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Capturing that ideal night
time shot >pg 09
Using smoke
and gold leaf
in art >pg 13
Probably the
world's greatest
fiction writing
challenge >pg 20
pg 16
Sana Bagersh
Ajir Shujahi
Manjul Abhishek
Mark De Castro
Subin John Mathew
Angeli Castillo
Melaku Muluneh
Alma Kadragic
Azza El Masri
Cornelia Bacui
Daniela Raykova Ainsley
Diji Shujahi
Dorian “Paul D” Rogers
Maha Ahmed Ebrahim
Abdulla Hasan
Manar Al Hinai
Megan Totka
Michael Ellis Taylor
Omar Tom
Paul A. Freeman
Rhea Oommen
Ruksana Ajir
Samara MW Larday
Sanah Chauhan
Seumas Gallacher
Shaheer Akbar
Shahid Saeed
Simon Ainsley
Theresa F Weber
Tomislav Buljubasic
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MEDIA LICENCE NO. 1/105866/24295
notes / uspace / dhabi dames
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top ten songs / #temporeviews
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city bites
fashion view
cover story - magical murals
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December is a time of great
celebration and this month is
an especially fortuitous one for
the UAE, with so much going
on, and so many grand plans
rolling out.
The end of the year also serves
as a mental marker; a time for
the coming together of family
and friends, and a time to
hunker down and prepare for
the start of a new year.
Tempo's staff in editorial,
design, production and
distribution take this
opportunity to thank everyone
who has reached out to us, to
share ideas, inspire us and spur
us on. On behalf of our entire
team, I’d like to wish everyone
happy holidays and a fabulous
new year.
See you all in 2014!
Sana Bagersh
Managing Editor
Twitter @bagersh
smoke of the
burning candle
creates a delicate effect
and contributes to
a dreamy and fluid
Brilliant article Angelique- lots of insight to life in the “desert”
in a real, fun way. -Taryn Shuttleworth
Enjoyed reading your article “Life’s Staged”. It’s interesting to
know about your life and your feelings. -Henry Wun
www. tempoplanet.com04
notes cyberchatter
tweet @abudhabitempo www. tempoplanet.comlike us on facebook
A long time ago in a faraway
tropical land in Africa, a young
girl, not yet in puberty, had
visions of miles and miles of
golden sand. Stories like ‘The
Little Mermaid,’ exotic Arabian
tales and African stories like
‘Anansi and the Spider’ read
aloud by older cousins during the
evenings set her imagination on
fire. She had daydreams about
a knight in shining armour
Introductions were made at the
event, and it could have ended
there, but God had bigger plans.
During the next summer break,
the young lady was shopping with
her mother in Oxford Street when
they bumped into the young man.
She introduced him to her mother.
It turned out that his dad was a
long lost friend of both her parents.
Coincidence? Divine intervention?
Today, the couple calls Abu Dhabi
home. You will see her sitting
sometimes on the Corniche sipping
a drink with a book in hand
waiting for her knight to take
her home.
whisking her off into the desert sunset
on his stallion.
While she was in her early teens,
her maternal grandmother (on her
deathbed) told her she would be going
off to England for further education,
and for a very long time... that she
would leave the land of her birth to join
her dad who was in the UK at the time.
Several years later she took the big step
continue her education in the UK. She
had always known in her heart that
her knight was not in the town she was
leaving behind. Was the UK the land of
the ‘forever sands’ she had always seen
in her mind’s eye? Far from it! Dressed
in her tropical clothes, she tried in
vain to look for the familiar. Her first
encounter with the unpredictable
British weather was frozen raindrops
-hail stones- bigger than grains of rice!
Luckily for her, the all-female hostel
she was staying at was at the city
centre, close to her place of study.
Did she finally meet her knight of the
desert? Only when their paths crossed
at the university they were both
studying. Was it an arranged marriage?
Yes, but not by their parents. You see
their first encounter was a backward
glance as they walked past each other
in the corridor leading to the balcony
of the college refractory. Little did
she know that the invitation to visit
a young couple was from his cousin.
By Samara MW Larday
dhabi dames
ExcaliburKZ @ExcaliburKZ
Artwork sent by Tempo fans
Sara Bukair and Zoe Lindley-Smith
Cindy Cheung @missiecindz
Feels good to be mentioned by
@AbuDhabiTempo about my
#cindy365notes in their Instafame
column of #Tempo Magazine
Very well written, nice, catchy
and entertaining. Kept me
hooked from start to finish.
Keep the good work going :D
-Abrar Ahmed
A very well written article. You’ve
pointed out several positive
aspects of globalisation and
given a new perspective to the
decreasing gender discrimination.
Also the topic is well chosen and
I’m sure the name intrigued others
as much as it intrigued me.
Tempo Planet
Download the
Tempo app for free
from the Google
Android Playstore:
“Tempo Planet”
I love the changes you made and I want to congratulate you on
your achievements! -Cor Nelia
I personally like the new TEMPO. It is really cool! -Noor
The new TEMPO is indeed bigger and better! Congratulations
Team Tempo! -Salman Ali
This reminds me of Aesop’s fables,
but even more wonderful in that
it is a story told by Emiratis using
their culture and history. It’s a
lovely short story and I cannot
wait to see the published book
with the entire collection!
-Tara Waller
My name is Kate Grasell. I am a
Russian married to an American.
I have a 21 year old son who is in
his last year of study at the Chinese
University of Hong Kong.
Five years ago I moved to the UAE
and was stunned at the family
friendly environment of this country,
the number of kids and the various
concerns of parents. Major issue
was that activities for little babies
were unsparingly limited due to the
weather conditions and parents’
I am a certified infant massage and
swimming therapist. My infant
massage private course and aqua
baby group classes are useful and
multifunctional activities for
Abu Dhabi families.
Recently I started a new project -
Mom’s First School. This is a group
course for parents with 1-12 month
old babies. The need of the course
has been inspired by parents with
a passion to incorporate massage,
swimming and socializing.
The course is tailored to parents’
coherent training and kids’ gradual
acceptance of massage, gymnastics
and swimming. Each class adds new
knowledge and skills of Massage
techniques, Gymnastics and Basics
of Swimming. Within the classes
parents learn massage strokes and
gymnastics sets according their baby’s
development. A magical bonding
happens between mom and her baby.
For more information check
www. 05
A book review by Azza El Masri
Azza El Masri is an avid reader
and is always looking for new
recommendations! If you want her to
review a book you fell in love with,
or leave a comment on her book
bulletin, then you can reach her on:
By Seumas Gallacher
Savage Writing
…I wonder how often and how many of yeez have the same thoughts that
bang around in my little grey cells from time to time… today’s epiphany
jumped in a wee while ago… ‘…God save us from those that want to
save us from ourselves…’ …it starts when ye’re still an infant, still in yer
short trousers… the ‘savers’ raise the alarm about how much violence
gets peddled in the movie theatre cartoons… ‘…it’ll warp their minds…
create monsters out of them… psychologically damage them forever…’
…well, I don’t know about how yeez all handled that stuff, but watching
the likes of Tom and Jerry and the Road Racer invent thirty thousand
different ways of bodily annihilation never ever put me off my mince…
fast forward to the modern day and the birth of the eBook phenomenon…
everybody and his cat wants to write a novel… the favourite literary
poison of the day is crime thrillers… which generally means violence and
killing on a scale seldom seen outside of World Wars… with the flick of
a quill or a tap on a laptop keyboard, victims pile up for the bin men to
collect… my ol’ Mama said yeez can never get enough of a good thing…
but from a scribbler’s perspective, just how much violence is a ‘good
thing’?… the writing clichés abound on how to make characters become
ex-persons… all the way from size 10 concrete footwear to ‘pluggin’
‘em’ with three kilos of best cordite-smellin’ lead… ‘fess up time… I’m a
crime thriller author… and, yes, there’s more than a tad of violence in
my masterpieces…(I’m from docklands Govan in Glasgow, what do yeez
expect?)… however, there’s a huge difference in the novelist’s use or abuse
of violence… (… ‘gentle’ violence? …surely not?)… readers are not dumb…
okay, they’re well-adjusted to the concept of ‘suspending disbelief’ in
the interests of story plot flows… but we’re not talking horror genre
here… so creating gallons and gallons of gore doesn’t make for good
crime stories… neither does a mild tap on the back of the skull to induce
corpses… yeez have to keep it real and credible… most authors will tell
yeez that they’d like to have a ‘grab-‘em-by–the–throat-and-pull-‘em-in’
beginning… violence is fair game for that… startle ‘em a wee bit… but
there’s the risk of ‘over-selling’ it… once yer character’s dead, leave him
dead… don’t overkill him… if ye’re trying to provide descriptive evidence
that a bad dude or dude-ess is really bad, he or she doesn’t have to
strangle somebody to show that… a well-placed sneer fits the bill just as
well… once a reader has made an early judgment on the evil protagonist,
it sticks, don’t worry about that… instead, use the impending threat of
violence as the tension-builder… oh, and by the way, if the baddies get
taken out on the ‘live by the sword, die by the sword’ ethos, then it’s
perfectly acceptable to visit every kind of savagery on them… the only
baddies I ever consistently rooted for back in the old days was whatever
criminal characters Jimmy Cagney or Edward G. Robinson portrayed…
but by and large, yer readers want the villains to ‘get theirs’… some
writers create havoc in the body count and violence while others get by
with perhaps a single mortality… it depends on the story context… just
don’t make any of it gratuitously violent… there has to be a purpose, even
if it’s merely retribution by killing the bad guy, or sculpting sympathy for
the killing of an innocent character… it has to resonate with the reader…
evoke some reaction… yeez don’t want the reader to actually feel pain,
but it’s good writing to have them feel the emotional pain of the those
close to a ‘goodie’ ye’ve just topped… and nothing beats the reader’s inner
cheer when the ‘baddie’ finally gets huge dollops of his own violent
medicine… yeez want them saying, ‘…Yes! Yes! Got the s-o-b…’ …by the
way, counterbalancing the violence with some ‘touchy-feely’ emotional
passages is not only acceptable, but desirable… in the absence of outright
humour, a lighter piece gives the reader a breathing space… lets them
catch their second wind… believe me, they’ll be grateful and thank yeez
for it… so, with all that in mind, go kill ‘em!…
Follow Seumas on Twitter:
The topic of destiny has been
largely left to the unknown, for
obvious reasons. Throughout time,
some have chosen not to assume
responsibility for their actions,
preferring to put the weight on
the stars or a Supreme Being who
knows and sees all. We are no
different today, and some of us
indulge in daily readings of our
horoscopes to divine the future.
Jepp is a dwarf who decides to take his
destiny in his own hands. Set in the 17th
century and loosely based on the true life
of renowned astronomer Tycho Brahe,
Katherine Marsh gives voice to a court
dwarf who wants make something out of
Fifteen year-old Jepp has never dreamed
of being anywhere other than by his
mother’s side, helping her at their quaint
bed-and-breakfast inn in the Dutch
part of Belgium. But when a mysterious
aristocrat approaches him one night and
promises him a life filled with education,
gold and safety at the court of the Spanish
Infanta, Jepp’s stars change forever.
Our hero’s happiness is short-lived when
he discovers the true motives behind his
arrival at the Infanta’s court. Rendered
as a plaything to the Spanish court, Jepp
is forced to rethink his identity and
question his fate.
Marsh, author of acclaimed novel
The Night Tourist, crafts a touching
and believable story of heartache,
perseverance, and adventure by alluding
to real events, circumstances and
characters. Marsh restores our faith in the
power of Man, his capability to grasp his
fate in his hands and his attempts to mold
it to his liking.
Marsh’s new novel about the courageous
dwarf and his refusal to surrender to his
fate is inspiring, and absolutely un-put-
downable, and that’s because the reader
invariably roots for this unusual hero
who reflects our own innermost desires.
Jepp, Who Defied the Stars
by Katherine Marsh, 2012
Dec 5
ADNEC, Abu Dhabi
Life and Style Show UAE features seven
individual events: speed and power, home
and living, fashion and beauty, gizmos,
gadgets and tech, sport and leisure, toys,
hobbies and games, and luxury property
and build. With an array of interactive
features – including catwalk shows
and demo homes – visitors can buy
everything from latest fashion items to
high-tech products.
www. tempoplanet.com06
21 Yrs Old•	
Sales Executive•	
Dec 6 – Dec 14
Mall of the Emirates, Dubai
The Dubai International Film Festival
(DIFF) serves as a platform where local
and international directors, film-makers,
writers and actors can come together
to share ideas and inspiration through
workshops and seminars to help each
other achieve success in the regional
market. In the festival, the medium
of film is used to cross boundaries,
stereotypes and ideas, bringing a wide
array of stories from local GCC countries
to life. This festival is an invaluable week
for networking and gaining support
from programmes and initiatives
associated with the Dubai International
Film Festival.
Dec 11 – Dec 14
Dubai International Convention and
Exhibition Centre
Dubai World Trade Centre
The Women’s Exhibition serves
aspiring entrepreneurs who run startup
companies and want to exhibit their
products and services. The exhibition also
aims at showcasing the best there is in
products and services aimed at women.
This exhibition offers a range of goods
and services for women from the health
and financial sector to well-being, fashion
and jewellery.
maghanoy+971 2 491 8624
Film | Produced by twofour54
Ishy Bilady is a film rich in
contemporary symbolism that tells
the story of the UAE and its people. It
will be aired on occasion of national
day for the first time on Abu Dhabi
Media Channels on 25 November
2013. The two and a half minute film
features iconic moments in the lives
of the Emirati people, its leaders and
those living and working in the UAE.
twofour54’s creative lab talent led an
Emirati team in producing the film
under the creative direction of UAE
director Ali F. Mostafa.
The film is in partnership with the
Abu Dhabi Media and Abu Dhabi
Tourism & Cultural Authority.
H.E. Noura Al Kaabi, CEO twofour54,
said: “This film is our gift to the
UAE on its 42nd anniversary and
a sign of our pride in our country,
honouring the past, present and
future of our nation and its people.
It is a very special project to us and
a great opportunity to showcase
the continued growth of the media
Envision a future 100 years from
now and design a piece of furniture
for personal use for that time
and place.
The Student Design Challenge is an
annual design competition hosted
by ISG and tasmena and featured
at the INDEX Exhibition in Dubai.
It stresses socially responsible
design and takes a research-design-
build approach extending students
beyond the classroom.
The programme encourages students
to connect and learn through
collaborative and interdisciplinary
Participants are required to submit a
design for a futuristic furniture piece
(not decorative items or accessories)
for personal use with maximum
dimensions 1m x 1m x 2m, in the
orientation of their choice.
The first submission is due
December 12, 2013.
industry in the UAE and twofour54’s
support of young Emiratis.”
Follow creative lab on:
Twitter: @CreativeLabME
Instagram: @creativelabme
Call for Entries | 7th ZEBRA Poetry
Film Festival
For the seventh time, the ZEBRA Poetry
Film Festival is calling for entries to find
the best poetry film. Entries may be short
films made on the basis of poems.
The total value of the prizes in the
competition is € 13,000. From among the
films submitted, a Programme Committee
will nominate the films to be entered for
the competition and select the films for the
various sections of the festival programme.
The winners will be chose by an
international jury. The 7th ZEBRA Poetry
Film Festival will take place from 16 to 19
October 2014. Closing date for entries for
all the competitions is 25 April 2014
(See conditions of entry in full and the
“Festival poem” at
Abu Dhabi 2013
@ Du Arena,
Yas Island
Video Games
Live 2013
@ Dubai World Trade
Centre, Dubai
Al Dhafra
Festival 2013
@ Madinat Zayed,
Abu Dhabi
New Year's
In Dubai
@ Burj Khalifa,
www. 07
INTRO CLIP Opening scene: Outside Will’s house MARIA: Where the heck have you
WILL: I. I. I can explain.
MARIA: Don’t worry I will be there for you. Just
tell me everything.
WILL: You know I developed a phone app.
MARIA: Yes you put the phone next to your
mouth. And it measures if you have bad breath.
Great app. I mean pure genius!
MARIA: Of your app?
WILL: And they hijacked the code and it does
something totally different.
WILL: Everything went really well. Until.
MARIA: Until?
WILL: A rogue faction cracked the code.
MARIA: What does it do? What Will?
What does it do?
WILL: It. It. Makes the person using it burp.
MARIA: Burp?
WILL: Burp uncontrollably until they drop dead.
MARIA: Is it possible to die from burping?
WILL: Only if you’ve downloaded my app (crying) The
ruthless gang want to use my app as WMD.
(gong sound)
MARIA: WMD? WILL: Weapon of Mass Destruction. You see 10
million people have already downloaded my app
MARIA: Look Will. There’s always a solution.
WILL: What am I going to do?
MARIA: Let’s find the programmer who created it.
WILL (crying): That’s the problem. He quit and is now
the leader of the gang.
MARIA: What? Your app developer is now the leader
of the gang?
WILL: Yes. Yes. Yes.
WILL: People are trying to kill me.
MARIA: Really?
WILL: Did you know that I am on the
wanted list?
WILL: My photo has been on the news on
TV on train stations. Everywhere!
WILL: (crying)
MARIA: Yes. Please explain. WILL: I don’t want others to see us.
Let us go to the coffee shop.
Inside the coffee shop
WILL: I have been hiding.
0:00 / 2:55 T
The ReJig It team give the software 7/10: “Limited movements and locations along with some technical
glitches here and there. But cool experimental app and useful tool for storyboarding”PRESENTS “PLOTAGON”
The ReJig It team reviewed Plotagon, a software that allows you to create
short animated films. Tempo presents the result: “App Gone Wrong”
MARIA: I know. And you’ve become a millionaire.
Good job.
WILL: You know what the app does?
By Shahid Saeed
www. tempoplanet.com08
Landscape photography
is a great way to enjoy
your hobby outdoors.
By definition ‘landscape’
photography shows little or
no human activity, and the
scenery typically captures
the presence of nature.
Purists argue that man-
made, sea coast and city
images should not be
included in ‘landscape’,
but should rather be called
‘seascape,’ ‘cityscape’ and
so forth. Ansel Adam
(whose inspirational quotes
are shown) was a noted
landscape photographer.
SETTING: Manual Mode
PURPOSE OF THE SHOT: “A scene from the shores
of Fujairah, at desired aperture shutter speed was
going over a minute. Since I did not have cable
release, I had to adjust ISO in order to get camera
equipped shutter speed about 30”. @ 25” it got
perfect. In this photo, movement of water creating
smooth surface was captured with rocks in the
ISO: 1000 | SHUTTER SPEED: 25 sec
TIP: A photograph is usually looked at- seldom
looked into. (Ansel Adams)
SETTING: Manual Mode
PURPOSE OF THE SHOT: “The glow was a little
unusual on the day, reflections and shadows of
boats/ yachts behind the Marina offered a bit
of drama.”
ISO: 100 | SHUTTER SPEED: 20 sec
TIP: You don't make a photograph just with a
camera. You bring to the act of photography all the
pictures you have seen, the books you have read,
the music you have heard, the people you have
loved. (Ansel Adams)
SETTING: Aperture Priority Mode
PURPOSE OF THE SHOT: “Recent clouds'
appearance cast shadows and illumination of sun
while setting. Luck strike by having camera in the
back of car.”
ISO: 100 | SHUTTER SPEED: 1/30 sec
TIP: Landscape photography is the supreme test
of the photographer - and often the supreme
disappointment. (Ansel Adams)
www. 09
Nothing is more frustrating to a photographer than
finding the ideal image to capture, but not having
enough light to execute the shot. The images shown
here were taken by the Abu Dhabi Photographers
as part of a challenge was to capture photos at night.
The time for the challenge was between 4:30 – 8:30
pm, and the place, the Abu Dhabi Breakwater.
