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 Cholecystolithiasis- The medical name for hard deposits (gallstones) that may
form in the gallbladder or the occurrence of gallstones within the gallbladder.
Gallstones or calculi usually form in the gallbladder from the solid constituents of
bile; they vary in size, shape, and composition. There are two major types of
Cholesterol Stones- most common type, When cholesterol levels are high enough in
the bile that crystals form, then tiny stones which go on to grow.
Mix cholesterol stones- composed of more than 10% cholesterol, are usually smaller
than the pure cholesterol stones and are often faceted and multiple.
Pigment stones-is formed from excess bilirubin, a waste product created by the
breakdown of the red blood cells in the liver. (form when unconjugated pigments in the
bile precipitate to form stones)
 Four times more women than men develop cholesterol stones and gallbladder
disease, the women are usually past age 35, multiparous (most common after
pregnancy), and obese. The course of cholecystolithiasis varies among
individuals. Some people with cholecystolithiasis have no symptoms at all, while
others may have severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and complete
blockage that may pose the risk of infection. Cholecystolithiasis can lead to
cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder. Left untreated, cholecystolithiasis
can lead to serious complications such as tissue damage, tears in the
gallbladder, and infection that spreads to other parts of your body.
Cholecystolithiasis affects approximately 10% of adult population in the United
States. In the Philippines, some patients with gallstones choose to have their
gallbladders removed for peace of mind. Some even choose to have
their gallbladders removed for overseas employment purposes.In the country
alone, an extrapolated prevalence of 5,073,040 people are affected by the
disease last 2007. According to the hospital statistic report of Northern Mindanao
Medical Hospital there is 0.72% of discharge diagnosis (primary) in January to
December 2009. Excision of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) to cure gallstone
disease is among the most frequently performed abdominal procedures. Unless
the patient’s condition deteriorates, surgical intervention is delayed until the acute
symptoms subside and a complete evaluation can be carried out.
 The diet immediately after an episode is usually limited to low-fat liquids. The
patient can stir powdered supplements high in protein and carbohydrate into skim
milk. Cooked fruits, rice or tapioca, lean meats, mashed potatoes, non-gas
forming vegetables, bread, coffee, or tea may be added as tolerated. The patient
should avoid eggs, cream, pork, fried foods, cheese and rich dressings, gas-
forming vegetables, and alcohol. It is important to remind patient to avoid fatty
foods may bring on an episode. Dietary management may be the major mode of
therapy in patients who have had only dietary intolerance to fatty foods and the
vague gastrointestinal symptoms.
Specific Objectives:
The student nurses aim to achieve the following objectives in 2hours of case
1. Accurately present a thorough general assessment of the client which includes
physical assessment and family history taking.
2. Effectively discuss and elaborate actual signs and symptoms of disease exhibited by
the client.
3. Thoroughly discuss, explain, and elaborate the nature of the disease process.
4. Provide appropriate and proper nursing diagnosis in line with the client’s medical
5. Formulate nursing care plans for the different problems identified.
6. Provide nursing intervention according to the standards of nursing practice.
7. Apply the learned concepts and theories of disease.
8. Appraise the effectiveness and efficacy of nursing interventions rendered to the
9. Showcase the outcome of the rendered nursing interventions.
10. Convey the significance of client’s response to the rendered nursing interventions.
11. Provide concise and concrete information to the audience with regards to the
patient’s disease condition.
12. Provide appropriate environment for learning for the audience.
This Case Presentation will attempt to cover and discuss the disease process and present
condition of the patient as assessed in the four days of assessment and duty, at
Northern Mindanao Medical Center. It will also present the nursing and medical care as
provided during the 16hours duty (Oct. 8&9, 2012).
This case presentation will be limited to the patient’s verbalizations and significant other who partly
served as informant, laboratory results, signs and symptoms as evidenced by and observed from the
patient within the engaged days. We consider October 10, 2012 as our follow-up visit and final
assessment to our patient.
Name: Galupo, Cysethe
Sex: Female
Birthday: July 2, 1980
Age: 30 years old
Address: Gingoog City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Civil status: Married
Spouse name: Aljames Galupo
Occupation: Farmer
Educational Attainment: Business Management Graduate; Xavier University (2003)
Date of admission; October 5, 2012
Diagnosis: Cholecystolithiasis
Heredo-Familial Disease
According to the patient, her mother was hypertensive and her father (deceased)
suffered from diabetes and then later on turned into multi organ failure. She was the 3rd
among the 4 children. Her eldest brother Constantine Cana, 42 years old suffered from
meningitis after delivery .He is mentally retarded as a result of the disease. The second
child, 32 years old, died because of a gunshot wound. And she was the 3rd child, who
according to her was the only one in the family that developed cholecystolithiasis. And
lastly, the youngest was Cerobim Cana, deceased as well caused by a gunshot wound
when he was 15 years old.
Gynaecological History
The client had her menarche at the age of 11, with a duration of about a week.
But with the onset of her puberty her monthly decreased to just 3 days. She has a
regular monthly period which she expects every 3rd week of the month. She doesn’t
experience any irregularities with her monthly period.
Food and Drug allergy
Patient has no known food and drug allergies.
Diet and Lifestyle
Patient is not a picky eater as stated by her. She eats anything and drinks soda every
day. She also said that she can’t eat without a glass or a bottle of soda together with her
meal. She has a history of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages occasionally and
has since quit after giving birth to her eldest child.
History of Admission
She was previously admitted last August 24, 2012 at NMMC because she gave birth
to her 3rd child via caesarean section. She had also tubal ligation done after the 3rd
delivery because she had delivered all three babies via caesarean section which was
advised by her Ob-Gyne. The patient was admitted at northern Mindanao Medical
Center with complaints of abdominal pain that is radiating to the back.
Patient X went to Maria Reyna Hospital for check-up due to severe abdominal pain and
she was then diagnosed with Cholecystolithiasis. She was advised to undergo an
operation worth 80,000.00 but then refuse to it due to lack of financial assistance and
then decided to transfer at Northern Mindanao Medical Center.
Two days prior to admission Patient complains of severe abdominal pain that is
radiating to the back.
Patient’s chief complaint is severe abdominal pain radiating to the back.
Erik Erickson 8 Stages of Development Young Adulthood: 18 to 35
Ego Development Outcome: Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation
Basic Strengths: Affiliation and Love
In the initial stage of being an adult we seek one
or more companions and love. As we try to find mutually
satisfying relationships, primarily through marriage and
friends, we generally also begin to start a family, though
this age has been pushed back for many couples who
today don't start their families until their late thirties. If
negotiating this stage is successful, we can experience
intimacy on a deep level.
If we're not successful, isolation and distance from
others may occur. And when we don't find it easy to
create satisfying relationships, our world can begin to shrink as, in defense, we can feel
superior to others.
Our significant relationships are with marital partners and friends.
Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, occurs during young adulthood.
Intimacy with other people is possible only if a reasonably well integrated identity
emerges from stage five.
Robert J. Havighurst
*Assisting teenage children to become responsible and
happy adults.
* Achieving adult social and civic responsibility.
* Reaching and maintaining satisfactory performance in
one’s occupational career.
*Developing adult leisure time activities.
* Relating oneself to one’s spouse as a person.
* To accept and adjust to the physiological changes of middle age.
*Adjusting to aging parents.
The information listed above made by these two famous theorist are being
exhibited by our patient. Basing on what we have assessed and upon interviewing we
have known that some characteristics that a normal 30 year old are present. On the first
developmental theory which is from Eric Erickson wherein the major conflict a person
may encounter when he will reach this stage is intimacy and solidarity vs. Isolation, our
patient has successfully entered this stage even though she still wasn’t able to achieve
most of her dreams but she believed starting to build a family and having a wonderful
children are one of her greatest dream. In this stage, people are starting to build there
own lives and to be established as a person that every is dreaming of like having a
degree after studying in college, having descent work with good financial outcomes, to
live independently without asking some financial support from their parents, and one of
the highlights in this stage is to find a partner who will become a companion for the rest
of their lives and having a children. Being unable to achieve our goals and aspiration
prior to what we have planned will cause us a sense of isolation, we are having difficulty
in accepting facts that we have failed to achieve what we have planned before specially
people are trying to seize and compare you from other people who become successful
in their chosen careers. Unable to find a perfect partner or having no mature relation
ship to someone when you reach this stage will cause us an isolation, people tend to
seek attention more to their partners and to someone special because they can express
more of their feeling to them rather to their parents and friends. On the second theory by
Robert Havighurst, people tend to exhibit the characteristics of parenting muchtime.
They act us a protector and a guide to their children by leading them to the right attitude
in order for their children to become a good person when they grow. so that people will
not blame the parents. Their major role is to guide their children so that they will not be
mislead to something that is inappropriate, it always reflect on how the parents have
raised their children.
a. Medical Orders with Rationale
Date/time Doctor’s Order Rationale of Order
@ 9:00 p.m
 Please admit under Surgery
Annex 2 Floor 1
 To provide management
fitted for patient
 Secure consent to care  To provide understanding
in the part of the client
including significant others
for any medical, surgical,
and nursing intervention
and also for legal
documentation purposes.
 Low Fat Diet  This Diet decreases Fat
intake which is beneficial in
reducing the pain brought
about the disease. The
presence of fat in he
duodenum stimulates the
release of cholecystokinin.
This hormone causes the
gallbladder to contract and
release bile. If gallbladder
is inflamed or has stones
present, the contraction will
cause severe pain to the
 Start venoclysis – D5LR iL @
 To provide immediate
access to the vascular
system for the rapid
delivery of specific
solutions without the time
required for gastrointestinal
tract absorption.
 Is a Hypertonic solutions
raises intravascular
osmotic pressure and
provides fluid, electrolytes
and calories for energy.
 LABS: CBC with Platelet
Count, Blood Typing, Serum
Creatinine, RBS, SGPT,
SGOT, PTPA, Alkaline PO4
 To check or evaluate any
deviation from normal in
blood count; blood typing
to check for what type of
blood the patient has for
possible blood transfusion;
creatinine is an indicator of
the renal function; RBS
measure the blood glucose
levels without the need of
fasting; SGPT and SGOT
assists in differentiating
whether the jaundice
requires surgical treatment,
as in case of obstructive
jaundice due to gall
bladder stones; PTPA
(obsolete name for
prothrombin time)
measures how long it takes
blood to clot and is used to
check for bleeding
problems; Alkaline PO4 to
test liver functions
 Meds:
1.Cefuroxime 750mg IVTT every
8 hrs., ANST( - )
2.Ranitidine 50mg IVTT every 8 hrs.
3.Tramadol 50mg IVTT every 8 hrs,
4. Hyoscine-N-ButylBromide 10mg
IVTT every 8 hrs.
 An antibacterial used to
treat for bacterial infection/
prophylaxis treatment post
 An antacid used to reduce
gastric acid secretion
 A non-opiod analgesic for
acute to severe pain
 antispasmodic drug used
to treat conditions
associated with spasms of
the gastrointestinal tract,
such as cramping.
 I & O every shift  To determine fluid
 Monitor Abdominal Status
every 4 hours
 To monitor signs for any
possible complications
related to the case
 For Elective cholecystectomy  To remove the inflamed
 Secure consent for
 The surgery is an invasive
procedure, the consent
indicates the willingness of
the patient of such
 Refer accordingly  To Inform the attending
physicians for any
complications and
 Low Fat Diet  This diet decreases Fat
intake which is beneficial in
reducing the pain brought
about the disease.
 Continue Meds  For continuity of treatment
 IVFTF: D5LR iL @
 To provide fluid and
electrolyte balance and for
hydration purposes
 For Elective Open
Cholecystectomy on
 To remove the inflamed
 Secure consent for
 The surgery is an invasive
procedure, the consent
indicates the willingness of
the patient of such
 Inform OR and
 For the OR staff and
Anesthesiologist to reserve
the date and prepare for
the upcoming surgery
 Refer Accordingly  To Inform the attending
physicians for any
complications and
 Low fat Diet  This diet decreases Fat
intake which is beneficial in
reducing the pain brought
about the disease
 IVFTF: D5LR iL @
 To provide fluid and
electrolyte balance and for
hydration purposes
 Continue all medications  For continuity of treatment
 For Elective Open
Cholecystectomy on
Tuesday (10/9/2012)
 To remove the inflamed
 Vital signs every 4 hours  To monitor the Vital signs
of patient for any untoward
 I & O every shift  To determine fluid
10-8-2012  Low fat diet  To prevent exacerbation of
 Continue medications  For compliance of
 For open cholecystectomy on
 For the removal of gall
 Secure consent to procedure  For legal purposes
 Inform OR and
 In preparation for the OR
and have the
anesthesiologist visit the
 For ECG 12 lead with LLII
and TSH, T3, T4
 To check patients heart
rhythm and abnormalities
 Refer accordingly  To Inform the attending
physicians for any
complications and
Pre- Operative Order
4:00 pm  Operating room 2nd case  For prepare patient for
 NPO post midnight  To prevent aspiration
during surgery
 Omeprazole90 40 mg 1 tab
 Inhibits gastric secretion
10-9-2012  Nothing per Orem  To prevent aspiration
during surgery
Operating room on call  To prepare patient for
-Post Operation Order-
 To PACU S/P Operation
 For patients recovery.
 Oxygen inhalation at
4lpm/face mask and fully
 To maintain pulmonary
ventilation and thus
prevent hypoxemia
 Monitor VS every 15 minutes
x 2 hours then hourly until
 To know any abnormalities
and have a baseline vital
 NPO  To prevent aspiration
 Flat on bed x 8 hours then
may turn to sides and elevate
 To prevent aspiration, to
prevent headache, for
range of motion exercise
and for good circulation
 IVF to follow D5LR 1 liter at
30 gtts/min.
 To maintain fluid
electrolyte balance
 Tramadol 50 mg slow IVTT 8
hours x 3 doses then PM
 Cefuroxime 350 mg IVTT
every 8 hours
 Binds to opiod receptors
and inhibits reuptake of
norepinephrine and
 Anti-bacterial, 2nd
generation cephalosporin
 Morphine Precaution refer if:
 BP: 90/60 RR: 12
HR: 60 Nausea and
Pruritus Spo2 92%
To watch out after side
effects of the drug and for
prompt intervention.
To correct unusualities as
soon as possible and to
inform the AP of the
patients condition
 Intake and Output every shift To monitor patients
physiologic status
 Refer accordingly Referral is done to correct
unusualities as soon as
possible and to inform the
attending physician on the
patients condition.
10-9-12  May transport patient back to
For continuity of care
2:00 am
Temp: 38.7
 Please give paracetamol 300
milligrams IVTT now.
 For fever PRN
6:30 am  NPO  To prevent aspiration
 Change dressing  To prevent infection
 Continue meds  For compliance of
 Vital Signs per shift  To monitor patients
physiologic status
 Intake and output per shift  To monitor patients
physiologic status
 D5LR 1 Liter 30gtts/min.  To replace fluid and
electrolyte loss
 Please refer  Referral is done to correct
unusualities as soon as
possible and to inform the
attending physician on the
patients condition.
2:00 pm
 Still on Intake and Output per
 To monitor patients
physiologic status
 Epidural catheter remove
 To prevent infection
5:00 pm
: 38 degree
 Paracetamol 600 mg IVTT q
4 hours RTC
 For fever PRN
b. Drug Study
Generic Name: Cefuroxime
Date Ordered: October 5, 2012
Classification: Antibiotic
Dose/Frequency/Route: 750mg IVTT every 8hrs
Mechanism of Action: This drug binds to one or more of the penicillin-
binding proteins (PBPs) which inhibits the final
transpeptidation step of peptidoglycan synthesis in
bacterial cell wall, thus inhibiting biosynthesis and
arresting cell wall assembly resulting in bacterial
cell death
Specific Indication: Treatment of infections of lower respiratory tract,
urinary tract, skin and skin structures.
Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins.
Side Effects:  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain
 Headache, dizziness
 Sleep problems (insomnia)
 Vaginal itching or discharge.
Nursing Precaution: a. Advise patient to take with meals to enhance
absorption. If tablet must be crushed, mix with
food or beverage.
b. Advise patient to maintain normal fluid intake
while using this medication.
c. Instruct patient to report these symptoms to
health care provider: bruising, bleeding, muscle
or joint pain.
d. Instruct patient to seek emergency care
immediately if wheezing or difficulty breathing
Generic Name: Ranitidine
Date Ordered: October 5, 2012
Classification: Histamine H2 Antagonist
Dose/Frequency/Route: 50mg IVTT every 8hrs
Mechanism of Action: Selectively block histamine-2 receptors sites. This
blocking leads to a reduction in gastric acid
secretion and reduction in overall pepsin
Specific Indication: relief of GIT drug adverse effects/Reduce Gastric
Acid Secretion
Contraindication:  Hypersensitivity to Ranitidine
 - Caution should be used with hepatic of renal
Side Effects:  CNS: vertigo, malaise, headache,
somnolence, confusion
 hallucinations
 EENT: blurred vision
 GI: diarrhea, constipation
 CV: arrhythmias, hypotension
Nursing Precaution:  provide comfort and safety measures if CNS
effects occur
 monitor of potentially serous adverse
effects, including cardiac arrhythmias
 Given before meal
Generic Name: Tramadol
Date Ordered: October 5, 2012
Classification: Non-Opioid Analgesic
Dose/Frequency/Route: 50mg IVTT every 8hrs
Mechanism of Action: Binds to opioids receptors and inhibits the reuptake
of norepinephrine and serotonin.
