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Irn-Bru Evaluation
By Georgia Brown
My Print
o Structures and Techniques of Advertising:
My print adverts are based on the pre-existing advertising campaign that Irn-Bru already has. This meant that the first type would have a picture on one half
and a slogan on the other half with an orange back ground and the website address at the bottom. The other type was similar with the orange background
and slogan however it had a picture that had been cut out of a larger image and then a white border added. The first poster was the quickest to create
because it required the least amount of photo shop work to make it. I used a still image that we had taken whilst filming out TV advert so that they would
instantly link together. I chose to put the image on the left hand side of the page because that is what the majority of their posters are also like and I didn’t
want to re-brand. I then made the background orange because, again, that is the same as their normal print adverts and additionally it is the main colour for
the brand of Irn-Bru and therefore I thought that it was important for it to have a big place in it. This is because when people see this bright orange colour
next to a darker blue they often think of Irn-Bru and that is the aim of the poster. Additionally the bright colour would mean that it is eye catching and would
then get peoples attention. Next I added the slogan “Irn-Bru, End your day with a bang!” in dark blue on the right hand side of the page. Because of the
contrast of colours you could see the slogan very clearly. I chose this specific slogan for two reasons, firstly because it says Irn-Bru in it and therefore people
will automatically know that it is about Irn-Bru and it has therefore planted a seed in someone’s head that they should buy it. The second reason was because
of the comedy and how it was a funny innuendo, something Irn-Bru are used to doing with they adverts. The innuendo of ending your day with a ‘bang’
means having a good time and the fireworks on the poster support that theory however it could also carry the other meaning of bang and therefore it creates
a cheeky advert as the guy on the poster is already with two girls. The second advert is like the other type of poster they create. This one puts all of the
attention on the cut out of the people which shows the guy sat with to girls. It then says the slogan above which makes that poster funny as well and
therefore works well as this is trying to get across the message that if you drink Irn-Bru then you could be that guy, surrounded by girls. A possible obstacle
could be that we couldn’t expand our joke further because it may be inappropriate and it may turn people away so we had to insinuate without actually
saying anything that would take it too far.
o Factors of Persuasion:
The factor of persuasion that I used in my print advert is reward power, this means that there will be some positive benefit from the product. In this instance
the positive benefit would be that you can get girls and have a great time. This may persuade may people to buy the drink because many people find that it is
difficult to get a relationship with girls as they believe they themselves look bad.. Since the target audience for this product and advertising campaign is young
males between 18-35 it is very relative to their situation as they are more likely to be dating and wanting to get girls than others who are older as they are
statistically more likely to already be in a relationship. This may also persuade them because the product being sold is a drink and it is therefore not very
expensive and so even though people who see this advert know that it doesn’t actually have powers they may give it a go anyway to see if it can work.
o Styles of Advertising:
The main lines of appeal and style that I used in this print advert would be comedy/humor and dreams/fantasy. The comedy is used with the slogan where it
says end your day with a “Bang”, this may have a double meaning and is therefore funny to the general public. They may remember the funny advert or think
that it is clever and then when they next buy a drink they may think of Irn-Bru and buy it. Additionally the dreams and fantasy line of appeal is big in my
advert as it is saying that if you drink Irn-Bru then you can completely change your self and end your day with a bang. This means that if you drink Irn-Bru
then girls will want you and you will have a good time which may be exactly what you want. This shows how people want to be wanted and that they want to
be the best they can and if Irn-Bru can help them then they will buy it. The poster tries to convince you that Irn-Bru has an actual effect on your appearance
and therefore they use the fantasy line of appeal to get you interested. The poster is realistic as it is just showing normal people however it does become
unrealistic if you look at it from the angle of Irn-Bru changing you appearance and helping you to get girls.
My Print
This is my first poster for Irn-Bru with the full image
on the left hand side, it compares directly with the
poster to the right.
This is a real Irn-Bru poster and it compares directly with
mine as it uses the came comedy along with an innuendo.
It is also set out the same way that my first one is.
This is my second Irn-Bru print advert and it can be
directly compared to the poster to the left as they
are set out the same and also contains an innuendo.
This is a legitimate poster that Irn-Bru made
which uses the comedy line of appeal just like
my own print advert does.
Real print
Real Print
• Structures and Techniques of Advertising:
The real adverts that Irn-Bru makes all follow along the same two styles from their pre-existing advertising campaign. The first one (top right on
the previous slide) is the style where they have a picture on one half and a slogan on the other half with an orange back ground. The other type
(bottom right on the previous slide) was similar with the orange background and slogan however it had a picture that had been cut out of a
larger image and then a white border added. The first poster looks as though it would be the quickest to create most likely using photoshop
because it required the least amount of photo shop as there are only two main parts to it, the photo and the text. The background is orange
because that is the same as their normal print adverts and additionally it is the main colour for the brand of Irn-Bru and therefore I it was
important for it to have a big place in it. This is because when people see this bright orange colour next to a darker blue they often think of Irn-
Bru and that is the aim of the poster. Additionally I think that the bright colour would mean that it is eye catching and would then get peoples
attention which means they should sell more Irn-Bru. Then there is the slogan which is slightly rude and therefore funny for the audience, this
works because people will see the image which isn’t something you would usually see on a poster and then automatically read the words. Then
it as it is funny it would have you thinking about the product and poster and then Irn-Bru would be in your mind. Additionally because of the
contrast of colours you could see the slogan very clearly which means it stand out to the public. The second advert is the other type of poster
they create. This one puts all of the attention on the cut out of the people which shows the shocking image of the girl in her bikini which isn’t an
image usually found on posters, especially not drinks posters. It then says the slogan next to the image with a diagram which makes that poster
funny as well and therefore works well as this will make people wonder exactly what she meant by the slogan. A possible obstacle could be that
they couldn’t expand on their joke because it may be inappropriate and it may bring negative connotations with it and people may complain
about it which brings negative views onto Irn-Bru as a whole.
• Factors of Persuasion:
The factor of persuasion that is used in this print advert is reward power, this means that there will be some positive benefit from Irn-Bru. In this
instance the positive benefit would be that you can be with girls or be with a beautiful woman. This may persuade may people to buy the drink
because many people find that they can’t get a woman as beautiful as those on the poster. Additionally, since the target audience for this
product and advertising campaign is usually young males between it is very relative to their situation as they are more likely to be dating and
wanting to get girls than others who are older. These posters are quite rude and therefore appeal to that side of the target audience and
therefore may make them believe that if they buy the drink, they could be the guy that they’re talking about.
• Styles of Advertising:
The main lines of appeal and style that is used in these print adverts would be comedy/humor and successfulness in romance/love. The comedy
is used with the slogan where it talks bout ‘4 ½ inches feeling good’, this may have a double meaning not just about a can and it is therefore
funny to the general public. They may remember the funny advert or think that it is clever and then when they next buy a drink they may think of
Irn-Bru and buy it. Additionally the successfulness of romance and love line of appeal is big in these advert as it is saying that if you drink Irn-Bru
then you can be one of the guys who is with these beautiful women . This means that if you drink Irn-Bru then girls will want you and you will
have a good time which may be exactly what you want. This shows how people want to be wanted and that they want to be the best they can
and if Irn-Bru can help them then they will buy it. The poster tries to convince you that Irn-Bru has an actual effect on your life and therefore
they use that line of appeal to get you interested. The poster is realistic as it is just showing normal people and there is no unrealistic world or
action that happens if the poster.
