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Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 1
A diary entry is a very personal kind of writing. It is meant to record certain
significant events and feelings of the writer. Format: • Date/day • Salutation ‘Dear
Diary’ • Heading of the entry • Contents of the diary entry • Signature Points to
remember: • Creativity, imagination and expression in diary writing are tested. •
You should write as if you have really been a part of the situation. • It is written in
the first person. • One does not write about things experienced on a daily basis. Only
matters of some significance are recorded. • It is a secret record of one’s life, so one
can be very honest about one’s feelings and emotions. Marking scheme Date — ½
mark Time — ½ mark Salutation — ½ mark Heading — 1 mark Content — 2 marks
Signature — ½ mark
(A) And once I was in a car and a girl at traffic lights was giving me the eye. She
could only see my head so I decided to do a 360 in the car seat to freak her out. 'Her
face was like woooooooah what is going on? She sped off really quickly.' Now write
the fearful feelings of the girl after this funny incident as a diary entry. Write the
diary entry as if you were the girl.
Sunday, 3 February 2019
9 pm
Dear Diary,
Oh my God, I can't believe what I saw today. The guy was so handsome but - how
could he turn round like a spinning top? I have never seen such a thing before. How
could he do it ? He rotated himself at such a speed. I could not make out anything of
what was happening. Is he vampire or did he play a trick on me? What if he is a
vampire? Should I tell it to others and inform the police about him? No, that would
be a too hasty step. I don't even know him. Should I follow him and find out the
reality about him or should I simply forget it? My heart missed a beat and my hands
and legs became numb. I drove at jet speed to reach home. I dare not encounter him
again. I wish the incident doesn't haunt me and pray not to get nightmares. God,
please be with me.
(B) You are going on a school picnic with your classmates and teachers. You are very
excited. The night before the trip you sit down to write your diary. Describe what
you have planned for the picnic and how you hope to enjoy yourself there.
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 2
Sunday, 3 February 2019
9 pm
Dear Diary,
My class picnic
I am feeling very excited tonight. I am going on a picnic tomorrow with my
classmates. Some of our teachers will also accompany us. We have been planning for
this trip ever since our principal gave us permission a month ago. We are going to
Nehru Park. It has a large ground where children can run around and play freely. I
have packed some food items including potato chips and chewing gum. My mother
has made a dozen sandwiches and a cake. My friends will also be bringing some
food, and we shall all share and eat. I am also carrying my cricket bat with me. We
plan to play a match. I feel I just cannot go to sleep tonight. I keep imagining all the
fun that we are going to have tomorrow. But my mother came into the room just
now and warned me that if I do not go to sleep now, I might fall asleep at the picnic!
As if that is ever going to happen! But may be she’s right. So, good night!
Hanu’s Diary
Sunday, 2nd June, 2014.
Funny incident from Diary
Today we all enjoyed very much. A funny thing made us to laugh again and again.
We played "Thief-Police" game. Neelu, Sonu, Muni also joined with me. In that game
Muni acted as thief. As part of the game, Muni pulled Sonu’s bag. Then Sonu shouted
"Thief… Thief". All of a sudden few strangers saw that incident. They caught Muni
and beat him. We ran to him and explained the strangers about the game.
I never forget today’s funny incident in my life time.
Diary Entry
30th November, 2014.
Today we went out on a picnic to Indira Park. Our class teacher arranged a special
bus. I also paid Rs. 50/- along with other students.
I took my lunch box and snacks. We started in the morning at 7 am and reached
Tank bund 9 am. After taking breakfast on Tankbund we had a walk on the tank
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 3
bund. We saw all the great people’s statues there. At 12.30 pm we went to Indira
Park. There we had our lunch. We all enjoyed the scenery. We played many games
there. I imitated cinema actors. Everybody praised me. I shared my pocket money
with my fried Rani. At 4 pm we got into the bus and started. We returned home by 6
It is a memorable day. I should a collect a group photo from class teacher.
Letter to a friend.
1st April, 2015.
Dear Friend Prince,
I am very happy to inform you that I am going to get married with Mrs. Jon
Shorrocks in St. Philip’s Church, at 12’O clock on next Monday.
You may wonder to know this. But situation demanded to do so. My two daughters
are not looking after me. I need someone to look after me. I need pure love and care
at this age. I also decided to alter my will. I would like to alter in the name of my new
wife, who will take care of me till death; all my belongings go to her.
So as a friend you can understand my situation. This is not only my problem but also
many. In these days children are not looking after their parents. They are not taking
this responsibility. Hence we should take care of ourselves.
I cordially invite you to attend the function without fail.
Yours affectionately,
Letter to Editor:
25th March, 2015.
The Editor,
Indian Express,
Banjarahills, Hyderabad.
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 4
I would like to explain the readers about an important issue through your esteemed
daily. Old age become a curse to the senior citizens. Now a days most of the parents
are living in old age homes or away from children. The so called modern generation
is neglecting their parents. The old people (parents) are deserved to be treated with
a great love and care. It is the responsibility of the children.Unfortunately many sons
and daughters are not looking after parents. In this mechanical life money is loved
but not relations. Where ever you go, temples, cross roads, bus stops you can see
number of old people begging. This is practical situation of every town and city of
India. Health problems, poverty, helplessness and loneliness are compelling them to
commit suicides. It is definitely a crime. The land of the values is becoming value
One should take care of their parents at old age. There should be a clear cut
government act on it. There should be a mechanism to follow up.
