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A care for client with Malabsorption Syndrome
  In partial fulfillment of Related Learning Experience (R.L.E)

                         Submitted By:

                    Roderos, Mitch Angela

              BSN 4C GROUP II S.Y 2011-2012

                       Clinical Instructor

                       Sir. Oliver Virata

       The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the site of absorption of a wide variety of
ingested nutrients,including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.Much of this absorption
occurs in the small intestine(SI), where the high surface area provided by thevillous and
microvillous architecture optimizes uptake of dietary substances. The specialized SI mucosa
contains numerous digestive enzymes on its surface,as well as an intricate network of lymphatics
and blood vessels providing access to the bloodstream. Adequate digestion and absorption
depend on a multitude of factors, including mechanical mixing, enzyme production and activity,
proper mucosal function, adequate blood supply, intestinal motility and even normal microbial

       Accordingly, malfunctions in any of these components can lead to failure to absorb
nutrients from the diet, often resulting in some combination of diarrhoea,steatorrhoea,
malnutrition, weight loss and anaemia. The resultant symptoms are known as the malabsorption
syndrome(s), which can be grouped bytheir aetiology into three broad categories.
Thus,malabsorption may result from maldigestion, such as occurs in inadequate mixing (e.g.
after gastrectomy) or in enzyme or bile salt deficiencies, from mucosal or mural problems, such
as various enteropathies or neuromuscular conditions, or from microbial causes,such as bacterial
overgrowth and various infections ⁄infestations. The vast number of causes of intestinal
malabsorption precludes an exhaustive review. Therefore, we will attempt an overview of the
most common and interesting aetiologies in the three categories, with a morecomplete discussion
of a handful of entities in each,along with a review of current concepts. Special emphasis will be
afforded   to   mucosal     problems,    as   well   as   to    several   microbial   conditions.

 1.    Client’s name : Patient A.D
 2.    Gender: Male
 3.    Age, Birth date and Birth place: 21 years old, September 2,1990 at Zamboanga City
 4.    Marital Status: Single
 5.    Nationality: Filipino
 6.    Religion: Roman Catholic
 7.    Address: 15 Natividad St. Bangkal Quezon City
 8.    Educational Background: College Undergraduate
 9.    Occupation: Student
 10.   Usual Source of Medical Care:

    Patient’s Chart
    Patient’s father


       “Ang sakit sakit ng tsyan ko” As verbalized by the patient


   2 years prior to admission (September 2009) – Patient had his appendectomy last 2009,
   abdominal surgery done the same year. A tumor was marked visible in the colon and
   likewise excised.

   1 year and 8 months prior to admission (January 2009) – Patient was operated due to
   dehiscense of his intestines

   10 weeks prior to admission – Patient complaints of abdominal pain, with presence of
   nausea and vomitting and associated with on and off fever.


   Pediatric/Childhood/ Adult Illness: Mumps (7 y/o); Chiken Pox (17 y/o)

   Injuries or accidents: The client recieved multiple injuries due to stampede (10 y/0)

   Serious/ Chronic Illnesses: The client has Hypertension X4, HBP of 200/100 UBP 150/80
Hospitalizations: The client’s father verbalized of frequent admission for the previous
   months and up to present. The client’s father was not able to recall the recent of his
   son’s admission

   Operations: The client undergone appendectomy last 2009 and was operated due to
   intestinal dehiscence after 4 months of previous surgery around January of 2009

   Immunizations: The client verbalized of having complete immunization of DPT, OPV,
              BCG and Measles vaccine.

   Allergies: No known Allergies

   Medications prior to confinement:

   Last Examination Date: December 13, 2011


                         Father                        Mother

                      (+) HPN                         (+) HPN

                      (+) DM                         (+) Asthma


                25 y/o              21 y/o            18 y/o


                            Male         Female       Client
1.) Heredo-Family Illness:

            Maternal –
            Patient B’s mother is known to have High blood pressre and Asthma. Currently,
            his older sister next to him has asthma and so as his only daughter started when
            she was 2 years old.
            Patient’t B’s father has no known family illness running in their blood.


             The client consists of a nuclear family and lives together with his parents and
     three siblings. His father works as a sea man and presently at home due to expiration of
     contract, however, they are able to generate income from their previous savings and from
     managing a computer shop at Zamboanga, and the client’s father obtains an approximate
     per month, adequate enough for a living. The client’s eldest brother works in a call center
     which also helps in shouldering some of their expenses. The client states that he
     contributes for the family financial expenses.


    Erik Erickson          Age                     Task                     Patient’s Description
 Psychosocial Theory

    IntimacyVs.           19 – 30     Young adults need to form         The client is presently
      Isolation             y/o       intimate, loving relationships    stopped from studying
                                      with other people. Success        college and known to have
                                      leads to strong relationships,    frequent admission at
                                      while failure results in          hospitals.
                                      loneliness and isolation.         The client is evidenced to
                                                                        have activity intolerance due
                                                                        to poor nutrition that he is
                                                                        not able to interact from
                                                                        other people and to perform
                                                                        activitiees of daily living by
                                                                        himself. The Client at risk
                                                                        for isolation from social
                                                                        peers that will affect his
                                                                        Pyschosocial development if
                                                                        the problem still persists.
       1. Regional Examinations

        (December 1, 2011 9:30 am)

       Vital Signs:

       Temp : 37.1°c RR: 18 cpm PR: 105 cpm BP: 100/80mmHg

       General Assessment:

        Patient is seen conscious and coherent; garbed clothing appropriate for weather and
         occasion.sitting on wheel chair with facial grimace, the client cannot fully perform
         activities and requires assistance. Skin is clean and smooth with normal skin turgor.
         Nails are long but not dirty and with normal capillary refill. Patient is with ongoing
         IVF of D5 NSS 1 L X 8 hr Infusing well at his left matacarpal vein.

Date of Assessment       System         Normal Findings                   Actual Findings

December 14 ,2011     Integumentary    Smooth and good        I:
                                       skin turgor, no
                                       lesions or any           Brown color, no lesion, no swelling
                                       discoloration, no         and edema.
                                       clubbing, no breaks      Weak Looking
                                       &abnormal                Visible veins on both arms
                                       curvature.               Has a temperature of 37.1°c.
                                                                With visible longitudinal scar
                                                                 below the umbillicu

                                                              In nails:

                                                                Long and clean nails and round
                                                                 nails. Pale Nail beds


                                                                Cold,dry scaly skin,normal
                                                                 capillary refill. Good skin turgor

December 14 ,2011     Hair and Head    No lesion, no          I:
                                       tenderness, no pain
                                       on palpation, no       -His hair color is black, hair is evenly
                                       masses, no lumps,      distributed,
no nodules or           -Has thick hair.
                          symmetrical             -No presence of parasite and dandruff.

                                                  -In scalp: Symmetrical and round and
                                                  no lesion.


                                                  -Hair texture is smooth and soft.

                                                  -In head the texture is smooth and

December 14,2011   Eyes   Eyelid intact, no       I:
                          redness, swelling,
                          discharge or lesions.   -Lid margins moist and light pink,
                          Eyeballs are moist &    lashes short, evenly spaced and curled
                          glossy, conjunctiva     outward.
                          numerous small          -Bulbar conjunctiva is clear with tiny
                          blood vessels. Sclera   vessels visible, palpebral conjunctiva
                          white. Good eye         is pale with no discharge, white sclera.
                                                  - In PERRLA:

                                                  *Cornea is transparent and the shape
                                                  of the iris and pupil is round and

                                                  *The left and right eye has a good
                                                  reaction to light (constrict and dilate)

                                                  -In extra ocular movements:

                                                  *Both eyes coordinated well in all

December 14,2011   Ears   Ears are symmetrical I:
                          with 10 degrees
                          angle. Color is same -Equal size and similar appearance.
                          in facial with no    -No lesions, brown in color same with
tenderness or any      his complexion.
                                  nodule and without
                                  any presence of        P:
                                  discharge.             -Warm, smooth, no nodules and no
                                                         tenderness in auricle and tragus.

December 14,2011   Mouth and      32 adult teeth are     I & P:
                   Throat         present with moist
                                  and pink mucous        -Lips and surrounding tissue relatively
                                  membrane without       symmetrical.No lesions, swelling and
                                  any lesions or         drooping.
                                  swelling.              -Lip is pale pink; moist, smooth and
                                                         with no lesions.

                                                         -Buccal mucosa is light pink, moist
                                                         and without lesions.-Gums are light
                                                         pink, and moist.

                                                         -In tongue:

                                                         *Moist, some papillae present,
                                                         symmetrical appearance, midline
                                                         fissures present and the color is pink
                                                         and color white at the center and no
                                                         lesions as well as the sides of the

                                                         *Hard palate: slightly pink. *Soft
                                                         palate: pink, -Has 32 teeth and stained
                                                         with a hint of yellow color.

