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The Human Body Systems
    (Zoology Lecture)
Circulatory System – The Circle of Blood                                          Page 2

        The circulatory or
cardiovascular system is the
blood circulation with heart,
arteries and veins. It is made
up of the vessels and the
muscles that help and control
the flow of the blood around
the body. This process is
called circulation. The main
parts of the system are the
heart, arteries, capillaries and
        As blood begins to
circulate, it leaves the heart
from the left ventricle and
goes into the aorta. The aorta
is the largest artery in the
body. The blood leaving the
aorta is full of oxygen. This
is important for the cells in
the brain and the body to do
their work. The oxygen rich
blood travels throughout the
body in its system of arteries
into the smallest arterioles.
        On its way back to                     bloodstream by passing through the
the heart, the blood travels through a         walls of the small intestine into the
system of veins. As it reaches the lungs,      capillaries. The blood then carries most
the carbon dioxide (a waste product) is        of the nutrients to the liver, where some
removed from the blood and replace             of these are extracted and stored for
with fresh oxygen that we have inhaled         release back into the blood as and when
through the lungs.                             the body needs them.
                                                       Other nutrients are converted by
FUNCTIONS OF THE SYSTEM                        the liver into substances which are
        The circulatory system plays an        required in the production of energy,
important role in many of the body's           enzymes, and new building materials for
processes       including       respiration,   the body. Hormones, which affect or
nutrition, and the removal of wastes and       control the activities of various organs
poisons. In respiration it delivers oxygen     and tissues, are produced by the
to the body's cells and removes carbon         endocrine glands – including the thyroid,
dioxide from them. In nutrition, it carries    pituitary, adrenal, and sex glands – and
digested food substances to the cells.         they too are transported by the blood
Nutrients from food enter the                  through the body.
Circulatory System – The Circle of Blood                                         Page 3

TYPES OF THE CIRCULATORY                      Arteries therefore require strong walls to
SYSTEM                                        withstand the pressure of the blood
Open Circulatory System. The Open             flowing through them. They have elastic
Circulatory System is a system in which       tissue in their walls that can stretch and
fluid (called hemolymph) in a cavity          recoil with the force of the blood. Artery
called the hemocoel bathes the organs         walls also contain muscle and this
directly with oxygen and nutrients and        determines the amount of blood that can
there is no distinction between blood and     flow through them, and the blood
interstitial fluid; this combined fluid is    pressure.
called hemolymph or haemolymph.               Heart. The heart is actually two separate
Muscular movements by the animal              pumps. The left side pumps blood to the
during locomotion can facilitate              body (systemic circulation) and the right
hemolymph movement, but diverting             side pumps blood to the lungs
flow from one area to another is limited.     (pulmonary circulation). Each side has
When the heart relaxes, blood is drawn        an atrium and a ventricle. They do not
back toward the heart through open-           work on their own, but together as a
ended pores (ostia).                          team. The body's blood is circulated
Close Circulatory System. The                 through the heart more than 1,000 times
cardiovascular systems of humans are          per day. Between five and six thousand
closed, meaning that the blood never          quarts of blood are pumped each day.
leaves the network of blood vessels. In       Your heart is about the same size as your
contrast, oxygen and nutrients diffuse
across the blood vessel layers and enters
interstitial fluid, which carries oxygen
and nutrients to the target cells, and
carbon dioxide and wastes in the
opposite direction. The other component
of the circulatory system, the lymphatic
system, is not closed. The heart is
located more towards the left side of the
body because it is accompanying the
                                                     The job of the heart is to pump
Blood Vessels. There are three major
                                              blood around your body. Its muscles
types of blood vessels: arteries that carry
                                              contract and squeeze out blood. The left-
blood from the heart; veins that return
                                              hand side pumps blood from the lungs to
blood to the heart; and capillaries –
                                              the rest of your body. The right-hand
extremely tiny vessels connecting the
                                              side pumps stale blood from your body
arteries and the veins. When blood is
                                              back to your lungs for a fresh supply of
pumped out of the heart into the arteries
it is forced out at high pressure by
contractions of the muscular ventricles.
Blood. Blood is thicker than water and
has a little bit salty taste. In an adults
body there is 10.6 pints of blood
Circulatory System – The Circle of Blood                                            Page 4

circulating around. In their blood there is
billions of living blood cells floating in a   WASTE DISPOSAL
liquid called plasma. If you took a small              In addition to feeding and
sample of this blood and poured it into a      nourishing the body, the circulatory
test tube and then put it in a machine         system also helps to dispose of waste
called a centrifuge, you would be able to      products and poisons which would prove
see the layers of this blood. This             harmful if allowed to accumulate.
machine spins the blood around so fast         Carbon dioxide, produced by the body's
that it separates the red blood cells, from    cells as they respire, diffuses through the
the white blood cells, from the platelets.     walls of the capillaries into the blood.
The red blood cells sink to the bottom         The blood containing carbon dioxide is
because they are the heavier, more solid       returned via the heart to the lungs and
parts, but the plasma remains at the top       passed out of the body on expiration. In
because it is lighter. The plasma is 95%       processing food, the liver removes
water and the other 5% is made up of           ammonia and other wastes, together with
dissolved substances including salts.          various poisons that enter the body
                                               through the digestive system. These are
                                               converted into water-soluble substances,
                                               which are carried by the blood to the
                                               kidneys. The kidneys then filter out
                                               these wastes and expel them from the
                                               body in urine.

                                               TEMPERATURE CONTROL
                                                        As well as the heat produced
                                               generally by cells during respiration,
                                               some parts of the body, such as the liver
        Human blood has two parts,
                                               and muscles, produce heat in the course
liquid (plasma) and cells. Plasma
                                               of their activities. This heat is
contains dissolved gasses, nutrients,
                                               transported by the blood to warm other
wastes, salts, and proteins. Cells are red
                                               parts of the body. As the temperature of
blood cells which are biconcave disks
                                               the body rises, the flow of blood into
filled with hemoglobin and continuously
                                               vessels in the skin increases as a result of
produced in the red marrow of the skull,
                                               small arteries expanding, and excess heat
ribs, vertebrae, and ends of the long
                                               is conveyed to the surface where it is
bones; and white blood cells or
                                               lost. When the temperature of the body
leukocytes are cells of the immune
                                               drops the flow of blood to the skin is
system defending the body against both
                                               restricted. Thus, the circulatory system
infectious disease and foreign materials.
acts as a natural thermostat allowing the
body to maintain an optimum and stable

Digestive System – The Food Processor                                          Page 5

        The human digestive system is
a complex series of organs and glands
that processes food. In order to use the
food we eat, our body has to break the
food down into smaller molecules that
it can process; it also has to excrete
        Most of the digestive organs
(like the stomach and intestines) are
tube-like and contain the food as it
makes its way through the body. The
digestive system is essentially a long,
twisting tube that runs from the mouth
to the anus, plus a few other organs
(like the liver and pancreas) that
produce or store digestive chemicals.
system defending the body against both
infectious    disease    and     foreign

The start of the process: the mouth.
The digestive process begins in the
mouth. Food is partly broken down by
the process of chewing and by the
chemical action of salivary enzymes
(these enzymes are produced by the          This muscle movement gives us the
salivary glands and break down starches     ability to eat or drink even when we're
into smaller molecules).                    upside-down.
On the way to the stomach: the              In the stomach. The stomach is a large,
esophagus. After being chewed and           sack-like organ that churns the food and
swallowed, the food enters the              bathes it in a very strong acid (gastric
esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube     acid). Food in the stomach that is partly
that runs from the mouth to the stomach.    digested and mixed with stomach acids
It uses rhythmic, wave-like muscle          is called chyme.
movements (called peristalsis) to force     In the small intestine. After being in the
food from the throat into the stomach.      stomach, food enters the duodenum, the
first part of the small intestine. It then    the small intestine help in the breakdown
enters the jejunum and then the ileum         of food.
(the final part of the small intestine). In   In the large intestine. After passing
the small intestine, bile (produced in the    through the small intestine, food passes
liver and stored in the gall bladder),        into the large intestine. In the large
pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive       intestine, some of the water and
enzymes produced by the inner wall of         electrolytes (chemicals like sodium) are
Digestive System – The Food Processor                                            Page 6

removed from the food. Many microbes          acids. Chyme goes on to the small
(bacteria like Bacteroides, Lactobacillus     intestine for further digestion.
acidophilus, Escherichia coli, and            Descending colon. The part of the large
Klebsiella) in the large intestine help in    intestine that run downwards after the
the digestion process. The first part of      transverse colon and before the sigmoid
the large intestine is called the cecum       colon.
(the appendix is connected to the             Duodenum. The first part of the small
cecum). Food then travels upward in the       intestine; it is C-shaped and runs from
ascending colon. The food travels across      the stomach to the jejunum.
the abdomen in the transverse colon,          Epiglottis. The flap at the back of the
goes back down the other side of the          tongue that keeps chewed food from
body in the descending colon, and then        going down the windpipe to the lungs.
through the sigmoid colon.                    When you swallow, the epiglottis
The end of the process. Solid waste is        automatically closes. When you breathe,
then stored in the rectum until it is         the epiglottis opens so that air can go in
excreted via the anus.                        and out of the windpipe.
                                              Esophagus. The long tube between the
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM GLOSSARY                     mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic
Anus. The opening at the end of the           muscle movements (called peristalsis) to
digestive system from which feces             force food from the throat into the
(waste) exits the body.                       stomach.
Appendix. A small sac located on the          Gall bladder. A small, sac-like organ
cecum.                                        located by the duodenum. It stores and
Ascending colon. The part of the large        releases bile (a digestive chemical which
intestine that run upwards; it is located     is produced in the liver) into the small
after the cecum.                              intestine.
Bile. A digestive chemical that is            Ileum. The last part of the small
produced in the liver, stored in the gall     intestine before the large intestine
bladder, and secreted into the small          begins.
intestine.                                    Jejunum. The long, coiled mid-section
Cecum. The first part of the large            of the small intestine; it is between the
intestine; the appendix is connected to       duodenum and the ileum.
the cecum.                                    Liver. A large organ located above and
Chyme. Food in the stomach that is            in front of the stomach. It filters toxins
partly digested and mixed with stomach        from the blood, and makes bile (which
breaks down fats) and some blood           intestines. Enzymes from the pancreas
proteins.                                  help in the digestion of carbohydrates,
Mouth. The first part of the digestive     fats and proteins in the small intestine.
system, where food enters the body.        Peristalsis.       Rhythmic         muscle
Chewing and salivary enzymes in the        movements that force food in the
mouth are the beginning of the digestive   esophagus from the throat into the
process (breaking down the food).          stomach. Peristalsis is involuntary - you
Pancreas. An enzyme-producing gland        cannot control it. It is also what allows
located below the stomach and above the    you to eat and drink while upside-down.
Digestive System – The Food Processor                                          Page 7

Rectum. The lower part of the large        Stomach. A sack-like, muscular organ
intestine, where feces are stored before   that is attached to the esophagus. Both
they are excreted.                         chemical and mechanical digestion takes
Salivary glands. Glands located in the     place in the stomach. When food enters
mouth that produce saliva. Saliva          the stomach, it is churned in a bath of
contains enzymes that break down           acids and enzymes.
carbohydrates (starch) into smaller        Transverse colon. The part of the large
molecules.                                 intestine that runs horizontally across the
Sigmoid colon. The part of the large       abdomen.
intestine between the descending colon
and the rectum.
Endocrine System – The Communicator                                         Page 8

        Although we rarely think
about the endocrine system, it
influences almost every cell,
organ, and function of our
bodies. The endocrine system is
instrumental in regulating mood,
growth and development, tissue
function, metabolism, and sexual
function       and    reproductive
        In general, the endocrine
system is in charge of body
processes that happen slowly,
such as cell growth. Faster
processes like breathing and
                                                   A gland is a group of cells that
body movement are controlled by the
                                           produces and secretes, or gives off,
nervous system. But even though the
                                           chemicals. A gland selects and removes
nervous system and endocrine system
                                           materials from the blood, processes
are separate systems, they often work
                                           them, and secretes the finished chemical
together to help the body function
                                           product for use somewhere in the body.
                                           The major glands that make up the
        The foundations of the endocrine
                                           human endocrine system include the:
system are the hormones and glands. As
                                           hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid,
the body's chemical messengers,
                                           parathyroids, adrenal glands, pineal
hormones transfer information and
                                           body, and reproductive glands (which
instructions from one set of cells to
                                           include the ovaries and testes).
another. Many different hormones move
                                           Hypothalamus. The hypothalamus, a
through the bloodstream, but each type
                                           collection of specialized cells that is
of hormone is designed to affect only
                                           located in the lower central part of the
certain cells.
                                           brain, is the main link between the
                                           endocrine and nervous systems. Nerve
                                           cells in the hypothalamus control the
pituitary gland by producing chemicals               The production and secretion of
that either stimulate or suppress            pituitary hormones can be influenced by
hormone secretions from the pituitary.       factors such as emotions and changes in
Pituitary. Although it is no bigger than     the seasons. To accomplish this, the
a pea, the pituitary (pronounced: puh-       hypothalamus provides information
too-uh-ter-ee) gland, located at the base    sensed by the brain (such as
of the brain just beneath the                environmental       temperature,     light
hypothalamus, is considered the most         exposure patterns, and feelings) to the
important part of the endocrine system.      pituitary.
It's often called the "master gland"                 The tiny pituitary is divided into
because it makes hormones that control       two parts: the anterior lobe and the
several other endocrine glands.
Endocrine System – The Communicator                                             Page 9

posterior lobe. The ANTERIOR LOBE            contractions of the uterus in a woman
regulates the activity of the thyroid,       having a baby.
adrenals, and reproductive glands. The       Thyroid. The thyroid, located in the
anterior lobe produces hormones such         front part of the lower neck, is shaped
as:                                          like a bow tie or butterfly and produces
Growth hormone, which stimulates the         the thyroid hormones thyroxine and
growth of bone and other body tissues        triiodothyronine.     These     hormones
and plays a role in the body's handling of   control the rate at which cells burn fuels
nutrients and minerals;                      from food to produce energy.
Prolactin,    which      activates    milk           The production and release of
production in women who are                  thyroid hormones is controlled by
breastfeeding;                               thyrotropin, which is secreted by the
Thyrotropin, which stimulates the            pituitary gland. The more thyroid
thyroid gland to produce thyroid             hormone there is in a person's
hormones;                                    bloodstream, the faster chemical
Corticotropin, which stimulates the          reactions occur in the body.
adrenal gland to produce certain             Parathyroids. Attached to the thyroid
hormones.                                    are four tiny glands that function
        The pituitary also secretes          together called the parathyroids. They
endorphins, chemicals that act on the        release parathyroid hormone, which
nervous system and reduce feelings of        regulates the level of calcium in the
pain. In addition, the pituitary secretes    blood with the help of calcitonin, which
hormones that signal the reproductive        is produced in the thyroid.
organs to make sex hormones. The             Adrenal Glands. The adrenal glands
pituitary gland also controls ovulation      have two parts, each of which produces a
and the menstrual cycle in women.            set of hormones and has a different
        The POSTERIOR LOBE of the            function: The OUTER PART, the
pituitary releases antidiuretic hormone,     adrenal cortex, produces hormones
which helps control the balance of water     called corticosteroids that influence or
in the body. The posterior lobe also         regulate salt and water balance in the
produces oxytocin, which triggers the        body, the body's response to stress,
metabolism, the immune system, and
sexual development and function. The
Endocrine System – The Communicator                                           Page 10

INNER PART, the adrenal medulla,            These hormones tell a guy's body when
produces catecholamines, such as            it's time to make the changes associated
epinephrine. Also called adrenaline,        with puberty, like penis and height
epinephrine increases blood pressure and    growth, deepening voice, and growth in
heart rate when the body experiences        facial and pubic hair. Working with
stress.                                     hormones from the pituitary gland,
Pineal. The pineal body, also called the    testosterone also tells a guy's body when
pineal gland, is located in the middle of   it's time to produce sperm in the testes.
the brain. It secretes melatonin, a                  A girl's gonads, the ovaries, are
hormone that may help regulate when         located in her pelvis. They produce eggs
you sleep at night and when you wake in     and secrete the female hormones
the morning.                                estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is
                                            involved when a girl begins to go
                                            through puberty. During puberty, a girl
                                            will experience breast growth, will begin
                                            to accumulate body fat around the hips
                                            and thighs, and will have a growth spurt.
                                            Estrogen and progesterone are also
                                            involved in the regulation of a girl's
                                            menstrual cycle. These hormones also
                                            play a role in pregnancy.
                                                     The pancreas is also part of the
                                            body's hormone-secreting system, even
                                            though it is also associated with the
                                            digestive system because it produces and
Reproductive Glands. The GONADS             secretes digestive enzymes. The
are the main source of sex hormones.        pancreas produces two important
Most people don't realize it, but both      hormones, insulin and glucagon. They
guys and girls have gonads.                 work together to maintain a steady level
        In guys the male gonads, or         of glucose, or sugar, in the blood and to
testes, are located in the scrotum. They    keep the body supplied with fuel to
secrete hormones called androgens, the      produce and maintain stores of energy.
most important of which is testosterone.
Excretory System – The Waste-Eliminator                                      Page 11