My Videoo Structures and Techniques of TV Advertising:
I created this video using Adobe PremierPro and it took me about 2 days to edit it and add all the music. We filmed around 15 minutes worth of footage
however it had to be 30 seconds long and therefore I had to cut a lot of what we had filmed. When we actually filmed we had a shot list and so we knew what
needed to be filmed where and then we had a call sheet so we knew which order we were going to be filming in. The video follows a narrative and therefore
has to be in a certain order to make sense however we took too many shots and therefore we couldn’t use every scene that filmed. Once I had uploaded all of
the videos on to Premier Pro I had to make sure it was 30 seconds long which meant cropping all of the scenes down so that it still made sense. Then I put
effects on the videos to give them an effect so that it would influence the viewers feelings. For example at the beginning the video is quite dark and gloomy
because it should be sad however after he has drunk the Irn-Bru it becomes much lighter as he is much happier and the video becomes funny and cheeky. Then
I added in the voice over which is the slogan said by a man in a Scottish accent. This is because Irn-Bru is Scottish and we thought that it would be a hint back to
it’s origins. The slogan “Irn-Bru End Your Day with a Bang!” was chosen for two reasons, firstly because it says Irn-Bru in it and therefore people will
automatically know that it is about Irn-Bru and it has therefore planted a seed in someone’s head that they should buy it. The second reason was because of the
comedy and how it was a funny innuendo, something Irn-Bru are used to doing with their adverts. The innuendo of ending your day with a ‘bang’ means having
a good time and the fireworks in the sky support that theory however it could also carry the other meaning of bang and therefore it creates a cheeky advert as
the guy is already with two girls on the floor. I also added in fireworks and the sound that they made into the last part of the video when the slogan was shows
this was because the slogan had two meaning and this worked with one of them. Additionally the guy, ‘Angus’, wears a kilt in the last scene which is also
another hint to Scotland and it also shows the audience that Irn-Bru can make you attractive to girls even if you have a kilt on. This is impressive as kilts aren’t
usually seen as an attractive piece of clothing and therefore it shows the strength of Irn-Bru’s ‘Powers’. I also had to add music to the whole video to give it
some more atmosphere, because the beginning was meant to be sad I added sad piano music until the ‘change’ and then when he burst through the doors I
changed the music to faster and more fun guitar and drums music to make him seem cool. The rest of the sound from the original videos were turned off apart
from the sound of the can opening because I thought that that sound was quite iconic for soft drinks and that people would know that the video was about the
drink specifically. I came across a few obstacles whilst filming this video, firstly was the background noise and people interrupting our filming. However we just
had to do multiple takes as we couldn’t control any of them problems. Our other obstacle was casting as we hadn’t planned ahead very well in regards to our
cast and so we had to rush to find girls and then we had to change our storyline last minute. This has shown me that in the future casting is vey important and
should be secured as soon as possible.
o Factors of Persuasion:
The factor of persuasion that I used in my TV advert/video is reward power, this means that there will be some positive benefit from Irn-Bru. In this instance the
positive benefit would be that you can get girls, become good looking and have a great time. This may persuade may people to buy the drink because many
people find that it is difficult to get a relationship with girls as they believe they themselves look bad and if Irn-Bru can make you look better and be able to get
all the girls then they may buy the product. Since the target audience for this product and advertising campaign is young males between 18-35 it is very relative
to their situation as they are more likely to be dating and wanting to get girls than others who are older as they are statistically more likely to already be in a
o Styles of Advertising:
The style of advertising that I used was comedy/humor and dream/fantasy. The comedy is used with the slogan where it says end your day with a “Bang”, this
may have a double meaning and is therefore funny to the general public. They may remember the funny advert or think that it is clever and then when they
next buy a drink they may think of Irn-Bru and buy it. Additionally the dreams and fantasy line of appeal is big in my advert as it is saying that if you drink Irn-Bru
then you can completely change your self and end your day with a bang. This means that if you drink Irn-Bru then girls will want you and you will have a good
time which may be exactly what you want. This shows how people want to be wanted and that they want to be the best they can and if Irn-Bru can help them
then they will buy it. There was another style of advertising that I used which was mystery, this is because after he bursts through the door you never see what
is below his waist, this was planned as we wanted the kilt to be a surprise at the end of the film and we wanted people to wonder what he was wearing.
Real Video
o Structures and Techniques of TV Advertising:
This is a 30 second TV advert for Irn-Bru and it is all set in one room. It has two main shots, one of the mother’s face and the other of the
boy from behind at the window. It also does a close up on the instrument in his hand and a close up of the Irn-Bru can. The close ups on
the people are to give the story the comedy as the mothers face often looks shocked however after she drinks the Irn-Bru she is happy and
relaxed and says something funny. The shot of the boy give the story the context as it is his actions that make the whole advert funny and
they pull the whole advert together. The close up of the instrument also explain the story and additionally they act as a defense for Irn-Bru.
This is because after that shot of the instrument the boy looks as though he is doing something rude however that would cross a line and
wouldn’t be allowed on the TV during the day, this therefore protects the company from any legal issues. This is one large obstacle that Irn-
Bru often faces as many of their adverts have innuendos within them however by never mentioning their meaning and by showing the
instrument that the boy was using they protect themselves from any problems. This advert also has the rule of three with comedy, the first
two are the mother drinking the Irn-Bru as that shows that she need to ‘get through’ and that Irn-Bru will help her, she then says funny
comments for example “Practice makes perfect” which in the context of what she thinks he is doing is very rude. Another comedic part is
the end when the boy notices that his mother had been in the room which is funny as he realises that she may think he was doing
something else. The way they do a shot of the mother then the boy then followed by the mother again works really well because as a
viewer you feel as though you are watching the mother whilst she is watching her son and as she thinks he is doing something rude it is
very comedic.
o Factors of persuasion:
The main factor of persuasion used in this TV advert is reward power, meaning that it shows the audience that there will be some kind of
benefit if you buy this product. This is shown by the mother having a difficult time with her son, an embarrassing moment that she needs
to get past, and Irn-Bru ‘helps her get through’. This is a tag line they use on many of their recent adverts as their advertising campaign at
the minute is showing people they they NEED Irn-Bru to move on past tricky moments or to avoid problems. They therefore show the lady
drinking Irn-Bru twice, because before she is always shocked and after she has drunk it Irn-Bru calms her down and makes her relaxed and
not bothered. This is then convincing people that Irn-Bru does work to ‘get you though’ tough situations.
o Styles of Advertising:
The style of advertising that Irn-Bru have used in this advert, like almost all of their adverts, is comedy and humour. The comedy is used
with the slogan where it talks about ‘Irn-Bru Gets you Through’ and then with the actual video as the storyline is also very funny too. They
may remember the funny advert or think that it is clever and then when they next buy a drink they may think of Irn-Bru and buy it. As it is
quite a shocking image when the boy is by the window it it quite memorable and this tries convince you that Irn-Bru has an actual effect on
your life and therefore they use that line of appeal to get you interested. The advert is realistic as it is just showing normal people and
there is no unrealistic world or action that happens in the video. It also follows a narrative which means that it is easier for the viewers to
make sense out of and it makes it more interesting for them to watch.
