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Lecture 3
Among those of hundreds of applicants for a job, your resume and
cover letters were strong enough to prompt a potential employer to
invite you for an interview.
You have made it though the “paper chase” of the job search, and now
are ready to move on to the interviewing phase.
Prepare well – it’s the interview that will get you the job.
Interviewing is an important method for collecting data on information
system requirements
Interviews reveal information about
◦ Interviewee opinions
◦ Interviewee feelings
◦ About the current state of the system
◦ Organizational and personal goals
◦ Informal procedures
Planning the Interview
◦ Five steps in planning the interview are
◦ Reading background material
◦ Establishing interview objectives
◦ Deciding whom to interview
◦ Preparing the interviewee
◦ Deciding on question types and structure
Question Types
There are two basic types of interview questions:
◦ Open-ended
◦ Closed ended
Open-Ended Questions
◦ Open-ended interview questions allow
interviewees to respond how they wish, and to
what length they wish
◦ Open-ended questions are appropriate when the
analyst is interested in breadth and depth of
Advantages of Open-Ended
◦ Putting the interviewee at ease
◦ Allowing the interviewer to pick up on the interviewee's
◦ Reflect education, values, attitudes, and beliefs
◦ Providing richness of detail
◦ Revealing avenues of further questioning that may have
gone untapped
◦ More interesting for the interviewee
◦ Allows more spontaneity
◦ Makes phrasing easier for the interviewer
◦ Useful if the interviewer is unprepared
Disadvantages of Open-Ended
◦ May result in too much irrelevant detail
◦ Possibly losing control of the interview
◦ May take too much time for the amount of useful
information gained
◦ Potentially seeming that the interviewer is unprepared
◦ Possibly giving the impression that the interviewer is on a
"fishing expedition”
Closed Interview Questions
Closed interview questions limit the number of possible responses
Closed interview questions are appropriate for generating precise,
reliable data which is easy to analyze
The methodology is efficient, and it requires little skill for interviewers
to administer
Benefits of Closed Interview
◦ Saving interview time
◦ Easily comparing interviews
◦ Getting to the point
◦ Keeping control of the interview
◦ Covering a large area quickly
◦ Getting to relevant data
Disadvantages of Closed
Interview Questions
◦ Boring for the interviewee
◦ Failure to obtain rich detail
◦ Failing to build rapport between interviewer and
Bipolar Questions and Probes
Bipolar questions are those that may be answered with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or
‘agree’ or ‘disagree’
Bipolar questions should be used sparingly
Question Pitfalls
Avoid leading questions, those that imply an answer
Leading questions tend to guide interviewees into responses apparently
desired by the interviewer
These questions should be avoided to reduce bias and improve
reliability and validity
Avoid double-barreled questions, asking two questions at once
These questions should be avoided because interviewees may answer
only one question, leading to difficulties in interpretation
Question Sequencing
There are three basic ways of structuring
◦ Pyramid, starting with closed questions and working
toward open-ended questions
◦ Funnel, starting with open-ended questions and working
toward closed questions
◦ Diamond, starting with closed, moving toward open-
ended, and ending with closed questions
Pyramid Structure
Begins with very detailed, often closed questions
Expands by allowing open-ended questions and more generalized
Is useful if interviewees need to be warmed up to the topic or seem
reluctant to address the topic
Funnel Structure
Begins with generalized, open-ended questions
Concludes by narrowing the possible responses using closed questions
Provides an easy, nonthreatening way to begin an interview
Is useful when the interviewee feels emotionally about the topic
Diamond Structure
A diamond-shaped structure begins in a very specific way
Then more general issues are examined
Concludes with specific questions
Is useful in keeping the interviewee's interest and attention through a
variety of questions
Structured and Unstructured
A completely structured interview is planned and the plan is strictly
Closed questions are the basis of structured interviews
An unstructured interview is conversational
Recording the Interview
Interviews can be recorded with tape recorders or notes
Audio recording should be done with permission and understanding
Advantages of Audio
Recording the Interview
◦ Providing a completely accurate record of what each
person said
◦ Freeing the interviewer to listen and respond more
◦ Allowing better eye contact and better rapport
◦ Allowing replay of the interview for other team members
Disadvantages of Audio
Recording the Interview
◦ Possibly making the interviewee nervous and less apt to
respond freely
◦ Possibly making the interviewer less apt to listen since it
is all being recorded
◦ Difficulty in locating important passages on a long tape
◦ Increasing costs of data gathering
Advantages of Note Taking
During Interviews
Keeping the interviewer alert
Aiding recall of important questions
Helping recall of important interview trends
Showing interviewer interest in the interview
Demonstrating the interviewer's preparedness
Disadvantages of Note Taking
During Interviews
Losing vital eye contact
Losing the train of conversation
Making the interviewee hesitant to speak when notes are being made
Causing excessive attention to facts and too little attention to feelings
and opinions
Interview Preparation
There are three important keys to effectively
preparing yourself to shine in the interview.