Established in 2009 by Shahid Saeed, the Abu
Dhabi Photographers comprises a group of over 700
photographers based in the capital. The group is run
and managed by BrandMoxie, a leading marketing
agency in the UAE. To find out more about Abu Dhabi
Photographers, visit: or follow:
> Vinod Valappil
> Anuj Taylor
> Tariq Nazal
> Eileen
> Sujith Prasad
| Abu Dhabi | Ajman | Dubai | Fujairah | Ras Al Khaimah | Sharjah | Umm Al Quwain
www. tempoplanet.com10
> Katy Perry
> Lady Gaga feat. R. Kelly
> One Direction
> Eminem feat. Rihanna
> Ke$ha Feat. Pitbull
> Travie McCoy feat. Jason Mraz
> Connor Maynard
> Avicii
> Austin Mahone
> Little Mix
is a 30 year old Pakistani ad man who feels that when it comes
to music, he does not restrict himself to any particular genre. He
has diverse musical influences ranging from Rock and Punjabi to
Sufi Music and Pakistani folk. Of all the bands, his all time favorite
pick is the American rock band, Kings of Leon.
tempo movie
Follow #TempoReviews on Twitter for more.
coming soonnow showing
Tempo rates the latest movies based on action, comedy, explicit content and
positive messaging. Our trusted movie buff, Shaheer Akbar reviews movies
released in the Gulf recently.
With lots of much - awaited movies releasing every week. Tempo creates
an expectation meter. We asked few movie-lovers what they think of these
upcoming movies and this is how the expectation goes.
DIRECTED BY: Alan Taylor
Chris Hemsworth
Tom Hiddleston
Natalie Porman
DIRECTED BY: Paul Greengrass
Tom Hanks
Max Martini
Chris Mulkey
DIRECTED BY: Peter Jackson
Benedict Cumberbatch
Martin Freeman
Orlando Bloom
Vince Vaughn
Cobie Smulders
meter legend:
Mi Amigo1.	 > Kings of Leon
Noose2.	 > A Perfect Circle
Gorak Dhanda3.	 > Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Neend Aati Nahi4.	 > Junoon
Desi Rock5.	 > DJ Swami
Gone with the Sin6.	 > HIM
Back Down South7.	 > Kings of Leon
Tappe8.	 > XLNC
Waqt9.	 > Entity Paradigm
The Red10.	 > Chevelle
www. 11
Nothing suggests the lack of
knowledge a journalist has better
than shallow research. For those
who read Vice, I am sure you've
caught one of their latest articles,
which targeted the UAE’s Hip
Hop music scene with this exact
'uninformed' based criticism,
entitled “No One Is Paying
Attention To Dubai’s Mega Rich
Rappers.” This article attempts
to be an insider into UAE’s
urban and scene, poised with the
ongoing conversations about the
“mega rich” in Dubai. We aim to
correct the misconceptions and
generalizations that this article
In the Vice article, the author claims
that the Dubai Hip-Hop scene is
composed of 'mega rich rappers'
who all seem to drive around with
their high priced vehicles. Due to
the lack of research that was evident
through out the article, here are
some compensating statistics about
Dubai: The city claims a footprint
of around 1,500 square miles of the
entire U.A.E (around 32,000 square
miles), and is also a business hub of
the MENA region. Dubai attracts
tourists from all over the world as
well as its neighboring countries
such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia -
suggesting that Dubai's nightlife is
where it’s at.
That said, excluding rich tourists
who come to Dubai for vacation,
there is an estimated 54,000
millionaires who reside in the
U.A.E who are part of the country's
9 million population. So these
millionaires fall into the 'mega rich'
title. They make up only 0.6% of the
population. Now lets assume, for
argument's sake, that these 54,000
millionaires, along with the rich
tourists that come in, all have active
night lives and presumably all drive
luxury cars; chances are you would
bump into that 'mega rich' crowd
in such a small city. And the author
of the article did, considering the
picture featured in his article of
a luxury car - had a KSA number
Narrowing the chances down
further, what are the odds that all
of these 'mega rich' folk are rappers?
And are representatives of the
city's urban scene? Chances are
incredibly slim.
there is the undeniable potential for
other artists to develop and be heard
on a global scale. Has it happened
yet? Perhaps not, but that doesn't
marginalise Dubai scene. Nothing
was promised out of Dubai musically
and nothing should be cancelled
out either - "The UAE is like a
melting pot with so many different
nationalities and influences, so
hopefully we'll get to a point where
we can absorb that and continue
to build a stronger scene" as
Holland said.
Hip-Hop is a dynamic form and
it is a channel for people to voice
their stories. This side of the world
has plenty of stories to tell, and
the Dubai urban scene has a lot to
contribute. Confining the culture
within other stereotypes of the city
reflects the lack of research and
understanding about a scene that
is rapidly forming. Platforms are in
place, mindsets are tuned, and it’s a
matter of time. Negating the efforts
of the active contributors of the
scene would have simply agreed
with the misconceptions the Vice
article delivered.
Blatantly quoting Sadiece Holland, who
is a radio co-host on The Edge and the
founder of The FLEX, (which is an urban
online and TV platform that showcases
local artists) - "the notion that we have
a 'mega rich Hip-Hop scene' is absurd".
Holland grew up in Abu Dhabi, the UAE
capital, and is an active contributor
to the culture. "If anything about our
scene was 'mega rich', (aside from the
ones that feel they can buy their way to
fame), we'd have more resources, more
accessible recording studios and more
money being thrown at creating and
marketing content".
Truth of the matter is, the city is filled
with "...Arab and Western expats,
many of whom have not had those
experiences", (Paul D, founder of Rooftop
Rhythms, Abu Dhabi's 1st Poetry Open
Mic Night). Dubai's Hip-Hop scene is
being fueled with people of different
ethnicities and backgrounds, and it's
safe to say that more than a good half
of these people, do not have pockets
as deep as the 54,000 millionaires. The
ones that do are extremely few and far
between. This is not to say that "there is
something wrong with being rich and
being an artist but there is something
disingenuous about it… Those guys
aren't hip-hop. Those guys are buying
their way into the public sphere for
attention and to be down.". (Yassin, AKA
The Narcicyst, a "satellite member of the
UAE music scene").
Contrasting between the crowd that
has grown up in the country, like
Holland, and people who are relatively
new movers to the scene like Paul
D - both feel that the 'mega rich' label
being plastered by the Vice article is
practically nonexistent.
Might this suggest that the 'mega rich'
faces, which are an incredibly small
minority - is suddenly being chosen
to represent an entire scene, which
contradicts that representation?
Another point criticized by the author
was the lack of platforms in the country
that promote local talent - and this is
where the lack of research really pierced
through the entire article. Dubai being
a young and fast moving country, the
Dubai scene is young and growing as
well - it isn't 'mega rich' but is credited
with active and passionate contributors
to the scene who create platforms
for artists to showcase themselves.
There is FORTLOM (For The Love of
Music) which is a seasonal event that
A response from top UAE names in the music industry
to an article by Vice that was critical of the UAE’s
Hip-Hop scene.
brings artists locally as well as from
neighboring countries - to show case
their talent.
There is Rooftop Rhythms (which was
mentioned in the article - in a dim light),
which is becoming one of the popular
cultural nights in Abu Dhabi to attend. "I
give over twenty-five poets, singers and
rappers opportunity once per month to
showcase their talents so I try my best
to add to the cultural scene", says the
Award Winning Poet and founder of the
event, Paul D. "Sadiece of The FLEX has
given more than one hundred artists the
opportunity to share their work through
radio, TV and the Internet". There is also
the homegrown segment on The Edge
- a radio show hosted by local DJ Dany
Neville, which airs every Saturday:
it features and aims to promote local
artists in the scene.
We do have platforms to promote local
artists; "The challenge is getting access
to them for the purposes of adding your
creations to the culture" (Jibberish, local
Hip-Hop artist). In terms of expansion,
there is always room for more platforms
to cater to the growing cultural scene.
The author called for a talent worthy
enough to be heard - to step out of the
country. This is probably the only point
the author made that might have held
some truth - might have. Jibberish, a Sri-
Lankan born Hip-Hop artist who resides
in the U.A.E (and a great artist to keep
tabs on in the local scene), believes that
"it’s only a matter of time; the country is
very young after all.
Every region's Hip-Hop scene has gone
through the process of finding itself"
and Feras Ibrahim (AKA Toofless, a
Sudanese MC residing in UAE) added,
“To be completely honest, I feel that
the urban music scene in the UAE
lacks individuality and diversity in
talent. Artists here are trying to mimic
someone else, and we still haven't been
able to find a sound that defines us as
a scene” - and that is exactly where
Dubai's Hip-Hop scene is at. A pool of
raw talent is still experimenting, re-
creating and developing it's sound. As
The Narcicyst stated, “I believe the right
artist hasn't been given the window.
Hamdan Al-Abri is probably the most
credible voice from the emirates. “
Hamdan Al-Abri, is an Emirati soulful
singer who was nominated for the 'Best
Middle East Act' in the MTV European
Music Awards this year. His the name
that seems to roll off everyone's tongue
when it comes to a local artist with
an international sound. Like Hamdan,
Paul D.
See the article
“No One Is Paying
Attention To
Dubai’s Mega Rich
By Omar Tom a.k.a OT
Omar Tom
Sadiece Holland
The Narcicyst
il forno
olive garden
www. tempoplanet.com12
It comes in varied sizes, shapes and colours. It can be made with wheat,
grains, semolina and almost any cereal. It can be fresh or dried. It can be
fancy or budget. It originates back to the 4th century BC and is now one of
most consumed foods items in the world. It’s PASTA! Tempo takes a tantalising tour 		
		 of the tasty treat in town…TEMPO TRIED & TESTED
Tagliatelle Pasta with Parmesan cheese fresh shrimp and calamari in tomato
Il forno is a popular restaurant in town, and thhe reason could be that
their pasta menu is extensive. They have everything ranging from “regular
pastas” to stuffed pastas, lasagne and risottos. Though the pasta I had was
cooked to ‘al dente’ perfection, the seafood didn’t feel quite so fresh and
their sauce was too thick for my liking. I may have been overwhelmed by
the choices and picked the wrong dish.
They have plenty of pasta options including stuffed varieties like ravioli
and tortellini.
Shrimp, crab and smoke mozzarella-filled ravioli pasta topped with sautéed
shrimp in a three cheese and sun-dried tomato sauce.
Bellissimo. The ravioli when you cut into it gives out a lovely aroma of smoked
mozzarella that doesn’t ooze out of your pasta. The sauce is creamy, tasty and
exceeded my expectations. Olive Garden in the US is sometimes derided as
being less Italiano and more Americana, but to me this was good hearty fare.
Olive Garden has a never-ending soup or garden salad offer free with every
main course, which makes it great value for family dining out.
Spaghetti pasta with Goat cheese and soy sauce with scallops.
Italianissimo is a swanky Italian restaurant on Reem Island that delivers on
style and sophistication. It doesn’t have too many menu choices, and maybe
that’s a good thing for some patrons, but you need to appreciate how authentic
Italian cuisine tastes to relate to their sumptuous dishes. I opted for scallops
instead of shrimp in my pasta, but I was somewhat disappointed – not only
because the portion was so small, but also because I expected the flavour of
goat cheese and soy to work together more smoothly. Maybe I wasn’t in the
right mindset?
Their salads never disappoint - the flavours are absolutely delizioso!
By Diji Shujahi
Cornelia Baciu, 33, from Romania uses watercolors and the smoke from a
burning candle in her art. She explained to Tempo that the smoke of the
burning candle creates a delicate effect and contributes to a dreamy and
fluid presence. She uses different brushes and tools to manipulate the smoke
traces on paper. In some pieces she enhances certain effects using gold
leaf and in others she uses unconventional materials like silicone to create
intriguing textures.
Connect with Cornelia:
Painting with smoke or “fumage” is a surrealist technique popularized by
Wolfgang Paalen in which impressions are made by the smoke of a candle or
kerosene lamp on a piece of paper or canvas. Salvador Dali later utilized the
technique in his paintings, calling the technique "sfumato".
www. 13
by INSTAGRAMMER: Cornelia Bacui
www. tempoplanet.com14
"Classy Elegant"
Oasis, Mango, Zara, Massimo Dutti
for dresses and Aldo for the shoes.
Orange shoes from Top Shop
There are lots of interesting people
with a high fashion sense. I love the
way women here dress up even if
they take a minimalist approach.
I hate it when women show more
skin to look sexy! Sexy doesn’t come
from wearing skimpy clothes!
Angeli Castillo
www. 15
Joyce Suede and Shearling Knee high
boot: I prefer this knee high boot as I
love the pointed toe and the tapered
heel with its classic details. Wear it
with skinny jeans and cardigan or
sweat shirt to complete the look.
Joyce Suede and Shearling Knee high
boot: I would definitely vote for this one
as fur is so in. It can be teamed up with
any dark coloured leggings or skin fit
denim which is a must for the current
Men's Collezione
Jumper: I would prefer
this shawl neck jumper
as it looks inherently
smarter than your
typical crew or v-neck.
It is generally paired
with slim trousers or
dark solid jeans. It works
best when dressed up
slightly in a smart-
casual approach, and
always looks better in
a slim fit. You can add
more edge by pairing
with boots.
Men's Collezione
Jumper: Black for guys
is always a classic. This
shawl neck jumper
teamed up with a blue
denim delivers a smart
Mango: I would
definitely go for this as
the bright animal prints
contrasts the wether’s
dreariness and adds
color to my wardrobe.
Style with skinny jeans
or slim trousers and
angle boots for chic
Mango: I would go
for this. Red is so
in. It brightens skin
complexions especially
in gloomy weather.
manar al hinai ruksana ajir
Emirati Fashion Designer Indian Fashion Designer
www. tempoplanet.com16
By Sanah Chauhan
www. 17
to express myself by reproducing
famous artworks of Cezanne, Picasso,
Monet, Van Gogh, and others. I
decided to specialize in mixed media
painting and to share my knowledge
with my students. I paint because I
need to. Painting takes me into my
own world, which I find unspeakably
exciting as my mind races,
considering new ideas and concepts.
I love painting on both large and
small formats because the most
important thing for me is not the
surface but what I express when I
paint. What I love about painting on
a wall is the challenge of creating
a unique artwork that reflects the
inherent character of a place. In
my paintings, both on walls and
canvases, I often use mixed media
such as glass, CDs, gold and silver
leaves, wood, mirrors, glitter and
There’s one that is a colourful series
of textured musical instruments
and performers. I wanted to capture
the power and optimism of coming
together through the universal
energy force of music. For me music
brings people together, removing
their differences and reinforcing
their common humanity. I listen to
music every time I paint to give me
more excitement to create.
I am a 31 year old French artist,
muralist and art teacher. I have a
degree in Fine Arts and Interior
Design, and I’m very passionate
about art. I love visiting art
exhibitions or museums and
discovering new design boutiques.
I’d say I’m a happy person who is
sensitive and loves meeting and
knowing people, and that I’m
very persistent in all the projects I
I’ve been taking art lessons since
the age of five, with different artists
and teachers. I was experimenting
different techniques and ways
Gustav Klimt’s paintings amaze me and have
inspired my sense of detail and precision. The art
includes thousands of dots, shapes and patterns to give
the work more depth A painting is a long process between
the moment I get the idea of what I would like to do to the very
last layer of varnish. Sometimes I build an image in my head and it
evolves quite differently on the canvas with each brush stroke. Music
and travel have had the biggest impact on my work. My camera is also
essential since photographs of the patterns of my daily life that can be a source
of inspiration.
www. tempoplanet.com20
National Novel Writing Month
NaNoWriMo (Nano) is a unique creative experience that takes place
in November of every year. On November 1, participants each year
begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by
11:59 p.m. on November 30. Nano describes itself as ‘a fun, seat-of-
your-pants approach to creative writing’. Although it is popular in
the US with online forums and meetups dedicated to Wrimos, it is
gaining increasing interest among writers internationally. Winners are
announced in December, and it is those who have succeeded in writing
the 50,000 words before the November 30 deadline. And the prize is:
the announcement by Nano that you have completed the challenge
Some Nano novels get published, in fact to date 250 Nano novels have
been published, and some even made into films. These include Sara
Gruen’s Water for Elephants, Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus, Hugh
Howey’s Wool, Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, Jason Hough’s The Darwin
Elevator, and Marissa Meyer’s Cinder.
Tempo followed the experience of three Wrimos based in the UAE:
Daniela Raykova Ainsley , Simon
Russell Ainsley and Michael Ellis
Taylor, and here we present their
unique experiences. We hope in
next issue Tempo will – if the three
Wrimos allow us – to announce the
results of their efforts.
A Somewhat Daily Account of the Process so far…
Day 1: It's the later afternoon and I don't know whether
to be more worried about not having written a single
word or that after having written 3500 words. Simon
is suffering an actual overdose on coffee. In between
furniture hunting for a sparsely furnished flat,
Halloween parties, a Jay-Z concert and border runs to
Oman I wonder when I'm going to have time to start my
month long endeavor.
Day 2: I've managed to scribble a few words on my
IPhone here and there but nothing substantial. The
problem isn't just that I'm having a very busy weekend,
there is also the massive issue of not having any proper
writing tools. It can be essential to have a keyboard
(for speed), spell check, internet access etc. During
NaNoWriMo sharing a computer is not a viable option.
I can't force myself to get inspired at given times of the
day, and it often helps to fuel the creative juices when
two people are typing away in unison.
Day 3: Feeling miserable for having only a few hundred
words and I want to quit before I have even properly
started. I detest what I already have written and don't
want to go on!
Day 4: After reading a bit from my copy of No Plot? No
Problem!by Chris Baty, the founder of National Novel
Writing Month, (every NaNoWriMoer's bible) and read
about leaving my inner editor with in its pages (there
is actually a 2D button you can press to leave your
inner editor) and allow yourself to just write without
judgment and criticism then you can get on with being
a part of a wonderful, life altering experience. Oh! Also
Simon was kind enough to buy me my own laptop and
Michael got me a program called Scrivener which is a
great writer’s tool and made specifically for novelists
and screenplay writers. At 3293 words I’m inspired to go
on to victory!
The days that followed: The biggest question on my
mind is, ‘When will this month be over?’ Seriously
every waking thought is centered on writing and
coffee and writing. If you are not writing then you are
experiencing self-deprecating thoughts of guilt and
being doomed to fail miserably, disappointing your
spouse and more importantly yourself.
There are good days when life seems grand and what
you are writing takes shape, but there are also the lows
when you don’t know why you even started writing
this dribble in the first place. And days when you cry
because there are no little coffee elves to refill your
empty cup.
The month is half gone and we are either behind, ahead
or within sight of our targets, will we get to the finish
line in one piece or lose our minds trying? Now I must
get on with my seemingly never-ending task at hand,
until my fingers break on my shiny new keyboard
because at 20,237 I am well behind the 25,005 target!
How I got my idea and the process so far…
As I write this on the 13th November 2013, I’m at 17,500
words and feeling fairly good about it.
The idea was conceived when I first got to Abu Dhabi
in September – it came to me when I was re-writing my
2009 Nanowrimo effort over a pot of coffee at the Grand
Millenium Hotel Al Wahda. (Yes, the work doesn’t stop
when November ends!)
I made a page of notes about the idea and left it until
November. When November 1st came around I got
stuck in. I’ve tried to ‘win’ Nanowrimo four or five
times (You win by writing 50,00 words in the month)
and have only been successful once, and I’ve found a
strong start is essential or else your desire to continue
dissipates quite quickly. I managed 6,000 or so words
on the first weekend and aimed for the weekends to be
my ‘killing ground’ - when most of the meat of writing
gets done. During the week I’m working at a very
demanding job so I’m lucky if I can fit in 500 words. A
nap helps in-between work and writing time as does
exercise and of course: copious amounts of the writer’s
partner in crime - ye old Caffeine!
It’s very important not to get discouraged by what
you’re writing. As Stephen King says you have to
destroy the negative thoughts in your head and show
up at the page every day. My aim during these sessions
has been to re-read very little and just plough ahead and
write as much as possible in a stream of consciousness
fashion. You have to slay your inner-editor and kill
self-doubt and realize that you will have plenty of time
to delete and edit after the month is done.
Helpful Writing Tools:
I always listen to music (BBC Radio 6 – Gilles Peterson’s
weekly show or Nemone, Huey Morgan or Benji B,
Toddla T on Radio 1) as it helps soundtrack the process
and keep a beat to your thoughts. Sometimes TV in the
background can help – I watched a whole morning of
news and alternated the channels whilst I tapped away
on my laptop: mixing BBC News with Russia today,
France24, Al Jazeera and CNN.
You can often find stories on the news and in
newspapers that can be altered and used in your
writing. You can take, manipulate and repatriate ideas
and names from these sources and use them to refresh
your thoughts. I also like to write to sit-coms or movies
in the background. I think it’s great to be doing the
Nanowrimo out in Abu Dhabi as new places equal
a fresh take on things and this is great grist to the
writer’s mill.
