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Importance of Language – Why Learning a Second Language is Important
The importance of language is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday
lives. We use language to inform the people around us of what we feel, what we desire,
and question/understand the world around us. We communicate effectively with our words,
gestures, and tone of voice in a multitude of situation. Would you talk to a small child with
the same words you would in a business meeting. Being able to communicate with each
other, form bonds, teamwork, and it’s what separates humans from other animal species.
Communication drives our lives and better ourselves.
Origins of why there are so many different languages has plagued scholars and linguistics
for centuries and will continue to puzzle them far beyond our lifetimes to come. In most
cultures have myths that there was a common language spoke among the people with a
deity getting angry and confusing the people or separating them from each
other/segmenting the people to create their own language. Prime examples of stories like
this is the “Tower of Babel”, Hindu with the story of the “Knowledge Tree”, and even Native
Americans believing in a “Great Deluge(Flood)” separating people and speech.
The importance of communication can be often overlooked. Even with the ability to
communicate with each other. Misunderstandings happen. Remember, communication is a
two way street that should be embraced and not ignored. Believe it or not, some people
can be arrogant to believe they can’t go to foreign countries without knowing anything of
the language or culture of the people in the places they visit. The importance of language is
beneficial regardless if you do it for fun or for your career or even just for personal travel.
They expect the indigenous people to accommodate them and know their language. The
importance of language isn’t much different no matter what your nationality is. Honestly, if
you were to study other languages you will find that most of them are actually pretty similar.
Mainly the differences are in alphabet, pronunciation, and grammar with the syntax
generally staying the same. We should use it to show our understanding of the cultures and
lives of our fellow men in other lands. We should go behind the outer shell and see the
speaker beneath.
Part where the importance of languages really shines in business with companies trying to
reach global audiences and markets. More and more business leaders are recognize to
compete you have to have knowledge in many foreign languages. Knowledge of their
language as well as their culture shows that you respect the ideas that they bring to the
table and you understand their needs and wants better than somebody who does not have
this background.
Additionally, there is the psychological aspect of direct communication during your business
transactions. Your clients will be more likely to trust what you are saying and there will be a
more intimate relationship than if you were to conduct all communication through a
translator. This could be an important step in building strong and lasting business
relationships that help ensure the success of your own business.
More and more school are recognizing the importance of language. Some schools begin
offering to teach a second language as early as middle school. Many schools and
employers are requiring specific language requirements as part of their application process.
Through language we can connect with other people and make sense of our experiences.
Imagine what it must be like for your child to develop these skills that we take for granted.
As a parent, teacher, or other type of caregiver, you shape a child’s language development
to reflect the identity, values, and experiences of your family and community.
Therefore, it is up to you to create a warm and comfortable environment in which your child
can grow to learn the complexities of language. The communication skills that your child
learns early in life will be the foundation for his or her communication abilities for the future.
Strong language skills are an asset that will promote a lifetime of effective communication.
I have always been interested in languages. Our language is the most important part of our
being. I think it is important to learn other languages besides our own because it helps us to
learn about other peoples and cultures but the most important one that we can learn is our
own mother tongue as this is one of the most basic parts of our identity. If we lose our own
tongue, for example, when we grow up in a country which is not our own, in my opinion, we
are losing a part of ourselves.
What Is The Importance Of Mans Language
WHAT IS GOOD ENGLISH? Appropriate English. What is good English – is a question to which
a number of answers can be given. Some of them are: good English is correct English; it is
economical, clear, interesting... In a word, it is effective English. To be effective, and thus to
achieve the writer's or speaker's purpose, the language he uses must be appropriate to the
material he wants to communicate, to the time and place, to the audience aimed at, and to the
impression of himself he wants to...
What is the way to show
respect in a different culture?
Individuals can show respect to cultures different than their own by educating
themselves about the culture's ideals, opening their mind to new ideas and
taking part in activities that are meaningful in the people's lives. Those people
who take the time to educate themselves about what a culture considers
offensive know what activities, phrases and gestures should be avoided and
which ones are considered polite.
How does fashion affect our lives?
How are you expected to act by others?
What are some food taboos in different cultures?
An individual who is willing to participate in another society's important activities
is showing the people that he or she respects the fact that these things play a
vital part in their lives. One way to understand a person's culture is by
experiencing the aspects of that culture directly. People appreciate it when
someone tries to understand why something is important to them.
Cultural Relativism: Truth Is Relative
Cultural relativism is the view that no culture is superior to any other culture when comparing
systems of morality, law, politics, etc. It's the philosophical notion that all cultural beliefs are
equally valid and that truth itself is relative, depending on the cultural environment. Those who
hold to cultural relativism hold that all religious, ethical, aesthetic, and political beliefs are
completely relative to the individual within a cultural identity. Relativism often includes moral
relativism (ethics depend on a social construct), situational relativism (right or wrong is based on
the particular situation), and cognitive relativism (truth itself has no objective standard).
Cultural Relativism: A Misguided Movement Towards Pluralism & Tolerance
Cultural relativism, like moral relativism, pervades today's world. As long as we don't "hurt"
anyone, anything goes. Absolute truth has been discarded along with God. We live in a society
of pluralism and tolerance. We reject the idea of universal right and wrong. With a diminishing
list of objective standards, our legislative system is having a harder time defining the laws, and
our court system is having a harder time interpreting them. In just a few decades, our
entertainment industry has pushed the "acceptance" of lewdness and indecency to levels we
never imagined. Our children are losing their moral compass and lashing out in violence like
never before. Our schools teach that we are an accident of evolution. Our institutions teach that
we must accept all types of lifestyles or be deemed "intolerant," or worse, "hate mongers."
Relativism encourages us to accept pornography in the media and fornication in our colleges
and universities. Many things that were deemed a "sin" only a few years ago are now either
accepted or promoted in our culture. According to the relativists, all points of view are true
except for those that teach absolutes -- absolute truth, absolute right or wrong, or an absolute
Of course, cultural relativism is appropriate in some respects. For example, food, clothing,
language, and driving rules are different within cultures, and it's important that these relative
differences remain. However, these are not issues of universal "right" and "wrong." These are
not matters of mathematical certainty. These are not issues of "truth." In a relativistic society, we
have no right to judge or punish anyone. Right and wrong are now defined by socialization.
Society changes and morality becomes a moving target. In truth, if the standard of right and
wrong is based on relativism, then society has no standards at all.
Cultural Relativism: Illogical Conclusion
Cultural relativism is the philosophical belief that all cultural views are equally valid. However, if
you test this position under general rules of logic, you soon discover that relativism is illogical
and self-defeating. If relativism is true and all points of view are true, then the assertion that
relativism is false, is true. Is this contradictory? Yes. Is truth contradictory? No.
