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Making Clients Part of the Design Process
David Sherwin / t:@changeorder


                                                                        to work

                       From Nick Walker /

               Making Clients Part of the Design Process             05/09/11     2

     This is a talk about how to
     build trust between designers
     and clients through
     facilitated collaboration.

               Making Clients Part of the Design Process   05/09/11   3

     When clients and designers
     work together as equals
     towards a shared goal

               Making Clients Part of the Design Process   05/09/11   4

           Like this:

               Making Clients Part of the Design Process   05/09/11   5
01: Why collaborate with my clients?
Why collaborate with clients?

                         It was in the design brief?

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   7
Why collaborate with clients?

                                       email conversation
                                       face-to-face meeting
                                       scope of work
                         It was in the design brief
                                       discovery meeting
                                       stakeholder interview
                                       customer shadowing
                                       late-night IM brainstorm
                                       video chat
              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   8
Why collaborate with clients?

                                       email conversation
                                       face-to-face meeting
                                       scope of work
                         It was in the design brief
                                       discovery meeting
                                       stakeholder interview
                                       customer shadowing
                                       late-night IM brainstorm
                                       video chat
              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   9
Why collaborate with clients?

                                       email conversation
                                       face-to-face meeting
                                       scope of work
                         It was in the design brief
                                       discovery meeting
                                       stakeholder interview
                                       customer shadowing
                                       late-night IM brainstorm
                                       video chat
              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   10
Why collaborate with clients?

     What information
     does your team lack
     to make this project

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   11
Why collaborate with clients?

    Did you know:
    What needed to be made?
    Why it needed to be made?
    How it would be made?

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   12




                             Did you really grok
                             the complexity at hand?

                                                          STATUS                             CHAT

       Making Clients Part of the Design Process                          05/09/11      13
Were you operating across
                                cultures and industries
                                you didn’t understand?

Making Clients Part of the Design Process       06/25/11   14
Why collaborate with clients?

     Collaborating with clients can
     sometimes be the only reason
     a project succeeds.

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   15
Why collaborate with clients?

     And we can design situations
     that yield necessary information
     for projects in a playful way.

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   16
Why collaborate with clients?

     This extends beyond projects
     to encourage belief and sustain
     great working relationships.

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   17
02: How should I collaborate with clients?
How should I collaborate with clients?


     Determine where clients can help
     well before you start designing.

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   19
How should I collaborate with clients?


     Invite clients into the process—
     rather than let them dictate it.

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   20
How should I collaborate with clients?

    At project inception:                                 During discovery:        Kicking o design:
    • Setting constraints                                 • Making sense of data   • Brainstorming ideas
    • Aligning on goals                                   • Creating empathy       • Establishing criteria
    • Understanding fears                                 • Identifying oppty’s
    • Cataloguing biases

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                            06/25/11          21
How should I collaborate with clients?


     Maximize the time you have.
     Make the work not feel like work.

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   22
How should I collaborate with clients?


     Relate to clients as people first.
     Don’t be design robots.

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   23
How should I collaborate with clients?



              Making Clients Part of the Design Process         06/25/11    24
How should I collaborate with clients?

                                                    Clients   Designers

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process               06/25/11   25
How should I collaborate with clients?

                                                    Clients    Designers


              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                06/25/11   26
Why do design projects fail?

     You’re not designing for the client.
     You’re designing with them
     to best reach their customers.
     (Sometimes, we forget this…)

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   27
03: How should I prepare a collaboration?
How should I prepare a collaboration?

           1. Know your goal

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   29
How should I prepare a collaboration?

           Goals for client collaboration
           aid us in determining what
           should be designed…

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   30
How should I prepare a collaboration?

           …by exploring what our clients
           and customers desire, and why.

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   31
How should I prepare a collaboration?

                                                          GOAL: WHAT
        INPUTS                                            DO I NEED TO              OUTPUTS

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                  06/25/11       32
How should I prepare a collaboration?

   CLIENTS                                                ACTIVITY TO              INFORMATION
 DESIGNERS                                                FACILITATE               IDEAS
 QUESTIONS                                                DISCOVERY                CRITERIA

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                 06/25/11       33
How should I prepare a collaboration?

     FIRST, KNOW THIS:                                    THEN, DETERMINE THIS:

     Uncover why                                          Create what
     customers are                                        customers
     frustrated with                                      want from our
     our new products                                     company next

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process              06/25/11     34
How should I prepare a collaboration?

