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English Optional 
New B.Ed. College, Nellimoodu
I  have  great  pleasure  to  know  
that the English Optional students are  
bringing out a magazine “Luminous”  
for the year 2013-2014. Bringing out a  
magazine is not an easy task but It is a  
venture  of  the  combined  efforts  of  
“Ambition,  Planning,  Hard  
work,  and  Courage  are  the  key  for  
success. Let the minds be cheerful but  
calm.  Never  let  it  ruin  in  to  excess,  
because every excess will be followed  
by a reaction.” I wish every success to
Mrs. Sree Rengini 
Class teacher 
It's my proud privilege to pen down  
the  message  for  Luminous-2014,the  
class  magazine  of  English  Optional  
Students .Its a platform to express their  
c r e a t i v e   p u r s u i t s .   H e a r t y   
congratulations to chief editor Jermina  
Joseph  and  sub-editors  Divya  A  S  
,Sindya J,Vipin Chandran C A ,and Joby  
Joyson for their efforts to put in print  
Luminous-2014 in this excellent way.
Vipin Chandran C. A. 
Class Representative 
 I am happy to congratulate well who worked  
before and behind the curtains to bring out this digital  
magazine for the academic year 2013-2014.  
It  goes  without  saying  that  our  ENGLISH  
department has been upholding a tradition of excellent  
educational/cultural  standards.  I  hope  that  this  
tradition  will  get  reflected  in  our  magazine,  which  
would bring to high talents of the student teachers.  
                Wishing you all success.
Jermina Joseph K 
Individually we are but a Drop……… 
But together we are an Ocean……… 
Such  is  my  firm  belief  at  New  BEd  College  
Nellimoodu, in a short span of ten months. We have been  
able to transform to a great extend this belief in to a reality.  
Team work is the strength of our class. Through sincere,  
dedicated and committed efforts we have proved that the  
hardest of the task can be accomplished easily with team  
This magazine, of “LUMINOUS” shows the  
talents,  creativity  and  energies  of  young  and  vibrant  
minds…Adopting and responding to the ever vulnerable  
situations  and  finally  sailing  through,  was  one  of  the  
noticeable  experiences  in  the  process  of  compiling  this  
magazine.  At  every  single  step  we  learnt  to  work  as  
members of a big crew and were able to participate and  
contribute our share to make it possible to record it in black  
and white. 
I am profoundly grateful to our class teacher Mrs.  
Sreerenjini  for  her  loving  support  and  persistent  
guidance.I am also grateful to our respected Pincipal for  
his kindness and generous help. 
I owe my token of gratitude drenched with love and  
prayers to the Almighty. Aspiring for a successful journey  
ahead…. Let Our Light Shine!!!!!
Jermina Joseph K. 
Divya A. S. 
Sub Editor 
Sindya J. 
Sub Editor 
Vipin Chandran C. A. 
Sub Editor 
Joby Joyson  
Sub Editor
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu 
Once   there   was     a   Professor.   He   thought   he    
knows    everything.    He    worked    in    the    field    of    
astronmony.  One  day  he  went  to  a  pond.  He  saw a   
ferryman.  The  ferryman  was  very  poor.  The  Professor   
arrived  at  him  and  got  into  the  ferryboat.  There  were   
no  other  passengers.  The  ferryman  started  to  row.  The   
Professor  asked  him :  “ are  you  educated ? ”.  Ferryman   
replied  he  was  uneducated.  Then  the  professor  asked   
him   “   how   many   stars   are   there   in   the   galaxy? “.  
Ferryman  told “ No  sir. I dont even  know  what  a  galaxy   
was.  Professor  said “ what  a  pity”. 
After  a  while  when  the  boat  was  in  midstream,  
ferryman   suddenly   asked   “ Sir,   do   you   to   swim? “  
Professor  replied   “ no”. Ferryman said  “ Then  you  know   
nothing . Look “ !  He  pointed  upstream.  In  a  minute  the   
boat    was    over    turned    and    the    professor    and    the    
ferryman  were  thrown  intho  the  water.  Later  an  expert   
swimmer  tried  to  save  the  professor  but  in  vain  .  The   
professor  was  swept  away  and  only  the  ferryman  was   
able  to  reach  the  shore  much  buffeted  but  alive. 
MORAL  :  Never  think  you  know  everything. 
6 Luminous 
English Option 
Aswathy Rajan 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Boy   :  Why  did  Bapu  have  no  hairs? 
Teacher   :  Beacause  of  his  intelligence. 
Boy   :  Oh ! Now  get  why  girls  have  long  hairs. 
Mom   :  Why  did  you  hit  Sonal  with  the  chair? 
Sonu   :  Beacause  i  could  not  lift  the  table. 
Tina   :  Why  dont  you  pray  before  you  eat? 
Meera   :  I  dont  need to.  My  mother  is  a  good  cook. 
Smitha   :  Pinky,  where  and  when  you  were  born? 
Pinky   :  I  was  born  in  a  hospital  on  my  birthday. 
Nimya   :  I  want  to  be  a  giraffe  in  my  next  life. 
Rejitha   :   A  giraffe?  Why? 
Nimya   :  So  nobody  can  slap  me. 
Teacher   :  If  you  have  25  cups  of  ice  cream  and  you  have   
   it  equally  five  people,  what  will each  one  get? 
Remya   :  A  bad   throat. 
Passenger   :  Does  this  bus  run  on  time? 
Conductor   :  No.  It  runs  on  wheels. 
Teacher  :  Why  does  your  book looks  so  old? 
Raju  :  This  is  my  history book, sir. 
Teacher  :  Today  school  will be  for  half  day  till lunch  time, 
Children   :  Yipeee 
Teacher   :  And  then ,  after  lunch  we  will  have  the  other  half  
Manu   :  If  I take  a  short  cut  through  your  filed,  will  i  be  
   able  to  catch  the  3:15  train  at  the  railway  station? 
Venu   :  Ofcourse,  you  will  and  if  my  bull  sees  you,  you  
   will  reach  there  an  hour  earlier.  
Priya Sree 
7 Luminous 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
There is a happy family in the field of  
grammar. A man named 'noun' and his wife  
'verb' live in the house of grammar. They have  
two  sons  and  one  daughter.  The  eldest  son  
plays the role of his father when he is absent.  
So  the  people  called  him  'pronoun'.    The  
younger  son  'adjective'  is  a  poet,  he  often  
describes  his  father  where  as  his  sister  
'adverb'  often  talk  about  her  mother  and  
describes her. There is a servant; they called  
him  as  'interjection'.  He  does  many  things  
that amuse people. Noun has a brother-in-law  
named 'preposition'. He often helps him by  
showing  the  nouns  position  in  life.  
'Conjunction'  is  a  dear  friend  of  the  family  
and  often  helps  to  be  together.  The  family  
lives happy forever in the world of English  
8 Luminous 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
An early rain…… 
Bright sun takes a break, 
Availing darkness to wreathe the earth, 
Awakes the thunder, shedding its slumber 
Dark clouds promptly stretches its hair loose…… 
Losing its hold there came the drops 
Countless are those colorless globes, 
Like the pearls lost its hold with the thread, 
Drenching the earth in its nook and corners….. 
Saw my little sister, with wide open eyes 
Holding tight against the door frame 
Yes, peeping with an eye while hiding the other, 
Aiming at those torrent drops to behold…… 
Turning around, sees me, my little sister, 
With a veil of shy and love hidden,  
Sprints towards me holding my hands in haste,  
Dragging me out, wanting to embrace those drops of cool shower……. 
Holding her close I got into the rain 
Feeling myself aloft and drenched, 
Lost in her deluge of innocent love,  
Shattered all my fetters of solitude and sadness……….. 
