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Sunil Kumar International Cuisine
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Surely there is no other country in the world where eating and drinking represent such a strong expression
of culture. In France,instinct for good food is so wide spread that even the most unsophisticated person
will talk about it with passion and knowledge.
By according it such a high value, the French have developed highly discriminating taste which forms the
foundation for their cuisine and its numerous specialties.
The simplest meal consists of at least three, mostly four courses:
Hors d’oeurve
Main course
France is well known for having mouthwatering specialty such as Andouille’s and Andouillettes,
sausages made of bladder and stomach. The French appreciate variety of meats (offals) and cheese. Wine
with a meal is a matter of course. There has been an ever greater appreciation of the importance of the
taste of the ingredients. High quality suppliers are vital if the chefs are still to produce those masterpieces
of haute cuisine.
Until about 2 decades ago, French cuisine had two clear- cut- branches: La Grande or haute cuisine and
Provençale. Then with the changing taste came nouvelle cuisine and cuisine mincer cuisine. The last
name failed to gain popularity but nouvelle cuisine carved a niche for itself. The roman first made dining
a grandiose and lavish affair and then, with the renaissance,gave it a touch of subtlety and elegance
which is what they exported to France. In 1533 Catherine De Medici married to the future king Henry II
of France. She brought with her Italian cooks to first introduce sauces and desserts in France
It was during the region of Sinking Louis XIV that Laverne practiced his art. To this greet chef goes the
credit for discarding heavy spices and introducing truffles and mushrooms as garnishes with few dishes.
Subsequently it was revived in the days of master chefs Marie Antoine Crème and Augusta Escoffier.
Most French restaurant around the glove still serves the creations of this high priest of la Grande cuisine.
The basis of La Grande cuisine is sauces. The main objective of the sauces,which must be subtle, is to
complement the flavor of the main ingredients. Unlike other cuisine the flavors are almost never mixed.
During the mid -1960s master Chef Paul because started a new wave in French gastronomy. Forsaking the
rich sauce,laden Grande de cuisine the chefs of the new school offered a low calorie, low cholesterol and
artfully displayed cuisine that became a fad. A craze that traveled across the globe at more than a feverish
pace. So impressed was the food critics Christian Milan that he dubbed nouvelle cuisine.
Because and his co-practitioners began using minced or pureed vegetables instead of flour to
thicken sauces,ensuring that the consistency was much thinner. Over cooked chicken breast finished in
pre-reduced sauces when “out”, a rare fillet of poached chicken simmered in basil sauce became “in”. The
idea was to rely on more simply and basic ingredients rather than a lavish treat prepared by grand chef.
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The accent was on good ingredients seasonal and locally procures. One of the cardinal principles of the
new cuisine was to avoid food that has traveled long distance.
The new cuisine demanded that the chef began the day early, searching the local market for the
freshest product and then decide the day’s menu. The portions were kept small, which in turn enabled and
artistic display on large plate.
Important equipment’s used in French cuisine:
1. Casserole (cocottes) - a selection in various sizes round and oval, all with a tight fitting lids,
capacity of 406 liter, can be used in oven.
2. Marmite – also known as stock pot or stew pan. It is tall so it ensures minimum evaporation.
3. Chinos- fine conical strainer
4. Chopping board – heavy thick wooden board
5. Peppermill- it is used for crushing peppercorn.
6. Mortar (pestle) – Inspire of modern electric blenders there are still some jobs which need a hard
pounding in an old fashioned mortar
7. Flan tin – it is fluted metal rings with removable base,used in baking
8. Terrines mold- these are ovaland round earthen ware or china dish with lid.
9. Timbale – t is straight sided flame proof porcelain dishes.
10. Remains- these are individual soufflé dishes.
11. Colette pan – 6’’-7’’ omelet pan with a flat base and slopping sides.
12. Satori – these are a wide shallow sauce pan with lid.
13. Wire whisk – whisk used for smooth sauces and beating egg white.
14. Mandolin (food processor) - this is a flat slicer and shredder with adjustable blades, used for slicing
Ingredients used in French cuisine:
1. Bacon – uncooked, uncooked bacon
2. Bread crumb – used for sprinkling on the surface for gravitating and coating
3. Butter – unsalted, made from cream.
4. Cheese – used commonly in French cuisine. Gruyere, parmesan are used.
5. Coffee- French preference is strong black coffee made by a filter method from dark roasted
coffee beans.
6. Cream - generally 4types, heavy whipped cream,whipped cream,light cream,half and half
7. Crouton –these are quarter inch thick slices from bread, ½’’ inch cubes, shallow fried, used as
8. Croute – crisp dried bread slices to serve with soup.
9. Fine herbs – classicalmixture of roughly chopped parsley, chives, chervil, tarragon.
10. Mustard - they are made of mustard, sold in attractive jar. Ex- Dijon mustard.
11. Olive oil- good olive oil is an essential ingredient in French cuisine.
12. Pork rind- thinly cut fresh pork rind used to make a ranch gelatinous product.
13. Pork sausages – it is simply pork meat,pork fat and seasoning, put into casing and smoked.
14. Shallots – member of onion family.
15. Truffle – black expensive algae.
16. White wine vinegar and red wine vinegar
17. Snail – also known as escargot.
18. Foe grass – liver of specially fattened geese.
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The French are particular about their breads. They like to eat baguette with the meal. The popularity of
the crispy crust eventually stimulated the appearance of the baguettes. The best bread is produced where a
minimum of yeast breads.
CROISSANT:The croissant is the favorite breakfast food of the French. Croissant literally means ‘waxing moon’ it is
rich yeasted crescent shaped breads.
Pasties are an aperitif with an aniseed base and it is above all around the Mediterranean than aniseed is to
It is black current liqueur, specialty of burgundy and almost syrupy in consistency, flows into bottles.
Antoine Crème (1783-1833), effectively the founder of fine French cuisine, was responsible for the
elevation of the edible snails to gourmet status at the beginning of the 19th
century—burgundy style with
butter, garlic and parsley.
Escargot is the French term of edible snails
Bearer escargot (snail butter)
If you want to enjoy completely fresh seafood in general or homer,lobster, in particular, then journey to
Brittany is must.
Saint-brick is the French capital for lobster, langoustes (spiny lobster), crabs,scallop and other fishes.
Famous lobster dishes:
Homer an l’armoricaine: Flambéed lobster pieces in fine tomato sauce.
Homer a la crème:Pieces of lobsters fried quickly and cooked in cream.
Homer thermion: Lobster with cream sauce,gratin teed with cheese.
OYSTERS:In France,the oyster’s beds are to be found on the Brittany coast, at Marines and on the Mediterranean at
Baouzigues in the lagoon of Thai. The beds at marines cover 14 square miles. They are located on the
sand bank between the estuaries of the rivers Sauder and Charente and on the east side of the offshore
island of Operon.
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Oyster,clam( originated in America, eaten raw in France),langouste( spiny lobster), cockle( has little
flesh and must be thoroughly cleaned), lobsters( most well-known are deep blue Breton lobsters),
shrimps( corvette rose), Cray fish (crevasse) are found abundantly.
FISH:Anchors (Anchovies, small herring form the Mediterranean),aiguille (eel), brochette
(Pike), caballed (cod), Engle fin (haddock), maquereau (mackerel), sardine, salmon (salmon), turbots are
French people choice.
BOUILLABAISSE:Bouillabaisse is formed from the word for boil “boiler” and waste “biases”. It became the name for the
soup which is the fishermen prepared for the remains of their catch.
It is a fish stew,served with rules (spicy sauce) or ‘aioli’ (garlic paste)
ANCHOVIES:The freshly caught fish are immediately mixed with salt, after salting, the insides and heads are removed
and the anchovies put in layers in barrels. The salt is scattered between layers. The anchovies then mature
for 3 months.
SOUPS:Every traditional menu begins with a soup. The French term for soup is potage.
Bouillon- Clear meat,fish, vegetable stock.
Crème – Soup thickened with béchamel sauce.
Bisque – Soup thickened with shellfish puree
Consommé – Clear soup
Volute – Soup thickened with volute sauce or blond roux.
French onion soup (soup a logion) – The most famous soup from France
TRUFFLES:Truffles are expensive. Brillat-Savarin, the grand master of French gastronomy considers them a great
delicacy. Truffle is a fungus, it used to be pigs that acted as truffle hunters but in mean time dogs have
taken over the responsibility.
The Period- the home of the black truffle. Period is located at the east of Bordeaux.
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Pate is a baked mincemeat block, covered with pate pastry case. Terrines are poached/ baked mincemeat
block with nuts and spices.
Foe grass is a pate made from the flattened liver of goose or duck.
Pullet( chicken), pollarded de blesse (blesse chicken , high quality chicken from blesse region), pigeon,
called( quail), pentad ( guinea fowl), canard ( duck) are French peoples favorite.
Coq au vin: cockerel (in most cases chicken is used) with wine.
HAM AND SAUSAGES:As is simply demonstrated by sheer variety of sausages and hams, the pig is sacred to the butcher. The
andouillettes- a sausage made from veal tripe, pork belly and stomach, is a specialty of French who are
very partial to variety meat.
Jamb on cru: the delicate flavor of air dried, raw ham develops slowly over a maturing period of 7
Jamb on cui a loss – a whole ham cooked and then cut from the bone.
Pot au feud- Beef stew
Boeuf a la fickle – Beef on a thread, whole beef fillet tied with a thread, braised)
Roti de pork- Rolled roast pork.
Colette’s- Lamb cutlets
Savarin de mouton- Ragout of lamb.
Chou croute, pickled cabbage / sauerkraut,is widely available in the rest of France together with the
hearty dishes, in which it feature so prominently. Chou croute goes well with smoked / uncooked bacon,
smoked loin of pork and knuckle of pork.
Crudités- raw vegetables
Ratatouille- vegetable stew
Croquettes duchesse-potato croquettes
Pommes frites- French fries.
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A classic, refined mustard particularly suitable for cooking purpose, it can be used for sauces and for
rubbing into the meats roast.
Savory pie contains cooked egg custard with bacon, crème fraise and nutmeg.
CHEESE:France produces 370 different varieties of cheese.
Camembert- mold ripened from the outside form Normandy.
Roquefort- it is sheep’s cheese made of full cream unpasteurized milk. It is the blue veined cheese mold
ripened form outside.
Cheever: goat cheese,when goat’s cheese comes out of the mold, white creamy and has little taste.
WINE:World’s best wines are produced in France. Bordeaux, Burgundy, Beaujolais, Alsace etc. produces huge
quantity of French wine.
French sparkling wine produced in champagne region of France. Ayala brut, Salon, Larson are best
known champagne.
Cognac is a variety of brandy. Larsen,Hennessy,Remy martin are best known cognac.
Calvados is famous apple brandy from France.
Crepes are wafer thin pancake,used in the preparation of crepe suzettes. Crepes are French pancake.
Crepe suzettes- Pancake in orange syrup, flambéed.
Baba au rheum: Baba bread soaked with rum syrup
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Mousse au chocolate: Chocolate mousse.
Croquembouche – French wedding cake
1. Baguette:French bread.
2. Croissant :Breakfast roll
3. Homer Thermion: Lobster Thermion
4. Bouillabaisse:Fish stew.
5. Soup a logion– French onion soup.
6. Potage Printanier- Spring vegetable stew.
7. Terrine de Foie de volatile : Poultry liver terrine
8. Coq- au- vin – chicken cooked with wine
9. Bouchera la reined – The queen’s vole- au- vent
10. Saladincise – French salad, with assorted vegetables
11. Savarin de mouton: Ragout of lamb.
12. Ratatouille –Vegetable stew.
13. Quiche Lorraine: Savory pie with bacon and cheese.
14. Crepe suzette - Pancake in orange syrup, flambéed
15. Tarter tat in – Apple upside down.
16. Crème bravadoes- French cold dessert with lots of cream and fruit puree.
17. Croquembouche– French wedding cake.
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The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztec xocolatl, meaning "bitter water."Indeed, the unsweetened
drink the Aztecs made of pounded cocoa beans and spices was probably extremely bitter.
Chocolate has been a favorite sweet for more than 400 years and was first brought from Mexico to Britain
in the early sixteen century. Smooth in texture, rich in taste, chocolate is loved by almost everyone
Moist, windless climate and constant warmth are the ideal conditions for the growth and well being of the
cacao tree.
The main harvest of the cacao crop begins at the end of the rainy season just as the winter is commencing
and lasts until the onset of the dry season. The second crop, which is a smaller crop, is harvested at the
start of the following rainy season.
Mexico, Venezuela and West Africa are the oldest producers and are regarded as the original home of
As the cultivation of cacao spread southwards,Brazil and the Ivory Coast became the main producers of
cacao beans.
Chocolate begins as yellow fruit pods dangling from the trunks & main branches of the tropical coca tree.
Each pod contains about 40 almonds size cocoa beans. After the pods ripen, the beans are placed in the
sun for severaldays to dry & ferment.
They are then cleaned, dried, cured & roasted to develop flavor & reduce bitter. Next the beans are
crushed to remove the shell yielding Chocolate “Nib”
Nibs are shipped to manufacturers worldwide where they are further roasted. They are crushes into a thick
paste known as chocolate liquor.
Chocolate mass contains about 53% fat known as COCOA butter. Melting point is just below body
When all cocoa butter is removed, the residue product is called cocoa powder.
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A variety of other products are created by adding more cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids & flavoring to the
chocolate mass.
1. UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE:It is pure herded chocolate liquor without any add sugar &
milk solids. It is also known as “baking chocolate”. Unsweetened chocolate is apex 53% cocoa
butter & 47% cocoa solids.
Brand name of unsweetened chocolate: lint (Switzerland), baker’s (USA),NERO (ITALY)
2. BITTERSWEET & SEMISWEET CHOCOLATE:Both bittersweet & semisweet chocolate
contains at least 35% chocolate liquor plus additional cocoa butter, sugar etc. Semisweet
chocolate is a little sweeter than bittersweet chocolate.
Brand name ofsemi-sweet chocolate:Nestle (Switzerland), Cadbury (USA)
Brand name ofbitter sweet chocolate:Lint (Switzerland), Green Blacks (UK)
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3. SWEET CHOCOLATE:Sweet chocolate contains not less than 15% chocolate liquor & sugar,
milk solids, flavoring & emulsifiers, it is sweeter than semi-sweet chocolate.
4. MILK CHOCOLATE:The favorite eating chocolate in the United States is milk chocolate. It
contains sugar, vanilla, milk solids makes the chocolate milder, sweeter than other chocolate.
Milk chocolate can be used in glasses, mousses or candies.
Brand name of milk chocolate: Hershey’s (USA),Neugebauer (Brazil)
WHITE CHOCOLATE: It is an ivory-colored substance not the product of cocoa beans. It is a
confectioner product which does not contain any chocolate substance or liqueur.
It contains cocoa butter or vegetable liquor, sugar, milk solids, vanilla or other flavors. It melts very
Brand name of white chocolate: Cote d’Or (Belgium), Godiva (USA).
Coverture is often called as “dipping chocolate” or “ coating chocolate “ has a high cocoa butter
content ( 35%- 50 %), is available in bitter sweet,semisweet and milk chocolate variety . It is ideal
for dipping because the high proportion of cocoa butter means that it melts easily and smoothly. It is
also used in the chocolate decoration. The best coverture comes from Belgium, Switzerland, and
France. It can be used to make cups, chocolate fingers and Easter eggs.