     FIRST, KNOW THIS:                                    THEN, DETERMINE THIS:

     Establish criteria                                   Make 12 amazing
     by which our                                         design concepts
     design work                                          your client will
     will be judged                                       slavishly adore

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process              06/25/11     35
How should I prepare a collaboration?

             Agree with your client to
             the goal of any collaboration.
             Work your plan and activities back from this.

ACTIVITY                                ACTIVITY            ACTIVITY              ACTIVITY

                Making Clients Part of the Design Process              06/25/11        36
How should I prepare a collaboration?

           “Our goal for this session:
           generate 3 new strategies for
           advertising on our website.”

?                                             ?           ?              ?

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process       06/25/11       37
How should I prepare a collaboration?

           1. Know your goal
           2. Create an arc

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   38
How should I prepare a collaboration?

     Goal: “Generate 3 new
     strategies for advertising
     on our website.”                                                                          PART 4:
                                                                              PART 3:
                                                                              SHOOT THE MOON


                                                          PART 2:
  START                                                   INTO THE DEEP END

     PART 1:

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                            06/25/11    39
How should I prepare a collaboration?

     How should your
     client feel during the
     collaboration session?




              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                  06/25/11   40
How should I prepare a collaboration?

  8:30 AM                              • Quick intros & bios
  PART 1:                              • Re-present agenda sent in advance
  THE WINDUP                           • Establish the “pool rules”

          MINGLE                                 INTROS         ICEBREAKER                           EX

                                                                  Light, fun, kill the nervousness

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                      06/25/11        41
How should I prepare a collaboration?

  10:00 AM                                         • Build trust
  PART 2:                                          • Explain why the exercise works
  INTO THE DEEP END                                • Use lunch as a time to present work

                                    EXERCISE 1                                                     EX

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                            06/25/11   42
How should I prepare a collaboration?

      1:00 PM                                          • As people loosen up, they can work harder
      PART 3:                                          • Keep clients in their group, rotate designers
      SHOOT THE MOON                                   • Don’t lose momentum!

G                                                                                  MINI-
                                        EXERCISE 2                                                            EXERCISE

                           Build o the output from #1

                  Making Clients Part of the Design Process                             06/25/11         43
How should I prepare a collaboration?

NI-                                                                                 NEXT
                                          EXERCISE 3                EVALUATE
EAK                                                                                 STEPS

                             The last experience defines the whole

                    Making Clients Part of the Design Process       06/25/11   44
How should I prepare a collaboration?

  3:00 PM                       • Establish criteria for evaluating design ideas
  PART 4:                       • Apply criteria to most-liked ideas over the day
  EVALUATE                      • Outline what happens next with the output

                                                          NEXT    RECAP               CREATIVE   D
                                                          STEPS   OF DAY               BRIEF

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                    06/25/11       45
Know when evaluation
                                            should be silent or active.

Making Clients Part of the Design Process                  06/25/11   46
How should I prepare a collaboration?

           1. Know your goal
           2. Create an arc
           3. Plan your activities

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   47
How should I prepare a collaboration?

     At project inception:
     • Worst Fears
     • Goal Setting
     • Press Release
     • Design Your Own!

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   48
Worst Fears

                                   photo 5673173163 by swanksalot / CC share remix license on flickr

Making Clients Part of the Design Process                                                        06/25/11   49
Goal Setting

                                     photo 3294421417 by centralasian / CC share remix license on flickr

  Making Clients Part of the Design Process                                                         06/25/11   50
Press Release
                                      photo 5696004915 by thomasleuthard / CC share remix license on flickr

     Making Clients Part of the Design Process                                                       06/25/11   51
How should I prepare a collaboration?

     At project inception:                                During discovery:
     • Worst Fears                                        • What Customer?
     • Goal Setting                                       • Scavenger Hunt
     • Press Release                                      • Brand Thermometer
     • Design Your Own!                                   • Design Your Own!

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                         06/25/11   52
What Customer?

                           photo 5582403746 by toddle_email_newsletters / CC share remix license on flickr

Making Clients Part of the Design Process                                                       06/25/11    53
Section title text

                                                      Scavenger Hunt
                                                           cc share remix license / photo by W.A. Djatmiko, wikimedia

               Making Clients Part of the Design Process                                                                06/25/11   54
Brand Thermometer

photo 3842203154 by ladykeli / CC share remix license on flickr

  Making Clients Part of the Design Process                           06/25/11   55
How should I prepare a collaboration?

