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University of East Anglia
Norwich Business School
Employability, Creativity and
Personal Development
The Second Half
Lectures 5-6
27 November, 2020
Dr. Fahri Karakas
A Creative
Slide 1.3
 Review of Last Class: Asset Creation
 Puzzles
◦ Exercise: Automated Creative Writing
◦ Exercise: Automated Imagination (What If…)
◦ Exercise: Automated Adventures and Fun (Lighten Up)
◦ Exercise: Automated Imagination (Your Netflix Show)
◦ Exercise: Automated Ideation (The Matrix Challenge)
◦ Exercise: Moonshots and Asset Creation
◦ Exercise: Automated Drawing and Doodling
 Mini-Workshop: Future Generations & Climate Emergency
 Mini-Workshop: Life and Employability in a far away place
 Key Takeaways
Slide 1.4
“Creativity is no longer a luxury. It is
a critical survival skill that we need to
adapt to rapid changes, solve complex
problems, imagine new possibilities,
and navigate uncharted waters ahead
of us.”
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.5
 I define improvised lives as lives defined by a
sense of adventure, curiosity, exploration, and
 Improvised living requires a playful mode of:
◦ continuous learning,
◦ intense curiosity,
◦ embracing chaos and uncertainty,
◦ thinking and problem solving beyond borders,
◦ experimenting and making mistakes, &
◦ entrepreneurial acting
 To start improvising, you can use automated
writing, doodling, drawing, ideating, imagining,
and creating techniques.
Upstairs, downstairs, and the basement
Art therapy and inequality
Landscape rock and other metaphors
Fates entwine hilariously and horribly
The sad, sad flow of water
A dystopia that we live in
A discretionary tale of gasps and twists
Surprise, surprise, 92
The film that made history Parasite (Trailer)
How can you address this wicked problem as a
future business leader?
Slide 1.11
 Coronavirus: Be Anti-fragile
 Universities as Places of Imagination
 Exercise: Six Adventures & Six
 Workshop: Heroes of Entertainment and
Imagination (Masterclasses)
◦ Hans Zimmer – film score/music
◦ Chris Hadfield – space exploration
◦ Will Wright – game design
◦ Stephen Curry – basketball
◦ Sara Blakely – entrepreneurship (Spanx)
◦ Shonda Rhimes – TV production and
◦ Frank Gehry – architecture
◦ Diane Von Furstenberg – building a fashion
◦ David Baldacci – mystery/thriller novels
◦ Nas Daily – 1000 days of video creation
◦ Shane Carruth – non-linear cinema
◦ Matt Groening – The Simpsons
◦ Scott Adams – Dilbert
◦ Hayao Miyazaki – immersive animation
◦ Penn and Teller - magic
◦ Chris Record – songs for entrepreneurs
◦ Pokemon – most valuable media franchise
◦ Dallas Cowboys – most valuable sports team
◦ Exercise: Create your own Masterclass
 THE SQUASH: The Squash Challenge
& Imagination Exercises
 Workshop: Creating Assets
 Exercise: You are a Super-hero
 Exercise: Living Exponentially &
Avoiding Mediocrity
“I'm enough of an artist to draw freely on
my imagination, which I think is more
important than knowledge. Knowledge is
limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
Review of Takeaways
 You can get inspiration from 100
different people and 100 different
 And then imagine you are a
farmer and you are growing 100
creative projects: Let 100 flowers
 The world needs interesting,
unique, weird people – like you!
 It is not easy to scare yourself and
set yourself new challenges and
adventures. But if you do it, you
will be rewarded. You will be
 What kind of a super-hero are
you? How will you help other
Your most crucial task is: Create
your own creative assets. Start
Use your Seven I or Entrep. project
as an opportunity to create your
own intellectual and creative
Do not take yourself seriously. Take
your work seriously.
Do not be trapped by your ego –
this will make you mediocre.
You cannot learn and grow if you
try to be clever all the time. It is
much better to be naïve, hungry,
foolish, playful, and curious.
Review of Takeaways
You need to live exponentially and
avoid mediocrity.
Life is short and you are the hero.
Make a difference.
Being part of something large feels
good. We are a community of
learners & experimenters.
Create your own category and be
the owner of that category.
Surprises, adventures, puzzles,
exciting ventures, new projects,
artistic pursuits are good for your
You need a bit more chaos,
randomness, dance, singing,
independent learning, writing, and
creating in your life.
Improvisation is magic – it improves
your life instantly.
Review of Takeaways
Your diary is your best friend.
Your diary is a seed catalogue of all your ideas.
Write, draw, reflect, capture your ideas every
We live in an imagination economy. Ideas are
the new currency. Your attention (i.e. your
time) is the most precious thing in the world.
