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University of East Anglia
Norwich Business School
2030'lara Hazırlanmak: Hayal Gücü,
Yapay Zeka, Gelecek Meslekler ve
8 Ocak 2023
Dr. Fahri Karakas
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Zamanlar ve teknolojiler
çıldırtıcı derecede hızlı
ilerliyor. Eğitim sistemleri
çıldırtıcı derecede yavaş
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.3
Kariyerinizde makinalarla,
algoritmalarla ve robotlarla
beraber çalışacaksınız.
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.4
Önümüzdeki yılların
meslekleri aslında henüz
tam icat edilmedi. Herşey o
denli değişiyor ki bambaşka
meslekler olacak.
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.5
Bilgisayar oyunları, oyundan
çok daha fazlasıdır.
Bilgisayar oyunları,
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.6
TikToker olmak bir
meslektir. TikTok’u anlayan
geleceği daha iyi anlar.
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.7
Yapay zeka, blok zinciri,
Metaverse gibi teknolojiler
A’dan Z’ye herşeyi kısa
sürede dönüştürecek.
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.8
Geleceğin en büyük
problemi: Küresel Isınma.
Çocuklarınız, torunlarınız,
ve yeni nesiller hayatta
kalma mücadelesi
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.9
En büyük 3 düşmanınız:
Ezbercilik, meraksızlık, ve
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.10
Uzun Vadede Sizi
Kurtaracak Olanlar:
Sorgulama, Merak,
Sıradışılık, Hayal Gücü,
Girişimcilik, Teknolojiyi İyi
Anlama ve Kullanma
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.11
 Yenilikçi Teknolojiler Dünyayı Dönüştürüyor
◦ Yapay Zeka, Algoritmalar ve Robotlar - Artificial Intelligence
◦ Metaverse: Yeni Sanal Gerçeklik
◦ Crypto, Bitcoin, Block Zinciri ve NFT
◦ Çin ve Uzakdoğu’nun Yükselişi
◦ Uzay Çağı başlıyor: Mars’a yolculuk
 Yeni Düşünme Şekilleri ve Başarı Hikayeleri
 Kendi İçerik İmparatorluğunu Kur
 Mucit, Girişimci ve Sanatçı Ol
 Kendi Rönesansını Kur
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Slide 1.13
 Born and grew up in Balikesir, Turkey
 Sirri Yircali Anatolian High School (1996)
 BA Koc Uni (2000) and MBA Bogazici (2002) in Istanbul
 PhD at McGill University, Montreal, Canada (2010)
 Research Fellow at the Open University (2010)
 Senior Lecturer in Business and Leadership at University
of East Anglia
 Visiting Lecturer at Mountbatten Institute, London
 Visiting Lecturer at University of Cambridge (Pembroke-
King’s Programme)
 Published 30+ articles in leading journals, author of Self
Making Studio
 Started writing on Medium and wrote 640 articles as of
 Became a YouTuber/TikToker since the pandemic and
created 900 Youtube videos + 100 TikTok videos
Slide 1.14
“Creativity is no longer a luxury. It is
a critical survival skill that we need to
adapt to rapid changes, solve complex
problems, imagine new possibilities,
and navigate uncharted waters ahead
of us.”
Dr. Fahri Karakas
Slide 1.15
 Yenilikçi Teknolojiler Dünyayı Dönüştürüyor
◦ Yapay Zeka, Algoritmalar ve Robotlar - Artificial Intelligence
◦ Metaverse: Yeni Sanal Gerçeklik
◦ Crypto, Bitcoin, Block Zinciri ve NFT
◦ Çin ve Uzakdoğu’nun Yükselişi
◦ Uzay Çağı başlıyor: Mars’a yolculuk
 Yeni Düşünme Şekilleri ve Başarı Hikayeleri
 Kendi İçerik İmparatorluğunu Kur
 Mucit, Girişimci ve Sanatçı Ol
 Kendi Rönesansını Kur
Slide 1.16
ALPHAGO Documentary Trailer (on Netflix)
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 Google’a yaz:
◦ Open AI Playground
◦ Open AI ChatGPT
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Brainstorming: A4 Paper
A4 kağıdından kaç icat
-değer kat
-para kazan
-icat ve ürün çıkar
Süren: 90 saniye
Slide 1.24
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 Bütün geleneksel meslekler
 Kariyer merdiveni kırıldı
 Çok fazla değişim var
 Herkes girişimci olmak zorunda
 Endüstri devrimi bitti.
 Standart olursanız vasat
 En büyük problem: VASATLIK
Slide 1.28
 Her birey artık
 YATIRIMCI ......olmalı
Bilgisayar oyunları oynayarak ayda 1 milyon
dolar kazanılır mı?
This guy now makes 1m dollars a month by
playing games.
His wife is his manager.
He is the world’s most famous gamer.
His net worth is more than $20 million.
He was chosen to Time 100. Who is he?
NINJA (Tyler Blevins)
How Ninja makes $500,000 per month playing Fortnite
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An Imagination Workshop
Right now, we have 1 billion $ companies (Apple, Amazon,
Google, Microsoft)
For any industry to produce 100 times more value than today’s
corporations, it will need to be:
• Rapidly scalable
• Global in nature
• Products or services with strong demand
• Transportable to anywhere in the world
• Highly profitable
• Extremely influential
• Leveraging disruptive technologies
Possible Sectors
1)Cryptocurrency: The first global currency will likely be a
cryptocurrency. These operate outside of the realm of highly regulated,
nation-based economies.
2.5 billion adults do not have bank accounts, nor do they use any formal financial
services to save or borrow. The opportunity here is huge.