Brand name of coverture: Dakota (USA), Godiva (Belgium), Callebaut
Tempering makes chocolatemore malleable & glossy. Couverture is most often
tempered because it has high cocoa butter content & may form different kinds of crystalas it cools.
Tempering encourages the formation of the right kind of crystal. After tempering, the chocolate is
heated to the ideal temperature for dipping & coating. Tempered chocolate can be molded more easily
into shapes. It is important to work in temperature not warmer than 21c.
1. Melt chocolate in double boiler or Bain Marie until it reaches 45c,stirring constantly, there must
not be any drop of water in the vessel.
2. Pour 2/3th of chocolate on the slab table & work with a metal spatula spreading continuously for
3 minutes. Until it starts setting 25c.
3. With a scraper,quickly transfer the chocolate from marble table to reserved chocolate. Reheat in
the Bain Marie.
1. CHOCOLATECUT OUT: chocolate is spread in the slab table & Cut with slab cutter,ex
2. PIPING CHOCLATE: It is done by melting chocolate, put in piping paper with a very thin tips.
It is used for lettering outlines.
3. CHOCOLATECIGARETTES/ ROLLS: chocolate is melted & spread with help of sharp
knife, cigarettes shapes is given.
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4. CHOCOLATESHAVING: The coverture need not to be tempered, the whole of chocolate can
be shaved with a sharp knife ex for black forest.
5. CHOCOLATESTREUAL: Tempered chocolate is allowed to cool a little & passed through
wire sieve keep one white butter paper at bottom & when sets & it is broken with fingers.
6. CHOCOLATELEAVES: Chocolate leaves can be made using the natural/plastic leaf (vine
leaf, rose leaf). Clean leaf is applied with olive oil & chocolate is applied then when it sets it’s
taken out.
7. CHOCOLATEPETALS: chocolate is spread in slab table & cut with a shape knife in petal
CHOCOLATEPRODUCING COUNTRIES – France,Netherlands,Japan,Switzerland, Italy,
The manufacture of eating chocolate:
 Mixing: selected blend of roasted & ground nibs is mixed with pulverized sugar& enriched
with cocoa butter & passed through a machine.
 Refining: The chocolate paste is ground between a series of five rollers.
 Cinching: Finest quality requires treatment called cinching. It develops flavors & removes
excess bitterness. It makes the product smooth.
 Tempering- this technique is for chocolate that has a high cocoa butter content. It provides
the consistency and sheen required for many decorative items. Melting, cooling and re
warming breaks down the fat to produce glossy, streak free chocolate that sets very hard.
 Molded: muddling of chocolate is done to shape and sold in the market.
Chocolate is stored at a temperature of about 16º C/60º F in a dry, airy place.
Chocolate decorations can be refrigerated or frozen. Wrap opened chocolate in cling film or
aluminum foil and keep away from strong odors. Dark chocolate and cocoa keep better than milk
chocolates that contain a high proportion of milk solids.
The cuisine of Germany is very popular in hotels across the world. Like British cuisine, German cuisine is
not widely spread, but few of the special dishes have always been very popular on the menus of the
Germans have always been traditional in their approach to cooking and ingredients. However post World
War II, the influence of foreign food has also impacted German cuisine. Germany also produces best
quality wines. Germans love beer.
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The ingredients used in Germany cuisine are sausages,veal, goose liver sausages,truffle, sauerkraut,
pineapple, oranges, apple, beer, wine, partridge, venison, vinegar, butter milk, bacons, lard, marjoram,
and parsley.
Sauerbraten – famous dishes of Germany. It is marinated beef is pot roasted in sweet and sour sauce. It
is served with dumplings or boiled potatoes and red cabbage.
Sauerkraut- in German, this is literally translates to sour cabbage. Red or white cabbage is allowed to
ferment naturally with lactic acid bacteria naturally present in air. The shredded cabbage is salted and
then packed into a crock pot and pressed down with weight. It is then allowed to ferment for at least 2 to 3
weeks. It can be flavored with caraway seeds and eaten with braised meat.
Beefsteak tartar – traditionally the beef for beef steak is ground very fine. It is raw beef minced served
with salt, black pepper, capers,chopped onions, and parsley and anchovy fillets in small separate sauce.
Germans never follow the American tradition of 3 square meals a day. They traditionally take five meals:
breakfast,lunch, late afternoon coffee,light supper.
In breakfast they consume crisp rolls and rye breads with butter and jam.
Chicken in burg under – braised ham in burgundy wine.
Rollmops- herring rolls filled with onion, pickle, popular dishes of German. It goes well with beer,
served in light supper.
Rote Ruben salad- flavored beet root salad.
Blumenkohl supper- cream of cauliflower soup
Heyse bier supper – hot beer soup where beer and sugar are boiled together then egg yolk and sour cream
is added, it is flavored with cinnamon.
Spittle – these are a type of egg noodles made from flour, eggs and seasoning. It is tossed in butter and
caraway seeds and served with meat.
Pretzel- this knot shaped bread is popularly eaten during the October fest in Germany. It also induces
thirst and thus increases the sale of beer.
Bestof the worsts (German sausage)
 Frisch Liverwurst ( pork with pork liver)
 Speck Blutwurst ( solid pork fat, blood and pork)
 Kessler Liverwurst ( diced lean pork and pork liver)
 Truffle Liverwurst ( pork, pork liver and truffle)
Pumpernickel – it is a rye bread from Westphalia, dark brown in color, available as loaf.
Beer drinking is one of the oldest and best known customs in German. German beers are sweet and bitter,
weak and strong, lager beer is also available.
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Berliner – Berliners are deep fried dumplings of yeast leavened dough. The dough is same as doughnut.
The dumplings are filled with raspberry jam and served rolled in castor sugar.
Lebkuchen – traditional sweet made during Christmas. It looks like ginger breads.
Stolen – loaf shaped cake that is leavened with yeast. It contains candies fruits, sugar, flour, butter.
Gugelhupf- tea cake made in deep ring shaped mound, it is sliced and eaten with tea.
The famous black forest cake known as shwarzwalderkirsch torte is prepared by using kirsch liqueur
(morel cherry is used) that is obtained from the black forest region and hence the name.
Ingredients used are:
1. Spar gel – white asparagus
2. Morella cherries
3. Westphalia ham
4. Send- German mustard
5. Quark cheese (fresh cheese)
6. Caraway seeds
7. Juniper berries
Great Britain
In the course of a long and turbulent history. Europe’s north has produced a large number of
states and cultures. Their national identity not only reflected in a language, art and architecture,but also in
their cuisines. Every country has at least one national dish to call its own.
Great Britain consists of four regions:
 England
 Scotland
 Ireland
 Wales
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Englandhas twoNational dishes:
1. Roast Beef withYorkshirepudding.
2. Fish and Chips
 Roast Beef is totally regarded as typical officer’s meal.
 Fish Chips is regarded as the food of people.
The famous product includes English breakfast,Marmalade and Jam, Roast Beef with Yorkshire pudding,
Pies Pudding, Pickles and Piccalilli (pickles made from veg’s with vinegar and mustard seeds),Cheddar,
Stilton Cheese,Fish and Chips.
a) Orange juice/Grapefruit segments
b) Porridge/cornflakes
c) Fried egg with Fatty Bacon, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, Chipolatas/sausages
d) Fish/Meat, Kipper (a herring that has been gutted and smoked over a wood fire. Kippers are
popular breakfast dish, piquant lambs kidneys and kedgeree(cooked fish in curried rice)
e) Toast, marmalade and jam.
Mrs. Keillor invented Orange Marmalade. Hot Pot which is a lamb Stew is very famous in England.
Mustard is British favorite, Worcestershire sauce is one of the most famous English sauce.
Ale beer and Stout beer (Stout beer is a malted beer-the heaviest, most full bodied and darkest which is
made from malt) are very common drink at England. Cider (fermented juice of apple) is a very favorable
English Christmases are best enjoyed in the country. Traditional English customs are still upheld there
and the classic specialties are served for what is the most important festival of all.
Christmasspecialtyfoods are:-
a) Traditional Braised Turkey.
b) Christmas pudding served with Brandy Butter sauce.
c) Mince Pie- macerated minced maxed fruits.
d) Dundee cake- cake with dry fruits and almonds.
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In Scotland they say “Samir an in tarsus, air beach” which roughly translated means “he who has
contempt for food is a fool”. Many Scottish dishes can be turned back to the culinary art of the farms wife
and some of these dishes have also found admirers outside the Scottish highlands.
The most popular whiskey from is from Scotland, called Scotch Whiskey. Haggis is regarded as the
Scottish national dish. Haggis is made and sold all the years by the butchers all over Scotland.
The main ingredient for Haggis are:- Liver, heart, lung and lamb suet are finely chopped or passed
through a meat grinder, subsequently the mixture is enriched with chopped onions, spices, bound by
cooked oatmeal, is stuffed in a sheep’s stomach. It is served with a lot of butter and claps hot (a puree of
Swedes and potatoes).
Scottishspecialties are:-
a) Lady Tillypronie`s Scotch broth (lamb and veg soup)
b) Fish Tobermory (fish fillet on spinach)
c) Hutch Patch (vegetable with mutton)
d) Cock-a-leaky (leek soup with chicken)
e) Howtowdie (stuffed braised chicken)
Starch products are porridge, short breads, oat cakes etc.
Countless people have left their mark on Ireland and they have all made their own contribution on the
history and the culture of the country.
Potatoes are the fundamental part of the diet. Their use as a food stuff was known in Ireland considerably
anywhere else in Europe.
Boxy is the traditional Irish Potato dish, can be prepared as bread, griddle cakes,dumplings, pancakes,
puddings etc.
Dublin Coddle is the Irish National dish made from simmering onion, bacon, sausages,apple, and potato
with parsley and salt.
Irish stew is Irish National dish famous worldwide. It is a lamb stew with potatoes.
Cockles and Mussels are very popular sea food in Ireland.
All Hallow Eve is better known as Halloween. The traditional Halloween dishes contain no meat
ingredients, it contains potato apple cake,Boxy pancakes, pudding, and barn brick (it is fruit loaf/bread)
and Black berry Pies.
Ireland is birth place of one of the world’s most famous drink, a Dark beer called Guinness. The essential
ingredient of Guinness is Hops and malt.
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Famous sweet delight includes Irish whiskey Trifle, Irish coffee, and Whiskey punch.
Famous Cheeses from Ireland are:-
a) Gabriel- hard cheese made from sheep’s milk.
b) Cashel Irish blue- blue veined cheese.
Irish soda bread is very famous made from whole wheat flour, soda, buttermilk etc.
Garr cake- Bread cake- (bread crumb of stale breads mixed with sugar and dry fruits).
Black berry Mousse- is the most preferable dessert t Ireland.
Breakfast at Wales contains freshly boiled Ham with Tats Slaw (smashed potato with slice of bark birth
(bread filled with current fresh from oven and trickily spread with good Welsh butter.
British Isles has a huge contribution of the world’s cuisine. It has created a wide range of cuisine .It has
created a wide range of food stuff for the localities.
Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding,finished by a delicate goose berry dessert called Fool. Cornish
pastry is an envelope of pastry containing a mixture of meat and potatoes.
Lancashire Hot Pot- a casserole lamb chops from the neck end and kidneys with onion carrot and
potatoes, topped with a layer of sliced potatoes which become brown and crisp in the oven.
Shepherd’s Pie- made from minced beef and onion cooked in deep pie dish and covered with fluffy
mashed potato and baked.
Frosting, also known as icing, is a sweet decorative coating used as filling between the layers or as a
coating over the top and the sides of cake.
Frosting can also extend a cake’s shelf life by forming a protective coating.
 Contributes flavour and richness
 Improves appearance
 Improves keeping quality by forming protective coating around the cakes.
Butter cream is a type of icing used inside cakes,as a coating, and as decoration. In its simplest form, it
is made by creaming butter with icing sugar, although other fats can be used, such as margarine.
Colorings and flavorings are often added, such as cocoa powder vanilla extract.
Simple buttercream : it is made by creaming together fat and confectioners' sugar to the desired
consistency and lightness. Small quantities of whole eggs, egg whites, egg yolks, or milk may be included
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French buttercream: Itis made by beating a sugar syrup whichhas reached the soft-ball stage into
beaten egg yolksand whipping to a light foam.Softened butter is then whipped in. This icing is very
rich, smooth, and light. French buttercreams tend to melt faster than other buttercreams due to the
high content of fat from the egg yolksand butter.
Italian buttercream/Meringue-type buttercream: this buttercream is similar in preparation to a French
buttercream. A boiling syrup of sugar and water cooked to soft-ball stage is poured over beaten egg
whites to create a meringue. The sugar syrup essentially cooks the egg whites, eliminating most health
concerns. Fat is added to the meringue as it cools
It is a simple meringue made with hot sugar syrup. It is light and fluffy but very sweet. It should be used
Ex- white mountain cake
A fudge frosting is a warmed mixture of sugar, butter and water / milk. It is very heavy and candy like, it
should be applied warm.
Recipe: powdered sugar- 1.5 kg, salt- 1gm, light corn syrup: 60 ml, shortening (melted) - 120 gm., hot
water- 300 ml, vanilla essence – a few drops
4. FONDANT: Fondant is a man-made cream confection used as a filling or coating for cakes,pastries,
and candies or sweets. In its simplest form, it is sugar and water cooked to a point, specifically the soft-
ball stage,cooled slightly, and stirred or beaten until it is an opaque mass of creamy consistency. Fondant
is commonly used to decorate wedding cakes. This gives the cakes a smooth appearance.
5. GLAZE: Glaze is a thin coating meant to be poured or dipped on to cake or pastries. Flat icing is a
specific type of glaze used on Danish pastry.
Recipe : powdered sugar- 270 gm., butter- 30 gm. (melted), light cream- 60 gm., vanilla extract- 10 ml
6. ROYAL ICING:Royal icing is a hard white icing, made from softly beaten egg whites, icing sugar
(powdered sugar), and sometimes lemon juice. It is used on Christmas cake,wedding cakes,gingerbread
houses and many other cakes and biscuits, either as a smooth covering like marzipan, or in sharp peaks.
Glycerin is occasionally added to prevent the icing from setting too hard.
Recipe: powdered sugar- 180 gm., egg white- 1 no, lemon juice -1 ml.
7. GANACHE: Panache is made from chocolate and heavy cream.Ganache is normally made by heating
heavy cream, then pouring it over chopped, dark chocolate. The mixture is stirred or blended until smooth,
and can be enhanced with liqueurs or extracts. Depending on the kind of chocolate used, cream should be
adjusted to reach desired consistency.
Recipe : bittersweet chocolate-500 gm , heavy cream- 500 gm, coffee liquer- 30 gm
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Q. what are the staple food, equipment’s and special food of Mexican cuisine. Plan four course menus in
Mexican restaurant.
It is the one of world’s oldest cuisine. Mexican cookery combines the culinary traditional native food of
Aztec. Ingredients and cooking method of Spain introduced 400 years ago by the Spanish invader.
Mexican food is characterized by the use of hot chilies, tomato, pepper, avocados, beans, corn particularly
tortillas. Typical and simple dishes are frijoles re Fritos (refried beans), chili Verde (beef stew with hot
pepper and chili), A chilled avocado soup. Mexican cuisine is famous for tortillas.
