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The Voice Online
                  Our Saviour Lutheran Church – Green Bay, WI
                    August 2012           Volume 1, Issue 8

                                  Solitary Refinement
                               On Being Alone…With God

     By: Pastor Dave Hatch            from? Where are they going?      in as a mere number in the
                                      They are lost in the crowd.      mass of humanity. You are
                                     In the stores - Look left and    barefoot and dressed in simple,
                                      right, up and down the
                                                                       comfortable    clothes.   Your
                                      aisles, ahead of you or
                                      behind you at the check-out      belongings and obligations are
                                      – lots of people. Each of        miles away.
                                      them, lost in the masses.
                                     At the beach in the              You are alone now.
                                      summertime – Hundreds
                                                                       It’s quiet.
                                      and thousands of folks!
                                     In our living room – Even if
                                      we live alone, if we have the
                                      television on, we are not
                                      really alone, are we? The
                                      room is filled with voices and
                                      images,       ideas,     news,
                                      thoughts,      and    constant
One of the Beatles’ famous            manmade stimulation.
                                     Is there any escape from the
songs includes the words, “Look
                                      crowd, the noises, or the
at all the lonely people, where       attractions?
do they all come from?”              If we were alone, really         Except       for     songbirds,
                                      alone, absolutely alone, what    whispering pines, and the lap of
Crowds. They are everywhere.          might that be like?              light waves on a shore, it’s pure
   On the streets - Cars putt-                                        quiet.
    putting as they run errands   Journey     now     into   your
    or putt-putting in the rat                                         Are you       comfortable   being
                                  imagination. You are alone. It’s     alone?
    race run to work and back.
    There are so many people      only you at the shore of a little
    buzzing by in cars through    lake, standing in the shade of       But you are not alone. You are
    town at any given moment;     some evergreens.       No more       alone with God.
    almost countless in number.   running the race, pushing
    Where are they coming                                              -cont’d on page 2-
                                  through the crowd, and blending

The Voice Online

-cont’d from page 1-                 aches of the body aside and by      million on a summer sand
                                     faith, be alone with your           beach? No you are not, bow your
Are you comfortable with that?       Creator-Redeemer. “Come unto        head and you are alone with
You are an individual, standing      me all you who labor and are        your Redeemer. Waiting for an
alone in the presence of the         heavy laden and I will give you     elevator along with 10 other
Mighty Creator. Talk to Him;         rest” Matthew 11:28. Does that      people? Think on Him and you
that is prayer. Recall Scripture     mean come to worship? Yes,          are alone with your Creator.
and He is talking to you. Do you     right this moment. Does that
                                     mean come to the church service     Putting our faith into practice is
have anything to hide? They are                                          not just trying to be more loving,
not hidden, He sees them and         and if you miss it, you must hold
                                     your coming for another seven       forgiving, or attempting to be
He has seen them all along. Do                                           patient. Those are fruits of faith;
you have fear? You stand before      days? No. Bow your head
                                     wherever you are and be alone       they come automatically as we
the One who casts out all fear.                                          grow closer to Christ in our
                                     with your God…. You are then
Perhaps this is what Jesus           at worship.                         private devotional life. Putting
meant when He said to go into a                                          our faith into practice begins
closet and pray. As Matthew 6:6                                          with the inner self; trusting
describes, we might go to an                                             Him, talking to Him, listening
                                     Come unto me all you who labor      to Him, and stepping away from
alone place; not only so we don’t     and are heavy laden and I will
put our devotional life on                                               the distractions when we are
                                              give you rest.             alone with Him.
display, but that we might be
alone with Him and away from                 Matthew 11:28               If we think faith is knowledge
our distractions.                                                        about God, then all we are is
The devotional life of the                                               knowledgeable. Faith is another
Christian is not an obligation. It                                       dimension beyond knowledge.
is not merely a habit. It is                                             It is about being in the presence
relational; just you and your                                            of the Living God by spending
God, alone. You were alone with                                          time internally, in our own
Him when He made you and you                                             chapel, by quiet faith in the
                                     When the congregation gathers,      sanctuary of our soul. There, we
will be alone with Him at the
                                     that is being alone with your       can be alone with God; at peace
judgment. No hiding in a crowd,
                                     God also, but in the setting of a   with Him, comforted by Him; at
there will be no hoping to be
                                     family reunion, of sorts. Group     peace with ourselves by His
missed when He calls your
                                     [Corporate] worship is the          grace; and from there, at peace
name. Let’s get comfortable with
                                     power of a community in prayer,     with all people. “As much as it
Him now, on a personal level.
                                     song, and all the parts of          depends on you, be at peace
Let’s be alone with Him now.
                                     worship.                            with all people” Romans 12:18.
We don’t need to be at the shore
                                     Stalled in traffic and in the
of a little remote lake to be
                                     middle of a crowd? Bow your
alone with God. Set reason                                               -cont’d on page 3-
                                     head and pray and you are alone
aside, set emotions aside, set the
                                     with God. Are you just one of a

August 2012

-cont’d from page 2-               Lawrence lived in the 1600s. His      Get away from the crowd.
                                   faith took leaps when he
The Scripture says, “We have       concentrated on being, “In The        Being alone with Him might
been surrounded by a great         Presence of God” by communing         mean turning off the television.
cloud of witnesses” Hebrews        with His Lord wherever he was,
12:1.    When     reading  the                                           Find a quiet place in your soul.
                                   no matter what he was doing.
biographies and writings of        That is, he was always “alone         Be alone with God, as an
Christians who have come and       with God”, even when in a             individual, just you and Him.
gone before us, oh my, can our     crowd. Here are a few of his          Tell Him everything. Hide
faith take leaps.                  words…                                nothing. Be refreshed with His
Regarding the topic of this                                              words of promise. Do this often,
                                   Pray, remember what I have            daily, multiple times daily, and
article, “Solitary Refinement”,    recommended to you, which is,
please meet Lawrence (aka                                                see your faith grow like Jack’s
                                   to think often on GOD, by day,        beanstalk.
Brother Lawrence). He worked       by night, in your business, and
in a kitchen where other           even in your diversions. He is        Go into the inner sanctuary of
Christians gathered for meals in   always near you and with you;         your soul and you will have
a place where these other folks    leave Him not alone. You would        solitary refinement… “And the
lived (a monastery).               think it rude to leave a friend       Peace of God which transcends
                                   alone, who came to visit you:         all understanding will guard
                                   why then must GOD be                  your hearts and your minds in
                                   neglected? Do not then forget         Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7.
                                   Him, but think on Him often,
                                   adore Him continually, live and       * The Practice of the Presence of
                                                                         God: The Best Rule of Holy Life
                                   die with Him; this is the
                                                                         being Conversations and Letters
                                   glorious employment of a
                                   Christian…*                           of Brother Lawrence (Public
                                   Put your faith into practice.

