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Management of Chemical
                     Injury to Eye

                            ASSIGNMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY
                           DR.AFIQAH BINTI MUHAMED FAIZAL
                             4 TH Y E A R M E D I C A L S T U D E N T O F
                           TANTA UNIVERSITY,EGYPT 2011/2012
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Background and Introduction
     of Management of Chemical Injuries in
                  the Eye:
Background & Introduction:
 Ocular burns constitute true ocular emergencies and both thermal and
  chemical burns represent potentially blinding ocular injuries. Thermal
  burns result from accidents associated with firework
  explosions, steam, boiling water, or molten metal (commonly aluminium).
  Chemical burns may be caused by either alkaline or acidic agents
 Chemical injuries to the eye represent one of the true ophthalmic
  emergencies. While almost any chemical can cause ocular irritation, serious
  damage generally results from either strongly basic (alkaline) compounds
  or acidic compounds. Alkali injuries are more common and can be more
  deleterious. Bilateral chemical exposure is especially devastating, often
  resulting in complete visual disability. Immediate, prolonged
  irrigation, followed by aggressive early management and close long-term
  monitoring, is essential to promote ocular surface healing and to provide
  the best opportunity for visual rehabilitation.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Types of Chemical Injuries
Alkali burns are the most dangerous due to its rapid penetration through both the
external structures like anterior chamber and cornea and the internal structures
like the lens. They combine with cell membrane lipids causing disruption of cell
and tissue necrosis. The higher the pH of chemical, the worsen the damage on eye.
Common alkali substances contain:
•Ammonia,NH3; a common ingredient in many household cleaning agents
And causing the most serious injury
•Lye, NaOH; a common ingredient in drain cleaners and causing the most
Serious injury.
•potassium hydroxide,KOH
•magnesium hydroxide,Mg[OH]2
•Lime, Ca[OH]2; the most common cause, which fortunately does not
inflict as much damage as rapidly penetrating alkalies do.
Common alkali substances at home that contain these chemicals include:
•cleaning products (ammonia),
•drain cleaners (lye)
•oven cleaners
•and plaster
•cement (lime)
 Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
 correspondence to other student in group
Common alkali substance at home

 Lye                                                Lime

                                                     Ammonia(household
                                                     cleaning agents
                                                     containing ammonia)

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Types of Chemical Injuries
Acid burns result from chemicals with a low pH and are usually less severe than alkali
burns because they do not penetrate into the eye as readily as alkaline substances. The
exception is a hydrofluoric acid burn, which is as dangerous as an
alkali burn. Acids usually only cause damage on:
Common acids causing eye burns include:
•Sulphuric (H2SO4; the most common cause: an ingredient in
automobile batteries)
•Sulfurous (H2SO3)
•Hydrofluoric (HF; rapidly penetrating and causing the most
serious injuries)
•nitric acid
•Acetic acid (CH3COOH)
•Chromic acid (Cr2O3)
•Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
Common alkali substances at home that may contain these
chemicals include:
•glass polish (hydrofluoric acid)
•nail polish remover (acetic acid)
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Common acid substance at home

 Automobile batteries                               Vinegar

 Glass polish                                       Nail polish remover

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Types of Chemical Injuries
Irritants are substances that have a neutral pH and tend to cause more
discomfort to the eye than actual damage.
     -Most household detergents fall into this category.
     -Pepper spray is also an irritant. It can cause significant pain but usually
     does not affect vision and rarely causes any damage to the eye.

The severity of ocular injury depends on:
•Surface area of contact
•Depth of penetration depends on:
•Concentration of chemicals
•Time of contact between chemical
 trauma into first aid
•Time of interference
•Degree of limbal stem cell injury

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Severity of Burn

1- The severity of a burn depends on:
• Surface area of contact.
• Depth of penetration: concentration, time of contact, time of interference.
• Degree of limbal stem cell injury.

2-Common area of damage in eye:
 Anterior segment of the eye
 Internal segment of the eye
 Cornea
 Conjunctiva
 Lens

3-Deeper than the cornea are the most severe causing:
 cataracts
 glaucoma

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
1-Damage by severe chemical injuries occurs          Anterior chamber penetration results in
   in the following order:                             iris and lens damage.
 Necrosis of the conjuntival and                    Ciliary epithelial damage impairs
   corneal epithelium with disruption and              secretion of ascorbate which is required
   occlusion of the limbal vasculature.                for collagen production and corneal
 Loss of limbal stem cells may                        repair.
   subsequently result in                            Hypotony and phthisis bulbi may
   conjuntivalisation and                              ensue.
   vascularisatioin of the corneal                  2- Healing of the corneal epithelium and
   surface or persistent corneal                       stroma as follows:
   epithelial defects with sterile                   The epithelium heals by migration of
   corneal ulceration and perforation.                 epithelial cells which originate from
 Other long_term effects include ocular               limbal stem cells.
   surface wetting                                   Damaged stromal collagen is
   disorders, symblepharon formation                   phagocytosed by keratocytes and new
   and cicatricial entropion.                          collagen is synthesized.
 Deeper penetration causes breakdown and
   precipitation of glycosaminoglycans and
   stromal corneal opacification.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group

- Although limbal ischaemia is usually associated with loss of
limbal stem cells, this is not always the case.
- Transient ischaemia, or ischaemia occurring soon after the
injury but recovering in the ensuing days, may allow limbal
stem cells to survive, recover or repopulate the affected sector.
- Similarly, superficial “limbal involvement” can result in 360°
of surface staining with deeper stem cells surviving. This
situation may not become apparent until a few days after the
- Because it is clinically not possible to evaluate this situation
at the time of injury, it is proposed that the extent of limbal
involvement at the time of injury, be based on the clock hours
of limbal staining observed.
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Alkalies                                                      Acid
 More severe than acid burns due to:                          -Less severe than alkali burns.
-Penetrate rapidly into eye ball (often in less than one      -Acids quickly denature proteins in the corneal
minute), through the cornea and anterior chamber.             stroma, forming precipitates that retard additional
-They combine with cell membrane lipids,
                                                              -Causing localized damage due to its:
mucopolysaccharides and to collagen, thereby resulting         a)Coagulation effect
in the disruption of the cells and necrosis of the tissues.   b)Protein precipitations at epithelium level
On the ocular surface, they saponify cell membranes and
intercellular bridges, which facilitates rapid penetration    -Leading to:
into the deeper layers and into the aqueous and vitreous       Physical barrier.
compartments                                                   Buffering effect (Corneal tissue has an inherent
                                                              buffering capacity that tends to equilibrate local pH
                                                              to physiological levels, but severe chemical injuries
-Necrosis of conjunctival blood vessel causing:               exhaust the cellular and extracellular resources,
“Cooked fish eye” the cornea is as white as chalk and         allowing extremes of pH that are incompatible with
opaque.                                                       tissue survival)

  Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
  correspondence to other student in group

- Diagnosis is made from the history.
The staging is guided by the clinical picture.

- Intraocular structures in the anterior segment of
the eye can also be involved and can be associated
with lens opacities and secondary glaucoma.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Severe Chemical burn

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Severe acid burn on eye

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Acute alkali burn
               Acute alkali burn of greatest severity. Perilimbal
               blanching, chemosis, and corneal opacification
               are evident.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Severe alkali burn

    Acute alkali burn of severe degree. The eye rolled upward in avoidance
    (Bell phenomenon), exposing the lowest aspect of the cornea to the
    greatest damage.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Alkali burn(chemical burn)

               Corneal opacity following lime burn.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Alkali injury

 „cooked fish eye‟ following alkali injury. The cornea is
   white as chalk and opaque. There‟s superficial and deep
   corneal vascularization.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Alkali burn

Heavily vascularized cornea with symblepharon several years
after severe chemical burn. Poor prognosis is expected for
penetrating keratoplasty.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Chemical burn

Opaque vascularised cornea after severe chemical

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Chemical burn

Chemical burn typically affecting cornea inferiorly.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Chemical injury

- total destructive effect of                     Superglue Injury
a lye burn

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Chemical burn

 Following burn from hot                         Alkali burn stage II
   tion of the corneal surface

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Alkali burn stage III

 Alkali burn stage III

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Complication of Chemical injury

Conjunctival adhesions                               Symblepharon formation
following chemical injury                            following a chemical

