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The Voice Online
                   Our Saviour Lutheran Church – Green Bay, WI
                   September 2012            Volume 1, Issue 9

                  If It Could Talk, The Stories It Could Tell…

             By: Pastor Dave Hatch                       At nursing homes, folks line up in front of it.
                                                         Oftentimes rows and rows of wheelchair bound
                                                         souls roll in place before it, awaiting
                                                         refreshment from its eternal oasis. It is often
                                                         carried into rooms where Hope is a rare
                                                         visitor, where Discouragement is often a
                                                         resident. It’s opens like a treasure chest,
                                                         spilling out riches far better than gold or

                                                         It travels beneath the pastor’s arm as he rings
                                                         the doorbells of the housebound. It has sat in
                                                         their living room on a footstool, coffee table,
                                                         kitchen table, TV tray and sometimes the
It’s small. It’s not heavy. It’s loaded with hope.       floor. After folks encounter its contents they
It goes with the pastor most everywhere he               walk different, think different, and have an
travels; in his car, in his bag, and sometimes           airiness in their soul.
even on vacation. If it could talk, the stories it
could tell!                                              In the jails and prisons, it’s inspected by the
                                                         guards and embraced by the inmates. It
In hospitals, it has been set on bedsides, on            sometimes sits on a counter behind bulletproof
rolling carts, window sills, on the seats of hard        glass as an inmate peers at it, longing and
and soft chairs. People have sat around it,              wishing for its nourishment as he speaks to
stood around it, laid beside it and gazed at it.         the pastor through a visitor’s phone.
It has been with those in hospital rooms who             Oftentimes in a small little room, provision is
are celebrating, those who are struggling, and           made by the guards for a celebration as it is
those who are about to get their crown. From             opened. For those serving sentence it means,
its contents, thousands of souls under doctor’s          “Freedom at last, freedom at last, free even
care have been fed and had their hope restored           behind bars!”
with a medicine from this little box.
                                                                      - cont’d on page 2 –

September 2012

             - cont’d from page 1 -

When needed, it makes its way through the
locked doors and long halls of institutions and
care facilities where Depression and Confusion
make their home. It passes beneath security
cameras and staff supervision on its way to
restore a soul. There it shoes away anxiety
and brings Light into the darkness.

Its prescription is not to be found in any
pharmacy yet its healing power is promised.
Its contents cannot be found in a surgeon’s tool          Above is a military chaplain's portable communion kit.
tray, yet it can reach into one’s soul and
cleanse every part.

What is this small item that has so much
power that travels with pastors all over the
globe? What is this small item with such an
enormous meaning for those who encounter its

The pastor’s Holy Communion Kit. If it could
talk, the stories it would tell!

                                                                      Some kits are very complete,
                                                                       including candles and all.

                                       Our Saviour Lutheran Church
                                            120 S. Henry Street
                                          Green Bay, WI 54302
                                              (920) 468-4065

      Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch                    Church Office – Michelle Burhite
      (920) 465-8118                                    (920) 468-4065                        

      Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland                   Preschool Director – Christina Scholz
      (920) 544-3614                                    (920) 468-3596                        

The Voice Online

                                                  OFFICIAL ACTS


Heidi Marie Process and Alexis Fernando Baez Jorge
United at Our Saviour on July 14, 2012

Karlene Dyle and Christian Vargas
Vow Renewal at Our Saviour on August 4, 2012

Membership Changes:

IN:     Karlene Butrymowicz, transfer from Bethel Evangelical Lutheran,
        Green Bay, WI (ELCA)

OUT: Mark and Jenny Jensky and baptized child, Hannah, transfer to Good
     Shepherd Lutheran, Green Bay, WI (ELCA)

        Roy and Ruth Delsart, transfer to Atonement Lutheran, Green Bay, WI (ELCA)

        Delores DeGreef, transfer to Zion Lutheran Church, Oconto, WI (LCMS)

                       October 2012                                    OSLC Usher Schedule
Day Date    Service      Lead              Usher Team
Thu. 04-Oct 7:00 pm      P. Kuehl          Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun. 07-Oct 7:45 am      M. Dalebroux      Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun. 07-Oct 9:15 am      D. Bitters        Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun. 07-Oct 10:45 am     R. Bruhn          Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu. 11-Oct 7:00 pm      B. Clayton        Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun. 14-Oct 7:45 am      M. Morgan         Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun. 14-Oct 9:15 am      W. Chamberlain    Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz
Sun. 14-Oct 10:45 am     G. Buechner       Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu. 18-Oct 7:00 pm      C. Arthur         Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun. 21-Oct 7:45 am      A. Knaus          Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun. 21-Oct 9:15 am      D. Wians          Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun. 21-Oct 10:45 am     M. Charles        Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Thu. 25-Oct 7:00 pm      P. Kuehl          Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun. 28-Oct 7:45 am      J. Kielpikowski   Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun. 28-Oct 9:15 am      R. Vande Hei      Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun. 28-Oct 10:45 am     R. Bruhn          Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson

      † UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join,
                          Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email "”

September 2012
       Sunday                   Monday                   Tuesday               Wednesday               Thursday                 Friday              Saturday

2                        3                        4                       5                      6                      7                      8
7:45am Trad Worship                               7am Bible Study         12pm Staff Meeting     9am Truth Project
9:15am Praise Worship    Labor Day                8:30am 1st day of PS    8:30am 1st day of 4K   12:15pm Worship
10:45am Trad Worship     Office Closed            9am Bible Study         6pm Praise Band        6:30pm Truth Project
                                                  7pm Elders              6:30pm Youth Board     7pm Trad Worship
                                                                          7pm P&F Meeting
9 Communion              10                       11                      12                     13                     14                     15
Mite Box Sunday          12:30pm Stepping On      7am Bible Study         12pm Staff Meeting     12:15pm Worship        5pm Monthly Fish Fry
7:45am Trad Worship      Booster Class            9am Bible Study         6pm Praise Band        4pm Fish Fry Prep
9:15am Praise Worship    6pm Church Council       7pm Choir Practice                             7pm Trad Worship
9:15am Truth Project     6:30pm Worship
10:45am Trad Worship     Committee
16                       17                       18                      19                     20                     21                     22
7:45am Trad Worship      7pm Board of Education   7am Bible Study         12pm Staff Meeting     9am Truth Project      5pm Sellen/Fossum      2pm
9am Fall Rally                                    9am Bible Study         3pm Youth Night        12:15pm Worship        Wedding Rehearsal      Sellen/Fossum
9:15am Praise Worship                             7pm Choir Practice      6pm Praise Band        6:30pm Truth Project                          Wedding
w/ Holy Baptism                                                           6pm Confirmation       7pm Trad Worship
9:15am Bible Study                                                        6:30pm Sr High Bible
23 Communion             24                       25                      26                     27                     28                     29
7:45am Trad Worship      6:30pm GBLSA             7am Bible Study         3pm Youth Night        12:15pm Worship
8am Adult Confirmation   7pm Stewardship          8am OLM Meeting         6pm Praise Band        7pm Trad Worship
Class                                             9am Bible Study         6pm Confirmation
9:15am Praise Worship                             7pm Choir Practice      6:30pm Sr High Bible
9:15am Truth Project                                                      Study
9:30am Sunday School     Michelle Out             Michelle Out            Michelle Out           Michelle Out           Michelle Out
10:45am Trad Worship     NO SCRIP                 NO SCRIP                NO SCRIP               NO SCRIP               NO SCRIP
30                                                Volunteers are needed to work any/all home Packer games
7:45am Trad Worship
9:15am Praise Worship
                                                      Sunday, September 9 @ 3:15pm
9:15am Adult                                          Thursday, September 13 @ 7:20pm
Confirmation Class                                    Sunday, September 30 @ 3:15pm
9:30am Sunday School
10:30am Bible Study                               Sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Neil Burmeister at (920) 866-9088
10:45am Trad Worship
TBA Paintball
The Voice Online

  Rich Tool From Our Heritage                            editions of Luther’s Small Catechism since the
                                                         early days of Lutheranism. It is designed to
                                                         help individuals understand and apply the
             By: Pastor Dave Hatch
                                                         catechism to their lives.”

                                                         We need all the help we can get to navigate the
                                                         journey. The Small Catechism simplifies our
                                                         walk. It puts the most important things in life
                                                         in a simple and wholesome package. Consider
                                                         placing yours on the dining room table or at
                                                         your bedside, as a “daily read”. Parents are
                                                         urged to read it to their children.
We Lutherans have a super-rich tool at our
fingertips, Luther’s Small Catechism. Is yours           As an example of its richness, here is a section
somewhere in your house? Perhaps hunt it                 of the Small Catechism, talking about the
down and embrace its use. Concordia                      Lord’s Supper…
Publishing House describes it well this way…
                                                                     + The Lord's Supper +
“The catechism is an essential part of any
Christian’s library. Brief, clear summaries of
God’s Word allow individuals and families alike
to use the Small Catechism as a powerful tool
and prayer book. Though the Catechism was
written by Martin Luther in 1529, its question
and answer format provides Christians with a
timeless guide book that is easy to use and                   