Specific Indication: Moderate to severe pain
Contraindication: Acute intoxication withopioids or psychoactive
Side Effects:  CNS: Sedation, Dizziness, Headache, and
 CV: Hypotension, Tachycardia, Bradycardia
 Dermatologic: Sweating
Nursing Precaution:  Administer with food if GI upset occurs;
 Monitor patient response,
 Give the drug before the pain becomes
Generic Name: Hyoscine – N – butylbromide
Date Ordered: October 5, 2012
Classification: Anti spasmodic
Dose/Frequency/Route: 10mg IVTT every 8hrs
Mechanism of Action:  stops the spasms in the smooth muscle by
preventing acetylcholine from acting on the muscle.
It does this by blocking the receptors on the muscle
cells that the acetylcholine would normally act on.
 By preventing acetylcholine from acting on the
muscle in the GI and GU tracts, hyoscine reduces
the muscle contractions. This allows the muscle to
relax and reduces the painful spasms and cramps
Specific Indication:  Spasms of the stomach, intestines or bile duct
(gastro-intestinal tract), including those associated
with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
 Spasms of the bladder or urinary system (genito-
urinary tract).
Contraindication:  Abnormal muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis).
 Abnormally large or dilated large intestine
 Closed angle glaucoma.
 Rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance,
glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-
isomaltase insufficiency (Buscopan tablets contain
 Buscopan tablets are not recommended for
children under six years of age.
Side Effects: Uncommon
 Increase in heart rate (tachycardia).
 Dry mouth.
 Reduced ability to sweat.
 Allergic skin reactions.
 Difficulty in passing urine (urinary retention).
 Hypersensitivity reactions such as narrowing of the
airways (bronchospasm), swelling of the lips, throat
and tongue (angioedema), or itchy rash.
Unknown frequency
 Anaphylactic reaction.
Nursing Precaution:  Give by direct IV after diluting it with sterile water
 Monitor I and O ratio, retention commonly causes
decreased urinary output
 Assess for constipation
 Assess for tolerance over long term therapy
Generic Name: Omeprazole
Date Ordered: October 8, 2012
Classification: Proton pump inhibitor
Dose/Frequency/Route: 40mg 1tab HS
Mechanism of Action: An anti-secretory compound that is a gastric acid pump
inhibitor. Suppresses gastric acid secretion by inhibiting
the H+, K+, ATPase enzyme system in the partial cells.
Specific Indication: Suppresses gastric acid secretion relieving
gastrointestinal distress and promoting ulcer healing..
Contraindication: Long-term use for gastro esophageal reflux disease,
duodenal ulcer.
Side Effects:  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain
 Headache, dizziness
 Sleep problems (insomnia)
 Malaise, vertigo and fatigue.
Nursing Precaution: e. Report sore, throat, fever, bleeding, tarry stool,
f. Give with or without food, simultaneous
administration does not appear to reduce absorption
or serum.
g. Administer adjunctive antacid treatment 2h before or
after drug.
Generic Name: Paracetamol
Date Ordered: October 10, 2012
Classification: Antipyretic
Dose/Frequency/Route: 600mg IVTT every 4hrs RTC
Mechanism of Action: Thought to produce analgesia by blocking pain impulses
by inhibiting synthesis of prostaglandin in the CNS or
other substances than sensitize pain receptors to
stimulation. The drug may relieve fever through central
action in the hypothalamic heat-regulation center.
Specific Indication: Mild pain and fever.
Contraindication: Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug.
Use cautiously in patients with long term alcohol use
because therapeutic doses cause hepatotoxicity in these
Side Effects:  Jaundice
 Hypoglycemia
 Rash
 Headache
 Chest pain
 Dyspnea
Nursing Precaution: a. Alert: Many OTC and prescription products
contain acetominophen; be aware of this when
calculating total daily dose.
Laboratory Results
OCTOBER 4, 2012
Test Results Reference Rationale
(4.50 – 11.0)x10^9/uL
Indicates infection;
acute stress/trauma
Within normal
Hemoglobin 11.70 (12-16.)% May indicate
bleeding; acute
(36.0 -46.0)%
Within normal limits
Within normal
Slightly low;
indicates Vit. B12
Platelet count
(31.0 – 37.0)g/dl
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Neutrophils 78.6 (37.00 – 72.00)% Indicates bacterial
(20.00 – 50.00) %
Indicates infections;
Low,usually not
low result indicate
bone marrow
failure or damage)
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Indicates mixed
populations of
small and large
Blood Typing “AB”(+) Blood Type “AB”
it’s signifies a need
for a donor with a
blood type “AB+”,
“A+” or “B+”
OCTOBER 4, 2012
Gallbladder is dilated measuring 13.33 x 4.88cms. ( LW) with thickened walls measuring
4.5 mms. High Level shadowing echoes within the urinary bladder and one with a
diameter of 1.95 cms. Is impacted in gallbladder neck. No dilated biliary ducts. Liver,
pancreas and spleen are of normal size and echo pattern with no focal masses. Right
kidney measures11.1 x 5.3 cm ( LW) with corticomedullary thickness of 1.7 cms.
Normal echo pattern with no stones nor focal masses.
No localized dilatation in the gallbladder aorta.
No echoes within the urinary bladder.
Uterus is anteverted and measures 7.7 x 4.9 x 6.9cms ( LHW) with endometrial
thickness of 9.2 mm. no adrenal mass.
Acute Cholecystitis with multiple gallstones. Stone with a diameter of 1.95cms.
impacted in the gallbladder neck.
Normal liver, pancreas, spleen, genitor-urinary tract and abdominal aorta.
OCTOBER 5, 2012
Test Results Reference Rationale
(5.00 – 10.0)x10^3/uL
Indicates infection;
acute stress/trauma
Within normal
Hemoglobin 12.1 (12-16.)% Within normal limits
Platelet count
(37.0 - 47.0)%
(31.0 – 35.0)g/dl
Within normal limits
Within normal Limits
Slightly low;
indicates Vit. B12
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Neutrophils 82.3 (43.4 – 76.2)% Indicates bacterial
(17.4 – 48.2) %
(9.0 – 1.0)fL
Indicates infections;
Within normal limits
An occasional low
result is not
medically significant
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Blood Typing “AB”(+) Blood Type “AB” it’s
signifies a need for
a donor with a blood
type “AB+”, “A+” or
OCTOBER 5, 2012
Test Results Reference Rationale
13.7 sec.
11.6 sec.
28.4 sec.
27.5 sec.
10.2-15.2 sec.
23.4-38.5 sec
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
Within normal limits
The Gallbladder
The gallbladder is a
pear-shaped sac lying on the
undersurface of the liver,
measuring about 7.5 to 10
cm (3 to 4 inches) long. It has
a capacity of 30 to 50 ml and
stores bile, which it
concentrates by absorbing
water. The gallbladder is
divided into the fundus, the
body and the neck. The
fundus is rounded and
projects below the inferior
margin of the liver, where it comes in contact with the anterior abdominal wall at the
level of the tip of the ninth right costal cartilage. The body lies in contact with the
visceral surface of the liver and is directed upward, backward and to the left. The neck
becomes continuous with the cystic duct, which turns into the lesser omentum to join
the common hepatic duct to form the bile duct.
The peritoneum completely surrounds the fundus of the gallbladder and binds the
body and neck to the visceral surface of the liver.
Functions of the Gallbladder
The gallbladder functions as a storage depot for bile. Bile is a viscid alkaline fluid
secreted by the liver where it aids in the emulsification and absorption of fats. Human
normally produce 400-800 ml of bile daily.
When digestion is not taking place, the sphincter of Oddi remains closed and bile
accumulates in the gallbladder. The gallbladder concentrates bile; stores bile;
selectively absorbs bile salts, keeping the bile acid; excretes cholesterol and secretes
mucus. To aid in these functions, the mucous membrane is thrown into permanent folds
that unite with each other giving the surface a honeycomb appearance. The columnar
cells lining the surface have numerous microvilli on the free surface.
Bile is delivered to the duodenum as a result of contraction and partial emptying
of the gallbladder. This mechanism is imitated by the entrance of fatty foods into the
duodenum. The fat causes release of the hormone cholecystokinin from the mucous
membrane of the duodenum; the hormone that enters the blood, causing the gallbladder
to contract. At the same time, the smooth muscle around the distal end of the bile duct
and the ampulla is relaxed, thus allowing the passage of concentrated bile into the
duodenum. The bile salts in the bile are important in emulsifying the fat in the intestine
and in assisting with its digestion and absorption.
Functions of the Bile
1. Digestion and absorption of fats for bodily consumption
2. Serves as a means for the body to excrete waste products from the blood
3. Contains waste products from haemoglobin breakdown, known as Bilirubin, and
helps in its excretion outside of the body.
Approximately half of the bilirubin, a pigment derived from the breakdown of red
blood cells, is a component of bile. It is converted by the intestinal flora into the
urobilinogen, a highly soluble substance. Urobilinogen is either excreted in the fecs of
returned to the portal circulation, where it is re-excreted into the bile. Bilirubin has two
types. First is the unconjugated bilirubin which is insoluble in water and not excreted in
the urine. Second, is the conjugated bilirubin which is soluble in water and excreted in
the urine. About 5% of it is normally absorbed into the general circulation and then
excreted by the kidneys.
Source: Snell, Richard S. Clinical Anatomy by Regions. 8th Edition. Lipincott Williams
& Wilkins. 530 Walnut Street, PA. 2008.
Definition: The formation of one or more gallstones in the gallbladder or in the bile
ducts which results into obstruction and subsequent inflammation.
Increased calcium
Super saturation and
precipitation of excess
Super saturation and
precipitation of excess bilirubin
Super saturation and
precipitation of excess calcium
Increased viscosity of bile
leading to bile stasis
Increased viscosity of bile
leading to bile stasis
Increased viscosity of bile
leading to stasis
Solidification and aggregation of
precipitates to a calculi
Solidification and aggregation of
precipitates to a calculi
Solidification and aggregation of
precipitates to a calculi
Stone dislodges and obstructs opening of
gallbladder preventing outflow of bile, thus,
leading to distention of gallbladder
 Advancing Age: 40 years old and above
 Gender: Female
 Family history of gallstones
 Family history of DM
 High fat and High Cholesterol Diet
 Pregnancy, most especially multiparity
 Use of oral contraceptives
 Excessive intake of alcohol
Imbalance ratio between bile and bile components resulting to
insolubility of bile
Definition: The formation of one or more gallstones in the gallbladder or in the bile
ducts which results into subsequent inflammation.
 Gender (Female)
 High fat and High
Cholesterol Diet
 Multiple Parity
 Obesity
 History of Smoking and
Increased cholesterol concentration in the bile
with insufficient bile salts and lecithin
Super-saturation of bile results to progressive
dissolution of vesicles wherein cholesterol-
carrying capacity is exceeded
Increased bile viscosity leading to bile stasis
within the gallbladder and its ducts
Precipitation of cholesterol in bile forms
cholesterol monohydrate crystals which
aggregates and solidifies
Presence of gallstones, particularly
cholesterol stones in the bladder
Cholesterol stone dislodges into opening of
gallbladder causing obstruction
No bile outflow to the duodenum to aid in fat
Autolysis, wherein bile acid causes irritation
and damage to the Tunica mucosa of the
gallbladder’s smooth muscle wall
Prostaglandins are released by the body as
an inflammatory response to endothelial
Inflammation of the gallbladder
No further complication noted since patient
was able to immediately undergo
CHOLECYSTECTOMY, or the removal of her
cholesterol stone.
of sudden
right upper
WBC of
-Low grade
fever of
-Complaints of
fried food
result of
gallbladder at
Name: Mrs. G. Age: Date: October 7, 2012(pre-op)
V/S: c Temp: 36.9 C PR: 80bpm RR: 20cpm BP: 120/80mmhg
[] impaired vision [ ] blind
[ ] pain [ ] reddened [ ] drainage
[ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf
[ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth
Assess eyes, ears, nose, and throat
For abnormality [ x] no problem
[ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea
[ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough [ ] barrel chest
[ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi x
[ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea
[ ] orthopenea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing
[ ] pain [ ] cyanotic
Assess resp.rate, rhythm, depth, and pattern
Breath sounds, comfort [x] no problem
[ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ] numbness
[ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue
[ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur
[ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain [] stong pulses
X Assess heart sounds, rate, rhythm, pulse, bp,
Circulation, fluid retention, comfort [x ] no problem
[ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding
[ ] hematuria [ ] discharge [ ] noctoria
Assess urine freq., control, color, odor, comfort /
D5lr @30
gtts/min Pain in the
pain scale of
Gird: 46 cm
Gyn-bleeding, discharge [x] no problem
[ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures
[ ] lethartic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] tremors
[ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip
Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength,
Grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech
[x] No problem
[ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae
[ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling
[ ] lesion [] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity
[ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed
[ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] eccymosis
[ ] diaphoretic [ ] moist
Assess mobility, motion, galt, alignment, joint function/
Skin color, texture, turgor, integrity [x] no problem
[ ] hearing loss
[] visual changes
[] others: language
[x] denied
Comments: “wala
man pud koy problema
bahin ana.” As
[] glasses [] languages
[ ] contact lenses [ ] hearing aide
[ ] speech difficulties
Pupil size & reaction: 2 mm-3mm
(pupils equally round and reactive to
light accommodation
[ ] dyspnea
[X] smoking history
[ ] cough
[ ] sputum
[ ] denied
Comments: “Oo,
gapanigarilyo ako
sauna pero wala na
sukad na
nagbreastfeed ko .” as
Resp. [x] regular [ ] irregular
Describe:normal breathing patterns
with respiratory rate of 20 cpm
R: Right lung is symmetrical to the
L:Left lung is symmetrical to the right
[ ] chest pain
[ ] leg pain
[ ] numbness of
[x] denied
Comments:. “ wala
man pud akoy
problema bahin
ana.”as verbalized by
Heart Rhythm [x] regular [ ]
Ankle Edema none
Pulse Car Rad. AP
Comments:Pulses are strong and
easy to palpate.
Diet:soft diet
[ ] N [ ] V
[ ]recent change in
weight and appetite
[ ] swallowing
[x] denied
Comments: “maayo ra
man pud ang akong
pag-kaon.” As
verbalized by the
[ ]dentures [x]none
Full Partial
Upper [ ] [ ]
Lower [ ] [ ]
Usual bowel pattern
Once a day
[ ] constipation Date of
last BM
October 7, 2012
[ ] diarrhea
[ ] urinary frequency
5 times a day
[] urgency
[ ] dysuria
[ ] hematuria
[ ] incontinence
[ ] polyuria
[ ] foley in place
[x] denied
Bowel sounds
are audible
Present [x] yes []
Urine* (color,
consistency, odor)
urine color is yellow
[x] alcohol [ ] denied
[ ] SBE Last Pap Smear:
Briefly describe the patient’s
ability to follow treatments (diet,
meds, etc.) for chronic health
problems (if present):
The patient is able to follow
treatments and medications
instructed to her.
[ ] dry
[ ] itching
[ ] other
[x] denied
“Mao raman japon,
wala may nabag-o
sa akong pamanit”
as verbalized..
[ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale
[ ] flushed [ ] warm
[ ] moist [ ] cyanotic
Rashes,ulcers,decubitus (describe
size, location,drainage) : no rashes,
ulcers, decubitus noted
[ ] drowsiness
[ ] dizziness
[ ] limited motion of joints
Limitation in
ability to
[ ] ambulate
[ ] bathe self
[x] denied
Comments: “dili
kayo ko makalihok-
lihok labi na ug
mutukar ang sakit.”
as verbalized.
[ ]LOC and orientation: client is
alert, oriented to time and place
Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane
[ ] other [x] none
[ ]sensory and motor losses in
face or extremities: there is no
alteration in sensory & motor
[ ] ROM limitations: with limitations
[ ] pain [ ] nocturia
[x] sleep difficulties
[] denied
“medyo alimuotan
man gud ko inig
gabie. ” as
verbalized by the
[ ] facial grimaces
[ ] guarding
[ ] other signs of pain:
[ ] side rail release form signed
[x] none
Occupation: Businesswoman
Members of household: husband, children,
Most supportive person: husband
Observed non-verbal behavior:
She is very attentive and cooperative.
She entertains our every questions
and query.
The person & her phone number
that can be reached anytime:
Name: Mrs. G. Age: 30 years old Date: October 8, 2012(pre-op)
V/S: Temp: 36.9 C PR: 85bpm RR: 18cpm BP: 120/80mmhg
[] impaired vision [ ] blind
[ ] pain [ ] reddened [ ] drainage
[ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf
[ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth
Assess eyes, ears, nose, and throat
For abnormality [ ] no problem
[ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea
[ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough [ ] barrel chest
[ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi x
[ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea
[ ] orthopenea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing
[ ] pain [ ] cyanotic
Assess resp.rate, rhythm, depth, and pattern
Breath sounds, comfort [x] no problem
[ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ] numbness
[ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue
[ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur
[ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain [] stong pulses
X Assess heart sounds, rate, rhythm, pulse, bp,
Circulation, fluid retention, comfort [x ] no problem
[ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding
[ ] hematuria [ ] discharge [ ] noctoria
Assess urine freq., control, color, odor, comfort /
D5lr @30
gtts/min Paininthe
painscale of
Gird: 46 cm
Gyn-bleeding, discharge [x] no problem
[ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures
[ ] lethartic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] tremors
[ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip
Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength,
Grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech
[x] No problem
[ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae
[ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling
[ ] lesion [] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity
[ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed
[ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] eccymosis
[ ] diaphoretic [ ] moist
Assess mobility, motion, galt, alignment, joint function/
Skin color, texture, turgor, integrity [x] no problem
[ ] hearing loss
[] visual changes
[] others: language
[x] denied
Comments: “Wala
man pud koy problema
bahin ana.” As
[] glasses [] languages
[ ] contact lenses [ ] hearing aide
[ ] speech difficulties
Pupil size & reaction: 2mm-3mm
(pupils equally round and reactive to
light accommodation
[ ] dyspnea
[X] smoking history
[ ] cough
[ ] sputum
[ ] denied
Comments: “Oo,
gapanigarilyo ako apan
wala na karon .” as
Resp. [x] regular [ ] irregular
Describe:normal breathing patterns
with respiratory rate of 20 cpm
R: Right lung is symmetrical to the
L:Left lung is symmetrical to the right
[ ] chest pain
[ ] leg pain
[ ] numbness of
[x] denied
Comments:. “ wala
man pud akoy
problema bahin
ana.”as verbalized.
