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Key territories of the Mesoamerican
Agroenvironmental Program (MAP): concepts
               and selection

         Sentinel landscapes workshop
                  October 2011
Justifications for this presentation
Requests in messages from Robert:
“…presentations by resource people managing similar type of long term
multi-location experiments…; …including site selection criteria…;
…model(s)” for a sentinel landscape network…; …present your own
experience in multipurpose, multi-location, long-term experiments….”
My reply:
• I propose to present the experience with MAP, a regional development
  programme that incorporates a lot of applied research.
• The procedure (criteria etc) for the selection of MAP’s “Key Territories”
  (equivalent to Sentinel Landscapes) were different to what might be
  considered for a research only focus.
• When pathways to impact and scaling-out of research results become
  major goals (CRPs), MAP is a valuable contrast (different setting and
  experience) to other presentations respect long term multi-location
Since 1987, research on
dynamics of tropical rain
forests, sustainable forest
management and global
change impacts: >100
permanent plots (0.2 -2.0
ha) replicated along
gradients (150 – 2800
masl) in Costa Rica

Now part of Neoselvas
network (Central Amazon,
Chiapas and Costa Rica);
extension to proposed
regional network
(Guatemala, Belize,
Honduras, Nicaragua and
Costa Rica)
Relevance of CATIE’s experience with
                       “Key Territories” for CRP 6
• The concept of Key Territories (KT) was developed in CATIE in 2008, with
  Norway, Sweden and Finland, for a regional development initiative called
  the Mesoamerican Agroenvironmental Programme (the “MAP”)
• Criteria and procedures for choosing and subsequently working in Sentinel
  Landscapes (equivalent of Key Territories) should not be based only on
  experience with regional / global research programmes
• The MAP includes a substantial amount of research for development, the
  goal of the CRPs, and hence is a model that could provide valuable lessons
• Integration of different R&D teams in MAP’s Key Territories is only beginning
  to be achieved after two years; the establishment of the Sentinel
  Landscapes of CRP 6 is going to face some of the same challenges
• MAP’s M+E strategy (especially of impact) also has taken over two years to
  develop; it could offer valuable input for the M+E of the Sentinel Landscapes
CATIE´s Scientific Programs and MAP
Q: Problems we are addressing in MAP Key
• Deforestation
• Anthropogenic degradation of natural resources (water, soils,
  biodiversity, pesticide toxicity, scenic beauty, climate
• Vulnerability (need for diversification)
• Socio-economic changes (internal, national, international)
• Need for systemic approaches
• Exclusion (equity - gender, indigenous)
Q: Problems we are addressing in MAP Key
• Quality of products, certification, requirements (EU, etc.):
  competitiveness is increasingly affected by these issues
• Weak social organization and community structure, inter-
  racial conflict, badly organized Cooperatives and
  Associations, lack of “institutionality” (national / local),…
• Poor regional integration (of countries) slows progress
• Exogenous factors (both opportunities and problems):
  e.g., changes in markets, geo-political shifts, infrastructure..
• Financial limitations (credit, insurance)
• Education is deficient at all levels
CATIE’s R&D approach in MAP Key Territories

Test participatory methods, principally using the livelihoods and
capitals framework, for integrating sectorial approaches (e.g.,
value chains) with territorial approaches (e.g., watershed
management) that can be used to develop holistic (systemic)
and specific answers to the combined economic, environment
and social challenges in each target region.
Value added of working in a Key Territory
• Potential to develop systemic interventions that take into
  account interactions and the complexity of rural development
• Improvements in the impacts (target groups) thanks to
  concentrated and longer term of efforts, working with partners and
  allies in an integrated institutional framework
• Improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of international
  cooperation and CATIE, assuming that the additional costs of
  coordination (donors, programmes; projects, etc) is less than the
  operational and logistical benefits
• Unified institutional image that results from working in an integrated
• Improved quality of CATIE’s products
Q: Criteria to choose Key Territories*
• Located within priority areas identified in regional or national strategies;
  e.g., Mesoamerican Biological Corridor [CBM]

• Key stakeholders, with proven leadership and social capital, expressed

• Potential to internalize the costs of the provision of ecosystem services
  through different financial mechanisms
• Correspond to CATIE´s expertise and in areas offering potential for
  synergies within CATIE and/or with partners

*p.27. Implementation Proposal for the MAP; also mentions that Trans-frontier territories will
be favoured when possible.