Relativists believe that all truth is relative. Therefore, the statement, "All truth is relative," would
be absolutely true. If this statement is absolutely true, then not all things are relative and the
statement is false.
Relativists declare that "there are no absolute truths." However, this is an absolute statement,
which is supposed to be true. Therefore, it is an absolute truth and the statement is false.
According to the relativist position, I can have my own version of truth. Therefore, a truth for me
is that relativism is false. Based on the relativistic rules, I have just established that relativism is
false. Of course, the relativist will say "no" to my logic, but then what is true for me is not really
true, and, again, I have proven the philosophy of relativism false.
Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual person's beliefs and activities should
be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture.
It was established as axiomatic in anthropological research by FranzBoas in the first few
decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the
idea in 1887: "...civilization is not something absolute, but ... is relative, and ... our ideas
and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes."[1]
However, Boas did not coin
the term.
The Filipino people is rich in customs and traditions. Many of these
are in connection with their family life such as DATING, MARRIAGE
and BURIAL, RELIGIOUS and many more........
About Dating
Women during the Spanish regime were generally shy, refined and
inhibited. Their behavior was strictly monitored by the family to
maintain their good reputation. A girl was not seen alone with a man;
he did not touch them, not even her hands when talking to each
other they were always an arm's length apart. A man got to know a
woman only by being a friend of the woman's trusted friend who
would help in case he wanted to have the opportunity to see the girl
of his dreams. He did not directly approach the woman; that was
impolite. On the other hand, the woman did not face a man alone; to
exchange glances with the man was unbecoming.
A man who had the courage to ask for a date had to pass several
tests. First, he got the permission of the girl's parents to visit their
daughter. Once he was permitted, his formal visit was in full
attendance of the older members of the family who also participated
in the conversation. The hardest test was how to convince the girl to
say yes because the woman played hard to get. She kept putting off
her answer. When the man finally succeeded, the girl was strictly
chaperoned during their date so that he was not even able to whisper
romantic words.
About Marriage
MARRIAGE is a sacred to the Filipinos. One becomes the butt of jokes
if he or she remains single. A bachelorette is considered a potential
competitor for the attention of a husband.
Parents train their sons and daughters in the proper choice of a mate.
Both are reminded that if they marry, they had to get along well not
just with one another but with their in-laws as well.
Before marriage, the boy's parents seek the approval of the girl's
parents for MARRIAGE with their daughter. This called pamanhikan.
The man's parents often take along someone whom they believe is
highly respected by the girls parents. This was especially when they
fear that the girl's parents would say no. The grandparents of the
man also join the pamanhikan. They first engage into discussions
regarding the latest happenings and when the proper climate is
established, the man's father states the purpose of their visit, which
is to ask for the girl's hand in marriage. The girl's parents are not
expected to agree immediately. They will first talk about the
shortcomings of their daughter. If the future in-laws persist the
parents of the bride give their consent. The details of their marriage
are discussed and agreed upon during the next visit of the future
The wedding reception is held in the bride's home. Members of the
community volunteer to help bridegroom in one way or another by
either contributing some money or by offering their services in the
preparation of the wedding feats.
About the Art
Filipinos are lovers of art. Their art is reflected in the things they do
and way they believe in daily life. Our ancestors passed their time
singing awaits, corridos, and reading stories about the bravery of
legendary heroes. For stage dramas they performed the Zarzuela and
the moro-moro, forms of art which depicted the life of the people.
The best examples of architecture of the sixteenth to the nineteenth
century are the churches built by the Spaniards with the help of the
Filipinos. They are structures built in Baroque style with elaborate
curved arches, altars and images of saints.
Filipinos love music in any form. This is evident in the presence of
various string and wind musical instruments in almost all
communities even before the coming of the Spaniards, the skill of the
Filipinos in playing musical instruments can gauged when one listens
to a number played by a rondalla. A rondalla is composed of
musicians that play stringed musical instruments such as the guitar
and the ukulele.
The idea of organizing a rondalla must have been born during the
latter part of Spanish rule in the Philippines when the guitar was
introduced. Added to the guitar was other string instruments that
pre-Spanish Filipinos played and nine other instrument that were
added much later. All together these instruments formed the nucleus
of the rondalla. The rondalla was popular entertainer in almost all
sorts of gatherings like baptisms, wedding, fiesta, and funerals. It
also rendered accompaniment to vocals, violins and other
instruments, solos, and choral ensembles. The rodalla thus became
an essentials part of social gatherings.
The Filipinos also love to sing and dance. Their songs range from folk
to pop; classic kundiman to modern operas. They sing to their souls
content. The Philippines has contributed its share of the world famous
opera singers such as Jovita Fuente, Isang Tapales, Conchita Gaston,
and Aurello Estanislao.
Dancing is the moving spirit among many Filipinos. Their skill on the
dance floor is superb. Early indigenous dances represented nature.
Other Filipino dances reflected Malay, Muslim, Spanish, and American
Fifty years ago, every school program was a literary-musical program
of Filipino songs, dances, dramas, and poems. Now, with school
programs consisting of modern dances and plays, pop and jazz
music, how can we expect our youth to be proud of the Filipino
culture? What can be done before it is too late.
About the Games
Children of yesterdays played games that no longer familiar to the
children of today. Their games were played either indoors or outdoors
in involving little active participation.
Some games were imitations of what the elders did. The bahay-
bahayan, lutu-lutuan were imitations of mother's household activities
which the girls enjoyed playing. Other games were replicas of daily
happening in the rural areas.
A typical example was the game Pusa at Aso. In a circle, sticks,
slippers, and wooden shoes were placed to symbolized the bones of
the dog' which was IT. The CATS who were the other players tried to
get into the circle to steal the bones without being caught became the
dog. This was repeated as many times for as long as the players are
not tired of the game.
A more exciting game called Juego de anillo involved knights on
bicycles trying their best to hook a ring dangling from a ribbon.
Hulugang panyo reminded one of the days when ladies dropped their
hankies to call the attention of the gentlemen.
A game popular to boys and adults is playing with the trumpo or top.
The trumpo is a conical-shaped wood made from guava branches with
a pointed nail at the tail of the cone. The trumpo spins on the iron-
nail. In an outdoor game called podigo, one players would try to split
another boy's trumpo placed in the middle of a drawn circle after
spinning, he becomes the next taya or it.
Luksong tinik and Piko are moderately active games which are usually
played by girls. Piko involves hopping on one or two legs through a
series of rectangle drawn on the ground. Luksong tinik is played by
two player who are seated facing each other and stretching their bare
feet are in contact.