1) Know yourself
2) Dress the part
3) Research the organization
Know Yourself
•How well do you fit the job description?
•What are the skills, abilities, and qualities you have that can benefit the
•Why are you the best fit for the job and the organization?
Conservative dark suit No visible body piercing, tattoos
Polished, closed-toe dress shoes Minimal jewelry
Conservative hair style (cut and styled) No excessive cologne or perfume
Well–groomed Minimal make-up
Conservative hem and necklines Pressed shirt/blouse
Dark socks (men)
What To Bring
Prepare a travel folder that includes:
•Name, address and phone number of the organization
and your contact
•Directions – make sure you know where you are going;
take a practice drive before if possible
•Copies of your resume and reference sheet; paper and
•List of questions you will ask
•Professional portfolio (if applicable)
Research The Organization
Employers expect you to know what the organization is, what it does and how that
fits into your employment plans.
•What do you know about the organization?
• What are the organization’s main services/products, values, structure, culture?
Recent news? Leaders?
•Is the organization financially stable?
•Be able to articulate what you have learned, including your understanding of its
mission and philosophy; Integrate what you know into the questions you ask.
•Use the company’s Web site, Career Insider, Glass Door, and Google
Alert to find information.
The Interview Day
•Take time to compose yourself when you arrive. The
interview begins when you step out of the car.
•Greet everyone in a friendly and professional manner;
often staff are asked their opinion of candidates.
•Greet interviewer by name, with a smile, and direct eye
•Offer a firm, not bone-crushing, handshake.
•Be calm; be aware of non-verbal/body language.
• Smile and make eye contact as you shake hands.
• Extend your hand; your palm should touch the palm of the interviewer
• Use a firm handshake; adjust your grip to the other person’s hand.
• Hold the handshake for 2 to 3 seconds making a slight up and down
pumping motion.
Tip: Carry a tissue in your
pocket. If your palms are
sweaty, wipe them dry before
you go into the interview.
Tell Me About Yourself
•Describe yourself professionally, not personally.
•Consider your answer a “30-second commercial” or an
“elevator moment” that is about your professional
•State your skills and experience and how they relate to
the position.
The Interview Begins
• Ask permission to take a few notes during the interview in case you need
clarification at the end of the interview.
•Listen carefully to questions. It’s okay to ask for
• Use 5-second fillers to help you remember such as, “That is a good
question, let me think about it for a moment,” or, “Would you please repeat
the question so I am sure of your meaning.”
•Show interest in the position through your eye contact,
posture and attentiveness.
• If you are interviewed by several people, make eye contact with each one as
you respond to questions.
The Star Method
•Include in your targeted and thorough answer:
• S=Situation (Describe the situation)
• T=Technique (What approach did you use?)
• A=Action (What action did you take?)
• R=Result (What was the result of your action?)
Be Prepared To Give Examples
•Behavioral questions illustrate that past experiences can predict future
•Always include outcomes – what happened and what did you learn.
•For example:
• Describe a challenging project or assignment.
• Tell me about a time when a project or assignment did not go well.
• Tell me about a time when you improved a process either at work or in the
classroom (can also use athletic examples).
“Why Should I Consider You A
Strong Applicant For This Position?”
Articulate what’s in your resume.
• Be self-assured, not arrogant.
• Relate your knowledge, skills and abilities directly to the job.
• Show your passion.
• Tell and sell your story.
The “Weakness” Question
•Everyone has a weakness. A weakness is a deficient skill that
you have or need to improve. A weakness is not a character
•Be honest and always use an example that is NOT job-related.
•Always describe the weakness in the past tense and discuss
briefly how you have improved.
•Avoid trite answers such as, “I am a perfectionist.”
What Questions Do You Have
For Me?
•Prepare a list of at least three to five
intelligent/researched questions.
•Google “Interview Questions to Ask” as a guide
to formulating pertinent questions.
•Lead off a question with what you do know
based on your research.
•Do NOT ask about salary, benefits, or vacation
time. These issues are discussed when you are
extended a job offer.