My Advergame
o Structures and Techniques of Advertising:
I used Adobe Photoshop to create my advergame in the beginning. First I had to open a new document and make sure that all of the settings were correct so I
that I could draw an image with the right amount of pixels so that once exported it was still in good quality. I then made a plain background with two main
colours that wouldn’t change so that there was continuity throughout the game and so that you could see which direction the main character ‘Angus’ was
moving. I then made two trees, one of them was stationary throughout the game and was set quite far back, I think that this gave the game depth and create the
idea that it was set in a field. However the one on the left waved from side to side in the wind because I thought that that would give a good effect and that it
would also show that it was an image that changed throughout time and not a still picture. I did this by making different slides and changing the position of the
trees leaves in each one to show the tree swaying. Next I made the sun and again on each slide I put the sun in a slightly different position so that it looked as
though time had passed by. I then but the two hearts in the corner which appeared on each slide and they were to signify lives and if you touched a can of Cola
then you would loose a life. I then made the bucket and the bench which both stayed stationary throughout the game and therefore appeared on each slide.
Next I added the cans that were falling from the sky, I had to make sure that on each slide the cans moved slightly down however in the same line and position
so that it looked realistic. If Angus missed a can it disappeared but if he touched it then they would move into the bucket so on them specific slides I had to put
cans in the bucket too. I also added cola that fell from the sky however he never touched one and therefore never lost a life. Next I created the girls, I had to
have them falling from the sky and then if they touched him they went to sit on the bench. This meant I had to create a new layer with legs that sat down and on
the right slide I had to turn off the original legs and use the sitting ones. Finally I made Angus, he started off as a really simplistic drawing however he evolved
into a real character that related to the TV advert and poster. Because of this he had the same outfit on which was a white top, black jacket and a kilt. Angus had
to move from side to side to catch the Irn-Bru and the girls and avoid the cola, this meant having different sets of legs that signified him moving either right or
left or standing still. I also had to create a menu screen, a winning screen and a fail screen so that you could see what all of the outcomes were and what they
would look like. Once I had done that I exported it and put it onto PremierPro where I had to add music. I added a song which was a stereotypical song that
played in video games and I also added a bloop sound every time he caught a can or a girl. The was so that you could actually hear if he was doing well or if he
was failing. The obstacles that I encountered whilst making the Irn-Bru advergame would be making it all run smoothly as it is difficult to get all of the positions
and timing right for each object as move layers only move slightly on each slide. If I could change it now I would add a part where Angus looses a life from
touching a cola however I didn’t have enough time for that. Additionally making the characters and objects look good and detailed was very difficult as there
were only a certain amount of pixels on the page so that meant I only had a certain amount of detail that I could use. Next time I will definitely use more pixels
so that I can complete a more detailed and complex advergame.
o Factors of Persuasion:
The advergame has the same factor of persuasion as the TV advert and print advert do, which is reward power. In this instance the positive benefit would be
that you can get satisfaction from winning game and ‘pretending’ that you can get all of these girls. This may persuade may people to buy the drink because
many people find the game really fun and may be thinking about Irn-Bru next time they want a drink. Since the target audience for this product and advertising
campaign is young males between 18-35 it is very relative to their situation as they are more likely to be playing video games than any other section of the
general public therefore this appeal to them.
o Styles of Advertising:
The style of advertising for this advergame is fantasy/dream, this is because the people who play this, who are statistically more likely to be male, get to pretend
that they can catch girls and drink a good drink, this therefore appeals to them as they are more likely to want girls as they are relatively young. This is successful
in making you want to buy the product because it puts the image in your mind of you wanting to get the Irn-Bru so then next time you want a drink you think of
Irn-Bru as it has planted that image in your head. Additionally people often associate the colours of orange and blue with Irn-Bru as that is their brand colour and
as they appear often in the game it will force them to think about it next time they see an Irn-Bru drink.
Real Advergame
o Structures and techniques of Advertising:
This is an advergame made by Irn-Bru themselves. The advert consists of a man throwing a girder through the air and trying to catch Irn-Bru
along the way. This game has lots of Scottish links, first would be the man’s kilt which is obviously a Scottish piece of clothing, this then links to
Irn-Bru’s Scottish heritage as that is where it was founded and created. In addition to that the man’s clothing is in the same colour of the Irn-Bru
brand, orange and blue, this reminds people that the game is about Irn-Bru and it puts the idea of buying the drink in their minds. The can in
the corner are Irn-Bru which are orange and blue and the pause button is orange too, this shows how they have stuck with a colour scheme to
stay true to the brand of Irn-Bru. The aim of the game is to throw a girder, this is a link back to Scottish origins as iron works were a big part of
their trade. Additionally Irn-Bru have a famous TV advert made in the 1970’s where the tag line is ‘Barr’s Irn-Bru, made in Scotland from
Girders’. This advergame then links the old advertising campaign with the new one which will appeal to a wider range of audience. The people
who originally knew Irn-Bru from them adverts will feel nostalgic and may then want an Irn-Bru and the younger generation may like to play the
actual game and to have fun because that is more their generation. In the background of the game there are also other Scottish things for
example a big hairy cow, this may link to the countryside of Scotland and therefore they are using it to remind people that it is a Scottish drink
and that isn’t like the rest of the soft drink market. The aim of the game is to throw your girder as far as possible and to get as many Irn-Bru’s as
possible too, this again puts the idea in the mind of whoever is playing that Irn-Bru is fun and that they should get one too. A big obstacle to
avoid when making this advergame may have been to appeal it to a wide audience, even though Irn-Bru is mainly aimed at young males, they
still want to appeal to everybody as anyone can drink a soft drink. This means that they had to make something that would be fun for everyone
and the way they did that was by making a game that isn’t based upon your gender or age, but upon how competitive you are.
o Factors of Persuasion:
Firstly I would say that the factor of persuasion, as always for Irn-Bru, is reward power. This is because the game is solely there for you to play
again and again and again. This means that you will get a benefit from getting a better score each time as it is very tempting to just keep going
and try keep trying again and again. This is positive for Irn-Bru because the more you play the game, the more likely you are to buy the product
as you spend more time thinking about it. Games get many people very competitive and draw people in and that means that people are drawn
to the Irn-Bru website, this is good as then once on there they are more likely too look around and find out about all the good thinks that Irn-
Bru are about and all of it’s history.
o Styles of Advertising:
The style of advertising used in this advergame would be fantasy/dream and comedy. As always Irn-Bru use lots of comedy in their adverts and
this is mainly shown by the comment at the end of the game, for example ‘Your mum would be embarrassed’. This is a comment mainly based
at young males as they are more likely to be close to their parents and have them be embarrassed yet still be grown up. This comedy makes
people laugh and draws them in to the brand and if people think of the product then they are more likely to buy it. Additionally it uses the
fantasy style of advertising because it is not possible to throw a real girder like that however this man can and you are controlling what he does
and many people enjoy playing games where they can pretend to be other people. Finally this advergame uses a narrative as the game follows a
short storyline that repeats itself once you finish the game.