2) Asteroid Mining:The most valuable space industry:
Extracting resources found in near earth asteroids.
Our growing need for platinum based metals could result in entire asteroids being
dragged back to earth, each valued at hundreds of billions of dollars.
Possible Sectors
3) Instant Learning – Today’s learning processes occupy
entirely too much of the human lifespan.
Nicolas Negroponte’s radical prediction: Ingested learning (eating a pill and
knowing French)
BMI (brain-machine interfaces) & neuro-laces) show promise
4) Internet of Things Devices talk to other devices.
Consider having devices that improve your health, energy, stamina, and
thinking ability by 100% or more.
Or devices that can communicate with plants and animals.
Amazon Alexa as the brain of your smart home
Trillionaire Sectors
5.) Cure for Human Aging or Longevity – If every
person had the option of paying $10 a day to make aging stop, how many
would choose that option? A billion people paying $10 a day would amount
to $3.65 trillion a year in revenue.
In the late 1800's, the average life expectancy was 41. Today, it is over 80
years old.
Google has invested over a billion dollars into their firm Calico: Longevity
or‘the fight against death'.
6.) Ultra High Speed Transportation Tube
transportation proposed by Elon Musk and Daryl Oster
Trillionaire Sectors
7.) Controlling the Weather Hurricanes, tornadoes,
tsunamis, and major hailstorms can be very destructive, so there are
already major costs associated with our current weather systems.
Farmers to have extra rain, a guarantee of no hail, favourable temperatures
and good sunshine
Homeowners to not have to water their lawns, or never have wind or hail
that damages their roofs
Guaranteed wind above 300’ altitude for all wind farms
8.) Instant Sleep How many people would be willing to pay $10
to use an ‘instant sleep’ device to add an extra 8 hours of productive time to
their day?
A billion people paying $10 a day would amount to $3.65 trillion a year in
Trillionaire Sectors
9.) Instant Disassembling of Matter Better ways of
working with raw materials. Digging, crushing, grinding, pulverizing, and blowing
things up are all on the material science short list for getting to the core material
inside. Imagine a process where large boulders can be instantly disassembled into a
pile of molecules, simply by breaking all the molecular bonds.
10.) Human Cloning or 3D Printed Bodies – Our bodies
wear out. If we could somehow transfer who we are into a younger, stronger, better
looking version of ourselves, how many people would jump at that opportunity?
11.) Personal Swarms of Swarmbots –the versatility and
utility of having a personal swarm of swarmbots. The same swarm that dries us
after a shower, applies makeup, and fixes our hair, assemble themselves as our
clothing, our body armor, and function as our personal tech.
amplify our strength, enable us to fly from place to place etc.
Trillionaire Sectors
12.) Robotic Services – Robots are coming. The race to find the
killer app for robots and robotic services
13.) 3D Telepresence Avatars – How many times have you
heard someone say they need to clone themselves? 3D telepresence avatars are the
digital equivalent of cloning where life-size representations of ourselves can
interact with others in the same fashion as being there in person. These avatars
could attend meetings, file reports, engage in water cooler chitchat, and keep your
boss busy, all the while, extending your overall capabilities and earning potential.
14.) Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is a game-
changer on almost every level. It’s difficult to imagine any industry that is not
improved exponentially with the addition of AI.
15.) Energy Storage – We are good at generating power, but not with
storing power from one day to the next. Anyone who finds a super efficient way of
storing power will quickly become the master of the energy universe. Energy
industry is $2 trillion dollars globally and is already seeing massive disruption from
alternative energy such as solar and wind.
Slide 1.56
My vision
University of the
I try to design and
improve this module
based on this model.
What do you think
university of the future
should look like?
How can we move
towards there?
Slide 1.57
Slide 1.58
My vision:
Universities as
Places of
Life Advice:
A Poster Guide
Why You Need To
Create Your Own
Slide 1.60
 You need to learn about personal finance principles and act on
them. You need to use the power of compounding.
 You need to start saving and investing early.
 Your goal should be: BUILDING ASSETS. Income always follows
 There are two ways to having assets:
 1) If you have money, buy them (invest in them).
 2) If you do not have money, create them.
◦ What can you create?
◦ An e-book, an online course, your own fashion line, a song, a lifestyle brand, an online
business, a new product or service, a YouTube channel, artwork, patents etc.
Joe Rogan created more than 4000 podcast episodes. He
signed a deal of $100m with Spotify
Your most crucial task is: Create
your own creative assets. Start
Use your class projects as an
opportunity to create your own
intellectual and creative assets.
Do not take yourself seriously. Take
your work seriously.
Do not be trapped by your ego –
this will make you mediocre.
You cannot learn and grow if you
try to be clever all the time. It is
much better to be naïve, hungry,
foolish, playful, and curious.
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1. Make a list of all your creative assets you have now.
2. How will you develop new creative assets in the next 1 year?
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Michael Goldhaber, Wired
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Landed about 10
interviews with creative
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Instead of just
mirroring the style
of the magazine,
Sumukh turned his
CV into an actual
20-page magazine
complete with
features about his
life and education.
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Slide 1.76
◦ He promised himself to create digital art every day. He created a
futuristic image every day for 13.5 years.
◦ He created an image each day from May 1, 2007 through Jan. 7, 2021. He
never broke the chain.
◦ This meant he created 5,000 daily futuristic images over 5000 days.
◦ He then combined all of these images into a jpeg file.
◦ He called this file: “Everydays: The First 5000 Days”
◦ This digital collage was sold as an NFT (non-fungible token) in an online
auction at Christie’s.
