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APRIL 2012                     VOLUME I, ISSUE 4

    The Voice Online

Prayer is stronger than steel
Pastor Dave Hatch

         Your cell phone is              Now see why they say,      Christians were the cause of
constantly communicating          “If you have communications,      his victory in battle
with the cell towers nearest      you have everything.”                     .
you whether you are talking,             You have an onboard                “The Emperor Cæsar
texting or its just in your       communication device that                 Marcus        Aurelius
pocket. If you are lost and       needs no batteries and is in              A n t o n i n u s ,
your phone is on, you can be      constant communication with               G e r m a n i c u s ,
located, while in the range of    headquarters. That device is              Parthicus, Sarmaticus,
one or more towers. You           prayer. Are you using it daily,           to the people of Rome,
have instant access to help,      or just keeping it for                    and to the sacred
and those who need it have        emergency backup?                         Senate greeting: I
instant access to you. It’s a            Here is a very stirring            explained to you my
lot of technology in a little     account of the power of                   grand design, and what
device. As they say, “If you      Christians at prayer. The                 advantages I gained on
have communications, you          author is the famous Roman                the     confines     of
have everything.”                 emperor, Marcus Aurelius                  Germany, with much
         Imagine a platoon in a   who came to power in Rome                 labour and suffering, in
jungle war zone. An enemy         in 160AD. The early Christian             consequence of the
sniper has one bullet. Who        church       was       being              circumstance that I
should he take out…the            persecuted. But in a                      was surrounded by the
platoon leader, or maybe          hazardous military setting,               enemy; I myself being
someone else in the group?        when the Roman “platoon                   shut up in Carnuntum
Initial logic says the leader.    leader” was in a bad spot, the            by 74 cohorts, nine
Reconsidering this, new logic     Christians engaged their                  miles off. And the
says take out the radioman.       onboard communication                     enemy being at hand,
If you take out the leader,       device called prayer, and                 the scouts pointed out
you lost leadership. If you       assisted Marcus Aurelius. He              to us, and our general
take out the radioman, you        was a changed man after                   Pompeianus showed
take out backup. Backup           what      he     saw     and              us that there was close
could mean the calling for a      experienced. Let’s let Marcus             on us a mass of a
rescue, reinforcements,           Aurelius tell us in his own               mixed multitude of
artillery, bombers, and in        words.                                    977,000 men, which
short, the rest of the entire                   Here you can                indeed we saw;
armed forces. They can all        read the Epistle of Marcus
be reached through that           Aurelius to the senate, in
radioman’s device.                which he testifies that the
                                                                    Continued on page three...
   Page 2
                                 Third Ladies                    OSLC softball
                                 Luncheon likely to              season resumes
OSLC                             make another                    residing in new
official acts                    lasting impression              home