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Acid burn

 Acid burn with corneal erosion below

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Severe Alkali Burn

Severe alkali burn. A. Two weeks after injury: pannus begins to invade the opaque cornea
  from above. B. Three weeks after injury: pannus grows as the cornea begins to thin and
clear. C. Seven weeks after injury: collagenolytic erosion and descemetocele in advance of
                  the pannus. D. Eight weeks after injury: frank perforation of the cornea.
   Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
   correspondence to other student in group
Acid injury

         Mild acid injury                                              Severe acid injury

                                               Scar from acid injury

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Chemical burn on conjunctiva and cornea
 Alkali injury. When no corneal                     Lime injury. Superficial and
   reepithelization had occurred                      deep corneal vascularization is
   by 4 weeks.                                        present, and the eye is dry due
                                                      to loss of most of the goblet

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group

                                           Clinical Pictures

    1- Symptoms:                                        2- Signs:

    - Pain                                              - eye lid edema,
    - Lacrimation                                       - chemosis,
    - Photophobia
                                                        - conjunctival injection
    - Blepharospasm
    - Diminution of vision                              - corneal abrasions

    Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
    correspondence to other student in group
Effects of Ocular Surface Burn

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Classification of ocular surface burn

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
A new classification of ocular surface burns
Grade           Prognosis                   Clinical findings     Conjunctival           Analogue
                                                                  involvelment           scale
I               Very good                   0 clock hours of      0%                     0/0%
                                            limbal involvement
II              Good                        ⩽3 clock hours of     ⩽30%                   0.1–3/1–29.9%
                                            limbal involvement
III             Good                        >3–6 clock hours of   >30–50%                3.1–6/31–50%
                                            limbal involvement
IV              Good to guarded             >6–9 clock hours of   >50–75%                6.1–9/51–75%
                                            limbal involvement
V               Guarded to poor             >9–<12 clock hours    >75–<100%              9.1–11.9/75.1–
                                            of limbal                                    99.9%
VI              Very poor                   Total limbus (12      Total                  12/100%
                                            clock hours)          conjunctiva
                                            involved              (100%) involved
The analogue scale records accurately the limbal involvement in clock hours of affected limbus/percentage of
conjunctival involvement. While calculating percentage of conjunctival involvement, only involvement of
bulbar conjunctiva, up to and includingFaizal
 Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed the conjunctival fornices is considered.
     in correspondence to other student in group
1-Primary complications include the following:
 Conjunctival inflammation
 Corneal abrasions
 Corneal haze and edema
 Acute rise in IOP
 Corneal melting and perforations
2-Secondary complications include the following:
 Secondary glaucoma
 Secondary cataract
 Conjunctival scarring
 Corneal thinning and perforation
 Complete ocular surface disruption with corneal scarring and vascularization
 Corneal ulceration (sterile or infectious)
 Complete globe atrophy (phthisis bulbi): See the image below.
(phthisis bulbi=Shrinkage and atrophy of the eyeball following
a severe inflammation (e.g. uveitis), absolute glaucoma or trauma.)
 Complete cicatrization of the corneal surface following chemical injury.
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
1- Eye lid:
- trichiasis, madarosis, symblepharon, ankyloblepharon.

2- Conjunctiva:
- scarring, destruction of goblet cells &
accessory lacrimal glands.
   - severe dryness.
   - symblepharon.
   - pseudo ptrygium.

3- Cornea:
- destruction of limbal stem cells     chronic limbal
deficiency or failure. Ulceration, recurrent corneal erosions,
opacification, vascularization thinning & perforation.
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group

4- Anterior chamber : turbidity & reaction.

5- Iris : iritis, endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis in corneal

6- Secondary glaucoma :
Early: prostaglandin release , secondary to severe iritis
shrinkage of collagen fibers of the sclera.
Late: Occlusion of aqueous veins & anterior ciliary vessels by
conjunctival fibrosis.
Atrophia bulbi may follow severe cases.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
   Representative photographs of patients with severe ocular surface burns (Grade 4 Roper
    Hall Classification and the equivalent Dua 4, 5, 6 ocular burn). The upper row shows the
    clinical pictures of the patients at presentation, and the lower row shows the
    corresponding slit-lamp photographs of the same patient at final follow-up visit: A–D:
    Grade 4 chemical burns (6–9 clock hours of limbal ischaemia); E–H: Grade 5 chemical
    burns (9–11 clock hours of limbal ischaemia); I–L: Grade 6 chemical burns (12 clock
    hours of limbal ischaemia); A, B, E, F, I, J: patients treated with standard medical
    therapy; C, D, G, H, K, L: patients who underwent amniotic membrane transplantation.
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Laboratory Study

 The pH of the ocular surface should be periodically
  tested. Irrigation should be continued until the pH
  reaches neutrality.
 No other laboratory tests are generally necessary
  unless other systemic injuries are concurrent

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Medical Care

 Treatment of chemical injuries to the eye requires
  medical and surgical intervention, both acutely and
  in the long term, for maximal visual rehabilitation.
 Regardless of the underlying chemical involved,
  common goals of management include the following:
 (1) removing the offending agent,
 (2) promoting ocular surface healing,
 (3) controlling inflammation,
 (4) preventing infection, and
 (5) controlling IOP.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Immediate Management of
                  Chemical Burns

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Management of Ocular Chemical Injury
 1)Remove inciting chemical (irrigation)
 Immediate copious irrigation of eye (every second counts) by sterile balanced buffered
 •normal saline solution
 •Ringer's lactated solution
 •Normal saline with bicarbonate
 •Balanced salt solution(BSS)

 However, immediate irrigation with even plain tap water is preferred without waiting
 for the ideal fluid. If available, the eye should be anesthetized prior to irrigation.
 Ideally,the eye should be irrigated with irrigation
  solution and must contact the ocular surface by:
 •special irrigating tubing (eg, Morgan lens)
 •lid speculum.

 Irrigation should be continued until the
 pH of the ocular surface is neutralized,
 usually requiring 1-2 liters of fluid.
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Eye Irrigation

2)Evert the upper eyelid and irrigate, and irrigate under lower lid.
 Remove all solid particles from under lids.
 After 5 to 10 minutes of irrigation and if litmus paper is available test pH of
  lower inside of lid. Continue irrigation until pH is below or above a pH of
 If no litmus available irrigate for 20 min
Special irrigating tubing(Morgan’s lens):

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Guidelines for first aid for chemical burns

 Water is contraindicated as a first aid             Speed in irrigation is also important as
  measure in chemical burns caused by the              certain organic solvents are quickly absorbed
  heavy metals like sodium, potassium and
  calcium(e.g.Lime or Ca(OH)2).                        into the blood stream via the skin or by
 They react violently and explosively with            inhalation and cause systemic toxicity.
  water to produce caustic hydroxide                  Irrigation should continue even during the
  liberating much heat in its production and           transport to the hospital.
  thus result in combination of thermal and
  chemical burn.                                      Never apply acid to base, or base to acid as it
 Immediate treatment in these cases is to             can cause exothermic reaction generating
- brush off/pick out from the skin as many             heat resulting in further damage.
  particles of sodium or potassium as possible        Victims of mass casualty due to contact with
                                                       the hazardous materials (Hazmat) should be
- then to direct a high pressure jet of water at
  the remainder.                                       removed from the zone of immediate danger
- Ignition of particles will occur, but if the         and then decontaminated. Decontamination
  flow is great enough, the heat will be               at a hospital is discouraged due to potential
  dissipated by water.                                 spread of the substance to other patients. All
 Covering the remaining particles with oil,           the areas utilised for decontaminating
  although prevents combustion, cannot halt            victims must themselves be decontaminated
  the tissue damage as the remaining metal
  particles continue to react with tissue water.       after use.

    Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
     in correspondence to other student in group
 Instrument and kit used
   for eye irrigation

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Eye irrigation

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group

 After completing initial irrigation and treatment,
   patients should be transferred to facilities that have
   ophthalmologists available to assume care for them.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Acute Management of Chemical

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Acute Management: after transfer to hospital

 It‟s better to place an eye speculum and topical anaethesia
  in the eye before irrigation.
 The lower lid is pulled down and the upper lid is everted to
  irrigate the fornices.
 Continue irrigation until pH reaches close to normal. Wash
  with available antidote if available:

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
If nature of chemical                      If nature of chemical is
           substance is known                       unknown or not available

    Strong                         Weak alkali
       acid                                          Tap Dilute           chemical
    Strong                          Weak acid       water                substance
     alkali                                                  *for all except LIME*
    Iodine            Starch solution                Milk    Dilution
                                  Milk                    Buffer acid and alkali
    Aniline               Alcohol 10%                     Form superficial film
                       Glycerine 10%                      which protect the
      Lime a) Pick particles with                            underlying tissue
                          b) Wash by:
            EDTA 0.1% (universal
            Neutral ammonium
                    tartarate 10%
            Saturated        sugar
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Promote ocular surface healing
1- Remove inciting chemical
• After instilling topical anesthesia, sweep the fornices with a moist sterile cotton swab to remove any
   retained foreign material.
• This technique is especially important when particulate matter (eg, plaster) is responsible for the
2- Debridement
 Once irrigation has been initiated, an exhaustive search of the fornices is necessary to locate
   and remove sequestered particles of caustic material. If allowed to remain, these particles
   dissolve slowly, allowing additional toxic substances to leach into surrounding tissues.
 The search must include double eversion of the lids after application of 0.5% proparacaine
   solution and deep swabbing of the conjunctival recesses using moistened cotton-tipped
   applicators. Careful attention must be directed to those regions where extreme chemosis is
   likely to hide particulate matter in crypts and folds.
3- Paracentesis
 The relative importance of irrigation is diminished slightly by findings that external
   perfusion of alkali-burned animal eyes, although vital in reducing surface pH, may be
   incapable of lowering aqueous pH by more than 1.5 units.
 A further decrease in pH by 1.5 units can be achieved by removing aqueous by paracentesis,
   using a 25- or 27-gauge needle inserted at the limbus under slit lamp visualization. If
   buffered phosphate solution is then used to refill the anterior chamber, a greater reduction in
   pH (another 1.5 units) is possible.
4- Early Assessment
 During the first hour or two of emergency treatment with irrigation, debridement, and
   possibly paracentesis, critical evaluation of the severity of injury dictates the nature of further
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Promote ocular surface(epithelial) healing

Promote ocular surface (epithelial) healing
Once the inciting chemical has been completely removed,
epithelial healing can begin by:
                         Treatment                   Functions
        -Artificial tear supplement        -as it cause poorly produce
                                          adequate tears.
        -Ascorbate                        -improvement in corneal
        -Therapeutic bandage contact lens -until the epithelium has
        -Amniotic membrane transplant in -promotes faster healing of
        eyes with acute ocular burns      epithelial.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Med Term Management of
                Ocular Chemical Burns

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Control inflammation
Inflammatory mediators released from the ocular surface at the time of
injury causing:
•tissue necrosis
•attract further inflammatory reactants
This robust inflammatory response causing:
•inhibits reepithelialization
•corneal ulceration
Controlling inflammation will help to break this inflammatory cycle
by using:

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Control infection and cicatrization
-Topical antibiotic, aggressive lubrication with eye ointments (steroid
antibiotic combinations) to prevent symblepharon.
As the first week of treatment draws to a close, continued assessment of the
risk of infection is essential.
Persistent epithelial defects, necrotic corneal stroma, and corneal melting all
facilitate infection and therefore necessitate the continued use of topical
*Long-term use of topical antibiotics, however, can lead to development of
bacterial resistance or corneal toxicity from preservatives.
*Prophylactic topical antibiotics are warranted during the initial treatment
-Topical steroids should not be used if the corneal epithelium is intact.

-Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive may be applied for the treatment of
small corneal perforations to avoid infection.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Control IOP (increase secondary to chemical

Control IOP (increase secondary to chemical injuries)
 Oral acetozolamide(Diamox) or topical beta-blockers
  or aqueous suppressants is advocated to reduce IOP in
  severe exposure and both as an initial therapy and during
 the later recovery phase, if IOP is high (>30 mm Hg).

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Control Pain

Control pain
 Severe chemical burns can be extremely painful.
• Cycloplegic agents for ciliary spasm
• Oral pain medication initially to control pain.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Improves healing
1- Steroids reduce inflammation and neutrophil infiltration. However, they also impair
stromal healing by reducing collagen synthesis and inhibiting fibroblast migration. For
this reason topical steroids may be used initially but must be tailed off after 7-10 days
when sterile corneal ulceration is most likely to occur. They may be replaced by topical
NSAIDs, which do not affect keratocyte function.

2- Ascorbic acid reverses a localized tissue scorbutic state and improves wound healing
by promoting the synthesis of mature collagen by corneal fibroblasts.
Topical sodium ascorbate 10% is given 2 -hourly in addition to a systemic dose of 2 gq.i.d.

3- Citric acid is a powerful inhibitor of neutrophil activity and reduces the intensity of
the inflammatory response. Chelation of extracellular calcium by citrate also appears to
inhibit collagenase.
Topical sodium citrate 10% is given 2- hourly for about 10 days. The aim is to eliminate
the second wave of phagocytes, which normally occurs 7 days after the injury.

4- Tetracyclines are collagenase inhibitors and also inhibit neutrophil activity and
reduce ulceration.
They are administered both topically and systemic-ally {e.g. doxycycline 100 mg b,d.}.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Delayed Management of
                       Chemical Burn

                     1- CORRECTION OF LID DEFORMITY
                       5-PENETRATING KERATOPLASTY

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group
Conjunctival or
mucous membrane
graft                                                   Reconstruction of contracted fornices several
Division of symblephara may be followed by a
mucosal graft from the upper conjunctival fornix of
                                                           months after severe alkali burn. After lysis of
an unaffected fellow eye or from buccal mucosa. The        symblephara, sheets of silicone rubber were
graft should be secured deep in the fornix by
double-armed mattress sutures that first engage the        sutured deep into the fornices. A scleral shell
periosteum of the orbital margin and then pass
through the lid to be tied over a square of 0.005-
                                                           was inserted as a conformer
inch silicone rubber sheet.An interim prosthesis,
such as an acrylic shell or ring, must be used to
separate the lids from the globe, or symblephara
rapidly recurs. If there is bilateral injury or if it is
not possible to use a mucosal graft, larger sheets of
the very flexible 0.005-inch silicone rubber can be
fashioned to line the exposed subconjunctival tissue
in the deepened fornix . It is possible to use similarly
a microthin polyvinyl plastic film of the type used
for food wrap in the kitchen; this is easy to obtain
and readily sterilizable with heat. These prosthetic
sheets must be sutured securely to the periosteum of
the orbital margin, after which a scleral shell is
inserted. Although conjunctiva grows over these
dissected surfaces, preservation of the deepened
fornices remains a major challenge because
regrowth of symblephara is almost the rule. As the
cicatricial bands form once again, retention of a
scleral shell or silicone rubber sheets becomes
increasingly difficult. In an attempt to inhibit
reformation of lysed symblephara, beta-irradiation
has been applied after excision of the scar tissue.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
  in correspondence to other student in group
Amniotic membrane
 Schematic diagram                    transplantation
 (above) showing double
 armed 4-0 silk fornix
 retaining sutures tied
 over bolsters, and 10-0
 monofilament nylon
 sutures anchoring the
 amniotic membrane to
 the lid margins; (below)
 sagittal view showing
 amniotic membrane
 lining the entire ocular

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Amniotic membrane transplantation(AMT)