What was initially considered when
     choosing a Key Territory (KT) for MAP?
National and CATIE priority according to physical, biological and socio-
economic characteristics
    – Water
    – Poverty, environmental concerns and inequity (gender)
    – Biological connectivity
What was initially considered when
       choosing a Key Territory (KT) for MAP?

Geographical area of variable size (large >100.000 ha) containing much
smaller potential sites for direct intervention where the actions of various
initiatives (projects etc) could be integrated
What was initially considered when
      choosing a Key Territory (KT) for MAP?

• At least two CATIE R+D programmes agreeing that the Key Territory is
  central to their agenda
• Existence of an good institutional base where other actors and service
  providers are active and with whom CATIE can work in order to
  achieve “institutional anchorage”, scaling out and hence wide scale
Additional criteria used to select
                   potential Key Territories


• Potential of MAP thematic areas to contribute to livelihoods in the
• More than one principal land use (e.g. livestock, forests and coffee)
Additional criteria used to select
                     potential Key Territories


• Logistical feasibility, infrastructure, accessibility, security
• Representative of other areas / potential for scaling-out
Actual Key Territories of MAP
• Trifinio (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador): water is a central
  theme (Climate Change and Watersheds programme) but actions of
  CATIE Programmes focused on coffee, horticultural crops, forestry,
  livestock and value chains are needed to achieve impact

• Bosawás (Centre- North Nicaragua)*: changing land use is a
  central theme (Livestock and Environmental Management
  Programme) but actions of CATIE Programmes focused on coffee,
  cacao, forestry, CC-Watersheds and value chains are needed to
  achieve impact

  *CRP 3.7 (Livestock) has identified the same area of Nicaragua as well as part of
  Southern Honduras as a target zone
Final list of characteristics used to justify
                      Key Territories selected for MAP
                Characteristics of MAP Key Territories              Trifinio Bosawas
Inter-institutional governance platform in the territory              X        X
At least two CATIE programmes active                                  X        X

Pilot area of at least two MAP projects                               X        X
Land use diversity                                                    X        X
Potential to develop MAP thematic areas                               X        X

National and/or regional priority area                                X        X

Trans-frontier territories                                            X
Cultural diversity (includes indigenous groups)                       X        X
Poverty and dependency on natural resources                           X        X
Vulnerability to climate change                                       X        X
Environmental relevance (Mesoamerican Biological Corridor; Water)     X        X
Scale-out resources available (in the territory)                      X        X