                                        The Ladies Luncheon              Our Saviour Lutheran
Baptisms:                        has become a staple event       Church will be joining the
                                 for the past couple years       Christian Softball League
Riley Kelly Charles              and we are looking forward      once again this year.
Born: October 9, 2011            to seeing you at the third      Players will have the
Baptized: February 19, 2012      Ladies ’    Luncheon      on    opportunity to play on a
Son of Kelly and Misti Charles   Saturday, May 12. The cost is   competitive team and/or a
                                 $12 per person. This            not so competitive team.
                                 includes entertainment and              Anyone with the
Bruce Wayne Ashmore III          lunch.                          desire to join the fun this
Born: January 27, 2012                  This year we are very    year is asked to contact
Baptized: March 7, 2012          happy to host Stage One, a      C o a c h          D a s h
Son of Bruce and Melody          group of 16 auditioned          (aka     Steve      Rusch)
                                 voices from the student         at or
                                 body of Northeast Wisconsin     by phone at (920) 406-
                                 Lutheran High School. The       9077. With the unseasona-
                                 group will perform at 11:00     bly warm weather, the prac-
Temperance Grace Siekmann                                        tices may begin earlier than
Born: January 16, 2012           a.m. and the luncheon will
                                                                 usual so get on the roster
Baptized: March 10, 2012         follow.
                                                                 now and avoid the rush
Daughter of Christopher and             Pleas e    RSV P   to
                                                                 later. The new home for
                                 Michelle in the office at
Carly Siekmann                                                   the league games is
                                 (920) 468-4065, by e-mail at
                                                                 Ashwaubenon          Sports
                        or in
                                                                 Complex at 1680 Fernando
                                 person during regular office
Brayden Mitchell Brisson                                         Dri ve . T h is com p le x
                                 hours (Monday through           includes four softball fields.
Born: January 12, 2012
                                 Friday from 8:00 a.m. to        This complex does not allow
Baptized: March 11, 2012         12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to
Son of Steve and Hope Brisson                                    pets, so please plan
                                 4:30 p.m.). Checks can be       accordingly.
                                 made payable to Our
                                 Saviour     with    ‘Ladies’
                                 Luncheon’ written in the
                                 memo line. Reservations
                                 should be made no later
                                 than Monday, May 7.
… from page one.                   and famine. For during              burned alive. And I
                                   five days we had got no             further desire, that he
     and I was shut up by          water, because there                who is entrusted with the
     this vast host, having        was none; for we were               government of the
     with me only a battalion      in the heart of Germany,            p ro vin ce sha ll no t
     composed of the first,        and in the enemy’s                  compel the Christian,
     tenth, double and             territory.           And            who confesses and
     marine legions. Having        simultaneously with their           certifies such a matter, to
     then examined my own          casting themselves on               retract; neither shall he
     position, and my host,        the ground, and praying             commit him. And I desire
     with respect to the vast      to God (a God of whom I             that these things be
     mass of barbarians and        am ignorant), water                 confirmed by a decree of
     of the enemy, I quickly       poured from heaven,                 the Senate. And I
     betook myself to prayer       upon        us      most            command this my edict
     to the gods of my             refreshingly cool, but              to be published in the
     country. But being            upon the enemies of                 Forum of Trajan, in order
     disregarded by them, I        Rome a withering hail.              that it may be read. The
     summoned those who            And immediately we                  prefect Vitrasius Pollio
     among us go by the            recognized the presence             will see that it be
     name of Christians. And       of God following on the             transmitted to all the
     having made inquiry, I        prayer        —a     God            provinces round about,
     discovered a great            u n con qu e rab le an d            and that no one who
     number and vast host of       indestructible. Founding            wishes to make use of or
     them, and raged               upon this, then, let us             to possess it be hindered
     against them, which           pardon such as are                  from obtaining a copy
     was by no means               Christians, lest they pray          from the document I now
     becoming;           for       for and obtain such a               publish.”
     afterwards I learned          weapon          against
     their power. Wherefore        ourselves. And I counsel             Wow! This rich account
     they began the battle,        that no such person be        is moving!
     not by preparing              accused on the ground                Your prayers, alone or in
     weapons, nor arms, nor        of his being a Christian.     unison with others, are not only
     bugles; for such              But if anyone be found        powerful, but they have the
     preparation is hateful to     laying to the charge of a     possible effect of a life
     them, on account of the       Christian that he is a        changing witness to those for
     God they bear about in        Christian, I desire that it   whom you pray. Remember, “if
     their conscience.             be made manifest that         you have communications, you
     Therefore it is probable      he who is accused as a        have everything.”
     that those, whom we           Christian, and
     suppose to be atheists,       acknowledges
     have God as their ruling      that he is one, is
     power entrenched in           accused          of
     their conscience. For         nothing else than
     having cast themselves        only this, that he
     on the ground, they           is a     Christian;
     prayed not only for me,       but that he who
     but also for the whole        arraigns him be
     army as it stood, that
     they might be delivered     Prayer is stronger armor
     from the present thirst                    than steel*
APRIL 2012
                                                                         Page 4

           Special service days and events;
                   April through May 2012
Palm Sunday traditional worship         Sun.    Apr.   1    7:45 a.m.
Palm Sunday praise worship              Sun.    Apr.   1    9:15 a.m.
Palm Sunday / children’s pageant        Sun.    Apr.   1    10:45 a.m.
Sunday School Easter egg hunt           Sun.    Apr.   1    11:45 a.m.
Maundy Thursday                         Thu.    Apr.   5    4:00 p.m.
Supper served by GB Trinity             Thu.    Apr.   5    5:00 p.m.
Maundy Thursday / foot washing          Thu.    Apr.   5    5:30 p.m.
Maundy Thursday                         Thu.    Apr.   5    6:30 p.m.
Good Friday                             Fri.    Apr.   6    12:15 p.m.
Good Friday / Seven Words Vigil         Fri.    Apr.   6    Follows 12:15 pm service
Good Friday                             Fri.    Apr. 6      7:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday / Silent Vigil            Sun.    Apr. 8      5:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday / sunrise service         Sun.    Apr. 8      6:00 a.m.
Easter Sunday / traditional             Sun.    Apr. 8      7:45 a.m.
Easter Sunday / praise                  Sun.    Apr.   8    9:15 a.m.
Easter Sunday / traditional             Sun.    Apr.   8    10:45 a.m.
Fish fry                                Fri.    Apr.   13   5:00 p.m.
2nd & 3rd graders receive Bible/        Sun.    Apr.   29   9:15 a.m.
Adult confirmation                      Sun.    Apr. 29     10:45 a.m.
Fish fry                                Fri.    May 11      5:00 p.m.
Ladies’ Luncheon                        Sat.    May 12      11:00 a.m.
Mothers’ Day                            Sun.    May 13      All Day
Last Day of MWF preschool               Mon.    May 14      8:30 a.m.
Last Day of T-Th preschool              Tues.   May 15      8:30 a.m.
Kids’ Only Rummage Sale                 Sat.    May 19      8:00 a.m.
Last Day of Sunday School               Sun.    May 20      9:30 a.m.
Servant Sunday Potluck with             Sun.    May 20      10:30 a.m.
Sunday School Ice Cream Social
Green Bay Trinity school musical        Sun.    May 20      6:30 p.m.
Green Bay Trinity Graduation at OSLC;   Thur.   May 31      7:00 p.m.
during worship service
     Page 5