There heard a tumultuous thunder,  
Waking from my world of dreams, 
Only to know……..sun still bright out there 
For a warm drop escaped my eyes…..drenching me again 
Only for my sister………..who loved the rain….. 
Jermina  Joseph K 
9 LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
The search still continues…… 
We search for truth, 
                In the world of lies. 
We search for the best, 
In the world of worst 
We search for beauty, 
In the world of duty 
We search for the light, 
In the world of darkness 
The search for a thing continues…. 
Because in this world, there is  
Nothing called PERFECT!!!! 
Divya. A.S. 
10LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
A womb for rent 
In that rented womb  
I was born. 
But,  I yet not cry … 
Once, from where? 
I got a mother  
In a bit of papers  
Which is someone's 
Why I became a  
Motherless child? 
I don't ask it  
To my father. 
I don't search it  
In the unscented world. 
In the lap of  
My garden  
-blooms the drop  
Of tears, of mine- 
Thus the servant aunt 
Begins to say…… 
Hello…wrong number! 
I took the autograph  
From the heap of my 
Old books- 
After thirteen years. 
When I go through it 
A drop of tear in 
On the tip of my  
Yes. It's 'she'! 
Can I forget her, still? 
No' never, never…….. 
The ripened youth's 
Scratched words! 
Heart rings with 
 Great tune, which  
I never heard. 
There in her phone number 
Which I by heart on 
Fourteen years before 
I call to that number 
With extreme fear and tension. 
A deep silence and then 'cut'. 
I feel irritation 
When I repeat it again and again. 
 There is a great smile 
On the face of my phone! 
 At the next moment 
Hello I am yours…. 
The some less tongue of mine... 
Hello … hello… 
WRONG Number! 
11LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Alphabets of success 
Attend carefully to the details of your success. 
Be prompt in all things. 
Consider well, then decide accordingly. 
Dare to do the right. 
Endure trials patiently. 
Fights life's battle bravely. 
Go not into the black hole of viciousness. 
Hold integrally sacred. 
Injure not others reputation and business. 
Judge not that thou be judged. 
Keep your mind away from evil thoughts. 
Lie not for any reason. 
Make more friends. 
Never try to imitate whom you have met. 
Observe good manners. 
Pay your debts promptly. 
Question not the veracity of a friend. 
Respect the country of elders. 
Sacrifice money rather than your prestige. 
Touch not, take not, handle not intoxicants. 
Use your time wisely. 
Venture not upon the threshold of wrong. 
Watch over your passions. 
Xtend to everyone a kindly solution. 
Yield not to discouragement. 
Zealously labour for the right. 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
A Grand world of Authors 
        The most shivering author  'Shake'speare 
 The quickest author  Jonathan 'Swift' 
 The most childish author  Tolos'toy' 
 The richest author  'Gold'smith 
 The heaviest author  Mil'ton' 
 The most holy author  Pope 
 The tallest author  'Long'fellow 
 The most colourful author ' Browning' 
 The sportsman poet  'Tennis'on 
 The costly author ' Pearl' S Buck 
 The most talkative author  'Chatter' ton 
 The most cheerful author  Samuel 'Smiles' 
 The most fiery author  'Burns' 
 The meekest author  -  Charles 'Lamp' 
 The cruelest author  'Woolfie' 
 The most obedient author  'Samuel Butler' 
 The most barbarous poet  Water 'Savage' Landor 
 The most truthful author  'Words Worth' 
 The Watery author  Robert 'Brooke' 
 The most thirsty poet - John 'Dry'den 
 The most romantic  'Love'dace 
 The poet who is always at sea  'Shell'ey 
 The most healthy author  Thomas 'Hardy' 
 The author who defeated Porus  - 'Alexander' Dumen 
 The author who hardly acts like a dog  'Hardly' chase 
 The farmer author  Nick 'Carter' 
 The author who is the Christian for namesake  Agatha 'Christie' 
 The coldest author  Robert Frost. 
13 Luminous 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
The  practice  of  employing  young  children,  a  
shameful  blot  n  civilized  human  society  is  still  being  
followed  in  many  parts  of  the  world.  In  our  country,  for  
example, I spite of the framing of laws meant to protect the  
rights of children working for long hours under the blazing  
sun in agricultural fields, in dark and airless mines and in the  
midst of explosive fireworks. The government has indeed  
tried hard to prevent the exploitation of children by making  
education free and compulsory up to the age of fourteen and  
by introducing the mid-day meal program in school all over  
the  country.  But  children  continue  to  be  made  to  work  
mainly because of the poverty and illiteracy of their parents  
and the low wages that they need to be paid. A permanent  
solution to the problem can be found only by getting more  
people involved in the fight against child labour, by making  
the laws more effective and by educating parents about the  
rights of their children. 
14LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
We present before you a small skit the son from America  
(A small hut, consists of one room. A couple in their eighties seated in the hut) 
Narrator: The village of Lentshin is tiny. It is surrounded by little huts, and  
between the huts there were fields. Berl and Berlcha, the old couples lived in a  
little hut in this tiny village. 
Berlcha- Have a cup of tea 
Berl : Yea 
Berlcha: No news about Samuel. 
Berl: Forty years ago he went to America. After that he never thought about us. 
Berlcha: All people say he become a millionaire there. 
Berl: Millionaire? For Whom? For What? 
Berlcha: He is our only son. He will come back. I'm sure. 
Berl: To see our dead body? 
Berlcha: See, he didn't forget us. Every month he sends us letter land money  
Berl: I don't want his money. I want him, my son, my son. 
Berlcha: I wanted to read the letter. But who will help us? It is in English. 
Berl: English! I never opened the letter or counted the money. What for? We  
have our garden, cows and goat, chickens and their eggs that is enough for us. 
(They hear the bellowing of the cows. O! I forget to feed the cows, let me go. 
Berlcha: I have work in the kitchen, have to bake bread. 
Narrator: The people of Lentshin are very happy and contented. They led a  
very simple life unaware of the changes taking place in the cities. Meanwhile  
Samuel their only son got married and settled in America. He had now sons and  
daughters and grandchildren too. 
(The hut of Berl and Berlcha)  
Berl: toady is Sabbath day. I have to go to the Synagogue. 
Berlcha: Wait. I am kneading the dough. Bread will be ready now. Can you get  
me some wood? 
(Berl goes to fetch the firewood. The door opens and a noble man enters, a  
coachman follows him carrying two leather suitcases) 
Sindya. J. 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Man: what is the pay? 
Coachman: A silver rouble 
Man: Here it is, you can go now. 
Coachman; thank you 
Berlcha: I can hear some whispering. Who is that? 
Man: mother it's me your son, Samuel sam. 
(Berlcha hears the words. Her legs gre numb. Her hands lost their power. The man hugs her,  
kisses her forehead and cheeks) 
Berlcha: my son, my son. 
(Berl comes in with the wood) 
Berl: what is this? 
Man: (He lets of Berlcha and embraces Berl) my father. 
Berl: are you Samuel/ 
Man: Yes father, I'm Samuel. 
Berl: (He grasps his son's hand) well peace be with you. Why didn't you le us know that you  
are coming? 
Man: Didn't you receive any cable? 
Berl: I don't know what a cable is? 
Berlcha: I never thought I could live to see this. Now I am happy to die. 
Berl :( so happy) Berlcha, you will have to make a double Sabbath pudding in addition to the  
Berlcha: (began to cry out of happiness) Its Friday! I have to prepare for the Sabbath. 
Man: mother, I'll help you. 
Berlcha: no my son 
Man: Mother, I was a baker for many years in New York (begins to knead the dough) 
(Neighbours hear the news and visit the house. Berl and Samuel go to the synagogue) 
Man: (on the way back home). Nothing has changed here. Father what did you do with all the  
money I sent you? 
Berl: its here 
Man: why didn't you put it in a bank? 
