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The Importance of Language and Culture
The Importance of Language and Culture
Diana Everett
Instructor Terrance Frazier
April 04, 2011
The Importance of Language and Culture
There are two forms of communications––verbal and non–verbal. Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication
through sending and receiving wordless messages. Language is not the only source of communication, there are other means also. Messages can be
communicated through gestures and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact. Meaning can also be communicated
through object or artifacts (such as clothing, hairstyles or architecture), symbols, and icons (or graphics). Speech contains nonverbal elements known as
paralanguage, more content...
Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. Language is arguably the most
important component of culture because much of the rest of it is normally transmitted orally. It is impossible to understand the subtle nuances and deep
meanings of another culture without knowing its language well. Different languages are easier to learn at a younger age before completely
understanding a first language. Trying to learn a second language can be difficult for an adult, because the language they speak can confuse them while
trying to learn. Different languages come from different backgrounds and when crossed can lead to great misunderstanding between the two languages.
Anthropologists have found that learning about how people categorize things in their environment provides important insights into the interests,
concerns, and values of their culture(Oneil, 2006). Language determines the way a person reviews the world. One's culture determines the way one
processes information and how one copes with reality. Concepts and objects have frames of reference that differ from culture to culture. The meaning
of a word partly depends on the culture's historical relation to the concept or object described. Different cultures see the world differently. Different
cultures have different beliefs and values and these are expressed in their language, whether it be verbal or non–verbal. Many misunderstandings
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Topics On Language And Culture
Christopher Arreola
Professor Browder
Anthropology 310
21 February 2015
Topics in Language and Culture To gain a deeper and more complex understanding of cultures around the world it takes more than just knowledge of
norms and practices. The interplay between language and culture consists of a multitude of factors of which three stand out above the rest. Nonverbal
communication, bilingualism, and differences in communication among genders are intrinsically connected across cultures in such a way that cultures
influence language structure in line with cultural norms, and language, in turn, influences cultural norms, creating a cycle by which both language and
culture are mutually reinforced. Since time in memoriam, culture more content...
Males yank their heads up and back in order to greet another male usually which may be misunderstood to look up. Both males and females are
also prone to use a lot of physical contact with their friends and family members such as through the use of arm grabbing or kisses on the cheek.
Most Latinos also avoid direct eye contact for long periods of time because prolongs eye contact sends the signal that you are attracted or want to
fight. Latinos also yell out a sound called the "huaco" to celebrate the ending of a great song or good part of a song which came about from living
near coyotes.
It's very important in sports culture for the coach or the trainer to be in the same mind set as the athlete, that is, to use the same nonverbal and verbal
cues to successfully communicate during a game. Athletes communicate nonverbally through their posture and facial expressions to send out the signal
that they are tired or to demonstrate their confidence levels. Coaches also communicate nonverbally to their players that they are doing well or doing
poorly. During games, nonverbal communication is essential for pulling off plays such as in basketball where an ally–op is performed by interpreting
nonverbal signals between a teammate and the opposing players. In American football nonverbal signals are interpreted between the
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Language and culture are inseparable. Language is the most distinct feature of a culture and the most common one put to use to identify a culture.
Language can be a part of a culture and culture can be a part of language as well. For the purposes of this research paper, we deal with only the
former. Language has been called a mirror to the culture it belongs to. Studies of different culture begin with acquiring of knowledge about its language
before anything else. Language is not merely a mode of communication; it is the reflection of its culture. Being the most recognisable and distinct part
of a culture, the condition of a language suggests the condition of the culture as they shape each other.
Multilingualism in India– more content...
This lack of programmes that can effectively translate knowledge into curriculum is a hindrance in both the development of languages and education.
However, to develop language resources into curriculum, State needs to recognise the importance of the dying languages. It is important for a holistic
education to develop more materials in regional languages and bring them into mainstream usage so as to not let them die. This gives rise to a bigger
problem. If primary, secondary and higher education is in a regional language, a student would face a lot of difficulties at college level because the
popular means of communication there would be English. However, this separation is not limited to education. It exists in the society generally as well.
Language is basic to all human processes. Hence, preservation or protection of languages can be divided into three parts– identity based arguments,
justice based arguments and diversity based argument.
Identity based argument leads us to the idea that language is vital to one's identity, the identity of his or her culture and the identity of his or her being.
A person identifies with his or her mother tongue the most. And when one finds speakers of the same language, they form a small community in
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Language : Language And Language
Language in society is constantly being spoken in several different ways–whether that consists of speaking in different languages, or communicating
differently when speaking and writing. Furthermore, language is often described as words used to communicate amongst others around you. As you
become older, you quickly realize that language comes with much more than words. Many languages; if not all, have several different dialects–some to
the point where the words can't be recognized whatsoever. Consequently, it's not only important to recognize the innumerable different forms of
language varieties, but to understand what language varieties you command in different daily situations.
Foundation of My Language
Language and language identity has played significant role in my life. Growing up, I have gone through countless different experiences of how
language identity has influenced me regarding my form of communication. My parents were both born in the United States of America– both growing
up in Tacoma, Washington. Within the mist of growing older, I would replicate how my parents would speak and pronounce words. This ultimately
became my foundation for learning how to communicate with others–better yet, my guide to learning how to speak English. Though there is a plethora
of different native languages individuals can identify themselves with, English has been a very difficult conundrum to solve throughout my life. Many
people around the world can identify a native tongue to
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Language And Cultural Identity
As an Asian–American I grew up surrounded by my culture, food, and religion, but one thing I didn't grow up and learn about was the language.
Soon after my parents forced me into Vietnamese school around the age of 7 or 8 I grew to hate that place. The long summer hours wasted by sitting
in a classroom understanding nothing made me constantly complain to my parents. "I never want to come back here again" " Why are you making
me do this?!" I would say. My parents couldn't handle the teachers or me anymore so they decided to not enroll me the next year.Language is truly a
connection with cultural identity and I wish I didn't miss out. The renowned writers; Martin Espada and Richard Rodriguez worked on essays that
shared their more content...
Even though English caused his family to go their own ways, Rodriguez didn't dwell on the fact that they weren't as close anymore; he accepted
speaking and gradually learning English because it helped in his everyday life, " Conversations became more content full" (23). Understanding and
stepping out of the stagnant progression and slowly dropping Spanish has benefitted Rodriguez by embracing the public language which is English.