                          May usher schedule
   † UN -Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you'd
           like to join. Or, contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or by e-mail:

Day: Date:   Service:   Lead         Usher Team:
Thu. 03-May             7:00 pm      C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun. 06-May             7:45 am      A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun. 06-May             9:15 am      D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis
                                     LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun. 06-May             10:45 am     R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu. 10-May             7:00 pm      P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun. 13-May             7:45 am      J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun. 13-May             9:15 am      R. Vande Hei     Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea
                                     VandeHei; Rachel VandeHei
Sun. 13-May             10:45 am     G. Buechner      Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King;
                                     Rich Spangenberg
Thu. 17-May             7:00 pm      B. Clayton       Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun. 20-May             7:45 am      M. Dalebroux     Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun. 20-May             9:15 am      D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly
                                     Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Thu. 24-May             7:00 pm      C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun. 27-May             7:45 am      M. Morgan        Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun. 27-May             9:15 am      W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain;
                                     McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz
Sun. 27-May             10:45 am     M. Charles       Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Thu. 31-May             7:00 pm      P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN

                                     Spotlight on the second Spice of Life Dinner;
                                     An Escape through Europe
                                     Maps and European flags adorned the
                                     tables and décor. Center pieces were
                                     donated by Karen Breitlow and table
                                     linens and glass wear by Lynn Wians.

From left: Shelley Williams, Mary
Kaminski, Bernice Machut, Carol
Siech: The evening’s fine servers.

Elisebeth Hovland (left) and
Cindy Fosheim (right) perform
throughout the evening for
dinner music. A handful of
talented NEWLHS students
performed for the Spice of Life
dinner guests.
APRIL 2012
                                                                                                  Page 6

The second Spice of Life dinner an international delight
               The second Spice         have happened without the extra       giving me the means to turn that
of Life fundraising dinner was a        efforts of two very special           huge gym into a small intimate
rousing success.      Good food         members of our congregation:          space. It truly made the mood a
(bruschetta, a spinach, red onion,      Avra Juhnke, for her wonderful        memorable one.
mandarin orange, and kalamata           work creating a very intimate and             A huge thanks to the
olive salad, cheese tortellini with     European evening right there in       music students of Northeastern
chicken and cremini in a                our gym, and my wife, Marlys          Wisconsin Lutheran High School,
homemade spinach Alfredo sauce,         Brunsting, for her tireless efforts   Elisebeth and Katherine Hovland,
and butterscotch pot de crème for       in helping me pull off things like    Molly Raduenz, Nina Radue and
dessert), good wine and great           this.                                 Jordan Lloyd as well as their
fellowship all added up to a very              But most of all, my thanks     director Cindy Foshiem for
                                                               go to all      blessing us with beautiful
                                                               t    h     e   background music. Lydia Rusch
                                                               members        also deserves a thank you for
                                                               of       the   providing childcare to any of the
                                                               congrega-      dinner guests who needed it.
                                                               tion who       Maybe we will get some kids next
                                                               turned out     time, Lydia.
                                                               in support             Larry, this dinner would be
                                                               of      this   nothing without you. I appreciate
                                                               event.     I   the freedom you give me to be
                                                               can only       creative and do what I love to do.
                                                               hope that      And I can always appreciate a
                                                               y o        u   delicious meal. I look forward to
                                                               enjoyed        the next one.
                                                               t    h     e           – Avra J. Juhnke

memorable meal.                         evening      as
        Special thanks to all the       much as I did.
people who helped make this             — L a r r y
happen, including chefs Greg            Segriff
Ammerman and Bryan Rao and all
the kitchen workers (Donna
Arthur and Julie Hazaert), as well
as to the terrific servers and set-up          Well
folks (Shawn Schmitting, Ryan           said Larry. I
Kaczmerek, Joan Juhnke, Lynn            have a few
Wians (who also donated the             more      thank
Eiffel tower), Shelley Williams,        yous to add. I
Mary Kaminski, Bernice Machut,          w o u l d
Carol Seich, and Pastor Greg            especially like
Hovland).                               to thank Gay
        And this simply couldn’t        Pivonka      for
APRIL 2012

S’more about Camp Luther                                                                                                 Page 7

                                                                                                      CAMP LUTHER 2012
                                                 CALENDAR – On Sale Now!! The 2012 Camp Luther calendar contains 12
                                                 gorgeous photos of Camp Luther taken by photographers competing in our
                                                 2nd annual photo contest. Calendars are available NOW, the cost is $5 each,
                                                 plus $2 for shipping/handling. Send your check to 1889 Koubenec Road,
                                                 Three Lakes, WI 54562 or order online through the link on the Camp Luther
                                                 homepage. Quantities are limited, so order today. Calendar months go
                                                 through January 2013, so you still get almost a full year’s worth!! Thank you
                                                 to everyone who contributed photos.