Tortillas are used in tacos,enchiladas, burritos, nachos etc. Mexican essential cooking includes recipes
from all over medicos, includes ceviche (raw fish and seafood, marinated) mole de polo (a classical
chicken stew with chocolate), sopaipillas (light airy fritters filled with cinnamon flavored honey and
sprinkled with pomegranate seeds.
Mexican ingredients:
1. Avocados - it has been cultivated in Mexico since 700 by. The flesh is pale green with creamy buttery
textures. Guacamole is the classical dip made with avocados.
2. Beans – originated in medicos since 5000 BC and remain a staple of Mexican cuisine. Pinto, kidney,
chickpea are introduced by Spanish.
3. Chili - grown in Mexico 9000 years’ old. Variety fresh and dried. Fresh chili – jalapeno: dark green
long hot chili, Poland: dark green color, Serrano: very small green and red generally used for making
guacamole. Dried chili- anchor: dried, relatively mild flavor, radish brown in color, chipotle : brick
red in color, molto: these are pungent brownish red chili
4. Cilantro – these herbs was introduced by Spain.
5. Lard (pork fat). Frequently used in frying beans.
6. Salsas- sauce usually made by chili, lemon etc. and served with fish, meat, eggs.
7. Ceviche – raw marinated fish with lemon juice should be marinated for 3-5 hours.
8. Tomatoes – Mexican use red or green tomatoes.
9. Tortillas – traditionally made from ground corn husk.
Cooking equipment’s:
In traditional Mexican kitchen only a fewutensils are used.
1. Azuela – these are casseroles or clay pots used for making stew.
2. Comal – griddle used for making tortillas.
3. Olla – clay pots used for making stew and soups.
4. Molcajete- these are heavy and long stone used for grinding corn and chilies
5. Tortilla press- although tortilla is made by hand. It is easy to make in cast iron tortilla press.
Popular Mexican dishes:
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1. Refried beans – dried pinto beans are soaked for 6 hours, boiled with garlic, pound, sautéed with
onions, finished with cheese.
2. Nachos – spicy tortilla chips with cheese.
3. Quesadillas - a mixture of refried beans, slices of green chili, cheese is put in tortillas and folded,
deep fried.
4. Guacamole – avocado dip.
5. Gazpacho – cold tomato soup
6. Soap di tortilla- tortilla soup.
7. Pesaro Mexican- Mexican fish stew.
8. Tacos – Mexican stuffed fried tortilla.
9. Chile Verde – green chili stew with beef stock.
10. Arrow Verde – green rice.
11. Flan – Mexican caramelcustard.
12. Sopaipillas- Mexican fritters
13. Churros – these are long nuzzled doughnut, serve with castor sugar
Looking at the map of Spain, one would realize that in spite of being a part of Europe, it is very near to
the African continent. Thus it is uncommon to find a distinct Moorish influence on Spanish cuisine.
Mediterranean Spain extends from Barcelona to Cartagena and Andalusia in southern Spain, which is
famous for its cold soup called gazpacho.
Special ingredients used in Spanish cuisine:
1. Saffron – Spanish garnish their dishes with saffron.
2. Sherry- one of the most popular wine, comes from the town of Jerez in Andalusia region of Spain.
3. Aguardiente – anise flavored liquor used in cooking
4. Alibies- various varieties of dried beans.
5. Montego – popular cheese.
6. Rice – medium grain rice was introduced by Arabs,used in paella
7. Piquillos- a variety of chili pepper grown in northern Spain.
Popular Spanish dishes:
1. Paella – most popular rice dish prepared with rice, vegetables, different meats or seafood and
flavored with saffron.
2. Gazpacho- a pureed cold soup made from tomatoes, cucumber, red bell pepper, red wine vine,
one day old stale bread and olive oil.
3. Spanish oblate- it is made with eggs, potatoes, olives, vegetables and herbs.
4. Albondigas- these are small dumplings made from ground meat and served with sauce.
5. - a popular braised chicken with Serrano ham, onion, garlic, pepper and tomato
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Quality implies a clearly produced ice cream of acceptable flavor, body and texture. The composition of
the product and the ingredients used is within the parameters and the limits set by the food laws prevailing
in the country.
The desirable physical properties of the ice-cream should be defined mainly in terms of the texture as it is
eaten. The consistency should be creamy and air content should finely distribute. There should be quick
melting effect on the palate, without greasiness or gumminess, and with no gritty or icy sensation as the
ice cream warms up, it should have a tendency to retain its shape, and as it melts, a creamy and not a
watery serum should be formed.
Flavor acceptability is governed by the quality of the ingredients used e.g. Fruit, chocolate and nuts as
well as added flavors. The basic flavor must come from high quality milk and cream.
Smoothness: It is in relation with the size of the ice crystals formed in the product and therefore ice
cream must be quickly frozen and churned during the preparation. The eggs and stabilizers added to the
mixture also help in smoothness.
OVERRUN: It is an increase in the volume due to the incorporation of air during churning and addition of
air and cream. E.g.:- When 1 lit of ice cream mix increases in volume by 1 lit then the overrun is 100%
.An ideal overrun should be of around 75-85% Less will make it heavy and more will make it frothy and
lack in flavor .Some manufacturers produce only an overrun of 25-30%.
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Ice cream is a complex system in which the stable mixed emulsion of four phase system fat-water-ice-air,
must be balanced and protected from breaking and separating.
After weighing or metering by volume, the ingredients are heated together in a jacketed tank with strong
agitation so as to form a core emulsion with large fat globules of up to 15 grams in size. Pasteurization
treatment may be carried out in mixing tank or in a separate plate heat exchanger. During
homogenization, the mix is converted into a true emulsion with a fat globule size of less than 2gms. For
efficient homogenization the fat phase should be completely liquid and hence a temperature near
pasteurization temperature is preferred. Homogenization of ice-cream mix is normally carried out at a
pressure of 140 to 210kg/cm2.
.. At the end of this treatment, it is often found that small fat globules cohere
in clumps, resulting in a viscous mix with poor processing properties in subsequent stages. A second
homogenization at the lower pressure such as 35kg/cm2
is used to break up the clumps.
The emulsion is immediately cooled to 4 degrees centigrade using a heat exchanger or tossuppercool if fat
is present.
The cooled emulsion is usually stored in a thermostatically controlled vessel for 2 to 8 hours because such
ageing improves freezer performance and produces better ice-cream structure. During ageing the
stabilizer hydrates fully and increases the viscosity of the emulsion.
The importance of ageing will vary with different stabilizers. Absorption of protein to fat globule surface
continues. Significant improvement in texture is noted.
Ice creamis offered for sale in two forms:
1. As hard ice-cream which has been frozen in a continuous freezer and is then either extruded, shaped
or packed in small individual portions and in bulk containers up to 3 gallons in size. The final
processing step for all these is hardening in a low temperature cold store at -30 to -400
C and use of
refrigeration distribution system.
2. As soft ice cream which is frozen in small batch freezer situated at the retail outlet. Ice-cream mix for
this type of operation is provided as a pasteurized mix which has been stored at 40
C after
manufacture, or from cans of UHT mix which may be stored at room temperature, or from a
powdered mix which is dispensed in water or milk before being placed in the freezer.
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Freezing is carried out continuously in a scraped surface heat exchanger at a very low temperature of -
C to -250
C for a short time and under high agitation. Ice cream mix and the air in the desired
proportion are pumped successively through the freezer.
For soft frozen ice cream, which is immediately consumed, 5-6 hr. freezing at comparatively higher
temperature is used.
The temperature must be reduced after freezing until about 80% water is frozen. This freezing should take
place quickly to avoid the formation of large crystals which cause coarseness. Normally this is achieved
by storage at -400
C for about 30 minutes.
SUGARS: Sugar content represents about half the total solids of the ice cream mix and includes
lactose naturally present as a constituent of mix. Sugars acts as sweetening agents depress the freezing
point of the mix; influence the consistency of the continuous phase, and to some extent the ice crystals
size and lactose crystallization of the frozen ice cream.
STABILIZERS: Gelatin was the first stabilizer used in ice cream manufacture. Since then a number
of polysaccharide stabilizers have become available. These include Sodium carboxyl methyl cellulose,
micro crystalline cellulose, sodium alginate, carrageenan, agar, pectin, xanthan gums, Caribbean and guar
gum. They are often used in mixtures.
Stabilizers perform several functions in ice cream. They increase the viscosity of the continuous phase,
there by contributing to eating characteristics such as body and creaminess. They regulate the
development of ice crystals and thereby give a smooth textured ice-cream... During the inevitable
temperature fluctuations, encountered in the storage, transport and distribution they minimize the
development of large crystals and the undesirable coarse structure. They thicken the aqueous phase and
modify the crystallization of ice.
ANTIOXIDANTS: The ice cream is commercially stored for a long period of time; therefore the
manufacturers add antioxidants to the ice cream mix to prevent oxidation. Vitamins, tannin, oat flour is
used mainly.
EMULSIFIERS: For keeping the mixture a homogeneous mass the ice cream needs to emulsified,
so it prevents crystal formation during freezing. Egg yolks, citrates, mono/triglycerides from fats and oils,
stearates and operates are used for emulsification of the ice cream.
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 PHILADELPHIA ICE CREAM--> Uncooked mixture of thick cream sugar and
 FRENCHICE CREAM--> Cooked mixture of milk sugar and flavorings with whipped
 AMERICAN OR PLAIN ICE CREAM--> Similar to French ice cream but may
contain corn starch /flour or gelatin instead of eggs for thickening.
 ITALIAN ICE CREAM--> Similar to American ice cream.
Ice cream and frozen
Ice Cream
Ingredients 10% fat 12% fat 16% fat cone Ice milk
Water 63.2 52.1 62.8 8.9 66.7
Calories 193 207 222 377 152
Protein 4.5 4 2.6 10. 4.8
Fat 10.6 12.5 16.1 2.4 5.1
Carbohydrates 20.8 20.6 18 77.9 22.4
Ash 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.8 1
Calcium(mg) 146 123 78 156 156
Phosphorus(mg) 115 99 61 198 124
Iron(mg) 0.1 0.1 trace 0.4 0.1
Sodium(mg) 63 40 33 232 68
Potassium(mg) 181 112 95 244 195
Vital(intl.. units) 440 520 660 trace 210
Thiamin(mg) 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.05
Riboflavin(mg) 0.21 0.19 0.11 0.21 0.22
Niacin(mg) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1
Vic(ascorbic acid)(mg) 1 1 1 trace 1
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Popularity of frozen food namely ice cream needs no introduction or explanation because it is one such
food item which is liked and wanted by young and old alike and is popular like certain foods all over the
world. In present times there have introduction of so many new flavors and combinations made from
basic ice cream that it has become one of the major profit making items on any menu-card. It has also an
advantage that it can be prepared in advance and can be stored for a longer period of time. Over the years,
more and more frozen food parlors and establishments have mushroomed in a very short time and are
attributed to the fact that it is getting increasingly popular.
A wide range of dessert is created by simply freezing. Sorbets made of simple combinations of fruit juice
or puree, wine, or liqueur, plus sugar and various flavorings; and rich mixtures based on eggs, milk, and
cream. Of the latter custard based ice creams made of milk and thickened with egg starch but even richer
mixtures are used for parfaits, frozen soufflés, bombes and other frozen creations.
The key to good sorbet and ice-cream is the smoothness; the ice crystals that form naturally during
freezing must be fore stalled. This is accomplished by stirring the mixture continuously usually by
machines. The higher the proportion of water, the more ice crystals form and therefore the more
thoroughly it must be stirred. This is why sorbets, particularly those based on wine or fruit juices rather
than fruit purees are quite hard to make. On the other hand very rich mixtures such as parfaits and bombes
with a high proportion of eggs and cream freeze smoothly without stirring at all. Good sorbets and ices
should be lightened by further adding beaten eggs and/or meringue half way through freezing while
parfaits and bombes are lightened with beaten egg whites and whipped cream. It increases bulk by adding
air as can be seen by weighing equal volumes of homemade and commercial ice-cream.
When making any mixture to be frozen, bear in mind that taste is blunted by cold, so flavors must be
concentrated with a bit of lemon juice or alcohol as well as plenty of sugar. Especially fruits like passion
fruit, citrus fruit and cherries. For ice cream the straight forward tastes of vanilla, chocolate, and coffee
are still preferred, together with crushed nut mixtures such as praline or candied fruits macerated in
liqueur. Ice cream may also be tinted with food coloring but with discretion mint and pistachio
ice cream are appealing when tinted palest green and sour fruits may need picking
up with pale pink color.
The history of ice cream is linked with that of gastronomy and refrigeration. The Chinese knew the art of
making iced drinks and desserts long before the Christian era. They taught this art to the Arabs, who
began making syrups chilled with snow, called sherbets (hence the words ‘sherbet ‘and ‘sorbet’).
At the court of Alexander the great, and later under Nero, fruit salads and purees were served, with honey
and snow. It was not until the 13th century however, that Marco Polo brought back from the East the
secret of cooling without ice, by running a mixture of water and saltpeter containers filled with the
substance to be cooled. Thus the great fashion for water ices began in Italy.
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When Catherine de ’Medici arrived in France to marry the future Henri II , she introduced iced desserts to
the court, among other culinary novelties but the Parisian public only discovered them a century later,
when Francesco Procopius opened a cafe. People went there to read news-sheets, discuss politics and
literature and above all to sample drinks and delicacies, among which there were ices and sorbets
(sherbets) that soon became all the rage. Procure (as he was now called) was soon imitated by his
colleagues: in the 18th century, 250 lemonades were selling ices in Paris, but only in summer. In about
1750 Procopius successor, Buisson, had the idea of selling ices all year round. The fashion at the time was
to walk under the arcade of Pala is-Royal where the fashionable cafes sold their iced specialties, but these
were still of poor quality.
Around 1775, ices became more delicate in flavor, richer, and with more body, so that they could be
molded into different shapes. Ices made with milk, cream, and eggs appeared. In fact they had been
discovered in 1650 by a French cook of Charles I of England, who paid him to keep his method secret.
The end of the 18th century saw the great fashion for from ages glances .The manufacture of ices
continued to develop .The ice bombe appeared and it became customary to serve it during any meal of
any significance. Two Italians, Patti and Orton were especially famous for their fine ices; in particular,
Orton launched the iced sponge cake in 1798. Under the Second Empire the surprise omelet was invented,
then the first coupes, mousses, and parfaits. Ices were served at the end of the meals, and also at became
common during balls and reception. Very refined blends of flavors were invented (apricots and wild
cherries, Mignonette peaches, Malmsey wine from Alicante, angelica liqueur, the yolks of finch eggs,
sugary melon, hazelnuts and mint liqueur, green tea and citron juice, pistachios and peach juice, etc.,
according to the recipes in the Precept oral des menus roux of 1822). By the beginning of the 20th
century , itinerant ice cream vendors were already selling in the streets .The United States have been
particularly inventive as regards the ice cream industry. Ice cream soda was invented in Philadelphia the
hub of ice cream manufacturing in US. Ice cream cones, portables and self-contained originated in 1904
World’s Fair in St. Louis in US.
Ancient recipes were gradually modified and adapted to the needs of industrial manufacture. Nowadays
stabilizers are included, such as edible gelatin, egg white, agar,agar and carob.
