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Level 4
David Mullich
Marketing and Monetization
The Los Angeles Film School
What Is Social Media?
Social Media
Vehicles and platforms for user-created
content, sharing and communities:
 Website
 Facebook
 Twitter
 YouTube
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
 Create compelling content
 Building customer connections early
 Communicating with customers directly.
Website Pages
 Landing Page
 Product Page(s)
 Blog Page
 About Page
Let’s take a closer look at each!
Landing Page
The first thing people see when they visit your
site is the landing page, so you should invest
a good amount of time creating an engaging
Landing Page Must-Haves
 Recognition (company or game branding)
 Strong Title
 Game Trailer and/or Splash Image (above the
 Game Features
 Timely News and Updates
 Social Media Buttons
 Press Kit Link
 Purchase Link (when available)
 Review Quotes/Links (when available)
 Contact Info
Landing Page Examples
 Canabalt
 Threes
 Dots
 QuizUp
 Ridiculous Fishing
 Timberman
 Fez
 Mega Dead PIxel
 Amazing Alex
 Apotheon
 Monument Valley
 Limbo
 Framed
 Bioforce
Landing Pages Aren’t Necessarily Home
 Landing pages allow you to customize your
message for incoming visitors
 These custom landing pages allow you to
push visitors toward specific actions
 Landing pages make tracking your visits
very easy
How Do You Convert Landing Page
Visitors To Customers?
Call To Action
A piece of content intended to induce a
viewer, reader, or listener to perform a
specific act, typically taking the form of an
instruction or directive (e.g. buy now or click
here ).
Web Page Call To Actions
 Click here (to go to another page, on your site
or someone else's)
 Buy
 Give you permission to follow up on something
(by email, phone, etc.)
 Tell a friend
 (and the more subtle) Learn something, which
could even include posting a comment or
giving you some sort of feedback
Product Pages
 Game Name
 Game Description
 Platform(s)
 Expected Release Timing
 Pricing
 Distribution Channels
If you don’t know some information, put TBA.
Development Blogs
Allows gamers to track the progress of your game,
and lets them see that you are real human beings.
 Keep it personal, as if you're speaking directly to
your readers.
 Post as frequently enough to show that your game
is coming along, but avoid posting about every
little bug fix or new art piece.
 If you must relay your failures, try to be funny
about it.
Rich Site Summary (RSS) Feed
Publishes frequently updated
information in an XML file format. RSS
reader software monitors the website
and informs user of updates.
Never a bad idea, and really simple to
implement, an RSS feed will provide
your fans with yet another way to view
news regarding your company.
Design Inspiration
 Looking at popular games in the same genre
 Use free or paid templates.
 Use a consistent theme that follows your
game’s theme.
 When choosing color schemes, make sure
your words are easy to read.
 Use dynamic elements to promote more than
one product.
Website Do’s and Don’ts
 Emphasize function over form
 Design with style and strong aesthetics
 Simple and professional is better than complex and
 Make it open and inviting
 Have important information “above the fold”
 Spellcheck everything
 Use funky technology or gimmicks that impede
One Website Or Many?
Your studio website can act as a home base
for all of your games, or you can have one
for your company and one for each of your
games, so that gamers can identify you by
brand name and products.
Regardless of what you choose, websites
need to be updated frequently and
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
A methodology of strategies, techniques and
tactics used to increase the amount of visitors
to a website by obtaining a high-ranking
placement in the search results page of a
search engine.
Core Keywords
What would someone type into Google to find
your website?
Start a core keyword list of three to five keywords
that are relevant to your brand and summarize
your game.
Content Marketing might include secondary
keywords. Use free tools to find keywords that
are low competition and high traffic.
Core Keywords
Where to place your keywords:
 Web page metadescriptions
 Web page titles
 Blog Titles
Website Analytics
Manage by numbers, not by gut! The key to success
is defining your goals, measuring your results and
 Monitor visitor traffic as you ramp up your launch
(you can also track every click on any link to
monitor CTA)
 Assess how different marketing initiatives increase
 Assist with evaluating marketing program
Group Quest
Create a Landing Page for your game.