Representativeness (possibilities for extrapolation)                           X

Infrastructure and basic services                                     X        (x)
Reasons for choosing Bosawas as a Key Territory
1. High value for biodiversity conservation (buffer zone for the
   BOSAWAS biosphere reserve; also Musun y Quiragua reserves;
   Mesoamerican Biological Corridor)
2. Water quantity and quality is a central problem in this territory,
   principally due to unsustainable management and use of soils; focus
   on water facilitates the establishment of co-management initiatives
3. Predicted (extreme) effects of climate change and variability; includes
   dry, transition and wet forest life zones (contrasting effects of CCV)
4. Dominance (and overlap) of coffee, pastures and cacao in adjoining
   parts of the Key Territory facilitates the interaction of programmes
5. Presence of Coffee Innovations, Watersheds, Mesoterra and Central
   American Cacao projects
Reasons for choosing Bosawas as a Key Territory
6. Organization of farmers: e.g., coffee cooperatives and NGOs
7. High poverty index in rural areas (Poverty MAP Nicaragua 2005)
8. FDL (“Local Development Fund”) and other micro credit mechanisms like
    Fondeagro (project) supporting the implementation of best practices
9. Interest (and confidence) of local decision makers; presence of
    Government and other strategic partners who have, are or wish to work
    with CATIE
10. Possibility of replication in much larger areas
11. Continuity/ credibility of CATIE actions in this region
Q: Lessons learnt from MAP Key Territories
• “Integration” is the key word
• The shared testing of research and development
  methodologies (e.g., multi-theme Farmer Field School) lead to
  integration of disciplines, projects and programmes
• Few Key Territories: don’t choose too many
• Importance of previous presence, continuity and confidence
• Risk analysis: probability of long term favourable conditions?
• Selection: top-down together with bottom-up process
• Anchoring: key consideration when selecting partners
Lessons learnt from MAP Key Territories
• Differing needs / histories / commitments of research +
  development groups: takes time to achieve the necessary
  integration (e.g., CATIE programmes or CRP components)
• To achieve significant impact we need to support work in a
  larger area than our pilot zones: we need criteria to select
  research + development sites within the Key Territory (these
  differ between components/ projects of MAP)
• Donor inconsistency
• Monitoring and Evaluation (M+E) contributes to integration
• Livelihoods and capitals approach: framework that permits
  integration (e.g., socio- economic with ecological; value chain
  with territorial; …)
Lessons for CRP 6 Sentinel Landscapes
                from MAP’s experience with Key Territories
• Linking existing initiatives of different research groups, even if they operate
  in the same zone, will not create a KT (SL); it will only show that a
  conglomerate of different initiatives exists
• In order to implement systemic approaches for rural R+D, such as CRP 6
  proposes, a new approach is required where each research group has to be
  prepared to commit research resources rather than results to a mutually
  agreed plan of work; i.e., share decision making respect research planning
  and priorities and be prepared to integrate into a team
Lessons for CRP 6 Sentinel Landscapes
                from MAP’s experience with Key Territories

• The vision of the role of partners in “Research for Development” requires a
  change of attitude by researchers; e.g., institutional “anchoring” becomes an
  important goal requiring true participation of the local and national partners
  in all stages (participatory R+D) rather than treating the partners as a
  conduit for the dissemination of results
• Rigid definitions of the borders of a KT (SL) can not be made
• Researchers have to be prepared to participate in development activities
  (e.g. publications in English for international journals are not enough) but for
  efficiency scaling-out is the role of local and national partners
• ?R&D (resources) based on territorial projects rather than disciplinary
MAP an ambitious intersectorial platform designed
  to achieve sustainable land use that improves
 human wellbeing in rural areas of Mesoamerica
Criteria for selecting Sentinel Landscapes*
• Comparable sites (= geographical [site] differences)
• Where we can study trends (= temporal differences)
• Research for Development (= where impact can be obtained)
• Strong partners wish to collaborate
• Many initiatives (especially other CRP) find appropriate
• Suitable conditions for long-term Research + Development
  (security, political support, priority [for donors + countries] ,…)

*Possible criteria to select Sentinel Landscapes – summary of
information taken from Annex 4 of the CRP 6 proposal
Criteria for selecting Sentinel Landscapes*
• Interdisciplinary research + development (especially socio-
  economic with ecological) is facilitated
• Local people and organizations wish to participate
• A forest transition exists, is dynamic and could be influenced
• Relevant work/ information) is already underway/ available (=
  don’t start from zero)
• Impact (livelihoods + environment) can be measured
• It is feasible to apply standardized methods

*Possible criteria to select Sentinel Landscapes – summary of
information taken from Annex 4 of the CRP 6 proposal
Who participated in the choice of MAP Key
Internally: workshops, meetings and exchanges involving
project personnel, programme leaders and national technical
office representatives; more bottom-up than top-down

