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• Three words have been combined to make
  this grid of letters.
• How many times does each of these words
• Try to compare your performance while
  searching for just one word vs. two of them
  at the same time?
• How many times is the word SUN shown?
  How many times is the word BUS shown?
  How many times is the word NONE shown?
• If you get all, It only means that you are a very focus
  person but if NOT…here are the reasons…
• Dividing attention results in less attention power
  devoted to all the different tasks that you are trying
  to do at the same time.
• The more tasks, the less attention can be devoted to
• The result is more errors and waste of time.
  Although we all have the feeling that multi-tasking
  saves us time, it is often not the case.
      -by J. J. Thomson, 1897
    -symbol “e or e       -”
-relative electrical charge : - 1
-atomic mass unit = 5. 484 x 10 -4
  -location : outside the nucleus
 - by Eugen Goldstein, 1886
   -symbol “p or         p +”
 -relative electrical charge : + 1

 -atomic mass unit = 1
-Location : inside the nucleus
 by - James Chadwick, 1932
     -symbol “n or n ”   0

-relative electrical charge : 0
-atomic mass unit = 1
-Location : inside the nucleus
 -fundamental particles of
    proton and neutron
  -found inside the proton
        and neutron
-held together by “gluons”
Proton is a color
   combination of three
colored quarks. Quarks are
  bound together by the
 exchange of color gluons.
Emission or absorption of a
gluon causes the quarks to
make a transition from one
     color to another.
There are six types of quarks
 (up, down, charm, strange, top, and
bottom). The lightest quarks — called
up and down — are the most common.
 -fundamental particles of
    proton and neutron
  -found inside the proton
        and neutron
-held together by “gluons”
Molecules, Atoms, & Nuclei

Nuclei, Nucleon, & Quarks

Atomic Number
  -# of protons in the nucleus
-symbol Z, determines identity of
           an element.
-equal to the # of protons, w/c is equal to
the # of electrons in an uncharged atom.
    Z = number of p = number of e
                      +                 -
Mass Number
   - symbol A in elemental
notation, consists of the total
# of protons and neutrons in
  the nucleus of the atom.
 A = number of   p +   + number of n0
   a       20       40
   b                84                                       48
   c       82                                                125
   d                                            52           76
   e                108         47
                           NUMBER       OF      NUMBER      OF         OF
                                     NEUTRONS            PROTONS   ELECTRONS

Sodium                                                                11

          How many protons, neutrons, and
          electrons are present in
          (a) 3     (b) 79    (C) 27
                H         Se        Al
             1        34        13
-Atoms of an element with the same
   atomic # but different mass #
-different mass    NEUTRONS
  numbers but
identical atomic
    Cl       17          17
    Cl       17          17
                     NUMBER   MASS (amu)     MASS      ABUNDANCE
HYDROGEN      H        1        1.00794     1.007 8      99.985%
              D        2                    2.014 1      0.015%
              T        3                    3.016 1        0%
  BORON       B        10        10.811     10.012 9     19.91%
                       11                   11.009 8     80.09%
 OXYGEN       O        16       15.9994     15.994 9     99.759%
                       17                   16.999 3     0.037%
                       18                  17. 999 2     0.204%
NITROGEN      N        14       14.00674    14.003 1     99.63%
                       15                   15.000 1      0.37%
MAGNESIUM     Mg       24        24.305     23.985 0     78.99%
                       25                   24.985 8     10.00%
                       26                  25. 985 6     11.01%
 CHLORINE     35       35        35. 45     34.969       75.53%
              37       37                   36.966       24.47%
  Step #1: Multiply the atomic mass of each
  isotope by its percentage abundance. Remember
  to convert the value to decimal equivalent.
           34.969 x 0.7553 = 26.41 amu
          36.996 x 0.2447 = 9.053 amu
 Step#2: Add the products obtained to get the
 relative atomic mass.
      26.41 + 9.053 = 35.46 amu
              STABLE ISOTOPES