Touching the toes are their fingers, one above the other is spike
form. The other players jump over the feet; then over the feet and
one hand, and so on until all the hands are spread over the feet. A
player may continue playing as long as he does not touch any of the
formal spikes; the moment he touches them, he becomes the it.
Quite games at siesta time can either be the siklot or sungka. Siklot
uses sigay shells, sampaloc seeds, or pebbles. The player gently
tosses the shells and catches them back with her hand. The forefinger
hits the shells that fall to the floor one by one. When the player
succeeds in catching and hitting everything, he gets a prize. The
game continues until all the shells have been captured.
Sungka like siklot, also needs shells sigay or tamarind seeds. The
game hole carved in it. Each hole to begin should contain seven
shells. One player drops one shell onto each hole. He picks the other
shells in the hole where he drops his last shell, then continues
dropping a shell in each hole. He continues playing as long as he has
shells to drop. Should he drop his last shell into an empty hole, then
his chance to play ends. It is now the other player turn.
Before the introduction of Christianity, the Filipinos were mostly
pagans. They worshipped spirits which they believed dwell in objects
like trees, mountains, rivers, ect. They worshipped nature, the sun
the moon, and the stars. They also believed in a supreme God or
deity. Because of their belief in a deity and in animate or living things
their religion was called animo-delsm.
It was not long after the Spain colonized the Philippines that the
Filipinos become Christians. Today, majoruty of the Filipinos are
Catholics. But a group of Filipino Catholics headed by Mr. Gregorio
Aglipay founded the Philippines Independent church. This splinter,
nationalistic group does not recognize the Pope as the head of the
Catholic church. But their beliefs and doctrines are the same as of the
catholic. This group are called Aglipayan after their founde.
Another Filipino church and one of the true Filipino church that has
originated in the Philippines is the IGLISIA NI CRISTO which has a
fast growing membership throughout the Philippines and the world.
According to Encyclopedia Britanica Macropaedia page #246 Volume
6 IGLISIA NI KRISTO is the largest entirety indigenous Christian
church in the Philippines. Its members assert that the early church
was restored in GOD'S chosen nation, the Filipinos when Brother
FELIX Y. Manalo launched this church in 1914. Rapid growth after
1945 produced some 600,000 members by the late 20th century,
imposing chapels throughout the nation, and wealthy centralized
organization under Bishop ERANO G. MANALO, the son of FELIX.
Strong discipline from the leaders dictates a literal interpretation of
the BIBLE and suggest individual contribuitions and the casting of
votes, making the church a substantial political power. Unitarian in
theology and Philippines in its language, liturgy, and music it
represents a popular anti-Western movement for spiritual
In spite of the diverse religious groups in the Philippines each with its
particular practices; the Filipinos believe in only one God who is
almighty and omnipotent. Religious practices show concern and love
for one's neighbors. Among the Catholics, the Ten Commandment's
set the standard of behavior. They keep images of their saints at
home and every church has a patron saint.
Fiestas are held on the birthday of the patron saint celebrated with
the holding of a novena, a nine-day devotion of masses followed by
special prayers of praise to the patron saint. The plaza around t5he
church is decorated with colorful buntings. On the ninth day which is
the feast day of the saint, a high mass is celebrated by one or several
priests. Suddenly the plaza is transformed into a mini-market where
ready-made clothes, toys, fruits, and native delicacies are sold. A
brass band plays after the mass and then makes a round of the
immediate vivinity playing popular Filipino songs, marches and
kundimans. This sets a happy, festive mood in the community with
residents going on splurge entertaining relatives and friends from
other towns.
The town fiesta is an event that the residents look forward to. Three
or four months before the fiesta the family takes good care of a piglet
and chickens earmarked for the fiesta. Of course, the fiesta is an
occasion when friends and relatives can be together, enjoy each
other's account of the past year's experiences and partake of the
palatable dishes prepared for a day. Children living out-of-town make
a special effort to come home and be with their parents, relatives,
and friends for the fiesta.
The fiesta is a Filipino heritage that has been handed down from
generation. It has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Must
we continue pertrating it as it is? Can it be perpetuated with certain
As soon as December sets in, everyone in the Philippines, young and
old alike are busy preparing for the biggest religious activity on
December 25. Houses are cleaned, painted and decorated with new
colorful curtains, Christmas decorations and multicolored
lights.Lanterns of different Christmas tree and a Belen are placed in
the living rooms of the most homes.
The nine-day masses or Misa de Gallo, celebrated at dawn when the
cock starts to crow begin on December. These masses are well-
attended in spite of the fact that those who attend wake up as early
as three o'clock in the morning. As one walks to the church, one will
notice the streets lined with small stores selling puto, bibingka and
puto bumbong.
The climax of the Christmas celebration is a midnight mass on
Christmas eve, December 24. The family makes an effort to go this
mass. On Christmas day children dressed in their best attires visit
ninongs, ninangs, relatives and friends. They kiss the hands of the
elders as a sign of respect. In return the elders give them money
gifts or native delicacies. Christmas is for everyone and at no other
time of the year is the family more complete. Even married children
who are abroad make a special effort to be home in the Philippines
for Christmas.
The Lente season is as significant to the Filipinos as Christmas.
Christian Filipinos commemorate the passion and death of Jesus
Christ with as much sincerity and seriousness as His birth.
On Ash Wednesday, the faithful go to church were a sign of the cross
is imprinted with ashes on the forehead of every season. Chanting of
the Pasyon (Christ's suffering before His death) in the native tongue
of the region begins on Holy Week and is held at certain hours of the
night. On Holy Thursday, the chanting goes on the whole day and
night until the following morning. By Good Friday, the whole town is
deep in meditation on the passion and death of Christ on the Cross.
In Church one can observe individuals as well as families praying the
Stations of the Cross.
Good Friday is a day of fasting and penance to atone for one's sins. A
penance quite common in the barrios is for a penitent to cover his
face with a black cloth and walk down the streets beating his back
with thin bamboo sticks until blood oozes out of his wounds. In
afternoon the devotees flock to church for sermon on the Seven Last
Words of Jesus as he hung on the cross.
Easter Sunday is a memorable day. The faithful wake up early for the
salubong, a re-enactment of the Risen Lord's meeting with His Mother
at dawn.
There are many more religious celebrations and festivities observed
by the Catholics in the Philippines which vary from community to
community and all of which give honor and glory to Jesus Christ this
is according to all Catholics believers.
Other Religions like the INC, the Baptist, Jehovas Witness, Born
Christians and some Biblical in teaching do not celebrate the so called
The loss of a member of the a family was an occasion for bayanihan.