Externally: local and national government, civil society,
Universities, representatives of regional organizations (e.g.,
IUCN) and of international cooperation respect both the topics
and location of MAP interventions (demand and relevance); both
bottom-up and top-down
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system

• The integration of pre-existing regional projects and other R+D
  mechanisms was a major challenge when developing MAP’s M&E
• MAP indicators and targets, and procedures for defining these, have
  evolved continuously during the first two years of the programme
• Final version based on XX products (outputs), YY capitals, direct
  (programme objective) and indirect (development objective) ZZ impact
  as well as UU performance indicators : the poverty alleviation focus,
  through MAP’s Sustainable Land Management focus, goes far
  beyond financial capital
Sustainable Land Management (SLM); AFS, Social and ecological resilience (CC);
                                      Environmental Services
                                        NATURAL CAPITAL

                                                                                Diversification and
                                                   L                       development of value chains
                                                   i                           FINANCIAL CAPITAL
 Improvement of productive                         i
infrastructure and equipment
          for families
        BUILT CAPITAL                              o                     Strengthening of grass roots
                                                   o                            organizations
                                                   d                       SOCIAL AND POLITICAL
                                                   s                              CAPITAL

          Wisdom and dialogue
               CAPITAL                                               Capacity development and
                                                                         HUMAN CAPITAL
Final proposal for MAP’s Logical Framework
                                                                    Development objective
Indicators (indirect impact indicators developed for each dimension)

                                                                     Programme objective
Indicators (direct impact indicators developed for each dimension)
   Result / component /                Result / component /            Result / component /            Result / component /            Result / component /
       dimension 1                        dimension 2                     dimension 3                     dimension 4                     dimension 5
      (farm/ family)                          (local)                    (national)                         (regional)                       (CATIE)

        Products R1                         Products R2                     Products R3                     Products R4                    Products R5
Capitals: human, natural,          Capitals: human, natural,       Capitals: human, natural,       Capitals: human, natural,       Capitals: human, natural,
financial, social, political and   financial, social, political    financial, social, political    financial, social, political    financial, social, political and
physical                                                                                                                           physical

Performance      Impact          Performance         Impact          Performance     Impact          Performance     Impact          Performance    Impact
indicator        indicators(dir indicator            indicators(dir indicator        indicators(dir indicator        indicators(dir indicator       indicators(dir
                 ect / indirect)                     ect / indirect)                 ect / indirect)                 ect / indirect)                ect / indirect)
Definitions of the limits of a MAP Key Territory

• The geographical extent of a key territory can not be fixed
  with precision as it can for a watershed; it has to be flexible
  according to the needs of the different R+D lines (themes).
  For example, the limits are different for a municipality,
  interested in a town’s water supply, to those considered by a
  coffee cooperative interested in capturing coffee production in
  the same zone.
• A landscape is a social construction whose geographical
  expression is related with the interests of the human
  population located in and interdependent with that territory.