applicable to all the various callings we have in
life.                                                    As the head of the family should teach them in
                                                         a simple way to his household.
The Small Catechism explores the Six Chief
Parts of Christian Doctrine: the Ten                     What is the Sacrament of the Altar?
Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s
                                                         It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus
Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism,
                                                         Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by
Confession, and the Sacrament of the Altar. It
                                                         Christ Himself for us Christians to eat and to
also includes daily prayers, a table of duties for
Christians, and a guide for Christians to use as
they prepare to receive Holy Communion. This
is sometimes referred to as the Enchiridion. An
                                                                       - cont’d on page 6 -
explanation section has regularly accompanied

September 2012

              - cont’d from page 5 -                      worthy and well prepared who has faith in
                                                          these words: “Given and shed for you for the
Where is this written?
                                                          forgiveness of sins.” But anyone who does not
The holy Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and              believe these words or doubts them is unworthy
St. Paul write: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the             and unprepared, for the words “for you” require
night when He was betrayed, took bread, and               all hearts to believe.
when He had given thanks, He broke it and
gave it to the disciples and said: “Take, eat; this
is My body, which is given for you. This do in            How about reading the Small Catechism as part
remembrance of Me.” In the same way also he               of your daily spiritual nourishment?
took the cup after supper, and when He had                Guaranteed, you will find that is “centers” your
given thanks, He gave it to them, saying,                 life.
“Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new
testament in My blood, which is shed for you for
the forgiveness of sins. This do, as often as you
drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

What is the benefit of this eating and drinking?

These words, “Given and shed for you for the
forgiveness of sins,” show us that in the
Sacrament forgiveness of sins, life, and
salvation are given us through these words. For
where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also
life and salvation.

How can bodily eating and drinking do such
great things?

Certainly not just eating and drinking do these
                                                            Volume 1, Issue 9 September 2012; ‘The Voice
things, but the words written here: “Given and               Online’ is published monthly by Our Saviour
shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” These          Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion
words, along with the bodily eating and                     of this publication may be reproduced without
drinking, are the main thing in the Sacrament.                                permission.

Whoever believes these words has exactly what                           Edited by Mark Stone.
they say: “forgiveness of sins.”
                                                            Please feel free to contact the church office with
Who receives this sacrament worthily?                         constructive suggestions and/or comments at
                                                 Thanks to those who have already
Fasting and bodily preparation are certainly                    commented! We are always seeking more
fine outward training. But that person is truly                   congregational input and submissions.

The Voice Online

                     OSLC Youth to Sell Commode Insurance
Insurance for your commode?

Well, not quite. But the youth will be selling “commode insurance” at this year’s Fall Rally on
September 16.

The youth will hold a fundraiser similar to the pink flamingo fundraiser. It’s called “Fla-toilet-mingo.”
If the commode you see at the youth’s Fall Rally Booth ends up on your yard at any time during the
month of October, you will have to pay the OSLC youth $10 to have it removed. If that happens, you
choose who gets it next.

The insurance is designed to insure your address is exempt from having the commode placed on your
yard, if chosen by another recipient. $20 keeps the commode off your yard all month OR you can buy a
premium policy for $25. A premium policy keeps the commode off your yard AND allows you to choose
a yard to receive the Fla-toilet-mingo.

By purchasing the insurance, you pay $20 or $25 just one time. If you do not have commode insurance,
you could be paying the $10 removal fee over and over.

Commode insurance will only be available for purchase during the Fall Rally. The youth will also be
selling wrapping paper and lollipops for prizes. If you are unable to attend the Fall Rally but would
still like to purchase commode insurance or wrapping paper, please contact Will Fischer at 920-254-

         One Person’s Trash;
         Another’s Treasure
                                                           Coke reward points
Please collect the following items and bring               Box Tops for Education
them to church when you visit. You can collect             Milk caps
from your own purchases and even ask your                  Capri Sun pouches
friends, relatives and neighbors to collect them           Empty ink jet cartridges
for you. Most items can be placed in the                   Used cell phones
containers by the preschool entrance in the                Empty prescription pill bottles
main hallway; other items can be placed at the             Aluminum cans
collection center near the 2nd floor elevator.             Labels for Education
                                                           Manufacturers Coupons

September 2012

                                                            are welcome after 3pm on any Confirmation class
    Educational Opportunities                               night. Students will be able to get help with their
            Abound                                          homework, play, eat dinner (for a small fee) or just
                                                            hang out.