                                        Our Saviour Lutheran Church
                                             120 S. Henry Street
                                           Green Bay, WI 54302
                                               (920) 468-4065

       Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch                   Church Office – Michelle Burhite
       (920) 465-8118                                   (920) 468-4065                       

       Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland                  Preschool Director – Christina Scholz
       (920) 544-3614                                   (920) 468-3596                       

The Voice Online

                                              Official Acts
Weddings:                                                   Baptisms:

Aprille Marie Fameree and Kenneth                           Logan Patrick Melotte
Michael Calewarts                                           Born: February 17, 2012
United at Our Saviour on June 30, 2012                      Baptized: June 24, 2012
                                                            Son of Christopher Melotte and Jennifer Miller

                                                            Wyatt Joseph Pehowski
                                                            Born: April 5, 2012
                                                            Baptized: June 24, 2012
                                                            Son of Steven and Cindi Pehowski
Membership Changes:

IN:     Jean Shusta, transfer from Hope Lutheran Church, De Pere, WI (LCMS)
        Matthew and Cara Newman, transfer from St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church, Hilbert, WI (LCMS)

OUT:  Bek Harvey and minor, baptized child, Madison, transfer to Redeemer Lutheran,
     Green Bay, WI (LCMS)

        Brenda Trewartha and minor, baptized children Ethan, Emma and Ella, transfer to
       Peace Lutheran Church, Green Bay, WI (ELCA)

                                                            Volume 1, Issue 8 August 2012; ‘The Voice Online’
                                                             is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran
                                                             Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this
 PASTOR DAVE WORKING ON CPE                                      publication may be reproduced without
Pastor Dave will be attending classes on Tuesdays
this coming school year, working towards his                Edited by Mark Stone. The opinions expressed in
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) certification. By          this publication are not always reflective of the
spring, he will have completed one-quarter of this 4-                         editor’s views.
part program. Through this program he will be
improving his skills in pastoral care.                       Please feel free to contact the Church office with
                                                               constructive suggestions and/or comments at
                                                       Thanks to those who have
                                                            already commented! We are always seeking more
                                                                   congregational input and submissions.

August 2012

                       September 2012                             OSLC Usher Schedule
Day Date    Service     Lead              Usher Team
Sun. 02-Sep 7:45 am     J. Kielpikowski   Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun. 02-Sep 9:15 am     R. Vande Hei      Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun. 02-Sep 10:45 am    G. Buechner       Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu. 06-Sep 7:00 pm     C. Arthur         Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun. 09-Sep 7:45 am     M. Dalebroux      Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun. 09-Sep 9:15 am     D. Bitters        Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun. 09-Sep 10:45 am    M. Charles        Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Thu. 13-Sep 7:00 pm     P. Kuehl          Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun. 16-Sep 7:45 am     M. Morgan         Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun. 16-Sep 9:15 am     W. Chamberlain    Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz
Thu. 20-Sep 7:00 pm     B. Clayton        Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun. 23-Sep 7:45 am     A. Knaus          Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun. 23-Sep 9:15 am     D. Wians          Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun. 23-Sep 10:45 am    G. Buechner       Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu. 27-Sep 7:00 pm     C. Arthur         Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun. 30-Sep 7:45 am     J. Kielpikowski   Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun. 30-Sep 9:15 am     R. Vande Hei      Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun. 30-Sep 10:45 am    M. Charles        Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
     † UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join,
                         Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email ""

                                                                       receive information on specials as                    well   as
           One Person’s Trash;                                         sweepstakes entries for bonus points.
           Another’s Treasure
                                                                       Milk caps - Please bring in the specially marked
Please collect the following items and bring them                      milk caps from Morning Glory, Kemps, and Kwik
to church when you visit. You can collect from                         Trip as well as the symbol from Kemps Cottage
your own purchases and even ask your friends,                          Cheese containers. These are three separate but
relatives, and neighbors to collect them for you.                      similar programs. These are redeemed for cash by
Most items can be placed in the containers by the                      Green Bay Trinity. NOTE: The Kemps program
preschool entrance in the main hallway; other                          will be ending on November 1, 2012 and all caps
items can be placed at the collection center near                      need to be redeemed by that date. Please make
the 2nd floor elevator.                                                sure to bring in all of your Kemps caps as soon as
Coke reward points - These can be found on the
caps of Coke products as well as on the cardboard                      Capri Sun pouches - Green Bay Trinity recycles
of multipacks (12, 20, or 24 packs) or Dasani water                    the empty drink pouches for $0.02 per package.
overwraps. Green Bay Trinity will redeem those                         These are up-cycled into pencil cases…have you
points for school supplies.                                            seen them in the stores?

Box Tops for Education - Green Bay Trinity                             Empty ink jet cartridges - These can be donated to
receives $0.10 for each one redeemed. The Box                          either Green Bay Trinity (leave them by the cart
Tops program offers bonus points with certain                          in the main hallway) or the OSLC office (place in
purchases, usually connected with Copps. You can
also sign up at to                           -cont’d on page 6-

The Voice Online

-cont’d from page 5-                                      for the lawnmower and snow blower. Cans should
                                                          be dropped through the drop door on the shed any
the church secretary mailbox or on the secretary's        time.
desk). Cartridges are redeemed at Office Max or
Office Depot for gift cards good toward a future          Labels for Education - Place your labels in the
purchase.                                                 container by the Preschool entrance. Labels
                                                          collected are mailed to Camp Luther who redeems
Used cell phones - Cell phones are recycled for           them for various types of merchandise used at
Cell Phones for Soldiers. The money received from         Camp.
recycling is used to purchase calling cards for our
military members overseas.                                Manufacturers Coupons - We send manufacturers'
                                                          coupons to military families overseas who use
Empty prescription pill bottles - Pill bottles are        them at the BX. Coupons can be expired up to two
reused and filled for mission trips. Please only          months. For more details, please contact Michelle
prescription pill bottles; no bottles from liquid         in the office at 468-4065. Please help us make
medicine.                                                 these packages a blessing to the recipients; our
                                                          military families serving overseas in Incirlik,
Aluminum cans - Cans are recycled by the                  Turkey.
Trustees and proceeds are used to purchase gas

           2012 VBS Wrap-up                                  AUGUST MEANS THAT
Here is a statistical wrap up for our 2012 VBS
                                                            SEPTEMBER IS COMING!
                                                          In a popular children’s game, one person counts to
 36 children age 3 ½ - 6 yrs old
                                                          20 and then yells “Ready or not, here I come!” If
 24 children in 1st – 5th grade
                                                          you have not heard it yet, you need to know that
 28 families that attended were from OSLC
                                                          ‘here I come’ is exactly what September wants to
 3 families that attended were not committed to
                                                          tell you!
    any Church home
 6 families came from the following other
                                                               EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES
       o Spring Lake
       o Faith Lutheran
                                                          The Truth Project
       o Resurrection Lutheran
                                                          This new class, which begins on Thursday,
       o Green Bay Community Church
                                                          September 6, has taken off! We currently have
       o Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church
                                                          almost double the amount of attendees than we
       o Hope Lutheran
                                                          made room for when the class was first planned!
                                                          That issue was fixed by changing the room where
   We had 18 total volunteers
                                                          the class will meet (Fellowship Hall) and adding a
   13 helped full-time; 5 helped part-time
                                                          3rd time option (Sundays at 9:15am). There is still
   2 volunteers were not members of OSLC
                                                          room for you…just call the office (468-4065) or
   2 families from OSLC housed the Camp Luther           sign up at the Welcome Center for the class of
    counselors                                            your choice. Make sure to take a copy of the
                                                          schedule so you don’t miss a thing.
    Next year’s VBS will be held June 24 th – 27th.
                 Thank you to all!