Heart Rhythm [x] regular [ ]
Ankle Edema none
Pulse Car Rad. AP
Comments:Pulses are strong and
easy to palpate.
Diet:soft diet
[ ] N [ ] V
[ ]recent change in
weight and appetite
[ ] swallowing
[x] denied
Comments: “maayo ra
man pud ang akong
pag-kaon.” As
verbalized by the
[ ]dentures [x]none
Full Partial
Upper [ ] [ ]
Lower [ ] [ ]
Usual bowel pattern
Once a day
[ ] constipation Date of
last BM
October 9, 2012
[ ] diarrhea
[ ] urinary frequency
5 times a day
[] urgency
[ ] dysuria
[ ] hematuria
[ ] incontinence
[ ] polyuria
[ ] foley in place
[x] denied
Bowel sounds
are audible
Present [x] yes []
Urine* (color,
consistency, odor)
urine color is yellow
[x] alcohol [ ] denied
[ ] SBE Last Pap Smear:
Briefly describe the patient’s
ability to follow treatments (diet,
meds, etc.) for chronic health
problems (if present):
The patient is able to follow
treatments and medications
instructed to her.
[ ] dry
[ ] itching
[ ] other
[x] denied
“Mao raman japon,
wala may nabag-o
sa akong pamanit”
as verbalized by
the patient.
[ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale
[ ] flushed [ ] warm
[ ] moist [ ] cyanotic
Rashes,ulcers,decubitus (describe
size, location,drainage) : no rashes,
ulcers, decubitus noted
[ ] drowsiness
[ ] dizziness
[ ] limited motion of joints
Limitation in
ability to
[ ] ambulate
[ ] bathe self
[x] denied
Comments: “kaya
ra man nako
maglihok-lihok.” as
verbalized by the
[ ]LOC and orientation: client is
alert, oriented to time and place
Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane
[ ] other [x] none
[ ]sensory and motor losses in
face or extremities: there is no
alteration in sensory & motor
[ ] ROM limitations: with limitations
[ ] pain [ ] nocturia
[ ] sleep difficulties
[x] denied
Comments: “Ok
raman pud akong
pagkatulog” as
[ ] facial grimaces
[ ] guarding
[ ] other signs of pain:
[ ] side rail release form signed
[x] none
Members of household: husband, children,
Most supportive person: husband
Observed non-verbal behavior:
She is very attentive and cooperative.
She entertains our every questions
and query.
The person & her phone number
that can be reached anytime:
Name: Mrs. G. Age: 30 years old Date: October 9, 2012(post-op)
V/S: Temp: 37.5 C PR:75bpm RR: 19cpm BP: 120/80mmhg
[x] impaired vision [ ] blind
[ ] pain [ ] reddened [ ] drainage
[ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf
[ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth
Assess eyes, ears, nose, and throat
For abnormality [ ] no problem
[ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea
[ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough [ ] barrel chest
[ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi
[ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea
[ ] orthopenea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing
[ ] pain [ ] cyanotic
Assess resp.rate, rhythm, depth, and pattern
Breath sounds, comfort [x] no problem
[ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ] numbness
[ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue
[ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur
[ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain [] strong pulses
X Assess heart sounds, rate, rhythm, pulse, bp,
Circulation, fluid retention, comfort [x ] no problem
#6 D5lr @30
surgical site
scale of 7/10
Surgical site
C foleybag
urobag draining
to a tea colored
Epidural catheterin
frontand back
Gird: 39 cm
[ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding
[ ] hematuria [ ] discharge [ ] nocturia
Assess urine freq., control, color, odor, comfort /
Gyn-bleeding, discharge [x] no problem
[ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures
[ ] lethartic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] tremors
[ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip
Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength,
Grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech
[x] No problem
[ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae
[ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling
[ ] lesion [] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity
[ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed
[ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] eccymosis
[ ] diaphoretic [ ] moist
Assess mobility, motion, galt, alignment, joint function/
Skin color, texture, turgor, integrity [x] no problem
[ ] hearing loss
[] visual changes
[] others: language
[ ] denied
Comments: “mao ra
man pud gihapon
adtong bag-o siya
natulog.” As
[] glasses [] languages
[ ] contact lenses [ ] hearing aide
[ ] speech difficulties
Pupil size & reaction: 2 mm-3mm
(pupils equally round and reactive to
light accommodation
[ ] dyspnea
[X] smoking history
[ ] cough
[ ] sputum
[ ] denied
Comments: “Oo,
gapanigarilyo na siya
sauna” as verbalized.
Resp. [x] regular [ ] irregular
Describe:normal breathing patterns
with respiratory rate of 20 cpm
R: Right lung is symmetrical to the
L:Left lung is symmetrical to the right
[ ] chest pain
[ ] leg pain
[ ] numbness of
[x] denied
Comments:. “ sakit
lang jud daw ang iyang
samad.”as verbalized
Heart Rhythm [x] regular [ ]
Ankle Edema none
Pulse Car Rad. AP
Comments:Pulses are strong and
easy to palpate.
[ ] N [ ] V
[ ]recent change in
weight and appetite
[ ] swallowing
[x] denied
Comments: “dili sad
aw siya pakan-on
ingon ang doctor.” As
[ ]dentures [x]none
Full Partial
Upper [ ] [ ]
Lower [ ] [ ]
Usual bowel pattern
Once a day
[ ] constipation Date of
last BM
October 10, 2012
[ ] diarrhea
[ ] urinary frequency
5 times a day
[] urgency
[ ] dysuria
[ ] hematuria
[ ] incontinence
[ ] polyuria
[ x ] foley in place
[] denied
Bowel sounds
are audible
Present [x] yes []
Urine* (color,
consistency, odor)
with a tea-colored
[x] alcohol [ ] denied
[ ] SBE Last Pap Smear:
Briefly describe the patient’s
ability to follow treatments (diet,
meds, etc.) for chronic health
problems (if present):
The patient was able to follow
medicationsand treatments as
prescribed to her.
[ ] dry
[ ] itching
[ ] other
[x] denied
“Mao raman japon,
wala may nabag-o
sa iyahang
pamanit” as
[ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale
[ ] flushed [ ] warm
[ ] moist [ ] cyanotic
Rashes,ulcers,decubitus (describe
size, location,drainage) : no rashes,
ulcers, decubitus noted
[ ] drowsiness
[ ] dizziness
[x ] limited motion of
Limitation in
ability to
[ ] ambulate
[ ] bathe self
[] denied
Comments: “luya
lang gyud siya
karon, di sa siya
papahulayon lang
sa jud siya.” as
[ ]LOC and orientation: client is
alert, oriented to time and place
Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane
[ ] other [x] none
[ ]sensory and motor losses in
face or extremities: there is no
alteration in sensory & motor
[ ] ROM limitations: with limitations
[ ] pain [ ] nocturia
[ ] sleep difficulties
[x] denied
Comments: “Ok
raman iyahang
pagkatulog” as
[ x ] facial grimaces
[ ] guarding
[ ] other signs of pain:
[ ] side rail release form signed
[] none
Occupation: businesswoman
Members of household: husband, children,
Most supportive person: husband
Observed non-verbal behavior:
She is very attentive and cooperative.
She entertains our every questions
and query.
The person & her phone number
that can be reached anytime:
Name: Mrs. G. Age: 30 years old Date: October 10, 2012(post-op)
V/S: Temp: 37.7 C PR:75bpm RR: 19cpm BP: 130/80mmhg
[] impaired vision [ ] blind
[ ] pain [ ] reddened [ ] drainage
[ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf
[ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth
Assess eyes, ears, nose, and throat
For abnormality [x] no problem
[ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea
[ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough [ ] barrel chest
[ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi
[ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea
[ ] orthopenea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing
[ ] pain [ ] cyanotic
Assess resp.rate, rhythm, depth, and pattern
Breath sounds, comfort [x] no problem
[ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ] numbness
[ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue
[ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur
[ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain [] stong pulses
X Assess heart sounds, rate, rhythm, pulse, bp,
Circulation, fluid retention, comfort [x ] no problem
[ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding
#7 D5lr @30
surgical site
scale of 5/10
Surgical site
C foleybag
urobag draining
to a yellow
Epidural catheterin
frontand back
removed@10 am
Slight fever
Gird: 39cm
[ ] hematuria [ ] discharge [ ] noctoria
Assess urine freq., control, color, odor, comfort /
Gyn-bleeding, discharge [x] no problem
[ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures
[ ] lethartic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] tremors
[ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip
Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength,
Grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech
[x] No problem
[ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae
[ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling
[ ] lesion [] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity
[ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed
[ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] eccymosis
[ ] diaphoretic [ ] moist
Assess mobility, motion, galt, alignment, joint function/
Skin color, texture, turgor, integrity [x] no problem
[ ] hearing loss
[] visual changes
[] others:
[x ] denied
Comments: “maayo ra
man pud ko bahin ana
lang k okay sakit.” As
[] glasses [] languages
[ ] contact lenses [ ] hearing aide
[ ] speech difficulties
Pupil size & reaction: 3 mm-3mm
(pupils equally round and reactive to
light accommodation
[ ] dyspnea
[X] smoking history
[ ] cough
[ ] sputum
[ ] denied
Comments: “Oo,
gapanigarilyo ako
sauna .” as verbalized.
Resp. [x] regular [ ] irregular
Describe:normal breathing patterns
with respiratory rate of 20 cpm
R: Right lung is symmetrical to the
L:Left lung is symmetrical to the right
[ ] chest pain
[ ] leg pain
[ ] numbness of
[x] denied
Comments:. “ sakit
lang jud dapit sakong
samad”as verbalized
by patient
Heart Rhythm [x] regular [ ]
Ankle Edema none
Pulse Car Rad. AP
Comments:Pulses are strong and
easy to palpate.
[ ] N [ ] V
[ ]recent change in
weight and appetite
[ ] swallowing
[x] denied
Comments: “dili sa d
aw ko pakan-on ingon
ang doctor.” As
[ ]dentures [x]none
Full Partial
Upper [ ] [ ]
Lower [ ] [ ]
Usual bowel pattern
Once a day
[ ] constipation Date of
last BM
October 10, 2012
[ ] diarrhea
[ ] urinary frequency
5 times a day
[] urgency
[ ] dysuria
[ ] hematuria
[ ] incontinence
[ ] polyuria
[ x ] foley in place
[] denied
Bowel sounds
are audible
Present [x] yes []
Urine* (color,
consistency, odor)
with a yellow-
[x] alcohol [ ] denied
[ ] SBE Last Pap Smear:
Briefly describe the patient’s
ability to follow treatments (diet,
meds, etc.) for chronic health
problems (if present):
The patient was able to follow
medicationsand treatments as
prescribed to her.
[ ] dry
[ ] itching
[ ] other: rash
[x] denied
“nagka-rashes lagi
ko tungod sa
diaper.” As
[ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale
[ ] flushed [ ] warm
[ ] moist [ ] cyanotic
Rashes,ulcers,decubitus (describe
size, location,drainage) : rashes on
the pubic area.
[ ] drowsiness
[ ] dizziness
[x ] limited motion of
Limitation in
ability to
[ ] ambulate
[ ] bathe self
[] denied
Comments: “ok
raman. Musakit
lang jud siya
pagmalabian ko ug
sturya o lihok.” as
[ ]LOC and orientation: client is
alert, oriented to time and place
Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane
[ ] other [x] none
[ ]sensory and motor losses in
face or extremities: there is no
alteration in sensory & motor
[ ] ROM limitations: the patient has
some difficulty on moving
[ ] pain [ ] nocturia
[ ] sleep difficulties
[x] denied
Comments: “Ok
makapahulay man
pud ko ug ayo.” as
[ x ] facial grimaces
[x ] guarding
[ ] other signs of pain:
[ ] side rail release form signed
[] none
Occupation: businesswoman
Members of household: husband, children,
Most supportive person: husband
Observed non-verbal behavior:
She is very attentive and cooperative.
She entertains our every questions
and query.
The person & her phone number
that can be reached anytime:
We had our first assessment and visited as a group last October 7, 2012, Sunday
at exactly 1:30 in the afternoon at Northern Mindanao Medical Center, CDOC with our
chosen patient S.G. Upon arrival, patient was lying on the folding bed along the hallway
with ongoing IVF of D5LR at 850 cc regulated at 30 gtts/min. We had done our head to
toe assessment and assessed patient’s health status through inspection,auscultation,
palpation and percussion. Assessment findings included: patient suffered abdominal
pain radiating to the back with a pain scale of 8/10, verbalization of anxiety at moderate
level and she’s irritable and can’t sleep properly due some environmental stimuli
(ventilation, space and noise). The patient also suffered from activity intolerance due to
pain. We also determined the patient’s diet (Low Fat Diet) and we found out that she
has a good apetite. Vital signs are within normal range.
With the assessment presented, we prioritized problems and planned
interventions based on the existing problems manifested by the patient. Interventions
planned were focused on relieving pain and providing comfort to the patient. The
following were the interventions rendered and health teachings given:
1. Obtained and recorded vital signs.
2. Encouraged to express feelings regarding feelings toward the upcoming
3. Instructed to avoid food rich in cholesterol such fried foods and egg.
4. Encouraged adequate rest periods
5. Encouraged to do deep breathing exercise during onset of pain.
6. Placed patient to comfortable position.
7. Encouraged to do diversional activities like listening to music.
8. Instructed significant others to assist the patient in doing daily activities.
9. Emphasized compliance of prescribed medications.
We had our second assessment last October 8, 2012 Monday. Since two of our
groupmates had their duty at the surgical ward, they were assigned to take care of the
patient chosen for our GCP. Upon arrival, patient was lying on bed at Female ward with
the same IV infusion and rate.
The two members of our group have done their head-to-toe assessment.
Assessment findings included: verbalization of pain in the abdomen with a pain scale of
5/10, anxiety at moderate level. We also assessed patient’s diet and found out that she
has poor apetite. Vital signs are within normal range.
With the assessment presented, we prioritized problems and planned
interventions based on the existing problems manifested by the patient. Interventions
planned were focused on relieving pain, and promotion of comfort. The following were
the interventions rendered and health teachings given:
10.Obtained and recorded vital signs.
11.Elevated head of the bed.
12.Instructed to take deep breaths every after pain is felt.
13.Instructed the significant others not to leave the patient alone.
14.Encouraged adequate rest periods
15.Instructed to avoid rich in cholesterol such as fried foods and egg
16.Placed patient in a comfortable position.
17.Encouraged patient to verbalize feelings on how she’s doing
18.Cleaning and straightening beddings
We had our third assessment and visit last October 9, 2012, Tuesday. Upon
arrival, we have done head to toe assessment and found out the same problems as the
second day.
That day, she was scheduled on her operation (cholecystectomy) at 10 am. She
verbalized that she was a liitle tense and we encouraged her to express her feelings to
lessen her anxiety.
19.Obtained and recorded vital signs
20.Elevated head of the bed
21.Instructed deep breathings during onset of pain
22.Encouraged to do diversional activities
23. Nothing per orem maintained
24.Encouraged adequate rest period
25. Placed patient in desired position
26. Encouraged verbalization of feelings
We had fourth assessment and fourth visit last October 10, 2012, Wednesday at exactly
6 in the evening. Upon arrival, we had witnessed is
We had our fifth day of assessment and visit last October 11, 2012, Thursday at 2:30 in
the afternoon. Upon arrival, patient was sitting in the bed alone. Foley Bag Catheter was
already removed.
We assessed from head to toe. Patient verbalized feeling of improvement in her
condition, she said that it pain is lessen and cited that pain scale is 2 out of 10 even
without taking the pain relivers.
Patient is already trying to stand and move in her own without anybody’s help.
Monitored vital signs don’t show any signs of complications.
The dressing doesn’t show any signs of infections.
With the assessment presented, we prioritized problems and planned interventions
based on the existing problems manifested by the patient. Interventions planned were
focused on relieving pain, and promotion of comfort. The following were the
interventions rendered and health teachings given:
Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Interventions Rationale
Anxiety (Moderate) related to
Hyper Metabollic State (CNS
Observe behaviour indicative
of level of anxiety.
Monitor physical responses
noting palpitations, repetitive
movements, hyperventilation,
and insomnia.
Stay with patient, maintaining
calm manner.
Acknowledge fear and allow
patient’s behaviour to belong
to patient.
-Mild anxiety may be
displayed by irritability and
insomnia. Severe Anxiety
progressing to panic state
may produce feelings of
impending doom, terror,
inability to speak or move,
-Increase number of beta
adrenergic receptor sites,
coupled with effects of
excess thyroid hormones,
produces clinical
manifestations of
catecholamine excess even
with normal levels of
norepinephrine exists.
-Affirms to patient that
although patient feels out of
control, environment is safe.
-Avoiding personal
responses to inappropriate
remarks or actions prevents
conflicts/overreaction to
Describe/Explain procedures,
surrounding environment, or
sounds that may heard by
the patient.
Speak in brief statements,
using simple words.
Reduce external stimuli.
Place in quiet room; provide
soft, soothing music; reduce
bright light; reduce number of
persons contacting patient.