Life is not only about the next goal to be captured.
There is more to life than that. We are not
machines. We need adventures. Sometimes, you
need to relax, breathe, loosen up – just be.
What if you had quadruple lives – wouldn’t
this enrich you as a person?
“Curiosity does not kill the cat. The cat thrives
through curiosity.”
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Review of Takeaways
Treat 2020-2021 as the year of ASSET CREATION
Work regularly and consistently on your individual project for
the second half. Create creative assets for your future.
SEVEN I PROJECT (Kickstarter type project)
• Think about the assets you want to
create for your future
• Do not think like a student. Do not
treat this as assignment.
• Do this for your own future.
• Do something real – create something
exciting and fresh.
Your Unique
Asset Creation:
How will you go forward?
“Draw the art you want to
see, start the business you
want to buy from, play the
music you want to hear,
write the books you want to
read, build the products you
want to use.”
- Austin Kleon
Long Term Thinking and
Productive Habits
Read and reflect on how you will apply
each principle in your life.
These principles will help you
tremendously in your journey of asset
Creative Writing Exercise
Writing is just playing.
Go with the flow.
Do not judge your writing –
just keep writing.
Write non-sense.
Write boring stuff.
Do not evaluate.
Show up: Your hands do the
Embrace uncertainty.
Never stop writing.
Creative Writing Exercise
Choose your anchor phrase.
Whenever you are stuck,
come back and write down
your anchor phrase.
Write non-stop for 10
An adorable red cottage
The dark ocean was rising
It is OK to jump off the cliffs
A glorious escape
Those were magical times
What if there is a better way
A mysterious door opens
A yellow squash
Who was the highest paid celebrity in 2019
in the world?
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift: Miss Americana (Netflix – Documentary)
Shawn Mendes: In Wonder (Netflix – Documentary)
Who is regarded as the
‘dance messiah’ & probably
the best DJ in the world?
Hint: His net worth is $75m
David Guetta
Who is the highest paid athlete in
the world?
Hint: Think of a global football star
Lionel Messi
She is one of the top actresses in Hollywood.
She loves alternative medicine and pseudo-
science. She created a controversial lifestyle
company and brand called ‘Goop’.
Hint: Her Goop is valued at 250 million
Gwyneth Paltrow
The Goop Lab –Netflix
Adam Bowen, 43, and James Monsees, 38, met in the early
2000s while in graduate school at Stanford University, where
they were studying product design.
They achieved success by tapping into an addictive habit and
inventing a new product line (and even invented a new verb
during this process).
The controversial company soon became worth more than $30
Altria (one of the biggest public health villains) invested $12.8
billion for a 35% stake.
Which company is this?
JUUL – e-cigarettes – “vaping”
At the age of 65, this business leader
announced on social media that he would take
on 65 challenges during his 65th year.
He has done all the challenges (adventures)
and documented them.
Who is he?
Richard Branson
This is a wonderful list that involves adventure,
creativity, and personal branding.
Imagine and write down
Top 5 things/ideas that
come to you.
Please create 5-6 actions
that you can implement in
your life.
Which ones will you try out?
Write down concrete and small action
points you can carry out starting today.
She is one of the most influential qualitative
researchers in the world. She wrote five NYT
bestseller books.
She has spent two decades studying courage,
vulnerability, shame, and empathy.
She hosts the Unlocking Us podcast.
She is the first researcher to have a filmed
lecture on Netflix “The Call to Courage”.
“Owning our story and loving ourselves through
that process is the bravest thing that we will ever
Brené Brown
Brené Brown: the Call to Courage | Netflix
The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown
Listening to shame | Brené Brown
Lighten Up
Erasing Walls
To live a memorable life, you
need to be more open and
Dr. Fahri Karakas
What is the relationship between
PIXAR and Number 22?
Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling
Netflix launched a fashion competition reality
Hint: It is similar to Project Runway - which is
getting a bit old (it has been running for 18
What is the name of the Netflix fashion show?
Next in Fashion
Next in Fashion (Netflix – Competition Series)
Create your own
Imagine that Netflix hired
you to create your own
What would you like to
Feel free to experiment with any formats
(documentary, TV series, interviews, reality,
quiz show, travel, lifestyle, food, fashion,
mystery, science fiction, business,
technology etc.)
What are you NOT
How will you make it
Make a list of all your
hopes, dreams, or
exciting possibilities.
Give them names.
Imagine specific details.
Protect the Egg
He is a Renaissance Person: A versatile and
creative American actor, comedian, writer,
producer, director, musician, and DJ.
In May 2018, he released a provocative/critical
song and music video "This Is America” which
won four Grammy Awards. The video
powerfully depicts gun violence and being
black in the United States. He was chosen to
Time 100. Who is he?