- Radiation that
  carries more than 1216 kJ/mol of energy.
• e.g. UVB rays (higher end of the UV spectrum), x-
  rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays.
                                  - Radiation that
  carries less than 1216 kJ/mol of energy.
• e.g. radiowaves, microwaves, infrared, visible
  light, UVA rays (lower end of the UV spectrum).
• Contains two protons and
  two neutrons, which gives
  it a mass number of 4 and
  atomic number of 2.
• Because of two protons,
  an alpha particle has a
  charge of 2+ that makes it
  identical to Helium
• Is identical to an
  electron, has a charge
  of 1- and mass number
  of (0) zero.
• Βeta particles are
  produced by unstable
  nuclei when neutrons
  are change into
• GAMMA RAYS are high-
  energy radiation released
  as an unstable nucleus
  undergoes a rearrangement
  to give a more stable,
  lower-energy nucleus.
• Since gamma rays are
  energy only, there is NO
  mass or charged associated
  with their symbols.
TYPE OF              MASS    ATOMIC
            SYMBOL   NUMBER   NUMBER
  ALPHA                4        2       2+
   BETA                0        0        1-
 GAMMA                 0        0        0
 PROTON                1        1       1+
NEUTRON                1        0        0
POSITRON               0        1       1+
               THROUGH       INTO
 TYPE SYMBOL                        SHIELDING
                   AIR      TISSUE
Alpha    α      2 – 4 cm   0.05 mm
Beta     β     200 –300 cm 4 – 5 mm
                                    lab coats,
Gamma    γ       500 cm     50 mm
Keep your distance!
 The greater the distance from the radioactive
 source, the lower the intensity of radiation
 received. If you double your distance from the
 radiation source, the intensity of radiation
 drops to (1/2)2 or one-fourth of its previous
DISTANCE FROM THE SOURCE          2m        1m
INTENSITY OF RADIATION         (1/2)2 = ¼   1
Process wherein the nucleus
   spontaneously breaks down by
         emitting radiation.
Radioactive nucleus            New nucleus + Radiation (α,β,γ)
NOTE: N.E. is balanced when the sum of the mass #s and the
sum of the atomic #s of the particles and the atoms on one side of
the equation are equal to their counterparts on the other side.
• ALPHA emitters are radioisotopes that decay by
   emitting alpha particles.
  - uranium-238 decays to thorium-234 by emitting
    alpha particles.

• NOTE: the ALPHA particle emitted contains 2 protons, which gives the new
   nucleus 2 fewer protons, or 90 protons. That means that the new nucleus has an
   atomic # of 90 and is therefore thorium (Th). Since the alpha particle has a mass
   # of 4, the mass # of the thorium isotope is 234, 4 less than of the original
   uranium nucleus.
 - radium-226 emits alpha particles to form a new
   isotope. Determine the mass #, atomic # and
   the new isotope form.

• SOLUTION: the new isotope is RADON-222
• 226 – 4 = 222 (mass number of the new isotope)
• 88 – 2 = 86 (atomic number of the new isotope)
 - radon-222 emits alpha particles to form a new
   isotope. Determine the mass #, atomic # and
   the new isotope form.

• SOLUTION: the new isotope is POLONIUM-218
• 222 – 4 = 218 (mass number of the new isotope)
• 86 – 2 = 84 (atomic number of the new isotope)
• BETA emitters is a radioisotope that decays by
  emitting beta particles.
 - carbon-14 decays to nitrogen isotope by emitting
   beta particles.

• NOTE: the newly form protons adds to the number of protons
  already in the nucleus and increases the atomic number by 1.
  However, the mass number of the newly formed nucleus stays the
 - cobalt-60, a radioisotope used in the treatment
   of cancer decays by emitting a beta particle.
   Write the nuclear equation for its decay.

• SOLUTION: the new isotope is NICKEL
• 27 + 1 = 28 (atomic number of the new isotope)
• 60 (mass number of the new isotope)
 - iodine-131, a beta emitter, is used to check
   thyroid function and to treat hyperthyroidism.
   Write its nuclear equation.

• SOLUTION: the new isotope is XENON
• 53 + 1 = 54 (atomic number of the new isotope)
• 131 (mass number of the new isotope)
• There are very few pure GAMMA emitters, although gamma
  radiation accompanies most alpha and beta radiation.
- unstable form of technetium-99 most commonly used gamma
  emitter by emitting gamma rays the unstable nucleus becomes
  stable. Nuclear equation for Tc-99m.

• NOTE: (m) state or metastable means - a high-energy
  excited stage by emitting energy in the from of gamma
  rays, the nucleus becomes stable.
• The time it takes for one-half of a radioactive
  sample to decay.
- iodine-131, a radioactive isotope of iodine used in diagnosis and
  treatment of thyroid disorders, has a half-life of 8 days. If we
  began with sample containing 1000 atoms of iodine-131, there
  would be 500 atoms remaining after 8 days and so on…

    TIME ELAPSED           0         8 DAYS     16 DAYS     24 DAYS
 # of half-lives
                           0           1           2           3
 Quantity of (I-131)
                       1000 atoms   500 atoms   250 atoms   125 atoms
Amount of iodine-131 (g)    20


                                          1 half-life

                                               2 half-lives

                           5.0                          3 half-lives

                                                                4 half-lives
                           2.5                                                 5 half-lives