The Truth Project
This new class, which begins on Thursday,
September 6, has taken off! We currently have                  Seeking New Members for the
more than three times the amount of attendees than
we made room for when the class was first planned!
                                                                       Praise Band
That issue was fixed by changing the room where
the class will meet (Fellowship Hall) and adding a          We have regular, semi-regular and substitute openings
3rd time option (Sundays at 9:15am). There is still         in the Praise Band for Drummers, Electric or Acoustic
room for you…just call the office (468-4065) or sign        Guitarists, Keyboardists, and Vocalists. We practice
up at the Welcome Center for the class of your              Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:30 and you don’t
choice. Make sure to take a copy of the schedule so         have to play every week. It’s also a great group of
you don’t miss a thing.                                     people to work with! Some musical talent required but
                                                            you don’t have to be a rock star. Call Marlys Brunsting
Adult Confirmation Classes                                  at 391-0473 to learn more.
Adult instruction in the Christian faith will begin
on Sunday, Sept. 23 with a Talk ‘n Tour. Classes
will be held at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings until
                                                                        Monthly Fish Fry
November 4. There will be a total of 7 classes. All
members and non-members are welcome to attend.              The ever popular Monthly Fish Fry will be back on
Non-members can become members by Adult                     September 14. A full schedule of dates can be found
Confirmation at a special service on November 18 if         on a handout at the Welcome Center. Take one
they desire; membership after the class is not              home, share one with your neighbors…invite
required. If you are interested in attending, please        everyone you know to the best fish fry in town.
RSVP to the church office at 468-4065.
                                                            On that note, workers are also needed for the Fish
Let the little children come to him…                        Fry. Please contact Greg Ammerman or Tim Richter
Sunday School classes begin on September 23.                to volunteer or to find out more about opportunities
Registration forms can be found in the tall brochure        to serve. Along with volunteers, donations of Pepsi
holder in the office. Completed forms can be turned         and Coke (regular, diet and caffeine free) products
in at the Sunday school table at the Fall Rally on          are needed. Coffee (regular and decaf) donations are
September 16 or to the church office. Teachers are          also being accepted.
also needed; see related article on page 9 of this
newsletter.                                                   Lambeau Field, the Packers,
Youth Confirmation classes begin Wednesday,                       and a Food Stand
September 19 at 6pm. Registration forms were
mailed to 8th and 9th graders that were enrolled last       The Packers will host a home pre-season game on
year as well as those who are shown as entering 7th         August 30. The regular season begins at Lambeau
grade for the upcoming 2012-2013 school year. If            Field on Sunday, Sept. 9 followed closely by a game
you need an enrollment form, please contact the             on Thursday night, September 13. Why is this
office. Along with Confirmation, Youth Nights are           important to read about in a church newsletter?
returning. Students in 6th grade thru high school           Here’s why…

The Voice Online

Workers are needed (21 per game) to man a food               + All materials and planning are provided
stand in the Club Section for all games and events           + Work in teams so you don’t teach every Sunday
through the end of the season. Workers in the
stand will run cash registers (take orders, take             This is so rewarding not only for the youth but also
money, and make change), deliver food to the                 for those who teach. Our experienced teachers can
counter (from various stations within the stand)             share with you their many stories of how they have
and prepare food for sales (cooking and assembling           been rewarded.
brats, burgers, pizza, etc.).
                                                             To apply please contact: Julie Rusch, Sunday
Workers must be at least 18 years old, wear black            school director (920) 406-9077.
pants (not capris, shorts, etc.) and comfortable,
closed toe/closed heel shoes (preferably tennis              All who volunteer with youth must submit a
shoes; black or close to black (can include other            background check at least once every three years.
colors if main color is black). Uniforms consisting of       Forms can be found in the tall brochure holder in
a shirt (windbreaker in colder weather), hat and             the office hallway. Questions about the background
name tag will be provided and must be worn at all            check can be directed to Michelle in the office (468-
times. Sign-up sheets for all events can be found at         4065 or
the Welcome Center. All workers must also
complete training by DNC, the concessions
                                                                 Fall Rally – September 16
If you have questions or want to sign up, please call        A Notice to Board Chairs, Board Members,
Neil Burmeister at (920) 866-9088.                           Committees, and Church Members
                    Go Pack Go!
                                                             The Fall Rally is coming up on September 16 and
                                                             this is your ‘here I come’ warning! Please work on
                                                             your board’s display for your presentation table,
** HELP WANTED ** Sunday                                     discuss what to include, who will man the table,
      school teachers                                        etc. This is your chance to shine and let everyone
                                                             know what your board does and to possibly recruit
                                                             members, so put your best foot forward and be
Want to serve the Lord but don't know how? Want              prepared.
to share your talents and be a part of something
exciting, fulfilling, and rewarding? Looking for             One 8’ table is set aside for each board. Boards can
something fun, easy, and part-time? If you said yes          share a table or request to be placed near the table
to these questions, then we have the place for you!          of a board with which they share responsibilities
Come join a very special group of people as a                for some events. It is up to you what is available
volunteer Sunday School teacher. We need Sunday              on your table…sign-up sheets, informational
School Teachers for grades pre-kindergarten                  handouts, event invitations, etc.
through grade six.
                                                             And there’s a potluck dinner, too! What Lutheran
What do we need from you? What can we offer? I               gathering is complete without lots of food?
am glad you asked!                                           Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass so get out
+ A willingness to share your time with our youth            those cookbooks and make your shopping list.
+ Bible knowledge not required
+ All lessons are pre-planned for you