         The urinary system is
made-up of the kidneys, ureters,
bladder, and urethra. The
nephron,       an      evolutionary
modification of the nephridium, is
the kidney's functional unit.
Waste is filtered from the blood
and collected as urine in each
kidney. Urine leaves the kidneys
by ureters, and collects in the
bladder. The bladder can distend
to store urine that eventually
leaves through the urethra.
         Excretion is the removal
of the metabolic wastes of an
organism. Wastes that are
removed include carbon dioxide,
water, salt, urea and uric acid. All
excreted wastes travel at some
time in the blood.
Nephron. The nephron consists
of     a     cup-shaped     capsule
containing capillaries and the
glomerulus, and a long renal tube.
Blood flows into the kidney                  Proximal Convoluted Tubule, Reabsorbs
through the renal artery, which branches     75% of the water, salts, glucose, and
into capillaries associated with the         amino acids;
glomerulus. Arterial pressure causes         Loop       of   Henle,    Countercurrent
water and solutes from the blood to filter   exchange,      which    maintains    the
into the capsule. Fluid flows through the    concentration gradient;
proximal tubule, which include the loop      Distal Convoluted Tubule, Tubular
of Henle, and then into the distal tubule.   secretion of H ions, potassium, and
The distal tubule empties into a             certain drugs.
collecting duct. Fluids and solutes are      Functions of Nephron. (a) Glomerular
returned to the capillaries that surround    filtration of water and solutes from the
the nephron tubule.                          blood; (b) tubular reabsorption of water
         There are several components of     and conserved molecules back into the
Nephron, these are:                          blood; and (c) tubular secretion of ions
Glomerulus, mechanically filters blood;      and other waste products from
Bowman's Capsule, mechanically filters       surrounding capillaries into the distal
blood;                                       tubule.
Excretory System – The Waste-Eliminator                                      Page 12

Nephrons filter 125 ml of body fluid per    Urinary System. Kidneys filter the
minute; filtering the entire body fluid     blood to form urine, which is excess
component 16 times each day. In a 24        water, salt, urea and uric acid.
hour period nephrons produce 180 liters
of filtrate, of which 178.5 liters are      THE URINARY SYSTEM
reabsorbed. The remaining 1.5 liters        Urine. The first nitrogenous waste to be
forms urine.                                formed from the breakdown of protein is
Urine Production. (a) Filtration in the     ammonia, a highly toxic chemical that is
glomerulus and nephron capsule; (b)         quickly converted by the liver to urea
reabsorption in the proximal tubule; and    and uric acid. These are less toxic than
(c) tubular secretion in the Loop of        ammonia and are transported in the
Henle.                                      blood to the kidneys for excretion in
Kidney Stones. In some cases, excess        urine. Urine consists of excess water,
wastes crystallize as kidney stones. They   excess salt, urea and uric acid.
grow and can become a painful irritant
that may require surgery or ultrasound      PARTS OF THE URINARY
treatments. Some stones are small           SYSTEM
enough to be forced into the urethra,       Renal Arteries. 2 renal arteries
others are the size of huge, massive        constantly transport blood to the
boulders.                                   kidneys.
        Infection, environmental toxins     Kidneys. 2 kidneys composed of
such as mercury, and genetic disease can    millions of nephrons constantly filter
have devastating results by causing         about 170 to 200 litres of blood to
disruption of kidney function. Many         produce about 1.5 to 2 litres of urine
kidney problems can be treated by           daily.
dialysis, where a machine acts as a         Renal Veins. 2 renal veins return useful
kidney. Kidney transplants are an           nutrients back into the bloodstream.
alternative to dialysis.                    Ureters. 2 ureters carry urine from the
                                            kidneys to the urinary bladder.
ORGANS OF EXCRETORY                         Urinary Bladder. The urinary bladder
SYSTEM                                      temporarily stores urine until it is
Lungs. Removal of excess carbon             released from the body.
dioxide.                                    Urethra. The urethra is the tube that
Liver. Produces urea and uric acid as a     carries urine from the urinary bladder to
by-product of the breakdown of proteins.    the outside of the body. The outer end of
Skin. Removal of excess water, salt,        the urethra is controlled by a circular
urea and uric acid.                         muscle called a sphincter.
Immune System – The Defender                                                    Page 13

        The       human
immune system is made
up of a number of
interdependent        cell
types              which
collectively protect the
person's body from
various         parasitic,
fungal, bacterial and
viral infections, as well
as from the growth of
tumor cells.
        The       human
immune system is made
up of a number of
interdependent        cell
types              which
collectively protect the
person's body from                            Bone Marrow. Every cell involved in a
various parasitic, fungal, bacterial and      person's immune system is initially
viral infections, as well as from the         derived from bone marrow. These cells
growth of tumor cells. A number of            form through a process referred to as,
these cell types have specialized             'Hematopoiesis.' During hematopoiesis
functions, are able to kill parasites,        bone marrow derived stem cells
engulf bacteria, or kill tumor cells or       differentiate into one of two things;
viral-infected cells. Frequently, these       either mature cells of the immune
cells are dependent upon the, 'T,' helper     system, or precursors of cells which then
subset for activation signals in the form     migrate out of the person's bone marrow,
of secretions which are more formally         continuing their maturation elsewhere in
referred     to     as,    'Lymphokines,'     the body. Bone marrow produces, 'B,'
'Cytokines,'     or     specifically    as,   cells, killer cells, immature thymocytes,
'Interleukins.' An understanding of the T     and granulocytes, as well as platelets and
helper     subset     may      assist    in   red blood cells.
comprehension of the root of immune           Thymus. The Thymus' function is to
deficiencies, as well as perception of the    produce mature, 'T,' cells. Immature
potential avenues that the human              Tymocytes, also referred to as,
immune system can be modulated in the         'Prothymocytes,' emerge from the
case of particular diseases.                  person's bone marrow and move into
                                              their thymus. Through a process called,
'Thymic Education,' these T cells which        response are removed. Mature T cells
are beneficial to the person's immune          are released into the person's blood
system are spared while T cells that may       stream.
cause a detrimental autoimmune
Immune System – The Defender                                                       Page 14

Spleen. A person's spleen is an                subsets is the, 'T Helper Subset,' also
immunological filter, filtering their          referred to as the, 'CD4+ T Cell,' which
blood. The spleen is comprised of T            is a coordinator of a person's immune
cells,    B    cells    dendritic     cells,   regulation. The primary function of the
macrophages, red blood cells and natural       T helper cell is augmentation of the
killer cells. Macrophages and dendritic        person's immune responses through
cells not only capture foreign materials       secretion of specialized factors which
called, 'Antigens,' from a person's blood      activate additional white blood cells in
which passes through the spleen, they          order to fight off an infection.
bring these antigens to the spleen itself      CD8+ T Cells. CD8+ T Cells are also
from the person's blood stream. A              called T killer/suppressor cells and are
person's body experiences an immune            important because they are involved in
response when the macrophage or                directly killing viral infected cells,
dendritic cells present the antigen to         specific tumor cells, and sometimes
appropriate T or B cells. In a person's        parasites. CD8+ T cells are important
spleen, B cells are activated and produce      because they also down-regulate
great amounts of antibody. The spleen          immune responses. While both types of
also destroys old red blood cells.             T cells are found throughout a person's
Lymph Nodes. A person's lymph nodes            body, they are many times dependent on
work as an immunological filter for their      the lymph nodes and spleen as places
bodily fluid referred to as, 'Lymph.'          where activation happens, yet are also
People have lymph nodes throughout             found in other tissues in a person's body,
their body. Lymph nodes are made               notably the person's lungs, liver, blood
mostly of B cells, T cells, macrophages,       and intestinal and reproductive tracts.
and dendritic cells. A person's lymph          Natural Killer Cells. Natural killer cells
nodes drain fluid from the majority of         are also called, 'NK Cells,' and are
their tissues. Lymph nodes filter out          similar to cells from the killer T cell
antigens from lymph prior to returning         subset. Natural killer cells work as
lymph to the person's body for                 effector cells, killing specific tumors like
circulation. In a manner much like the         lymphomas, melanomas, and viral
spleen, dendritic cells and macrophages        infected cells such as herpes and
that capture antigens present foreign          cytomegalovirus infected cells. Natural
materials to both B and T cells, initiating    killer cells kill their targets in the
an immune response.                            person's lymphoid organs; however,
                                               these cells which have been activated
IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS                            through secretions from CD4+ T cells
T Cells. T Lymphocytes are commonly            will kill viral-infected targets or tumors
placed into two major subsets which are        more efficiently.
identifiably different. One of these
B Cells. The primary function of B cells      bind to one other particular protein
is to produce antibodies in response to       which also specifically recognize and
foreign proteins such as viruses, bacteria    bind to one particular protein. The
and tumor cells. Antibodies are proteins      production of antibodies and binding to
that specifically first recognize and then

Immune System – The Defender                                                      Page 15

foreign substances or antigens is often       Dendritic Cells. Dendritic cells also
critical as a means of signaling              originate in a person's bone marrow,
additional cells to engulf and kill, or       working as antigen presenting cells
remove a substance from the person's          (APC's). Interestingly, dendritic cells are
body.                                         more efficient APC's than macrophages.
Polymorphonuclear                  (PMN)      Dendritic cells are commonly found in
Leukocytes or Granulocytes. There is a        the structural compartment of a person's
group of white blood cells which is           lymphoid organs, such as their spleen,
collectively referred to by medical           lymph nodes and thymus. These cells
personnel      as,    'Polymorphonuclear      can also be found in the person's blood
Leukocytes (PMN's),' or, 'Granulocytes.'      stream, as well as in other tissues in their
Granulocytes are made of three cell           body. Science believes that these cells
types which are referred to as,               capture antigen, or bring it to the
'Eosinophils,'     'Neutrophils,'     and,    person's lymphoid organs, where an
'Basophils.' The names for them are           immune response is initiated. One of the
based on their staining characteristics       reasons that scientists know very little
with specific dyes. The cells are             about dendritic cells is because they are
important because they are involved in        difficult to isolate; something that is
the removal of parasites and bacteria         often a prerequisite for studying the
from a person's body. These cells first       functional qualities of exact cell types.
engulf foreign bodies and then degrade        Of particular note is a recent finding that
them by using their powerful enzymes.         dendritic cells bind high amount of HIV
Macrophages.         Macrophages        are   and could be a reservoir of virus which
important due to their function in the        is transmitted to CD4+ T cells during
regulation of immune responses.               and activation event.
Macrophages are many times referred to
as, 'scavengers,' or, 'Antigen-Presenting     IMMUNE RESPONSE
Cells (APC's),' because they both pick                The presence of an APC,
up and ingest foreign materials, and then     combined with a T cell or B cell, is
present these antigens to other cells in a    required in order for there to be an
person's immune system like B cells and       immune response to a foreign antigen.
T cells. The process is one of the steps      Should an APC present an antigen on it's
involved in initiating an immune              cell surface to a B cell, for example, the
response. Microphages that have been          B cell is signaled to proliferate and
stimulated show increased levels of,          produce antibodies. The antibodies then
'Phagocytosis,' and are also secretory.       specifically bind to that antigen. If the
                                              antibodies bind to antigens on parasites
or bacteria, it acts as a signal for        referred to as, 'Complement,' first bind to
macrophages or PMN's to engulf and kill     immobilized antibodies, and then
them. One addition and important            destroy the bacteria through creating
function of antibodies is to start          holes in the bacteria. Antibodies may
something referred to as a, 'Complement     also signal macrophages and natural
Destruction Cascade.' When antibodies       killer cells to kill bacterial infected cells
bind to bacteria or cells, serum proteins   or viral cells.
Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails                                       Page 16

        The     integumentary    system,    eyelashes to the thick skin of the soles—
formed by the skin, hair, nails, and        the integumentary system protects the
associated glands, enwraps the body. It     body from the outside world and its
is the most visible organ system and one    many harmful substances. It utilizes the
of the most complex. Diverse in both        Sun's rays while at the same time
form and function—from delicate             shielding the body from their damaging
effects. In addition, the system helps to     tissues that performs a specialized
regulate body temperature, serves as a        function. As an organ, the skin is the
minor excretory organ, and makes the          largest and heaviest in the body. In an
inner body aware of its outer                 average adult, the skin covers about 21.5
environment through sensory receptors.        square feet (2 square meters) and
Skin. Although the skin is not often          accounts for approximately 7 percent of
thought of as an organ, such as the heart     body weight, or about 11 pounds (5
or liver, medically it is. An organ is any    kilograms) in a 160-pound (73-kilogram)
part of the body formed of two or more        person. It ranges in thickness from 0.04
Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails                                        Page 16

to 0.08 inches (1 to 2 millimeters), but      Integument, in animals and plants, any
can measure up to 0.2 inches (6               natural outer covering, such as skin,
millimeters) thick on the palms of the        shell, membrane, or husk.
hands and the soles of the feet. The skin     Keratin, tough, fibrous, water-resistant
in these areas is referred to as thick skin   protein that forms the outer layers of
(skin elsewhere on the body is called         hair, calluses, and nails and coats the
thin skin).                                   surface of the skin.
                                              Lunula, white, crescent-shaped area of
PARTS OF THE                                  the nail bed near the nail root.
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM                          Melanocyte, cell found in the lower
Apocrine sweat glands, sweat glands           epidermis that produces the protein
located primarily in the armpit and           pigment melanin.
genital areas.                                Organ, any part of the body formed of
Arrector pili muscle, smooth muscle           two or more tissues that performs a
attached to a hair follicle that, when        specialized function.
stimulated, pulls on the follicle, causing    Sebaceous gland, exocrine gland in the
the hair shaft to stand upright.              dermis that produces sebum.
Dermal papillae, finger-like projections      Sebum, mixture of oily substances and
extending upward from the dermis              fragmented cells secreted by sebaceous
containing blood capillaries, which           glands.
provide nutrients for the lower layer of      Squamous cells, cells that are flat and
the    epidermis;      also    form     the   scalelike.
characteristic ridges on the skin surface     Subcutaneous, tissues between the
of the hands (fingerprints) and feet.         dermis and the muscles.
Dermi , thick, inner layer of the skin.
Eccrine sweat glands, body's most             FUNCTIONS OF THE
numerous sweat glands, which produce          INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM
watery sweat to maintain normal body                  The integumentary system has
temperature.                                  multiple roles in homeostasis. All body
Epidermis, thin, outer layer of the skin.     systems work in an interconnected
Epithelial tissue, tissue that covers the     manner to maintain the internal
internal and external surfaces of the         conditions essential to the function of the
body and also forms glandular organs.         body. The skin has an important job of
                                              protecting the body and acts as the
body’s first line of defense against          d. Protect the body against abrupt
infection, temperature change, and other      changes in temperature
challenges to homeostasis. Functions          e. Help excrete waste materials through
include:                                      perspiration
a. Protect the body’s internal living         f. Act as a receptor for touch, pressure,
tissues and organs                            pain, heat, and cold
b. Protect against invasion by infectious     g. Protect the body against sunburns
organisms                                     h. Generate vitamin D through exposure
c. Protect the body from dehydration          to ultraviolet light
                                              i. Participate in temperature regulation
Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails                                           Page 17