                                  0   8         16        24           32      40

                                           Time (days)
  CARBON                     14 C         5730 yrs.         β
  POTASSIUM                  40K        1.3 X 109 yrs.      β,γ
  RADIUM                    226Ra         1600 yrs.         α,γ
  URANIUM                   238U        4.5 X 109 yrs.      α,γ
  CARBON                     11 C          20 min           β+
  CHROMIUM                  51Cr          28 days            γ
   IODINE                    131I          8 days           β,γ
   IODINE                    125I         60 days            γ
   IRON                     59Fe          46 days           β,γ
            ELEMENT            RADIOISOTOPES   HALF-LIFE
      PHOSPOROUS                    32P         14 days       β
      OXYGEN                        15O         2 min         β+
      POTASSIUM                     42K        12 hours       β,γ
      SODIUM                        24Na       15 hours       β,γ
      STRONTIUM                     25Sr        64 days        γ
      TECHNETIUM                   99mTc       6.0 hours       γ

• NOTE: technetium-99m emits half-life of its radiation in its 6 hr.
  This means that a small amount of the radioisotopes given to
  patient is essentially gone within 2 days. The decay products of
  technetium-99m are totally eliminated by the body.
• Nitrogen-13, which has a half-life of 10 min.
  is used to manage organs in the body. For
  diagnostic procedure the patient receives
  an injection of a compound containing
  radioisotopes. Originally, the nitrogen-13
  has an activity of 40 microcuries (μCi). If the
  procedure requires 30 min, what is the
  remaining activity of the radioisotopes?
                                                      1 half-life
     Number of half-lives = 30 min X
                                                        10 min
 The activity of the radioisotopes in 3 half-lives is:
 40 μCi      10 min           20 μCi   10 min       10 μCi      10 min     5 μCi

NOTE: Another way to calculate the activity of radioactive nitrogen-
13 left in sample is to construct a chart to show the number of half-
lives, elapsed time, and the amount of radioactive isotope that is left
in the sample.

                Time elapsed                    0      10 min     20 min   30 min
 Number of half-lives elapsed                   0        1          2        3
 Activity of N-13 remaining                 40 μCi     20 μCi     10 μCi    2μCi
• In Los Angeles, the remains of ancient
   animals have been unearthed at the
      La Brea tar pit. Suppose a bone
   sample from the tar pits is subjected
    to the carbon-14 dating method. If
  the sample shows about two half-lives
     have passed, about when did the
         animal live in the tar pits?
SOLUTION: (half-life of carbon-14 = 5730
                     1 half-life 5730 yrs.
  2 half-lives X
                          1 half- life
                 = 11, 000 years
NOTE: We would estimate that the animal lived in
the tar pits about 11, 000 years ago, or about 9000
• Iron-59, used in the determination
  of bone marrow function, has a
  half-life of 46 days. If the laboratory
  receives a sample of 8.0 g of iron-
  59, how many grams are still active
  after 184 days?
       ANSWER : 0.50 g
MEASUREMENT                 UNIT              MEANING
ACTIVITY                        CURIE (Ci)   3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s
ABSORBED DOSE                      Rad                 10-5 J/g
BIOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO HUMANS       Rem                 Rad X RBE

The activity of sample is measured in terms of the number of
disintegrations or nuclear transformations produced by the sample
per second. The curie (Ci) is the unit used to express nuclear
disintegration. The curie was named for Marie Curie who discovered
radioactive elements radium and polonium together with her
husband Pierre curie.
           1 curie = 3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s
MEASUREMENT                   UNIT              MEANING
ACTIVITY                          CURIE (Ci)   3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s
ABSORBED DOSE                        Rad                 10-5 J/g
BIOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO HUMANS         Rem                 Rad X RBE

The rad (for radiation absorbed dose) is a unit that measures the
amount of radiation absorbed by a gram of material such as body
tissue. One rad is the absorption of 10-5 J of energy per gram of
                         (1 cal = 4.18 J)
                      1rad = 10-5 J/g
MEASUREMENT                        UNIT                MEANING
ACTIVITY                                CURIE (Ci)     3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s
ABSORBED DOSE                              Rad                   10-5 J/g
BIOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO HUMANS               Rem                   Rad X RBE

The rem (for radiation equivalent in humans) is a unit that measures the
biological damage caused by the various kinds of radiation. The rem considers
the biological effects of alpha, beta and gamma radiation on tissue are not the
same. The alpha particles reach the tissues, they can cause more ionization and
therefore more damage than do beta particles and gamma rays. Radiation
biological effectiveness value of gamma = 1; beta = 10; alpha = 20

                         Rem = Rad X RBE
• In the treatment for leukemia,
   phosphorus-32, which has an
 activity of 2 millicuries (mCi), is
 used. If phosphorus-32 is a beta
     emmiter, how many beta
    particles are emitted in 1s?
SOLUTION:           1 Ci = 3.7 X1010 disintegrations/s

             1 Ci          3.7 X1010 β particles
  2 mCi X                                                X1s
            1000 mCi                 s Ci

