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Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54302
(920) 468-4065
What Is So Happy About a New Year?
By Pastor Dave
We say it all the time,
“Happy New Year!” And
then we watch the news
and see the same old
thing. We check the
notches on our belts and
yield to another inch. We
feel another ache in
another part of our body and subscribe to another
prescription from the physician to ease another pain.
We shovel another 10 inches of snow and check the
mail for another bundle of bills. We have broken
presents and “That won’t fit” Christmas gifts to
exchange. And we call it a Happy New Year?
Yes we do!
We can look at 2015 like it’s just another year, or see
it as the gift of time from our God to love and serve
Him, to praise and obey Him.
Yes, this may be just like last year in these patterned
Most of the world news the networks spoon feed us
will be the same old negative pablum to keep us so
disturbed we will want to keep tuned in just in case
the sky is falling. The bills will come again next
month no different than that little train that ran
around the Christmas tree when we were kids. Why
are we so surprised at that? Aches and pains are as
common as rust on the aging cars we drive. Will
these things stop us from praising God for life and
But could this be your time to push off the shore with
a ship of new habits?
Habit 1 - Consider fasting…. from the news. Turn
that switch off for a day or two. Replace the voice of
the anchor with the Anchor’s voice, playing some
holy music or reading your Good News at the former
bad-news hour. It’s a new year, live it for Him.
Guaranteed, the news will be pretty much the same
everyday this year, period.
Habit 2 -When the bills come, pay them right away or
stick them away for when you will pay them, but get
them out of the way of your joy. Don’t let them rob
you of joy! You can take charge of them, not them
being in charge of you! It’s a new year, live it for Him.
Habit 3- When the aches come thank God for them
for they remind us that we are human and that we
are so looking forward to the resurrection. On the
last day those bony creeks and rivers of tears will be
dried up and gone! It’s a new year, live it for Him.
Thank Him for pain!
Habit 4- When the Christmas stuff breaks or won’t fit,
it might disappoint you but stay on point - Broken
and unfitting things really matter in the big picture of
life. It’s a new year, live it for Him.
Habit 5 - When you are frozen with discouragement
or fear, push yourself through the paralysis and find
something that needs doing or someone that needs
caring. Get out of your misery by getting out of
yourself. It’s a new year, live it for Him.
Habit 6 - When the darkness of night comes and the
worries arrive, when the imagination maximizes the
minimums, He can put things back in perspective
and pulverize the paranoia with His power. When
those nights come, you can bank on Psalm 91 to
whisk away the fears. It’s a new year, live it for Him.
Our Saviour’s Voice
Habit 7 - Consider setting up a little Devotional Table
or Altar - a place where you can go in your home and
find clarity, calmness, centering-prayer and the Word
waiting for you. Perhaps start and end your day at
that corner of your home with prayers, silent or out-
Habit 8 - Instead of just crossing off days on the
calendar, fill those days with good and Godly things
to do. Perhaps write on that calendar what you did,
even if it is watching the birds
squabble with the squirrels over
that feed seed.
God bless your new year, live
each day for Him!
Please plan to come to the gym after service (we are serving from 8:45am-12pm)
on Sunday, January 18 for a buffet with a variety of delicious breakfast favorites. There
will be NO separate menu; buffet with adult and child pricing will be available.
WE AGAIN THANK OUR VOLUNTEERS for their time as this venture would
not be possible without them! More volunteers are welcome. Please contact Bryan Rao
at 920-362-5980 or if you can help to set up and prep on Saturday the
17th or if you can help cook, serve, etc. on Sunday the 18th. Diners are also needed so
make your plans to join us after your favorite worship service. 
January IMPACT--Fleece for the Frozen!
On Wednesday, January 7 from 7-8pm, we will be making tie fleece blankets for people
staying at area homeless shelters. In addition we will hold a drive to collect warm winter
accessories (hats, mittens, scarves, blankets, etc.). The box will be located in the 2nd floor
collection area (just past the elevator). Everyone is welcome to the blanket-tying party!
Please join us on January 7th and/or consider a donation. Thank you!
Offering envelopes for 2015 are now available for
pick up. Envelope numbers are offered for the
purpose of having your offerings to Our Saviour
recorded. If offering envelopes were not assigned to
you but you desire to use them for 2015, please
contact the office.
Your offerings can also be recorded without
envelopes by utilizing SimplyGiving, with automatic
withdrawals from your checking or savings account.
With SimplyGiving, you are assigned a special
number under which donations that are not
automatic can also be recorded. Draws can be
weekly, monthly or two times per month (1st &15th).
You can designate offerings to the unified budget or
the mortgage. With SimplyGiving, you don’t need
to remember to write a check; your offering is
received by the church, even when you are unable
to attend!
Annual statements showing your offerings for 2014,
which can be used for tax purposes, will be
available at church in early to mid-January 2015.
Statements remaining on January 27 will be mailed.
It was in darkness that the star shone above
Indicating to shepherds the way to the one who is Love.
Many miles were traveled, many miles were endured
They see the little baby whose light is never obscured.
Kings brought their gifts, the humble brought their love
To adore and reverence the King of Kings who came here from above.
He had a humble beginning, there was no room for Him at the Inn;
He lay beside cattle and beasts, His riches came from within.
Jesus traveled many times through danger, often He felt alone;
But God the Heavenly Father, foreknew Jesus would have no home.
Amidst doubts and deceivers, His message still proclaims
It overcomes all evil through time and eternity it remains.
So to, we are strangers who forsake this earth,
Our lives are echoes of His love and His worth.
The days are in darkness, we too must shine the light;
We proclaim His message - where darkness is, His light gives sight.
As time marches onward, so too does His call,
Amidst earth’s noise and tumult, Jesus overcomes all!
By Gerri Michaels
Eagle Fund 2015
This Christmas season prayerfully consider a gift to the Eagle Fund. Your financial support of
the Green Bay Lutheran School Association and Green Bay Trinity helps us fulfill a mission of
reaching all children in our community with the greatest gift of all – the Gospel. Help make
an impact by picking up a brochure or downloading one at and
give a financial gift today.
KWIK TRIP – The percentage of profit from Kwik Trip Scrip will reduce from 10% to 5% effective
January 1, 2015.
SCRIP SCHEDULE CHANGE – The church office will be manned by volunteers while Michelle, the
secretary, is on vacation thru January 2. On normal business days from now until January 2, SCRIP will
not be available for purchase or pickup in the office.
GRAND CENTRAL STATION – This card has been added to our SCRIP program and will provide a 10%
profit to Our Saviour. These cards are available in $50 and $100 denominations, and can be redeemed
Six LCEF scholarships, $1,000 each, will be awarded to graduating high school seniors or current full-
time post-secondary students at an accredited institution with at least one year of courses remaining.
Candidates must be a member of a congregation belonging to The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
located in one of the following LCMS districts: Iowa East, Iowa West, Minnesota North, Minnesota South,
North Dakota, North Wisconsin or South Wisconsin. The application deadline is February 28, 2015.
Learn more and apply online at
Concordia University, St. Paul is committed to making college even more affordable for students who
hear the call to serve The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Already one of the most affordable schools
in the 10-member Concordia University System, CSP is excited to announce the Twelve Disciples
Scholarship. This scholarship provides the equivalent cost of tuition to three eligible first-year or
transfer students enrolled in any of Concordia St. Paul’s undergraduate church work programs.
Students who are interested, should apply to the Concordia University Admission Office (651-
641-8230, 800-333-4705 or The scholarship priority deadline is March 15.
Students must apply for all forms of financial aid by completing an application for admissions
to Concordia University and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
See more details about these scholarships on the office hallway bulletin board.
If your house is like mine when I was growing up, candy is everywhere! You bought some, the
grandparents brought some for their visit, and then Santa added to the pot. If you have
leftovers or extras of individually wrapped candy (including candy canes) or if you find a great
after Christmas sale, please consider a donation for the candy dish in the church office. Bags
can be left on the office desk or in the church office mailbox anytime. Thank you in advance!