◦ How much was this NFT sold for? $69 million!
◦ What is the name of this artist? Beeple - Mike Winkelmann
ALPHA GENERATION: Born between 2010-2024
BETA GENERATION: Born between 2025-2039
GAMMA GENERATION: Born between 2040-2054
DELTA GENERATION: Born between 2055-2069
Slide 1.80
Quantum Supremacy: A New Era?
Freaky New World: The World’s First Female AI News
Shenzhen: A futurist city
Elon Musk making history
Inventing reusable rocket systems is a milestone in Mars mission
Slide 1.88
The Mars Generation
Imagination, passion, and adventure: Exploring Life on Mars
Slide 1.90
 The reasons Elon Musk is so successful:
Elon Musk created 4 companies worth more than $1
billion each: PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity. He
disrupted 8 industries!!
Slide 1.93
Slide 1.94
* Halloween
A blockchain is a
continuously growing list
of records, called blocks,
which are linked and secured
using cryptography. Each
block typically contains
a hash pointer as a link to a
previous block,
a timestamp and transaction
data. By design, a blockchain
is inherently resistant to
modification of the data.”)
Slide 1.95
Who is Satoshi Nakamato?
We simply do not know.
Had his/her identity been known, (s)he could be in
Governments, central banks, CIA, and big banks
are after Satoshi Nakamato.
No one owns the Bitcoin network, which means
there’s no way to regulate it.
Blockchain is the tech genie and it is outside
the lamp. No way to prevent it. It will
dominate the world in the upcoming
Slide 1.99
Los Angeles Los Angeles
They are in
They are in Mexico
He quit his job and decided to travel the
world. Every day, he created 1-minute
travel/inspiration videos on Facebook. He
did this for 1000 days non-stop. Who is he?
Hint: His videos end with
“That’s one minute, see you soon"
Nas Daily (Nuseir Yassin)
Nas Daily: 1000 Days of Video Creation!
Slide 1.107
• You need to develop your antifragility and preparedness for black swans.
• You need to learn to think differently by learning across disciplines,
applying mental models, and focusing on the long term.
• You need to develop new capabilities for dealing with FONKU — the fear
of not keeping up.
• You need to focus on using your own imagination every day.
• You need to take care of your brain and improve your learning habits.
• You need to forget the career ladder and start creating your own assets.
• You need to become a polymath (renaissance person) who learns and
innovates beyond borders.
• You need to make a commitment to create your own creative
assets and invest in your own creativity.
• You need to develop your inspirational capital by being curious and
• You need to develop positive habits, systems, and assets to take control of
your own future.
Focus on Creative Assets, not Career Ladder
• If you are a creator, you can create your own assets. Out of thin air. (Plus imagination and
hard work.)
• Some of these assets generate money directly – like a book, an artwork sold on Etsy, an
app, or an album that can be sold.
• Others create non-financial rewards, and/or generate money indirectly – like a YouTube
channel, a podcast, a networking event or a blog.
• If you look at your effort and the time you devote to it, your podcast or YouTube channel
may look like a net loss on your accounts. But looking back over the past few years, you
realise how many clients and projects, not to mention how much fun and friendship, have
come to you because of the podcast or YouTube channel.
• Your avant-garde novel may not sell a million copies, but it may win you the respect of the
discerning audience you are writing for, and connections, opportunities and money may
flow from that.
• So forget the career ladder. Instead, create the kind of assets that will bring you more
creativity, connections, and emotional and financial power in the years ahead.
Lessons From
My Own Journey of
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Treat this academic year as the year of ASSET CREATION
Establish your own business
Create your YouTube channel, Instagram brand, Medium blog,
create your ebook or online course or TikTok account etc.
• Think about the assets you want to
create for your future
• Do not think like a student. Do not treat
this as assignment.
• Do this for your own future.
• Do somethingreal – create something
real and fresh.
“The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins
The moment you have an instinct to act
on a goal you must count 5–4–3–2–1
and physically move or your brain will
stop you.
Mel Robbins: Five Second Rule
Don’t Bother Waiting For Inspiration.
It’s Not Coming.
• You need grit, struggle and urgency.
• The cold reality is that sometimes, it’s a real struggle to get your best work into the
• That’s why so many of us admire great creators, artists and thinkers but so few of
us will ever become one.
• If you wait to be inspired to do your best work, you’ll be waiting a long time.
Possibly forever.
• Waiting for inspiration is an amateur move. It’s not coming today. It may never. It’s
not coming to you. But you can seek it out.
• The solution: start the work now.
• Do it on the sunny days and the rainy days. Stop giving yourself a “pass” to leave
your gifts on the table unopened. Stop allowing yourself the excuse not to create.
• Push through the uncomfortable stage
• Struggle actually leads to more inspiration
• You don’t get inspired, then do great work. You do great work, then get
Seek out small victories. Small victories build new receptors
in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and
motivation. This increase in receptors enhances confidence
and eagerness to tackle challenges. When you achieve a
series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last
for months.
Small and consistent actions/habits every day is key.
• Be consistent and disciplined – create
every day – do not break the chain.
• If you establish smart habits every day,
you will achieve a lot in the long run.
• Compound yourself (your skills,
knowledge, networks, and assets) over
the long term.
Failures of
•Create your own intellectual and
creative assets.
•Your most crucial task is: Create
your own creative assets. Start
Visualize where you
will be in 10 years
- I will create 2000 YouTube
videos in 10 years.
- I will write 2000 Medium
articles in 10 years.
- I will write at least 5 books
in 10 years.
- I will create at least 2
online training programs.