          = 7.4 X107 beta particles
We calculate the number of beta particles from a
radioisotope’s activity. Since 1 Ci is 3.7 X 1010
disintegrations/s, there must be 3.7 X 1010 beta particles
produced in a second.
• The larger the dose of radiation received at one
  time, the greater the effect on the body. Exposure
  to radiation under 25 rem usually cannot be
  detected. Whole body exposure of 100 rem
  produces a temporary decrease in the number of
  white blood cells. If the exposure to radiation is 100
  rem higher, the person suffers the symptoms of
  radiation sickness: nausea, vommiting, fatigue, and
  a reduction in white blood cells count. A whole-
  body dosage greater than 300 rem can lower the
  whote blood cell count to zero. The patient suffers
  diarrhea, hair loss and infection.
SOURCE            DOSE (mrem)
   The ground                                15
    Air, water, food                         30
    Cosmic rays                              40
    Wood, concrete, brick                    50
    Chest x-ray                              50
    Dental x-ray                             20
    Upper gastrointestinal tract x-ray       200
    Television                                2
     Air travel                               1
     Global fallout                           2
     Cigarette smoking                       35
Lethal Doses of Radiation for Some Life-Forms
           Life – Form                              LD50 (rem)
             Insect                                  100, 000
           Bacterium                                  50, 000
              Rat                                      800
            Human                                      500
              Dog                                      300

Exposure to radiation of about 500 rem is expected to
cause death in 50% of the people receiving that dose. This
amount of radiation is called LETHAL DOSE for one-half the
population, or LD50. Radiation of about 600 rem would be
fatal to all humans within a few weeks.
CHROMIUM         51 Cr      Spleen imaging, blood volume,
TECHNETIUM       99mTc      Brain, Lung, Liver, Spleen, Bone and bone
                            marrow scans
 GALLIUM         67Ga       Treatment of lymphomas
PHOSPHORUS        32P       Treatment of leukemia, polycythemia vera,
                            and lymphomas; detection of brain and
                            breast tumors
 SODIUM          24Na       Vascular disease, extra cellular and blood
STRONTIUM        85Sr       Bone imaging for diagnosis of bone damage
                            and disease
  IODINE         125I       Thyroid imaging; plasma volume, fat
  IODINE         131I       Study of thyroid; treatment of thyroid
                            conditions such as hyperthyrodism
      ORGAN                    DOSE (rem)
       Liver                      0.3
      Thyroid                     50.0
       Lung                       2.0

     CONDITION                  DOSE (rem)
     Lymphoma                      4500
    Skin Cancer                5000 – 6000
    Lung Cancer                   6000
    Brain Tumor                6000 – 7000
• Today, more than 1500 radioisotopes are
  produced by converting stable, nonradioactive
  isotopes into radioactive ones.

• To do this, a stable atom is bombarded by
  fast-moving alpha particles, protons, or
  neutrons. When one of these particles is
  absorbed by the stable nucleus, the nucleus
  becomes unstable and the atom is now a
  radioactive isotopes.
• When a nonradioactive isotope such as boron-10
  is bombarded by an alpha particle, it is converted
  to nitrogen-13 a radioactive isotope.

        +                                +
• TRANSMUTATION – The process of changing
 one element into another resulting to the
 formation of a radioactive isotope by means of
 nuclear bombardment.
All of the known elements that have atomic numbers
greater than 92 have been produced by bombardment
and none of these elements occurs naturally. Most
have been produced in only small amounts and exist
for such a short time that it is difficult to study their

• An example is element 105, unnilpentium, which is produced
  when californium-249 is bombarded with nitrogen-15.

        +                                      +
• Gallium-67 is used in the treatment of lymphomas. It
  is produced by the bombardment of Zinc-66 by a

• Write the equation of the bombardment of
  Aluminum-27 by an alpha particle to produce the
  radioactive isotope Phosphorus-30 and one neutron.

       +                                   +
+                               +
• SOLUTION: The sum for the mass #s for nickel and
  hydrogen is 59. Therefore, the mass # of the new
  isotope must be 59 minus 4, or 55. The sum of
  the atomic #s is 29. the atomic # of the new
  isotope is 29 minus 2, or 27. The element that has
  an atomic number of 27 is cobalt (Co).
+                             +
Technetium-99 is a radioisotope used in nuclear
medicine for several diagnostic procedures,
including the detection of brain tumors and
examination of liver spleen. How to produce Tc-99?
• The source of technetium-99 is molybdenum-99, which is produced
  in nuclear reactor by neutron bombardment of molybdenum-98.