 Branding
 Title
 Screenshot
 Call To Action
 Game Features
 Social Media Buttons
 Press Link
 Review Quotes
 Contact Info
Social Media Channels
Social media is the collective of online
communications channels dedicated to
community-based input, interaction, content-
sharing and collaboration.
 Facebook
 Twitter
 Google+
 Reddit
 Pinterest
Social Media Channels
Developers should at the very least you
should have a Facebook page and a Twitter
profile. If your game is small or mid-sized this
is probably enough, but in theory you could
subscribe to dozens of social media outlets.
Popular free social networking website that allows
registered users to create profiles, upload photos and
video, send messages and keep in touch with
friends, family and colleagues.
 1 billion users worldwide
 Users share 2.5 billion pieces of content each
 Communicate with users in a non-obtrusive way
 Best for timely posts.
 After gaining 1,000 “Likes”, the average company
saw an 185% increase in traffic and nearly 1,400
pageviews a day.
Game Prod
Facebook and Social Marketing
Facebook is good resource for marketing and offers paid
 Join Groups
 Post relevant media in groups
 Join #ScreenshotSaturday
 Share development stories
 Connect with like-minded developers
When someone searches Google for your team, your Facebook
page will be one of the top results, so keep it updated.
Facebook Do’s And Don’ts
 Customize your Facebook page with a relevant cover photo, icon
and description.
 Post multiple times throughout day, daily, or multiple times per
 Search for influencers to promote you.
 Tag relevant people in photos and posts
 Write overlong posts
 Send mass messages to people in your network.
 Turn comments off or delete negative comments. Instead, respond
in a constructive manner.
Free microblogging service that allows
registered members to broadcast short posts
called tweets of 140 characters of less.
 560 million active users
 Largest penetration is in the US but
spreading slowly and steadily
 5,700 tweets happen and 750 are shared
every second
 Best for super timely, micro communications
 Companies that use Twitter average double
the amount of leads per month than those
who do not.
Twitter and Social Marketing
Use Twitter as a secondary means of announcing
news and growing your fanbase.
You'll find that most gamers would rather glance at
their Twitter feed than scour a bunch of websites.
Of all the social media outlets, Twitter is the one that
affords developers the easiest access to potential
fans, members of the press and other burgeoning
Examples of Good Tweets
"After two years of toiling, sleepless nights
and neglected wives we're finally close to
releasing an #EchoesofEternea game demo.
"The difference between coding a 2-hour
platformer and a 20-hour RPG: 62 gray hairs,
7 doctor co-payments, and 2,000 hours.
Twitter Do’s
 Post during peak hours, ideally somewhere between 11am and
11pm EST. Better yet, post them twice—once in the morning and
once during the evening hours
 Write short, snappy posts multiple times throughout day.
 Keep things light and crack a joke once in a while.
 Post photos, logos, infographics, and images containing quotes.
 Participate in #screenshotsaturday
 Create a conversation and interact with your users.
 Reward those who tweet you favorably by retweeting them or
thanking them publicly.
 Stay true to your brand by following and reweeting users who post
relevant content.
 @Mention influencers
Twitter Don’ts
 Become a "Serial Follower." Instead, follow those
who you are genuinely interested in hearing from.
 Retweet in excess.
 Automatically send direct messages to new
 Ignore users who tag you.
 Use it to approach random members of the press.
 Ignore it when a member of the press favorites or
retweets one of your posts.
 Use a trending hashtag without knowing why it is
A hashtag is simply a keyword phrase, spelled out without
spaces, with a pound sign (#) in front of it. For example,
#videogame, #indiegame, and #gta5.