     At project inception:                                During discovery:     Kicking o design:
     • Worst Fears                                        • What Customer?      • 100 Uses
     • Goal Setting                                       • Scavenger Hunt      • Photo Collage
     • Press Release                                      • Brand Thermometer   • Interface Bingo
     • Design Your Own!                                   • Design Your Own!    • Design Your Own!

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                         06/25/11       56
100 Uses

                                     photo 2997879253 by mugley / CC share remix license on flickr

    Making Clients Part of the Design Process                                                       06/25/11   57
Photo Collage

Making Clients Part of the Design Process    06/25/11   58

                                        photo 2828528741 by Samuel Mann / CC share remix license on flickr

  Making Clients Part of the Design Process                                                       06/25/11   59
How should I prepare a collaboration?

           1. Know your goal
           2. Create an arc
           3. Plan your activities
           4. Exploit group dynamics

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   60
How should I prepare a collaboration?

  Shift between group sizes
  and work styles:

    Working individually,                                 Working in the round,              Group discussion
        in parallel                                           role-playing

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                           06/25/11             61
How should I prepare a collaboration?

                                                          See the recap at:

              Making Clients Part of the Design Process                     06/25/11     62
Section title text

04: How do I facilitate a collaboration?
How do I facilitate a collaboration?

            3 simple guidelines:

            1. You can’t participate if you’re the facilitator
            2. Don’t let time slip away!
            3. If it’s not working, be willing to change the plan

               Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   64
05: Parting thoughts
Parting thoughts

                    Computers are the frenemies
                      of group collaboration.

             Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   66
Parting thoughts

           1 hour of collaboration =
           8 hours of preparation

             Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   67
Parting thoughts

           Test every activity at least twice
           before using it with a client.
           (Over time, you’ll have a trove of proven activities to use.)

             Making Clients Part of the Design Process            06/25/11   68
Parting thoughts

           Collaboration doesn’t stop
           after the collaboration session.

             Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   69
Parting thoughts

           “The best leave-behind
            is the evangelist.”
              —Hans Gerwitz, Technology Director, frog

             Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   70
Parting thoughts

           Will you collaborate
           with your clients
           on your next project?

             Making Clients Part of the Design Process   06/25/11   71
Parting title text
Section thoughts

                                                 “We want a bigger laser.
                                              Can you make the laser bigger?”
01: Why collaborate with clients?

photo 3528754669 by hawee / CC share remix license on flickr
Parting thoughts
                                                  “Whew, that was a lot of fun!
                                                     We got tons done…”

photo 2432922028 by tabitum / CC share remix license on flickr
Say hello:
t: @changeorder
                                    Creative Workshop
                                    available now from HOW

                                    Book Signing
                                    Sunday, 1–2 PM
                                    Columbus AB

© 2011 frog. All rights reserved.

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Making Clients Part of the Design Process

