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Prepared by
Professor Mark Grabowski
Think about it:
• At its heart, journalism is storytelling. So,
  when you think about it, journalism has
  been occurring as long as humans have
  been communicating and sharing stories.

• But, anyone who’s ever played the
  “telephone game” or “gossip game” knows
  about the problems with oral story telling…
…it’s not very accurate
Then: letters and ballads

   People realized it was a good idea to write down
   stories to ensure their legacy and accuracy.
Speaking of Ancient Rome
• The Acta Diurna ("Daily Events") was the first news
  type of publication. The daily gazette dated from 59
  BC and was attributed in origin to Julius Caesar.
  Handwritten copies were posted in prominent places
  in Rome and in the provinces with the clear intention
  of feeding the populace official information.
  Additionally, the typical Acta Diurna contained news
  of gladiatorial contests, astrological omens, notable
  marriages, births and deaths, public appointments,
  and trials and executions. Such
  reading matter presaged the future
  popularity of such newspaper fillers
     as horoscopes, the obituary column
         and the sports pages.
1450-ish A.D.: Gutenberg Press
“Mass media” born…
The opportunity for wider dissemination
of news came with the invention of
printing by Gutenberg in the 1450s.
Soon after the development of printing,
sheets carrying news (broadsides and
pamphlets) made their appearance,
along with books, in particular the
The Bible

 pamphlets, broadsides and books
But, the first newspapers (in the sense of a
  recurring publication) did not appear in
  Europe until almost the 17th century:

• Mercurius Gallobelgicus (Cologne, 1592) was the
  world's first periodical, issued (in Latin) semiannually
  and distributed at book fairs.

• The Oxford Gazette (1665) was the first regularly
  published newspaper, begun while the English court
  was at Oxford to avoid the plague in London. When
  the court returned to London, the Gazette came with
1690: America’s first newspaper
                • First American
                  newspaper, Publick
                  Occurrences, Both
                  Foreign and Domestick,
                  is published in Boston.

                • Reported on sex scandal
                  involving King of France.

                • Shut down after just one
                  issue – no license.
Before the printing press
  came to this continent…
                              Early settlers traveled far to
                              come to the British colonies

                              Mail was the only way that
                              settlers heard about about
                              current events back home

                              Sailing ships sometimes
                              brought letters from home,
The “town crier” would tell
                              but a voyage might take 6
people of local happenings    months to a year!
Characteristics of early papers
                                     Offered a mix: Papers
Not timely: Making papers was        contained business
slow and laborious process. By the   announcements, news from
time printers printed news, it was   Europe, gossip, stories copied
months old                           from other newspapers

Short: Paper was costly --           No distinction was made
newspapers had only 3 pages and      between facts, opinions,
a blank back page for the owner to   criticism, hearsay
write in fresh news or gossip
                                     Censored: Printers were only
                                     allowed to publish newspapers
                                     if they were licensed by the
                                     British government
Speaking out was dangerous
           • 16-year-old Ben Franklin
             worked for brother James at
             the New England Courant in

           • In 1722, James was jailed
             for mocking local officials in
             his paper, and young Ben
             had to take over

           • James criticized religious
             leaders in later years and
             was banned from publishing
Press freedom was always under attack
              In 1735 the New York Weekly
              Journal called the governor of
              New York a monkey

              John Peter Zenger was charged
              with “seditious libel” and
              stood trial - he was found

              This set the precedent that
              newspapers should be able to
              criticize the government without
              fear of punishment
Slowly, but surely colonial media grows
• 1704: Boston News-Letter, subsidized by British
  government and not very good or timely. First
  continuously published newspaper

• 1719: Papers appear outside of New England.

• 1721: New England Courant seen as first “real
  newspaper” because it’s first independent
  American paper and has quality writing. Ben
  Franklin’s brother is publisher, and partisan (anti-

• 1750: 14 weekly papers in 6 largest colonies.
Newspapers booming
by eve of the American Revolution

 Most of the larger communities
 were served by at least one
 newspaper; a total of 89 papers in
 35 different communities were
 published during the 1770s.
Hartford Courant
• Founded in 1764, thereby
  claiming the title "America's
  oldest continuously
  published newspaper" and
  adopting as its slogan,
  "Older than the nation.”
• Today, it’s the largest daily
  newspaper in Connecticut
  with a circulation of about
  160,000 daily and 230,000
  on Sundays.
Early newspapers helped to
promote the Revolutionary War
              The leaders of the revolt used
              the press to drum up public
              support for their cause

              In 1776 Tom Paine wrote
              Common Sense to explain the
              idea of revolution in words that
              uneducated people could

              It sold 120,000 copies and was
              reprinted in newspapers
Why newspapers favored
        the Revolution
• Most papers at the time of the American
  Revolution were anti-royalist, chiefly because of
  opposition to the Stamp Act taxing newsprint.
  Although the act technically was on a commodity,
  it was widely (and correctly) seen as an indirect
  way of regulating the press, since newspapers
  were required to use only paper that had received
  a stamp indicating the tax had been paid;
  newspapers could be suppressed by denying the
  stamp or refusing to sell approved paper to the
  offending publisher.
After independence, the
“mercantile” newspaper emerged
               Business owners needed news
               about ships sailing to and from

                Printers hired little boats to sail out
               into the harbor to meet the big
               ships coming in

               This way, they learned the news of
               cargoes and prices first, and beat
               the competition
So did the “partisan”
•Early U.S. leaders fought bitterly
over how the new government
should be run

•Partisan newspapers backed
different opposing views and
attacked each other fiercely

•They mixed news and opinions
And then came the steam engine…
  The new technology of the steam-powered
  cylinder press made it possible to print 4,000
  copies of a newspaper in an hour

• It reduced the price
  of a newspaper to 1

• The “Penny Press”
  was born - the first
  truly mass media
1835: The birth of the “modern newspaper”
                    • Free of government or party
                    • Simple wording
                    • First organized in a modern
                      pattern, with city staff
                      covering regular beats and
                      spot news.
                    • First D.C. and foreign
                    • “Penny paper” but profitable.
                    • Topped 40,000 circulation
                      within 15 months.
                    • Spin-off: International Herald
                      Tribune – still published now.
• James Gordon Bennett’s New York Herald in
1835 used “news enterprise”. He sent reporters
by pony express, boat or train to go out and find
news and “scoop” the competition
New York Tribune (1841)
• Edited by Horace Greeley, it was the first paper with a national
  influence; by the eve of the Civil War, the Tribune was shipping
  thousands of copies daily to other large cities - 6,000 to Chicago
  alone. Other Eastern newspapers published weekly editions for
  shipment to other cities, thereby developing an editorial influence
  beyond the local market. Greeley was a liberal reformer who
  organized a top news staff (Karl Marx was briefly his London
  correspondent) and mounted frequent crusades for his pet ideas
  (unionism, abstinence, abolition of capital punishment and
  polygamy, westward expansion). To wit, Greeley created the first
  editorial page to interpret events of the day and influence public
  opinion. In 1886, the Tribune took the lead in technology
  development by becoming the first newspaper to use Ottmar
  Mergenthaler's linotype machine, rapidly increasing the speed and
  accuracy with which type could be set.
Other voices wanted to be heard
                         In the early U.S., many groups did
                         not have full citizens’ rights

                         Native Americans were driven out

                         African Americans were enslaved
                         and forbidden to read or write