Sample Questions To Ask
•When will you make a hiring decision?
•What would an average day on the job entail?
•What are the challenges and opportunities for the new hires during their first year?
•What goals or projects would you want this person to accomplish quickly?
•How will performance be evaluated?
•Who would be the immediate supervisor? What is the supervisor’s management style?
•What do you enjoy about working at this organization?
• Be sure you ask for business cards before you leave the
• Send thank you notes to each interviewer.
• Each interviewer receives a thank you note.
• You can follow up in a few weeks.
• Call the organization and ask about the interview process.
• Remember that finding a full-time position is a full-time job
in itself.
• There may be many applicants and only a few positions available.
• Don’t be thin-skinned.
• Remain positive.
• Continue your search as you wait for job offers.
Types of Interview
As a job seeker you can expect to have a number of interviews
before getting a job offer.
Not all of these interviews will be the traditional kind, where you
meet the interviewer one-on-one for a discussion
Regardless the type of interview, your goal is to always come
across as the best candidate.
Knowing in advance which format you’ll be facing can help you
prepare effectively.
Screening Interview
Before you even get asked in for an interview, you might receive an
initial phone call from the employer. It could be one of their Human
Resources people wanting to ask you a series of questions that will help
them decide if they want to bring you in for a face-to-face discussion. So
be alert and on your best behavior when your phone rings.
Telephone Interview
Skype interview
Panel Interview
It’s nerve-wracking enough to have one interviewer take you through your
paces. Imagine having two, three, or even more people interviewing you all
at once. That’s what a panel interview is all about. It gives the employer
multiple opinions about you.
Your job is to engage each member of the panel when answering a
question. Start by making eye contact with the person who has posed the
query. Then gradually shift your focus to each of the other panel members
while continuing to answer the question.
Several Interviewers
Eye contact with each person
More eye contact with questioner
Patience and calm
Stress Interview
You’ve been given a basket full of tasks. The interviewer gives you 20 minutes to sort
through the tasks and put them in the proper priority. Or part way through the session,
your interviewer suddenly starts asking two or three questions a time, glaring at you when
you try to answer, then suddenly gets up and walks out for a few minutes – no explanation
Chances are you’re being stress-interviewed. The employer puts you under pressure to
see how you react. You show them what you’re made of by keeping your cool. The more
they continue to apply the tension, the calmer you become.
Remain calm and tactful
De-personalize the process
Example Questions
"(deep sigh) Well, if that's the best answer you can give ... (shakes head) Okay, what about
this one ...?"
"How do you feel this interview is going?"
Case Interview
The employer gives you a problem or topic for which you must prepare
a presentation, either before arriving or directly on the spot. They want
to see how you communicate your ideas in front of a small group.
That’s why you do your homework and show up ready to perform. Keep
in mind who your audience is, what they might be expecting to hear,
and the time limit you’ve been given to make your pitch.
Behavioral Interview
Behavioral based interviewing is interviewing based on discovering how the
you acted in a specific situation. The logic is that how you behaved in the
past will predict how you will behave in the future.
Instead of asking how you would behave, they will ask how you did behave.
The interviewer will want to know how you handled a situation, instead of
what you might do in the future.
Based on previous activities
Requires specific examples
e.g. interpersonal skills
"Describe a time you had to work with someone you didn't like."
e.g. leadership skills
“Give me a time when you motivated others.”
Lunch/Dinner Interview
Sometimes the employer has decided to hire you, but asks you back just
to meet a few more people. Probably their objective is to make certain
they haven’t missed any obvious shortcomings that others might see in
You’re now in a beauty parade. Show up dressed professionally, be
enthusiastic, and don’t give them a single reason to reconsider giving
you the job offer. These sessions tend to last no more than a half hour
This type of interview gives the employer a chance to assess your
communication and interpersonal skills as well as your table manners!
So make sure you order wisely (no spaghetti Bolognese) and make sure
you don’t spill your drink (non-alcoholic of course!)
From the screening interview to the final interview, you’ll need to come
across as confident and upbeat.
Having an understanding of each interview format helps. You’ll know
what to watch for and how best to get yourself ready.
Success lies in Consistency
Being yourself each time you’re interviewed makes for a consistent
impression. The employer then begins to trust you and feel more
comfortable. And you will naturally be at your best no matter what kind
of interview they throw your way.

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  • 2. Among those of hundreds of applicants for a job, your resume and cover letters were strong enough to prompt a potential employer to invite you for an interview. You have made it though the “paper chase” of the job search, and now are ready to move on to the interviewing phase. Prepare well – it’s the interview that will get you the job.