Donald Glover – Childish Gambino
The Rise of Donald Glover/Childish Gambino
Slide 1.63
Slide 1.64
Which problem is the greatest that faces future
Climate Emergency – Global Warming
Before the Flood (Climate
Ice on Fire (2019) - Climate Change
Climate Emergency
In our times, if Trump represents the worst
kind of old/blind capitalist power and greed
(Goliath), who represents youth wisdom with
clarity (David)?
Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg attacks world leaders:
"How dare you?"
Greta Thunberg
On 20th August 2018, after a summer of heatwaves and wildfires in
her native Sweden, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg decided not to attend
If the planet had no future, she argued, there was no point in studying.
Inspired by “school strikes” against shootings in the US, Thunberg’s
demands were straightforward: that the Swedish government reduce
carbon emissions as per the Paris Agreement.
Thunberg has since inspired a wave of school strikes across the
world—with an estimated 1.4m students taking part—and spoken at
the UN Climate Change Conference.
She says her autism, far from being a hindrance, helps her see the
world’s problems in black and white. She speaks with blistering
Greta alone in 2018.
2019: Look at the scale of
the movement she started
“Young people begin to
understand adults’ betrayal of
the planet”
“The eyes of all future
generations” will be watching.”
Greta Thunberg
Climate Emergency
As we near 2030—the year that capitalism was meant to be over, the
time when we were meant to have advanced and elevated ourselves—
the predictions are not rosy.
In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
concluded that global warming is likely to reach 1.5 °C between 2030
and 2052 if temperatures continue to increase at the current rate.
In the event we do hit that mark, experts predict:
• a rise of between 26 and 77 centimeters (10 and 30 inches) in sea
• a rapid increase in species extinctions,
• hundreds of millions more people experiencing water and food
shortages, and
• sustained extreme weather the likes of which the modern human
species has never encountered.
We have been stockpiling not just wealth, but disasters.
A new generation and a new understanding
• Capitalist production has become an objective hazard for the entirety
of human society.
• We need to establish new standards for social well-being—standards
beyond GDP growth and bottom line.
• We need to get the carbon out of the atmosphere and the plastics out
of the ocean, keep the oil in the ground and the undomesticated
species we have left alive. Anything else is a catastrophic failure.
• A YouGov poll found that support for capitalism among Americans
under 30 fell from 39% to 30% between 2015 and 2018—14
percentage points below the average and 26 points below the figure
for seniors.
• The kids recognize that capitalism has been using up human and
natural resources rather than building a better society.
• Much to everyone’s surprise, Keynes’s grandchildren have become
Marxists. The workforce of 2030 is the last true cohort that market
capitalism gets.
“Keynes was wrong. Gen Z will have it worse.” By Malcolm Harris
How can you address this wicked problem as a
future business leader?
We have had Generations X, Y, and Z. What
comes after? Which letter represents the next
generation born after 2010?
What are the names of generations
that come after Alpha?
ALPHA GENERATION: Born between 2010-2024
BETA GENERATION: Born between 2025-2039
GAMMA GENERATION: Born between 2040-2054
DELTA GENERATION: Born between 2055-2069
The Alpha Generation is also known as _____________
There are more than 2.5 million Gen Alphas born globally every week.
When they have all been born (2025), they will number almost two billion.
They are in primary school now – they are the most formally educated generation
ever, the most technology supplied generation ever, and globally the wealthiest
generation ever. They will experience AI, robotics, 5G, IoT, and space travel.
Screens are placed in front of them from the youngest age as pacifiers,
entertainers and educational aids.
They were born in 2010, the year the iPad was introduced, Instagram was created
and “app” was the word of the year.
They already interact with Google Home and Alexa on a regular basis, requesting
jokes or asking for facts about the weather.
They have been raised as “screenagers” to a greater extent so they are also called
GENERATION ___________
The biggest celebrity of the Alpha Generation is not
Michael Jordan, nor Taylor Swift.
Hint: This is a YouTube Channel having 24 million
subscribers, and $112 millions net worth as of Feb
Ryan ToysReview! (Ryan’s World)
& Asset
The future is
UN Global Compact: The Breakthrough Mindset
I have recently read:
Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth, and Impact the World–
Peter H Diamandis
• A radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies,
moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create
extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of
• Part 1: exponential technologies: 3D printing, artificial
intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic
• Part 2: Psychology of Bold: Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard
Branson, Jeff Bezos, Singularity University, XPRIZE, Planetary
Resources, & Human Longevity, Inc.
• Part 3: incentive competitions, crowdfunding campaigns, crowd-
powered tools.
What is the Purpose of a Corporation?
On August 19 the Business Roundtable issued an open letter
titled “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation.”