                         Women of all races were not
                         educated and could not vote
Frederick Douglass’s
North Star informed
                         Asian Americans were exploited
readers of the horrors   and abused
of slavery in 1847
The “dissident press” reported
       on these communities
•Freedom’s Journal, 1827, was first
to focus on African Americans (John
Russwurm and Samuel Cornish)

•The Revolution, 1868, promoted
women’s right to vote (Elizabeth
Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony)

•Ethnic newspapers were written in
immigrants’ native languages
1848: The Associated Press
created modern “news style”
•Wire services were born     Horace Greeley
out of the ruthless
competition of Penny
Press newspapers in New
York City

•Instead of competing, six
newspapers began to
cooperate with each other
and formed a “news
syndicate” to cover Europe       James Gordon Bennett
Change was sweeping the U.S.
              By the mid-19th
              century (1800s),
              advances in
              technology led to
              intense national

              These forces also
              led to the expansion
              of the modern news
The steam engine brought speed
•This led to the development of fast steamships and
the birth of the railroads

•Allowed information and goods to be carried faster
and cheaper across long distances
Mass production created markets
•Factories were built and mass production of
consumer items began

•Industrialization also created huge audiences
for news and advertising
Daily newspapers are
      not just a big city thing
• By late in the 1800s, even relatively small
  cities like Aberdeen, Texas, had a daily
  newspaper (the Aberdeen Daily News,
  forerunner to today's American News)
  and several weeklies, including the
  Saturday Pioneer, remembered today
  because of its publisher, L. Frank Baum,
  who was later to write The Wizard of Oz.
Urban growth meant social change
•Waves of immigrants came from
Europe and Asia

•They wanted to learn English to
improve their earning power

•Newspapers enabled people to
learn to read and informed them
about their new surroundings
Telegraph increased communication
                       Invented around 1844

                       Newspapers used it to
                       send news long distances

                       No government regulation
 Users had to pay by
 the word, so they
 wrote very briefly    Shady telegraph operators
                       would take news gathered
                       by one newspaper and sell
                       it to others on the sly
As the 19th century progressed…

 the Civil War influenced the ways news was
 gathered and disseminated
“The Civil War influenced newspapers more than any other
event of the century.” Wally Hastings, journalism historian

        Journalistic changes
      brought by the Civil War:
             •   Inverted pyramid
             •   Objectivity
             •   Photojournalism
             •   Press credentials
War correspondents

For the first time, journalists
actually went onto battlefields to
write at-the-scene reports
“Inverted Pyramid” writing style
•Civil War journalists sent reports by
telegraph, so the news was lost when
wires broke or were cut

•They began sending the most
important information first, followed
by lesser details

•Writers wrote concisely, with very
short sentences and paragraphs
 News syndicates sold
 information about the war to
 newspapers in both the
 North and the South

 Their reporters just collected
 facts - who, what, where,
 when, why and how - and
 presented them without
 taking a position
•Photographer Mathew Brady
convinced President Lincoln to
let him document the Civil War in

•These photos ran in popular
magazines because photos
couldn’t be reproduced in
                                    Brady was one of the
newspapers yet                      first to capture the
                                    Civil War on film
Press credentials
       Then as now,
       sometimes spies posed
       as reporters
       Members of the press
       had to be certified by
       the government and
       had to have a press
       pass to be on the
  of the
            WHERE IN THE WORLD IS…
            Dr. David Livingstone, medical
            missionary and explorer.
“Yellow Journalism”
• By the end of 19th century, newspapers were the
  nation’s main source of information

• As huge newspaper empires grew, so did
  competition and circulation wars

• “Yellow journalism” used sensationalism as a way
  to increase readership: loud headlines on sin, sex,
  rumors, even fake stories.
It began when one publisher . . .
 •Joseph Pulitzer owned the St.
 Louis Post Dispatch, and took
 over the New York World in

 •He was a crusader for hard
 news, but liked to present it
 with sensationalism
                                  Joseph Pulitzer
 •At first, he demanded           Founder of Pulitzer Prizes
                                  and Columbia University
 accuracy from his reporters      School of Journalism
. . . challenged another. . .
                          William Randolph Hearst,
                          owner of the San Francisco
                          Examiner, bought New York
                          Journal in 1895
                          He loved politics and hoped
                          to run for president
William Randolph Hearst   Taking on Pulitzer as a rival,
                          his paper emphasized crime,
                          sex, scandals, and violence
The battle raged over comic strips
            Pulitzer was the first publisher
            to run comic strips in his paper

            He and Hearst fought over the
            “Hogan’s Alley” comic strip,
            printed in yellow ink, by James

            The term “yellow journalism”
            came to mean any sensational,
            inaccurate reporting
It continued over “stunt journalism”
•Both publishers used publicity
stunts to build readership:

•Pulitzer sent “Nellie Bly” up in
a hot-air balloon

•She also pretended to be out
of her mind in order to             Elizabeth Jane Cochrane,
investigate conditions in           a k a “Nellie Bly”
insane asylums
. . . And may have even caused a war
             Hearst offered the public
             rewards for news tips

             He waged campaigns to solve
             crimes the police couldn’t

             By exaggerating news about
             events in Cuba, Hearst and
             Pulitzer may have caused the
             Spanish-American War in 1898
Hearst, a.k.a. “Citizen Kane”

20th Century: Newspaper empires
 prospered through advertising
           Urban department stores
           and the auto industry began
           to spend millions of dollars
           on advertising

           Newspaper publishing
           made owners wealthy
           New papers sprang up
           around the country
The “golden age” of journalism
               • Muckraking:
                 Investigative, socially
                 conscious reporting
                 takes off

               • Upton Sinclair’s The
                 Jungle leads to new,
                 much more stringent
                 food and drug laws
“The muckrakers”
                             Industrialization led to slums
                             and terrible conditions for the
                             Journalists exposed these
                             problems and helped start
                             sweeping reforms:
Photojournalist Jacob
Riis captured slum life in   • better working conditions
his photographs
                             • sanitation
                             • laws to protect people
                             • honest government
                             • regulation of big business
…shadow or alternative press
Journalists had impact
•Chicago Defender was the first
black newspaper to have a
circulation over 100,000

•Robert Sengstacke Abbott
supported the rights of African
Americans in the South and urged
them to move to Chicago
                                   R.S. Abbott, publisher
                                   of the Chicago
•His paper caused the “Great       Defender
Migration” northward
The public wanted professionalism
 • Newspapers remained the dominant medium for

 • Outcry against “yellow journalism” led to demand for
   greater truthfulness and accountability

 • Some journalists saw their work as a profession with
   a responsibility to the public

 • Some newspapers adopted codes of ethics and
   standards of fairness and accuracy
The face of professionalism
•Adolph Ochs bought the New
York Times in 1896

•He turned it from a small
bankrupt newspaper into a
national giant and established
the principle of balanced
reportage with high-level writing

•He printed full texts of important   He adopted the motto: “All
speeches and called the Times         the news that’s fit to print”
the “paper of record”
The journalist as expert

       Walter Lippman became
       the best-known columnist
       of the century and a model
       of the professional, well-
       educated, expert journalist

       He advised presidents and
       was a very influential
       figure of his time
On the other hand…