  • 3. Interviewing Interviewing is an important method for collecting data on information system requirements Interviews reveal information about ◦ Interviewee opinions ◦ Interviewee feelings ◦ About the current state of the system ◦ Organizational and personal goals ◦ Informal procedures
  • 4. Planning the Interview ◦ Five steps in planning the interview are ◦ Reading background material ◦ Establishing interview objectives ◦ Deciding whom to interview ◦ Preparing the interviewee ◦ Deciding on question types and structure
  • 5. Question Types There are two basic types of interview questions: ◦ Open-ended ◦ Closed ended
  • 6. Open-Ended Questions ◦ Open-ended interview questions allow interviewees to respond how they wish, and to what length they wish ◦ Open-ended questions are appropriate when the analyst is interested in breadth and depth of reply
  • 7. Advantages of Open-Ended Questions ◦ Putting the interviewee at ease ◦ Allowing the interviewer to pick up on the interviewee's vocabulary ◦ Reflect education, values, attitudes, and beliefs ◦ Providing richness of detail ◦ Revealing avenues of further questioning that may have gone untapped ◦ More interesting for the interviewee ◦ Allows more spontaneity ◦ Makes phrasing easier for the interviewer ◦ Useful if the interviewer is unprepared
  • 8. Disadvantages of Open-Ended Questions ◦ May result in too much irrelevant detail ◦ Possibly losing control of the interview ◦ May take too much time for the amount of useful information gained ◦ Potentially seeming that the interviewer is unprepared ◦ Possibly giving the impression that the interviewer is on a "fishing expedition”
  • 9. Closed Interview Questions Closed interview questions limit the number of possible responses Closed interview questions are appropriate for generating precise, reliable data which is easy to analyze The methodology is efficient, and it requires little skill for interviewers to administer
  • 10. Benefits of Closed Interview Questions ◦ Saving interview time ◦ Easily comparing interviews ◦ Getting to the point ◦ Keeping control of the interview ◦ Covering a large area quickly ◦ Getting to relevant data
  • 11. Disadvantages of Closed Interview Questions ◦ Boring for the interviewee ◦ Failure to obtain rich detail ◦ Failing to build rapport between interviewer and interviewee
  • 12. Bipolar Questions and Probes Bipolar questions are those that may be answered with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ Bipolar questions should be used sparingly
  • 13. Question Pitfalls Avoid leading questions, those that imply an answer Leading questions tend to guide interviewees into responses apparently desired by the interviewer These questions should be avoided to reduce bias and improve reliability and validity Avoid double-barreled questions, asking two questions at once These questions should be avoided because interviewees may answer only one question, leading to difficulties in interpretation
  • 14. Question Sequencing There are three basic ways of structuring interviews: ◦ Pyramid, starting with closed questions and working toward open-ended questions ◦ Funnel, starting with open-ended questions and working toward closed questions ◦ Diamond, starting with closed, moving toward open- ended, and ending with closed questions
  • 15. Pyramid Structure Begins with very detailed, often closed questions Expands by allowing open-ended questions and more generalized responses Is useful if interviewees need to be warmed up to the topic or seem reluctant to address the topic
  • 16. Funnel Structure Begins with generalized, open-ended questions Concludes by narrowing the possible responses using closed questions Provides an easy, nonthreatening way to begin an interview Is useful when the interviewee feels emotionally about the topic
  • 17. Diamond Structure A diamond-shaped structure begins in a very specific way Then more general issues are examined Concludes with specific questions Is useful in keeping the interviewee's interest and attention through a variety of questions
  • 18. Structured and Unstructured Interviews A completely structured interview is planned and the plan is strictly followed Closed questions are the basis of structured interviews An unstructured interview is conversational
  • 19. Recording the Interview Interviews can be recorded with tape recorders or notes Audio recording should be done with permission and understanding
  • 20. Advantages of Audio Recording the Interview ◦ Providing a completely accurate record of what each person said ◦ Freeing the interviewer to listen and respond more rapidly ◦ Allowing better eye contact and better rapport ◦ Allowing replay of the interview for other team members
  • 21. Disadvantages of Audio Recording the Interview ◦ Possibly making the interviewee nervous and less apt to respond freely ◦ Possibly making the interviewer less apt to listen since it is all being recorded ◦ Difficulty in locating important passages on a long tape ◦ Increasing costs of data gathering
  • 22. Advantages of Note Taking During Interviews Keeping the interviewer alert Aiding recall of important questions Helping recall of important interview trends Showing interviewer interest in the interview Demonstrating the interviewer's preparedness
  • 23. Disadvantages of Note Taking During Interviews Losing vital eye contact Losing the train of conversation Making the interviewee hesitant to speak when notes are being made Causing excessive attention to facts and too little attention to feelings and opinions
  • 24. Interview Preparation There are three important keys to effectively preparing yourself to shine in the interview. 1) Know yourself 2) Dress the part 3) Research the organization
  • 25. Know Yourself •How well do you fit the job description? •What are the skills, abilities, and qualities you have that can benefit the organization? •Why are you the best fit for the job and the organization?