February 2015 OSLC Usher Schedule
Date Service Lead Team
February 1 Su 7:45 John Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; † UN
Su 9:15 Randy Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany & Brian Duff; Jennifer Linssen; † UN
Su 10:45 Gerald Buechner Rich Spangenberg; † UN; † UN
February 5 Th 6:30 David Haase Bobby Haase; Rich Spangenberg; † UN
February 8 Su 7:45 Matt Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Su 9:15 Shelley Williams Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Jim Parks; Dave Bitters
Su 10:45 Mike Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
February 12 Th 6:30 Charles Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
February 15 Su 7:45 Mike Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Su 9:15 Wendy Frick Roxanne & Randy Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Jack Grant; Mitch Waniger
Su 10:45 Royal Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christiansen
February 18 We 4:00 Rich Spangenberg (Youth)
We 6:30 Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; † UN; † UN
February 22 Su 7:45 Allen Knaus Clarence Ney; Jerry & Josh VanKauwenberg; Nathan Knaus
Su 9:15 Dave Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer; Trey B; † UN
Su 10:45 Gerald Buechner Rich Spangenberg; † UN; † UN
February 25 We 4:00 Rich Spangenberg (Youth)
We 6:30 David Haase Bobby Haase; Rich Spangenberg; † UN
†UN-Usher Needed If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join,
Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email ""
Pastoral Continuing Education - “Sharpen the Saw”
Sharpen the Saw is the “Sixth Habit” from the Steven Covey book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People. Your pastors are always trying to sharpen their saws! The pastors of OSLC have a tradition
of participating in ongoing education and certification.
For the past two years, Pastor Dave has been a student in the chaplaincy training program at
Aurora BayCare Medical Center. In his 32 years of ongoing ministry, this formal chaplaincy training
program continues to be a wonderful opportunity for continuing education for Pastor Dave. Aurora’s
hospital chaplaincy certification program is new to our area within the past 5 years. Pastor Dave was
encouraged to apply to the chaplaincy program and was accepted in 2012.
Pastor Dave’s interest in chaplaincy goes all the way back to seminary. In 1981, Pastor Dave
had a keen interest in hospital chaplaincy and did his master’s degree thesis on the topic. So much so,
our seminary in Fort Wayne granted him special permission to create his thesis in the form of a 30-
minute television documentary that aired on the local CBS affiliate there. Pastor Dave describes
engaging in chaplaincy now as, “a bit like having a deep interest in skateboarding when you’re a kid, and by
the time your hair is falling out you finally take skateboarding lessons!”
His chaplaincy training involves everything from being on-call for emergencies to pre-surgery
visits to knocking on the doors of patients in the Intensive Care Unit, to ministering to the dying and
much more. His visits are often on members of our congregation. His current focus will be on
visitation of those who are terminally ill in their homes.
Pastor Dave is excited about what this learning experience brings to his ministry at OSLC.
The chaplaincy program continues to provide him a deepening understanding about suffering,
compassion, listening to those in need and God’s plan on this side of Heaven’s gate.
2014 Board and Committee Reports
BOARD OF ELDERS – Robin Williams, Chair
The elders have been very busy this past year with the following projects:
 Preparing the congregational vision statement of “Following Jesus-walking and growing together as
we make disciples of Christ”. We are going to be equipping and engaging members to fulfill this
 Reviewing the congregational study and gleaning important information for planning the future needs
of the congregation.
 Changes to the time of the Thursday night service from 7:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
 We are contacting members who have not filled out a communion card in the past year. This will be
an ongoing process.
 We are studying the confirmation process and will possibly make some updates or changes to that
process in the future.
 We have added some elders/members to assist the elders in serving communion.
 The Altar Guild has been doing a fabulous job in maintaining your church altar - especially after the
decision was made to serve communion at every service.
 We have added a new electronic piano to the choir, thanks to the insight of our music director, Judy
O’Grady, and many donations by our church members.
BOARD OF EDUCATION – Mike Charles, Chair
The board currently has six members having been blessed with the addition of Jenni Harris. It is great to add
such talent and expertise to the table. The other board members are Mike Charles, Heidi Krause, Julie Rusch,
Steve Siekmann and Christina Scholz. Pastor Dave mentors the board.
The board will focus on a goal in 2015 “that Christ would be the center of every family and every member of
each family. And those parents, to the best of their ability, would teach and display Christ as the pivot-point of
every heart, and know that the Devil, the flesh and the world will work against this."
Preschool – Our preschool program has met the challenges from fluctuating enrollments. During the 2013-
2014 school year, the 2-day 3 year old program served 16 children and the 3-day 4K program served 4
children. The target for full enrollment is 16 and 20 children in the 3 year old and 4K programs respectively.
During the 2014-2015 school year, the 2-day 3 year old program serves 11 children and the 3-day 4K
program serves 19 children. Almost half of the students use the extended day service. Christina Scholz and
our assistant teacher Joanne Prindle are taking on the full commitment for the entire program. The board
looks forward to planning for the upcoming school year.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) – Our VBS program was a success once again this year. We had the help of the
Staff of Camp Luther to lead our grades 1-6. And the younger children were led by our own volunteers. We
had 28 volunteers (13 of them youth) serving 51 children. Jenni Harris is the new VBS Coordinator and is
looking at options for VBS in 2015. Please contact Jenni or the church office if you have an interest in helping
with VBS or ideas.
Cradle Roll – Marcia Heise has again led our Cradle Roll program. She sends out information to families who
have children from birth to age 3 and have been baptized at OSLC. So far this year, __ infants (under 1 year
of age) have received the Cradle Roll packet, which is generally given to the parents when the child is
baptized. The packet contains a book about Baptism, a music CD, several informational brochures, and a
growth calendar. In addition, 103 mailings have been made. We currently have 49 children enrolled in the
program and, on the average, families receive 2 mailings per year until the child is three years old.
Library – Our church library which is located in the parlor area of the church is going strong. They are
hoping to add a few new titles in books and DVDs to keep the congregation’s interest peaked.
Sunday School – Our Sunday school program has registered approximately 130 children this year. This is
for all children ages 4 to grade 6. Heidi Krause directs the Sunday school program. The plan is to staff all
classes with two teachers. Volunteers for team teaching or substitute teaching are always welcomed. Our
congregation can look forward to hearing the children sing at various services as well as their Christmas
Program and their Palm Sunday Program.
Confirmation – Pastors Greg and Dave continue to shepherd the 7th grade and 8th grade classes respectively.
There were 11 Confirmands last spring. This fall, there are 19 in 7th grade class and 12 in the 8th grade class.
Nursery – Our nursery, located in the basement to the left off the elevator, is coordinated by Mike Charles.
The plan is for parents who use the nursery to each take a morning of care during the 9:15 service, so that
each family only volunteers about once a month. This allows families with busy toddlers to concentrate during
worship a little better.
BOARD OF FELLOWSHIP – Greg Ammerman, Chair
During the past year, Fellowship was active in Fish Fries, potlucks, cinnamon roll Sundays and the Super
Sale. We also pitched in on the Youth Pizza Sale and Sunday morning breakfasts. Coming up, we will be a
part of the Live Nativity. We can’t talk about Fellowship without mentioning Donna Arthur, whom we
recently lost. She is missed and will be impossible to replace.
PERSONNEL AND FINANCE (P&F) – Randy Ronsman, Chair
The Board of Personnel and Finance had a relatively quiet 2014 – in the world of Personnel and Finance this
is a good thing. We started the year in the black, with 2013 income coming in slightly greater than 2013
expenses. As we progressed through the early part of the year the challenges of a cold and snowy winter took
its toll on the budget, but we were able to keep the bills current using cash reserves. The end of the year did
have us engaging with the congregation to prayerfully remember the mission and financial needs of Our
Saviour as we saw the gap between receipts and expenses grow. Once again the Personnel and Finance
Committee did a great job of creating a realistic budget for 2015 that holds expenses near 2014 levels.