         The skin has two principal           only layer of the epidermis that receives
layers: the epidermis and the dermis.         nutrients (from the underlying dermis).
The epidermis is the thin, outer layer,       The cells of this layer, called basal cells,
and the dermis is the thicker, inner layer.   are constantly dividing and creating new
Beneath the dermis lies the subcutaneous      cells daily, which push the older cells
layer or hypodermis, which is composed        toward the surface. Basal cells produce
of adipose or fatty tissue. Although not      keratin, an extremely durable and water-
technically part of the skin, it does         resistant fibrous protein.
anchor the skin to the underlying             Another type of cell found in the lower
muscles. It also contains the major blood     epidermis        is      the     melanocyte.
vessels that supply the dermis and            Melanocytes produce melanin, a protein
houses many white blood cells, which          pigment that ranges in color from yellow
destroy foreign invaders that have            to brown to black. The amount of
entered the body through breaks in the        melanin produced determines skin color,
skin.                                         which is a hereditary characteristic. The
Epidermis. The epidermis is made of           melanocytes of dark-skinned individuals
stratified squamous epithelial tissue.        continuously produce large amounts of
Epithelial tissue covers the internal and     melanin.      Those of light-skinned
external surfaces of the body and also        individuals produce less. Freckles are the
forms glandular organs. Squamous cells        result of melanin clumping in one spot.
are thin and flat like fish scales.                   The outermost layer of the
Stratified simply means having two or         epidermis consists of about twenty to
more layers. In short, the epidermis is       thirty rows of tightly joined flat dead
composed of many layers of thin,              cells. All that is left in these cells is their
flattened cells that fit closely together     keratin, which makes this outer layer
and are able to withstand a good deal of      waterproof. It takes roughly fourteen
abuse or friction.                            days for cells to move from the inner
         The epidermis can be divided         layer of the epidermis to the outer layer.
into four or five layers. Most important      Once part of the outer layer, the dead
of these are the inner and outer layers.      cells remain for another fourteen days or
The inner or deepest cell layer is the        so before flaking off slowly and steadily.
Dermis. The dermis, the second layer of               Connective tissue forms the
skin, lies between the epidermis and the      dermis. Bundles of elastic and collagen
subcutaneous layer. Much thicker than         (tough fibrous protein) fibers blend into
the epidermis, the dermis contains the        the connective tissue. These fibers
accessory skin structures. Hair, sweat        provide the dermis strength and
glands, and sebaceous (oil) glands are all    flexibility.
rooted in the dermis. This layer also                 The upper layer of the dermis has
contains blood vessels and nerve fibers.      fingerlike projections that extend into
Nourished by the blood and oxygen             the epidermis. Called dermal papillae,
provided by these blood vessels, the          they contain blood capillaries that
cells of the dermis are alive.                provide nutrients for the basal cells in
Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails                                        Page 18

the epidermis. On the skin surface of the     system. In 1901, he established
hands and feet, especially on the tips of     England's first fingerprint bureau, called
the fingers, thumbs, and toes, the dermal     the Fingerprint Branch, within the
papillae form looped and whorled ridges.      Scotland Yard police force. Henry's
These print patterns, known as                system is still used today in Great
fingerprints or toeprints, increase the       Britain and the United States.
gripping ability of the hands and feet.               Within the dermis are sensory
Genetically determined, the patterns are      receptors for the senses of touch,
unique to every individual.                   pressure, heat, cold, and pain. A specific
        Fingerprints (the pattern of ridges   type of receptor exists for each
on an individual's fingertips and thumbs      sensation. For pain, the receptors are free
formed by dermal papillae) are unique to      nerve endings. For the other sensations,
each individual and the patterns never        the receptors are encapsulated nerve
change. People have long known about          endings, meaning they have a cellular
the distinctiveness of fingerprints, but      structure around their endings. The
their use in identifying people did not       number and type of sensory receptors
arise until the nineteenth century.           present in a particular area of skin
        It is generally acknowledged that     determines how sensitive that area is to a
English scientist Francis Galton (1822–       particular sensation. For example,
1911) was the first person to devise a        fingertips have many touch receptors
system of fingerprint identification. In      and are quite sensitive. The skin of the
the 1880s, Galton obtained the first          upper arm is less sensitive because it has
extensive collection of fingerprints for      very few touch receptors.
his studies on heredity. He also
established a bureau for the registration     ACCESSORY STRUCTURES
of civilians by means of fingerprints and            The accessory structures of the
measurements.                                 integumentary system include hair, nails,
                                              and sweat and sebaceous glands.
        Galton's ideas were further           Hair. Roughly 5 million hairs cover the
developed by fellow Englishman                body of an average individual. About
Edward R. Henry (1850–1931). In the           100,000 of those hairs appear on the
1890s, Henry developed a more                 scalp. Almost every part of the body is
simplified fingerprint classification         covered by hair, except the palms of the
hands, the soles of the feet, the sides of     follicle, epithelial cells grow and divide,
the fingers and toes, the lips, and certain    forming the hair bulb or enlarged hair
parts of the outer genital organs.             base. Keratin, the primary component in
        Each hair originates from a tiny       these epithelial cells, coats and stiffens
tubelike structure called a hair follicle      the hair as it grows upward through the
that extends deep into the dermis layer.       follicle. The part of the hair enclosed in
Often, the follicle will project into the      the follicle is called the hair root. Once
subcutaneous layer. Capillaries and            the hair projects from the scalp or skin, it
nerves attach to the base of the follicle,     is called a hair shaft.
providing     nutrients     and    sensory              The older epithelial cells forming
information. Inside the base of the            the hair root and hair shaft die as they
Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails                                          Page 19

are pushed upward from the nutrient-rich       Nails. Nails in humans correspond to the
follicle base by newly formed cells. Like      hooves of horses and cattle and the
the upper layers of the epidermis, the         claws of birds and reptiles. Found on the
hair shaft is made of dead material,           ends of fingers and toes, nails are
almost entirely protein. The hair shaft is     produced by nail follicles just as hair is
divided into two layers: the cuticle or        produced by hair follicles. The nail root
outer layer consists of a single layer of      is that portion of the nail embedded in
flat, overlapping cells; the cortex or         the skin, lying very near the bone of the
inner layer is made mostly of keratin.         fingertip. Here, cells produce a stronger
         Hair shafts differ in size, shape,    form of keratin than is found in hair. As
and color. In the eyebrows, they are           new cells are formed, older cells are
short and stiff, but on the scalp they are     pushed forward, forming the nail body
longer and more flexible. Elsewhere on         or the visible attached portion of the nail.
the body they are nearly invisible. Oval-      The free edge is that portion of the nail
shaped hair shafts produce wavy hair.          that extends over the tip of the finger or
Flat or ribbonlike hair shafts produce         toe. Healthy fingernails grow about 0.04
kinky or curly hair. Perfectly round hair      inches (1 millimeter) per week, slightly
shafts produce straight hair. The              faster than toenails.
different types of melanin—yellow, rust,                The nail body is made of dead
brown, and black—produced by                   cells, but the nail bed (the tissue
melanocytes at the follicle base combine       underneath the nail body) is alive. The
to create the many varieties of hair color,    blood vessels running through the nail
from the palest blonde to the richest          bed give the otherwise transparent nail
black. With age, the production of             body a pink color. Near the nail root,
melanin decreases, and hair color turns        however, these blood vessels are
gray.                                          obscured. The resulting white crescent is
         Attached to each hair follicle is a   called the lunula (from the Latin word
ribbon of smooth muscle called an              luna , meaning "moon").
arrector pili muscle. When stimulated,                  Sweat Glands. More than 2.5
the muscle contracts and pulls on the          million sweat glands are distributed over
follicle, causing the hair shaft to stand      most surfaces of the human body. They
are divided into two types: eccrine sweat     waste materials such as urea, and
glands and apocrine sweat glands.             vitamin C form the remainder (the salts
        Eccrine glands, the more              give sweat its characteristic salty taste).
numerous of the two types, are found all      Sebaceous Gland. Sebaceous glands,
over the body. They are especially            also known as oil glands, are found in
numerous on the forehead, upper lip,          the dermis all over the body, except for
palms, and soles. The glands are simply       the palms and soles. They secrete sebum,
coiled tubes that originate in the dermis.    a mixture of lipids (fats), proteins, and
A duct extends from the gland to the          fragments of dead fatproducing cells.
skin's surface, where it opens into a pore.   The function of sebum is to prevent the
Eccrine glands produce sweat or               drying of skin and hair. It also contains
perspiration, a clear secretion that is 99    chemicals that kill bacteria present on
percent water. Some salts, traces of
Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails                                        Page 20

the skin surface. While most sebaceous        Arrector pili muscles, which contract to
glands secrete sebum through ducts into       elevate hairs, also squeeze sebaceous
hair follicles, some secrete sebum            glands, forcing out sebum.
directly onto the surface of the skin.
Muscular System – Movement using Muscles                                     Page 21

        The muscular system is the
body's network of tissues that controls
movement both of the body and within
it. Walking, running, jumping: all these
actions propelling the body through
space are possible only because of the
contraction (shortening) and relaxation
of muscles. These major movements,
however, are not the only ones directed
by muscular activity. Muscles make it
possible to stand, sit, speak, and blink.
Even more, were it not for muscles,
blood would not rush through blood
vessels, air would not fill lungs, and
food would not move through the
digestive system. In short, muscles are
the machines of the body, allowing it to

        The muscles of the body are
divided into three main types: skeletal,
smooth, and cardiac. As their name
implies, skeletal muscles are attached to
the skeleton and move various parts of
the body. They are composed of tissue        from the pattern of the filaments
fibers that are striated or striped. The     (threadlike proteins) within each muscle
alternating bands of light and dark result   cell. Skeletal muscles are called
voluntary muscles because a person           and vein walls, and in various hollow
controls their use, such as in the flexing   organs. They are called involuntary
of an arm or the raising of a foot.          muscles because a person generally
        There are just over 650 skeletal     cannot consciously control them. They
muscles in the whole human body. Some        are regulated by the autonomic nervous
authorities state there are as many as 850   system (a division of the nervous system
muscles in the body. No exact figure is      that affects internal organs such as the
available because scientists disagree        heart, lungs, stomach, and liver). Unlike
about which ones are separate muscles        skeletal muscles, smooth muscles have
and which ones are part of larger            no striations or stripes.
muscles. There is also some variability      In a vessel or organ, smooth muscles are
in     muscular      structure     between   arranged in sheets or layers. Often, there
individuals.                                 are two layers, one running circularly
        Smooth muscles are found in the      (around) and the other
stomach and intestinal walls, in artery
Muscular System – Movement using Muscles                                          Page 22

longitudinally (up and down). As the         Muscle       tone,      sustained      partial
two layers alternately contract and relax,   contraction of certain muscle fibers in all
the shape of the vessel or organ changes     muscles.
and fluid or food is propelled along.        Myofibrils, cylindrical structures lying
Smooth muscles contract slowly and can       within skeletal muscle fibers that are
remain contracted for a long period of       composed of repeating structural units
time without tiring.                         called sarcomeres.
Acetylcholine, neurotransmitter chemical     Myofilament,          protein       filament
released at the neuromuscular junction       composing the myofibrils; can be either
by motor neurons that translates             thick (composed of myosin) or thin
messages from the brain to muscle            (composed of actin).
fibers.                                      Neuromuscular junction, region where a
Adenosine triphosphate, high-energy          motor neuron comes into close contact
molecule found in every cell in the body.    with a muscle fiber.
Aerobic metabolism, Chemical reactions       Prime mover (or agonist), muscle whose
that require oxygen in order to create       contractions are chiefly responsible for
adenosine triphosphate.                      producing a particular movement.
Antagonist, muscle that acts in              Rigor mortis, rigid state of the body after
opposition to a prime mover.                 death due to irreversible muscle
Cramp, prolonged muscle spasm.               contractions.
Fascicle, Bundle of myofibrils wrapped       Sarcomere, unit of contraction in a
together by connective tissue.               skeletal muscle fiber containing a
Lactic acid, chemical waste product          precise arrangement of thick and thin
created when muscle fibers break down        myofilaments.
glucose without the proper amount of         Spasm, sudden, involuntary muscle
oxygen                                       contraction.
                                             Strain, slight tear in a muscle; also called
                                             a pulled muscle.
Synergist, muscle that cooperates with        many as 100 or more nuclei. The nuclei
another to produce a particular               are located on the surface of the fiber,
movement.                                     just under its thin membrane. Another
Tendon, tough, white, cordlike tissue         difference between muscle fibers and
that attaches muscle to bone.                 other body cells is their size. They can
                                              extend the entire length of a muscle. For
STRUCTURE OF MUSCLE CELLS                     example, a muscle fiber in a thigh
        Each muscle is made of hundreds       muscle could measure 0.0004 inch
to thousands of individual muscle cells.      (0.001 centimeter) in diameter and 12 to
Unlike most other cells in the body,          16 inches (30 to 40 centimeters) in
these cells are unusually shaped: they are    length.
elongated like a cylinder or a long rod.              When a person dies, blood stops
Because of their shape, muscle cells are      circulating through the body. The
normally referred to as muscle fibers.        skeletal muscles (along with all other
Whereas most cells have a single              parts of the body) are deprived of
nucleus (the part of the cell that controls
its activities), muscle fibers have as
Muscular System – Movement using Muscles                                         Page 23

oxygen and nutrients, including ATP.          contains bundles of threadlike proteins
Calcium ions leak out of their storage        or filaments called myofilaments, which
area in the membranes of muscle fibers,       can be either thick or thin. The larger
causing thick myofilaments to attach to       thick myofilaments are made mostly of
and pull thin myofilaments. While the         bundled molecules of the protein
muscle fibers still have a stored supply      myosin. The thin myofilaments are
of ATP, the heads of thick myofilaments       composed of the protein actin. In each
are able to detach from the thin              myofibril,     the    thick    and     thin
myofilaments. When the supply of ATP          myofilaments are combined into
runs out, however, the heads cannot           thousands of units or segments that
detach and the muscle fibers stay in a        repeat over and over. These units are
contracted position. The rigid state of       called sarcomeres. Thick myofilaments
muscle contraction that results is called     lie in the center of a sarcomere. Thin
rigor mortis. Depending on the person's       myofilaments are attached at either end
physical condition at death, the onset of     of a sarcomere and extend toward the
rigor mortis may vary from ten minutes        center, passing among the thick
to several hours after death. Facial          myofilaments. This regular arrangement
muscles are usually affected first,           of the varying myofilaments within each
followed by other parts of the body.          sarcomere produces the striated or
Rigor mortis lasts until the muscle fibers    striped appearance of each myofibril
begin to decompose fifteen to twenty-         and, by extension, of muscle fibers.
five hours after death.                               As are most living cells, muscle
        Each muscle fiber is composed         fibers are soft and fragile. Even so, they
of hundreds of smaller filaments or           can exert tremendous power without
threads called myofibrils (the prefix         being ripped apart. The reason is that
myocomes from the Latin word myos ,           muscles are composed of different types
meaning "muscle"). Each myofibril             of tissue (like all other organs in the
body). In addition, those tissues are        muscle usually converge or come
bundled together, providing strength and     together at the end of the muscle to form
support. Each myofibril is enclosed in a     a tough, white, cord-like tissue called a
delicate sheath or covering made of          tendon. Tendons attach muscles to bone.
connective     tissue   (tissue    found     Because they contain fibers of the tough
everywhere in the body that connects         protein collagen, tendons are much
body parts, providing support, storage,      stronger than muscle tissue. The
and protection). Numerous sheathed           collagen fibers are arranged in a tendon
myofibrils are then bundled together and     in a wavy way so that it can stretch and
wrapped with thicker connective tissue       provide additional length at the muscle-
to form what is called a fascicle (from      bone junction. As muscles are used, the
the Latin word fasciculus , meaning "a       tendons are able to withstand the
bundle"). Many fascicles are then            constant pulling and tugging.
bundled together by an even tougher          Muscles are always attached at both of
coat of connective tissue to form the        their ends. The end that is attached to a
muscle.                                      bone that moves when the
Tendons. The layers of connective
tissue that bundle the various parts of a
Muscular System – Movement using Muscles                                       Page 24

muscle contracts is called the insertion.    bone of the skull. Other muscles are
The other end, attached to a bone that       named for their relative size. Terms such
does not move when the muscle                as     maximus      (largest),   minimus
contracts, is called the origin. It is       (smallest), and longus (long) are often
important to note that not all muscles are   used as part of a muscle's name. Still
attached to bones at both ends. The ends     other muscles are named for their shape.
of some muscles are attached to other        The deltoid muscle is so named because
muscles; some are attached to the skin.      it has the shape of the Greek letter delta
                                             , which is triangular-shaped. And some
MAJOR MUSCLES OF THE BODY                    muscles are named for their actions.
        Skeletal muscles that support the    Terms such as flexor (to flex or bend in),
skull, backbone, and rib cage are called     extensor (to extend or straighten out),
axial skeletal muscles. These include the    adductor (to draw toward a line that runs
muscles of the head and neck and those       down the middle of the body), and
of the trunk. Roughly 60 percent of all      abductor (to draw away from a line that
skeletal muscles in the body are axial       runs down the middle of the body) are
muscles. The skeletal muscles of the         often added as part of a muscle's name.
limbs (arms and legs) are called distal or   Muscles of the Head and Neck. The
appendicular skeletal muscles. These         muscles of the face are unique: they are
include the muscles of the shoulders and     attached to the skull on one end and to
arms and those of the hip and legs.          the skin or other muscles on the other
        Muscle names are descriptive.        end. Muscles that are attached to the skin
Some muscles are named according to          of the face allow people to express
their location in the body. For example,     emotions through actions such as
the frontalis muscle overlies the frontal    smiling, frowning, pouting, and kissing.
As mentioned, the frontalis          side of the head, allows the head to
covers the frontal bone or forehead. The      rotate and the neck to flex.
temporalis is a fan-shaped muscle             Muscles of the Trunk. On the front
overlying the temporal bone on each side      part of the trunk or torso, the pectoralis
of the head above the ear. The                major are the large, fan-shaped muscles
orbicularis oculi encircles each eye and      that cover the upper part of the chest.
helps close the eyelid. The orbicularis       They flex the shoulders and pull the
oris is the circular muscle around the        arms into the body. The rectus
lips. It closes and extends the lips.         abdominis are the strap-like muscles of
         The masseter, located over the       the abdomen, extending from the ribs to
rear of the lower jaw on each side of the     the pelvis. Better known as the stomach
face, opens and closes the jaw, allowing      muscles, they flex the vertebral column
chewing. The buccinator, running              or backbone and provide support for the
horizontally across each cheek, flattens      abdomen and its many organs. The
the cheek and pulls back the corners of       muscles making up the side walls of the
the mouth. The sternocleidomastoid,           abdomen are the external oblique. In
located on either side of the neck and        addition to helping compress the
extending from the clavicle or                abdomen, they rotate the trunk and allow
collarbone to the temporal bone on the        it to bend sideways.
Muscular System – Movement using Muscles                                        Page 25