Friends, relatives and neighbors came to condole with the bereaved
family. Flowers, and food and money were offered as tokens of
Before the burial, there was a lamayan a vigil attended by all who
wished to come. People at the wake participated in some activities
such as gambling, telling stories, or playing mental games, to keep
them awake through the night.
For as long as the deceased was in state, sweeping the floor and
taking a bath in the house were forbidden. The bereaved were also
cautioned to keep their tears from dropping in the coffin.
The general practice was for the bereaved family to bury the
deceased member within 24 hours after his death. Close relatives and
friends accompany the corpse to church for the religious rites then
the funeral procession headed by the band of musicians proceeds to
the cemetery.
catholic religion)
November 1 is a day for remembering the dead. According to the
catholic belief though it is not biblical. Tradition has it that the
immediate members of all the deceased go to cemetery a few days
before All Saints Day to clean and white-wash the tombs of their
dead. On the day itself, the family attends a mass before going to the
cemetery bringing with them flowers, drinking water and food to last
till midnight. The cemetery becomes a busy and crowded place.
Candles are lighted during the day and all through the night to the
wee hours of the next day.
Another custom during ALL SAINTS DAY called pangangaluwa, is
based on the belief that the suffering of souls in purgatory would be
lessened if the living would pray for them and material help is given
to the living, this is according to the catholic believers.
At about 10:00 in the night until the early morning hours, men and
woman went singing from one house to another representing the
souls in purgatory and asked for alms. Later, however, barrio folk did
not entertain these souls anymore because instead of aski8ng for
alms, the mangangaluluwa stole things underneath the houses and
picked fruits on trees in the yards. They would then least on all these
stolen goods.
The food of the Filipino is simple. Rice is the chief food. Together with
rice, fish or meat and vegetables are eaten. The Filipino is fond of
eating pork, chicken, corn, fruits, and vegetables. One of the more
popular foods of the Filipino on special occasions is lechon, a whole
pig roasted over charcoal fire. Adobo is another popular dish which
almost every Filipino can cook. Eating is done with the hands and for
outdoor meals, the banana leaves serve as plates. The Filipino cooks
his food in clay pots over a clay stove (kalan) using wood to build a
Our ancestors, both men and woman wore two-piece clothes; a
collarless, short-sleeved jacket and strip of cloth wrapped around the
waist and in between the legs. The women wore the baro, a wide-
sleeved jacket and a skirt of cotton cloth wrapped about the waist.
The Filipina wardrobe was later modified. The says, the tapis and the
enagua comprised the ladies wear. Do you know how these looked
They says is a long skirt which touches the floor. It has a kola or train
which mean the woman holds to keep it clean she moves. Printed
satin is the usual material used for the says; brocade for gala use.
Over this says, a tapis with tassels on the edges is worn. Beneath the
saya and tapis is the enagua, a slip with lace edging.
The elegant clothes of the Filipino women are properly taken cared of.
Women give special attention to their clothes especially those made
of fibers such as fina or sinamay.
The washerwoman would sort out the white from the colored ones.
the plain from the printed, the cotton and satin from those made of
fibers. Dirt was removed using a wooden palu-palo or by trampling
upon the clothes laid out on smooth rocks. Round sabon intsik or
Chinese soap and blue tina were essential washing materials.
After washing, some clothes were starched. The starch used was
made from rice lugaw pressed with a wooden sandok or ladle form a
cheesecloth duyan (hammock) tied tto the clothes line at four points.
below this was a wooden batya or basin to catch the starch. This was
then gently patted on the barong tagalog and butterfly sleeves of the
women's baro. The starched clothes were later stretched into shape
and dried on the flat galvanized iron sheets.
Stains are removed from the clothes by dropping calamansi juice on
the stained spots after which the clothes are bleached in the
Starched clothes were sprinkled with water before pressing with a flat
iron filled with glowing charcoal.
The houses vary in the same style depending on their location and
social status and taste of the family. Houses of the Filipinos are
usually made of wood and nipa. Later galvanized iron replaced nipa
for roofing.
In some towns, barrios, and cities, houses made of nipa and bamboo
are still to be found. Some have sawali walls and cogon roofings.
Most of the houses especially the older ones are situated high above
the ground for better ventilation and reduced humidity. In the past,
building a houses was fast and inexpensive. Houses were built then
through the help of friends and neighbors.
Today there are only few bamboo houses. Most houses are already
built of strong materials like hollow blocks, wood, galvanized iron and
glass windows.
Modernity has not entirely changed the architecture of the Filipino
houses. The batalan is stall a part of the houses in Luzon and is used
as an open bathroom, a place for water jars or tapayan and a place
for washing. The modern batalan is made of concrete and is still
adjacent to the kitchen.
The banguerahan, a storage shelf and drainer before the dish rack
was introduced, is still a part of a few modern houses. The modern
banguerahan is no longer enclosed with bamboo spikes but is
The old house of before were not painted. The present ones are
painted in varied colors and built styles. The old houses were built
high on the ground and the space below calle4d silong was fenced
with bamboo to keep pigs, dogs, and chickens out.
Chairs, tables, beds and other furniture are found in most hours.
Many Filipinos, particularly t6he Tagalogs, still prefer to sleep on
bamboo or wooden floors instead of on beds.
Some years ago kerosene lamps were used in most houses. Now
electricity has found its way in almost all houses. The old kalan or
native stove has been replaced by electric ranges; the palayok or
native pot by aluminum pots and pans. Firewood and charcoal are
still used by some Filipino housewives especially now that gas and
electricity have become very expensive.
The verandah or porch is still a part of today's houses. Pots of ferns
and flowering plants surrounded the wall kept verandah. The artistic
touch of the Filipino is still evident in his house. In a one-room house,
you can see curtains hanging on the walls and windows, and a family
picture and a saint prominently displayed in one corner of the room.
The Filipinos also displays neatness and cleanliness in keeping their
houses. The Filipinos housewife uses different kinds of brooms for
cleaning. There is the salary or soft broom for sweeping the floor; a
smaller one for dusting wall carvings and picture frames; the walis-
tingting or stiff broom for cleaning and stone floors; and the plumero,
a broom made from chicken feathers for dusting. Buckets, wooden
scrub brushes with thick bristles, bunot or coconut husk, dustpans,
bar soap, gugo or native shampoo, is-is leaves, banana leaves,
kerosene and coconut oil are also used for cleaning the houses.
Floor wax was prepared by homemakers from candles, atsuete and
kerosene melted from glowing embers. In some homes, hardwood
floors were swept from scrubbed with is-is before wax was applied.
When the sticky wax was dry, the floor was scrubbed again until it
became very shiny. The furniture, window sills, staircases and walls
were also scrubbed with is-is leaves or polished with wax. Kitchen
tables were cleaned with is-is leaves, water, sand and ash. Those
made of zinc were wiped with kerosene.