One of the preeminent business lobbies in the United States,
the Business Roundtable (BR) includes the CEOs of leading
U.S. companies from Apple to Walmart.
Sandwiched between the spare title and 181 signatures was a
one-page declaration that ended as follows:
“Each of our stakeholders is essential. We commit to deliver
value to all of them, for the future success of our companies,
our communities and our country.”
Get a new white page in
front of you.
Close your eyes.
In the next 40 seconds:
Do random drawings while
your eyes are closed.
Now: Open your eyes.
Look at your random drawings.
In the next 40 seconds:
Try to find a pattern or multiple patterns
among the chaotic drawings.
In the next one minute:
Try to create “abstract art”.
Remember: Art thrives on chaos and
In the next one minute:
Give a name to your artwork.
Write a short description (perhaps incorporate a
philosophy or a story into this).
Create random drawings
or doodles for each
small screen.
No waiting or thinking.
Do not think hard and
do not judge your
Your hands should flow
and do the work – your
mind should not
evaluate, criticise, or
Try to turn each circle into a
different object.
Make it as quick as possible.
The more ideas, the better.
Life & Employability on
Slide 1.105
By which year does Elon Musk’s
SpaceX aim to send the first
astronauts to Mars?
By 2024
America’s 2020 budget includes
funding for a manned Mars
mission to launch with a goal of
bringing back samples of the Red
For which year is this plan?
How many people does Elon
Musk wish to send to Mars until
1 million
Slide 1.110
Slide 1.111
How long does it take to go to
If everything goes right
About 7-8 months.
Getting to Mars
How long is one year in Mars?
Hint: Longer than the Earth.
687 days!
How will people on Mars
communicate with people on
Which technology?
Holoportation technology (virtually
placing people in the same room)
TED: The future of human life in Mars
Slide 1.117
Slide 1.119
Combining Maths, Humour, and Poetry
Grand Slam Poetry Champion | Harry Baker | TEDxExeter
Slide 1.121
Slide 1.122
Write your ideas
on a white page
Slide 1.125
Slide 1.127
 To solve wicked problems of the 21st century, you need to
think beyond borders and disciplines.
 Invest in yourself and your learning every day. This is the
biggest investment you can ever make.
1) Ask Right Questions + Follow Your Interests + Intense Curiosity + Continuous
Learning + Imagination + Passion
2) Courage: Take Risks + Consistent Small Actions + Smart Moves + Hard Work + Play
Your Game + Resilience + Resourcefulness
 Think about where you will be after 10 years. Act
according to that vision.
 You can be as big as your dreams and ambitions.
Slide 1.128
 You can use improvisation to increase adventure and
quality in your life.
 Try to apply automated writing, drawing, doodling, story-
telling, ideating, designing, creating, dancing, and singing
in your life.
 In this life, it is never too late to follow your interests,
curiosities, and passions.
 Show up for creative work and use random prompts or
anchors to get going. Start small – small is beautiful.
 Business as usual is over. We need a new paradigm of
business that solves complex problems ahead of us.
Slide 1.129
 In your profession, it is not enough to know only about
business or finance or HR or marketing. You need to think
 Be a polymath: An individual whose knowledge spans a significant
number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve
specific problems.
 Be an autodidact: A self-taught person individual who initiates and
manages his/her own learning and reads voraciously
 Be a hunter and learner of most interesting things. Cross
boundaries – there are no borders.
 Go out of your comfort zone. Learn outside your
discipline. Think and act wider.
Slide 1.130
 This lecture itself was improvised. I learned all the things on these
slides in the last two weeks.
 I had to make hard choices and reduced from 250 slides. Many
things I learned did not make the final cut.
 All the rules of traditional lectures and curriculum – I have thrown
them out from the window.
 Sometimes I feel terrified: Am I on the right track? Does this make
sense to you? What do you think? Please provide me feedback and
let me know.
 Education as usual is dead. Long live lifetime learning!
 Assume responsibility for your own learning.