On both ends of the spectrum Espada and Rodriguez use their work to explain their views on bilingualism and how it affected their lives and other
peoples. Rodriguez loses his cultural connection with his family because of English and Espada is empowered by his connection with his Latino
heritage. Both men chose to take different paths of bilingualism and each one gained and lost cultural identity. Espada's argument explains how not
fighting for one's language creates a downfall with their cultural identity and Rodriguez's elaborates the endless possibilities people have when
knowing how to speak English. Espada and Rodriguez, although on two different sides, both contribute logical arguments which go full circle and
connect with one another on how losing interest in the native language can cause the connection to cultural identity to weaken. In my own personal
experience when I was younger I was embarrassed that I was one of the oldest people in my class. Since I was older I felt incompetent to the other
kids, and I started
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Language Change As Cultures And Society Change
Language and expression change as cultures and society change. As the world progresses with developments of new technology and communication
devices, language and expression grow with it. These changes in language assist in advancing society with new methods and devices for
communicating. These new ways to communicate aid in the development of words for new technologies and discoveries. The development of new
words enhances and improves communications with people around the world. Although language and expression are changing and expanding and
bringing many positive improvements to the language because of new inventions, there are also many negative effects on language and expression of
ideas. People become lazy with their use of language and forget how to properly use certain words and expressions. The improper use of words in
context derails the meanings of words and alters their original usage. Along with these changes, there are people who both accept the changes and
people who work to keep the language from expanding. Progress and modernization promote the growth and expansion of language and expression
worldwide; however, this growth causes many to misuse the formal techniques of language. Language is moving forward and changing with the aid of
modernization and technological advancements. These advancements are beneficial to communication throughout the world. The use of the internet,
phones, computers, and networking devices promote language and expression
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Language and Culture in Business Essay
An article in the South Florida Business Journal on How Cultural, Language Differences Affect Business, explains the miscommunication in language
and cultural in business transactions. And the article supports its statement by using real life examples. One example is the United States Latin
American business endeavors which discovered that there can be a fine distinction in translations from English to Spanish or Portuguese.
In the nineteen sixty's the United State government found them self in a quandary when the Alliance for Progress was attempting to prevent
communist control in Latin America. Also, a number of significant and delicate cultural distinctions caused the American business community to feel
as though the more content...
Hybels and Weaver stated "cultural differences may not only facilitate communication, but it can also avoid potentially embarrassing or even insulting
situations." (p. 222, 2007). Although these stories about language and culture in business may sound comical, one can see how the wrong language
translation in a business transaction can cause a company to lose time and money.
According to Hybels and Weaver culture information "tells us about a person's most generally shared cultural attributes such as language shared values,
beliefs, and ideologies, can be very beneficial during business transactions." Furthermore, one should learn about the economy of a specific culture
before business transaction takes place. (p. 169, 2007)
A business can lose capital if they do not get enough information about a culture before investing their product in a foreign country. For instance, a
company may assume that United States breakfast cereals will be a lucrative idea to Latin American. But, in a culture where most of the citizens live
in poverty, and is fortunate if they can afford one daily meal, breakfast cereals may be destined to be unsuccessful because it is expensive. (1997)
Latin American companies accounting
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Language And Cultural Identity Essay
How language is important in Maintaining cultural identity
Over the last few decades, the relationship between language and cultural identities have become a preferred topic in learning the importance of
language in maintaining cultural identity. The question that keeps popping up concerns, the role of language in keeping these social aspects. For
instance, how language is important in maintaining cultural identity when people migrate from one nation to another. Perhaps, when people immigrate
to a new country their cultural identity is likely to change due to the nature of the new environment. In this paper, will look at the role of language in
maintaining cultural identity, and what impact language and culture have on identity when more content...
Similarly, Banks (1988,), define "a cluster of attributes such as values, beliefs, behaviour patterns and symbols unique to a particular human group" p.
261. Both researchers have similar identical analyse to express their study towards culture and identity. Furthermore, Goodenough considers culture as
is made up of the concepts, beliefs, and principles of action and organization. In fact, culture is not a motionless object, but instead it has the power to
acquire new traits and forms. Culture transformation can occur from one generation to another or from one geographical location to another. This
means that culture is composed of shared custom, believes, codes of behaviours and statements that could clearly discriminate from sociocultural group
to another.
In view of all this, Anthropologist and social scientists essentially agree that sharing a culture between a crowd of people means being able to operate
efficiently in that group. This means that culture can determine one's identity if a person is able to operate effectively in a certain group. In addition to
this, social scientist has urged that changes in languages often reflect as the changing value of our culture. This clearly indicates that, language is more
than a culture which means the language you speak determines your religious belief and cultural identity. So, religion and language are both
correspondingly similar to ethnicity and patriotism, they play an
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Culture is understood to encompassing all the physical and spirit products, which are created by human from the formation, existence and development
processing since thousands year ago.
Culture is characteristic of many fields such as literature, linguistics, and, history, etc ... In the generally, the existent products such as language, was
associated with human creativity, which all are regarded as products of culture. Language and culture have an organic relationship. This inner
relationship is formed from one of the most important functions of language, that of thinking. Marx once said, "Language is a direct reality of thought."
Without language, people can not think. In other way, all human think that activities are performed on the language. Language is the most important
communication tool of human as well as the thought function and there is no empty thought. Language is always involved in both tangible and
intangible cultures. Language expression is very different. The relationship between language and culture system is the inner relationship between
them. This relationship is only revealed when we analyze the role and function of the language as it engages in the process of forming a particular
tangible cultural product. In this respect, language is not only a tool of thinking, a soul for the creation of cultural objects but language is also a means
of preserving information, spreading the experience from the generation. The result of this process is an
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Language and Culture: A Look Into "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" In "How to Tame a Wild Tongue", Gloria Anzaldua explains her emotions and
personal situations about social and cultural difficulties that Mexican immigrants, or any immigrant could face when being raised in the United States.
She creates similarities between English, Spanish and their variations and how cultural imperialism, defined as, the influence on people's preference to
speak one language rather than the other. And she discusses current social problems in the United States such as sexism, cultural imperialism, racism,
low self–esteem, and discovering oneself. Anzaldua wishes to be able to speak freely in Chicano Spanish and to have her and her people's language
and culture respected wherever she more content...