        On the rear part of the trunk, the    thin and long. Of these many muscles,
trapezius are the kite-shaped muscles         the flexor carpi bend the wrist and the
that run from the back of the neck and        flexor digitorum bend the fingers. The
upper back down to the middle of the          muscles that have the opposite effect,
back. They raise, lower, and adduct the       extending the wrist and fingers, are the
shoulders. The large, flat muscles that       extensor carpi and the extensor
cover the lower back are the latissimus       digitorum.
dorsi. They adduct and rotate the arms        Muscles of the Hips and Legs. Muscles
and help extend the shoulders.                of the lower limbs cause movement at
Muscles of the Shoulders and Arms.            the hip, knee, and foot joints. These
The fleshy, triangular-shaped muscles         muscles are among the largest and
that form the rounded shape of the            strongest muscles in the body. Muscles
shoulders are the deltoid. They help          on the thigh (upper portion of the leg)
abduct the arm, or move it away from          are especially massive and powerful
the middle of the body. The most              since they hold the body upright against
familiar muscle of the upper arm is the       the force of gravity.
biceps brachii Located on the front of                The gluteus maximus are the
the upper arm, the bicep makes a              large muscles that form most of the flesh
prominent bulge as it flexes the elbow.       of the buttocks. These powerful muscles
On the rear portion of the upper arms is      help extend the hip in activities such as
the triceps brachii. Its action is just the   climbing stairs and jumping. The
opposite of the biceps: it extends or         adductor muscles are a group of muscles
straightens the forearm.                      that form a mass on the inside of the
        The muscles of the forearm,           thighs. As their name indicates, they
which move the bones of the hands, are        adduct or press the thighs together.
On the front of the thigh is a         legged position with the knees wide
group of four muscles known                    apart.
collectively as the quadriceps. Together,              On the back part of the lower leg
the quadriceps help powerfully extend or       is the calf muscle, properly known as the
straighten the knee, such as when an           gastrocnemius. This diamond-shaped
individual kicks a soccer ball. On the         muscle, formed in two sections, helps
back of the thigh, a group of three            extend or lower the foot, such as when
muscles performs the opposite effect.          an individual walks on his or her toes.
Known as hamstrings, these muscles flex        The strong tendon that attaches the
or bend the knee. The sartorius is long,       gastrocnemius to the heel of the foot is
straplike muscle that crosses the front of     the well-known Achilles tendon in
the thigh diagonally from the outside of       Greek mythology, a hero of the Trojan
the hip to the inside of the knee.             War who is killed by an arrow shot into
Although it is not that powerful, it does      his heel. The main muscle on the front
lie on upper surface of the thigh and is       part of the lower leg, the tibialis anterior,
easily seen. The sartorius helps rotate the    opposes the action of the gastrocnemius.
leg so an individual can sit in a cross-       It flexes and inverts or elevates the foot.

Nervous System – Brain and Nerves                                                  Page 26

        The nervous system is the master       body. It interprets incoming sensory
controller of the body. Each thought,          information, then sends out instructions
each emotion, each action—all result           on how the body should react. The CNS
from the activity of this system. Through      consists of two major parts: the brain
its many parts, the nervous system             and the spinal cord.
monitors conditions both within and                    The peripheral nervous system
outside the body. It then processes that       (PNS) is the part of the nervous system
information and decides how the body           outside of the CNS. It consists mainly of
should respond, if at all. Finally, if a       nerves that extend from the brain and
response is needed, the system sends out       spinal cord to areas in the rest of the
electrical signals that spur the body into     body. Cranial nerves carry impulses to
immediate action. Although one of the          and from the brain while spinal nerves
smallest of the body's systems in terms        carry impulses to and from the spinal
of weight, the nervous system is the           cord. The PNS can be divided into two
most complex and versatile.                    systems: the somatic nervous system and
                                               the autonomic nervous system. The
PARTS OF THE NERVOUS                           somatic nervous system controls the
SYSTEM                                         voluntary movements of the skeletal
        The nervous system is a                muscles. The autonomic nervous system
collection of cells, tissues, and organs. It   control activities in the body that are
can be split into two separate divisions:      involuntary or automatic. These include
the central nervous system and the             the actions of the heart, glands, and
peripheral nervous system.                     digestive organs and associated parts.
        The central nervous system                     The autonomic nervous system
(CNS) acts as the command center of the        can be divided further into two
subdivisions: the parasympathetic and        Axon, taillike projection extending out a
sympathetic nervous systems. These two       neuron that carries impulses away from
subdivisions work against each other.        the cell body.
The parasympathetic nervous system           Basal ganglia, paired masses of gray
regulates involuntary activities that keep   matter within the white matter of the
the body running smoothly under              cerebrum       that    help     coordinate
normal, everyday conditions. The             subconscious        skeletal     muscular
sympathetic nervous system controls          movement.
involuntary activities that help the body    Brain,      central    controlling    and
respond to stressful situations.             coordinating organ of the nervous
Arachnoid, weblike middle layer of the       system.
three meninges covering the brain and        Cauda equine, spinal nerves that hang
spinal cord.                                 below the end of the spinal cord.
Autonomic nervous system, part of the        Central nervous system, part of the
peripheral nervous system that controls      nervous system consisting of the brain
involuntary actions, such as the             and spinal cord.
heartbeat,    gland      secretions,   and   Cerebral cortex, outermost layer of the
digestion.                                   cerebrum made entirely of gray matter.
                                             Cerebrum, largest part of the brain,
                                             involved with conscious perception,
Nervous System – Brain and Nerves                                               Page 27

voluntary actions, memory, thought, and      Gyri, outward folds on the surface of the
personality.                                 cerebral cortex.
Corpus callosum, large band of neurons       Hippocampus, structure in the limbic
connecting       the    two     cerebral     system necessary for the formation of
hemispheres.                                 long-term memory.
Dendrites, branchlike extensions of          Hypothalamus, region of the brain
neurons that carry impulses toward the       containing many control centers for
cell body.                                   body functions and emotions; also
Diencephalon, rear part of the forebrain     regulates the pituitary gland's secretions.
that connects the midbrain to the            Limbic system, group of structures in the
cerebrum and that contains the thalamus      cerebrum and diencephalon that are
and hypothalamus.                            involved with emotional states and
Dura mate, outermost and toughest of         memory.
the three meninges covering the brain        Medulla oblongata, part of the brain
and spinal cord.                             located at the top end of the spinal cord
Ganglion, any collection of nerve cell       that controls breathing and other
bodies forming a nerve center in the         involuntary functions.
peripheral nervous system.                   Meninges, membranes that cover the
Gray matter, grayish nerve tissue of the     brain and spinal cord.
central nervous system containing            Midbrain, part of the brain between the
neuron cell bodies, neuroglia, and           hypothalamus and the pons that
unmyelinated axons.                          regulates visual, auditory, and rightening
Myelin, soft, white, fatty material that     system that controls involuntary
forms a sheath around the axons of most      activities that keep the body running
neurons.                                     smoothly under normal, everyday
Nerve, bundle of axons in the peripheral     conditions.
nervous system.                              Peripheral nervous system, part of the
Neuroglia, also known as glial cells,        nervous system consisting of the cranial
cells that support and protect neurons in    and spinal nerves.
the central nervous system.                  Pia mater, delicate innermost layer of
Neuron, nerve cell.                          the three meninges covering the brain
Neurotransmitter, chemical released by       and spinal cord.
the axon of a neuron that travels across a   Pons, part of the brain connecting the
synapse and binds to receptors on the        medulla oblongata with the midbrain.
dendrites of other neurons or body cells.    Reflex, involuntary and rapid response to
Node of Ranvier, small area between          a stimulus.
Schwann cells on an axon that is             Schwann cell, cell that forms the myelin
unmyelinated or uncovered.                   sheath around axons of neurons in the
Oligodendrocyte, cell that produces the      peripheral nervous system.
myelin sheath around the axons of            Somatic nervous system, part of the
neurons in the central nervous system.       peripheral nervous system that controls
Parasympathetic       nervous      system,   the voluntary movements of the skeletal
division of the autonomic nervous            muscles
Nervous System – Brain and Nerves                                               Page 28

Spinal cord, long cord of nerve tissue       Neurons. The cells making up the brain,
running through the spine or backbone        spinal cord, and nerves are called
that transmits impulses to and from the      neurons. They are special cells capable
brain and controls some reflex actions.      of receiving a stimulus (nerve or
Sulci, shallow grooves on the surface of     electrical impulse), transmitting that
the cerebral cortex.                         stimulus throughout their length, and
Sympathetic nervous system, division of      then delivering that stimulus to other
the autonomic nervous system that            cells next to them. The human body
controls involuntary activities that help    contains about 200 billion neurons.
the body respond to stressful situations.    Almost half of them are located in the
Synapse, small space or gap where a          brain.
nerve impulse passes between the axon                A neuron consists of three main
of one neuron and a dendrite of the next     parts: the cell body, dendrites, and an
neuron.                                      axon (dendrites and axons are both
Thalamus, part of the brain behind the       referred to as nerve fibers). The cell
hypothalamus that acts as the brain's        body has most of the same structures
main relay station, sending information      found in typical body cells, such as a
to the cerebral cortex and other parts of    nucleus (the part of the cell that controls
the brain.                                   its activities). It is ball shaped, about
White matter, whitish nerve tissue of the    0.001 inch (0.002 centimeter) in
central nervous system containing            diameter.
bundles of myelinated axons.
Dendrite comes from the Greek         Some (such as those in the central
word dendron , meaning "tree."                nervous system) are very short, no
Dendrites are hairlike threads branching      longer than 0.01 inch (0.02 centimeter).
off of the cell body like branches of a       Others (such as those in the peripheral
tree. Extensions of the cell body, they       nervous system) can be 3 feet (1 meter)
contain the same cytoplasm or cellular        long.
fluid found in the cell body. Dendrites               Most long axons are surrounded
are the points through which signals          by a white, fatty material called myelin.
from adjacent neurons enter a particular      The tubelike covering formed is known
neuron (the signal is then transmitted to     as a myelin sheath. It serves the same
the cell body). Since each neuron             kind of function as the wrapping on a
contains many dendrites, a neuron can         telephone line or an electrical cable. It
receive signals from many other               protects the axon and prevents electrical
surrounding neurons.                          impulses traveling through it from
        An axon is a taillike projection      becoming lost.
extending out of one end of the cell                  Special cells form the myelin
body. It ends in a cluster of branches        sheath by wrapping themselves around
called terminal branches or axon              the axons of neurons. In the CNS, the
terminals. Axons have the opposite            cells forming the myelin sheath are
function of dendrites: they carry nerve       called oligodendrocytes. In the PNS,
impulses away from the cell body.             special cells known as Schwann cells
Axons vary in length and diameter.            form the myelin sheath. The gap or
Nervous System – Brain and Nerves                                              Page 29

                                              Types of Neurons. Neurons in the body
indentation on an axon where one              may be divided into three groups:
Schwann cell ends and another begins is       sensory neurons, motor neurons, and
known as a node of Ranvier. The nodes         interneurons. As their name implies,
are unmyelinated (lack a myelin sheath),      sensory neurons carry impulses or
and the nerve or electrical impulse jumps     sensations from receptors to the brain or
from node to node as it passes along an       spinal cord (central nervous system).
axon (in unmyelinated axons, the              Receptors, which are located in the skin,
impulse travels continuously along the        skeletal muscles, joints, and internal
axon). Scientists believe Schwann cells       organs, detect changes both inside and
produce a chemical that helps regenerate      outside the body. Motor neurons work in
or restore damaged neurons in the             the opposite direction. They carry
peripheral nervous system. For example,       impulses from the brain or spinal cord to
if surgeons are able to reattach a person's   muscles and glands, causing muscles to
severed hand, that person may regain          contract and glands to secrete. Both
some sensation and movement in that           sensory and motor neurons make up the
hand as neurons grow and make                 peripheral nervous system. Interneurons
connections.                   Conversely,    work entirely within the central nervous
oligodendrocytes lack this ability. This is   system. They conduct impulses from
why an injury to the brain or spinal cord     sensory to motor neurons.
often results in some permanent loss of
Supporting Cells. Neuroglia, or glial                Nerves are categorized like
cells, are cells that surround neurons in    neurons according to the direction in
the central nervous system. They do not      which they conduct impulses. Sensory
conduct impulses, but help to support        nerves, made of the axons of sensory
and protect neurons, combining with          neurons, carry impulses to the brain and
them to form what is known as nerve          spinal cord. Motor nerves, made of the
tissue. They also supply neurons with        axons of motor neurons, carry impulses
nutrients and remove their wastes.           to the muscles and glands. Mixed nerves
Neuroglia are abundant, accounting for       contain axons of both sensory and motor
some ten times the number of neurons.        neurons. The most abundant nerves,
An example of neuroglia in the CNS are       mixed nerves can conduct impulses both
oligodendrocytes.                            to and from the central nervous system.
Nerves. A nerve is a bundle of axons in      The Brain. The human brain is a soft,
the PNS. Each axon or nerve fiber is         shiny, grayish white, mushroom-shaped
wrapped in delicate connective tissue.       structure encased within the skull. At
Groups of axons are then bound in            birth, a typical human brain weighs
coarser connective tissue to form            between 12 and 14 ounces (350 and 400
bundles. Finally, many bundles are           grams). By the time an average person
bound together (along with blood vessels     reaches adulthood, the brain weighs
to nourish the axons and Schwann cells)      about 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms).
by even tougher connective tissue to         Because of greater average body size,
form a nerve.                                the brains of male are generally about 10
                                             percent larger than those of females.
Nervous System – Brain and Nerves                                               Page 30

Although brain size varies considerably      cerebrospinal fluid, a liquid that
among humans, there is no correlation or     circulates between the arachnoid.
link between brain size and intelligence.    The Brain Stem. The brain stem is the
        The human brain is composed of       stalk of the brain and is a continuation of
up to one trillion nerve cells. One          the spinal cord. It consists of the medulla
hundred billion of these are neurons, and    oblongata, pons, and midbrain. The
the remainder are the supporting             medulla oblongata is actually a portion
neuroglia. The brain consists of gray and    of the spinal cord that extends into the
white matter. Gray matter is nerve tissue    brain. All messages that are transmitted
in the CNS composed of neuron cell           between the brain and spinal cord pass
bodies, neuroglia, and unmyelinated          through the medulla. Nerves on the right
axons; white matter is nerve tissue in the   side of the medulla cross to the left side
CNS composed chiefly of bundles of           of the brain, and those on the left cross
myelinated axons.                            to the right. The result of this
        The brain is protected by the        arrangement is that each side of the brain
skull and by three membranes called the      controls the opposite side of the body.
meninges. The outermost membrane is                  Three vital centers in the medulla
known as the dura mater, the middle as       control heartbeat, rate of breathing, and
the arachnoid, and the innermost as the      diameter of the blood vessels. Centers
pia mater. Also protecting the brain is      that help coordinate swallowing,
vomiting,       hiccuping,      coughing,    information from the eyes. The only
sneezing, and other basic functions of       exception is the vagus nerve (vagus
life are also located in the medulla. A      comes from the Latin word meaning
region within the medulla helps to           "wandering"). It is the lone cranial nerve
maintain the conscious state. The pons       that serves other areas of the body. The
(from the Latin word meaning "bridge")       vagus nerve branches extensively to the
conducts messages between the spinal         larynx, heart, lungs, stomach, and
cord and the rest of the brain, and          intestines. Among other functions, it
between the different parts of the brain.    helps promote digestive activity and
The midbrain conveys impulses from the       regulate heart activity.
hypothalamus to the pons and spinal            The Diecephalon. The diencephalon
cord. It also contains visual and audio      lies above the brain stem, and includes
reflex centers involving the movement        the thalamus and hypothalamus. The
of the eyeballs and head.                    thalamus is an important relay station for
        Twelve pair of cranial nerves        sensory information coming to the
originate in the underside of the brain,     cerebral cortex from other parts of the
mostly from the brain stem. They leave       brain. The thalamus also interprets
the skull through openings and extend as     sensations      of      pain,    pressure,
peripheral nerves to their destinations.     temperature, and touch, and is concerned
Cranial nerves bring information to the      with some of our emotions and memory.
brain from regions in the face, head, and    It receives information from the outside
neck. For example, the olfactory nerve       environment in the form of sound, smell,
transmits messages about smell from the      and taste.
nose and the optic nerve transmits visual
Nervous System – Brain and Nerves                                              Page 31

The Cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up          The Cerebellum. The cerebellum is
about 80 percent of the brain's weight. It   located below the cerebrum and behind
lies above the diencephalon. The             the brain stem, and is shaped like a
cerebrum's outer layer, the cerebral         butterfly. The "wings" are the cerebellar
cortex, is made entirely of gray matter      hemispheres, and each consists of lobes
(white matter makes up the inner portion     that have distinct grooves or fissures.
of the cerebrum). The tissue of the          The cerebellum controls the actions of
cerebral cortex is about 0.08 to 0.16 inch   the muscular system needed for
(2 to 4 millimeters) thick. The cerebral     movement, balance, and posture. All
cortex is folded extensively. The folds      motor activity in the body depends on
are called convolutions or gyri, and the     the cerebellum.
shallow grooves between the folds are        The Limbic System. The limbic system
sulci. Deeper grooves, which are less        is a horseshoe-shaped area of the brain
numerous, are called fissures. The folds     located along the border between the
greatly increase the surface area of the     cerebrum and diencephalon. Key
cerebral cortex—it would have a surface      structures of the limbic system include
area of about 5 square feet (1.5 square      the almond-shaped amygdala and the sea
meters) if spread out—and thus the total     horse-shaped hippocampus. The limbic
number of nerve cell bodies it contains.     system is concerned with emotional
states (such as rage, fear, and sexual     to and from the brain and controls some
arousal) and memory. The hippocampus,      reflex actions. On average, the spinal
in particular, plays a vital role in       cord measures about 18 inches (45
learning and long-term memory.             centimeters) in length and about 0.5 inch
The Spinal Cord. The spinal cord, a        (14 centimeters) in width. It weighs
glistening white rope, is a continuation   about 1.25 ounces (35 grams).
of the brain stem. It transmits impulses

Respiratory System – Breathing                                                Page 32

                                                            controlled      by     the
                                                            respiratory system, is a
                                                            continuous process of
                                                            which a person is
                                                            normally unaware. If
                                                            breathing           stops,
                                                            however,      a    person
                                                            becomes acutely aware
                                                            of the fact. An individual
                                                            can go days without food
                                                            and water and hours
                                                            without sleep, but only
                                                            five or six minutes
                                                            without air. Anything
                                                            beyond that would be
                                           fatal. The trillions of cells in the body
need a constant and generous amount of       cell parts and chemicals, and the
oxygen to carry out their vital functions.   movement of compounds through cells
As they use that oxygen, they give off       and the body as a whole.
carbon dioxide as a waste product. It is
the role of the respiration system,          PARTS OF THE RESPIRATORY
working in conjunction with the              SYSTEM
cardiovascular system, to supply the                 Breathing describes the process
oxygen and dispose of the carbon             of inhaling and exhaling air. The
dioxide.                                     exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon
Main Function. The main function of          dioxide) between living cells and the
the respiratory system is to provide         environment is a process known as
oxygen for the body's cells and remove       respiration. The respiratory system,
the carbon dioxide they produce.             which controls breathing and respiration,
Oxygen is the most important energy          consists of the respiratory tract and the
source for the cells. They need it for       lungs.
cellular respiration: the process by which           The respiratory tract cleans,
the simple sugar glucose is oxidized         warms, and moistens air on its way to
(combined with oxygen) to form the           the lungs. The tract can be divided into
energy-rich       compound       adenosine   an upper and a lower part. The upper
triphosphate (ATP). Glucose is produced      part consists of the nose, nasal cavity,
in cells by the breakdown of more            pharynx (throat), larynx, and upper part
complex carbohydrates, including starch,     of the trachea (windpipe). The lower part
cellulose, and complex sugars such as        consists of the lower part of the trachea,
sucrose (cane or beet sugar) and fructose    bronchi, and lungs (which contain
(fruit sugar). ATP is the compound used      bronchioles and alveoli).
by all cells to carry out their ordinary     The nose and nasal cavity. The nose
functions: growth, the production of new
Respiratory System – Breathing                                                 Page 33

is the only external part of the             cavity, separating it from the mouth or
respiratory system. It is made of bone       oral cavity below. Three flat, spongy
and cartilage (tough connective tissue)      folds or plates project toward the nasal
and is covered with skin. The two            septum from the sides of the nasal
openings to the outside, called nostrils,    cavity. These plates, called nasal
allow air to enter or leave the body         conchae, help to slow down the passage
during breathing. The nostrils are lined     of air, causing it to swirl in the nasal
with coarse hairs that prevent large         cavity.
particles such as dust, insects, and sand    Alveoli, air sacs of the lungs.
from entering.                               Breathing, process of inhaling and
        The nostrils open into a large       exhaling air.
cavity, the nasal cavity. This cavity is     Bronchi, largest branch of the bronchial
divided into right and left cavities by a    tree    between       the    trachea and
thin plate of bone and cartilage called      bronchioles.
the nasal septum. The hard portion of the
palate forms the floor of the entire nasal
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Human systems