December 14,2011       Neck       No tenderness on       I: -Neck is symmetric with head
                                  palpation, no pain,    centered and without bulging masses.
                                  symmetrically align,
                                  no enlarged lymph      P:-Smooth skin, firm, and none tender
                                  nodes, no tracheal     and none enlarged nodules.
                                  lateral deviation.

December 14,2011     Breast and   No palpable nodules I:
                      Axillae     and lesions. Breast is -Nipples have no discharges and not
                                  firm and round.        cracked.
December 14,2011     Respiratory    Intercostals spaces    I:
                                    are even and
                                    relaxed; chest         -The color of his chest is similar to his
                                    symmetry is equal,     complexion.
                                    no pain or             -Visible Rib Cage
                                    tenderness, and no
                                    abnormal breath        -Chest symmetry is equal
                                                           -Respiratory rate of 18.

                                                           P: No pain or tenderness.

                                                           A: Lung is clear to auscultation on
                                                           inspiration and expiration.

December 14,2011   Cardiovascular   No fatigue on simple PR : 105
                                    activities, no
                                    arrhythmias and      BP: 100/80 mmHg
                                    heart murmurs.       I:-Neck veins are not distended.
                                                         P:-No vibrations or palpitation in
                                                         aortic, pulmonic, or tricuspid area.

                                                           A:-No murmur sound heard.

December 14,2011     Abdominal      No pain, No            I:
                                    palpable masses and
                                    tenderness, Flat and   -With
                                    round.                 P:

                                                           -(+) Tenderness, with inflammation on
                                                           intestines as observed in Lab Result

December 14,2011   Musculoskeletal Have good range of      -Requires assistance to stand and toes
                                   motion and no           point straight ahead.
                                   limitation of
                                   movements.              With marked activity intolerance

                                                           -With marked muscle waisting

December 14,2011     Neurologic     Have no tremors        -No presence of tremors, oriented, no
                                    paralysis. Oriented,   history of seizures,without mental
                                    no history of          dysfunction or hallucinations.
                                    seizures, mental       -Slow and low soft voice
dysfunction or         -Weak looking
                                            hallucinations.        Lethargic, slow response

  December 14,2011         Lympathic        Has no bleeding        No swollen lymph nodes.
                                            tendencies, normal
                                            lymph nodes.

2. Laboratory Studies/Diagnostics

   12/15/11 Clinical Chemistry Section

   Test Name         Range         Unit     Result                       Interpretation
 Albumin            3.92 –       g/dL      2.05       Below Normal
                                                      Indicates poor nutritional state, poor protein intake,
                                                      Renal/Kidney Dysfunction



          Prior to admission, patient’s father sasys the his son sees health being able to do everyday
   things well according to the manner he wants it. The client stated he doesn’t easilly get sick and
   when he does, he just let it subside not until if his condition worsens, that’s the time when he
   would visit the hospital. The client does not use any vitamins and medications. Client has not
   experienced colds in the past month.


                 Prior to confinement, the client’s father states that his son has a good concept at
   himself and describes himself like any typical normal college boy. He says that his child
   perceives good self-concept as evidenced by being active in the activities held in his institution.

           Presently, the client stopped schooling due to persistent abdominal pain. The client
      permanently resides in Zamboanga and went to Cavite from a relative’s house to sought for

Prior to confinement, the patient father remarks that his son used to have an active
lifestyle, the client is once a varsity player in Basketball. The patient engages in sports such as
Basket Ball, Volley Ball and Badminton. The patient studied college last semester but now
stopped due to present situation.

Presently, the patient is admitted in ward 3A, under bed rest. The client assistance from another
person or device in terms of the following indicated below:

                        Feeding                 III           Grooming                III

                        Bathing                 III         Gen. Mobility             III

                        Toiling                 III            House                  III
                     Bed mobility               III           Dressing                III


Level 0 – Self Care
Level I – Use of equipments
Level II– Assistance from another person
Level III –Requires assistance from another person or device
Level IV – Dependent and does not participate


Before the client was admitted, the client’s father stated that his son usually sleeps around 10:00
pm and wakes up around 6:00 am with an average sleep of 8 hours without any use of sleepint

Presently, the client’s father describes that his son is experiencing difficulty in sleeping due to
persistence of pain that he experiencing because of that the client frequently naps in the morning
and still feels tiped upon waking up


        The client presently eats in small frequent feeding at an average of 5 times a day. the
client has poor appetite and usually eats in soft-non-seasoned food or broths. The client cannot
tolerate to eat regular meals as observed from vomiting. The client’s father frequently observes
his child to vomit usually after eating. There is an observed muscle wasting as evidenced from a
weight loss of 48 kg to 32 kg. The client has no dental problems and without foul odors.

        The client states that he defecates every other day usually in the morning in scanty soft
brown stool. The client’s father believe that his son’s bowel pattern due to his poor fluid and
food intake. The client urinates 2X a day or varies in his fluid intake without no difficulty


The patient is not sexually active and was circumcised at the age of 12



    The client is the second son among his 3 siblings. The client previously attended college but
presently stops due to persistence of abdominal pain affecting his studies. The patient’s father
says that his son attends to school trying to tolerate his abdominal pain The client’s father
verbalized that their family has an open and harmonious relationship. The client’s father states
that he would allow his son to decide by himself to promote independence but would be there to
guide and support him. In terms of major decisions affecting the client’s health, the father states
the he will use his authority as a father to intervene.


        The client states the he feels discomfort from his abdominal pain. The client’s father
verbalized that travelling far from home, unable to do his daily activities and being isolated and
stopped from school has been the client’s stress factors. However, the client’s father remarked
that his son has high tolerance from the pain, they would use ointment to help the client relieve
from pain


       The Client is a Roman Catholic. The client stated that he barely attends the church
because of his studies and presently because of his abdominal pain.

Habits: The client is known an athletic student. The client prefers to do anything just to keep
him from being bored. Despite of eating, the client ignores to rest but goes straight from doing
such activities, that may be the reason why the client acquired appendicitis dated on year 2009

Vices: The client stated does not consume alcoholic beverages and does not smoke.

Lifestyle: The client was known to live in an active lifestyle.

Client’s usual daily life: The client’s typical day is studying in school at the morning, and
would plau basketball for his varsity in the afternoons. The patient’s states that his son prefers to
beat home watching television or taking siesta during his free time.

Rank/Order in the family: the Client is ranked as the second son from his 3 siblings.

Travel: The client previous travel was from Zamboanga to Cavite


            The client lives together with his family composed of 5 house hold members. A
        bungalow type of house with 209 square meters is owned by the patient residing near the
        highway. The client narrated that it is a cemented house with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath
        room. The house is fully ventilated and well lit of 12 windows. Their doors for about the
        size of 180X1 meter. The client stated that their surroundings are well-sanitized. Their
        electricity supply comes from Meralco and their water supply are from Deep well. They
        order Mineral water for drinking. The client’s residence is advantageous, since it is near
        the public market, transportation, at school and Hospital.


     Birth date: September 2, 1990                            Hospital: Not assessed

     Birth weight: Unrecalled

     Type of delivery: Normal Spontaneous Delivery
Condition after birth: In fine stable condition


Complications of delivery: None

Anesthesia drug guring labor: Unrecalled

Exposure to Teratogenic Agents during Pregnancy: None


                                               (Book Based)

                     PREDISPOSING                                        PRECIPITATING
                       FACTORS                                             FACTORS

 Age             Family history of         Intestinal              Excessive Alcohol      Use of Mineral
                  Malabsorption             Surgery                     Intake            Oil or laxatives


Inadequate mixing             Insufficient digestive            Mucosal Problems       Bacterial Infections
 Of gastric juices


                                                        1. Acute Pain related to
                                                        gastrointestinal inflammation as
                                                        evidenced by pain scale of 7/10

                                                    Malabsorption Syndrome
                                                                                                    2. Imbalanced Nutrition
3. Activity Intolerance related
                                                           Patient A.D 21 y.o/ Male                 related to impaired absorption
to failure to nourish muscle
adequately as evidenced by          Temp : 37.1°c RR: 18 cpm PR: 105 cpm BP: 100/80mmHg Wt: 32 kg   of nutrients from the GI tract
generalized weakness                                                                                as evidenced by weight loss of
                                   Facial Grimace
                                   Painscale of 7/10                                               48 kg to 32 kg
                                   Guarding behavior
                                   Abdominal distention
                                   Weight loss from 48 kg to 32 kg
                                   Hypoalbuminemia (2.95 n=3.92-4.94 g/dl)
                                   Muscle waisting
                                   Generalized body weakness
                                   Slow movement
                                   Slow response
                                   Inaility to perfrom activities by himself
                                   Verbal reports of wearines


     Problem Number                Problem                             Remarks
                      Acute Pain related to              The client presently complaints of
           1          gastrointestinal inflammation as   prsistent abdominal pain due to the
                      evidenced by pain scale of 7/10    inflammation from malabsoprtion.
                                                         Pain is prioritized for it is the 5th
                                                         vital sign, and knwn to be the
                                                         chief complaint likewise.

