx nor worry as the plane made ready for take-off even Co-Chairwoman: Michele Staszak though a storm raged beyond the windows. Flowers: Julie Arts/Diane Prahl During the flight, the jetliner began to bounce Worship Committee: Donna Arthur around like a kite in the wind. The turbulence, Wedding Coordinator: Jill Proulx pitching and lurching frightened many of the Laundress: Barb Korth passengers, but the boy calmly kept working on his Thank you to the women named above who have book. A lady seated across the aisle gripped the seat volunteered to serve as this year’s officers. The next arm with both hands – alarmed by the wild rolling of Altar Guild meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 15th the aircraft. “Son,” she asked, “Aren’t you scared?” in the sacristy. We always welcome new members – He looked up and smiled. “No, Ma’am, my dad’s and invite you to call Jill Proulx or the church office the pilot.” for information. It is a one month commitment, you can choose the At times events in our lives make us feel that we month that is best for you and you always work with an experienced partner. The Altar Guild is a are lost in the center of a wild, unending storm – we wonderful way to help your church family without a cannot seem to get our feet on solid ground and lengthy time commitment. We hope to see you there. there is no way to be safe again. In the midst of the storm, remember that God, the Father, is our pilot Sweet Monday and our lives are in His Loving Hands. Sweet Monday is a fun night where you don’t have to worry about an RSVP or making food to bring. You Pick up your crayons and work on the coloring just come and enjoy. I do ask one thing, though. This is book. The storm will pass with God at the wheel. the perfect opportunity to invite women to Our Saviour who have never been here – maybe never been to a My help comes from the Lord who made heaven church! I ask you to take an invitation (I’ll even make and earth. Psalm 121:2 Don’t Sweat It – one for you), give the invitation to a lady in your neighborhood, and personally invite her to our sweet, fun night. Sweet Things on the Schedule: Humor is a great asset in missionary life. Indeed, • Mug and Muffin: Bring your favorite mug and if a missionary lacks a good sense of humor he could enjoy muffins. be in serious trouble. • An Easter Surprise: Easter recipes & egg lessons. A missionary, home in Greenland for a visit, was • Spring Cleaning being urged by his friends to give up the idea of • Mad Hatter Tea Party returning to his mission in India because it was so hot • Wedding Wonders and Woes (& fashion show?) there. “Remember, Greg,” they warned, “it can get as high as 120 degrees in the shade!” Join us for our first night of fun “Well,” grinned the happy missionary, “We don’t Monday, February 1, 2010 from 7-8:30pm always have to stay in the shade, do we?” 3
  • 4. Pastor Greg February 2010 Source: 4
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  • 8. Trinity News basketball. Students are also involved in cheerleading. See the school’s website for the schedule. Come and watch the “My Times are in Your Hands” (Ps 31:15) “My Times are in students use their God-given talents. Your Hands” (Ps 31:15) – We are well into the new year and it is comforting to know that God is in control. School email – The new email address for the school is All of the teachers have email Calendar – addresses which are listed on the website. March 3 . . . . . . . . . .Grandparents Day March 5 . . . . . . . . . .Taste Of Trinity Wish list items – March 6 . . . . . . . . . .NEW LHS Expo Science Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 each March 7-13 . . . . . . .Lutheran Schools Week Air Quality Test Kit . . . . . . . . . . . $27.50 March 19 . . . . . . . . .Partnering with Parents Movie Night Geology Field Trip in a Bag . . . . . $40 March 27-April 6 . .Easter Break Listening Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 Discover America Carpet . . . . . . . $500 Website and radio ads – To help raise awareness of the ministry of Lutheran schools, we have joined the other Fund Raising – There has not been a tuition increase for Lutheran Church Missouri Synod schools in the area to three years, thanks in part to the following fund raisers- sponsor a website,, and Milk Caps, Box Tops, Capri Sun labels, Tyson Project A+ to sponsor radio ads on Christian radio, 90.1 and 91.5 Tell labels (both new), Target Credit Card Rebate, Kwik Trip your friends about these and encourage them to send their Scrip, Thrivent Giving Plus Matching Funds, Christmas children to a school where they are surrounded by the love of Cards, Packer Concession Workers,, and God all day. HP printer cartridges. Thank you to all those of you who have so faithfully supported Trinity through these efforts Athletics – Boys and girls in grades 4-8 are competing in and please continue to do so. 2009 Actual Receipts & Expenses Almost