August 2012

-Educational Opportunities cont’d from page 6-
Adult Confirmation Classes                                  OPPORTUNITIES HAVE A
Adult instruction in the Christian faith will begin
on Sunday, Sept. 23 with a Talk ‘n Tour. Classes              STRONG PRESENCE
will be held at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings until
November 4. There will be a total of 7 classes. All       Are You Musically Inclined?
members and non-members are welcome to                    The Praise Band is always looking for talented
attend. Non-members can become members by                 musicians and vocalists. Drums, keyboard, guitar?
Adult Confirmation at a special service on                Contact Marlys Brunsting for more information on
November 18 if they desire; membership after the          becoming a member of this dedicated group.
class is not required. If you are interested in
attending, please RSVP to the church office at            The Choir is coming back on September 11.
468-4065.                                                 Practices are at 7pm on Tuesdays. Contact Judy
                                                          O’Grady if you are interested in joining…or just
Let the little children come to him…                      show up for practice. If you are unfamiliar with
Sunday School classes begin on September 23.              the Choir, there are two sessions…winter and
Registration forms can be found in the tall               spring. The Winter session meets and performs
brochure holder in the office hallway and will be         until Christmas…the spring group meets and
published in the August issue (pgs 9-10) of The           performs February until sometime in May.
Voice Online. Completed forms can be turned in at
the Sunday school table at the Fall Rally on              Monthly Fish Fry
September 16 or to the church office. Teachers are        The ever popular Monthly Fish Fry will be back on
also needed; see related article on page 8 of this        September 14. A full schedule of dates can be
newsletter.                                               found on a handout at the Welcome Center. Take
                                                          one home, share one with your neighbors…invite
Youth Confirmation classes begin Wednesday,               everyone you know to the best fish fry in town.
September 19 at 6pm. Registration forms were
mailed to 8th and 9th graders that were enrolled          On that note, workers are also needed for the Fish
last year as well as those who are shown at               Fry. Please contact Greg Ammerman or Tim
entering 7th grade for the upcoming 2012-2013             Richter to volunteer or to find out more about
school year. If you need an enrollment form,              opportunities to serve. Along with volunteers,
please contact the office. Along with Confirmation        donations of Pepsi and Coke (regular, diet and
nights, Youth Nights are returning. Students in           caffeine free) products are needed. Coffee (regular
6th grade thru high school are welcome after 3pm          and decaf) donations are also being accepted.
on any Confirmation class night. Students will be
able to get help with their homework, play, eat           Lambeau Field, the Packers, and a Food Stand
dinner (for a small fee) or just hang out.                The Packers will host ‘Family Night’ on Friday,
                                                          August 3rd as well as play two home pre-season
                                                          games on August 16 and 30. The regular season
                                                          begins at Lambeau Field on Sunday, Sept. 9
                                                          followed closely by a game on Thursday night,
                                                          September 13. Why is this important to read
                                                          about in a church newsletter? Here’s why…

                                                          -cont’d on page 8-

The Voice Online

-cont’d from page 7-                                      + All lessons are pre-planned for you
                                                          + All materials and planning are provided
Workers are needed (21 per game) to man a food            + Work in teams so you don’t teach every Sunday
stand in the Club Section for all games and events
through the end of the season. Workers in the             This is so rewarding not only for the youth but
stand will run cash registers (take orders, take          also for those who teach. Our experienced teachers
money, and make change), deliver food to the              can share with you their many stories of how they
counter (from various stations within the stand)          have been rewarded.
and prepare food for sales (cooking and
assembling brats, burgers, pizza, etc.).                  To apply please contact: Julie Rusch, Sunday
                                                          school director (920) 406-9077.
Workers must be at least 18 years old, wear black
pants (not capris, shorts, etc.) and comfortable,         All who volunteer with youth must submit a
closed toe/closed heel shoes (preferably tennis           background check at least once every three years.
shoes; black or close to black (can include other         Forms can be found in the tall brochure holder in
colors if main color is black). Uniforms consisting       the office hallway. Questions about the
of a shirt (windbreaker in colder weather), hat and       background check can be directed to Michelle in
name tag will be provided and must be worn at all         the office (468-4065 or
times. Sign-up sheets for all events can be found
at the Welcome Center. All workers must also              Fall Rally – September 16
complete training by DNC, the concessions                 A Notice to Board Chairs, Board Members,
provider.                                                 Committees, and Church Members

If you have questions or want to sign up, please          The Fall Rally is coming up on September 16 and
call Neil Burmeister at (920) 866-9088.                   this is your ‘here I come’ warning! Please work on
                   Go Pack Go!                            your board’s display for your presentation table,
                                                          discuss what to include, who will man the table,
                                                          etc. This is your chance to shine and let everyone
** HELP WANTED ** Sunday school teachers                  know what your board does and to possibly recruit
Want to serve the Lord but don't know how? Want           members, so put your best foot forward and be
to share your talents and be a part of something          prepared.
exciting, fulfilling, and rewarding? Looking for
something fun, easy, and part-time? If you said           One 8’ table is set aside for each board. Boards can
yes to these questions, then we have the place for        share a table or request to be placed near the table
you! Come join a very special group of people as a        of a board with which they share responsibilities
volunteer Sunday School teacher. We need Sunday           for some events. It is up to you what is available
School Teachers for grades pre-kindergarten               on your table…sign-up sheets, informational
through grade six.                                        handouts, event invitations, etc.

What do we need from you? What can we offer? I            And there’s a potluck dinner, too! What Lutheran
am glad you asked!                                        gathering is complete without lots of food?
+ A willingness to share your time with our youth         Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass so get
+ Bible knowledge not required                            out those cookbooks and make your shopping list.

August 2012

                                        Sunday School Registration Form / 2012-2013 School Year
        Sunday School is open to children from age 4 up to, and including, 6 th grade. Classes will begin on
September 23, 2012. Please bring your child(ren) with you to the 9:15am worship service. They will be dismissed
to their classrooms after the Children’s Message (around 9:30). Sunday School will run until 10:30am, regardless
of when the church service is concluded. Please be patient when picking up your children and allow your child’s
                              teacher time to finish each week’s lesson. Thank You.