•In the 1920s, women got the
vote, cut their hair, and took
off their corsets

•Prohibition was under way

•The “Jazz Age” began, a time
of social upheaval, with
speak-easys, bathtub gin,
flappers, bootleggers
“Jazz journalism” captured the mood
              The “jazz journalism” of
              the 1920s sought to
              reach the lowest classes
              of citizens
              It featured news of
              gangsters, bootleggers,
              grisly murders and other
              crimes, sex, and celebrity
Tabloids began to proliferate
            The New York Daily
            News was an early
            tabloid with short,
            sensational stories and
            huge photos

            Just like in the tabloids of
            today, many so-called
            “news” stories were fake
            or grossly exaggerated
New media forms begin to emerge

              The first commercial
              movies began in
              1895 and became
              popular in early
Also: Birth of broadcast news
• 1901: first wireless signal sent across
  ocean by Gugliemo Marconi
• 1912: first radio broadcast
• 1920: first radio station – KDKA in
• 1926-27: national radio networks – NBC
  and CBS
• 1930: FDR’s fireside chats
Meanwhile, in Newspaperland…
• The Great Depression

• Newspapers go out of business

• Consolidation

• Rise of Newspaper “Chains”

• Emergence of one-newspaper towns
Decline of newspapers
• Chicago had 8 papers in 1904, two today

• Cleveland had 3 papers in 1950s, one

• Philadelphia had 13 dailies in 1895, 8 in
  1913, 2 now (and both recently filed for
1939: first TV broadcasts made
               • But WW II delays

               • Powerful
                 networks don’t
                 emerge until
… the first network news “star”
                      Edward R. Murrow started
                      out as a radio journalist

                      On TV, he challenged
                      Senator Joe McCarthy’s
                      red-baiting witch hunts

 Murrow reported      He set the standard for
 the “Battle of
 Britain” live from   later news anchors like
 the scene
                      Walter Cronkite
Newspapers continue declining
•   Tighter writing
•   Better formatting
•   Improved design
•   In-depth reporting
Investigative journalism
                     The Pentagon Papers
                     proved that the U.S.
                     government had lied to the
                     public about the Vietnam

                     In 1972, two young
                     Washington Post reporters
                     broke the Watergate story
Carl Bernstein and   that led to the resignation of
Bob Woodward         President Richard Nixon
Print news in the broadcast age
           To attract a generation that
           grew up with TV:
           In 1983 USA Today began
           publication, using very short
           news stories and lots of color
           Soon, daily newspapers
           were all using color, photos,
           and graphics to grab the
The birth of the 24-hour news cycle

                                   In the first Gulf War,
                                   CNN realized that
                                   audiences would be
                                   eager to watch certain
                                   kinds of news reports
                                   any time, day or night

                                   Paper newspapers
The O.J. Simpson trial created a
                                   couldn’t compete
market for news 24 hours a day     (though online
                                   newspapers did later)
•   1995: Craigslist, a website for
                                                  online advertisements, is

                                              •   1996: Birth of

                                              •   1997: Dallas Morning News
                                                  breaks story on its Web site
                                                  that suspect Timothy McVeigh
                                                  had confessed to the
                                                  Oklahoma City bombing.

                                              •   1998: Drudge Report is first
                                                  news source to break the
The Internet was opened to commercial users       Monica Lewinsky scandal to
in 1988, but remained a novelty for the 90s       the public.
2000: Google introduces AdWords. By 2008, revenues
top $21 billion.

2001: Birth of Wikipedia – and “citizen journalism”.
Nowadays, bloggers sometimes break news before
mainstream media. And Twitter is used to spread news.

2004: Popular social media websites, including Digg and
Facebook, born.

2008: Presidential election reported interactively in real
time. Poll finds that most people get news from Internet.

2009: Christian Science Monitor becomes first national
publication to cease paper edition (after 100 years) and
publish only online.
• In 2008 – for the first time ever – the
  Internet became the primary source of
• 48 percent said they got their news from
  the Internet – more than the traditional
  media (newspapers, TV and radio),
  according to a poll by Zogby.
• By 2009, 56 percent were getting news
2012: The rise of mobile media
• The age of mobile, in which people are
  connected to the web wherever they are,
  has arrived in earnest. More than four in
  ten American adults now own a
  smartphone. One in five owns a tablet.
  New cars are manufactured with internet
  built in. With more mobility comes deeper
  immersion into social networking.
 in the old
2011 was especially unkind to newspapers
  “Newsroom staffing now is at the lowest level since the
   ASNE inaugurated its newsroom census in 1978.”
                                           – Alan Mutter, UC-Berkeley journalism professor

               Some notable staff cuts in 2011:

• June: 700 laid off from            •   November: 543 to be laid off
  Gannett’s newspaper division           in Michigan as Booth
                                         Newspapers shifts to digital;
                                         Bay Area News Group cuts 34
• September: Report: Dallas
                                         newsroom positions
  Morning News laid off 38
  employees on Tuesday
                                     •   December: Media General
                                         lays off 16 percent at Tampa
• October: New York Times
                                         Tribune and community
  offers buyouts for third time in       newspapers
  four years
Less money, more problems

• Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe
  traditional journalism is out of touch and are
  dissatisfied with the quality of coverage in their
  communities, a 2008 poll found.
…the survey also found:
• While most Americans (70
  percent) think journalism is
  important to the quality of life in
  their communities, two thirds (64
  percent) are dissatisfied with the
  quality of journalism in their
On a
Current problems in accuracy
•Journalists have been shown
to be untruthful

•There are many examples of
reporters making up quotes
and stretching the truth:

•Jayson Blair of the New York
Times (top); TV anchor Dan
Rather (middle); magazine
journalist Stephen Glass,
More credibility problems
Today’s technology lets audiences “see” things
that didn’t really happen…

Impressive views of
Hurricane Sandy that were
shared by millions online,
but they’re fake
   Various major daily newspapers last year
   published a photograph of four Iranian
   missiles streaking heavenward; then
   Little Green Footballs (significantly, a
   blog and not a daily newspaper) provided
   evidence that the photograph had been

• an L.A. Times photojournalist manipulated
  this photo – then got fired.

•   On July 19, 2010, Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign from her U.S.
    Dept. of Agriculture job after blogger Andrew Breitbart posted deceptively
    edited video excerpts of Sherrod's address at an event to his website --
    which was amplified by Fox News and other right-wing media. However,
    upon review of the full unedited video in context, White House officials and
    others realized the comments were taken out of context and apologized.
    Sherrod was also offered a new position.
Current problems in objectivity
                          Like the old partisan
                          newspapers of colonial
                          days, some journalists
                          are known for taking
                          hard-line positions on
                          Many audiences can’t
Fox News, a cable news
network, gets almost as
                          tell the difference
many viewers as major     between fact and
network newscasts – and
thrice as many as CNN     opinion
Current problems in relevance
• Celebrity news crowds out
coverage of important issues

• With 24-hour coverage of
unimportant trivia (what will
Kanye & Kim name their

• . . . total consumption of
serious news is down (print,
broadcast, and online)
Young audiences are elusive
                   18- to 34-year-olds are not
                   reading newspapers as often
                   older generations did
                   They are also not watching TV
                   news as often
                   Some say they get their news
                   from non-news TV shows
Is America’s
“most trusted
journalist” even
                   They will read news online, but
a journalist?      don’t want to pay for it
Revenues are way
                 down for most media
• In 2011, newspapers’ advertising revenue declined for a
  sixth consecutive year. In 2011, losses in print
  advertising dollars outpaced gains in digital revenue by a
  factor of roughly 10 to 1, a ratio even worse than in
  2010. When circulation and advertising revenue are
  combined, the newspaper industry has shrunk 43%
  since 2000.