You can put these hashtags anywhere in your social
media posts: in the beginning, at the end, or anywhere in
These hashtags tie public conversations from all different
users into a single stream, which you can find by
searching for a hashtag, clicking on one, or using a third-
party monitoring software.
Important Hashtags
You can find trending and popular ones at
Some important ones to use on a weekly basis are:
 #ScreenshotSaturday
 #indiedev
 #gamedev
 #ThrowbackThursday
 #indiegame
 The game engine you are using for example #unity3d,
or #cocos2d.
Creating Your Own Hashtags
Unique and Memorable #CollectibleCardGame #GottaCatchEmAll
Clear and Direct #ETD #EnterTheDungeon
Well-Timed and Subtle #BeetBlasterLaunch #TheBeetAwakens
Relevant and Approachable #ThanksgivingRetort #ThanksgivingClapback
Short and Sweet #HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy #HitchhikersGuide
Hashtags can be your number one social marketing tool if you
use them properly.
Hashtag Campaign Tips
 Choose hashtags with an emotional
 Use it in your own social media posts
 Reinforce it over a long period of time
Social curation website for sharing and
categorizing images found online. Pinterest
requires brief descriptions but the main focus
of the site is visual. Clicking on an image will
take you to the original source.
 70 million active users
 Users are 32% male, 68% female
 Droves more referral traffic than YouTube,
Google+ and LinkedIn combined.
LA Film
Social news website and forum where
stories are socially curated and
promoted by site members.
 Composed of hundreds of sub-
communities, known as "subreddits.”
 Each subreddit has a specific topic
such as technology, politics or music.
 Reddit site members, also known as,
"redditors," submit content which is
then voted upon by other members.
Reddit is very useful to get feedback on your game,
website, art style, soundtracks, and daily discussions in
the subreddit r/gamedev.
You can find weekly threads at the very bottom right of the
r/gamedev page:
 Feedback Friday
 Screenshot Saturday
 Soundtrack Sunday
 Marketing Monday
 Daily Discussions
Reddit Do’s
 Link your website, press releases, YouTube
trailers, previews, reviews and game demos in
r/indiegaming/ and r/indiegames
 Plug your Steam Greenlight submission in
 Create your own subreddit.
 Participate in game development threads.
 Join the Screenshot Saturday thread in
 Make your descriptions stand out from the crowd
 Get a conversation going and steer it to your game
Reddit Don’ts
 Spam or post advertisements
 Inundate your Reddit post title with flashy
buzzwords like "Innovative 2D RPG with
pioneering game mechanics and epic
Social sharing site all around pictures and
now 15 second videos.
 Many brands are participating through
the use of hashtags and posting pictures
consumers can relate to.
 Most followed brand is MTV
 150 million active users
Tip: use Layout to put multiple screenshots
into a single post
A microblogging and social networking website allowing
users to post multimedia and other content to a short-
form blog.
Post on topics such as:
 your dev team
 your game
 art work
 game mechanics
 particle effects
 soundtracks
 sound effects
Google's social networking project,
designed to replicate the way people
interact offline more closely than do
other social networking services.
 400 million active users
 Growing rapidly with 625,000 new
users every day
 Not as many brands active, but the
ones that are tend to be a good fit
with a great following
Connects independent developers with
players, from the day they start
developing their game to the day they
release it, sharing details and behind the
scenes insight about the games they are
creating, in the form of news, images,
videos and downloads.
 Make consistent updates about your
 Keep doing it ad infinitum.
A good way to promote your game, because they
are usually very populated.
 Find relevant forums
 Write posts with links to your content
 Interact with people
 Do not advertise!
List of forums:
Social networking site designed specifically
for the business community. The goal of the
site is to allow registered members to
establish and document networks of people
they know and trust professionally.
 240 million active users
 Two new members sign on every second
 79% of users are 35 or older
 Brands that are participating are
corporate brands
LinkedIn Do’s And Don’ts
 Build a foundation by connecting to relevant people and
 Keep your profile current for potential clients and employers.