Another important factor for me is keeping my ideas
secret. Many writers will say the same, that telling
people about your ideas before you write them is like
a death sentence for your novel. In the past, I’ve lost
impetus so this novel is staying firmly secret until it’s
fully formed!
My Nano experience
It seems to me that NaNoWriMo has a lot in common
with the famous Iditarod Trail Race held every year in
Mind you, there are differences. The Iditarod racers
have dogs and a sled, and run a cold, dangerous course
of 1,100 miles across ice and snow of the Alaskan
wilderness. Bad things happen. Both humans and dogs
risk death.
NaNoWriMo writers have keyboards and coffee—many
have cats. The only dogs involved, if at all, are more
likely to be found lying on the writers' feet than
running across miles and miles of frozen tundra. Make
no mistake—NaNoWriMo is also a dangerous race. Your
cat could spill coffee on your laptop. You could break
a typing finger by tripping over the dog on the way to
replenish snacks.
You could get 20,000 words into your story only to
realise that it is poisonous and evil rubbish. It always
starts out well, with fanfare and excitement.
Sledders pack their gear for survival. On the day the
race begins, they take off to the sound of a cheering
well-wishers. Writers also have survival gear—snacks,
notepads, laptops, chocolate, tea, coffee and other more
stimulating beverages. They plan, they plot. And on the
first day of November they launch their new novels to
the cheering of online friends and maybe, just maybe
even reality-based family members. The beginning is
But now, two weeks later, that feeling of being alone in
a vast, windswept wasteland has started to creep in for
many writers.
There is an additional danger for writers: you can
quit anytime you want. So could the dogsled racers, I
imagine, but then they would be stranded in the middle
of nowhere at risk of death from exposure.
Writers, however, can abandon a novel and drown their
failure. This may be comfort for the body, but the soul
is in peril.
It is imperative to complete the book. It doesn't have to
be a race. If NaNoWriMo doesn't work out for you this
year, that doesn't mean the book is a lost cause. You
can—and should—continue to write.
By the end of the first week, I realized that I'm not going
to complete 50,000 words this November. The plot is
not complicated, the book was already half written
and requires edits along the way, and I don't have
enough time.
I am okay with this. I still plan on finishing this book
of mine.
Hopefully before next November.
Our copy, used much?!?! Note coffee
and pen stains, you should see the
inside of the book!
Daily Target, our worst nightmare!!!!
Eager to write… or had too much coffee
resulting in shaky hands.
Here’s what you need to know:
NaNoWriMo Toolkit- Want to try your hand at novel writing?
Here are some resources on what you need to get started and to keep you on track once you do.
THE BOOK- No Plot? No Problem! A LOW-STRESS, HIGH-VELOCITY Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days
www. 21
One day I went to a village where
there was a donkey with blue eyes
and a long horn. I heard someone
calling my name, "Mohammed!
Mohammed! Come! Come!” I followed
the voice and all of a sudden, there
was a girl with big blue eyes standing
near a cedar tree. “What are you
doing here?" I asked.
“I was waiting for you.” she said.
“Look into my eyes and remember…
I ran away and jumped into my car.
I was still in shock when I got home
and continued to hear the voice over
and over again in my head. I went to
my room but I couldn't sleep. I was
worried about how the girl with the
blue eyes knew my name. I thought
about it for hours, until I dozed off
into a short nap.
I heard footsteps getting closer and
closer. When I opened my eyes, I saw
a donkey standing beside me. I felt
like there was someone holding me as
I heard her calling my name again.
By: Maha Ahmed Ebrahim
Abdulla Hasan
Illustrator: NaufAbdulrahman
Abdulla Abdulrahman Al Shaikh
"Who are you? What do you want
from me?" I said.
"I am the donkey you and your
friends beat.It’s now time for revenge
and reckoning," it said. Suddenly, I
heard my mother calling me and
realized it was all a dream.
That morning, I went to the restricted
area. I sat under the cedar tree and
called the donkey. As night fell, I saw
the donkey. In the blink of an eye, I
found myself in another world full
of mad cows. Tears welled in my eyes
and I started shaking.
“Welcome to our world,” the donkey
laughed. “Yesterday, I was badly
treated and today, it’s your turn.” The
donkey made me work like a slave
and beat me every day. One day I saw
one of the other men smiling. "Why
are you so happy?" I asked.
"I will go back soon and see my
parents, my family and return to
my world," he replied. My advice to
you is to treat animals with respect,
kindness and charity, and never
forget God."
the legacy of the Emirati storytelling tradition and contribute to the revival of this
important cultural heritage within the United Arab Emirates.
Last year, the Club in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation
exhibited Story Mile a collection of 48 original fables and folktales, written by students
from the Academic Bridge Program, illustrated by College of Arts and Creative
Enterprises majors and translated by ZOWD volunteers into the language of its
characters, Emirati dialect.
The tales, which are soon to be published in a book, share not only the storytelling
traditions of the Emirates, but have also introduced other key aspects of Emirati
culture. These latest stories are creating new footprints in Emirati's storytelling
foklore, while preserving and reintegrating 24 archetypical traditional characters
researched by Master Storyteller Abdul Aziz Al Mussallam and designated by the
Department of Culture, Heritage and Information as genuinely Emirati back into the
cultural landscape.
Stan ‘Stockade’ Tillman unleashed
a vicious left hook. His rival, Jimmy
‘Lightning’ Jones, rocked on his heels.
To all intents and purposes the fight
was over. However, even though he
knew his opponent’s health was fragile,
Tillman pressed home his advantage
with a flurry of body blows and a final,
trademark haymaker.
Jimmy Jones toppled back onto the
canvas like a felled tree, the dull thud of
his dead weight reverberating around
the arena.
Filled with euphoria, Stan raised his
arms in victory before embracing his
equally excited trainer, Mr Holland. The
two men were already making plans in
their heads for a title bout in the near
future. They therefore failed to notice
Jimmy lying motionless in the ring, eyes
wide open, foaming at the mouth.
The ringside medic, Dr Feldman,
brought the tragic news to the changing
room. Jimmy ‘Lightning’ Jones had been
pronounced dead where he lay.
“It wasn’t your fault, Stan,” Mr Holland
told the inconsolable boxer.
“I beg to differ,” said Doctor Feldman,
“but Jimmy Jones was boxing with
a dodgy ticker. None of us should be
surprised that he just keeled over.”
“Jimmy didn’t just keel over,” said Stan.
“I landed the killer punch. But the three
of us knew he had a weak heart, so
we’re all responsible. There’s nothing
accidental about his death at all.”
The plan had been for Jimmy to put up
a passable fight, receive his share of the
purse money and then immediately
announce his retirement. As for Stan
‘Stockade’ Tillman, the win would be
enough to move him up the rankings so
he got a shot at the title.
Mr Holland and Dr Feldman remained
guiltily silent, quietly dwelling on
their complicity in Jimmy ‘Lightning’
Jones’s tragic demise; Stan’s trainer had
arranged for the other fighter to take a
fall, whilst the doctor had certified that
the ailing pugilist was fit to box.
That night, unable to sleep, Stan slipped
quietly out of his hotel room and out
of the hotel. Dressed in a hooded coat
to avoid being recognised, he went on
a long, thoughtful walk. Shortly after
midnight he found himself in a deserted,
downtown alleyway. A cool breeze blew
between the lowering building façades
and Stan sensed he was not alone - that
some other-worldly presence was
stalking him.
“I must be imagining things,” he told
himself, peering down the empty alley
and tried to suppressing his rising fear.
As he attempted to dismiss the feeling
of unease, a shadow on the brick wall
opposite became sharper. Its outline
took on an unnaturally human shape,
adopted a classic boxing pose and
punched out at him. The silhouette’s fist,
black and solid-looking, emerged from
the brickwork and slammed into Stan’s
gawping face.
Nursing a bloody nose, Stan took to his
heels, stumbling out of the alleyway
and sprinting back towards his hotel.
All along the route though, the ghostly
shadow pursued him, its insubstantial
essence made tangible through the light
cast by streetlights and from the bulbs
around shop hoardings.
When he reached his hotel room, Stan
locked the door behind him, switched
off all the lights and phoned Mr Holland.
“Jimmy Jones is back from the grave,” he
“Calm down,” Mr Holland soothed. “Just
tell me what’s happened.”
“It’s Jimmy. His ghost’s out for revenge.
He’s coming out of the shadows and
attacking me,” he said, before realising
that the screen of his mobile phone was
casting shadows, and that one of those
shadows had sprung to life.
Stan screamed once and the phone went
With a key-card from the hotel
reception, Mr Holland opened the door
to Stan’s room, turned on the lights
and found the boxer lying on the floor,
bruised and beaten on the floor, staring
sightlessly up at the ceiling. He rang
Dr Feldman with the tragic news and
explained the strange phone call he had
received beforehand.
“If the door was locked,” Dr Feldman
on his arrival, “then Stan must have
done this to himself. There’s no other
explanation. Whatever the case though,
you’d best inform the authorities.”
Ruing the loss of his prized fighter, Mr
Holland walked out of the hotel room,
mobile phone in hand, keying in the
emergency number.
Meanwhile, Dr Feldman found himself
watching in horror as a shadow slid
across the hotel room wall in pursuit
of the boxing manager and wondering
if the vengeful spirit would come for
him next.
By Paul A. Freeman
PAUL A. FREEMAN works and
lives in the UAE. He is the author of
over 100 commercially published
short stories, and author of the
awesomely titled Robin Hood
and Friar Tuck, Zombie Killers - A
Canterbury Tale.
www. tempoplanet.com22
A character in a children’s
show can be vivid and real
to a child. Tempo contributor
and award-winning poet,
Dorian “Paul D” Rogers
sat down for cafe lattes
with Emirati actor, Ayham
Subaihi to converse about
all things acting, and about
being the ‘Arabic Elmo’ of
the UAE.
DORIAN: Tell me about yourself.
AYHAM: I’m a light-hearted half-
Emirati, half-Egyptian. I’ve lived in
the UAE all my life and spent four
years studying abroad. I spent my
teenage years in Sharjah, which is
where I get my chilled vibe from.
I now live and work Dubai as a
Station Master at Serco Dubai Metro,
which makes me the dude in charge
of making sure the station runs
DORIAN: How long have you been
into acting?
AYHAM: I studied film in university
and I’ve loved acting since I was
young boy. My first role was for my
brother in his short documentary
about children and TV in 2002.
In 2004, I received an award for
best actor in the Emirates Film
Competitions for a short film I acted
in called My World My Pitch about a
young boy running through different
landscapes with a football when
suddenly he snaps out of his “dream
state” in a wheelchair. Since then I’ve
done a few short films a year, and,
this year, I’ve taken the initiative to
include myself in some professional
productions and acting classes.
DORIAN: You do the Arabic
voiceover for Elmo of Sesame Street.
What do you think of Sesame Street
in Arabic?
AYHAM: As the famous saying goes,
“What goes around, comes around, goes
around comes back around”. The actual
term sesame came from the Arab tale,
“Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”. The first
Arabic Sesame Street was actually from
Kuwait in the 70s called Iftah Ya Simsim
(Open Sesame). Since then a few other
Arab countries have adapted the Sesame
Street program making their own
cultural flavour in the show. Sesame
Street decided to come down to the UAE
and adapt their show in an Emirati light
calling the show Iftah Ya Simsim Bil
Arabi (Open Sesame in Arabic).
DORIAN: How did you get into this?
AYHAM: During an acting class in
NYUAD a fellow classmate approached
me about a voice casting for a children’s
show. She worked for a media company
called Badaya Media and their sole
client is Sesame Street. They held a
private seminar where after people
were networking, and I walked up to
the person who gave the presentation
and told him I was going to be the next
Elmo even though I was asked to cast
for Cookie Monster. With practice and
precision, I became the Emirati Elmo for
a cartoon version.
DORIAN: What is your favorite
character on Sesame Street?
AYHAM: My favorite character has
always been Cookie Monster from the
way he stuffs his face with cookies and
they crumble everywhere and he never
actually swallowed them. Also the fact
that he never gave up looking for what
he loved most in this world. Yours?
DORIAN: Oscar the Grouch was really
cool to me and Big Bird was really
parenting and positive to the rest of the
puppets. What was the hardest part
about becoming Elmo?
AYHAM: The hardest part was to think
and talk like I was the actual three
and half year old that is recognized by
people all over the world. Also “Al
Baha,” meaning Elmo’s hoarseness,
that my voice director would keep
remind me to evoke. I would call my
nieces and pretend I’m in the car
with Elmo switching my voice just
to see if they believed if I was Elmo
or not.
DORIAN: That's cool. I bet they
think you are the coolest uncle in
the world since you know Elmo! Are
you also interested in puppetry, or
do you just do Arabic voiceovers?
AYHAM: I was told if things go as
planned, Bedaya would send me
to New York to do workshops on
puppetry. I personally would love
for the opportunity because I think
bringing joy to children has always
been something I love to do since I
started to be an uncle at the age of
DORIAN: You're right. There's
nothing like putting smiles on
children's faces. Are there any
original puppetry television shows
in this region that you know of?
AYHAM: At the moment I don’t
follow or know any, but as a child I
use to watch a puppet show called
Boogie Wa Tum Tum made in Egypt.
As I’m half-Egyptian, every summer
I would visit Egypt and watch that
show in my grandparents old-school
black and white TV where there
was just a knob to switch between
DORIAN: What are your ultimate
aspirations in acting?
AYHAM: This is probably the
hardest question to answer. Since
acting is my true passion in its purist
form, I’m not after fame or money
although it would be great. I would
say just to be acknowledged and
respected as an artist who brings
characters to life on the big screen.
By Rhea Oommen
It’s been a month and a half since I left my
home in the UAE for university in Boston,
MA. This afternoon as I was walking
down the street, I noticed the fall weather
had painted the leaves dark pink, burned
orange, and lemon yellow. The air by
Starbucks smelt like pumpkin spiced latte
and there was a slight chill in the air, but
the sun was still shining –psychologically,
keeping me warm enough.
However, while I was enjoying this
picturesque New England November
moment with a Duffy song playing in my
earphones, a glimpse of the near future
crossed my mind. It was me looking
twice my size in an oversized winter coat,
walking down the same street. I couldn’t
smell the pumpkin spice in the air – only
because I couldn’t smell anything (my
nose was frozen). I couldn’t enjoy the
nature because the trees were stripped
bare of their leaves. And forget about the
sun; it set while I was in my 3pm history
While I used to complain about Abu
Dhabi not having seasons except for
summer and “winter”, I would do anything
to study in Boston during the summer
months and then holiday in UAE during
its wonderfully warm winter months.
Before I moved to the American northeast,
I could count the number of times I had
worn jeans. I used to waltz around in
dresses and skirts back home but now,
not only do I own drawers of pants in
different colors, fittings and textures, I’m
in them almost every day! Also, back in
AD, I used to curse at the desert when
sand used to get in my slippers but now
when I’m walking in the snow and step
into a puddle of melted ice that completely
drenches my winter boots; I miss the
feeling of warm sand in between my toes.
And then I get to the car. Hot cars used to
drive me mad. I mean who doesn’t get hot
and bothered by the smell of overheated
leather, the sting of burning seatbelts and
having to roll down the window for a few
minutes because some chain email said
that the car’s air contains cancer-causing
Well, on a typical Bostonian winters day
when it’s below 0°C, I get into the car
hoping it would be much warmer than
the outside. Truth is, you’re trapped in a
metal box with the same freezing outside
temperature until the heat kicks in. And
then once the heat does warm you up,
you get too hot because you’re still in your
coat, scarf and gloves.
When the proud Bostonians say that they
love their winter and can’t stand anything
above 50°F (that’s 10°C!), they obviously
have no idea what they’re missing. As
much as I love everything else about my
historic New England city, the winter is
not my cup of tea! And I’m honestly not so
into the whole “white Christmas” scene
–give me Christmas in the desert any day!
Very soon I’ll back home in the UAE!
www. 23
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< Angeli Castillo
Most valued possession: I would say my
laptop and my union jack mug.
Where I’m hanging out most: My mom's
One thing I cannot live without: Music.
The person who inspires me the most:
Jared Leto.
Things I need most for survival: My
laptop, coffee, pizza, and my headphones.
Car I would like most to own: BMW
ACS5 5 series.
A typical day in my life:
1- Wake up 2- Go to work 3- Attend
classes 4- Hang out 5 -Sleep.
Where I see myself in 10 years:
Headlining Download Festival.
My goal in life: To become an
international musician, sending messages
through music.
Person who most deserves my gratitude:
My mother of course.
My purpose: To make music, share
emotion through my lyrics and make
people have a good time during our shows.
My earliest memory: Not quite sure if
that's a memory or just a figment of my
imagination, but I believe it’s a memory of
me playing with a toy phone when I was
The craziest thing I’ve ever done: I actually
tried to read Twilight.
I would most, and least, like to be stuck in
an elevator with…
Jim Carrey / Megg Griffin
If I could wake up in someone else’s body:
I'd pick Luke Skywalker, but probably only
for a day.
Music that turns me on:
Placebo - Running up that hill•	
Silent Hill - Not tomorrow•	
The breakpoint method - Zombie•	
30 Seconds to mars - Night of the Hunter•	
Asking Alexandria - To the stage•	
As I Lay Dying - Forsaken•	
My Last Song Syndrome (LSS):
Disconnected by Heartist
If I was trapped in a TV show for a month I
would most like it to be: The Simpsons.
The most recent movie that made me cry:
Riddick (because of how bad it sucked).
Age: 23
Profession: Musician
Nationality: Egyptian
Motto: Keep your friends close and
your French fries closer.
I most feel at home: where I'm having a
good time with good people.
If today were my last day I would rush to:
The nearest Domino's.
If I were dying I’d like my last meal to be:
grilled ribs.
And the last dessert I could have: "Lazy
cake"- haven't had it in years but I loved it
ever since I was little kid.
If you could be anywhere in the world
right now, where would you be? I'd be in
California, working as a musician. I haven't
been there before but I intend to one day.
If I was given a free ticket to the moon
(and back of course): That's a no brainer, of
course I'd go. I've always wanted to be in no
gravity field. I'd take my closest friends with
me of course.
If there were one historic event I could
witness it would be: The assassination of
Julius Caesar.
If there was one historical figure that I
could question to, and get a truthful reply
from: I'd ask the guy who invented math
"what have we ever done to you?"
www. 27
When I lived in Abu Dhabi and worked in
Dubai, I was a regular at film festivals in
both cities and in Doha, so when I moved to
Miami in March, I started looking for what
was available here. I didn’t expect to find
seven art cinemas within 30 minutes drive
from my apartment.
The Coral Gables Cinema was my first
discovery. I became a member, volunteered
my services in marketing and fundraising,
and learned the Cinema would be holding
Miami’s first International Children’s
Film Festival in October. That sounded
interesting, and I joined the organizing
This first year we limited the festival to
three days from Friday–Sunday, Oct. 25-27.
On Friday - a working day in the US -school
groups from elementary and middle schools
came to screenings with their teachers. The
official opening party and screening were
held Friday evening.
Saturday was the longest day with a
children’s carnival in the plaza outside the
theater including donated hamburgers,
chicken wings, soft drinks, and chocolate
pops as well as a face painter, a balloon man,
and a banjo player. Screenings began at 10
am, and the last film of the day started at
7:30 pm.
On Saturday and Sunday some children
registered for a stop-motion animation
workshop, three hours for children 6-12
Saturday and four hours for those 13-16
On Sunday the carnival and screenings
again started at 10:00 am with the last film
of the Festival shown at 6 pm to make it
easier for parents since Monday would be
the start of the school and work week.
Because the Festival was organized
in partnership with the New York
International Children’s Film Festival held
every March since 1997, most of the eight
full-length features shown in Miami came
from among the 100 films shown there.
As the unofficial capital for the Caribbean
and South America in the US, Miami is a city
where Spanish is spoken almost as much as
English, sometimes more. The emphasis for
this Festival as for much in Miami was on
Spanish and Portuguese culture. No films
from the Middle East were included.
The film on opening night was Anina,
directed by the Uruguayan graphic artist
Alberto Soderguit who presented the film
and answered questions afterwards. He
was also around for the second screening of
Anina on Sunday afternoon.