Spring Workbee Weekend, April 27-29 or May 18-20 or WEEK OF FISHING AND GOLF! The retreat is May 15
just call to set up another time to volunteer. Workbees  -18. 3 nights in a cottage, 7 meals, guest speakers and
are great fun for adults and families. Workbee runs from plenty of time for fishing and golfing. Only $135—even
Friday evening through Sunday lunch. It’s FREE, and      lower if you come with a group of 4 or more!
it’s a great way to give back as a family and help
                                                     FATHER/SON AND MOTHER/DAUGHTER
children learn about Christian service. Join us this year!
                                                     CANOE ADVENTURES! Relish some one on one time
GRANDPARENTS!! When was the last time you            with your child this summer and experience an adventure
had meaningful one-on-one time with your grandchild?
                                                     together in the process. Camping, devotions, fun and
Spend that special time away at Camp Luther this
summer at GrandKids Camp, June 22-24 or Aug 10-12. fellowship plus time away from the distractions of life.
                                                     Join the canoe adventures August 9-12.
GREAT DAY OF GOLF! The Camp Luther Golf              TOGETHER!! This retreat is a perfect service opportunity
Challenge is set for June 8 at the Northwood Golf Club             for your youth group and is a wonderful way to strengthen
in Rhinelander. NEW this year, Competitive Division                faith through service. There are fun and meaningful projects to
and Hackers Division! Great prizes and lunch provided.             complete at Camp, plus devotions and activities lead by Camp
Free housing at camp. Each foursome is asked to raise              Luther staff. Bring your youth group to meet others at the Side
$800 for camp. Proceeds to retire the mortgage at camp.            by Side Retreat – May 4-5.
                                                                   CHOOSE CAMP LUTHER WITH YOUR
 You can find more information                                     THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS!! It’s easy and it
                                                                   benefits Camp Luther and Every Kid to Camp! Log on to
and register for these events and                         or call 800-THRIVENT
 camps at                                       (800-847-4836) and get started TODAY!! Eligibility is
                                                                   established by Thrivent and by your premiums, account values
                                                                   and volunteer leadership! You simply go online and they do
SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION IS                                        the rest. THANK YOU for giving to Camp Luther!!
OPEN!! Visit to
register online or watch our video!! Camp Luther              JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!!
has an exciting summer planned for children K-                We now have over 1750 likes
12. Registrations are pouring into Camp, so                   on Facebook, so join us there
register now to get the village you want on the               to hear what’s happening at
week you want. “Witness” from Acts 1:8 is our                 Camp, to share memories and
theme for this summer!! Struggling financially                to spread the word about the
this year? Ask about our Campership program                   ministry and joy that is Camp
(online: Summer Camps: Summer Camp Corner.)                   Luther.
Camp Luther is a ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up the Body of Christ for service to the church and
witness to the world. Camp Luther/1889 Koubenec Road/Three Lakes, WI 54562/877-264-CAMP "Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the
North Wisconsin District LCMS."
Sunday                 Monday                 Tuesday            Wednesday              Thursday
                                                                                                                                     APRIL 2012
1 Communion            2                       3
Palm Sunday            7p Elders               7p Spring general
                                                                   4                      5 Maundy Thursday      6 Good Friday         7
                                                                   12p Staff meeting      4p Worship             12p Office closes     2p Gym rental
7:45aTrad Worship                              election 6:30a
9:15a Praise Worship                           7a Bible study      6p Praise band         5p Supper              12:15p Worship
                                                                   6:30p FPU              5:30p Foot washing     w/ 7 words vigil
9:15a Bible Study                              8a OLM meeting
                                                                   7p P&F                 6:30p Worship          7p Tenebrae worship
9:30a Sun School                               9a Bible study
10:30a Bible Study                             7p Choir practice
10:45a SS Lenten
                                                                                                                 NO TRINITY OR
                                                                                                                 PRESCHOOL CLASSES
11:45a Easter
6:30p Basketball
8 Easter               9                       10                  11                     12                     13                    14
Communion              6p Church council       7a Bible study      12p Staff meeting      12:15p Worship         2p Busch/Tessmann
Mite Box Sunday                                9a Bible study      3p Youth night         4p Fish fry prep       wedding
5a Silent Vigil                                6:30p Cub scouts    6pPraise Band          5p Busch/Tessmann      5p Fish fry
6a Sunrise             NO TRINITY OR           7p Choir practice   6p Confirmation        wedding rehearsal
7:45a Trad Worship     PRESCHOOL CLASSES                           6:15p Youth board      5:30p Adult
9:15a Praise Worship                                               6:30p FPU              Confirmation make up
                                                                                          7p Trad worship
10:45a Trad Worship
6:30p Basketball
15                     16                      17                  18                     19                     20                    21
7:45a Trad worship     7p Board of education   7a Bible study      12p Staff Meeting      12:15p Worship         3p Smurawa/Nash
9:15a Praise worship                           8a OLM meeting      3pYouth Night          5:30p Smurawa/Nash     wedding
9:15a Bible study                              9a Bible study      6p Praise Band         wedding rehearsal
9:30a Sun school                               7p Choir practice   6p Confirmation        7p Trad worship
10:30a Bible study                                                 6:30p FPU
10:45a Trad worship                                                6:30p Sr. high Bible
6:30p Basketball                                                   study
22 Communion           23                      24                  25                     26                     27                    28
Cinnamon Rolls         6:30p GBLSA             7a Bible study      12p Staff Meeting      12:15p Worship
7:45a Trad worship     7p Stewardship          9a Bible study      3p Youth Night         7p Trad worship
9:15a Praise worship                           6:30p Cub scouts    6p Praise Band
9:30a Sun school                               7p Choir practice   6p Confirmation
10:45a Trad worship                                                6:30p FPU
w/ Holy Babtism                                                    6:30p Sr. high Bible
6:30p Basketball                                                   study
29 Concordia Sunday    30
7:45a Trad worship
9:15a Praise worship
9:15a Bible study
9:30a Sun school
10:30a Bible study
10:45a Trad worship
w/Adult Confirmation
6:30p Basketball
Our Saviour Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod

                                        OSLC business directory
     Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of
“The Voice Online” each month. If you would like to advertise please contact Michelle at
                   (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail at

                                             *Photo credits:
         Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch
                                        Page 3:
                         (920) 465-8118 images/roman-army-04.jpg
                                             Page 5 and 6: Shelley Williams
        Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland
                         (920) 544-3614

       Church Office – Michelle Burhite
                                        Vol. 1 No. 4, April 2012; “The Voice Online” is published monthly by
                         (920) 468-4065 Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this
              publication may be reproduced without permission.
                                             Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke.
  Preschool Director – Christina Scholz The opinions expressed in this publication are not always
                         (920) 468-3596 reflective of the editor’s views.
         Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions
                                             and comments at
                                             Thanks to those who have already commented!
  120 S. Henry Street                        I am always seeking more congregational input and
 Green Bay, WI 54302                         submissions.

                                             What do you want to read about?
   (920) 468-4065                            Submissions can be sent to

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  • 1. APRIL 2012 VOLUME I, ISSUE 4 The Voice Online OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH—GREEN BAY Prayer is stronger than steel Pastor Dave Hatch Your cell phone is Now see why they say, Christians were the cause of constantly communicating “If you have communications, his victory in battle with the cell towers nearest you have everything.” . you whether you are talking, You have an onboard “The Emperor Cæsar texting or its just in your communication device that Marcus Aurelius pocket. If you are lost and needs no batteries and is in A n t o n i n u s , your phone is on, you can be constant communication with G e r m a n i c u s , located, while in the range of headquarters. That device is Parthicus, Sarmaticus, one or more towers. You prayer. Are you using it daily, to the people of Rome, have instant access to help, or just keeping it for and to the sacred and those who need it have emergency backup? Senate greeting: I instant access to you. It’s a Here is a very stirring explained to you my lot of technology in a little account of the power of grand design, and what device. As they say, “If you Christians at prayer. The advantages I gained on have communications, you author is the famous Roman the confines of have everything.” emperor, Marcus Aurelius Germany, with much Imagine a platoon in a who came to power in Rome labour and suffering, in jungle war zone. An enemy in 160AD. The early Christian consequence of the sniper has one bullet. Who church was being circumstance that I should he take out…the persecuted. But in a was surrounded by the platoon leader, or maybe hazardous military setting, enemy; I myself being someone else in the group? when the Roman “platoon shut up in Carnuntum Initial logic says the leader. leader” was in a bad spot, the by 74 cohorts, nine Reconsidering this, new logic Christians engaged their miles off. And the says take out the radioman. onboard communication enemy being at hand, If you take out the leader, device called prayer, and the scouts pointed out you lost leadership. If you assisted Marcus Aurelius. He to us, and our general take out the radioman, you was a changed man after Pompeianus showed take out backup. Backup what he saw and us that there was close could mean the calling for a experienced. Let’s let Marcus on us a mass of a rescue, reinforcements, Aurelius tell us in his own mixed multitude of artillery, bombers, and in words. 977,000 men, which short, the rest of the entire Here you can indeed we saw; armed forces. They can all read the Epistle of Marcus be reached through that Aurelius to the senate, in radioman’s device. which he testifies that the Continued on page three...
  • 2. THE VOICE ONLINE Page 2 Third Ladies OSLC softball Luncheon likely to season resumes OSLC make another residing in new official acts lasting impression home The Ladies Luncheon Our Saviour Lutheran Baptisms: has become a staple event Church will be joining the for the past couple years Christian Softball League Riley Kelly Charles and we are looking forward once again this year. Born: October 9, 2011 to seeing you at the third Players will have the Baptized: February 19, 2012 Ladies ’ Luncheon on opportunity to play on a Son of Kelly and Misti Charles Saturday, May 12. The cost is competitive team and/or a $12 per person. This not so competitive team. includes entertainment and Anyone with the Bruce Wayne Ashmore III lunch. desire to join the fun this Born: January 27, 2012 This year we are very year is asked to contact Baptized: March 7, 2012 happy to host Stage One, a C o a c h D a s h Son of Bruce and Melody group of 16 auditioned (aka Steve Rusch) voices from the student at or Ashmore body of Northeast Wisconsin by phone at (920) 406- Lutheran