The frozen food obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof or from cream and/or milk
product with or without the addition of cane sugar(dextrose, liquid glucose and dried liquid glucose),
eggs, fruits, fruit juices, preserved fruits, nuts, chocolate, edible flavors and permitted food colors. It may
contain permitted stabilizers and emulsifiers not exceeding 0.5% weight. The mixture should be suitably
heated before freezing. The product shall contain not less than 10% milk fat, not less than 36% total
solids, except that when any of the aforesaid preparations contains fruits or nuts or both the contents of
milk fat shall not be less than 8% by weight. Starch may be added to a maximum extent of 5% under the
declaration on a label as specified in the sub rule (2) of rule 53. The standards of ice-cream shall apply to
“softie” ice cream.
Imitation ice cream known as Mellowing are made in various parts of the world. Mellowing is cheaper
than ice cream because of substitution of milk fat with vegetable fats and oils. Other than this change,
mellowing has approximately the same composition as ice cream.
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 ICE CREAM: It is a smooth frozen mixture of milk, cream, sugar, flavoring, eggs, and coloring.
Some ice creams such as Philadelphian style do not contain eggs. While the French style of ice
creams contain egg yolks. The egg adds richness and helps to make the product smoother since it has
emulsifying properties.
 ICE MILK: It is like ice cream but with a lower butter content, while frozen it contains yoghurt in
addition to the milk and cream.
 SORBET: Sorbet and ices are made from puree of fruits and fruit juices and sugar. Some sorbets
also are flavored with wines, liqueurs. American sorbets however contain some amount of milk and
cream and egg white to increase the volume and texture. While water ice contains only fruit juices
and sugar with water.
Granitcoarse crystalline ice made from fruit puree, egg white, sugar.
 FROZEN DESSERTS: Frozen soufflé and frozen mousses are made like bavaroise which has
cream and egg whites and folded into to give them lightness which allows them to be still frozen in
ordinary FREEZER.
BAKED ALASKA: - It is a piece of cake on which vanilla ice cream is served which is garnished
and topped with egg white, and gravitated.
BANANA SPLIT: - Vanilla ice cream in between length wise cut banana in a boat shaped dish
served with nuts
COUPE: - Fruit confection and ice cream served in individual containers of either glass or porcelain.
E.g. Coupe Andalusia Orange segments macerated in Curacao in the coupe with lemon ice and orange
segments and whip cream.
BOMBES GLACEES: - Layered ice cream in a semispherical bullet shaped mound with liqueur
and nuts in the center
CASSATA: - Multi flavored ice cream lined the half sphere mound center with mixture of nuts,
candied fruits macerated in kirsch / maraschino. Italian meringue and whipped cream chopped nougatine
or chopped chocolate.
GRANITA :- This is a sherbet made of two-thirds sugar syrup and one -thirds raspberry, strawberry,
and red currant puree or pure lemon juice and kirsch are added and the mixture is adjusted to register 17
to 18 O
Baume. This mixture is frozen as sorbets.
MERINGUE GLACE: - A dipper of ice cream is placed between two meringue shells. The
meringues are arranged on the dish and garnished with whipped cream.
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OMLET SUPRESSE:-Like Baked Alaska served with poached fruits, cherries.
PEACH MELBA: - Ripe soft peaches with white flash are blanched in boiling water for a few
seconds refreshed. Peeled arranged on a dish on a good layer of vanilla ice-cream and covered with
sweetened raspberry and few almond sliced.
PARFAIT: - Very rich mixture that can be frozen successfully containing large amounts of cream
eggs and sugar. Requires to be kept frozen till service time.
SUNDAE: - plain ice cream served in a silver or glass champagne glasses. Attractively combined with
poached /fresh / syrups whipped cream etc.
Egg. Denise sundae - mocha ice cream liqueur chocolate and whipped cream
PROFITEROLE:- choux pastry filled with ice cream.
History of breads
It is not known who was the first baker, though some of the worlds oldest bread can be found in
Switzerland and is around 5000 thousand years old. Breads from the Ruins of Pompeii are found with the
makers name still visible.
The discovery of Leaven was accidental. Breads were made in the form of unleavened cakes and
a batch from the previous day was added to the new dough to avoid wastage. Soon, the baker saw it was
leavened and softer in texture.
Bread was leavened only by the addition of sour dough and books as old as 240 B.C. mention old
dough used to ferment new dough’s. The 1 set baker’s guild was formed in the reign of Emperor
Augustine in Rome in 14 A.D.
The Medieval baker used Bram as a leaven. This was a mixture of Malt and Hops with Water and
some of the coarse meal. This was left for some time for the airborne yeast microbes to settle down on the
berm and inoculate it. This was then used in the dough. A little dough was left for next days use. Sour
dough is still used in the modern day bakeries especially in the making of Rye breads.
In the Hebrides, A Hazel Twig was dipped into this berm or ferment and then carefully dried in
the sun. The next day all that was required was to swirl the stick in the next ferment and the yeast would
begin to get activated. Yeast coming to the surface of Home Made Wine was collected and dried. This
was also used for bread making. At that time a considerable amount of brewers yeast was used by bakers.
Upton the year 1859, it was thought that fermentation just happened, till Louis Pasteur showed
that it was the result of micro organisms converting sugar into Carbon Dioxide (co2).
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Patent yeasts were soon made which was used in ferments to multiply and strengthen it further.
There were various names given to these berms used depending upon the area or the time. ‘Spoon’ or
‘Virgin Bram’ is one of them and is derived from the word Spontaneous. Compound berms were derived
from Malt, Hops, and Brewers yeasts. Some people used bottles of Stout beer as starters. Ingredients such
as Mashed Potatoes,Brown sugar, Ginger, and Caraway seeds were added.
Compressed yeast which is now available freely came into existence only in the early days of the
History of the Bakery Oven.
The bakery oven is approximately 7800 years old. Before that breads were cooked on heated
stones after the charcoal fire had died down. In Asia Minor, an oven has been found dating back to 5900
B.C. or 5700 B.C. The Egyptians were the first to have commercial bakeries between 3000 B.C. and 2700
B.C. By 2000 B.C. they had 16 different types bread. In Bohemia and

Bulgaria, bakery ovens dating back to 4800 B.C. have been discovered
1. SCALING INGREDEINTS: It is very important to scale or measure ingredients accurately
when making yeast bread.
2. MIXING AND KNEADING DOUGH: Dough must be mixed properly in order to
combine the ingredients uniformly, distribute yeast and develop gluten.
Dough mixing methods:
 Straight dough method : all the ingredients ate just combined and kneaded
 Sponge method: flour, yeast, sugar, water- kept for sponge then it is used.
 Flaky dough method: it is same as rolled in dough method.
3. FERMENTINGDOUGH: Fermentation is the process by which yeast converts sugar to
alcohol and carbon dioxide. During fermentation the dough is allowed to rise.
Fermentation is resting of whole dough but proofing is resting of shaped dough (balls and knotted).
The whole yeasted dough is kept in an oiled container to allow fermentation in a warm place it reaches
double in size.
4. PUNCHING DOWN DOUGH: After fermentation, the dough is folded down to expel and
redistribute the gas pockets with a technique known as punching down or knock back. Punching down
help to even out the dough’s temperature and relaxes the gluten.
5. PORTIONINGDOUGH: Dough is now ready to be divided into portions. For loaves the
dough is scaled to desired weight. For rolls, equal small portions.
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6. ROUNDING PORTIONS:The portions of dough must be shaped into smooth, round balls in
a technique known as rounding. Rounding stretches the outside layer of gluten into a smooth coating.
7. SHAPING PORTIONS:Lean dough and some rich dough can be shaped in a varieties of
form – large loaves, small loaves, dinner rolls etc.
8. PROOFINGPRODUCTS:Proofing is the final rise of shaped yeast product before baking.
Temperature should be 35-46 degree centigrade. Proofing chamber- temperature and humidity can be
controlled with a special cabinet known as proof chamber. Proofing should be continued until double in
9. BAKING PRODUCT:As yeast bread bake, a variety of physical, chemical changes occurs.
Oven spring- when yeast rolls or dough is lace inside a hot oven, suddenly yeast product experiences a
rise in size, is called oven spring.
The temperature increases,yeast dies, gluten fiber becomes firm, and the starches gelatinize.
cooled at room temperature. Once cool, should be stored at room temperature and on freeze if need to be
stored for longer time.
Washes:a glaze or a wash can be brushed to the dough before baking. The crust is made shiny, hard or
soft, darker or lighter by proper uses of washes. Topping can be given with seeds and meal etc.
Slashing:the shape and the appearance of some bread can be improved by cutting their top with a
sharp knife before baking- known as slashing or docking.
Steaminjection: the crisp crust desired for certain breads and rolls are achieved by introducing
moisture into the oven during baking.
Determining doneness:bread loaves can be tested by tapping them on the bottom and listening for
a hollow sound.
Refined flour – 250 gm Preparation time: 1 hrs
Sugar – 15 gm Baking temperature: 200°C
Fat -15 gm
Yeast – 5 gm
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Salt – 5 gm
Water –as required.
Method: follow the production stages of breads.
LEAN / SIMPLE YEASTED BREADS: Bread dough containing less sugar, egg and fats is
lean yeast breads: Example – French bread, white milk bread, Irish soda bread.
RICH YEASTED BREADS: bread dough, rich in sugar, yeast,eggs, and fats is rich yeasted
breads. Example – challah, baba, savarin, pantone, brioche etc.
1. STRAIGHT DOUGH METHOD: The simplest and common method of mixing yeast
dough is known as the straight dough method. With this method, all the ingredients are simply
combined and mixed together. The yeast may or may not be combined first with a warm liquid.
Be careful that the temperature of the liquid ingredients does not exceed 59ºC or the yeast will
Once the ingredients are combined, the dough is kneaded until it is smooth and elastic.
2. SPONGE METHOD: The sponge method of mixing yeast dough has two stages. During
the first stage the yeast, liquid and approximately one half of the flour is combined to make a
thick batter known as sponge. The sponge is allowed to rise until bubbly and double in size.
During the second stage the fat, salt, sugar and the remaining flour is added. The dough is
kneaded and allowed to rise again. These two fermentation give sponge method breads a
somewhat different flavor and lighter texture than breads made with straight dough method.
An excellent process used initially for harsh gluten flours but now widely used for all bread
making process as it drastically reduces the fermentation time without giving any change in
This process calls for the omission of salt in the first stages of dough making. As was discussed
earlier, salt is helpful in controlling the pace of fermentation by the yeast and hence when the salt
is omitted in the first stages, the action of the yeast will increase. The gluten will ripen or soften
well due to the rapid action of the gases released. The chemical changes that take place in the
dough will also fasten and the effect of the acids produced will be visible in a shorter time.
The salt is added later on in three ways;
(I)By sprinkling the salt over the dough
(ii)By using some water reserved from the original quantity
(iii)By using some fat to incur- orate the salt
This process is the best method of conditioning dough without using higher yeast contents or an
increase in fermentation temperature or time.
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The dough is usually given a 2/3rd mixing allowed to rest. This will mellow the gluten
reasonable. The salt is added at the knock back stage when the rest of the normal mixing time is
given to mix the salt evenly in the dough.
Bread Improvers
Flour is of variable quality and hence it becomes necessary at times to add something to the
dough to bring the final product to a set standard.
Bread improvers may be divided into 3 main categories. These include;
1. Those of mineral nature, used by the miller
2. Those of organic nature, mainly enriching agents
3. Those of the above categories which are also yeast foods.
Mineral improvers are popular because they increase the yield of the bread by necessitating the
use of extra water. Some of the mineral improvers have a slight drying effect on the crumb.
The most commonly used mineral improver is Common Salt or Sodium Chloride (Nalco) and is
often a good thing for faults instead of going in for the more expensive improvers.
I Mineral Bread Improvers
These include
(1) Persulphates: Ammonium or Potassium Persulphates are used in the ratio of 1/4 oz -1/2 oz
in 280 lbs of flour. These affect the water intake of the flour which allows for the tightening which takes
place as fermentation proceeds.
(2) Potassium Bromate: Bromate has a stabilizing effect on the gluten. This is due to the
astringent action on gluten which necessitates the use of more water. It improves the gas retaining power
of the gluten, increases the loaf volume. It is used in the ratio of 1/10 oz per 280 lbs of flour and is one of
the most effective ingredients and it should be added only if it is not used by the miller.
(3) Sulphates: Alum and Copper Sulphate were once used extensively in longer fermentation
process as they delayed the ripening and had a bleaching action on gluten. These however are now
prohibited by law as they are injurious to health.
Magnesium Sulphates (Epsom salts) and Sodium Sulphate (Glibber Salts) also have astringent
actions. Magnesium Sulphate stimulates yeast action more so in the baking time. It is advised to reduce
the salt use when using these Sulphates.
(4) Phosphates: Acid Calcium Phosphate and Ammonium Phosphate have a tightening action
on gluten and in addition to this Phosphates are essential yeast foods. A.C.P is used 1lb per 280 lb of
flour, increased to 2 lb to prevent Rope. Ammonium Phosphate is used 8 oz to 280 lb of flour
II OrganicImprovers
These include milk and fats. Their role has been described in detail earlier.
III Yeast Food Improvers
These include Malt and Sugars, whose roles have also been described earlier.

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International Cuisine Basic Notes

  • 1. 26 August 2016Page 1 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 1 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 FRENCH CUISINE Surely there is no other country in the world where eating and drinking represent such a strong expression of culture. In France,instinct for good food is so wide spread that even the most unsophisticated person will talk about it with passion and knowledge. By according it such a high value, the French have developed highly discriminating taste which forms the foundation for their cuisine and its numerous specialties. The simplest meal consists of at least three, mostly four courses: Hors d’oeurve Main course Cheese Dessert France is well known for having mouthwatering specialty such as Andouille’s and Andouillettes, sausages made of bladder and stomach. The French appreciate variety of meats (offals) and cheese. Wine with a meal is a matter of course. There has been an ever greater appreciation of the importance of the taste of the ingredients. High quality suppliers are vital if the chefs are still to produce those masterpieces of haute cuisine. Until about 2 decades ago, French cuisine had two clear- cut- branches: La Grande or haute cuisine and Provençale. Then with the changing taste came nouvelle cuisine and cuisine mincer cuisine. The last name failed to gain popularity but nouvelle cuisine carved a niche for itself. The roman first made dining a grandiose and lavish affair and then, with the renaissance,gave it a touch of subtlety and elegance which is what they exported to France. In 1533 Catherine De Medici married to the future king Henry II of France. She brought with her Italian cooks to first introduce sauces and desserts in France It was during the region of Sinking Louis XIV that Laverne practiced his art. To this greet chef goes the credit for discarding heavy spices and introducing truffles and mushrooms as garnishes with few dishes. Subsequently it was revived in the days of master chefs Marie Antoine Crème and Augusta Escoffier. Most French restaurant around the glove still serves the creations of this high priest of la Grande cuisine. The basis of La Grande cuisine is sauces. The main objective of the sauces,which must be subtle, is to complement the flavor of the main ingredients. Unlike other cuisine the flavors are almost never mixed. NOUVELLE CUISINE: During the mid -1960s master Chef Paul because started a new wave in French gastronomy. Forsaking the rich sauce,laden Grande de cuisine the chefs of the new school offered a low calorie, low cholesterol and artfully displayed cuisine that became a fad. A craze that traveled across the globe at more than a feverish pace. So impressed was the food critics Christian Milan that he dubbed nouvelle cuisine. Because and his co-practitioners began using minced or pureed vegetables instead of flour to thicken sauces,ensuring that the consistency was much thinner. Over cooked chicken breast finished in pre-reduced sauces when “out”, a rare fillet of poached chicken simmered in basil sauce became “in”. The idea was to rely on more simply and basic ingredients rather than a lavish treat prepared by grand chef.