Like almost all the features shown, Anina
is an animated film, the story of a girl who
hates her name, Anina Yatay Salas, because
it is a palindrome.
The only feature with actors, Cinderella
Moon - a China-US co-production filmed
in China - retells the Cinderella story in a
new way. I think it was the best film of the
festival, but most were very good.
The festival closed with Wolf Children
from Japan directed by Mamoru Hosoda.
It is about a college student who marries a
classmate that turns out to be half wolf - like
Taylor Lautner in the Twilight films.
Like any startup, the first Miami
International Children’s Film Festival wasn’t
perfect, although the children and adults
who attended clearly enjoyed themselves.
Some children were too young to read the
subtitles; parents had to whisper subtitles to
the children, but no one seemed to mind.
Theresa F. Weber
Theresa Weber is Co-Founder of
Alexandria Consulting Team (ACT) LLC an
international management consultancy.
Terry is also editor of the daily
MENA #WomeninBusiness Forum
You can follow her on twitter
@ TheresaFWeber and @ACT_LLC
Dr. Alma Kadragic
Follow Alma on Twitter: @almakad
back your hair are all signs that you are
nervous and not confident, and these
gestures make it likely you won’t be taken
Since nervous habits tend to come out
when you are breathing rapidly, train
yourself to breathe low and comfortably,
and your nervous twitches will disappear.
May we all harness our inner "Wonder
Woman" and project that confidence in
our body language and business!
The impact that body language has on
your business cannot be underestimated.
Many women unintentionally engage in
diminishing poses ranging from crossing
their feet while standing, to tilting their
heads, to poor eye contact. This type of
body language may give off the wrong
image and hurt your business. Power
poses, on the other hand, can enhance
your business and have other positive
While growing up I was a fan of Wonder
Woman who stood straight with her feet
apart and hands on her hips. I would
stand in the mirror and feel powerful.
Little did I know that what I was doing
was changing my body chemistry to
make me feel more confident.
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy of
Harvard Business School has shown how
“power posing” -- standing in a posture
of confidence, even when we don’t feel
confident -- can affect testosterone and
cortisol levels in the brain. High power
poses include standing with hands on
your hips, leaning with straight arms
on a table, and sitting open with arms
outstretched. High power poses increase
testosterone levels and can decrease
cortisol, the stress hormone, thereby
boosting your confidence. Lower power
poses include making yourself small,
crossing arms and legs, and even touching
your neck.
Sharon Sayler, an executive coach
specializing in verbal and nonverbal
communication, puts it another way.
Businesswomen are not taken seriously if
their body language communicates “little
girl.” Little-girl poses elevate the stress
hormone, cortisol, making a woman feel
less confident. However, a power stance
like the “Wonder Woman” pose changes
body chemistry so that she feels more
confident and successful.
According to Sayler, here are five poses
that businesswomen should avoid:
Women cross their ankles while standing
because it is more comfortable, especially
if they are wearing high heels. However,
it is not a good idea, because it sends the
message that you are insignificant.
A confident pose is to stand with your
back straight and your ankles uncrossed.
If you are unable to stand this way in
high heels, wear flats.
This pose consists of holding your hands
over your groin area as if your hands
are a fig leaf. Women and men strike
this pose, which gives the impression of
The best option is to simply let your arms
hang naturally by your sides. Another
solution is to bend your elbows and
keep your hands parallel to the ground
while lightly clasping them together. You
can also hold a book or tablet, but not a
cellphone, as that suggests you don’t have
Many women tilt their heads
when listening to someone as an
acknowledgement of hearing and
understanding the other person, but this
gesture may suggest to others that they
are confused or agree with what the
speaker says, when they may not.
To avoid this gesture, keep your chin
parallel to the ground. If you feel the need
to acknowledge that you are listening,
nod very slightly.
When a woman drops her chin and looks
high up in her eyes or up over her glasses,
this is a submissive gesture that spells coy.
We tend to drop our chins when we feel
insecure, but the more we do that, the
more insecure we feel.
Instead, keep your chin parallel to the
ground and make good eye contact,
which communicates that you are
intelligent and sincerely interested in
what the other person has to say.
Fidgeting, playing with your jewelry
or smartphone or twisting or throwing
women in business
media view
www. tempoplanet.com28
Year 2013
You can't really expect harmony
and agreement. And this will not
only be true for December 2013,
but for several months ahead. Call
your faraway friends, write them
or even pay them a visit!
Taurus' financial situation will
clear up and there might appear
extra income. Things will attempt
to calm down in a way, after a
more complicated period. Not for
long, though.
Communication is the best
instrument to reach harmony
with the other one. Get ready
for big projects for the coming
year together with your partner,
collaborators, and friends!
Your work will be appreciated
and the material reward will
not delay coming. Collaboration
relationships will be very
important to your career. Set
your objectives for 2014 and start
thinking about strategies!
Financially, the situation will
be satisfying all throughout
December and you might make
an investment. Practice on your
calmness and patience!
You'll go through a special phase.
The optimism will make a strong
comeback and good mood will
prevail. Give your family and
domestic chores more time!
unleash moxiewith brandmoxie
By Tomislav Buljubasic
Case 1: 6 PM, I’m home after work and
relaxing with my six and four year old
sons. We are lying on the balcony and
everyone is playing on iPhones or iPad -
the same game: Angry Birds.
Case 2: Sunday morning and one of the
boys just realized which day is today – it’s
the day when new Angry Birds Toon is
available! Let’s see the new episode!
You already figured out that I’m one of
fans, but let’s dive deep into the Angry
Birds makers’ philosophy. Finnish firm
Rovio is the creator of this mega-popular
brand started four years ago with a smart
phone game.
When the game was launched,
developers spread the word about the
game to friends with iPhones (in Nokia
based Finland there weren’t too many
iPhone in those days). Fast, the game
became #1 on Finnish AppStore. During
Winter Olympics one Swedish skier had
an accident and in the TV interviews he
said that it will be very boring to sit alone
in the hotel room, but fortunately he has
Angry Birds – and the game reached #1
on Swedish AppStore. Next stop was UK
and USA: When the game reached #1 on
AppStore it stayed there for 300 days.
So how have Rovio made it? Before Angry
Birds they had 51 games, they learned a
lot from previous projects and analyzed
hundreds of games before this big launch.
Also, the ecosystem was too hostile for
a startup before AppStore launch. The
market wasn’t ready before AppStore. It’s
important to mention that the text was
eliminated from the game and they made
it so easy to understand the game and
play it. Much time was given to details –
there were 30 different designs only for
an App Icon.
The fastest growing brand is not only the
game, now it’s the big range of physical
products and also cartoons. Rovio now
have the biggest animation studio in
Northern Europe – they launch one
cartoon weekly. Overnight 1.7 billion
people have at least one of Angry Birds
games on their device. Astonishing, isn’t
I was happy to be in their headquarters in
Espoo, Finland and had the opportunity
to ask questions. What I thought to
ask was reflecting to "Case 1" from the
beginning of this article. “Why Angry
Birds can’t be played against other
players?” but then I remember that few
weeks in the past, Angry Birds Friends
was on the market! Well, Rovio is clearly
ahead of their fans - surely ahead of me!
What’s next? Educational books, activity
parks… let’s see…
Download the app from the iPhone App
Store: Unleash Your Creativity
By Megan Totka
Let’s pose a question; can you force
innovation or is it purely accidental?
Such a question represents a potential
slippery slope for entrepreneurs and
dreamers alike. Consider how some of the
biggest breakthroughs in medicine and
technology, such as penicillin and x-rays,
were discovered by accident.
When we dwell too much on such stories,
we begin to believe that perhaps hard
work doesn’t really pay off. If others are
stumbling onto their success, what’s the
point of our blood, sweat and tears? This
mentality is incredibly dangerous to the
productivity of today’s movers and shakers,
but seems to be more and more prevalent in
today’s fragile economy where the struggle
never seems to stop.
On the flip side, trying to “force” innovation
may be an equally futile exercise. Like
trying to stick a square peg in a round hole,
innovation cannot be forced. Innovation is
not something “easy,” manageable or even
necessarily tangible. Ultimately, innovation
comes from within and is sparked by those
who have the passion to make it happen.
Let’s talk about “passion.” Not “passion”
as a buzzword. Not as a motivational
bumper sticker or some sort of catch
phrase that signifies our “success.” Real
passion. Unmistakable, genuine enthusiasm
and drive. It’s the thread that links all
innovators together.
Yet every business owner and
entrepreneur claims to be passionate.
And why wouldn’t they? We want to
be associated with the Steve Jobs’ and
Elon Musks of the world, the inventors
and tinkerers who dedicate their lives to
making something truly great. Regardless,
successful businesses and innovations are
about much more than “great” ideas. In the
end, they’re about passion.
But where does that passion come
from? How can we spark it from within
ourselves? What constitutes, for example,
a passionate business owner? In short, it
comes down to diligence, experience and
It could be said that passion or lack thereof
represents a natural selection process for
today’s innovators. So where do you begin
when it comes to planting passion within
your organization?
“Genius is one percent inspiration and
ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
– Thomas Edison
Innovation and passion begin with a vision.
Whether we imagine ourselves building
our empire from scratch or perhaps
creating something much smaller, we have
an endgame in mind and know where we
want to go. While actually getting there
may be another story entirely, we know we
have to work. And work hard.
Famously, Thomas Edison tried thousands
of different filaments before finally
inventing the light bulb in 1879. While
we’d love to be one of those who just
happen upon greatness, very few will ever
be so lucky. History tells us that we will
make mistakes, yet it’s our responsibility
to learn from them in pursuit of our
vision. Failure often seems like the name
of the game when it comes to innovation;
however, our efforts are never futile when
we legitimately grow and learn from our
mistakes. Perhaps Edison said it best:
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000
ways that won’t work.”
Innovators and business owners come in
every shape, size and background. From
the poor and undereducated to the wealthy
and elite, innovation has the potential to
come from just about anyone with the so-
called “right stuff.” Unfortunately, we don’t
all have the luxury of being prodigies when
it comes to our businesses; therefore, we
rely on our experience to make decisions in
pursuit of something bigger and better.
Passion comes into play when we see what
we’ve done, where we’ve been and how we
synthesize that knowledge into a successful
business. We’ve stated before that small
businesses innovate by asking questions.
Through our firsthand experiences and
outside observations, we can better
determine what needs to be done within
our industries to find success. By putting
ourselves out in the open, we gain an
understanding of what works and what
doesn’t, only creating more opportunities to
innovate for ourselves, our workers
and clients.
In short, make the most of your experience
and what that experience means in shaping
you as a business owner and innovator.
Success in today’s economy often
seems abstract. While it takes plenty of
determination, knowledge and grit to
become successful, it also takes quite a bit
to understand what makes us successful.
Steve Jobs represents a prime example
of someone who was able to understand
success based on his experience after
his removal from Apple during the
1980s. Shortly after Jobs’ return in 1996,
Apple went from a flailing company to a
profitable, global phenomenon. It could be
said that Jobs understood the concept of
success at its core. Not surprisingly, Jobs
was often noted during his lifetime for
his passion.
True innovators don’t stop once they’ve
gotten ahead. They continue to work, learn
and understand where they’ve been and
what the future holds. When innovators
have room to breathe and be driven by
their passion, the sky’s the limit.
At the end of the day, planting passion
within your organization creates
opportunities for innovation. There are so
many variables when it comes to a small
business’ success; however, passion remains
the driving force that links innovators
together. Where does your passion
come from?
PHOTOGRAPH: Luke Skywalker from Angry Birds Star Wars, taken by author
www. 29
This December will bring you
satisfaction from your career and
apparently some extra money
in your pocket. Do sport! It's the
best way of "burning" negative
You'll have to focus only on what
it is most important, because
the professional stress will be
increasing. Communication will
be the key! Take care of your body!
It'll be the most precious tool you'll
dispose of.
This will be an excellent period
for you to stand out, to promote,
to enjoy success. You can now
recuperate something that
rightfully belongs to you, or you
can make an investment if you
want to.
Love will be in the air, and affairs
will be born unexpectedly. Don't
expect help from others more than
they can offer! They are capable
of offering a lot, but not really
You'll have good financial
judgment, you'll seize the
opportunities which will bring you
money, and your work will be well
paid. Don't take more on your plate
than you can do!
Sentimental accomplishments in
December 2013 will basically be
connected with trips, distances,
intellectual, cultural or spiritual
preoccupations. Don't make any
financial decisions under the spur
of the moment!
GE Crotonville – We all rise
Copyright © 2011 – 2013 General Electric Company
GE Crotonville – We all rise
Copyright © 2011 – 2013 General Electric Company
The Employee Management System tracks
goals and measures performance.
It includes tools to gauge:
Development Needs
Career Interests
Development Plan
EMS is a chance for all leaders
to assess and develop their
strengths and plan the future
of their career.
Career &
Ron’s performance management tip
for leaders…
Focus on what you can control.
The quality of your job.
How hard you work. Being on time.
Expand your job. Ask for more
Care deeply about your job…it is a
reflection of you; work is noble.
Ron’s VMV tip for leaders…
Think of others first and always
… never dwell on yourself
… remember everyone in your
business matters … people
believe in and respect someone
who cares about them.
Ron’s performance management
tip for leaders…
We all make mistakes. Admit
them fast and say sorry. Never
cover them up or blame someone
else. This just makes it worse.
One incident can destroy trust
and ruin your reputation.
GE Crotonville – We all rise
Copyright © 2011 – 2013 General Electric Company
GE Crotonville – We all rise
Copyright © 2011 – 2013 General Electric Company
Our multi-faceted approach accelerates
employee engagement and development.
Career Navigation
passion and
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Ron Herman
CEO Mubadala GE Capital
Mary L Romeo
Learning Leader, GE Capital Americas
Setarah Rafiee
MGEC Advantage Leader, Mubadala GE Capital
Theresa F Weber
Acting Executive Director introduced the
Women Achieve Initiative and Women
in Business
The seminar shared principles to enable
successful leaders to define and refine their
company’s culture.
in collaboration with
“Unleashing Your Leadership to
Empower the Leaders of Tomorrow”
Here are some pages from the handouts.
For more, visit Tamakkan facebook group page:
and follow on twitter: @Tamakkan
Ron Herman
From L to R: Ron Herman, Setarah Rafiee, Mary L Romeo, Sana Bagersh and Theresa F Weber
Mary L Romeo
www. tempoplanet.com30
Original game head from Atari to XBox!
game hedz tech talk
Shahid Saeed
Talker for the Non-Techies
So what do you get the game hedz in
your life this Christmas?
Well the most obvious answers: The
XBox One and/or the PS4.
XBox One or PS4?
Power or processors isn't the issue, but
exclusive games and online service. So
far Sony has been saying that dozens of
exclusive games are in the works for the
PS4, including something special from
Last of Us/Uncharted creators, Naughty
Dog. A recent online announcement
strongly suggests it's a brand new
Uncharted story for the PS4. Giggity.
The Playstation Network has long been
established in the Middle East, while
Xbox Live has only been active for
several months, without much content to
enhance the experience. XBox One comes
with some iffy sporting collaborations
(with the NFL) that may only be
accessible to US users, and there aren't
any exclusive games that have got our
hearts racing just yet. So GH recommends
the PS4.
There are a few games that are already
released which will make your game
head happy, including Battlefield 4 and
Batman: Arkham Origins. As for DLC, you
could treat them to the second season of
The Walking Dead and Bioshock: Burial
at Sea. There is a single player DLC for
The Last Us (yipeeeee!!), but that releases
in Jan 2014. Still, it will make fans of the
game very happy.
This LoU DLC follows the story of the
Dark Horse comics that preceded the
game launch. We'll play as fiery heroine,
Ellie alongside her best friend and
mentor, Riley as they navigate a world
torn between the governing authority
and the rebel faction, The Fireflies. The
two orphans, residents at a military
academy in Boston have their own
challenges to face in this story that leads
into the main storyline that we now
know and love. With that said, as much
as we love gaming, the best way to spend
your festive season is with people, not
machines. Not batteries, wires or wireless
connections necessary.
Happy National Day, Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!
Follow me on
Near Field Communications (NFC)
technology allows small amounts data
to be exchanged when enabled devices
are tapped or held closely together or
when one device is touched against an
NFC tag. Although the technology can
be found in many smartphones, credit
cards and passports it has yet to become
mainstream. Interestingly, Singapore's
size and willingness to embrace new
technology has made it a perfect place to
roll out a nationwide NFC network.
Researchers have found a way to figure
out a personal identification number, or
PIN, while someone is typing into their
smartphone, by using the device's built-
in cameras and microphones to secretly
record them.
Smartphones are increasingly handling
a large amount of sensitive financial
information, with banking and payment
apps and other features that turn phones
into full-featured mobile wallets.
This makes mobile devices a ripe target
for cybercriminals.
Will the new iPad Air fly? Well it’s not
about flying or dying but the truth is that
the new iPad air is the most powerful,
most beautiful, slimmest and speediest
iPad to-date. It’s almost half a pound
lighter from previous versions; it has
64-bit A7 processor, 1GB RAM, 9.7 inches
2048 x 1536 (diagonal) LED-backlit Multi-
Touch display with IPS technology and
packed with iOS 7.
It also includes 1.2 megapixels front facing
and improved 5-megapixels rear camera,
dual band Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0,
3G/4G LTE. It can record 1080p HD video.
Apple has promised 10 hours battery life -
that much power and speed is quite good.
iPad Air is available in 16/32/64/128 GB
capacity, Wi-Fi/LTE models.
An innovative accessory for any lifestyle,
watches have a tough job from the outset.
Not only must they fulfill their functional
purpose, but they also have to have an
intrinsic link to style, image and fashion.
The Sony SmartWatch 2 has a 1.6-inch,
sunlight-readable display and supports
one touch NFC. Water, dust and scratch
resistant, SmartWatch 2 can be used as
compass, timer or stopwatch as well as
phone remote.
You can customize its by applying
different themes and changing
wrist straps.
If today's rising energy prices give you sleepless nights how about trying a sleep tracking app? Sleep Time is free on iOS and Android and
will monitor your movement so you can build up a picture of how well you sleep. Sleep Bot, which is also free on iOS and Android, will
kick into audio record mode if you get very restless, which could reveal if you are snoring or talking in your sleep.
> Amjad Rasool
Tempo December 2013
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  • 1. DECEMBER2013 CREATIVITY • SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS • INSPIRED THINKING NIGHTIME SHOOTING Capturing that ideal night time shot >pg 09 ‘FIRE’ A LA ‘SFUMATO’ Using smoke and gold leaf in art >pg 13 NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH Probably the world's greatest fiction writing challenge >pg 20 pg 16
  • 2.