 Post a variety of articles about the game industry.
 Join LinkedIn groups and answer questions to promote
yourself as an industry thought leader.
 Post too much, too often.
 Only promote your company.
 Connect to irrelevant contacts.
Social Media Campaigns
Establish a social media presence for your
game three to six months before it goes live.
Use this time to slowly build buzz among
potential players by giving them concept art,
teaser trailers and Q&As with the game
 Your Time
 Your Resources
 Your Customer Demographics
Know Your Customer
 Forums
 YouTube
Set Your Target
Set goals for how you want your customers to
 Website visits
 Trailer views
 Demo downloads
Create Content
 Blogs
 Screenshots
 Trailers
 Behind the Scenes Videos
 Demos
 Podcasts
 Infographics
 Quotes
Use Consistent and Familiar Visuals
 Facebook Page Cover: 851x315
 Twitter Header Image: 1500x500
 LinkedIn Header Image: 1400x425
 Instagram Image Size: 640x640
Find Your Voice And Tone
 If your brand was a person, what personality
would it have?
 If your brank was a person, what would their
relationship be to the consumer?
 Describe in adjectives what your company is
 Are there any companies that have a similar
personality to yours?
 What do you want customers to think about
your company?
Content Retweet Percent
4:1 Sharing System
 Start with the five basic types of updates.
 Choose one that you will use most
 Post the most frequent one four times more
often than the others
 Start with fewer posts at beginning of
project, but still post at least once a week.
 Then communicate more often for higher
levels of engagement and audience
 In the final months and weeks before
launch, increase the frequency when you
have more content and news to share.
Optimal Posting Times (Eastern
It Doesn’t All Have To Be About Your
Post on topics that do not connect directly with
your audience:
 Industry Events
 Trends
 Games of Interest
But don’t diverge too far from what you target
audience finds relevant or you might lose some
followers and interest
5-3-2 Rule
For every 10 updates you post to a social media
 5 should be content from others, relevant to
your audience
 3 should be content from you, relevant to your
audience—and not a sales pitch
 2 should be personal, non-work related
content that helps humanize you and/or your
 Understand when to automate and when to
 Choose your tools for automation:
HootSuite, Oktopost, Tweetdeck and
 Find your ideal automation schedule
 Create ways to stay tuned in to the
Scheduling Your Posts
Kim Garst
Engage and Refer
 Comment Back
 Answer Questions
 Thank connections
Report and Refine
Social Media Analytics:
the practice of
gathering data from
blogs and social media
websites and
analyzing that data to
make business
Report and Refine
 Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor,
report and analyze
 Do A/B Testing with different versions of
your webpage and other content
 Learn what works for you best
 Find which channel you should invest most
of your time in.
Social Broadcast
SMO is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a
website. SMO can be done two ways:
1. Adding social media links to content such as RSS
feeds and sharing buttons
2. Promoting activity through social media via status
updates, tweets, or blog posts.
 Let news sites know when your publish new content
 Stay up to date with channels as they evolve and new
ones as they emerge
More on A/B Testing
Promotion Campaigns
 Gun Club Mobile App: Free weapon unlock
for anyone who liked their Facebook page.
Followers grew from zero to several
hundred thousand within a few months.
Away Mission
 Choose a game that has been announced but
not yet launched from among one of the indie
development team sites, a social media
campaign for you to analyze.
LAFS Marketing and Monetization Lecture 4: Social Media

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LAFS Marketing and Monetization Lecture 4: Social Media

  • 1. Level 4 David Mullich Marketing and Monetization The Los Angeles Film School
  • 2. What Is Social Media?
  • 3. Social Media Vehicles and platforms for user-created content, sharing and communities:  Website  Facebook  Twitter  YouTube
  • 4. Social Media Marketing (SMM)  Create compelling content  Building customer connections early  Communicating with customers directly.