September 2012

OSLC Business Directory
Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice Online’ each month. If
you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the Church office at (920) 468-4065 or

                                  Please support the sponsors who help support us!

Photo credits
Chaplain kit (pg 2 top)

Chaplain kit (pg 2 bottom)

Luthers Small Catechism (pg 5)

Lamb bleeding (pg 5)

LCMS cross (pg 6)


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The voice sept 2012

  • 1. The Voice Online Our Saviour Lutheran Church – Green Bay, WI September 2012 Volume 1, Issue 9 If It Could Talk, The Stories It Could Tell… By: Pastor Dave Hatch At nursing homes, folks line up in front of it. Oftentimes rows and rows of wheelchair bound souls roll in place before it, awaiting refreshment from its eternal oasis. It is often carried into rooms where Hope is a rare visitor, where Discouragement is often a resident. It’s opens like a treasure chest, spilling out riches far better than gold or silver. It travels beneath the pastor’s arm as he rings the doorbells of the housebound. It has sat in their living room on a footstool, coffee table, kitchen table, TV tray and sometimes the It’s small. It’s not heavy. It’s loaded with hope. floor. After folks encounter its contents they It goes with the pastor most everywhere he walk different, think different, and have an travels; in his car, in his bag, and sometimes airiness in their soul. even on vacation. If it could talk, the stories it could tell! In the jails and prisons, it’s inspected by the guards and embraced by the inmates. It In hospitals, it has been set on bedsides, on sometimes sits on a counter behind bulletproof rolling carts, window sills, on the seats of hard glass as an inmate peers at it, longing and and soft chairs. People have sat around it, wishing for its nourishment as he speaks to stood around it, laid beside it and gazed at it. the pastor through a visitor’s phone. It has been with those in hospital rooms who Oftentimes in a small little room, provision is are celebrating, those who are struggling, and made by the guards for a celebration as it is those who are about to get their crown. From opened. For those serving sentence it means, its contents, thousands of souls under doctor’s “Freedom at last, freedom at last, free even care have been fed and had their hope restored behind bars!” with a medicine from this little box. - cont’d on page 2 – 1
  • 2. September 2012 - cont’d from page 1 - When needed, it makes its way through the locked doors and long halls of institutions and care facilities where Depression and Confusion make their home. It passes beneath security cameras and staff supervision on its way to restore a soul. There it shoes away anxiety and brings Light into the darkness. Its prescription is not to be found in any pharmacy yet its healing power is promised. Its contents cannot be found in a surgeon’s tool Above is a military chaplain's portable communion kit. tray, yet it can reach into one’s soul and cleanse every part. What is this small item that has so much power that travels with pastors all over the globe? What is this small item with such an enormous meaning for those who encounter its contents? The pastor’s Holy Communion Kit. If it could talk, the stories it would tell! Some kits are very complete, including candles and all. Our Saviour Lutheran Church 120 S. Henry Street Green Bay, WI 54302 (920) 468-4065 Senior Pastor – David H. Hatch Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 465-8118 (920) 468-4065 Associate Pastor – Greg Hovland Preschool Director – Christina Scholz (920) 544-3614 (920) 468-3596 2
  • 3. The Voice Online OFFICIAL ACTS Weddings: Heidi Marie Process and Alexis Fernando Baez Jorge United at Our Saviour on July 14, 2012 Karlene Dyle and Christian Vargas Vow Renewal at Our Saviour on August 4, 2012 Membership Changes: IN: Karlene Butrymowicz, transfer from Bethel Evangelical Lutheran, Green Bay, WI (ELCA) OUT: Mark and Jenny Jensky and baptized child, Hannah, transfer to Good Shepherd Lutheran, Green Bay, WI (ELCA) Roy and Ruth Delsart, transfer to Atonement Lutheran, Green Bay, WI (ELCA) Delores DeGreef, transfer to Zion Lutheran Church, Oconto, WI (LCMS) October 2012 OSLC Usher Schedule Day Date Service Lead Usher Team Thu. 04-Oct 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 