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Importance of language

  • 1. Importance of Language – Why Learning a Second Language is Important The importance of language is essential to every aspect and interaction in our everyday lives. We use language to inform the people around us of what we feel, what we desire, and question/understand the world around us. We communicate effectively with our words, gestures, and tone of voice in a multitude of situation. Would you talk to a small child with the same words you would in a business meeting. Being able to communicate with each other, form bonds, teamwork, and it’s what separates humans from other animal species. Communication drives our lives and better ourselves. Origins of why there are so many different languages has plagued scholars and linguistics for centuries and will continue to puzzle them far beyond our lifetimes to come. In most cultures have myths that there was a common language spoke among the people with a deity getting angry and confusing the people or separating them from each other/segmenting the people to create their own language. Prime examples of stories like this is the “Tower of Babel”, Hindu with the story of the “Knowledge Tree”, and even Native Americans believing in a “Great Deluge(Flood)” separating people and speech. The importance of communication can be often overlooked. Even with the ability to communicate with each other. Misunderstandings happen. Remember, communication is a two way street that should be embraced and not ignored. Believe it or not, some people can be arrogant to believe they can’t go to foreign countries without knowing anything of the language or culture of the people in the places they visit. The importance of language is beneficial regardless if you do it for fun or for your career or even just for personal travel. They expect the indigenous people to accommodate them and know their language. The importance of language isn’t much different no matter what your nationality is. Honestly, if you were to study other languages you will find that most of them are actually pretty similar. Mainly the differences are in alphabet, pronunciation, and grammar with the syntax generally staying the same. We should use it to show our understanding of the cultures and lives of our fellow men in other lands. We should go behind the outer shell and see the speaker beneath. Part where the importance of languages really shines in business with companies trying to reach global audiences and markets. More and more business leaders are recognize to compete you have to have knowledge in many foreign languages. Knowledge of their language as well as their culture shows that you respect the ideas that they bring to the table and you understand their needs and wants better than somebody who does not have this background. Additionally, there is the psychological aspect of direct communication during your business transactions. Your clients will be more likely to trust what you are saying and there will be a more intimate relationship than if you were to conduct all communication through a translator. This could be an important step in building strong and lasting business relationships that help ensure the success of your own business. More and more school are recognizing the importance of language. Some schools begin offering to teach a second language as early as middle school. Many schools and employers are requiring specific language requirements as part of their application process. Through language we can connect with other people and make sense of our experiences. Imagine what it must be like for your child to develop these skills that we take for granted. As a parent, teacher, or other type of caregiver, you shape a child’s language development to reflect the identity, values, and experiences of your family and community.
  • 2. Therefore, it is up to you to create a warm and comfortable environment in which your child can grow to learn the complexities of language. The communication skills that your child learns early in life will be the foundation for his or her communication abilities for the future. Strong language skills are an asset that will promote a lifetime of effective communication. I have always been interested in languages. Our language is the most important part of our being. I think it is important to learn other languages besides our own because it helps us to learn about other peoples and cultures but the most important one that we can learn is our own mother tongue as this is one of the most basic parts of our identity. If we lose our own tongue, for example, when we grow up in a country which is not our own, in my opinion, we are losing a part of ourselves. What Is The Importance Of Mans Language WHAT IS GOOD ENGLISH? Appropriate English. What is good English – is a question to which a number of answers can be given. Some of them are: good English is correct English; it is economical, clear, interesting... In a word, it is effective English. To be effective, and thus to achieve the writer's or speaker's purpose, the language he uses must be appropriate to the material he wants to communicate, to the time and place, to the audience aimed at, and to the impression of himself he wants to... WORLD VIEW SOCIAL SCIENCES CULTURES & TRADITIONS Q: What is the way to show respect in a different culture? A: QUICK ANSWER Individuals can show respect to cultures different than their own by educating themselves about the culture's ideals, opening their mind to new ideas and taking part in activities that are meaningful in the people's lives. Those people who take the time to educate themselves about what a culture considers offensive know what activities, phrases and gestures should be avoided and which ones are considered polite.
  • 3. CONTINUE READING KEEP LEARNING  How does fashion affect our lives?  How are you expected to act by others?  What are some food taboos in different cultures? FULL ANSWER An individual who is willing to participate in another society's important activities is showing the people that he or she respects the fact that these things play a vital part in their lives. One way to understand a person's culture is by experiencing the aspects of that culture directly. People appreciate it when someone tries to understand why something is important to them. Cultural Relativism: Truth Is Relative Cultural relativism is the view that no culture is superior to any other culture when comparing systems of morality, law, politics, etc. It's the philosophical notion that all cultural beliefs are equally valid and that truth itself is relative, depending on the cultural environment. Those who hold to cultural relativism hold that all religious, ethical, aesthetic, and political beliefs are completely relative to the individual within a cultural identity. Relativism often includes moral relativism (ethics depend on a social construct), situational relativism (right or wrong is based on the particular situation), and cognitive relativism (truth itself has no objective standard). Cultural Relativism: A Misguided Movement Towards Pluralism & Tolerance Cultural relativism, like moral relativism, pervades today's world. As long as we don't "hurt" anyone, anything goes. Absolute truth has been discarded along with God. We live in a society of pluralism and tolerance. We reject the idea of universal right and wrong. With a diminishing list of objective standards, our legislative system is having a harder time defining the laws, and our court system is having a harder time interpreting them. In just a few decades, our entertainment industry has pushed the "acceptance" of lewdness and indecency to levels we never imagined. Our children are losing their moral compass and lashing out in violence like never before. Our schools teach that we are an accident of evolution. Our institutions teach that we must accept all types of lifestyles or be deemed "intolerant," or worse, "hate mongers." Relativism encourages us to accept pornography in the media and fornication in our colleges and universities. Many things that were deemed a "sin" only a few years ago are now either accepted or promoted in our culture. According to the relativists, all points of view are true except for those that teach absolutes -- absolute truth, absolute right or wrong, or an absolute God. Of course, cultural relativism is appropriate in some respects. For example, food, clothing, language, and driving rules are different within cultures, and it's important that these relative differences remain. However, these are not issues of universal "right" and "wrong." These are not matters of mathematical certainty. These are not issues of "truth." In a relativistic society, we have no right to judge or punish anyone. Right and wrong are now defined by socialization. Society changes and morality becomes a moving target. In truth, if the standard of right and wrong is based on relativism, then society has no standards at all.