  • 2. 26 August 2016Page 2 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 2 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 The accent was on good ingredients seasonal and locally procures. One of the cardinal principles of the new cuisine was to avoid food that has traveled long distance. The new cuisine demanded that the chef began the day early, searching the local market for the freshest product and then decide the day’s menu. The portions were kept small, which in turn enabled and artistic display on large plate. Important equipment’s used in French cuisine: 1. Casserole (cocottes) - a selection in various sizes round and oval, all with a tight fitting lids, capacity of 406 liter, can be used in oven. 2. Marmite – also known as stock pot or stew pan. It is tall so it ensures minimum evaporation. 3. Chinos- fine conical strainer 4. Chopping board – heavy thick wooden board 5. Peppermill- it is used for crushing peppercorn. 6. Mortar (pestle) – Inspire of modern electric blenders there are still some jobs which need a hard pounding in an old fashioned mortar 7. Flan tin – it is fluted metal rings with removable base,used in baking 8. Terrines mold- these are ovaland round earthen ware or china dish with lid. 9. Timbale – t is straight sided flame proof porcelain dishes. 10. Remains- these are individual soufflé dishes. 11. Colette pan – 6’’-7’’ omelet pan with a flat base and slopping sides. 12. Satori – these are a wide shallow sauce pan with lid. 13. Wire whisk – whisk used for smooth sauces and beating egg white. 14. Mandolin (food processor) - this is a flat slicer and shredder with adjustable blades, used for slicing potatoes. Ingredients used in French cuisine: 1. Bacon – uncooked, uncooked bacon 2. Bread crumb – used for sprinkling on the surface for gravitating and coating 3. Butter – unsalted, made from cream. 4. Cheese – used commonly in French cuisine. Gruyere, parmesan are used. 5. Coffee- French preference is strong black coffee made by a filter method from dark roasted coffee beans. 6. Cream - generally 4types, heavy whipped cream,whipped cream,light cream,half and half cream 7. Crouton –these are quarter inch thick slices from bread, ½’’ inch cubes, shallow fried, used as garnish. 8. Croute – crisp dried bread slices to serve with soup. 9. Fine herbs – classicalmixture of roughly chopped parsley, chives, chervil, tarragon. 10. Mustard - they are made of mustard, sold in attractive jar. Ex- Dijon mustard. 11. Olive oil- good olive oil is an essential ingredient in French cuisine. 12. Pork rind- thinly cut fresh pork rind used to make a ranch gelatinous product. 13. Pork sausages – it is simply pork meat,pork fat and seasoning, put into casing and smoked. 14. Shallots – member of onion family. 15. Truffle – black expensive algae. 16. White wine vinegar and red wine vinegar 17. Snail – also known as escargot. 18. Foe grass – liver of specially fattened geese.
  • 3. 26 August 2016Page 3 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 3 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 BAGUETTE: The French are particular about their breads. They like to eat baguette with the meal. The popularity of the crispy crust eventually stimulated the appearance of the baguettes. The best bread is produced where a minimum of yeast breads. CROISSANT:The croissant is the favorite breakfast food of the French. Croissant literally means ‘waxing moon’ it is rich yeasted crescent shaped breads. PASTIS: Pasties are an aperitif with an aniseed base and it is above all around the Mediterranean than aniseed is to found. CRÈME DE CASSIS: It is black current liqueur, specialty of burgundy and almost syrupy in consistency, flows into bottles. EDIBLE SNAILS: Antoine Crème (1783-1833), effectively the founder of fine French cuisine, was responsible for the elevation of the edible snails to gourmet status at the beginning of the 19th century—burgundy style with butter, garlic and parsley. Escargot is the French term of edible snails Bearer escargot (snail butter) LOBSTER: If you want to enjoy completely fresh seafood in general or homer,lobster, in particular, then journey to Brittany is must. Saint-brick is the French capital for lobster, langoustes (spiny lobster), crabs,scallop and other fishes. Famous lobster dishes: Homer an l’armoricaine: Flambéed lobster pieces in fine tomato sauce. Homer a la crème:Pieces of lobsters fried quickly and cooked in cream. Homer thermion: Lobster with cream sauce,gratin teed with cheese. OYSTERS:In France,the oyster’s beds are to be found on the Brittany coast, at Marines and on the Mediterranean at Baouzigues in the lagoon of Thai. The beds at marines cover 14 square miles. They are located on the sand bank between the estuaries of the rivers Sauder and Charente and on the east side of the offshore island of Operon.
  • 4. 26 August 2016Page 4 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 4 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 SEAFOOD: Oyster,clam( originated in America, eaten raw in France),langouste( spiny lobster), cockle( has little flesh and must be thoroughly cleaned), lobsters( most well-known are deep blue Breton lobsters), shrimps( corvette rose), Cray fish (crevasse) are found abundantly. FISH:Anchors (Anchovies, small herring form the Mediterranean),aiguille (eel), brochette (Pike), caballed (cod), Engle fin (haddock), maquereau (mackerel), sardine, salmon (salmon), turbots are French people choice. BOUILLABAISSE:Bouillabaisse is formed from the word for boil “boiler” and waste “biases”. It became the name for the soup which is the fishermen prepared for the remains of their catch. It is a fish stew,served with rules (spicy sauce) or ‘aioli’ (garlic paste) ANCHOVIES:The freshly caught fish are immediately mixed with salt, after salting, the insides and heads are removed and the anchovies put in layers in barrels. The salt is scattered between layers. The anchovies then mature for 3 months. SOUPS:Every traditional menu begins with a soup. The French term for soup is potage. Bouillon- Clear meat,fish, vegetable stock. Crème – Soup thickened with béchamel sauce. Bisque – Soup thickened with shellfish puree Consommé – Clear soup Volute – Soup thickened with volute sauce or blond roux. French onion soup (soup a logion) – The most famous soup from France TRUFFLES:Truffles are expensive. Brillat-Savarin, the grand master of French gastronomy considers them a great delicacy. Truffle is a fungus, it used to be pigs that acted as truffle hunters but in mean time dogs have taken over the responsibility. The Period- the home of the black truffle. Period is located at the east of Bordeaux. PATE AND TERRINES:
  • 5. 26 August 2016Page 5 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 5 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Pate is a baked mincemeat block, covered with pate pastry case. Terrines are poached/ baked mincemeat block with nuts and spices. FOIE GRAS: Foe grass is a pate made from the flattened liver of goose or duck. POULTRY AND GAME BIRD: Pullet( chicken), pollarded de blesse (blesse chicken , high quality chicken from blesse region), pigeon, called( quail), pentad ( guinea fowl), canard ( duck) are French peoples favorite. Coq au vin: cockerel (in most cases chicken is used) with wine. HAM AND SAUSAGES:As is simply demonstrated by sheer variety of sausages and hams, the pig is sacred to the butcher. The andouillettes- a sausage made from veal tripe, pork belly and stomach, is a specialty of French who are very partial to variety meat. Jamb on cru: the delicate flavor of air dried, raw ham develops slowly over a maturing period of 7 months. Jamb on cui a loss – a whole ham cooked and then cut from the bone. BEEF, PORK AND LAMB DISHES: Pot au feud- Beef stew Boeuf a la fickle – Beef on a thread, whole beef fillet tied with a thread, braised) Roti de pork- Rolled roast pork. Colette’s- Lamb cutlets Savarin de mouton- Ragout of lamb. CHOUCROUTE: Chou croute, pickled cabbage / sauerkraut,is widely available in the rest of France together with the hearty dishes, in which it feature so prominently. Chou croute goes well with smoked / uncooked bacon, smoked loin of pork and knuckle of pork. VEGETBALES AND POTATO DISHES: Crudités- raw vegetables Ratatouille- vegetable stew Croquettes duchesse-potato croquettes Pommes frites- French fries.
  • 6. 26 August 2016Page 6 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 6 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 MOUTARDE DE DIJON: A classic, refined mustard particularly suitable for cooking purpose, it can be used for sauces and for rubbing into the meats roast. QUICHE LORRAINE: Savory pie contains cooked egg custard with bacon, crème fraise and nutmeg. CHEESE:France produces 370 different varieties of cheese. Camembert- mold ripened from the outside form Normandy. Roquefort- it is sheep’s cheese made of full cream unpasteurized milk. It is the blue veined cheese mold ripened form outside. Cheever: goat cheese,when goat’s cheese comes out of the mold, white creamy and has little taste. WINE:World’s best wines are produced in France. Bordeaux, Burgundy, Beaujolais, Alsace etc. produces huge quantity of French wine. CHAMPAGNE: French sparkling wine produced in champagne region of France. Ayala brut, Salon, Larson are best known champagne. COGNAC: Cognac is a variety of brandy. Larsen,Hennessy,Remy martin are best known cognac. CALVADOS: Calvados is famous apple brandy from France. CREPES: Crepes are wafer thin pancake,used in the preparation of crepe suzettes. Crepes are French pancake. FAMOUS DESSERTS: Crepe suzettes- Pancake in orange syrup, flambéed. Baba au rheum: Baba bread soaked with rum syrup
  • 7. 26 August 2016Page 7 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 7 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Mousse au chocolate: Chocolate mousse. Croquembouche – French wedding cake FAMOUS DISHES FROM FRENCH CUISINE: 1. Baguette:French bread. 2. Croissant :Breakfast roll 3. Homer Thermion: Lobster Thermion 4. Bouillabaisse:Fish stew. 5. Soup a logion– French onion soup. 6. Potage Printanier- Spring vegetable stew. 7. Terrine de Foie de volatile : Poultry liver terrine 8. Coq- au- vin – chicken cooked with wine 9. Bouchera la reined – The queen’s vole- au- vent 10. Saladincise – French salad, with assorted vegetables 11. Savarin de mouton: Ragout of lamb. 12. Ratatouille –Vegetable stew. 13. Quiche Lorraine: Savory pie with bacon and cheese. 14. Crepe suzette - Pancake in orange syrup, flambéed 15. Tarter tat in – Apple upside down. 16. Crème bravadoes- French cold dessert with lots of cream and fruit puree. 17. Croquembouche– French wedding cake. CHOCOLATE INTRODUCTION:
  • 8. 26 August 2016Page 8 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 8 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztec xocolatl, meaning "bitter water."Indeed, the unsweetened drink the Aztecs made of pounded cocoa beans and spices was probably extremely bitter. Chocolate has been a favorite sweet for more than 400 years and was first brought from Mexico to Britain in the early sixteen century. Smooth in texture, rich in taste, chocolate is loved by almost everyone GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS Moist, windless climate and constant warmth are the ideal conditions for the growth and well being of the cacao tree. The main harvest of the cacao crop begins at the end of the rainy season just as the winter is commencing and lasts until the onset of the dry season. The second crop, which is a smaller crop, is harvested at the start of the following rainy season. LEADING PRODUCERS Mexico, Venezuela and West Africa are the oldest producers and are regarded as the original home of cacao. As the cultivation of cacao spread southwards,Brazil and the Ivory Coast became the main producers of cacao beans. CHOCOLATE PRODUCTION: Chocolate begins as yellow fruit pods dangling from the trunks & main branches of the tropical coca tree. Each pod contains about 40 almonds size cocoa beans. After the pods ripen, the beans are placed in the sun for severaldays to dry & ferment. They are then cleaned, dried, cured & roasted to develop flavor & reduce bitter. Next the beans are crushed to remove the shell yielding Chocolate “Nib” CHOCOLATE LIQUOR/ CHOCOLATE MASS: Nibs are shipped to manufacturers worldwide where they are further roasted. They are crushes into a thick paste known as chocolate liquor. COCOA POWDER: Chocolate mass contains about 53% fat known as COCOA butter. Melting point is just below body temperature. COCOA POWDER: When all cocoa butter is removed, the residue product is called cocoa powder.
  • 9. 26 August 2016Page 9 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 9 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 A variety of other products are created by adding more cocoa butter, sugar, milk solids & flavoring to the chocolate mass. TYPES OF CHOCOLATE: 1. UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE:It is pure herded chocolate liquor without any add sugar & milk solids. It is also known as “baking chocolate”. Unsweetened chocolate is apex 53% cocoa butter & 47% cocoa solids. Brand name of unsweetened chocolate: lint (Switzerland), baker’s (USA),NERO (ITALY) 2. BITTERSWEET & SEMISWEET CHOCOLATE:Both bittersweet & semisweet chocolate contains at least 35% chocolate liquor plus additional cocoa butter, sugar etc. Semisweet chocolate is a little sweeter than bittersweet chocolate. Brand name ofsemi-sweet chocolate:Nestle (Switzerland), Cadbury (USA) Brand name ofbitter sweet chocolate:Lint (Switzerland), Green Blacks (UK)
  • 10. 26 August 2016Page 10 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 10 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 3. SWEET CHOCOLATE:Sweet chocolate contains not less than 15% chocolate liquor & sugar, milk solids, flavoring & emulsifiers, it is sweeter than semi-sweet chocolate. 4. MILK CHOCOLATE:The favorite eating chocolate in the United States is milk chocolate. It contains sugar, vanilla, milk solids makes the chocolate milder, sweeter than other chocolate. Milk chocolate can be used in glasses, mousses or candies. Brand name of milk chocolate: Hershey’s (USA),Neugebauer (Brazil) WHITE CHOCOLATE: It is an ivory-colored substance not the product of cocoa beans. It is a confectioner product which does not contain any chocolate substance or liqueur. It contains cocoa butter or vegetable liquor, sugar, milk solids, vanilla or other flavors. It melts very fast. Brand name of white chocolate: Cote d’Or (Belgium), Godiva (USA). CHOCOLATE COUVERTURE: Coverture is often called as “dipping chocolate” or “ coating chocolate “ has a high cocoa butter content ( 35%- 50 %), is available in bitter sweet,semisweet and milk chocolate variety . It is ideal for dipping because the high proportion of cocoa butter means that it melts easily and smoothly. It is also used in the chocolate decoration. The best coverture comes from Belgium, Switzerland, and France. It can be used to make cups, chocolate fingers and Easter eggs. Brand name of coverture: Dakota (USA), Godiva (Belgium), Callebaut (Belgium) TEMPERING CHOCOLATES: Tempering makes chocolatemore malleable & glossy. Couverture is most often tempered because it has high cocoa butter content & may form different kinds of crystalas it cools. Tempering encourages the formation of the right kind of crystal. After tempering, the chocolate is heated to the ideal temperature for dipping & coating. Tempered chocolate can be molded more easily into shapes. It is important to work in temperature not warmer than 21c. STEPS IN TEMPERING: 1. Melt chocolate in double boiler or Bain Marie until it reaches 45c,stirring constantly, there must not be any drop of water in the vessel. 2. Pour 2/3th of chocolate on the slab table & work with a metal spatula spreading continuously for 3 minutes. Until it starts setting 25c. 3. With a scraper,quickly transfer the chocolate from marble table to reserved chocolate. Reheat in the Bain Marie. CHOCOLATEDECORATIONS: 1. CHOCOLATECUT OUT: chocolate is spread in the slab table & Cut with slab cutter,ex crescent,star,florets. 2. PIPING CHOCLATE: It is done by melting chocolate, put in piping paper with a very thin tips. It is used for lettering outlines. 3. CHOCOLATECIGARETTES/ ROLLS: chocolate is melted & spread with help of sharp knife, cigarettes shapes is given.