Balance Actual expenses in 2009 were $21,000 lower than budgeted. The lower expenses almost offset the shortfall in receipts of $25,000. Here is a breakdown of the 2009 income statement. You can contact Gay Pivonka (or the church office at 468- 4065) with any questions. Item 2009 Budget 2009 Actual Difference Traditional Unified Giving $548,380 $525,494 ($22,886) Nontraditional Revenue Items: - Fund Raisers $16,000 $16,647 $647 - Rental to Trinity $31,947 $28,388 ($3,559) - Rental to Others $5,000 $5,034 $34 - Preschool $48,275 $40,577 ($7,698) - Kitchen / Coffee Bar / Etc. $21,700 $24,319 $2,619 - Other $1,700 $7,264 $5,564 Total Nontraditional Revenue $124,622 $122,229 ($2,393) Total Receipts $673,002 $647,723 ($25,279) Budgeted Expense Items: - Salaries & Benefits $258,856 $254,657 ($4,199) - Trustees $115,840 $101,606 ($14,234) - Missions $60,839 $59,639 ($1,200) - Mortgage $155,321 $155,321 $0 - Education $17,340 $13,932 ($3,408) - Administration $16,110 $17,823 $1,713 - Fellowship $13,700 $15,663 $1,963 - To Reserves $23,960 $21,291 ($2,669) - Balance $11,035 $12,129 $1,094 Total Budgeted Expenses $673,001 $652,061 ($20,940) Non-budgeted Receipts $30,434 Non-budgeted Expenses $30,560 8
  • 9. FEBRUARY 2010 Church Calendar 1 2 3 4 5 6 5:30pm Youth Board 7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag Youth Movie 7:00pm Elders 9:00am Bible Study 6:00pm Praise Band Worship, Parlor Night and Pizza Meeting 6:30pm Cub Scouts 6:00pm Confirmation 12:45pm Staff Meeting Prep 7:00pm Sweet 7:00pm Choir 7:00pm P&F Meet. 5:00pm NEWLHS Monday Practice Basketball 7:00pm Trad. Worship 7 SANCTITY OF LIFE 8 9 10 11 12 13 7:45am Trad. Worship 7:00pm Church 7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag 5:00pm Fish Fry 8:00am Pizza Pick Up Council 9:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Praise Band Worship, Parlor 9:15am Praise Wor. & SS 7:00pm Choir 6:00pm Confirmation 12:45pm Staff Meeting 9:30am Bible Study, Parlor 5:00pm Fish Fry Prep 10:30am SS Teacher Meet 7:00pm Trad. Worship 10:30am Bible Study, Parlor 7:45pm Evangelism 10:45am Trad. Worship No Trinity Classes Meeting 2:00pm Gym Rental 14 COMMUNION 15 16 17 ASH WED. 18 19 20 7:45am Trad. Worship 6:30pm Altar Guild 6:30am Spring 12:15pm Worship 9:15am Praise Worship Primary 3:30pm Youth & Sunday School Election Night 9:30am Bible Study, Parlor 7:00am Bible Study 7:00pm Worship 10:30am Bible Study, Parlor 9:00am Bible Study 10:45am Trad. Worship 6:30pm Cub Scouts 2:00pm Gym Rental 7:00pm Choir 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 7:45am Trad. Worship 7:30pm Trinity 7:00am Bible Study 3:30pm Youth Night 12:15pm Brown Bag 9:15am Praise Worship School 9:00am Bible Study 5:30pm Praise Band Lenten & Sunday School Board 7:00pm Choir 6:00pm Confirmation Worship, Parlor 9:30am Bible Study, Parlor 12:45pm Staff Meeting 10:30am Bible Study, Parlor 7:00pm Lenten 10:45am Trad. Worship Worship 2:00pm Gym Rental 28 COMMUNION 7:45am Trad. Worship 9:15am Praise Worship & Sunday School 9:30am Bible Study, Parlor 10:30am Bible Study, Parlor 10:45am Trad. Worship 2:00pm Gym Rental 9
  • 10. March 2010 Usher Schedule Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Thu. 04-Mar 7:00 pm J. Boettcher Sun. 07-Mar 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 07-Mar 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman Sun. 07-Mar 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 11-Mar 7:00 pm HC C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 14-Mar 7:45 am HC J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; †UN; †UN; Sun. 14-Mar 9:15 am HC D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 14-Mar 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN Thu. 18-Mar 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN; Sun. 21-Mar 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 21-Mar 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 21-Mar 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 25-Mar 7:00 pm HC J. Boettcher Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN Sun. 28-Mar 7:45 am HC M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 28-Mar 9:15 am HC D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 28-Mar 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg †UN = Usher Needed If you’d like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you’d like to join, or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or email Servants – A Priceless Treasure, LWML is coming back to OSLC! One Has Gone Home. It has been many years since we’ve hosted LWML. It’s time to restart! LWML stands for Lutheran Women’s Missionary The word “Volunteers” falls short of the holiness League (also known as Lutheran Women in Mission.) involved in doing church work. The word, “Servant” is far From the national website ( more descriptive. There are so many servants here at Our Lutheran Women in Mission Are... Saviour and we are grateful for them