Stewardship is reviewing alternative methods of gifting beyond the checkbook; SimplyGiving and other
electronic means.
Pondering the question of Time, Talents and Treasures. We have a lot going on at church and would love to
see more involvement. Fish Fries, Packer Servers, Rummage Sale to mention a few.
We also need to think about our gifts back to God.
-The amount does matter.
-We determine the amount
-We give according to ability
-It is the condition of the givers heart that makes the gift pleasing to God
BOARD OF TRUSTEES – Greg Parks, Chair
Many things need the attention of the Board of Trustees each year. With the help of many volunteers, the
property is kept in very good condition by the lawn mowers, leaf rakers, snow shovelers, light bulb changers,
furnace filter replacers and more. Among our larger projects in 2014, we had the roof inspected, rerouted the
hot water pipes in the Fellowship Hall, replaced the OLD boiler with a newer, more efficient model, and
trimmed and cut down trees on the parsonage property.
BOARD OF YOUTH – Avra Juhnke and Whitney Hunter, co-chairs
This past summer we changed many more lives than the eight that went on the Youth Works mission trip to
Louisville, Kentucky. We had the opportunity to paint, garden, teach and fill living spaces for those less
fortunate in the city of Louisville. We met many more youth and adults from across the country who have
servant hearts just like ours.
We have continued the service work in our own community by developing a monthly service event for
confirmation youth, parents, friends and the congregation of OSLC. So far we have made holiday cards for
past and present US troops, snacks for dialysis patients and decorated cookies for shut-ins and residents of
nursing homes. Throughout the month of December we will be collecting warm winter clothing and
accessories and doing a Thrivent Action Team making fleece tie blankets on January 7th as an Impact night
We are anticipating what else we will come up with to serve our community (suggestions are welcome!).
Please support our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Super Bowl Pizza Sale coming up on the first of
February. Pizza orders forms will be available in mid-January.
We want to invite parents of youth of all ages and senior high youth to join us on Wednesday nights for
casual Bible studies and snacks from 6-7:30.
Watch the youth bulletin board and weekly bulletin for more activities and events throughout the year!
Thanks for the support.
The NEWLHS Drama Department presents a Collection of Comedies! Join us February 7th & 8th
at 6:30PM at NEWLHS, for a laugh-out-loud good time. This year we are featuring 6 situational
comedy plays…from DR. DEATH trying to blow up the most beloved state of Iowa to a couple of
elderly women with a penchant for discussing their HEALTH ISSUES over dinner. You are sure
to enjoy these HILARIOUS plays. Get your tickets at the door: $6/adult & $4/students & seniors.
Usable / Saleable Donations Needed
Your donations to our rummage sales make them the great success that they have been for many
years. The Kids’ Only Sale is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 13. We are looking for the
stuff your kids have outgrown as well as the maternity clothes you no longer need. Toys, games,
clothes, costumes, books, puzzles, strollers, ride-on toys, bedding, bicycles, and more are welcome.
Don’t have kids but want to donate items to the church? The Super Sale will be
SUPER if YOU help to fill the gym for this event on August 15. We accept clean,
usable, unbroken items. Some suggested things are holiday decorations, linens,
glassware, small appliances, tools, furniture, lamps, and more! Thanks for the
offer…but we DO NOT accept computer monitors, printers,
televisions (unless they are flat panel) or Encyclopedia-type books.
If you have larger items and are unable to transport them to church, call Michelle in
the office at (920) 468-4065 to request a pick up. Pick-ups will be scheduled for late
July or early August. Can’t wait that long? Let us know your needs and we will see what we can do!
Annual Youth Super Bowl Take and Bake Pizza Sale
Cheese, pepperoni, sausage, and veggies, OH MY! Continue your super bowl traditions, create new ones or
freeze for later occasions with handmade pizzas by the OSLC youth group.
Order forms will be available in mid-January; pick up is Super Bowl Sunday,
February 1. Youth will be accepting orders with payment during the two Sunday leading up
to Super Bowl Sunday. We’ll also make a few extras to purchase on pick-up day. All pizzas
will be available for pick up from 8:30 am – 12pm.
The early registration for the 15th
annual Men’s
Retreat to be held at the Holiday Inn in
Manitowoc on February 20-22 has ended.
Registration still continues through the month of
January. The theme for this year’s retreat is,
“The Samson Syndrome”. It is based on the book
with the same name and is written by Pastor
Mark Atteberry.
In his work with men in his own congregation
Pastor Atteberry sees that many of the traits
Samson had are still around in our culture today.
They include:
1. Disregarding boundaries God has placed
on His followers.
2. Men struggling with lust.
3. Ignoring good advice from brothers in
4. The breaking of common sense rules.
5. Men over estimating their own cleverness.
6. Men who use anger as a tool.
7. Repeating the same mistakes.
8. Men having big egos.
9. Men taking foolish risks
10. Struggling with intimacy.
11. Men taking too much for granted.
12. Losing sight of God’s big picture for them.
All of the chapters will be small group sectionals
on Saturday. Pastor Atteberry offers specific
positive suggestions of how a man in today’s
world can overcome these tendencies and remain
close to their Lord. Final registration for the
retreat ends on February 4. One man who
attended last year’s retreat wrote this on his
evaluation sheet. “My life will be changed
because of this retreat. I am bringing my friend
with me next year. I have never been to a retreat
like this where men were so engaged in worship”.
Any questions about the retreat contact Jim at
414-462-5871 or email
is planned for Pre-school through High School students. Register early for your
favorite dates and housing locations. Camp Luther will accept registrations on and
after January 1 at You can also register by fax or regular
mail. Send your children or grandchildren to Camp Luther and watch them grow!
CAMP LUTHER SUMMER STAFF POSITIONS AVAILABLE – You can make a difference this summer! We are
looking for a variety of staff including counselors, lifeguards, program coordinators and trip leaders. Go to for further details and applications. Application deadline is February 5th.
CAMP LUTHER FAMILY FLURRY RETREAT (Feb 6-8) – Bundle up and bring the family for a weekend of
winter activities and growing together in faith. Families can join in our staff led activities or do things on
your own. There is something for all ages. Activities include tubing, broomball, snow shoeing, x-country
skiing, Bible study and devotions. Check out for more information.
2015 CAMP LUTHER CALENDARS – Our beautiful calendars are comprised of the winning submissions from
our 2014 photo contest. Visit our website at to order yours today.
CAMP LUTHER IS LOOKING FOR JUNIOR COUNSELORS – Junior Counselors are an integral part of the
ministry of Camp Luther each summer. JC's assist counselors with nearly every aspect of the summer camp
program. They also work hard to keep Camp Luther clean and polished for our many guests. Applicants
must currently be a high school sophomore, junior or senior. JC application deadline is February 28th!!!
ADVENTURES AT KEWEENAW BASE CAMP (KBC) – Camp Luther has branched out into the beautiful U.P. of
Michigan. Campers attending "The Edge" (Grades 9-12) will discover new and exciting ways to grow their
faith and challenge themselves as part of a group. Group building activities and wilderness training will help
prepare them for excursions into the wild of the Keweenaw. Daily activities include backpacking, swimming,
challenge course elements, high ropes, and much more.
NEW CAMPS OFFERED IN 2015 AT CAMP LUTHER – Camp Luther is adding a variety of new and exciting
camps in 2015. Our newest additions include Sailing Camp, Water-Ski Camp and Lifeguard Camp. Visit today for more information on these and other summer camps.
CAMP LUTHER WINTER COTTAGE RETREATS – Enjoy a cottage retreat at Camp Luther this winter. Our
cottages have everything you will need for a relaxing getaway in the midst of God's beautiful creation. You
can spend time outside cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing, or tubing. When you are done, settle into a
comfy chair next to your fireplace. Stay for a weekend or a week. Camp Luther is currently offering a special
rate that is 30% off of our regular rate. Check out "Cottage Retreats" on our website.
Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up
believers in Christ for service to the church and witness to the world.
“Mommy, Where Is My Soul?”
By Pastor Dave
He was a little squirt and He liked to talk to God.
With all the talk at church about “souls” and “hearts” and “minds” and such, this boy-ful bundle
of questions was about to ask a big one… “Mommy, where is my soul?”
It was a fair question, at least coming from a kid. This snippet must have been around the early
1960’s when the board game “Operation” was popular.
Every kid knows where your mind and brain are, right between your ears. That’s where you add 2 + 2. And every
youngster knows where your heart is, that’s the place where, when the cowboy gets shot, he falls over real quick.
But the “Soul”? Where in the world is that?
I imagine his questions continued, “Mom, has a doctor ever seen a soul?”, “How big is it?”, “What does it look
like?”, “What happens to it when you die?”, “What is inside someone’s soul, Mom?”
Oh boy! That poor mom, how could she answer all those insistent inquisitive repetitive queries? This kid was
question machine!
But it’s a fair question coming from an adult too: “Where is my soul?” It’s not a new question. Someone
recently wrote a book about that search, “The Scientific Search for the Soul.” The ancient philosophers
wondered the same thing. We know we have one. But you can lose it, too. Jesus says so.
"What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul? Or what shall a man give
in exchange for his soul?" – Matthew 8:36-37.
It may be advisable to run an interior search for yours. Once you find it, to examine what is it in, because what
is in the center of it is the very pivot point of your first-love. If Christ is not at the very center of your soul, it is
time to do some housekeeping.
When you locate it, ask yourself things like, “What is in there? Does it need tidying up, or perhaps a total
The 23rd
Psalm says, not that he has repaired our soul, but He, “He restores my soul”. – Psalm 23: 3a. That
means, “He restored it to new condition because it was in a very bad state [full of sin and corruption]”.
In my visits with people, I like to ask them, “What does it look like under the roof of your soul?” Most folks
respond very much the same. Their response goes something like this…
A. “I never heard that question before” (They are intrigued)
B. They look down and to the right and begin to think, often pausing without any concern over time
C. They look up at me again and most of the time it is though they have discovered something and they are
ready to give a description
D. I might say, “What did you see?” “What’s in there?”
The descriptions are either positive or negative. I have heard such answers as, “It’s colorful”, “It’s bright in
there?”, “Peaceful”.
One young man, a military veteran stunned me when he said, “It’s dead in there.” I will never forget that. Can
you imagine, having a dead soul? Many people do.
This is not New Age stuff. This is Scriptural. Our soul is a real part of our person. We are not robots, we are not
mechanical clocks that just need oil now and then. We are God’s creatures, sensitive, delicate, fragile,
vulnerable, rebellious, disobedient, lost and often confused. We walk around carrying large question marks that
burden us. We have guilt, shame and fear.
The Psalmist describes what it looks like under the roof of his soul when he says, “Why are you cast down, O
my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my
God.” - Psalm 43:5 ESV
God knows the condition of our souls. He knows the frequent emptiness there that we try to fill with the wrong
thing. He knows the often lost-ness of our existence. He knows your thoughts. No one in this world can see
down inside our soul but Him. And when He looks under the roof of our soul, what does He see?
He wants to remind you that He brings restoration. He permeates us with His Holy Spirit. In Baptism He enters
our interior and comes to dwell under the roof of our soul. It is He whom is to be at the very center of our
“I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.” –
Psalm 31:7
It is Christ in our soul where our restoration begins. If we want to “get our act together”, that is not done in the
external world, but in the internal world of our soul where Christ dwells.
“And when He was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, He answered them and
said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for,
behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:20-21
God’s resolution is to be at work within us, under the roof of our soul. May that be our resolution, too. Keep
that in mind in this new year and all will go well with you.
YOUR OLD CHRISTMAS LIGHTS – The Habitat for Humanity
ReStore is looking to recycle your old Christmas lights (working or
not). Please place them in the specially marked box in the 2nd floor
collection area, just past the elevator by the coatroom/restrooms.
Once again this year, we will have an early Easter (April 5). That makes Ash Wednesday come early too
(February 18). Services during Lent will be held at 4:00pm and 6:30pm. Watch future notices for other
possible events to attend on these nights. There will be NO mid-week services on Thursdays during Lent.
Place flowers on the Altar for a specific Sunday to remember a special event, such as a
birthday or anniversary. Sponsor the bulletins for a week in memory of a loved one. Sponsor
the Eternal Flame for a month to remember that special someone in your life! Sign up in the
Narthex or contact Michelle in the office for more information.
What is Financial Peace University?
FPU is the most important step to changing your financial future. It is your Total Money Makeover Program. It
takes the knowledge from God and turns it into real action in our lives through a step-by-step process taught by
best-selling author and financial counselor Dave Ramsey.
FPU is a 9-week life-changing program that empowers and teaches you how to make the right money decisions
to achieve your financial goals and God's plan for your life. The course includes practical lessons on eliminating
debt, building wealth, giving like never before, and much, much more!
Who is Financial Peace University for?
It's for EVERYONE from the financially secure to the financially distressed. Over 650,000 families and
individuals have attended Financial Peace University. Applying God's Word radically changes your life. On
average, FPU graduates have paid off over $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 during the 91-day program!
What Will I Learn?
In this life-changing program you will learn:
1. Step-by-Step Cash Flow Planning
Luke 14:28: "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost,
whether he has enough to finish it."
2. Debt Snowball Plan Technique to Eliminating Debt
Proverbs 22:7: "The borrower is slave to the lender."
3. How to Invest Wisely
Ecclesiastes 11:2: "Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come
upon the land."
When and How?
FPU begins on January 14. It will meet for 9 weeks on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at OSLC in
the parlor. For more information or to register, go online at
The cost is $95 per family.
Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice” each month.
If you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the church office at (920) 468-4065 or Please support the sponsors who support us.
“Our Saviour’s Voice” is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Vacancy Editor, Michelle Burhite. Please feel free to contact the church office with constructive
suggestions and/or comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! We
are always seeking more congregational input and submissions.
Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch (920) 609-0248
Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614
Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065
Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 468-3596

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  • 1. 1 Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 120 S. Henry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 54302 (920) 468-4065 JANUARY 2015 What Is So Happy About a New Year? By Pastor Dave We say it all the time, “Happy New Year!” And then we watch the news and see the same old thing. We check the notches on our belts and yield to another inch. We feel another ache in another part of our body and subscribe to another prescription from the physician to ease another pain. We shovel another 10 inches of snow and check the mail for another bundle of bills. We have broken presents and “That won’t fit” Christmas gifts to exchange. And we call it a Happy New Year? Yes we do! We can look at 2015 like it’s just another year, or see it as the gift of time from our God to love and serve Him, to praise and obey Him. Yes, this may be just like last year in these patterned ways. Most of the world news the networks spoon feed us will be the same old negative pablum to keep us so disturbed we will want to keep tuned in just in case the sky is falling. The bills will come again next month no different than that little train that ran around the Christmas tree when we were kids. Why are we so surprised at that? Aches and pains are as common as rust on the aging cars we drive. Will these things stop us from praising God for life and blessings? But could this be your time to push off the shore with a ship of new habits? Habit 1 - Consider fasting…. from the news. Turn that switch off for a day or two. Replace the voice of the anchor with the Anchor’s voice, playing some holy music or reading your Good News at the former bad-news hour. It’s a new year, live it for Him. Guaranteed, the news will be pretty much the same everyday this year, period. Habit 2 -When the bills come, pay them right away or stick them away for when you will pay them, but get them out of the way of your joy. Don’t let them rob you of joy! You can take charge of them, not them being in charge of you! It’s a new year, live it for Him. Habit 3- When the aches come thank God for them for they remind us that we are human and that we are so looking forward to the resurrection. On the last day those bony creeks and rivers of tears will be dried up and gone! It’s a new year, live it for Him. Thank Him for pain! Habit 4- When the Christmas stuff breaks or won’t fit, it might disappoint you but stay on point - Broken and unfitting things really matter in the big picture of life. It’s a new year, live it for Him. Habit 5 - When you are frozen with discouragement or fear, push yourself through the paralysis and find something that needs doing or someone that needs caring. Get out of your misery by getting out of yourself. It’s a new year, live it for Him. Habit 6 - When the darkness of night comes and the worries arrive, when the imagination maximizes the minimums, He can put things back in perspective and pulverize the paranoia with His power. When those nights come, you can bank on Psalm 91 to whisk away the fears. It’s a new year, live it for Him. Our Saviour’s Voice
  • 2. 2 Habit 7 - Consider setting up a little Devotional Table or Altar - a place where you can go in your home and find clarity, calmness, centering-prayer and the Word waiting for you. Perhaps start and end your day at that corner of your home with prayers, silent or out- loud. Habit 8 - Instead of just crossing off days on the calendar, fill those days with good and Godly things to do. Perhaps write on that calendar what you did, even if it is watching the birds squabble with the squirrels over that feed seed. God bless your new year, live each day for Him! HOT BREAKFAST ON A COLD MORNING! Please plan to come to the gym after service (we are serving from 8:45am-12pm) on Sunday, January 18 for a buffet with a variety of delicious breakfast favorites. There will be NO separate menu; buffet with adult and child pricing will be available. WE AGAIN THANK OUR VOLUNTEERS for their time as this venture would not be possible without them! More volunteers are welcome. Please contact Bryan Rao at 920-362-5980 or if you can help to set up and prep on Saturday the 17th or if you can help cook, serve, etc. on Sunday the 18th. Diners are also needed so make your plans to join us after your favorite worship service.  January IMPACT--Fleece for the Frozen! On Wednesday, January 7 from 7-8pm, we will be making tie fleece blankets for people staying at area homeless shelters. In addition we will hold a drive to collect warm winter accessories (hats, mittens, scarves, blankets, etc.). The box will be located in the 2nd floor collection area (just past the elevator). Everyone is welcome to the blanket-tying party! Please join us on January 7th and/or consider a donation. Thank you! 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES/2014 GIVING STATEMENTS Offering envelopes for 2015 are now available for pick up. Envelope numbers are offered for the purpose of having your offerings to Our Saviour recorded. If offering envelopes were not assigned to you but you desire to use them for 2015, please contact the office. Your offerings can also be recorded without envelopes by utilizing SimplyGiving, with automatic withdrawals from your checking or savings account. With SimplyGiving, you are assigned a special number under which donations that are not automatic can also be recorded. Draws can be weekly, monthly or two times per month (1st &15th). You can designate offerings to the unified budget or the mortgage. With SimplyGiving, you don’t need to remember to write a check; your offering is received by the church, even when you are unable to attend! Annual statements showing your offerings for 2014, which can be used for tax purposes, will be available at church in early to mid-January 2015. Statements remaining on January 27 will be mailed.
  • 3. 3 THE LIGHT THAT SHOWS THE WAY It was in darkness that the star shone above Indicating to shepherds the way to the one who is Love. Many miles were traveled, many miles were endured They see the little baby whose light is never obscured. Kings brought their gifts, the humble brought their love To adore and reverence the King of Kings who came here from above. He had a humble beginning, there was no room for Him at the Inn; He lay beside cattle and beasts, His riches came from within. Jesus traveled many times through danger, often He felt alone; But God the Heavenly Father, foreknew Jesus would have no home. Amidst doubts and deceivers, His message still proclaims It overcomes all evil through time and eternity it remains. So to, we are strangers who forsake this earth, Our lives are echoes of His love and His worth. The days are in darkness, we too must shine the light; We proclaim His message - where darkness is, His light gives sight. As time marches onward, so too does His call, Amidst earth’s noise and tumult, Jesus overcomes all! By Gerri Michaels Eagle Fund 2015 This Christmas season prayerfully consider a gift to the Eagle Fund. Your financial support of the Green Bay Lutheran School Association and Green Bay Trinity helps us fulfill a mission of reaching all children in our community with the greatest gift of all – the Gospel. Help make an impact by picking up a brochure or downloading one at and give a financial gift today. SCRIP NEWS FOR THE NEW YEAR KWIK TRIP – The percentage of profit from Kwik Trip Scrip will reduce from 10% to 5% effective January 1, 2015. SCRIP SCHEDULE CHANGE – The church office will be manned by volunteers while Michelle, the secretary, is on vacation thru January 2. On normal business days from now until January 2, SCRIP will not be available for purchase or pickup in the office. GRAND CENTRAL STATION – This card has been added to our SCRIP program and will provide a 10% profit to Our Saviour. These cards are available in $50 and $100 denominations, and can be redeemed at ANY SHELL STATION IN THE U.S.
  • 4. 4 COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Six LCEF scholarships, $1,000 each, will be awarded to graduating high school seniors or current full- time post-secondary students at an accredited institution with at least one year of courses remaining. Candidates must be a member of a congregation belonging to The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod located in one of the following LCMS districts: Iowa East, Iowa West, Minnesota North, Minnesota South, North Dakota, North Wisconsin or South Wisconsin. The application deadline is February 28, 2015. Learn more and apply online at Concordia University, St. Paul is committed to making college even more affordable for students who hear the call to serve The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Already one of the most affordable schools in the 10-member Concordia University System, CSP is excited to announce the Twelve Disciples Scholarship. This scholarship provides the equivalent cost of tuition to three eligible first-year or transfer students enrolled in any of Concordia St. Paul’s undergraduate church work programs. Students who are interested, should apply to the Concordia University Admission Office (651- 641-8230, 800-333-4705 or The scholarship priority deadline is March 15. Students must apply for all forms of financial aid by completing an application for admissions to Concordia University and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). See more details about these scholarships on the office hallway bulletin board. ‘C’ IS FOR CHRISTMAS AND CANDY If your house is like mine when I was growing up, candy is everywhere! You bought some, the grandparents brought some for their visit, and then Santa added to the pot. If you have leftovers or extras of individually wrapped candy (including candy canes) or if you find a great after Christmas sale, please consider a donation for the candy dish in the church office. Bags can be left on the office desk or in the church office mailbox anytime. Thank you in advance! February 2015 OSLC Usher Schedule Date Service Lead Team February 1 Su 7:45 John Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; † UN Su 9:15 Randy Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany & Brian Duff; Jennifer Linssen; † UN Su 10:45 Gerald Buechner Rich Spangenberg; † UN; † UN February 5 Th 6:30 David Haase Bobby Haase; Rich Spangenberg; † UN February 8 Su 7:45 Matt Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Su 9:15 Shelley Williams Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Jim Parks; Dave Bitters Su 10:45 Mike Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft February 12 Th 6:30 Charles Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick February 15 Su 7:45 Mike Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Su 9:15 Wendy Frick Roxanne & Randy Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Jack Grant; Mitch Waniger Su 10:45 Royal Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christiansen February 18 We 4:00 Rich Spangenberg (Youth) We 6:30 Paul Kuehl Bill Baneck; † UN; † UN February 22 Su 7:45 Allen Knaus Clarence Ney; Jerry & Josh VanKauwenberg; Nathan Knaus Su 9:15 Dave Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer; Trey B; † UN Su 10:45 Gerald Buechner Rich Spangenberg; † UN; † UN February 25 We 4:00 Rich Spangenberg (Youth) We 6:30 David Haase Bobby Haase; Rich Spangenberg; † UN †UN-Usher Needed If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join, Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email ""