                      Imbalanced Nutrition related to    The body is unable to absorb the
           2          impaired absorption of nutrients   nutrients well due to occurence of
                      from the GI tract as evidenced     an imflammed GI tract. Thus, the
                      by weight loss of 48 kg to 32 kg   client is unable to be provided of
                                                         proper nutirion approrpiate for his
                                                         development thus manifested by
                                                         weigh loss

                      Activity Intolerance related to    Due to failure of the client to have
           3          failure to nourish muscle          adequate nutrition for the body to
                      adequately as evidenced by         recieve it’s energy that is
                      generalized weakness               manifested by generalized

  Cues/Needs            Nursing          Planning                    Implementation                               Rationale                Evaluation
Subjective:          Acute pain        By the end of    Monitored Vital signs q 30 until the Baseline data is important to           By the end
“Masakit ang         related to        8 hours of        patient stable especially respiratory rate help Determine patient’s current  of 8 hours of
tsyan ako” as        inflammation      nursing           and blood pressure                         health status and evaluate        nursing
                                       intervention,                                                efficacy of nursing interventions intervention,
verbalized by the    and swelling
                                       the                                                          rendered                          the
patient              of the liver as   Patient will                                                                                   Patient will
                     evidenced by      verbalize a      Assess the patient’s pain by using the 10 The client’s report of pain is the verbalized a
Objective:           pain in right     decrease in       point pain rating scale q4 hrs or PRN single most reliable indicator of decrease in
 Pain Scale of      upper             pain scale        during the 2-10pm shift.                   pain.                             pain scale
  7/10               quadrant          from 6/10 to                                                                                   from 76/10
 Facial grimace                       0/10                                                                                           to 3/10
 Gurading                                              Performed comprehensive assessment to      Pain is a subjective experience
  behavior                                               pain include location , characteristic,   and must be described by the      “Mejo
 With abdominal                                         onset, duration, frequency,                client in order to plan effective natitiis ko na
  distention                                              quality, intensity or severity            treatment                         yung kirot”
                                                                                                                                      as verbalized
                                                                                                                                      by the patient
                                                        Provided nonpharmacologic pain relief       Relaxation techniques decrease
                                                         methods, such as breathing exercises,      oxygen consumption, respiratory
                                                         music therapy, distraction and progressive rate, heart rate, and muscle
                                                         relaxation before, after, and if possible  tension, which interrupt the
                                                         during painful activities.                 cycle of pain–anxiety–muscle

                                                        Kept side rails up and bed in low position.   To reduce likelihood of falls and
                                                                                                       to promote a safe environment.

                                                        Administered Pain medications as ordered      To promote pharmacologic
                                                         such as Tramadol                              measures in relieving pain
Cues/Needs           Nursing            Planning                  Implementation                            Rationale                Evaluation
Subjective:         Imbalanced        After 8 hours of    Assessed the present weight of the         Provides baselinedata about the After 8 hours
“Ang lake na nga    Nutrition         Nursing             client by the use of weighing scale        client.                         of Nursing
ng pinangayat ng    related to        intervention, the                                                                              intervention,
anak ko” as         impaired          client will         Determined the client’s attitude towards   Psychological factors towards   the client
                                                          eating.                                    eating may affect one person’s
verbalized by the   absorption of     demonstrate                                                                                    Participated
                                                                                                     appetite and also to know the
patient’s father    nutrients from    behaviors to                                                   client’s eating habits.         and
                    the GI tract as   regain and                                                                                     enumerated
Objective:          evidenced by      maintain proper                                                To promote and sustain          Ways to
 Weight loss       weight loss of    weight              Encourged the client tomash the foods      adequate nutrition needed by    regain and
  from 48 kg to     48 kg to 32 kg                        mechanically and to eat in small           the body and minimizing the     maintain
  32 kg                                                   frequent feeding                           occurance of malabsorption      proper
 Hypoalbumine
  mia (2.95                                               Instructed the client to avoid             To decrease the likelihood of
  n=3.92-4.94                                             caffeineated beverages like coffee, tea,   GI upset
  g/dl)                                                   softdrinks, chocolates and foods rich in
 Muscle waisting                                         fats                                       To keep the client hydrated and
 Generalized                                                                                        to monitor the fluid intake of
  body weakness                                           Monitored and regulated IV fluid           patient

                                                                                                     To provide pharmacological
                                                          Administered medications as ordered        means of reducing occurance
                                                                                                     of abdominal pain thereby
                                                                                                     promoting the patient to eat.

    Cues/Needs            Nursing          Planning                 Implementation                            Rationale                Evaluation
Subjective:              Activity       After 8 hours     Determine factors contributing to          The client marks to have            After 8 hours
“Hinang hina ang        Intolerance     of nursing        fatigue                                    pulmonary congestion and under      of nursing
pakiramdam ko” as       related to      intervention,                                                observation to have acute           intervention,
verbalized by the       failure to      the client will                                              coronary syndrome                   the client
patient                 nourish         participate                                                                                      participated
                        muscle          willingly in      Evaluate client’s percieved limitations    To provide comparative baseline     willingly in
                        adequately as   necessary and     by asking past activities and present      data and to provide information     necessary
Objective:              evidenced by    desired           activities                                 about needed intervention           and desired
                        generalized     activities.                                                                                      activities.
 Generalized body      weakness                          Assess cardiopulmonary response to         Manifestations results
  weakness                                                physical activity, including vital signs   intolerance of activity             The client
 Slow movement                                                                                                                          verbalized of
                                                          before, during and after activity
 Slow response
 Inaility to perfrom
  activities by                                           Assist client wit activities when          To protect the client from injury   such
  himself                                                 walking to the wash room, getting up in                                        exercises and
 Verbal reports of                                       bed and lying back to bed                                                      exposure to
  wearines                                                                                                                               sunlight in
                                                          Provide intervals of rest between          To minimize occurrences of          his daily
                                                          activities                                 fatigue                             living
                                                          Encourage and acknowledge the
                                                          difficulty of the situatio of the clientHelps to minimize frustration
                                                                                                  and rechannel energy
                                                                                                  Sunlight is rich in Vitamin D and
                                                          Encouraged patient to expose himself in
                                                                                                  will help the client to increase
                                                          sun light around 7-8 am
                                                          Assist and provide passive and active
                                                                                                  To maintain and enhance muscle
                                                                                                  tone of client