Print Comparison
My own Irn-Bru print campaign can be compared to Irn-Bru’s own print adverts directly as are many similarities and differences
between them. Firstly would be that they both have bright orange backgrounds, I took this inspiration from Irn-Bru’s professional
adverts because orange is the main brand colour for Irn-Bru and it is used on every print advert that they have created and I feel as
though that colour automatically makes people think of the product. Another similarity between the two would be that they both have
a photograph on the left hand side of the page. This is another idea that I got from Irn-Bru as it is used on all of their posters, as I think
that it highlights the photo as it is obvious next to the bright orange colour to the right. Another similarity would be that both
photograph are in black and white, I did this because it makes the photo fit in with the poster more as there are less colours involved.
This makes the poster look cleaner and it helps you to focus on the important things which are the Irn-Bru and the people. In addition a
difference between the two would be that my advert contains three cans of Irn-Bru. I thought that this was best so that the viewers new
for sure that it was an advert for Irn-Bru where as the real poster doesn’t have a can in it at all. However another difference between
mine and the professional poster would be that they used a handwritten font for their slogan whereas I used a thicker font which is
always in capitals. I used this as I felt as though it stood out more however the real one used a thinner and lighter font which in
hindsight is easier to read than mine as it is thinner. Finally a similarity between the two would be that we both put the website and a
can at the bottom of the poster. This is because it shows the logo and brand and also shows people what to do if they are interested.
This is on almost every Irn-Bru poster and I think that it is necessary so people know what brand the advert is about.
The technical qualities of the real advert are obviously far more advanced than mine however my advert is slightly more complex than
theirs. Theirs contains a plain black and white image where as mine contains photoshopped fireworks and coloured cans on the black
and white picture. This means that I changed more on my actual photo however theirs looks more professional so maybe that shows
that in the case of Irn-Bru adverts, less is more. My own advert contains many strengths and weaknesses, firstly and mainly I would say
that my fireworks do not look very realistic nor convincing. I think that this is because I didn’t have the skills to create an advert at a
professional level. However when you compare it to the real advert they didn’t do any special effects so possibly if my fireworks had
have been slightly better then it may have changed the whole concept on my poster. I also think that the font on my poster is too thick
compared to Irn-Bru’s own poster as theirs looks more realistic as though someone had just written it themselves. Irn-Bru’s posters look
very casual and like they don’t try to hard which obviously works as they are a successful company and so their font works much better
for their brand than ‘the skinny‘ which is the one that I chose. If I did it again then I would use a different font and I would do better
more realistic fireworks however the rest of the poster I am happy with as I feel that it has most of the same qualities as the real Irn-Bru
Video Comparison
My TV AdReal TV Ad
My own 30 second Irn-Bru TV advert has many similarities and differences when compared to a real Irn-Bru TV advert. First I would
say that the main similarity between the two would be the style in that they are made, meaning how they both use comedy as a
selling point. Both these adverts use cheeky humour to get people be interested in Irn-Bru. Obviously the professional advert is much
funny then my own as the real one contains the rule of three whereas mine doesn’t. my advert has one main comedy point and some
other minor parts. The main part would be the end with the slogan as it is quite clever, where as the real advert is funny throughout
and keeps the views laughing as it is very cringy. Another similarity between the two would be that they both contain a clip of
someone drinking Irn-Bru, this subconsciously puts a seed in the viewers mind about drinking Irn-Bru and therefore helps to sell the
product. Another similarity would be that they are both set around a character of a similar age, a young male, this is because this is
their target audience and it therefore appeals to them. In addition to that in both adverts women are almost objectified. This is
because in my advert all the boy wants is to have girls with him and want him, yet in the real advert the young guys really what to hug
the mother as she has really big boobs. You may feel as though this reaches a certain section of society as young males are statistically
more likely to be interested in women. On the other hand both endings contain a different kind of advert, usually in Irn-Bru adverts
they close up on an object. For example in this real advert they close up on two balloons which is an innuendo for the mother’s
breasts and then they show the slogan, however with mine we zoom out on the sky and show the slogan then. However I believe we
both stick to the same idea as we have to zoom out so that we can show our fireworks in the sky, this is because these fireworks make
a bang which is the innuendo that we use in our advert.
More over I think that the technical qualities of my Irn-Bru advert and the real advert are quite close as the real one doesn’t contain
many special effects. In my advert I use fireworks in my end scene which were put on by using special effects on PremierPro, this
shows that I have some technical capabilities. However the real advert obviously had more aspects to it for example they had a real
script, professional actors, high tech equipment and a choice of location where as I had very limited options as I only one location that
I could use and there was a limited number of actors available.
I think that are many strengths and weaknesses to my Irn-Bru TV advert, the main strength being that we had a good story line and
that the slogan was very good. The slogan and storyline led the whole advert as it needed direction and a narrative, this therefore
meant that we had to get from one place to another with our character and it was made easier by having a good slogan. Without
these then the advert wouldn’t have made any sense and it wouldn’t have help to sell the product to the audience. However there
were some weaknesses to my advert, firstly I would say that the beginning scenes, even though they were meant to be dark, were a
little too dark as you can’t properly make out how bad the characters skin is at all times, because this was the first scene that we
filmed we hadn’t completely got to grips with the camera however by the time we had finished we knew exactly what we were doing
and so in the future this would not happen. If I could change anything about my advert it would be to make the music transition a lot
smoother, I feel as though it switches too quickly from slow piano to fast guitar and that it doesn’t run very well however next time I
will make that a priority when editing.
Advergame Comparison
My advergame contains some similarities and differences when compared to the real advergame made by Irn-Bru themselves. My
advergame and the real one both have characters who wear kilts, this is a link to Scotland as it is a Scottish drink and therefore both
myself and they have used the character to signify that link. In addition both games include Irn-Bru cans, this real advergame has a man
who lifts a weights bar that has an Irn-Bru can on each end, this places the idea of the drink into the viewers minds and are therefore
trying to sell that too them. Moreover my advergame consists of catching Irn-Bru cans which is therefore putting the same image in
their head which is that you need Irn-Bru. You may also say that both adverts contain characters who are stereotypical men, since Irn-
Bru are positioned towards young males they have created a character which is very manly and strong, this is similar to my advergame
where my character loves women and wants to catch as many as he can. Another similarity between both mine and the real advergame
is that they are both set outside which may be a link to the Scottish out doors as it is known as a tourist attraction for lots of walkers.
However there are also lots of differences between my advergame and the real one, main being that this real one is realistic as lifting
weights is something people do everyday where as mine follows an unrealistic storyline where girls and drinks fall from the sky.
Additionally my character is very small and puny where as the character in the real one is huge and very, obviously strong.
The technical quality of my advergame compared to the real one is very low, the real advergame is smooth and works perfectly and is
obviously professional. Whereas my game is not smooth and looks very pixelated and it doesn’t look very realistic as my character runs
sideways to catch the girls instead of forwards. However this is to be expected as I made this advergame using photoshop and
PremierPro whereas they are game makers for a living and will have software that is created for that reason.
My advergame also had lots of strengths and weaknesses, the main weakness would be the movement of the character Angus, he does
move sideways on purpose because that is the direction he is going however it doesn’t look as good as I originally thought that it would
and so if I made this again I would definitely make a more detailed character and use a page with many more pixels so that he could
have a more varied walk/run cycle because that would make the game much better and it would also make it look better. In addition if I
could change anything then I would change the background, I would add in a forest to give the game more content and I would add
more slides so that more had happened. I would add a part in where the main character touches a cola o that you could see what would
happen if he lost a life, and I may also create a whole new sequence so that you could see what happens when he looses a game.