I request you to focus on this and publish articles to inculcate moral and ethical
Yours truly,
24. Marriage Invitation card
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 5
News Report
Nalgonda, 5th Sept, 2014: "Nations future is being shaped in classrooms. Teachers
are the makers of the future" said Mr. Ramesh, D.E.O. of Nalgonda Dist. Today he
attended ZPHigh School-Nalgonda Teachers Day celebrations as a chief guest and
addressed the gathering. ZPHigh School grandly celebrated the occasion. All the
teachers were feleicitated by the students. Former students and former teachers
also attended the programme. Headmaster Mr. Rao presided over the function.
Welcome song to vote of thanks evertying went excellently. Kumari Pooja’s classical
dance, Master Tarun’s canrnatic music, and Michael’s western dance mesmarised
the qudience. Senior teachers Rani, Raju and Ravi gave their messages as part of the
programme. Instructor Hussain compeered the programme well. Jyothi tendered
vote of thanks. Blesses taking ceremony from teachers was heart touching.
Poster on elocution competition
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Profile of favourite film star.
Mahesh Babu is my favourite film star. Many people like him for his sterling
Full name : Mahesh Babu Ghattamaneni
Born : 9 August, 1975 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Other name : Prince
Parents : Krishna, Indira Devi
Education : Loyola College, Chennai
Profession : Film Actor
Film Acting : started at the age of 4 years. First acted in the film, Needa (1979)
As a hero : Rajakumarudu (1999)
Top movies : Pokiri, Dookudu, Athadu, Murari, Nijam, Okkadu, Aagadu etc.
Marriage : married Namrata Sirodkar in 2005 (got two children)
Awards received: Nandi Awards in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2008 and also he won
many film fare awards. Time magazine rated him as one of the popular persons in
Brand Ambassador: Thumsup, Amrutanajan, Idea etc.
Biographical sketch of Mahanati Savitri
Savitri was a Telugu actress, director and producer of films in Telugu, Tamil and
Hindi languages. She was known for her liveliness and captivating performance and
is still treated as the benchmark for acting in Telugu movies and also called as one of
the best actresses of All Time. Savitri was born in Chinaravuru near Tenali in
Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, on 6th Decemebr 1937 to Nissankara Rao
Guruviah and Subhadramma. She learned music and Indian classical dance under
Sista Purnayya Sasthri. She performed stage shows during her childhood. She acted
in 318 films in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi languages, with ten to twenty
movies released per year. She later directed some films. One day she went to meet
the Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and donated all her jewelry she was wearing
for the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund. She also built a high school in Andhra. Her
favorite sports were cricket and chess. She used to play chess at home. She
participated in many celebrity cricket matches. She gave some public performances
as a child in Vijayawada. She worked in a theater company run by Nandamuri
Taraka Ramarao. She also started her own company, the Navabharata Natya
Mandali. Her best stage role was in Atma Vanchana written by Bucchi Babu. Savitri
was a legendary actress in Tamil. She has paired opposite leading actors like Sivaji
Ganesan and M.G.R. She married Gemini Ganesh, while acting in ‘Manam Pola
Mangalyam’ (1953) with him. She was fondly called Nadigaiyar Thilagam in the
Tamil film industry. She died at an early age of 44 on 26th December 1981. She
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 9
received many Awards. Namely, President medal in 1960, Kalaimamani from the
Government of Tamil Nadu, Nata Siromani by the Government of Andhra Pradesh,
Maha Nati from Yuvathi Mandali of Andhra Pradesh.
Cinema – a boon or a curse
The cinema is a major form of recreation in most countries of the world. Man’s love
for stories attracts him to the cinema. The cinema provides us with entertainment
and sometimes educates us too. Depending on the quality of films produced by the
directors, one could label cinema as a curse or a boon. Indian cinema provides us
with a good view of the glamour and glitter of the affluent Indian society and also
the poverty and misery found in the slums of this country. Hence the cinema
presents a fairly authentic picture of the life of Indians. It educates the public with
the help of stories that depict conflicts between the good and the evil in our society.
There is some sort of a moral lesson behind these stories and the society in often
greatly influenced by these values.
The cinema can become a curse when the movies are full of mindless romance and
violence. This could colour the mind of the young boys and girls who watch these
movies with such great interest. Cinema can become an addiction and these films
could sometimes distract the youth so much that they might lose interest in their
studies and other work that requires serious concentration.
Cinema should be enjoyed and used as a means of correct entertainment and
Even in 21st Century Dalits are not allowed to temples in some parts of India.
Look at the above news report. Imagine that there was heated argument before
arrest. Write an imaginary conversation on this.
Priest: Stop who are you? Where are you from?
Dalit-1: We are neighbouring village people. We came here to pray and offer pooja
to our beloved God.