  • 1. The Human Body Systems (Zoology Lecture)
  • 2. Circulatory System – The Circle of Blood Page 2 The circulatory or cardiovascular system is the blood circulation with heart, arteries and veins. It is made up of the vessels and the muscles that help and control the flow of the blood around the body. This process is called circulation. The main parts of the system are the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins. As blood begins to circulate, it leaves the heart from the left ventricle and goes into the aorta. The aorta is the largest artery in the body. The blood leaving the aorta is full of oxygen. This is important for the cells in the brain and the body to do their work. The oxygen rich blood travels throughout the body in its system of arteries into the smallest arterioles. On its way back to bloodstream by passing through the the heart, the blood travels through a walls of the small intestine into the system of veins. As it reaches the lungs, capillaries. The blood then carries most the carbon dioxide (a waste product) is of the nutrients to the liver, where some removed from the blood and replace of these are extracted and stored for with fresh oxygen that we have inhaled release back into the blood as and when through the lungs. the body needs them. Other nutrients are converted by FUNCTIONS OF THE SYSTEM the liver into substances which are The circulatory system plays an required in the production of energy, important role in many of the body's enzymes, and new building materials for processes including respiration, the body. Hormones, which affect or nutrition, and the removal of wastes and control the activities of various organs poisons. In respiration it delivers oxygen and tissues, are produced by the to the body's cells and removes carbon endocrine glands – including the thyroid, dioxide from them. In nutrition, it carries pituitary, adrenal, and sex glands – and digested food substances to the cells. they too are transported by the blood Nutrients from food enter the through the body.
  • 3. Circulatory System – The Circle of Blood Page 3 TYPES OF THE CIRCULATORY Arteries therefore require strong walls to SYSTEM withstand the pressure of the blood Open Circulatory System. The Open flowing through them. They have elastic Circulatory System is a system in which tissue in their walls that can stretch and fluid (called hemolymph) in a cavity recoil with the force of the blood. Artery called the hemocoel bathes the organs walls also contain muscle and this directly with oxygen and nutrients and determines the amount of blood that can there is no distinction between blood and flow through them, and the blood interstitial fluid; this combined fluid is pressure. called hemolymph or haemolymph. Heart. The heart is actually two separate Muscular movements by the animal pumps. The left side pumps blood to the during locomotion can facilitate body (systemic circulation) and the right hemolymph movement, but diverting side pumps blood to the lungs flow from one area to another is limited. (pulmonary circulation). Each side has When the heart relaxes, blood is drawn an atrium and a ventricle. They do not back toward the heart through open- work on their own, but together as a ended pores (ostia). team. The body's blood is circulated Close Circulatory System. The through the heart more than 1,000 times cardiovascular systems of humans are per day. Between five and six thousand closed, meaning that the blood never quarts of blood are pumped each day. leaves the network of blood vessels. In Your heart is about the same size as your contrast, oxygen and nutrients diffuse across the blood vessel layers and enters interstitial fluid, which carries oxygen and nutrients to the target cells, and carbon dioxide and wastes in the opposite direction. The other component of the circulatory system, the lymphatic system, is not closed. The heart is located more towards the left side of the body because it is accompanying the lungs. fist. MAIN COMPONENTS The job of the heart is to pump Blood Vessels. There are three major blood around your body. Its muscles types of blood vessels: arteries that carry contract and squeeze out blood. The left- blood from the heart; veins that return hand side pumps blood from the lungs to blood to the heart; and capillaries – the rest of your body. The right-hand extremely tiny vessels connecting the side pumps stale blood from your body arteries and the veins. When blood is back to your lungs for a fresh supply of pumped out of the heart into the arteries oxygen. it is forced out at high pressure by contractions of the muscular ventricles.
  • 4. Blood. Blood is thicker than water and has a little bit salty taste. In an adults body there is 10.6 pints of blood Circulatory System – The Circle of Blood Page 4 circulating around. In their blood there is billions of living blood cells floating in a WASTE DISPOSAL liquid called plasma. If you took a small In addition to feeding and sample of this blood and poured it into a nourishing the body, the circulatory test tube and then put it in a machine system also helps to dispose of waste called a centrifuge, you would be able to products and poisons which would prove see the layers of this blood. This harmful if allowed to accumulate. machine spins the blood around so fast Carbon dioxide, produced by the body's that it separates the red blood cells, from cells as they respire, diffuses through the the white blood cells, from the platelets. walls of the capillaries into the blood. The red blood cells sink to the bottom The blood containing carbon dioxide is because they are the heavier, more solid returned via the heart to the lungs and parts, but the plasma remains at the top passed out of the body on expiration. In because it is lighter. The plasma is 95% processing food, the liver removes water and the other 5% is made up of ammonia and other wastes, together with dissolved substances including salts. various poisons that enter the body through the digestive system. These are converted into water-soluble substances, which are carried by the blood to the kidneys. The kidneys then filter out these wastes and expel them from the body in urine. TEMPERATURE CONTROL As well as the heat produced generally by cells during respiration, some parts of the body, such as the liver Human blood has two parts, and muscles, produce heat in the course liquid (plasma) and cells. Plasma of their activities. This heat is contains dissolved gasses, nutrients, transported by the blood to warm other wastes, salts, and proteins. Cells are red parts of the body. As the temperature of blood cells which are biconcave disks the body rises, the flow of blood into filled with hemoglobin and continuously vessels in the skin increases as a result of produced in the red marrow of the skull, small arteries expanding, and excess heat ribs, vertebrae, and ends of the long is conveyed to the surface where it is bones; and white blood cells or lost. When the temperature of the body leukocytes are cells of the immune drops the flow of blood to the skin is system defending the body against both restricted. Thus, the circulatory system infectious disease and foreign materials.
  • 5. acts as a natural thermostat allowing the body to maintain an optimum and stable temperature. Digestive System – The Food Processor Page 5 The human digestive system is a complex series of organs and glands that processes food. In order to use the food we eat, our body has to break the food down into smaller molecules that it can process; it also has to excrete waste. Most of the digestive organs (like the stomach and intestines) are tube-like and contain the food as it makes its way through the body. The digestive system is essentially a long, twisting tube that runs from the mouth to the anus, plus a few other organs (like the liver and pancreas) that produce or store digestive chemicals. system defending the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials. THE DIGESTIVE PROCESS The start of the process: the mouth. The digestive process begins in the mouth. Food is partly broken down by the process of chewing and by the chemical action of salivary enzymes (these enzymes are produced by the This muscle movement gives us the salivary glands and break down starches ability to eat or drink even when we're into smaller molecules). upside-down. On the way to the stomach: the In the stomach. The stomach is a large, esophagus. After being chewed and sack-like organ that churns the food and swallowed, the food enters the bathes it in a very strong acid (gastric esophagus. The esophagus is a long tube acid). Food in the stomach that is partly that runs from the mouth to the stomach. digested and mixed with stomach acids It uses rhythmic, wave-like muscle is called chyme. movements (called peristalsis) to force In the small intestine. After being in the food from the throat into the stomach. stomach, food enters the duodenum, the
  • 6. first part of the small intestine. It then the small intestine help in the breakdown enters the jejunum and then the ileum of food. (the final part of the small intestine). In In the large intestine. After passing the small intestine, bile (produced in the through the small intestine, food passes liver and stored in the gall bladder), into the large intestine. In the large pancreatic enzymes, and other digestive intestine, some of the water and enzymes produced by the inner wall of electrolytes (chemicals like sodium) are Digestive System – The Food Processor Page 6 removed from the food. Many microbes acids. Chyme goes on to the small (bacteria like Bacteroides, Lactobacillus intestine for further digestion. acidophilus, Escherichia coli, and Descending colon. The part of the large Klebsiella) in the large intestine help in intestine that run downwards after the the digestion process. The first part of transverse colon and before the sigmoid the large intestine is called the cecum colon. (the appendix is connected to the Duodenum. The first part of the small cecum). Food then travels upward in the intestine; it is C-shaped and runs from ascending colon. The food travels across the stomach to the jejunum. the abdomen in the transverse colon, Epiglottis. The flap at the back of the goes back down the other side of the tongue that keeps chewed food from body in the descending colon, and then going down the windpipe to the lungs. through the sigmoid colon. When you swallow, the epiglottis The end of the process. Solid waste is automatically closes. When you breathe, then stored in the rectum until it is the epiglottis opens so that air can go in excreted via the anus. and out of the windpipe. Esophagus. The long tube between the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM GLOSSARY mouth and the stomach. It uses rhythmic Anus. The opening at the end of the muscle movements (called peristalsis) to digestive system from which feces force food from the throat into the (waste) exits the body. stomach. Appendix. A small sac located on the Gall bladder. A small, sac-like organ cecum. located by the duodenum. It stores and Ascending colon. The part of the large releases bile (a digestive chemical which intestine that run upwards; it is located is produced in the liver) into the small after the cecum. intestine. Bile. A digestive chemical that is Ileum. The last part of the small produced in the liver, stored in the gall intestine before the large intestine bladder, and secreted into the small begins. intestine. Jejunum. The long, coiled mid-section Cecum. The first part of the large of the small intestine; it is between the intestine; the appendix is connected to duodenum and the ileum. the cecum. Liver. A large organ located above and Chyme. Food in the stomach that is in front of the stomach. It filters toxins partly digested and mixed with stomach from the blood, and makes bile (which
  • 7. breaks down fats) and some blood intestines. Enzymes from the pancreas proteins. help in the digestion of carbohydrates, Mouth. The first part of the digestive fats and proteins in the small intestine. system, where food enters the body. Peristalsis. Rhythmic muscle Chewing and salivary enzymes in the movements that force food in the mouth are the beginning of the digestive esophagus from the throat into the process (breaking down the food). stomach. Peristalsis is involuntary - you Pancreas. An enzyme-producing gland cannot control it. It is also what allows located below the stomach and above the you to eat and drink while upside-down. Digestive System – The Food Processor Page 7 Rectum. The lower part of the large Stomach. A sack-like, muscular organ intestine, where feces are stored before that is attached to the esophagus. Both they are excreted. chemical and mechanical digestion takes Salivary glands. Glands located in the place in the stomach. When food enters mouth that produce saliva. Saliva the stomach, it is churned in a bath of contains enzymes that break down acids and enzymes. carbohydrates (starch) into smaller Transverse colon. The part of the large molecules. intestine that runs horizontally across the Sigmoid colon. The part of the large abdomen. intestine between the descending colon and the rectum.
  • 8. Endocrine System – The Communicator Page 8 Although we rarely think about the endocrine system, it influences almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies. The endocrine system is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function, metabolism, and sexual function and reproductive processes. In general, the endocrine system is in charge of body processes that happen slowly, such as cell growth. Faster processes like breathing and A gland is a group of cells that body movement are controlled by the produces and secretes, or gives off, nervous system. But even though the chemicals. A gland selects and removes nervous system and endocrine system materials from the blood, processes are separate systems, they often work them, and secretes the finished chemical together to help the body function product for use somewhere in the body. properly. The major glands that make up the The foundations of the endocrine human endocrine system include the: system are the hormones and glands. As hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, the body's chemical messengers, parathyroids, adrenal glands, pineal hormones transfer information and body, and reproductive glands (which instructions from one set of cells to include the ovaries and testes). another. Many different hormones move Hypothalamus. The hypothalamus, a through the bloodstream, but each type collection of specialized cells that is of hormone is designed to affect only located in the lower central part of the certain cells. brain, is the main link between the endocrine and nervous systems. Nerve MAJOR GLANDS cells in the hypothalamus control the
  • 9. pituitary gland by producing chemicals The production and secretion of that either stimulate or suppress pituitary hormones can be influenced by hormone secretions from the pituitary. factors such as emotions and changes in Pituitary. Although it is no bigger than the seasons. To accomplish this, the a pea, the pituitary (pronounced: puh- hypothalamus provides information too-uh-ter-ee) gland, located at the base sensed by the brain (such as of the brain just beneath the environmental temperature, light hypothalamus, is considered the most exposure patterns, and feelings) to the important part of the endocrine system. pituitary. It's often called the "master gland" The tiny pituitary is divided into because it makes hormones that control two parts: the anterior lobe and the several other endocrine glands. Endocrine System – The Communicator Page 9 posterior lobe. The ANTERIOR LOBE contractions of the uterus in a woman regulates the activity of the thyroid, having a baby. adrenals, and reproductive glands. The Thyroid. The thyroid, located in the anterior lobe produces hormones such front part of the lower neck, is shaped as: like a bow tie or butterfly and produces Growth hormone, which stimulates the the thyroid hormones thyroxine and growth of bone and other body tissues triiodothyronine. These hormones and plays a role in the body's handling of control the rate at which cells burn fuels nutrients and minerals; from food to produce energy. Prolactin, which activates milk The production and release of production in women who are thyroid hormones is controlled by breastfeeding; thyrotropin, which is secreted by the Thyrotropin, which stimulates the pituitary gland. The more thyroid thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone there is in a person's hormones; bloodstream, the faster chemical Corticotropin, which stimulates the reactions occur in the body. adrenal gland to produce certain Parathyroids. Attached to the thyroid hormones. are four tiny glands that function The pituitary also secretes together called the parathyroids. They endorphins, chemicals that act on the release parathyroid hormone, which nervous system and reduce feelings of regulates the level of calcium in the pain. In addition, the pituitary secretes blood with the help of calcitonin, which hormones that signal the reproductive is produced in the thyroid. organs to make sex hormones. The Adrenal Glands. The adrenal glands pituitary gland also controls ovulation have two parts, each of which produces a and the menstrual cycle in women. set of hormones and has a different The POSTERIOR LOBE of the function: The OUTER PART, the pituitary releases antidiuretic hormone, adrenal cortex, produces hormones which helps control the balance of water called corticosteroids that influence or in the body. The posterior lobe also regulate salt and water balance in the produces oxytocin, which triggers the body, the body's response to stress,
  • 10. metabolism, the immune system, and sexual development and function. The Endocrine System – The Communicator Page 10 INNER PART, the adrenal medulla, These hormones tell a guy's body when produces catecholamines, such as it's time to make the changes associated epinephrine. Also called adrenaline, with puberty, like penis and height epinephrine increases blood pressure and growth, deepening voice, and growth in heart rate when the body experiences facial and pubic hair. Working with stress. hormones from the pituitary gland, Pineal. The pineal body, also called the testosterone also tells a guy's body when pineal gland, is located in the middle of it's time to produce sperm in the testes. the brain. It secretes melatonin, a A girl's gonads, the ovaries, are hormone that may help regulate when located in her pelvis. They produce eggs you sleep at night and when you wake in and secrete the female hormones the morning. estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is involved when a girl begins to go through puberty. During puberty, a girl will experience breast growth, will begin to accumulate body fat around the hips and thighs, and will have a growth spurt. Estrogen and progesterone are also involved in the regulation of a girl's menstrual cycle. These hormones also play a role in pregnancy. The pancreas is also part of the body's hormone-secreting system, even though it is also associated with the digestive system because it produces and Reproductive Glands. The GONADS secretes digestive enzymes. The are the main source of sex hormones. pancreas produces two important Most people don't realize it, but both hormones, insulin and glucagon. They guys and girls have gonads. work together to maintain a steady level In guys the male gonads, or of glucose, or sugar, in the blood and to testes, are located in the scrotum. They keep the body supplied with fuel to secrete hormones called androgens, the produce and maintain stores of energy. most important of which is testosterone.
  • 11. Excretory System – The Waste-Eliminator Page 11 The urinary system is made-up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The nephron, an evolutionary modification of the nephridium, is the kidney's functional unit. Waste is filtered from the blood and collected as urine in each kidney. Urine leaves the kidneys by ureters, and collects in the bladder. The bladder can distend to store urine that eventually leaves through the urethra. Excretion is the removal of the metabolic wastes of an organism. Wastes that are removed include carbon dioxide, water, salt, urea and uric acid. All excreted wastes travel at some time in the blood. Nephron. The nephron consists of a cup-shaped capsule containing capillaries and the glomerulus, and a long renal tube. Blood flows into the kidney Proximal Convoluted Tubule, Reabsorbs through the renal artery, which branches 75% of the water, salts, glucose, and into capillaries associated with the amino acids; glomerulus. Arterial pressure causes Loop of Henle, Countercurrent water and solutes from the blood to filter exchange, which maintains the into the capsule. Fluid flows through the concentration gradient; proximal tubule, which include the loop Distal Convoluted Tubule, Tubular of Henle, and then into the distal tubule. secretion of H ions, potassium, and The distal tubule empties into a certain drugs. collecting duct. Fluids and solutes are Functions of Nephron. (a) Glomerular returned to the capillaries that surround filtration of water and solutes from the the nephron tubule. blood; (b) tubular reabsorption of water There are several components of and conserved molecules back into the Nephron, these are: blood; and (c) tubular secretion of ions Glomerulus, mechanically filters blood; and other waste products from Bowman's Capsule, mechanically filters surrounding capillaries into the distal blood; tubule.
  • 12. Excretory System – The Waste-Eliminator Page 12 Nephrons filter 125 ml of body fluid per Urinary System. Kidneys filter the minute; filtering the entire body fluid blood to form urine, which is excess component 16 times each day. In a 24 water, salt, urea and uric acid. hour period nephrons produce 180 liters of filtrate, of which 178.5 liters are THE URINARY SYSTEM reabsorbed. The remaining 1.5 liters Urine. The first nitrogenous waste to be forms urine. formed from the breakdown of protein is Urine Production. (a) Filtration in the ammonia, a highly toxic chemical that is glomerulus and nephron capsule; (b) quickly converted by the liver to urea reabsorption in the proximal tubule; and and uric acid. These are less toxic than (c) tubular secretion in the Loop of ammonia and are transported in the Henle. blood to the kidneys for excretion in Kidney Stones. In some cases, excess urine. Urine consists of excess water, wastes crystallize as kidney stones. They excess salt, urea and uric acid. grow and can become a painful irritant that may require surgery or ultrasound PARTS OF THE URINARY treatments. Some stones are small SYSTEM enough to be forced into the urethra, Renal Arteries. 2 renal arteries others are the size of huge, massive constantly transport blood to the boulders. kidneys. Infection, environmental toxins Kidneys. 2 kidneys composed of such as mercury, and genetic disease can millions of nephrons constantly filter have devastating results by causing about 170 to 200 litres of blood to disruption of kidney function. Many produce about 1.5 to 2 litres of urine kidney problems can be treated by daily. dialysis, where a machine acts as a Renal Veins. 2 renal veins return useful kidney. Kidney transplants are an nutrients back into the bloodstream. alternative to dialysis. Ureters. 2 ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. ORGANS OF EXCRETORY Urinary Bladder. The urinary bladder SYSTEM temporarily stores urine until it is Lungs. Removal of excess carbon released from the body. dioxide. Urethra. The urethra is the tube that Liver. Produces urea and uric acid as a carries urine from the urinary bladder to by-product of the breakdown of proteins. the outside of the body. The outer end of Skin. Removal of excess water, salt, the urethra is controlled by a circular urea and uric acid. muscle called a sphincter.
  • 13. Immune System – The Defender Page 13 The human immune system is made up of a number of interdependent cell types which collectively protect the person's body from various parasitic, fungal, bacterial and viral infections, as well as from the growth of tumor cells. The human immune system is made up of a number of interdependent cell types which collectively protect the person's body from Bone Marrow. Every cell involved in a various parasitic, fungal, bacterial and person's immune system is initially viral infections, as well as from the derived from bone marrow. These cells growth of tumor cells. A number of form through a process referred to as, these cell types have specialized 'Hematopoiesis.' During hematopoiesis functions, are able to kill parasites, bone marrow derived stem cells engulf bacteria, or kill tumor cells or differentiate into one of two things; viral-infected cells. Frequently, these either mature cells of the immune cells are dependent upon the, 'T,' helper system, or precursors of cells which then subset for activation signals in the form migrate out of the person's bone marrow, of secretions which are more formally continuing their maturation elsewhere in referred to as, 'Lymphokines,' the body. Bone marrow produces, 'B,' 'Cytokines,' or specifically as, cells, killer cells, immature thymocytes, 'Interleukins.' An understanding of the T and granulocytes, as well as platelets and helper subset may assist in red blood cells. comprehension of the root of immune Thymus. The Thymus' function is to deficiencies, as well as perception of the produce mature, 'T,' cells. Immature potential avenues that the human Tymocytes, also referred to as, immune system can be modulated in the 'Prothymocytes,' emerge from the case of particular diseases. person's bone marrow and move into their thymus. Through a process called, IMMUNE SYSTEM ORGANS