Berl: there is no bank in lentshin. 
Man: where do you keep it? 
They enter the hut. 
Berlcha: oh. You are back. 
Man: mum where do you keep the money? 
Berlcha: I don't know. Your father knows. 
Berl: I'll show you son. Come with me. 
(He crouches beside the bed and pulls out a boot, its top stuffed with straw) Sam its here. 
Man: here father this is a treasure. Well why didn't you spend it? 
Berl: on what we have everything. 
Man: why didn't you travel somewhere? 
Berlcha: where to? This is our house. 
Man: if thieves know about it? 
Berl; there are no thieves in Lentshin. 
Man: what will you do with it?  
Berl and Berlcha: you take it. 
Man: tell to himself .I came here with big plans, but nothing works here. This village needs  
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Who has given us life? No human being, I think. So I  
believe no man can take away the life of another even if he has  
done something very cruel. 
All  criminals  should  be  punished.  Punishments  are  
intended to change the character of the criminal. Then if the  
capital punishment or death penalty is given, we can change  
him to a good human being. Some argue that assuming death  
penalty is a lesson to all criminals. If it is stopped the number of  
crimes  will  increase.  But  we  know  that  even  capital  
punishment is in progress there is no decrease in the number of  
crimes. I think it is not proper to practice the system of capital  
punishment. It is unjust and inhuman.  
Shindu Sivan 
18LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
To right 
      1. Our capital city. 
      4.   The old name of Odisha 
       6.   Kohima is the capital of. 
To downwards 
      2. Chandigarh is not only the capital of  
Punjab but also the capital of 
3. The smallest Indian state 
5      Dispur is the capital of 
  Deepthi Rani. H. S.  
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
For years, I've been waiting for you 
For times, I'm waiting for you 
When will you come, oh my dear? 
When you come with my soul 
     When you are with me, 
My sadness will become happiness 
My smiles will become laugh 
My life becomes a celebration 
Now I'm alone in this world  
Now I remember all the sweet memories. 
Once we met together then… 
We fell into deep friendship  
But time parted us apart 
You are always in my heart… 
Like the rain's harmonious music is our friendship 
In that harmonious music and the changeable rainbow 
I wish our friendship never fade….. 
Dedicating to all those, whose keep friendship as a precious gift…. 
 Viji. V.S. 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
I  Eye 
See  Sea 
Where  Were 
Hare  Hair 
Tail  Tale 
Not  Knot 
Pray  Prey 
Ice cream  I scream 
Mail  Male 
Anjana. S. V 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” rote the  
English  poet  Alexander  Pope  in  one  of  his  poems.  
Knowledge is a blessing only when it is exact and thorough.  
Partial knowledge does more harm than good. It leads to  
confused thinking. It gives one a wrong idea of things. It  
may even make a person arrogant or vainglorious. In this  
sense,  a  little  knowledge  is  a  dangerous  thing.  Whatever  
subject one studies, one must aim at complete knowledge in  
it. Similarly, one must aim at a full understanding of life and  
the world. Great men are those who have achieved this aim  
in life. Plato and Aristotle, Tolstoy and Gandhi were men of  
perfect knowledge. True knowledge can be achieved only  
through sincere effort. True knowledge brings power, but a  
little knowledge brings danger. 
Devi G. Priya 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
The most powerful nine letter word 
 KNOWLEDGE (acquire it) 
The most enviable eight letter word 
 JEALOUSY (distance it) 
The hardest working seven letter word 
SUCCESS (achieve it) 
The fastest spreading six letter 
RUMOUR (ignore it) 
The most pleasing five letter word. 
SMILE (keep it) 
The most used four letter word 
LOVE (value it) 
The most poisonous three letter word 
EGO (Kill it) 
The most satisfying two letter word 
WE (use it) 
The most selfish one letter word 
I (avoid it) 
Joby Joyson 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Move Ahead ! 
Move ahead my dear friend,  
Through paths that bend and unbend. 
Where the surface beds thorns and stones. 
Filling your journey with moans. 
Call it the edifice of bravery, 
Your remonstrance against slavery. 
The mind: an irrefutable  shield, 
Courage stems from this seed. 
Jisha S. 
23LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
In our modern world most of the people are in the black hands of  
frustration.    Everyone  think  that  'why  do  we  live'?   All  their  past  bitter  
experiences make them a perfect pessimist. But some of the peop-le can  
enjoy the modernity of the world.  Eventhough most of the people think that  
we are useless and we can't live perfectly in the passing fancy of the world.   
These  people  can't  face  the  world  courageously.    They  should  create  a  
courageous mind, then only they can face any situation if it is good or bad.   
So be positive always. 
Some people think that they are worthless to their home, to their  
society,  to  their  friends.  Some  are  confined  to  himself  and  his  own  
surroundings.  They always create a gloomy world around them and live in  
alone.  They never break the shell and come forward.  They always worry  
about their present , future.   They even loss their faith in God.   All these  
thoughts are the contribution of narrow minded persons.   These negative  
thoughts will find an eternal solution- suicide.  Thus they find eternal solace   
but it is not a good thing.  Some of them spoil their life by the use of drugs and  
alcohol.   This is the pitiable plight in the modern world. All these are the  
causes of some worthless thoughts.   Our future generation are grow in the    
midst of these cruel situations. It can make the world and its contributions  
useless and worthless. 
We can wholely altered these situations by developing positive mind.   
Every person should have the habit of positive attitude. With the help of  
positive attitude we can face any situation very courageously. So we should  
have a positive mind, positive habit, positive attitude through these qualities  
we can built a positive  happy life.  If a person is optimistic he can conquer  
every field of the world.  All will power is depend upon the strength of the  
mind.   A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. Such a man has not  
unlimited strength. 
We should firmly believe in God. God gives us strength to act as  
purposefully.  We should always keep a strong mind.  This is the quality of  
mind that given individuality to an individual and makes him feel he attains  
that he desires. 
Everyone should acquire the positive attitude to everything in the  
world.   With  this  simple  attitude  a  person  can  reach  in  to  acme    of  his  
perfection.  So bowarel be positive always. 
24LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
These  days  we  heard  reaching  habits  are  not  so  well.    Reading  
habits are dies on these days.  The accurate numbers could not be get on this  
matter.   Altogether we say that other kind of entertainments are the main  
reason for this Phenomena .  The modern technology provide a large amount  
of entertainment for the mass so they are not interested in books. 
Now a days we can  saw that the powerful affect of Television.  Our  
youth attracted with the television programs like Cinema, Comedy shows,  
Tele- serials, Dance programs, Reality shows etc.   All these Cinema had a  
huge amount of attractiveness among the people.  In every corner we can saw  
the fans associations and there programs.  So the area is also commercialized  
among the people.  The value of art and actors/ actress is so low in these days. 
Now  we  remembrance  the  people  who  interest  in  reading.    
Newspapers  Reading  is  most  common  in  keratins    (Malayalam  News  
Papers).  But most of them read other languages too.  Some of them had the  
habit that they read some of the headings, some of the just look at it that's all.   
Some of the read weeklies, story books etc.  Most of them interest in reading  
story books serious reading is very rarely seen through people.   Some of  
them read science and technology related books, Economy related books,  
ornaments  related  books,  vegetable  farming  etc.   According  to  the  taste  
people the books are also dependable.  The most memorable book among the  
people is Davinjee code'. 
Most of the people buy books.   If they buy book then they choose  
only good quality books.  It's because they want good content oriented and  
good message oriented books.  Most of the books provide a good amount of  
knowledge to the people.  According to the modern trend they choose only  
knowledge providing books.  It is a welcoming attitude of the  people. 
WE must try to generate a new trend among the new generation for  
the world of books.  We must encourage them reading new types of books.   
Some of had the habbit of taking notes what they read.  That is a good thing.   