AnzaldГєa was influenced by the social destruction when she wrote the article. Her writing also comes from personal experiences from when she
was younger. One of the article's strengths is stated by the author when she qualifies the acculturation defined as, the process of adopting the cultural
traits of another group, process as violent. She uses the term "linguistic terrorism" and explains how the First Amendment is violated, because
linguistic terrorism takes away a person's freedom of speech. In a country where the First Amendment is so heavily influential by freedom of speech
and states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.". A person should
have their own right to live per their cultural backgrounds up to the point of not overstepping the bounds of the
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Language Influence On Culture
Every culture is different from their value orientations to the language they speak. The different languages each culture speaks is more than just a
form of communication for these cultures, language influences cultures in multiple ways. Language affects the social reality of a culture and due to
that many cultures are different in the way they view things. How can language affect a culture in such a big way? Well, each cultures language is
not the same, therefor each culture will not have the same words in another culture or they will not translate over. The Japanese have multiple words
for the word "rice" and the Russians have multiple terms for the shades between light blue and dark blue. This has an impact on the culture because the
language they have allows them to have multiple words for words that other cultures only see one way. Another example of how language affects a
culture is that while some cultures use direction terms like, "left" or "right"; others do not have those terms in their language so they would not
understand those directions. They would need someone to direct them by using "north, south, east, or west" to understand where to go (Boroditsky,
2010). Languages can be a future tense language or futureless language. A futured language is when discussing the future grammatically the language
forces the person to separate the future and present as two different things. While a futureless language refers to the future and present identically.
These two difference forces languages to views things in a certain way which can cause the futureless language to save more and to being starting
something sooner because they do not see the future and present as two different things. All these factors of language all do one thing to a culture, it
affects is social reality (Chen, 2012). The Chinese culture speaks two languages but the one being focused on is Mandarin. While Mandarin is one of
two languages spoken within the culture, two–thirds of Chinese people claim to speak it. Mandarin is referred to as an independent language but can
be classified as a dialect of Chinese culture. Mandarin is a member of the Sinitic Group of the Sino–Tibetan language. It is considered a tonal language
by its use of
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Aeraki Eleni
Ms. Topintzi Nina
5 Nov. 2014
The Issue of Languages and Dialects
One of the most important elements all cultures possess is the language which represents each one . Language is of vital importance to people's lives,
since it is a way of communicating with others. Language also offers people the ability to create and maintain relationships with others. Each language
includes numerous varieties, named dialects. Languages and dialects have some main differences and the distinction of their boundaries is considered
to be a difficult issue.
First of all, we should illustrate what exactly is meant by the terms 'language' and 'dialect'. The term language is used to describe a system of
communication, which people use to more content...
A language may be the official language of various countries; for instance, English is the official language of the United Kingdom, of Ireland and of
Australia, which are colonies of the England. So, languages are not strictly limited to a specific area. Dialects are unique in the sense that each
language includes dialects that have their own characteristics and ways of speaking that are totally different from other dialects existing in the same
country. Each dialect is constructed and developed based on the history and the culture of each region. One more difference of the terms is the number
of people who use a language and those who speak a dialect. If we examine the Greek language, there are approximately twelve million native speakers
of the language, compared to the Cretan dialect where its speakers should be around six thousands (the population of the island). Another difference
worth mentioning is the fact that dialects are more established, whereas languages can evolve and become simpler for their speakers. There are
various words that have changed in different languages in order to provide their speakers a simpler alternative. For instance, the Greek word train has
changed from the old form 'П„ПЃО±ОЇОЅОї' to the new one 'П„ПЃООЅОї'. This change was very beneficial for Greek citizens and especially young
children because the vowel 'Оµ' is more easily used than the vowel 'О±О№'. Last but not least, the way that dialects and languages are taught is
considerably different. The standard language of each country is taught in schools and through the educational system in general, whereas dialects are
mostly passed orally from one generation to the next; teachers do not teach their students their languages based on the principles of their
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Language, Culture and Globalization
All businesses are being affected in one way or another by globalization and by the rapid advance of technology, especially in the area of
Some businesses are trying to expand their markets to gain advantage of such process; however, the use of English by entrepreneurs from the United
States as the only language to communicate with stakeholders is taken as a ethnocentric attitude throughout the world.
English has become one of the most important languages, but, most of the time its use is limited to politics, international trade or international
relations. In other words, most of the people who use it are somehow involved in jobs that require them to use English; the same is not true for those
businesses' consumers, more content...
This meant that there were going to be people from different nations, and with different languages working together. An example of this is the
European Central Bank, which will be in charge of the central banks of the 15 nations when the Euro begins circulating in the continent. The
Governing Council and the Executive Board of the ECB is formed by individual from the EU nations and the only way for them to communicate with
each other is by using a language that is common to all of them; in this case English.
But countries in Europe are not the only ones trying to improve communications for their people; China can also be a good example. In a country with
more than 1.5 billion habitants, the number of languages or dialects might differ within regions; therefore, the government is establishing the mandarin
language as their lingua franca to improve communications internationally with Singapore, Taiwan, and other Asian countries. (Ojala, 1997, p. 8)
The second major factor that has and still is playing a major role in the spread of the English Language is Technology with the continuous advancement
of the communication systems.
One of these methods is the World Wide Web
, which makes it easier and cheaper to communicate with other individuals around the world and provides
businesses with a very powerful tool to advertise their goods or services
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The Importance Of Language On Culture
Pamela Wance
ENGL 1010–48
The Way We Speak Language is the universal connection that brings all humans together. We share this common ground to communicate. The three
major points that I would like to focus on are: How does language influence our culture? Does it define us, or does it refine us? And lastly, the impact
that language has on our societies. Language has gradually advanced over many millions of years. Slang has developed, and other cultures languages
and quirks have made their way in, and it has become one. Language has a way of shaping our identities, and personal cultures. It brings us together,
and sometimes it even makes us move apart.
There has been a long debate on whether language has an impact on cultures, and with much research from linguistic specialist, and professors the
debate has been solved to say that, yes, in fact that language has an impact on cultures. In an article called, "Does Language influence culture?"
Johnathan Becher makes a statement about how differences in each language seems to impact the behaviors, and how everyone interprets their
surroundings. It is amazing how simple language comes off to be, and yet it can be so advanced. It impacts each culture differently; Johnathan Becher
said that the way Russians express colors is more advanced than most others. They can express the difference between light blues, and dark blues in a
very descriptive way. The extensive details can be results of each culture being
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In this subsection, different approaches to teaching culture within the foreign language teaching practice and different views of the term "culture" are
going to be presented as a mean to explore the close relationship between culture and language and determine what is understood as culture in this study.