However despite that I think that there are strengths to my game including that the story line is good and funny as many games follow
an unrealistic path without making it terrible and I also think that it links in well with my TV advert and my print campaign.

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Irn-Bru evaluation

  • 2. My Print o Structures and Techniques of Advertising: My print adverts are based on the pre-existing advertising campaign that Irn-Bru already has. This meant that the first type would have a picture on one half and a slogan on the other half with an orange back ground and the website address at the bottom. The other type was similar with the orange background and slogan however it had a picture that had been cut out of a larger image and then a white border added. The first poster was the quickest to create because it required the least amount of photo shop work to make it. I used a still image that we had taken whilst filming out TV advert so that they would instantly link together. I chose to put the image on the left hand side of the page because that is what the majority of their posters are also like and I didn’t want to re-brand. I then made the background orange because, again, that is the same as their normal print adverts and additionally it is the main colour for the brand of Irn-Bru and therefore I thought that it was important for it to have a big place in it. This is because when people see this bright orange colour next to a darker blue they often think of Irn-Bru and that is the aim of the poster. Additionally the bright colour would mean that it is eye catching and would then get peoples attention. Next I added the slogan “Irn-Bru, End your day with a bang!” in dark blue on the right hand side of the page. Because of the contrast of colours you could see the slogan very clearly. I chose this specific slogan for two reasons, firstly because it says Irn-Bru in it and therefore people will automatically know that it is about Irn-Bru and it has therefore planted a seed in someone’s head that they should buy it. The second reason was because of the comedy and how it was a funny innuendo, something Irn-Bru are used to doing with they adverts. The innuendo of ending your day with a ‘bang’ means having a good time and the fireworks on the poster support that theory however it could also carry the other meaning of bang and therefore it creates a cheeky advert as the guy on the poster is already with two girls. The second advert is like the other type of poster they create. This one puts all of the attention on the cut out of the people which shows the guy sat with to girls. It then says the slogan above which makes that poster funny as well and therefore works well as this is trying to get across the message that if you drink Irn-Bru then you could be that guy, surrounded by girls. A possible obstacle could be that we couldn’t expand our joke further because it may be inappropriate and it may turn people away so we had to insinuate without actually saying anything that would take it too far. o Factors of Persuasion: The factor of persuasion that I used in my print advert is reward power, this means that there will be some positive benefit from the product. In this instance the positive benefit would be that you can get girls and have a great time. This may persuade may people to buy the drink because many people find that it is difficult to get a relationship with girls as they believe they themselves look bad.. Since the target audience for this product and advertising campaign is young males between 18-35 it is very relative to their situation as they are more likely to be dating and wanting to get girls than others who are older as they are statistically more likely to already be in a relationship. This may also persuade them because the product being sold is a drink and it is therefore not very expensive and so even though people who see this advert know that it doesn’t actually have powers they may give it a go anyway to see if it can work. o Styles of Advertising: The main lines of appeal and style that I used in this print advert would be comedy/humor and dreams/fantasy. The comedy is used with the slogan where it says end your day with a “Bang”, this may have a double meaning and is therefore funny to the general public. They may remember the funny advert or think that it is clever and then when they next buy a drink they may think of Irn-Bru and buy it. Additionally the dreams and fantasy line of appeal is big in my advert as it is saying that if you drink Irn-Bru then you can completely change your self and end your day with a bang. This means that if you drink Irn-Bru then girls will want you and you will have a good time which may be exactly what you want. This shows how people want to be wanted and that they want to be the best they can and if Irn-Bru can help them then they will buy it. The poster tries to convince you that Irn-Bru has an actual effect on your appearance and therefore they use the fantasy line of appeal to get you interested. The poster is realistic as it is just showing normal people however it does become unrealistic if you look at it from the angle of Irn-Bru changing you appearance and helping you to get girls.
  • 3. My Print This is my first poster for Irn-Bru with the full image on the left hand side, it compares directly with the poster to the right. This is a real Irn-Bru poster and it compares directly with mine as it uses the came comedy along with an innuendo. It is also set out the same way that my first one is. This is my second Irn-Bru print advert and it can be directly compared to the poster to the left as they are set out the same and also contains an innuendo. This is a legitimate poster that Irn-Bru made which uses the comedy line of appeal just like my own print advert does. Real print
  • 4. Real Print • Structures and Techniques of Advertising: The real adverts that Irn-Bru makes all follow along the same two styles from their pre-existing advertising campaign. The first one (top right on the previous slide) is the style where they have a picture on one half and a slogan on the other half with an orange back ground. The other type (bottom right on the previous slide) was similar with the orange background and slogan however it had a picture that had been cut out of a larger image and then a white border added. The first poster looks as though it would be the quickest to create most likely using photoshop because it required the least amount of photo shop as there are only two main parts to it, the photo and the text. The background is orange because that is the same as their normal print adverts and additionally it is the main colour for the brand of Irn-Bru and therefore I it was important for it to have a big place in it. This is because when people see this bright orange colour next to a darker blue they often think of Irn- Bru and that is the aim of the poster. Additionally I think that the bright colour would mean that it is eye catching and would then get peoples attention which means they should sell more Irn-Bru. Then there is the slogan which is slightly rude and therefore funny for the audience, this works because people will see the image which isn’t something you would usually see on a poster and then automatically read the words. Then it as it is funny it would have you thinking about the product and poster and then Irn-Bru would be in your mind. Additionally because of the contrast of colours you could see the slogan very clearly which means it stand out to the public. The second advert is the other type of poster they create. This one puts all of the attention on the cut out of the people which shows the shocking image of the girl in her bikini which isn’t an image usually found on posters, especially not drinks posters. It then says the slogan next to the image with a diagram which makes that poster funny as well and therefore works well as this will make people wonder exactly what she meant by the slogan. A possible obstacle could be that they couldn’t expand on their joke because it may be inappropriate and it may bring negative connotations with it and people may complain about it which brings negative views onto Irn-Bru as a whole. • Factors of Persuasion: The factor of persuasion that is used in this print advert is reward power, this means that there will be some positive benefit from Irn-Bru. In this instance the positive benefit would be that you can be with girls or be with a beautiful woman. This may persuade may people to buy the drink because many people find that they can’t get a woman as beautiful as those on the poster. Additionally, since the target audience for this product and advertising campaign is usually young males between it is very relative to their situation as they are more likely to be dating and wanting to get girls than others who are older. These posters are quite rude and therefore appeal to that side of the target audience and therefore may make them believe that if they buy the drink, they could be the guy that they’re talking about. • Styles of Advertising: The main lines of appeal and style that is used in these print adverts would be comedy/humor and successfulness in romance/love. The comedy is used with the slogan where it talks bout ‘4 ½ inches feeling good’, this may have a double meaning not just about a can and it is therefore funny to the general public. They may remember the funny advert or think that it is clever and then when they next buy a drink they may think of Irn-Bru and buy it. Additionally the successfulness of romance and love line of appeal is big in these advert as it is saying that if you drink Irn-Bru then you can be one of the guys who is with these beautiful women . This means that if you drink Irn-Bru then girls will want you and you will have a good time which may be exactly what you want. This shows how people want to be wanted and that they want to be the best they can and if Irn-Bru can help them then they will buy it. The poster tries to convince you that Irn-Bru has an actual effect on your life and therefore they use that line of appeal to get you interested. The poster is realistic as it is just showing normal people and there is no unrealistic world or action that happens if the poster.