Priest: You are not looking like Savarnas. What are you actually? Are you Dalits?
Dailt-2: Yes sir, we are Dalits. But we all are devotees of lord Vishnu. Kindly give an
opportunity for darshan.
Priest: How dare you to enter this sacred temple. You are untouchables. You are not
Dalit-3: Sir, We are also human beings. We are also Hindus. Why shouldn’t we enter
the temple?
Priest: I don’t accept. Go to hell. This is the custom here.
(People went and came with a leader)
Leader: Who stopped these devotees entering into the temple? Untouchability is a
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 10
crime. All are equal. Dalits have same right as others. One cannot deny their
constitutional right.
Priest: Sir, These people are Dalits according to temple customs we don’t allow
Leader: Who are you to stop us? Come all of us let us enter the temple by force.
(Police van comes there)
Police officer: Arrest all these people. Here the place is under 144 section. Gathering
or shouting slogans is a crime.
(Policemen arrested Dalits and their leader)
Dalits: We want justice, we want justice!
There is a famous Vishnu temple in Uthapuram village near Madurai in Tamil Nadu.
People believed that it has magical powers and can solve all the problems of
devotees. One day many people from the village came there. But the priest stopped
them. The priest told them that Dalits were not allowed into the temple as per their
temple customs. People argued that they were also devotees of the same lord and
had right to offer pooja.
Priest stopped them at the entrance with the help of temple authorities. Dalits
pleaded the priest in the beginning. After some time they shouted angrily. They
went back. Temple authorities felt happy.
Soon they (Dalits) came back under a leadership of a local politician as a procession
to enter temple. Again temple priest and authorities objected them. The politician
argued that they had constitutional right to enter temple. He said, “Objecting them
comes under untouchability and it is a crime.” Even then they were not allowed.
Situation becomes worst. It is just like a war between two groups.
A police team came at the moment. Police offer announced that the temple
surroundings were under 144 section. He arrested the Politician and Dalits for
violating it by taking procession and shouting slogans. They were shifted by a van to
the police station. They all started shouting slogans “We want justice”, “All are
equal”, “We have right to enter temple”.
All these things happened in an hour. Now the matter is in the court.
Email letter
You read the story “The Storeyed House” as part of your syllabus. Write an e-
mail to your friend and share your feelings on the story.
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 11
Date 10-03-2015
Subject My views on “The Storeyed House” story
Dear Kavitha,
Doing well and with to know the same from you. You are not resoponding to the
Face-book. Be in touch with our friends.
Recently I read a story titled “The Storeyed House”. It’s an amazing story. It is
written by a Marathi writer, Waman Govind Hoval.
The story in brief… ‘Bayaji was a mahar by caste, comes to his village after his
retirement. He starts a storeyed house. The village head, Bhujaba burnt it into
ashes. Bayaji’s death in the accident is pathetic. His sons start working to build
storeyed house.’
The style of narration mixing human emotions, questioning the inequalities of
the society and presentation style are heart touching.
You should read such great stories. I definitely believe you will love this story.
Any how you read and reply.
Convey my regards to your parents.
Your loving friend,
Letter of Complaint
Neelam Srinivasulu,
H.No. 3-21, Indiranagar,
Manchiryala, Adilabad Dist.
The Sub Inspector of Police,
Manchiryala Police Station,
Adilabad District.
Sub: complaint on practising untouchability at hotel Sridevi in Manchiryala outskirts.
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 12
This is a serious problem to be solved. Untouchability is already banned as per
constitution. Still many villages are practicing that inhuman and age old custom.
Hotel Sridevi is a famous hotel adjacent to West Manchiryala. Nearby village people
come there regularly. Yesterday I went there on some personal work. There the
hotel server was asking the customers about their caste and serving tea in two
different glasses.
I enquired the server about this. He said that he has been practicing for many years.
At that time an old man of higher caste interrupted me and abused Dalits.
This two glasses system is inhuman. It comes under practice of untouchability. The
money given by any customer is of same value. So why this discrimination?
Hence I request you take necessary action against this. Order the hotels not to
practice two-glass system.
Thanking you Sir,
Yours faithfully,
Write a play on child labour (10 marks)
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 13
Child Labour
Gentle man: What’s your age?
Girl: Twelve
GM: Then you can’t work here. Meaning, you cannot wash the cars here from today.
(saying this he waved the notice on the girl)
GM: do you have any problems?
Girl: I don’t have any but the Government has. Sir, it’s difficult at home. Dad
committed suicide, mom washes clothes for others, two sisters at home, I am
studying and by washing 10 cars, I get some money that is too critical for us…
(GM had no answers.)
GM: I understand your problem son….
Girl: No! (She interrupted) You won’t understand my problem. I want to study, for
that I am ready to work. But you force me to become a beggar. You are forcing me to
beg. If your kids sing or dance in TV, they get money, fame and are appreciated in
papers. They are not imprisoned. But if I wanted to work, I am imprisoned. How can
you explain me this?
GM: My dear girl. You should look other ways. Government is giving free education
with Midday meal. Go to a Government school. They will give you two pairs of
uniform. Ask your mom to join Dwacra group. They will help her. Join your younger
sister in anganwadi. They will provide food and education. Utilise the opportunities.