Teachers must try to bring the children in the world of books.A vigourous  
kind of reading leads the pupils to a new thinking. If we read different kinds  
of books then only we will get knowledge.We must encourage children to go  
and see the book shops , library,and buy books.Only by reading good books  
we become true human being. 
Subha Boss 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Devina Pradeep 
Tips to succeed  
in your career 
Because the world has become so competitive, you will have to do your best to secure  
your share of success. The following are tips to get you ahead in your career. 
Priorities and goals 
What are your priorities of the day? Make a list and of your  
Priorities and plan your day.  The tasks of the day must be outlined with the most important and  
urgent ones on top. 
Likewise determine your short-term and long-term goals and evaluate your progress  
Be focused 
Are you really present physically and mentally.  Try to block  
out all distractions so that you have the time to truly focus on your tasks and career. 
 Broaden your skills 
Nothing remains the same and so do job requirements, update  
your  knowledge  and  skills.    Seek  improvement  of  your  know-hows.    Attend  seminars,  
conferences, read books, be an eternal learner. 
Be ready to participate in social functions.  Be open to new  
acquaintances.  Meet new people and eal with them respectfully and enthusiastically.  Be an  
active listener; you will surely learn something new…… 
Know your merits. 
Know your strengths and weaknesses.  If you think you  
deserve a position or promotion, claim it. 
Accept challenge 
Through challenge you will reach  areas of your personality 
 you have never discovered before.   It is good idea to step away from your comfort zone to  
explore new horizons.  If you settle into a routine and play it safe all the time, you will never  
get ahead in your career.   'if you always do what you've always done, you'll only get what  
you've already got'. 
Learn to communicate effeftively.  Listen to what others are  
saying and focus on how to give and receive constructive feedback, to persuade effectively  
and to ask for help and collect information. 
Avoid gossip 
Avoid office gossip about colleagues and the boss.  Be  
respectful and work for the good of the company  
Relax and do something different, a hobby that you love  
doing.  Take time off for yourself.  This will help boost your productivity during week days. 
Seek satisfaction 
If you are  disappointed with what you are doing, try to  
transform it into something you love.   If you fail, it might be a good idea to do something  
different.  As Confucius said: 'Choose a job  you love, and you will never have to work a day in  
your life'. 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
New Dreams and Oaths for the New year 
The birds breakout into songs in each new down. When  
a new baby is born into a family, its members rejoice.  The very  
sight of a new flower brings happiness to us all.  We feel happy  
when  we  get  new  friends.      We  also  rejoice  when  we  are  
promoted to a new class. 
Anything new is a cause of excitement to us. New things  
provide us happiness and hope.  Therefore it is only natural that  
people all over the world eagerly prepare to welcome the new  
Let us gave a hearty welcome to this new year, for it  
gives us new dreams, new hopes, new ambitions and new aims.   
How should we celebrate the new year? It is a pity that a few  
people get drunk in thye very night when the new year is born.   
He is indeed a fool that gets drunk when he should have been  
actually dreaming great dreams. 
Let  us  welcome  the  birth  of  this  new  year  with  the  
prayerful mind.  How beautiful this world is ! It is a wonderful  
place  for  thos4  who  are  capable  of  making  use  of  their  
opportunities. Let us thank God for the opportunity that we got  
to live in this world and welcome this newyear.  Let us make an  
oath that we will live as better human beings and lead a better  
life.  Let us be satisfied with our best efforts for the fulfillment  
of our aims. 
If you can do these, there is no doubt that you will grow a  
lot within this one year.  New year greetings to everyone of you  
Gayathri Gopal 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Love your Enemies 
Are there some people you do not like?  Ask yourself, why?  
Have they been rude to you ?  Have  you had a fight with them? Have  
they  done something feelings which make you feel uncomfortable and  
it is important to get rid of them.  So how does one remove these bad  
feelings from within oneself. 
By seeing the enemy as a human being like yourself you can  
avoid bad feelings.  The greatest service is to help someone whom you  
do not like or even know and to help him if he was your family member  
or your  friend .  It is  a greater deed to offer peace to someone whom  
you  do  not  like  than  to  someone  you  like  most.    You  will  feel  
completely peaceful and wonderful after malang peace. 
Today,  the  world  is  filled  with  hatred  and  violence.    Many  
nations are at war with one another.  Many people suffer or die due to   
this violence has also spread to our every day lives and there is a lot of  
ill- feeling among  people.  Children are the next generation of hope.   
So  it  is  important  for  the  children  to  understand  and  follow  the  
principles of peace and harmony. 
28 Luminous 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
I define  
“The only consistant friend in life from birth, who keeps  
his promise.”  
“The magic and miracle in life” 
“Wonder of life”. 
“Those known or unknown, loveable or not, distant or  
close, who stands by you when you are really in Need”. 
“The weakness of man which others try to exploit.” 
Athira M. S. 
Three things worth remembering 
        3 things to be respected are Mother, Father and Teacher. 
 3 things to be taken care of are Health, Wealth and Wisdom. 
 3 things never to be forgotten are Borrowing, Duty and  
 3 things to be kept under control are Greed, Sense and  
 3 things to avoid for happiness are Anger, hatred and Jealousy. 
 3 things to avoid are Bad Company, Selfishness and Hypocrisy. 
 3 things to the path of prosperity are God, Education and Hard  
 3 things who do not wait are Time, Death and Customers. 
 3 things of maturity are Forgive, Forget and Befriend. 
 3 things that do not come back after it is sent are arrow from  
Bow, Word from Tongue and Life form Body. 
 3 things to avoid are Wrong eating, Wrong living and Wrong  
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Pompey was a town which was build during 6th Century B.C.   It  
was situated at the valley of Vesueus Volcano towards the South East of  
Italy.   During A.D 79 this Volcano erupted and Pompey was destroyed  
After    17  centuries  archeologists  conducted  excavations  there.    
Between the rains they found the skeleton of a Roman warrior in his duty  
dress.   According to researchers this warrior must be in his duty, at the  
corridor of the town, during the volcanic eruption.  According to Romans  
the guards are not allowed to move from the corridor unless another one  
comes and take the charge or the superior one commands so.  At the time of  
volcanic eruption all the  inhabitants flooded away from there with their  
lives.   But he remained there without any movement.   Because unless  
another one comes on the superior orders he was not allowed to move from  
Refusing to quit from his duty and refusing to alter his Oath, he  
remained  still  facing  the  burning  lava  and  embodied  himself  in  it.  
Sometimes we might not be able to accept his act and might consider him a  
fool.  But his sincerity and his dedication in performing his duty must be  
appreciated.  He was ready to fulfill his responsibility at the cost of his life  
can be abstain ourselves from praising him? 
We too have so many responsibilities in our life.  We also know that  
we should be sincere in performing our duties.  But generally we try to slip  
away  from  our  responsibilities.    It  possible  we  also  try  to  put  these  
responsibilities to others.   It might not be easy to fulfill our duties and  
responsibilities.  We might have to face many obstacles in our path.  How  
much difficulties we face,  that much power we should earn.  If we could  
do so, then we will be successful in our lives.  May the warrior of Pompey  
be  a  source  of  inspiration  for  us  in  performing  our  duties  and  
responsibilities more sincerely. 
Carmia .B 
Like The Warrior of Pompey 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Who is my friend.....? 
Friendship is one of those parts of life that we at times take for    
grated. It rolls off of our tongues as if we expect it to be present in all areas of  
our lives.  I hear “our friendship is forever” or “friends always is a common  
thread that runs through our lives.  But in reality how many true friendship  
do you have?  Think for a moment and list those you feel are true friends and  
those with which you have a close relationship.  Are they true friends?   Is  
their  friendship  from  the  heart?    How  many  people  do  you  truly  see  as  
Friendship is a gift that two people give to each other.   It is not an  
expected result of meeting but a true and unanticipated gift of enormous  
potential.   True  friends  form  a  special  connection  that  will  weather  any  
storm.   True friends understand being human and give the other room to  
grow.  True friends are there even when they are not expected to be preset.   
