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FEBRUARY   2012                 VOLUME I, ISSUE 2

     The Voice Online

It’s almost Groundhog Day;
what does this mean?
Pastor Dave Hatch

         We get stuck in our        called, “Groundhog Day.”            weatherman, he eventually
routines. There are some days                A weatherman is            thinks he makes the weather. He
that seem like they are a repeat    reluctantly sent to cover a story   is self-centered.
of the prior one. One day is a      about a weather forecasting                  He is stuck in his trap
mirror of the previous. The         "rat" (as he calls the              until he begins to understand the
alarm goes off at the same time.    groundhog) in Punxsutawney,         meaning of life. He must “get
         Every morning the          Pennsylvania. This is his fourth    out of himself” and his
near-robotic run begins with        year on the weather story at that   selfishness and begin to see and
turning off the alarm, winding      location, and he makes no effort    love the people around him. The
the antique clock, making           to hide his frustration. He does    guy in the hallway each morning
coffee, showering, unloading        not want to be there. It’s          has a name! He begins to see
the dishwasher, making the          routine! On awaking the             their needs, looks into their
lunches, racing against the clock   “following” day, he discovers       story, sees how he is not an
and scooping up breakfast on        that it's Groundhog Day again,      observer in their lives, but a
the run… The middle of the day      and again and again. Each day       participant. Only then is he set
may include some variance. But      repeats itself, one day identical   free. Only then is each day a new
the routine repeats itself during   to the next. The alarm clock        day. Only then can life go
the evening: whip up a meal, do     radio goes off playing the same     forward and have rich meaning.
the dishes, load the dishwasher,    song. He bumps into the same
catch up on the day, snag the       person every morning in                Continued on page two...
news, find some diversion in a      the hall. Throughout the
book and head to the pillow.        day … everyday … he
When we repeat our routines         sees the same people in
day in and day out, weeks turn      the same place doing the
to months, months to years and      same thing. First, he uses
pretty soon we wonder, “Was         this to his advantage, and
this all there was to life?” Some   then comes the realization
folks get discouraged and feel      that he is doomed to
trapped, disillusioned, confused    spend the rest of eternity
and/or hopeless. Resignation        in the same place, seeing
sets in.                            the same people do the
         Do you ever feel that      same thing every day. He
way? There is a film about this     is so full of himself, as a
   Page 2                             Confirmation students will be       Lily Marie Wilber
                                      attending this presentation. All    Born: October 28, 2011
QPR training at OSLC                  parents and other members of        Baptized: January 8, 2012
        The     Brown      County     the congregation and the            Daughter of Nathan and
Suicide Prevention Coalition will     community are welcome to            Kristen Wilber
present “Question, Persuade and       attend.     RSVPs would be
Refer;” a suicide prevention class    appreciated but not required by     Lilly Ann Hill
in the fellowship hall at OSLC        calling (920) 468-4065.             Born: July 24, 2011
on Wednesday, Feb. 8 from 6:00                                            Baptized: January 15, 2012
p.m. to 7:30 p.m. QPR refers to
three simple steps that anyone        OSLC                                Daughter of Tyler Hill and
                                                                          Kayla Pinchart
can learn to help save a life from
suicide. Just as people trained in    official acts                       Received her crown:
CPR help save thousands of lives                                          Arlene M. Mahlik
each year, people trained in QPR
                                                                          February 20, 1944 - January 10,
learn how to recognize the
                                      Baptisms:                           2012
warning signs of a suicide crisis
                                                                          Funeral service held on
and how to question, persuade         Ariah Imani Lewis
                                                                          January 13, 2012
and refer someone to help. Each       Born: July 6, 2011
year thousands of Americans,          Baptized: December 24, 2011
like you, are saying "yes" to         Daughter of Macciano and
saving the life of a friend,          Denise Lewis
colleague, sibling or neighbor.
… from page one.
        In our lives with Christ,     message is thinking differently      the master director places
there is an application for us        about routines. Difficult days       before you today, and perhaps
about our seemingly boring            will come, that is a promise. “I     different folks again tomorrow.
routines. If we look at the people,   have told you these things, so       Celebrate the adventure,
instead of the problems, if we        that in me you may have peace.       sharing the love of Christ in
look at others’ needs instead of      In this world you will have          your daily walk not your
our wants, we will begin to see       trouble. But take heart! I have      routine.
each new day as an adventure.         overcome the world,” John
We will begin to see our purpose      16:33.
in our story. Look at the folks               This message is about
around you. Are they there            spotting special things in our
randomly, or by His directive?        otherwise routine lives. Seeing
How might the love of Christ          the loved ones, the needs and the
shine through you today? Step         open doors where we can
out of routine thinking, and into     display the love of Christ.
the      adventurous walk with                Consider life as a stage
Christ. Step out of the darkness      as Shakespeare described, “All
and into His marvelous light!         the world's a stage, and all the
        This message is not about     men and women merely
easy street, a walk down that path    players.” They have their exits
only comes now and then. This         and their entrances. Watch who
                                                                                        Page 3