Slide 1.131
Slide 1.132
Thank you

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Lectures 17 and 18: Improvised Lives Workshop: Automated Writing, Drawing, and Creating - 27 November 2020

  • 1. University of East Anglia Norwich Business School Employability, Creativity and Personal Development NBS-5915A The Second Half Lectures 5-6 27 November, 2020 Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 3. Slide 1.3  Review of Last Class: Asset Creation  Puzzles  IMPROVISED LIVES Workshop: ◦ Exercise: Automated Creative Writing ◦ Exercise: Automated Imagination (What If…) ◦ Exercise: Automated Adventures and Fun (Lighten Up) ◦ Exercise: Automated Imagination (Your Netflix Show) ◦ Exercise: Automated Ideation (The Matrix Challenge) ◦ Exercise: Moonshots and Asset Creation ◦ Exercise: Automated Drawing and Doodling  Mini-Workshop: Future Generations & Climate Emergency  Mini-Workshop: Life and Employability in a far away place  Key Takeaways
  • 4. Slide 1.4 “Creativity is no longer a luxury. It is a critical survival skill that we need to adapt to rapid changes, solve complex problems, imagine new possibilities, and navigate uncharted waters ahead of us.” Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 5. Slide 1.5  I define improvised lives as lives defined by a sense of adventure, curiosity, exploration, and spontaneity.  Improvised living requires a playful mode of: ◦ continuous learning, ◦ intense curiosity, ◦ embracing chaos and uncertainty, ◦ thinking and problem solving beyond borders, ◦ experimenting and making mistakes, & ◦ entrepreneurial acting  To start improvising, you can use automated writing, doodling, drawing, ideating, imagining, and creating techniques.
  • 6.
  • 7. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Upstairs, downstairs, and the basement Art therapy and inequality Landscape rock and other metaphors Fates entwine hilariously and horribly The sad, sad flow of water A dystopia that we live in A discretionary tale of gasps and twists Surprise, surprise, 92 PARASITE
  • 8.
  • 9. The film that made history Parasite (Trailer)
  • 10. INEQUALITY How can you address this wicked problem as a future business leader?
  • 11. Slide 1.11  Coronavirus: Be Anti-fragile  Universities as Places of Imagination  Exercise: Six Adventures & Six Challenges  Workshop: Heroes of Entertainment and Imagination (Masterclasses) ◦ Hans Zimmer – film score/music ◦ Chris Hadfield – space exploration ◦ Will Wright – game design ◦ Stephen Curry – basketball ◦ Sara Blakely – entrepreneurship (Spanx) ◦ Shonda Rhimes – TV production and screenwriting ◦ Frank Gehry – architecture ◦ Diane Von Furstenberg – building a fashion brand ◦ David Baldacci – mystery/thriller novels ◦ Nas Daily – 1000 days of video creation ◦ Shane Carruth – non-linear cinema ◦ Matt Groening – The Simpsons ◦ Scott Adams – Dilbert ◦ Hayao Miyazaki – immersive animation ◦ Penn and Teller - magic ◦ Chris Record – songs for entrepreneurs ◦ Pokemon – most valuable media franchise ◦ Dallas Cowboys – most valuable sports team ◦ Exercise: Create your own Masterclass  THE SQUASH: The Squash Challenge & Imagination Exercises  Workshop: Creating Assets  Exercise: You are a Super-hero  Exercise: Living Exponentially & Avoiding Mediocrity
  • 12. “I'm enough of an artist to draw freely on my imagination, which I think is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Einstein
  • 14. Review of Takeaways  You can get inspiration from 100 different people and 100 different fields.  And then imagine you are a farmer and you are growing 100 creative projects: Let 100 flowers bloom!  The world needs interesting, unique, weird people – like you!  It is not easy to scare yourself and set yourself new challenges and adventures. But if you do it, you will be rewarded. You will be happier.  What kind of a super-hero are you? How will you help other people?
  • 15. Your most crucial task is: Create your own creative assets. Start now! Use your Seven I or Entrep. project as an opportunity to create your own intellectual and creative assets. Do not take yourself seriously. Take your work seriously. Do not be trapped by your ego – this will make you mediocre. You cannot learn and grow if you try to be clever all the time. It is much better to be naïve, hungry, foolish, playful, and curious. Review of Takeaways
  • 16. You need to live exponentially and avoid mediocrity. Life is short and you are the hero. Make a difference. Being part of something large feels good. We are a community of learners & experimenters. Create your own category and be the owner of that category. Surprises, adventures, puzzles, exciting ventures, new projects, artistic pursuits are good for your health. You need a bit more chaos, randomness, dance, singing, independent learning, writing, and creating in your life. Improvisation is magic – it improves your life instantly. Review of Takeaways
  • 17. Your diary is your best friend. Your diary is a seed catalogue of all your ideas. Write, draw, reflect, capture your ideas every day. We live in an imagination economy. Ideas are the new currency. Your attention (i.e. your time) is the most precious thing in the world. Life is not only about the next goal to be captured. There is more to life than that. We are not machines. We need adventures. Sometimes, you need to relax, breathe, loosen up – just be. What if you had quadruple lives – wouldn’t this enrich you as a person? “Curiosity does not kill the cat. The cat thrives through curiosity.” Dr. Fahri Karakas Review of Takeaways
  • 18. Treat 2020-2021 as the year of ASSET CREATION Work regularly and consistently on your individual project for the second half. Create creative assets for your future. SEVEN I PROJECT (Kickstarter type project) ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESS PROPOSAL (Shark Tank type project) • Think about the assets you want to create for your future • Do not think like a student. Do not treat this as assignment. • Do this for your own future. • Do something real – create something exciting and fresh.