Girl: Sir thank you for your suggestion. But we need shelter, food and clothes. For
that we have to work. My mother earnings are not enough.
GM: OK I accept. I will give you monthly Rs. 500/- as charity. Take it.
Girl: I am not beggar. Thank you for your kindness. Bye.
Prepare a notice on pollution
Medak Dist, Telangana State
All the students and teachers are hereby informed to follow certain principles
regarding pollution. We know pollution is increasing day by day in all parts of the
nature. Today on wards each one has to do some kind of anti pollution activity on
every Saturday. Every Saturday we have to celebrate Pollution awareness day in our
Date: 01-04-2015.
Clean and Green Committee ZPHS Nemtoor
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 14
How to Prepare a Profile
Example: Malala Profile
Name Malala Yousafzai
Born 12 July 1997, Mingora, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan
Residence Birmingham, England
Nationality Pakistani
Ethnicity Pashtun
Occupation Blogger and activist for rights to education and for women
Known for Female education activism
Religion Islam
Parents · Toorpekai Yousafzai (mother), Ziauddin Yousafzai (father)
· Nobel Peace Prize -2014
· Sakharov Prize
· Simone de Beauvoir Prize
· Honorary Canadian citizenship
· National Youth Peace Prize
imagine that you attended to a classical dance performance.
Letter to a friend
Friends Colony,
22nd February, 2015.
My Dear Chandraiah,
Doing well and wish to know the same from you. I hope that you will pass the Public
Exams with flying colours. I am sure to be the top-ranking students in Adilabad
I would like to share an amazing thing. Two before I was happened to see a great
Bharathanatyam performance by Meghana Hebbar in Hyderabad. I went to Hyderabad
to my uncle’s house. He took me to the recital.
The Bharatanatyam recital was enriched by the dancer’s expressive skills. The
techniques were applied beautifully in the performance. Her endurance levels,
amazing executions and the training given by the teacher were applauded by the
Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 15
The recital began traditionally with a Pushpanjali followed by Ganesha stuti and other
salutations. The khanda alarippu vouched for her anga shuddhi and the varieties of
angikas delighted the audience. In the next Vachaspathi jathiswara, Meghana outdid
herself. Intricate patterns of jathis and swaras were translated neatly into varieties of
Varna is the most challenging and considered the most reliable yardstick to measure
the worth of a dancer. In an age when varnas are being shrunk in dimension, rendering
the Tamil version of Tanjavur Quartet’s Todi varna Inda kopam emo endan Swamy
continuously for sixty plus minutes was stunning. Lord Shiva’s anger and the nayaki
requesting Him to grace her with His love was the theme. Opening the varna with a
tana, the dancer depicted Daksha samhara, Veerabhadra and other sancharees. The
nritta, nrithya and abhinaya segments were beautifully presented by the artiste. Also,
the lengthy varna was a proof of her stamina. It was magnificent performance.
Whenever you get an opportunity to watch such things don’t miss. They teach us
greatness of Art and greatness of our India.
After exams you should come to Suryapet. We will spend our summer holidays here.
Convey my regards to your parents and my wishes to your sister.
Yours lovingly,
Address on the cover
I. Chandraiah
S/o Ramulu
Marx Colony,
Luxettipeta Post,
Adilabad Dist.
Telangana State.
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1. Invitation Card
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See the choreography script of the first stanza of the poem, Änother
Woman” taken from Class 10 TB.
1. Name of the poem: Another W oman
2. The theme/ themes of the first stanza
(This morning she bought green ‘methi’ in the market …and cooked the
whole thing in the pot over the stove, shielding her face from the
heat) The hardships of a woman as a homemaker. The uncordial
relationship between the woman and her mother-in-law
3. I nstances of the theme
A woman does all household work, goes to market and buys vegetables,
returns home, starts cooking Her mother – in law scolds her for no
obvious reasons
4. Locations
· the interior of a house
· the market
· the kitchen
1. Characters involved
· The woman ( the protagonist)
· Her mother – in law
· The chorus for setting the location
· The vegetable vendors
· Two or three people
· 6 to 8 performers to set the different locations
6. Sequence of actions
Scene 1
· The chorus enters the stage and pose themselves in such a way that a
visual effect of a house is created.
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· The woman mops the floor
· The mother-in law comes from indoors and scolds the woman
· The mother –in law commands the woman to go out
· The woman goes out
· All performers exit the stage
Scene 2
· The chorus enters and creates the setting of a market
· Two vegetable vendors sit on the ground and selling vegetables
· One person buy vegetables
· Two or three people enter the market and exit
· The woman enters
· She chooses vegetables and bargains with the vendor
· She collects vegetables and exit
· All performers exit
Scene 3
· The chorus enters the stage and pose themselves in such a way that a
visual effect of a house is created.