  Lenten schedule for your refrigerator
  Ash Wednesday*                               Wed.       Feb. 22            4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m.
  Lenten service 1* **                         Wed.       Feb. 29            4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m.
  Lenten service 2*                            Wed.       Mar. 7             4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m.
  Lenten service 3*                            Wed.       Mar. 14           4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m.
  Lenten service 4*                            Wed.       Mar. 21            4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m.
  Lenten service 5*                            Wed.       Mar. 28            4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m.
  Palm Sunday / Traditional                    Sun.        Apr. 1                        7:45 a.m.
  Palm Sunday / Praise                         Sun.        Apr. 1                        9:15 a.m.
  Palm Sunday / Children‟s Pageant             Sun.        Apr. 1                       10:45 a.m.
  Easter egg hunt                              Sun.        Apr. 1                       11:45 a.m.
  Maundy Thursday                              Thu.        Apr. 4                        4:00 p.m.
  Maundy Thursday / Foot washing               Thu.        Apr. 4                        5:30 p.m.
  Maundy Thursday                              Thu.        Apr. 4                        6:30 p.m.
  Good Friday                                  Fri.        Apr. 5                      12:15 p.m.
  Good Friday / Seven Words Vigil              Fri.        Apr. 5      Follows 12:15 p.m. service
  Good Friday                                  Fri.        Apr. 5                        7:00 p.m.
  Easter Sunday / Vigil of Darkness            Sun.        Apr. 8                        5:00 a.m.
  Easter Sunday / Sunrise Service              Sun.        Apr. 8                        6:00 a.m.
  Easter Sunday / Traditional                  Sun.        Apr. 8                        7:45 a.m.
  Easter Sunday / Praise                       Sun.        Apr. 8                        9:15 a.m.
  Easter Sunday / Traditional                  Sun.        Apr. 8                       10:45 a.m.
    * Dinner will be served in the gym at 5:00 p.m. each of these evenings . A free will offering
                                                                              will be accepted.
      ** There will be a National Youth Gathering informational meeting for youth and parents
   interested in attending or sending your child to San Antonio in July of 2013 during the meal.