Family Last Name:

Mom’s Name:                                                           Dad’s Name:

Address:                                                              Address (if different)

City/Zip:                                                             City/Zip:

Phone:                                                                Phone: (if different)

Cell Phone:                                                           Cell Phone:

*Email:                                                               *Email:

Step Father: ________________________________                         Step Mother: _______________________________

Children primarily live with: (Circle One)                    Mom            Dad               Both Parents

Our church membership is at (church name/denomination/city) ____________________________________
Person to be notified in case of emergency (other than mom and dad):

Name:                                                                 Address:

Phone:                                                                Relationship:

Person(s) authorized to pick up child(ren) after class:

I, __________________________, will help support the Christian Learning of my child/children by:
      Helping with classroom activities
      Offering transportation for other students if possible
      Help set up/take down classroom tables/chairs if needed before or after class

Please contact me at (email/phone) ___________________________ to discuss how I can help as noted above.
*EMAIL addresses are essential way of communication – we can send you our Parent Updates more efficiently.

The Voice Online

We take lots of pictures of all the children throughout the year at various events. By signing below, I give permission for
use of my child (ren)’s photos in a display for the sole purpose of promoting the growth of Christian Education at OSLC.
Printed Name: _________________________ Signature:____________________________________ Date: ____________
Please complete the following information for each child you are registering to attend Sunday School. If child’s last name if
different than the family’s last name above, please include it below.

Name:                                                                     Age:                     Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                                     Baptism Date:

Grade this school year:                          Personal Email:                                   __________________

Name:                                                                     Age:                     Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                                     Baptism Date:

Grade this school year:                          Personal Email:                                   __________________
Name:                                                                     Age:                     Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                                     Baptism Date:

Grade this school year:                          Personal Email:                                   __________________
Name:                                                                     Age:                     Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                                     Baptism Date:

Grade this school year:                          Personal Email:                                   __________________
Name:                                                                     Age:                     Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                                     Baptism Date:

Grade this school year:                       Personal Email:                                      __________________
** Please list any special learning problems for each child: _______

** Please list any special health problems for each child: (Diabetic, Food Allergies, etc.)

** Other helpful information we should know:

August 2012
       Sunday                  Monday                 Tuesday                 Wednesday                  Thursday                 Friday                   Saturday

August 13: Deadline for articles for The Voice Online                    1                         2                     3                           4
August 15 at noon: Super Sale Donation Deadline                          9am Super Sale Work       9am Super Sale Work   9am Super Sale Work         10am Fellowship Hall
                                                                         12pm Staff Meeting        12:15pm Worship       4pm Dyle / Vargas           Rental
August 18 at 8am: Super Sale Begins
                                                                         6pm Praise Band           7pm Trad Worship      Wedding Rehearsal           3pm Dyle / Vargas
September 6 and 9: ‘The Truth Project’ – 1st Class                       6:30pm Youth Board                                                          Wedding
September 16: Fall Rally (no 10:45am Service)                            7pm P&F Meeting
                                                                         7pm Youth/Young
                                                                         Adult Bible Study

5                       6                      7                         8                         9                     10                          11
7:45am Trad Worship     9am Super Sale Work    7am Bible Study           9am Super Sale Work       9am Super Sale Work   9am Super Sale Work         2pm Spencer /
9:15am Worship                                 9am Bible Study           12pm Staff Meeting        12:15pm Worship       6pm Spencer /               Lawniczak Wedding
10:45am Trad Worship                           9am Super Sale Work       6pm Trinity               7pm Trad Worship      Lawniczak Wedding
12pm Golf Outing at                                                      Registration                                    Rehearsal
The Woods                                                                6pm Praise Band
TBD Softball Playoffs                                                    7pm Youth/Young
                                                                         Adult Bible Study

12 Communion            13                     14                        15                        16                    17                          18
Mite Box Sunday         9am Super Sale Work    6:30am Partisan Primary   9am Super Sale Work       9am Super Sale Work   9am Super Sale Work         8am Super Sale (until
7:45am Trad Worship     6pm Church Council     Election                  12pm Staff Meeting        12:15pm Worship                                   4pm)
9:15am Worship                                 7am Bible Study           12pm Super Sale           7pm Trad Worship
9:15am Bible Study      Submission Deadlilne   9am Bible Study           Donation Deadline         7pm Packers at Home
10:30am Bible Study     for The Voice Online   9am Super Sale Work       6pm Praise Band           vs Cleveland
10:45am Trad Worship                                                     7pm Youth/Young
TBD Softball Playoffs                                                    Adult Bible Study

19                      20                     21                        22                        23                    24                          25
7:45am Trad Worship     7pm Board of           7am Bible Study           12pm Staff Meeting        12:15pm Worship       6pm Sauer / Wagner          1:30pm Sauer /
9:15am Worship          Education              9am Bible Study           6pm Praise Band           7pm Trad Worship      Wedding Rehearsal           Wagner Wedding
9:15am Bible Study                                                       7pm Youth/Young
10:30am Bible Study                                                      Adult Bible Study
10:45am Trad Worship

26 Communion            27                     28                        29                        30                    31
7:45am Trad Worship     6pm Trinity Back to    7am Bible Study           First Day of School for   12:15pm Worship       11:30 Early Dismissal for
9:15am Worship          School Night           8am OLM Meeting           Trinity                   6pm Packers at Home   Trinity
9:15am Bible Study      6:30pm GBLSA           8:30am 3 y/o Preschool    12pm Staff Meeting        vs Kansas City
10:30am Bible Study     7pm Stewardship        Open House                6:30pm Preschool          7pm Trad Worship
10:45am Trad Worship                           9am Bible Study           Orientation
12pm Fellowship Hall                           10am 4K Open House        7pm Youth/Young
Rental                                         6pm Praise Band           Adult Bible Study
                                               7:30pm PB Meeting
The Voice Online

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Photo credits

Man praying (pg 1)
light-to-miracles/                                          A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.
                                                            The teacher said it was physically impossible for a
Brother Lawrence (pg 3)
                                                            whale to swallow a human because even though it
r-lawrence-saint-of-the-month-january-2012.html             was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