· The woman enters from outside
· The mother-in law comes from indoors and scolds the woman for being
· The mother –in law commands the woman to cook fast
· She keeps the pot on the stove
· The woman cuts vegetables
· The mother-in law comes near and scolds the woman
· All performers exit the stage
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10Th Class English Discourse Writing - Creative Writing - Textual Grammar (Telangana)

  • 1. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 1 DIARY WRITING A diary entry is a very personal kind of writing. It is meant to record certain significant events and feelings of the writer. Format: • Date/day • Salutation ‘Dear Diary’ • Heading of the entry • Contents of the diary entry • Signature Points to remember: • Creativity, imagination and expression in diary writing are tested. • You should write as if you have really been a part of the situation. • It is written in the first person. • One does not write about things experienced on a daily basis. Only matters of some significance are recorded. • It is a secret record of one’s life, so one can be very honest about one’s feelings and emotions. Marking scheme Date — ½ mark Time — ½ mark Salutation — ½ mark Heading — 1 mark Content — 2 marks Signature — ½ mark (A) And once I was in a car and a girl at traffic lights was giving me the eye. She could only see my head so I decided to do a 360 in the car seat to freak her out. 'Her face was like woooooooah what is going on? She sped off really quickly.' Now write the fearful feelings of the girl after this funny incident as a diary entry. Write the diary entry as if you were the girl. Sunday, 3 February 2019 9 pm Dear Diary, Unbelievable Oh my God, I can't believe what I saw today. The guy was so handsome but - how could he turn round like a spinning top? I have never seen such a thing before. How could he do it ? He rotated himself at such a speed. I could not make out anything of what was happening. Is he vampire or did he play a trick on me? What if he is a vampire? Should I tell it to others and inform the police about him? No, that would be a too hasty step. I don't even know him. Should I follow him and find out the reality about him or should I simply forget it? My heart missed a beat and my hands and legs became numb. I drove at jet speed to reach home. I dare not encounter him again. I wish the incident doesn't haunt me and pray not to get nightmares. God, please be with me. (B) You are going on a school picnic with your classmates and teachers. You are very excited. The night before the trip you sit down to write your diary. Describe what you have planned for the picnic and how you hope to enjoy yourself there.
  • 2. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 2 Sunday, 3 February 2019 9 pm Dear Diary, My class picnic I am feeling very excited tonight. I am going on a picnic tomorrow with my classmates. Some of our teachers will also accompany us. We have been planning for this trip ever since our principal gave us permission a month ago. We are going to Nehru Park. It has a large ground where children can run around and play freely. I have packed some food items including potato chips and chewing gum. My mother has made a dozen sandwiches and a cake. My friends will also be bringing some food, and we shall all share and eat. I am also carrying my cricket bat with me. We plan to play a match. I feel I just cannot go to sleep tonight. I keep imagining all the fun that we are going to have tomorrow. But my mother came into the room just now and warned me that if I do not go to sleep now, I might fall asleep at the picnic! As if that is ever going to happen! But may be she’s right. So, good night! Hanu’s Diary Sunday, 2nd June, 2014. Funny incident from Diary Today we all enjoyed very much. A funny thing made us to laugh again and again. We played "Thief-Police" game. Neelu, Sonu, Muni also joined with me. In that game Muni acted as thief. As part of the game, Muni pulled Sonu’s bag. Then Sonu shouted "Thief… Thief". All of a sudden few strangers saw that incident. They caught Muni and beat him. We ran to him and explained the strangers about the game. I never forget today’s funny incident in my life time. Diary Entry Sunday 30th November, 2014. Today we went out on a picnic to Indira Park. Our class teacher arranged a special bus. I also paid Rs. 50/- along with other students. I took my lunch box and snacks. We started in the morning at 7 am and reached Tank bund 9 am. After taking breakfast on Tankbund we had a walk on the tank
  • 3. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 3 bund. We saw all the great people’s statues there. At 12.30 pm we went to Indira Park. There we had our lunch. We all enjoyed the scenery. We played many games there. I imitated cinema actors. Everybody praised me. I shared my pocket money with my fried Rani. At 4 pm we got into the bus and started. We returned home by 6 pm. It is a memorable day. I should a collect a group photo from class teacher. Letter to a friend. Yorkshire, London, 1st April, 2015. Dear Friend Prince, I am very happy to inform you that I am going to get married with Mrs. Jon Shorrocks in St. Philip’s Church, at 12’O clock on next Monday. You may wonder to know this. But situation demanded to do so. My two daughters are not looking after me. I need someone to look after me. I need pure love and care at this age. I also decided to alter my will. I would like to alter in the name of my new wife, who will take care of me till death; all my belongings go to her. So as a friend you can understand my situation. This is not only my problem but also many. In these days children are not looking after their parents. They are not taking this responsibility. Hence we should take care of ourselves. I cordially invite you to attend the function without fail. Yours affectionately, Abel Letter to Editor: Hyderabad, 25th March, 2015. To The Editor, Indian Express, Banjarahills, Hyderabad. Sir,
  • 4. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 4 I would like to explain the readers about an important issue through your esteemed daily. Old age become a curse to the senior citizens. Now a days most of the parents are living in old age homes or away from children. The so called modern generation is neglecting their parents. The old people (parents) are deserved to be treated with a great love and care. It is the responsibility of the children.Unfortunately many sons and daughters are not looking after parents. In this mechanical life money is loved but not relations. Where ever you go, temples, cross roads, bus stops you can see number of old people begging. This is practical situation of every town and city of India. Health problems, poverty, helplessness and loneliness are compelling them to commit suicides. It is definitely a crime. The land of the values is becoming value less. One should take care of their parents at old age. There should be a clear cut government act on it. There should be a mechanism to follow up. I request you to focus on this and publish articles to inculcate moral and ethical values. Yours truly, XXXX 24. Marriage Invitation card
  • 5. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 5 News Report "TEACHERS ARE MAKERS OF THE FUTURE" Nalgonda, 5th Sept, 2014: "Nations future is being shaped in classrooms. Teachers are the makers of the future" said Mr. Ramesh, D.E.O. of Nalgonda Dist. Today he attended ZPHigh School-Nalgonda Teachers Day celebrations as a chief guest and addressed the gathering. ZPHigh School grandly celebrated the occasion. All the teachers were feleicitated by the students. Former students and former teachers also attended the programme. Headmaster Mr. Rao presided over the function. Welcome song to vote of thanks evertying went excellently. Kumari Pooja’s classical dance, Master Tarun’s canrnatic music, and Michael’s western dance mesmarised the qudience. Senior teachers Rani, Raju and Ravi gave their messages as part of the programme. Instructor Hussain compeered the programme well. Jyothi tendered vote of thanks. Blesses taking ceremony from teachers was heart touching. Poster on elocution competition .