  • 3. MANAGING EDITOR Sana Bagersh EDITORIAL COORDINATOR Ajir Shujahi MARKETING DIRECTOR Manjul Abhishek DESIGN & LAYOUT Mark De Castro WEB & VIDEO Subin John Mathew PHOTOGRAPHER Angeli Castillo DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR Melaku Muluneh EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS: Alma Kadragic Azza El Masri Blakniss Cornelia Bacui Daniela Raykova Ainsley Diji Shujahi Dorian “Paul D” Rogers Maha Ahmed Ebrahim Abdulla Hasan Manar Al Hinai Megan Totka Michael Ellis Taylor Omar Tom Paul A. Freeman Rhea Oommen Ruksana Ajir Samara MW Larday Sanah Chauhan Seumas Gallacher Shaheer Akbar Shahid Saeed Simon Ainsley Theresa F Weber Tomislav Buljubasic TEMPO GROUP: HOW TO SCAN AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) (POINTATME) 1 Download the app pointatme for free from the app stores (Android or iOS) to your smart phone 2 Run application 3 Scan each page that has the icon and have fun with videos, images, links and lots more. DESIGN BY: ADDRESS: To reach editorial at Abu Dhabi Tempo email: If you need to find out where you can pick up your copy call: 02 491 8624/25 or check out the list of Tempo distribution points on our website. NOTE TO ADVERTISERS: Advertisers can request brand tagging with all advertisements. To reach advertising: tel: 02 491 8624/25 | fax: 02 491 8626 | email: DISCLAIMER: Tempo Magazine does its best to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of its contents, the publisher cannot accept any responsibility for errors, mistakes and inaccuracies. The publisher reserves the rights of this product and no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publisher. MEDIA LICENCE NO. 1/105866/24295 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 30 notes / uspace / dhabi dames talking books / the blog what’s hot / people calendar rejig it phototripping shutterbug adp top ten songs / #temporeviews the response city bites instafame blueprint fashion view cover story - magical murals nanowrimo flash fiction articulate café / youth talk #temposwag time capsule women in business / media unleash moxie tamakkan game hedz / tech talk ontents www. CONGRATULATIONS UAE! December is a time of great celebration and this month is an especially fortuitous one for the UAE, with so much going on, and so many grand plans rolling out. The end of the year also serves as a mental marker; a time for the coming together of family and friends, and a time to hunker down and prepare for the start of a new year. Tempo's staff in editorial, design, production and distribution take this opportunity to thank everyone who has reached out to us, to share ideas, inspire us and spur us on. On behalf of our entire team, I’d like to wish everyone happy holidays and a fabulous new year. See you all in 2014! Sana Bagersh Managing Editor Twitter @bagersh smoke of the burning candle creates a delicate effect and contributes to a dreamy and fluid presence... READ MORE ON PAGE 13 d’s note
  • 4. ON ANGELIQUE GOLDSWORTHY’S “LIFE’S STAGED” Brilliant article Angelique- lots of insight to life in the “desert” in a real, fun way. -Taryn Shuttleworth Enjoyed reading your article “Life’s Staged”. It’s interesting to know about your life and your feelings. -Henry Wun www. tempoplanet.com04 POST YOUR VIEWS AND COMMENTS ON OUR FACEBOOK AND TWITTER PAGES notes cyberchatter tweet @abudhabitempo www. tempoplanet.comlike us on facebook space A long time ago in a faraway tropical land in Africa, a young girl, not yet in puberty, had visions of miles and miles of golden sand. Stories like ‘The Little Mermaid,’ exotic Arabian tales and African stories like ‘Anansi and the Spider’ read aloud by older cousins during the evenings set her imagination on fire. She had daydreams about a knight in shining armour Introductions were made at the event, and it could have ended there, but God had bigger plans. During the next summer break, the young lady was shopping with her mother in Oxford Street when they bumped into the young man. She introduced him to her mother. It turned out that his dad was a long lost friend of both her parents. Coincidence? Divine intervention? Today, the couple calls Abu Dhabi home. You will see her sitting sometimes on the Corniche sipping a drink with a book in hand waiting for her knight to take her home. whisking her off into the desert sunset on his stallion. While she was in her early teens, her maternal grandmother (on her deathbed) told her she would be going off to England for further education, and for a very long time... that she would leave the land of her birth to join her dad who was in the UK at the time. Several years later she took the big step continue her education in the UK. She had always known in her heart that her knight was not in the town she was leaving behind. Was the UK the land of the ‘forever sands’ she had always seen in her mind’s eye? Far from it! Dressed in her tropical clothes, she tried in vain to look for the familiar. Her first encounter with the unpredictable British weather was frozen raindrops -hail stones- bigger than grains of rice! Luckily for her, the all-female hostel she was staying at was at the city centre, close to her place of study. Did she finally meet her knight of the desert? Only when their paths crossed at the university they were both studying. Was it an arranged marriage? Yes, but not by their parents. You see their first encounter was a backward glance as they walked past each other in the corridor leading to the balcony of the college refractory. Little did she know that the invitation to visit a young couple was from his cousin. AN “ARRANGED” LOVE STORY By Samara MW Larday dhabi dames ExcaliburKZ @ExcaliburKZ Loving the NEW #TEMPOSWAG @AbuDhabiTempo Artwork sent by Tempo fans Sara Bukair and Zoe Lindley-Smith ON INSTAFAME Cindy Cheung @missiecindz Feels good to be mentioned by @AbuDhabiTempo about my #cindy365notes in their Instafame column of #Tempo Magazine ON MUGDHA SUNIL POLIMERA’S YOUTH TALK ARTICLE “BOYS LIKE PINK, GIRLS LIKE BLUE” Very well written, nice, catchy and entertaining. Kept me hooked from start to finish. Keep the good work going :D #ChangeForABetterTomorrow -Abrar Ahmed A very well written article. You’ve pointed out several positive aspects of globalisation and given a new perspective to the decreasing gender discrimination. Also the topic is well chosen and I’m sure the name intrigued others as much as it intrigued me. -Reema Tempo Planet Download the Tempo app for free from the Google Android Playstore: “Tempo Planet” ON TEMPO’S NEW SIZE I love the changes you made and I want to congratulate you on your achievements! -Cor Nelia I personally like the new TEMPO. It is really cool! -Noor The new TEMPO is indeed bigger and better! Congratulations Team Tempo! -Salman Ali ON STORY MILE’S “MIRROR IMAGES” This reminds me of Aesop’s fables, but even more wonderful in that it is a story told by Emiratis using their culture and history. It’s a lovely short story and I cannot wait to see the published book with the entire collection! -Tara Waller My name is Kate Grasell. I am a Russian married to an American. I have a 21 year old son who is in his last year of study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Five years ago I moved to the UAE and was stunned at the family friendly environment of this country, the number of kids and the various concerns of parents. Major issue was that activities for little babies were unsparingly limited due to the weather conditions and parents’ isolation. I am a certified infant massage and swimming therapist. My infant massage private course and aqua baby group classes are useful and multifunctional activities for Abu Dhabi families. Recently I started a new project - Mom’s First School. This is a group course for parents with 1-12 month old babies. The need of the course has been inspired by parents with a passion to incorporate massage, swimming and socializing. The course is tailored to parents’ coherent training and kids’ gradual acceptance of massage, gymnastics and swimming. Each class adds new knowledge and skills of Massage techniques, Gymnastics and Basics of Swimming. Within the classes parents learn massage strokes and gymnastics sets according their baby’s development. A magical bonding happens between mom and her baby. For more information check BONDING WITH BABY
  • 5. www. 05 TALKING BOOKS THE BLOG A book review by Azza El Masri Azza El Masri is an avid reader and is always looking for new recommendations! If you want her to review a book you fell in love with, or leave a comment on her book bulletin, then you can reach her on: talking-books By Seumas Gallacher Savage Writing …I wonder how often and how many of yeez have the same thoughts that bang around in my little grey cells from time to time… today’s epiphany jumped in a wee while ago… ‘…God save us from those that want to save us from ourselves…’ …it starts when ye’re still an infant, still in yer short trousers… the ‘savers’ raise the alarm about how much violence gets peddled in the movie theatre cartoons… ‘…it’ll warp their minds… create monsters out of them… psychologically damage them forever…’ …well, I don’t know about how yeez all handled that stuff, but watching the likes of Tom and Jerry and the Road Racer invent thirty thousand different ways of bodily annihilation never ever put me off my mince… fast forward to the modern day and the birth of the eBook phenomenon… everybody and his cat wants to write a novel… the favourite literary poison of the day is crime thrillers… which generally means violence and killing on a scale seldom seen outside of World Wars… with the flick of a quill or a tap on a laptop keyboard, victims pile up for the bin men to collect… my ol’ Mama said yeez can never get enough of a good thing… but from a scribbler’s perspective, just how much violence is a ‘good thing’?… the writing clichés abound on how to make characters become ex-persons… all the way from size 10 concrete footwear to ‘pluggin’ ‘em’ with three kilos of best cordite-smellin’ lead… ‘fess up time… I’m a crime thriller author… and, yes, there’s more than a tad of violence in my masterpieces…(I’m from docklands Govan in Glasgow, what do yeez expect?)… however, there’s a huge difference in the novelist’s use or abuse of violence… (… ‘gentle’ violence? …surely not?)… readers are not dumb… okay, they’re well-adjusted to the concept of ‘suspending disbelief’ in the interests of story plot flows… but we’re not talking horror genre here… so creating gallons and gallons of gore doesn’t make for good crime stories… neither does a mild tap on the back of the skull to induce corpses… yeez have to keep it real and credible… most authors will tell yeez that they’d like to have a ‘grab-‘em-by–the–throat-and-pull-‘em-in’ beginning… violence is fair game for that… startle ‘em a wee bit… but there’s the risk of ‘over-selling’ it… once yer character’s dead, leave him dead… don’t overkill him… if ye’re trying to provide descriptive evidence that a bad dude or dude-ess is really bad, he or she doesn’t have to strangle somebody to show that… a well-placed sneer fits the bill just as well… once a reader has made an early judgment on the evil protagonist, it sticks, don’t worry about that… instead, use the impending threat of violence as the tension-builder… oh, and by the way, if the baddies get taken out on the ‘live by the sword, die by the sword’ ethos, then it’s perfectly acceptable to visit every kind of savagery on them… the only baddies I ever consistently rooted for back in the old days was whatever criminal characters Jimmy Cagney or Edward G. Robinson portrayed… but by and large, yer readers want the villains to ‘get theirs’… some writers create havoc in the body count and violence while others get by with perhaps a single mortality… it depends on the story context… just don’t make any of it gratuitously violent… there has to be a purpose, even if it’s merely retribution by killing the bad guy, or sculpting sympathy for the killing of an innocent character… it has to resonate with the reader… evoke some reaction… yeez don’t want the reader to actually feel pain, but it’s good writing to have them feel the emotional pain of the those close to a ‘goodie’ ye’ve just topped… and nothing beats the reader’s inner cheer when the ‘baddie’ finally gets huge dollops of his own violent medicine… yeez want them saying, ‘…Yes! Yes! Got the s-o-b…’ …by the way, counterbalancing the violence with some ‘touchy-feely’ emotional passages is not only acceptable, but desirable… in the absence of outright humour, a lighter piece gives the reader a breathing space… lets them catch their second wind… believe me, they’ll be grateful and thank yeez for it… so, with all that in mind, go kill ‘em!… Follow Seumas on Twitter: @seumasgallacher The topic of destiny has been largely left to the unknown, for obvious reasons. Throughout time, some have chosen not to assume responsibility for their actions, preferring to put the weight on the stars or a Supreme Being who knows and sees all. We are no different today, and some of us indulge in daily readings of our horoscopes to divine the future. Jepp is a dwarf who decides to take his destiny in his own hands. Set in the 17th century and loosely based on the true life of renowned astronomer Tycho Brahe, Katherine Marsh gives voice to a court dwarf who wants make something out of himself. Fifteen year-old Jepp has never dreamed of being anywhere other than by his mother’s side, helping her at their quaint bed-and-breakfast inn in the Dutch part of Belgium. But when a mysterious aristocrat approaches him one night and promises him a life filled with education, gold and safety at the court of the Spanish Infanta, Jepp’s stars change forever. Our hero’s happiness is short-lived when he discovers the true motives behind his arrival at the Infanta’s court. Rendered as a plaything to the Spanish court, Jepp is forced to rethink his identity and question his fate. Marsh, author of acclaimed novel The Night Tourist, crafts a touching and believable story of heartache, perseverance, and adventure by alluding to real events, circumstances and characters. Marsh restores our faith in the power of Man, his capability to grasp his fate in his hands and his attempts to mold it to his liking. Marsh’s new novel about the courageous dwarf and his refusal to surrender to his fate is inspiring, and absolutely un-put- downable, and that’s because the reader invariably roots for this unusual hero who reflects our own innermost desires. Jepp, Who Defied the Stars by Katherine Marsh, 2012
  • 6. THE LIFE AND STYLE SHOW UAE Dec 5 ADNEC, Abu Dhabi Life and Style Show UAE features seven individual events: speed and power, home and living, fashion and beauty, gizmos, gadgets and tech, sport and leisure, toys, hobbies and games, and luxury property and build. With an array of interactive features – including catwalk shows and demo homes – visitors can buy everything from latest fashion items to high-tech products. www. tempoplanet.com06 21 Yrs Old• Filipino• Sales Executive• DUBAI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2013 Dec 6 – Dec 14 Mall of the Emirates, Dubai The Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF) serves as a platform where local and international directors, film-makers, writers and actors can come together to share ideas and inspiration through workshops and seminars to help each other achieve success in the regional market. In the festival, the medium of film is used to cross boundaries, stereotypes and ideas, bringing a wide array of stories from local GCC countries to life. This festival is an invaluable week for networking and gaining support from programmes and initiatives associated with the Dubai International Film Festival. 15TH WOMEN'S EXHIBITION Dec 11 – Dec 14 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre Dubai World Trade Centre The Women’s Exhibition serves aspiring entrepreneurs who run startup companies and want to exhibit their products and services. The exhibition also aims at showcasing the best there is in products and services aimed at women. This exhibition offers a range of goods and services for women from the health and financial sector to well-being, fashion and jewellery. TO ADVERTISE YOUR EVENT AND BE INCLUDED IN OUR ISSUE, CONTACT US AT: december31 december14 december13 december13 remely maghanoy+971 2 491 8624 ON OCCASION OF NATIONAL DAY: ‘ISHY BILADY’ Film | Produced by twofour54 Ishy Bilady is a film rich in contemporary symbolism that tells the story of the UAE and its people. It will be aired on occasion of national day for the first time on Abu Dhabi Media Channels on 25 November 2013. The two and a half minute film features iconic moments in the lives of the Emirati people, its leaders and those living and working in the UAE. twofour54’s creative lab talent led an Emirati team in producing the film under the creative direction of UAE director Ali F. Mostafa. The film is in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Media and Abu Dhabi Tourism & Cultural Authority. H.E. Noura Al Kaabi, CEO twofour54, said: “This film is our gift to the UAE on its 42nd anniversary and a sign of our pride in our country, honouring the past, present and future of our nation and its people. It is a very special project to us and a great opportunity to showcase the continued growth of the media DESIGN THE FURNITURE OF THE FUTURE COMPETITION Envision a future 100 years from now and design a piece of furniture for personal use for that time and place. The Student Design Challenge is an annual design competition hosted by ISG and tasmena and featured at the INDEX Exhibition in Dubai. It stresses socially responsible design and takes a research-design- build approach extending students beyond the classroom. The programme encourages students to connect and learn through collaborative and interdisciplinary activity. Participants are required to submit a design for a futuristic furniture piece (not decorative items or accessories) for personal use with maximum dimensions 1m x 1m x 2m, in the orientation of their choice. The first submission is due December 12, 2013. industry in the UAE and twofour54’s support of young Emiratis.” Follow creative lab on: Twitter: @CreativeLabME Instagram: @creativelabme GOETHE-INSTITUT ANNOUNCES: Call for Entries | 7th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival For the seventh time, the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is calling for entries to find the best poetry film. Entries may be short films made on the basis of poems. The total value of the prizes in the competition is € 13,000. From among the films submitted, a Programme Committee will nominate the films to be entered for the competition and select the films for the various sections of the festival programme. The winners will be chose by an international jury. The 7th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival will take place from 16 to 19 October 2014. Closing date for entries for all the competitions is 25 April 2014 (See conditions of entry in full and the “Festival poem” at Creamfields Abu Dhabi 2013 @ Du Arena, Yas Island Video Games Live 2013 @ Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai Al Dhafra Festival 2013 @ Madinat Zayed, Abu Dhabi New Year's In Dubai @ Burj Khalifa, Dubai
  • 7. www. 07 INTRO CLIP Opening scene: Outside Will’s house MARIA: Where the heck have you been? WILL: I. I. I can explain. MARIA: Don’t worry I will be there for you. Just tell me everything. WILL: You know I developed a phone app. MARIA: Yes you put the phone next to your mouth. And it measures if you have bad breath. Great app. I mean pure genius! MARIA: Of your app? WILL: And they hijacked the code and it does something totally different. WILL: Everything went really well. Until. MARIA: Until? WILL: A rogue faction cracked the code. MARIA: What does it do? What Will? What does it do? WILL: It. It. Makes the person using it burp. MARIA: Burp? WILL: Burp uncontrollably until they drop dead. MARIA: Is it possible to die from burping? WILL: Only if you’ve downloaded my app (crying) The ruthless gang want to use my app as WMD. (gong sound) MARIA: WMD? WILL: Weapon of Mass Destruction. You see 10 million people have already downloaded my app (crying). MARIA: Look Will. There’s always a solution. WILL: What am I going to do? MARIA: Let’s find the programmer who created it. WILL (crying): That’s the problem. He quit and is now the leader of the gang. MARIA: What? Your app developer is now the leader of the gang? WILL: Yes. Yes. Yes. THE END WILL: People are trying to kill me. MARIA: Really? WILL: Did you know that I am on the wanted list? WILL: My photo has been on the news on TV on train stations. Everywhere! WILL: (crying) MARIA: Yes. Please explain. WILL: I don’t want others to see us. Let us go to the coffee shop. Inside the coffee shop WILL: I have been hiding. MARIA: Why? 0:00 / 2:55 T The ReJig It team give the software 7/10: “Limited movements and locations along with some technical glitches here and there. But cool experimental app and useful tool for storyboarding”PRESENTS “PLOTAGON” The ReJig It team reviewed Plotagon, a software that allows you to create short animated films. Tempo presents the result: “App Gone Wrong” WATCH THE FILM HERE MARIA: I know. And you’ve become a millionaire. Good job. WILL: You know what the app does?