  • 14. 'Thymic Education,' these T cells which response are removed. Mature T cells are beneficial to the person's immune are released into the person's blood system are spared while T cells that may stream. cause a detrimental autoimmune Immune System – The Defender Page 14 Spleen. A person's spleen is an subsets is the, 'T Helper Subset,' also immunological filter, filtering their referred to as the, 'CD4+ T Cell,' which blood. The spleen is comprised of T is a coordinator of a person's immune cells, B cells dendritic cells, regulation. The primary function of the macrophages, red blood cells and natural T helper cell is augmentation of the killer cells. Macrophages and dendritic person's immune responses through cells not only capture foreign materials secretion of specialized factors which called, 'Antigens,' from a person's blood activate additional white blood cells in which passes through the spleen, they order to fight off an infection. bring these antigens to the spleen itself CD8+ T Cells. CD8+ T Cells are also from the person's blood stream. A called T killer/suppressor cells and are person's body experiences an immune important because they are involved in response when the macrophage or directly killing viral infected cells, dendritic cells present the antigen to specific tumor cells, and sometimes appropriate T or B cells. In a person's parasites. CD8+ T cells are important spleen, B cells are activated and produce because they also down-regulate great amounts of antibody. The spleen immune responses. While both types of also destroys old red blood cells. T cells are found throughout a person's Lymph Nodes. A person's lymph nodes body, they are many times dependent on work as an immunological filter for their the lymph nodes and spleen as places bodily fluid referred to as, 'Lymph.' where activation happens, yet are also People have lymph nodes throughout found in other tissues in a person's body, their body. Lymph nodes are made notably the person's lungs, liver, blood mostly of B cells, T cells, macrophages, and intestinal and reproductive tracts. and dendritic cells. A person's lymph Natural Killer Cells. Natural killer cells nodes drain fluid from the majority of are also called, 'NK Cells,' and are their tissues. Lymph nodes filter out similar to cells from the killer T cell antigens from lymph prior to returning subset. Natural killer cells work as lymph to the person's body for effector cells, killing specific tumors like circulation. In a manner much like the lymphomas, melanomas, and viral spleen, dendritic cells and macrophages infected cells such as herpes and that capture antigens present foreign cytomegalovirus infected cells. Natural materials to both B and T cells, initiating killer cells kill their targets in the an immune response. person's lymphoid organs; however, these cells which have been activated IMMUNE SYSTEM CELLS through secretions from CD4+ T cells T Cells. T Lymphocytes are commonly will kill viral-infected targets or tumors placed into two major subsets which are more efficiently. identifiably different. One of these
  • 15. B Cells. The primary function of B cells bind to one other particular protein is to produce antibodies in response to which also specifically recognize and foreign proteins such as viruses, bacteria bind to one particular protein. The and tumor cells. Antibodies are proteins production of antibodies and binding to that specifically first recognize and then Immune System – The Defender Page 15 foreign substances or antigens is often Dendritic Cells. Dendritic cells also critical as a means of signaling originate in a person's bone marrow, additional cells to engulf and kill, or working as antigen presenting cells remove a substance from the person's (APC's). Interestingly, dendritic cells are body. more efficient APC's than macrophages. Polymorphonuclear (PMN) Dendritic cells are commonly found in Leukocytes or Granulocytes. There is a the structural compartment of a person's group of white blood cells which is lymphoid organs, such as their spleen, collectively referred to by medical lymph nodes and thymus. These cells personnel as, 'Polymorphonuclear can also be found in the person's blood Leukocytes (PMN's),' or, 'Granulocytes.' stream, as well as in other tissues in their Granulocytes are made of three cell body. Science believes that these cells types which are referred to as, capture antigen, or bring it to the 'Eosinophils,' 'Neutrophils,' and, person's lymphoid organs, where an 'Basophils.' The names for them are immune response is initiated. One of the based on their staining characteristics reasons that scientists know very little with specific dyes. The cells are about dendritic cells is because they are important because they are involved in difficult to isolate; something that is the removal of parasites and bacteria often a prerequisite for studying the from a person's body. These cells first functional qualities of exact cell types. engulf foreign bodies and then degrade Of particular note is a recent finding that them by using their powerful enzymes. dendritic cells bind high amount of HIV Macrophages. Macrophages are and could be a reservoir of virus which important due to their function in the is transmitted to CD4+ T cells during regulation of immune responses. and activation event. Macrophages are many times referred to as, 'scavengers,' or, 'Antigen-Presenting IMMUNE RESPONSE Cells (APC's),' because they both pick The presence of an APC, up and ingest foreign materials, and then combined with a T cell or B cell, is present these antigens to other cells in a required in order for there to be an person's immune system like B cells and immune response to a foreign antigen. T cells. The process is one of the steps Should an APC present an antigen on it's involved in initiating an immune cell surface to a B cell, for example, the response. Microphages that have been B cell is signaled to proliferate and stimulated show increased levels of, produce antibodies. The antibodies then 'Phagocytosis,' and are also secretory. specifically bind to that antigen. If the antibodies bind to antigens on parasites
  • 16. or bacteria, it acts as a signal for referred to as, 'Complement,' first bind to macrophages or PMN's to engulf and kill immobilized antibodies, and then them. One addition and important destroy the bacteria through creating function of antibodies is to start holes in the bacteria. Antibodies may something referred to as a, 'Complement also signal macrophages and natural Destruction Cascade.' When antibodies killer cells to kill bacterial infected cells bind to bacteria or cells, serum proteins or viral cells. Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails Page 16 The integumentary system, eyelashes to the thick skin of the soles— formed by the skin, hair, nails, and the integumentary system protects the associated glands, enwraps the body. It body from the outside world and its is the most visible organ system and one many harmful substances. It utilizes the of the most complex. Diverse in both Sun's rays while at the same time form and function—from delicate shielding the body from their damaging
  • 17. effects. In addition, the system helps to tissues that performs a specialized regulate body temperature, serves as a function. As an organ, the skin is the minor excretory organ, and makes the largest and heaviest in the body. In an inner body aware of its outer average adult, the skin covers about 21.5 environment through sensory receptors. square feet (2 square meters) and Skin. Although the skin is not often accounts for approximately 7 percent of thought of as an organ, such as the heart body weight, or about 11 pounds (5 or liver, medically it is. An organ is any kilograms) in a 160-pound (73-kilogram) part of the body formed of two or more person. It ranges in thickness from 0.04 Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails Page 16 to 0.08 inches (1 to 2 millimeters), but Integument, in animals and plants, any can measure up to 0.2 inches (6 natural outer covering, such as skin, millimeters) thick on the palms of the shell, membrane, or husk. hands and the soles of the feet. The skin Keratin, tough, fibrous, water-resistant in these areas is referred to as thick skin protein that forms the outer layers of (skin elsewhere on the body is called hair, calluses, and nails and coats the thin skin). surface of the skin. Lunula, white, crescent-shaped area of PARTS OF THE the nail bed near the nail root. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Melanocyte, cell found in the lower Apocrine sweat glands, sweat glands epidermis that produces the protein located primarily in the armpit and pigment melanin. genital areas. Organ, any part of the body formed of Arrector pili muscle, smooth muscle two or more tissues that performs a attached to a hair follicle that, when specialized function. stimulated, pulls on the follicle, causing Sebaceous gland, exocrine gland in the the hair shaft to stand upright. dermis that produces sebum. Dermal papillae, finger-like projections Sebum, mixture of oily substances and extending upward from the dermis fragmented cells secreted by sebaceous containing blood capillaries, which glands. provide nutrients for the lower layer of Squamous cells, cells that are flat and the epidermis; also form the scalelike. characteristic ridges on the skin surface Subcutaneous, tissues between the of the hands (fingerprints) and feet. dermis and the muscles. Dermi , thick, inner layer of the skin. Eccrine sweat glands, body's most FUNCTIONS OF THE numerous sweat glands, which produce INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM watery sweat to maintain normal body The integumentary system has temperature. multiple roles in homeostasis. All body Epidermis, thin, outer layer of the skin. systems work in an interconnected Epithelial tissue, tissue that covers the manner to maintain the internal internal and external surfaces of the conditions essential to the function of the body and also forms glandular organs. body. The skin has an important job of protecting the body and acts as the
  • 18. body’s first line of defense against d. Protect the body against abrupt infection, temperature change, and other changes in temperature challenges to homeostasis. Functions e. Help excrete waste materials through include: perspiration a. Protect the body’s internal living f. Act as a receptor for touch, pressure, tissues and organs pain, heat, and cold b. Protect against invasion by infectious g. Protect the body against sunburns organisms h. Generate vitamin D through exposure c. Protect the body from dehydration to ultraviolet light i. Participate in temperature regulation Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails Page 17 TWO PRINCIPAL LAYERS OF THE SKIN The skin has two principal only layer of the epidermis that receives layers: the epidermis and the dermis. nutrients (from the underlying dermis). The epidermis is the thin, outer layer, The cells of this layer, called basal cells, and the dermis is the thicker, inner layer. are constantly dividing and creating new Beneath the dermis lies the subcutaneous cells daily, which push the older cells layer or hypodermis, which is composed toward the surface. Basal cells produce of adipose or fatty tissue. Although not keratin, an extremely durable and water- technically part of the skin, it does resistant fibrous protein. anchor the skin to the underlying Another type of cell found in the lower muscles. It also contains the major blood epidermis is the melanocyte. vessels that supply the dermis and Melanocytes produce melanin, a protein houses many white blood cells, which pigment that ranges in color from yellow destroy foreign invaders that have to brown to black. The amount of entered the body through breaks in the melanin produced determines skin color, skin. which is a hereditary characteristic. The Epidermis. The epidermis is made of melanocytes of dark-skinned individuals stratified squamous epithelial tissue. continuously produce large amounts of Epithelial tissue covers the internal and melanin. Those of light-skinned external surfaces of the body and also individuals produce less. Freckles are the forms glandular organs. Squamous cells result of melanin clumping in one spot. are thin and flat like fish scales. The outermost layer of the Stratified simply means having two or epidermis consists of about twenty to more layers. In short, the epidermis is thirty rows of tightly joined flat dead composed of many layers of thin, cells. All that is left in these cells is their flattened cells that fit closely together keratin, which makes this outer layer and are able to withstand a good deal of waterproof. It takes roughly fourteen abuse or friction. days for cells to move from the inner The epidermis can be divided layer of the epidermis to the outer layer. into four or five layers. Most important Once part of the outer layer, the dead of these are the inner and outer layers. cells remain for another fourteen days or The inner or deepest cell layer is the so before flaking off slowly and steadily.
  • 19. Dermis. The dermis, the second layer of Connective tissue forms the skin, lies between the epidermis and the dermis. Bundles of elastic and collagen subcutaneous layer. Much thicker than (tough fibrous protein) fibers blend into the epidermis, the dermis contains the the connective tissue. These fibers accessory skin structures. Hair, sweat provide the dermis strength and glands, and sebaceous (oil) glands are all flexibility. rooted in the dermis. This layer also The upper layer of the dermis has contains blood vessels and nerve fibers. fingerlike projections that extend into Nourished by the blood and oxygen the epidermis. Called dermal papillae, provided by these blood vessels, the they contain blood capillaries that cells of the dermis are alive. provide nutrients for the basal cells in Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails Page 18 the epidermis. On the skin surface of the system. In 1901, he established hands and feet, especially on the tips of England's first fingerprint bureau, called the fingers, thumbs, and toes, the dermal the Fingerprint Branch, within the papillae form looped and whorled ridges. Scotland Yard police force. Henry's These print patterns, known as system is still used today in Great fingerprints or toeprints, increase the Britain and the United States. gripping ability of the hands and feet. Within the dermis are sensory Genetically determined, the patterns are receptors for the senses of touch, unique to every individual. pressure, heat, cold, and pain. A specific Fingerprints (the pattern of ridges type of receptor exists for each on an individual's fingertips and thumbs sensation. For pain, the receptors are free formed by dermal papillae) are unique to nerve endings. For the other sensations, each individual and the patterns never the receptors are encapsulated nerve change. People have long known about endings, meaning they have a cellular the distinctiveness of fingerprints, but structure around their endings. The their use in identifying people did not number and type of sensory receptors arise until the nineteenth century. present in a particular area of skin It is generally acknowledged that determines how sensitive that area is to a English scientist Francis Galton (1822– particular sensation. For example, 1911) was the first person to devise a fingertips have many touch receptors system of fingerprint identification. In and are quite sensitive. The skin of the the 1880s, Galton obtained the first upper arm is less sensitive because it has extensive collection of fingerprints for very few touch receptors. his studies on heredity. He also established a bureau for the registration ACCESSORY STRUCTURES of civilians by means of fingerprints and The accessory structures of the measurements. integumentary system include hair, nails, and sweat and sebaceous glands. Galton's ideas were further Hair. Roughly 5 million hairs cover the developed by fellow Englishman body of an average individual. About Edward R. Henry (1850–1931). In the 100,000 of those hairs appear on the 1890s, Henry developed a more scalp. Almost every part of the body is simplified fingerprint classification covered by hair, except the palms of the
  • 20. hands, the soles of the feet, the sides of follicle, epithelial cells grow and divide, the fingers and toes, the lips, and certain forming the hair bulb or enlarged hair parts of the outer genital organs. base. Keratin, the primary component in Each hair originates from a tiny these epithelial cells, coats and stiffens tubelike structure called a hair follicle the hair as it grows upward through the that extends deep into the dermis layer. follicle. The part of the hair enclosed in Often, the follicle will project into the the follicle is called the hair root. Once subcutaneous layer. Capillaries and the hair projects from the scalp or skin, it nerves attach to the base of the follicle, is called a hair shaft. providing nutrients and sensory The older epithelial cells forming information. Inside the base of the the hair root and hair shaft die as they Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails Page 19 are pushed upward from the nutrient-rich Nails. Nails in humans correspond to the follicle base by newly formed cells. Like hooves of horses and cattle and the the upper layers of the epidermis, the claws of birds and reptiles. Found on the hair shaft is made of dead material, ends of fingers and toes, nails are almost entirely protein. The hair shaft is produced by nail follicles just as hair is divided into two layers: the cuticle or produced by hair follicles. The nail root outer layer consists of a single layer of is that portion of the nail embedded in flat, overlapping cells; the cortex or the skin, lying very near the bone of the inner layer is made mostly of keratin. fingertip. Here, cells produce a stronger Hair shafts differ in size, shape, form of keratin than is found in hair. As and color. In the eyebrows, they are new cells are formed, older cells are short and stiff, but on the scalp they are pushed forward, forming the nail body longer and more flexible. Elsewhere on or the visible attached portion of the nail. the body they are nearly invisible. Oval- The free edge is that portion of the nail shaped hair shafts produce wavy hair. that extends over the tip of the finger or Flat or ribbonlike hair shafts produce toe. Healthy fingernails grow about 0.04 kinky or curly hair. Perfectly round hair inches (1 millimeter) per week, slightly shafts produce straight hair. The faster than toenails. different types of melanin—yellow, rust, The nail body is made of dead brown, and black—produced by cells, but the nail bed (the tissue melanocytes at the follicle base combine underneath the nail body) is alive. The to create the many varieties of hair color, blood vessels running through the nail from the palest blonde to the richest bed give the otherwise transparent nail black. With age, the production of body a pink color. Near the nail root, melanin decreases, and hair color turns however, these blood vessels are gray. obscured. The resulting white crescent is Attached to each hair follicle is a called the lunula (from the Latin word ribbon of smooth muscle called an luna , meaning "moon"). arrector pili muscle. When stimulated, Sweat Glands. More than 2.5 the muscle contracts and pulls on the million sweat glands are distributed over follicle, causing the hair shaft to stand most surfaces of the human body. They upright.
  • 21. are divided into two types: eccrine sweat waste materials such as urea, and glands and apocrine sweat glands. vitamin C form the remainder (the salts Eccrine glands, the more give sweat its characteristic salty taste). numerous of the two types, are found all Sebaceous Gland. Sebaceous glands, over the body. They are especially also known as oil glands, are found in numerous on the forehead, upper lip, the dermis all over the body, except for palms, and soles. The glands are simply the palms and soles. They secrete sebum, coiled tubes that originate in the dermis. a mixture of lipids (fats), proteins, and A duct extends from the gland to the fragments of dead fatproducing cells. skin's surface, where it opens into a pore. The function of sebum is to prevent the Eccrine glands produce sweat or drying of skin and hair. It also contains perspiration, a clear secretion that is 99 chemicals that kill bacteria present on percent water. Some salts, traces of Integumentary System – Skin, Hair & Nails Page 20 the skin surface. While most sebaceous Arrector pili muscles, which contract to glands secrete sebum through ducts into elevate hairs, also squeeze sebaceous hair follicles, some secrete sebum glands, forcing out sebum. directly onto the surface of the skin.
  • 22. Muscular System – Movement using Muscles Page 21 The muscular system is the body's network of tissues that controls movement both of the body and within it. Walking, running, jumping: all these actions propelling the body through space are possible only because of the contraction (shortening) and relaxation of muscles. These major movements, however, are not the only ones directed by muscular activity. Muscles make it possible to stand, sit, speak, and blink. Even more, were it not for muscles, blood would not rush through blood vessels, air would not fill lungs, and food would not move through the digestive system. In short, muscles are the machines of the body, allowing it to work. PARTS OF THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM The muscles of the body are divided into three main types: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. As their name implies, skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton and move various parts of the body. They are composed of tissue from the pattern of the filaments fibers that are striated or striped. The (threadlike proteins) within each muscle alternating bands of light and dark result cell. Skeletal muscles are called
  • 23. voluntary muscles because a person and vein walls, and in various hollow controls their use, such as in the flexing organs. They are called involuntary of an arm or the raising of a foot. muscles because a person generally There are just over 650 skeletal cannot consciously control them. They muscles in the whole human body. Some are regulated by the autonomic nervous authorities state there are as many as 850 system (a division of the nervous system muscles in the body. No exact figure is that affects internal organs such as the available because scientists disagree heart, lungs, stomach, and liver). Unlike about which ones are separate muscles skeletal muscles, smooth muscles have and which ones are part of larger no striations or stripes. muscles. There is also some variability In a vessel or organ, smooth muscles are in muscular structure between arranged in sheets or layers. Often, there individuals. are two layers, one running circularly Smooth muscles are found in the (around) and the other stomach and intestinal walls, in artery Muscular System – Movement using Muscles Page 22 longitudinally (up and down). As the Muscle tone, sustained partial two layers alternately contract and relax, contraction of certain muscle fibers in all the shape of the vessel or organ changes muscles. and fluid or food is propelled along. Myofibrils, cylindrical structures lying Smooth muscles contract slowly and can within skeletal muscle fibers that are remain contracted for a long period of composed of repeating structural units time without tiring. called sarcomeres. Acetylcholine, neurotransmitter chemical Myofilament, protein filament released at the neuromuscular junction composing the myofibrils; can be either by motor neurons that translates thick (composed of myosin) or thin messages from the brain to muscle (composed of actin). fibers. Neuromuscular junction, region where a Adenosine triphosphate, high-energy motor neuron comes into close contact molecule found in every cell in the body. with a muscle fiber. Aerobic metabolism, Chemical reactions Prime mover (or agonist), muscle whose that require oxygen in order to create contractions are chiefly responsible for adenosine triphosphate. producing a particular movement. Antagonist, muscle that acts in Rigor mortis, rigid state of the body after opposition to a prime mover. death due to irreversible muscle Cramp, prolonged muscle spasm. contractions. Fascicle, Bundle of myofibrils wrapped Sarcomere, unit of contraction in a together by connective tissue. skeletal muscle fiber containing a Lactic acid, chemical waste product precise arrangement of thick and thin created when muscle fibers break down myofilaments. glucose without the proper amount of Spasm, sudden, involuntary muscle oxygen contraction. Strain, slight tear in a muscle; also called a pulled muscle.