  • 5. 5 Pastoral Continuing Education - “Sharpen the Saw” Sharpen the Saw is the “Sixth Habit” from the Steven Covey book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Your pastors are always trying to sharpen their saws! The pastors of OSLC have a tradition of participating in ongoing education and certification. For the past two years, Pastor Dave has been a student in the chaplaincy training program at Aurora BayCare Medical Center. In his 32 years of ongoing ministry, this formal chaplaincy training program continues to be a wonderful opportunity for continuing education for Pastor Dave. Aurora’s hospital chaplaincy certification program is new to our area within the past 5 years. Pastor Dave was encouraged to apply to the chaplaincy program and was accepted in 2012. Pastor Dave’s interest in chaplaincy goes all the way back to seminary. In 1981, Pastor Dave had a keen interest in hospital chaplaincy and did his master’s degree thesis on the topic. So much so, our seminary in Fort Wayne granted him special permission to create his thesis in the form of a 30- minute television documentary that aired on the local CBS affiliate there. Pastor Dave describes engaging in chaplaincy now as, “a bit like having a deep interest in skateboarding when you’re a kid, and by the time your hair is falling out you finally take skateboarding lessons!” His chaplaincy training involves everything from being on-call for emergencies to pre-surgery visits to knocking on the doors of patients in the Intensive Care Unit, to ministering to the dying and much more. His visits are often on members of our congregation. His current focus will be on visitation of those who are terminally ill in their homes. Pastor Dave is excited about what this learning experience brings to his ministry at OSLC. The chaplaincy program continues to provide him a deepening understanding about suffering, compassion, listening to those in need and God’s plan on this side of Heaven’s gate. 2014 Board and Committee Reports BOARD OF ELDERS – Robin Williams, Chair The elders have been very busy this past year with the following projects:  Preparing the congregational vision statement of “Following Jesus-walking and growing together as we make disciples of Christ”. We are going to be equipping and engaging members to fulfill this statement.  Reviewing the congregational study and gleaning important information for planning the future needs of the congregation.  Changes to the time of the Thursday night service from 7:00 pm to 6:30 pm.  We are contacting members who have not filled out a communion card in the past year. This will be an ongoing process.  We are studying the confirmation process and will possibly make some updates or changes to that process in the future.  We have added some elders/members to assist the elders in serving communion.  The Altar Guild has been doing a fabulous job in maintaining your church altar - especially after the decision was made to serve communion at every service.  We have added a new electronic piano to the choir, thanks to the insight of our music director, Judy O’Grady, and many donations by our church members. BOARD OF EDUCATION – Mike Charles, Chair The board currently has six members having been blessed with the addition of Jenni Harris. It is great to add such talent and expertise to the table. The other board members are Mike Charles, Heidi Krause, Julie Rusch, Steve Siekmann and Christina Scholz. Pastor Dave mentors the board.
  • 6. 6 The board will focus on a goal in 2015 “that Christ would be the center of every family and every member of each family. And those parents, to the best of their ability, would teach and display Christ as the pivot-point of every heart, and know that the Devil, the flesh and the world will work against this." Preschool – Our preschool program has met the challenges from fluctuating enrollments. During the 2013- 2014 school year, the 2-day 3 year old program served 16 children and the 3-day 4K program served 4 children. The target for full enrollment is 16 and 20 children in the 3 year old and 4K programs respectively. During the 2014-2015 school year, the 2-day 3 year old program serves 11 children and the 3-day 4K program serves 19 children. Almost half of the students use the extended day service. Christina Scholz and our assistant teacher Joanne Prindle are taking on the full commitment for the entire program. The board looks forward to planning for the upcoming school year. Vacation Bible School (VBS) – Our VBS program was a success once again this year. We had the help of the Staff of Camp Luther to lead our grades 1-6. And the younger children were led by our own volunteers. We had 28 volunteers (13 of them youth) serving 51 children. Jenni Harris is the new VBS Coordinator and is looking at options for VBS in 2015. Please contact Jenni or the church office if you have an interest in helping with VBS or ideas. Cradle Roll – Marcia Heise has again led our Cradle Roll program. She sends out information to families who have children from birth to age 3 and have been baptized at OSLC. So far this year, __ infants (under 1 year of age) have received the Cradle Roll packet, which is generally given to the parents when the child is baptized. The packet contains a book about Baptism, a music CD, several informational brochures, and a growth calendar. In addition, 103 mailings have been made. We currently have 49 children enrolled in the program and, on the average, families receive 2 mailings per year until the child is three years old. Library – Our church library which is located in the parlor area of the church is going strong. They are hoping to add a few new titles in books and DVDs to keep the congregation’s interest peaked. Sunday School – Our Sunday school program has registered approximately 130 children this year. This is for all children ages 4 to grade 6. Heidi Krause directs the Sunday school program. The plan is to staff all classes with two teachers. Volunteers for team teaching or substitute teaching are always welcomed. Our congregation can look forward to hearing the children sing at various services as well as their Christmas Program and their Palm Sunday Program. Confirmation – Pastors Greg and Dave continue to shepherd the 7th grade and 8th grade classes respectively. There were 11 Confirmands last spring. This fall, there are 19 in 7th grade class and 12 in the 8th grade class. Nursery – Our nursery, located in the basement to the left off the elevator, is coordinated by Mike Charles. The plan is for parents who use the nursery to each take a morning of care during the 9:15 service, so that each family only volunteers about once a month. This allows families with busy toddlers to concentrate during worship a little better. BOARD OF FELLOWSHIP – Greg Ammerman, Chair During the past year, Fellowship was active in Fish Fries, potlucks, cinnamon roll Sundays and the Super Sale. We also pitched in on the Youth Pizza Sale and Sunday morning breakfasts. Coming up, we will be a part of the Live Nativity. We can’t talk about Fellowship without mentioning Donna Arthur, whom we recently lost. She is missed and will be impossible to replace. PERSONNEL AND FINANCE (P&F) – Randy Ronsman, Chair The Board of Personnel and Finance had a relatively quiet 2014 – in the world of Personnel and Finance this is a good thing. We started the year in the black, with 2013 income coming in slightly greater than 2013 expenses. As we progressed through the early part of the year the challenges of a cold and snowy winter took its toll on the budget, but we were able to keep the bills current using cash reserves. The end of the year did
  • 7. 7 have us engaging with the congregation to prayerfully remember the mission and financial needs of Our Saviour as we saw the gap between receipts and expenses grow. Once again the Personnel and Finance Committee did a great job of creating a realistic budget for 2015 that holds expenses near 2014 levels. BOARD OF STEWARDSHIP – Dan Haase, Chair Stewardship is reviewing alternative methods of gifting beyond the checkbook; SimplyGiving and other electronic means. Pondering the question of Time, Talents and Treasures. We have a lot going on at church and would love to see more involvement. Fish Fries, Packer Servers, Rummage Sale to mention a few. We also need to think about our gifts back to God. -The amount does matter. -We determine the amount -We give according to ability -It is the condition of the givers heart that makes the gift pleasing to God BOARD OF TRUSTEES – Greg Parks, Chair Many things need the attention of the Board of Trustees each year. With the help of many volunteers, the property is kept in very good condition by the lawn mowers, leaf rakers, snow shovelers, light bulb changers, furnace filter replacers and more. Among our larger projects in 2014, we had the roof inspected, rerouted the hot water pipes in the Fellowship Hall, replaced the OLD boiler with a newer, more efficient model, and trimmed and cut down trees on the parsonage property. BOARD OF YOUTH – Avra Juhnke and Whitney Hunter, co-chairs This past summer we changed many more lives than the eight that went on the Youth Works mission trip to Louisville, Kentucky. We had the opportunity to paint, garden, teach and fill living spaces for those less fortunate in the city of Louisville. We met many more youth and adults from across the country who have servant hearts just like ours. We have continued the service work in our own community by developing a monthly service event for confirmation youth, parents, friends and the congregation of OSLC. So far we have made holiday cards for past and present US troops, snacks for dialysis patients and decorated cookies for shut-ins and residents of nursing homes. Throughout the month of December we will be collecting warm winter clothing and accessories and doing a Thrivent Action Team making fleece tie blankets on January 7th as an Impact night project. We are anticipating what else we will come up with to serve our community (suggestions are welcome!). Please support our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Super Bowl Pizza Sale coming up on the first of February. Pizza orders forms will be available in mid-January. We want to invite parents of youth of all ages and senior high youth to join us on Wednesday nights for casual Bible studies and snacks from 6-7:30. Watch the youth bulletin board and weekly bulletin for more activities and events throughout the year! Thanks for the support. A COLLECTION OF COMEDIES!! The NEWLHS Drama Department presents a Collection of Comedies! Join us February 7th & 8th at 6:30PM at NEWLHS, for a laugh-out-loud good time. This year we are featuring 6 situational comedy plays…from DR. DEATH trying to blow up the most beloved state of Iowa to a couple of elderly women with a penchant for discussing their HEALTH ISSUES over dinner. You are sure to enjoy these HILARIOUS plays. Get your tickets at the door: $6/adult & $4/students & seniors.