  • 8. By Shahid Saeed www. tempoplanet.com08 Landscape photography is a great way to enjoy your hobby outdoors. By definition ‘landscape’ photography shows little or no human activity, and the scenery typically captures the presence of nature. Purists argue that man- made, sea coast and city images should not be included in ‘landscape’, but should rather be called ‘seascape,’ ‘cityscape’ and so forth. Ansel Adam (whose inspirational quotes are shown) was a noted landscape photographer. landscape photography 1 2 3 PHOTOGRAPHER: NADEEM WAJAHAT TITLE: HORIZON LOCATION: Fujairah, UAE SETTING: Manual Mode PURPOSE OF THE SHOT: “A scene from the shores of Fujairah, at desired aperture shutter speed was going over a minute. Since I did not have cable release, I had to adjust ISO in order to get camera equipped shutter speed about 30”. @ 25” it got perfect. In this photo, movement of water creating smooth surface was captured with rocks in the foreground.” CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D800 F-STOP/APERTURE: f/8.0 ISO: 1000 | SHUTTER SPEED: 25 sec TIP: A photograph is usually looked at- seldom looked into. (Ansel Adams) 1 TITLE: MARINA SUNSET? LOCATION: Abu Dhabi, UAE SETTING: Manual Mode PURPOSE OF THE SHOT: “The glow was a little unusual on the day, reflections and shadows of boats/ yachts behind the Marina offered a bit of drama.” CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D800 F-STOP/APERTURE: f/14 ISO: 100 | SHUTTER SPEED: 20 sec TIP: You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved. (Ansel Adams) 2 TITLE: EMIRATES PALACE BEACH LOCATION: Abu Dhabi, UAE SETTING: Aperture Priority Mode PURPOSE OF THE SHOT: “Recent clouds' appearance cast shadows and illumination of sun while setting. Luck strike by having camera in the back of car.” CAMERA MODEL: Nikon D800 F-STOP/APERTURE: f/20 ISO: 100 | SHUTTER SPEED: 1/30 sec TIP: Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment. (Ansel Adams) 3
  • 9. www. 09 NIGHTIME SHOOTING Nothing is more frustrating to a photographer than finding the ideal image to capture, but not having enough light to execute the shot. The images shown here were taken by the Abu Dhabi Photographers as part of a challenge was to capture photos at night. The time for the challenge was between 4:30 – 8:30 pm, and the place, the Abu Dhabi Breakwater. Established in 2009 by Shahid Saeed, the Abu Dhabi Photographers comprises a group of over 700 photographers based in the capital. The group is run and managed by BrandMoxie, a leading marketing agency in the UAE. To find out more about Abu Dhabi Photographers, visit: or follow: > Vinod Valappil > Anuj Taylor > Tariq Nazal > Eileen > Sujith Prasad
  • 10. | Abu Dhabi | Ajman | Dubai | Fujairah | Ras Al Khaimah | Sharjah | Umm Al Quwain www. tempoplanet.com10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 UNCONDITIONALLY > Katy Perry DO WHAT U WANT > Lady Gaga feat. R. Kelly STORY OF MY LIFE > One Direction THE MONSTER > Eminem feat. Rihanna TIMBER > Ke$ha Feat. Pitbull ROUGH WATER > Travie McCoy feat. Jason Mraz R U CRAZY > Connor Maynard HEY BROTHER > Avicii BANGA BANGA > Austin Mahone MOVE > Little Mix INTERACTIVE PAGE DOWNLOAD THE POINTATME APP AND SCAN THIS PAGE QAISER MUKHTAR is a 30 year old Pakistani ad man who feels that when it comes to music, he does not restrict himself to any particular genre. He has diverse musical influences ranging from Rock and Punjabi to Sufi Music and Pakistani folk. Of all the bands, his all time favorite pick is the American rock band, Kings of Leon. tempo movie reviews Follow #TempoReviews on Twitter for more. coming soonnow showing Tempo rates the latest movies based on action, comedy, explicit content and positive messaging. Our trusted movie buff, Shaheer Akbar reviews movies released in the Gulf recently. With lots of much - awaited movies releasing every week. Tempo creates an expectation meter. We asked few movie-lovers what they think of these upcoming movies and this is how the expectation goes. ACTION/VIOLENCE COMEDY/HUMOUR EXPLICIT POSITIVE MESSAGE REVIEW: REVIEW: WHAT'S ON YOUR iPOD? “ENJOYED EVERY BIT, ONE OF MY FAVORITE MARVEL FILMS” DIRECTED BY: Alan Taylor STARRING: Chris Hemsworth Tom Hiddleston Natalie Porman 1 2 3 4 5 REVIEW: THOR: THE DARK WORLD 1 2 3 4 5 REVIEW: “THE CAST OF THIS FILM WAS PHENOMENAL” DIRECTED BY: Paul Greengrass STARRING: Tom Hanks Max Martini Chris Mulkey CAPTAIN PHILLIPS “PETER JACKSON NEVER FAILS TO AMAZE ME” DIRECTED BY: Peter Jackson STARRING: Benedict Cumberbatch Martin Freeman Orlando Bloom THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG “VINCE VAUGHN CAN REALLY DELIVER COMEDY” DIRECTED BY: Ken Scott STARRING: Vince Vaughn Cobie Smulders DELIVERY MAN meter legend: Mi Amigo1. > Kings of Leon Noose2. > A Perfect Circle Gorak Dhanda3. > Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Neend Aati Nahi4. > Junoon Desi Rock5. > DJ Swami Gone with the Sin6. > HIM Back Down South7. > Kings of Leon Tappe8. > XLNC Waqt9. > Entity Paradigm The Red10. > Chevelle
  • 11. www. 11 Nothing suggests the lack of knowledge a journalist has better than shallow research. For those who read Vice, I am sure you've caught one of their latest articles, which targeted the UAE’s Hip Hop music scene with this exact 'uninformed' based criticism, entitled “No One Is Paying Attention To Dubai’s Mega Rich Rappers.” This article attempts to be an insider into UAE’s urban and scene, poised with the ongoing conversations about the “mega rich” in Dubai. We aim to correct the misconceptions and generalizations that this article delivered. In the Vice article, the author claims that the Dubai Hip-Hop scene is composed of 'mega rich rappers' who all seem to drive around with their high priced vehicles. Due to the lack of research that was evident through out the article, here are some compensating statistics about Dubai: The city claims a footprint of around 1,500 square miles of the entire U.A.E (around 32,000 square miles), and is also a business hub of the MENA region. Dubai attracts tourists from all over the world as well as its neighboring countries such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia - suggesting that Dubai's nightlife is where it’s at. That said, excluding rich tourists who come to Dubai for vacation, there is an estimated 54,000 millionaires who reside in the U.A.E who are part of the country's 9 million population. So these millionaires fall into the 'mega rich' title. They make up only 0.6% of the population. Now lets assume, for argument's sake, that these 54,000 millionaires, along with the rich tourists that come in, all have active night lives and presumably all drive luxury cars; chances are you would bump into that 'mega rich' crowd in such a small city. And the author of the article did, considering the picture featured in his article of a luxury car - had a KSA number plate. Narrowing the chances down further, what are the odds that all of these 'mega rich' folk are rappers? And are representatives of the city's urban scene? Chances are incredibly slim. there is the undeniable potential for other artists to develop and be heard on a global scale. Has it happened yet? Perhaps not, but that doesn't marginalise Dubai scene. Nothing was promised out of Dubai musically and nothing should be cancelled out either - "The UAE is like a melting pot with so many different nationalities and influences, so hopefully we'll get to a point where we can absorb that and continue to build a stronger scene" as Holland said. Hip-Hop is a dynamic form and it is a channel for people to voice their stories. This side of the world has plenty of stories to tell, and the Dubai urban scene has a lot to contribute. Confining the culture within other stereotypes of the city reflects the lack of research and understanding about a scene that is rapidly forming. Platforms are in place, mindsets are tuned, and it’s a matter of time. Negating the efforts of the active contributors of the scene would have simply agreed with the misconceptions the Vice article delivered. Blatantly quoting Sadiece Holland, who is a radio co-host on The Edge and the founder of The FLEX, (which is an urban online and TV platform that showcases local artists) - "the notion that we have a 'mega rich Hip-Hop scene' is absurd". Holland grew up in Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital, and is an active contributor to the culture. "If anything about our scene was 'mega rich', (aside from the ones that feel they can buy their way to fame), we'd have more resources, more accessible recording studios and more money being thrown at creating and marketing content". Truth of the matter is, the city is filled with "...Arab and Western expats, many of whom have not had those experiences", (Paul D, founder of Rooftop Rhythms, Abu Dhabi's 1st Poetry Open Mic Night). Dubai's Hip-Hop scene is being fueled with people of different ethnicities and backgrounds, and it's safe to say that more than a good half of these people, do not have pockets as deep as the 54,000 millionaires. The ones that do are extremely few and far between. This is not to say that "there is something wrong with being rich and being an artist but there is something disingenuous about it… Those guys aren't hip-hop. Those guys are buying their way into the public sphere for attention and to be down.". (Yassin, AKA The Narcicyst, a "satellite member of the UAE music scene"). Contrasting between the crowd that has grown up in the country, like Holland, and people who are relatively new movers to the scene like Paul D - both feel that the 'mega rich' label being plastered by the Vice article is practically nonexistent. Might this suggest that the 'mega rich' faces, which are an incredibly small minority - is suddenly being chosen to represent an entire scene, which contradicts that representation? Another point criticized by the author was the lack of platforms in the country that promote local talent - and this is where the lack of research really pierced through the entire article. Dubai being a young and fast moving country, the Dubai scene is young and growing as well - it isn't 'mega rich' but is credited with active and passionate contributors to the scene who create platforms for artists to showcase themselves. There is FORTLOM (For The Love of Music) which is a seasonal event that A response from top UAE names in the music industry to an article by Vice that was critical of the UAE’s Hip-Hop scene. brings artists locally as well as from neighboring countries - to show case their talent. There is Rooftop Rhythms (which was mentioned in the article - in a dim light), which is becoming one of the popular cultural nights in Abu Dhabi to attend. "I give over twenty-five poets, singers and rappers opportunity once per month to showcase their talents so I try my best to add to the cultural scene", says the Award Winning Poet and founder of the event, Paul D. "Sadiece of The FLEX has given more than one hundred artists the opportunity to share their work through radio, TV and the Internet". There is also the homegrown segment on The Edge - a radio show hosted by local DJ Dany Neville, which airs every Saturday: it features and aims to promote local artists in the scene. We do have platforms to promote local artists; "The challenge is getting access to them for the purposes of adding your creations to the culture" (Jibberish, local Hip-Hop artist). In terms of expansion, there is always room for more platforms to cater to the growing cultural scene. The author called for a talent worthy enough to be heard - to step out of the country. This is probably the only point the author made that might have held some truth - might have. Jibberish, a Sri- Lankan born Hip-Hop artist who resides in the U.A.E (and a great artist to keep tabs on in the local scene), believes that "it’s only a matter of time; the country is very young after all. Every region's Hip-Hop scene has gone through the process of finding itself" and Feras Ibrahim (AKA Toofless, a Sudanese MC residing in UAE) added, “To be completely honest, I feel that the urban music scene in the UAE lacks individuality and diversity in talent. Artists here are trying to mimic someone else, and we still haven't been able to find a sound that defines us as a scene” - and that is exactly where Dubai's Hip-Hop scene is at. A pool of raw talent is still experimenting, re- creating and developing it's sound. As The Narcicyst stated, “I believe the right artist hasn't been given the window. Hamdan Al-Abri is probably the most credible voice from the emirates. “ Hamdan Al-Abri, is an Emirati soulful singer who was nominated for the 'Best Middle East Act' in the MTV European Music Awards this year. His the name that seems to roll off everyone's tongue when it comes to a local artist with an international sound. Like Hamdan, Paul D. Toofless See the article “No One Is Paying Attention To Dubai’s Mega Rich Rappers.” By Omar Tom a.k.a OT Omar Tom Sadiece Holland The Narcicyst Jiberrish
  • 12. il forno TAGLIATELLE AI FRUTTI DI MARE olive garden SHRIMP AND CRAB TORTELLI ROMAN italianissimo SPAGHETTI ALLA LAMPARA www. tempoplanet.com12 It comes in varied sizes, shapes and colours. It can be made with wheat, grains, semolina and almost any cereal. It can be fresh or dried. It can be fancy or budget. It originates back to the 4th century BC and is now one of most consumed foods items in the world. It’s PASTA! Tempo takes a tantalising tour of the tasty treat in town…TEMPO TRIED & TESTED BUILD: Tagliatelle Pasta with Parmesan cheese fresh shrimp and calamari in tomato sauce. COMMENT: Il forno is a popular restaurant in town, and thhe reason could be that their pasta menu is extensive. They have everything ranging from “regular pastas” to stuffed pastas, lasagne and risottos. Though the pasta I had was cooked to ‘al dente’ perfection, the seafood didn’t feel quite so fresh and their sauce was too thick for my liking. I may have been overwhelmed by the choices and picked the wrong dish. RECOMMENDATION: They have plenty of pasta options including stuffed varieties like ravioli and tortellini. BUILD: Shrimp, crab and smoke mozzarella-filled ravioli pasta topped with sautéed shrimp in a three cheese and sun-dried tomato sauce. COMMENT: Bellissimo. The ravioli when you cut into it gives out a lovely aroma of smoked mozzarella that doesn’t ooze out of your pasta. The sauce is creamy, tasty and exceeded my expectations. Olive Garden in the US is sometimes derided as being less Italiano and more Americana, but to me this was good hearty fare. RECOMMENDATION: Olive Garden has a never-ending soup or garden salad offer free with every main course, which makes it great value for family dining out. BUILD: Spaghetti pasta with Goat cheese and soy sauce with scallops. COMMENT: Italianissimo is a swanky Italian restaurant on Reem Island that delivers on style and sophistication. It doesn’t have too many menu choices, and maybe that’s a good thing for some patrons, but you need to appreciate how authentic Italian cuisine tastes to relate to their sumptuous dishes. I opted for scallops instead of shrimp in my pasta, but I was somewhat disappointed – not only because the portion was so small, but also because I expected the flavour of goat cheese and soy to work together more smoothly. Maybe I wasn’t in the right mindset? RECOMMENDATION: Their salads never disappoint - the flavours are absolutely delizioso! PASTA! PASTA! By Diji Shujahi 3.5 4.0 4.0
  • 13. Cornelia Baciu, 33, from Romania uses watercolors and the smoke from a burning candle in her art. She explained to Tempo that the smoke of the burning candle creates a delicate effect and contributes to a dreamy and fluid presence. She uses different brushes and tools to manipulate the smoke traces on paper. In some pieces she enhances certain effects using gold leaf and in others she uses unconventional materials like silicone to create intriguing textures. Connect with Cornelia: Painting with smoke or “fumage” is a surrealist technique popularized by Wolfgang Paalen in which impressions are made by the smoke of a candle or kerosene lamp on a piece of paper or canvas. Salvador Dali later utilized the technique in his paintings, calling the technique "sfumato". ‘FIRE’ A LA ‘SFUMATO’ www. 13 instafame: by INSTAGRAMMER: Cornelia Bacui
  • 14. www. tempoplanet.com14 PERSONAL STYLE: "Classy Elegant" FAVORITE STORES: Oasis, Mango, Zara, Massimo Dutti for dresses and Aldo for the shoes. FAVOURITE RECENT BUY: Orange shoes from Top Shop THE STYLE SCENE: There are lots of interesting people with a high fashion sense. I love the way women here dress up even if they take a minimalist approach. YOUR FASHION PET PEEVES? I hate it when women show more skin to look sexy! Sexy doesn’t come from wearing skimpy clothes! PHOTOGRAPH BY: Angeli Castillo YESSY TRI MARLINA 38 YRS OLD INDONESIAN DATA PROCESSOR AND CARTOGRAPHER DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN DISTINCTIVE STYLE? SUBMIT A PHOTO AND A PARAGRAPH ABOUT YOURSELF TO: TEMPO'S MY STYLE
  • 15. www. 15 L.K.BENNETT BHS PULL&BEAR COLLEZIONE RUKSANA: Joyce Suede and Shearling Knee high boot: I prefer this knee high boot as I love the pointed toe and the tapered heel with its classic details. Wear it with skinny jeans and cardigan or sweat shirt to complete the look. MANAR: Joyce Suede and Shearling Knee high boot: I would definitely vote for this one as fur is so in. It can be teamed up with any dark coloured leggings or skin fit denim which is a must for the current season. RUKSANA: Men's Collezione Jumper: I would prefer this shawl neck jumper as it looks inherently smarter than your typical crew or v-neck. It is generally paired with slim trousers or dark solid jeans. It works best when dressed up slightly in a smart- casual approach, and always looks better in a slim fit. You can add more edge by pairing with boots. MANAR: Men's Collezione Jumper: Black for guys is always a classic. This shawl neck jumper teamed up with a blue denim delivers a smart look. MANGO RUKSANA: Mango: I would definitely go for this as the bright animal prints contrasts the wether’s dreariness and adds color to my wardrobe. Style with skinny jeans or slim trousers and angle boots for chic outfitting. MANAR: Mango: I would go for this. Red is so in. It brightens skin complexions especially in gloomy weather. manar al hinai ruksana ajir Emirati Fashion Designer Indian Fashion Designer VINCE CAMUTO TEMPO’S
  • 17. www. 17 to express myself by reproducing famous artworks of Cezanne, Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh, and others. I decided to specialize in mixed media painting and to share my knowledge with my students. I paint because I need to. Painting takes me into my own world, which I find unspeakably exciting as my mind races, considering new ideas and concepts. TEMPO: HOW IS MURAL ART DIFFERENT FROM CANVAS PAINTING? I love painting on both large and small formats because the most important thing for me is not the surface but what I express when I paint. What I love about painting on a wall is the challenge of creating a unique artwork that reflects the inherent character of a place. In my paintings, both on walls and canvases, I often use mixed media such as glass, CDs, gold and silver leaves, wood, mirrors, glitter and beads. TEMPO: DO YOU HAVE A FAVOURITE CREATION? There’s one that is a colourful series of textured musical instruments and performers. I wanted to capture the power and optimism of coming together through the universal energy force of music. For me music brings people together, removing their differences and reinforcing their common humanity. I listen to music every time I paint to give me more excitement to create. TEMPO: YOUR 30 SECOND ELEVATOR PITCH? I am a 31 year old French artist, muralist and art teacher. I have a degree in Fine Arts and Interior Design, and I’m very passionate about art. I love visiting art exhibitions or museums and discovering new design boutiques. I’d say I’m a happy person who is sensitive and loves meeting and knowing people, and that I’m very persistent in all the projects I undertake. TEMPO: WHEN DID YOUR INTEREST IN ART BEGIN? I’ve been taking art lessons since the age of five, with different artists and teachers. I was experimenting different techniques and ways TEMPO: WHERE DO YOU DRAW YOUR ARTISTIC INSPIRATION FROM? Gustav Klimt’s paintings amaze me and have inspired my sense of detail and precision. The art includes thousands of dots, shapes and patterns to give the work more depth A painting is a long process between the moment I get the idea of what I would like to do to the very last layer of varnish. Sometimes I build an image in my head and it evolves quite differently on the canvas with each brush stroke. Music and travel have had the biggest impact on my work. My camera is also essential since photographs of the patterns of my daily life that can be a source of inspiration.