  • Molybdenum-99 decays to give Technetium-99m

  • Technetium-99m has a half-life of 6 hours and decays by emitting gamma

Inside the atom
Inside the atom

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Inside the atom

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. • Three words have been combined to make this grid of letters. • How many times does each of these words appear? • Try to compare your performance while searching for just one word vs. two of them at the same time? • How many times is the word SUN shown? How many times is the word BUS shown? How many times is the word NONE shown?
  • 4.
  • 5. • If you get all, It only means that you are a very focus person but if NOT…here are the reasons… • Dividing attention results in less attention power devoted to all the different tasks that you are trying to do at the same time. • The more tasks, the less attention can be devoted to each. • The result is more errors and waste of time. Although we all have the feeling that multi-tasking saves us time, it is often not the case.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Electron -by J. J. Thomson, 1897 -symbol “e or e -” -relative electrical charge : - 1 -atomic mass unit = 5. 484 x 10 -4 -location : outside the nucleus
  • 30. Proton - by Eugen Goldstein, 1886 -symbol “p or p +” -relative electrical charge : + 1 -atomic mass unit = 1 -Location : inside the nucleus
  • 31. Neutron by - James Chadwick, 1932 -symbol “n or n ” 0 -relative electrical charge : 0 -atomic mass unit = 1 -Location : inside the nucleus
  • 32. Quarks -fundamental particles of proton and neutron -found inside the proton and neutron -held together by “gluons”
  • 33. Proton is a color combination of three colored quarks. Quarks are bound together by the exchange of color gluons. Emission or absorption of a gluon causes the quarks to make a transition from one color to another.
  • 34. There are six types of quarks (up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom). The lightest quarks — called up and down — are the most common.
  • 35. Quarks -fundamental particles of proton and neutron -found inside the proton and neutron -held together by “gluons”
  • 36. Molecules, Atoms, & Nuclei Nuclei, Nucleon, & Quarks
  • 39. Atomic Number -# of protons in the nucleus -symbol Z, determines identity of an element. -equal to the # of protons, w/c is equal to the # of electrons in an uncharged atom. Z = number of p = number of e + -
  • 40. Mass Number - symbol A in elemental notation, consists of the total # of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. A = number of p + + number of n0
  • 42. ELEMENT SYMBOL MASS NUMBER ATOMIC NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER OF NUMBER OF OF NEUTRONS PROTONS ELECTRONS Sodium 11 15 35 Zn Barium How many protons, neutrons, and electrons are present in (a) 3 (b) 79 (C) 27 H Se Al 1 34 13
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Isotopes -Atoms of an element with the same atomic # but different mass # -different mass NEUTRONS numbers but identical atomic numbers.
  • 46. NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF ISOTOPE PROTONS ELECTRONS NEUTRONS 35 Cl 17 17 17 37 Cl 17 17 17 28 Si 14 29 Si 14 30 Si 14
  • 47. ELEMENT SYMBOL MASS ATOMIC ISOTOPIC PERCENTAGE NUMBER MASS (amu) MASS ABUNDANCE HYDROGEN H 1 1.00794 1.007 8 99.985% D 2 2.014 1 0.015% T 3 3.016 1 0% BORON B 10 10.811 10.012 9 19.91% 11 11.009 8 80.09% OXYGEN O 16 15.9994 15.994 9 99.759% 17 16.999 3 0.037% 18 17. 999 2 0.204% NITROGEN N 14 14.00674 14.003 1 99.63% 15 15.000 1 0.37% MAGNESIUM Mg 24 24.305 23.985 0 78.99% 25 24.985 8 10.00% 26 25. 985 6 11.01% CHLORINE 35 35 35. 45 34.969 75.53% 37 37 36.966 24.47%
  • 48. • SOLUTION: Step #1: Multiply the atomic mass of each isotope by its percentage abundance. Remember to convert the value to decimal equivalent. 34.969 x 0.7553 = 26.41 amu 36.996 x 0.2447 = 9.053 amu Step#2: Add the products obtained to get the relative atomic mass. 26.41 + 9.053 = 35.46 amu
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. - Radiation that carries more than 1216 kJ/mol of energy. • e.g. UVB rays (higher end of the UV spectrum), x- rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays. - Radiation that carries less than 1216 kJ/mol of energy. • e.g. radiowaves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, UVA rays (lower end of the UV spectrum).
  • 57. • Contains two protons and two neutrons, which gives it a mass number of 4 and atomic number of 2. • Because of two protons, an alpha particle has a charge of 2+ that makes it identical to Helium nucleus.