As it was mentioned above, there are different definitions of culture. These views have relied on the different language acquisition theories and teaching
approaches that have emerged in the history of foreign language teaching. (Hinkel, 1999) Until the mid–twentieth century, culture was seen as the
transmission of factual information about the target language, which consisted of statistical information about history, literature, more content...
Therefore this attempt to integrate culture into language teaching failed due to their lack of relevance for the language teaching approaches of that
time. (Stern, 1983; Corbett, 2003)
During the 70s and 80s, research on anthropology and sociolinguistics caused a greater emphasis more on the relationship between culture and
language. Hinkel (1999) considers the works done by Hymes (1964), Gumperz (1972) and Kaplan (1966) a great contribution to this relationship as
they privileged the communication within the cultural context. He cites Hymes (1972) mainly to state that the nature of the situations when
communicative acts occur differs from one culture to another. This indicates that culture is interconnected with the ability to communicate
appropriately in different social situations. This approach to culture teaching, therefore, implied to train students on how to employ appropriately the
social rules of the target language such as the use of behavioral conventions, the use of silence, turn taking and politeness among others. (Byram &
Morgan, 1994). This approach was criticized because it seems to be based on native proficiency as a standard model for foreign language students. In
other words, foreign students need to leave aside their own culture and language in order to be considered proficient speakers of the target language.
This means that this approach does not consider the cultural
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Cultural Diversity, Language, And Culture
An enormous scale of migration has resulted to unprecedented stages of diversity in Europe, in particular in Germany, altering societies in fundamental
ways and challenging the idea of national identity that is closely held by the host nation. Furthermore, the vast majority of the publics are in great fear,
that the shared values and norms that ties communities together will be enfeebled permanently if migrants do not adapt to the host country's culture,
language and its identity. In this particular essay, it would critically examine cultural diversity and the challenges that both parties encounter due to
their substantial differences in culture, language values and etc.
Challenges of Cultural Diversity
The current wave of immigration that have stormed in Europe, especially in Germany has created a tension and an anxiety within the German people.
Immigrants are viewed as a threat in the labour market, a threat to the historical heritage of the German people and exploiters of welfare state. As a
consequence, migration has extensive effects on the structure of national identity in Germany that bonds communities together (Scherr, A 2014). The
vast influx of immigrants presents a greater challenges to those majority who might also be obliged to reconcile a new ethnic and culture perception
with their social reality. According to (French 2012, p. 22) illustrates that the collective encoding of the mind that differentiates one particular group
from another. In
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Relationship between culture and language has become a debatable topic for decades. To discuss the relationship between any two entities effectively,
we have to have an understanding of the elements in question and this come into force when the relationship between culture and language is discussed.
Language has been defined as the systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and
self–expression. The purpose of language is to communicate with others, to think and to create the foundation for shaping one's standpoint and outlook
to life. Culture on the other hand has multifarious meanings but for the sake of this article, the definition outlined below will serve our purpose. Culture
is the total of the inherited and more content...
Teachers have encountered difficulties when teaching a second language not local to a culture to its people and here are some facts to explain these
difficulties. Studies have shown that how students learn and interact with teachers is determined by their culture. Approximately 80% of language
teachers agree that cultural boundaries and roots play a huge role in determining how students understand or interpret the new language expressions
they are been taught. Therefore, creators of second language policies must be sensitive to the local culture of all people. Culture and language of
different societies greatly vary. In all communities, the language is in a synergetic relationship with the culture of that society and Sapir–Whorf
hypothesis states that; the characteristics, peculiarities, and literary words encoded in one language system are distinctive, typical, and unique to that
system and they are dissimilar as well as incomparable with those of other systems. These dissimilarities in turn lead to difficulties in understanding the
expressions and terminologies inherent to a certain culture by
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The Relationship Between Language And Culture
Braley Veras
Ant 211
When looking into the world the question has always came about, what comes first the chicken or the egg. This questions has never been answered
because of the simple fact that they are strongly connected with each other. Language and Culture have been at the fore front of research for
anthropologist. The question remains, how strong is the connection between the two. Through many readings and research, there has not been a set
conclusion to this ongoing discussion. A child is born into this world and the first things he learns are experiences, later on life through school and
education he is able to learn a language to describe everything he has previously seen or felt. In this writing I intend to prove that Culture and Language
are strongly related. Culture creates an experience and language is then formed to explain that experience to others. In this essay I intend to show the
strong relationships between language and culture. With many different cultures surrounding us today it is impossible to understand a culture without
breaking down the linguistics they speak. Language is the system we use for communication. Communication is one of the key components in the
preserving of the traditions and customs of people around the world. Having an established language we begin to develop an idea of ethnocentrism
which is the idea that your culture is superior to others. When growing up as a child I can remember mispronouncing words in my parent native
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Language today is a very misleadingly complex subject. Many people do not tend to see how it can be complicated; rather they think it is just the
way we communicate and not much more. However, as any anthropological reader knows, it goes far deeper than that. One of the many other
aspects of language is that it causes people to be brought together. A lot of international freshman tended to congregate with people from their own
country when they first arrived at the University of Michigan, partially because they felt more comfortable speaking their native tongue and felt a
sense of similarity in their group. This can be seen in any place where diverse groups of people are thrown together. It provides a sense of home, a
way to make more content...