• Network TV ad revenue decreased about 5 percent in
  2011 from the year before. Local television ad revenue fell
  about 7 percent. Meanwhile, magazine ad revenues were flat
  while radio increased by about 1 percent.
Is this sustainable?
• Consider that newspapers, for example,
  get 90 percent of their revenues from

• Declining revenues means more staff
  cuts, eliminating costly coverage, less
  pages in the paper, less editions, etc.
No luck with online ads
• There’s growing evidence that
  conventional advertising online will never
  sustain the news industry.

• A 2009 survey on online economics finds
  that 79% of online news consumers say
  they rarely if ever have clicked on an
  online ad.
Traditional media have
become followers, not leaders
• In 2011, five technology companies
  accounted for 68% of all online ad
  revenue, and that list does not include
  Amazon and Apple, which get most of
  their dollars from transactions, downloads
  and devices. By 2015, Facebook is
  expected to account for one out of every
  five digital display ads sold.
New York Times publisher
Arthur Sulzberger Jr.
admitted that "we will stop
printing the New York
Times sometime in the
future," but, he
   said, that date
  is "TBD."
• Uncertain economy. As Wall Street goes,
so goes ad revenues for media. Have we hit
rock bottom yet?

• “Paywalls”: WSJ, NY Times and 1/10 of
U.S. daily newspapers now charge to view
online content.

• Shift from business to non-profit model?

• Tech giants acquiring major legacy news    Some predict
brands?                                      newspapers will
                                             cease to exist –
                                             at least in their
• More convergence…                          print form.
“Old media”   •The news cycle is now 24
              hours for all media
“new media”   •Most daily newspapers and
              TV networks now have online
              sites that combine text,
              graphics, video and audio,
              user interactivity

              •Online information is posted
              and updated continuously

              •Journalists write stories,
              shoot video, blog and “tweet”
Some $uccess
• The New York Times and L.A. Times
  make enough online to support their
  news operations
Business Insider on the NYT
“We estimate that the NYT currently
spends about $200 million a year on its
newsroom and generates about $150
million of online revenue. If the paywall is
highly successful–attracting, say, 1
million subscribers who pay $100 a year–
this will add another $100 million of online
subscription revenue … So the New York
Times isn't going anywhere.” (Sept. 8,
Tech giants partner w/ old media
 • As a part of YouTube’s plans to become a
   producer of original television content it is
   funding Reuters to produce original news
 • Yahoo recently signed a content
   partnership with ABC News for the
   network to be its near sole provider of
   news video.
New media & old media partner
• AOL, after seeing less than stellar success
  with its attempts to produce its own
  original content, purchased The Huffington
• With the launch of its Social Reader,
  Facebook has created partnerships with
  The Washington Post, The Wall Street
  Journal, The Guardian and others.
New & old media team up
• In March 2012 Facebook co-founder Chris
  Hughes purchased the 98-year-old New
  Republic magazine.
The concept of members of the
  Citizen    public "playing an active role in the
             process of collecting, reporting,
journalism   analyzing and disseminating news
             and information.”
Citizen journalism
• Example: Wikipedia
• Benefits: Anyone can do it, it’s free, more
  voices heard – press is no longer a device
  of the elite and wealthy
• Criticisms: Because the journalists are
  untrained amateurs, they often make
  mistakes, aren’t objective and may
  overlook important info
Citizen journalism teams
 with traditional journalism…
In summer 2006, at The News-Press in Fort
Myers, Florida, readers from the nearby
community of Cape Coral began calling the
paper, complaining about the high prices --
as much as $28,000 in some cases -- being
charged to connect newly constructed homes
to water and sewer lines. So, the newspaper
asked public to look into it, rather than assign
investigative reporters to look into it…
Citizen journalism teams
 with traditional journalism…
The result was that readers spontaneously
organized their own investigations: Retired
engineers analyzed blueprints, accountants
pored over balance sheets, and an inside
whistle-blower leaked documents showing
evidence of bid-rigging. In the end, the city cut
the utility fees by more than 30 percent, one
official resigned, and the fees became the driving
issue in the upcoming city council election. It was
a win-win for citizen and traditional journalists.
Setting the news agenda

“No longer is the media world one of a
publishers-top editor-section editor-
subeditor-journalist hierarchy. Today,
audiences are in charge and they want
direct access to, and interaction with,
     -- Dave Morgan, founder and
        chairman of SimulMedia
Also of note: local news
• Media outlets that focus on hyperlocal
  news seem to be fairing well.
• Many community publications (i.e. small,
  weekly newspapers) are growing, in fact.
• A recent National Newspaper Association
  poll shows that in 2008, 86 percent of
  adults read a local community newspaper
  each week, compared with 83 percent in
  2007 and 81 percent in 2005.
Hyperlocal news
• Consider, for example, that Garden City,
  N.Y., a town of only about 22,000 people,
  has three of its own media outlets: Garden
  City News, Garden City Life and Garden
  City Patch.

• AOL believes local news has so much
  potential growth that it is investing $50
  million in 2010 to develop 500 local news
  websites. Visit
The fact about “old media” remains…
           •100 million Americans still read a
           newspaper on an average weekday, and 150
           million do on Sundays. Although print
           distribution has dropped, online readership is
           way up, so many newspapers are reaching
           larger audiences than ever before.

           • With 41,500 journalists still on the job,
           newspapers remain the single largest source
           of news reporting in the country.

           • Most news and original reporting originates
           from traditional media: newspapers (61%),
           TV and radio, according to a 2010 study from
           Pew Research Center.
Problem is…
• Online sources steal news from traditional
  media and audiences don’t want to pay for
  it. Only about a third of Americans (35%)
  have a news destination online they would
  call a “favorite,” and even among these
  users only 19% said they would continue
  to visit if that site put up a pay wall.
• An April 2009 poll
  asked members of
  the national news
  media about the
  effect the Internet
  has had on
  journalism. Nearly
  two-thirds say the
  Internet is hurting
  journalism more
  than it is helping.
• One journalist surveyed said: "The Internet has
  some plusses: It has widened the circle of those
  participating in the national debate. But it has
  mortally wounded the financial structure of the news
  business so that the cost of doing challenging,
  independent reporting has become all but prohibitive
  all over the world. It has blurred the line between
  opinion and fact and created a dynamic in which
  extreme thought flourishes while balanced judgment
  is imperiled."
What changes
to journalism
will this decade
Is the worst over?
• Clay Shirky of New York University has
  suggested that the loss of news people is
  a predictable and perhaps temporary gap
  in the process of creative destruction. “The
  old stuff gets broken faster than the new
  stuff is put in its place,” he has written.
Is this the start of a new era?
• Michael Schudson, the sociologist of
  journalism at Columbia University, sees
  the promise of “a better array of public
  informational resources emerging. ” This
  new ecosystem will include different
  “styles” of journalism, a mix of professional
  and amateur approaches and different
  economic models — commercial,
  nonprofit, public and “university-fueled.”
Change for the better?
• As Schudson notes, the news industry
  became more professional, skeptical and
  ethical beginning in the 1960s. Many
  journalists think that sense of public good
  has been overtaken by a focus on
  efficiency and profit since the 1990s. In
  the collapse of those ownership
  structures, there is some rebirth of
  community connection and public motive
  in news.
…it’s anyone’s
• Journalism history shows us that some
  things change: the way we deliver news.