Discuss with patient reasons
for emotional ability/psychotic
Reinforce expectation that
emotional control should
return as drug therapy
stressful situation.
-Provides accurate
information, which reduces
that can contribute to
anxiety/fear reactions.
-Attention span may be
shortened, concentration
reduced, limiting ability to
assimilate information.
-Creates a therapeutic
environment; shows
recognition that unit
activity/personnel may
increase patient’s anxiety.
-Understanding that
behaviour is physically based
enhances acceptance of
situation and encourages
-Provides information and
reassures patient that the
situation is temporary and
will improve in treatment.
Administer anti-anxiety
agents or sedatives and
monitor effects.
Refer to support systems as
needed, e.g., counselling,
social services, pastoral
-May be used in conjunction
with medical regimen to
reduce effects of
hyperthyroid secretion.
-Ongoing therapy support
may be desired/ required by
patient/SO if crisis
precipitates lifestyle
Diagnosis Nursing Interventions Rationale
Ineffective Breathing
Pattern related to Pain
Observe respiratory
Auscultate breath sounds.
Assist patient to turn, cough
and deep breathe
periodically. Show patient
how to splint incision.
Instruct in effective
breathing techniques.
Elevate head of bed;
maintain Low-Fowler’s
position. Support abdomen
when coughing,
Assist with respiratory
treatments, e.g. Incentive
-Shallow breathing,
splinting with respirations,
holding breath may result in
-Areas of decreased/absent
breath sounds suggest
atelectasis, whereas
adventitious sounds reflect
-Promotes ventilation of all
lung segments and
mobilization and
expectoration of secretions.
-Facilitates lung expansion.
Splinting provides incisional
support/decreases muscle
tension to promote
cooperation with
therapeutic regimen.
-Maximizes expansion of
lungs to prevent/ resolve
Administer analgesics
before breathing
-Facilitates more effective
coughing, deep breathing
and activities.
Diagnosis Nursing Interventions Rationale
Impaired Skin Integrity
related to surgical incision
Observe the color and
character of the drainage.
Change dressings as often
as necessary. Clean the
skin with soap and water.
Use sterile petroleum jelly
gauze, zinc oxide, or
karaya powder around the
Apply montgomery straps
Place patient in low- or
semi-Fowler’s position.
Check the T-tube and
incisional drains; make sure
that they are free flowing.
-Initially, drainage may
contain blood and
bloodstained fluid, normally
changing to greenish brown
(bile color) after several
-Keeps the skin around the
incision clean and provides
a barrier to protect skin
from excoriation.
-Facilitates frequent
dressing changes and
minimizes skin trauma.
-Facilitates drainage of bile
-T-tube may remain in
common bile duct for 7-10
days to remove retained
stones. Incision site drains
are used to remove any
accumulated fluid and bile.
Maintain T-tube in closed
collection system.
Administer antibiotics as
Monitor laboratory studies,
e.g., WBC.
Correct positioning
prevents backup of the bile
in the operative area.
-Prevents skin irritation and
facilitates measurement of
output. Reduces risk of
-Necessary for treatment of
-Leukocytosis reflects
inflammatory process.,
Nursing Diagnosis Interventions Rationale
Risk for Infection
Stress proper hygiene by all
caregivers between
therapies and client
Use gloves when caring for
open lesions
Maintain adequate
hydration stand or sit to
-First line defense against
healthcare associated
infections (HAI’s)
-To minimize
autoinoculation or
transmission of viral
-To avoid bladder distention
and urinary stasis
Maintain sterile techniques
for all invasive procedures
Maintain adequate nutrition,
rest, and appropriate
exercise program
-To avoid cross
-For proper nutrition
Nursing Diagnosis Interventions Rationale
Acute pain related to
the incision site
Note for pain, including
location, characteristics,
onset and frequency
Monitor skin color,
temperature and vital signs
Provide comfort measures
such as touch, repositioning,
quiet environment
Instruct in and encourage use
of relaxation techniques such
as focused breathing
NSAIDS(Ibuprofen) as
prescribed by the physician
-To rule out worsening of
underlying condition or
development of complications.
-This are usually altered in
acute pain.
-To promote non
pharmacological pain
-To distract attention and
reduce tension
-Relief of mild to moderate pain
S “Sakit kaayo akong tibook likod ug tiyan” as verbalized by the patient.
O  Facial grimace
 Pain Scale of 8/10, spasmic pain all over the abdominal area
 Guarding on the abdominal area
 Self focusing; narrowed focused
A Acute Pain related to obstruction in the bile duct
P Long Term: At the end of 1 hour, patient will demonstrate techniques
to alleviate or control pain.
Short Term: At the end of 30 minutes nursing interventions, patient
will be able to relieved from pain felt.
I  Promoted bed rest and in low fowler’s position
 Use soft cotton linens, cool or moist compress as indicated
 Control environmental temperature
 Encouraged use of relaxaton techniques like deep breathing
 Administered medication as prescribed (Tramadol 50 mg slow
IVTT, q8 x 3 doses then PRN)
E Long Term: After 1 hour of nursing interventions, the patient was able
to demonstrate techniques to alleviate pain like deep breathing
After 30 minutes nursing interventions, patient’s was relieved from
pain after administration of analgesic.
S “maglisod ko ug tulog kay igang kaayo” as verbalized by the patient.
O  Change in normal sleep pattern
 Restless
 Irritable
A Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to environmental factors( noise,
ambient temperature)
P Long term: At the end of 1 day nursing intervention, the patient will be
able to report improve sleep and increase sense of well-being.
Short term: At the end of 4 hours of nursing intervention the patient will
be able to identify interventions to promote sleep.
I  Provided a quiet environment
 Provided comfort measures (touch therapy, cleaning and
straightening beddings)
 Use of sleep aids (personal pillows)
 Instructed to establish routine bed time and arising, think
relaxing thoughts when in bed, do not nap in the daytime
 Adequate rest provided
E Long term: After 1 day of nursing intervention, patient have been able to
improved sleep and increased sense of well-being.
Short term: After 4 hours of nursing intervention, the patient was able to
identify interventions to promote sleep.
S “Dili kaayo ko kalihok maam kay sakitan ko” as verbalized by the patient.
O ● facial grimace
●sleep disturbance
A Activity Intolerance related to decreased range of motion and pain on movement
P Long term: After 2 days of nursing interventions, the patient will be able report
measurable increase in activity tolerance
Short term: After 1day of nursing interventions, the patient will to identify
techniques to enhance activity tolerance
I  Properly position the patient to avoid straining affected areas in the body
 Engaged ROM exercises, as tolerated, to reduce muscle stiffness and
 Assisted ADL’s to help reduce discomfort and avoid too much energy
 Encouraged frequent position changes (side-lying to supine) when on bed
 Encouraged bed rest
S “Gakakulbaan ko sa akong operasyon karon kay last nako nga opera, gi-
intubate man gud ko ” as verbalized by the patient.
O  Verbalize awareness of feelings
 Anxious
 Restlessness
 Preoccupied from her last operation experience
A Anxiety related to threat of death or change in health status
P Long term: After 1 day of nursing interventions, the patient will appear
relaxed and report anxiety reduced to a manageable level.
Short term: After 6 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will
verbalize awareness of feelings of anxiety
I  Established a therapeutic relationship, conveying empathy and
unconditional positive regard.
 Be available to client for listening and talking
 Encouraged client to acknowledge and to express feelings
 Provided information regarding disease process and anticipated
 Provided comfort measures(e.g., calm/quiet environment,
therapeutic touch)
 Provided adequate rest
 Instructed in ways to use positive talk, e.g., “I can handle this”
E Long term: After 1 day of nursing interventions, the patient appeared
relaxed and reported reduced anxiety manifested by socialization
engagement(talking with other patients and laughing with them).
Short term: After 6 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to
verbalize understanding of her present health status that lessened her
S “gasakit akong tahi kung mulihok ko” as verbalized by patient
O • (+) Facial grimace
• Pain scale of 5 out of 10,
• Self-focusing; narrowed focus
A Acute pain related to post op surgical incision
P Long term: After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will
demonstrate techniques to alleviate/control pain.
Short term: After 30 minutes of nursing interventions, the patient will
report relief of pain
I • Positioned client to where she is comfortable
• Taught client diversional activities like watching television
• Encouraged use of relaxation techniques like focused breathing
• Have the patient splint incision when moving
• Provided adequate rest periods
• Provided a calm, quiet environment
• Administered analgesic (ketorolac 300 mg IVTT,q6 x 4 doses)
E Long term: The patient was able to demonstrate techniques to alleviate
Short term: The patient reported that the pain was lessened
S “gasakit akong tahi kung mulihok ko” as verbalized by patient
O • Sugical dressing on RUQ
• Disruption of the skin surface
• Injury on the skin layers
A Impaired skin integrity related to surgical incision
P Long term: After 2 days of nursing interventions, the patient will achieve
timely wound healing without complications
Short term: After 1 day of nursing interventions, the patient will
demonstrate behaviors to promote healing/prevent skin breakdown
I • Observed the color and character of the drainage
• Changed dressings and do wound care as often as necessary
• Placed patient in low- or semi-Fowler’s position
• Maintained T-tube in closed collection system
• Administered antibiotics (cefuroxime 350 mg, IVTT q8).
E Long term: After 2 days of nursing intervention, the patient was able to
maintained the wound intact and free from complications
Short term: After 1 day of nursing intervention, the patient verbalized
understanding of proper wound care and demonstrated the proper way
to do it.
The medications prescribed by the doctor were
thoroughly explained including its indication, possible
adverse effects, contraindication, precautions to be taken
and patient’s response. And to take it on right time, dose,
and route
 Celecoxib 200mg TID 1cap
 Cefuroxime 500mg 1tab TID times 5 days.
Encouraged to ambulate every morning for 30 minutes to
promote rehabilitation of body’s energy.
Taught to do Range of motion exercises.
Gradually, encouraged to do normal daily activities.
Taught the importance of proper hygiene and hand
Encouraged to change the dressing everyday
Encouraged to apply povidine iodine (Betadine) to the
wound before changing the dressing
Encouraged to schedule rest periods and sleep periods.
Advised to have follow-up check up on October 19, 20012
at the Outpatient Department, Northern Mindanao
Medical Center.
Encouraged to eat low fat, low salt diet.
Taught about the importance of her diet modification.
• They lose weight.
• Their health usually improves.
• Their risk of developing cardiovascular disease may
• They get relief from unpleasant gastrointestinal
Encouraged to increase protein intake
 Cheese
 Mature (Large) Beans
 Lean Veal and Beef
 Lean Meats (Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Turkey)
 Lobster and Crab
 Peanuts
 Fish
Encourage to increase fluid intake at least 10-12 glasses
per day.
Intake of vitamin C like orange, mango fruit.
Score Legend:
1 – Poor Prognosis
2 – Good Prognosis
3 – Very Good Prognosis
2 days prior to admission,
onset of epigastric pain,
grouping, 7/10 in patient
scale, radiating to lower
back, associated with
shortness of breath no
consult, no medication
Detection of the disease
condition was delayed for
attaining prevention.
Manifestation showed up by
mean of pain on the upper
quadrant of the abdomen
radiating to lower back two
days prior to admission.
The increasing age of the
patient, the gender and her
diet which is mostly rich in
salty and high in cholesterol
diet predisposed her and
put her at risk for obtaining
such condition. Such factor
manifest by the patient
cannot already be altered
and prevented.
manifestations showed up
but were diagnosed too late
for her to prevent from the
condition. Thus strictly
following the treatment
regimen would help her
prevent from further
complication and faster
The patient’s admission
and adherence medication
regimen may somehow
proved that the patient is
very willing to follow
treatment that she even
had a surgery in order for
her to recover the stated
Patient is financially
capable for her was able to
pay the entire medical and
hospital bills by the help of
family member and phil.
Sign of progressive were
visible that she was able to
stand up and walk around
the area with assistance
on the first day of post
A daily progressive sign of
relief from a surgical
procedure especially on
the incisions showed a
good prognosis that she
had recovered from the
surgical procedure done.
Her family was very
supportive that her
husband was the one who
supported the operation
and hospital bills and she
was always accompanied
by either her husband or
her children during
This is why patient’s prognosis is very important for patient having such condition vary
greatly on the health, the extent of damage, the regimen given and the patient’s
adherence to it, and most importantly the detection of the disease. Most noted
prognosis in the chart shows good prognosis but the detection of the symptoms were
too late for her to prevent and to be able treated that may lead to life threatening
At the end of the study the presenters were able to attain the goal that we have set from
the start of her study. Thorough gathering of data by means of physical assessment
were met and through the gathered data we were able to identify some health problems
and we’re able to skilfully formulate nursing care plan that we had applied to our patient
in actual. By means of reviewing, discussing and elaborating the affected anatomy and
physiology of the body enabled us to create interventions that could alleviate pain and
any discomfort experienced by the patient. With the help of the patient family, we were
able to explore part of the patient’s personality that also helped us increasing
interventions appropriate for her. Through the interventions we imparted there was a
progress in patients health status such as regained his activity of daily living.
The presenters also imparted health teachings not only the patient but to her family as
well, in order to lower the risk of having this kind of condition. Choosing the right diet
was also elaborated for them to be aware of the precise choice of foods and nutrition
right for preventing the disease like avoiding food that is salty, fatty and especially those
highly seasoned foods which always pertained to the food we were eating, we should
still be conscious with our health especially if we want to live longer. Avoid that life
threatening disease which not only shorten our life but caused us some financial
problem too.
Lastly, the presenters were also grateful for having the opportunity to have the case
study for they not only gain knowledge but also enhanced their skills in the field of
nursing by means of planning interventions and rendering care to the patient. The
researches were hoping that the readers would be more conscious and be more careful
in taking of their health to prevent conditions to persist.
 “DRUG HANDBOOK” Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Nursing 2004 24th
 “MIMS” PHILIPPINES. 123rd edition 2012, Philipine Index Of Medical
Specialties Establishment. 1968 Ben Yeo,
 “Lippincott Manulal of Nursing” 8th edition, Lipincott Williams & Wilkins
 “PATHOPHYSIOLOGY” Lippincott Williams &Wilkins A2-in-1 reference for
 Fundamentals of nursing Concepts. Process and Practices” 11th edition.
Upper Saddle, Kozier, B. etal New Jersey, 2007.
 “Nursing Care Plans, Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention” 6th edition, by

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  • 1. 1 I. Get Homework/Assignment Done II. III. IV. Homework Help V. VI. VII. Research Paper help VIII. IX. X. Online Tutoring XI. XII. XIII. click here for freelancing tutoring sites XIV. INTRODUCTION  Cholecystolithiasis- The medical name for hard deposits (gallstones) that may form in the gallbladder or the occurrence of gallstones within the gallbladder. Gallstones or calculi usually form in the gallbladder from the solid constituents of bile; they vary in size, shape, and composition. There are two major types of gallstones: Cholesterol Stones- most common type, When cholesterol levels are high enough in the bile that crystals form, then tiny stones which go on to grow. Mix cholesterol stones- composed of more than 10% cholesterol, are usually smaller than the pure cholesterol stones and are often faceted and multiple. Pigment stones-is formed from excess bilirubin, a waste product created by the breakdown of the red blood cells in the liver. (form when unconjugated pigments in the bile precipitate to form stones)  Four times more women than men develop cholesterol stones and gallbladder disease, the women are usually past age 35, multiparous (most common after pregnancy), and obese. The course of cholecystolithiasis varies among
  • 2. 2 individuals. Some people with cholecystolithiasis have no symptoms at all, while others may have severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and complete blockage that may pose the risk of infection. Cholecystolithiasis can lead to cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder. Left untreated, cholecystolithiasis can lead to serious complications such as tissue damage, tears in the gallbladder, and infection that spreads to other parts of your body. Cholecystolithiasis affects approximately 10% of adult population in the United States. In the Philippines, some patients with gallstones choose to have their gallbladders removed for peace of mind. Some even choose to have their gallbladders removed for overseas employment purposes.In the country alone, an extrapolated prevalence of 5,073,040 people are affected by the disease last 2007. According to the hospital statistic report of Northern Mindanao Medical Hospital there is 0.72% of discharge diagnosis (primary) in January to December 2009. Excision of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) to cure gallstone disease is among the most frequently performed abdominal procedures. Unless the patient’s condition deteriorates, surgical intervention is delayed until the acute symptoms subside and a complete evaluation can be carried out.  The diet immediately after an episode is usually limited to low-fat liquids. The patient can stir powdered supplements high in protein and carbohydrate into skim milk. Cooked fruits, rice or tapioca, lean meats, mashed potatoes, non-gas forming vegetables, bread, coffee, or tea may be added as tolerated. The patient should avoid eggs, cream, pork, fried foods, cheese and rich dressings, gas- forming vegetables, and alcohol. It is important to remind patient to avoid fatty foods may bring on an episode. Dietary management may be the major mode of therapy in patients who have had only dietary intolerance to fatty foods and the vague gastrointestinal symptoms. Specific Objectives: The student nurses aim to achieve the following objectives in 2hours of case presentation:
  • 3. 3 1. Accurately present a thorough general assessment of the client which includes physical assessment and family history taking. 2. Effectively discuss and elaborate actual signs and symptoms of disease exhibited by the client. 3. Thoroughly discuss, explain, and elaborate the nature of the disease process. 4. Provide appropriate and proper nursing diagnosis in line with the client’s medical condition. 5. Formulate nursing care plans for the different problems identified. 6. Provide nursing intervention according to the standards of nursing practice. 7. Apply the learned concepts and theories of disease. 8. Appraise the effectiveness and efficacy of nursing interventions rendered to the client. 9. Showcase the outcome of the rendered nursing interventions. 10. Convey the significance of client’s response to the rendered nursing interventions. 11. Provide concise and concrete information to the audience with regards to the patient’s disease condition. 12. Provide appropriate environment for learning for the audience. SCOPE AND LIMITATION This Case Presentation will attempt to cover and discuss the disease process and present condition of the patient as assessed in the four days of assessment and duty, at Northern Mindanao Medical Center. It will also present the nursing and medical care as provided during the 16hours duty (Oct. 8&9, 2012). This case presentation will be limited to the patient’s verbalizations and significant other who partly served as informant, laboratory results, signs and symptoms as evidenced by and observed from the patient within the engaged days. We consider October 10, 2012 as our follow-up visit and final assessment to our patient.