Amniotic membrane is obtained under sterile conditions after elective caesarean
delivery from a seronegative donor.
1)   AMT promoted healing of the ocular surface in all patients, as
     complete epithelialisation was achieved in all cases. It helps in corneal
     and conjunctival differentiation and regeneration.
2)    This action of amniotic membrane is by virtue of the epithelial basement
     membrane layer providing a mechanical support and acting as an
     internal splint.
3) beneficial biological properties such as secretion of
     cytokines, growth factors and protease inhibitors which decrease
     surface inflammation and prevent fibrosis and symblepharon
4) AMT stabilises the ocular surface and provides a conducive
     surface for further procedures such as auto-limbal and allo-limbal
     transplantation, lamellar or penetrating keratoplasty.
5)   AMT can be considered as a useful surgical option in moderate
     chemical burns with non-healing epithelial defects. It may also be
     used judiciously in severe cases where close monitoring and follow-up are
     not possible, and compliance with medication is not satisfactory
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Surgical procedure for
conjuctival limbal autograft
(CLAU). The conjunctivalized
pannus is removed from the
corneal surface by peritomy
followed by superficial
keratectomy with blunt
dissection in the recipient eye
(A). The cicatrix was removed
from the subconjunctival space
(B). This invariably results in
the recession of the conjunctival
edge to 3 to 5 mm from the
limbus from the superior and
inferior limbal regions (C). Two
strips of limbal conjunctival free
grafts, each spanning 6 to 7 mm
limbal arc length, are removed
by superficial lamellar
keratectomy at 1 mm within the
limbus (D) and by including 5
mm of adjacent conjunctiva.
These two free grafts are
transferred and secured to the
recipient eye at the
corresponding anatomic sites by
interrupted 10-0 nylon sutures
to the limbus and 8-0 vicryl
                                     Limbal stem cell transplantation
sutures to the sclera.
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Limbal stem cell transplantation
 If no significant epithelialization has         To re-establish corneal
  taken place over a denuded cornea by             epithelium over the exposed
  the third to sixth week after a severe           stroma after a severe chemical
  chemical injury, eventual                        injury, it may be necessary to consider
  conjunctivalization with vascularization         a limbal stem cell autograft or
  will probably occur unless the eye also          homograft.
  has suffered profound loss of                   A patient with a monocular
  conjunctiva.                                     chemical burn is a candidate for
 The various characteristics of                   an autograft, but homologous
  conjunctival tissue, including its               tissue must be used if both eyes
  vasculature and goblet cells, are slowly         have sustained significant
  lost as the conjunctivalized cornea              damage.
  undergoes transdifferentiation to a             The clarity, degree of adherence, and
  metabolically-imperfect corneal                  stability of the epithelial layer that
  epithelium.                                      results from limbal stem cell
 Because of its instability and its               transplantation cannot be matched
  tendency to vascularize after                    by any other current method of
  minor trauma, this new epithelial                re-establishing tissue protection
  covering derived from conjunctiva is             over denuded stroma.
  less desirable than true corneal

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Surgical procedure of keratolimbal
allograft (KLAL). In the host eye the
fibrovascular pannus is completely
removed leaving in most of the limbal
stem cell deficiency (LSCD) cases a clear
residual corneal stromal bed.
One layer of amniotic membrane with
basal membrane up is place over the
cornea as a graft and secure with
interrupted 8-0 vicryl to residual
conjunctiva and scleral tissue around the
limbus.     The donor central corneal
button is removed by trephine and the
residual limbal ring is trimmed off and the
underlying stroma is thinned to create a
smooth and thin corneal–scleral limbal
ring. The limbal tissue is then lay around
cornea and secure with interrupted 10-0
nylon suture. In order to promote
corneal epithelial healing another amniotic
membrane is placed over the cornea as a
patch and secure to the scleral with
running 10-0 nylon for 1 or 2 weeks (figure
not shown).        If amniotic membrane is
dissolved before 2 weeks, exposure and/or
severe inflammation should be suspected
and addressed.

(Reprinted from Tsubota K, Satake Y,
Kaido M, et al: Treatment of severe ocular
surface disorders with corneal epithelial     Limbal stem cell transplantation
stem-cell transplantation. N Engl J Med
340:1697, 1999, with permission)
    Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
     in correspondence to other student in group
Penetrating Keratoplasty

     Removing the                                                              Interrupted
     affected                                After removal of the              corneal sutures
     corneal button                          corneal button. An                (10/0 nylon)
                                             intraocular lens                  were used to
     measuring                                                                 suture the donor
     7mm in                                  can be seen                       cornea to the
     diameter.                               centrally.                        recipient's.

                                             Clear graft after penetrating keratoplasty
                                             utilizing and showing a continuous
                                             (running) 24-bite suture. (Courtesy of Alan
                                             Carlson, MD)
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Penetrating keratoplasty (PK)
- Penetrating keratoplasty (PK) is one of the most common forms of tissue
transplantation currently performed. It can be an extremely successful procedure,
with dramatic visual improvement for the patient.
- can also be one of the most challenging and frustrating procedures for a patient
   to endure, with a prolonged convalescence, delayed visual improvement, and
   many postoperative challenges.
- The technique of keratoplasty, or corneal grafting, involves removing the
   dysfunctional elements of the cornea and replacing those elements with healthy
   tissue. Full thickness keratoplasty is termed penetrating keratoplasty, and
   partial-thickness keratoplasty is termed lamellar keratoplasty.
- the current number of procedures performed on an annual basis is decreasing
   slightly due to:
* reflects improved cataract removal technique and technology, such as
phacoemulsification and posterior chamber intraocular lens placement.
* Many other complications can occur in the late postoperative period, some of
which are peculiar to corneal transplant surgery and others of which may be seen
after any intraocular surgery.
* Chronic progressive nonspecific endothelial decompensation manifests as a
gradual onset of graft edema secondary to endothelial dysfunction not associated
with prior rejection, uveitis, or glaucoma.
*Recurrence of host disease inFaizal graft may be seen in several situations.
  Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed the
  in correspondence to other student in group
Cultures plus Keratoplasty

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
 for corneal
 reconstruction after
 chemical injury has
 been largely
 unsatisfactory. The
 greatest limiting
 factor has been
 erosion of the
 interfaces at which
 corneal tissue
 adjoins prosthetic
 material                           Keratoprosthesis in chemical
                                    injury. Collagenolytic lysis occurs
                                    around the central optical post.
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Keratoprosthesis in a grossly scarred cornea

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Summary of Suggested Action During the
                 Late(Chronic) Period

 The tear film should be augmented when necessary with
   preservative-free artificial tears.

 Lysis of symblephara and reconstruction of the
   fornices, possibly with mucosal grafts, may be performed.
   Silicone rubber sheets and an acrylic conformer are useful.

 Correction of cicatricial entropion and trichiasis is
   necessary if keratoplasty is anticipated.

 Penetrating keratoplasty, with exquisite attention to the
   small details favoring success, may be performed.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Further inpatient care

In patients with severe chemical injuries, short hospitalization
may be warranted to closely monitor:
•corneal integrity
•medication use
•pain control

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Inpatient & Outpatient Medications

 Prednisolone acetate 1% (1 gtt qid)
 Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment (4-8 times/d)
 Homatropine 5% or scopolamine 0.25% (1 gtt tid)
 Ascorbate (500 mg PO qid)
 Levobunolol hydrochloride 0.5% (1 gtt bid) or
   acetazolamide (500 mg PO bid) - Pressure lowering
   agents, such as levobunolol and acetazolamide, are only
   indicated if IOP is increased (>30 mm Hg).

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in
correspondence to other student in group

  Education and training regarding the prevention of
   chemical exposures in the workplace can help prevent
   chemical injuries to the eye.
  Persons who may be exposed to chemicals in the workplace
   are advised to wear safety goggles.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
in correspondence to other student in group

 In most instances, patients present to nonophthalmologists
  for their immediate care.
 At a minimum, patients with mild chemical injuries should
  have follow-up care arranged with an ophthalmologist.
 Any patient with a moderate-to-serious injury should be
  immediately evaluated and followed accordingly by an
 Other medical personnel may be needed as determined by
  the extent of the extraocular injuries sustained.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
 In general, the prognosis of ocular            • Grade 1 - Partial-complete epithelial
  chemical injuries is directly correlated         defect, clear corneal stroma, no limbal
  with the severity of insult to the eye and       ischemia
  adnexal structures.                            • Grade 2 - Partial-complete epithelial
                                                   defect, mild stromal haze, none or only mild
 Many classification systems and                  limbal ischemia
  revisions thereof have been aimed at           • Grade 3 - Complete epithelial
  classifying ocular burns in relation to          defect, moderate stromal haze, less than one
  their prognosis, including the following         third of the limbus is ischemic
  systems: Hughes, Roper-Hall, and               • Grade 4 - Complete epithelial
  Pfister.[9] In essence, all systems aim          defect, stromal haze blurring iris details, one
                                                   third to two thirds of the limbus is ischemic
  to quantify the degree of corneal
                                                 • Grade 5 - Complete epithelial
  epithelial involvement, the degree of            defect, stromal opacification, greater than
  limbal stem cell loss, and the degree of         two thirds of the limbus is ischemic
  conjunctival involvement.[16]                   Grades 0-2 can be expected to heal well with
 Injuries can be graded from 0-5, as              proper care and follow-up examinations.
  follows:                                        The course for grades 3-5 is more tenuous
                                                   and may require surgical
• Grade 0 - Minimal epithelial                     intervention, either limbal stem cell
  defect, clear corneal stroma, no limbal          transplantation or penetrating
  ischemia                                         keratoplasty, to regenerate the corneal
                                                  Higher-grade injuries are more susceptible
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
                                                   to secondary complications.