True friends know and cherish each other's gift. 
Friendship is a path of un relating compassion.  It is a view of life that  
encompasses not just your life but the life of the other.  It is a special bond  
that is created out of genuine affection and is gives freely to those who have  
shown  their  truth.    It  gives  without  the  thought  of  reward  but  with  the  
essence of the heart which longs for this special connection. 
Friendship is a blessing and a friend is the channel through whom  
great  emotional  spiritual  and  sometimes  even  physical  blessings  flow.    
Friends will cheer as when we were sorrowful or depressed.   Friends will  
challenge as to attain our original limits with encouragement when we allow  
ourselves  not  to  go  beyond  our  reasonable  boundaries.    Friends  will  
motivate us when we are ready to give in and they can provide for us when  
life falls a pact.   Friends are there when all is well, and we want someone  
with whom to share life's pleasant  and memorable moments.  We often just  
want them around, to have a good time to laugh to act silly, to enjoy some  
mutually liked activity in how many ways have friends enriched our lives  
and made as feel loved, accepted, respected and cared for probably, too  
many to list and list grows daily. 
When you are in college or studies you ask doubts in the subjects not  
to the Professor but to a friend.  Friends never say no to anything.  They will  
try to help us and try to solve the doubts.  When you play, a friend is the first  
person to cheer you when you do a record,  Friend will be the first to treat us  
without any jealous mind.  Friends consider the record of yours as theirs and  
they feel happy by telling about the record to others.  In life we share most of  
the time with our friends.  We can't share some topics with our parents but we  
can share any topic with a good friend.  But still I am asking a question to my  
soul “Who is my true friend”? 
Vipin Chandran C. A. 
Luminous 2014
New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option 
Bindhuja Mohan 
Friendship is a Heaven 
The celebrations, we had 
Made our hearts feel like heaven 
The time we spend together 
Showed us the meaning of life. 
Our life is very beautiful 
When life turned dull for me 
My friends give happiness 
And fun for me all time. 
31Luminous 2014
Luminous 2014

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Luminous 2014

  • 1. UO S N 2 I 0 M 1 U L English Optional 4 New B.Ed. College, Nellimoodu
  • 2. NEW B.Ed. COLLEGE, NELLIMOODU MESSAGE S. SHADANANAN NAIR Principal I have great pleasure to know that the English Optional students are bringing out a magazine “Luminous” for the year 2013-2014. Bringing out a magazine is not an easy task but It is a venture of the combined efforts of many. “Ambition, Planning, Hard work, and Courage are the key for success. Let the minds be cheerful but calm. Never let it ruin in to excess, because every excess will be followed by a reaction.” I wish every success to
  • 3. MMEESSSSAAGGEE Mrs. Sree Rengini Class teacher It's my proud privilege to pen down the message for Luminous-2014,the class magazine of English Optional Students .Its a platform to express their c r e a t i v e p u r s u i t s . H e a r t y congratulations to chief editor Jermina Joseph and sub-editors Divya A S ,Sindya J,Vipin Chandran C A ,and Joby Joyson for their efforts to put in print Luminous-2014 in this excellent way.
  • 4. MESSAGE Vipin Chandran C. A. Class Representative I am happy to congratulate well who worked before and behind the curtains to bring out this digital magazine for the academic year 2013-2014. It goes without saying that our ENGLISH department has been upholding a tradition of excellent educational/cultural standards. I hope that this tradition will get reflected in our magazine, which would bring to high talents of the student teachers. Wishing you all success.
  • 5. EDITORIAL Jermina Joseph K Individually we are but a Drop……… But together we are an Ocean……… Such is my firm belief at New BEd College Nellimoodu, in a short span of ten months. We have been able to transform to a great extend this belief in to a reality. Team work is the strength of our class. Through sincere, dedicated and committed efforts we have proved that the hardest of the task can be accomplished easily with team work. This magazine, of “LUMINOUS” shows the talents, creativity and energies of young and vibrant minds…Adopting and responding to the ever vulnerable situations and finally sailing through, was one of the noticeable experiences in the process of compiling this magazine. At every single step we learnt to work as members of a big crew and were able to participate and contribute our share to make it possible to record it in black and white. I am profoundly grateful to our class teacher Mrs. Sreerenjini for her loving support and persistent guidance.I am also grateful to our respected Pincipal for his kindness and generous help. I owe my token of gratitude drenched with love and prayers to the Almighty. Aspiring for a successful journey ahead…. Let Our Light Shine!!!!!
  • 6. EDITTORIAL BOARD Jermina Joseph K. Editor Divya A. S. Sub Editor Sindya J. Sub Editor Vipin Chandran C. A. Sub Editor Joby Joyson Sub Editor
  • 7. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu Once there was a Professor. He thought he knows everything. He worked in the field of astronmony. One day he went to a pond. He saw a ferryman. The ferryman was very poor. The Professor arrived at him and got into the ferryboat. There were no other passengers. The ferryman started to row. The Professor asked him : “ are you educated ? ”. Ferryman replied he was uneducated. Then the professor asked him “ how many stars are there in the galaxy? “. Ferryman told “ No sir. I dont even know what a galaxy was. Professor said “ what a pity”. After a while when the boat was in midstream, ferryman suddenly asked “ Sir, do you to swim? “ Professor replied “ no”. Ferryman said “ Then you know nothing . Look “ ! He pointed upstream. In a minute the boat was over turned and the professor and the ferryman were thrown intho the water. Later an expert swimmer tried to save the professor but in vain . The professor was swept away and only the ferryman was able to reach the shore much buffeted but alive. MORAL : Never think you know everything. 6 Luminous English Option PROFESSOR AND FERRYMAN Aswathy Rajan Luminous 2014
  • 8. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option JUST FOR LAUGH Boy : Why did Bapu have no hairs? Teacher : Beacause of his intelligence. Boy : Oh ! Now get why girls have long hairs. Mom : Why did you hit Sonal with the chair? Sonu : Beacause i could not lift the table. Tina : Why dont you pray before you eat? Meera : I dont need to. My mother is a good cook. Smitha : Pinky, where and when you were born? Pinky : I was born in a hospital on my birthday. Nimya : I want to be a giraffe in my next life. Rejitha : A giraffe? Why? Nimya : So nobody can slap me. Teacher : If you have 25 cups of ice cream and you have it equally five people, what will each one get? Remya : A bad throat. Passenger : Does this bus run on time? Conductor : No. It runs on wheels. Teacher : Why does your book looks so old? Raju : This is my history book, sir. Teacher : Today school will be for half day till lunch time, children. Children : Yipeee Teacher : And then , after lunch we will have the other half day. Manu : If I take a short cut through your filed, will i be able to catch the 3:15 train at the railway station? Venu : Ofcourse, you will and if my bull sees you, you will reach there an hour earlier. Priya Sree 7 Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 9. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option GRAMMAR FAMILY There is a happy family in the field of grammar. A man named 'noun' and his wife 'verb' live in the house of grammar. They have two sons and one daughter. The eldest son plays the role of his father when he is absent. So the people called him 'pronoun'. The younger son 'adjective' is a poet, he often describes his father where as his sister 'adverb' often talk about her mother and describes her. There is a servant; they called him as 'interjection'. He does many things that amuse people. Noun has a brother-in-law named 'preposition'. He often helps him by showing the nouns position in life. 'Conjunction' is a dear friend of the family and often helps to be together. The family lives happy forever in the world of English 8 Luminous Annapoorna Luminous 2014
  • 10. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option An early rain…… Bright sun takes a break, Availing darkness to wreathe the earth, Awakes the thunder, shedding its slumber Dark clouds promptly stretches its hair loose…… Losing its hold there came the drops Countless are those colorless globes, Like the pearls lost its hold with the thread, Drenching the earth in its nook and corners….. Saw my little sister, with wide open eyes Holding tight against the door frame Yes, peeping with an eye while hiding the other, Aiming at those torrent drops to behold…… Turning around, sees me, my little sister, With a veil of shy and love hidden, Sprints towards me holding my hands in haste, Dragging me out, wanting to embrace those drops of cool shower……. Holding her close I got into the rain Feeling myself aloft and drenched, Lost in her deluge of innocent love, Shattered all my fetters of solitude and sadness……….. There heard a tumultuous thunder, Waking from my world of dreams, Only to know……..sun still bright out there For a warm drop escaped my eyes…..drenching me again Only for my sister………..who loved the rain….. Jermina Joseph K 9 LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