LCMS cross (pg 8)                                           The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a        whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale
                                                                could not swallow a human; it was physically
Smiley face (pg 12)                                            impossible. The little girl said, “When I get to     Heaven, I will ask Jonah.” The teacher asked: “What
                                                           if Jonah went to Hell?” The little girl replied, “Then
                                                                                 you ask him.”
S’more about Camp Luther
                                                COUPLES RETREAT!! Sept 21-23- Couples of every age can
                                                benefit from time well spent together. Here is a great weekend
                                                to do just that! Enjoy camp or local activities, take part in guest
                                                speaker Bible study and learning, enjoy devotions offered by
                                                camp staff and cap it all off with a candlelit dinner!! Grow, bond
                                                and recharge at the Camp Luther Couples Retreat.
TREAT!! August 31-September 3- Plan             BRICKS FOR MORTGAGE REDUCTION!! Leave your mark
now for a meaningful and relaxing week-         as part of the legacy that is the ministry of Camp Luther. You
end with your family at summer’s end.           can support the effort to reduce and remove the mortgage and
You can join with other families with the       also leave a remembrance on a brick in Camp’s beautiful
weekend’s fun activities or open your own       courtyard. Your gift of $500 or more makes a difference!! Go to
trails to fun and bonding as a family. to learn more.
There will be adult and child age-
appropriate Bible study sessions to add         VOLUNTEER AT CAMP LUTHER! Join us for our fall
faith growth to your new family tradition!      Workbee, October 19-21 Workbees are great fun for adults and
                                                families. They run from Friday evening through Sunday
LIVE, LAUGH, AND LOVE LADIES                    lunch. It’s FREE, and it’s a great way to give back as a family
RETREAT!! Oct 5-7 – Refuel in God’s             and help children learn about Christian service. Join us this
Word and the company of other awesome           year! Register at
women at this “just for ladies” retreat. The
schedule is designed to draw you closer to      CHOOSE CAMP LUTHER WITH YOUR THRIVENT
God and to each other through a variety of      CHOICE DOLLARS!! It’s easy and it benefits Camp Luther and
individual, large group and small group         Every Kid to Camp! Log on to
activities. There will also be trips to         thriventchoice or call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and get
Cranberry Fest in Eagle River, a Ladies         started TODAY!! Eligibility is established by Thrivent and by
night out, plus walking, biking or              your premiums, account values and volunteer leadership! You
canoeing amid the beautiful fall colors!        simply go online and they do the rest. THANK YOU for giving
                                                to Camp Luther!!

– Women of all ages and crafting levels,        We now have over 1850 likes
bring your supplies and enjoy time to           on Facebook, so join us there
craft, share and fellowship together! There     to hear what’s happening at
will be attendees from novice to expert so      Camp, to share memories and
there will be much to learn and to teach.       to spread the word about the
There will be spiritual growth time as the      ministry and joy that is Camp
days begin and end and throughout the           Luther.
day while you craft. Go to to learn more.

     Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is
          to build up the Body of Christ for service to the church and witness to the world.
        Camp Luther/1889 Koubenec Road/Three Lakes, WI 54562/877-264-CAMP
                    "Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District LCMS."