  • 58. • Is identical to an electron, has a charge of 1- and mass number of (0) zero. • Βeta particles are produced by unstable nuclei when neutrons are change into protons.
  • 59. • GAMMA RAYS are high- energy radiation released as an unstable nucleus undergoes a rearrangement to give a more stable, lower-energy nucleus. • Since gamma rays are energy only, there is NO mass or charged associated with their symbols.
  • 61.
  • 62. DISTANCE PARTICLE TRAVELS THROUGH INTO TYPE SYMBOL SHIELDING AIR TISSUE Paper, Alpha α 2 – 4 cm 0.05 mm clothing Heavy clothing, Beta β 200 –300 cm 4 – 5 mm lab coats, gloves Lead, Gamma γ 500 cm 50 mm concrete
  • 63. Keep your distance!  The greater the distance from the radioactive source, the lower the intensity of radiation received. If you double your distance from the radiation source, the intensity of radiation drops to (1/2)2 or one-fourth of its previous value. DISTANCE FROM THE SOURCE 2m 1m INTENSITY OF RADIATION (1/2)2 = ¼ 1
  • 64.
  • 65. Process wherein the nucleus spontaneously breaks down by emitting radiation. Radioactive nucleus New nucleus + Radiation (α,β,γ) NOTE: N.E. is balanced when the sum of the mass #s and the sum of the atomic #s of the particles and the atoms on one side of the equation are equal to their counterparts on the other side.
  • 66. • ALPHA emitters are radioisotopes that decay by emitting alpha particles. • EXAMPLE: - uranium-238 decays to thorium-234 by emitting alpha particles. + • NOTE: the ALPHA particle emitted contains 2 protons, which gives the new nucleus 2 fewer protons, or 90 protons. That means that the new nucleus has an atomic # of 90 and is therefore thorium (Th). Since the alpha particle has a mass # of 4, the mass # of the thorium isotope is 234, 4 less than of the original uranium nucleus.
  • 67. EXAMPLE: COMPLETE THE NUCLEAR EQUATION - radium-226 emits alpha particles to form a new isotope. Determine the mass #, atomic # and the new isotope form. + • SOLUTION: the new isotope is RADON-222 • 226 – 4 = 222 (mass number of the new isotope) • 88 – 2 = 86 (atomic number of the new isotope)
  • 68. EXAMPLE: COMPLETE THE NUCLEAR EQUATION - radon-222 emits alpha particles to form a new isotope. Determine the mass #, atomic # and the new isotope form. + • SOLUTION: the new isotope is POLONIUM-218 • 222 – 4 = 218 (mass number of the new isotope) • 86 – 2 = 84 (atomic number of the new isotope)
  • 69. • BETA emitters is a radioisotope that decays by emitting beta particles. • EXAMPLE: - carbon-14 decays to nitrogen isotope by emitting beta particles. + • NOTE: the newly form protons adds to the number of protons already in the nucleus and increases the atomic number by 1. However, the mass number of the newly formed nucleus stays the same.
  • 70. EXAMPLE: COMPLETE THE NUCLEAR EQUATION - cobalt-60, a radioisotope used in the treatment of cancer decays by emitting a beta particle. Write the nuclear equation for its decay. + • SOLUTION: the new isotope is NICKEL • 27 + 1 = 28 (atomic number of the new isotope) • 60 (mass number of the new isotope)
  • 71. EXAMPLE: COMPLETE THE NUCLEAR EQUATION - iodine-131, a beta emitter, is used to check thyroid function and to treat hyperthyroidism. Write its nuclear equation. + • SOLUTION: the new isotope is XENON • 53 + 1 = 54 (atomic number of the new isotope) • 131 (mass number of the new isotope)
  • 72. • There are very few pure GAMMA emitters, although gamma radiation accompanies most alpha and beta radiation. • EXAMPLE: - unstable form of technetium-99 most commonly used gamma emitter by emitting gamma rays the unstable nucleus becomes stable. Nuclear equation for Tc-99m. + • NOTE: (m) state or metastable means - a high-energy excited stage by emitting energy in the from of gamma rays, the nucleus becomes stable.
  • 73.
  • 74. • The time it takes for one-half of a radioactive sample to decay. • EXAMPLE: - iodine-131, a radioactive isotope of iodine used in diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders, has a half-life of 8 days. If we began with sample containing 1000 atoms of iodine-131, there would be 500 atoms remaining after 8 days and so on… TIME ELAPSED 0 8 DAYS 16 DAYS 24 DAYS # of half-lives 0 1 2 3 elapsed Quantity of (I-131) 1000 atoms 500 atoms 250 atoms 125 atoms remaining
  • 75. DECAY CURVE FOR IODINE-131 Amount of iodine-131 (g) 20 15.0 1 half-life 10.0 2 half-lives 5.0 3 half-lives 4 half-lives 2.5 5 half-lives 0 0 8 16 24 32 40 Time (days)