  • 6. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 6
  • 7. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 7
  • 8. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 8 Profile of favourite film star. Mahesh Babu is my favourite film star. Many people like him for his sterling performance. Full name : Mahesh Babu Ghattamaneni Born : 9 August, 1975 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu Other name : Prince Parents : Krishna, Indira Devi Education : Loyola College, Chennai Profession : Film Actor Film Acting : started at the age of 4 years. First acted in the film, Needa (1979) As a hero : Rajakumarudu (1999) Top movies : Pokiri, Dookudu, Athadu, Murari, Nijam, Okkadu, Aagadu etc. Marriage : married Namrata Sirodkar in 2005 (got two children) Awards received: Nandi Awards in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2008 and also he won many film fare awards. Time magazine rated him as one of the popular persons in India Brand Ambassador: Thumsup, Amrutanajan, Idea etc. Biographical sketch of Mahanati Savitri Savitri was a Telugu actress, director and producer of films in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages. She was known for her liveliness and captivating performance and is still treated as the benchmark for acting in Telugu movies and also called as one of the best actresses of All Time. Savitri was born in Chinaravuru near Tenali in Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, on 6th Decemebr 1937 to Nissankara Rao Guruviah and Subhadramma. She learned music and Indian classical dance under Sista Purnayya Sasthri. She performed stage shows during her childhood. She acted in 318 films in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi languages, with ten to twenty movies released per year. She later directed some films. One day she went to meet the Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and donated all her jewelry she was wearing for the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund. She also built a high school in Andhra. Her favorite sports were cricket and chess. She used to play chess at home. She participated in many celebrity cricket matches. She gave some public performances as a child in Vijayawada. She worked in a theater company run by Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao. She also started her own company, the Navabharata Natya Mandali. Her best stage role was in Atma Vanchana written by Bucchi Babu. Savitri was a legendary actress in Tamil. She has paired opposite leading actors like Sivaji Ganesan and M.G.R. She married Gemini Ganesh, while acting in ‘Manam Pola Mangalyam’ (1953) with him. She was fondly called Nadigaiyar Thilagam in the Tamil film industry. She died at an early age of 44 on 26th December 1981. She
  • 9. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 9 received many Awards. Namely, President medal in 1960, Kalaimamani from the Government of Tamil Nadu, Nata Siromani by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Maha Nati from Yuvathi Mandali of Andhra Pradesh. Cinema – a boon or a curse The cinema is a major form of recreation in most countries of the world. Man’s love for stories attracts him to the cinema. The cinema provides us with entertainment and sometimes educates us too. Depending on the quality of films produced by the directors, one could label cinema as a curse or a boon. Indian cinema provides us with a good view of the glamour and glitter of the affluent Indian society and also the poverty and misery found in the slums of this country. Hence the cinema presents a fairly authentic picture of the life of Indians. It educates the public with the help of stories that depict conflicts between the good and the evil in our society. There is some sort of a moral lesson behind these stories and the society in often greatly influenced by these values. The cinema can become a curse when the movies are full of mindless romance and violence. This could colour the mind of the young boys and girls who watch these movies with such great interest. Cinema can become an addiction and these films could sometimes distract the youth so much that they might lose interest in their studies and other work that requires serious concentration. Cinema should be enjoyed and used as a means of correct entertainment and education. Even in 21st Century Dalits are not allowed to temples in some parts of India. Look at the above news report. Imagine that there was heated argument before arrest. Write an imaginary conversation on this. CONVERSATION Priest: Stop who are you? Where are you from? Dalit-1: We are neighbouring village people. We came here to pray and offer pooja to our beloved God. Priest: You are not looking like Savarnas. What are you actually? Are you Dalits? Dailt-2: Yes sir, we are Dalits. But we all are devotees of lord Vishnu. Kindly give an opportunity for darshan. Priest: How dare you to enter this sacred temple. You are untouchables. You are not allowed. Dalit-3: Sir, We are also human beings. We are also Hindus. Why shouldn’t we enter the temple? Priest: I don’t accept. Go to hell. This is the custom here. (People went and came with a leader) Leader: Who stopped these devotees entering into the temple? Untouchability is a