  • 6. Website Pages  Landing Page  Product Page(s)  Blog Page  About Page Let’s take a closer look at each!
  • 7. Landing Page The first thing people see when they visit your site is the landing page, so you should invest a good amount of time creating an engaging one.
  • 8. Landing Page Must-Haves  Recognition (company or game branding)  Strong Title  Game Trailer and/or Splash Image (above the fold)  Game Features  Timely News and Updates  Social Media Buttons  Press Kit Link  Purchase Link (when available)  Review Quotes/Links (when available)  Contact Info
  • 9. Landing Page Examples  Canabalt  Threes  Dots  QuizUp  Ridiculous Fishing  Timberman  Fez  Mega Dead PIxel  Amazing Alex  Apotheon  Monument Valley  Limbo  Framed  Bioforce
  • 10. Landing Pages Aren’t Necessarily Home Pages  Landing pages allow you to customize your message for incoming visitors  These custom landing pages allow you to push visitors toward specific actions  Landing pages make tracking your visits very easy
  • 11. How Do You Convert Landing Page Visitors To Customers?
  • 12. Call To Action A piece of content intended to induce a viewer, reader, or listener to perform a specific act, typically taking the form of an instruction or directive (e.g. buy now or click here ).
  • 13. Web Page Call To Actions  Click here (to go to another page, on your site or someone else's)  Buy  Give you permission to follow up on something (by email, phone, etc.)  Tell a friend  (and the more subtle) Learn something, which could even include posting a comment or giving you some sort of feedback
  • 14. Product Pages  Game Name  Game Description  Platform(s)  Expected Release Timing  Pricing  Distribution Channels If you don’t know some information, put TBA.
  • 15. Development Blogs Allows gamers to track the progress of your game, and lets them see that you are real human beings.  Keep it personal, as if you're speaking directly to your readers.  Post as frequently enough to show that your game is coming along, but avoid posting about every little bug fix or new art piece.  If you must relay your failures, try to be funny about it.
  • 16. Rich Site Summary (RSS) Feed Publishes frequently updated information in an XML file format. RSS reader software monitors the website and informs user of updates. Never a bad idea, and really simple to implement, an RSS feed will provide your fans with yet another way to view news regarding your company.
  • 17. Design Inspiration  Looking at popular games in the same genre  Use free or paid templates.  Use a consistent theme that follows your game’s theme.  When choosing color schemes, make sure your words are easy to read.  Use dynamic elements to promote more than one product.
  • 18. Website Do’s and Don’ts DO  Emphasize function over form  Design with style and strong aesthetics  Simple and professional is better than complex and amateur  Make it open and inviting  Have important information “above the fold”  Spellcheck everything DON’T  Use funky technology or gimmicks that impede usability
  • 19. One Website Or Many? Your studio website can act as a home base for all of your games, or you can have one for your company and one for each of your games, so that gamers can identify you by brand name and products. Regardless of what you choose, websites need to be updated frequently and departmentalized.
  • 20. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) A methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine.
  • 21. Core Keywords What would someone type into Google to find your website? Start a core keyword list of three to five keywords that are relevant to your brand and summarize your game. Content Marketing might include secondary keywords. Use free tools to find keywords that are low competition and high traffic.
  • 22. Core Keywords Where to place your keywords:  Web page metadescriptions  Web page titles  Blog Titles
  • 23. Website Analytics Manage by numbers, not by gut! The key to success is defining your goals, measuring your results and iterating!  Monitor visitor traffic as you ramp up your launch (you can also track every click on any link to monitor CTA)  Assess how different marketing initiatives increase visitors  Assist with evaluating marketing program performance
  • 24. Group Quest Create a Landing Page for your game.  Branding  Title  Screenshot  Call To Action  Game Features  Social Media Buttons  Press Link  Review Quotes  Contact Info
  • 26. Social Media Channels Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content- sharing and collaboration.  Facebook  Twitter  Google+  Reddit  Pinterest
  • 27. Social Media Channels Developers should at the very least you should have a Facebook page and a Twitter profile. If your game is small or mid-sized this is probably enough, but in theory you could subscribe to dozens of social media outlets.