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The voice august 2012

  • 1. The Voice Online Our Saviour Lutheran Church – Green Bay, WI August 2012 Volume 1, Issue 8 Solitary Refinement On Being Alone…With God By: Pastor Dave Hatch from? Where are they going? in as a mere number in the They are lost in the crowd. mass of humanity. You are  In the stores - Look left and barefoot and dressed in simple, right, up and down the comfortable clothes. Your aisles, ahead of you or behind you at the check-out belongings and obligations are – lots of people. Each of miles away. them, lost in the masses.  At the beach in the You are alone now. summertime – Hundreds It’s quiet. and thousands of folks!  In our living room – Even if we live alone, if we have the television on, we are not really alone, are we? The room is filled with voices and images, ideas, news, thoughts, and constant One of the Beatles’ famous manmade stimulation.  Is there any escape from the songs includes the words, “Look crowd, the noises, or the at all the lonely people, where attractions? do they all come from?”  If we were alone, really Except for songbirds, alone, absolutely alone, what whispering pines, and the lap of Crowds. They are everywhere. might that be like? light waves on a shore, it’s pure  On the streets - Cars putt- quiet. putting as they run errands Journey now into your or putt-putting in the rat Are you comfortable being imagination. You are alone. It’s alone? race run to work and back. There are so many people only you at the shore of a little buzzing by in cars through lake, standing in the shade of But you are not alone. You are town at any given moment; some evergreens. No more alone with God. almost countless in number. running the race, pushing Where are they coming -cont’d on page 2- through the crowd, and blending 1
  • 2. The Voice Online -cont’d from page 1- aches of the body aside and by million on a summer sand faith, be alone with your beach? No you are not, bow your Are you comfortable with that? Creator-Redeemer. “Come unto head and you are alone with You are an individual, standing me all you who labor and are your Redeemer. Waiting for an alone in the presence of the heavy laden and I will give you elevator along with 10 other Mighty Creator. Talk to Him; rest” Matthew 11:28. Does that people? Think on Him and you that is prayer. Recall Scripture mean come to worship? Yes, are alone with your Creator. and He is talking to you. Do you right this moment. Does that mean come to the church service Putting our faith into practice is have anything to hide? They are not just trying to be more loving, not hidden, He sees them and and if you miss it, you must hold your coming for another seven forgiving, or attempting to be He has seen them all along. Do patient. Those are fruits of faith; you have fear? You stand before days? No. Bow your head wherever you are and be alone they come automatically as we the One who casts out all fear. grow closer to Christ in our with your God…. You are then Perhaps this is what Jesus at worship. private devotional life. Putting meant when He said to go into a our faith into practice begins closet and pray. As Matthew 6:6 with the inner self; trusting describes, we might go to an Him, talking to Him, listening Come unto me all you who labor to Him, and stepping away from alone place; not only so we don’t and are heavy laden and I will put our devotional life on the distractions when we are give you rest. alone with Him. display, but that we might be alone with Him and away from Matthew 11:28 If we think faith is knowledge our distractions. about God, then all we are is The devotional life of the knowledgeable. Faith is another Christian is not an obligation. It dimension beyond knowledge. is not merely a habit. It is It is about being in the presence relational; just you and your of the Living God by spending God, alone. You were alone with time internally, in our own Him when He made you and you chapel, by quiet faith in the When the congregation gathers, sanctuary of our soul. There, we will be alone with Him at the that is being alone with your can be alone with God; at peace judgment. No hiding in a crowd, God also, but in the setting of a with Him, comforted by Him; at there will be no hoping to be family reunion, of sorts. Group peace with ourselves by His missed when He calls your [Corporate] worship is the grace; and from there, at peace name. Let’s get comfortable with power of a community in prayer, with all people. “As much as it Him now, on a personal level. song, and all the parts of depends on you, be at peace Let’s be alone with Him now. worship. with all people” Romans 12:18. We don’t need to be at the shore Stalled in traffic and in the of a little remote lake to be middle of a crowd? Bow your alone with God. Set reason -cont’d on page 3- head and pray and you are alone aside, set emotions aside, set the with God. Are you just one of a 2
  • 3. August 2012 -cont’d from page 2- Lawrence lived in the 1600s. His Get away from the crowd. faith took leaps when he The Scripture says, “We have concentrated on being, “In The Being alone with Him might been surrounded by a great Presence of God” by communing mean turning off the television. cloud of witnesses” Hebrews with His Lord wherever he was, 12:1. When reading the Find a quiet place in your soul. no matter what he was doing. biographies and writings of That is, he was always “alone Be alone with God, as an Christians who have come and with God”, even when in a individual, just you and Him. gone before us, oh my, can our crowd. Here are a few of his Tell Him everything. Hide faith take leaps. words… nothing. Be refreshed with His Regarding the topic of this words of promise. Do this often, Pray, remember what I have daily, multiple times daily, and article, “Solitary Refinement”, recommended to you, which is, please meet Lawrence (aka see your faith grow like Jack’s to think often on GOD, by day, beanstalk. Brother Lawrence). He worked by night, in your business, and in a kitchen where other even in your diversions. He is Go into the inner sanctuary of Christians gathered for meals in always near you and with you; your soul and you will have a place where these other folks leave Him not alone. You would solitary refinement… “And the lived (a monastery). think it rude to leave a friend Peace of God which transcends alone, who came to visit you: all understanding will guard why then must GOD be your hearts and your minds in neglected? Do not then forget Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7. Him, but think on Him often, adore Him continually, live and * The Practice of the Presence of God: The Best Rule of Holy Life die with Him; this is the being Conversations and Letters glorious employment of a Christian…* of Brother Lawrence (Public Domain) Put your faith into practice. Our Saviour Lutheran Church 120 S. Henry Street Green Bay, WI 54302 (920) 468-4065 Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 465-8118 (920) 468-4065 Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 544-3614 (920) 468-3596 3
  • 4. The Voice Online Official Acts Weddings: Baptisms: Aprille Marie Fameree and Kenneth Logan Patrick Melotte Michael Calewarts Born: February 17, 2012 United at Our Saviour on June 30, 2012 Baptized: June 24, 2012 Son of Christopher Melotte and Jennifer Miller Wyatt Joseph Pehowski Born: April 5, 2012 Baptized: June 24, 2012 Son of Steven and Cindi Pehowski Membership Changes: IN:  Jean Shusta, transfer from Hope Lutheran Church, De Pere, WI (LCMS)  Matthew and Cara Newman, transfer from St. Peter Ev. Lutheran Church, Hilbert, WI (LCMS) OUT:  Bek Harvey and minor, baptized child, Madison, transfer to Redeemer Lutheran, Green Bay, WI (LCMS)  Brenda Trewartha and minor, baptized children Ethan, Emma and Ella, transfer to Peace Lutheran Church, Green Bay, WI (ELCA) Volume 1, Issue 8 August 2012; ‘The Voice Online’ is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this PASTOR DAVE WORKING ON CPE publication may be reproduced without permission. Pastor Dave will be attending classes on Tuesdays this coming school year, working towards his Edited by Mark Stone. The opinions expressed in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) certification. By this publication are not always reflective of the spring, he will have completed one-quarter of this 4- editor’s views. part program. Through this program he will be improving his skills in pastoral care. Please feel free to contact the Church office with constructive suggestions and/or comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! We are always seeking more congregational input and submissions. 4