• But some things never change: gossip is
  news, press questions authority, battle
  between press and government.

• And, most importantly, journalism is alive
  and well. Newspapers may die, but
  journalism will survive in other forms.
•   Attitude is everything.
•   Get experience now.
•   Learn multimedia skills.
•   Weight costs of J-school.
•   Be flexible.
•   Don’t fear the future.
•   Visit
• History of Journalism lecture notes by Dr. Wally Hastings,
  Northern State University, South Dakota
• Several powerpoint slides from Dr. Eleanor Novek, Monmouth
  University, New Jersey
• “State of the Media 2009 and 2010,” Pew Center
• Inside Reporting, Tim Harrower (McGraw-Hill, 2007)
• “Stopping the Presses for Good” video from CBS, April 2,
• Shirley Sherrod news video from CBS
• Citizen Kane movie clip
• “Newspapers,” Encyclopedia Britannica
• Scripps Howard News Service’s “Future of News” project

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Journalism History

  • 2. Think about it: • At its heart, journalism is storytelling. So, when you think about it, journalism has been occurring as long as humans have been communicating and sharing stories. • But, anyone who’s ever played the “telephone game” or “gossip game” knows about the problems with oral story telling…
  • 4. Then: letters and ballads People realized it was a good idea to write down stories to ensure their legacy and accuracy.
  • 5. Speaking of Ancient Rome • The Acta Diurna ("Daily Events") was the first news type of publication. The daily gazette dated from 59 BC and was attributed in origin to Julius Caesar. Handwritten copies were posted in prominent places in Rome and in the provinces with the clear intention of feeding the populace official information. Additionally, the typical Acta Diurna contained news of gladiatorial contests, astrological omens, notable marriages, births and deaths, public appointments, and trials and executions. Such reading matter presaged the future popularity of such newspaper fillers as horoscopes, the obituary column and the sports pages.
  • 7. “Mass media” born… The opportunity for wider dissemination of news came with the invention of printing by Gutenberg in the 1450s. Soon after the development of printing, sheets carrying news (broadsides and pamphlets) made their appearance, along with books, in particular the Bible…
  • 8. The Bible pamphlets, broadsides and books
  • 9. But, the first newspapers (in the sense of a recurring publication) did not appear in Europe until almost the 17th century: • Mercurius Gallobelgicus (Cologne, 1592) was the world's first periodical, issued (in Latin) semiannually and distributed at book fairs. • The Oxford Gazette (1665) was the first regularly published newspaper, begun while the English court was at Oxford to avoid the plague in London. When the court returned to London, the Gazette came with it.
  • 10.
  • 11. 1690: America’s first newspaper • First American newspaper, Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestick, is published in Boston. • Reported on sex scandal involving King of France. • Shut down after just one issue – no license.
  • 12. Before the printing press came to this continent… Early settlers traveled far to come to the British colonies Mail was the only way that settlers heard about about current events back home Sailing ships sometimes brought letters from home, The “town crier” would tell but a voyage might take 6 people of local happenings months to a year!
  • 13. Characteristics of early papers Offered a mix: Papers Not timely: Making papers was contained business slow and laborious process. By the announcements, news from time printers printed news, it was Europe, gossip, stories copied months old from other newspapers Short: Paper was costly -- No distinction was made newspapers had only 3 pages and between facts, opinions, a blank back page for the owner to criticism, hearsay write in fresh news or gossip Censored: Printers were only allowed to publish newspapers if they were licensed by the British government
  • 14. Speaking out was dangerous • 16-year-old Ben Franklin worked for brother James at the New England Courant in Boston • In 1722, James was jailed for mocking local officials in his paper, and young Ben had to take over • James criticized religious leaders in later years and was banned from publishing
  • 15. Press freedom was always under attack In 1735 the New York Weekly Journal called the governor of New York a monkey John Peter Zenger was charged with “seditious libel” and stood trial - he was found innocent This set the precedent that newspapers should be able to criticize the government without fear of punishment
  • 16. Slowly, but surely colonial media grows • 1704: Boston News-Letter, subsidized by British government and not very good or timely. First continuously published newspaper • 1719: Papers appear outside of New England. • 1721: New England Courant seen as first “real newspaper” because it’s first independent American paper and has quality writing. Ben Franklin’s brother is publisher, and partisan (anti- royalist). • 1750: 14 weekly papers in 6 largest colonies.
  • 17. Newspapers booming by eve of the American Revolution _________________________________ Most of the larger communities were served by at least one newspaper; a total of 89 papers in 35 different communities were published during the 1770s.
  • 18. Hartford Courant • Founded in 1764, thereby claiming the title "America's oldest continuously published newspaper" and adopting as its slogan, "Older than the nation.” • Today, it’s the largest daily newspaper in Connecticut with a circulation of about 160,000 daily and 230,000 on Sundays.
  • 19. Early newspapers helped to promote the Revolutionary War The leaders of the revolt used the press to drum up public support for their cause In 1776 Tom Paine wrote Common Sense to explain the idea of revolution in words that uneducated people could understand It sold 120,000 copies and was reprinted in newspapers
  • 20. Why newspapers favored the Revolution • Most papers at the time of the American Revolution were anti-royalist, chiefly because of opposition to the Stamp Act taxing newsprint. Although the act technically was on a commodity, it was widely (and correctly) seen as an indirect way of regulating the press, since newspapers were required to use only paper that had received a stamp indicating the tax had been paid; newspapers could be suppressed by denying the stamp or refusing to sell approved paper to the offending publisher.
  • 21. After independence, the “mercantile” newspaper emerged Business owners needed news about ships sailing to and from Europe Printers hired little boats to sail out into the harbor to meet the big ships coming in This way, they learned the news of cargoes and prices first, and beat the competition
  • 22. So did the “partisan” newspaper •Early U.S. leaders fought bitterly over how the new government should be run •Partisan newspapers backed different opposing views and attacked each other fiercely •They mixed news and opinions indiscriminately
  • 23. And then came the steam engine… The new technology of the steam-powered cylinder press made it possible to print 4,000 copies of a newspaper in an hour • It reduced the price of a newspaper to 1 cent • The “Penny Press” was born - the first truly mass media
  • 24. 1835: The birth of the “modern newspaper” • Free of government or party control. • Simple wording • First organized in a modern pattern, with city staff covering regular beats and spot news. • First D.C. and foreign correspondents. • “Penny paper” but profitable. • Topped 40,000 circulation within 15 months. • Spin-off: International Herald Tribune – still published now.
  • 25. • James Gordon Bennett’s New York Herald in 1835 used “news enterprise”. He sent reporters by pony express, boat or train to go out and find news and “scoop” the competition
  • 26. New York Tribune (1841) • Edited by Horace Greeley, it was the first paper with a national influence; by the eve of the Civil War, the Tribune was shipping thousands of copies daily to other large cities - 6,000 to Chicago alone. Other Eastern newspapers published weekly editions for shipment to other cities, thereby developing an editorial influence beyond the local market. Greeley was a liberal reformer who organized a top news staff (Karl Marx was briefly his London correspondent) and mounted frequent crusades for his pet ideas (unionism, abstinence, abolition of capital punishment and polygamy, westward expansion). To wit, Greeley created the first editorial page to interpret events of the day and influence public opinion. In 1886, the Tribune took the lead in technology development by becoming the first newspaper to use Ottmar Mergenthaler's linotype machine, rapidly increasing the speed and accuracy with which type could be set.