  • 20. Asset Creation: How will you go forward? “Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to buy from, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use.” - Austin Kleon
  • 21. Long Term Thinking and Productive Habits to-become-a-multi-millionaire-do- these-15-things-immediately/ Read and reflect on how you will apply each principle in your life. These principles will help you tremendously in your journey of asset creation.
  • 23. Creative Writing Exercise Guidelines Writing is just playing. Go with the flow. Do not judge your writing – just keep writing. Write non-sense. Write boring stuff. Do not evaluate. Show up: Your hands do the work. Embrace uncertainty. Never stop writing.
  • 24. Creative Writing Exercise Choose your anchor phrase. Whenever you are stuck, come back and write down your anchor phrase. Write non-stop for 10 minutes. An adorable red cottage The dark ocean was rising It is OK to jump off the cliffs A glorious escape Those were magical times What if there is a better way A mysterious door opens A yellow squash
  • 25. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Who was the highest paid celebrity in 2019 in the world? Taylor Swift
  • 26.
  • 27. Taylor Swift: Miss Americana (Netflix – Documentary)
  • 28.
  • 29. Shawn Mendes: In Wonder (Netflix – Documentary)
  • 30. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Who is regarded as the ‘dance messiah’ & probably the best DJ in the world? Hint: His net worth is $75m David Guetta
  • 31. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Who is the highest paid athlete in the world? Hint: Think of a global football star Lionel Messi
  • 32.
  • 33. HERE IS A PUZZLE: She is one of the top actresses in Hollywood. She loves alternative medicine and pseudo- science. She created a controversial lifestyle company and brand called ‘Goop’. Hint: Her Goop is valued at 250 million dollars. Gwyneth Paltrow
  • 34. The Goop Lab –Netflix
  • 35.
  • 36. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Adam Bowen, 43, and James Monsees, 38, met in the early 2000s while in graduate school at Stanford University, where they were studying product design. They achieved success by tapping into an addictive habit and inventing a new product line (and even invented a new verb during this process). The controversial company soon became worth more than $30 billion. Altria (one of the biggest public health villains) invested $12.8 billion for a 35% stake. Which company is this? JUUL – e-cigarettes – “vaping”
  • 37. HERE IS A PUZZLE: At the age of 65, this business leader announced on social media that he would take on 65 challenges during his 65th year. He has done all the challenges (adventures) and documented them. Who is he? Richard Branson challenges-my-65th-year This is a wonderful list that involves adventure, creativity, and personal branding.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 41. WHAT IF… Exercise Imagine and write down Top 5 things/ideas that come to you.
  • 42. WHAT IF… Exercise Please create 5-6 actions that you can implement in your life. Which ones will you try out? Write down concrete and small action points you can carry out starting today.
  • 43. HERE IS A PUZZLE: She is one of the most influential qualitative researchers in the world. She wrote five NYT bestseller books. She has spent two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. She hosts the Unlocking Us podcast. She is the first researcher to have a filmed lecture on Netflix “The Call to Courage”. “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.” Brené Brown
  • 44. Brené Brown: the Call to Courage | Netflix
  • 45.
  • 46. The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown
  • 47. Listening to shame | Brené Brown
  • 50. Exercise@Home: Erasing Walls To live a memorable life, you need to be more open and vulnerable. Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 51. HERE IS A PUZZLE: What is the relationship between PIXAR and Number 22? Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling
  • 52.
  • 53. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Netflix launched a fashion competition reality series. Hint: It is similar to Project Runway - which is getting a bit old (it has been running for 18 seasons!) What is the name of the Netflix fashion show? Next in Fashion
  • 54. Next in Fashion (Netflix – Competition Series)
  • 56. Create your own NETFLIX SHOW Exercise Imagine that Netflix hired you to create your own show What would you like to create? Feel free to experiment with any formats (documentary, TV series, interviews, reality, quiz show, travel, lifestyle, food, fashion, mystery, science fiction, business, technology etc.)
  • 57. Exercise@Home What are you NOT doing? How will you make it happen?
  • 58. Exercise@Home Make a list of all your hopes, dreams, or exciting possibilities. Give them names. Imagine specific details.