        i.    Pharmacotherapeutics

    DRUG NAME        CLASSIFICATION     INDICATION              ACTION              SIDE/ADVERSE                   NURSING               PATIENT TEACHING
                                                                                       EFFECTS              RESPONSIBILITIES
    Hydrocortisone   Therapeutic:      Management of         Supress          CNS: depression,              _Assess patient for        _Instruct patient on correct
                     Antiasthmatics,   adrenocortical        inflammation     euphoria,headache,increased   swigns of adrenal          technique of medication
     Brand Name:     corticosteroids   insufficiency;        and the normal   intracranial pressure         insufficiency.             administration.
         Cortef                        chronic use in        immune           (Children only),personality   _Monitor intake and        _Caution patient to avoid
 Dosage:             Pharmacologic     other situations is   response.        changes, pyschoses,           output ratios and daily    vaccinations without first
     5 mg I.V q8     Corticosteriods   limited because       Replacement      restlessness                  weights. Observe           consulting health care
                     (systemic)        of                    theraphy in      EENT: cataracts, increased    patient for peripheral     prifessionals.
                                       mineralocorticoid     adrenal          intraocular pressure. CV:     edema, steady weight       _Review side effects with
                                       activity.             insufficiency.   hypertension GI: Peptic       gain, rales/crackles, or   patient. Instruct patient to
                                                                              Ulcer, anorexia, nausea,      dyspnea.                   inform health care
                                                                              vomitting. Derm: acne,        _Children should           professional promptly if
                                                                              decreased wound healing,      have periodic              severe abdominal pain or tarry
                                                                              ecchymoses, fragility,        evaluation of growth.      stools occur. Patient should
                                                                              hirsutism, petichiae Endo:    _Assess involvrd           also report unusual swelling,
                                                                              Adrenal suppresion,           systems before and         weight gain, and tiredness,
                                                                              hyperglycemia. Hemat:         periodically during        bone pain, bruising, none
                                                                              Thrombophlebitis, Metab:      theraphy                   healing sores, visual
                                                                              Weight gain MS: Muscle                                   disturbances, or behavior
                                                                              wasiting. Misc: Cushingoid                               changes.
DRUG NAME            CLASSIFICATION     INDICATION             ACTION              SIDE/ADVERSE                     NURSING                 PATIENT TEACHING
                                                                                          EFFECTS                RESPONSIBILITIES
hyoscine butylbromide   Therapeutic:      Paroxysmal pain      Acts by             Agranulocytosis,          _Patients who have Asthma,       _Instruct patient to take
                        Gastro/           in diseases of       interfering with    pancytopenia.             aspirin-induced allergy, and     medication exactly as
    Brand Name:         Antispasmodics    stomach &            the transmission    Bronchospasm,             nasal polyps are at increased    directed. Take missed dose
      Buscopan          Pharmacologic:    intestine. Spastic   of nerve            Constipation, dry         risk for developing              as soon as remembered if
Dosage:                 Pyrroziline       pain & functional    impulses by         mouth, trouble            hypersensitivity reactions.      not almost time for next
     5 mg I.V q8        carboxylic acid   disorders in         acetylcholine in    urinating, nausea, fast   Assess for rhinitis, asthmas     dose. Do not double dose
                                          biliary & urinary    the                 heart rate                and urticaria                    _Instruct Patient to notify
                                          tracts, female       parasympathetic                                _Assess pain (note type,        health
                                          genital organs       nervous system                                location, and intensity) prior   Health care professional if
                                                               (specifically the                             to 1 -2 hr following             allergic reactions occurred
                                                               vomiting center).                             administration                   (rash, pruritus, laryngeal
                                                                                                             _Evaluate liver function         edema, wheezing).
                                                                                                             tests, especially AST and        _Ask for your doctor's
                                                                                                             ALT, periodically in patients    advice if you are
                                                                                                             receiving prolonged therapy.     breastfeeding or likely to
                                                                                                             May cause inccreased levels      breastfeed during the
                                                                                                             _May cause prolonged             course of your medication
                                                                                                             bleeding time that may persist   _Special care is
                                                                                                             for 24-48 hour following         recommended during
                                                                                                             discontinuation of therapy       pregnancy, particularly in
                                                                                                             _May cause increased BUN,        the first three months.
                                                                                                             serum, creatinine or             Ask for your doctor's
                                                                                                             potassium concentrations         advice if you are pregnant,
                                                                                                                                              or likely to become
                                                                                                                                              pregnant during your
                                                                                                                                              course of medication.
DRUG NAME     CLASSIFICATION       INDICATION               ACTION            SIDE/ADVERSE                  NURSING                  PATIENT TEACHING
                                                                                  EFFECTS            RESPONSIBILITIES
 Prednisone   Therapeutic:      Paroxysmal pain in       Acts by             Agranulocytosis,     _Patients who have               _Instruct patient to take
              Gastro/           diseases of stomach      interfering with    pancytopenia.        Asthma, aspirin-induced          medication exactly as
Brand Name:   Antispasmodics    & intestine. Spastic     the transmission    Bronchospasm,        allergy, and nasal polyps are    directed. Take missed dose as
 Buscopan     Pharmacologic:    pain & functional        of nerve impulses   Constipation, dry    at increased risk for            soon as remembered if not
    V q8      Pyrroziline       disorders in biliary &   by acetylcholine    mouth, trouble       developing hypersensitivity      almost time for next dose. Do
              carboxylic acid   urinary tracts, female   in the              urinating, nausea,   reactions. Assess for            not double dose
                                genital organs           parasympathetic     fast heart rate      rhinitis, asthmas and            _Instruct Patient to notify
                                                         nervous system                           urticaria                        health
                                                         (specifically the                         _Assess pain (note type,        Health care professional if
                                                         vomiting center).                        location, and intensity) prior   allergic reactions occurred
                                                                                                  to 1 -2 hr following             (rash, pruritus, laryngeal
                                                                                                  administration                   edema, wheezing).
                                                                                                  _Evaluate liver function         _Ask for your doctor's
                                                                                                  tests, especially AST and        advice if you are
                                                                                                  ALT, periodically in             breastfeeding or likely to
                                                                                                  patients receiving prolonged     breastfeed during the course
                                                                                                  therapy. May cause               of your medication
                                                                                                  inccreased levels                _Special care is
                                                                                                  _May cause prolonged             recommended during
                                                                                                  bleeding time that may           pregnancy, particularly in the
                                                                                                  persist for 24-48 hour           first three months.
                                                                                                  following discontinuation of     Ask for your doctor's advice
                                                                                                  therapy                          if you are pregnant, or likely
                                                                                                  _May cause increased             to become pregnant during
                                                                                                  BUN, serum, creatinine or        your course of medication.
                                                                                                  potassium concentrations
DRUG NAME      CLASSIFICATION       INDICATION               ACTION            SIDE/ADVERSE                  NURSING               PATIENT TEACHING
                                                                                   EFFECTS           RESPONSIBILITIES
Pantoprazole   Therapeutic:      Paroxysmal pain in       Acts by             Agranulocytosis,     _Patients who have            _Instruct patient to take
               Gastro/           diseases of stomach      interfering with    pancytopenia.        Asthma, aspirin-induced       medication exactly as
Brand Name:    Antispasmodics    & intestine. Spastic     the transmission    Bronchospasm,        allergy, and nasal polyps     directed. Take missed dose as
 Buscopan      Pharmacologic:    pain & functional        of nerve impulses   Constipation, dry    are at increased risk for     soon as remembered if not
    V q8       Pyrroziline       disorders in biliary &   by acetylcholine    mouth, trouble       developing hypersensitivity   almost time for next dose. Do
               carboxylic acid   urinary tracts, female   in the              urinating, nausea,   reactions. Assess for         not double dose
                                 genital organs           parasympathetic     fast heart rate      rhinitis, asthmas and         _Instruct Patient to notify
                                                          nervous system                           urticaria                     health
                                                          (specifically the                         _Assess pain (note type,     Health care professional if
                                                          vomiting center).                        location, and intensity)      allergic reactions occurred
                                                                                                   prior to 1 -2 hr following    (rash, pruritus, laryngeal
                                                                                                   administration                edema, wheezing).
                                                                                                   _Evaluate liver function      _Ask for your doctor's advice
                                                                                                   tests, especially AST and     if you are breastfeeding or
                                                                                                   ALT, periodically in          likely to breastfeed during the
                                                                                                   patients receiving            course of your medication
                                                                                                   prolonged therapy. May        _Special care is
                                                                                                   cause inccreased levels       recommended during
                                                                                                   _May cause prolonged          pregnancy, particularly in the
                                                                                                   bleeding time that may        first three months.
                                                                                                   persist for 24-48 hour        Ask for your doctor's advice if
                                                                                                   following discontinuation     you are pregnant, or likely to
                                                                                                   of therapy                    become pregnant during your
                                                                                                   _May cause increased          course of medication.
                                                                                                   BUN, serum, creatinine or
                                                                                                   potassium concentrations
DRUG NAME     CLASSIFICATION      INDICATION              ACTION            SIDE/ADVERSE                  NURSING               PATIENT TEACHING
                                                                                EFFECTS           RESPONSIBILITIES
 Tramadol     Therapeutic:      Paroxysmal pain in     Acts by             Agranulocytosis,     _Patients who have            _Instruct patient to take
              Gastro/           diseases of stomach    interfering with    pancytopenia.        Asthma, aspirin-induced       medication exactly as
Brand Name:   Antispasmodics    & intestine. Spastic   the transmission    Bronchospasm,        allergy, and nasal polyps     directed. Take missed dose as
 Buscopan     Pharmacologic:    pain & functional      of nerve impulses   Constipation, dry    are at increased risk for     soon as remembered if not
    V q8      Pyrroziline       disorders in biliary   by acetylcholine    mouth, trouble       developing hypersensitivity   almost time for next dose. Do
              carboxylic acid   & urinary tracts,      in the              urinating, nausea,   reactions. Assess for         not double dose
                                female genital         parasympathetic     fast heart rate      rhinitis, asthmas and         _Instruct Patient to notify
                                organs                 nervous system                           urticaria                     health
                                                       (specifically the                         _Assess pain (note type,     Health care professional if
                                                       vomiting center).                        location, and intensity)      allergic reactions occurred
                                                                                                prior to 1 -2 hr following    (rash, pruritus, laryngeal
                                                                                                administration                edema, wheezing).
                                                                                                _Evaluate liver function      _Ask for your doctor's advice
                                                                                                tests, especially AST and     if you are breastfeeding or
                                                                                                ALT, periodically in          likely to breastfeed during the
                                                                                                patients receiving            course of your medication
                                                                                                prolonged therapy. May        _Special care is
                                                                                                cause inccreased levels       recommended during
                                                                                                _May cause prolonged          pregnancy, particularly in the
                                                                                                bleeding time that may        first three months.
                                                                                                persist for 24-48 hour        Ask for your doctor's advice if
                                                                                                following discontinuation     you are pregnant, or likely to
                                                                                                of therapy                    become pregnant during your
                                                                                                _May cause increased          course of medication.
                                                                                                BUN, serum, creatinine or
                                                                                                potassium concentrations

                              Content                                  Strategy

M-medication       To adhere in prescribed         Instruct patient to take the prescribed
                   therepautic regimen for          medications as ordered by the physician.
                   health maintainance and         Instruct patient to avoid taking OTC drugs
                   resistance.                      unless given with medical advice

                                                   Assist patient in performing passive ROM
E-exercise         To promote a healthy             exercises to maintain muscle tone and increase
                   lifestyle, maximizing the        blood circulation.
                   level of health and increase    Provide schedules of minimal activites tolerable
                   the body’s immunity.             by the patient to incease self-reliance.