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C4.01: Overview of the Coastal Zone Community of Practice & Services for the ...
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Large Marine Ecosystems Track 2
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Case studies on economic appraisal of adaptation options in some countries
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Information needs for assessing and analysing landscape-scale contexts: Exper...
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Mejorando la estimación de emisiones GEI conversión bosque degradado a planta...
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A Wide Range of Eco System Services with Mangroves
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Data analysis and findings
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Peat land Restoration Project in HLG Londerang
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Sungsang Mangrove Restoration and Ecotourism (SMART): A participatory action ...
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Coastal and mangrove vulnerability assessment In the Northern Coast of Java, ...
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Mejorando la estimación de emisiones GEI conversión bosque degradado a planta...
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Avances de Perú con relación al marco de transparencia del Acuerdo de París
Alert-driven Community-based Forest monitoring: A case of the Peruvian Amazon
Alert-driven Community-based Forest monitoring: A case of the Peruvian AmazonAlert-driven Community-based Forest monitoring: A case of the Peruvian Amazon
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Land tenure and forest landscape restoration in Cameroon and Madagascar
Land tenure and forest landscape  restoration in Cameroon and  MadagascarLand tenure and forest landscape  restoration in Cameroon and  Madagascar
Land tenure and forest landscape restoration in Cameroon and Madagascar
ReSI-NoC - Strategie de mise en oeuvre.pdf
ReSI-NoC - Strategie de mise en oeuvre.pdfReSI-NoC - Strategie de mise en oeuvre.pdf
ReSI-NoC - Strategie de mise en oeuvre.pdf
ReSI-NoC: Introduction au contexte du projet
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Renforcer les Systèmes d’Innovations agrosylvopastorales économiquement renta...
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Renforcer les Systèmes d’Innovations agrosylvopastorales économiquement renta...
Introductions aux termes clés du projet ReSi-NoC - Approche Innovations
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Introducing Blue Carbon Deck seeking for actionable partnerships
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A Wide Range of Eco System Services with Mangroves
A Wide Range of Eco System Services with MangrovesA Wide Range of Eco System Services with Mangroves
A Wide Range of Eco System Services with Mangroves
Data analysis and findings
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Peat land Restoration Project in HLG Londerang
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Peat land Restoration Project in HLG Londerang
Sungsang Mangrove Restoration and Ecotourism (SMART): A participatory action ...
Sungsang Mangrove Restoration and Ecotourism (SMART): A participatory action ...Sungsang Mangrove Restoration and Ecotourism (SMART): A participatory action ...
Sungsang Mangrove Restoration and Ecotourism (SMART): A participatory action ...
Coastal and mangrove vulnerability assessment In the Northern Coast of Java, ...
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Key territories of the Mesoamerican Agroenvironmental Program (MAP): concepts and selection