  • 28. Facebook Popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.  1 billion users worldwide  Users share 2.5 billion pieces of content each day  Communicate with users in a non-obtrusive way  Best for timely posts.  After gaining 1,000 “Likes”, the average company saw an 185% increase in traffic and nearly 1,400 pageviews a day. LAFS Game Prod Group
  • 29. Facebook and Social Marketing Facebook is good resource for marketing and offers paid advertising.  Join Groups  Post relevant media in groups  Join #ScreenshotSaturday  Share development stories  Connect with like-minded developers When someone searches Google for your team, your Facebook page will be one of the top results, so keep it updated.
  • 30. Facebook Do’s And Don’ts DO  Customize your Facebook page with a relevant cover photo, icon and description.  Post multiple times throughout day, daily, or multiple times per week.  Search for influencers to promote you.  Tag relevant people in photos and posts DON’T  Write overlong posts  Send mass messages to people in your network.  Turn comments off or delete negative comments. Instead, respond in a constructive manner.
  • 31. Twitter Free microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets of 140 characters of less.  560 million active users  Largest penetration is in the US but spreading slowly and steadily  5,700 tweets happen and 750 are shared every second  Best for super timely, micro communications  Companies that use Twitter average double the amount of leads per month than those who do not. LAFS Twitter Feed
  • 32. Twitter and Social Marketing Use Twitter as a secondary means of announcing news and growing your fanbase. You'll find that most gamers would rather glance at their Twitter feed than scour a bunch of websites. Of all the social media outlets, Twitter is the one that affords developers the easiest access to potential fans, members of the press and other burgeoning developers.
  • 33. Examples of Good Tweets "After two years of toiling, sleepless nights and neglected wives we're finally close to releasing an #EchoesofEternea game demo. #gamedev” "The difference between coding a 2-hour platformer and a 20-hour RPG: 62 gray hairs, 7 doctor co-payments, and 2,000 hours. #gamedev"
  • 34. Twitter Do’s  Post during peak hours, ideally somewhere between 11am and 11pm EST. Better yet, post them twice—once in the morning and once during the evening hours  Write short, snappy posts multiple times throughout day.  Keep things light and crack a joke once in a while.  Post photos, logos, infographics, and images containing quotes.  Participate in #screenshotsaturday  Create a conversation and interact with your users.  Reward those who tweet you favorably by retweeting them or thanking them publicly.  Stay true to your brand by following and reweeting users who post relevant content.  @Mention influencers
  • 35. Twitter Don’ts  Become a "Serial Follower." Instead, follow those who you are genuinely interested in hearing from.  Retweet in excess.  Automatically send direct messages to new followers.  Ignore users who tag you.  Use it to approach random members of the press.  Ignore it when a member of the press favorites or retweets one of your posts.  Use a trending hashtag without knowing why it is trending.
  • 36. Hashtags A hashtag is simply a keyword phrase, spelled out without spaces, with a pound sign (#) in front of it. For example, #videogame, #indiegame, and #gta5. You can put these hashtags anywhere in your social media posts: in the beginning, at the end, or anywhere in between These hashtags tie public conversations from all different users into a single stream, which you can find by searching for a hashtag, clicking on one, or using a third- party monitoring software.
  • 37. Important Hashtags You can find trending and popular ones at Some important ones to use on a weekly basis are:  #ScreenshotSaturday  #indiedev  #gamedev  #ThrowbackThursday  #indiegame  The game engine you are using for example #unity3d, or #cocos2d.