  • 5. August 2012 September 2012 OSLC Usher Schedule Day Date Service Lead Usher Team Sun. 02-Sep 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 02-Sep 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 02-Sep 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 06-Sep 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 09-Sep 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 09-Sep 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 09-Sep 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 13-Sep 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 16-Sep 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 16-Sep 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz Thu. 20-Sep 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 23-Sep 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 23-Sep 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 23-Sep 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 27-Sep 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 30-Sep 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 30-Sep 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 30-Sep 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft † UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join, Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email "" receive information on specials as well as One Person’s Trash; sweepstakes entries for bonus points. Another’s Treasure Milk caps - Please bring in the specially marked Please collect the following items and bring them milk caps from Morning Glory, Kemps, and Kwik to church when you visit. You can collect from Trip as well as the symbol from Kemps Cottage your own purchases and even ask your friends, Cheese containers. These are three separate but relatives, and neighbors to collect them for you. similar programs. These are redeemed for cash by Most items can be placed in the containers by the Green Bay Trinity. NOTE: The Kemps program preschool entrance in the main hallway; other will be ending on November 1, 2012 and all caps items can be placed at the collection center near need to be redeemed by that date. Please make the 2nd floor elevator. sure to bring in all of your Kemps caps as soon as possible. Coke reward points - These can be found on the caps of Coke products as well as on the cardboard Capri Sun pouches - Green Bay Trinity recycles of multipacks (12, 20, or 24 packs) or Dasani water the empty drink pouches for $0.02 per package. overwraps. Green Bay Trinity will redeem those These are up-cycled into pencil cases…have you points for school supplies. seen them in the stores? Box Tops for Education - Green Bay Trinity Empty ink jet cartridges - These can be donated to receives $0.10 for each one redeemed. The Box either Green Bay Trinity (leave them by the cart Tops program offers bonus points with certain in the main hallway) or the OSLC office (place in purchases, usually connected with Copps. You can also sign up at to -cont’d on page 6- 5
  • 6. The Voice Online -cont’d from page 5- for the lawnmower and snow blower. Cans should be dropped through the drop door on the shed any the church secretary mailbox or on the secretary's time. desk). Cartridges are redeemed at Office Max or Office Depot for gift cards good toward a future Labels for Education - Place your labels in the purchase. container by the Preschool entrance. Labels collected are mailed to Camp Luther who redeems Used cell phones - Cell phones are recycled for them for various types of merchandise used at Cell Phones for Soldiers. The money received from Camp. recycling is used to purchase calling cards for our military members overseas. Manufacturers Coupons - We send manufacturers' coupons to military families overseas who use Empty prescription pill bottles - Pill bottles are them at the BX. Coupons can be expired up to two reused and filled for mission trips. Please only months. For more details, please contact Michelle prescription pill bottles; no bottles from liquid in the office at 468-4065. Please help us make medicine. these packages a blessing to the recipients; our military families serving overseas in Incirlik, Aluminum cans - Cans are recycled by the Turkey. Trustees and proceeds are used to purchase gas 2012 VBS Wrap-up AUGUST MEANS THAT Here is a statistical wrap up for our 2012 VBS SEPTEMBER IS COMING! attendance! In a popular children’s game, one person counts to  36 children age 3 ½ - 6 yrs old 20 and then yells “Ready or not, here I come!” If  24 children in 1st – 5th grade you have not heard it yet, you need to know that  28 families that attended were from OSLC ‘here I come’ is exactly what September wants to  3 families that attended were not committed to tell you! any Church home  6 families came from the following other EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES congregations; ABOUND o Spring Lake o Faith Lutheran The Truth Project o Resurrection Lutheran This new class, which begins on Thursday, o Green Bay Community Church September 6, has taken off! We currently have o Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church almost double the amount of attendees than we o Hope Lutheran made room for when the class was first planned! That issue was fixed by changing the room where  We had 18 total volunteers the class will meet (Fellowship Hall) and adding a  13 helped full-time; 5 helped part-time 3rd time option (Sundays at 9:15am). There is still  2 volunteers were not members of OSLC room for you…just call the office (468-4065) or  2 families from OSLC housed the Camp Luther sign up at the Welcome Center for the class of counselors your choice. Make sure to take a copy of the schedule so you don’t miss a thing. Next year’s VBS will be held June 24 th – 27th. Thank you to all! 6
  • 7. August 2012 -Educational Opportunities cont’d from page 6- VOLUNTEER Adult Confirmation Classes OPPORTUNITIES HAVE A Adult instruction in the Christian faith will begin on Sunday, Sept. 23 with a Talk ‘n Tour. Classes STRONG PRESENCE will be held at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings until November 4. There will be a total of 7 classes. All Are You Musically Inclined? members and non-members are welcome to The Praise Band is always looking for talented attend. Non-members can become members by musicians and vocalists. Drums, keyboard, guitar? Adult Confirmation at a special service on Contact Marlys Brunsting for more information on November 18 if they desire; membership after the becoming a member of this dedicated group. class is not required. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the church office at The Choir is coming back on September 11. 468-4065. Practices are at 7pm on Tuesdays. Contact Judy O’Grady if you are interested in joining…or just Let the little children come to him… show up for practice. If you are unfamiliar with Sunday School classes begin on September 23. the Choir, there are two sessions…winter and Registration forms can be found in the tall spring. The Winter session meets and performs brochure holder in the office hallway and will be until Christmas…the spring group meets and published in the August issue (pgs 9-10) of The performs February until sometime in May. Voice Online. Completed forms can be turned in at the Sunday school table at the Fall Rally on Monthly Fish Fry September 16 or to the church office. Teachers are The ever popular Monthly Fish Fry will be back on also needed; see related article on page 8 of this September 14. A full schedule of dates can be newsletter. found on a handout at the Welcome Center. Take one home, share one with your neighbors…invite Youth Confirmation classes begin Wednesday, everyone you know to the best fish fry in town. September 19 at 6pm. Registration forms were mailed to 8th and 9th graders that were enrolled On that note, workers are also needed for the Fish last year as well as those who are shown at Fry. Please contact Greg Ammerman or Tim entering 7th grade for the upcoming 2012-2013 Richter to volunteer or to find out more about school year. If you need an enrollment form, opportunities to serve. Along with volunteers, please contact the office. Along with Confirmation donations of Pepsi and Coke (regular, diet and nights, Youth Nights are returning. Students in caffeine free) products are needed. Coffee (regular 6th grade thru high school are welcome after 3pm and decaf) donations are also being accepted. on any Confirmation class night. Students will be able to get help with their homework, play, eat Lambeau Field, the Packers, and a Food Stand dinner (for a small fee) or just hang out. The Packers will host ‘Family Night’ on Friday, August 3rd as well as play two home pre-season games on August 16 and 30. The regular season begins at Lambeau Field on Sunday, Sept. 9 followed closely by a game on Thursday night, September 13. Why is this important to read about in a church newsletter? Here’s why… -cont’d on page 8- 7
  • 8. The Voice Online -cont’d from page 7- + All lessons are pre-planned for you + All materials and planning are provided Workers are needed (21 per game) to man a food + Work in teams so you don’t teach every Sunday stand in the Club Section for all games and events through the end of the season. Workers in the This is so rewarding not only for the youth but stand will run cash registers (take orders, take also for those who teach. Our experienced teachers money, and make change), deliver food to the can share with you their many stories of how they counter (from various stations within the stand) have been rewarded. and prepare food for sales (cooking and assembling brats, burgers, pizza, etc.). To apply please contact: Julie Rusch, Sunday school director (920) 406-9077. Workers must be at least 18 years old, wear black pants (not capris, shorts, etc.) and comfortable, All who volunteer with youth must submit a closed toe/closed heel shoes (preferably tennis background check at least once every three years. shoes; black or close to black (can include other Forms can be found in the tall brochure holder in colors if main color is black). Uniforms consisting the office hallway. Questions about the of a shirt (windbreaker in colder weather), hat and background check can be directed to Michelle in name tag will be provided and must be worn at all the office (468-4065 or times. Sign-up sheets for all events can be found at the Welcome Center. All workers must also Fall Rally – September 16 complete training by DNC, the concessions A Notice to Board Chairs, Board Members, provider. Committees, and Church Members If you have questions or want to sign up, please The Fall Rally is coming up on September 16 and call Neil Burmeister at (920) 866-9088. this is your ‘here I come’ warning! Please work on Go Pack Go! your board’s display for your presentation table, discuss what to include, who will man the table, etc. This is your chance to shine and let everyone ** HELP WANTED ** Sunday school teachers know what your board does and to possibly recruit Want to serve the Lord but don't know how? Want members, so put your best foot forward and be to share your talents and be a part of something prepared. exciting, fulfilling, and rewarding? Looking for something fun, easy, and part-time? If you said One 8’ table is set aside for each board. Boards can yes to these questions, then we have the place for share a table or request to be placed near the table you! Come join a very special group of people as a of a board with which they share responsibilities volunteer Sunday School teacher. We need Sunday for some events. It is up to you what is available School Teachers for grades pre-kindergarten on your table…sign-up sheets, informational through grade six. handouts, event invitations, etc. What do we need from you? What can we offer? I And there’s a potluck dinner, too! What Lutheran am glad you asked! gathering is complete without lots of food? + A willingness to share your time with our youth Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass so get + Bible knowledge not required out those cookbooks and make your shopping list. 8