  • 11. 26 August 2016Page 11 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 11 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 4. CHOCOLATESHAVING: The coverture need not to be tempered, the whole of chocolate can be shaved with a sharp knife ex for black forest. 5. CHOCOLATESTREUAL: Tempered chocolate is allowed to cool a little & passed through wire sieve keep one white butter paper at bottom & when sets & it is broken with fingers. 6. CHOCOLATELEAVES: Chocolate leaves can be made using the natural/plastic leaf (vine leaf, rose leaf). Clean leaf is applied with olive oil & chocolate is applied then when it sets it’s taken out. 7. CHOCOLATEPETALS: chocolate is spread in slab table & cut with a shape knife in petal shape. CHOCOLATEPRODUCING COUNTRIES – France,Netherlands,Japan,Switzerland, Italy, Germany. The manufacture of eating chocolate:  Mixing: selected blend of roasted & ground nibs is mixed with pulverized sugar& enriched with cocoa butter & passed through a machine.  Refining: The chocolate paste is ground between a series of five rollers.  Cinching: Finest quality requires treatment called cinching. It develops flavors & removes excess bitterness. It makes the product smooth.  Tempering- this technique is for chocolate that has a high cocoa butter content. It provides the consistency and sheen required for many decorative items. Melting, cooling and re warming breaks down the fat to produce glossy, streak free chocolate that sets very hard.  Molded: muddling of chocolate is done to shape and sold in the market. STORAGE Chocolate is stored at a temperature of about 16º C/60º F in a dry, airy place. Chocolate decorations can be refrigerated or frozen. Wrap opened chocolate in cling film or aluminum foil and keep away from strong odors. Dark chocolate and cocoa keep better than milk chocolates that contain a high proportion of milk solids. GERMAN CUISINE The cuisine of Germany is very popular in hotels across the world. Like British cuisine, German cuisine is not widely spread, but few of the special dishes have always been very popular on the menus of the hotels. Germans have always been traditional in their approach to cooking and ingredients. However post World War II, the influence of foreign food has also impacted German cuisine. Germany also produces best quality wines. Germans love beer.
  • 12. 26 August 2016Page 12 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 12 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 The ingredients used in Germany cuisine are sausages,veal, goose liver sausages,truffle, sauerkraut, pineapple, oranges, apple, beer, wine, partridge, venison, vinegar, butter milk, bacons, lard, marjoram, and parsley. Sauerbraten – famous dishes of Germany. It is marinated beef is pot roasted in sweet and sour sauce. It is served with dumplings or boiled potatoes and red cabbage. Sauerkraut- in German, this is literally translates to sour cabbage. Red or white cabbage is allowed to ferment naturally with lactic acid bacteria naturally present in air. The shredded cabbage is salted and then packed into a crock pot and pressed down with weight. It is then allowed to ferment for at least 2 to 3 weeks. It can be flavored with caraway seeds and eaten with braised meat. Beefsteak tartar – traditionally the beef for beef steak is ground very fine. It is raw beef minced served with salt, black pepper, capers,chopped onions, and parsley and anchovy fillets in small separate sauce. Germans never follow the American tradition of 3 square meals a day. They traditionally take five meals: Breakfast,2nd breakfast,lunch, late afternoon coffee,light supper. In breakfast they consume crisp rolls and rye breads with butter and jam. Chicken in burg under – braised ham in burgundy wine. Rollmops- herring rolls filled with onion, pickle, popular dishes of German. It goes well with beer, served in light supper. Rote Ruben salad- flavored beet root salad. Blumenkohl supper- cream of cauliflower soup Heyse bier supper – hot beer soup where beer and sugar are boiled together then egg yolk and sour cream is added, it is flavored with cinnamon. Spittle – these are a type of egg noodles made from flour, eggs and seasoning. It is tossed in butter and caraway seeds and served with meat. Pretzel- this knot shaped bread is popularly eaten during the October fest in Germany. It also induces thirst and thus increases the sale of beer. Bestof the worsts (German sausage)  Frisch Liverwurst ( pork with pork liver)  Speck Blutwurst ( solid pork fat, blood and pork)  Kessler Liverwurst ( diced lean pork and pork liver)  Truffle Liverwurst ( pork, pork liver and truffle) Pumpernickel – it is a rye bread from Westphalia, dark brown in color, available as loaf. Beer drinking is one of the oldest and best known customs in German. German beers are sweet and bitter, weak and strong, lager beer is also available.
  • 13. 26 August 2016Page 13 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 13 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Berliner – Berliners are deep fried dumplings of yeast leavened dough. The dough is same as doughnut. The dumplings are filled with raspberry jam and served rolled in castor sugar. Lebkuchen – traditional sweet made during Christmas. It looks like ginger breads. Stolen – loaf shaped cake that is leavened with yeast. It contains candies fruits, sugar, flour, butter. Gugelhupf- tea cake made in deep ring shaped mound, it is sliced and eaten with tea. The famous black forest cake known as shwarzwalderkirsch torte is prepared by using kirsch liqueur (morel cherry is used) that is obtained from the black forest region and hence the name. Ingredients used are: 1. Spar gel – white asparagus 2. Morella cherries 3. Westphalia ham 4. Send- German mustard 5. Quark cheese (fresh cheese) 6. Caraway seeds 7. Juniper berries Great Britain Introduction: In the course of a long and turbulent history. Europe’s north has produced a large number of states and cultures. Their national identity not only reflected in a language, art and architecture,but also in their cuisines. Every country has at least one national dish to call its own. Great Britain consists of four regions:  England  Scotland  Ireland  Wales
  • 14. 26 August 2016Page 14 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 14 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 ENGLAND Englandhas twoNational dishes: 1. Roast Beef withYorkshirepudding. 2. Fish and Chips  Roast Beef is totally regarded as typical officer’s meal.  Fish Chips is regarded as the food of people. The famous product includes English breakfast,Marmalade and Jam, Roast Beef with Yorkshire pudding, Pies Pudding, Pickles and Piccalilli (pickles made from veg’s with vinegar and mustard seeds),Cheddar, Stilton Cheese,Fish and Chips. Englishbreakfastincludes: a) Orange juice/Grapefruit segments b) Porridge/cornflakes c) Fried egg with Fatty Bacon, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, Chipolatas/sausages d) Fish/Meat, Kipper (a herring that has been gutted and smoked over a wood fire. Kippers are popular breakfast dish, piquant lambs kidneys and kedgeree(cooked fish in curried rice) e) Toast, marmalade and jam. Mrs. Keillor invented Orange Marmalade. Hot Pot which is a lamb Stew is very famous in England. Mustard is British favorite, Worcestershire sauce is one of the most famous English sauce. Ale beer and Stout beer (Stout beer is a malted beer-the heaviest, most full bodied and darkest which is made from malt) are very common drink at England. Cider (fermented juice of apple) is a very favorable drink. English Christmases are best enjoyed in the country. Traditional English customs are still upheld there and the classic specialties are served for what is the most important festival of all. Christmasspecialtyfoods are:- a) Traditional Braised Turkey. b) Christmas pudding served with Brandy Butter sauce. c) Mince Pie- macerated minced maxed fruits. d) Dundee cake- cake with dry fruits and almonds.
  • 15. 26 August 2016Page 15 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 15 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Scotland In Scotland they say “Samir an in tarsus, air beach” which roughly translated means “he who has contempt for food is a fool”. Many Scottish dishes can be turned back to the culinary art of the farms wife and some of these dishes have also found admirers outside the Scottish highlands. The most popular whiskey from is from Scotland, called Scotch Whiskey. Haggis is regarded as the Scottish national dish. Haggis is made and sold all the years by the butchers all over Scotland. The main ingredient for Haggis are:- Liver, heart, lung and lamb suet are finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder, subsequently the mixture is enriched with chopped onions, spices, bound by cooked oatmeal, is stuffed in a sheep’s stomach. It is served with a lot of butter and claps hot (a puree of Swedes and potatoes). Scottishspecialties are:- a) Lady Tillypronie`s Scotch broth (lamb and veg soup) b) Fish Tobermory (fish fillet on spinach) c) Hutch Patch (vegetable with mutton) d) Cock-a-leaky (leek soup with chicken) e) Howtowdie (stuffed braised chicken) Starch products are porridge, short breads, oat cakes etc. Ireland Countless people have left their mark on Ireland and they have all made their own contribution on the history and the culture of the country. Potatoes are the fundamental part of the diet. Their use as a food stuff was known in Ireland considerably anywhere else in Europe. Boxy is the traditional Irish Potato dish, can be prepared as bread, griddle cakes,dumplings, pancakes, puddings etc. Dublin Coddle is the Irish National dish made from simmering onion, bacon, sausages,apple, and potato with parsley and salt. Irish stew is Irish National dish famous worldwide. It is a lamb stew with potatoes. Cockles and Mussels are very popular sea food in Ireland. All Hallow Eve is better known as Halloween. The traditional Halloween dishes contain no meat ingredients, it contains potato apple cake,Boxy pancakes, pudding, and barn brick (it is fruit loaf/bread) and Black berry Pies. Ireland is birth place of one of the world’s most famous drink, a Dark beer called Guinness. The essential ingredient of Guinness is Hops and malt.
  • 16. 26 August 2016Page 16 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 16 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Famous sweet delight includes Irish whiskey Trifle, Irish coffee, and Whiskey punch. Famous Cheeses from Ireland are:- a) Gabriel- hard cheese made from sheep’s milk. b) Cashel Irish blue- blue veined cheese. Irish soda bread is very famous made from whole wheat flour, soda, buttermilk etc. Garr cake- Bread cake- (bread crumb of stale breads mixed with sugar and dry fruits). Black berry Mousse- is the most preferable dessert t Ireland. Wales Breakfast at Wales contains freshly boiled Ham with Tats Slaw (smashed potato with slice of bark birth (bread filled with current fresh from oven and trickily spread with good Welsh butter. British Isles has a huge contribution of the world’s cuisine. It has created a wide range of cuisine .It has created a wide range of food stuff for the localities. Roast beef with Yorkshire pudding,finished by a delicate goose berry dessert called Fool. Cornish pastry is an envelope of pastry containing a mixture of meat and potatoes. Lancashire Hot Pot- a casserole lamb chops from the neck end and kidneys with onion carrot and potatoes, topped with a layer of sliced potatoes which become brown and crisp in the oven. Shepherd’s Pie- made from minced beef and onion cooked in deep pie dish and covered with fluffy mashed potato and baked. ICING / FROSTING Frosting, also known as icing, is a sweet decorative coating used as filling between the layers or as a coating over the top and the sides of cake. Frosting can also extend a cake’s shelf life by forming a protective coating. ROLE OF ICING  Contributes flavour and richness  Improves appearance  Improves keeping quality by forming protective coating around the cakes. 1. BUTTERCREAM : Butter cream is a type of icing used inside cakes,as a coating, and as decoration. In its simplest form, it is made by creaming butter with icing sugar, although other fats can be used, such as margarine. Colorings and flavorings are often added, such as cocoa powder vanilla extract. Simple buttercream : it is made by creaming together fat and confectioners' sugar to the desired consistency and lightness. Small quantities of whole eggs, egg whites, egg yolks, or milk may be included
  • 17. 26 August 2016Page 17 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 17 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 French buttercream: Itis made by beating a sugar syrup whichhas reached the soft-ball stage into beaten egg yolksand whipping to a light foam.Softened butter is then whipped in. This icing is very rich, smooth, and light. French buttercreams tend to melt faster than other buttercreams due to the high content of fat from the egg yolksand butter. Italian buttercream/Meringue-type buttercream: this buttercream is similar in preparation to a French buttercream. A boiling syrup of sugar and water cooked to soft-ball stage is poured over beaten egg whites to create a meringue. The sugar syrup essentially cooks the egg whites, eliminating most health concerns. Fat is added to the meringue as it cools 2. FOAM FROSTING/ BOILED FORSTING : It is a simple meringue made with hot sugar syrup. It is light and fluffy but very sweet. It should be used immedietely. Ex- white mountain cake 3. FUDGE FROSTING: A fudge frosting is a warmed mixture of sugar, butter and water / milk. It is very heavy and candy like, it should be applied warm. Recipe: powdered sugar- 1.5 kg, salt- 1gm, light corn syrup: 60 ml, shortening (melted) - 120 gm., hot water- 300 ml, vanilla essence – a few drops 4. FONDANT: Fondant is a man-made cream confection used as a filling or coating for cakes,pastries, and candies or sweets. In its simplest form, it is sugar and water cooked to a point, specifically the soft- ball stage,cooled slightly, and stirred or beaten until it is an opaque mass of creamy consistency. Fondant is commonly used to decorate wedding cakes. This gives the cakes a smooth appearance. 5. GLAZE: Glaze is a thin coating meant to be poured or dipped on to cake or pastries. Flat icing is a specific type of glaze used on Danish pastry. Recipe : powdered sugar- 270 gm., butter- 30 gm. (melted), light cream- 60 gm., vanilla extract- 10 ml 6. ROYAL ICING:Royal icing is a hard white icing, made from softly beaten egg whites, icing sugar (powdered sugar), and sometimes lemon juice. It is used on Christmas cake,wedding cakes,gingerbread houses and many other cakes and biscuits, either as a smooth covering like marzipan, or in sharp peaks. Glycerin is occasionally added to prevent the icing from setting too hard. Recipe: powdered sugar- 180 gm., egg white- 1 no, lemon juice -1 ml. 7. GANACHE: Panache is made from chocolate and heavy cream.Ganache is normally made by heating heavy cream, then pouring it over chopped, dark chocolate. The mixture is stirred or blended until smooth, and can be enhanced with liqueurs or extracts. Depending on the kind of chocolate used, cream should be adjusted to reach desired consistency. Recipe : bittersweet chocolate-500 gm , heavy cream- 500 gm, coffee liquer- 30 gm