  • 4. Cultural Relativism: Illogical Conclusion Cultural relativism is the philosophical belief that all cultural views are equally valid. However, if you test this position under general rules of logic, you soon discover that relativism is illogical and self-defeating. If relativism is true and all points of view are true, then the assertion that relativism is false, is true. Is this contradictory? Yes. Is truth contradictory? No. Relativists believe that all truth is relative. Therefore, the statement, "All truth is relative," would be absolutely true. If this statement is absolutely true, then not all things are relative and the statement is false. Relativists declare that "there are no absolute truths." However, this is an absolute statement, which is supposed to be true. Therefore, it is an absolute truth and the statement is false. According to the relativist position, I can have my own version of truth. Therefore, a truth for me is that relativism is false. Based on the relativistic rules, I have just established that relativism is false. Of course, the relativist will say "no" to my logic, but then what is true for me is not really true, and, again, I have proven the philosophy of relativism false. Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual person's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture. It was established as axiomatic in anthropological research by FranzBoas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the idea in 1887: "...civilization is not something absolute, but ... is relative, and ... our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes."[1] However, Boas did not coin the term. The Filipino people is rich in customs and traditions. Many of these are in connection with their family life such as DATING, MARRIAGE and BURIAL, RELIGIOUS and many more........ About Dating Women during the Spanish regime were generally shy, refined and inhibited. Their behavior was strictly monitored by the family to maintain their good reputation. A girl was not seen alone with a man; he did not touch them, not even her hands when talking to each other they were always an arm's length apart. A man got to know a woman only by being a friend of the woman's trusted friend who would help in case he wanted to have the opportunity to see the girl of his dreams. He did not directly approach the woman; that was impolite. On the other hand, the woman did not face a man alone; to exchange glances with the man was unbecoming. A man who had the courage to ask for a date had to pass several tests. First, he got the permission of the girl's parents to visit their
  • 5. daughter. Once he was permitted, his formal visit was in full attendance of the older members of the family who also participated in the conversation. The hardest test was how to convince the girl to say yes because the woman played hard to get. She kept putting off her answer. When the man finally succeeded, the girl was strictly chaperoned during their date so that he was not even able to whisper romantic words. About Marriage MARRIAGE is a sacred to the Filipinos. One becomes the butt of jokes if he or she remains single. A bachelorette is considered a potential competitor for the attention of a husband. Parents train their sons and daughters in the proper choice of a mate. Both are reminded that if they marry, they had to get along well not just with one another but with their in-laws as well. Before marriage, the boy's parents seek the approval of the girl's parents for MARRIAGE with their daughter. This called pamanhikan. The man's parents often take along someone whom they believe is highly respected by the girls parents. This was especially when they fear that the girl's parents would say no. The grandparents of the man also join the pamanhikan. They first engage into discussions regarding the latest happenings and when the proper climate is established, the man's father states the purpose of their visit, which is to ask for the girl's hand in marriage. The girl's parents are not expected to agree immediately. They will first talk about the shortcomings of their daughter. If the future in-laws persist the parents of the bride give their consent. The details of their marriage are discussed and agreed upon during the next visit of the future parents-in-law. The wedding reception is held in the bride's home. Members of the community volunteer to help bridegroom in one way or another by either contributing some money or by offering their services in the preparation of the wedding feats.
  • 6. About the Art Filipinos are lovers of art. Their art is reflected in the things they do and way they believe in daily life. Our ancestors passed their time singing awaits, corridos, and reading stories about the bravery of legendary heroes. For stage dramas they performed the Zarzuela and the moro-moro, forms of art which depicted the life of the people. The best examples of architecture of the sixteenth to the nineteenth century are the churches built by the Spaniards with the help of the Filipinos. They are structures built in Baroque style with elaborate curved arches, altars and images of saints. Filipinos love music in any form. This is evident in the presence of various string and wind musical instruments in almost all communities even before the coming of the Spaniards, the skill of the Filipinos in playing musical instruments can gauged when one listens to a number played by a rondalla. A rondalla is composed of musicians that play stringed musical instruments such as the guitar and the ukulele. The idea of organizing a rondalla must have been born during the latter part of Spanish rule in the Philippines when the guitar was introduced. Added to the guitar was other string instruments that pre-Spanish Filipinos played and nine other instrument that were added much later. All together these instruments formed the nucleus of the rondalla. The rondalla was popular entertainer in almost all sorts of gatherings like baptisms, wedding, fiesta, and funerals. It also rendered accompaniment to vocals, violins and other instruments, solos, and choral ensembles. The rodalla thus became an essentials part of social gatherings. The Filipinos also love to sing and dance. Their songs range from folk to pop; classic kundiman to modern operas. They sing to their souls content. The Philippines has contributed its share of the world famous opera singers such as Jovita Fuente, Isang Tapales, Conchita Gaston, and Aurello Estanislao.
  • 7. Dancing is the moving spirit among many Filipinos. Their skill on the dance floor is superb. Early indigenous dances represented nature. Other Filipino dances reflected Malay, Muslim, Spanish, and American influences. Fifty years ago, every school program was a literary-musical program of Filipino songs, dances, dramas, and poems. Now, with school programs consisting of modern dances and plays, pop and jazz music, how can we expect our youth to be proud of the Filipino culture? What can be done before it is too late. About the Games Children of yesterdays played games that no longer familiar to the children of today. Their games were played either indoors or outdoors in involving little active participation. Some games were imitations of what the elders did. The bahay- bahayan, lutu-lutuan were imitations of mother's household activities which the girls enjoyed playing. Other games were replicas of daily happening in the rural areas. A typical example was the game Pusa at Aso. In a circle, sticks, slippers, and wooden shoes were placed to symbolized the bones of the dog' which was IT. The CATS who were the other players tried to get into the circle to steal the bones without being caught became the dog. This was repeated as many times for as long as the players are not tired of the game. A more exciting game called Juego de anillo involved knights on bicycles trying their best to hook a ring dangling from a ribbon. Hulugang panyo reminded one of the days when ladies dropped their hankies to call the attention of the gentlemen. A game popular to boys and adults is playing with the trumpo or top. The trumpo is a conical-shaped wood made from guava branches with a pointed nail at the tail of the cone. The trumpo spins on the iron- nail. In an outdoor game called podigo, one players would try to split
  • 8. another boy's trumpo placed in the middle of a drawn circle after spinning, he becomes the next taya or it. Luksong tinik and Piko are moderately active games which are usually played by girls. Piko involves hopping on one or two legs through a series of rectangle drawn on the ground. Luksong tinik is played by two player who are seated facing each other and stretching their bare feet are in contact. Touching the toes are their fingers, one above the other is spike form. The other players jump over the feet; then over the feet and one hand, and so on until all the hands are spread over the feet. A player may continue playing as long as he does not touch any of the formal spikes; the moment he touches them, he becomes the it. Quite games at siesta time can either be the siklot or sungka. Siklot uses sigay shells, sampaloc seeds, or pebbles. The player gently tosses the shells and catches them back with her hand. The forefinger hits the shells that fall to the floor one by one. When the player succeeds in catching and hitting everything, he gets a prize. The game continues until all the shells have been captured. Sungka like siklot, also needs shells sigay or tamarind seeds. The game hole carved in it. Each hole to begin should contain seven shells. One player drops one shell onto each hole. He picks the other shells in the hole where he drops his last shell, then continues dropping a shell in each hole. He continues playing as long as he has shells to drop. Should he drop his last shell into an empty hole, then his chance to play ends. It is now the other player turn. THE FILIPINO RELIGION Before the introduction of Christianity, the Filipinos were mostly pagans. They worshipped spirits which they believed dwell in objects like trees, mountains, rivers, ect. They worshipped nature, the sun the moon, and the stars. They also believed in a supreme God or deity. Because of their belief in a deity and in animate or living things their religion was called animo-delsm.