  • 8. 8 Usable / Saleable Donations Needed Your donations to our rummage sales make them the great success that they have been for many years. The Kids’ Only Sale is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 13. We are looking for the stuff your kids have outgrown as well as the maternity clothes you no longer need. Toys, games, clothes, costumes, books, puzzles, strollers, ride-on toys, bedding, bicycles, and more are welcome. Don’t have kids but want to donate items to the church? The Super Sale will be SUPER if YOU help to fill the gym for this event on August 15. We accept clean, usable, unbroken items. Some suggested things are holiday decorations, linens, glassware, small appliances, tools, furniture, lamps, and more! Thanks for the offer…but we DO NOT accept computer monitors, printers, televisions (unless they are flat panel) or Encyclopedia-type books. If you have larger items and are unable to transport them to church, call Michelle in the office at (920) 468-4065 to request a pick up. Pick-ups will be scheduled for late July or early August. Can’t wait that long? Let us know your needs and we will see what we can do! Annual Youth Super Bowl Take and Bake Pizza Sale Cheese, pepperoni, sausage, and veggies, OH MY! Continue your super bowl traditions, create new ones or freeze for later occasions with handmade pizzas by the OSLC youth group. Order forms will be available in mid-January; pick up is Super Bowl Sunday, February 1. Youth will be accepting orders with payment during the two Sunday leading up to Super Bowl Sunday. We’ll also make a few extras to purchase on pick-up day. All pizzas will be available for pick up from 8:30 am – 12pm. 2015 MEN’S RETREAT – MANITOWOC! The early registration for the 15th annual Men’s Retreat to be held at the Holiday Inn in Manitowoc on February 20-22 has ended. Registration still continues through the month of January. The theme for this year’s retreat is, “The Samson Syndrome”. It is based on the book with the same name and is written by Pastor Mark Atteberry. In his work with men in his own congregation Pastor Atteberry sees that many of the traits Samson had are still around in our culture today. They include: 1. Disregarding boundaries God has placed on His followers. 2. Men struggling with lust. 3. Ignoring good advice from brothers in Christ. 4. The breaking of common sense rules. 5. Men over estimating their own cleverness. 6. Men who use anger as a tool. 7. Repeating the same mistakes. 8. Men having big egos. 9. Men taking foolish risks 10. Struggling with intimacy. 11. Men taking too much for granted. 12. Losing sight of God’s big picture for them. All of the chapters will be small group sectionals on Saturday. Pastor Atteberry offers specific positive suggestions of how a man in today’s world can overcome these tendencies and remain close to their Lord. Final registration for the retreat ends on February 4. One man who attended last year’s retreat wrote this on his evaluation sheet. “My life will be changed because of this retreat. I am bringing my friend with me next year. I have never been to a retreat like this where men were so engaged in worship”. Any questions about the retreat contact Jim at 414-462-5871 or email
  • 9. 9 2015 CAMP LUTHER SUMMER REGISTRATION IS OPEN! – An exciting summer is planned for Pre-school through High School students. Register early for your favorite dates and housing locations. Camp Luther will accept registrations on and after January 1 at You can also register by fax or regular mail. Send your children or grandchildren to Camp Luther and watch them grow! CAMP LUTHER SUMMER STAFF POSITIONS AVAILABLE – You can make a difference this summer! We are looking for a variety of staff including counselors, lifeguards, program coordinators and trip leaders. Go to for further details and applications. Application deadline is February 5th. CAMP LUTHER FAMILY FLURRY RETREAT (Feb 6-8) – Bundle up and bring the family for a weekend of winter activities and growing together in faith. Families can join in our staff led activities or do things on your own. There is something for all ages. Activities include tubing, broomball, snow shoeing, x-country skiing, Bible study and devotions. Check out for more information. 2015 CAMP LUTHER CALENDARS – Our beautiful calendars are comprised of the winning submissions from our 2014 photo contest. Visit our website at to order yours today. CAMP LUTHER IS LOOKING FOR JUNIOR COUNSELORS – Junior Counselors are an integral part of the ministry of Camp Luther each summer. JC's assist counselors with nearly every aspect of the summer camp program. They also work hard to keep Camp Luther clean and polished for our many guests. Applicants must currently be a high school sophomore, junior or senior. JC application deadline is February 28th!!! ADVENTURES AT KEWEENAW BASE CAMP (KBC) – Camp Luther has branched out into the beautiful U.P. of Michigan. Campers attending "The Edge" (Grades 9-12) will discover new and exciting ways to grow their faith and challenge themselves as part of a group. Group building activities and wilderness training will help prepare them for excursions into the wild of the Keweenaw. Daily activities include backpacking, swimming, challenge course elements, high ropes, and much more. NEW CAMPS OFFERED IN 2015 AT CAMP LUTHER – Camp Luther is adding a variety of new and exciting camps in 2015. Our newest additions include Sailing Camp, Water-Ski Camp and Lifeguard Camp. Visit today for more information on these and other summer camps. CAMP LUTHER WINTER COTTAGE RETREATS – Enjoy a cottage retreat at Camp Luther this winter. Our cottages have everything you will need for a relaxing getaway in the midst of God's beautiful creation. You can spend time outside cross-country skiing, snow-shoeing, or tubing. When you are done, settle into a comfy chair next to your fireplace. Stay for a weekend or a week. Camp Luther is currently offering a special rate that is 30% off of our regular rate. Check out "Cottage Retreats" on our website. Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up believers in Christ for service to the church and witness to the world.
  • 10. 10 “Mommy, Where Is My Soul?” By Pastor Dave He was a little squirt and He liked to talk to God. With all the talk at church about “souls” and “hearts” and “minds” and such, this boy-ful bundle of questions was about to ask a big one… “Mommy, where is my soul?” It was a fair question, at least coming from a kid. This snippet must have been around the early 1960’s when the board game “Operation” was popular. Every kid knows where your mind and brain are, right between your ears. That’s where you add 2 + 2. And every youngster knows where your heart is, that’s the place where, when the cowboy gets shot, he falls over real quick. But the “Soul”? Where in the world is that? I imagine his questions continued, “Mom, has a doctor ever seen a soul?”, “How big is it?”, “What does it look like?”, “What happens to it when you die?”, “What is inside someone’s soul, Mom?” Oh boy! That poor mom, how could she answer all those insistent inquisitive repetitive queries? This kid was question machine! But it’s a fair question coming from an adult too: “Where is my soul?” It’s not a new question. Someone recently wrote a book about that search, “The Scientific Search for the Soul.” The ancient philosophers wondered the same thing. We know we have one. But you can lose it, too. Jesus says so. "What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" – Matthew 8:36-37. It may be advisable to run an interior search for yours. Once you find it, to examine what is it in, because what is in the center of it is the very pivot point of your first-love. If Christ is not at the very center of your soul, it is time to do some housekeeping. When you locate it, ask yourself things like, “What is in there? Does it need tidying up, or perhaps a total restoration?” The 23rd Psalm says, not that he has repaired our soul, but He, “He restores my soul”. – Psalm 23: 3a. That means, “He restored it to new condition because it was in a very bad state [full of sin and corruption]”. In my visits with people, I like to ask them, “What does it look like under the roof of your soul?” Most folks respond very much the same. Their response goes something like this… A. “I never heard that question before” (They are intrigued) B. They look down and to the right and begin to think, often pausing without any concern over time C. They look up at me again and most of the time it is though they have discovered something and they are ready to give a description D. I might say, “What did you see?” “What’s in there?” The descriptions are either positive or negative. I have heard such answers as, “It’s colorful”, “It’s bright in there?”, “Peaceful”. One young man, a military veteran stunned me when he said, “It’s dead in there.” I will never forget that. Can you imagine, having a dead soul? Many people do.