Also it seems he is capable in a decent amount of languages and could get a translator if he truly required it. The theme of language in these two
novels can be seen through the ethnographers (in)ability to get an emic view from the locals, how it affected the people's behaviour, and perhaps
most importantly, how it affected the ethnographer's and people's emotions through the various situations that occurred. For ethnographers, being
able to communicate with the particular population that they are studying is crucial. This is more so apparent with Fernea, as not only was she
ignorant of the language and customs but while honeymooning in Iraq she was constantly separated from her husband. This becomes obvious very
early on when she attempts to indicate that the beams in Selma's house were the same as hers by pointing at them, unable to even get across this
simple conversational tidbit (Fernea 1965:30). Though her crowd reacts favorably by laughing, as the beams are the same in every house around
the village, it is a subtle moment of foreshadowing to just how little she knows about the culture in the village. This forewarning is noticeable
mainly after she makes a particular blunder much later on in the book. Fernea was invited to go on a small ride by Aziza while her friend Laila
happened to be visiting. Aziza insisted that Laila come along, as not doing so would be impolite, and Laila claimed that the ride would be of no issue
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The Importance Of Language And Culture

  • 1. The Importance of Language and Culture The Importance of Language and Culture Diana Everett COM200 Instructor Terrance Frazier April 04, 2011 The Importance of Language and Culture There are two forms of communications––verbal and non–verbal. Nonverbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. Language is not the only source of communication, there are other means also. Messages can be communicated through gestures and touch, by body language or posture, by facial expression and eye contact. Meaning can also be communicated through object or artifacts (such as clothing, hairstyles or architecture), symbols, and icons (or graphics). Speech contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, more content... Language is more than just a means of communication. It influences our culture and even our thought processes. Language is arguably the most important component of culture because much of the rest of it is normally transmitted orally. It is impossible to understand the subtle nuances and deep meanings of another culture without knowing its language well. Different languages are easier to learn at a younger age before completely understanding a first language. Trying to learn a second language can be difficult for an adult, because the language they speak can confuse them while trying to learn. Different languages come from different backgrounds and when crossed can lead to great misunderstanding between the two languages. Anthropologists have found that learning about how people categorize things in their environment provides important insights into the interests, concerns, and values of their culture(Oneil, 2006). Language determines the way a person reviews the world. One's culture determines the way one processes information and how one copes with reality. Concepts and objects have frames of reference that differ from culture to culture. The meaning of a word partly depends on the culture's historical relation to the concept or object described. Different cultures see the world differently. Different cultures have different beliefs and values and these are expressed in their language, whether it be verbal or non–verbal. Many misunderstandings
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  • 3. Topics On Language And Culture Christopher Arreola Professor Browder Anthropology 310 21 February 2015 Topics in Language and Culture To gain a deeper and more complex understanding of cultures around the world it takes more than just knowledge of norms and practices. The interplay between language and culture consists of a multitude of factors of which three stand out above the rest. Nonverbal communication, bilingualism, and differences in communication among genders are intrinsically connected across cultures in such a way that cultures influence language structure in line with cultural norms, and language, in turn, influences cultural norms, creating a cycle by which both language and culture are mutually reinforced. Since time in memoriam, culture more content... Males yank their heads up and back in order to greet another male usually which may be misunderstood to look up. Both males and females are also prone to use a lot of physical contact with their friends and family members such as through the use of arm grabbing or kisses on the cheek. Most Latinos also avoid direct eye contact for long periods of time because prolongs eye contact sends the signal that you are attracted or want to fight. Latinos also yell out a sound called the "huaco" to celebrate the ending of a great song or good part of a song which came about from living near coyotes. It's very important in sports culture for the coach or the trainer to be in the same mind set as the athlete, that is, to use the same nonverbal and verbal cues to successfully communicate during a game. Athletes communicate nonverbally through their posture and facial expressions to send out the signal that they are tired or to demonstrate their confidence levels. Coaches also communicate nonverbally to their players that they are doing well or doing poorly. During games, nonverbal communication is essential for pulling off plays such as in basketball where an ally–op is performed by interpreting nonverbal signals between a teammate and the opposing players. In American football nonverbal signals are interpreted between the Get more content on
  • 4. Language and culture are inseparable. Language is the most distinct feature of a culture and the most common one put to use to identify a culture. Language can be a part of a culture and culture can be a part of language as well. For the purposes of this research paper, we deal with only the former. Language has been called a mirror to the culture it belongs to. Studies of different culture begin with acquiring of knowledge about its language before anything else. Language is not merely a mode of communication; it is the reflection of its culture. Being the most recognisable and distinct part of a culture, the condition of a language suggests the condition of the culture as they shape each other. Multilingualism in India– more content... This lack of programmes that can effectively translate knowledge into curriculum is a hindrance in both the development of languages and education. However, to develop language resources into curriculum, State needs to recognise the importance of the dying languages. It is important for a holistic education to develop more materials in regional languages and bring them into mainstream usage so as to not let them die. This gives rise to a bigger problem. If primary, secondary and higher education is in a regional language, a student would face a lot of difficulties at college level because the popular means of communication there would be English. However, this separation is not limited to education. It exists in the society generally as well. Language is basic to all human processes. Hence, preservation or protection of languages can be divided into three parts– identity based arguments, justice based arguments and diversity based argument. Identity based argument leads us to the idea that language is vital to one's identity, the identity of his or her culture and the identity of his or her being. A person identifies with his or her mother tongue the most. And when one finds speakers of the same language, they form a small community in Get more content on
  • 5. Language : Language And Language Language in society is constantly being spoken in several different ways–whether that consists of speaking in different languages, or communicating differently when speaking and writing. Furthermore, language is often described as words used to communicate amongst others around you. As you become older, you quickly realize that language comes with much more than words. Many languages; if not all, have several different dialects–some to the point where the words can't be recognized whatsoever. Consequently, it's not only important to recognize the innumerable different forms of language varieties, but to understand what language varieties you command in different daily situations. Foundation of My Language Language and language identity has played significant role in my life. Growing up, I have gone through countless different experiences of how language identity has influenced me regarding my form of communication. My parents were both born in the United States of America– both growing up in Tacoma, Washington. Within the mist of growing older, I would replicate how my parents would speak and pronounce words. This ultimately became my foundation for learning how to communicate with others–better yet, my guide to learning how to speak English. Though there is a plethora of different native languages individuals can identify themselves with, English has been a very difficult conundrum to solve throughout my life. Many people around the world can identify a native tongue to Get more content on