- I will create an asset
creation summer school
and hackathon.
- I will make at least 1
million$ in 10 years. I am
now writing myself a
check to this amount.
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 A Renaissance PERSON uses both left-brain and right-
brain type of thinking.
 1) curious
 2) risk-taker
 3) creative
 4) has perseverance and self-discipline
 5) has a thirst for knowledge and new experiences
 6) excellence in physical, intellectual, artistic and
social fields, which includes deep expertise in at least
one field and is exceptional in other fields
 7) and most importantly, is always learning
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Sara Blakely on Entrepreneurship
I have recently read:
Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth, and Impact the World–
Peter H Diamandis
• A radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies,
moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create
extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of
• Part 1: exponential technologies: 3D printing, artificial
intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic
• Part 2: Psychology of Bold: Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard
Branson, Jeff Bezos, Singularity University, XPRIZE, Planetary
Resources, & Human Longevity, Inc.
• Part 3: incentive competitions, crowdfunding campaigns, crowd-
powered tools.
Slide 1.142
• You need to develop your antifragility and preparedness for black swans.
• You need to learn to think differently by learning across disciplines,
applying mental models, and focusing on the long term.
• You need to develop new capabilities for dealing with FONKU — the fear
of not keeping up.
• You need to focus on using your own imagination every day.
• You need to take care of your brain and improve your learning habits.
• You need to forget the career ladder and start creating your own assets.
• You need to become a polymath (renaissance person) who learns and
innovates beyond borders.
• You need to make a commitment to create your own creative
assets and invest in your own creativity.
• You need to develop your inspirational capital by being curious and
• You need to develop positive habits, systems, and assets to take control of
your own future.
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up-46d9ce8523dd (please read this article).
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A one-minute description of the Business Idea:
 What is the idea?
 What need does it solve for whom?
 Why is the idea unique?
He was a homeless man, but he is now a
millionaire. He made it happen through
entrepreneurship and edutainment. He
makes raw inspirational songs for
Hint: His songs include: Shopify Rap, Bitcoin
Rap, Life of an Entrepreneur, Self-Made
Chris Record
Entrepreneurs Got Choices (Rap)
Imagine Yourself and
Your Assets in 10
How will you create your
own renaissance?
Make a list of all the things
you would like to create.
 Imagination and asset creation
are linked very closely.
Imagine and create your own
 Establish a system of
productivity and creativity to
create your own assets.
Consistent Small Actions + Smart Moves +
Hard Work + Play Your Game
 Establish a system of
productivity and creativity to
create your own assets.
 Develop effective meta-habits:
Slide 1.162
your unique
Slide 1.164
Which is better – taking $3 million in cash now, or
a single magic penny that will double in value
every day, for 31 days?
Most people will choose the $3m cash
immediately. Indeed, if you took the penny, you’ll
have only about $5,000 in 20 days.
The 3 Friends
Let’s meet Larry, Scott and Brad, and assume they share
similar circumstances.
• Larry keeps doing what he has always done.
• Scott makes some small, positive changes daily e.g. reading 10
pages, cutting 125 calories by replacing soda with water, walking an
extra 1,000 steps.
• Brad makes a few poor choices e.g. buying a big TV (to enjoy his
favourite shows), eating more dessert and adding 1 drink per week to
his new bar.
At month 10, there are no perceivable differences.
By month 25, measurable differences can be seen and by
month 31, the differences quickly become stark.
• Scott loses 33.5lbs, gets a promotion and raise, and his
marriage is thriving.
• Larry is exactly in the same space and feeling bitter
about it.
• Brad, on the other hand, puts on 33.5lbs (weighing
Spend time every day for your learning and
Share what you learned with friends each
Go out of your comfort zone
Develop new skills – stretch yourself
Solve a challenging issue/problem
Take online courses (MOOCs)
20-30 minutes
Write non-stop about 3 pages
This will be your stream of consciousness
No censor – free writing
You delve into deeper and be more focused
2-3 Hours Every Week
It has to be alone: To be receptive
Be involved in creative activities or arts
Have fun, pursue an interest, get inspired
Record your thoughts, ideas, reflections
Keep a diary about your learning every day
Record and capture ideas as they emerge
Reflect on your learning and how you change
Create new ideas based on what you have read,
researched, and learned
Reflect and seek deeper meaning
Iterate ideas, projects, and solutions
The Bully in Your Head
Successful leaders view learning as a lifelong pursuit.
When asked how to get smarter, Warren Buffet held up a pile of
reading material and said, “Read 500 pages like this every week.
That’s how knowledge builds up, like compound interest. All of you
can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”
READ 100
Slide 1.177
as a
designer, entrepreneur &
innovator of your own
career, life and
Slide 1.178
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Slide 1.183
Slide 1.184
What are
you good
What do
you love
Create a list of
30 activities or
things that
represent your
passions and
Slide 1.185
What are
the things
that you
want to
and get
better at?
Create a list of
30 activities or
things that
represent your
areas of
learning and
Slide 1.186
What are
the specific
visions in
your life
and career
that you
would love
to see
Create a list of
30 wishes,
projects, goals,
desires, and
visions that
belong to you
Slide 1.187
 A Renaissance PERSON uses both left-brain and right-
brain type of thinking.