T-treatment        Attending the follow up         Educate client     by   adhering   maintainance
                   check up.                        theraphy.

                                                   Teach patient of non-pharmacological treatment
                   Health teaching about the        for occurences of abdominal pain such as deep
H-health           disease, exercise and diet.      breathing exercises, plinting with a pillow,
teaching                                            applying warm compress, and utilizing
                                                    diversional activitities
                                                   Encourage patient to expose self from the sun
                                                    early morning for good source of Vitamin D
                   Instruct that they need to
O-OPD              have a health check up.         Emphasize the importance of adhering to
                                                    medications and attending follow-up check up.

                   Maintain and ensure             Instruct patient to avoid consumption highly
D-diet             adequate intake for              seasoned foods, high in salt, fath, caffeneited
                   noursihment,                     beverages, and chocolates
                                                   Instructed patient to mash the foods well and eat
                                                    in small frequent feeding to reduce likelihood of
                                                    gastric upset
                                                   Encourage patient to drink energy drink as
                                                    adjuct supplement from client’s undernutrition
S-signs       and If any signs of symptoms are     Advise patient to refer to health care
symptoms          present go to the nearest         professional for persistence of abdominal pain,
                  hospital for check up.            fever, vomitting, diarhea, and occurence of
                                                    black stools.

        Patient A.D a 21 year old male, has been admitted to St, Dminic Medical Center last December
       14,2011 with a chief complaint of abdominal pain. Hence was admitted with initial diagnosis of
       to consider colon cancer and and hooked of D5 NSS 1 L X 8 hr. Vital signs shows Temp :
       37.1°c RR: 18 cpm PR: 105 cpm BP: 100/80mmHg Wt: 32 kg

       Patient was orderd for Albumin Test and ordered medication of Hyrocortisone 100 mg TIV,
       Buscopan 1 amp TIV q* RTC, Prednisone 250 mg/ Tab BID PO, Pantoprazole 40 mg 1 tab OD
       PO and Tramadol 50 mg TIV q8.

       Preesently, a final diagnosis of Malabsorption Syndrome was confirmed and the client is still
       undergoing treatment, the client’s latest vital signs of Temp.: 37.5°c RR: 19cpm PR: 86 cpm
       BP: 100/70mmHg. And for endoscopy