 Visual acuity
 Extensive history:
   When the injury occurred

   Chemical involved in exposure

   Duration of exposure

   Duration of irrigation

   How long after exposure the chemical irrigation was begun.

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
in correspondence to other student in group
Differential Diagnosis

 Differentials Diagnosis:
• Conjunctivitis, Acute Hemorrhagic
• Conjunctivitis, Allergic
• Corneal Abrasion
• Corneal Erosion, Recurrent
• Corneal Foreign Body
• Keratoconjunctivitis, Atopic
• Keratoconjunctivitis, Epidemic
• Keratoconjunctivitis, Sicca
• Ulcer, Corneal

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group

 Ophthalmology for Undergraduate Medical Students (Tanta University textbook)
 Kanski Clinical Ophthalmology

 Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
 in correspondence to other student in group
Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal
in correspondence to other student in group

Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed
Faizal in correspondence to other student
                 in group

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Management of ocular chemical injuries

  • 1. Management of Chemical Injury to Eye ASSIGNMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY BY: DR.AFIQAH BINTI MUHAMED FAIZAL 4 TH Y E A R M E D I C A L S T U D E N T O F TANTA UNIVERSITY,EGYPT 2011/2012 THURSDAY,17/05/2012 Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 2. Background and Introduction of Management of Chemical Injuries in the Eye: Background & Introduction:  Ocular burns constitute true ocular emergencies and both thermal and chemical burns represent potentially blinding ocular injuries. Thermal burns result from accidents associated with firework explosions, steam, boiling water, or molten metal (commonly aluminium). Chemical burns may be caused by either alkaline or acidic agents  Chemical injuries to the eye represent one of the true ophthalmic emergencies. While almost any chemical can cause ocular irritation, serious damage generally results from either strongly basic (alkaline) compounds or acidic compounds. Alkali injuries are more common and can be more deleterious. Bilateral chemical exposure is especially devastating, often resulting in complete visual disability. Immediate, prolonged irrigation, followed by aggressive early management and close long-term monitoring, is essential to promote ocular surface healing and to provide the best opportunity for visual rehabilitation. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 3. Types of Chemical Injuries ALKALI BURNS Alkali burns are the most dangerous due to its rapid penetration through both the external structures like anterior chamber and cornea and the internal structures like the lens. They combine with cell membrane lipids causing disruption of cell and tissue necrosis. The higher the pH of chemical, the worsen the damage on eye. Common alkali substances contain: •Ammonia,NH3; a common ingredient in many household cleaning agents And causing the most serious injury •Lye, NaOH; a common ingredient in drain cleaners and causing the most Serious injury. •potassium hydroxide,KOH •magnesium hydroxide,Mg[OH]2 •Lime, Ca[OH]2; the most common cause, which fortunately does not inflict as much damage as rapidly penetrating alkalies do. Common alkali substances at home that contain these chemicals include: •fertilizers •cleaning products (ammonia), •drain cleaners (lye) •oven cleaners •and plaster •cement (lime) Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 4. Common alkali substance at home  Lye  Lime  Ammonia(household cleaning agents containing ammonia) Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 5. Types of Chemical Injuries ACID BURNS Acid burns result from chemicals with a low pH and are usually less severe than alkali burns because they do not penetrate into the eye as readily as alkaline substances. The exception is a hydrofluoric acid burn, which is as dangerous as an alkali burn. Acids usually only cause damage on: Common acids causing eye burns include: •Sulphuric (H2SO4; the most common cause: an ingredient in automobile batteries) •Sulfurous (H2SO3) •Hydrofluoric (HF; rapidly penetrating and causing the most serious injuries) •nitric acid •Acetic acid (CH3COOH) •Chromic acid (Cr2O3) •Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Common alkali substances at home that may contain these chemicals include: •glass polish (hydrofluoric acid) •vinegar •nail polish remover (acetic acid) Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 6. Common acid substance at home  Automobile batteries  Vinegar  Glass polish  Nail polish remover Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 7. Types of Chemical Injuries IRRITANTS Irritants are substances that have a neutral pH and tend to cause more discomfort to the eye than actual damage. -Most household detergents fall into this category. -Pepper spray is also an irritant. It can cause significant pain but usually does not affect vision and rarely causes any damage to the eye. The severity of ocular injury depends on: •Surface area of contact •Depth of penetration depends on: •Concentration of chemicals •Time of contact between chemical trauma into first aid •Time of interference •Degree of limbal stem cell injury Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 8. Severity of Burn 1- The severity of a burn depends on: • Surface area of contact. • Depth of penetration: concentration, time of contact, time of interference. • Degree of limbal stem cell injury. 2-Common area of damage in eye:  Anterior segment of the eye  Internal segment of the eye  Cornea  Conjunctiva  Lens 3-Deeper than the cornea are the most severe causing:  cataracts  glaucoma Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF OCULAR INJURES 1-Damage by severe chemical injuries occurs  Anterior chamber penetration results in in the following order: iris and lens damage.  Necrosis of the conjuntival and  Ciliary epithelial damage impairs corneal epithelium with disruption and secretion of ascorbate which is required occlusion of the limbal vasculature. for collagen production and corneal  Loss of limbal stem cells may repair. subsequently result in  Hypotony and phthisis bulbi may conjuntivalisation and ensue. vascularisatioin of the corneal 2- Healing of the corneal epithelium and surface or persistent corneal stroma as follows: epithelial defects with sterile  The epithelium heals by migration of corneal ulceration and perforation. epithelial cells which originate from  Other long_term effects include ocular limbal stem cells. surface wetting  Damaged stromal collagen is disorders, symblepharon formation phagocytosed by keratocytes and new and cicatricial entropion. collagen is synthesized.  Deeper penetration causes breakdown and precipitation of glycosaminoglycans and stromal corneal opacification. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 10. N.B. - Although limbal ischaemia is usually associated with loss of limbal stem cells, this is not always the case. - Transient ischaemia, or ischaemia occurring soon after the injury but recovering in the ensuing days, may allow limbal stem cells to survive, recover or repopulate the affected sector. - Similarly, superficial “limbal involvement” can result in 360° of surface staining with deeper stem cells surviving. This situation may not become apparent until a few days after the injury. - Because it is clinically not possible to evaluate this situation at the time of injury, it is proposed that the extent of limbal involvement at the time of injury, be based on the clock hours of limbal staining observed. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 11. Alkalies Acid More severe than acid burns due to: -Less severe than alkali burns. -Penetrate rapidly into eye ball (often in less than one -Acids quickly denature proteins in the corneal minute), through the cornea and anterior chamber. stroma, forming precipitates that retard additional penetration. -They combine with cell membrane lipids, -Causing localized damage due to its: mucopolysaccharides and to collagen, thereby resulting a)Coagulation effect in the disruption of the cells and necrosis of the tissues. b)Protein precipitations at epithelium level On the ocular surface, they saponify cell membranes and intercellular bridges, which facilitates rapid penetration -Leading to: into the deeper layers and into the aqueous and vitreous Physical barrier. compartments Buffering effect (Corneal tissue has an inherent buffering capacity that tends to equilibrate local pH to physiological levels, but severe chemical injuries -Necrosis of conjunctival blood vessel causing: exhaust the cellular and extracellular resources, “Cooked fish eye” the cornea is as white as chalk and allowing extremes of pH that are incompatible with opaque. tissue survival) Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 12. Diagnosis - Diagnosis is made from the history. The staging is guided by the clinical picture. - Intraocular structures in the anterior segment of the eye can also be involved and can be associated with lens opacities and secondary glaucoma. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 13. Severe Chemical burn Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 14. Severe acid burn on eye Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 15. Acute alkali burn Acute alkali burn of greatest severity. Perilimbal blanching, chemosis, and corneal opacification are evident. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 16. Severe alkali burn Acute alkali burn of severe degree. The eye rolled upward in avoidance (Bell phenomenon), exposing the lowest aspect of the cornea to the greatest damage. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 17. Alkali burn(chemical burn) Corneal opacity following lime burn. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 18. Alkali injury  „cooked fish eye‟ following alkali injury. The cornea is white as chalk and opaque. There‟s superficial and deep corneal vascularization. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 19. Alkali burn Heavily vascularized cornea with symblepharon several years after severe chemical burn. Poor prognosis is expected for penetrating keratoplasty. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 20. Chemical burn Opaque vascularised cornea after severe chemical burn. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 21. Chemical burn Chemical burn typically affecting cornea inferiorly. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 22. Chemical injury - total destructive effect of  Superglue Injury a lye burn Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 23. Chemical burn  Following burn from hot  Alkali burn stage II aluminum:conjunctivaliza tion of the corneal surface Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 24. Alkali burn stage III  Alkali burn stage III Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 25. Complication of Chemical injury Conjunctival adhesions  Symblepharon formation following chemical injury following a chemical injury Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 26. Acid burn  Acid burn with corneal erosion below Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 27. Severe Alkali Burn Severe alkali burn. A. Two weeks after injury: pannus begins to invade the opaque cornea from above. B. Three weeks after injury: pannus grows as the cornea begins to thin and clear. C. Seven weeks after injury: collagenolytic erosion and descemetocele in advance of the pannus. D. Eight weeks after injury: frank perforation of the cornea. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 28. Acid injury Mild acid injury Severe acid injury Scar from acid injury Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 29. Chemical burn on conjunctiva and cornea  Alkali injury. When no corneal  Lime injury. Superficial and reepithelization had occurred deep corneal vascularization is by 4 weeks. present, and the eye is dry due to loss of most of the goblet cells. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 30. Signs:• Clinical Pictures 1- Symptoms: 2- Signs: - Pain - eye lid edema, - Lacrimation - chemosis, - Photophobia - conjunctival injection - Blepharospasm - Diminution of vision - corneal abrasions Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 31. Effects of Ocular Surface Burn Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 32. Classification of ocular surface burn Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 33. A new classification of ocular surface burns Grade Prognosis Clinical findings Conjunctival Analogue involvelment scale I Very good 0 clock hours of 0% 0/0% limbal involvement II Good ⩽3 clock hours of ⩽30% 0.1–3/1–29.9% limbal involvement III Good >3–6 clock hours of >30–50% 3.1–6/31–50% limbal involvement IV Good to guarded >6–9 clock hours of >50–75% 6.1–9/51–75% limbal involvement V Guarded to poor >9–<12 clock hours >75–<100% 9.1–11.9/75.1– of limbal 99.9% involvement VI Very poor Total limbus (12 Total 12/100% clock hours) conjunctiva involved (100%) involved The analogue scale records accurately the limbal involvement in clock hours of affected limbus/percentage of conjunctival involvement. While calculating percentage of conjunctival involvement, only involvement of bulbar conjunctiva, up to and includingFaizal Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed the conjunctival fornices is considered. in correspondence to other student in group
  • 34. Complications 1-Primary complications include the following:  Conjunctival inflammation  Corneal abrasions  Corneal haze and edema  Acute rise in IOP  Corneal melting and perforations 2-Secondary complications include the following:  Secondary glaucoma  Secondary cataract  Conjunctival scarring  Corneal thinning and perforation  Complete ocular surface disruption with corneal scarring and vascularization  Corneal ulceration (sterile or infectious)  Complete globe atrophy (phthisis bulbi): See the image below. (phthisis bulbi=Shrinkage and atrophy of the eyeball following a severe inflammation (e.g. uveitis), absolute glaucoma or trauma.)  Complete cicatrization of the corneal surface following chemical injury. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 35. Complications 1- Eye lid: - trichiasis, madarosis, symblepharon, ankyloblepharon. 2- Conjunctiva: - scarring, destruction of goblet cells & accessory lacrimal glands. - severe dryness. - symblepharon. - pseudo ptrygium. 3- Cornea: - destruction of limbal stem cells chronic limbal deficiency or failure. Ulceration, recurrent corneal erosions, opacification, vascularization thinning & perforation. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 36. Complications 4- Anterior chamber : turbidity & reaction. 5- Iris : iritis, endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis in corneal perforations. 6- Secondary glaucoma : Early: prostaglandin release , secondary to severe iritis shrinkage of collagen fibers of the sclera. Late: Occlusion of aqueous veins & anterior ciliary vessels by conjunctival fibrosis. Atrophia bulbi may follow severe cases. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 37. Representative photographs of patients with severe ocular surface burns (Grade 4 Roper Hall Classification and the equivalent Dua 4, 5, 6 ocular burn). The upper row shows the clinical pictures of the patients at presentation, and the lower row shows the corresponding slit-lamp photographs of the same patient at final follow-up visit: A–D: Grade 4 chemical burns (6–9 clock hours of limbal ischaemia); E–H: Grade 5 chemical burns (9–11 clock hours of limbal ischaemia); I–L: Grade 6 chemical burns (12 clock hours of limbal ischaemia); A, B, E, F, I, J: patients treated with standard medical therapy; C, D, G, H, K, L: patients who underwent amniotic membrane transplantation. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 38. Laboratory Study  The pH of the ocular surface should be periodically tested. Irrigation should be continued until the pH reaches neutrality.  No other laboratory tests are generally necessary unless other systemic injuries are concurrent Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 39. Medical Care  Treatment of chemical injuries to the eye requires medical and surgical intervention, both acutely and in the long term, for maximal visual rehabilitation.  Regardless of the underlying chemical involved, common goals of management include the following:  (1) removing the offending agent,  (2) promoting ocular surface healing,  (3) controlling inflammation,  (4) preventing infection, and  (5) controlling IOP. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 40. Immediate Management of Chemical Burns Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 41. Management of Ocular Chemical Injury 1)Remove inciting chemical (irrigation) Immediate copious irrigation of eye (every second counts) by sterile balanced buffered solution: •normal saline solution •Ringer's lactated solution •Normal saline with bicarbonate •Balanced salt solution(BSS) However, immediate irrigation with even plain tap water is preferred without waiting for the ideal fluid. If available, the eye should be anesthetized prior to irrigation. Ideally,the eye should be irrigated with irrigation solution and must contact the ocular surface by: •special irrigating tubing (eg, Morgan lens) •lid speculum. Irrigation should be continued until the pH of the ocular surface is neutralized, usually requiring 1-2 liters of fluid. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 42. Eye Irrigation 2)Evert the upper eyelid and irrigate, and irrigate under lower lid.  Remove all solid particles from under lids.  After 5 to 10 minutes of irrigation and if litmus paper is available test pH of lower inside of lid. Continue irrigation until pH is below or above a pH of 7.0.  If no litmus available irrigate for 20 min Special irrigating tubing(Morgan’s lens): Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 43. Guidelines for first aid for chemical burns  Water is contraindicated as a first aid  Speed in irrigation is also important as measure in chemical burns caused by the certain organic solvents are quickly absorbed heavy metals like sodium, potassium and calcium(e.g.Lime or Ca(OH)2). into the blood stream via the skin or by  They react violently and explosively with inhalation and cause systemic toxicity. water to produce caustic hydroxide  Irrigation should continue even during the liberating much heat in its production and transport to the hospital. thus result in combination of thermal and chemical burn.  Never apply acid to base, or base to acid as it  Immediate treatment in these cases is to can cause exothermic reaction generating - brush off/pick out from the skin as many heat resulting in further damage. particles of sodium or potassium as possible  Victims of mass casualty due to contact with and the hazardous materials (Hazmat) should be - then to direct a high pressure jet of water at the remainder. removed from the zone of immediate danger - Ignition of particles will occur, but if the and then decontaminated. Decontamination flow is great enough, the heat will be at a hospital is discouraged due to potential dissipated by water. spread of the substance to other patients. All  Covering the remaining particles with oil, the areas utilised for decontaminating although prevents combustion, cannot halt victims must themselves be decontaminated the tissue damage as the remaining metal particles continue to react with tissue water. after use. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 44.  Instrument and kit used for eye irrigation Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 45. Eye irrigation Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 46. Transfer  After completing initial irrigation and treatment, patients should be transferred to facilities that have ophthalmologists available to assume care for them. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 47. Acute Management of Chemical Burns Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 48. Acute Management: after transfer to hospital  It‟s better to place an eye speculum and topical anaethesia in the eye before irrigation.  The lower lid is pulled down and the upper lid is everted to irrigate the fornices.  