  • 1. Making Clients Part of the Design Process David Sherwin / t:@changeorder HOW DESIGN CONFERENCE | JUNE 25, 2011
  • 2. Introduction Trying to work From Nick Walker / Making Clients Part of the Design Process 05/09/11 2
  • 3. Introduction This is a talk about how to build trust between designers and clients through facilitated collaboration. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 05/09/11 3
  • 4. Introduction Collaboration: When clients and designers work together as equals towards a shared goal Making Clients Part of the Design Process 05/09/11 4
  • 5. Introduction Like this: Making Clients Part of the Design Process 05/09/11 5
  • 6. 01: Why collaborate with my clients?
  • 7. Why collaborate with clients? It was in the design brief? Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 7
  • 8. Why collaborate with clients? email conversation face-to-face meeting proposal scope of work It was in the design brief discovery meeting stakeholder interview customer shadowing late-night IM brainstorm video chat Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 8
  • 9. Why collaborate with clients? email conversation face-to-face meeting proposal scope of work It was in the design brief discovery meeting stakeholder interview customer shadowing late-night IM brainstorm video chat Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 9
  • 10. Why collaborate with clients? email conversation face-to-face meeting proposal scope of work It was in the design brief discovery meeting stakeholder interview customer shadowing late-night IM brainstorm video chat Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 10
  • 11. Why collaborate with clients? What information does your team lack to make this project successful? Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 11
  • 12. Why collaborate with clients? Did you know: What needed to be made? Why it needed to be made? How it would be made? Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 12
  • 13. TEXT WATCH EMAIL CALL READ Did you really grok the complexity at hand? PLAY STATUS CHAT Making Clients Part of the Design Process 05/09/11 13
  • 14. Were you operating across cultures and industries you didn’t understand? Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 14
  • 15. Why collaborate with clients? Collaborating with clients can sometimes be the only reason a project succeeds. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 15
  • 16. Why collaborate with clients? And we can design situations that yield necessary information for projects in a playful way. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 16
  • 17. Why collaborate with clients? This extends beyond projects to encourage belief and sustain great working relationships. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 17
  • 18. 02: How should I collaborate with clients?
  • 19. How should I collaborate with clients? COLLABORATE EARLY: Determine where clients can help well before you start designing. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 19
  • 20. How should I collaborate with clients? COLLABORATE DEEPLY: Invite clients into the process— rather than let them dictate it. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 20
  • 21. How should I collaborate with clients? At project inception: During discovery: Kicking o design: • Setting constraints • Making sense of data • Brainstorming ideas • Aligning on goals • Creating empathy • Establishing criteria • Understanding fears • Identifying oppty’s • Cataloguing biases Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 21
  • 22. How should I collaborate with clients? COLLABORATE EFFECTIVELY: Maximize the time you have. Make the work not feel like work. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 22
  • 23. How should I collaborate with clients? COLLABORATE HONESTLY: Relate to clients as people first. Don’t be design robots. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 23
  • 24. How should I collaborate with clients? Clients Designers Customers Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 24
  • 25. How should I collaborate with clients? Clients Designers Custome Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 25
  • 26. How should I collaborate with clients? Clients Designers Customers Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 26
  • 27. Why do design projects fail? You’re not designing for the client. You’re designing with them to best reach their customers. (Sometimes, we forget this…) Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 27
  • 28. 03: How should I prepare a collaboration?
  • 29. How should I prepare a collaboration? 1. Know your goal Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 29
  • 30. How should I prepare a collaboration? Goals for client collaboration aid us in determining what should be designed… Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 30
  • 31. How should I prepare a collaboration? …by exploring what our clients and customers desire, and why. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 31
  • 32. How should I prepare a collaboration? GOAL: WHAT INPUTS DO I NEED TO OUTPUTS DISCOVER? Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 32
  • 33. How should I prepare a collaboration? CLIENTS ACTIVITY TO INFORMATION DESIGNERS FACILITATE IDEAS QUESTIONS DISCOVERY CRITERIA Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 33
  • 34. How should I prepare a collaboration? FIRST, KNOW THIS: THEN, DETERMINE THIS: Uncover why Create what customers are customers frustrated with want from our our new products company next Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 34
  • 35. How should I prepare a collaboration? FIRST, KNOW THIS: THEN, DETERMINE THIS: Establish criteria Make 12 amazing by which our design concepts design work your client will will be judged slavishly adore Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 35
  • 36. How should I prepare a collaboration? Agree with your client to the goal of any collaboration. Work your plan and activities back from this. ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ACTIVITY Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 36
  • 37. How should I prepare a collaboration? “Our goal for this session: generate 3 new strategies for advertising on our website.” ? ? ? ? Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 37
  • 38. How should I prepare a collaboration? 1. Know your goal 2. Create an arc Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 38