 1) curious
 2) risk-taker
 3) creative
 4) has perseverance and self-discipline
 5) has a thirst for knowledge and new experiences
 6) excellence in physical, intellectual, artistic and
social fields, which includes deep expertise in at least
one field and is exceptional in other fields
 7) and most importantly, is always learning
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Slide 1.191ınınGirişimcileri/videos
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Hepinize Bol Şanslar

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  • 1. University of East Anglia Norwich Business School 2030'lara Hazırlanmak: Hayal Gücü, Yapay Zeka, Gelecek Meslekler ve Sen 8 Ocak 2023 Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 2. Slide 1.2 Zamanlar ve teknolojiler çıldırtıcı derecede hızlı ilerliyor. Eğitim sistemleri çıldırtıcı derecede yavaş ilerliyor. Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 3. Slide 1.3 Kariyerinizde makinalarla, algoritmalarla ve robotlarla beraber çalışacaksınız. Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 4. Slide 1.4 Önümüzdeki yılların meslekleri aslında henüz tam icat edilmedi. Herşey o denli değişiyor ki bambaşka meslekler olacak. Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 5. Slide 1.5 Bilgisayar oyunları, oyundan çok daha fazlasıdır. Bilgisayar oyunları, gelecektir. Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 6. Slide 1.6 TikToker olmak bir meslektir. TikTok’u anlayan geleceği daha iyi anlar. Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 7. Slide 1.7 Yapay zeka, blok zinciri, Metaverse gibi teknolojiler A’dan Z’ye herşeyi kısa sürede dönüştürecek. Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 8. Slide 1.8 Geleceğin en büyük problemi: Küresel Isınma. Çocuklarınız, torunlarınız, ve yeni nesiller hayatta kalma mücadelesi verecekler. Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 9. Slide 1.9 En büyük 3 düşmanınız: Ezbercilik, meraksızlık, ve vasatlık. Dr. Fahri Karakas
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  • 11. Slide 1.11  Yenilikçi Teknolojiler Dünyayı Dönüştürüyor ◦ Yapay Zeka, Algoritmalar ve Robotlar - Artificial Intelligence ◦ Metaverse: Yeni Sanal Gerçeklik ◦ Crypto, Bitcoin, Block Zinciri ve NFT ◦ Çin ve Uzakdoğu’nun Yükselişi ◦ Uzay Çağı başlıyor: Mars’a yolculuk  Yeni Düşünme Şekilleri ve Başarı Hikayeleri  Kendi İçerik İmparatorluğunu Kur  Mucit, Girişimci ve Sanatçı Ol  Kendi Rönesansını Kur
  • 13. Slide 1.13  Born and grew up in Balikesir, Turkey  Sirri Yircali Anatolian High School (1996)  BA Koc Uni (2000) and MBA Bogazici (2002) in Istanbul  PhD at McGill University, Montreal, Canada (2010)  Research Fellow at the Open University (2010)  Senior Lecturer in Business and Leadership at University of East Anglia  Visiting Lecturer at Mountbatten Institute, London  Visiting Lecturer at University of Cambridge (Pembroke- King’s Programme)  Published 30+ articles in leading journals, author of Self Making Studio  Started writing on Medium and wrote 640 articles as of now  Became a YouTuber/TikToker since the pandemic and created 900 Youtube videos + 100 TikTok videos
  • 14. Slide 1.14 “Creativity is no longer a luxury. It is a critical survival skill that we need to adapt to rapid changes, solve complex problems, imagine new possibilities, and navigate uncharted waters ahead of us.” Dr. Fahri Karakas
  • 15. Slide 1.15  Yenilikçi Teknolojiler Dünyayı Dönüştürüyor ◦ Yapay Zeka, Algoritmalar ve Robotlar - Artificial Intelligence ◦ Metaverse: Yeni Sanal Gerçeklik ◦ Crypto, Bitcoin, Block Zinciri ve NFT ◦ Çin ve Uzakdoğu’nun Yükselişi ◦ Uzay Çağı başlıyor: Mars’a yolculuk  Yeni Düşünme Şekilleri ve Başarı Hikayeleri  Kendi İçerik İmparatorluğunu Kur  Mucit, Girişimci ve Sanatçı Ol  Kendi Rönesansını Kur
  • 16. Slide 1.16 16 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS ALREADY HERE ALPHAGO Documentary Trailer (on Netflix)
  • 19. Slide 1.19  Google’a yaz: ◦ Open AI Playground ◦ Open AI ChatGPT 
  • 23. Slide 1.23 Brainstorming: A4 Paper A4 kağıdından kaç icat çıkarabilirsin? -değer kat -para kazan -icat ve ürün çıkar Süren: 90 saniye
  • 27. Slide 1.27  Bütün geleneksel meslekler düşüşte  Kariyer merdiveni kırıldı kırılacak  Çok fazla değişim var  Herkes girişimci olmak zorunda  Endüstri devrimi bitti.  Standart olursanız vasat olursunuz.  En büyük problem: VASATLIK
  • 29. HERE IS A PUZZLE: Bilgisayar oyunları oynayarak ayda 1 milyon dolar kazanılır mı? This guy now makes 1m dollars a month by playing games. His wife is his manager. He is the world’s most famous gamer. His net worth is more than $20 million. He was chosen to Time 100. Who is he? NINJA (Tyler Blevins)
  • 30. How Ninja makes $500,000 per month playing Fortnite
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  • 48. Right now, we have 1 billion $ companies (Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft) For any industry to produce 100 times more value than today’s corporations, it will need to be: • Rapidly scalable • Global in nature • Products or services with strong demand • Transportable to anywhere in the world • Highly profitable • Extremely influential • Leveraging disruptive technologies
  • 49. Possible Sectors 1)Cryptocurrency: The first global currency will likely be a cryptocurrency. These operate outside of the realm of highly regulated, nation-based economies. 2.5 billion adults do not have bank accounts, nor do they use any formal financial services to save or borrow. The opportunity here is huge. 2) Asteroid Mining:The most valuable space industry: Extracting resources found in near earth asteroids. Our growing need for platinum based metals could result in entire asteroids being dragged back to earth, each valued at hundreds of billions of dollars.