07-Oct 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 07-Oct 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 07-Oct 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 11-Oct 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 14-Oct 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 14-Oct 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz Sun. 14-Oct 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 18-Oct 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 21-Oct 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 21-Oct 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 21-Oct 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 25-Oct 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 28-Oct 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 28-Oct 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 28-Oct 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson † UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join, Or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 857-3014 or email "” 3
  • 4. September 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7:45am Trad Worship 7am Bible Study 12pm Staff Meeting 9am Truth Project 9:15am Praise Worship Labor Day 8:30am 1st day of PS 8:30am 1st day of 4K 12:15pm Worship 10:45am Trad Worship Office Closed 9am Bible Study 6pm Praise Band 6:30pm Truth Project 7pm Elders 6:30pm Youth Board 7pm Trad Worship 7pm P&F Meeting 9 Communion 10 11 12 13 14 15 Mite Box Sunday 12:30pm Stepping On 7am Bible Study 12pm Staff Meeting 12:15pm Worship 5pm Monthly Fish Fry 7:45am Trad Worship Booster Class 9am Bible Study 6pm Praise Band 4pm Fish Fry Prep 9:15am Praise Worship 6pm Church Council 7pm Choir Practice 7pm Trad Worship 9:15am Truth Project 6:30pm Worship 10:45am Trad Worship Committee 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 7:45am Trad Worship 7pm Board of Education 7am Bible Study 12pm Staff Meeting 9am Truth Project 5pm Sellen/Fossum 2pm 9am Fall Rally 9am Bible Study 3pm Youth Night 12:15pm Worship Wedding Rehearsal Sellen/Fossum 9:15am Praise Worship 7pm Choir Practice 6pm Praise Band 6:30pm Truth Project Wedding w/ Holy Baptism 6pm Confirmation 7pm Trad Worship 9:15am Bible Study 6:30pm Sr High Bible Study 23 Communion 24 25 26 27 28 29 7:45am Trad Worship 6:30pm GBLSA 7am Bible Study 3pm Youth Night 12:15pm Worship 8am Adult Confirmation 7pm Stewardship 8am OLM Meeting 6pm Praise Band 7pm Trad Worship Class 9am Bible Study 6pm Confirmation 9:15am Praise Worship 7pm Choir Practice 6:30pm Sr High Bible 9:15am Truth Project Study 9:30am Sunday School Michelle Out Michelle Out Michelle Out Michelle Out Michelle Out 10:45am Trad Worship NO SCRIP NO SCRIP NO SCRIP NO SCRIP NO SCRIP 30 Volunteers are needed to work any/all home Packer games 7:45am Trad Worship 9:15am Praise Worship  Sunday, September 9 @ 3:15pm 9:15am Adult  Thursday, September 13 @ 7:20pm Confirmation Class  Sunday, September 30 @ 3:15pm 9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Bible Study Sign up at the Welcome Center or contact Neil Burmeister at (920) 866-9088 10:45am Trad Worship TBA Paintball
  • 5. The Voice Online Rich Tool From Our Heritage editions of Luther’s Small Catechism since the early days of Lutheranism. It is designed to help individuals understand and apply the By: Pastor Dave Hatch catechism to their lives.” We need all the help we can get to navigate the journey. The Small Catechism simplifies our walk. It puts the most important things in life in a simple and wholesome package. Consider placing yours on the dining room table or at your bedside, as a “daily read”. Parents are urged to read it to their children. We Lutherans have a super-rich tool at our fingertips, Luther’s Small Catechism. Is yours As an example of its richness, here is a section somewhere in your house? Perhaps hunt it of the Small Catechism, talking about the down and embrace its use. Concordia Lord’s Supper… Publishing House describes it well this way… + The Lord's Supper + “The catechism is an essential part of any Christian’s library. Brief, clear summaries of God’s Word allow individuals and families alike to use the Small Catechism as a powerful tool and prayer book. Though the Catechism was written by Martin Luther in 1529, its question and answer format provides Christians with a timeless guide book that is easy to use and 