  • 6. Language And Cultural Identity As an Asian–American I grew up surrounded by my culture, food, and religion, but one thing I didn't grow up and learn about was the language. Soon after my parents forced me into Vietnamese school around the age of 7 or 8 I grew to hate that place. The long summer hours wasted by sitting in a classroom understanding nothing made me constantly complain to my parents. "I never want to come back here again" " Why are you making me do this?!" I would say. My parents couldn't handle the teachers or me anymore so they decided to not enroll me the next year.Language is truly a connection with cultural identity and I wish I didn't miss out. The renowned writers; Martin Espada and Richard Rodriguez worked on essays that shared their more content... Even though English caused his family to go their own ways, Rodriguez didn't dwell on the fact that they weren't as close anymore; he accepted speaking and gradually learning English because it helped in his everyday life, " Conversations became more content full" (23). Understanding and stepping out of the stagnant progression and slowly dropping Spanish has benefitted Rodriguez by embracing the public language which is English. On both ends of the spectrum Espada and Rodriguez use their work to explain their views on bilingualism and how it affected their lives and other peoples. Rodriguez loses his cultural connection with his family because of English and Espada is empowered by his connection with his Latino heritage. Both men chose to take different paths of bilingualism and each one gained and lost cultural identity. Espada's argument explains how not fighting for one's language creates a downfall with their cultural identity and Rodriguez's elaborates the endless possibilities people have when knowing how to speak English. Espada and Rodriguez, although on two different sides, both contribute logical arguments which go full circle and connect with one another on how losing interest in the native language can cause the connection to cultural identity to weaken. In my own personal experience when I was younger I was embarrassed that I was one of the oldest people in my class. Since I was older I felt incompetent to the other kids, and I started Get more content on
  • 7. Language Change As Cultures And Society Change Language and expression change as cultures and society change. As the world progresses with developments of new technology and communication devices, language and expression grow with it. These changes in language assist in advancing society with new methods and devices for communicating. These new ways to communicate aid in the development of words for new technologies and discoveries. The development of new words enhances and improves communications with people around the world. Although language and expression are changing and expanding and bringing many positive improvements to the language because of new inventions, there are also many negative effects on language and expression of ideas. People become lazy with their use of language and forget how to properly use certain words and expressions. The improper use of words in context derails the meanings of words and alters their original usage. Along with these changes, there are people who both accept the changes and people who work to keep the language from expanding. Progress and modernization promote the growth and expansion of language and expression worldwide; however, this growth causes many to misuse the formal techniques of language. Language is moving forward and changing with the aid of modernization and technological advancements. These advancements are beneficial to communication throughout the world. The use of the internet, phones, computers, and networking devices promote language and expression Get more content on
  • 8. Language and Culture in Business Essay An article in the South Florida Business Journal on How Cultural, Language Differences Affect Business, explains the miscommunication in language and cultural in business transactions. And the article supports its statement by using real life examples. One example is the United States Latin American business endeavors which discovered that there can be a fine distinction in translations from English to Spanish or Portuguese. In the nineteen sixty's the United State government found them self in a quandary when the Alliance for Progress was attempting to prevent communist control in Latin America. Also, a number of significant and delicate cultural distinctions caused the American business community to feel as though the more content... Hybels and Weaver stated "cultural differences may not only facilitate communication, but it can also avoid potentially embarrassing or even insulting situations." (p. 222, 2007). Although these stories about language and culture in business may sound comical, one can see how the wrong language translation in a business transaction can cause a company to lose time and money. According to Hybels and Weaver culture information "tells us about a person's most generally shared cultural attributes such as language shared values, beliefs, and ideologies, can be very beneficial during business transactions." Furthermore, one should learn about the economy of a specific culture before business transaction takes place. (p. 169, 2007) A business can lose capital if they do not get enough information about a culture before investing their product in a foreign country. For instance, a company may assume that United States breakfast cereals will be a lucrative idea to Latin American. But, in a culture where most of the citizens live in poverty, and is fortunate if they can afford one daily meal, breakfast cereals may be destined to be unsuccessful because it is expensive. (1997) Latin American companies accounting Get more content on
  • 9. Language And Cultural Identity Essay How language is important in Maintaining cultural identity Over the last few decades, the relationship between language and cultural identities have become a preferred topic in learning the importance of language in maintaining cultural identity. The question that keeps popping up concerns, the role of language in keeping these social aspects. For instance, how language is important in maintaining cultural identity when people migrate from one nation to another. Perhaps, when people immigrate to a new country their cultural identity is likely to change due to the nature of the new environment. In this paper, will look at the role of language in maintaining cultural identity, and what impact language and culture have on identity when more content... Similarly, Banks (1988,), define "a cluster of attributes such as values, beliefs, behaviour patterns and symbols unique to a particular human group" p. 261. Both researchers have similar identical analyse to express their study towards culture and identity. Furthermore, Goodenough considers culture as is made up of the concepts, beliefs, and principles of action and organization. In fact, culture is not a motionless object, but instead it has the power to acquire new traits and forms. Culture transformation can occur from one generation to another or from one geographical location to another. This means that culture is composed of shared custom, believes, codes of behaviours and statements that could clearly discriminate from sociocultural group to another. In view of all this, Anthropologist and social scientists essentially agree that sharing a culture between a crowd of people means being able to operate efficiently in that group. This means that culture can determine one's identity if a person is able to operate effectively in a certain group. In addition to this, social scientist has urged that changes in languages often reflect as the changing value of our culture. This clearly indicates that, language is more than a culture which means the language you speak determines your religious belief and cultural identity. So, religion and language are both correspondingly similar to ethnicity and patriotism, they play an Get more content on
  • 10. Culture is understood to encompassing all the physical and spirit products, which are created by human from the formation, existence and development processing since thousands year ago. Culture is characteristic of many fields such as literature, linguistics, and, history, etc ... In the generally, the existent products such as language, was associated with human creativity, which all are regarded as products of culture. Language and culture have an organic relationship. This inner relationship is formed from one of the most important functions of language, that of thinking. Marx once said, "Language is a direct reality of thought." Without language, people can not think. In other way, all human think that activities are performed on the language. Language is the most important communication tool of human as well as the thought function and there is no empty thought. Language is always involved in both tangible and intangible cultures. Language expression is very different. The relationship between language and culture system is the inner relationship between them. This relationship is only revealed when we analyze the role and function of the language as it engages in the process of forming a particular tangible cultural product. In this respect, language is not only a tool of thinking, a soul for the creation of cultural objects but language is also a means of preserving information, spreading the experience from the generation. The result of this process is an Get more content on