  • 11. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option The search still continues…… We search for truth, In the world of lies. We search for the best, In the world of worst We search for beauty, In the world of duty We search for the light, In the world of darkness The search for a thing continues…. Because in this world, there is Nothing called PERFECT!!!! Divya. A.S. 10LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
  • 12. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option A womb for rent In that rented womb I was born. But, I yet not cry … Once, from where? I got a mother In a bit of papers Which is someone's Imagination! Why I became a Motherless child? I don't ask it To my father. I don't search it In the unscented world. In the lap of My garden -blooms the drop Of tears, of mine- Thus the servant aunt Begins to say…… Hello…wrong number! I took the autograph From the heap of my Old books- After thirteen years. When I go through it A drop of tear in Seleemeekha.X.L. On the tip of my Eyelashes…….. Yes. It's 'she'! Can I forget her, still? No' never, never…….. The ripened youth's Scratched words! Heart rings with Great tune, which I never heard. There in her phone number Which I by heart on Fourteen years before I call to that number With extreme fear and tension. A deep silence and then 'cut'. I feel irritation When I repeat it again and again. There is a great smile On the face of my phone! At the next moment There- Hello I am yours…. The some less tongue of mine... Hello … hello… WRONG Number! 11LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
  • 13. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Alphabets of success Attend carefully to the details of your success. Be prompt in all things. Consider well, then decide accordingly. Dare to do the right. Endure trials patiently. Fights life's battle bravely. Go not into the black hole of viciousness. Hold integrally sacred. Injure not others reputation and business. Judge not that thou be judged. Keep your mind away from evil thoughts. Lie not for any reason. Make more friends. Never try to imitate whom you have met. Observe good manners. Pay your debts promptly. Question not the veracity of a friend. Respect the country of elders. Sacrifice money rather than your prestige. Touch not, take not, handle not intoxicants. Use your time wisely. Venture not upon the threshold of wrong. Watch over your passions. Xtend to everyone a kindly solution. Yield not to discouragement. Zealously labour for the right. “SUCCESS IS CERTAIN” 12Luminous Rijithapal Luminous 2014
  • 14. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option A Grand world of Authors  The most shivering author 'Shake'speare  The quickest author Jonathan 'Swift'  The most childish author Tolos'toy'  The richest author 'Gold'smith  The heaviest author Mil'ton'  The most holy author Pope  The tallest author 'Long'fellow  The most colourful author ' Browning'  The sportsman poet 'Tennis'on  The costly author ' Pearl' S Buck  The most talkative author 'Chatter' ton  The most cheerful author Samuel 'Smiles'  The most fiery author 'Burns'  The meekest author - Charles 'Lamp'  The cruelest author 'Woolfie'  The most obedient author 'Samuel Butler'  The most barbarous poet Water 'Savage' Landor  The most truthful author 'Words Worth'  The Watery author Robert 'Brooke'  The most thirsty poet - John 'Dry'den  The most romantic 'Love'dace  The poet who is always at sea 'Shell'ey  The most healthy author Thomas 'Hardy'  The author who defeated Porus - 'Alexander' Dumen  The author who hardly acts like a dog 'Hardly' chase  The farmer author Nick 'Carter'  The author who is the Christian for namesake Agatha 'Christie'  The coldest author Robert Frost. 13 Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 15. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option CHILD LABOUR The practice of employing young children, a shameful blot n civilized human society is still being followed in many parts of the world. In our country, for example, I spite of the framing of laws meant to protect the rights of children working for long hours under the blazing sun in agricultural fields, in dark and airless mines and in the midst of explosive fireworks. The government has indeed tried hard to prevent the exploitation of children by making education free and compulsory up to the age of fourteen and by introducing the mid-day meal program in school all over the country. But children continue to be made to work mainly because of the poverty and illiteracy of their parents and the low wages that they need to be paid. A permanent solution to the problem can be found only by getting more people involved in the fight against child labour, by making the laws more effective and by educating parents about the rights of their children. Tintu.A.S. 14LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
  • 16. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option We present before you a small skit the son from America (A small hut, consists of one room. A couple in their eighties seated in the hut) Narrator: The village of Lentshin is tiny. It is surrounded by little huts, and between the huts there were fields. Berl and Berlcha, the old couples lived in a little hut in this tiny village. Berlcha- Have a cup of tea Berl : Yea Berlcha: No news about Samuel. Berl: Forty years ago he went to America. After that he never thought about us. Berlcha: All people say he become a millionaire there. Berl: Millionaire? For Whom? For What? Berlcha: He is our only son. He will come back. I'm sure. Berl: To see our dead body? Berlcha: See, he didn't forget us. Every month he sends us letter land money order. Berl: I don't want his money. I want him, my son, my son. Berlcha: I wanted to read the letter. But who will help us? It is in English. Berl: English! I never opened the letter or counted the money. What for? We have our garden, cows and goat, chickens and their eggs that is enough for us. (They hear the bellowing of the cows. O! I forget to feed the cows, let me go. Berlcha: I have work in the kitchen, have to bake bread. Narrator: The people of Lentshin are very happy and contented. They led a very simple life unaware of the changes taking place in the cities. Meanwhile Samuel their only son got married and settled in America. He had now sons and daughters and grandchildren too. (The hut of Berl and Berlcha) Berl: toady is Sabbath day. I have to go to the Synagogue. Berlcha: Wait. I am kneading the dough. Bread will be ready now. Can you get me some wood? (Berl goes to fetch the firewood. The door opens and a noble man enters, a coachman follows him carrying two leather suitcases) Sindya. J. 15Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 17. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Man: what is the pay? Coachman: A silver rouble Man: Here it is, you can go now. Coachman; thank you Berlcha: I can hear some whispering. Who is that? Man: mother it's me your son, Samuel sam. (Berlcha hears the words. Her legs gre numb. Her hands lost their power. The man hugs her, kisses her forehead and cheeks) Berlcha: my son, my son. (Berl comes in with the wood) Berl: what is this? Man: (He lets of Berlcha and embraces Berl) my father. Berl: are you Samuel/ Man: Yes father, I'm Samuel. Berl: (He grasps his son's hand) well peace be with you. Why didn't you le us know that you are coming? Man: Didn't you receive any cable? Berl: I don't know what a cable is? Berlcha: I never thought I could live to see this. Now I am happy to die. Berl :( so happy) Berlcha, you will have to make a double Sabbath pudding in addition to the stew. Berlcha: (began to cry out of happiness) Its Friday! I have to prepare for the Sabbath. Man: mother, I'll help you. Berlcha: no my son Man: Mother, I was a baker for many years in New York (begins to knead the dough) (Neighbours hear the news and visit the house. Berl and Samuel go to the synagogue) Man: (on the way back home). Nothing has changed here. Father what did you do with all the money I sent you? Berl: its here Man: why didn't you put it in a bank? Berl: there is no bank in lentshin. Man: where do you keep it? They enter the hut. Berlcha: oh. You are back. Man: mum where do you keep the money? Berlcha: I don't know. Your father knows. Berl: I'll show you son. Come with me. (He crouches beside the bed and pulls out a boot, its top stuffed with straw) Sam its here. Man: here father this is a treasure. Well why didn't you spend it? Berl: on what we have everything. Man: why didn't you travel somewhere? Berlcha: where to? This is our house. Man: if thieves know about it? Berl; there are no thieves in Lentshin. Man: what will you do with it? Berl and Berlcha: you take it. Man: tell to himself .I came here with big plans, but nothing works here. This village needs nothing. 16Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 18. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Friends, Who has given us life? No human being, I think. So I believe no man can take away the life of another even if he has done something very cruel. All criminals should be punished. Punishments are intended to change the character of the criminal. Then if the capital punishment or death penalty is given, we can change him to a good human being. Some argue that assuming death penalty is a lesson to all criminals. If it is stopped the number of crimes will increase. But we know that even capital punishment is in progress there is no decrease in the number of crimes. I think it is not proper to practice the system of capital punishment. It is unjust and inhuman. Shindu Sivan CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 18LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