  • 27. Other voices wanted to be heard In the early U.S., many groups did not have full citizens’ rights Native Americans were driven out African Americans were enslaved and forbidden to read or write Women of all races were not educated and could not vote Frederick Douglass’s North Star informed Asian Americans were exploited readers of the horrors and abused of slavery in 1847
  • 28. The “dissident press” reported on these communities •Freedom’s Journal, 1827, was first to focus on African Americans (John Russwurm and Samuel Cornish) •The Revolution, 1868, promoted women’s right to vote (Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony) •Ethnic newspapers were written in immigrants’ native languages
  • 29. 1848: The Associated Press created modern “news style” •Wire services were born Horace Greeley out of the ruthless competition of Penny Press newspapers in New York City •Instead of competing, six newspapers began to cooperate with each other and formed a “news syndicate” to cover Europe James Gordon Bennett
  • 30. Change was sweeping the U.S. By the mid-19th century (1800s), advances in technology led to intense national growth These forces also led to the expansion of the modern news industry
  • 31. The steam engine brought speed •This led to the development of fast steamships and the birth of the railroads •Allowed information and goods to be carried faster and cheaper across long distances
  • 32. Mass production created markets •Factories were built and mass production of consumer items began •Industrialization also created huge audiences for news and advertising
  • 33. Daily newspapers are not just a big city thing • By late in the 1800s, even relatively small cities like Aberdeen, Texas, had a daily newspaper (the Aberdeen Daily News, forerunner to today's American News) and several weeklies, including the Saturday Pioneer, remembered today because of its publisher, L. Frank Baum, who was later to write The Wizard of Oz.
  • 34. Urban growth meant social change •Waves of immigrants came from Europe and Asia •They wanted to learn English to improve their earning power •Newspapers enabled people to learn to read and informed them about their new surroundings
  • 35. Telegraph increased communication Invented around 1844 Newspapers used it to send news long distances No government regulation Users had to pay by the word, so they wrote very briefly Shady telegraph operators would take news gathered by one newspaper and sell it to others on the sly
  • 36. As the 19th century progressed… the Civil War influenced the ways news was gathered and disseminated
  • 37. “The Civil War influenced newspapers more than any other event of the century.” Wally Hastings, journalism historian Journalistic changes brought by the Civil War: • Inverted pyramid • Objectivity • Photojournalism • Press credentials
  • 38. War correspondents For the first time, journalists actually went onto battlefields to write at-the-scene reports
  • 39. “Inverted Pyramid” writing style •Civil War journalists sent reports by telegraph, so the news was lost when wires broke or were cut •They began sending the most important information first, followed by lesser details •Writers wrote concisely, with very short sentences and paragraphs
  • 40.
  • 41. Objectivity News syndicates sold information about the war to newspapers in both the North and the South Their reporters just collected facts - who, what, where, when, why and how - and presented them without taking a position
  • 42. Photojournalism •Photographer Mathew Brady convinced President Lincoln to let him document the Civil War in photographs •These photos ran in popular magazines because photos couldn’t be reproduced in Brady was one of the newspapers yet first to capture the Civil War on film
  • 43. Press credentials Then as now, sometimes spies posed as reporters Members of the press had to be certified by the government and had to have a press pass to be on the scene
  • 44. Post-War: The Making of the News WHERE IN THE WORLD IS… Dr. David Livingstone, medical missionary and explorer.
  • 45. “Yellow Journalism” • By the end of 19th century, newspapers were the nation’s main source of information • As huge newspaper empires grew, so did competition and circulation wars • “Yellow journalism” used sensationalism as a way to increase readership: loud headlines on sin, sex, rumors, even fake stories.
  • 46. It began when one publisher . . . •Joseph Pulitzer owned the St. Louis Post Dispatch, and took over the New York World in 1883 •He was a crusader for hard news, but liked to present it with sensationalism Joseph Pulitzer •At first, he demanded Founder of Pulitzer Prizes and Columbia University accuracy from his reporters School of Journalism
  • 47. . . . challenged another. . . William Randolph Hearst, owner of the San Francisco Examiner, bought New York Journal in 1895 He loved politics and hoped to run for president William Randolph Hearst Taking on Pulitzer as a rival, his paper emphasized crime, sex, scandals, and violence
  • 48. The battle raged over comic strips Pulitzer was the first publisher to run comic strips in his paper He and Hearst fought over the “Hogan’s Alley” comic strip, printed in yellow ink, by James Outcalt The term “yellow journalism” came to mean any sensational, inaccurate reporting
  • 49. It continued over “stunt journalism” •Both publishers used publicity stunts to build readership: •Pulitzer sent “Nellie Bly” up in a hot-air balloon •She also pretended to be out of her mind in order to Elizabeth Jane Cochrane, investigate conditions in a k a “Nellie Bly” insane asylums
  • 50. . . . And may have even caused a war Hearst offered the public rewards for news tips He waged campaigns to solve crimes the police couldn’t By exaggerating news about events in Cuba, Hearst and Pulitzer may have caused the Spanish-American War in 1898
  • 51. Hearst, a.k.a. “Citizen Kane” •
  • 52. 20th Century: Newspaper empires prospered through advertising Urban department stores and the auto industry began to spend millions of dollars on advertising Newspaper publishing made owners wealthy New papers sprang up around the country
  • 53. The “golden age” of journalism • Muckraking: Investigative, socially conscious reporting takes off • Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle leads to new, much more stringent food and drug laws
  • 54. “The muckrakers” Industrialization led to slums and terrible conditions for the poor Journalists exposed these problems and helped start sweeping reforms: Photojournalist Jacob Riis captured slum life in • better working conditions his photographs • sanitation • laws to protect people • honest government • regulation of big business
  • 56. Journalists had impact •Chicago Defender was the first black newspaper to have a circulation over 100,000 •Robert Sengstacke Abbott supported the rights of African Americans in the South and urged them to move to Chicago R.S. Abbott, publisher of the Chicago •His paper caused the “Great Defender Migration” northward
  • 57. The public wanted professionalism • Newspapers remained the dominant medium for information • Outcry against “yellow journalism” led to demand for greater truthfulness and accountability • Some journalists saw their work as a profession with a responsibility to the public • Some newspapers adopted codes of ethics and standards of fairness and accuracy
  • 58. The face of professionalism •Adolph Ochs bought the New York Times in 1896 •He turned it from a small bankrupt newspaper into a national giant and established the principle of balanced reportage with high-level writing •He printed full texts of important He adopted the motto: “All speeches and called the Times the news that’s fit to print” the “paper of record”
  • 59. The journalist as expert Walter Lippman became the best-known columnist of the century and a model of the professional, well- educated, expert journalist He advised presidents and was a very influential figure of his time
  • 60. On the other hand… •In the 1920s, women got the vote, cut their hair, and took off their corsets •Prohibition was under way •The “Jazz Age” began, a time of social upheaval, with speak-easys, bathtub gin, flappers, bootleggers