  • 50. Possible Sectors 3) Instant Learning – Today’s learning processes occupy entirely too much of the human lifespan. Nicolas Negroponte’s radical prediction: Ingested learning (eating a pill and knowing French) BMI (brain-machine interfaces) & neuro-laces) show promise 4) Internet of Things Devices talk to other devices. Consider having devices that improve your health, energy, stamina, and thinking ability by 100% or more. Or devices that can communicate with plants and animals. Amazon Alexa as the brain of your smart home
  • 51. Trillionaire Sectors 5.) Cure for Human Aging or Longevity – If every person had the option of paying $10 a day to make aging stop, how many would choose that option? A billion people paying $10 a day would amount to $3.65 trillion a year in revenue. In the late 1800's, the average life expectancy was 41. Today, it is over 80 years old. Google has invested over a billion dollars into their firm Calico: Longevity or‘the fight against death'. 6.) Ultra High Speed Transportation Tube transportation proposed by Elon Musk and Daryl Oster
  • 52. Trillionaire Sectors 7.) Controlling the Weather Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and major hailstorms can be very destructive, so there are already major costs associated with our current weather systems. Farmers to have extra rain, a guarantee of no hail, favourable temperatures and good sunshine Homeowners to not have to water their lawns, or never have wind or hail that damages their roofs Guaranteed wind above 300’ altitude for all wind farms 8.) Instant Sleep How many people would be willing to pay $10 to use an ‘instant sleep’ device to add an extra 8 hours of productive time to their day? A billion people paying $10 a day would amount to $3.65 trillion a year in revenue.
  • 53. Trillionaire Sectors 9.) Instant Disassembling of Matter Better ways of working with raw materials. Digging, crushing, grinding, pulverizing, and blowing things up are all on the material science short list for getting to the core material inside. Imagine a process where large boulders can be instantly disassembled into a pile of molecules, simply by breaking all the molecular bonds. 10.) Human Cloning or 3D Printed Bodies – Our bodies wear out. If we could somehow transfer who we are into a younger, stronger, better looking version of ourselves, how many people would jump at that opportunity? 11.) Personal Swarms of Swarmbots –the versatility and utility of having a personal swarm of swarmbots. The same swarm that dries us after a shower, applies makeup, and fixes our hair, assemble themselves as our clothing, our body armor, and function as our personal tech. amplify our strength, enable us to fly from place to place etc.
  • 54. Trillionaire Sectors 12.) Robotic Services – Robots are coming. The race to find the killer app for robots and robotic services 13.) 3D Telepresence Avatars – How many times have you heard someone say they need to clone themselves? 3D telepresence avatars are the digital equivalent of cloning where life-size representations of ourselves can interact with others in the same fashion as being there in person. These avatars could attend meetings, file reports, engage in water cooler chitchat, and keep your boss busy, all the while, extending your overall capabilities and earning potential. 14.) Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is a game- changer on almost every level. It’s difficult to imagine any industry that is not improved exponentially with the addition of AI. 15.) Energy Storage – We are good at generating power, but not with storing power from one day to the next. Anyone who finds a super efficient way of storing power will quickly become the master of the energy universe. Energy industry is $2 trillion dollars globally and is already seeing massive disruption from alternative energy such as solar and wind.
  • 56. Slide 1.56 My vision University of the Future I try to design and improve this module based on this model. What do you think university of the future should look like? How can we move towards there?
  • 58. Slide 1.58 My vision: Universities as Places of Imagination
  • 59. Life Advice: A Poster Guide Why You Need To Create Your Own Assets
  • 60. Slide 1.60  You need to learn about personal finance principles and act on them. You need to use the power of compounding.  You need to start saving and investing early.  Your goal should be: BUILDING ASSETS. Income always follows assets.  There are two ways to having assets:  1) If you have money, buy them (invest in them).  2) If you do not have money, create them. ◦ What can you create? ◦ An e-book, an online course, your own fashion line, a song, a lifestyle brand, an online business, a new product or service, a YouTube channel, artwork, patents etc.
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  • 63. Joe Rogan created more than 4000 podcast episodes. He signed a deal of $100m with Spotify
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  • 66. Your most crucial task is: Create your own creative assets. Start now! Use your class projects as an opportunity to create your own intellectual and creative assets. Do not take yourself seriously. Take your work seriously. Do not be trapped by your ego – this will make you mediocre. You cannot learn and grow if you try to be clever all the time. It is much better to be naïve, hungry, foolish, playful, and curious. ASSETS
  • 68. EXERCISE 1. Make a list of all your creative assets you have now. 2. How will you develop new creative assets in the next 1 year?
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  • 73. Slide 1.73 Read more at Instead of just mirroring the style of the magazine, Sumukh turned his CV into an actual 20-page magazine complete with features about his accomplishments, life and education.