  • 9. It was not long after the Spain colonized the Philippines that the Filipinos become Christians. Today, majoruty of the Filipinos are Catholics. But a group of Filipino Catholics headed by Mr. Gregorio Aglipay founded the Philippines Independent church. This splinter, nationalistic group does not recognize the Pope as the head of the Catholic church. But their beliefs and doctrines are the same as of the catholic. This group are called Aglipayan after their founde. Another Filipino church and one of the true Filipino church that has originated in the Philippines is the IGLISIA NI CRISTO which has a fast growing membership throughout the Philippines and the world. According to Encyclopedia Britanica Macropaedia page #246 Volume 6 IGLISIA NI KRISTO is the largest entirety indigenous Christian church in the Philippines. Its members assert that the early church was restored in GOD'S chosen nation, the Filipinos when Brother FELIX Y. Manalo launched this church in 1914. Rapid growth after 1945 produced some 600,000 members by the late 20th century, imposing chapels throughout the nation, and wealthy centralized organization under Bishop ERANO G. MANALO, the son of FELIX. Strong discipline from the leaders dictates a literal interpretation of the BIBLE and suggest individual contribuitions and the casting of votes, making the church a substantial political power. Unitarian in theology and Philippines in its language, liturgy, and music it represents a popular anti-Western movement for spiritual independence. THE CATHOLICS CELEBRATIONS AND PRACTICES In spite of the diverse religious groups in the Philippines each with its particular practices; the Filipinos believe in only one God who is almighty and omnipotent. Religious practices show concern and love for one's neighbors. Among the Catholics, the Ten Commandment's set the standard of behavior. They keep images of their saints at
  • 10. home and every church has a patron saint. THE FIESTA CELEBRATIONS Fiestas are held on the birthday of the patron saint celebrated with the holding of a novena, a nine-day devotion of masses followed by special prayers of praise to the patron saint. The plaza around t5he church is decorated with colorful buntings. On the ninth day which is the feast day of the saint, a high mass is celebrated by one or several priests. Suddenly the plaza is transformed into a mini-market where ready-made clothes, toys, fruits, and native delicacies are sold. A brass band plays after the mass and then makes a round of the immediate vivinity playing popular Filipino songs, marches and kundimans. This sets a happy, festive mood in the community with residents going on splurge entertaining relatives and friends from other towns. The town fiesta is an event that the residents look forward to. Three or four months before the fiesta the family takes good care of a piglet and chickens earmarked for the fiesta. Of course, the fiesta is an occasion when friends and relatives can be together, enjoy each other's account of the past year's experiences and partake of the palatable dishes prepared for a day. Children living out-of-town make a special effort to come home and be with their parents, relatives, and friends for the fiesta. The fiesta is a Filipino heritage that has been handed down from generation. It has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Must we continue pertrating it as it is? Can it be perpetuated with certain modifications? THE CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION As soon as December sets in, everyone in the Philippines, young and old alike are busy preparing for the biggest religious activity on
  • 11. December 25. Houses are cleaned, painted and decorated with new colorful curtains, Christmas decorations and multicolored lights.Lanterns of different Christmas tree and a Belen are placed in the living rooms of the most homes. The nine-day masses or Misa de Gallo, celebrated at dawn when the cock starts to crow begin on December. These masses are well- attended in spite of the fact that those who attend wake up as early as three o'clock in the morning. As one walks to the church, one will notice the streets lined with small stores selling puto, bibingka and puto bumbong. The climax of the Christmas celebration is a midnight mass on Christmas eve, December 24. The family makes an effort to go this mass. On Christmas day children dressed in their best attires visit ninongs, ninangs, relatives and friends. They kiss the hands of the elders as a sign of respect. In return the elders give them money gifts or native delicacies. Christmas is for everyone and at no other time of the year is the family more complete. Even married children who are abroad make a special effort to be home in the Philippines for Christmas. THE HOLY WEEK (CATHOLIC) CELEBRATION The Lente season is as significant to the Filipinos as Christmas. Christian Filipinos commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ with as much sincerity and seriousness as His birth. On Ash Wednesday, the faithful go to church were a sign of the cross is imprinted with ashes on the forehead of every season. Chanting of the Pasyon (Christ's suffering before His death) in the native tongue of the region begins on Holy Week and is held at certain hours of the night. On Holy Thursday, the chanting goes on the whole day and night until the following morning. By Good Friday, the whole town is deep in meditation on the passion and death of Christ on the Cross.
  • 12. In Church one can observe individuals as well as families praying the Stations of the Cross. Good Friday is a day of fasting and penance to atone for one's sins. A penance quite common in the barrios is for a penitent to cover his face with a black cloth and walk down the streets beating his back with thin bamboo sticks until blood oozes out of his wounds. In afternoon the devotees flock to church for sermon on the Seven Last Words of Jesus as he hung on the cross. Easter Sunday is a memorable day. The faithful wake up early for the salubong, a re-enactment of the Risen Lord's meeting with His Mother at dawn. There are many more religious celebrations and festivities observed by the Catholics in the Philippines which vary from community to community and all of which give honor and glory to Jesus Christ this is according to all Catholics believers. Other Religions like the INC, the Baptist, Jehovas Witness, Born Christians and some Biblical in teaching do not celebrate the so called celebration. ABOUT THE BURIAL......... The loss of a member of the a family was an occasion for bayanihan. Friends, relatives and neighbors came to condole with the bereaved family. Flowers, and food and money were offered as tokens of sympathy. Before the burial, there was a lamayan a vigil attended by all who wished to come. People at the wake participated in some activities such as gambling, telling stories, or playing mental games, to keep them awake through the night.