  • 76. TYPES OF ELEMENT RADIOISOTOPES HALF-LIFE RADIATION NATURALLY OCCURING RADIOISOTOPES CARBON 14 C 5730 yrs. β POTASSIUM 40K 1.3 X 109 yrs. β,γ RADIUM 226Ra 1600 yrs. α,γ URANIUM 238U 4.5 X 109 yrs. α,γ MEDICAL RADIOISOTOPES CARBON 11 C 20 min β+ CHROMIUM 51Cr 28 days γ IODINE 131I 8 days β,γ IODINE 125I 60 days γ IRON 59Fe 46 days β,γ
  • 77. TYPES OF ELEMENT RADIOISOTOPES HALF-LIFE RADIATION MEDICAL RADIOISOTOPES PHOSPOROUS 32P 14 days β OXYGEN 15O 2 min β+ POTASSIUM 42K 12 hours β,γ SODIUM 24Na 15 hours β,γ STRONTIUM 25Sr 64 days γ TECHNETIUM 99mTc 6.0 hours γ • NOTE: technetium-99m emits half-life of its radiation in its 6 hr. This means that a small amount of the radioisotopes given to patient is essentially gone within 2 days. The decay products of technetium-99m are totally eliminated by the body.
  • 78. • Nitrogen-13, which has a half-life of 10 min. is used to manage organs in the body. For diagnostic procedure the patient receives an injection of a compound containing radioisotopes. Originally, the nitrogen-13 has an activity of 40 microcuries (μCi). If the procedure requires 30 min, what is the remaining activity of the radioisotopes?
  • 79. SOLUTION: 1 half-life Number of half-lives = 30 min X 10 min =3 The activity of the radioisotopes in 3 half-lives is: 40 μCi 10 min 20 μCi 10 min 10 μCi 10 min 5 μCi NOTE: Another way to calculate the activity of radioactive nitrogen- 13 left in sample is to construct a chart to show the number of half- lives, elapsed time, and the amount of radioactive isotope that is left in the sample. Time elapsed 0 10 min 20 min 30 min Number of half-lives elapsed 0 1 2 3 Activity of N-13 remaining 40 μCi 20 μCi 10 μCi 2μCi
  • 80. • In Los Angeles, the remains of ancient animals have been unearthed at the La Brea tar pit. Suppose a bone sample from the tar pits is subjected to the carbon-14 dating method. If the sample shows about two half-lives have passed, about when did the animal live in the tar pits?
  • 81. SOLUTION: (half-life of carbon-14 = 5730 1 half-life 5730 yrs. 2 half-lives X 1 half- life = 11, 000 years NOTE: We would estimate that the animal lived in the tar pits about 11, 000 years ago, or about 9000 B.C.
  • 82. • Iron-59, used in the determination of bone marrow function, has a half-life of 46 days. If the laboratory receives a sample of 8.0 g of iron- 59, how many grams are still active after 184 days? ANSWER : 0.50 g
  • 83.
  • 84. MEASUREMENT UNIT MEANING ACTIVITY CURIE (Ci) 3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s ABSORBED DOSE Rad 10-5 J/g BIOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO HUMANS Rem Rad X RBE NOTE: RADIOISOTOPE ACTIVITY The activity of sample is measured in terms of the number of disintegrations or nuclear transformations produced by the sample per second. The curie (Ci) is the unit used to express nuclear disintegration. The curie was named for Marie Curie who discovered radioactive elements radium and polonium together with her husband Pierre curie. 1 curie = 3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s
  • 85. MEASUREMENT UNIT MEANING ACTIVITY CURIE (Ci) 3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s ABSORBED DOSE Rad 10-5 J/g BIOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO HUMANS Rem Rad X RBE NOTE: RADIATION ABSORBED DOSE The rad (for radiation absorbed dose) is a unit that measures the amount of radiation absorbed by a gram of material such as body tissue. One rad is the absorption of 10-5 J of energy per gram of tissue. (1 cal = 4.18 J) 1rad = 10-5 J/g
  • 86. MEASUREMENT UNIT MEANING ACTIVITY CURIE (Ci) 3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s ABSORBED DOSE Rad 10-5 J/g BIOLOGICAL DAMAGE TO HUMANS Rem Rad X RBE NOTE: RADIATION EQUIVALENT IN HUMANS The rem (for radiation equivalent in humans) is a unit that measures the biological damage caused by the various kinds of radiation. The rem considers the biological effects of alpha, beta and gamma radiation on tissue are not the same. The alpha particles reach the tissues, they can cause more ionization and therefore more damage than do beta particles and gamma rays. Radiation biological effectiveness value of gamma = 1; beta = 10; alpha = 20 Rem = Rad X RBE
  • 87. • In the treatment for leukemia, phosphorus-32, which has an activity of 2 millicuries (mCi), is used. If phosphorus-32 is a beta emmiter, how many beta particles are emitted in 1s?