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  • 76. Slide 1.76 ◦ He promised himself to create digital art every day. He created a futuristic image every day for 13.5 years. ◦ He created an image each day from May 1, 2007 through Jan. 7, 2021. He never broke the chain. ◦ This meant he created 5,000 daily futuristic images over 5000 days. ◦ He then combined all of these images into a jpeg file. ◦ He called this file: “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” ◦ This digital collage was sold as an NFT (non-fungible token) in an online auction at Christie’s. ◦ How much was this NFT sold for? $69 million! ◦ What is the name of this artist? Beeple - Mike Winkelmann
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  • 79. HERE ARE THE FUTURE GENERATIONS: ALPHA GENERATION: Born between 2010-2024 BETA GENERATION: Born between 2025-2039 GAMMA GENERATION: Born between 2040-2054 DELTA GENERATION: Born between 2055-2069
  • 82. Freaky New World: The World’s First Female AI News Anchor
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  • 85. Elon Musk making history Inventing reusable rocket systems is a milestone in Mars mission
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  • 88. Slide 1.88 The Mars Generation Imagination, passion, and adventure: Exploring Life on Mars
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  • 90. Slide 1.90  The reasons Elon Musk is so successful: BOLD AMBITIONS + IMAGINATIVE STORYTELLING + ENORMOUS RISK-TAKING + WOW FACTOR of ENTERTAINMENT/SURPRISE Elon Musk created 4 companies worth more than $1 billion each: PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and SolarCity. He disrupted 8 industries!!
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  • 94. Slide 1.94 * Halloween 94 A blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is inherently resistant to modification of the data.”)
  • 95. Slide 1.95 Who is Satoshi Nakamato? We simply do not know. Had his/her identity been known, (s)he could be in danger. Governments, central banks, CIA, and big banks are after Satoshi Nakamato. No one owns the Bitcoin network, which means there’s no way to regulate it. Blockchain is the tech genie and it is outside the lamp. No way to prevent it. It will dominate the world in the upcoming decades.
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  • 102. Los Angeles Los Angeles
  • 103. They are in Columbia They are in Mexico
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  • 105. HERE IS A PUZZLE: He quit his job and decided to travel the world. Every day, he created 1-minute travel/inspiration videos on Facebook. He did this for 1000 days non-stop. Who is he? Hint: His videos end with “That’s one minute, see you soon" Nas Daily (Nuseir Yassin)
  • 106. Nas Daily: 1000 Days of Video Creation!
  • 107. Slide 1.107 • You need to develop your antifragility and preparedness for black swans. • You need to learn to think differently by learning across disciplines, applying mental models, and focusing on the long term. • You need to develop new capabilities for dealing with FONKU — the fear of not keeping up. • You need to focus on using your own imagination every day. • You need to take care of your brain and improve your learning habits. • You need to forget the career ladder and start creating your own assets. • You need to become a polymath (renaissance person) who learns and innovates beyond borders. • You need to make a commitment to create your own creative assets and invest in your own creativity. • You need to develop your inspirational capital by being curious and passionate. • You need to develop positive habits, systems, and assets to take control of your own future.
  • 108. Focus on Creative Assets, not Career Ladder • If you are a creator, you can create your own assets. Out of thin air. (Plus imagination and hard work.) • Some of these assets generate money directly – like a book, an artwork sold on Etsy, an app, or an album that can be sold. • Others create non-financial rewards, and/or generate money indirectly – like a YouTube channel, a podcast, a networking event or a blog. • If you look at your effort and the time you devote to it, your podcast or YouTube channel may look like a net loss on your accounts. But looking back over the past few years, you realise how many clients and projects, not to mention how much fun and friendship, have come to you because of the podcast or YouTube channel. • Your avant-garde novel may not sell a million copies, but it may win you the respect of the discerning audience you are writing for, and connections, opportunities and money may flow from that. • So forget the career ladder. Instead, create the kind of assets that will bring you more creativity, connections, and emotional and financial power in the years ahead.
  • 109. Lessons From My Own Journey of ASSET CREATION
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  • 116. Treat this academic year as the year of ASSET CREATION Establish your own business Create your YouTube channel, Instagram brand, Medium blog, create your ebook or online course or TikTok account etc. • Think about the assets you want to create for your future • Do not think like a student. Do not treat this as assignment. • Do this for your own future. • Do somethingreal – create something real and fresh.
  • 117. “The 5 Second Rule” by Mel Robbins The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal you must count 5–4–3–2–1 and physically move or your brain will stop you.
  • 118. Mel Robbins: Five Second Rule
  • 119. Don’t Bother Waiting For Inspiration. It’s Not Coming. • You need grit, struggle and urgency. • The cold reality is that sometimes, it’s a real struggle to get your best work into the world. • That’s why so many of us admire great creators, artists and thinkers but so few of us will ever become one. • If you wait to be inspired to do your best work, you’ll be waiting a long time. Possibly forever. • Waiting for inspiration is an amateur move. It’s not coming today. It may never. It’s not coming to you. But you can seek it out. • The solution: start the work now. • Do it on the sunny days and the rainy days. Stop giving yourself a “pass” to leave your gifts on the table unopened. Stop allowing yourself the excuse not to create. • Push through the uncomfortable stage • Struggle actually leads to more inspiration • You don’t get inspired, then do great work. You do great work, then get inspired.
  • 120. HERE IS THE LESSON: Seek out small victories. Small victories build new receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation. This increase in receptors enhances confidence and eagerness to tackle challenges. When you achieve a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months. Small and consistent actions/habits every day is key. • Be consistent and disciplined – create every day – do not break the chain. • If you establish smart habits every day, you will achieve a lot in the long run. • Compound yourself (your skills, knowledge, networks, and assets) over the long term.
  • 122. Take-away •Create your own intellectual and creative assets. •Your most crucial task is: Create your own creative assets. Start now.
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  • 124. Visualize where you will be in 10 years - I will create 2000 YouTube videos in 10 years. - I will write 2000 Medium articles in 10 years. - I will write at least 5 books in 10 years. - I will create at least 2 online training programs. - I will create an asset creation summer school and hackathon. - I will make at least 1 million$ in 10 years. I am now writing myself a check to this amount.