High School. The 9077. With the unseasona- group will perform at 11:00 bly warm weather, the prac- Temperance Grace Siekmann tices may begin earlier than Born: January 16, 2012 a.m. and the luncheon will usual so get on the roster Baptized: March 10, 2012 follow. now and avoid the rush Daughter of Christopher and Pleas e RSV P to later. The new home for Michelle in the office at Carly Siekmann the league games is (920) 468-4065, by e-mail at Ashwaubenon Sports or in Complex at 1680 Fernando person during regular office Brayden Mitchell Brisson Dri ve . T h is com p le x hours (Monday through includes four softball fields. Born: January 12, 2012 Friday from 8:00 a.m. to This complex does not allow Baptized: March 11, 2012 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to Son of Steve and Hope Brisson pets, so please plan 4:30 p.m.). Checks can be accordingly. made payable to Our Saviour with ‘Ladies’ Luncheon’ written in the memo line. Reservations should be made no later than Monday, May 7.
  • 3. … from page one. and famine. For during burned alive. And I five days we had got no further desire, that he and I was shut up by water, because there who is entrusted with the this vast host, having was none; for we were government of the with me only a battalion in the heart of Germany, p ro vin ce sha ll no t composed of the first, and in the enemy’s compel the Christian, tenth, double and territory. And who confesses and marine legions. Having simultaneously with their certifies such a matter, to then examined my own casting themselves on retract; neither shall he position, and my host, the ground, and praying commit him. And I desire with respect to the vast to God (a God of whom I that these things be mass of barbarians and am ignorant), water confirmed by a decree of of the enemy, I quickly poured from heaven, the Senate. And I betook myself to prayer upon us most command this my edict to the gods of my refreshingly cool, but to be published in the country. But being upon the enemies of Forum of Trajan, in order disregarded by them, I Rome a withering hail. that it may be read. The summoned those who And immediately we prefect Vitrasius Pollio among us go by the recognized the presence will see that it be name of Christians. And of God following on the transmitted to all the having made inquiry, I prayer —a God provinces round about, discovered a great u n con qu e rab le an d and that no one who number and vast host of indestructible. Founding wishes to make use of or them, and raged upon this, then, let us to possess it be hindered against them, which pardon such as are from obtaining a copy was by no means Christians, lest they pray from the document I now becoming; for for and obtain such a publish.” afterwards I learned weapon against their power. Wherefore ourselves. And I counsel Wow! This rich account they began the battle, that no such person be is moving! not by preparing accused on the ground Your prayers, alone or in weapons, nor arms, nor of his being a Christian. unison with others, are not only bugles; for such But if anyone be found powerful, but they have the preparation is hateful to laying to the charge of a possible effect of a life them, on account of the Christian that he is a changing witness to those for God they bear about in Christian, I desire that it whom you pray. Remember, “if their conscience. be made manifest that you have communications, you Therefore it is probable he who is accused as a have everything.” that those, whom we Christian, and suppose to be atheists, acknowledges have God as their ruling that he is one, is power entrenched in accused of their conscience. For nothing else than having cast themselves only this, that he on the ground, they is a Christian; prayed not only for me, but that he who but also for the whole arraigns him be army as it stood, that they might be delivered Prayer is stronger armor from the present thirst than steel*
  • 4. APRIL 2012 Page 4 Special service days and events; April through May 2012 Palm Sunday traditional worship Sun. Apr. 1 7:45 a.m. Palm Sunday praise worship Sun. Apr. 1 9:15 a.m. Palm Sunday / children’s pageant Sun. Apr. 1 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Easter egg hunt Sun. Apr. 1 11:45 a.m. Maundy Thursday Thu. Apr. 5 4:00 p.m. Supper served by GB Trinity Thu. Apr. 5 5:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday / foot washing Thu. Apr. 5 5:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Thu. Apr. 5 6:30 p.m. Good Friday Fri. Apr. 6 12:15 p.m. Good Friday / Seven Words Vigil Fri. Apr. 6 Follows 12:15 pm service Good Friday Fri. Apr. 6 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday / Silent Vigil Sun. Apr. 8 5:00 a.m. Easter Sunday / sunrise service Sun. Apr. 8 6:00 a.m. Easter Sunday / traditional Sun. Apr. 8 7:45 a.m. Easter Sunday / praise Sun. Apr. 8 9:15 a.m. Easter Sunday / traditional Sun. Apr. 8 10:45 a.m. Fish fry Fri. Apr. 13 5:00 p.m. 2nd & 3rd graders receive Bible/ Sun. Apr. 29 9:15 a.m. Catechism Adult confirmation Sun. Apr. 29 10:45 a.m. Fish fry Fri. May 11 5:00 p.m. Ladies’ Luncheon Sat. May 12 11:00 a.m. Mothers’ Day Sun. May 13 All Day Last Day of MWF preschool Mon. May 14 8:30 a.m. Last Day of T-Th preschool Tues. May 15 8:30 a.m. Kids’ Only Rummage Sale Sat. May 19 8:00 a.m. Last Day of Sunday School Sun. May 20 9:30 a.m. Servant Sunday Potluck with Sun. May 20 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Ice Cream Social Green Bay Trinity school musical Sun. May 20 6:30 p.m. Green Bay Trinity Graduation at OSLC; Thur. May 31 7:00 p.m. during worship service