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  • 6. 6 II. PATIENT’S PROFILE Name: Galupo, Cysethe Sex: Female Birthday: July 2, 1980 Age: 30 years old Address: Gingoog City Religion: Roman Catholic Nationality: Filipino Occupation: Entrepreneur Civil status: Married Spouse name: Aljames Galupo Occupation: Farmer Educational Attainment: Business Management Graduate; Xavier University (2003) Date of admission; October 5, 2012 Diagnosis: Cholecystolithiasis Heredo-Familial Disease According to the patient, her mother was hypertensive and her father (deceased) suffered from diabetes and then later on turned into multi organ failure. She was the 3rd among the 4 children. Her eldest brother Constantine Cana, 42 years old suffered from meningitis after delivery .He is mentally retarded as a result of the disease. The second child, 32 years old, died because of a gunshot wound. And she was the 3rd child, who according to her was the only one in the family that developed cholecystolithiasis. And lastly, the youngest was Cerobim Cana, deceased as well caused by a gunshot wound when he was 15 years old.
  • 7. 7 Gynaecological History The client had her menarche at the age of 11, with a duration of about a week. But with the onset of her puberty her monthly decreased to just 3 days. She has a regular monthly period which she expects every 3rd week of the month. She doesn’t experience any irregularities with her monthly period. Food and Drug allergy Patient has no known food and drug allergies. Diet and Lifestyle Patient is not a picky eater as stated by her. She eats anything and drinks soda every day. She also said that she can’t eat without a glass or a bottle of soda together with her meal. She has a history of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages occasionally and has since quit after giving birth to her eldest child. History of Admission She was previously admitted last August 24, 2012 at NMMC because she gave birth to her 3rd child via caesarean section. She had also tubal ligation done after the 3rd delivery because she had delivered all three babies via caesarean section which was advised by her Ob-Gyne. The patient was admitted at northern Mindanao Medical Center with complaints of abdominal pain that is radiating to the back.
  • 8. 8 CHIEF COMPLAINT AND HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient X went to Maria Reyna Hospital for check-up due to severe abdominal pain and she was then diagnosed with Cholecystolithiasis. She was advised to undergo an operation worth 80,000.00 but then refuse to it due to lack of financial assistance and then decided to transfer at Northern Mindanao Medical Center. Two days prior to admission Patient complains of severe abdominal pain that is radiating to the back. Patient’s chief complaint is severe abdominal pain radiating to the back.
  • 9. 9 III. DEVELOPMENTAL DATA Erik Erickson 8 Stages of Development Young Adulthood: 18 to 35 Ego Development Outcome: Intimacy and Solidarity vs. Isolation Basic Strengths: Affiliation and Love In the initial stage of being an adult we seek one or more companions and love. As we try to find mutually satisfying relationships, primarily through marriage and friends, we generally also begin to start a family, though this age has been pushed back for many couples who today don't start their families until their late thirties. If negotiating this stage is successful, we can experience intimacy on a deep level. If we're not successful, isolation and distance from others may occur. And when we don't find it easy to create satisfying relationships, our world can begin to shrink as, in defense, we can feel superior to others. Our significant relationships are with marital partners and friends. Erikson's sixth stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation, occurs during young adulthood. Intimacy with other people is possible only if a reasonably well integrated identity emerges from stage five. Robert J. Havighurst *Assisting teenage children to become responsible and happy adults. * Achieving adult social and civic responsibility. * Reaching and maintaining satisfactory performance in one’s occupational career. *Developing adult leisure time activities. * Relating oneself to one’s spouse as a person.
  • 10. 10 * To accept and adjust to the physiological changes of middle age. *Adjusting to aging parents. INTERPRETATION The information listed above made by these two famous theorist are being exhibited by our patient. Basing on what we have assessed and upon interviewing we have known that some characteristics that a normal 30 year old are present. On the first developmental theory which is from Eric Erickson wherein the major conflict a person may encounter when he will reach this stage is intimacy and solidarity vs. Isolation, our patient has successfully entered this stage even though she still wasn’t able to achieve most of her dreams but she believed starting to build a family and having a wonderful children are one of her greatest dream. In this stage, people are starting to build there own lives and to be established as a person that every is dreaming of like having a degree after studying in college, having descent work with good financial outcomes, to live independently without asking some financial support from their parents, and one of the highlights in this stage is to find a partner who will become a companion for the rest of their lives and having a children. Being unable to achieve our goals and aspiration prior to what we have planned will cause us a sense of isolation, we are having difficulty in accepting facts that we have failed to achieve what we have planned before specially people are trying to seize and compare you from other people who become successful in their chosen careers. Unable to find a perfect partner or having no mature relation ship to someone when you reach this stage will cause us an isolation, people tend to seek attention more to their partners and to someone special because they can express more of their feeling to them rather to their parents and friends. On the second theory by Robert Havighurst, people tend to exhibit the characteristics of parenting muchtime. They act us a protector and a guide to their children by leading them to the right attitude in order for their children to become a good person when they grow. so that people will not blame the parents. Their major role is to guide their children so that they will not be mislead to something that is inappropriate, it always reflect on how the parents have raised their children.
  • 11. 11 IV. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT a. Medical Orders with Rationale Date/time Doctor’s Order Rationale of Order 10-5-2012 @ 9:00 p.m  Please admit under Surgery Annex 2 Floor 1  To provide management fitted for patient  Secure consent to care  To provide understanding in the part of the client including significant others for any medical, surgical, and nursing intervention and also for legal documentation purposes.  Low Fat Diet  This Diet decreases Fat intake which is beneficial in reducing the pain brought about the disease. The presence of fat in he duodenum stimulates the release of cholecystokinin. This hormone causes the gallbladder to contract and release bile. If gallbladder is inflamed or has stones present, the contraction will cause severe pain to the patient.  Start venoclysis – D5LR iL @ 30gtts/min  To provide immediate access to the vascular system for the rapid
  • 12. 12 delivery of specific solutions without the time required for gastrointestinal tract absorption.  Is a Hypertonic solutions raises intravascular osmotic pressure and provides fluid, electrolytes and calories for energy.  LABS: CBC with Platelet Count, Blood Typing, Serum Creatinine, RBS, SGPT, SGOT, PTPA, Alkaline PO4  To check or evaluate any deviation from normal in blood count; blood typing to check for what type of blood the patient has for possible blood transfusion; creatinine is an indicator of the renal function; RBS measure the blood glucose levels without the need of fasting; SGPT and SGOT assists in differentiating whether the jaundice requires surgical treatment, as in case of obstructive jaundice due to gall bladder stones; PTPA (obsolete name for prothrombin time) measures how long it takes blood to clot and is used to check for bleeding
  • 13. 13 problems; Alkaline PO4 to test liver functions  Meds: 1.Cefuroxime 750mg IVTT every 8 hrs., ANST( - ) 2.Ranitidine 50mg IVTT every 8 hrs. 3.Tramadol 50mg IVTT every 8 hrs, 4. Hyoscine-N-ButylBromide 10mg IVTT every 8 hrs.  An antibacterial used to treat for bacterial infection/ prophylaxis treatment post operatively.  An antacid used to reduce gastric acid secretion  A non-opiod analgesic for acute to severe pain  antispasmodic drug used to treat conditions associated with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, such as cramping.  I & O every shift  To determine fluid retention  Monitor Abdominal Status every 4 hours  To monitor signs for any possible complications related to the case  For Elective cholecystectomy  To remove the inflamed Gallbladder.  Secure consent for procedure  The surgery is an invasive procedure, the consent indicates the willingness of the patient of such procedure.
  • 14. 14  Refer accordingly  To Inform the attending physicians for any complications and reactions 10-6-2012 7am  Low Fat Diet  This diet decreases Fat intake which is beneficial in reducing the pain brought about the disease.  Continue Meds  For continuity of treatment regimen  IVFTF: D5LR iL @ 30gtts/min  To provide fluid and electrolyte balance and for hydration purposes  For Elective Open Cholecystectomy on 10/9/2012  To remove the inflamed Gallbladder.  Secure consent for procedure  The surgery is an invasive procedure, the consent indicates the willingness of the patient of such procedure  Inform OR and Anesthesiologist  For the OR staff and Anesthesiologist to reserve the date and prepare for the upcoming surgery  Refer Accordingly  To Inform the attending physicians for any complications and reactions 10-7-2012 7am  Low fat Diet  This diet decreases Fat intake which is beneficial in
  • 15. 15 reducing the pain brought about the disease  IVFTF: D5LR iL @ 30gtts/min  To provide fluid and electrolyte balance and for hydration purposes  Continue all medications  For continuity of treatment regimen  For Elective Open Cholecystectomy on Tuesday (10/9/2012)  To remove the inflamed Gallbladder.  Vital signs every 4 hours  To monitor the Vital signs of patient for any untoward complications  I & O every shift  To determine fluid retention 10-8-2012  Low fat diet  To prevent exacerbation of pain  Continue medications  For compliance of medications  For open cholecystectomy on 10/9/12  For the removal of gall bladder  Secure consent to procedure  For legal purposes  Inform OR and anesthesiologist  In preparation for the OR and have the anesthesiologist visit the patient  For ECG 12 lead with LLII and TSH, T3, T4  To check patients heart rhythm and abnormalities  Refer accordingly  To Inform the attending
  • 16. 16 physicians for any complications and reactions Pre- Operative Order 4:00 pm  Operating room 2nd case  For prepare patient for surgery  NPO post midnight  To prevent aspiration during surgery Meds:  Omeprazole90 40 mg 1 tab HS  Inhibits gastric secretion 10-9-2012  Nothing per Orem  To prevent aspiration during surgery Operating room on call  To prepare patient for surgery -Post Operation Order-  To PACU S/P Operation Chole/Epidural  For patients recovery.  Oxygen inhalation at 4lpm/face mask and fully awake  To maintain pulmonary ventilation and thus prevent hypoxemia  Monitor VS every 15 minutes x 2 hours then hourly until stable  To know any abnormalities and have a baseline vital signs  NPO  To prevent aspiration  Flat on bed x 8 hours then may turn to sides and elevate head  To prevent aspiration, to prevent headache, for range of motion exercise
  • 17. 17 and for good circulation  IVF to follow D5LR 1 liter at 30 gtts/min.  To maintain fluid electrolyte balance Medications:  Tramadol 50 mg slow IVTT 8 hours x 3 doses then PM  Cefuroxime 350 mg IVTT every 8 hours  Binds to opiod receptors and inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin.  Anti-bacterial, 2nd generation cephalosporin  Morphine Precaution refer if:  BP: 90/60 RR: 12 HR: 60 Nausea and Vomiting Pruritus Spo2 92% To watch out after side effects of the drug and for prompt intervention. To correct unusualities as soon as possible and to inform the AP of the patients condition  Intake and Output every shift To monitor patients physiologic status  Refer accordingly Referral is done to correct unusualities as soon as possible and to inform the attending physician on the patients condition. 10-9-12  May transport patient back to ward For continuity of care
  • 18. 18 10-10-2012 2:00 am Temp: 38.7 degree Celsius  Please give paracetamol 300 milligrams IVTT now.  For fever PRN 6:30 am  NPO  To prevent aspiration  Change dressing  To prevent infection  Continue meds  For compliance of medications  Vital Signs per shift  To monitor patients physiologic status  Intake and output per shift  To monitor patients physiologic status  D5LR 1 Liter 30gtts/min.  To replace fluid and electrolyte loss  Please refer  Referral is done to correct unusualities as soon as possible and to inform the attending physician on the patients condition. 2:00 pm  Still on Intake and Output per shift  To monitor patients physiologic status  Epidural catheter remove aseptically  To prevent infection 5:00 pm Temperature : 38 degree Celsius  Paracetamol 600 mg IVTT q 4 hours RTC  For fever PRN
  • 19. 19 b. Drug Study Generic Name: Cefuroxime Date Ordered: October 5, 2012 Classification: Antibiotic Dose/Frequency/Route: 750mg IVTT every 8hrs Mechanism of Action: This drug binds to one or more of the penicillin- binding proteins (PBPs) which inhibits the final transpeptidation step of peptidoglycan synthesis in bacterial cell wall, thus inhibiting biosynthesis and arresting cell wall assembly resulting in bacterial cell death Specific Indication: Treatment of infections of lower respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin and skin structures. Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins. Side Effects:  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain  Headache, dizziness  Sleep problems (insomnia)  Vaginal itching or discharge. Nursing Precaution: a. Advise patient to take with meals to enhance absorption. If tablet must be crushed, mix with food or beverage. b. Advise patient to maintain normal fluid intake while using this medication. c. Instruct patient to report these symptoms to health care provider: bruising, bleeding, muscle or joint pain. d. Instruct patient to seek emergency care immediately if wheezing or difficulty breathing occurs.