  • 10. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 10 crime. All are equal. Dalits have same right as others. One cannot deny their constitutional right. Priest: Sir, These people are Dalits according to temple customs we don’t allow them. Leader: Who are you to stop us? Come all of us let us enter the temple by force. (Police van comes there) Police officer: Arrest all these people. Here the place is under 144 section. Gathering or shouting slogans is a crime. (Policemen arrested Dalits and their leader) Dalits: We want justice, we want justice! NARRATION There is a famous Vishnu temple in Uthapuram village near Madurai in Tamil Nadu. People believed that it has magical powers and can solve all the problems of devotees. One day many people from the village came there. But the priest stopped them. The priest told them that Dalits were not allowed into the temple as per their temple customs. People argued that they were also devotees of the same lord and had right to offer pooja. Priest stopped them at the entrance with the help of temple authorities. Dalits pleaded the priest in the beginning. After some time they shouted angrily. They went back. Temple authorities felt happy. Soon they (Dalits) came back under a leadership of a local politician as a procession to enter temple. Again temple priest and authorities objected them. The politician argued that they had constitutional right to enter temple. He said, “Objecting them comes under untouchability and it is a crime.” Even then they were not allowed. Situation becomes worst. It is just like a war between two groups. A police team came at the moment. Police offer announced that the temple surroundings were under 144 section. He arrested the Politician and Dalits for violating it by taking procession and shouting slogans. They were shifted by a van to the police station. They all started shouting slogans “We want justice”, “All are equal”, “We have right to enter temple”. All these things happened in an hour. Now the matter is in the court. Email letter You read the story “The Storeyed House” as part of your syllabus. Write an e- mail to your friend and share your feelings on the story.
  • 11. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 11 To From Date 10-03-2015 Subject My views on “The Storeyed House” story Content Dear Kavitha, Doing well and with to know the same from you. You are not resoponding to the Face-book. Be in touch with our friends. Recently I read a story titled “The Storeyed House”. It’s an amazing story. It is written by a Marathi writer, Waman Govind Hoval. The story in brief… ‘Bayaji was a mahar by caste, comes to his village after his retirement. He starts a storeyed house. The village head, Bhujaba burnt it into ashes. Bayaji’s death in the accident is pathetic. His sons start working to build storeyed house.’ The style of narration mixing human emotions, questioning the inequalities of the society and presentation style are heart touching. You should read such great stories. I definitely believe you will love this story. Any how you read and reply. Convey my regards to your parents. Your loving friend, XXXX Letter of Complaint Neelam Srinivasulu, H.No. 3-21, Indiranagar, Manchiryala, Adilabad Dist. To The Sub Inspector of Police, Manchiryala Police Station, Adilabad District. Sir, Sub: complaint on practising untouchability at hotel Sridevi in Manchiryala outskirts. @@@
  • 12. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 12 This is a serious problem to be solved. Untouchability is already banned as per constitution. Still many villages are practicing that inhuman and age old custom. Hotel Sridevi is a famous hotel adjacent to West Manchiryala. Nearby village people come there regularly. Yesterday I went there on some personal work. There the hotel server was asking the customers about their caste and serving tea in two different glasses. I enquired the server about this. He said that he has been practicing for many years. At that time an old man of higher caste interrupted me and abused Dalits. This two glasses system is inhuman. It comes under practice of untouchability. The money given by any customer is of same value. So why this discrimination? Hence I request you take necessary action against this. Order the hotels not to practice two-glass system. Thanking you Sir, Yours faithfully, XXXX Write a play on child labour (10 marks)
  • 13. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 13 Child Labour Gentle man: What’s your age? Girl: Twelve GM: Then you can’t work here. Meaning, you cannot wash the cars here from today. (saying this he waved the notice on the girl) GM: do you have any problems? Girl: I don’t have any but the Government has. Sir, it’s difficult at home. Dad committed suicide, mom washes clothes for others, two sisters at home, I am studying and by washing 10 cars, I get some money that is too critical for us… (GM had no answers.) GM: I understand your problem son…. Girl: No! (She interrupted) You won’t understand my problem. I want to study, for that I am ready to work. But you force me to become a beggar. You are forcing me to beg. If your kids sing or dance in TV, they get money, fame and are appreciated in papers. They are not imprisoned. But if I wanted to work, I am imprisoned. How can you explain me this? GM: My dear girl. You should look other ways. Government is giving free education with Midday meal. Go to a Government school. They will give you two pairs of uniform. Ask your mom to join Dwacra group. They will help her. Join your younger sister in anganwadi. They will provide food and education. Utilise the opportunities. Girl: Sir thank you for your suggestion. But we need shelter, food and clothes. For that we have to work. My mother earnings are not enough. GM: OK I accept. I will give you monthly Rs. 500/- as charity. Take it. Girl: I am not beggar. Thank you for your kindness. Bye. Prepare a notice on pollution Notice ZILLA PARISHAD HIGH SCHOOL – NEMTOOR Medak Dist, Telangana State Notice All the students and teachers are hereby informed to follow certain principles regarding pollution. We know pollution is increasing day by day in all parts of the nature. Today on wards each one has to do some kind of anti pollution activity on every Saturday. Every Saturday we have to celebrate Pollution awareness day in our school. Sd./- Date: 01-04-2015. Chairman Clean and Green Committee ZPHS Nemtoor