  • 26. DRESS FOR SUCCESS PROFESSIONAL DRESS REQUIREMENTS – YOU MUST WEAR A SUIT! Conservative dark suit No visible body piercing, tattoos Polished, closed-toe dress shoes Minimal jewelry Conservative hair style (cut and styled) No excessive cologne or perfume Well–groomed Minimal make-up Conservative hem and necklines Pressed shirt/blouse Dark socks (men)
  • 27. What To Bring Prepare a travel folder that includes: •Name, address and phone number of the organization and your contact •Directions – make sure you know where you are going; take a practice drive before if possible •Copies of your resume and reference sheet; paper and pen •List of questions you will ask •Professional portfolio (if applicable)
  • 28. Research The Organization Employers expect you to know what the organization is, what it does and how that fits into your employment plans. •What do you know about the organization? • What are the organization’s main services/products, values, structure, culture? Recent news? Leaders? •Is the organization financially stable? •Be able to articulate what you have learned, including your understanding of its mission and philosophy; Integrate what you know into the questions you ask. •Use the company’s Web site, Career Insider, Glass Door, and Google Alert to find information.
  • 29. The Interview Day •Take time to compose yourself when you arrive. The interview begins when you step out of the car. •Greet everyone in a friendly and professional manner; often staff are asked their opinion of candidates. •Greet interviewer by name, with a smile, and direct eye contact. •Offer a firm, not bone-crushing, handshake. •Be calm; be aware of non-verbal/body language.
  • 30. HOW TO SHAKE HANDS • Smile and make eye contact as you shake hands. • Extend your hand; your palm should touch the palm of the interviewer • Use a firm handshake; adjust your grip to the other person’s hand. • Hold the handshake for 2 to 3 seconds making a slight up and down pumping motion. Tip: Carry a tissue in your pocket. If your palms are sweaty, wipe them dry before you go into the interview.
  • 31. Tell Me About Yourself •Describe yourself professionally, not personally. •Consider your answer a “30-second commercial” or an “elevator moment” that is about your professional accomplishments. •State your skills and experience and how they relate to the position.
  • 32. The Interview Begins • Ask permission to take a few notes during the interview in case you need clarification at the end of the interview. •Listen carefully to questions. It’s okay to ask for clarification • Use 5-second fillers to help you remember such as, “That is a good question, let me think about it for a moment,” or, “Would you please repeat the question so I am sure of your meaning.” •Show interest in the position through your eye contact, posture and attentiveness. • If you are interviewed by several people, make eye contact with each one as you respond to questions.
  • 33. The Star Method •Include in your targeted and thorough answer: • S=Situation (Describe the situation) • T=Technique (What approach did you use?) • A=Action (What action did you take?) • R=Result (What was the result of your action?)
  • 34. Be Prepared To Give Examples •Behavioral questions illustrate that past experiences can predict future behavior. •Always include outcomes – what happened and what did you learn. •For example: • Describe a challenging project or assignment. • Tell me about a time when a project or assignment did not go well. • Tell me about a time when you improved a process either at work or in the classroom (can also use athletic examples).
  • 35. “Why Should I Consider You A Strong Applicant For This Position?” Articulate what’s in your resume. • Be self-assured, not arrogant. • Relate your knowledge, skills and abilities directly to the job. • Show your passion. • Tell and sell your story.
  • 36. The “Weakness” Question •Everyone has a weakness. A weakness is a deficient skill that you have or need to improve. A weakness is not a character flaw. •Be honest and always use an example that is NOT job-related. •Always describe the weakness in the past tense and discuss briefly how you have improved. •Avoid trite answers such as, “I am a perfectionist.”