Wednesdays Lenten Bible study
        Adult instruction in the     for Thursday, Apr.12 at 5:30     adult Confirmation on April 29
Christian faith will begin on        p.m.                             at the 10:45 a.m. service;
Thursday, Feb. 16, with a „talk            Th es e Wed nes d ay       membership after the class is
-„n-tour‟ and the first topic,       classes fit nicely between our   not required. If you are
“The Four Free Gifts.” After         4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.          interested in attending,
this initial class, future classes   Lenten services with a supper    please RSVP to the church
will be held on February 22          available to all at 5:00 p.m.    office at 468 -4065 or
and 29, March 7, 14, 21 and 28       All     members          and
(all Wednesdays from 5:20            non-members are welcome to
p.m. - 6:20 p.m.) and a              attend. Non-members can
make-up night is scheduled           become members through
Sunday                    Monday                Tuesday
                                                                                                                           FEBRUARY 2012
                                                                     1                       2                        3
                                                                     12p Staff Meeting       12:15p Worship           5:30 p LaLuzerne/
                                                                                                                                               2:00 p Gym Rental
                                                                     3p Youth Night          7p Trad Worship          Vogels Wedding
                                                                     6p Praise Band                                   rehearsal                3:00 p LaLuzerne/
                                                                                                                                               Vogels Wedding
                                                                     6p Confirmation
                                                                                                                                               6:00 p Pizza prep/
                                                                     6:30p Youth Board
                                                                                                                                               youth movie night
                                                                     7p P&F Meeting
5                        6                       7                   8                       9                        10                       11
6:00 a Pizza sale prep   7p Board of elders      7a Bible Study      9a All preschool        12:15p Worship           4p Plog/Mahlik           9am Men’s retreat;
7:45a Trad Worship                               8a OLM meeting      classes to Weidner      4p Fish fry prep         Wedding                  gym
8:30a Pizza pickup (by                           9a Bible study      12p Staff meeting       5p Plog/Mahlik           5:00 p Fish fry          3p Gym rental
noon!)                                           7p Choir practice   1p Knitting group       Wedding rehearsal
9:15a Praise worship                                                 3p Youth night          7p Trad worship
9:30a Sun school                                 NO PRESCHOOL        6p Praise band
10:30a Sun school
                                                                     6p Confirmation
teacher meeting
                                                                     6:30p Bible study
10:45a Trad worship
6:30p Basketball
12Communion              13                      14                  15                      16                       17                       18
Mite Box Sunday          6p Church council       7a Bible study      12p Staff meeting       12:15p Worship                                    2p Gym rental
7:45a Trad worship                               9a Bible study      3p Youth night          5:30p Talk ‘n Tour and
9:15am Praise worship                            6:30p Cub scouts    6p Praise band          adult Confirmation
9:15a Bible study        No Trinity Classes/     7p Choir practice   6p Confirmation         class
9:30a Sun school         In-Service                                  6:30p Bible study       7p Trad worship
10:30a Bible study
10:45aTrad worship
6:30p Basketball
19                       20                      21                  22 Ash Wednesday        23                       24                       25
7:45a Trad worship       7p Board of education   7a Bible study      12p Staff meeting       6p Praise band           6p Trinity science and   2p Gym rental
9:15a Praise worship                             8a OLM meeting      3p Youth night                                   art fair                 4p Taste of Trinity
w/SS assist                                      9a Bible study      4p Worship                                                                auction; Riverside
9:15a Bible study                                7p Choir practice   5p Dinner                                                                 Ballroom
9:30a Sun school                                                     5:20p Adult
10:30a Bible study                                                   Confirmation class
10:45a Trad worship                                                  6:30p Worship
6:30p Basketball
26Communion              27                      28                  29
Cinnamon Rolls           6:30p GBLSA Board       7a Bible Study      12p Staff meeting
7:45a Trad Worship       7:00 p Stewardship      9a Bible Study      3p Youth night
9:15a Praise Worship                             6:30p Cub Scouts    4p Worship
9:15a Bible Study                                7p Choir Practice   5p Luncheon
9:30a Sun School                                                     5:15p NYG2013 meeting
10:30a Bible Study                                                   5:20p Adult class
                                                                     6:30p Worship
10:45a Trad Worship
  6:30p Basketball
                                                                     Preschool In-Service
  Page 5

                        March usher schedule
   † UN-Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher please contact the lead usher of the
             group you'd like to join. Or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or e-mail

Day: Date:   Service:    Lead           Usher Team:
Sun.   04-Mar 7:45 am    M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun.   04-Mar 9:15 am    W. Chamberlain Randy and Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz
Sun.   04-Mar 10:45 am   M. Charles      Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Wed.   07-Mar 4:00 pm    R. Spangenberg (Youth )
Wed.   07-Mar 6:30 pm    C. Arthur       Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun.   11-Mar 7:45 am    M. Morgan       Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun.   11-Mar 9:15 am    D. Wians        Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun.   11-Mar 10:45 am   R. Bruhn        Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Wed.   14-Mar 4:00 pm    R. Spangenberg (Youth )
Wed.   14-Mar 6:30 pm    P. Kuehl        Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun.   18-Mar 7:45 am    A. Knaus        Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun.   18-Mar 9:15 am    R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun.   18-Mar 10:45 am   G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Wed.   21-Mar 4:00 pm    R. Spangenberg (Youth )
Wed.   21-Mar 6:30 pm    B. Clayton      Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun.   25-Mar 7:45 am    J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun.   25-Mar 9:15 am    D. Bitters      Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun.   25-Mar 10:45 am   M. Charles      Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Wed.   28-Mar 4:00 pm    R. Spangenberg (Youth )
Wed.   28-Mar 6:30 pm    C. Arthur       Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick

Bring a little spice to your life
       The next Spice of Life             can be purchased from                     at or
dinner will take place on                 Michelle in the office during             call at 920-360-7544. All
Saturday, March 24 with                   regular office hours. Tickets             proceeds of this event go
gymnasium doors opening at                will only be sold through                 toward the ministries of Our
6:00 p.m. A five course pasta             Sunday, Mar. 18.                          Saviour Lutheran Church.
dinner    will   be    served                     Entertainment      may
promptly at 6:30 p.m.                     include     musicians     from
       Dinner tickets cost $35            Northeast         Wisconsin
and drink tickets for $5 each             Lutheran High School.
with a two drink maximum.                         Want to help out?
They will be available to                 Meal and drink servers are
purchase Sunday, Feb. 19 in               still needed for the evening of
the Welcome Center. Tickets               the event. Please e-mail Avra
Our Saviour Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod

                                  OSLC business directory
     Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of
“The Voice Online” each month. If you would like to advertise please contact Michelle at
                   (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail at

         Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch
                         (920) 465-8118

       Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland
                        (920) 544-3614

      Church Office – Michelle Burhite
                        (920) 468-4065 Vol. 1 No. 2, February 2012; “The Voice Online” is published monthly
             by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of
                                            this publication may be reproduced without permission.
  Preschool Director – Christina Scholz Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke. The opinions
                         (920) 468-3596 expressed in this publication are not always reflective of the
         editor‟s views.
                                            Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions
                                            and comments at
                                            Thanks to those who have already commented!
  120 S. Henry Street                       I am always seeking more congregational input and
 Green Bay, WI 54302                        submissions.

   (920) 468-4065                           What do you want to read about?                     Submissions can be sent to