  • 5. My Videoo Structures and Techniques of TV Advertising: I created this video using Adobe PremierPro and it took me about 2 days to edit it and add all the music. We filmed around 15 minutes worth of footage however it had to be 30 seconds long and therefore I had to cut a lot of what we had filmed. When we actually filmed we had a shot list and so we knew what needed to be filmed where and then we had a call sheet so we knew which order we were going to be filming in. The video follows a narrative and therefore has to be in a certain order to make sense however we took too many shots and therefore we couldn’t use every scene that filmed. Once I had uploaded all of the videos on to Premier Pro I had to make sure it was 30 seconds long which meant cropping all of the scenes down so that it still made sense. Then I put effects on the videos to give them an effect so that it would influence the viewers feelings. For example at the beginning the video is quite dark and gloomy because it should be sad however after he has drunk the Irn-Bru it becomes much lighter as he is much happier and the video becomes funny and cheeky. Then I added in the voice over which is the slogan said by a man in a Scottish accent. This is because Irn-Bru is Scottish and we thought that it would be a hint back to it’s origins. The slogan “Irn-Bru End Your Day with a Bang!” was chosen for two reasons, firstly because it says Irn-Bru in it and therefore people will automatically know that it is about Irn-Bru and it has therefore planted a seed in someone’s head that they should buy it. The second reason was because of the comedy and how it was a funny innuendo, something Irn-Bru are used to doing with their adverts. The innuendo of ending your day with a ‘bang’ means having a good time and the fireworks in the sky support that theory however it could also carry the other meaning of bang and therefore it creates a cheeky advert as the guy is already with two girls on the floor. I also added in fireworks and the sound that they made into the last part of the video when the slogan was shows this was because the slogan had two meaning and this worked with one of them. Additionally the guy, ‘Angus’, wears a kilt in the last scene which is also another hint to Scotland and it also shows the audience that Irn-Bru can make you attractive to girls even if you have a kilt on. This is impressive as kilts aren’t usually seen as an attractive piece of clothing and therefore it shows the strength of Irn-Bru’s ‘Powers’. I also had to add music to the whole video to give it some more atmosphere, because the beginning was meant to be sad I added sad piano music until the ‘change’ and then when he burst through the doors I changed the music to faster and more fun guitar and drums music to make him seem cool. The rest of the sound from the original videos were turned off apart from the sound of the can opening because I thought that that sound was quite iconic for soft drinks and that people would know that the video was about the drink specifically. I came across a few obstacles whilst filming this video, firstly was the background noise and people interrupting our filming. However we just had to do multiple takes as we couldn’t control any of them problems. Our other obstacle was casting as we hadn’t planned ahead very well in regards to our cast and so we had to rush to find girls and then we had to change our storyline last minute. This has shown me that in the future casting is vey important and should be secured as soon as possible. o Factors of Persuasion: The factor of persuasion that I used in my TV advert/video is reward power, this means that there will be some positive benefit from Irn-Bru. In this instance the positive benefit would be that you can get girls, become good looking and have a great time. This may persuade may people to buy the drink because many people find that it is difficult to get a relationship with girls as they believe they themselves look bad and if Irn-Bru can make you look better and be able to get all the girls then they may buy the product. Since the target audience for this product and advertising campaign is young males between 18-35 it is very relative to their situation as they are more likely to be dating and wanting to get girls than others who are older as they are statistically more likely to already be in a relationship. o Styles of Advertising: The style of advertising that I used was comedy/humor and dream/fantasy. The comedy is used with the slogan where it says end your day with a “Bang”, this may have a double meaning and is therefore funny to the general public. They may remember the funny advert or think that it is clever and then when they next buy a drink they may think of Irn-Bru and buy it. Additionally the dreams and fantasy line of appeal is big in my advert as it is saying that if you drink Irn-Bru then you can completely change your self and end your day with a bang. This means that if you drink Irn-Bru then girls will want you and you will have a good time which may be exactly what you want. This shows how people want to be wanted and that they want to be the best they can and if Irn-Bru can help them then they will buy it. There was another style of advertising that I used which was mystery, this is because after he bursts through the door you never see what is below his waist, this was planned as we wanted the kilt to be a surprise at the end of the film and we wanted people to wonder what he was wearing.
  • 6. Real Video o Structures and Techniques of TV Advertising: This is a 30 second TV advert for Irn-Bru and it is all set in one room. It has two main shots, one of the mother’s face and the other of the boy from behind at the window. It also does a close up on the instrument in his hand and a close up of the Irn-Bru can. The close ups on the people are to give the story the comedy as the mothers face often looks shocked however after she drinks the Irn-Bru she is happy and relaxed and says something funny. The shot of the boy give the story the context as it is his actions that make the whole advert funny and they pull the whole advert together. The close up of the instrument also explain the story and additionally they act as a defense for Irn-Bru. This is because after that shot of the instrument the boy looks as though he is doing something rude however that would cross a line and wouldn’t be allowed on the TV during the day, this therefore protects the company from any legal issues. This is one large obstacle that Irn- Bru often faces as many of their adverts have innuendos within them however by never mentioning their meaning and by showing the instrument that the boy was using they protect themselves from any problems. This advert also has the rule of three with comedy, the first two are the mother drinking the Irn-Bru as that shows that she need to ‘get through’ and that Irn-Bru will help her, she then says funny comments for example “Practice makes perfect” which in the context of what she thinks he is doing is very rude. Another comedic part is the end when the boy notices that his mother had been in the room which is funny as he realises that she may think he was doing something else. The way they do a shot of the mother then the boy then followed by the mother again works really well because as a viewer you feel as though you are watching the mother whilst she is watching her son and as she thinks he is doing something rude it is very comedic. o Factors of persuasion: The main factor of persuasion used in this TV advert is reward power, meaning that it shows the audience that there will be some kind of benefit if you buy this product. This is shown by the mother having a difficult time with her son, an embarrassing moment that she needs to get past, and Irn-Bru ‘helps her get through’. This is a tag line they use on many of their recent adverts as their advertising campaign at the minute is showing people they they NEED Irn-Bru to move on past tricky moments or to avoid problems. They therefore show the lady drinking Irn-Bru twice, because before she is always shocked and after she has drunk it Irn-Bru calms her down and makes her relaxed and not bothered. This is then convincing people that Irn-Bru does work to ‘get you though’ tough situations. o Styles of Advertising: The style of advertising that Irn-Bru have used in this advert, like almost all of their adverts, is comedy and humour. The comedy is used with the slogan where it talks about ‘Irn-Bru Gets you Through’ and then with the actual video as the storyline is also very funny too. They may remember the funny advert or think that it is clever and then when they next buy a drink they may think of Irn-Bru and buy it. As it is quite a shocking image when the boy is by the window it it quite memorable and this tries convince you that Irn-Bru has an actual effect on your life and therefore they use that line of appeal to get you interested. The advert is realistic as it is just showing normal people and there is no unrealistic world or action that happens in the video. It also follows a narrative which means that it is easier for the viewers to make sense out of and it makes it more interesting for them to watch. tch?v=Q5JH89Vcbpo