  • 18. 26 August 2016Page 18 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 18 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 MEXICAN CUISINE Q. what are the staple food, equipment’s and special food of Mexican cuisine. Plan four course menus in Mexican restaurant. It is the one of world’s oldest cuisine. Mexican cookery combines the culinary traditional native food of Aztec. Ingredients and cooking method of Spain introduced 400 years ago by the Spanish invader. Mexican food is characterized by the use of hot chilies, tomato, pepper, avocados, beans, corn particularly tortillas. Typical and simple dishes are frijoles re Fritos (refried beans), chili Verde (beef stew with hot pepper and chili), A chilled avocado soup. Mexican cuisine is famous for tortillas. Tortillas are used in tacos,enchiladas, burritos, nachos etc. Mexican essential cooking includes recipes from all over medicos, includes ceviche (raw fish and seafood, marinated) mole de polo (a classical chicken stew with chocolate), sopaipillas (light airy fritters filled with cinnamon flavored honey and sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. Mexican ingredients: 1. Avocados - it has been cultivated in Mexico since 700 by. The flesh is pale green with creamy buttery textures. Guacamole is the classical dip made with avocados. 2. Beans – originated in medicos since 5000 BC and remain a staple of Mexican cuisine. Pinto, kidney, chickpea are introduced by Spanish. 3. Chili - grown in Mexico 9000 years’ old. Variety fresh and dried. Fresh chili – jalapeno: dark green long hot chili, Poland: dark green color, Serrano: very small green and red generally used for making guacamole. Dried chili- anchor: dried, relatively mild flavor, radish brown in color, chipotle : brick red in color, molto: these are pungent brownish red chili 4. Cilantro – these herbs was introduced by Spain. 5. Lard (pork fat). Frequently used in frying beans. 6. Salsas- sauce usually made by chili, lemon etc. and served with fish, meat, eggs. 7. Ceviche – raw marinated fish with lemon juice should be marinated for 3-5 hours. 8. Tomatoes – Mexican use red or green tomatoes. 9. Tortillas – traditionally made from ground corn husk. Cooking equipment’s: In traditional Mexican kitchen only a fewutensils are used. 1. Azuela – these are casseroles or clay pots used for making stew. 2. Comal – griddle used for making tortillas. 3. Olla – clay pots used for making stew and soups. 4. Molcajete- these are heavy and long stone used for grinding corn and chilies 5. Tortilla press- although tortilla is made by hand. It is easy to make in cast iron tortilla press. Popular Mexican dishes:
  • 19. 26 August 2016Page 19 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 19 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 1. Refried beans – dried pinto beans are soaked for 6 hours, boiled with garlic, pound, sautéed with onions, finished with cheese. 2. Nachos – spicy tortilla chips with cheese. 3. Quesadillas - a mixture of refried beans, slices of green chili, cheese is put in tortillas and folded, deep fried. 4. Guacamole – avocado dip. 5. Gazpacho – cold tomato soup 6. Soap di tortilla- tortilla soup. 7. Pesaro Mexican- Mexican fish stew. 8. Tacos – Mexican stuffed fried tortilla. 9. Chile Verde – green chili stew with beef stock. 10. Arrow Verde – green rice. 11. Flan – Mexican caramelcustard. 12. Sopaipillas- Mexican fritters 13. Churros – these are long nuzzled doughnut, serve with castor sugar SPANISH CUISINE Looking at the map of Spain, one would realize that in spite of being a part of Europe, it is very near to the African continent. Thus it is uncommon to find a distinct Moorish influence on Spanish cuisine. Mediterranean Spain extends from Barcelona to Cartagena and Andalusia in southern Spain, which is famous for its cold soup called gazpacho. Special ingredients used in Spanish cuisine: 1. Saffron – Spanish garnish their dishes with saffron. 2. Sherry- one of the most popular wine, comes from the town of Jerez in Andalusia region of Spain. 3. Aguardiente – anise flavored liquor used in cooking 4. Alibies- various varieties of dried beans. 5. Montego – popular cheese. 6. Rice – medium grain rice was introduced by Arabs,used in paella 7. Piquillos- a variety of chili pepper grown in northern Spain. Popular Spanish dishes: 1. Paella – most popular rice dish prepared with rice, vegetables, different meats or seafood and flavored with saffron. 2. Gazpacho- a pureed cold soup made from tomatoes, cucumber, red bell pepper, red wine vine, one day old stale bread and olive oil. 3. Spanish oblate- it is made with eggs, potatoes, olives, vegetables and herbs. 4. Albondigas- these are small dumplings made from ground meat and served with sauce. 5. - a popular braised chicken with Serrano ham, onion, garlic, pepper and tomato ICE CREAM QUALITY:
  • 20. 26 August 2016Page 20 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 20 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Quality implies a clearly produced ice cream of acceptable flavor, body and texture. The composition of the product and the ingredients used is within the parameters and the limits set by the food laws prevailing in the country. The desirable physical properties of the ice-cream should be defined mainly in terms of the texture as it is eaten. The consistency should be creamy and air content should finely distribute. There should be quick melting effect on the palate, without greasiness or gumminess, and with no gritty or icy sensation as the ice cream warms up, it should have a tendency to retain its shape, and as it melts, a creamy and not a watery serum should be formed. Flavor acceptability is governed by the quality of the ingredients used e.g. Fruit, chocolate and nuts as well as added flavors. The basic flavor must come from high quality milk and cream. Smoothness: It is in relation with the size of the ice crystals formed in the product and therefore ice cream must be quickly frozen and churned during the preparation. The eggs and stabilizers added to the mixture also help in smoothness. OVERRUN: It is an increase in the volume due to the incorporation of air during churning and addition of air and cream. E.g.:- When 1 lit of ice cream mix increases in volume by 1 lit then the overrun is 100% .An ideal overrun should be of around 75-85% Less will make it heavy and more will make it frothy and lack in flavor .Some manufacturers produce only an overrun of 25-30%. VOLUME OFICE CREAM - VOLUME OFMIX X 100 = OVERRUN% VOLUME OFMIX ICE-CREAM DEFECTS ANDTHEIRPROBABLE CAUSES CRUMBLY,BRITTLE,SHORT, FLAKY,SNOWY EXCESSIVE OVERRUN GUMMY,PASTY,STICKY TOO MUCH STABILIZER,VERY LOW TEMPERATURE FREEZEER,TOO MUCH SUGAR SHRUNKEN TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONIN STORAGE,LOW MILK SOLID CONTENT SOGGY,HEAVY,DOUGHY HIGH SOLIDS CONTENT,LOW OVERRUN WEAK,WATERY LOW SOLIDS CONTENT BUTTERY,GREASY EXCESSIVE FAT DESTABILIZATION FLAKY,SNOWY LOW SOLIDS , LOW STABILIZER CONTENT FLUFFY, FOAMY,SPONGY LARGE AIR CELLS, POOR CONTROLLEDFREEZER, EXCESSIVE OVERRUN LUMPY,GELATIN LUMPS INADEQUATELY DISPERSED INGREDIENTS SANDY,GRITTY LARGE LACTOSE CRYSTALS,HIGH CONTENTS OF MILK SOLIDS, ESPECIALLY WHEY,FLUCTUATINGSTORAGE TEMPERATURES COARSE,GRAINY,ICY, ICE,PELLETS, SPINY TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS IN STORAGE LEADING TO LARGE ICE CRYSTALS,INADEQUATE REFRIGERATION AT FREEZER.
  • 21. 26 August 2016Page 21 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 21 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 STEPS INVOLVED IN THE PROCESSING OF HARD ICE CREAM Ice cream is a complex system in which the stable mixed emulsion of four phase system fat-water-ice-air, must be balanced and protected from breaking and separating. MIXING AND PASTEURIZATION: After weighing or metering by volume, the ingredients are heated together in a jacketed tank with strong agitation so as to form a core emulsion with large fat globules of up to 15 grams in size. Pasteurization treatment may be carried out in mixing tank or in a separate plate heat exchanger. During homogenization, the mix is converted into a true emulsion with a fat globule size of less than 2gms. For efficient homogenization the fat phase should be completely liquid and hence a temperature near pasteurization temperature is preferred. Homogenization of ice-cream mix is normally carried out at a pressure of 140 to 210kg/cm2. .. At the end of this treatment, it is often found that small fat globules cohere in clumps, resulting in a viscous mix with poor processing properties in subsequent stages. A second homogenization at the lower pressure such as 35kg/cm2 is used to break up the clumps. COOLING: The emulsion is immediately cooled to 4 degrees centigrade using a heat exchanger or tossuppercool if fat is present. AGEING: The cooled emulsion is usually stored in a thermostatically controlled vessel for 2 to 8 hours because such ageing improves freezer performance and produces better ice-cream structure. During ageing the stabilizer hydrates fully and increases the viscosity of the emulsion. The importance of ageing will vary with different stabilizers. Absorption of protein to fat globule surface continues. Significant improvement in texture is noted. FREEZING: Ice creamis offered for sale in two forms: 1. As hard ice-cream which has been frozen in a continuous freezer and is then either extruded, shaped or packed in small individual portions and in bulk containers up to 3 gallons in size. The final processing step for all these is hardening in a low temperature cold store at -30 to -400 C and use of refrigeration distribution system. 2. As soft ice cream which is frozen in small batch freezer situated at the retail outlet. Ice-cream mix for this type of operation is provided as a pasteurized mix which has been stored at 40 C after manufacture, or from cans of UHT mix which may be stored at room temperature, or from a powdered mix which is dispensed in water or milk before being placed in the freezer.
  • 22. 26 August 2016Page 22 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 22 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Freezing is carried out continuously in a scraped surface heat exchanger at a very low temperature of - 220 C to -250 C for a short time and under high agitation. Ice cream mix and the air in the desired proportion are pumped successively through the freezer. For soft frozen ice cream, which is immediately consumed, 5-6 hr. freezing at comparatively higher temperature is used. HARDENING AND STORAGE: The temperature must be reduced after freezing until about 80% water is frozen. This freezing should take place quickly to avoid the formation of large crystals which cause coarseness. Normally this is achieved by storage at -400 C for about 30 minutes. FUNCTIONS OF SOMEOF THE INGREDIENTS: SUGARS: Sugar content represents about half the total solids of the ice cream mix and includes lactose naturally present as a constituent of mix. Sugars acts as sweetening agents depress the freezing point of the mix; influence the consistency of the continuous phase, and to some extent the ice crystals size and lactose crystallization of the frozen ice cream. STABILIZERS: Gelatin was the first stabilizer used in ice cream manufacture. Since then a number of polysaccharide stabilizers have become available. These include Sodium carboxyl methyl cellulose, micro crystalline cellulose, sodium alginate, carrageenan, agar, pectin, xanthan gums, Caribbean and guar gum. They are often used in mixtures. Stabilizers perform several functions in ice cream. They increase the viscosity of the continuous phase, there by contributing to eating characteristics such as body and creaminess. They regulate the development of ice crystals and thereby give a smooth textured ice-cream... During the inevitable temperature fluctuations, encountered in the storage, transport and distribution they minimize the development of large crystals and the undesirable coarse structure. They thicken the aqueous phase and modify the crystallization of ice. ANTIOXIDANTS: The ice cream is commercially stored for a long period of time; therefore the manufacturers add antioxidants to the ice cream mix to prevent oxidation. Vitamins, tannin, oat flour is used mainly. EMULSIFIERS: For keeping the mixture a homogeneous mass the ice cream needs to emulsified, so it prevents crystal formation during freezing. Egg yolks, citrates, mono/triglycerides from fats and oils, stearates and operates are used for emulsification of the ice cream.
  • 23. 26 August 2016Page 23 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 23 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 ICE CREAMS ARE DESIGNATED ACCORDING TO  PHILADELPHIA ICE CREAM--> Uncooked mixture of thick cream sugar and flavorings.  FRENCHICE CREAM--> Cooked mixture of milk sugar and flavorings with whipped cream.  AMERICAN OR PLAIN ICE CREAM--> Similar to French ice cream but may contain corn starch /flour or gelatin instead of eggs for thickening.  ITALIAN ICE CREAM--> Similar to American ice cream. CHEMICALCOMPOSITION OF VARIOUS ICE CREAMS Ice cream and frozen custard Ice Cream Ingredients 10% fat 12% fat 16% fat cone Ice milk Water 63.2 52.1 62.8 8.9 66.7 Calories 193 207 222 377 152 Protein 4.5 4 2.6 10. 4.8 Fat 10.6 12.5 16.1 2.4 5.1 Carbohydrates 20.8 20.6 18 77.9 22.4 Ash 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.8 1 Calcium(mg) 146 123 78 156 156 Phosphorus(mg) 115 99 61 198 124 Iron(mg) 0.1 0.1 trace 0.4 0.1 Sodium(mg) 63 40 33 232 68 Potassium(mg) 181 112 95 244 195 Vital(intl.. units) 440 520 660 trace 210 Thiamin(mg) 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.05 Riboflavin(mg) 0.21 0.19 0.11 0.21 0.22 Niacin(mg) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 Vic(ascorbic acid)(mg) 1 1 1 trace 1
  • 24. 26 August 2016Page 24 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 24 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 ICE - CREAM INTRODUCTION Popularity of frozen food namely ice cream needs no introduction or explanation because it is one such food item which is liked and wanted by young and old alike and is popular like certain foods all over the world. In present times there have introduction of so many new flavors and combinations made from basic ice cream that it has become one of the major profit making items on any menu-card. It has also an advantage that it can be prepared in advance and can be stored for a longer period of time. Over the years, more and more frozen food parlors and establishments have mushroomed in a very short time and are attributed to the fact that it is getting increasingly popular. A wide range of dessert is created by simply freezing. Sorbets made of simple combinations of fruit juice or puree, wine, or liqueur, plus sugar and various flavorings; and rich mixtures based on eggs, milk, and cream. Of the latter custard based ice creams made of milk and thickened with egg starch but even richer mixtures are used for parfaits, frozen soufflés, bombes and other frozen creations. The key to good sorbet and ice-cream is the smoothness; the ice crystals that form naturally during freezing must be fore stalled. This is accomplished by stirring the mixture continuously usually by machines. The higher the proportion of water, the more ice crystals form and therefore the more thoroughly it must be stirred. This is why sorbets, particularly those based on wine or fruit juices rather than fruit purees are quite hard to make. On the other hand very rich mixtures such as parfaits and bombes with a high proportion of eggs and cream freeze smoothly without stirring at all. Good sorbets and ices should be lightened by further adding beaten eggs and/or meringue half way through freezing while parfaits and bombes are lightened with beaten egg whites and whipped cream. It increases bulk by adding air as can be seen by weighing equal volumes of homemade and commercial ice-cream. When making any mixture to be frozen, bear in mind that taste is blunted by cold, so flavors must be concentrated with a bit of lemon juice or alcohol as well as plenty of sugar. Especially fruits like passion fruit, citrus fruit and cherries. For ice cream the straight forward tastes of vanilla, chocolate, and coffee are still preferred, together with crushed nut mixtures such as praline or candied fruits macerated in liqueur. Ice cream may also be tinted with food coloring but with discretion mint and pistachio ice cream are appealing when tinted palest green and sour fruits may need picking up with pale pink color. HISTORY The history of ice cream is linked with that of gastronomy and refrigeration. The Chinese knew the art of making iced drinks and desserts long before the Christian era. They taught this art to the Arabs, who began making syrups chilled with snow, called sherbets (hence the words ‘sherbet ‘and ‘sorbet’). At the court of Alexander the great, and later under Nero, fruit salads and purees were served, with honey and snow. It was not until the 13th century however, that Marco Polo brought back from the East the secret of cooling without ice, by running a mixture of water and saltpeter containers filled with the substance to be cooled. Thus the great fashion for water ices began in Italy.