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  • 1. FEBRUARY 2012 VOLUME I, ISSUE 2 The Voice Online OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH—GREEN BAY It’s almost Groundhog Day; what does this mean? Pastor Dave Hatch We get stuck in our called, “Groundhog Day.” weatherman, he eventually routines. There are some days A weatherman is thinks he makes the weather. He that seem like they are a repeat reluctantly sent to cover a story is self-centered. of the prior one. One day is a about a weather forecasting He is stuck in his trap mirror of the previous. The "rat" (as he calls the until he begins to understand the alarm goes off at the same time. groundhog) in Punxsutawney, meaning of life. He must “get Every morning the Pennsylvania. This is his fourth out of himself” and his near-robotic run begins with year on the weather story at that selfishness and begin to see and turning off the alarm, winding location, and he makes no effort love the people around him. The the antique clock, making to hide his frustration. He does guy in the hallway each morning coffee, showering, unloading not want to be there. It’s has a name! He begins to see the dishwasher, making the routine! On awaking the their needs, looks into their lunches, racing against the clock “following” day, he discovers story, sees how he is not an and scooping up breakfast on that it's Groundhog Day again, observer in their lives, but a the run… The middle of the day and again and again. Each day participant. Only then is he set may include some variance. But repeats itself, one day identical free. Only then is each day a new the routine repeats itself during to the next. The alarm clock day. Only then can life go the evening: whip up a meal, do radio goes off playing the same forward and have rich meaning. the dishes, load the dishwasher, song. He bumps into the same catch up on the day, snag the person every morning in Continued on page two... news, find some diversion in a the hall. Throughout the book and head to the pillow. day … everyday … he When we repeat our routines sees the same people in day in and day out, weeks turn the same place doing the to months, months to years and same thing. First, he uses pretty soon we wonder, “Was this to his advantage, and this all there was to life?” Some then comes the realization folks get discouraged and feel that he is doomed to trapped, disillusioned, confused spend the rest of eternity and/or hopeless. Resignation in the same place, seeing sets in. the same people do the Do you ever feel that same thing every day. He way? There is a film about this is so full of himself, as a
  • 2. THE VOICE ONLINE Page 2 Confirmation students will be Lily Marie Wilber attending this presentation. All Born: October 28, 2011 QPR training at OSLC parents and other members of Baptized: January 8, 2012 The Brown County the congregation and the Daughter of Nathan and Suicide Prevention Coalition will community are welcome to Kristen Wilber present “Question, Persuade and attend. RSVPs would be Refer;” a suicide prevention class appreciated but not required by Lilly Ann Hill in the fellowship hall at OSLC calling (920) 468-4065. Born: July 24, 2011 on Wednesday, Feb. 8 from 6:00 Baptized: January 15, 2012 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. QPR refers to three simple steps that anyone OSLC Daughter of Tyler Hill and Kayla Pinchart can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in official acts Received her crown: CPR help save thousands of lives Arlene M. Mahlik each year, people trained in QPR February 20, 1944 - January 10, learn how to recognize the Baptisms: 2012 warning signs of a suicide crisis Funeral service held on and how to question, persuade Ariah Imani Lewis January 13, 2012 and refer someone to help. Each Born: July 6, 2011 year thousands of Americans, Baptized: December 24, 2011 like you, are saying "yes" to Daughter of Macciano and saving the life of a friend, Denise Lewis colleague, sibling or neighbor. … from page one. In our lives with Christ, message is thinking differently the master director places there is an application for us about routines. Difficult days before you today, and perhaps about our seemingly boring will come, that is a promise. “I different folks again tomorrow. routines. If we look at the people, have told you these things, so Celebrate the adventure, instead of the problems, if we that in me you may have peace. sharing the love of Christ in look at others’ needs instead of In this world you will have your daily walk not your our wants, we will begin to see trouble. But take heart! I have routine. each new day as an adventure. overcome the world,” John We will begin to see our purpose 16:33. in our story. Look at the folks This message is about around you. Are they there spotting special things in our randomly, or by His directive? otherwise routine lives. Seeing How might the love of Christ the loved ones, the needs and the shine through you today? Step open doors where we can out of routine thinking, and into display the love of Christ. the adventurous walk with Consider life as a stage Christ. Step out of the darkness as Shakespeare described, “All and into His marvelous light! the world's a stage, and all the This message is not about men and women merely easy street, a walk down that path players.” They have their exits only comes now and then. This and their entrances. Watch who
  • 3. FEBRUARY 2012 Page 3 Lenten schedule for your refrigerator Ash Wednesday* Wed. Feb. 22 4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m. Lenten service 1* ** Wed. Feb. 29 4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m. Lenten service 2* Wed. Mar. 7 4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m. Lenten service 3* Wed. Mar. 14 4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m. Lenten service 4* Wed. Mar. 21 4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m. Lenten service 5* Wed. Mar. 28 4:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m. Palm Sunday / Traditional Sun. Apr. 1 7:45 a.m. Palm Sunday / Praise Sun. Apr. 1 9:15 a.m. Palm Sunday / Children‟s Pageant Sun. Apr. 1 10:45 a.m. Easter egg hunt Sun. Apr. 1 11:45 a.m. Maundy Thursday Thu. Apr. 4 4:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday / Foot washing Thu. Apr. 4 5:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Thu. Apr. 4 6:30 p.m. Good Friday Fri. Apr. 5 12:15 p.m. Good Friday / Seven Words Vigil Fri. Apr. 5 Follows 12:15 p.m. service Good Friday Fri. Apr. 5 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday / Vigil of Darkness Sun. Apr. 8 5:00 a.m. Easter Sunday / Sunrise Service Sun. Apr. 8 6:00 a.m. Easter Sunday / Traditional Sun. Apr. 8 7:45 a.m. Easter Sunday / Praise Sun. Apr. 8 9:15 a.m. Easter Sunday / Traditional Sun. Apr. 8 10:45 a.m. * Dinner will be served in the