  • 38. Creating Your Own Hashtags TIP BAD BETTER Unique and Memorable #CollectibleCardGame #GottaCatchEmAll Clear and Direct #ETD #EnterTheDungeon Well-Timed and Subtle #BeetBlasterLaunch #TheBeetAwakens Relevant and Approachable #ThanksgivingRetort #ThanksgivingClapback Short and Sweet #HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy #HitchhikersGuide Hashtags can be your number one social marketing tool if you use them properly.
  • 39. Hashtag Campaign Tips  Choose hashtags with an emotional connection  Use it in your own social media posts  Reinforce it over a long period of time
  • 40. Pinterest Social curation website for sharing and categorizing images found online. Pinterest requires brief descriptions but the main focus of the site is visual. Clicking on an image will take you to the original source.  70 million active users  Users are 32% male, 68% female  Droves more referral traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined. LA Film Pinterest Board
  • 41. Reddit Social news website and forum where stories are socially curated and promoted by site members.  Composed of hundreds of sub- communities, known as "subreddits.”  Each subreddit has a specific topic such as technology, politics or music.  Reddit site members, also known as, "redditors," submit content which is then voted upon by other members. LAFilm Reddit Community
  • 42. Reddit Reddit is very useful to get feedback on your game, website, art style, soundtracks, and daily discussions in the subreddit r/gamedev. You can find weekly threads at the very bottom right of the r/gamedev page:  Feedback Friday  Screenshot Saturday  Soundtrack Sunday  Marketing Monday  Daily Discussions
  • 43. Reddit Do’s  Link your website, press releases, YouTube trailers, previews, reviews and game demos in r/indiegaming/ and r/indiegames  Plug your Steam Greenlight submission in /r/greenlightquality  Create your own subreddit.  Participate in game development threads.  Join the Screenshot Saturday thread in /r/gamedev.  Make your descriptions stand out from the crowd  Get a conversation going and steer it to your game
  • 44. Reddit Don’ts  Spam or post advertisements  Inundate your Reddit post title with flashy buzzwords like "Innovative 2D RPG with pioneering game mechanics and epic storyline”
  • 45. Instagram Social sharing site all around pictures and now 15 second videos.  Many brands are participating through the use of hashtags and posting pictures consumers can relate to.  Most followed brand is MTV  150 million active users Tip: use Layout to put multiple screenshots into a single post LAFS Instagram Page
  • 46. Tumblr A microblogging and social networking website allowing users to post multimedia and other content to a short- form blog. Post on topics such as:  your dev team  your game  art work  game mechanics  particle effects  soundtracks  sound effects LAFS Tumblr Page
  • 47. Google+ Google's social networking project, designed to replicate the way people interact offline more closely than do other social networking services.  400 million active users  Growing rapidly with 625,000 new users every day  Not as many brands active, but the ones that are tend to be a good fit with a great following LAFS Google+ Account
  • 48. IndieDB Connects independent developers with players, from the day they start developing their game to the day they release it, sharing details and behind the scenes insight about the games they are creating, in the form of news, images, videos and downloads.  Make consistent updates about your game.  Keep doing it ad infinitum.
  • 49. Forums A good way to promote your game, because they are usually very populated.  Find relevant forums  Write posts with links to your content  Interact with people  Do not advertise! List of forums: indie-game-development-forums/
  • 50. LinkedIn Social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally.  240 million active users  Two new members sign on every second  79% of users are 35 or older  Brands that are participating are corporate brands LAFS LinkedIn Page
  • 51. LinkedIn Do’s And Don’ts DO  Build a foundation by connecting to relevant people and companies.  Keep your profile current for potential clients and employers.  Post a variety of articles about the game industry.  Join LinkedIn groups and answer questions to promote yourself as an industry thought leader. DON’T  Post too much, too often.  Only promote your company.  Connect to irrelevant contacts.
  • 53. Social Media Campaigns Establish a social media presence for your game three to six months before it goes live. Use this time to slowly build buzz among potential players by giving them concept art, teaser trailers and Q&As with the game developers.