  • 5. THE VOICE ONLINE Page 5 May usher schedule † UN -Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the lead usher of the group you'd like to join. Or, contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or by e-mail: Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Thu. 03-May 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 06-May 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 06-May 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 06-May 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 10-May 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 13-May 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 13-May 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea VandeHei; Rachel VandeHei Sun. 13-May 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 17-May 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 20-May 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 20-May 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Thu. 24-May 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 27-May 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 27-May 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz Sun. 27-May 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 31-May 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Spotlight on the second Spice of Life Dinner; An Escape through Europe Maps and European flags adorned the tables and décor. Center pieces were donated by Karen Breitlow and table linens and glass wear by Lynn Wians. From left: Shelley Williams, Mary Kaminski, Bernice Machut, Carol Siech: The evening’s fine servers. Elisebeth Hovland (left) and Cindy Fosheim (right) perform throughout the evening for dinner music. A handful of talented NEWLHS students performed for the Spice of Life dinner guests.
  • 6. APRIL 2012 Page 6 The second Spice of Life dinner an international delight The second Spice have happened without the extra giving me the means to turn that of Life fundraising dinner was a efforts of two very special huge gym into a small intimate rousing success. Good food members of our congregation: space. It truly made the mood a (bruschetta, a spinach, red onion, Avra Juhnke, for her wonderful memorable one. mandarin orange, and kalamata work creating a very intimate and A huge thanks to the olive salad, cheese tortellini with European evening right there in music students of Northeastern chicken and cremini in a our gym, and my wife, Marlys Wisconsin Lutheran High School, homemade spinach Alfredo sauce, Brunsting, for her tireless efforts Elisebeth and Katherine Hovland, and butterscotch pot de crème for in helping me pull off things like Molly Raduenz, Nina Radue and dessert), good wine and great this. Jordan Lloyd as well as their fellowship all added up to a very But most of all, my thanks director Cindy Foshiem for go to all blessing us with beautiful t h e background music. Lydia Rusch members also deserves a thank you for of the providing childcare to any of the congrega- dinner guests who needed it. tion who Maybe we will get some kids next turned out time, Lydia. in support Larry, this dinner would be of this nothing without you. I appreciate event. I the freedom you give me to be can only creative and do what I love to do. hope that And I can always appreciate a y o u delicious meal. I look forward to enjoyed the next one. t h e – Avra J. Juhnke memorable meal. evening as Special thanks to all the much as I did. people who helped make this — L a r r y happen, including chefs Greg Segriff Ammerman and Bryan Rao and all the kitchen workers (Donna Arthur and Julie Hazaert), as well as to the terrific servers and set-up Well folks (Shawn Schmitting, Ryan said Larry. I Kaczmerek, Joan Juhnke, Lynn have a few Wians (who also donated the more thank Eiffel tower), Shelley Williams, yous to add. I Mary Kaminski, Bernice Machut, w o u l d Carol Seich, and Pastor Greg especially like Hovland). to thank Gay And this simply couldn’t Pivonka for
  • 7. APRIL 2012 S’more about Camp Luther Page 7 CAMP LUTHER 2012 CALENDAR – On Sale Now!! The 2012 Camp Luther calendar contains 12 gorgeous photos of Camp Luther taken by photographers competing in our 2nd annual photo contest. Calendars are available NOW, the cost is $5 each, plus $2 for shipping/handling. Send your check to 1889 Koubenec Road, Three Lakes, WI 54562 or order online through the link on the Camp Luther homepage. Quantities are limited, so order today. Calendar months go through January 2013, so you still get almost a full year’s worth!! Thank you to everyone who contributed photos. VOLUNTEER AT CAMP LUTHER! Join us for a GET AWAY WITH THE GUYS FOR A GREAT Spring Workbee Weekend, April 27-29 or May 18-20 or WEEK OF FISHING AND GOLF! The retreat is May 15 just call to set up another time to volunteer. Workbees -18. 