 applicable to all the various callings we have in life. As the head of the family should teach them in a simple way to his household. The Small Catechism explores the Six Chief Parts of Christian Doctrine: the Ten What is the Sacrament of the Altar? Commandments, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by Confession, and the Sacrament of the Altar. It Christ Himself for us Christians to eat and to also includes daily prayers, a table of duties for drink. Christians, and a guide for Christians to use as they prepare to receive Holy Communion. This is sometimes referred to as the Enchiridion. An - cont’d on page 6 - explanation section has regularly accompanied 5
  • 6. September 2012 - cont’d from page 5 - worthy and well prepared who has faith in these words: “Given and shed for you for the Where is this written? forgiveness of sins.” But anyone who does not The holy Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and believe these words or doubts them is unworthy St. Paul write: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the and unprepared, for the words “for you” require night when He was betrayed, took bread, and all hearts to believe. when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to the disciples and said: “Take, eat; this is My body, which is given for you. This do in How about reading the Small Catechism as part remembrance of Me.” In the same way also he of your daily spiritual nourishment? took the cup after supper, and when He had Guaranteed, you will find that is “centers” your given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, life. “Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” What is the benefit of this eating and drinking? These words, “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins,” show us that in the Sacrament forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation are given us through these words. For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation. How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things? Certainly not just eating and drinking do these Volume 1, Issue 9 September 2012; ‘The Voice things, but the words written here: “Given and Online’ is published monthly by Our Saviour shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” These Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion words, along with the bodily eating and of this publication may be reproduced without drinking, are the main thing in the Sacrament. permission. Whoever believes these words has exactly what Edited by Mark Stone. they say: “forgiveness of sins.” Please feel free to contact the church office with Who receives this sacrament worthily? constructive suggestions and/or comments at Thanks to those who have already Fasting and bodily preparation are certainly commented! We are always seeking more fine outward training. But that person is truly congregational input and submissions. 6
  • 7. The Voice Online OSLC Youth to Sell Commode Insurance Insurance for your commode? Well, not quite. But the youth will be selling “commode insurance” at this year’s Fall Rally on September 16. The youth will hold a fundraiser similar to the pink flamingo fundraiser. It’s called “Fla-toilet-mingo.” If the commode you see at the youth’s Fall Rally Booth ends up on your yard at any time during the month of October, you will have to pay the OSLC youth $10 to have it removed. If that happens, you choose who gets it next. The insurance is designed to insure your address is exempt from having the commode placed on your yard, if chosen by another recipient. $20 keeps the commode off your yard all month OR you can buy a premium policy for $25. A premium policy keeps the commode off your yard AND allows you to choose a yard to receive the Fla-toilet-mingo. By purchasing the insurance, you pay $20 or $25 just one time. If you do not have commode insurance, you could be paying the $10 removal fee over and over. Commode insurance will only be available for purchase during the Fall Rally. The youth will also be selling wrapping paper and lollipops for prizes. If you are unable to attend the Fall Rally but would still like to purchase commode insurance or wrapping paper, please contact Will Fischer at 920-254- 3344. One Person’s Trash; Another’s Treasure  Coke reward points Please collect the following items and bring  Box Tops for Education them to church when you visit. You can collect  Milk caps from your own purchases and even ask your  Capri Sun pouches friends, relatives and neighbors to collect them  Empty ink jet cartridges for you. Most items can be placed in the  Used cell phones containers by the preschool entrance in the  Empty prescription pill bottles main hallway; other items can be placed at the  Aluminum cans collection center near the 2nd floor elevator.  Labels for Education  Manufacturers Coupons 7
  • 8. September 2012 are welcome after 3pm on any Confirmation class Educational Opportunities night. Students will be able to get help with their Abound homework, play, eat dinner (for a small fee) or just hang out. The Truth Project This new class, which begins on Thursday, September 6, has taken off! We currently have Seeking New Members for the more than three times the amount of attendees than we made room for when the class was first planned! Praise Band That issue was fixed by changing the room where the class will meet (Fellowship Hall) and adding a We have regular, semi-regular and substitute openings 3rd time option (Sundays at 9:15am). There is still in the Praise Band for Drummers, Electric or Acoustic room for you…just call the office (468-4065) or sign Guitarists, Keyboardists, and Vocalists. We practice up at the Welcome Center for the class of your Wednesday evenings from 6:00-8:30 and you don’t choice. Make sure to take a copy of the schedule so have to play every week. It’s also a great group of you don’t miss a thing. people to work with! Some musical talent required but you don’t have to be a rock star. Call Marlys Brunsting Adult Confirmation Classes at 391-0473 to learn more. Adult instruction in the Christian faith will begin on Sunday, Sept. 23 with a Talk ‘n Tour. Classes will be held at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings until Monthly Fish Fry November 4. There will be a total of 7 classes. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. The ever popular Monthly Fish Fry will be back on Non-members can become members by Adult September 14. A full schedule of dates can be found Confirmation at a special service on November 18 if on a handout at the Welcome Center. Take one they desire; membership after the class is not home, share one with your neighbors…invite required. If you are interested in attending, please everyone you know to the best fish fry in town. RSVP to the church office at 468-4065. On that note, workers are also needed for the Fish Let the little children come to him… Fry. Please contact Greg Ammerman or Tim Richter Sunday School classes begin on September 23. to volunteer or to find out more about opportunities Registration forms can be found in the tall brochure to serve. Along with volunteers, donations of Pepsi holder in the office. Completed forms can be turned and Coke (regular, diet and caffeine free) products in at the Sunday school table at the Fall Rally on are needed. Coffee (regular and decaf) donations are September 16 or to the church office. Teachers are also being accepted. also needed; see related article on page 9 of this newsletter. Lambeau Field, the Packers, Youth Confirmation classes begin Wednesday, and a Food Stand September 19 at 6pm. Registration forms were mailed to 8th and 9th graders that were enrolled last The Packers will host a home pre-season game on year as well as those who are shown as entering 7th August 30. The regular season begins at Lambeau grade for the upcoming 2012-2013 school year. If Field on Sunday, Sept. 9 followed closely by a game you need an enrollment form, please contact the on Thursday night, September 13. Why is this office. Along with Confirmation, Youth Nights are important to read about in a church newsletter? returning. Students in 6th grade thru high school Here’s why… 8
  • 9. The Voice Online Workers are needed (21 per game) to man a food + All materials and planning are provided stand in the Club Section for all games and events + Work in teams so you don’t teach every Sunday through the end of the season. Workers in the stand will run cash registers (take orders, take This is so rewarding not only for the youth but also money, and make change), deliver food to the for those who teach. Our experienced teachers can counter (from various stations within the stand) share with you their many stories of how they have and prepare food for sales (cooking and assembling been rewarded. brats, burgers, pizza, etc.). To apply please contact: Julie Rusch, Sunday Workers must be at least 18 years old, wear black school director (920) 406-9077. pants (not capris, shorts, etc.) and comfortable, closed toe/closed heel shoes (preferably tennis All who volunteer with youth must submit a shoes; black or close to black (can include other background check at least once every three years. colors if main color is black). Uniforms consisting of Forms can be found in the tall brochure holder in a shirt (windbreaker in colder weather), hat and the office hallway. Questions about the background name tag will be provided and must be worn at all check can be directed to Michelle in the office (468- times. Sign-up sheets for all events can be found at 4065 or the Welcome Center. All workers must also complete training by DNC, the concessions provider. Fall Rally – September 16 If you have questions or want to sign up, please call A Notice to Board Chairs, Board Members, Neil Burmeister at (920) 866-9088. Committees, and Church Members Go Pack Go! The Fall Rally is coming up on September 16 and this is your ‘here I come’ warning! Please work on your board’s display for your presentation table, ** HELP WANTED ** Sunday discuss what to include, who will man the table, school teachers etc. This is your chance to shine and let everyone know what your board does and to possibly recruit members, so put your best foot forward and be Want to serve the Lord but don't know how? Want prepared. to share your talents and be a part of something exciting, fulfilling, and rewarding? Looking for One 8’ table is set aside for each board. Boards can something fun, easy, and part-time? If you said yes share a table or request to be placed near the table to these questions, then we have the place for you! of a board with which they share responsibilities Come join a very special group of people as a for some events. It is up to you what is available volunteer Sunday School teacher. We need Sunday on your table…sign-up sheets, informational School Teachers for grades pre-kindergarten handouts, event invitations, etc. through grade six. And there’s a potluck dinner, too! What Lutheran What do we need from you? What can we offer? I gathering is complete without lots of food? am glad you asked! Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass so get out + A willingness to share your time with our youth those cookbooks and make your shopping list. + Bible knowledge not required + All lessons are pre-planned for you 9
  • 10. September 2012 OSLC Business Directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of ‘The Voice Online’ each month. If you would like to advertise, please contact Michelle in the Church office at (920) 468-4065 or Please support the sponsors who help support us! Photo credits Chaplain kit (pg 2 top) Chaplain kit (pg 2 bottom) Luthers Small Catechism (pg 5) Lamb bleeding (pg 5) LCMS cross (pg 6) 10