  • 60. HERE IS A PUZZLE: He is a Renaissance Person: A versatile and creative American actor, comedian, writer, producer, director, musician, and DJ. In May 2018, he released a provocative/critical song and music video "This Is America” which won four Grammy Awards. The video powerfully depicts gun violence and being black in the United States. He was chosen to Time 100. Who is he? Donald Glover – Childish Gambino
  • 61. The Rise of Donald Glover/Childish Gambino
  • 66. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Which problem is the greatest that faces future generations? Climate Emergency – Global Warming
  • 67. Before the Flood (Climate Change)
  • 68. Ice on Fire (2019) - Climate Change Documentary
  • 70. HERE IS A PUZZLE: In our times, if Trump represents the worst kind of old/blind capitalist power and greed (Goliath), who represents youth wisdom with clarity (David)? Greta Thunberg
  • 71. Greta Thunberg attacks world leaders: "How dare you?"
  • 72. Greta Thunberg On 20th August 2018, after a summer of heatwaves and wildfires in her native Sweden, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg decided not to attend school: If the planet had no future, she argued, there was no point in studying. Inspired by “school strikes” against shootings in the US, Thunberg’s demands were straightforward: that the Swedish government reduce carbon emissions as per the Paris Agreement. Thunberg has since inspired a wave of school strikes across the world—with an estimated 1.4m students taking part—and spoken at the UN Climate Change Conference. She says her autism, far from being a hindrance, helps her see the world’s problems in black and white. She speaks with blistering clarity.
  • 73. Greta alone in 2018. 2019: Look at the scale of the movement she started
  • 74.
  • 75. “Young people begin to understand adults’ betrayal of the planet” “The eyes of all future generations” will be watching.” Greta Thunberg
  • 76.
  • 77. Climate Emergency As we near 2030—the year that capitalism was meant to be over, the time when we were meant to have advanced and elevated ourselves— the predictions are not rosy. In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that global warming is likely to reach 1.5 °C between 2030 and 2052 if temperatures continue to increase at the current rate. In the event we do hit that mark, experts predict: • a rise of between 26 and 77 centimeters (10 and 30 inches) in sea level, • a rapid increase in species extinctions, • hundreds of millions more people experiencing water and food shortages, and • sustained extreme weather the likes of which the modern human species has never encountered. We have been stockpiling not just wealth, but disasters.
  • 78.
  • 79. A new generation and a new understanding • Capitalist production has become an objective hazard for the entirety of human society. • We need to establish new standards for social well-being—standards beyond GDP growth and bottom line. • We need to get the carbon out of the atmosphere and the plastics out of the ocean, keep the oil in the ground and the undomesticated species we have left alive. Anything else is a catastrophic failure. • A YouGov poll found that support for capitalism among Americans under 30 fell from 39% to 30% between 2015 and 2018—14 percentage points below the average and 26 points below the figure for seniors. • The kids recognize that capitalism has been using up human and natural resources rather than building a better society. • Much to everyone’s surprise, Keynes’s grandchildren have become Marxists. The workforce of 2030 is the last true cohort that market capitalism gets. “Keynes was wrong. Gen Z will have it worse.” By Malcolm Harris
  • 80. CLIMATE EMERGENCY How can you address this wicked problem as a future business leader?
  • 81.
  • 82. HERE IS A PUZZLE: We have had Generations X, Y, and Z. What comes after? Which letter represents the next generation born after 2010? ALPHA!
  • 83. HERE IS A PUZZLE: What are the names of generations that come after Alpha? BETA, GAMMA, and DELTA
  • 84. HERE ARE THE FUTURE GENERATIONS: ALPHA GENERATION: Born between 2010-2024 BETA GENERATION: Born between 2025-2039 GAMMA GENERATION: Born between 2040-2054 DELTA GENERATION: Born between 2055-2069
  • 85.
  • 86. The Alpha Generation is also known as _____________ There are more than 2.5 million Gen Alphas born globally every week. When they have all been born (2025), they will number almost two billion. They are in primary school now – they are the most formally educated generation ever, the most technology supplied generation ever, and globally the wealthiest generation ever. They will experience AI, robotics, 5G, IoT, and space travel. Screens are placed in front of them from the youngest age as pacifiers, entertainers and educational aids. They were born in 2010, the year the iPad was introduced, Instagram was created and “app” was the word of the year. They already interact with Google Home and Alexa on a regular basis, requesting jokes or asking for facts about the weather. They have been raised as “screenagers” to a greater extent so they are also called GENERATION ___________ GENERATION GLASS
  • 87. The biggest celebrity of the Alpha Generation is not Michael Jordan, nor Taylor Swift. WHO? Hint: This is a YouTube Channel having 24 million subscribers, and $112 millions net worth as of Feb 2020. Ryan ToysReview! (Ryan’s World)
  • 90.
  • 92.
  • 93. UN Global Compact: The Breakthrough Mindset
  • 94. I have recently read: Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth, and Impact the World– Peter H Diamandis • A radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. • Part 1: exponential technologies: 3D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. • Part 2: Psychology of Bold: Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Singularity University, XPRIZE, Planetary Resources, & Human Longevity, Inc. • Part 3: incentive competitions, crowdfunding campaigns, crowd- powered tools.