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  • 1. A care for client with Malabsorption Syndrome In partial fulfillment of Related Learning Experience (R.L.E) Submitted By: Roderos, Mitch Angela BSN 4C GROUP II S.Y 2011-2012 Clinical Instructor Sir. Oliver Virata
  • 2. INTRODUCTION The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the site of absorption of a wide variety of ingested nutrients,including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.Much of this absorption occurs in the small intestine(SI), where the high surface area provided by thevillous and microvillous architecture optimizes uptake of dietary substances. The specialized SI mucosa contains numerous digestive enzymes on its surface,as well as an intricate network of lymphatics and blood vessels providing access to the bloodstream. Adequate digestion and absorption depend on a multitude of factors, including mechanical mixing, enzyme production and activity, proper mucosal function, adequate blood supply, intestinal motility and even normal microbial ecology. Accordingly, malfunctions in any of these components can lead to failure to absorb nutrients from the diet, often resulting in some combination of diarrhoea,steatorrhoea, malnutrition, weight loss and anaemia. The resultant symptoms are known as the malabsorption syndrome(s), which can be grouped bytheir aetiology into three broad categories. Thus,malabsorption may result from maldigestion, such as occurs in inadequate mixing (e.g. after gastrectomy) or in enzyme or bile salt deficiencies, from mucosal or mural problems, such as various enteropathies or neuromuscular conditions, or from microbial causes,such as bacterial overgrowth and various infections ⁄infestations. The vast number of causes of intestinal malabsorption precludes an exhaustive review. Therefore, we will attempt an overview of the most common and interesting aetiologies in the three categories, with a morecomplete discussion of a handful of entities in each,along with a review of current concepts. Special emphasis will be afforded to mucosal problems, as well as to several microbial conditions.
  • 3. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA 1. Client’s name : Patient A.D 2. Gender: Male 3. Age, Birth date and Birth place: 21 years old, September 2,1990 at Zamboanga City 4. Marital Status: Single 5. Nationality: Filipino 6. Religion: Roman Catholic 7. Address: 15 Natividad St. Bangkal Quezon City 8. Educational Background: College Undergraduate 9. Occupation: Student 10. Usual Source of Medical Care: A. SOURCE AND RELIABLITY OF INFORMATION  Patient’s Chart  Patient’s father B. REASON FOR SEEKING CARE “Ang sakit sakit ng tsyan ko” As verbalized by the patient C. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS 2 years prior to admission (September 2009) – Patient had his appendectomy last 2009, abdominal surgery done the same year. A tumor was marked visible in the colon and likewise excised. 1 year and 8 months prior to admission (January 2009) – Patient was operated due to dehiscense of his intestines 10 weeks prior to admission – Patient complaints of abdominal pain, with presence of nausea and vomitting and associated with on and off fever. D. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Pediatric/Childhood/ Adult Illness: Mumps (7 y/o); Chiken Pox (17 y/o) Injuries or accidents: The client recieved multiple injuries due to stampede (10 y/0) Serious/ Chronic Illnesses: The client has Hypertension X4, HBP of 200/100 UBP 150/80
  • 4. Hospitalizations: The client’s father verbalized of frequent admission for the previous months and up to present. The client’s father was not able to recall the recent of his son’s admission Operations: The client undergone appendectomy last 2009 and was operated due to intestinal dehiscence after 4 months of previous surgery around January of 2009 Immunizations: The client verbalized of having complete immunization of DPT, OPV, BCG and Measles vaccine. Allergies: No known Allergies Medications prior to confinement: Last Examination Date: December 13, 2011 E. FAMILY HISTORY Father Mother (+) HPN (+) HPN (+) DM (+) Asthma ( 25 y/o 21 y/o 18 y/o LEGEND Male Female Client
  • 5. 1.) Heredo-Family Illness: Maternal – Patient B’s mother is known to have High blood pressre and Asthma. Currently, his older sister next to him has asthma and so as his only daughter started when she was 2 years old. Father- Patient’t B’s father has no known family illness running in their blood. F. SOCIO-ECONOMIC The client consists of a nuclear family and lives together with his parents and three siblings. His father works as a sea man and presently at home due to expiration of contract, however, they are able to generate income from their previous savings and from managing a computer shop at Zamboanga, and the client’s father obtains an approximate per month, adequate enough for a living. The client’s eldest brother works in a call center which also helps in shouldering some of their expenses. The client states that he contributes for the family financial expenses. DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY Erik Erickson Age Task Patient’s Description Psychosocial Theory IntimacyVs. 19 – 30 Young adults need to form The client is presently Isolation y/o intimate, loving relationships stopped from studying with other people. Success college and known to have leads to strong relationships, frequent admission at while failure results in hospitals. loneliness and isolation. The client is evidenced to have activity intolerance due to poor nutrition that he is not able to interact from other people and to perform activitiees of daily living by himself. The Client at risk for isolation from social peers that will affect his Pyschosocial development if the problem still persists.
  • 6. G. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS 1. Regional Examinations (December 1, 2011 9:30 am) Vital Signs: Temp : 37.1°c RR: 18 cpm PR: 105 cpm BP: 100/80mmHg General Assessment:  Patient is seen conscious and coherent; garbed clothing appropriate for weather and occasion.sitting on wheel chair with facial grimace, the client cannot fully perform activities and requires assistance. Skin is clean and smooth with normal skin turgor. Nails are long but not dirty and with normal capillary refill. Patient is with ongoing IVF of D5 NSS 1 L X 8 hr Infusing well at his left matacarpal vein. Date of Assessment System Normal Findings Actual Findings December 14 ,2011 Integumentary Smooth and good I: skin turgor, no lesions or any  Brown color, no lesion, no swelling discoloration, no and edema. clubbing, no breaks  Weak Looking &abnormal  Visible veins on both arms curvature.  Has a temperature of 37.1°c.  With visible longitudinal scar below the umbillicu In nails:  Long and clean nails and round nails. Pale Nail beds P:  Cold,dry scaly skin,normal capillary refill. Good skin turgor December 14 ,2011 Hair and Head No lesion, no I: tenderness, no pain on palpation, no -His hair color is black, hair is evenly masses, no lumps, distributed,
  • 7. no nodules or -Has thick hair. depression, symmetrical -No presence of parasite and dandruff. -In scalp: Symmetrical and round and no lesion. P: -Hair texture is smooth and soft. -In head the texture is smooth and firm. December 14,2011 Eyes Eyelid intact, no I: redness, swelling, discharge or lesions. -Lid margins moist and light pink, Eyeballs are moist & lashes short, evenly spaced and curled glossy, conjunctiva outward. numerous small -Bulbar conjunctiva is clear with tiny blood vessels. Sclera vessels visible, palpebral conjunctiva white. Good eye is pale with no discharge, white sclera. contact. - In PERRLA: *Cornea is transparent and the shape of the iris and pupil is round and equal. *The left and right eye has a good reaction to light (constrict and dilate) -In extra ocular movements: *Both eyes coordinated well in all directions. December 14,2011 Ears Ears are symmetrical I: with 10 degrees angle. Color is same -Equal size and similar appearance. in facial with no -No lesions, brown in color same with
  • 8. tenderness or any his complexion. nodule and without any presence of P: discharge. -Warm, smooth, no nodules and no tenderness in auricle and tragus. December 14,2011 Mouth and 32 adult teeth are I & P: Throat present with moist and pink mucous -Lips and surrounding tissue relatively membrane without symmetrical.No lesions, swelling and any lesions or drooping. swelling. -Lip is pale pink; moist, smooth and with no lesions. -Buccal mucosa is light pink, moist and without lesions.-Gums are light pink, and moist. -In tongue: *Moist, some papillae present, symmetrical appearance, midline fissures present and the color is pink and color white at the center and no lesions as well as the sides of the tongue. *Hard palate: slightly pink. *Soft palate: pink, -Has 32 teeth and stained with a hint of yellow color. December 14,2011 Neck No tenderness on I: -Neck is symmetric with head palpation, no pain, centered and without bulging masses. symmetrically align, no enlarged lymph P:-Smooth skin, firm, and none tender nodes, no tracheal and none enlarged nodules. lateral deviation. December 14,2011 Breast and No palpable nodules I: Axillae and lesions. Breast is -Nipples have no discharges and not firm and round. cracked.
  • 9. December 14,2011 Respiratory Intercostals spaces I: are even and relaxed; chest -The color of his chest is similar to his symmetry is equal, complexion. no pain or -Visible Rib Cage tenderness, and no abnormal breath -Chest symmetry is equal sound. -Respiratory rate of 18. P: No pain or tenderness. A: Lung is clear to auscultation on inspiration and expiration. December 14,2011 Cardiovascular No fatigue on simple PR : 105 activities, no arrhythmias and BP: 100/80 mmHg heart murmurs. I:-Neck veins are not distended. PR=60-100bpm. P:-No vibrations or palpitation in aortic, pulmonic, or tricuspid area. A:-No murmur sound heard. December 14,2011 Abdominal No pain, No I: palpable masses and tenderness, Flat and -With round. P: -(+) Tenderness, with inflammation on intestines as observed in Lab Result December 14,2011 Musculoskeletal Have good range of -Requires assistance to stand and toes motion and no point straight ahead. limitation of movements. With marked activity intolerance -With marked muscle waisting December 14,2011 Neurologic Have no tremors -No presence of tremors, oriented, no paralysis. Oriented, history of seizures,without mental no history of dysfunction or hallucinations. seizures, mental -Slow and low soft voice
  • 10. dysfunction or -Weak looking hallucinations. Lethargic, slow response December 14,2011 Lympathic Has no bleeding No swollen lymph nodes. tendencies, normal lymph nodes. 2. Laboratory Studies/Diagnostics 12/15/11 Clinical Chemistry Section Test Name Range Unit Result Interpretation Albumin 3.92 – g/dL 2.05 Below Normal 4.94 Indicates poor nutritional state, poor protein intake, Renal/Kidney Dysfunction H. FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT HEALTH PERCEPTION-HEALTH MANAGEMENT Prior to admission, patient’s father sasys the his son sees health being able to do everyday things well according to the manner he wants it. The client stated he doesn’t easilly get sick and when he does, he just let it subside not until if his condition worsens, that’s the time when he would visit the hospital. The client does not use any vitamins and medications. Client has not experienced colds in the past month. SELF-ESTEEM, SELF CONCEPT/SELF PERCEPTION PATTERN Prior to confinement, the client’s father states that his son has a good concept at himself and describes himself like any typical normal college boy. He says that his child perceives good self-concept as evidenced by being active in the activities held in his institution. Presently, the client stopped schooling due to persistent abdominal pain. The client permanently resides in Zamboanga and went to Cavite from a relative’s house to sought for treatment. ACTIVITY/EXERCISE PATTERN