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  • 20. www. tempoplanet.com20 National Novel Writing Month NaNoWriMo (Nano) is a unique creative experience that takes place in November of every year. On November 1, participants each year begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 p.m. on November 30. Nano describes itself as ‘a fun, seat-of- your-pants approach to creative writing’. Although it is popular in the US with online forums and meetups dedicated to Wrimos, it is gaining increasing interest among writers internationally. Winners are announced in December, and it is those who have succeeded in writing the 50,000 words before the November 30 deadline. And the prize is: the announcement by Nano that you have completed the challenge successfully! Some Nano novels get published, in fact to date 250 Nano novels have been published, and some even made into films. These include Sara Gruen’s Water for Elephants, Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus, Hugh Howey’s Wool, Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, Jason Hough’s The Darwin Elevator, and Marissa Meyer’s Cinder. Tempo followed the experience of three Wrimos based in the UAE: Daniela Raykova Ainsley , Simon Russell Ainsley and Michael Ellis Taylor, and here we present their unique experiences. We hope in next issue Tempo will – if the three Wrimos allow us – to announce the results of their efforts. THE WORLD’S ULTIMATE NOVEL WRITING CHALLENGE: nanowrimo DANIELA RAYKOVA AINSLEY: A Somewhat Daily Account of the Process so far… Day 1: It's the later afternoon and I don't know whether to be more worried about not having written a single word or that after having written 3500 words. Simon is suffering an actual overdose on coffee. In between furniture hunting for a sparsely furnished flat, Halloween parties, a Jay-Z concert and border runs to Oman I wonder when I'm going to have time to start my month long endeavor. Day 2: I've managed to scribble a few words on my IPhone here and there but nothing substantial. The problem isn't just that I'm having a very busy weekend, there is also the massive issue of not having any proper writing tools. It can be essential to have a keyboard (for speed), spell check, internet access etc. During NaNoWriMo sharing a computer is not a viable option. I can't force myself to get inspired at given times of the day, and it often helps to fuel the creative juices when two people are typing away in unison. Day 3: Feeling miserable for having only a few hundred words and I want to quit before I have even properly started. I detest what I already have written and don't want to go on! Day 4: After reading a bit from my copy of No Plot? No Problem!by Chris Baty, the founder of National Novel Writing Month, (every NaNoWriMoer's bible) and read about leaving my inner editor with in its pages (there is actually a 2D button you can press to leave your inner editor) and allow yourself to just write without judgment and criticism then you can get on with being a part of a wonderful, life altering experience. Oh! Also Simon was kind enough to buy me my own laptop and Michael got me a program called Scrivener which is a great writer’s tool and made specifically for novelists and screenplay writers. At 3293 words I’m inspired to go on to victory! The days that followed: The biggest question on my mind is, ‘When will this month be over?’ Seriously every waking thought is centered on writing and coffee and writing. If you are not writing then you are experiencing self-deprecating thoughts of guilt and being doomed to fail miserably, disappointing your spouse and more importantly yourself. There are good days when life seems grand and what you are writing takes shape, but there are also the lows when you don’t know why you even started writing this dribble in the first place. And days when you cry because there are no little coffee elves to refill your empty cup. The month is half gone and we are either behind, ahead or within sight of our targets, will we get to the finish line in one piece or lose our minds trying? Now I must get on with my seemingly never-ending task at hand, until my fingers break on my shiny new keyboard because at 20,237 I am well behind the 25,005 target! SIMON AINSLEY How I got my idea and the process so far… As I write this on the 13th November 2013, I’m at 17,500 words and feeling fairly good about it. The idea was conceived when I first got to Abu Dhabi in September – it came to me when I was re-writing my 2009 Nanowrimo effort over a pot of coffee at the Grand Millenium Hotel Al Wahda. (Yes, the work doesn’t stop when November ends!) I made a page of notes about the idea and left it until November. When November 1st came around I got stuck in. I’ve tried to ‘win’ Nanowrimo four or five times (You win by writing 50,00 words in the month) and have only been successful once, and I’ve found a strong start is essential or else your desire to continue dissipates quite quickly. I managed 6,000 or so words on the first weekend and aimed for the weekends to be my ‘killing ground’ - when most of the meat of writing gets done. During the week I’m working at a very demanding job so I’m lucky if I can fit in 500 words. A nap helps in-between work and writing time as does exercise and of course: copious amounts of the writer’s partner in crime - ye old Caffeine! It’s very important not to get discouraged by what you’re writing. As Stephen King says you have to destroy the negative thoughts in your head and show up at the page every day. My aim during these sessions has been to re-read very little and just plough ahead and write as much as possible in a stream of consciousness fashion. You have to slay your inner-editor and kill self-doubt and realize that you will have plenty of time to delete and edit after the month is done. Helpful Writing Tools: I always listen to music (BBC Radio 6 – Gilles Peterson’s weekly show or Nemone, Huey Morgan or Benji B, Toddla T on Radio 1) as it helps soundtrack the process and keep a beat to your thoughts. Sometimes TV in the background can help – I watched a whole morning of news and alternated the channels whilst I tapped away on my laptop: mixing BBC News with Russia today, France24, Al Jazeera and CNN. You can often find stories on the news and in newspapers that can be altered and used in your writing. You can take, manipulate and repatriate ideas and names from these sources and use them to refresh your thoughts. I also like to write to sit-coms or movies in the background. I think it’s great to be doing the Nanowrimo out in Abu Dhabi as new places equal a fresh take on things and this is great grist to the writer’s mill. Another important factor for me is keeping my ideas secret. Many writers will say the same, that telling people about your ideas before you write them is like a death sentence for your novel. In the past, I’ve lost impetus so this novel is staying firmly secret until it’s fully formed! MICHAEL ELLIS TAYLOR: My Nano experience It seems to me that NaNoWriMo has a lot in common with the famous Iditarod Trail Race held every year in Alaska. Mind you, there are differences. The Iditarod racers have dogs and a sled, and run a cold, dangerous course of 1,100 miles across ice and snow of the Alaskan wilderness. Bad things happen. Both humans and dogs risk death. NaNoWriMo writers have keyboards and coffee—many have cats. The only dogs involved, if at all, are more likely to be found lying on the writers' feet than running across miles and miles of frozen tundra. Make no mistake—NaNoWriMo is also a dangerous race. Your cat could spill coffee on your laptop. You could break a typing finger by tripping over the dog on the way to replenish snacks. You could get 20,000 words into your story only to realise that it is poisonous and evil rubbish. It always starts out well, with fanfare and excitement. Sledders pack their gear for survival. On the day the race begins, they take off to the sound of a cheering well-wishers. Writers also have survival gear—snacks, notepads, laptops, chocolate, tea, coffee and other more stimulating beverages. They plan, they plot. And on the first day of November they launch their new novels to the cheering of online friends and maybe, just maybe even reality-based family members. The beginning is exhilarating. But now, two weeks later, that feeling of being alone in a vast, windswept wasteland has started to creep in for many writers. There is an additional danger for writers: you can quit anytime you want. So could the dogsled racers, I imagine, but then they would be stranded in the middle of nowhere at risk of death from exposure. Writers, however, can abandon a novel and drown their failure. This may be comfort for the body, but the soul is in peril. It is imperative to complete the book. It doesn't have to be a race. If NaNoWriMo doesn't work out for you this year, that doesn't mean the book is a lost cause. You can—and should—continue to write. By the end of the first week, I realized that I'm not going to complete 50,000 words this November. The plot is not complicated, the book was already half written and requires edits along the way, and I don't have enough time. I am okay with this. I still plan on finishing this book of mine. Hopefully before next November. Our copy, used much?!?! Note coffee and pen stains, you should see the inside of the book! Daily Target, our worst nightmare!!!! Eager to write… or had too much coffee resulting in shaky hands. THINK ABOUT DOING THE NANOWRIMO NEXT YEAR? Here’s what you need to know: NaNoWriMo Toolkit- Want to try your hand at novel writing? Here are some resources on what you need to get started and to keep you on track once you do. THE BOOK- No Plot? No Problem! A LOW-STRESS, HIGH-VELOCITY Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days THE LINKS AND WEBSITES -
  • 21. www. 21 One day I went to a village where there was a donkey with blue eyes and a long horn. I heard someone calling my name, "Mohammed! Mohammed! Come! Come!” I followed the voice and all of a sudden, there was a girl with big blue eyes standing near a cedar tree. “What are you doing here?" I asked. “I was waiting for you.” she said. “Look into my eyes and remember… remember." I ran away and jumped into my car. I was still in shock when I got home and continued to hear the voice over and over again in my head. I went to my room but I couldn't sleep. I was worried about how the girl with the blue eyes knew my name. I thought about it for hours, until I dozed off into a short nap. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer. When I opened my eyes, I saw a donkey standing beside me. I felt like there was someone holding me as I heard her calling my name again. MY SECRET TRANSITION By: Maha Ahmed Ebrahim Abdulla Hasan Illustrator: NaufAbdulrahman Abdulla Abdulrahman Al Shaikh "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I said. "I am the donkey you and your friends beat.It’s now time for revenge and reckoning," it said. Suddenly, I heard my mother calling me and realized it was all a dream. That morning, I went to the restricted area. I sat under the cedar tree and called the donkey. As night fell, I saw the donkey. In the blink of an eye, I found myself in another world full of mad cows. Tears welled in my eyes and I started shaking. “Welcome to our world,” the donkey laughed. “Yesterday, I was badly treated and today, it’s your turn.” The donkey made me work like a slave and beat me every day. One day I saw one of the other men smiling. "Why are you so happy?" I asked. "I will go back soon and see my parents, my family and return to my world," he replied. My advice to you is to treat animals with respect, kindness and charity, and never forget God." ZAYED UNIVERSITY’S AL KHARAREF STORYTELLING CLUB was created to enrich the legacy of the Emirati storytelling tradition and contribute to the revival of this important cultural heritage within the United Arab Emirates. Last year, the Club in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation exhibited Story Mile a collection of 48 original fables and folktales, written by students from the Academic Bridge Program, illustrated by College of Arts and Creative Enterprises majors and translated by ZOWD volunteers into the language of its characters, Emirati dialect. The tales, which are soon to be published in a book, share not only the storytelling traditions of the Emirates, but have also introduced other key aspects of Emirati culture. These latest stories are creating new footprints in Emirati's storytelling foklore, while preserving and reintegrating 24 archetypical traditional characters researched by Master Storyteller Abdul Aziz Al Mussallam and designated by the Department of Culture, Heritage and Information as genuinely Emirati back into the cultural landscape. Stan ‘Stockade’ Tillman unleashed a vicious left hook. His rival, Jimmy ‘Lightning’ Jones, rocked on his heels. To all intents and purposes the fight was over. However, even though he knew his opponent’s health was fragile, Tillman pressed home his advantage with a flurry of body blows and a final, trademark haymaker. Jimmy Jones toppled back onto the canvas like a felled tree, the dull thud of his dead weight reverberating around the arena. Filled with euphoria, Stan raised his arms in victory before embracing his equally excited trainer, Mr Holland. The two men were already making plans in their heads for a title bout in the near future. They therefore failed to notice Jimmy lying motionless in the ring, eyes wide open, foaming at the mouth. The ringside medic, Dr Feldman, brought the tragic news to the changing room. Jimmy ‘Lightning’ Jones had been pronounced dead where he lay. “It wasn’t your fault, Stan,” Mr Holland told the inconsolable boxer. “I beg to differ,” said Doctor Feldman, “but Jimmy Jones was boxing with a dodgy ticker. None of us should be surprised that he just keeled over.” “Jimmy didn’t just keel over,” said Stan. “I landed the killer punch. But the three of us knew he had a weak heart, so we’re all responsible. There’s nothing accidental about his death at all.” The plan had been for Jimmy to put up a passable fight, receive his share of the purse money and then immediately announce his retirement. As for Stan ‘Stockade’ Tillman, the win would be enough to move him up the rankings so he got a shot at the title. Mr Holland and Dr Feldman remained guiltily silent, quietly dwelling on their complicity in Jimmy ‘Lightning’ Jones’s tragic demise; Stan’s trainer had arranged for the other fighter to take a fall, whilst the doctor had certified that the ailing pugilist was fit to box. That night, unable to sleep, Stan slipped quietly out of his hotel room and out of the hotel. Dressed in a hooded coat to avoid being recognised, he went on a long, thoughtful walk. Shortly after midnight he found himself in a deserted, downtown alleyway. A cool breeze blew between the lowering building façades and Stan sensed he was not alone - that some other-worldly presence was stalking him. “I must be imagining things,” he told himself, peering down the empty alley and tried to suppressing his rising fear. As he attempted to dismiss the feeling of unease, a shadow on the brick wall opposite became sharper. Its outline took on an unnaturally human shape, adopted a classic boxing pose and punched out at him. The silhouette’s fist, black and solid-looking, emerged from the brickwork and slammed into Stan’s gawping face. Nursing a bloody nose, Stan took to his heels, stumbling out of the alleyway and sprinting back towards his hotel. All along the route though, the ghostly shadow pursued him, its insubstantial essence made tangible through the light cast by streetlights and from the bulbs around shop hoardings. When he reached his hotel room, Stan locked the door behind him, switched off all the lights and phoned Mr Holland. “Jimmy Jones is back from the grave,” he blubbered. “Calm down,” Mr Holland soothed. “Just tell me what’s happened.” “It’s Jimmy. His ghost’s out for revenge. He’s coming out of the shadows and attacking me,” he said, before realising that the screen of his mobile phone was casting shadows, and that one of those shadows had sprung to life. Stan screamed once and the phone went dead. With a key-card from the hotel reception, Mr Holland opened the door to Stan’s room, turned on the lights and found the boxer lying on the floor, bruised and beaten on the floor, staring sightlessly up at the ceiling. He rang Dr Feldman with the tragic news and explained the strange phone call he had received beforehand. “If the door was locked,” Dr Feldman on his arrival, “then Stan must have done this to himself. There’s no other explanation. Whatever the case though, you’d best inform the authorities.” Ruing the loss of his prized fighter, Mr Holland walked out of the hotel room, mobile phone in hand, keying in the emergency number. Meanwhile, Dr Feldman found himself watching in horror as a shadow slid across the hotel room wall in pursuit of the boxing manager and wondering if the vengeful spirit would come for him next. SHADOW BOXING By Paul A. Freeman PAUL A. FREEMAN works and lives in the UAE. He is the author of over 100 commercially published short stories, and author of the awesomely titled Robin Hood and Friar Tuck, Zombie Killers - A Canterbury Tale. SCAN THE PAGE WITH POINTATME APP LISTEN TO THE STORY IN ARABIC AND ENGLISH FLASH FICTION IS A STYLE OF FICTIONAL LITERATURE CHARACTERIZED BY BREVITY; WITH THE STANDARD BEING A STORY OF UNDER 1000 WORDS.
  • 22. www. tempoplanet.com22 A character in a children’s show can be vivid and real to a child. Tempo contributor and award-winning poet, Dorian “Paul D” Rogers sat down for cafe lattes with Emirati actor, Ayham Subaihi to converse about all things acting, and about being the ‘Arabic Elmo’ of the UAE. DORIAN: Tell me about yourself. AYHAM: I’m a light-hearted half- Emirati, half-Egyptian. I’ve lived in the UAE all my life and spent four years studying abroad. I spent my teenage years in Sharjah, which is where I get my chilled vibe from. I now live and work Dubai as a Station Master at Serco Dubai Metro, which makes me the dude in charge of making sure the station runs smoothly. DORIAN: How long have you been into acting? AYHAM: I studied film in university and I’ve loved acting since I was young boy. My first role was for my brother in his short documentary about children and TV in 2002. In 2004, I received an award for best actor in the Emirates Film Competitions for a short film I acted in called My World My Pitch about a young boy running through different landscapes with a football when suddenly he snaps out of his “dream state” in a wheelchair. Since then I’ve done a few short films a year, and, this year, I’ve taken the initiative to include myself in some professional productions and acting classes. DORIAN: You do the Arabic voiceover for Elmo of Sesame Street. What do you think of Sesame Street in Arabic? AYHAM: As the famous saying goes, “What goes around, comes around, goes around comes back around”. The actual term sesame came from the Arab tale, “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”. The first Arabic Sesame Street was actually from Kuwait in the 70s called Iftah Ya Simsim (Open Sesame). Since then a few other Arab countries have adapted the Sesame Street program making their own cultural flavour in the show. Sesame Street decided to come down to the UAE and adapt their show in an Emirati light calling the show Iftah Ya Simsim Bil Arabi (Open Sesame in Arabic). DORIAN: How did you get into this? AYHAM: During an acting class in NYUAD a fellow classmate approached me about a voice casting for a children’s show. She worked for a media company called Badaya Media and their sole client is Sesame Street. They held a private seminar where after people were networking, and I walked up to the person who gave the presentation and told him I was going to be the next Elmo even though I was asked to cast for Cookie Monster. With practice and precision, I became the Emirati Elmo for a cartoon version. DORIAN: What is your favorite character on Sesame Street? AYHAM: My favorite character has always been Cookie Monster from the way he stuffs his face with cookies and they crumble everywhere and he never actually swallowed them. Also the fact that he never gave up looking for what he loved most in this world. Yours? DORIAN: Oscar the Grouch was really cool to me and Big Bird was really parenting and positive to the rest of the puppets. What was the hardest part about becoming Elmo? AYHAM: The hardest part was to think and talk like I was the actual three and half year old that is recognized by people all over the world. Also “Al Baha,” meaning Elmo’s hoarseness, that my voice director would keep remind me to evoke. I would call my nieces and pretend I’m in the car with Elmo switching my voice just to see if they believed if I was Elmo or not. DORIAN: That's cool. I bet they think you are the coolest uncle in the world since you know Elmo! Are you also interested in puppetry, or do you just do Arabic voiceovers? AYHAM: I was told if things go as planned, Bedaya would send me to New York to do workshops on puppetry. I personally would love for the opportunity because I think bringing joy to children has always been something I love to do since I started to be an uncle at the age of thirteen. DORIAN: You're right. There's nothing like putting smiles on children's faces. Are there any original puppetry television shows in this region that you know of? AYHAM: At the moment I don’t follow or know any, but as a child I use to watch a puppet show called Boogie Wa Tum Tum made in Egypt. As I’m half-Egyptian, every summer I would visit Egypt and watch that show in my grandparents old-school black and white TV where there was just a knob to switch between channels. DORIAN: What are your ultimate aspirations in acting? AYHAM: This is probably the hardest question to answer. Since acting is my true passion in its purist form, I’m not after fame or money although it would be great. I would say just to be acknowledged and respected as an artist who brings characters to life on the big screen. DREAMING OF A SUNNY CHRISTMAS By Rhea Oommen It’s been a month and a half since I left my home in the UAE for university in Boston, MA. This afternoon as I was walking down the street, I noticed the fall weather had painted the leaves dark pink, burned orange, and lemon yellow. The air by Starbucks smelt like pumpkin spiced latte and there was a slight chill in the air, but the sun was still shining –psychologically, keeping me warm enough. However, while I was enjoying this picturesque New England November moment with a Duffy song playing in my earphones, a glimpse of the near future crossed my mind. It was me looking twice my size in an oversized winter coat, walking down the same street. I couldn’t smell the pumpkin spice in the air – only because I couldn’t smell anything (my nose was frozen). I couldn’t enjoy the nature because the trees were stripped bare of their leaves. And forget about the sun; it set while I was in my 3pm history class! While I used to complain about Abu Dhabi not having seasons except for summer and “winter”, I would do anything to study in Boston during the summer months and then holiday in UAE during its wonderfully warm winter months. Before I moved to the American northeast, I could count the number of times I had worn jeans. I used to waltz around in dresses and skirts back home but now, not only do I own drawers of pants in different colors, fittings and textures, I’m in them almost every day! Also, back in AD, I used to curse at the desert when sand used to get in my slippers but now when I’m walking in the snow and step into a puddle of melted ice that completely drenches my winter boots; I miss the feeling of warm sand in between my toes. And then I get to the car. Hot cars used to drive me mad. I mean who doesn’t get hot and bothered by the smell of overheated leather, the sting of burning seatbelts and having to roll down the window for a few minutes because some chain email said that the car’s air contains cancer-causing Benzene. Well, on a typical Bostonian winters day when it’s below 0°C, I get into the car hoping it would be much warmer than the outside. Truth is, you’re trapped in a metal box with the same freezing outside temperature until the heat kicks in. And then once the heat does warm you up, you get too hot because you’re still in your coat, scarf and gloves. When the proud Bostonians say that they love their winter and can’t stand anything above 50°F (that’s 10°C!), they obviously have no idea what they’re missing. As much as I love everything else about my historic New England city, the winter is not my cup of tea! And I’m honestly not so into the whole “white Christmas” scene –give me Christmas in the desert any day! Very soon I’ll back home in the UAE! BIGGER THAN LIFE SCAN THE PAGE WITH POINTATME APP WATCH AYHAM 'S SHOWREEL
  • 23. www. 23 > Bomberg Available @ Ahmed Seddiqi & Sons Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi > L K Bennett Available @ The Dubai Mall > Bally Shoes Available @ Avenue at Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi > Evita Peroni Available @ Studio R, The Dubai Mall > Vince Camuto Available @ Abu Dhabi World Trade Centre Mall > Chloe Sunglasses Available @ Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi > Canon PowerShot Available @ The Dubai Mall > Estefania Cortes Harker Available @ Valleydez, Abu Dhabi > Citizen Available @ Better Times, Al Wahda Mall, Abu Dhabi TO SEE YOUR SWAG OR YOUR BRAND HERE, EMAIL:Follow #TempoSwag on Twitter
  • 24.
  • 25. www. 25 < Angeli Castillo LIFE MUSIC FOOD TRAVELABOUT ME BASIC INFORMATION Most valued possession: I would say my laptop and my union jack mug. Where I’m hanging out most: My mom's basement. One thing I cannot live without: Music. The person who inspires me the most: Jared Leto. Things I need most for survival: My laptop, coffee, pizza, and my headphones. Car I would like most to own: BMW ACS5 5 series. A typical day in my life: 1- Wake up 2- Go to work 3- Attend classes 4- Hang out 5 -Sleep. Where I see myself in 10 years: Headlining Download Festival. My goal in life: To become an international musician, sending messages through music. Person who most deserves my gratitude: My mother of course. My purpose: To make music, share emotion through my lyrics and make people have a good time during our shows. My earliest memory: Not quite sure if that's a memory or just a figment of my imagination, but I believe it’s a memory of me playing with a toy phone when I was four. The craziest thing I’ve ever done: I actually tried to read Twilight. I would most, and least, like to be stuck in an elevator with… Jim Carrey / Megg Griffin If I could wake up in someone else’s body: I'd pick Luke Skywalker, but probably only for a day. Music that turns me on: Placebo - Running up that hill• Silent Hill - Not tomorrow• The breakpoint method - Zombie• 30 Seconds to mars - Night of the Hunter• Asking Alexandria - To the stage• As I Lay Dying - Forsaken• My Last Song Syndrome (LSS): Disconnected by Heartist If I was trapped in a TV show for a month I would most like it to be: The Simpsons. The most recent movie that made me cry: Riddick (because of how bad it sucked). Ahmed Ghonim Age: 23 Profession: Musician Nationality: Egyptian Motto: Keep your friends close and your French fries closer. I most feel at home: where I'm having a good time with good people. If today were my last day I would rush to: The nearest Domino's. If I were dying I’d like my last meal to be: grilled ribs. And the last dessert I could have: "Lazy cake"- haven't had it in years but I loved it ever since I was little kid. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? I'd be in California, working as a musician. I haven't been there before but I intend to one day. If I was given a free ticket to the moon (and back of course): That's a no brainer, of course I'd go. I've always wanted to be in no gravity field. I'd take my closest friends with me of course. If there were one historic event I could witness it would be: The assassination of Julius Caesar. If there was one historical figure that I could question to, and get a truthful reply from: I'd ask the guy who invented math "what have we ever done to you?"
  • 26.