  • 20. 20 Generic Name: Ranitidine Date Ordered: October 5, 2012 Classification: Histamine H2 Antagonist Dose/Frequency/Route: 50mg IVTT every 8hrs Mechanism of Action: Selectively block histamine-2 receptors sites. This blocking leads to a reduction in gastric acid secretion and reduction in overall pepsin production. Specific Indication: relief of GIT drug adverse effects/Reduce Gastric Acid Secretion Contraindication:  Hypersensitivity to Ranitidine  - Caution should be used with hepatic of renal dysfunction Side Effects:  CNS: vertigo, malaise, headache, somnolence, confusion  hallucinations  EENT: blurred vision  GI: diarrhea, constipation  CV: arrhythmias, hypotension Nursing Precaution:  provide comfort and safety measures if CNS effects occur  monitor of potentially serous adverse effects, including cardiac arrhythmias  Given before meal
  • 21. 21 Generic Name: Tramadol Date Ordered: October 5, 2012 Classification: Non-Opioid Analgesic Dose/Frequency/Route: 50mg IVTT every 8hrs Mechanism of Action: Binds to opioids receptors and inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. Specific Indication: Moderate to severe pain Contraindication: Acute intoxication withopioids or psychoactive drugs Side Effects:  CNS: Sedation, Dizziness, Headache, and Confusion  CV: Hypotension, Tachycardia, Bradycardia  Dermatologic: Sweating Nursing Precaution:  Administer with food if GI upset occurs;  Monitor patient response,  Give the drug before the pain becomes intense
  • 22. 22 Generic Name: Hyoscine – N – butylbromide Date Ordered: October 5, 2012 Classification: Anti spasmodic Dose/Frequency/Route: 10mg IVTT every 8hrs Mechanism of Action:  stops the spasms in the smooth muscle by preventing acetylcholine from acting on the muscle. It does this by blocking the receptors on the muscle cells that the acetylcholine would normally act on.  By preventing acetylcholine from acting on the muscle in the GI and GU tracts, hyoscine reduces the muscle contractions. This allows the muscle to relax and reduces the painful spasms and cramps Specific Indication:  Spasms of the stomach, intestines or bile duct (gastro-intestinal tract), including those associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).  Spasms of the bladder or urinary system (genito- urinary tract). Contraindication:  Abnormal muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis).  Abnormally large or dilated large intestine (megacolon).  Closed angle glaucoma.  Rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase- isomaltase insufficiency (Buscopan tablets contain sucrose).  Buscopan tablets are not recommended for children under six years of age. Side Effects: Uncommon
  • 23. 23  Increase in heart rate (tachycardia).  Dry mouth.  Reduced ability to sweat.  Allergic skin reactions. Rare  Difficulty in passing urine (urinary retention).  Hypersensitivity reactions such as narrowing of the airways (bronchospasm), swelling of the lips, throat and tongue (angioedema), or itchy rash. Unknown frequency  Anaphylactic reaction. Nursing Precaution:  Give by direct IV after diluting it with sterile water  Monitor I and O ratio, retention commonly causes decreased urinary output  Assess for constipation  Assess for tolerance over long term therapy Generic Name: Omeprazole Date Ordered: October 8, 2012 Classification: Proton pump inhibitor Dose/Frequency/Route: 40mg 1tab HS Mechanism of Action: An anti-secretory compound that is a gastric acid pump inhibitor. Suppresses gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the H+, K+, ATPase enzyme system in the partial cells. Specific Indication: Suppresses gastric acid secretion relieving gastrointestinal distress and promoting ulcer healing.. Contraindication: Long-term use for gastro esophageal reflux disease,
  • 24. 24 duodenal ulcer. Side Effects:  Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain  Headache, dizziness  Sleep problems (insomnia)  Malaise, vertigo and fatigue. Nursing Precaution: e. Report sore, throat, fever, bleeding, tarry stool, confusion. f. Give with or without food, simultaneous administration does not appear to reduce absorption or serum. g. Administer adjunctive antacid treatment 2h before or after drug. Generic Name: Paracetamol Date Ordered: October 10, 2012 Classification: Antipyretic Dose/Frequency/Route: 600mg IVTT every 4hrs RTC Mechanism of Action: Thought to produce analgesia by blocking pain impulses by inhibiting synthesis of prostaglandin in the CNS or other substances than sensitize pain receptors to stimulation. The drug may relieve fever through central action in the hypothalamic heat-regulation center. Specific Indication: Mild pain and fever. Contraindication: Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug. Use cautiously in patients with long term alcohol use because therapeutic doses cause hepatotoxicity in these patients. Side Effects:  Jaundice  Hypoglycemia
  • 25. 25  Rash  Headache  Chest pain  Dyspnea Nursing Precaution: a. Alert: Many OTC and prescription products contain acetominophen; be aware of this when calculating total daily dose. Laboratory Results COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT OCTOBER 4, 2012 MRXUH LABORATORY Test Results Reference Rationale WBC RBC 13.7 4.52 (4.50 – 11.0)x10^9/uL (4.2-5.0)mm3 Indicates infection; acute stress/trauma Within normal values Hemoglobin 11.70 (12-16.)% May indicate bleeding; acute stress/trauma Hematocrit MCV MCH 37.20 82.3 25.90 (36.0 -46.0)% (80.0-100.0)fl (26.10-33.30)pg Within normal limits Within normal Limits Slightly low; indicates Vit. B12
  • 26. 26 MCHC Platelet count 31.5 310 (31.0 – 37.0)g/dl (150-390)x10^9/L deficiency Within normal limits Within normal limits Neutrophils 78.6 (37.00 – 72.00)% Indicates bacterial infections; inflammation Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils RDW- CV 15.0 5.9 0.4 0.1 15.6 (20.00 – 50.00) % (8.00-14.00)% (0.00-6.00)% (0.00-1.00)% (11.5-14.5)% Indicates infections; autoimmune disorders Low,usually not medically significant(repeated low result indicate bone marrow failure or damage) Within normal limits Within normal limits Indicates mixed populations of small and large RBC’s Blood Typing “AB”(+) Blood Type “AB” it’s signifies a need for a donor with a blood type “AB+”, “A+” or “B+”
  • 27. 27 ULTRASOUND OCTOBER 4, 2012 Gallbladder is dilated measuring 13.33 x 4.88cms. ( LW) with thickened walls measuring 4.5 mms. High Level shadowing echoes within the urinary bladder and one with a diameter of 1.95 cms. Is impacted in gallbladder neck. No dilated biliary ducts. Liver, pancreas and spleen are of normal size and echo pattern with no focal masses. Right kidney measures11.1 x 5.3 cm ( LW) with corticomedullary thickness of 1.7 cms. Normal echo pattern with no stones nor focal masses. No localized dilatation in the gallbladder aorta. No echoes within the urinary bladder. Uterus is anteverted and measures 7.7 x 4.9 x 6.9cms ( LHW) with endometrial thickness of 9.2 mm. no adrenal mass. CONCLUSION: Acute Cholecystitis with multiple gallstones. Stone with a diameter of 1.95cms. impacted in the gallbladder neck. Normal liver, pancreas, spleen, genitor-urinary tract and abdominal aorta. COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT OCTOBER 5, 2012 NMMC LABORATORY Test Results Reference Rationale WBC RBC 21.7 4.50 (5.00 – 10.0)x10^3/uL (4.2-5.4)x10^6/uL Indicates infection; acute stress/trauma Within normal values Hemoglobin 12.1 (12-16.)% Within normal limits
  • 28. 28 Hematocrit MCV MCH MCHC Platelet count 37.3 82.9 26.90 32.4 330 (37.0 - 47.0)% (82.0-98.0)fl (27.0-31.0)pg (31.0 – 35.0)g/dl (150-400)x10^9/L Within normal limits Within normal Limits Slightly low; indicates Vit. B12 deficiency Within normal limits Within normal limits Neutrophils 82.3 (43.4 – 76.2)% Indicates bacterial infections; inflammation Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils RDW- CV PDW MPV 11.6 6.0 0.1 0.0 15.9 9.1 8.9 (17.4 – 48.2) % (4.5-10.5)% (1.0-3.0)% (0.00-2.00)% (12.0-17.0)% (9.0 – 1.0)fL (8.0-12.0)fL Indicates infections; autoimmune disorders Within normal limits An occasional low result is not medically significant Within normal limits Within normal limits Within normal limits Within normal limits Blood Typing “AB”(+) Blood Type “AB” it’s signifies a need for a donor with a blood type “AB+”, “A+” or “B+”
  • 29. 29 BLOOD CHEMISTRY RESULT OCTOBER 5, 2012 NMMC LABORATORY Test Results Reference Rationale glucose Creatinine SGOT SGPT ALP Na+ K+ Prothrombin time Protime Control I.N.R. APTT APTT Control 88 0.9 18.9 29.2 252.7 135.0 3.71 13.7 sec. 11.6 sec. 1.18 28.4 sec. 27.5 sec. (60-100)mg/dl (0.6-1.2)mg/dl (0.0-37.0)U/l (0.0-42.0)u/l (80.0-306.0)u/l (135-148)mmol/L (3.5-5.3)mmol/L 10.2-15.2 sec. 23.4-38.5 sec Within normal limits Within normal limits Within normal limits Within normal limits Within normal limits Within normal limits Within normal limits Within normal limits
  • 30. 30 V. ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY The Gallbladder The gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac lying on the undersurface of the liver, measuring about 7.5 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inches) long. It has a capacity of 30 to 50 ml and stores bile, which it concentrates by absorbing water. The gallbladder is divided into the fundus, the body and the neck. The fundus is rounded and projects below the inferior margin of the liver, where it comes in contact with the anterior abdominal wall at the level of the tip of the ninth right costal cartilage. The body lies in contact with the visceral surface of the liver and is directed upward, backward and to the left. The neck becomes continuous with the cystic duct, which turns into the lesser omentum to join the common hepatic duct to form the bile duct. The peritoneum completely surrounds the fundus of the gallbladder and binds the body and neck to the visceral surface of the liver. Functions of the Gallbladder The gallbladder functions as a storage depot for bile. Bile is a viscid alkaline fluid secreted by the liver where it aids in the emulsification and absorption of fats. Human normally produce 400-800 ml of bile daily. When digestion is not taking place, the sphincter of Oddi remains closed and bile accumulates in the gallbladder. The gallbladder concentrates bile; stores bile; selectively absorbs bile salts, keeping the bile acid; excretes cholesterol and secretes
  • 31. 31 mucus. To aid in these functions, the mucous membrane is thrown into permanent folds that unite with each other giving the surface a honeycomb appearance. The columnar cells lining the surface have numerous microvilli on the free surface. Bile is delivered to the duodenum as a result of contraction and partial emptying of the gallbladder. This mechanism is imitated by the entrance of fatty foods into the duodenum. The fat causes release of the hormone cholecystokinin from the mucous membrane of the duodenum; the hormone that enters the blood, causing the gallbladder to contract. At the same time, the smooth muscle around the distal end of the bile duct and the ampulla is relaxed, thus allowing the passage of concentrated bile into the duodenum. The bile salts in the bile are important in emulsifying the fat in the intestine and in assisting with its digestion and absorption. Functions of the Bile 1. Digestion and absorption of fats for bodily consumption 2. Serves as a means for the body to excrete waste products from the blood 3. Contains waste products from haemoglobin breakdown, known as Bilirubin, and helps in its excretion outside of the body. Approximately half of the bilirubin, a pigment derived from the breakdown of red blood cells, is a component of bile. It is converted by the intestinal flora into the urobilinogen, a highly soluble substance. Urobilinogen is either excreted in the fecs of returned to the portal circulation, where it is re-excreted into the bile. Bilirubin has two types. First is the unconjugated bilirubin which is insoluble in water and not excreted in the urine. Second, is the conjugated bilirubin which is soluble in water and excreted in the urine. About 5% of it is normally absorbed into the general circulation and then excreted by the kidneys. Source: Snell, Richard S. Clinical Anatomy by Regions. 8th Edition. Lipincott Williams & Wilkins. 530 Walnut Street, PA. 2008.
  • 32. 32 IDEAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CHOLECYSTOLITHIASIS Definition: The formation of one or more gallstones in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts which results into obstruction and subsequent inflammation. Increased cholesterol Increased bilirubin Increased calcium carbonate Super saturation and precipitation of excess cholesterol Super saturation and precipitation of excess bilirubin Super saturation and precipitation of excess calcium carbonate Increased viscosity of bile leading to bile stasis Increased viscosity of bile leading to bile stasis Increased viscosity of bile leading to stasis Solidification and aggregation of precipitates to a calculi Solidification and aggregation of precipitates to a calculi Solidification and aggregation of precipitates to a calculi CHOLESTEROL STONES PIGMENT STONES MIXED STONES CHOLELITHIASIS Stone dislodges and obstructs opening of gallbladder preventing outflow of bile, thus, leading to distention of gallbladder PREDISPOSING FACTORS  Advancing Age: 40 years old and above  Gender: Female  Family history of gallstones  Family history of DM PRECIPITATING FACTORS  High fat and High Cholesterol Diet  Pregnancy, most especially multiparity  Use of oral contraceptives  Excessive intake of alcohol Imbalance ratio between bile and bile components resulting to insolubility of bile
  • 33. 33 ACTUAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CHOLECYSTOLITHIASIS (AS SEEN IN OUR PATIENT) Definition: The formation of one or more gallstones in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts which results into subsequent inflammation. PREDISPOSING FACTORS  Gender (Female) PRECIPITATING FACTORS  High fat and High Cholesterol Diet  Multiple Parity  Obesity  History of Smoking and Drinking DYSFUNCTIONAL BILE PRODUCTION IN THE GALL BLADDER Increased cholesterol concentration in the bile with insufficient bile salts and lecithin Super-saturation of bile results to progressive dissolution of vesicles wherein cholesterol- carrying capacity is exceeded Increased bile viscosity leading to bile stasis within the gallbladder and its ducts Precipitation of cholesterol in bile forms cholesterol monohydrate crystals which aggregates and solidifies CHOLELITHIASIS Presence of gallstones, particularly cholesterol stones in the bladder
  • 34. 34 Cholesterol stone dislodges into opening of gallbladder causing obstruction No bile outflow to the duodenum to aid in fat digestion Autolysis, wherein bile acid causes irritation and damage to the Tunica mucosa of the gallbladder’s smooth muscle wall Prostaglandins are released by the body as an inflammatory response to endothelial damage CHOLECYSTITIS Inflammation of the gallbladder No further complication noted since patient was able to immediately undergo CHOLECYSTECTOMY, or the removal of her cholesterol stone. S/s -Complaints of sudden right upper quadrant pain S/s -Increased WBC of S/s -Low grade fever of S/s -Complaints of discomfort after consuming fried food S/s Ultrasound result of inflamed gallbladder at
  • 35. 35 VI. NURSING ASSESSMENT NURSING SYSTEM REVIEW CHART Name: Mrs. G. Age: Date: October 7, 2012(pre-op) V/S: c Temp: 36.9 C PR: 80bpm RR: 20cpm BP: 120/80mmhg EENT: [] impaired vision [ ] blind [ ] pain [ ] reddened [ ] drainage [ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf [ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth Assess eyes, ears, nose, and throat For abnormality [ x] no problem RESPIRATORY: [ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea [ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough [ ] barrel chest [ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi x [ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea [ ] orthopenea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing [ ] pain [ ] cyanotic Assess resp.rate, rhythm, depth, and pattern Breath sounds, comfort [x] no problem CARDIOVASCULAR: [ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ] numbness [ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue [ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur [ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain [] stong pulses X Assess heart sounds, rate, rhythm, pulse, bp, Circulation, fluid retention, comfort [x ] no problem GASTRO INTESTINAL TRACT: [ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding [ ] hematuria [ ] discharge [ ] noctoria Assess urine freq., control, color, odor, comfort / D5lr @30 gtts/min Pain in the abdomenwith pain scale of 8/10 Anxiety (moderate) Abdominal Gird: 46 cm
  • 36. 36 Gyn-bleeding, discharge [x] no problem NEURO: [ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures [ ] lethartic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] tremors [ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength, Grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech [x] No problem MUSCULOSKELETAL & SKIN: [ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae [ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling [ ] lesion [] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity [ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed [ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] eccymosis [ ] diaphoretic [ ] moist Assess mobility, motion, galt, alignment, joint function/ Skin color, texture, turgor, integrity [x] no problem SUBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATION: [ ] hearing loss [] visual changes [] others: language [x] denied Comments: “wala man pud koy problema bahin ana.” As verbalized. [] glasses [] languages [ ] contact lenses [ ] hearing aide [ ] speech difficulties Pupil size & reaction: 2 mm-3mm PERRLA (pupils equally round and reactive to light accommodation
  • 37. 37 OXYGENATION: [ ] dyspnea [X] smoking history [ ] cough [ ] sputum [ ] denied Comments: “Oo, gapanigarilyo ako sauna pero wala na sukad na nagbreastfeed ko .” as verbalized. Resp. [x] regular [ ] irregular Describe:normal breathing patterns with respiratory rate of 20 cpm R: Right lung is symmetrical to the left L:Left lung is symmetrical to the right CIRCULATION: [ ] chest pain [ ] leg pain [ ] numbness of extremities [x] denied Comments:. “ wala man pud akoy problema bahin ana.”as verbalized by patient. Heart Rhythm [x] regular [ ] irregular Ankle Edema none Pulse Car Rad. AP Fem* R: L: Comments:Pulses are strong and easy to palpate. NUTRITION: Diet:soft diet [ ] N [ ] V Character [ ]recent change in weight and appetite [ ] swallowing Difficulty [x] denied Comments: “maayo ra man pud ang akong pag-kaon.” As verbalized by the patient [ ]dentures [x]none Full Partial Upper [ ] [ ] Lower [ ] [ ]
  • 38. 38 ELIMINATION: Usual bowel pattern Once a day [ ] constipation Date of last BM October 7, 2012 [ ] diarrhea [ ] urinary frequency 5 times a day [] urgency [ ] dysuria [ ] hematuria [ ] incontinence [ ] polyuria [ ] foley in place [x] denied Comments: Bowel sounds are audible and normoactive Bowelsound: normoactive _(20/min)____ Abdominal Distention Present [x] yes [] no Urine* (color, consistency, odor) urine color is yellow MGT. OF HEALTH & ILLNESS: [x] alcohol [ ] denied [ ] SBE Last Pap Smear: LMP: N/A Briefly describe the patient’s ability to follow treatments (diet, meds, etc.) for chronic health problems (if present): The patient is able to follow treatments and medications instructed to her. SKIN INTEGRITY: [ ] dry [ ] itching [ ] other [x] denied Comments: “Mao raman japon, wala may nabag-o sa akong pamanit” as verbalized.. [ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale [ ] flushed [ ] warm [ ] moist [ ] cyanotic Rashes,ulcers,decubitus (describe size, location,drainage) : no rashes, ulcers, decubitus noted
  • 39. 39 ACTIVITY/SAFETY [ ] drowsiness [ ] dizziness [ ] limited motion of joints Limitation in ability to [ ] ambulate [ ] bathe self [x] denied Comments: “dili kayo ko makalihok- lihok labi na ug mutukar ang sakit.” as verbalized. [ ]LOC and orientation: client is alert, oriented to time and place Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane [ ] other [x] none [ ]sensory and motor losses in face or extremities: there is no alteration in sensory & motor function [ ] ROM limitations: with limitations COMFORT/SLEEP/AWAKE [ ] pain [ ] nocturia [x] sleep difficulties [] denied Comments: “medyo alimuotan man gud ko inig gabie. ” as verbalized by the patient. [ ] facial grimaces [ ] guarding [ ] other signs of pain: [ ] side rail release form signed [x] none COPING Occupation: Businesswoman Members of household: husband, children, mother Most supportive person: husband Observed non-verbal behavior: She is very attentive and cooperative. She entertains our every questions and query. The person & her phone number that can be reached anytime: 09163894562
  • 40. 40 NURSING SYSTEM REVIEW CHART Name: Mrs. G. Age: 30 years old Date: October 8, 2012(pre-op) V/S: Temp: 36.9 C PR: 85bpm RR: 18cpm BP: 120/80mmhg EENT: [] impaired vision [ ] blind [ ] pain [ ] reddened [ ] drainage [ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf [ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth Assess eyes, ears, nose, and throat For abnormality [ ] no problem RESPIRATORY: [ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea [ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough [ ] barrel chest [ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi x [ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea [ ] orthopenea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing [ ] pain [ ] cyanotic Assess resp.rate, rhythm, depth, and pattern Breath sounds, comfort [x] no problem CARDIOVASCULAR: [ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ] numbness [ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue [ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur [ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain [] stong pulses X Assess heart sounds, rate, rhythm, pulse, bp, Circulation, fluid retention, comfort [x ] no problem GASTRO INTESTINAL TRACT: [ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding [ ] hematuria [ ] discharge [ ] noctoria Assess urine freq., control, color, odor, comfort / D5lr @30 gtts/min Paininthe abdomenwith painscale of 5/10 Abdominal Gird: 46 cm