  • 13. For as long as the deceased was in state, sweeping the floor and taking a bath in the house were forbidden. The bereaved were also cautioned to keep their tears from dropping in the coffin. The general practice was for the bereaved family to bury the deceased member within 24 hours after his death. Close relatives and friends accompany the corpse to church for the religious rites then the funeral procession headed by the band of musicians proceeds to the cemetery. ABOUT THE ALL SAINTS DAY (PANGANGALULUWA) (practice by the catholic religion) November 1 is a day for remembering the dead. According to the catholic belief though it is not biblical. Tradition has it that the immediate members of all the deceased go to cemetery a few days before All Saints Day to clean and white-wash the tombs of their dead. On the day itself, the family attends a mass before going to the cemetery bringing with them flowers, drinking water and food to last till midnight. The cemetery becomes a busy and crowded place. Candles are lighted during the day and all through the night to the wee hours of the next day. Another custom during ALL SAINTS DAY called pangangaluwa, is based on the belief that the suffering of souls in purgatory would be lessened if the living would pray for them and material help is given to the living, this is according to the catholic believers. At about 10:00 in the night until the early morning hours, men and woman went singing from one house to another representing the souls in purgatory and asked for alms. Later, however, barrio folk did not entertain these souls anymore because instead of aski8ng for alms, the mangangaluluwa stole things underneath the houses and picked fruits on trees in the yards. They would then least on all these stolen goods.
  • 14. ABOUT THE FILIPINO FOODS..... The food of the Filipino is simple. Rice is the chief food. Together with rice, fish or meat and vegetables are eaten. The Filipino is fond of eating pork, chicken, corn, fruits, and vegetables. One of the more popular foods of the Filipino on special occasions is lechon, a whole pig roasted over charcoal fire. Adobo is another popular dish which almost every Filipino can cook. Eating is done with the hands and for outdoor meals, the banana leaves serve as plates. The Filipino cooks his food in clay pots over a clay stove (kalan) using wood to build a fire. ABOUT THE FILIPINO CLOTHES.... Our ancestors, both men and woman wore two-piece clothes; a collarless, short-sleeved jacket and strip of cloth wrapped around the waist and in between the legs. The women wore the baro, a wide- sleeved jacket and a skirt of cotton cloth wrapped about the waist. The Filipina wardrobe was later modified. The says, the tapis and the enagua comprised the ladies wear. Do you know how these looked like? They says is a long skirt which touches the floor. It has a kola or train which mean the woman holds to keep it clean she moves. Printed satin is the usual material used for the says; brocade for gala use. Over this says, a tapis with tassels on the edges is worn. Beneath the saya and tapis is the enagua, a slip with lace edging. The elegant clothes of the Filipino women are properly taken cared of. Women give special attention to their clothes especially those made of fibers such as fina or sinamay. ABOUT THEIR MANNER OF DRESSING
  • 15. The washerwoman would sort out the white from the colored ones. the plain from the printed, the cotton and satin from those made of fibers. Dirt was removed using a wooden palu-palo or by trampling upon the clothes laid out on smooth rocks. Round sabon intsik or Chinese soap and blue tina were essential washing materials. After washing, some clothes were starched. The starch used was made from rice lugaw pressed with a wooden sandok or ladle form a cheesecloth duyan (hammock) tied tto the clothes line at four points. below this was a wooden batya or basin to catch the starch. This was then gently patted on the barong tagalog and butterfly sleeves of the women's baro. The starched clothes were later stretched into shape and dried on the flat galvanized iron sheets. Stains are removed from the clothes by dropping calamansi juice on the stained spots after which the clothes are bleached in the sunlight. Starched clothes were sprinkled with water before pressing with a flat iron filled with glowing charcoal. ABOUT THE FILIPINO HOUSES The houses vary in the same style depending on their location and social status and taste of the family. Houses of the Filipinos are usually made of wood and nipa. Later galvanized iron replaced nipa for roofing. In some towns, barrios, and cities, houses made of nipa and bamboo are still to be found. Some have sawali walls and cogon roofings. Most of the houses especially the older ones are situated high above the ground for better ventilation and reduced humidity. In the past, building a houses was fast and inexpensive. Houses were built then through the help of friends and neighbors.
  • 16. Today there are only few bamboo houses. Most houses are already built of strong materials like hollow blocks, wood, galvanized iron and glass windows. Modernity has not entirely changed the architecture of the Filipino houses. The batalan is stall a part of the houses in Luzon and is used as an open bathroom, a place for water jars or tapayan and a place for washing. The modern batalan is made of concrete and is still adjacent to the kitchen. The banguerahan, a storage shelf and drainer before the dish rack was introduced, is still a part of a few modern houses. The modern banguerahan is no longer enclosed with bamboo spikes but is screened. The old house of before were not painted. The present ones are painted in varied colors and built styles. The old houses were built high on the ground and the space below calle4d silong was fenced with bamboo to keep pigs, dogs, and chickens out. Chairs, tables, beds and other furniture are found in most hours. Many Filipinos, particularly t6he Tagalogs, still prefer to sleep on bamboo or wooden floors instead of on beds. Some years ago kerosene lamps were used in most houses. Now electricity has found its way in almost all houses. The old kalan or native stove has been replaced by electric ranges; the palayok or native pot by aluminum pots and pans. Firewood and charcoal are still used by some Filipino housewives especially now that gas and electricity have become very expensive. The verandah or porch is still a part of today's houses. Pots of ferns and flowering plants surrounded the wall kept verandah. The artistic touch of the Filipino is still evident in his house. In a one-room house,
  • 17. you can see curtains hanging on the walls and windows, and a family picture and a saint prominently displayed in one corner of the room. The Filipinos also displays neatness and cleanliness in keeping their houses. The Filipinos housewife uses different kinds of brooms for cleaning. There is the salary or soft broom for sweeping the floor; a smaller one for dusting wall carvings and picture frames; the walis- tingting or stiff broom for cleaning and stone floors; and the plumero, a broom made from chicken feathers for dusting. Buckets, wooden scrub brushes with thick bristles, bunot or coconut husk, dustpans, bar soap, gugo or native shampoo, is-is leaves, banana leaves, kerosene and coconut oil are also used for cleaning the houses. Floor wax was prepared by homemakers from candles, atsuete and kerosene melted from glowing embers. In some homes, hardwood floors were swept from scrubbed with is-is before wax was applied. When the sticky wax was dry, the floor was scrubbed again until it became very shiny. The furniture, window sills, staircases and walls were also scrubbed with is-is leaves or polished with wax. Kitchen tables were cleaned with is-is leaves, water, sand and ash. Those made of zinc were wiped with kerosene.