  • 14. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 14 How to Prepare a Profile Example: Malala Profile Name Malala Yousafzai Born 12 July 1997, Mingora, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan Residence Birmingham, England Nationality Pakistani Ethnicity Pashtun Occupation Blogger and activist for rights to education and for women Known for Female education activism Religion Islam Parents · Toorpekai Yousafzai (mother), Ziauddin Yousafzai (father) Awards · Nobel Peace Prize -2014 · Sakharov Prize · Simone de Beauvoir Prize · Honorary Canadian citizenship · National Youth Peace Prize imagine that you attended to a classical dance performance. Letter to a friend Friends Colony, Suryapet, 22nd February, 2015. My Dear Chandraiah, Doing well and wish to know the same from you. I hope that you will pass the Public Exams with flying colours. I am sure to be the top-ranking students in Adilabad District. I would like to share an amazing thing. Two before I was happened to see a great Bharathanatyam performance by Meghana Hebbar in Hyderabad. I went to Hyderabad to my uncle’s house. He took me to the recital. The Bharatanatyam recital was enriched by the dancer’s expressive skills. The techniques were applied beautifully in the performance. Her endurance levels, amazing executions and the training given by the teacher were applauded by the audience.
  • 15. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 15 The recital began traditionally with a Pushpanjali followed by Ganesha stuti and other salutations. The khanda alarippu vouched for her anga shuddhi and the varieties of angikas delighted the audience. In the next Vachaspathi jathiswara, Meghana outdid herself. Intricate patterns of jathis and swaras were translated neatly into varieties of adavus. Varna is the most challenging and considered the most reliable yardstick to measure the worth of a dancer. In an age when varnas are being shrunk in dimension, rendering the Tamil version of Tanjavur Quartet’s Todi varna Inda kopam emo endan Swamy continuously for sixty plus minutes was stunning. Lord Shiva’s anger and the nayaki requesting Him to grace her with His love was the theme. Opening the varna with a tana, the dancer depicted Daksha samhara, Veerabhadra and other sancharees. The nritta, nrithya and abhinaya segments were beautifully presented by the artiste. Also, the lengthy varna was a proof of her stamina. It was magnificent performance. Whenever you get an opportunity to watch such things don’t miss. They teach us greatness of Art and greatness of our India. After exams you should come to Suryapet. We will spend our summer holidays here. Convey my regards to your parents and my wishes to your sister. Yours lovingly, X X X X Address on the cover To I. Chandraiah S/o Ramulu Marx Colony, Luxettipeta Post, Adilabad Dist. Telangana State.
  • 16. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 16 1. Invitation Card
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  • 24. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 24 See the choreography script of the first stanza of the poem, Änother Woman” taken from Class 10 TB. 1. Name of the poem: Another W oman 2. The theme/ themes of the first stanza (This morning she bought green ‘methi’ in the market …and cooked the whole thing in the pot over the stove, shielding her face from the heat) The hardships of a woman as a homemaker. The uncordial relationship between the woman and her mother-in-law 3. I nstances of the theme A woman does all household work, goes to market and buys vegetables, returns home, starts cooking Her mother – in law scolds her for no obvious reasons 4. Locations · the interior of a house · the market · the kitchen 1. Characters involved · The woman ( the protagonist) · Her mother – in law · The chorus for setting the location · The vegetable vendors · Two or three people · 6 to 8 performers to set the different locations 6. Sequence of actions Scene 1 · The chorus enters the stage and pose themselves in such a way that a visual effect of a house is created.
  • 25. Major and Minor Discourses Practice – 10th Class English – Creative Writing Page 25 · The woman mops the floor · The mother-in law comes from indoors and scolds the woman · The mother –in law commands the woman to go out · The woman goes out · All performers exit the stage Scene 2 · The chorus enters and creates the setting of a market · Two vegetable vendors sit on the ground and selling vegetables · One person buy vegetables · Two or three people enter the market and exit · The woman enters · She chooses vegetables and bargains with the vendor · She collects vegetables and exit · All performers exit Scene 3 · The chorus enters the stage and pose themselves in such a way that a visual effect of a house is created. · The woman enters from outside · The mother-in law comes from indoors and scolds the woman for being late · The mother –in law commands the woman to cook fast · She keeps the pot on the stove · The woman cuts vegetables · The mother-in law comes near and scolds the woman · All performers exit the stage
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