  • 41. 41 Gyn-bleeding, discharge [x] no problem NEURO: [ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures [ ] lethartic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] tremors [ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength, Grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech [x] No problem MUSCULOSKELETAL & SKIN: [ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae [ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling [ ] lesion [] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity [ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed [ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] eccymosis [ ] diaphoretic [ ] moist Assess mobility, motion, galt, alignment, joint function/ Skin color, texture, turgor, integrity [x] no problem SUBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATION: [ ] hearing loss [] visual changes [] others: language [x] denied Comments: “Wala man pud koy problema bahin ana.” As verbalized. [] glasses [] languages [ ] contact lenses [ ] hearing aide [ ] speech difficulties Pupil size & reaction: 2mm-3mm PERRLA (pupils equally round and reactive to light accommodation
  • 42. 42 OXYGENATION: [ ] dyspnea [X] smoking history [ ] cough [ ] sputum [ ] denied Comments: “Oo, gapanigarilyo ako apan wala na karon .” as verbalized. Resp. [x] regular [ ] irregular Describe:normal breathing patterns with respiratory rate of 20 cpm R: Right lung is symmetrical to the left L:Left lung is symmetrical to the right CIRCULATION: [ ] chest pain [ ] leg pain [ ] numbness of extremities [x] denied Comments:. “ wala man pud akoy problema bahin ana.”as verbalized. Heart Rhythm [x] regular [ ] irregular Ankle Edema none Pulse Car Rad. AP Fem* R: L: Comments:Pulses are strong and easy to palpate. NUTRITION: Diet:soft diet [ ] N [ ] V Character [ ]recent change in weight and appetite [ ] swallowing Difficulty [x] denied Comments: “maayo ra man pud ang akong pag-kaon.” As verbalized by the patient [ ]dentures [x]none Full Partial Upper [ ] [ ] Lower [ ] [ ]
  • 43. 43 ELIMINATION: Usual bowel pattern Once a day [ ] constipation Date of last BM October 9, 2012 [ ] diarrhea [ ] urinary frequency 5 times a day [] urgency [ ] dysuria [ ] hematuria [ ] incontinence [ ] polyuria [ ] foley in place [x] denied Comments: Bowel sounds are audible and normoactive Bowelsound: normoactive _(20/min)____ Abdominal Distention Present [x] yes [] no Urine* (color, consistency, odor) urine color is yellow MGT. OF HEALTH & ILLNESS: [x] alcohol [ ] denied [ ] SBE Last Pap Smear: LMP: N/A Briefly describe the patient’s ability to follow treatments (diet, meds, etc.) for chronic health problems (if present): The patient is able to follow treatments and medications instructed to her. SKIN INTEGRITY: [ ] dry [ ] itching [ ] other [x] denied Comments: “Mao raman japon, wala may nabag-o sa akong pamanit” as verbalized by the patient. [ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale [ ] flushed [ ] warm [ ] moist [ ] cyanotic Rashes,ulcers,decubitus (describe size, location,drainage) : no rashes, ulcers, decubitus noted
  • 44. 44 ACTIVITY/SAFETY [ ] drowsiness [ ] dizziness [ ] limited motion of joints Limitation in ability to [ ] ambulate [ ] bathe self [x] denied Comments: “kaya ra man nako maglihok-lihok.” as verbalized by the patient [ ]LOC and orientation: client is alert, oriented to time and place Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane [ ] other [x] none [ ]sensory and motor losses in face or extremities: there is no alteration in sensory & motor function [ ] ROM limitations: with limitations COMFORT/SLEEP/AWAKE [ ] pain [ ] nocturia [ ] sleep difficulties [x] denied Comments: “Ok raman pud akong pagkatulog” as verbalized. [ ] facial grimaces [ ] guarding [ ] other signs of pain: [ ] side rail release form signed [x] none COPING Occupation: Members of household: husband, children, mother Most supportive person: husband Observed non-verbal behavior: She is very attentive and cooperative. She entertains our every questions and query. The person & her phone number that can be reached anytime: 09163894562
  • 45. 45 NURSING ASSESSMENT NURSING SYSTEM REVIEW CHART Name: Mrs. G. Age: 30 years old Date: October 9, 2012(post-op) V/S: Temp: 37.5 C PR:75bpm RR: 19cpm BP: 120/80mmhg EENT: [x] impaired vision [ ] blind [ ] pain [ ] reddened [ ] drainage [ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf [ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth Assess eyes, ears, nose, and throat For abnormality [ ] no problem RESPIRATORY: [ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea [ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough [ ] barrel chest [ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi [ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea [ ] orthopenea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing [ ] pain [ ] cyanotic Assess resp.rate, rhythm, depth, and pattern Breath sounds, comfort [x] no problem CARDIOVASCULAR: [ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ] numbness [ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue [ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur [ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain [] strong pulses X Assess heart sounds, rate, rhythm, pulse, bp, Circulation, fluid retention, comfort [x ] no problem GASTRO INTESTINAL TRACT: #6 D5lr @30 gtts/min Paininthe surgical site withpain scale of 7/10 Surgical site with attached Penrose drainingtoa deepgold colored drainage C foleybag catheter attachedto urobag draining to a tea colored urine Epidural catheterin frontand back Body weakness Abdominal Gird: 39 cm
  • 46. 46 [ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding [ ] hematuria [ ] discharge [ ] nocturia Assess urine freq., control, color, odor, comfort / Gyn-bleeding, discharge [x] no problem NEURO: [ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures [ ] lethartic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] tremors [ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength, Grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech [x] No problem MUSCULOSKELETAL & SKIN: [ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae [ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling [ ] lesion [] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity [ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed [ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] eccymosis [ ] diaphoretic [ ] moist Assess mobility, motion, galt, alignment, joint function/ Skin color, texture, turgor, integrity [x] no problem SUBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATION: [ ] hearing loss [] visual changes [] others: language [ ] denied Comments: “mao ra man pud gihapon adtong bag-o siya natulog.” As verbalized. [] glasses [] languages [ ] contact lenses [ ] hearing aide [ ] speech difficulties Pupil size & reaction: 2 mm-3mm PERRLA (pupils equally round and reactive to
  • 47. 47 light accommodation OXYGENATION: [ ] dyspnea [X] smoking history [ ] cough [ ] sputum [ ] denied Comments: “Oo, gapanigarilyo na siya sauna” as verbalized. Resp. [x] regular [ ] irregular Describe:normal breathing patterns with respiratory rate of 20 cpm R: Right lung is symmetrical to the left L:Left lung is symmetrical to the right CIRCULATION: [ ] chest pain [ ] leg pain [ ] numbness of extremities [x] denied Comments:. “ sakit lang jud daw ang iyang samad.”as verbalized Heart Rhythm [x] regular [ ] irregular Ankle Edema none Pulse Car Rad. AP Fem* R: L: Comments:Pulses are strong and easy to palpate. NUTRITION: Diet:NPO [ ] N [ ] V Character [ ]recent change in weight and appetite [ ] swallowing Difficulty [x] denied Comments: “dili sad aw siya pakan-on ingon ang doctor.” As verbalized [ ]dentures [x]none Full Partial Upper [ ] [ ] Lower [ ] [ ]
  • 48. 48 ELIMINATION: Usual bowel pattern Once a day [ ] constipation Date of last BM October 10, 2012 [ ] diarrhea [ ] urinary frequency 5 times a day [] urgency [ ] dysuria [ ] hematuria [ ] incontinence [ ] polyuria [ x ] foley in place [] denied Comments: Bowel sounds are audible and normoactive Bowelsound: normoactive _(20/min)____ Abdominal Distention Present [x] yes [] no Urine* (color, consistency, odor) with a tea-colored urine,aromatic MGT. OF HEALTH & ILLNESS: [x] alcohol [ ] denied [ ] SBE Last Pap Smear: LMP: N/A Briefly describe the patient’s ability to follow treatments (diet, meds, etc.) for chronic health problems (if present): The patient was able to follow medicationsand treatments as prescribed to her. SKIN INTEGRITY: [ ] dry [ ] itching [ ] other [x] denied Comments: “Mao raman japon, wala may nabag-o sa iyahang pamanit” as verbalized. [ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale [ ] flushed [ ] warm [ ] moist [ ] cyanotic Rashes,ulcers,decubitus (describe size, location,drainage) : no rashes, ulcers, decubitus noted
  • 49. 49 ACTIVITY/SAFETY [ ] drowsiness [ ] dizziness [x ] limited motion of joints Limitation in ability to [ ] ambulate [ ] bathe self [] denied Comments: “luya lang gyud siya karon, di sa siya ipa.sturya, papahulayon lang sa jud siya.” as verbalized. [ ]LOC and orientation: client is alert, oriented to time and place Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane [ ] other [x] none [ ]sensory and motor losses in face or extremities: there is no alteration in sensory & motor function [ ] ROM limitations: with limitations COMFORT/SLEEP/AWAKE [ ] pain [ ] nocturia [ ] sleep difficulties [x] denied Comments: “Ok raman iyahang pagkatulog” as verbalized [ x ] facial grimaces [ ] guarding [ ] other signs of pain: [ ] side rail release form signed [] none COPING Occupation: businesswoman Members of household: husband, children, mother Most supportive person: husband Observed non-verbal behavior: She is very attentive and cooperative. She entertains our every questions and query. The person & her phone number that can be reached anytime: 09163894562
  • 50. 50 NURSING ASSESSMENT NURSING SYSTEM REVIEW CHART Name: Mrs. G. Age: 30 years old Date: October 10, 2012(post-op) V/S: Temp: 37.7 C PR:75bpm RR: 19cpm BP: 130/80mmhg EENT: [] impaired vision [ ] blind [ ] pain [ ] reddened [ ] drainage [ ] gums [ ] hard of hearing [ ] deaf [ ] burning [ ] edema [ ] lesion [ ] teeth Assess eyes, ears, nose, and throat For abnormality [x] no problem RESPIRATORY: [ ] asymmetric [ ] tachypnea [ ] apnea [ ] rales [ ] cough [ ] barrel chest [ ] bradypnea [ ] shallow [ ] rhonchi [ ] sputum [ ] diminished [ ] dyspnea [ ] orthopenea [ ] labored [ ] wheezing [ ] pain [ ] cyanotic Assess resp.rate, rhythm, depth, and pattern Breath sounds, comfort [x] no problem CARDIOVASCULAR: [ ] arrhythmia [ ] tachycardia [ ] numbness [ ] diminished pulses [ ] edema [ ] fatigue [ ] irregular [ ] bradycardia [ ] murmur [ ] tingling [ ] absent pulses [ ] pain [] stong pulses X Assess heart sounds, rate, rhythm, pulse, bp, Circulation, fluid retention, comfort [x ] no problem GASTRO INTESTINAL TRACT: [ ] pain [ ] urine color [ ] vaginal bleeding #7 D5lr @30 gtts/min Paininthe surgical site withpain scale of 5/10 Surgical site with attached Penrose, drainingtoa deepgold colored drainage C foleybag catheter attachedto urobag draining to a yellow coloredurine Limitedmovements, bodyweakness Epidural catheterin frontand back removed@10 am Slight fever Abdominal Gird: 39cm
  • 51. 51 [ ] hematuria [ ] discharge [ ] noctoria Assess urine freq., control, color, odor, comfort / Gyn-bleeding, discharge [x] no problem NEURO: [ ] paralysis [ ] stuporous [ ] unsteady [ ] seizures [ ] lethartic [ ] comatose [ ] vertigo [ ] tremors [ ] confused [ ] vision [ ] grip Assess motor function, sensation, LOC, strength, Grip, gait, coordination, orientation, speech [x] No problem MUSCULOSKELETAL & SKIN: [ ] appliance [ ] stiffness [ ] itching [ ] petechiae [ ] hot [ ] drainage [ ] prosthesis [ ] swelling [ ] lesion [] poor turgor [ ] cool [ ] deformity [ ] wound [ ] rash [ ] skin color [ ] flushed [ ] atrophy [ ] pain [ ] eccymosis [ ] diaphoretic [ ] moist Assess mobility, motion, galt, alignment, joint function/ Skin color, texture, turgor, integrity [x] no problem SUBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATION: [ ] hearing loss [] visual changes [] others: [x ] denied Comments: “maayo ra man pud ko bahin ana karon,maghinay-hinay lang k okay sakit.” As verbalized. [] glasses [] languages [ ] contact lenses [ ] hearing aide [ ] speech difficulties Pupil size & reaction: 3 mm-3mm PERRLA
  • 52. 52 (pupils equally round and reactive to light accommodation OXYGENATION: [ ] dyspnea [X] smoking history [ ] cough [ ] sputum [ ] denied Comments: “Oo, gapanigarilyo ako sauna .” as verbalized. Resp. [x] regular [ ] irregular Describe:normal breathing patterns with respiratory rate of 20 cpm R: Right lung is symmetrical to the left L:Left lung is symmetrical to the right CIRCULATION: [ ] chest pain [ ] leg pain [ ] numbness of extremities [x] denied Comments:. “ sakit lang jud dapit sakong samad”as verbalized by patient Heart Rhythm [x] regular [ ] irregular Ankle Edema none Pulse Car Rad. AP Fem* R: L: Comments:Pulses are strong and easy to palpate. NUTRITION: Diet:NPO [ ] N [ ] V Character [ ]recent change in weight and appetite [ ] swallowing Difficulty [x] denied Comments: “dili sa d aw ko pakan-on ingon ang doctor.” As verbalized. [ ]dentures [x]none Full Partial Upper [ ] [ ] Lower [ ] [ ]
  • 53. 53 ELIMINATION: Usual bowel pattern Once a day [ ] constipation Date of last BM October 10, 2012 [ ] diarrhea [ ] urinary frequency 5 times a day [] urgency [ ] dysuria [ ] hematuria [ ] incontinence [ ] polyuria [ x ] foley in place [] denied Comments: Bowel sounds are audible and normoactive Bowelsound: normoactive _(20/min)____ Abdominal Distention Present [x] yes [] no Urine* (color, consistency, odor) with a yellow- colored urine,aromatic MGT. OF HEALTH & ILLNESS: [x] alcohol [ ] denied [ ] SBE Last Pap Smear: LMP: N/A Briefly describe the patient’s ability to follow treatments (diet, meds, etc.) for chronic health problems (if present): The patient was able to follow medicationsand treatments as prescribed to her. SKIN INTEGRITY: [ ] dry [ ] itching [ ] other: rash [x] denied Comments: “nagka-rashes lagi ko tungod sa diaper.” As verbalized. [ ] dry [ ] cold [ ] pale [ ] flushed [ ] warm [ ] moist [ ] cyanotic Rashes,ulcers,decubitus (describe size, location,drainage) : rashes on the pubic area.
  • 54. 54 ACTIVITY/SAFETY [ ] drowsiness [ ] dizziness [x ] limited motion of joints Limitation in ability to [ ] ambulate [ ] bathe self [] denied Comments: “ok raman. Musakit lang jud siya pagmalabian ko ug sturya o lihok.” as verbalized. [ ]LOC and orientation: client is alert, oriented to time and place Gait: [ ] walker [ ] cane [ ] other [x] none [ ]sensory and motor losses in face or extremities: there is no alteration in sensory & motor function [ ] ROM limitations: the patient has some difficulty on moving COMFORT/SLEEP/AWAKE [ ] pain [ ] nocturia [ ] sleep difficulties [x] denied Comments: “Ok raman, makapahulay man pud ko ug ayo.” as verbalized. [ x ] facial grimaces [x ] guarding [ ] other signs of pain: [ ] side rail release form signed [] none COPING Occupation: businesswoman Members of household: husband, children, mother Most supportive person: husband Observed non-verbal behavior: She is very attentive and cooperative. She entertains our every questions and query. The person & her phone number that can be reached anytime: 09163894562
  • 55. 55 VII. NURSING MANAGEMENT PROGRESS NOTES FIRST DAY We had our first assessment and visited as a group last October 7, 2012, Sunday at exactly 1:30 in the afternoon at Northern Mindanao Medical Center, CDOC with our chosen patient S.G. Upon arrival, patient was lying on the folding bed along the hallway with ongoing IVF of D5LR at 850 cc regulated at 30 gtts/min. We had done our head to toe assessment and assessed patient’s health status through inspection,auscultation, palpation and percussion. Assessment findings included: patient suffered abdominal pain radiating to the back with a pain scale of 8/10, verbalization of anxiety at moderate level and she’s irritable and can’t sleep properly due some environmental stimuli (ventilation, space and noise). The patient also suffered from activity intolerance due to pain. We also determined the patient’s diet (Low Fat Diet) and we found out that she has a good apetite. Vital signs are within normal range. With the assessment presented, we prioritized problems and planned interventions based on the existing problems manifested by the patient. Interventions planned were focused on relieving pain and providing comfort to the patient. The following were the interventions rendered and health teachings given: 1. Obtained and recorded vital signs. 2. Encouraged to express feelings regarding feelings toward the upcoming operation. 3. Instructed to avoid food rich in cholesterol such fried foods and egg. 4. Encouraged adequate rest periods 5. Encouraged to do deep breathing exercise during onset of pain. 6. Placed patient to comfortable position. 7. Encouraged to do diversional activities like listening to music. 8. Instructed significant others to assist the patient in doing daily activities. 9. Emphasized compliance of prescribed medications. SECOND DAY We had our second assessment last October 8, 2012 Monday. Since two of our groupmates had their duty at the surgical ward, they were assigned to take care of the
  • 56. 56 patient chosen for our GCP. Upon arrival, patient was lying on bed at Female ward with the same IV infusion and rate. The two members of our group have done their head-to-toe assessment. Assessment findings included: verbalization of pain in the abdomen with a pain scale of 5/10, anxiety at moderate level. We also assessed patient’s diet and found out that she has poor apetite. Vital signs are within normal range. With the assessment presented, we prioritized problems and planned interventions based on the existing problems manifested by the patient. Interventions planned were focused on relieving pain, and promotion of comfort. The following were the interventions rendered and health teachings given: 10.Obtained and recorded vital signs. 11.Elevated head of the bed. 12.Instructed to take deep breaths every after pain is felt. 13.Instructed the significant others not to leave the patient alone. 14.Encouraged adequate rest periods 15.Instructed to avoid rich in cholesterol such as fried foods and egg 16.Placed patient in a comfortable position. 17.Encouraged patient to verbalize feelings on how she’s doing 18.Cleaning and straightening beddings THIRD DAY We had our third assessment and visit last October 9, 2012, Tuesday. Upon arrival, we have done head to toe assessment and found out the same problems as the second day. That day, she was scheduled on her operation (cholecystectomy) at 10 am. She verbalized that she was a liitle tense and we encouraged her to express her feelings to lessen her anxiety. 19.Obtained and recorded vital signs 20.Elevated head of the bed 21.Instructed deep breathings during onset of pain 22.Encouraged to do diversional activities 23. Nothing per orem maintained 24.Encouraged adequate rest period 25. Placed patient in desired position 26. Encouraged verbalization of feelings
  • 57. 57 FOURTH DAY We had fourth assessment and fourth visit last October 10, 2012, Wednesday at exactly 6 in the evening. Upon arrival, we had witnessed is FIFTH DAY We had our fifth day of assessment and visit last October 11, 2012, Thursday at 2:30 in the afternoon. Upon arrival, patient was sitting in the bed alone. Foley Bag Catheter was already removed. We assessed from head to toe. Patient verbalized feeling of improvement in her condition, she said that it pain is lessen and cited that pain scale is 2 out of 10 even without taking the pain relivers. Patient is already trying to stand and move in her own without anybody’s help. Monitored vital signs don’t show any signs of complications. The dressing doesn’t show any signs of infections. With the assessment presented, we prioritized problems and planned interventions based on the existing problems manifested by the patient. Interventions planned were focused on relieving pain, and promotion of comfort. The following were the interventions rendered and health teachings given:
  • 58. 58 A. IDEAL NURSING MANAGEMENT Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Interventions Rationale Anxiety (Moderate) related to Hyper Metabollic State (CNS Stimulation) Independent: Observe behaviour indicative of level of anxiety. Monitor physical responses noting palpitations, repetitive movements, hyperventilation, and insomnia. Stay with patient, maintaining calm manner. Acknowledge fear and allow patient’s behaviour to belong to patient. -Mild anxiety may be displayed by irritability and insomnia. Severe Anxiety progressing to panic state may produce feelings of impending doom, terror, inability to speak or move, shouting/swearing. -Increase number of beta adrenergic receptor sites, coupled with effects of excess thyroid hormones, produces clinical manifestations of catecholamine excess even with normal levels of norepinephrine exists. -Affirms to patient that although patient feels out of control, environment is safe. -Avoiding personal responses to inappropriate remarks or actions prevents conflicts/overreaction to
  • 59. 59 Describe/Explain procedures, surrounding environment, or sounds that may heard by the patient. Speak in brief statements, using simple words. Reduce external stimuli. Place in quiet room; provide soft, soothing music; reduce bright light; reduce number of persons contacting patient. Discuss with patient reasons for emotional ability/psychotic reaction. Reinforce expectation that emotional control should return as drug therapy process. stressful situation. -Provides accurate information, which reduces distortion/misinterpretations that can contribute to anxiety/fear reactions. -Attention span may be shortened, concentration reduced, limiting ability to assimilate information. -Creates a therapeutic environment; shows recognition that unit activity/personnel may increase patient’s anxiety. -Understanding that behaviour is physically based enhances acceptance of situation and encourages different responses/approaches. -Provides information and reassures patient that the situation is temporary and will improve in treatment.