Continue irrigation until pH reaches close to normal. Wash with available antidote if available: Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 49. If nature of chemical If nature of chemical is substance is known unknown or not available Strong Weak alkali acid Tap Dilute chemical Strong Weak acid water substance alkali *for all except LIME* Iodine Starch solution Milk Dilution Milk Buffer acid and alkali Aniline Alcohol 10% Form superficial film Glycerine 10% which protect the Lime a) Pick particles with underlying tissue forceps b) Wash by: EDTA 0.1% (universal antidote) Neutral ammonium tartarate 10% Saturated sugar solution Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 50. Promote ocular surface healing 1- Remove inciting chemical • After instilling topical anesthesia, sweep the fornices with a moist sterile cotton swab to remove any retained foreign material. • This technique is especially important when particulate matter (eg, plaster) is responsible for the injury. 2- Debridement  Once irrigation has been initiated, an exhaustive search of the fornices is necessary to locate and remove sequestered particles of caustic material. If allowed to remain, these particles dissolve slowly, allowing additional toxic substances to leach into surrounding tissues.  The search must include double eversion of the lids after application of 0.5% proparacaine solution and deep swabbing of the conjunctival recesses using moistened cotton-tipped applicators. Careful attention must be directed to those regions where extreme chemosis is likely to hide particulate matter in crypts and folds. 3- Paracentesis  The relative importance of irrigation is diminished slightly by findings that external perfusion of alkali-burned animal eyes, although vital in reducing surface pH, may be incapable of lowering aqueous pH by more than 1.5 units.  A further decrease in pH by 1.5 units can be achieved by removing aqueous by paracentesis, using a 25- or 27-gauge needle inserted at the limbus under slit lamp visualization. If buffered phosphate solution is then used to refill the anterior chamber, a greater reduction in pH (another 1.5 units) is possible. 4- Early Assessment  During the first hour or two of emergency treatment with irrigation, debridement, and possibly paracentesis, critical evaluation of the severity of injury dictates the nature of further therapy. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 51. Promote ocular surface(epithelial) healing Promote ocular surface (epithelial) healing Once the inciting chemical has been completely removed, epithelial healing can begin by: Treatment Functions -Artificial tear supplement -as it cause poorly produce adequate tears. -Ascorbate -improvement in corneal healing. -Therapeutic bandage contact lens -until the epithelium has regenerated. -Amniotic membrane transplant in -promotes faster healing of eyes with acute ocular burns epithelial. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 52. Med Term Management of Ocular Chemical Burns Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 53. Control inflammation Inflammatory mediators released from the ocular surface at the time of injury causing: •tissue necrosis •attract further inflammatory reactants This robust inflammatory response causing: •inhibits reepithelialization •corneal ulceration •Perforation Controlling inflammation will help to break this inflammatory cycle by using: Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 54. Control infection and cicatrization -Topical antibiotic, aggressive lubrication with eye ointments (steroid antibiotic combinations) to prevent symblepharon. As the first week of treatment draws to a close, continued assessment of the risk of infection is essential. Persistent epithelial defects, necrotic corneal stroma, and corneal melting all facilitate infection and therefore necessitate the continued use of topical antibiotics. *Long-term use of topical antibiotics, however, can lead to development of bacterial resistance or corneal toxicity from preservatives. *Prophylactic topical antibiotics are warranted during the initial treatment stages. -Topical steroids should not be used if the corneal epithelium is intact. -Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive may be applied for the treatment of small corneal perforations to avoid infection. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 55. Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 56. Control IOP (increase secondary to chemical injuries) Control IOP (increase secondary to chemical injuries)  Oral acetozolamide(Diamox) or topical beta-blockers or aqueous suppressants is advocated to reduce IOP in severe exposure and both as an initial therapy and during  the later recovery phase, if IOP is high (>30 mm Hg). Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 57. Control Pain Control pain  Severe chemical burns can be extremely painful. • Cycloplegic agents for ciliary spasm • Oral pain medication initially to control pain. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 58. Improves healing 1- Steroids reduce inflammation and neutrophil infiltration. However, they also impair stromal healing by reducing collagen synthesis and inhibiting fibroblast migration. For this reason topical steroids may be used initially but must be tailed off after 7-10 days when sterile corneal ulceration is most likely to occur. They may be replaced by topical NSAIDs, which do not affect keratocyte function. 2- Ascorbic acid reverses a localized tissue scorbutic state and improves wound healing by promoting the synthesis of mature collagen by corneal fibroblasts. Topical sodium ascorbate 10% is given 2 -hourly in addition to a systemic dose of 2 gq.i.d. 3. 3- Citric acid is a powerful inhibitor of neutrophil activity and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory response. Chelation of extracellular calcium by citrate also appears to inhibit collagenase. Topical sodium citrate 10% is given 2- hourly for about 10 days. The aim is to eliminate the second wave of phagocytes, which normally occurs 7 days after the injury. 4- Tetracyclines are collagenase inhibitors and also inhibit neutrophil activity and reduce ulceration. They are administered both topically and systemic-ally {e.g. doxycycline 100 mg b,d.}. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 60. Conjunctival or mucous membrane graft  Reconstruction of contracted fornices several Division of symblephara may be followed by a mucosal graft from the upper conjunctival fornix of months after severe alkali burn. After lysis of an unaffected fellow eye or from buccal mucosa. The symblephara, sheets of silicone rubber were graft should be secured deep in the fornix by double-armed mattress sutures that first engage the sutured deep into the fornices. A scleral shell periosteum of the orbital margin and then pass through the lid to be tied over a square of 0.005- was inserted as a conformer inch silicone rubber sheet.An interim prosthesis, such as an acrylic shell or ring, must be used to separate the lids from the globe, or symblephara rapidly recurs. If there is bilateral injury or if it is not possible to use a mucosal graft, larger sheets of the very flexible 0.005-inch silicone rubber can be fashioned to line the exposed subconjunctival tissue in the deepened fornix . It is possible to use similarly a microthin polyvinyl plastic film of the type used for food wrap in the kitchen; this is easy to obtain and readily sterilizable with heat. These prosthetic sheets must be sutured securely to the periosteum of the orbital margin, after which a scleral shell is inserted. Although conjunctiva grows over these dissected surfaces, preservation of the deepened fornices remains a major challenge because regrowth of symblephara is almost the rule. As the cicatricial bands form once again, retention of a scleral shell or silicone rubber sheets becomes increasingly difficult. In an attempt to inhibit reformation of lysed symblephara, beta-irradiation has been applied after excision of the scar tissue. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal . in correspondence to other student in group
  • 61. Amniotic membrane Schematic diagram transplantation (above) showing double armed 4-0 silk fornix retaining sutures tied over bolsters, and 10-0 monofilament nylon sutures anchoring the amniotic membrane to the lid margins; (below) sagittal view showing amniotic membrane lining the entire ocular surface. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 62. Amniotic membrane transplantation(AMT) Amniotic membrane is obtained under sterile conditions after elective caesarean delivery from a seronegative donor. 1) AMT promoted healing of the ocular surface in all patients, as complete epithelialisation was achieved in all cases. It helps in corneal and conjunctival differentiation and regeneration. 2) This action of amniotic membrane is by virtue of the epithelial basement membrane layer providing a mechanical support and acting as an internal splint. 3) beneficial biological properties such as secretion of cytokines, growth factors and protease inhibitors which decrease surface inflammation and prevent fibrosis and symblepharon formation. 4) AMT stabilises the ocular surface and provides a conducive surface for further procedures such as auto-limbal and allo-limbal transplantation, lamellar or penetrating keratoplasty. 5) AMT can be considered as a useful surgical option in moderate chemical burns with non-healing epithelial defects. It may also be used judiciously in severe cases where close monitoring and follow-up are not possible, and compliance with medication is not satisfactory Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 63. Surgical procedure for conjuctival limbal autograft (CLAU). The conjunctivalized pannus is removed from the corneal surface by peritomy followed by superficial keratectomy with blunt dissection in the recipient eye (A). The cicatrix was removed from the subconjunctival space (B). This invariably results in the recession of the conjunctival edge to 3 to 5 mm from the limbus from the superior and inferior limbal regions (C). Two strips of limbal conjunctival free grafts, each spanning 6 to 7 mm limbal arc length, are removed by superficial lamellar keratectomy at 1 mm within the limbus (D) and by including 5 mm of adjacent conjunctiva. These two free grafts are transferred and secured to the recipient eye at the corresponding anatomic sites by interrupted 10-0 nylon sutures to the limbus and 8-0 vicryl Limbal stem cell transplantation sutures to the sclera. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 64. Limbal stem cell transplantation  If no significant epithelialization has  To re-establish corneal taken place over a denuded cornea by epithelium over the exposed the third to sixth week after a severe stroma after a severe chemical chemical injury, eventual injury, it may be necessary to consider conjunctivalization with vascularization a limbal stem cell autograft or will probably occur unless the eye also homograft. has suffered profound loss of  A patient with a monocular conjunctiva. chemical burn is a candidate for  The various characteristics of an autograft, but homologous conjunctival tissue, including its tissue must be used if both eyes vasculature and goblet cells, are slowly have sustained significant lost as the conjunctivalized cornea damage. undergoes transdifferentiation to a  The clarity, degree of adherence, and metabolically-imperfect corneal stability of the epithelial layer that epithelium. results from limbal stem cell  Because of its instability and its transplantation cannot be matched tendency to vascularize after by any other current method of minor trauma, this new epithelial re-establishing tissue protection covering derived from conjunctiva is over denuded stroma. less desirable than true corneal epithelium. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 65. Surgical procedure of keratolimbal allograft (KLAL). In the host eye the fibrovascular pannus is completely removed leaving in most of the limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) cases a clear residual corneal stromal bed. One layer of amniotic membrane with basal membrane up is place over the cornea as a graft and secure with interrupted 8-0 vicryl to residual conjunctiva and scleral tissue around the limbus. The donor central corneal button is removed by trephine and the residual limbal ring is trimmed off and the underlying stroma is thinned to create a smooth and thin corneal–scleral limbal ring. The limbal tissue is then lay around cornea and secure with interrupted 10-0 nylon suture. In order to promote corneal epithelial healing another amniotic membrane is placed over the cornea as a patch and secure to the scleral with running 10-0 nylon for 1 or 2 weeks (figure not shown). If amniotic membrane is dissolved before 2 weeks, exposure and/or severe inflammation should be suspected and addressed. (Reprinted from Tsubota K, Satake Y, Kaido M, et al: Treatment of severe ocular surface disorders with corneal epithelial Limbal stem cell transplantation stem-cell transplantation. N Engl J Med 340:1697, 1999, with permission) Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 66. Penetrating Keratoplasty Removing the Interrupted affected After removal of the corneal sutures corneal button corneal button. An (10/0 nylon) intraocular lens were used to measuring suture the donor 7mm in can be seen cornea to the diameter. centrally. recipient's. Clear graft after penetrating keratoplasty utilizing and showing a continuous (running) 24-bite suture. (Courtesy of Alan Carlson, MD) Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 67. Penetrating keratoplasty (PK) - Penetrating keratoplasty (PK) is one of the most common forms of tissue transplantation currently performed. It can be an extremely successful procedure, with dramatic visual improvement for the patient. - can also be one of the most challenging and frustrating procedures for a patient to endure, with a prolonged convalescence, delayed visual improvement, and many postoperative challenges. - The technique of keratoplasty, or corneal grafting, involves removing the dysfunctional elements of the cornea and replacing those elements with healthy tissue. Full thickness keratoplasty is termed penetrating keratoplasty, and partial-thickness keratoplasty is termed lamellar keratoplasty. - the current number of procedures performed on an annual basis is decreasing slightly due to: * reflects improved cataract removal technique and technology, such as phacoemulsification and posterior chamber intraocular lens placement. * Many other complications can occur in the late postoperative period, some of which are peculiar to corneal transplant surgery and others of which may be seen after any intraocular surgery. * Chronic progressive nonspecific endothelial decompensation manifests as a gradual onset of graft edema secondary to endothelial dysfunction not associated with prior rejection, uveitis, or glaucoma. *Recurrence of host disease inFaizal graft may be seen in several situations. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed the in correspondence to other student in group
  • 68. Cultures plus Keratoplasty Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 69. Keratoprosthesis Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 70. Keratoprosthesis for corneal reconstruction after chemical injury has been largely unsatisfactory. The greatest limiting factor has been collagenolytic erosion of the interfaces at which corneal tissue adjoins prosthetic material Keratoprosthesis in chemical injury. Collagenolytic lysis occurs around the central optical post. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 71. Keratoprosthesis in a grossly scarred cornea Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 72. Summary of Suggested Action During the Late(Chronic) Period  The tear film should be augmented when necessary with preservative-free artificial tears.  Lysis of symblephara and reconstruction of the fornices, possibly with mucosal grafts, may be performed. Silicone rubber sheets and an acrylic conformer are useful.  Correction of cicatricial entropion and trichiasis is necessary if keratoplasty is anticipated.  Penetrating keratoplasty, with exquisite attention to the small details favoring success, may be performed. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 73. Further inpatient care In patients with severe chemical injuries, short hospitalization may be warranted to closely monitor: •IOP •corneal integrity •medication use •pain control Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 74. Inpatient & Outpatient Medications  Prednisolone acetate 1% (1 gtt qid)  Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment (4-8 times/d)  Homatropine 5% or scopolamine 0.25% (1 gtt tid)  Ascorbate (500 mg PO qid)  Levobunolol hydrochloride 0.5% (1 gtt bid) or acetazolamide (500 mg PO bid) - Pressure lowering agents, such as levobunolol and acetazolamide, are only indicated if IOP is increased (>30 mm Hg). Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 75. Deterrence/Prevention  Education and training regarding the prevention of chemical exposures in the workplace can help prevent chemical injuries to the eye.  Persons who may be exposed to chemicals in the workplace are advised to wear safety goggles. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 76. Consultations  In most instances, patients present to nonophthalmologists for their immediate care.  At a minimum, patients with mild chemical injuries should have follow-up care arranged with an ophthalmologist.  Any patient with a moderate-to-serious injury should be immediately evaluated and followed accordingly by an ophthalmologist.  Other medical personnel may be needed as determined by the extent of the extraocular injuries sustained. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 77. Prognosis  In general, the prognosis of ocular • Grade 1 - Partial-complete epithelial chemical injuries is directly correlated defect, clear corneal stroma, no limbal with the severity of insult to the eye and ischemia adnexal structures. • Grade 2 - Partial-complete epithelial defect, mild stromal haze, none or only mild  Many classification systems and limbal ischemia revisions thereof have been aimed at • Grade 3 - Complete epithelial classifying ocular burns in relation to defect, moderate stromal haze, less than one their prognosis, including the following third of the limbus is ischemic systems: Hughes, Roper-Hall, and • Grade 4 - Complete epithelial Pfister.[9] In essence, all systems aim defect, stromal haze blurring iris details, one third to two thirds of the limbus is ischemic to quantify the degree of corneal • Grade 5 - Complete epithelial epithelial involvement, the degree of defect, stromal opacification, greater than limbal stem cell loss, and the degree of two thirds of the limbus is ischemic conjunctival involvement.[16]  Grades 0-2 can be expected to heal well with  Injuries can be graded from 0-5, as proper care and follow-up examinations. follows:  The course for grades 3-5 is more tenuous and may require surgical • Grade 0 - Minimal epithelial intervention, either limbal stem cell defect, clear corneal stroma, no limbal transplantation or penetrating ischemia keratoplasty, to regenerate the corneal surface.  Higher-grade injuries are more susceptible Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group to secondary complications.
  • 78. Evaluation  Visual acuity  Extensive history:  When the injury occurred  Chemical involved in exposure  Duration of exposure  Duration of irrigation  How long after exposure the chemical irrigation was begun. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 79. Differential Diagnosis  Differentials Diagnosis: • Conjunctivitis, Acute Hemorrhagic • Conjunctivitis, Allergic • Corneal Abrasion • Corneal Erosion, Recurrent • Corneal Foreign Body • Keratoconjunctivitis, Atopic • Keratoconjunctivitis, Epidemic • Keratoconjunctivitis, Sicca • Ulcer, Corneal Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 80. References  Ophthalmology for Undergraduate Medical Students (Tanta University textbook)  Kanski Clinical Ophthalmology Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 81. Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group
  • 82. FINISH Author& Disclosure:Dr.Afiqah Bt.Muhamed Faizal in correspondence to other student in group