  • 19. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option To right 1. Our capital city. 4. The old name of Odisha 6. Kohima is the capital of. To downwards 2. Chandigarh is not only the capital of Punjab but also the capital of 3. The smallest Indian state 5 Dispur is the capital of 18Luminous PUZZLE Deepthi Rani. H. S. Luminous 2014
  • 20. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option For years, I've been waiting for you For times, I'm waiting for you When will you come, oh my dear? When you come with my soul When you are with me, My sadness will become happiness My smiles will become laugh My life becomes a celebration Now I'm alone in this world Now I remember all the sweet memories. Once we met together then… We fell into deep friendship But time parted us apart You are always in my heart… Like the rain's harmonious music is our friendship In that harmonious music and the changeable rainbow I wish our friendship never fade….. Dedicating to all those, whose keep friendship as a precious gift…. 19Luminous Viji. V.S. F RI E NDS Luminous 2014
  • 21. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option HOMOPHONES I Eye See Sea Where Were Hare Hair Tail Tale Not Knot Pray Prey Ice cream I scream Mail Male Anjana. S. V 20Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 22. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing” rote the English poet Alexander Pope in one of his poems. Knowledge is a blessing only when it is exact and thorough. Partial knowledge does more harm than good. It leads to confused thinking. It gives one a wrong idea of things. It may even make a person arrogant or vainglorious. In this sense, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Whatever subject one studies, one must aim at complete knowledge in it. Similarly, one must aim at a full understanding of life and the world. Great men are those who have achieved this aim in life. Plato and Aristotle, Tolstoy and Gandhi were men of perfect knowledge. True knowledge can be achieved only through sincere effort. True knowledge brings power, but a little knowledge brings danger. Devi G. Priya 21Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 23. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option THE MOST.... The most powerful nine letter word KNOWLEDGE (acquire it) The most enviable eight letter word JEALOUSY (distance it) The hardest working seven letter word SUCCESS (achieve it) The fastest spreading six letter RUMOUR (ignore it) The most pleasing five letter word. SMILE (keep it) The most used four letter word LOVE (value it) The most poisonous three letter word EGO (Kill it) The most satisfying two letter word WE (use it) The most selfish one letter word I (avoid it) Joby Joyson 22Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 24. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Move Ahead ! Move ahead my dear friend, Through paths that bend and unbend. Where the surface beds thorns and stones. Filling your journey with moans. Call it the edifice of bravery, Your remonstrance against slavery. The mind: an irrefutable shield, Courage stems from this seed. Jisha S. 23LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
  • 25. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option In our modern world most of the people are in the black hands of frustration. Everyone think that 'why do we live'? All their past bitter experiences make them a perfect pessimist. But some of the peop-le can enjoy the modernity of the world. Eventhough most of the people think that we are useless and we can't live perfectly in the passing fancy of the world. These people can't face the world courageously. They should create a courageous mind, then only they can face any situation if it is good or bad. So be positive always. Some people think that they are worthless to their home, to their society, to their friends. Some are confined to himself and his own surroundings. They always create a gloomy world around them and live in alone. They never break the shell and come forward. They always worry about their present , future. They even loss their faith in God. All these thoughts are the contribution of narrow minded persons. These negative thoughts will find an eternal solution- suicide. Thus they find eternal solace but it is not a good thing. Some of them spoil their life by the use of drugs and alcohol. This is the pitiable plight in the modern world. All these are the causes of some worthless thoughts. Our future generation are grow in the midst of these cruel situations. It can make the world and its contributions useless and worthless. We can wholely altered these situations by developing positive mind. Every person should have the habit of positive attitude. With the help of positive attitude we can face any situation very courageously. So we should have a positive mind, positive habit, positive attitude through these qualities we can built a positive happy life. If a person is optimistic he can conquer every field of the world. All will power is depend upon the strength of the mind. A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. Such a man has not unlimited strength. We should firmly believe in God. God gives us strength to act as purposefully. We should always keep a strong mind. This is the quality of mind that given individuality to an individual and makes him feel he attains that he desires. Everyone should acquire the positive attitude to everything in the world. With this simple attitude a person can reach in to acme of his perfection. So bowarel be positive always. Reshma.S.R 24LLuummiinnoouuss 2014
  • 26. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option These days we heard reaching habits are not so well. Reading habits are dies on these days. The accurate numbers could not be get on this matter. Altogether we say that other kind of entertainments are the main reason for this Phenomena . The modern technology provide a large amount of entertainment for the mass so they are not interested in books. Now a days we can saw that the powerful affect of Television. Our youth attracted with the television programs like Cinema, Comedy shows, Tele- serials, Dance programs, Reality shows etc. All these Cinema had a huge amount of attractiveness among the people. In every corner we can saw the fans associations and there programs. So the area is also commercialized among the people. The value of art and actors/ actress is so low in these days. Now we remembrance the people who interest in reading. Newspapers Reading is most common in keratins (Malayalam News Papers). But most of them read other languages too. Some of them had the habit that they read some of the headings, some of the just look at it that's all. Some of the read weeklies, story books etc. Most of them interest in reading story books serious reading is very rarely seen through people. Some of them read science and technology related books, Economy related books, ornaments related books, vegetable farming etc. According to the taste people the books are also dependable. The most memorable book among the people is Davinjee code'. Most of the people buy books. If they buy book then they choose only good quality books. It's because they want good content oriented and good message oriented books. Most of the books provide a good amount of knowledge to the people. According to the modern trend they choose only knowledge providing books. It is a welcoming attitude of the people. WE must try to generate a new trend among the new generation for the world of books. We must encourage them reading new types of books. Some of had the habbit of taking notes what they read. That is a good thing. Teachers must try to bring the children in the world of books.A vigourous kind of reading leads the pupils to a new thinking. If we read different kinds of books then only we will get knowledge.We must encourage children to go and see the book shops , library,and buy books.Only by reading good books we become true human being. 25Luminous Subha Boss LIGHT FROM BOOKS Luminous 2014
  • 27. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Devina Pradeep Tips to succeed in your career Because the world has become so competitive, you will have to do your best to secure your share of success. The following are tips to get you ahead in your career. Priorities and goals What are your priorities of the day? Make a list and of your Priorities and plan your day. The tasks of the day must be outlined with the most important and urgent ones on top. Likewise determine your short-term and long-term goals and evaluate your progress frequently. Be focused Are you really present physically and mentally. Try to block out all distractions so that you have the time to truly focus on your tasks and career. Broaden your skills Nothing remains the same and so do job requirements, update your knowledge and skills. Seek improvement of your know-hows. Attend seminars, conferences, read books, be an eternal learner. Socialize Be ready to participate in social functions. Be open to new acquaintances. Meet new people and eal with them respectfully and enthusiastically. Be an active listener; you will surely learn something new…… Know your merits. Know your strengths and weaknesses. If you think you deserve a position or promotion, claim it. Accept challenge Through challenge you will reach areas of your personality you have never discovered before. It is good idea to step away from your comfort zone to explore new horizons. If you settle into a routine and play it safe all the time, you will never get ahead in your career. 