3 nights in a cottage, 7 meals, guest speakers and are great fun for adults and families. Workbee runs from plenty of time for fishing and golfing. Only $135—even Friday evening through Sunday lunch. It’s FREE, and lower if you come with a group of 4 or more! it’s a great way to give back as a family and help FATHER/SON AND MOTHER/DAUGHTER children learn about Christian service. Join us this year! CANOE ADVENTURES! Relish some one on one time GRANDPARENTS!! When was the last time you with your child this summer and experience an adventure had meaningful one-on-one time with your grandchild? together in the process. Camping, devotions, fun and Spend that special time away at Camp Luther this summer at GrandKids Camp, June 22-24 or Aug 10-12. fellowship plus time away from the distractions of life. Join the canoe adventures August 9-12. GET YOUR FOURSOME TOGETHER FOR A YOUTH GROUPS SERVING AT CAMP LUTHER GREAT DAY OF GOLF! The Camp Luther Golf TOGETHER!! This retreat is a perfect service opportunity Challenge is set for June 8 at the Northwood Golf Club for your youth group and is a wonderful way to strengthen in Rhinelander. NEW this year, Competitive Division faith through service. There are fun and meaningful projects to and Hackers Division! Great prizes and lunch provided. complete at Camp, plus devotions and activities lead by Camp Free housing at camp. Each foursome is asked to raise Luther staff. Bring your youth group to meet others at the Side $800 for camp. Proceeds to retire the mortgage at camp. by Side Retreat – May 4-5. CHOOSE CAMP LUTHER WITH YOUR You can find more information THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS!! It’s easy and it benefits Camp Luther and Every Kid to Camp! Log on to and register for these events and or call 800-THRIVENT camps at (800-847-4836) and get started TODAY!! Eligibility is established by Thrivent and by your premiums, account values and volunteer leadership! You simply go online and they do SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION IS the rest. THANK YOU for giving to Camp Luther!! OPEN!! Visit to register online or watch our video!! Camp Luther JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!! has an exciting summer planned for children K- We now have over 1750 likes 12. Registrations are pouring into Camp, so on Facebook, so join us there register now to get the village you want on the to hear what’s happening at week you want. “Witness” from Acts 1:8 is our Camp, to share memories and theme for this summer!! Struggling financially to spread the word about the this year? Ask about our Campership program ministry and joy that is Camp (online: Summer Camps: Summer Camp Corner.) Luther. Camp Luther is a ministry of the North Wisconsin District-LCMS. Our mission is to build up the Body of Christ for service to the church and witness to the world. Camp Luther/1889 Koubenec Road/Three Lakes, WI 54562/877-264-CAMP "Camp Luther is a subsidiary ministry of the North Wisconsin District LCMS."
  • 8. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday APRIL 2012 1 Communion 2 3 Palm Sunday 7p Elders 7p Spring general 4 5 Maundy Thursday 6 Good Friday 7 12p Staff meeting 4p Worship 12p Office closes 2p Gym rental 7:45aTrad Worship election 6:30a 9:15a Praise Worship 7a Bible study 6p Praise band 5p Supper 12:15p Worship 6:30p FPU 5:30p Foot washing w/ 7 words vigil 9:15a Bible Study 8a OLM meeting 7p P&F 6:30p Worship 7p Tenebrae worship 9:30a Sun School 9a Bible study 10:30a Bible Study 7p Choir practice 10:45a SS Lenten NO TRINITY OR Pageant PRESCHOOL CLASSES 11:45a Easter Egg-stravaganza 6:30p Basketball 8 Easter 9 10 11 12 13 14 Communion 6p Church council 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 12:15p Worship 2p Busch/Tessmann Mite Box Sunday 9a Bible study 3p Youth night 4p Fish fry prep wedding 5a Silent Vigil 6:30p Cub scouts 6pPraise Band 5p Busch/Tessmann 5p Fish fry 6a Sunrise NO TRINITY OR 7p Choir practice 6p Confirmation wedding rehearsal 7:45a Trad Worship PRESCHOOL CLASSES 6:15p Youth board 5:30p Adult 9:15a Praise Worship 6:30p FPU Confirmation make up 7p Trad worship 10:45a Trad Worship 6:30p Basketball 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7:45a Trad worship 7p Board of education 7a Bible study 12p Staff Meeting 12:15p Worship 3p Smurawa/Nash 9:15a Praise worship 8a OLM meeting 3pYouth Night 5:30p Smurawa/Nash wedding 9:15a Bible study 9a Bible study 6p Praise Band wedding rehearsal 9:30a Sun school 7p Choir practice 6p Confirmation 7p Trad worship 10:30a Bible study 6:30p FPU 10:45a Trad worship 6:30p Sr. high Bible 6:30p Basketball study 22 Communion 23 24 25 26 27 28 Cinnamon Rolls 6:30p GBLSA 7a Bible study 12p Staff Meeting 12:15p Worship 7:45a Trad worship 7p Stewardship 9a Bible study 3p Youth Night 7p Trad worship 9:15a Praise worship 6:30p Cub scouts 6p Praise Band 9:30a Sun school 7p Choir practice 6p Confirmation 10:45a Trad worship 6:30p FPU w/ Holy Babtism 6:30p Sr. high Bible 6:30p Basketball study 29 Concordia Sunday 30 7:45a Trad worship 9:15a Praise worship Bibles/Catechisms 9:15a Bible study 9:30a Sun school 10:30a Bible study 10:45a Trad worship w/Adult Confirmation 6:30p Basketball
  • 9. THE VOICE ONLINE Our Saviour Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod OSLC business directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of “The Voice Online” each month. If you would like to advertise please contact Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail at YOUR AD HERE! *Photo credits: Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch Page 3: (920) 465-8118 images/roman-army-04.jpg Page 5 and 6: Shelley Williams Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland (920) 544-3614 Church Office – Michelle Burhite Vol. 1 No. 4, April 2012; “The Voice Online” is published monthly by (920) 468-4065 Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission. Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke. Preschool Director – Christina Scholz The opinions expressed in this publication are not always (920) 468-3596 reflective of the editor’s views. Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions and comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! 120 S. Henry Street I am always seeking more congregational input and Green Bay, WI 54302 submissions. What do you want to read about? (920) 468-4065 Submissions can be sent to