  • 27. www. 27 When I lived in Abu Dhabi and worked in Dubai, I was a regular at film festivals in both cities and in Doha, so when I moved to Miami in March, I started looking for what was available here. I didn’t expect to find seven art cinemas within 30 minutes drive from my apartment. The Coral Gables Cinema was my first discovery. I became a member, volunteered my services in marketing and fundraising, and learned the Cinema would be holding Miami’s first International Children’s Film Festival in October. That sounded interesting, and I joined the organizing committee. This first year we limited the festival to three days from Friday–Sunday, Oct. 25-27. On Friday - a working day in the US -school groups from elementary and middle schools came to screenings with their teachers. The official opening party and screening were held Friday evening. Saturday was the longest day with a children’s carnival in the plaza outside the theater including donated hamburgers, chicken wings, soft drinks, and chocolate pops as well as a face painter, a balloon man, and a banjo player. Screenings began at 10 am, and the last film of the day started at 7:30 pm. On Saturday and Sunday some children registered for a stop-motion animation workshop, three hours for children 6-12 Saturday and four hours for those 13-16 Sunday. On Sunday the carnival and screenings again started at 10:00 am with the last film of the Festival shown at 6 pm to make it easier for parents since Monday would be the start of the school and work week. Because the Festival was organized in partnership with the New York International Children’s Film Festival held every March since 1997, most of the eight full-length features shown in Miami came from among the 100 films shown there. As the unofficial capital for the Caribbean and South America in the US, Miami is a city where Spanish is spoken almost as much as English, sometimes more. The emphasis for this Festival as for much in Miami was on Spanish and Portuguese culture. No films from the Middle East were included. The film on opening night was Anina, directed by the Uruguayan graphic artist Alberto Soderguit who presented the film and answered questions afterwards. He was also around for the second screening of Anina on Sunday afternoon. Like almost all the features shown, Anina is an animated film, the story of a girl who hates her name, Anina Yatay Salas, because it is a palindrome. The only feature with actors, Cinderella Moon - a China-US co-production filmed in China - retells the Cinderella story in a new way. I think it was the best film of the festival, but most were very good. The festival closed with Wolf Children from Japan directed by Mamoru Hosoda. It is about a college student who marries a classmate that turns out to be half wolf - like Taylor Lautner in the Twilight films. Like any startup, the first Miami International Children’s Film Festival wasn’t perfect, although the children and adults who attended clearly enjoyed themselves. Some children were too young to read the subtitles; parents had to whisper subtitles to the children, but no one seemed to mind. Theresa F. Weber ABOUT THERESA WEBER: Theresa Weber is Co-Founder of Alexandria Consulting Team (ACT) LLC an international management consultancy. Terry is also editor of the daily e-newsletter: MENA #WomeninBusiness Forum You can follow her on twitter @ TheresaFWeber and @ACT_LLC Dr. Alma Kadragic Follow Alma on Twitter: @almakad THE FIRST ANNUAL MIAMI INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S FILM FESTIVAL back your hair are all signs that you are nervous and not confident, and these gestures make it likely you won’t be taken seriously. Since nervous habits tend to come out when you are breathing rapidly, train yourself to breathe low and comfortably, and your nervous twitches will disappear. May we all harness our inner "Wonder Woman" and project that confidence in our body language and business! The impact that body language has on your business cannot be underestimated. Many women unintentionally engage in diminishing poses ranging from crossing their feet while standing, to tilting their heads, to poor eye contact. This type of body language may give off the wrong image and hurt your business. Power poses, on the other hand, can enhance your business and have other positive effects. While growing up I was a fan of Wonder Woman who stood straight with her feet apart and hands on her hips. I would stand in the mirror and feel powerful. Little did I know that what I was doing was changing my body chemistry to make me feel more confident. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy of Harvard Business School has shown how “power posing” -- standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident -- can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain. High power poses include standing with hands on your hips, leaning with straight arms on a table, and sitting open with arms outstretched. High power poses increase testosterone levels and can decrease cortisol, the stress hormone, thereby boosting your confidence. Lower power poses include making yourself small, crossing arms and legs, and even touching your neck. Sharon Sayler, an executive coach specializing in verbal and nonverbal communication, puts it another way. Businesswomen are not taken seriously if their body language communicates “little girl.” Little-girl poses elevate the stress hormone, cortisol, making a woman feel less confident. However, a power stance like the “Wonder Woman” pose changes body chemistry so that she feels more confident and successful. According to Sayler, here are five poses that businesswomen should avoid: 1. CROSSING YOUR ANKLES WHILE STANDING: Women cross their ankles while standing because it is more comfortable, especially if they are wearing high heels. However, it is not a good idea, because it sends the message that you are insignificant. A confident pose is to stand with your back straight and your ankles uncrossed. If you are unable to stand this way in high heels, wear flats. 2. FIG LEAF POSE WITH HANDS WHILE STANDING: This pose consists of holding your hands over your groin area as if your hands are a fig leaf. Women and men strike this pose, which gives the impression of unimportance. The best option is to simply let your arms hang naturally by your sides. Another solution is to bend your elbows and keep your hands parallel to the ground while lightly clasping them together. You can also hold a book or tablet, but not a cellphone, as that suggests you don’t have time. 3. TILTING YOUR HEAD: Many women tilt their heads when listening to someone as an acknowledgement of hearing and understanding the other person, but this gesture may suggest to others that they are confused or agree with what the speaker says, when they may not. To avoid this gesture, keep your chin parallel to the ground. If you feel the need to acknowledge that you are listening, nod very slightly. 4. COY EYE CONTACT: When a woman drops her chin and looks high up in her eyes or up over her glasses, this is a submissive gesture that spells coy. We tend to drop our chins when we feel insecure, but the more we do that, the more insecure we feel. Instead, keep your chin parallel to the ground and make good eye contact, which communicates that you are intelligent and sincerely interested in what the other person has to say. 5. NERVOUS HABITS: Fidgeting, playing with your jewelry or smartphone or twisting or throwing BODY LANGUAGE: IS YOURS HURTING YOUR BUSINESS? women in business media view SCAN THE PAGE WITH POINTATME APP WATCH THE TRAILER OF ANINA (2013)
  • 28. www. tempoplanet.com28 Year 2013 HOROSCOPE ARIES You can't really expect harmony and agreement. And this will not only be true for December 2013, but for several months ahead. Call your faraway friends, write them or even pay them a visit! TAURUS Taurus' financial situation will clear up and there might appear extra income. Things will attempt to calm down in a way, after a more complicated period. Not for long, though. GEMINI Communication is the best instrument to reach harmony with the other one. Get ready for big projects for the coming year together with your partner, collaborators, and friends! CANCER Your work will be appreciated and the material reward will not delay coming. Collaboration relationships will be very important to your career. Set your objectives for 2014 and start thinking about strategies! LEO Financially, the situation will be satisfying all throughout December and you might make an investment. Practice on your calmness and patience! VIRGO You'll go through a special phase. The optimism will make a strong comeback and good mood will prevail. Give your family and domestic chores more time! unleash moxiewith brandmoxie WHAT ANGRY BIRDS CAN TEACH US ABOUT INNOVATION By Tomislav Buljubasic Case 1: 6 PM, I’m home after work and relaxing with my six and four year old sons. We are lying on the balcony and everyone is playing on iPhones or iPad - the same game: Angry Birds. Case 2: Sunday morning and one of the boys just realized which day is today – it’s the day when new Angry Birds Toon is available! Let’s see the new episode! You already figured out that I’m one of fans, but let’s dive deep into the Angry Birds makers’ philosophy. Finnish firm Rovio is the creator of this mega-popular brand started four years ago with a smart phone game. When the game was launched, developers spread the word about the game to friends with iPhones (in Nokia based Finland there weren’t too many iPhone in those days). Fast, the game became #1 on Finnish AppStore. During Winter Olympics one Swedish skier had an accident and in the TV interviews he said that it will be very boring to sit alone in the hotel room, but fortunately he has Angry Birds – and the game reached #1 on Swedish AppStore. Next stop was UK and USA: When the game reached #1 on AppStore it stayed there for 300 days. So how have Rovio made it? Before Angry Birds they had 51 games, they learned a lot from previous projects and analyzed hundreds of games before this big launch. Also, the ecosystem was too hostile for a startup before AppStore launch. The market wasn’t ready before AppStore. It’s important to mention that the text was eliminated from the game and they made it so easy to understand the game and play it. Much time was given to details – there were 30 different designs only for an App Icon. The fastest growing brand is not only the game, now it’s the big range of physical products and also cartoons. Rovio now have the biggest animation studio in Northern Europe – they launch one cartoon weekly. Overnight 1.7 billion people have at least one of Angry Birds games on their device. Astonishing, isn’t it? I was happy to be in their headquarters in Espoo, Finland and had the opportunity to ask questions. What I thought to ask was reflecting to "Case 1" from the beginning of this article. “Why Angry Birds can’t be played against other players?” but then I remember that few weeks in the past, Angry Birds Friends was on the market! Well, Rovio is clearly ahead of their fans - surely ahead of me! What’s next? Educational books, activity parks… let’s see… Blog: Download the app from the iPhone App Store: Unleash Your Creativity SMBs, INNOVATION AND THE PROBLEM WITH PASSION By Megan Totka INNOVATION EXCELLENCE Let’s pose a question; can you force innovation or is it purely accidental? Such a question represents a potential slippery slope for entrepreneurs and dreamers alike. Consider how some of the biggest breakthroughs in medicine and technology, such as penicillin and x-rays, were discovered by accident. When we dwell too much on such stories, we begin to believe that perhaps hard work doesn’t really pay off. If others are stumbling onto their success, what’s the point of our blood, sweat and tears? This mentality is incredibly dangerous to the productivity of today’s movers and shakers, but seems to be more and more prevalent in today’s fragile economy where the struggle never seems to stop. On the flip side, trying to “force” innovation may be an equally futile exercise. Like trying to stick a square peg in a round hole, innovation cannot be forced. Innovation is not something “easy,” manageable or even necessarily tangible. Ultimately, innovation comes from within and is sparked by those who have the passion to make it happen. Let’s talk about “passion.” Not “passion” as a buzzword. Not as a motivational bumper sticker or some sort of catch phrase that signifies our “success.” Real passion. Unmistakable, genuine enthusiasm and drive. It’s the thread that links all innovators together. THE PROBLEM WITH PASSION Yet every business owner and entrepreneur claims to be passionate. And why wouldn’t they? We want to be associated with the Steve Jobs’ and Elon Musks of the world, the inventors and tinkerers who dedicate their lives to making something truly great. Regardless, successful businesses and innovations are about much more than “great” ideas. In the end, they’re about passion. But where does that passion come from? How can we spark it from within ourselves? What constitutes, for example, a passionate business owner? In short, it comes down to diligence, experience and understanding. It could be said that passion or lack thereof represents a natural selection process for today’s innovators. So where do you begin when it comes to planting passion within your organization? PERSISTENCE AND VISION “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” – Thomas Edison Innovation and passion begin with a vision. Whether we imagine ourselves building our empire from scratch or perhaps creating something much smaller, we have an endgame in mind and know where we want to go. While actually getting there may be another story entirely, we know we have to work. And work hard. Famously, Thomas Edison tried thousands of different filaments before finally inventing the light bulb in 1879. While we’d love to be one of those who just happen upon greatness, very few will ever be so lucky. History tells us that we will make mistakes, yet it’s our responsibility to learn from them in pursuit of our vision. Failure often seems like the name of the game when it comes to innovation; however, our efforts are never futile when we legitimately grow and learn from our mistakes. Perhaps Edison said it best: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” THE EXPERIENCE FACTOR Innovators and business owners come in every shape, size and background. From the poor and undereducated to the wealthy and elite, innovation has the potential to come from just about anyone with the so- called “right stuff.” Unfortunately, we don’t all have the luxury of being prodigies when it comes to our businesses; therefore, we rely on our experience to make decisions in pursuit of something bigger and better. Passion comes into play when we see what we’ve done, where we’ve been and how we synthesize that knowledge into a successful business. We’ve stated before that small businesses innovate by asking questions. Through our firsthand experiences and outside observations, we can better determine what needs to be done within our industries to find success. By putting ourselves out in the open, we gain an understanding of what works and what doesn’t, only creating more opportunities to innovate for ourselves, our workers and clients. In short, make the most of your experience and what that experience means in shaping you as a business owner and innovator. UNDERSTANDING “SUCCESS” Success in today’s economy often seems abstract. While it takes plenty of determination, knowledge and grit to become successful, it also takes quite a bit to understand what makes us successful. Steve Jobs represents a prime example of someone who was able to understand success based on his experience after his removal from Apple during the 1980s. Shortly after Jobs’ return in 1996, Apple went from a flailing company to a profitable, global phenomenon. It could be said that Jobs understood the concept of success at its core. Not surprisingly, Jobs was often noted during his lifetime for his passion. True innovators don’t stop once they’ve gotten ahead. They continue to work, learn and understand where they’ve been and what the future holds. When innovators have room to breathe and be driven by their passion, the sky’s the limit. THE BOTTOM LINE At the end of the day, planting passion within your organization creates opportunities for innovation. There are so many variables when it comes to a small business’ success; however, passion remains the driving force that links innovators together. Where does your passion come from? PHOTOGRAPH: Luke Skywalker from Angry Birds Star Wars, taken by author
  • 29. www. 29 LIBRA This December will bring you satisfaction from your career and apparently some extra money in your pocket. Do sport! It's the best way of "burning" negative energies. SCORPIO You'll have to focus only on what it is most important, because the professional stress will be increasing. Communication will be the key! Take care of your body! It'll be the most precious tool you'll dispose of. SAGITTARIUS This will be an excellent period for you to stand out, to promote, to enjoy success. You can now recuperate something that rightfully belongs to you, or you can make an investment if you want to. CAPRICORN Love will be in the air, and affairs will be born unexpectedly. Don't expect help from others more than they can offer! They are capable of offering a lot, but not really everything. AQUARIUS You'll have good financial judgment, you'll seize the opportunities which will bring you money, and your work will be well paid. Don't take more on your plate than you can do! PISCES Sentimental accomplishments in December 2013 will basically be connected with trips, distances, intellectual, cultural or spiritual preoccupations. Don't make any financial decisions under the spur of the moment! 23 GE Crotonville – We all rise Copyright © 2011 – 2013 General Electric Company 23 GE Crotonville – We all rise Copyright © 2011 – 2013 General Electric Company The Employee Management System tracks goals and measures performance. It includes tools to gauge: Accomplishments Strengths Development Needs Career Interests Development Plan EMS is a chance for all leaders to assess and develop their strengths and plan the future of their career. Current Assignment Performance Growth Values Rating Summary Career & Development Approve Appraisal Ron’s performance management tip for leaders… Focus on what you can control. The quality of your job. How hard you work. Being on time. Expand your job. Ask for more responsibility. Care deeply about your job…it is a reflection of you; work is noble. Ron’s VMV tip for leaders… Think of others first and always … never dwell on yourself … remember everyone in your business matters … people believe in and respect someone who cares about them. Ron’s performance management tip for leaders… We all make mistakes. Admit them fast and say sorry. Never cover them up or blame someone else. This just makes it worse. One incident can destroy trust and ruin your reputation. 21 GE Crotonville – We all rise Copyright © 2011 – 2013 General Electric Company 21 GE Crotonville – We all rise Copyright © 2011 – 2013 General Electric Company Our multi-faceted approach accelerates employee engagement and development. Career Navigation GEOS GE’s leadership culture connects passion and purpose. Diversity Citizenship Communication cycle Turn information into understanding. LISTEN TO REFLECT TELL ASK Speakers: Ron Herman CEO Mubadala GE Capital Mary L Romeo Learning Leader, GE Capital Americas Setarah Rafiee MGEC Advantage Leader, Mubadala GE Capital Theresa F Weber Acting Executive Director introduced the Women Achieve Initiative and Women in Business The seminar shared principles to enable successful leaders to define and refine their company’s culture. TAMAKKAN in collaboration with MUBADALA GE CAPITAL AND WIB - AMCHAM ABU DHABI presented “Unleashing Your Leadership to Empower the Leaders of Tomorrow” Here are some pages from the handouts. For more, visit Tamakkan facebook group page: and follow on twitter: @Tamakkan Ron Herman From L to R: Ron Herman, Setarah Rafiee, Mary L Romeo, Sana Bagersh and Theresa F Weber Mary L Romeo
  • 30. www. tempoplanet.com30 BITS AND BYTES Blakniss Original game head from Atari to XBox! game hedz tech talk Shahid Saeed Talker for the Non-Techies GAMING FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON So what do you get the game hedz in your life this Christmas? Well the most obvious answers: The XBox One and/or the PS4. XBox One or PS4? Power or processors isn't the issue, but exclusive games and online service. So far Sony has been saying that dozens of exclusive games are in the works for the PS4, including something special from Last of Us/Uncharted creators, Naughty Dog. A recent online announcement strongly suggests it's a brand new Uncharted story for the PS4. Giggity. The Playstation Network has long been established in the Middle East, while Xbox Live has only been active for several months, without much content to enhance the experience. XBox One comes with some iffy sporting collaborations (with the NFL) that may only be accessible to US users, and there aren't any exclusive games that have got our hearts racing just yet. So GH recommends the PS4. WHAT GAMES? There are a few games that are already released which will make your game head happy, including Battlefield 4 and Batman: Arkham Origins. As for DLC, you could treat them to the second season of The Walking Dead and Bioshock: Burial at Sea. There is a single player DLC for The Last Us (yipeeeee!!), but that releases in Jan 2014. Still, it will make fans of the game very happy. LAST OF US DLC This LoU DLC follows the story of the Dark Horse comics that preceded the game launch. We'll play as fiery heroine, Ellie alongside her best friend and mentor, Riley as they navigate a world torn between the governing authority and the rebel faction, The Fireflies. The two orphans, residents at a military academy in Boston have their own challenges to face in this story that leads into the main storyline that we now know and love. With that said, as much as we love gaming, the best way to spend your festive season is with people, not machines. Not batteries, wires or wireless connections necessary. Happy National Day, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Follow me on @shahidaasi BRINGING NFC INTO THE MAINSTREAM? Near Field Communications (NFC) technology allows small amounts data to be exchanged when enabled devices are tapped or held closely together or when one device is touched against an NFC tag. Although the technology can be found in many smartphones, credit cards and passports it has yet to become mainstream. Interestingly, Singapore's size and willingness to embrace new technology has made it a perfect place to roll out a nationwide NFC network. RESEARCHERS USE SMARTPHONE CAMERA TO FIGURE OUT PINS Researchers have found a way to figure out a personal identification number, or PIN, while someone is typing into their smartphone, by using the device's built- in cameras and microphones to secretly record them. Smartphones are increasingly handling a large amount of sensitive financial information, with banking and payment apps and other features that turn phones into full-featured mobile wallets. This makes mobile devices a ripe target for cybercriminals. APPLE iPAD AIR Will the new iPad Air fly? Well it’s not about flying or dying but the truth is that the new iPad air is the most powerful, most beautiful, slimmest and speediest iPad to-date. It’s almost half a pound lighter from previous versions; it has 64-bit A7 processor, 1GB RAM, 9.7 inches 2048 x 1536 (diagonal) LED-backlit Multi- Touch display with IPS technology and packed with iOS 7. It also includes 1.2 megapixels front facing and improved 5-megapixels rear camera, dual band Wi-Fi a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, 3G/4G LTE. It can record 1080p HD video. Apple has promised 10 hours battery life - that much power and speed is quite good. iPad Air is available in 16/32/64/128 GB capacity, Wi-Fi/LTE models. SONY SMARTWATCH 2 An innovative accessory for any lifestyle, watches have a tough job from the outset. Not only must they fulfill their functional purpose, but they also have to have an intrinsic link to style, image and fashion. The Sony SmartWatch 2 has a 1.6-inch, sunlight-readable display and supports one touch NFC. Water, dust and scratch resistant, SmartWatch 2 can be used as compass, timer or stopwatch as well as phone remote. You can customize its by applying different themes and changing wrist straps. APPLE iPAD AIR SONY SMARTWATCH 2 MY FAV APP: APPS TO TRACK YOUR SLEEP If today's rising energy prices give you sleepless nights how about trying a sleep tracking app? Sleep Time is free on iOS and Android and will monitor your movement so you can build up a picture of how well you sleep. Sleep Bot, which is also free on iOS and Android, will kick into audio record mode if you get very restless, which could reveal if you are snoring or talking in your sleep. > Amjad Rasool SCAN THE PAGE WITH POINTATME APP WATCH THE VIDEO