  • 11. 11 This is not New Age stuff. This is Scriptural. Our soul is a real part of our person. We are not robots, we are not mechanical clocks that just need oil now and then. We are God’s creatures, sensitive, delicate, fragile, vulnerable, rebellious, disobedient, lost and often confused. We walk around carrying large question marks that burden us. We have guilt, shame and fear. The Psalmist describes what it looks like under the roof of his soul when he says, “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” - Psalm 43:5 ESV God knows the condition of our souls. He knows the frequent emptiness there that we try to fill with the wrong thing. He knows the often lost-ness of our existence. He knows your thoughts. No one in this world can see down inside our soul but Him. And when He looks under the roof of our soul, what does He see? He wants to remind you that He brings restoration. He permeates us with His Holy Spirit. In Baptism He enters our interior and comes to dwell under the roof of our soul. It is He whom is to be at the very center of our existence! “I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.” – Psalm 31:7 It is Christ in our soul where our restoration begins. If we want to “get our act together”, that is not done in the external world, but in the internal world of our soul where Christ dwells. “And when He was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, He answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” – Luke 17:20-21 God’s resolution is to be at work within us, under the roof of our soul. May that be our resolution, too. Keep that in mind in this new year and all will go well with you. YOUR OLD CHRISTMAS LIGHTS – The Habitat for Humanity ReStore is looking to recycle your old Christmas lights (working or not). Please place them in the specially marked box in the 2nd floor collection area, just past the elevator by the coatroom/restrooms. LENT IS WHEN? Once again this year, we will have an early Easter (April 5). That makes Ash Wednesday come early too (February 18). Services during Lent will be held at 4:00pm and 6:30pm. Watch future notices for other possible events to attend on these nights. There will be NO mid-week services on Thursdays during Lent. SPONSORS NEEDED Place flowers on the Altar for a specific Sunday to remember a special event, such as a birthday or anniversary. Sponsor the bulletins for a week in memory of a loved one. Sponsor the Eternal Flame for a month to remember that special someone in your life! Sign up in the Narthex or contact Michelle in the office for more information.
  • 12. 12 What is Financial Peace University? FPU is the most important step to changing your financial future. It is your Total Money Makeover Program. It takes the knowledge from God and turns it into real action in our lives through a step-by-step process taught by best-selling author and financial counselor Dave Ramsey. FPU is a 9-week life-changing program that empowers and teaches you how to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals and God's plan for your life. The course includes practical lessons on eliminating debt, building wealth, giving like never before, and much, much more! Who is Financial Peace University for? It's for EVERYONE from the financially secure to the financially distressed. Over 650,000 families and individuals have attended Financial Peace University. Applying God's Word radically changes your life. On average, FPU graduates have paid off over $5,300 in debt and saved $2,700 during the 91-day program! What Will I Learn? In this life-changing program you will learn: 1. Step-by-Step Cash Flow Planning Luke 14:28: "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it." 2. Debt Snowball Plan Technique to Eliminating Debt Proverbs 22:7: "The borrower is slave to the lender." 3. How to Invest Wisely Ecclesiastes 11:2: "Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land." When and How? FPU begins on January 14. It will meet for 9 weeks on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at OSLC in the parlor. For more information or to register, go online at peace-university The cost is $95 per family.
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  • 14. 14 Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice” each month. If you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the church office at (920) 468-4065 or Please support the sponsors who support us. “Our Saviour’s Voice” is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Vacancy Editor, Michelle Burhite. Please feel free to contact the church office with constructive suggestions and/or comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! We are always seeking more congregational input and submissions. OUR SAVIOUR STAFF Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch (920) 609-0248 Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614 Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 468-3596
  • 15. January2015 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday YouthwilltakepreordersfortheSuperBowlSundaypizzasaleonSundaysbeginningJanuary18…orderforms willbeavailableattheWelcomeCenter. FinancialPeacereturnsonJanuary14.Toregister,visit Weneedworkersforany/allPackersplayoffgamesplayedatLambeauField.Fordetailsortosignup,contact NeilBurmeisterat264-4973orthechurchofficeat468-4065. 1 OFFICECLOSED 2 5pmTrinityOpenGym 6pmRounsville/Process WeddingRehearsal 3 8amMen’sBasketball 10amMen’sBibleStudy 2pmRounsville/Process Wedding 4EpiphanyObserved 7:45amTradWorship 7:45amBibleStudy 9:15amPraiseWorship 9:15amBibleStudy 9:30amSundayschool 10:30amBibleStudy 10:45amTradWorship 5 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 4pmPizzaRanch FundraiserforTrinity 6:30pmEldersMeeting 7pmWritersGroup 6 7amBibleStudy 9amBibleStudy 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 7 6pmPraiseBand 6pmConfirmation 7pmIMPACT 8 12:15pmWorship 3pmFishFryPrep 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 6:30pmTradWorship 7:45pmEvangelism 9 5pmMonthlyFishFry 10 8amMen’sBasketball 10amMen’sBibleStudy 11MiteBoxSunday 7:45amTradWorship 7:45amBibleStudy 9:15amPraiseWorship 9:15amBibleStudy 9:30amSundayschool 10:30amBibleStudy 10:45amTradWorship 12 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 6pmP&FMeeting 6:45pmChurchCouncil 13 7amBibleStudy 9amBibleStudy 4pmTrinityBBGames 6:30pmKindleCluster 14 6pmPraiseBand 6pmConfirmation 6:30pmFinancialPeace University 7:30pmYouthBoard 15 8:15amTrinityShadow Day/Kindergarten Roundup 12:15pmWorship 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 6:30pmTradWorship 16 4pmTrinityBBGames 17 8amMen’sBasketball 10amMen’sBibleStudy 11amBreakfastPrepand Setup 18 7:45amTradWorship 7:45amBibleStudy 8:30amOSLCCafé Breakfast 9:15amPraiseWorship w/SSassist 9:15amBibleStudy 9:30amSundayschool 10:30amBibleStudy 10:45amTradWorship 19 NOPRESCHOOLCLASSES NOTRINITYCLASSES 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 7PMBoardofEducation 20 7amBibleStudy 9amBibleStudy 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 6:30pmKindleCluster 21 6pmPraiseBand 6pmConfirmation 6:30pmFinancialPeace University 22 12:15pmWorship 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 6:30pmTradWorship 23 4pmTrinityBBGames 24 8amMen’sBasketball 10amMen’sBibleStudy 25 7:45amTradWorship 7:45amBibleStudy 9:15amPraiseWorship 9:15amBibleStudy 9:30amSundayschool 10:30amBibleStudy 10:45amTradWorship 26 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 6:30pmGBLSA 6:30pmAltarGuild 7pmStewardship 27 7amBibleStudy 9amBibleStudy 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 6:30pmKindleCluster 28 6pmPraiseBand 6pmConfirmation 6:30pmFinancialPeace University 29 12:15pmWorship 3:30pmTrinityBBPractice 6:30pmTradWorship 30 4pmTrinityBBGames 31 8amMen’sBasketball 10amMen’sBibleStudy