'if you always do what you've always done, you'll only get what you've already got'. Communication Learn to communicate effeftively. Listen to what others are saying and focus on how to give and receive constructive feedback, to persuade effectively and to ask for help and collect information. Avoid gossip Avoid office gossip about colleagues and the boss. Be respectful and work for the good of the company Relax Relax and do something different, a hobby that you love doing. Take time off for yourself. This will help boost your productivity during week days. Seek satisfaction If you are disappointed with what you are doing, try to transform it into something you love. If you fail, it might be a good idea to do something different. As Confucius said: 'Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life'. 26Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 28. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option New Dreams and Oaths for the New year The birds breakout into songs in each new down. When a new baby is born into a family, its members rejoice. The very sight of a new flower brings happiness to us all. We feel happy when we get new friends. We also rejoice when we are promoted to a new class. Anything new is a cause of excitement to us. New things provide us happiness and hope. Therefore it is only natural that people all over the world eagerly prepare to welcome the new year. Let us gave a hearty welcome to this new year, for it gives us new dreams, new hopes, new ambitions and new aims. How should we celebrate the new year? It is a pity that a few people get drunk in thye very night when the new year is born. He is indeed a fool that gets drunk when he should have been actually dreaming great dreams. Let us welcome the birth of this new year with the prayerful mind. How beautiful this world is ! It is a wonderful place for thos4 who are capable of making use of their opportunities. Let us thank God for the opportunity that we got to live in this world and welcome this newyear. Let us make an oath that we will live as better human beings and lead a better life. Let us be satisfied with our best efforts for the fulfillment of our aims. If you can do these, there is no doubt that you will grow a lot within this one year. New year greetings to everyone of you ! Gayathri Gopal 27Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 29. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Love your Enemies Are there some people you do not like? Ask yourself, why? Have they been rude to you ? Have you had a fight with them? Have they done something feelings which make you feel uncomfortable and it is important to get rid of them. So how does one remove these bad feelings from within oneself. By seeing the enemy as a human being like yourself you can avoid bad feelings. The greatest service is to help someone whom you do not like or even know and to help him if he was your family member or your friend . It is a greater deed to offer peace to someone whom you do not like than to someone you like most. You will feel completely peaceful and wonderful after malang peace. Today, the world is filled with hatred and violence. Many nations are at war with one another. Many people suffer or die due to this violence has also spread to our every day lives and there is a lot of ill- feeling among people. Children are the next generation of hope. So it is important for the children to understand and follow the principles of peace and harmony. Neethu.V.G 28 Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 30. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option I define Death “The only consistant friend in life from birth, who keeps his promise.” Love “The magic and miracle in life” Birth “Wonder of life”. Friends “Those known or unknown, loveable or not, distant or close, who stands by you when you are really in Need”. Strength “The weakness of man which others try to exploit.” Athira M. S. Three things worth remembering  3 things to be respected are Mother, Father and Teacher.  3 things to be taken care of are Health, Wealth and Wisdom.  3 things never to be forgotten are Borrowing, Duty and Friends.  3 things to be kept under control are Greed, Sense and Negligence.  3 things to avoid for happiness are Anger, hatred and Jealousy.  3 things to avoid are Bad Company, Selfishness and Hypocrisy.  3 things to the path of prosperity are God, Education and Hard work.  3 things who do not wait are Time, Death and Customers.  3 things of maturity are Forgive, Forget and Befriend.  3 things that do not come back after it is sent are arrow from Bow, Word from Tongue and Life form Body.  3 things to avoid are Wrong eating, Wrong living and Wrong thinking. 29Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 31. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Pompey was a town which was build during 6th Century B.C. It was situated at the valley of Vesueus Volcano towards the South East of Italy. During A.D 79 this Volcano erupted and Pompey was destroyed completely. After 17 centuries archeologists conducted excavations there. Between the rains they found the skeleton of a Roman warrior in his duty dress. According to researchers this warrior must be in his duty, at the corridor of the town, during the volcanic eruption. According to Romans the guards are not allowed to move from the corridor unless another one comes and take the charge or the superior one commands so. At the time of volcanic eruption all the inhabitants flooded away from there with their lives. But he remained there without any movement. Because unless another one comes on the superior orders he was not allowed to move from there. Refusing to quit from his duty and refusing to alter his Oath, he remained still facing the burning lava and embodied himself in it. Sometimes we might not be able to accept his act and might consider him a fool. But his sincerity and his dedication in performing his duty must be appreciated. He was ready to fulfill his responsibility at the cost of his life can be abstain ourselves from praising him? We too have so many responsibilities in our life. We also know that we should be sincere in performing our duties. But generally we try to slip away from our responsibilities. It possible we also try to put these responsibilities to others. It might not be easy to fulfill our duties and responsibilities. We might have to face many obstacles in our path. How much difficulties we face, that much power we should earn. If we could do so, then we will be successful in our lives. May the warrior of Pompey be a source of inspiration for us in performing our duties and responsibilities more sincerely. Carmia .B Like The Warrior of Pompey 30Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 32. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Who is my friend.....? Friendship is one of those parts of life that we at times take for grated. It rolls off of our tongues as if we expect it to be present in all areas of our lives. I hear “our friendship is forever” or “friends always is a common thread that runs through our lives. But in reality how many true friendship do you have? Think for a moment and list those you feel are true friends and those with which you have a close relationship. Are they true friends? Is their friendship from the heart? How many people do you truly see as friends? Friendship is a gift that two people give to each other. It is not an expected result of meeting but a true and unanticipated gift of enormous potential. True friends form a special connection that will weather any storm. True friends understand being human and give the other room to grow. True friends are there even when they are not expected to be preset. True friends know and cherish each other's gift. Friendship is a path of un relating compassion. It is a view of life that encompasses not just your life but the life of the other. It is a special bond that is created out of genuine affection and is gives freely to those who have shown their truth. It gives without the thought of reward but with the essence of the heart which longs for this special connection. Friendship is a blessing and a friend is the channel through whom great emotional spiritual and sometimes even physical blessings flow. Friends will cheer as when we were sorrowful or depressed. Friends will challenge as to attain our original limits with encouragement when we allow ourselves not to go beyond our reasonable boundaries. Friends will motivate us when we are ready to give in and they can provide for us when life falls a pact. Friends are there when all is well, and we want someone with whom to share life's pleasant and memorable moments. We often just want them around, to have a good time to laugh to act silly, to enjoy some mutually liked activity in how many ways have friends enriched our lives and made as feel loved, accepted, respected and cared for probably, too many to list and list grows daily. When you are in college or studies you ask doubts in the subjects not to the Professor but to a friend. Friends never say no to anything. They will try to help us and try to solve the doubts. When you play, a friend is the first person to cheer you when you do a record, Friend will be the first to treat us without any jealous mind. Friends consider the record of yours as theirs and they feel happy by telling about the record to others. In life we share most of the time with our friends. We can't share some topics with our parents but we can share any topic with a good friend. But still I am asking a question to my soul “Who is my true friend”? Vipin Chandran C. A. 31Luminous Luminous 2014
  • 33. New B.Ed. College Nellimoodu English Option Bindhuja Mohan Friendship is a Heaven The celebrations, we had Made our hearts feel like heaven The time we spend together Showed us the meaning of life. Our life is very beautiful When life turned dull for me My friends give happiness And fun for me all time. 31Luminous 2014