  • 1. Key territories of the Mesoamerican Agroenvironmental Program (MAP): concepts and selection Sentinel landscapes workshop CIFOR October 2011
  • 2. Justifications for this presentation Requests in messages from Robert: “…presentations by resource people managing similar type of long term multi-location experiments…; …including site selection criteria…; …model(s)” for a sentinel landscape network…; …present your own experience in multipurpose, multi-location, long-term experiments….” My reply: • I propose to present the experience with MAP, a regional development programme that incorporates a lot of applied research. • The procedure (criteria etc) for the selection of MAP’s “Key Territories” (equivalent to Sentinel Landscapes) were different to what might be considered for a research only focus. • When pathways to impact and scaling-out of research results become major goals (CRPs), MAP is a valuable contrast (different setting and experience) to other presentations respect long term multi-location experiments.
  • 3. Since 1987, research on dynamics of tropical rain forests, sustainable forest management and global change impacts: >100 permanent plots (0.2 -2.0 ha) replicated along gradients (150 – 2800 masl) in Costa Rica Now part of Neoselvas network (Central Amazon, Chiapas and Costa Rica); extension to proposed regional network (Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica)
  • 4. Relevance of CATIE’s experience with “Key Territories” for CRP 6 • The concept of Key Territories (KT) was developed in CATIE in 2008, with Norway, Sweden and Finland, for a regional development initiative called the Mesoamerican Agroenvironmental Programme (the “MAP”) • Criteria and procedures for choosing and subsequently working in Sentinel Landscapes (equivalent of Key Territories) should not be based only on experience with regional / global research programmes • The MAP includes a substantial amount of research for development, the goal of the CRPs, and hence is a model that could provide valuable lessons • Integration of different R&D teams in MAP’s Key Territories is only beginning to be achieved after two years; the establishment of the Sentinel Landscapes of CRP 6 is going to face some of the same challenges • MAP’s M+E strategy (especially of impact) also has taken over two years to develop; it could offer valuable input for the M+E of the Sentinel Landscapes
  • 6. Q: Problems we are addressing in MAP Key Territories • Deforestation • Anthropogenic degradation of natural resources (water, soils, biodiversity, pesticide toxicity, scenic beauty, climate change,…) • Vulnerability (need for diversification) • Socio-economic changes (internal, national, international) • Need for systemic approaches • Exclusion (equity - gender, indigenous)
  • 7. Q: Problems we are addressing in MAP Key Territories • Quality of products, certification, requirements (EU, etc.): competitiveness is increasingly affected by these issues • Weak social organization and community structure, inter- racial conflict, badly organized Cooperatives and Associations, lack of “institutionality” (national / local),… • Poor regional integration (of countries) slows progress • Exogenous factors (both opportunities and problems): e.g., changes in markets, geo-political shifts, infrastructure.. • Financial limitations (credit, insurance) • Education is deficient at all levels
  • 8. CATIE’s R&D approach in MAP Key Territories Test participatory methods, principally using the livelihoods and capitals framework, for integrating sectorial approaches (e.g., value chains) with territorial approaches (e.g., watershed management) that can be used to develop holistic (systemic) and specific answers to the combined economic, environment and social challenges in each target region.
  • 9. Value added of working in a Key Territory • Potential to develop systemic interventions that take into account interactions and the complexity of rural development • Improvements in the impacts (target groups) thanks to concentrated and longer term of efforts, working with partners and allies in an integrated institutional framework • Improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of international cooperation and CATIE, assuming that the additional costs of coordination (donors, programmes; projects, etc) is less than the operational and logistical benefits • Unified institutional image that results from working in an integrated manner • Improved quality of CATIE’s products
  • 10. Q: Criteria to choose Key Territories* • Located within priority areas identified in regional or national strategies; e.g., Mesoamerican Biological Corridor [CBM] • • Key stakeholders, with proven leadership and social capital, expressed interest • • Potential to internalize the costs of the provision of ecosystem services through different financial mechanisms • Correspond to CATIE´s expertise and in areas offering potential for synergies within CATIE and/or with partners *p.27. Implementation Proposal for the MAP; also mentions that Trans-frontier territories will be favoured when possible. •
  • 11. What was initially considered when choosing a Key Territory (KT) for MAP? Where National and CATIE priority according to physical, biological and socio- economic characteristics – Water – Poverty, environmental concerns and inequity (gender) – Biological connectivity
  • 12. What was initially considered when choosing a Key Territory (KT) for MAP? Size Geographical area of variable size (large >100.000 ha) containing much smaller potential sites for direct intervention where the actions of various initiatives (projects etc) could be integrated