  • 25. 26 August 2016Page 25 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 25 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 When Catherine de ’Medici arrived in France to marry the future Henri II , she introduced iced desserts to the court, among other culinary novelties but the Parisian public only discovered them a century later, when Francesco Procopius opened a cafe. People went there to read news-sheets, discuss politics and literature and above all to sample drinks and delicacies, among which there were ices and sorbets (sherbets) that soon became all the rage. Procure (as he was now called) was soon imitated by his colleagues: in the 18th century, 250 lemonades were selling ices in Paris, but only in summer. In about 1750 Procopius successor, Buisson, had the idea of selling ices all year round. The fashion at the time was to walk under the arcade of Pala is-Royal where the fashionable cafes sold their iced specialties, but these were still of poor quality. Around 1775, ices became more delicate in flavor, richer, and with more body, so that they could be molded into different shapes. Ices made with milk, cream, and eggs appeared. In fact they had been discovered in 1650 by a French cook of Charles I of England, who paid him to keep his method secret. The end of the 18th century saw the great fashion for from ages glances .The manufacture of ices continued to develop .The ice bombe appeared and it became customary to serve it during any meal of any significance. Two Italians, Patti and Orton were especially famous for their fine ices; in particular, Orton launched the iced sponge cake in 1798. Under the Second Empire the surprise omelet was invented, then the first coupes, mousses, and parfaits. Ices were served at the end of the meals, and also at became common during balls and reception. Very refined blends of flavors were invented (apricots and wild cherries, Mignonette peaches, Malmsey wine from Alicante, angelica liqueur, the yolks of finch eggs, sugary melon, hazelnuts and mint liqueur, green tea and citron juice, pistachios and peach juice, etc., according to the recipes in the Precept oral des menus roux of 1822). By the beginning of the 20th century , itinerant ice cream vendors were already selling in the streets .The United States have been particularly inventive as regards the ice cream industry. Ice cream soda was invented in Philadelphia the hub of ice cream manufacturing in US. Ice cream cones, portables and self-contained originated in 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis in US. Ancient recipes were gradually modified and adapted to the needs of industrial manufacture. Nowadays stabilizers are included, such as edible gelatin, egg white, agar,agar and carob. PREVENTION OF FOOD ADULTERATION ACT DEFINES ICE -CREAM AS FOLLOWS: PFA RULE A 11.02.08 The frozen food obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof or from cream and/or milk product with or without the addition of cane sugar(dextrose, liquid glucose and dried liquid glucose), eggs, fruits, fruit juices, preserved fruits, nuts, chocolate, edible flavors and permitted food colors. It may contain permitted stabilizers and emulsifiers not exceeding 0.5% weight. The mixture should be suitably heated before freezing. The product shall contain not less than 10% milk fat, not less than 36% total solids, except that when any of the aforesaid preparations contains fruits or nuts or both the contents of milk fat shall not be less than 8% by weight. Starch may be added to a maximum extent of 5% under the declaration on a label as specified in the sub rule (2) of rule 53. The standards of ice-cream shall apply to “softie” ice cream. Imitation ice cream known as Mellowing are made in various parts of the world. Mellowing is cheaper than ice cream because of substitution of milk fat with vegetable fats and oils. Other than this change, mellowing has approximately the same composition as ice cream. CLASSIFICATION OF FROZEN DESSERTS AND ICE CREAM
  • 26. 26 August 2016Page 26 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 26 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9  ICE CREAM: It is a smooth frozen mixture of milk, cream, sugar, flavoring, eggs, and coloring. Some ice creams such as Philadelphian style do not contain eggs. While the French style of ice creams contain egg yolks. The egg adds richness and helps to make the product smoother since it has emulsifying properties.  ICE MILK: It is like ice cream but with a lower butter content, while frozen it contains yoghurt in addition to the milk and cream.  SORBET: Sorbet and ices are made from puree of fruits and fruit juices and sugar. Some sorbets also are flavored with wines, liqueurs. American sorbets however contain some amount of milk and cream and egg white to increase the volume and texture. While water ice contains only fruit juices and sugar with water. Granitcoarse crystalline ice made from fruit puree, egg white, sugar.  FROZEN DESSERTS: Frozen soufflé and frozen mousses are made like bavaroise which has cream and egg whites and folded into to give them lightness which allows them to be still frozen in ordinary FREEZER.  TYPES OF ICE-CREAM: BAKED ALASKA: - It is a piece of cake on which vanilla ice cream is served which is garnished and topped with egg white, and gravitated. BANANA SPLIT: - Vanilla ice cream in between length wise cut banana in a boat shaped dish served with nuts COUPE: - Fruit confection and ice cream served in individual containers of either glass or porcelain. E.g. Coupe Andalusia Orange segments macerated in Curacao in the coupe with lemon ice and orange segments and whip cream. BOMBES GLACEES: - Layered ice cream in a semispherical bullet shaped mound with liqueur and nuts in the center CASSATA: - Multi flavored ice cream lined the half sphere mound center with mixture of nuts, candied fruits macerated in kirsch / maraschino. Italian meringue and whipped cream chopped nougatine or chopped chocolate. GRANITA :- This is a sherbet made of two-thirds sugar syrup and one -thirds raspberry, strawberry, and red currant puree or pure lemon juice and kirsch are added and the mixture is adjusted to register 17 to 18 O Baume. This mixture is frozen as sorbets. MERINGUE GLACE: - A dipper of ice cream is placed between two meringue shells. The meringues are arranged on the dish and garnished with whipped cream.
  • 27. 26 August 2016Page 27 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 27 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 OMLET SUPRESSE:-Like Baked Alaska served with poached fruits, cherries. PEACH MELBA: - Ripe soft peaches with white flash are blanched in boiling water for a few seconds refreshed. Peeled arranged on a dish on a good layer of vanilla ice-cream and covered with sweetened raspberry and few almond sliced. PARFAIT: - Very rich mixture that can be frozen successfully containing large amounts of cream eggs and sugar. Requires to be kept frozen till service time. SUNDAE: - plain ice cream served in a silver or glass champagne glasses. Attractively combined with poached /fresh / syrups whipped cream etc. Egg. Denise sundae - mocha ice cream liqueur chocolate and whipped cream PROFITEROLE:- choux pastry filled with ice cream. BREAD History of breads It is not known who was the first baker, though some of the worlds oldest bread can be found in Switzerland and is around 5000 thousand years old. Breads from the Ruins of Pompeii are found with the makers name still visible. The discovery of Leaven was accidental. Breads were made in the form of unleavened cakes and a batch from the previous day was added to the new dough to avoid wastage. Soon, the baker saw it was leavened and softer in texture. Bread was leavened only by the addition of sour dough and books as old as 240 B.C. mention old dough used to ferment new dough’s. The 1 set baker’s guild was formed in the reign of Emperor Augustine in Rome in 14 A.D. The Medieval baker used Bram as a leaven. This was a mixture of Malt and Hops with Water and some of the coarse meal. This was left for some time for the airborne yeast microbes to settle down on the berm and inoculate it. This was then used in the dough. A little dough was left for next days use. Sour dough is still used in the modern day bakeries especially in the making of Rye breads. In the Hebrides, A Hazel Twig was dipped into this berm or ferment and then carefully dried in the sun. The next day all that was required was to swirl the stick in the next ferment and the yeast would begin to get activated. Yeast coming to the surface of Home Made Wine was collected and dried. This was also used for bread making. At that time a considerable amount of brewers yeast was used by bakers. Upton the year 1859, it was thought that fermentation just happened, till Louis Pasteur showed that it was the result of micro organisms converting sugar into Carbon Dioxide (co2).
  • 28. 26 August 2016Page 28 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 28 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Patent yeasts were soon made which was used in ferments to multiply and strengthen it further. There were various names given to these berms used depending upon the area or the time. ‘Spoon’ or ‘Virgin Bram’ is one of them and is derived from the word Spontaneous. Compound berms were derived from Malt, Hops, and Brewers yeasts. Some people used bottles of Stout beer as starters. Ingredients such as Mashed Potatoes,Brown sugar, Ginger, and Caraway seeds were added. Compressed yeast which is now available freely came into existence only in the early days of the century. History of the Bakery Oven. The bakery oven is approximately 7800 years old. Before that breads were cooked on heated stones after the charcoal fire had died down. In Asia Minor, an oven has been found dating back to 5900 B.C. or 5700 B.C. The Egyptians were the first to have commercial bakeries between 3000 B.C. and 2700 B.C. By 2000 B.C. they had 16 different types bread. In Bohemia and Bulgaria, bakery ovens dating back to 4800 B.C. have been discovered PRODUCTION STAGES IN BREAD MAKING: 1. SCALING INGREDEINTS: It is very important to scale or measure ingredients accurately when making yeast bread. 2. MIXING AND KNEADING DOUGH: Dough must be mixed properly in order to combine the ingredients uniformly, distribute yeast and develop gluten. Dough mixing methods:  Straight dough method : all the ingredients ate just combined and kneaded  Sponge method: flour, yeast, sugar, water- kept for sponge then it is used.  Flaky dough method: it is same as rolled in dough method. 3. FERMENTINGDOUGH: Fermentation is the process by which yeast converts sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide. During fermentation the dough is allowed to rise. Fermentation is resting of whole dough but proofing is resting of shaped dough (balls and knotted). The whole yeasted dough is kept in an oiled container to allow fermentation in a warm place it reaches double in size. 4. PUNCHING DOWN DOUGH: After fermentation, the dough is folded down to expel and redistribute the gas pockets with a technique known as punching down or knock back. Punching down help to even out the dough’s temperature and relaxes the gluten. 5. PORTIONINGDOUGH: Dough is now ready to be divided into portions. For loaves the dough is scaled to desired weight. For rolls, equal small portions.
  • 29. 26 August 2016Page 29 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 29 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 6. ROUNDING PORTIONS:The portions of dough must be shaped into smooth, round balls in a technique known as rounding. Rounding stretches the outside layer of gluten into a smooth coating. 7. SHAPING PORTIONS:Lean dough and some rich dough can be shaped in a varieties of form – large loaves, small loaves, dinner rolls etc. 8. PROOFINGPRODUCTS:Proofing is the final rise of shaped yeast product before baking. Temperature should be 35-46 degree centigrade. Proofing chamber- temperature and humidity can be controlled with a special cabinet known as proof chamber. Proofing should be continued until double in size. 9. BAKING PRODUCT:As yeast bread bake, a variety of physical, chemical changes occurs. Oven spring- when yeast rolls or dough is lace inside a hot oven, suddenly yeast product experiences a rise in size, is called oven spring. The temperature increases,yeast dies, gluten fiber becomes firm, and the starches gelatinize. 10. COOLING AND STORING FINISHED PRODUCT:Yeast produced should be cooled at room temperature. Once cool, should be stored at room temperature and on freeze if need to be stored for longer time. Notes: Washes:a glaze or a wash can be brushed to the dough before baking. The crust is made shiny, hard or soft, darker or lighter by proper uses of washes. Topping can be given with seeds and meal etc. Slashing:the shape and the appearance of some bread can be improved by cutting their top with a sharp knife before baking- known as slashing or docking. Steaminjection: the crisp crust desired for certain breads and rolls are achieved by introducing moisture into the oven during baking. Determining doneness:bread loaves can be tested by tapping them on the bottom and listening for a hollow sound. RECIPE OF SIMPLE YEASTED BREAD: Refined flour – 250 gm Preparation time: 1 hrs Sugar – 15 gm Baking temperature: 200°C Fat -15 gm Yeast – 5 gm
  • 30. 26 August 2016Page 30 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 30 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 Salt – 5 gm Water –as required. Method: follow the production stages of breads. TYPES OF YEASTED BREADS: LEAN / SIMPLE YEASTED BREADS: Bread dough containing less sugar, egg and fats is lean yeast breads: Example – French bread, white milk bread, Irish soda bread. RICH YEASTED BREADS: bread dough, rich in sugar, yeast,eggs, and fats is rich yeasted breads. Example – challah, baba, savarin, pantone, brioche etc. DIFFERENT METHODSIN BREAD MAKING: 1. STRAIGHT DOUGH METHOD: The simplest and common method of mixing yeast dough is known as the straight dough method. With this method, all the ingredients are simply combined and mixed together. The yeast may or may not be combined first with a warm liquid. Be careful that the temperature of the liquid ingredients does not exceed 59ºC or the yeast will die. Once the ingredients are combined, the dough is kneaded until it is smooth and elastic. 2. SPONGE METHOD: The sponge method of mixing yeast dough has two stages. During the first stage the yeast, liquid and approximately one half of the flour is combined to make a thick batter known as sponge. The sponge is allowed to rise until bubbly and double in size. During the second stage the fat, salt, sugar and the remaining flour is added. The dough is kneaded and allowed to rise again. These two fermentation give sponge method breads a somewhat different flavor and lighter texture than breads made with straight dough method. 3. SALT DELAYED METHOD : An excellent process used initially for harsh gluten flours but now widely used for all bread making process as it drastically reduces the fermentation time without giving any change in quality. This process calls for the omission of salt in the first stages of dough making. As was discussed earlier, salt is helpful in controlling the pace of fermentation by the yeast and hence when the salt is omitted in the first stages, the action of the yeast will increase. The gluten will ripen or soften well due to the rapid action of the gases released. The chemical changes that take place in the dough will also fasten and the effect of the acids produced will be visible in a shorter time. The salt is added later on in three ways; (I)By sprinkling the salt over the dough (ii)By using some water reserved from the original quantity (iii)By using some fat to incur- orate the salt This process is the best method of conditioning dough without using higher yeast contents or an increase in fermentation temperature or time.
  • 31. 26 August 2016Page 31 of 31 Sunil Kumar International Cuisine 31 | P a g e c h e f s u n i l b a l h a r a @ g m a i l . c o m p h . n o 0 9 9 9 6 0 0 0 4 9 9 The dough is usually given a 2/3rd mixing allowed to rest. This will mellow the gluten reasonable. The salt is added at the knock back stage when the rest of the normal mixing time is given to mix the salt evenly in the dough. Bread Improvers Flour is of variable quality and hence it becomes necessary at times to add something to the dough to bring the final product to a set standard. Bread improvers may be divided into 3 main categories. These include; 1. Those of mineral nature, used by the miller 2. Those of organic nature, mainly enriching agents 3. Those of the above categories which are also yeast foods. Mineral improvers are popular because they increase the yield of the bread by necessitating the use of extra water. Some of the mineral improvers have a slight drying effect on the crumb. The most commonly used mineral improver is Common Salt or Sodium Chloride (Nalco) and is often a good thing for faults instead of going in for the more expensive improvers. I Mineral Bread Improvers These include (1) Persulphates: Ammonium or Potassium Persulphates are used in the ratio of 1/4 oz -1/2 oz in 280 lbs of flour. These affect the water intake of the flour which allows for the tightening which takes place as fermentation proceeds. (2) Potassium Bromate: Bromate has a stabilizing effect on the gluten. This is due to the astringent action on gluten which necessitates the use of more water. It improves the gas retaining power of the gluten, increases the loaf volume. It is used in the ratio of 1/10 oz per 280 lbs of flour and is one of the most effective ingredients and it should be added only if it is not used by the miller. (3) Sulphates: Alum and Copper Sulphate were once used extensively in longer fermentation process as they delayed the ripening and had a bleaching action on gluten. These however are now prohibited by law as they are injurious to health. Magnesium Sulphates (Epsom salts) and Sodium Sulphate (Glibber Salts) also have astringent actions. Magnesium Sulphate stimulates yeast action more so in the baking time. It is advised to reduce the salt use when using these Sulphates. (4) Phosphates: Acid Calcium Phosphate and Ammonium Phosphate have a tightening action on gluten and in addition to this Phosphates are essential yeast foods. A.C.P is used 1lb per 280 lb of flour, increased to 2 lb to prevent Rope. Ammonium Phosphate is used 8 oz to 280 lb of flour II OrganicImprovers These include milk and fats. Their role has been described in detail earlier. III Yeast Food Improvers These include Malt and Sugars, whose roles have also been described earlier.