  • 127. Slide 1.127  A Renaissance PERSON uses both left-brain and right- brain type of thinking.  1) curious  2) risk-taker  3) creative  4) has perseverance and self-discipline  5) has a thirst for knowledge and new experiences  6) excellence in physical, intellectual, artistic and social fields, which includes deep expertise in at least one field and is exceptional in other fields  7) and most importantly, is always learning
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  • 131. Sara Blakely on Entrepreneurship
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  • 136. I have recently read: Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth, and Impact the World– Peter H Diamandis • A radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools to create extraordinary wealth while also positively impacting the lives of billions. • Part 1: exponential technologies: 3D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. • Part 2: Psychology of Bold: Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Singularity University, XPRIZE, Planetary Resources, & Human Longevity, Inc. • Part 3: incentive competitions, crowdfunding campaigns, crowd- powered tools.
  • 142. Slide 1.142 • You need to develop your antifragility and preparedness for black swans. • You need to learn to think differently by learning across disciplines, applying mental models, and focusing on the long term. • You need to develop new capabilities for dealing with FONKU — the fear of not keeping up. • You need to focus on using your own imagination every day. • You need to take care of your brain and improve your learning habits. • You need to forget the career ladder and start creating your own assets. • You need to become a polymath (renaissance person) who learns and innovates beyond borders. • You need to make a commitment to create your own creative assets and invest in your own creativity. • You need to develop your inspirational capital by being curious and passionate. • You need to develop positive habits, systems, and assets to take control of your own future.
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  • 157. Slide 1.157 A one-minute description of the Business Idea:  What is the idea?  What need does it solve for whom?  Why is the idea unique?
  • 158. HERE IS A PUZZLE: He was a homeless man, but he is now a millionaire. He made it happen through entrepreneurship and edutainment. He makes raw inspirational songs for entrepreneurs. Hint: His songs include: Shopify Rap, Bitcoin Rap, Life of an Entrepreneur, Self-Made Chris Record
  • 160. Imagine Yourself and Your Assets in 10 Years Exercise How will you create your own renaissance? Make a list of all the things you would like to create.
  • 161. Assets  Imagination and asset creation are linked very closely. Imagine and create your own game.  Establish a system of productivity and creativity to create your own assets. Consistent Small Actions + Smart Moves + Hard Work + Play Your Game  Establish a system of productivity and creativity to create your own assets.  Develop effective meta-habits: meta-habits-to-make-2020-your- breakthrough-year-3dd00429cf3
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  • 165. Which is better – taking $3 million in cash now, or a single magic penny that will double in value every day, for 31 days? Most people will choose the $3m cash immediately. Indeed, if you took the penny, you’ll have only about $5,000 in 20 days.
  • 166. The 3 Friends Let’s meet Larry, Scott and Brad, and assume they share similar circumstances. • Larry keeps doing what he has always done. • Scott makes some small, positive changes daily e.g. reading 10 pages, cutting 125 calories by replacing soda with water, walking an extra 1,000 steps. • Brad makes a few poor choices e.g. buying a big TV (to enjoy his favourite shows), eating more dessert and adding 1 drink per week to his new bar. At month 10, there are no perceivable differences. By month 25, measurable differences can be seen and by month 31, the differences quickly become stark. • Scott loses 33.5lbs, gets a promotion and raise, and his marriage is thriving. • Larry is exactly in the same space and feeling bitter about it. • Brad, on the other hand, puts on 33.5lbs (weighing
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  • 169. Spend time every day for your learning and interests Share what you learned with friends each week Go out of your comfort zone Develop new skills – stretch yourself Solve a challenging issue/problem Take online courses (MOOCs)
  • 170. 20-30 minutes Write non-stop about 3 pages This will be your stream of consciousness No censor – free writing You delve into deeper and be more focused
  • 171. 2-3 Hours Every Week It has to be alone: To be receptive Be involved in creative activities or arts Have fun, pursue an interest, get inspired Record your thoughts, ideas, reflections
  • 172. Keep a diary about your learning every day Record and capture ideas as they emerge Reflect on your learning and how you change Create new ideas based on what you have read, researched, and learned Reflect and seek deeper meaning Iterate ideas, projects, and solutions
  • 173. The Bully in Your Head
  • 174.
  • 175. Successful leaders view learning as a lifelong pursuit. When asked how to get smarter, Warren Buffet held up a pile of reading material and said, “Read 500 pages like this every week. That’s how knowledge builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.” HERE IS MY RADICAL SUGGESTION FOR YOU: READ 100 BOOKS EVERY YEAR
  • 177. Slide 1.177 YOU as a designer, entrepreneur & innovator of your own career, life and world 17 7
  • 184. Slide 1.184 What are you good at? What do you love doing? Create a list of 30 activities or things that represent your passions and strengths
  • 185. Slide 1.185 What are the things that you want to learn, improve and get better at? Create a list of 30 activities or things that represent your areas of learning and development
  • 186. Slide 1.186 What are the specific visions in your life and career that you would love to see happening? Create a list of 30 wishes, projects, goals, desires, and visions that belong to you
  • 187. Slide 1.187  A Renaissance PERSON uses both left-brain and right- brain type of thinking.  1) curious  2) risk-taker  3) creative  4) has perseverance and self-discipline  5) has a thirst for knowledge and new experiences  6) excellence in physical, intellectual, artistic and social fields, which includes deep expertise in at least one field and is exceptional in other fields  7) and most importantly, is always learning
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Editor's Notes

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