  • 37. What Questions Do You Have For Me? •Prepare a list of at least three to five intelligent/researched questions. •Google “Interview Questions to Ask” as a guide to formulating pertinent questions. •Lead off a question with what you do know based on your research. •Do NOT ask about salary, benefits, or vacation time. These issues are discussed when you are extended a job offer.
  • 38. Sample Questions To Ask •When will you make a hiring decision? •What would an average day on the job entail? •What are the challenges and opportunities for the new hires during their first year? •What goals or projects would you want this person to accomplish quickly? •How will performance be evaluated? •Who would be the immediate supervisor? What is the supervisor’s management style? •What do you enjoy about working at this organization?
  • 39. FOLLOWING THE INTERVIEW • Be sure you ask for business cards before you leave the interview. • Send thank you notes to each interviewer. • Each interviewer receives a thank you note. • You can follow up in a few weeks. • Call the organization and ask about the interview process. • Remember that finding a full-time position is a full-time job in itself. • There may be many applicants and only a few positions available. • Don’t be thin-skinned. • Remain positive. • Continue your search as you wait for job offers.
  • 40. Types of Interview As a job seeker you can expect to have a number of interviews before getting a job offer. Not all of these interviews will be the traditional kind, where you meet the interviewer one-on-one for a discussion Regardless the type of interview, your goal is to always come across as the best candidate. Knowing in advance which format you’ll be facing can help you prepare effectively.
  • 41. Screening Interview Before you even get asked in for an interview, you might receive an initial phone call from the employer. It could be one of their Human Resources people wanting to ask you a series of questions that will help them decide if they want to bring you in for a face-to-face discussion. So be alert and on your best behavior when your phone rings. Telephone Interview Skype interview
  • 42. Panel Interview It’s nerve-wracking enough to have one interviewer take you through your paces. Imagine having two, three, or even more people interviewing you all at once. That’s what a panel interview is all about. It gives the employer multiple opinions about you. Your job is to engage each member of the panel when answering a question. Start by making eye contact with the person who has posed the query. Then gradually shift your focus to each of the other panel members while continuing to answer the question. Several Interviewers Eye contact with each person More eye contact with questioner Patience and calm
  • 43. Stress Interview You’ve been given a basket full of tasks. The interviewer gives you 20 minutes to sort through the tasks and put them in the proper priority. Or part way through the session, your interviewer suddenly starts asking two or three questions a time, glaring at you when you try to answer, then suddenly gets up and walks out for a few minutes – no explanation supplied. Chances are you’re being stress-interviewed. The employer puts you under pressure to see how you react. You show them what you’re made of by keeping your cool. The more they continue to apply the tension, the calmer you become. Remain calm and tactful De-personalize the process Example Questions "(deep sigh) Well, if that's the best answer you can give ... (shakes head) Okay, what about this one ...?" "How do you feel this interview is going?"
  • 44. Case Interview The employer gives you a problem or topic for which you must prepare a presentation, either before arriving or directly on the spot. They want to see how you communicate your ideas in front of a small group. That’s why you do your homework and show up ready to perform. Keep in mind who your audience is, what they might be expecting to hear, and the time limit you’ve been given to make your pitch.
  • 45. Behavioral Interview Behavioral based interviewing is interviewing based on discovering how the you acted in a specific situation. The logic is that how you behaved in the past will predict how you will behave in the future. Instead of asking how you would behave, they will ask how you did behave. The interviewer will want to know how you handled a situation, instead of what you might do in the future. Based on previous activities Requires specific examples e.g. interpersonal skills "Describe a time you had to work with someone you didn't like." e.g. leadership skills “Give me a time when you motivated others.”
  • 46. Lunch/Dinner Interview Sometimes the employer has decided to hire you, but asks you back just to meet a few more people. Probably their objective is to make certain they haven’t missed any obvious shortcomings that others might see in you. You’re now in a beauty parade. Show up dressed professionally, be enthusiastic, and don’t give them a single reason to reconsider giving you the job offer. These sessions tend to last no more than a half hour each. This type of interview gives the employer a chance to assess your communication and interpersonal skills as well as your table manners! So make sure you order wisely (no spaghetti Bolognese) and make sure you don’t spill your drink (non-alcoholic of course!)
  • 47. From the screening interview to the final interview, you’ll need to come across as confident and upbeat. Having an understanding of each interview format helps. You’ll know what to watch for and how best to get yourself ready. Success lies in Consistency Being yourself each time you’re interviewed makes for a consistent impression. The employer then begins to trust you and feel more comfortable. And you will naturally be at your best no matter what kind of interview they throw your way.