  • 7. My Advergame o Structures and Techniques of Advertising: I used Adobe Photoshop to create my advergame in the beginning. First I had to open a new document and make sure that all of the settings were correct so I that I could draw an image with the right amount of pixels so that once exported it was still in good quality. I then made a plain background with two main colours that wouldn’t change so that there was continuity throughout the game and so that you could see which direction the main character ‘Angus’ was moving. I then made two trees, one of them was stationary throughout the game and was set quite far back, I think that this gave the game depth and create the idea that it was set in a field. However the one on the left waved from side to side in the wind because I thought that that would give a good effect and that it would also show that it was an image that changed throughout time and not a still picture. I did this by making different slides and changing the position of the trees leaves in each one to show the tree swaying. Next I made the sun and again on each slide I put the sun in a slightly different position so that it looked as though time had passed by. I then but the two hearts in the corner which appeared on each slide and they were to signify lives and if you touched a can of Cola then you would loose a life. I then made the bucket and the bench which both stayed stationary throughout the game and therefore appeared on each slide. Next I added the cans that were falling from the sky, I had to make sure that on each slide the cans moved slightly down however in the same line and position so that it looked realistic. If Angus missed a can it disappeared but if he touched it then they would move into the bucket so on them specific slides I had to put cans in the bucket too. I also added cola that fell from the sky however he never touched one and therefore never lost a life. Next I created the girls, I had to have them falling from the sky and then if they touched him they went to sit on the bench. This meant I had to create a new layer with legs that sat down and on the right slide I had to turn off the original legs and use the sitting ones. Finally I made Angus, he started off as a really simplistic drawing however he evolved into a real character that related to the TV advert and poster. Because of this he had the same outfit on which was a white top, black jacket and a kilt. Angus had to move from side to side to catch the Irn-Bru and the girls and avoid the cola, this meant having different sets of legs that signified him moving either right or left or standing still. I also had to create a menu screen, a winning screen and a fail screen so that you could see what all of the outcomes were and what they would look like. Once I had done that I exported it and put it onto PremierPro where I had to add music. I added a song which was a stereotypical song that played in video games and I also added a bloop sound every time he caught a can or a girl. The was so that you could actually hear if he was doing well or if he was failing. The obstacles that I encountered whilst making the Irn-Bru advergame would be making it all run smoothly as it is difficult to get all of the positions and timing right for each object as move layers only move slightly on each slide. If I could change it now I would add a part where Angus looses a life from touching a cola however I didn’t have enough time for that. Additionally making the characters and objects look good and detailed was very difficult as there were only a certain amount of pixels on the page so that meant I only had a certain amount of detail that I could use. Next time I will definitely use more pixels so that I can complete a more detailed and complex advergame. o Factors of Persuasion: The advergame has the same factor of persuasion as the TV advert and print advert do, which is reward power. In this instance the positive benefit would be that you can get satisfaction from winning game and ‘pretending’ that you can get all of these girls. This may persuade may people to buy the drink because many people find the game really fun and may be thinking about Irn-Bru next time they want a drink. Since the target audience for this product and advertising campaign is young males between 18-35 it is very relative to their situation as they are more likely to be playing video games than any other section of the general public therefore this appeal to them. o Styles of Advertising: The style of advertising for this advergame is fantasy/dream, this is because the people who play this, who are statistically more likely to be male, get to pretend that they can catch girls and drink a good drink, this therefore appeals to them as they are more likely to want girls as they are relatively young. This is successful in making you want to buy the product because it puts the image in your mind of you wanting to get the Irn-Bru so then next time you want a drink you think of Irn-Bru as it has planted that image in your head. Additionally people often associate the colours of orange and blue with Irn-Bru as that is their brand colour and as they appear often in the game it will force them to think about it next time they see an Irn-Bru drink.
  • 8. Real Advergame o Structures and techniques of Advertising: This is an advergame made by Irn-Bru themselves. The advert consists of a man throwing a girder through the air and trying to catch Irn-Bru along the way. This game has lots of Scottish links, first would be the man’s kilt which is obviously a Scottish piece of clothing, this then links to Irn-Bru’s Scottish heritage as that is where it was founded and created. In addition to that the man’s clothing is in the same colour of the Irn-Bru brand, orange and blue, this reminds people that the game is about Irn-Bru and it puts the idea of buying the drink in their minds. The can in the corner are Irn-Bru which are orange and blue and the pause button is orange too, this shows how they have stuck with a colour scheme to stay true to the brand of Irn-Bru. The aim of the game is to throw a girder, this is a link back to Scottish origins as iron works were a big part of their trade. Additionally Irn-Bru have a famous TV advert made in the 1970’s where the tag line is ‘Barr’s Irn-Bru, made in Scotland from Girders’. This advergame then links the old advertising campaign with the new one which will appeal to a wider range of audience. The people who originally knew Irn-Bru from them adverts will feel nostalgic and may then want an Irn-Bru and the younger generation may like to play the actual game and to have fun because that is more their generation. In the background of the game there are also other Scottish things for example a big hairy cow, this may link to the countryside of Scotland and therefore they are using it to remind people that it is a Scottish drink and that isn’t like the rest of the soft drink market. The aim of the game is to throw your girder as far as possible and to get as many Irn-Bru’s as possible too, this again puts the idea in the mind of whoever is playing that Irn-Bru is fun and that they should get one too. A big obstacle to avoid when making this advergame may have been to appeal it to a wide audience, even though Irn-Bru is mainly aimed at young males, they still want to appeal to everybody as anyone can drink a soft drink. This means that they had to make something that would be fun for everyone and the way they did that was by making a game that isn’t based upon your gender or age, but upon how competitive you are. o Factors of Persuasion: Firstly I would say that the factor of persuasion, as always for Irn-Bru, is reward power. This is because the game is solely there for you to play again and again and again. This means that you will get a benefit from getting a better score each time as it is very tempting to just keep going and try keep trying again and again. This is positive for Irn-Bru because the more you play the game, the more likely you are to buy the product as you spend more time thinking about it. Games get many people very competitive and draw people in and that means that people are drawn to the Irn-Bru website, this is good as then once on there they are more likely too look around and find out about all the good thinks that Irn- Bru are about and all of it’s history. o Styles of Advertising: The style of advertising used in this advergame would be fantasy/dream and comedy. As always Irn-Bru use lots of comedy in their adverts and this is mainly shown by the comment at the end of the game, for example ‘Your mum would be embarrassed’. This is a comment mainly based at young males as they are more likely to be close to their parents and have them be embarrassed yet still be grown up. This comedy makes people laugh and draws them in to the brand and if people think of the product then they are more likely to buy it. Additionally it uses the fantasy style of advertising because it is not possible to throw a real girder like that however this man can and you are controlling what he does and many people enjoy playing games where they can pretend to be other people. Finally this advergame uses a narrative as the game follows a short storyline that repeats itself once you finish the game.