  • 11. Prior to confinement, the patient father remarks that his son used to have an active lifestyle, the client is once a varsity player in Basketball. The patient engages in sports such as Basket Ball, Volley Ball and Badminton. The patient studied college last semester but now stopped due to present situation. Presently, the patient is admitted in ward 3A, under bed rest. The client assistance from another person or device in terms of the following indicated below: Feeding III Grooming III Bathing III Gen. Mobility III Toiling III House III maintenance Bed mobility III Dressing III Legends: Level 0 – Self Care Level I – Use of equipments Level II– Assistance from another person Level III –Requires assistance from another person or device Level IV – Dependent and does not participate SLEEP/REST PATTERN Before the client was admitted, the client’s father stated that his son usually sleeps around 10:00 pm and wakes up around 6:00 am with an average sleep of 8 hours without any use of sleepint aids Presently, the client’s father describes that his son is experiencing difficulty in sleeping due to persistence of pain that he experiencing because of that the client frequently naps in the morning and still feels tiped upon waking up NUTRITIONAL-METABOLIC PATTERN The client presently eats in small frequent feeding at an average of 5 times a day. the client has poor appetite and usually eats in soft-non-seasoned food or broths. The client cannot tolerate to eat regular meals as observed from vomiting. The client’s father frequently observes his child to vomit usually after eating. There is an observed muscle wasting as evidenced from a weight loss of 48 kg to 32 kg. The client has no dental problems and without foul odors.
  • 12. ELIMINATION PATTERN The client states that he defecates every other day usually in the morning in scanty soft brown stool. The client’s father believe that his son’s bowel pattern due to his poor fluid and food intake. The client urinates 2X a day or varies in his fluid intake without no difficulty SEXUALITY/REPRODUCTIVE The patient is not sexually active and was circumcised at the age of 12 . INTERPERSONALRELATIONSHIPS/RESOURCES The client is the second son among his 3 siblings. The client previously attended college but presently stops due to persistence of abdominal pain affecting his studies. The patient’s father says that his son attends to school trying to tolerate his abdominal pain The client’s father verbalized that their family has an open and harmonious relationship. The client’s father states that he would allow his son to decide by himself to promote independence but would be there to guide and support him. In terms of major decisions affecting the client’s health, the father states the he will use his authority as a father to intervene. COPING & STRESS MANAGEMENT/ TOLERANCE PATTERN The client states the he feels discomfort from his abdominal pain. The client’s father verbalized that travelling far from home, unable to do his daily activities and being isolated and stopped from school has been the client’s stress factors. However, the client’s father remarked that his son has high tolerance from the pain, they would use ointment to help the client relieve from pain VALUES/ BELIEFS The Client is a Roman Catholic. The client stated that he barely attends the church because of his studies and presently because of his abdominal pain. PERSONAL/SOCIAL HISTORY
  • 13. Habits: The client is known an athletic student. The client prefers to do anything just to keep him from being bored. Despite of eating, the client ignores to rest but goes straight from doing such activities, that may be the reason why the client acquired appendicitis dated on year 2009 Vices: The client stated does not consume alcoholic beverages and does not smoke. Lifestyle: The client was known to live in an active lifestyle. Client’s usual daily life: The client’s typical day is studying in school at the morning, and would plau basketball for his varsity in the afternoons. The patient’s states that his son prefers to beat home watching television or taking siesta during his free time. Rank/Order in the family: the Client is ranked as the second son from his 3 siblings. Travel: The client previous travel was from Zamboanga to Cavite I. ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY The client lives together with his family composed of 5 house hold members. A bungalow type of house with 209 square meters is owned by the patient residing near the highway. The client narrated that it is a cemented house with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath room. The house is fully ventilated and well lit of 12 windows. Their doors for about the size of 180X1 meter. The client stated that their surroundings are well-sanitized. Their electricity supply comes from Meralco and their water supply are from Deep well. They order Mineral water for drinking. The client’s residence is advantageous, since it is near the public market, transportation, at school and Hospital. J. PEDIATRIC HISTORY K. MATERNAL AND BIRTH HISTORY Birth date: September 2, 1990 Hospital: Not assessed Birth weight: Unrecalled Type of delivery: Normal Spontaneous Delivery
  • 14. Condition after birth: In fine stable condition Mother: Complications of delivery: None Anesthesia drug guring labor: Unrecalled Exposure to Teratogenic Agents during Pregnancy: None
  • 15. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY MALABSORPTION (Book Based) PREDISPOSING PRECIPITATING FACTORS FACTORS Age Family history of Intestinal Excessive Alcohol Use of Mineral Malabsorption Surgery Intake Oil or laxatives Maldigestion Inadequate mixing Insufficient digestive Mucosal Problems Bacterial Infections mediators Of gastric juices MALABSORPTION SYNDROME
  • 16. CONCEPT MAPPING 1. Acute Pain related to gastrointestinal inflammation as evidenced by pain scale of 7/10 Malabsorption Syndrome 2. Imbalanced Nutrition 3. Activity Intolerance related Patient A.D 21 y.o/ Male related to impaired absorption to failure to nourish muscle adequately as evidenced by Temp : 37.1°c RR: 18 cpm PR: 105 cpm BP: 100/80mmHg Wt: 32 kg of nutrients from the GI tract generalized weakness as evidenced by weight loss of  Facial Grimace  Painscale of 7/10 48 kg to 32 kg  Guarding behavior  Abdominal distention  Weight loss from 48 kg to 32 kg  Hypoalbuminemia (2.95 n=3.92-4.94 g/dl)  Muscle waisting  Generalized body weakness  Slow movement  Slow response  Inaility to perfrom activities by himself  Verbal reports of wearines
  • 17. I. PROBLEM LIST Actual Problem Number Problem Remarks Acute Pain related to The client presently complaints of 1 gastrointestinal inflammation as prsistent abdominal pain due to the evidenced by pain scale of 7/10 inflammation from malabsoprtion. Pain is prioritized for it is the 5th vital sign, and knwn to be the chief complaint likewise. Imbalanced Nutrition related to The body is unable to absorb the 2 impaired absorption of nutrients nutrients well due to occurence of from the GI tract as evidenced an imflammed GI tract. Thus, the by weight loss of 48 kg to 32 kg client is unable to be provided of proper nutirion approrpiate for his development thus manifested by weigh loss Activity Intolerance related to Due to failure of the client to have 3 failure to nourish muscle adequate nutrition for the body to adequately as evidenced by recieve it’s energy that is generalized weakness manifested by generalized weakness.
  • 18. II. NURSING CARE PLAN Cues/Needs Nursing Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation Diagnosis Subjective: Acute pain By the end of  Monitored Vital signs q 30 until the Baseline data is important to By the end “Masakit ang related to 8 hours of patient stable especially respiratory rate help Determine patient’s current of 8 hours of tsyan ako” as inflammation nursing and blood pressure health status and evaluate nursing intervention, efficacy of nursing interventions intervention, verbalized by the and swelling the rendered the patient of the liver as Patient will Patient will evidenced by verbalize a  Assess the patient’s pain by using the 10 The client’s report of pain is the verbalized a Objective: pain in right decrease in point pain rating scale q4 hrs or PRN single most reliable indicator of decrease in  Pain Scale of upper pain scale during the 2-10pm shift. pain. pain scale 7/10 quadrant from 6/10 to from 76/10  Facial grimace 0/10 to 3/10  Gurading  Performed comprehensive assessment to Pain is a subjective experience behavior pain include location , characteristic, and must be described by the “Mejo  With abdominal onset, duration, frequency, client in order to plan effective natitiis ko na distention quality, intensity or severity treatment yung kirot” as verbalized by the patient  Provided nonpharmacologic pain relief Relaxation techniques decrease methods, such as breathing exercises, oxygen consumption, respiratory music therapy, distraction and progressive rate, heart rate, and muscle relaxation before, after, and if possible tension, which interrupt the during painful activities. cycle of pain–anxiety–muscle tension.  Kept side rails up and bed in low position. To reduce likelihood of falls and to promote a safe environment.  Administered Pain medications as ordered To promote pharmacologic such as Tramadol measures in relieving pain
  • 19. Cues/Needs Nursing Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation Diagnosis Subjective: Imbalanced After 8 hours of Assessed the present weight of the Provides baselinedata about the After 8 hours “Ang lake na nga Nutrition Nursing client by the use of weighing scale client. of Nursing ng pinangayat ng related to intervention, the intervention, anak ko” as impaired client will Determined the client’s attitude towards Psychological factors towards the client eating. eating may affect one person’s verbalized by the absorption of demonstrate Participated appetite and also to know the patient’s father nutrients from behaviors to client’s eating habits. and the GI tract as regain and enumerated Objective: evidenced by maintain proper To promote and sustain Ways to  Weight loss weight loss of weight Encourged the client tomash the foods adequate nutrition needed by regain and from 48 kg to 48 kg to 32 kg mechanically and to eat in small the body and minimizing the maintain 32 kg frequent feeding occurance of malabsorption proper  Hypoalbumine weight mia (2.95 Instructed the client to avoid To decrease the likelihood of n=3.92-4.94 caffeineated beverages like coffee, tea, GI upset g/dl) softdrinks, chocolates and foods rich in  Muscle waisting fats To keep the client hydrated and  Generalized to monitor the fluid intake of body weakness Monitored and regulated IV fluid patient To provide pharmacological Administered medications as ordered means of reducing occurance of abdominal pain thereby promoting the patient to eat. Cues/Needs Nursing Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation
  • 20. Diagnosis Subjective: Activity After 8 hours Determine factors contributing to The client marks to have After 8 hours “Hinang hina ang Intolerance of nursing fatigue pulmonary congestion and under of nursing pakiramdam ko” as related to intervention, observation to have acute intervention, verbalized by the failure to the client will coronary syndrome the client patient nourish participate participated muscle willingly in Evaluate client’s percieved limitations To provide comparative baseline willingly in adequately as necessary and by asking past activities and present data and to provide information necessary Objective: evidenced by desired activities about needed intervention and desired generalized activities. activities.  Generalized body weakness Assess cardiopulmonary response to Manifestations results weakness physical activity, including vital signs intolerance of activity The client  Slow movement verbalized of before, during and after activity  Slow response incorporating  Inaility to perfrom activities by Assist client wit activities when To protect the client from injury such himself walking to the wash room, getting up in exercises and  Verbal reports of bed and lying back to bed exposure to wearines sunlight in Provide intervals of rest between To minimize occurrences of his daily activities fatigue living Encourage and acknowledge the difficulty of the situatio of the clientHelps to minimize frustration and rechannel energy Sunlight is rich in Vitamin D and Encouraged patient to expose himself in will help the client to increase sun light around 7-8 am vitality Assist and provide passive and active To maintain and enhance muscle ROM tone of client