  • 11. Language and Culture: A Look Into "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" In "How to Tame a Wild Tongue", Gloria Anzaldua explains her emotions and personal situations about social and cultural difficulties that Mexican immigrants, or any immigrant could face when being raised in the United States. She creates similarities between English, Spanish and their variations and how cultural imperialism, defined as, the influence on people's preference to speak one language rather than the other. And she discusses current social problems in the United States such as sexism, cultural imperialism, racism, low self–esteem, and discovering oneself. Anzaldua wishes to be able to speak freely in Chicano Spanish and to have her and her people's language and culture respected wherever she more content... AnzaldГєa was influenced by the social destruction when she wrote the article. Her writing also comes from personal experiences from when she was younger. One of the article's strengths is stated by the author when she qualifies the acculturation defined as, the process of adopting the cultural traits of another group, process as violent. She uses the term "linguistic terrorism" and explains how the First Amendment is violated, because linguistic terrorism takes away a person's freedom of speech. In a country where the First Amendment is so heavily influential by freedom of speech and states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.". A person should have their own right to live per their cultural backgrounds up to the point of not overstepping the bounds of the Get more content on
  • 12. Language Influence On Culture Every culture is different from their value orientations to the language they speak. The different languages each culture speaks is more than just a form of communication for these cultures, language influences cultures in multiple ways. Language affects the social reality of a culture and due to that many cultures are different in the way they view things. How can language affect a culture in such a big way? Well, each cultures language is not the same, therefor each culture will not have the same words in another culture or they will not translate over. The Japanese have multiple words for the word "rice" and the Russians have multiple terms for the shades between light blue and dark blue. This has an impact on the culture because the language they have allows them to have multiple words for words that other cultures only see one way. Another example of how language affects a culture is that while some cultures use direction terms like, "left" or "right"; others do not have those terms in their language so they would not understand those directions. They would need someone to direct them by using "north, south, east, or west" to understand where to go (Boroditsky, 2010). Languages can be a future tense language or futureless language. A futured language is when discussing the future grammatically the language forces the person to separate the future and present as two different things. While a futureless language refers to the future and present identically. These two difference forces languages to views things in a certain way which can cause the futureless language to save more and to being starting something sooner because they do not see the future and present as two different things. All these factors of language all do one thing to a culture, it affects is social reality (Chen, 2012). The Chinese culture speaks two languages but the one being focused on is Mandarin. While Mandarin is one of two languages spoken within the culture, two–thirds of Chinese people claim to speak it. Mandarin is referred to as an independent language but can be classified as a dialect of Chinese culture. Mandarin is a member of the Sinitic Group of the Sino–Tibetan language. It is considered a tonal language by its use of Get more content on
  • 13. Aeraki Eleni Ms. Topintzi Nina О“О»5–300E 5 Nov. 2014 The Issue of Languages and Dialects One of the most important elements all cultures possess is the language which represents each one . Language is of vital importance to people's lives, since it is a way of communicating with others. Language also offers people the ability to create and maintain relationships with others. Each language includes numerous varieties, named dialects. Languages and dialects have some main differences and the distinction of their boundaries is considered to be a difficult issue. First of all, we should illustrate what exactly is meant by the terms 'language' and 'dialect'. The term language is used to describe a system of communication, which people use to more content... A language may be the official language of various countries; for instance, English is the official language of the United Kingdom, of Ireland and of Australia, which are colonies of the England. So, languages are not strictly limited to a specific area. Dialects are unique in the sense that each language includes dialects that have their own characteristics and ways of speaking that are totally different from other dialects existing in the same country. Each dialect is constructed and developed based on the history and the culture of each region. One more difference of the terms is the number of people who use a language and those who speak a dialect. If we examine the Greek language, there are approximately twelve million native speakers of the language, compared to the Cretan dialect where its speakers should be around six thousands (the population of the island). Another difference worth mentioning is the fact that dialects are more established, whereas languages can evolve and become simpler for their speakers. There are various words that have changed in different languages in order to provide their speakers a simpler alternative. For instance, the Greek word train has changed from the old form 'П„ПЃО±ОЇОЅОї' to the new one 'П„ПЃООЅОї'. This change was very beneficial for Greek citizens and especially young children because the vowel 'Оµ' is more easily used than the vowel 'О±О№'. Last but not least, the way that dialects and languages are taught is considerably different. The standard language of each country is taught in schools and through the educational system in general, whereas dialects are mostly passed orally from one generation to the next; teachers do not teach their students their languages based on the principles of their Get more content on
  • 14. Language, Culture and Globalization All businesses are being affected in one way or another by globalization and by the rapid advance of technology, especially in the area of communications. Some businesses are trying to expand their markets to gain advantage of such process; however, the use of English by entrepreneurs from the United States as the only language to communicate with stakeholders is taken as a ethnocentric attitude throughout the world. English has become one of the most important languages, but, most of the time its use is limited to politics, international trade or international relations. In other words, most of the people who use it are somehow involved in jobs that require them to use English; the same is not true for those businesses' consumers, more content... This meant that there were going to be people from different nations, and with different languages working together. An example of this is the European Central Bank, which will be in charge of the central banks of the 15 nations when the Euro begins circulating in the continent. The Governing Council and the Executive Board of the ECB is formed by individual from the EU nations and the only way for them to communicate with each other is by using a language that is common to all of them; in this case English. But countries in Europe are not the only ones trying to improve communications for their people; China can also be a good example. In a country with more than 1.5 billion habitants, the number of languages or dialects might differ within regions; therefore, the government is establishing the mandarin language as their lingua franca to improve communications internationally with Singapore, Taiwan, and other Asian countries. (Ojala, 1997, p. 8) The second major factor that has and still is playing a major role in the spread of the English Language is Technology with the continuous advancement of the communication systems. One of these methods is the World Wide Web , which makes it easier and cheaper to communicate with other individuals around the world and provides businesses with a very powerful tool to advertise their goods or services Get more content on
  • 15. The Importance Of Language On Culture Pamela Wance ENGL 1010–48 10/25/2017 The Way We Speak Language is the universal connection that brings all humans together. We share this common ground to communicate. The three major points that I would like to focus on are: How does language influence our culture? Does it define us, or does it refine us? And lastly, the impact that language has on our societies. Language has gradually advanced over many millions of years. Slang has developed, and other cultures languages and quirks have made their way in, and it has become one. Language has a way of shaping our identities, and personal cultures. It brings us together, and sometimes it even makes us move apart. There has been a long debate on whether language has an impact on cultures, and with much research from linguistic specialist, and professors the debate has been solved to say that, yes, in fact that language has an impact on cultures. In an article called, "Does Language influence culture?" Johnathan Becher makes a statement about how differences in each language seems to impact the behaviors, and how everyone interprets their surroundings. It is amazing how simple language comes off to be, and yet it can be so advanced. It impacts each culture differently; Johnathan Becher said that the way Russians express colors is more advanced than most others. They can express the difference between light blues, and dark blues in a very descriptive way. The extensive details can be results of each culture being Get more content on