  • 61. “Jazz journalism” captured the mood The “jazz journalism” of the 1920s sought to reach the lowest classes of citizens It featured news of gangsters, bootleggers, grisly murders and other crimes, sex, and celebrity scandals
  • 62. Tabloids began to proliferate The New York Daily News was an early tabloid with short, sensational stories and huge photos Just like in the tabloids of today, many so-called “news” stories were fake or grossly exaggerated
  • 63. New media forms begin to emerge The first commercial movies began in 1895 and became popular in early 1900s
  • 64. Also: Birth of broadcast news • 1901: first wireless signal sent across ocean by Gugliemo Marconi • 1912: first radio broadcast • 1920: first radio station – KDKA in Pittsburgh • 1926-27: national radio networks – NBC and CBS • 1930: FDR’s fireside chats
  • 65. Meanwhile, in Newspaperland… • The Great Depression • Newspapers go out of business • Consolidation • Rise of Newspaper “Chains” • Emergence of one-newspaper towns
  • 66. Decline of newspapers • Chicago had 8 papers in 1904, two today • Cleveland had 3 papers in 1950s, one today • Philadelphia had 13 dailies in 1895, 8 in 1913, 2 now (and both recently filed for bankruptcy)
  • 67. 1939: first TV broadcasts made • But WW II delays progress. • Powerful networks don’t emerge until 1950s.
  • 68. … the first network news “star” Edward R. Murrow started out as a radio journalist On TV, he challenged Senator Joe McCarthy’s red-baiting witch hunts Murrow reported He set the standard for the “Battle of Britain” live from later news anchors like the scene Walter Cronkite
  • 69.
  • 70. Newspapers continue declining RESPONSE: • Tighter writing • Better formatting • Improved design • In-depth reporting
  • 71. Investigative journalism The Pentagon Papers proved that the U.S. government had lied to the public about the Vietnam War In 1972, two young Washington Post reporters broke the Watergate story Carl Bernstein and that led to the resignation of Bob Woodward President Richard Nixon
  • 72. Print news in the broadcast age To attract a generation that grew up with TV: In 1983 USA Today began publication, using very short news stories and lots of color Soon, daily newspapers were all using color, photos, and graphics to grab the audience
  • 73. The birth of the 24-hour news cycle In the first Gulf War, CNN realized that audiences would be eager to watch certain kinds of news reports any time, day or night Paper newspapers The O.J. Simpson trial created a couldn’t compete market for news 24 hours a day (though online newspapers did later)
  • 74.
  • 75. 1995: Craigslist, a website for online advertisements, is founded. • 1996: Birth of • 1997: Dallas Morning News breaks story on its Web site that suspect Timothy McVeigh had confessed to the Oklahoma City bombing. • 1998: Drudge Report is first news source to break the The Internet was opened to commercial users Monica Lewinsky scandal to in 1988, but remained a novelty for the 90s the public.
  • 76. 2000: Google introduces AdWords. By 2008, revenues top $21 billion. 2001: Birth of Wikipedia – and “citizen journalism”. Nowadays, bloggers sometimes break news before mainstream media. And Twitter is used to spread news. 2004: Popular social media websites, including Digg and Facebook, born. 2008: Presidential election reported interactively in real time. Poll finds that most people get news from Internet. 2009: Christian Science Monitor becomes first national publication to cease paper edition (after 100 years) and publish only online.
  • 77. • In 2008 – for the first time ever – the Internet became the primary source of Americans. • 48 percent said they got their news from the Internet – more than the traditional media (newspapers, TV and radio), according to a poll by Zogby. • By 2009, 56 percent were getting news online.
  • 78. 2012: The rise of mobile media • The age of mobile, in which people are connected to the web wherever they are, has arrived in earnest. More than four in ten American adults now own a smartphone. One in five owns a tablet. New cars are manufactured with internet built in. With more mobility comes deeper immersion into social networking.
  • 79. Meanwhile, in the old media…
  • 80. 2011 was especially unkind to newspapers “Newsroom staffing now is at the lowest level since the ASNE inaugurated its newsroom census in 1978.” – Alan Mutter, UC-Berkeley journalism professor Some notable staff cuts in 2011: • June: 700 laid off from • November: 543 to be laid off Gannett’s newspaper division in Michigan as Booth Newspapers shifts to digital; Bay Area News Group cuts 34 • September: Report: Dallas newsroom positions Morning News laid off 38 employees on Tuesday • December: Media General lays off 16 percent at Tampa • October: New York Times Tribune and community offers buyouts for third time in newspapers four years
  • 81. Less money, more problems • Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe traditional journalism is out of touch and are dissatisfied with the quality of coverage in their communities, a 2008 poll found.
  • 82. …the survey also found: • While most Americans (70 percent) think journalism is important to the quality of life in their communities, two thirds (64 percent) are dissatisfied with the quality of journalism in their communities.
  • 84. Current problems in accuracy •Journalists have been shown to be untruthful •There are many examples of reporters making up quotes and stretching the truth: •Jayson Blair of the New York Times (top); TV anchor Dan Rather (middle); magazine journalist Stephen Glass, (bottom)
  • 85. More credibility problems Today’s technology lets audiences “see” things that didn’t really happen… Impressive views of Hurricane Sandy that were shared by millions online, but they’re fake
  • 86. And…. Various major daily newspapers last year published a photograph of four Iranian missiles streaking heavenward; then Little Green Footballs (significantly, a blog and not a daily newspaper) provided evidence that the photograph had been faked.
  • 87. And… • an L.A. Times photojournalist manipulated this photo – then got fired.
  • 88. • On July 19, 2010, Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign from her U.S. Dept. of Agriculture job after blogger Andrew Breitbart posted deceptively edited video excerpts of Sherrod's address at an event to his website -- which was amplified by Fox News and other right-wing media. However, upon review of the full unedited video in context, White House officials and others realized the comments were taken out of context and apologized. Sherrod was also offered a new position.
  • 89. Current problems in objectivity Like the old partisan newspapers of colonial days, some journalists are known for taking hard-line positions on issues Many audiences can’t Fox News, a cable news network, gets almost as tell the difference many viewers as major between fact and network newscasts – and thrice as many as CNN opinion
  • 90. Current problems in relevance • Celebrity news crowds out coverage of important issues • With 24-hour coverage of unimportant trivia (what will Kanye & Kim name their baby?) • . . . total consumption of serious news is down (print, broadcast, and online)
  • 91. Young audiences are elusive 18- to 34-year-olds are not reading newspapers as often older generations did They are also not watching TV news as often Some say they get their news from non-news TV shows Is America’s “most trusted journalist” even They will read news online, but a journalist? don’t want to pay for it
  • 92. Revenues are way down for most media • In 2011, newspapers’ advertising revenue declined for a sixth consecutive year. In 2011, losses in print advertising dollars outpaced gains in digital revenue by a factor of roughly 10 to 1, a ratio even worse than in 2010. When circulation and advertising revenue are combined, the newspaper industry has shrunk 43% since 2000. • Network TV ad revenue decreased about 5 percent in 2011 from the year before. Local television ad revenue fell about 7 percent. Meanwhile, magazine ad revenues were flat while radio increased by about 1 percent.
  • 93. Is this sustainable? • Consider that newspapers, for example, get 90 percent of their revenues from advertising. • Declining revenues means more staff cuts, eliminating costly coverage, less pages in the paper, less editions, etc.
  • 94. No luck with online ads • There’s growing evidence that conventional advertising online will never sustain the news industry. • A 2009 survey on online economics finds that 79% of online news consumers say they rarely if ever have clicked on an online ad.