  • 60. 60 Collaborative: Administer anti-anxiety agents or sedatives and monitor effects. Refer to support systems as needed, e.g., counselling, social services, pastoral care. -May be used in conjunction with medical regimen to reduce effects of hyperthyroid secretion. -Ongoing therapy support may be desired/ required by patient/SO if crisis precipitates lifestyle alterations.
  • 61. 61 Diagnosis Nursing Interventions Rationale Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to Pain Independent: Observe respiratory rate/depth Auscultate breath sounds. Assist patient to turn, cough and deep breathe periodically. Show patient how to splint incision. Instruct in effective breathing techniques. Elevate head of bed; maintain Low-Fowler’s position. Support abdomen when coughing, ambulating. Collaborative: Assist with respiratory treatments, e.g. Incentive spirometer. -Shallow breathing, splinting with respirations, holding breath may result in hypoventilation/atelectasis. -Areas of decreased/absent breath sounds suggest atelectasis, whereas adventitious sounds reflect congestion. -Promotes ventilation of all lung segments and mobilization and expectoration of secretions. -Facilitates lung expansion. Splinting provides incisional support/decreases muscle tension to promote cooperation with therapeutic regimen. -Maximizes expansion of lungs to prevent/ resolve atelectasis.
  • 62. 62 Administer analgesics before breathing treatments/therapeutic activities. -Facilitates more effective coughing, deep breathing and activities.
  • 63. 63 Diagnosis Nursing Interventions Rationale Impaired Skin Integrity related to surgical incision Independent: Observe the color and character of the drainage. Change dressings as often as necessary. Clean the skin with soap and water. Use sterile petroleum jelly gauze, zinc oxide, or karaya powder around the incision. Apply montgomery straps Place patient in low- or semi-Fowler’s position. Check the T-tube and incisional drains; make sure that they are free flowing. -Initially, drainage may contain blood and bloodstained fluid, normally changing to greenish brown (bile color) after several hours. -Keeps the skin around the incision clean and provides a barrier to protect skin from excoriation. -Facilitates frequent dressing changes and minimizes skin trauma. -Facilitates drainage of bile -T-tube may remain in common bile duct for 7-10 days to remove retained stones. Incision site drains are used to remove any accumulated fluid and bile.
  • 64. 64 Maintain T-tube in closed collection system. Collaborative: Administer antibiotics as indicated. Monitor laboratory studies, e.g., WBC. Correct positioning prevents backup of the bile in the operative area. -Prevents skin irritation and facilitates measurement of output. Reduces risk of contamination. -Necessary for treatment of abscess/infection. -Leukocytosis reflects inflammatory process., abscess formation/peritonitis. Nursing Diagnosis Interventions Rationale Risk for Infection Independent: Stress proper hygiene by all caregivers between therapies and client Use gloves when caring for open lesions Maintain adequate hydration stand or sit to void -First line defense against healthcare associated infections (HAI’s) -To minimize autoinoculation or transmission of viral diseases -To avoid bladder distention and urinary stasis
  • 65. 65 Maintain sterile techniques for all invasive procedures Maintain adequate nutrition, rest, and appropriate exercise program -To avoid cross contamination -For proper nutrition Nursing Diagnosis Interventions Rationale Acute pain related to the incision site Independent: Note for pain, including location, characteristics, onset and frequency Monitor skin color, temperature and vital signs Provide comfort measures such as touch, repositioning, quiet environment Instruct in and encourage use of relaxation techniques such as focused breathing Dependent: Administer NSAIDS(Ibuprofen) as prescribed by the physician -To rule out worsening of underlying condition or development of complications. -This are usually altered in acute pain. -To promote non pharmacological pain management -To distract attention and reduce tension . -Relief of mild to moderate pain
  • 66. 66 B. ACTUAL NURSING MANAGEMENT S “Sakit kaayo akong tibook likod ug tiyan” as verbalized by the patient. O  Facial grimace  Pain Scale of 8/10, spasmic pain all over the abdominal area  Guarding on the abdominal area  Self focusing; narrowed focused A Acute Pain related to obstruction in the bile duct P Long Term: At the end of 1 hour, patient will demonstrate techniques to alleviate or control pain. Short Term: At the end of 30 minutes nursing interventions, patient will be able to relieved from pain felt. I  Promoted bed rest and in low fowler’s position  Use soft cotton linens, cool or moist compress as indicated  Control environmental temperature  Encouraged use of relaxaton techniques like deep breathing exercises  Administered medication as prescribed (Tramadol 50 mg slow IVTT, q8 x 3 doses then PRN) E Long Term: After 1 hour of nursing interventions, the patient was able to demonstrate techniques to alleviate pain like deep breathing exercise. After 30 minutes nursing interventions, patient’s was relieved from pain after administration of analgesic.
  • 67. 67 S “maglisod ko ug tulog kay igang kaayo” as verbalized by the patient. O  Change in normal sleep pattern  Restless  Irritable A Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to environmental factors( noise, ambient temperature) P Long term: At the end of 1 day nursing intervention, the patient will be able to report improve sleep and increase sense of well-being. Short term: At the end of 4 hours of nursing intervention the patient will be able to identify interventions to promote sleep. I  Provided a quiet environment  Provided comfort measures (touch therapy, cleaning and straightening beddings)  Use of sleep aids (personal pillows)  Instructed to establish routine bed time and arising, think relaxing thoughts when in bed, do not nap in the daytime  Adequate rest provided E Long term: After 1 day of nursing intervention, patient have been able to improved sleep and increased sense of well-being. Short term: After 4 hours of nursing intervention, the patient was able to identify interventions to promote sleep.
  • 68. 68 S “Dili kaayo ko kalihok maam kay sakitan ko” as verbalized by the patient. O ● facial grimace ●guarding ●sleep disturbance A Activity Intolerance related to decreased range of motion and pain on movement P Long term: After 2 days of nursing interventions, the patient will be able report measurable increase in activity tolerance Short term: After 1day of nursing interventions, the patient will to identify techniques to enhance activity tolerance I  Properly position the patient to avoid straining affected areas in the body  Engaged ROM exercises, as tolerated, to reduce muscle stiffness and numbness  Assisted ADL’s to help reduce discomfort and avoid too much energy exertion  Encouraged frequent position changes (side-lying to supine) when on bed rest  Encouraged bed rest
  • 69. 69 S “Gakakulbaan ko sa akong operasyon karon kay last nako nga opera, gi- intubate man gud ko ” as verbalized by the patient. O  Verbalize awareness of feelings  Anxious  Restlessness  Preoccupied from her last operation experience A Anxiety related to threat of death or change in health status P Long term: After 1 day of nursing interventions, the patient will appear relaxed and report anxiety reduced to a manageable level. Short term: After 6 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will verbalize awareness of feelings of anxiety I  Established a therapeutic relationship, conveying empathy and unconditional positive regard.  Be available to client for listening and talking  Encouraged client to acknowledge and to express feelings  Provided information regarding disease process and anticipated treatment  Provided comfort measures(e.g., calm/quiet environment, therapeutic touch)  Provided adequate rest  Instructed in ways to use positive talk, e.g., “I can handle this” E Long term: After 1 day of nursing interventions, the patient appeared relaxed and reported reduced anxiety manifested by socialization engagement(talking with other patients and laughing with them). Short term: After 6 hours of nursing interventions, the patient was able to verbalize understanding of her present health status that lessened her anxiety.
  • 70. 70 S “gasakit akong tahi kung mulihok ko” as verbalized by patient O • (+) Facial grimace • Pain scale of 5 out of 10, • Self-focusing; narrowed focus A Acute pain related to post op surgical incision P Long term: After 8 hours of nursing interventions, the patient will demonstrate techniques to alleviate/control pain. Short term: After 30 minutes of nursing interventions, the patient will report relief of pain I • Positioned client to where she is comfortable • Taught client diversional activities like watching television • Encouraged use of relaxation techniques like focused breathing • Have the patient splint incision when moving • Provided adequate rest periods • Provided a calm, quiet environment • Administered analgesic (ketorolac 300 mg IVTT,q6 x 4 doses) E Long term: The patient was able to demonstrate techniques to alleviate pain Short term: The patient reported that the pain was lessened
  • 71. 71 S “gasakit akong tahi kung mulihok ko” as verbalized by patient O • Sugical dressing on RUQ • Disruption of the skin surface • Injury on the skin layers A Impaired skin integrity related to surgical incision P Long term: After 2 days of nursing interventions, the patient will achieve timely wound healing without complications Short term: After 1 day of nursing interventions, the patient will demonstrate behaviors to promote healing/prevent skin breakdown I • Observed the color and character of the drainage • Changed dressings and do wound care as often as necessary • Placed patient in low- or semi-Fowler’s position • Maintained T-tube in closed collection system • Administered antibiotics (cefuroxime 350 mg, IVTT q8). E Long term: After 2 days of nursing intervention, the patient was able to maintained the wound intact and free from complications Short term: After 1 day of nursing intervention, the patient verbalized understanding of proper wound care and demonstrated the proper way to do it.
  • 72. 72 VII. REFERRAL AND FOLLOW-UP HEALTH TEACHINGS MEDICATION The medications prescribed by the doctor were thoroughly explained including its indication, possible adverse effects, contraindication, precautions to be taken and patient’s response. And to take it on right time, dose, and route  Celecoxib 200mg TID 1cap  Cefuroxime 500mg 1tab TID times 5 days. EXERCISE Encouraged to ambulate every morning for 30 minutes to promote rehabilitation of body’s energy. Taught to do Range of motion exercises. Gradually, encouraged to do normal daily activities. TREATMENT Taught the importance of proper hygiene and hand washing Encouraged to change the dressing everyday Encouraged to apply povidine iodine (Betadine) to the wound before changing the dressing Encouraged to schedule rest periods and sleep periods. OUTPATIENT (check-up) Advised to have follow-up check up on October 19, 20012 at the Outpatient Department, Northern Mindanao Medical Center. DIET Encouraged to eat low fat, low salt diet. Taught about the importance of her diet modification. • They lose weight. • Their health usually improves. • Their risk of developing cardiovascular disease may decrease. • They get relief from unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • 73. 73 Encouraged to increase protein intake  Cheese  Mature (Large) Beans  Lean Veal and Beef  Lean Meats (Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Turkey)  Lobster and Crab  Peanuts  Fish Encourage to increase fluid intake at least 10-12 glasses per day. Intake of vitamin C like orange, mango fruit.
  • 74. 74 PROGNOSIS Score Legend: 1 – Poor Prognosis 2 – Good Prognosis 3 – Very Good Prognosis CRITERIA SCORE ANAYSIS/IMPLICATION A.ONSET OF ILLNESS 1 2 days prior to admission, onset of epigastric pain, grouping, 7/10 in patient scale, radiating to lower back, associated with shortness of breath no consult, no medication given. B. DURATION OF ILLNESS 1 Detection of the disease condition was delayed for attaining prevention. Manifestation showed up by mean of pain on the upper quadrant of the abdomen radiating to lower back two days prior to admission. C. PRECIPITATING AND PREDISPOSING FACTOR 3 The increasing age of the patient, the gender and her diet which is mostly rich in salty and high in cholesterol diet predisposed her and put her at risk for obtaining
  • 75. 75 such condition. Such factor manifest by the patient cannot already be altered and prevented. Unfortunately, manifestations showed up but were diagnosed too late for her to prevent from the condition. Thus strictly following the treatment regimen would help her prevent from further complication and faster recovery D. ATTITUDE & WILLINGNESS TO TAKE TREATMENT 3 The patient’s admission and adherence medication regimen may somehow proved that the patient is very willing to follow treatment that she even had a surgery in order for her to recover the stated condition. E. FINANCIAL CAPABILITY 3 Patient is financially capable for her was able to pay the entire medical and hospital bills by the help of family member and phil. Health.
  • 76. 76 F. POST-OPERATIVE RECOVERY 3 Sign of progressive were visible that she was able to stand up and walk around the area with assistance on the first day of post operatively. G.PAIN MANAGEMENT 2 A daily progressive sign of relief from a surgical procedure especially on the incisions showed a good prognosis that she had recovered from the surgical procedure done. H. FAMILY SUPPORT 3 Her family was very supportive that her husband was the one who supported the operation and hospital bills and she was always accompanied by either her husband or her children during admission. This is why patient’s prognosis is very important for patient having such condition vary greatly on the health, the extent of damage, the regimen given and the patient’s adherence to it, and most importantly the detection of the disease. Most noted prognosis in the chart shows good prognosis but the detection of the symptoms were too late for her to prevent and to be able treated that may lead to life threatening complication.
  • 77. 77 IX. EVALUATION At the end of the study the presenters were able to attain the goal that we have set from the start of her study. Thorough gathering of data by means of physical assessment were met and through the gathered data we were able to identify some health problems and we’re able to skilfully formulate nursing care plan that we had applied to our patient in actual. By means of reviewing, discussing and elaborating the affected anatomy and physiology of the body enabled us to create interventions that could alleviate pain and any discomfort experienced by the patient. With the help of the patient family, we were able to explore part of the patient’s personality that also helped us increasing interventions appropriate for her. Through the interventions we imparted there was a progress in patients health status such as regained his activity of daily living. The presenters also imparted health teachings not only the patient but to her family as well, in order to lower the risk of having this kind of condition. Choosing the right diet was also elaborated for them to be aware of the precise choice of foods and nutrition right for preventing the disease like avoiding food that is salty, fatty and especially those highly seasoned foods which always pertained to the food we were eating, we should still be conscious with our health especially if we want to live longer. Avoid that life threatening disease which not only shorten our life but caused us some financial problem too. Lastly, the presenters were also grateful for having the opportunity to have the case study for they not only gain knowledge but also enhanced their skills in the field of nursing by means of planning interventions and rendering care to the patient. The researches were hoping that the readers would be more conscious and be more careful in taking of their health to prevent conditions to persist.
  • 78. 78 X. DOCUMENTATION BIBLIOGRAPHY  BOOKS  “DRUG HANDBOOK” Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Nursing 2004 24th edition.  “MIMS” PHILIPPINES. 123rd edition 2012, Philipine Index Of Medical Specialties Establishment. 1968 Ben Yeo,  “Lippincott Manulal of Nursing” 8th edition, Lipincott Williams & Wilkins  “PATHOPHYSIOLOGY” Lippincott Williams &Wilkins A2-in-1 reference for nurses.  Fundamentals of nursing Concepts. Process and Practices” 11th edition. Upper Saddle, Kozier, B. etal New Jersey, 2007.  “Nursing Care Plans, Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention” 6th edition, by Gulanick/Myers  WEBSITES  WWW.MEDICINENET.COM/CHOLE/ARTICLE.HM      