  • 13. What was initially considered when choosing a Key Territory (KT) for MAP? Who • At least two CATIE R+D programmes agreeing that the Key Territory is central to their agenda • Existence of an good institutional base where other actors and service providers are active and with whom CATIE can work in order to achieve “institutional anchorage”, scaling out and hence wide scale impact
  • 14. Additional criteria used to select potential Key Territories • What • Potential of MAP thematic areas to contribute to livelihoods in the zone • More than one principal land use (e.g. livestock, forests and coffee)
  • 15. Additional criteria used to select potential Key Territories How • Logistical feasibility, infrastructure, accessibility, security • Representative of other areas / potential for scaling-out
  • 16.
  • 17. Actual Key Territories of MAP • Trifinio (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador): water is a central theme (Climate Change and Watersheds programme) but actions of CATIE Programmes focused on coffee, horticultural crops, forestry, livestock and value chains are needed to achieve impact • Bosawás (Centre- North Nicaragua)*: changing land use is a central theme (Livestock and Environmental Management Programme) but actions of CATIE Programmes focused on coffee, cacao, forestry, CC-Watersheds and value chains are needed to achieve impact *CRP 3.7 (Livestock) has identified the same area of Nicaragua as well as part of Southern Honduras as a target zone
  • 18. Final list of characteristics used to justify Key Territories selected for MAP Characteristics of MAP Key Territories Trifinio Bosawas REQUIREMENTS Inter-institutional governance platform in the territory X X At least two CATIE programmes active X X Pilot area of at least two MAP projects X X Land use diversity X X Potential to develop MAP thematic areas X X National and/or regional priority area X X DESIRABLE Trans-frontier territories X Cultural diversity (includes indigenous groups) X X Poverty and dependency on natural resources X X Vulnerability to climate change X X Environmental relevance (Mesoamerican Biological Corridor; Water) X X Scale-out resources available (in the territory) X X Representativeness (possibilities for extrapolation) X Infrastructure and basic services X (x)
  • 19. Reasons for choosing Bosawas as a Key Territory 1. High value for biodiversity conservation (buffer zone for the BOSAWAS biosphere reserve; also Musun y Quiragua reserves; Mesoamerican Biological Corridor) 2. Water quantity and quality is a central problem in this territory, principally due to unsustainable management and use of soils; focus on water facilitates the establishment of co-management initiatives 3. Predicted (extreme) effects of climate change and variability; includes dry, transition and wet forest life zones (contrasting effects of CCV) 4. Dominance (and overlap) of coffee, pastures and cacao in adjoining parts of the Key Territory facilitates the interaction of programmes 5. Presence of Coffee Innovations, Watersheds, Mesoterra and Central American Cacao projects
  • 20. Reasons for choosing Bosawas as a Key Territory 6. Organization of farmers: e.g., coffee cooperatives and NGOs 7. High poverty index in rural areas (Poverty MAP Nicaragua 2005) 8. FDL (“Local Development Fund”) and other micro credit mechanisms like Fondeagro (project) supporting the implementation of best practices 9. Interest (and confidence) of local decision makers; presence of Government and other strategic partners who have, are or wish to work with CATIE 10. Possibility of replication in much larger areas 11. Continuity/ credibility of CATIE actions in this region
  • 21. Q: Lessons learnt from MAP Key Territories • “Integration” is the key word • The shared testing of research and development methodologies (e.g., multi-theme Farmer Field School) lead to integration of disciplines, projects and programmes • Few Key Territories: don’t choose too many • Importance of previous presence, continuity and confidence • Risk analysis: probability of long term favourable conditions? • Selection: top-down together with bottom-up process • Anchoring: key consideration when selecting partners
  • 22. Lessons learnt from MAP Key Territories • Differing needs / histories / commitments of research + development groups: takes time to achieve the necessary integration (e.g., CATIE programmes or CRP components) • To achieve significant impact we need to support work in a larger area than our pilot zones: we need criteria to select research + development sites within the Key Territory (these differ between components/ projects of MAP) • Donor inconsistency • Monitoring and Evaluation (M+E) contributes to integration • Livelihoods and capitals approach: framework that permits integration (e.g., socio- economic with ecological; value chain with territorial; …)
  • 23. Lessons for CRP 6 Sentinel Landscapes from MAP’s experience with Key Territories • Linking existing initiatives of different research groups, even if they operate in the same zone, will not create a KT (SL); it will only show that a conglomerate of different initiatives exists • In order to implement systemic approaches for rural R+D, such as CRP 6 proposes, a new approach is required where each research group has to be prepared to commit research resources rather than results to a mutually agreed plan of work; i.e., share decision making respect research planning and priorities and be prepared to integrate into a team