all. On January 18th • Walking with the Lord, we laid to rest a long-time servant at Our Saviour, Gary • Totally confident of Christ’s presence in serving and Brosig. Gary had been called to serve the congregational living. family back in the 1980’s. His work as Congregational LWML - President put him in the position to work with the comings • It has as its “mission heart” thousands of volunteers and goings of pastors; church who are dedicating their lives daily to making a vision and administration; difference in this world. countless meetings and endless • It is women who are finding avenues to use their God- hours for the Lord’s work. We given talents as they meet the challenges to share the give our brother Gary back to the Gospel message. Lord who made him; who bought • The LWML seeks to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among women of the LCMS him at the cross; who walked through education, inspiration, and service. with him in his “dash”; and who carried him from this valley to his For general information about LWML, consult the heavenly home. May the Lord website. For district info, go to Gary Brosig and Jim give comfort to his family during Jossie, childhood friends this time of loss. We thank the Watch for further developments in future newsletters and both OSLC members Lord for servants! and announcements. 10
  • 11. OSLC Business Directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month. Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail: © 2010 Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved. Design compliments of Adagirl Design LLC. Thank You Ladies! Our Saviour Lutheran Church Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 120 S. Henry Street A big thanks goes out to all the Green Bay, WI 54302 women who signed up for the Bad You’re A Good (920) 468-4065 Girls Bible study. Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch Man, Charlie (920) 465-8118 We had around 30 women most Brown weeks, and we did plenty of reading, discussing, and thinking. It was fun Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland and rewarding to study women in (920) 544-3614 Concordia University in Mequon will the Bible who are more like us than be performing the musical, You’re A we sometimes admit. Above all, we Good Man, Charlie Brown, on saw that God’s grace is so deep and Church Office – Michelle Burhite February 19th at 10am and 7pm, and so wide, it covers all sinners – from (920) 468-4065 on February 20th at 7pm. Eve – to the woman at the well – to every woman alive today. Ramona Marquardt (a 2008 graduate Preschool Dir. – Christina Scholz of N.E.W.L.H.S. and a member of If you missed the study, I will (920) 468-3596 Our Saviour) will play the part of offer it again when the weather “Lucy” during the 7pm performance warms up. I’ll also offer another Bad on the 19th. Girls book for those who just can’t Our Saviour Web get enough! Ask for directions to the auditorium when arriving at the entrance gate to Watch the announcements after Vol. 2 No. 14, February 2010 The Voice Concordia University. the snow thaws. (permit No. 59) is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights – Stephenie Hovland reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission. 11
  • 12. Our Saviour Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization 120 S. Henry St. U.S. Postage Paid Green Bay, WI 54302 Permit #59 (920) 468-4065 Green Bay, WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Evangelism Offers a Sneak Preview into 2010 Every year, thanks to the many donations of time, • Missionary Support talents and treasures, you wonderful people of Our • Provide informational brochures to people with Saviour Lutheran allow the Board of Evangelism to questions reach out to our community and beyond. For that with • “Pair and a Spare” underwear and socks grateful hearts we thank you! campaign for the Homeless • Live Nativity / Toys for Teens / Gifts to those As for 2010, once again there will be many ways alone at Bornemann NH you can contribute. Some tentative plans are noted • Christmas and Easter Flowers to Shut-ins below: • Specific Congregational Request • Donations of food for a Local Food Pantry • Donations of used cell phones for Soldiers and If you have a mission that you would like Our Victims of Abuse Saviour Lutheran to support, or have a mission idea • Bornemann’s Valentine Party (assisted by the you would want to get involved with, contact Matthew Trinity Lutheran School) Norem or Pastor Greg. • Meals for the Homeless at St. John’s (Project Leader Gloria Morgan) “Doing everything in your power to meet the • Annual ‘Help for the Homeless’ personal and needs of another is one of the greatest gifts you cleaning products collection can ever give, and one of the most satisfying gifts • Ladies Luncheon (Project Leader Lynn Wians) you will ever receive.” • Financial Peace University (class II) – Anonymous.