  • 9. Print Comparison My own Irn-Bru print campaign can be compared to Irn-Bru’s own print adverts directly as are many similarities and differences between them. Firstly would be that they both have bright orange backgrounds, I took this inspiration from Irn-Bru’s professional adverts because orange is the main brand colour for Irn-Bru and it is used on every print advert that they have created and I feel as though that colour automatically makes people think of the product. Another similarity between the two would be that they both have a photograph on the left hand side of the page. This is another idea that I got from Irn-Bru as it is used on all of their posters, as I think that it highlights the photo as it is obvious next to the bright orange colour to the right. Another similarity would be that both photograph are in black and white, I did this because it makes the photo fit in with the poster more as there are less colours involved. This makes the poster look cleaner and it helps you to focus on the important things which are the Irn-Bru and the people. In addition a difference between the two would be that my advert contains three cans of Irn-Bru. I thought that this was best so that the viewers new for sure that it was an advert for Irn-Bru where as the real poster doesn’t have a can in it at all. However another difference between mine and the professional poster would be that they used a handwritten font for their slogan whereas I used a thicker font which is always in capitals. I used this as I felt as though it stood out more however the real one used a thinner and lighter font which in hindsight is easier to read than mine as it is thinner. Finally a similarity between the two would be that we both put the website and a can at the bottom of the poster. This is because it shows the logo and brand and also shows people what to do if they are interested. This is on almost every Irn-Bru poster and I think that it is necessary so people know what brand the advert is about. The technical qualities of the real advert are obviously far more advanced than mine however my advert is slightly more complex than theirs. Theirs contains a plain black and white image where as mine contains photoshopped fireworks and coloured cans on the black and white picture. This means that I changed more on my actual photo however theirs looks more professional so maybe that shows that in the case of Irn-Bru adverts, less is more. My own advert contains many strengths and weaknesses, firstly and mainly I would say that my fireworks do not look very realistic nor convincing. I think that this is because I didn’t have the skills to create an advert at a professional level. However when you compare it to the real advert they didn’t do any special effects so possibly if my fireworks had have been slightly better then it may have changed the whole concept on my poster. I also think that the font on my poster is too thick compared to Irn-Bru’s own poster as theirs looks more realistic as though someone had just written it themselves. Irn-Bru’s posters look very casual and like they don’t try to hard which obviously works as they are a successful company and so their font works much better for their brand than ‘the skinny‘ which is the one that I chose. If I did it again then I would use a different font and I would do better more realistic fireworks however the rest of the poster I am happy with as I feel that it has most of the same qualities as the real Irn-Bru posters.
  • 10. Video Comparison My TV AdReal TV Ad X_K4mNTTI8 My own 30 second Irn-Bru TV advert has many similarities and differences when compared to a real Irn-Bru TV advert. First I would say that the main similarity between the two would be the style in that they are made, meaning how they both use comedy as a selling point. Both these adverts use cheeky humour to get people be interested in Irn-Bru. Obviously the professional advert is much funny then my own as the real one contains the rule of three whereas mine doesn’t. my advert has one main comedy point and some other minor parts. The main part would be the end with the slogan as it is quite clever, where as the real advert is funny throughout and keeps the views laughing as it is very cringy. Another similarity between the two would be that they both contain a clip of someone drinking Irn-Bru, this subconsciously puts a seed in the viewers mind about drinking Irn-Bru and therefore helps to sell the product. Another similarity would be that they are both set around a character of a similar age, a young male, this is because this is their target audience and it therefore appeals to them. In addition to that in both adverts women are almost objectified. This is because in my advert all the boy wants is to have girls with him and want him, yet in the real advert the young guys really what to hug the mother as she has really big boobs. You may feel as though this reaches a certain section of society as young males are statistically more likely to be interested in women. On the other hand both endings contain a different kind of advert, usually in Irn-Bru adverts they close up on an object. For example in this real advert they close up on two balloons which is an innuendo for the mother’s breasts and then they show the slogan, however with mine we zoom out on the sky and show the slogan then. However I believe we both stick to the same idea as we have to zoom out so that we can show our fireworks in the sky, this is because these fireworks make a bang which is the innuendo that we use in our advert. More over I think that the technical qualities of my Irn-Bru advert and the real advert are quite close as the real one doesn’t contain many special effects. In my advert I use fireworks in my end scene which were put on by using special effects on PremierPro, this shows that I have some technical capabilities. However the real advert obviously had more aspects to it for example they had a real script, professional actors, high tech equipment and a choice of location where as I had very limited options as I only one location that I could use and there was a limited number of actors available. I think that are many strengths and weaknesses to my Irn-Bru TV advert, the main strength being that we had a good story line and that the slogan was very good. The slogan and storyline led the whole advert as it needed direction and a narrative, this therefore meant that we had to get from one place to another with our character and it was made easier by having a good slogan. Without these then the advert wouldn’t have made any sense and it wouldn’t have help to sell the product to the audience. However there were some weaknesses to my advert, firstly I would say that the beginning scenes, even though they were meant to be dark, were a little too dark as you can’t properly make out how bad the characters skin is at all times, because this was the first scene that we filmed we hadn’t completely got to grips with the camera however by the time we had finished we knew exactly what we were doing and so in the future this would not happen. If I could change anything about my advert it would be to make the music transition a lot smoother, I feel as though it switches too quickly from slow piano to fast guitar and that it doesn’t run very well however next time I will make that a priority when editing.
  • 11. Advergame Comparison My advergame contains some similarities and differences when compared to the real advergame made by Irn-Bru themselves. My advergame and the real one both have characters who wear kilts, this is a link to Scotland as it is a Scottish drink and therefore both myself and they have used the character to signify that link. In addition both games include Irn-Bru cans, this real advergame has a man who lifts a weights bar that has an Irn-Bru can on each end, this places the idea of the drink into the viewers minds and are therefore trying to sell that too them. Moreover my advergame consists of catching Irn-Bru cans which is therefore putting the same image in their head which is that you need Irn-Bru. You may also say that both adverts contain characters who are stereotypical men, since Irn- Bru are positioned towards young males they have created a character which is very manly and strong, this is similar to my advergame where my character loves women and wants to catch as many as he can. Another similarity between both mine and the real advergame is that they are both set outside which may be a link to the Scottish out doors as it is known as a tourist attraction for lots of walkers. However there are also lots of differences between my advergame and the real one, main being that this real one is realistic as lifting weights is something people do everyday where as mine follows an unrealistic storyline where girls and drinks fall from the sky. Additionally my character is very small and puny where as the character in the real one is huge and very, obviously strong. The technical quality of my advergame compared to the real one is very low, the real advergame is smooth and works perfectly and is obviously professional. Whereas my game is not smooth and looks very pixelated and it doesn’t look very realistic as my character runs sideways to catch the girls instead of forwards. However this is to be expected as I made this advergame using photoshop and PremierPro whereas they are game makers for a living and will have software that is created for that reason. My advergame also had lots of strengths and weaknesses, the main weakness would be the movement of the character Angus, he does move sideways on purpose because that is the direction he is going however it doesn’t look as good as I originally thought that it would and so if I made this again I would definitely make a more detailed character and use a page with many more pixels so that he could have a more varied walk/run cycle because that would make the game much better and it would also make it look better. In addition if I could change anything then I would change the background, I would add in a forest to give the game more content and I would add more slides so that more had happened. I would add a part in where the main character touches a cola o that you could see what would happen if he lost a life, and I may also create a whole new sequence so that you could see what happens when he looses a game. However despite that I think that there are strengths to my game including that the story line is good and funny as many games follow an unrealistic path without making it terrible and I also think that it links in well with my TV advert and my print campaign.