  • 39. How should I prepare a collaboration? Goal: “Generate 3 new strategies for advertising on our website.” PART 4: EVALUATE PART 3: SHOOT THE MOON END PART 2: START INTO THE DEEP END PART 1: THE WINDUP Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 39
  • 40. How should I prepare a collaboration? How should your client feel during the collaboration session? REALISTIC EUPHORIC END EXCITED START NERVOUS Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 40
  • 41. How should I prepare a collaboration? 8:30 AM • Quick intros & bios PART 1: • Re-present agenda sent in advance THE WINDUP • Establish the “pool rules” MINGLE INTROS ICEBREAKER EX Light, fun, kill the nervousness Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 41
  • 42. How should I prepare a collaboration? 10:00 AM • Build trust PART 2: • Explain why the exercise works INTO THE DEEP END • Use lunch as a time to present work WORKING EXERCISE 1 EX LUNCH Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 42
  • 43. How should I prepare a collaboration? 1:00 PM • As people loosen up, they can work harder PART 3: • Keep clients in their group, rotate designers SHOOT THE MOON • Don’t lose momentum! G MINI- EXERCISE 2 EXERCISE BREAK Build o the output from #1 Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 43
  • 44. How should I prepare a collaboration? NI- NEXT EXERCISE 3 EVALUATE EAK STEPS The last experience defines the whole Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 44
  • 45. How should I prepare a collaboration? 3:00 PM • Establish criteria for evaluating design ideas PART 4: • Apply criteria to most-liked ideas over the day EVALUATE • Outline what happens next with the output NEXT RECAP CREATIVE D EVALUATE STEPS OF DAY BRIEF Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 45
  • 46. Know when evaluation should be silent or active. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 46
  • 47. How should I prepare a collaboration? 1. Know your goal 2. Create an arc 3. Plan your activities Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 47
  • 48. How should I prepare a collaboration? At project inception: • Worst Fears • Goal Setting • Press Release • Design Your Own! Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 48
  • 49. Worst Fears photo 5673173163 by swanksalot / CC share remix license on flickr Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 49
  • 50. Goal Setting photo 3294421417 by centralasian / CC share remix license on flickr Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 50
  • 51. Press Release photo 5696004915 by thomasleuthard / CC share remix license on flickr Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 51
  • 52. How should I prepare a collaboration? At project inception: During discovery: • Worst Fears • What Customer? • Goal Setting • Scavenger Hunt • Press Release • Brand Thermometer • Design Your Own! • Design Your Own! Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 52
  • 53. What Customer? photo 5582403746 by toddle_email_newsletters / CC share remix license on flickr Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 53
  • 54. Section title text Scavenger Hunt cc share remix license / photo by W.A. Djatmiko, wikimedia Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 54
  • 55. Brand Thermometer photo 3842203154 by ladykeli / CC share remix license on flickr Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 55
  • 56. How should I prepare a collaboration? At project inception: During discovery: Kicking o design: • Worst Fears • What Customer? • 100 Uses • Goal Setting • Scavenger Hunt • Photo Collage • Press Release • Brand Thermometer • Interface Bingo • Design Your Own! • Design Your Own! • Design Your Own! Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 56
  • 57. 100 Uses photo 2997879253 by mugley / CC share remix license on flickr Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 57
  • 58. Photo Collage Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 58
  • 59. Interface Bingo photo 2828528741 by Samuel Mann / CC share remix license on flickr Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 59
  • 60. How should I prepare a collaboration? 1. Know your goal 2. Create an arc 3. Plan your activities 4. Exploit group dynamics Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 60
  • 61. How should I prepare a collaboration? Shift between group sizes and work styles: Working individually, Working in the round, Group discussion in parallel role-playing Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 61
  • 62. How should I prepare a collaboration? See the recap at: Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 62
  • 63. Section title text 04: How do I facilitate a collaboration?
  • 64. How do I facilitate a collaboration? 3 simple guidelines: 1. You can’t participate if you’re the facilitator 2. Don’t let time slip away! 3. If it’s not working, be willing to change the plan Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 64
  • 66. Parting thoughts Computers are the frenemies of group collaboration. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 66
  • 67. Parting thoughts 1 hour of collaboration = 8 hours of preparation Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 67
  • 68. Parting thoughts Test every activity at least twice before using it with a client. (Over time, you’ll have a trove of proven activities to use.) Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 68
  • 69. Parting thoughts Collaboration doesn’t stop after the collaboration session. Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 69
  • 70. Parting thoughts “The best leave-behind is the evangelist.” —Hans Gerwitz, Technology Director, frog Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 70
  • 71. Parting thoughts Will you collaborate with your clients on your next project? Making Clients Part of the Design Process 06/25/11 71
  • 72. Parting title text Section thoughts “We want a bigger laser. Can you make the laser bigger?” 01: Why collaborate with clients? photo 3528754669 by hawee / CC share remix license on flickr
  • 73. Parting thoughts “Whew, that was a lot of fun! We got tons done…” photo 2432922028 by tabitum / CC share remix license on flickr
  • 74. Say hello: t: @changeorder e: b: Creative Workshop available now from HOW Book Signing Sunday, 1–2 PM Columbus AB © 2011 frog. All rights reserved.