  • 9. August 2012 Sunday School Registration Form / 2012-2013 School Year Sunday School is open to children from age 4 up to, and including, 6 th grade. Classes will begin on September 23, 2012. Please bring your child(ren) with you to the 9:15am worship service. They will be dismissed to their classrooms after the Children’s Message (around 9:30). Sunday School will run until 10:30am, regardless of when the church service is concluded. Please be patient when picking up your children and allow your child’s teacher time to finish each week’s lesson. Thank You. Family Last Name: Mom’s Name: Dad’s Name: Address: Address (if different) City/Zip: City/Zip: Phone: Phone: (if different) Cell Phone: Cell Phone: *Email: *Email: Step Father: ________________________________ Step Mother: _______________________________ Children primarily live with: (Circle One) Mom Dad Both Parents Our church membership is at (church name/denomination/city) ____________________________________ --------------------------------- Person to be notified in case of emergency (other than mom and dad): Name: Address: Phone: Relationship: Person(s) authorized to pick up child(ren) after class: -------------------------------- I, __________________________, will help support the Christian Learning of my child/children by: Helping with classroom activities Offering transportation for other students if possible Help set up/take down classroom tables/chairs if needed before or after class ______Other: Please contact me at (email/phone) ___________________________ to discuss how I can help as noted above. *EMAIL addresses are essential way of communication – we can send you our Parent Updates more efficiently. 9
  • 10. The Voice Online We take lots of pictures of all the children throughout the year at various events. By signing below, I give permission for use of my child (ren)’s photos in a display for the sole purpose of promoting the growth of Christian Education at OSLC. Printed Name: _________________________ Signature:____________________________________ Date: ____________ Please complete the following information for each child you are registering to attend Sunday School. If child’s last name if different than the family’s last name above, please include it below. Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade this school year: Personal Email: __________________ ----------------- Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade this school year: Personal Email: __________________ ----------------- Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade this school year: Personal Email: __________________ ------------------- Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade this school year: Personal Email: __________________ ----------------- Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade this school year: Personal Email: __________________ ----------------- ** Please list any special learning problems for each child: _______ ** Please list any special health problems for each child: (Diabetic, Food Allergies, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________ ** Other helpful information we should know: 10
  • 11. August 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday August 13: Deadline for articles for The Voice Online 1 2 3 4 August 15 at noon: Super Sale Donation Deadline 9am Super Sale Work 9am Super Sale Work 9am Super Sale Work 10am Fellowship Hall 12pm Staff Meeting 12:15pm Worship 4pm Dyle / Vargas Rental August 18 at 8am: Super Sale Begins 6pm Praise Band 7pm Trad Worship Wedding Rehearsal 3pm Dyle / Vargas September 6 and 9: ‘The Truth Project’ – 1st Class 6:30pm Youth Board Wedding September 16: Fall Rally (no 10:45am Service) 7pm P&F Meeting 7pm Youth/Young Adult Bible Study 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7:45am Trad Worship 9am Super Sale Work 7am Bible Study 9am Super Sale Work 9am Super Sale Work 9am Super Sale Work 2pm Spencer / 9:15am Worship 9am Bible Study 12pm Staff Meeting 12:15pm Worship 6pm Spencer / Lawniczak Wedding 10:45am Trad Worship 9am Super Sale Work 6pm Trinity 7pm Trad Worship Lawniczak Wedding 12pm Golf Outing at Registration Rehearsal The Woods 6pm Praise Band TBD Softball Playoffs 7pm Youth/Young Adult Bible Study 12 Communion 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mite Box Sunday 9am Super Sale Work 6:30am Partisan Primary 9am Super Sale Work 9am Super Sale Work 9am Super Sale Work 8am Super Sale (until 7:45am Trad Worship 6pm Church Council Election 12pm Staff Meeting 12:15pm Worship 4pm) 9:15am Worship 7am Bible Study 12pm Super Sale 7pm Trad Worship 9:15am Bible Study Submission Deadlilne 9am Bible Study Donation Deadline 7pm Packers at Home 10:30am Bible Study for The Voice Online 9am Super Sale Work 6pm Praise Band vs Cleveland 10:45am Trad Worship 7pm Youth/Young TBD Softball Playoffs Adult Bible Study 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7:45am Trad Worship 7pm Board of 7am Bible Study 12pm Staff Meeting 12:15pm Worship 6pm Sauer / Wagner 1:30pm Sauer / 9:15am Worship Education 9am Bible Study 6pm Praise Band 7pm Trad Worship Wedding Rehearsal Wagner Wedding 9:15am Bible Study 7pm Youth/Young 10:30am Bible Study Adult Bible Study 10:45am Trad Worship 26 Communion 27 28 29 30 31 7:45am Trad Worship 6pm Trinity Back to 7am Bible Study First Day of School for 12:15pm Worship 11:30 Early Dismissal for 9:15am Worship School Night 8am OLM Meeting Trinity 6pm Packers at Home Trinity 9:15am Bible Study 6:30pm GBLSA 8:30am 3 y/o Preschool 12pm Staff Meeting vs Kansas City 10:30am Bible Study 7pm Stewardship Open House 6:30pm Preschool 7pm Trad Worship 10:45am Trad Worship 9am Bible Study Orientation 12pm Fellowship Hall 10am 4K Open House 7pm Youth/Young Rental 6pm Praise Band Adult Bible Study 7:30pm PB Meeting
  • 12. The Voice Online OSLC Business Directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice Online’ each month. If you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the Church office at (920) 468-4065 or Please support the sponsors who help support us! Photo credits Man praying (pg 1) light-to-miracles/ A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a Brother Lawrence (pg 3) whale to swallow a human because even though it r-lawrence-saint-of-the-month-january-2012.html was a very large mammal its throat was very small. LCMS cross (pg 8) The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically Smiley face (pg 12) impossible. The little girl said, “When I get to Heaven, I will ask Jonah.” The teacher asked: “What ntertainment/ if Jonah went to Hell?” The little girl replied, “Then you ask him.”
  • 13. S’more about Camp Luther COUPLES RETREAT!! Sept 21-23- Couples of every age can benefit from time well spent together. Here is a great weekend to do just that! Enjoy camp or local activities, take part in guest speaker Bible study and learning, enjoy devotions offered by camp staff and cap it all off with a candlelit dinner!! Grow, bond and recharge at the Camp Luther Couples Retreat. LABOR DAY WEEKEND FAMILY RE- TREAT!! August 31-September 3- Plan BRICKS FOR MORTGAGE REDUCTION!! Leave your mark now for a meaningful and relaxing week- as part of the legacy that is the ministry of Camp Luther. You end with your family at summer’s end. can support the effort to reduce and remove the mortgage and You can join with other families with the also leave a remembrance on a brick in Camp’s beautiful weekend’s fun activities or open your own courtyard. Your gift of $500 or more makes a difference!! Go to trails to fun and bonding as a family. to learn more. There will be adult and child age- appropriate Bible study sessions to add VOLUNTEER AT CAMP LUTHER! Join us for our fall faith growth to your new family tradition! Workbee, October 19-21 Workbees are great fun for adults and families. They run from Friday evening through Sunday LIVE, LAUGH, AND LOVE LADIES lunch. It’s FREE, and it’s a great way to give back as a family RETREAT!! Oct 5-7 – Refuel in God’s and help children learn about Christian service. Join us this Word and the company of other awesome year! Register at women at this “just for ladies” retreat. The schedule is designed to draw you closer to CHOOSE CAMP LUTHER WITH YOUR THRIVENT God and to each other through a variety of CHOICE DOLLARS!! It’s easy and it benefits Camp Luther and individual, large group and small group Every Kid to Camp! Log on to activities. There will also be trips to thriventchoice or call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and get Cranberry Fest in Eagle River, a Ladies started TODAY!! Eligibility is established by Thrivent and by night out, plus walking, biking or your premiums, account values and volunteer leadership! You canoeing amid the beautiful fall colors! simply go online and they do the rest. THANK YOU for giving to Camp Luther!! SCRAP, CRAFT AND QUILT! Oct 26-28 JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!! – Women of all ages and crafting levels, We now have over 1850 likes bring your supplies and enjoy time to on Facebook, so join us there craft, share and fellowship together! There to hear what’s happening at will be attendees from novice to expert so Camp, to share memories and there will be much to learn and to teach. to spread the word about the There will be spiritual growth time as the ministry and joy that is Camp days begin and end and throughout the Luther. day while you craft. Go to to learn more. Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up the Body of Christ for service to the church and witness to the world. Camp Luther/1889 Koubenec Road/Three Lakes, WI 54562/877-264-CAMP "Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District LCMS."