  • 21. MEDICAL-SURGICAL MANAGEMENT i. Pharmacotherapeutics DRUG NAME CLASSIFICATION INDICATION ACTION SIDE/ADVERSE NURSING PATIENT TEACHING EFFECTS RESPONSIBILITIES Hydrocortisone Therapeutic: Management of Supress CNS: depression, _Assess patient for _Instruct patient on correct Antiasthmatics, adrenocortical inflammation euphoria,headache,increased swigns of adrenal technique of medication Brand Name: corticosteroids insufficiency; and the normal intracranial pressure insufficiency. administration. Cortef chronic use in immune (Children only),personality _Monitor intake and _Caution patient to avoid Dosage: Pharmacologic other situations is response. changes, pyschoses, output ratios and daily vaccinations without first 5 mg I.V q8 Corticosteriods limited because Replacement restlessness weights. Observe consulting health care (systemic) of theraphy in EENT: cataracts, increased patient for peripheral prifessionals. mineralocorticoid adrenal intraocular pressure. CV: edema, steady weight _Review side effects with activity. insufficiency. hypertension GI: Peptic gain, rales/crackles, or patient. Instruct patient to Ulcer, anorexia, nausea, dyspnea. inform health care vomitting. Derm: acne, _Children should professional promptly if decreased wound healing, have periodic severe abdominal pain or tarry ecchymoses, fragility, evaluation of growth. stools occur. Patient should hirsutism, petichiae Endo: _Assess involvrd also report unusual swelling, Adrenal suppresion, systems before and weight gain, and tiredness, hyperglycemia. Hemat: periodically during bone pain, bruising, none Thrombophlebitis, Metab: theraphy healing sores, visual Weight gain MS: Muscle disturbances, or behavior wasiting. Misc: Cushingoid changes. apperance
  • 22. DRUG NAME CLASSIFICATION INDICATION ACTION SIDE/ADVERSE NURSING PATIENT TEACHING EFFECTS RESPONSIBILITIES hyoscine butylbromide Therapeutic: Paroxysmal pain Acts by Agranulocytosis, _Patients who have Asthma, _Instruct patient to take Gastro/ in diseases of interfering with pancytopenia. aspirin-induced allergy, and medication exactly as Brand Name: Antispasmodics stomach & the transmission Bronchospasm, nasal polyps are at increased directed. Take missed dose Buscopan Pharmacologic: intestine. Spastic of nerve Constipation, dry risk for developing as soon as remembered if Dosage: Pyrroziline pain & functional impulses by mouth, trouble hypersensitivity reactions. not almost time for next 5 mg I.V q8 carboxylic acid disorders in acetylcholine in urinating, nausea, fast Assess for rhinitis, asthmas dose. Do not double dose biliary & urinary the heart rate and urticaria _Instruct Patient to notify tracts, female parasympathetic _Assess pain (note type, health genital organs nervous system location, and intensity) prior Health care professional if (specifically the to 1 -2 hr following allergic reactions occurred vomiting center). administration (rash, pruritus, laryngeal _Evaluate liver function edema, wheezing). tests, especially AST and _Ask for your doctor's ALT, periodically in patients advice if you are receiving prolonged therapy. breastfeeding or likely to May cause inccreased levels breastfeed during the _May cause prolonged course of your medication bleeding time that may persist _Special care is for 24-48 hour following recommended during discontinuation of therapy pregnancy, particularly in _May cause increased BUN, the first three months. serum, creatinine or Ask for your doctor's potassium concentrations advice if you are pregnant, or likely to become pregnant during your course of medication.
  • 23. DRUG NAME CLASSIFICATION INDICATION ACTION SIDE/ADVERSE NURSING PATIENT TEACHING EFFECTS RESPONSIBILITIES Prednisone Therapeutic: Paroxysmal pain in Acts by Agranulocytosis, _Patients who have _Instruct patient to take Gastro/ diseases of stomach interfering with pancytopenia. Asthma, aspirin-induced medication exactly as Brand Name: Antispasmodics & intestine. Spastic the transmission Bronchospasm, allergy, and nasal polyps are directed. Take missed dose as Buscopan Pharmacologic: pain & functional of nerve impulses Constipation, dry at increased risk for soon as remembered if not V q8 Pyrroziline disorders in biliary & by acetylcholine mouth, trouble developing hypersensitivity almost time for next dose. Do carboxylic acid urinary tracts, female in the urinating, nausea, reactions. Assess for not double dose genital organs parasympathetic fast heart rate rhinitis, asthmas and _Instruct Patient to notify nervous system urticaria health (specifically the _Assess pain (note type, Health care professional if vomiting center). location, and intensity) prior allergic reactions occurred to 1 -2 hr following (rash, pruritus, laryngeal administration edema, wheezing). _Evaluate liver function _Ask for your doctor's tests, especially AST and advice if you are ALT, periodically in breastfeeding or likely to patients receiving prolonged breastfeed during the course therapy. May cause of your medication inccreased levels _Special care is _May cause prolonged recommended during bleeding time that may pregnancy, particularly in the persist for 24-48 hour first three months. following discontinuation of Ask for your doctor's advice therapy if you are pregnant, or likely _May cause increased to become pregnant during BUN, serum, creatinine or your course of medication. potassium concentrations
  • 24. DRUG NAME CLASSIFICATION INDICATION ACTION SIDE/ADVERSE NURSING PATIENT TEACHING EFFECTS RESPONSIBILITIES Pantoprazole Therapeutic: Paroxysmal pain in Acts by Agranulocytosis, _Patients who have _Instruct patient to take Gastro/ diseases of stomach interfering with pancytopenia. Asthma, aspirin-induced medication exactly as Brand Name: Antispasmodics & intestine. Spastic the transmission Bronchospasm, allergy, and nasal polyps directed. Take missed dose as Buscopan Pharmacologic: pain & functional of nerve impulses Constipation, dry are at increased risk for soon as remembered if not V q8 Pyrroziline disorders in biliary & by acetylcholine mouth, trouble developing hypersensitivity almost time for next dose. Do carboxylic acid urinary tracts, female in the urinating, nausea, reactions. Assess for not double dose genital organs parasympathetic fast heart rate rhinitis, asthmas and _Instruct Patient to notify nervous system urticaria health (specifically the _Assess pain (note type, Health care professional if vomiting center). location, and intensity) allergic reactions occurred prior to 1 -2 hr following (rash, pruritus, laryngeal administration edema, wheezing). _Evaluate liver function _Ask for your doctor's advice tests, especially AST and if you are breastfeeding or ALT, periodically in likely to breastfeed during the patients receiving course of your medication prolonged therapy. May _Special care is cause inccreased levels recommended during _May cause prolonged pregnancy, particularly in the bleeding time that may first three months. persist for 24-48 hour Ask for your doctor's advice if following discontinuation you are pregnant, or likely to of therapy become pregnant during your _May cause increased course of medication. BUN, serum, creatinine or potassium concentrations
  • 25. DRUG NAME CLASSIFICATION INDICATION ACTION SIDE/ADVERSE NURSING PATIENT TEACHING EFFECTS RESPONSIBILITIES Tramadol Therapeutic: Paroxysmal pain in Acts by Agranulocytosis, _Patients who have _Instruct patient to take Gastro/ diseases of stomach interfering with pancytopenia. Asthma, aspirin-induced medication exactly as Brand Name: Antispasmodics & intestine. Spastic the transmission Bronchospasm, allergy, and nasal polyps directed. Take missed dose as Buscopan Pharmacologic: pain & functional of nerve impulses Constipation, dry are at increased risk for soon as remembered if not V q8 Pyrroziline disorders in biliary by acetylcholine mouth, trouble developing hypersensitivity almost time for next dose. Do carboxylic acid & urinary tracts, in the urinating, nausea, reactions. Assess for not double dose female genital parasympathetic fast heart rate rhinitis, asthmas and _Instruct Patient to notify organs nervous system urticaria health (specifically the _Assess pain (note type, Health care professional if vomiting center). location, and intensity) allergic reactions occurred prior to 1 -2 hr following (rash, pruritus, laryngeal administration edema, wheezing). _Evaluate liver function _Ask for your doctor's advice tests, especially AST and if you are breastfeeding or ALT, periodically in likely to breastfeed during the patients receiving course of your medication prolonged therapy. May _Special care is cause inccreased levels recommended during _May cause prolonged pregnancy, particularly in the bleeding time that may first three months. persist for 24-48 hour Ask for your doctor's advice if following discontinuation you are pregnant, or likely to of therapy become pregnant during your _May cause increased course of medication. BUN, serum, creatinine or potassium concentrations
  • 26. DISCHARGE HEALTH TEACHING Content Strategy M-medication To adhere in prescribed  Instruct patient to take the prescribed therepautic regimen for medications as ordered by the physician. health maintainance and  Instruct patient to avoid taking OTC drugs resistance. unless given with medical advice  Assist patient in performing passive ROM E-exercise To promote a healthy exercises to maintain muscle tone and increase lifestyle, maximizing the blood circulation. level of health and increase  Provide schedules of minimal activites tolerable the body’s immunity. by the patient to incease self-reliance. T-treatment Attending the follow up  Educate client by adhering maintainance check up. theraphy.  Teach patient of non-pharmacological treatment Health teaching about the for occurences of abdominal pain such as deep H-health disease, exercise and diet. breathing exercises, plinting with a pillow, teaching applying warm compress, and utilizing diversional activitities  Encourage patient to expose self from the sun early morning for good source of Vitamin D Instruct that they need to O-OPD have a health check up.  Emphasize the importance of adhering to medications and attending follow-up check up. Maintain and ensure  Instruct patient to avoid consumption highly D-diet adequate intake for seasoned foods, high in salt, fath, caffeneited noursihment, beverages, and chocolates  Instructed patient to mash the foods well and eat in small frequent feeding to reduce likelihood of gastric upset  Encourage patient to drink energy drink as adjuct supplement from client’s undernutrition S-signs and If any signs of symptoms are  Advise patient to refer to health care symptoms present go to the nearest professional for persistence of abdominal pain, hospital for check up. fever, vomitting, diarhea, and occurence of black stools.
  • 27. III. ONGOING APPRAISAL Patient A.D a 21 year old male, has been admitted to St, Dminic Medical Center last December 14,2011 with a chief complaint of abdominal pain. Hence was admitted with initial diagnosis of to consider colon cancer and and hooked of D5 NSS 1 L X 8 hr. Vital signs shows Temp : 37.1°c RR: 18 cpm PR: 105 cpm BP: 100/80mmHg Wt: 32 kg Patient was orderd for Albumin Test and ordered medication of Hyrocortisone 100 mg TIV, Buscopan 1 amp TIV q* RTC, Prednisone 250 mg/ Tab BID PO, Pantoprazole 40 mg 1 tab OD PO and Tramadol 50 mg TIV q8. Preesently, a final diagnosis of Malabsorption Syndrome was confirmed and the client is still undergoing treatment, the client’s latest vital signs of Temp.: 37.5°c RR: 19cpm PR: 86 cpm BP: 100/70mmHg. And for endoscopy