gym at 5:00 p.m. each of these evenings . A free will offering will be accepted. ** There will be a National Youth Gathering informational meeting for youth and parents interested in attending or sending your child to San Antonio in July of 2013 during the meal. Wednesdays Lenten Bible study Adult instruction in the for Thursday, Apr.12 at 5:30 adult Confirmation on April 29 Christian faith will begin on p.m. at the 10:45 a.m. service; Thursday, Feb. 16, with a „talk Th es e Wed nes d ay membership after the class is -„n-tour‟ and the first topic, classes fit nicely between our not required. If you are “The Four Free Gifts.” After 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. interested in attending, this initial class, future classes Lenten services with a supper please RSVP to the church will be held on February 22 available to all at 5:00 p.m. office at 468 -4065 or and 29, March 7, 14, 21 and 28 All members and (all Wednesdays from 5:20 non-members are welcome to p.m. - 6:20 p.m.) and a attend. Non-members can make-up night is scheduled become members through
  • 4. Sunday Monday Tuesday FEBRUARY 2012 1 2 3 12p Staff Meeting 12:15p Worship 5:30 p LaLuzerne/ 4 2:00 p Gym Rental 3p Youth Night 7p Trad Worship Vogels Wedding 6p Praise Band rehearsal 3:00 p LaLuzerne/ Vogels Wedding 6p Confirmation 6:00 p Pizza prep/ 6:30p Youth Board youth movie night 7p P&F Meeting 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6:00 a Pizza sale prep 7p Board of elders 7a Bible Study 9a All preschool 12:15p Worship 4p Plog/Mahlik 9am Men’s retreat; 7:45a Trad Worship 8a OLM meeting classes to Weidner 4p Fish fry prep Wedding gym 8:30a Pizza pickup (by 9a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 5p Plog/Mahlik 5:00 p Fish fry 3p Gym rental noon!) 7p Choir practice 1p Knitting group Wedding rehearsal 9:15a Praise worship 3p Youth night 7p Trad worship 9:30a Sun school NO PRESCHOOL 6p Praise band 10:30a Sun school 6p Confirmation teacher meeting 6:30p Bible study 10:45a Trad worship 6:30p Basketball 12Communion 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mite Box Sunday 6p Church council 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 12:15p Worship 2p Gym rental 7:45a Trad worship 9a Bible study 3p Youth night 5:30p Talk ‘n Tour and 9:15am Praise worship 6:30p Cub scouts 6p Praise band adult Confirmation 9:15a Bible study No Trinity Classes/ 7p Choir practice 6p Confirmation class 9:30a Sun school In-Service 6:30p Bible study 7p Trad worship 10:30a Bible study 10:45aTrad worship 6:30p Basketball 19 20 21 22 Ash Wednesday 23 24 25 7:45a Trad worship 7p Board of education 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 6p Praise band 6p Trinity science and 2p Gym rental 9:15a Praise worship 8a OLM meeting 3p Youth night art fair 4p Taste of Trinity w/SS assist 9a Bible study 4p Worship auction; Riverside 9:15a Bible study 7p Choir practice 5p Dinner Ballroom 9:30a Sun school 5:20p Adult 10:30a Bible study Confirmation class 10:45a Trad worship 6:30p Worship 6:30p Basketball 26Communion 27 28 29 Cinnamon Rolls 6:30p GBLSA Board 7a Bible Study 12p Staff meeting 7:45a Trad Worship 7:00 p Stewardship 9a Bible Study 3p Youth night 9:15a Praise Worship 6:30p Cub Scouts 4p Worship 9:15a Bible Study 7p Choir Practice 5p Luncheon 9:30a Sun School 5:15p NYG2013 meeting 10:30a Bible Study 5:20p Adult class 6:30p Worship 10:45a Trad Worship 6:30p Basketball Preschool In-Service
  • 5. THE VOICE ONLINE Page 5 March usher schedule † UN-Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher please contact the lead usher of the group you'd like to join. Or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or e-mail Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Sun. 04-Mar 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 04-Mar 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy and Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz Sun. 04-Mar 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Wed. 07-Mar 4:00 pm R. Spangenberg (Youth ) Wed. 07-Mar 6:30 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 11-Mar 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 11-Mar 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 11-Mar 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Wed. 14-Mar 4:00 pm R. Spangenberg (Youth ) Wed. 14-Mar 6:30 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 18-Mar 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 18-Mar 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 18-Mar 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Wed. 21-Mar 4:00 pm R. Spangenberg (Youth ) Wed. 21-Mar 6:30 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 25-Mar 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 25-Mar 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 25-Mar 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Wed. 28-Mar 4:00 pm R. Spangenberg (Youth ) Wed. 28-Mar 6:30 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Bring a little spice to your life The next Spice of Life can be purchased from at or dinner will take place on Michelle in the office during call at 920-360-7544. All Saturday, March 24 with regular office hours. Tickets proceeds of this event go gymnasium doors opening at will only be sold through toward the ministries of Our 6:00 p.m. A five course pasta Sunday, Mar. 18. Saviour Lutheran Church. dinner will be served Entertainment may promptly at 6:30 p.m. include musicians from Dinner tickets cost $35 Northeast Wisconsin and drink tickets for $5 each Lutheran High School. with a two drink maximum. Want to help out? They will be available to Meal and drink servers are purchase Sunday, Feb. 19 in still needed for the evening of the Welcome Center. Tickets the event. Please e-mail Avra
  • 6. THE VOICE ONLINE Our Saviour Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod OSLC business directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of “The Voice Online” each month. If you would like to advertise please contact Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail at Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch (920) 465-8118 Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614 Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 Vol. 1 No. 2, February 2012; “The Voice Online” is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission. Preschool Director – Christina Scholz Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke. The opinions (920) 468-3596 expressed in this publication are not always reflective of the editor‟s views. Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions and comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! 120 S. Henry Street I am always seeking more congregational input and Green Bay, WI 54302 submissions. (920) 468-4065 What do you want to read about? Submissions can be sent to