  • 54. Consider  Your Time  Your Resources  Your Customer Demographics
  • 55. Know Your Customer  Forums  YouTube
  • 56. Set Your Target Set goals for how you want your customers to behave.  Website visits  Trailer views  Demo downloads
  • 57. Create Content  Blogs  Screenshots  Trailers  Behind the Scenes Videos  Demos  Podcasts  Infographics  Quotes
  • 58. Use Consistent and Familiar Visuals  Facebook Page Cover: 851x315  Twitter Header Image: 1500x500  LinkedIn Header Image: 1400x425  Instagram Image Size: 640x640
  • 59. Find Your Voice And Tone  If your brand was a person, what personality would it have?  If your brank was a person, what would their relationship be to the consumer?  Describe in adjectives what your company is not  Are there any companies that have a similar personality to yours?  What do you want customers to think about your company?
  • 61. 4:1 Sharing System  Start with the five basic types of updates.  Choose one that you will use most frequently  Post the most frequent one four times more often than the others
  • 62. Frequency  Start with fewer posts at beginning of project, but still post at least once a week.  Then communicate more often for higher levels of engagement and audience connections.  In the final months and weeks before launch, increase the frequency when you have more content and news to share.
  • 64. Optimal Posting Times (Eastern Standard)
  • 65. It Doesn’t All Have To Be About Your Game Post on topics that do not connect directly with your audience:  Industry Events  Trends  Games of Interest But don’t diverge too far from what you target audience finds relevant or you might lose some followers and interest
  • 66. 5-3-2 Rule For every 10 updates you post to a social media channel:  5 should be content from others, relevant to your audience  3 should be content from you, relevant to your audience—and not a sales pitch  2 should be personal, non-work related content that helps humanize you and/or your brand
  • 67. Automation  Understand when to automate and when to engage  Choose your tools for automation: HootSuite, Oktopost, Tweetdeck and Buzzbundle  Find your ideal automation schedule  Create ways to stay tuned in to the conversation
  • 69. Engage and Refer  Comment Back  Answer Questions  Thank connections
  • 70. Report and Refine Social Media Analytics: the practice of gathering data from blogs and social media websites and analyzing that data to make business decisions.
  • 71. Report and Refine  Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor, report and analyze  Do A/B Testing with different versions of your webpage and other content  Learn what works for you best  Find which channel you should invest most of your time in.
  • 72. Social Broadcast SMO is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a website. SMO can be done two ways: 1. Adding social media links to content such as RSS feeds and sharing buttons 2. Promoting activity through social media via status updates, tweets, or blog posts. Tips  Let news sites know when your publish new content  Stay up to date with channels as they evolve and new ones as they emerge
  • 73. More on A/B Testing
  • 74. Promotion Campaigns  Gun Club Mobile App: Free weapon unlock for anyone who liked their Facebook page. Followers grew from zero to several hundred thousand within a few months.
  • 75. Away Mission  Choose a game that has been announced but not yet launched from among one of the indie development team sites, a social media campaign for you to analyze.    

Editor's Notes

  1. The more ways you can connect with your community, the better! Different members have different preferences for different channels.
  2. Taking advantage of social networking to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach. The goal is usually to create content compelling enough that users will share it with their social networks. Start building your customer connections early through social media. Over time you can turn your base into a into a sizeable audience and create vehicles that you can use for communicating with them directly.
  3. Landing pages allow you to customize your message for incoming visitors. This means that you can continue the message that you started with your ads, which creates a cohesive experience. These custom landing pages allow you to push visitors toward specific actions, such as downloading a free ebook. (Displaying traditional navigation may distract your visitors.) Landing pages make tracking your visits very easy. This is especially important.
  4. Every page you send visitors to should have a clear call to action. Think about this one carefully, because it’s the difference between a sale and wasted money
  5. With each of these channels, there is one word to keep in mind: Engagement. You need to engage with the users on each platform. By engaging you are developing relationships with your potential users, and relationships are more valuable than customers.