  • 95. Traditional media have become followers, not leaders • In 2011, five technology companies accounted for 68% of all online ad revenue, and that list does not include Amazon and Apple, which get most of their dollars from transactions, downloads and devices. By 2015, Facebook is expected to account for one out of every five digital display ads sold.
  • 96. New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. admitted that "we will stop printing the New York Times sometime in the future," but, he said, that date is "TBD."
  • 97. • Uncertain economy. As Wall Street goes, so goes ad revenues for media. Have we hit rock bottom yet? • “Paywalls”: WSJ, NY Times and 1/10 of U.S. daily newspapers now charge to view online content. • Shift from business to non-profit model? • Tech giants acquiring major legacy news Some predict brands? newspapers will cease to exist – at least in their • More convergence… print form.
  • 98. “Old media” •The news cycle is now 24 hours for all media becomes “new media” •Most daily newspapers and TV networks now have online sites that combine text, graphics, video and audio, user interactivity •Online information is posted and updated continuously •Journalists write stories, shoot video, blog and “tweet”
  • 99. Some $uccess • The New York Times and L.A. Times make enough online to support their news operations
  • 100. Business Insider on the NYT “We estimate that the NYT currently spends about $200 million a year on its newsroom and generates about $150 million of online revenue. If the paywall is highly successful–attracting, say, 1 million subscribers who pay $100 a year– this will add another $100 million of online subscription revenue … So the New York Times isn't going anywhere.” (Sept. 8, 2010)
  • 101.
  • 102.
  • 103. Tech giants partner w/ old media • As a part of YouTube’s plans to become a producer of original television content it is funding Reuters to produce original news shows. • Yahoo recently signed a content partnership with ABC News for the network to be its near sole provider of news video.
  • 104. New media & old media partner • AOL, after seeing less than stellar success with its attempts to produce its own original content, purchased The Huffington Post. • With the launch of its Social Reader, Facebook has created partnerships with The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian and others.
  • 105. New & old media team up • In March 2012 Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes purchased the 98-year-old New Republic magazine.
  • 106. The concept of members of the Citizen public "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, journalism analyzing and disseminating news and information.”
  • 107. Citizen journalism • Example: Wikipedia • Benefits: Anyone can do it, it’s free, more voices heard – press is no longer a device of the elite and wealthy • Criticisms: Because the journalists are untrained amateurs, they often make mistakes, aren’t objective and may overlook important info
  • 108. Citizen journalism teams with traditional journalism… In summer 2006, at The News-Press in Fort Myers, Florida, readers from the nearby community of Cape Coral began calling the paper, complaining about the high prices -- as much as $28,000 in some cases -- being charged to connect newly constructed homes to water and sewer lines. So, the newspaper asked public to look into it, rather than assign investigative reporters to look into it…
  • 109. Citizen journalism teams with traditional journalism… The result was that readers spontaneously organized their own investigations: Retired engineers analyzed blueprints, accountants pored over balance sheets, and an inside whistle-blower leaked documents showing evidence of bid-rigging. In the end, the city cut the utility fees by more than 30 percent, one official resigned, and the fees became the driving issue in the upcoming city council election. It was a win-win for citizen and traditional journalists.
  • 110. Setting the news agenda “No longer is the media world one of a publishers-top editor-section editor- subeditor-journalist hierarchy. Today, audiences are in charge and they want direct access to, and interaction with, journalists.” -- Dave Morgan, founder and chairman of SimulMedia
  • 111. Also of note: local news • Media outlets that focus on hyperlocal news seem to be fairing well. • Many community publications (i.e. small, weekly newspapers) are growing, in fact. • A recent National Newspaper Association poll shows that in 2008, 86 percent of adults read a local community newspaper each week, compared with 83 percent in 2007 and 81 percent in 2005.
  • 112. Hyperlocal news • Consider, for example, that Garden City, N.Y., a town of only about 22,000 people, has three of its own media outlets: Garden City News, Garden City Life and Garden City Patch. • AOL believes local news has so much potential growth that it is investing $50 million in 2010 to develop 500 local news websites. Visit
  • 113. The fact about “old media” remains… •100 million Americans still read a newspaper on an average weekday, and 150 million do on Sundays. Although print distribution has dropped, online readership is way up, so many newspapers are reaching larger audiences than ever before. • With 41,500 journalists still on the job, newspapers remain the single largest source of news reporting in the country. • Most news and original reporting originates from traditional media: newspapers (61%), TV and radio, according to a 2010 study from Pew Research Center.
  • 114. Problem is… • Online sources steal news from traditional media and audiences don’t want to pay for it. Only about a third of Americans (35%) have a news destination online they would call a “favorite,” and even among these users only 19% said they would continue to visit if that site put up a pay wall.
  • 115. • An April 2009 poll asked members of the national news media about the effect the Internet has had on journalism. Nearly two-thirds say the Internet is hurting journalism more than it is helping.
  • 116. • One journalist surveyed said: "The Internet has some plusses: It has widened the circle of those participating in the national debate. But it has mortally wounded the financial structure of the news business so that the cost of doing challenging, independent reporting has become all but prohibitive all over the world. It has blurred the line between opinion and fact and created a dynamic in which extreme thought flourishes while balanced judgment is imperiled."
  • 119. What changes to journalism will this decade bring?
  • 120. Is the worst over? • Clay Shirky of New York University has suggested that the loss of news people is a predictable and perhaps temporary gap in the process of creative destruction. “The old stuff gets broken faster than the new stuff is put in its place,” he has written.
  • 121. Is this the start of a new era? • Michael Schudson, the sociologist of journalism at Columbia University, sees the promise of “a better array of public informational resources emerging. ” This new ecosystem will include different “styles” of journalism, a mix of professional and amateur approaches and different economic models — commercial, nonprofit, public and “university-fueled.”
  • 122. Change for the better? • As Schudson notes, the news industry became more professional, skeptical and ethical beginning in the 1960s. Many journalists think that sense of public good has been overtaken by a focus on efficiency and profit since the 1990s. In the collapse of those ownership structures, there is some rebirth of community connection and public motive in news.
  • 124. • Journalism history shows us that some things change: the way we deliver news. • But some things never change: gossip is news, press questions authority, battle between press and government. • And, most importantly, journalism is alive and well. Newspapers may die, but journalism will survive in other forms.
  • 125. Attitude is everything. • Get experience now. • Learn multimedia skills. • Weight costs of J-school. • Be flexible. • Don’t fear the future. • Visit
  • 126.
  • 127. Sources • History of Journalism lecture notes by Dr. Wally Hastings, Northern State University, South Dakota • Several powerpoint slides from Dr. Eleanor Novek, Monmouth University, New Jersey • “State of the Media 2009 and 2010,” Pew Center • Inside Reporting, Tim Harrower (McGraw-Hill, 2007) • “Stopping the Presses for Good” video from CBS, April 2, 2009 • Shirley Sherrod news video from CBS • Citizen Kane movie clip • “Newspapers,” Encyclopedia Britannica • • Scripps Howard News Service’s “Future of News” project