  • 16. In this subsection, different approaches to teaching culture within the foreign language teaching practice and different views of the term "culture" are going to be presented as a mean to explore the close relationship between culture and language and determine what is understood as culture in this study. As it was mentioned above, there are different definitions of culture. These views have relied on the different language acquisition theories and teaching approaches that have emerged in the history of foreign language teaching. (Hinkel, 1999) Until the mid–twentieth century, culture was seen as the transmission of factual information about the target language, which consisted of statistical information about history, literature, more content... Therefore this attempt to integrate culture into language teaching failed due to their lack of relevance for the language teaching approaches of that time. (Stern, 1983; Corbett, 2003) During the 70s and 80s, research on anthropology and sociolinguistics caused a greater emphasis more on the relationship between culture and language. Hinkel (1999) considers the works done by Hymes (1964), Gumperz (1972) and Kaplan (1966) a great contribution to this relationship as they privileged the communication within the cultural context. He cites Hymes (1972) mainly to state that the nature of the situations when communicative acts occur differs from one culture to another. This indicates that culture is interconnected with the ability to communicate appropriately in different social situations. This approach to culture teaching, therefore, implied to train students on how to employ appropriately the social rules of the target language such as the use of behavioral conventions, the use of silence, turn taking and politeness among others. (Byram & Morgan, 1994). This approach was criticized because it seems to be based on native proficiency as a standard model for foreign language students. In other words, foreign students need to leave aside their own culture and language in order to be considered proficient speakers of the target language. This means that this approach does not consider the cultural Get more content on
  • 17. Cultural Diversity, Language, And Culture Introduction An enormous scale of migration has resulted to unprecedented stages of diversity in Europe, in particular in Germany, altering societies in fundamental ways and challenging the idea of national identity that is closely held by the host nation. Furthermore, the vast majority of the publics are in great fear, that the shared values and norms that ties communities together will be enfeebled permanently if migrants do not adapt to the host country's culture, language and its identity. In this particular essay, it would critically examine cultural diversity and the challenges that both parties encounter due to their substantial differences in culture, language values and etc. Challenges of Cultural Diversity The current wave of immigration that have stormed in Europe, especially in Germany has created a tension and an anxiety within the German people. Immigrants are viewed as a threat in the labour market, a threat to the historical heritage of the German people and exploiters of welfare state. As a consequence, migration has extensive effects on the structure of national identity in Germany that bonds communities together (Scherr, A 2014). The vast influx of immigrants presents a greater challenges to those majority who might also be obliged to reconcile a new ethnic and culture perception with their social reality. According to (French 2012, p. 22) illustrates that the collective encoding of the mind that differentiates one particular group from another. In Get more content on
  • 18. Relationship between culture and language has become a debatable topic for decades. To discuss the relationship between any two entities effectively, we have to have an understanding of the elements in question and this come into force when the relationship between culture and language is discussed. Language has been defined as the systematic, conventional use of sounds, signs or written symbols in a human society for communication and self–expression. The purpose of language is to communicate with others, to think and to create the foundation for shaping one's standpoint and outlook to life. Culture on the other hand has multifarious meanings but for the sake of this article, the definition outlined below will serve our purpose. Culture is the total of the inherited and more content... Teachers have encountered difficulties when teaching a second language not local to a culture to its people and here are some facts to explain these difficulties. Studies have shown that how students learn and interact with teachers is determined by their culture. Approximately 80% of language teachers agree that cultural boundaries and roots play a huge role in determining how students understand or interpret the new language expressions they are been taught. Therefore, creators of second language policies must be sensitive to the local culture of all people. Culture and language of different societies greatly vary. In all communities, the language is in a synergetic relationship with the culture of that society and Sapir–Whorf hypothesis states that; the characteristics, peculiarities, and literary words encoded in one language system are distinctive, typical, and unique to that system and they are dissimilar as well as incomparable with those of other systems. These dissimilarities in turn lead to difficulties in understanding the expressions and terminologies inherent to a certain culture by Get more content on
  • 19. The Relationship Between Language And Culture Braley Veras Ant 211 When looking into the world the question has always came about, what comes first the chicken or the egg. This questions has never been answered because of the simple fact that they are strongly connected with each other. Language and Culture have been at the fore front of research for anthropologist. The question remains, how strong is the connection between the two. Through many readings and research, there has not been a set conclusion to this ongoing discussion. A child is born into this world and the first things he learns are experiences, later on life through school and education he is able to learn a language to describe everything he has previously seen or felt. In this writing I intend to prove that Culture and Language are strongly related. Culture creates an experience and language is then formed to explain that experience to others. In this essay I intend to show the strong relationships between language and culture. With many different cultures surrounding us today it is impossible to understand a culture without breaking down the linguistics they speak. Language is the system we use for communication. Communication is one of the key components in the preserving of the traditions and customs of people around the world. Having an established language we begin to develop an idea of ethnocentrism which is the idea that your culture is superior to others. When growing up as a child I can remember mispronouncing words in my parent native Get more content on
  • 20. Language today is a very misleadingly complex subject. Many people do not tend to see how it can be complicated; rather they think it is just the way we communicate and not much more. However, as any anthropological reader knows, it goes far deeper than that. One of the many other aspects of language is that it causes people to be brought together. A lot of international freshman tended to congregate with people from their own country when they first arrived at the University of Michigan, partially because they felt more comfortable speaking their native tongue and felt a sense of similarity in their group. This can be seen in any place where diverse groups of people are thrown together. It provides a sense of home, a way to make more content... Also it seems he is capable in a decent amount of languages and could get a translator if he truly required it. The theme of language in these two novels can be seen through the ethnographers (in)ability to get an emic view from the locals, how it affected the people's behaviour, and perhaps most importantly, how it affected the ethnographer's and people's emotions through the various situations that occurred. For ethnographers, being able to communicate with the particular population that they are studying is crucial. This is more so apparent with Fernea, as not only was she ignorant of the language and customs but while honeymooning in Iraq she was constantly separated from her husband. This becomes obvious very early on when she attempts to indicate that the beams in Selma's house were the same as hers by pointing at them, unable to even get across this simple conversational tidbit (Fernea 1965:30). Though her crowd reacts favorably by laughing, as the beams are the same in every house around the village, it is a subtle moment of foreshadowing to just how little she knows about the culture in the village. This forewarning is noticeable mainly after she makes a particular blunder much later on in the book. Fernea was invited to go on a small ride by Aziza while her friend Laila happened to be visiting. Aziza insisted that Laila come along, as not doing so would be impolite, and Laila claimed that the ride would be of no issue Get more content on