  • 88. SOLUTION: 1 Ci = 3.7 X1010 disintegrations/s 1 Ci 3.7 X1010 β particles 2 mCi X X1s 1000 mCi s Ci = 7.4 X107 beta particles NOTE: We calculate the number of beta particles from a radioisotope’s activity. Since 1 Ci is 3.7 X 1010 disintegrations/s, there must be 3.7 X 1010 beta particles produced in a second.
  • 89.
  • 90. • The larger the dose of radiation received at one time, the greater the effect on the body. Exposure to radiation under 25 rem usually cannot be detected. Whole body exposure of 100 rem produces a temporary decrease in the number of white blood cells. If the exposure to radiation is 100 rem higher, the person suffers the symptoms of radiation sickness: nausea, vommiting, fatigue, and a reduction in white blood cells count. A whole- body dosage greater than 300 rem can lower the whote blood cell count to zero. The patient suffers diarrhea, hair loss and infection.
  • 91. SOURCE DOSE (mrem) NATURAL The ground 15 Air, water, food 30 Cosmic rays 40 Wood, concrete, brick 50 MEDICAL Chest x-ray 50 Dental x-ray 20 Upper gastrointestinal tract x-ray 200 OTHER Television 2 Air travel 1 Global fallout 2 Cigarette smoking 35
  • 92. Lethal Doses of Radiation for Some Life-Forms Life – Form LD50 (rem) Insect 100, 000 Bacterium 50, 000 Rat 800 Human 500 Dog 300 NOTE: Exposure to radiation of about 500 rem is expected to cause death in 50% of the people receiving that dose. This amount of radiation is called LETHAL DOSE for one-half the population, or LD50. Radiation of about 600 rem would be fatal to all humans within a few weeks.
  • 93.
  • 94. ELEMENT RADIOISOTOPE MEDICAL USE CHROMIUM 51 Cr Spleen imaging, blood volume, TECHNETIUM 99mTc Brain, Lung, Liver, Spleen, Bone and bone marrow scans GALLIUM 67Ga Treatment of lymphomas PHOSPHORUS 32P Treatment of leukemia, polycythemia vera, and lymphomas; detection of brain and breast tumors SODIUM 24Na Vascular disease, extra cellular and blood volume STRONTIUM 85Sr Bone imaging for diagnosis of bone damage and disease IODINE 125I Thyroid imaging; plasma volume, fat absorbtion IODINE 131I Study of thyroid; treatment of thyroid conditions such as hyperthyrodism
  • 95. RADIATION DOSE USED FOR DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES ORGAN DOSE (rem) Liver 0.3 Thyroid 50.0 Lung 2.0 RADIATION DOSE USED FOR THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURES CONDITION DOSE (rem) Lymphoma 4500 Skin Cancer 5000 – 6000 Lung Cancer 6000 Brain Tumor 6000 – 7000
  • 96.
  • 97. • Today, more than 1500 radioisotopes are produced by converting stable, nonradioactive isotopes into radioactive ones. • To do this, a stable atom is bombarded by fast-moving alpha particles, protons, or neutrons. When one of these particles is absorbed by the stable nucleus, the nucleus becomes unstable and the atom is now a radioactive isotopes.
  • 98. • When a nonradioactive isotope such as boron-10 is bombarded by an alpha particle, it is converted to nitrogen-13 a radioactive isotope. + + • TRANSMUTATION – The process of changing one element into another resulting to the formation of a radioactive isotope by means of nuclear bombardment.
  • 99. All of the known elements that have atomic numbers greater than 92 have been produced by bombardment and none of these elements occurs naturally. Most have been produced in only small amounts and exist for such a short time that it is difficult to study their properties. • An example is element 105, unnilpentium, which is produced when californium-249 is bombarded with nitrogen-15. + +
  • 100. • Gallium-67 is used in the treatment of lymphomas. It is produced by the bombardment of Zinc-66 by a proton. + • Write the equation of the bombardment of Aluminum-27 by an alpha particle to produce the radioactive isotope Phosphorus-30 and one neutron. + +
  • 101. + + • SOLUTION: The sum for the mass #s for nickel and hydrogen is 59. Therefore, the mass # of the new isotope must be 59 minus 4, or 55. The sum of the atomic #s is 29. the atomic # of the new isotope is 29 minus 2, or 27. The element that has an atomic number of 27 is cobalt (Co).
  • 102. + + • APPLICATION IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE Technetium-99 is a radioisotope used in nuclear medicine for several diagnostic procedures, including the detection of brain tumors and examination of liver spleen. How to produce Tc-99?
  • 103. • The source of technetium-99 is molybdenum-99, which is produced in nuclear reactor by neutron bombardment of molybdenum-98. + • Molybdenum-99 decays to give Technetium-99m + • Technetium-99m has a half-life of 6 hours and decays by emitting gamma rays +