  • 24. Lessons for CRP 6 Sentinel Landscapes from MAP’s experience with Key Territories • The vision of the role of partners in “Research for Development” requires a change of attitude by researchers; e.g., institutional “anchoring” becomes an important goal requiring true participation of the local and national partners in all stages (participatory R+D) rather than treating the partners as a conduit for the dissemination of results • Rigid definitions of the borders of a KT (SL) can not be made • Researchers have to be prepared to participate in development activities (e.g. publications in English for international journals are not enough) but for efficiency scaling-out is the role of local and national partners • ?R&D (resources) based on territorial projects rather than disciplinary projects?
  • 25. MAP an ambitious intersectorial platform designed to achieve sustainable land use that improves human wellbeing in rural areas of Mesoamerica
  • 26. Criteria for selecting Sentinel Landscapes* • Comparable sites (= geographical [site] differences) • Where we can study trends (= temporal differences) • Research for Development (= where impact can be obtained) • Strong partners wish to collaborate • Many initiatives (especially other CRP) find appropriate conditions • Suitable conditions for long-term Research + Development (security, political support, priority [for donors + countries] ,…) *Possible criteria to select Sentinel Landscapes – summary of information taken from Annex 4 of the CRP 6 proposal
  • 27. Criteria for selecting Sentinel Landscapes* • Interdisciplinary research + development (especially socio- economic with ecological) is facilitated • Local people and organizations wish to participate • A forest transition exists, is dynamic and could be influenced • Relevant work/ information) is already underway/ available (= don’t start from zero) • Impact (livelihoods + environment) can be measured • It is feasible to apply standardized methods *Possible criteria to select Sentinel Landscapes – summary of information taken from Annex 4 of the CRP 6 proposal
  • 28. Who participated in the choice of MAP Key Territories? Internally: workshops, meetings and exchanges involving project personnel, programme leaders and national technical office representatives; more bottom-up than top-down Externally: local and national government, civil society, Universities, representatives of regional organizations (e.g., IUCN) and of international cooperation respect both the topics and location of MAP interventions (demand and relevance); both bottom-up and top-down
  • 29. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system • The integration of pre-existing regional projects and other R+D mechanisms was a major challenge when developing MAP’s M&E system • MAP indicators and targets, and procedures for defining these, have evolved continuously during the first two years of the programme • Final version based on XX products (outputs), YY capitals, direct (programme objective) and indirect (development objective) ZZ impact as well as UU performance indicators : the poverty alleviation focus, through MAP’s Sustainable Land Management focus, goes far beyond financial capital
  • 30. Sustainable Land Management (SLM); AFS, Social and ecological resilience (CC); Environmental Services NATURAL CAPITAL Diversification and L development of value chains i FINANCIAL CAPITAL v e l Improvement of productive i infrastructure and equipment h for families BUILT CAPITAL o Strengthening of grass roots o organizations d SOCIAL AND POLITICAL s CAPITAL Wisdom and dialogue HUMAN AND CULTURAL CAPITAL Capacity development and reinforcement HUMAN CAPITAL
  • 31. Final proposal for MAP’s Logical Framework Development objective Indicators (indirect impact indicators developed for each dimension) Programme objective Indicators (direct impact indicators developed for each dimension) Result / component / Result / component / Result / component / Result / component / Result / component / dimension 1 dimension 2 dimension 3 dimension 4 dimension 5 (farm/ family) (local) (national) (regional) (CATIE) Products R1 Products R2 Products R3 Products R4 Products R5 Capitals: human, natural, Capitals: human, natural, Capitals: human, natural, Capitals: human, natural, Capitals: human, natural, financial, social, political and financial, social, political financial, social, political financial, social, political financial, social, political and physical physical Performance Impact Performance Impact Performance Impact Performance Impact Performance Impact indicator indicators(dir indicator indicators(dir indicator indicators(dir indicator indicators(dir indicator indicators(dir ect / indirect) ect / indirect) ect / indirect) ect / indirect) ect / indirect)
  • 32. Definitions of the limits of a MAP Key Territory • The geographical extent of a key territory can not be fixed with precision as it can for a watershed; it has to be flexible according to the needs of the different R+D lines (themes). For example, the limits are different for a municipality, interested in a town’s water supply, to those considered by a coffee cooperative interested in capturing coffee production in the same zone. • A landscape is a social construction whose geographical expression is related with the interests of the human population located in and interdependent with that territory.