  • 95. What is the Purpose of a Corporation? On August 19 the Business Roundtable issued an open letter titled “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation.” One of the preeminent business lobbies in the United States, the Business Roundtable (BR) includes the CEOs of leading U.S. companies from Apple to Walmart. Sandwiched between the spare title and 181 signatures was a one-page declaration that ended as follows: “Each of our stakeholders is essential. We commit to deliver value to all of them, for the future success of our companies, our communities and our country.”
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 99. Exercise: Get a new white page in front of you. Close your eyes. In the next 40 seconds: Do random drawings while your eyes are closed. AUTOMATED DOODLING & DRAWING
  • 100. Now: Open your eyes. Look at your random drawings. In the next 40 seconds: Try to find a pattern or multiple patterns among the chaotic drawings. In the next one minute: Try to create “abstract art”. Remember: Art thrives on chaos and emergence. In the next one minute: Give a name to your artwork. Write a short description (perhaps incorporate a philosophy or a story into this). AUTOMATED DOODLING & DRAWING
  • 101. DOODLING & DRAWING EXERCISE @HOME Create random drawings or doodles for each small screen. No waiting or thinking. Do not think hard and do not judge your drawing. Your hands should flow and do the work – your mind should not evaluate, criticise, or interrupt.
  • 102. DOODLING & DRAWING EXERCISE @HOME PART 2 Try to turn each circle into a different object. Make it as quick as possible. The more ideas, the better.
  • 103.
  • 104. Life & Employability on MARS MINI-WORKSHOP for FUN/CURIOSITY
  • 106. HERE IS A PUZZLE: By which year does Elon Musk’s SpaceX aim to send the first astronauts to Mars? By 2024
  • 107. HERE IS A PUZZLE: America’s 2020 budget includes funding for a manned Mars mission to launch with a goal of bringing back samples of the Red Planet. For which year is this plan? 2026
  • 108. HERE IS A PUZZLE: How many people does Elon Musk wish to send to Mars until 2050? 1 million
  • 109.
  • 112. HERE IS A PUZZLE: How long does it take to go to Mars? If everything goes right About 7-8 months.
  • 114. HERE IS A PUZZLE: How long is one year in Mars? Hint: Longer than the Earth. 687 days!
  • 115. HERE IS A PUZZLE: How will people on Mars communicate with people on Earth? Which technology? Holoportation technology (virtually placing people in the same room)
  • 116. TED: The future of human life in Mars
  • 120. Combining Maths, Humour, and Poetry Grand Slam Poetry Champion | Harry Baker | TEDxExeter
  • 123.
  • 124. IMPROVISE D LIVES CREATE YOUR OWN Write your ideas on a white page
  • 127. Slide 1.127  To solve wicked problems of the 21st century, you need to think beyond borders and disciplines.  Invest in yourself and your learning every day. This is the biggest investment you can ever make. 1) Ask Right Questions + Follow Your Interests + Intense Curiosity + Continuous Learning + Imagination + Passion 2) Courage: Take Risks + Consistent Small Actions + Smart Moves + Hard Work + Play Your Game + Resilience + Resourcefulness  Think about where you will be after 10 years. Act according to that vision.  You can be as big as your dreams and ambitions.
  • 128. Slide 1.128  You can use improvisation to increase adventure and quality in your life.  Try to apply automated writing, drawing, doodling, story- telling, ideating, designing, creating, dancing, and singing in your life.  In this life, it is never too late to follow your interests, curiosities, and passions.  Show up for creative work and use random prompts or anchors to get going. Start small – small is beautiful.  Business as usual is over. We need a new paradigm of business that solves complex problems ahead of us.
  • 129. Slide 1.129  In your profession, it is not enough to know only about business or finance or HR or marketing. You need to think bigger.  Be a polymath: An individual whose knowledge spans a significant number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.  Be an autodidact: A self-taught person individual who initiates and manages his/her own learning and reads voraciously  Be a hunter and learner of most interesting things. Cross boundaries – there are no borders.  Go out of your comfort zone. Learn outside your discipline. Think and act wider.
  • 130. Slide 1.130  This lecture itself was improvised. I learned all the things on these slides in the last two weeks.  I had to make hard choices and reduced from 250 slides. Many things I learned did not make the final cut.  All the rules of traditional lectures and curriculum – I have thrown them out from the window.  Sometimes I feel terrified: Am I on the right track? Does this make sense to you? What do you think? Please provide me feedback and let me know.  Education as usual is dead. Long live lifetime learning!  Assume responsibility for your own learning.

Editor's Notes

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