  • 24. Synergist, muscle that cooperates with many as 100 or more nuclei. The nuclei another to produce a particular are located on the surface of the fiber, movement. just under its thin membrane. Another Tendon, tough, white, cordlike tissue difference between muscle fibers and that attaches muscle to bone. other body cells is their size. They can extend the entire length of a muscle. For STRUCTURE OF MUSCLE CELLS example, a muscle fiber in a thigh Each muscle is made of hundreds muscle could measure 0.0004 inch to thousands of individual muscle cells. (0.001 centimeter) in diameter and 12 to Unlike most other cells in the body, 16 inches (30 to 40 centimeters) in these cells are unusually shaped: they are length. elongated like a cylinder or a long rod. When a person dies, blood stops Because of their shape, muscle cells are circulating through the body. The normally referred to as muscle fibers. skeletal muscles (along with all other Whereas most cells have a single parts of the body) are deprived of nucleus (the part of the cell that controls its activities), muscle fibers have as Muscular System – Movement using Muscles Page 23 oxygen and nutrients, including ATP. contains bundles of threadlike proteins Calcium ions leak out of their storage or filaments called myofilaments, which area in the membranes of muscle fibers, can be either thick or thin. The larger causing thick myofilaments to attach to thick myofilaments are made mostly of and pull thin myofilaments. While the bundled molecules of the protein muscle fibers still have a stored supply myosin. The thin myofilaments are of ATP, the heads of thick myofilaments composed of the protein actin. In each are able to detach from the thin myofibril, the thick and thin myofilaments. When the supply of ATP myofilaments are combined into runs out, however, the heads cannot thousands of units or segments that detach and the muscle fibers stay in a repeat over and over. These units are contracted position. The rigid state of called sarcomeres. Thick myofilaments muscle contraction that results is called lie in the center of a sarcomere. Thin rigor mortis. Depending on the person's myofilaments are attached at either end physical condition at death, the onset of of a sarcomere and extend toward the rigor mortis may vary from ten minutes center, passing among the thick to several hours after death. Facial myofilaments. This regular arrangement muscles are usually affected first, of the varying myofilaments within each followed by other parts of the body. sarcomere produces the striated or Rigor mortis lasts until the muscle fibers striped appearance of each myofibril begin to decompose fifteen to twenty- and, by extension, of muscle fibers. five hours after death. As are most living cells, muscle Each muscle fiber is composed fibers are soft and fragile. Even so, they of hundreds of smaller filaments or can exert tremendous power without threads called myofibrils (the prefix being ripped apart. The reason is that myocomes from the Latin word myos , muscles are composed of different types meaning "muscle"). Each myofibril of tissue (like all other organs in the
  • 25. body). In addition, those tissues are muscle usually converge or come bundled together, providing strength and together at the end of the muscle to form support. Each myofibril is enclosed in a a tough, white, cord-like tissue called a delicate sheath or covering made of tendon. Tendons attach muscles to bone. connective tissue (tissue found Because they contain fibers of the tough everywhere in the body that connects protein collagen, tendons are much body parts, providing support, storage, stronger than muscle tissue. The and protection). Numerous sheathed collagen fibers are arranged in a tendon myofibrils are then bundled together and in a wavy way so that it can stretch and wrapped with thicker connective tissue provide additional length at the muscle- to form what is called a fascicle (from bone junction. As muscles are used, the the Latin word fasciculus , meaning "a tendons are able to withstand the bundle"). Many fascicles are then constant pulling and tugging. bundled together by an even tougher Muscles are always attached at both of coat of connective tissue to form the their ends. The end that is attached to a muscle. bone that moves when the Tendons. The layers of connective tissue that bundle the various parts of a Muscular System – Movement using Muscles Page 24 muscle contracts is called the insertion. bone of the skull. Other muscles are The other end, attached to a bone that named for their relative size. Terms such does not move when the muscle as maximus (largest), minimus contracts, is called the origin. It is (smallest), and longus (long) are often important to note that not all muscles are used as part of a muscle's name. Still attached to bones at both ends. The ends other muscles are named for their shape. of some muscles are attached to other The deltoid muscle is so named because muscles; some are attached to the skin. it has the shape of the Greek letter delta , which is triangular-shaped. And some MAJOR MUSCLES OF THE BODY muscles are named for their actions. Skeletal muscles that support the Terms such as flexor (to flex or bend in), skull, backbone, and rib cage are called extensor (to extend or straighten out), axial skeletal muscles. These include the adductor (to draw toward a line that runs muscles of the head and neck and those down the middle of the body), and of the trunk. Roughly 60 percent of all abductor (to draw away from a line that skeletal muscles in the body are axial runs down the middle of the body) are muscles. The skeletal muscles of the often added as part of a muscle's name. limbs (arms and legs) are called distal or Muscles of the Head and Neck. The appendicular skeletal muscles. These muscles of the face are unique: they are include the muscles of the shoulders and attached to the skull on one end and to arms and those of the hip and legs. the skin or other muscles on the other Muscle names are descriptive. end. Muscles that are attached to the skin Some muscles are named according to of the face allow people to express their location in the body. For example, emotions through actions such as the frontalis muscle overlies the frontal smiling, frowning, pouting, and kissing.
  • 26. As mentioned, the frontalis side of the head, allows the head to covers the frontal bone or forehead. The rotate and the neck to flex. temporalis is a fan-shaped muscle Muscles of the Trunk. On the front overlying the temporal bone on each side part of the trunk or torso, the pectoralis of the head above the ear. The major are the large, fan-shaped muscles orbicularis oculi encircles each eye and that cover the upper part of the chest. helps close the eyelid. The orbicularis They flex the shoulders and pull the oris is the circular muscle around the arms into the body. The rectus lips. It closes and extends the lips. abdominis are the strap-like muscles of The masseter, located over the the abdomen, extending from the ribs to rear of the lower jaw on each side of the the pelvis. Better known as the stomach face, opens and closes the jaw, allowing muscles, they flex the vertebral column chewing. The buccinator, running or backbone and provide support for the horizontally across each cheek, flattens abdomen and its many organs. The the cheek and pulls back the corners of muscles making up the side walls of the the mouth. The sternocleidomastoid, abdomen are the external oblique. In located on either side of the neck and addition to helping compress the extending from the clavicle or abdomen, they rotate the trunk and allow collarbone to the temporal bone on the it to bend sideways. Muscular System – Movement using Muscles Page 25 On the rear part of the trunk, the thin and long. Of these many muscles, trapezius are the kite-shaped muscles the flexor carpi bend the wrist and the that run from the back of the neck and flexor digitorum bend the fingers. The upper back down to the middle of the muscles that have the opposite effect, back. They raise, lower, and adduct the extending the wrist and fingers, are the shoulders. The large, flat muscles that extensor carpi and the extensor cover the lower back are the latissimus digitorum. dorsi. They adduct and rotate the arms Muscles of the Hips and Legs. Muscles and help extend the shoulders. of the lower limbs cause movement at Muscles of the Shoulders and Arms. the hip, knee, and foot joints. These The fleshy, triangular-shaped muscles muscles are among the largest and that form the rounded shape of the strongest muscles in the body. Muscles shoulders are the deltoid. They help on the thigh (upper portion of the leg) abduct the arm, or move it away from are especially massive and powerful the middle of the body. The most since they hold the body upright against familiar muscle of the upper arm is the the force of gravity. biceps brachii Located on the front of The gluteus maximus are the the upper arm, the bicep makes a large muscles that form most of the flesh prominent bulge as it flexes the elbow. of the buttocks. These powerful muscles On the rear portion of the upper arms is help extend the hip in activities such as the triceps brachii. Its action is just the climbing stairs and jumping. The opposite of the biceps: it extends or adductor muscles are a group of muscles straightens the forearm. that form a mass on the inside of the The muscles of the forearm, thighs. As their name indicates, they which move the bones of the hands, are adduct or press the thighs together.
  • 27. On the front of the thigh is a legged position with the knees wide group of four muscles known apart. collectively as the quadriceps. Together, On the back part of the lower leg the quadriceps help powerfully extend or is the calf muscle, properly known as the straighten the knee, such as when an gastrocnemius. This diamond-shaped individual kicks a soccer ball. On the muscle, formed in two sections, helps back of the thigh, a group of three extend or lower the foot, such as when muscles performs the opposite effect. an individual walks on his or her toes. Known as hamstrings, these muscles flex The strong tendon that attaches the or bend the knee. The sartorius is long, gastrocnemius to the heel of the foot is straplike muscle that crosses the front of the well-known Achilles tendon in the thigh diagonally from the outside of Greek mythology, a hero of the Trojan the hip to the inside of the knee. War who is killed by an arrow shot into Although it is not that powerful, it does his heel. The main muscle on the front lie on upper surface of the thigh and is part of the lower leg, the tibialis anterior, easily seen. The sartorius helps rotate the opposes the action of the gastrocnemius. leg so an individual can sit in a cross- It flexes and inverts or elevates the foot. Nervous System – Brain and Nerves Page 26 The nervous system is the master body. It interprets incoming sensory controller of the body. Each thought, information, then sends out instructions each emotion, each action—all result on how the body should react. The CNS from the activity of this system. Through consists of two major parts: the brain its many parts, the nervous system and the spinal cord. monitors conditions both within and The peripheral nervous system outside the body. It then processes that (PNS) is the part of the nervous system information and decides how the body outside of the CNS. It consists mainly of should respond, if at all. Finally, if a nerves that extend from the brain and response is needed, the system sends out spinal cord to areas in the rest of the electrical signals that spur the body into body. Cranial nerves carry impulses to immediate action. Although one of the and from the brain while spinal nerves smallest of the body's systems in terms carry impulses to and from the spinal of weight, the nervous system is the cord. The PNS can be divided into two most complex and versatile. systems: the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The PARTS OF THE NERVOUS somatic nervous system controls the SYSTEM voluntary movements of the skeletal The nervous system is a muscles. The autonomic nervous system collection of cells, tissues, and organs. It control activities in the body that are can be split into two separate divisions: involuntary or automatic. These include the central nervous system and the the actions of the heart, glands, and peripheral nervous system. digestive organs and associated parts. The central nervous system The autonomic nervous system (CNS) acts as the command center of the can be divided further into two
  • 28. subdivisions: the parasympathetic and Axon, taillike projection extending out a sympathetic nervous systems. These two neuron that carries impulses away from subdivisions work against each other. the cell body. The parasympathetic nervous system Basal ganglia, paired masses of gray regulates involuntary activities that keep matter within the white matter of the the body running smoothly under cerebrum that help coordinate normal, everyday conditions. The subconscious skeletal muscular sympathetic nervous system controls movement. involuntary activities that help the body Brain, central controlling and respond to stressful situations. coordinating organ of the nervous Arachnoid, weblike middle layer of the system. three meninges covering the brain and Cauda equine, spinal nerves that hang spinal cord. below the end of the spinal cord. Autonomic nervous system, part of the Central nervous system, part of the peripheral nervous system that controls nervous system consisting of the brain involuntary actions, such as the and spinal cord. heartbeat, gland secretions, and Cerebral cortex, outermost layer of the digestion. cerebrum made entirely of gray matter. Cerebrum, largest part of the brain, involved with conscious perception, Nervous System – Brain and Nerves Page 27 voluntary actions, memory, thought, and Gyri, outward folds on the surface of the personality. cerebral cortex. Corpus callosum, large band of neurons Hippocampus, structure in the limbic connecting the two cerebral system necessary for the formation of hemispheres. long-term memory. Dendrites, branchlike extensions of Hypothalamus, region of the brain neurons that carry impulses toward the containing many control centers for cell body. body functions and emotions; also Diencephalon, rear part of the forebrain regulates the pituitary gland's secretions. that connects the midbrain to the Limbic system, group of structures in the cerebrum and that contains the thalamus cerebrum and diencephalon that are and hypothalamus. involved with emotional states and Dura mate, outermost and toughest of memory. the three meninges covering the brain Medulla oblongata, part of the brain and spinal cord. located at the top end of the spinal cord Ganglion, any collection of nerve cell that controls breathing and other bodies forming a nerve center in the involuntary functions. peripheral nervous system. Meninges, membranes that cover the Gray matter, grayish nerve tissue of the brain and spinal cord. central nervous system containing Midbrain, part of the brain between the neuron cell bodies, neuroglia, and hypothalamus and the pons that unmyelinated axons. regulates visual, auditory, and rightening reflexes.
  • 29. Myelin, soft, white, fatty material that system that controls involuntary forms a sheath around the axons of most activities that keep the body running neurons. smoothly under normal, everyday Nerve, bundle of axons in the peripheral conditions. nervous system. Peripheral nervous system, part of the Neuroglia, also known as glial cells, nervous system consisting of the cranial cells that support and protect neurons in and spinal nerves. the central nervous system. Pia mater, delicate innermost layer of Neuron, nerve cell. the three meninges covering the brain Neurotransmitter, chemical released by and spinal cord. the axon of a neuron that travels across a Pons, part of the brain connecting the synapse and binds to receptors on the medulla oblongata with the midbrain. dendrites of other neurons or body cells. Reflex, involuntary and rapid response to Node of Ranvier, small area between a stimulus. Schwann cells on an axon that is Schwann cell, cell that forms the myelin unmyelinated or uncovered. sheath around axons of neurons in the Oligodendrocyte, cell that produces the peripheral nervous system. myelin sheath around the axons of Somatic nervous system, part of the neurons in the central nervous system. peripheral nervous system that controls Parasympathetic nervous system, the voluntary movements of the skeletal division of the autonomic nervous muscles Nervous System – Brain and Nerves Page 28 Spinal cord, long cord of nerve tissue Neurons. The cells making up the brain, running through the spine or backbone spinal cord, and nerves are called that transmits impulses to and from the neurons. They are special cells capable brain and controls some reflex actions. of receiving a stimulus (nerve or Sulci, shallow grooves on the surface of electrical impulse), transmitting that the cerebral cortex. stimulus throughout their length, and Sympathetic nervous system, division of then delivering that stimulus to other the autonomic nervous system that cells next to them. The human body controls involuntary activities that help contains about 200 billion neurons. the body respond to stressful situations. Almost half of them are located in the Synapse, small space or gap where a brain. nerve impulse passes between the axon A neuron consists of three main of one neuron and a dendrite of the next parts: the cell body, dendrites, and an neuron. axon (dendrites and axons are both Thalamus, part of the brain behind the referred to as nerve fibers). The cell hypothalamus that acts as the brain's body has most of the same structures main relay station, sending information found in typical body cells, such as a to the cerebral cortex and other parts of nucleus (the part of the cell that controls the brain. its activities). It is ball shaped, about White matter, whitish nerve tissue of the 0.001 inch (0.002 centimeter) in central nervous system containing diameter. bundles of myelinated axons.
  • 30. Dendrite comes from the Greek Some (such as those in the central word dendron , meaning "tree." nervous system) are very short, no Dendrites are hairlike threads branching longer than 0.01 inch (0.02 centimeter). off of the cell body like branches of a Others (such as those in the peripheral tree. Extensions of the cell body, they nervous system) can be 3 feet (1 meter) contain the same cytoplasm or cellular long. fluid found in the cell body. Dendrites Most long axons are surrounded are the points through which signals by a white, fatty material called myelin. from adjacent neurons enter a particular The tubelike covering formed is known neuron (the signal is then transmitted to as a myelin sheath. It serves the same the cell body). Since each neuron kind of function as the wrapping on a contains many dendrites, a neuron can telephone line or an electrical cable. It receive signals from many other protects the axon and prevents electrical surrounding neurons. impulses traveling through it from An axon is a taillike projection becoming lost. extending out of one end of the cell Special cells form the myelin body. It ends in a cluster of branches sheath by wrapping themselves around called terminal branches or axon the axons of neurons. In the CNS, the terminals. Axons have the opposite cells forming the myelin sheath are function of dendrites: they carry nerve called oligodendrocytes. In the PNS, impulses away from the cell body. special cells known as Schwann cells Axons vary in length and diameter. form the myelin sheath. The gap or Nervous System – Brain and Nerves Page 29 Types of Neurons. Neurons in the body indentation on an axon where one may be divided into three groups: Schwann cell ends and another begins is sensory neurons, motor neurons, and known as a node of Ranvier. The nodes interneurons. As their name implies, are unmyelinated (lack a myelin sheath), sensory neurons carry impulses or and the nerve or electrical impulse jumps sensations from receptors to the brain or from node to node as it passes along an spinal cord (central nervous system). axon (in unmyelinated axons, the Receptors, which are located in the skin, impulse travels continuously along the skeletal muscles, joints, and internal axon). Scientists believe Schwann cells organs, detect changes both inside and produce a chemical that helps regenerate outside the body. Motor neurons work in or restore damaged neurons in the the opposite direction. They carry peripheral nervous system. For example, impulses from the brain or spinal cord to if surgeons are able to reattach a person's muscles and glands, causing muscles to severed hand, that person may regain contract and glands to secrete. Both some sensation and movement in that sensory and motor neurons make up the hand as neurons grow and make peripheral nervous system. Interneurons connections. Conversely, work entirely within the central nervous oligodendrocytes lack this ability. This is system. They conduct impulses from why an injury to the brain or spinal cord sensory to motor neurons. often results in some permanent loss of function.
  • 31. Supporting Cells. Neuroglia, or glial Nerves are categorized like cells, are cells that surround neurons in neurons according to the direction in the central nervous system. They do not which they conduct impulses. Sensory conduct impulses, but help to support nerves, made of the axons of sensory and protect neurons, combining with neurons, carry impulses to the brain and them to form what is known as nerve spinal cord. Motor nerves, made of the tissue. They also supply neurons with axons of motor neurons, carry impulses nutrients and remove their wastes. to the muscles and glands. Mixed nerves Neuroglia are abundant, accounting for contain axons of both sensory and motor some ten times the number of neurons. neurons. The most abundant nerves, An example of neuroglia in the CNS are mixed nerves can conduct impulses both oligodendrocytes. to and from the central nervous system. Nerves. A nerve is a bundle of axons in The Brain. The human brain is a soft, the PNS. Each axon or nerve fiber is shiny, grayish white, mushroom-shaped wrapped in delicate connective tissue. structure encased within the skull. At Groups of axons are then bound in birth, a typical human brain weighs coarser connective tissue to form between 12 and 14 ounces (350 and 400 bundles. Finally, many bundles are grams). By the time an average person bound together (along with blood vessels reaches adulthood, the brain weighs to nourish the axons and Schwann cells) about 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms). by even tougher connective tissue to Because of greater average body size, form a nerve. the brains of male are generally about 10 percent larger than those of females. Nervous System – Brain and Nerves Page 30 Although brain size varies considerably cerebrospinal fluid, a liquid that among humans, there is no correlation or circulates between the arachnoid. link between brain size and intelligence. The Brain Stem. The brain stem is the The human brain is composed of stalk of the brain and is a continuation of up to one trillion nerve cells. One the spinal cord. It consists of the medulla hundred billion of these are neurons, and oblongata, pons, and midbrain. The the remainder are the supporting medulla oblongata is actually a portion neuroglia. The brain consists of gray and of the spinal cord that extends into the white matter. Gray matter is nerve tissue brain. All messages that are transmitted in the CNS composed of neuron cell between the brain and spinal cord pass bodies, neuroglia, and unmyelinated through the medulla. Nerves on the right axons; white matter is nerve tissue in the side of the medulla cross to the left side CNS composed chiefly of bundles of of the brain, and those on the left cross myelinated axons. to the right. The result of this The brain is protected by the arrangement is that each side of the brain skull and by three membranes called the controls the opposite side of the body. meninges. The outermost membrane is Three vital centers in the medulla known as the dura mater, the middle as control heartbeat, rate of breathing, and the arachnoid, and the innermost as the diameter of the blood vessels. Centers pia mater. Also protecting the brain is that help coordinate swallowing,
  • 32. vomiting, hiccuping, coughing, information from the eyes. The only sneezing, and other basic functions of exception is the vagus nerve (vagus life are also located in the medulla. A comes from the Latin word meaning region within the medulla helps to "wandering"). It is the lone cranial nerve maintain the conscious state. The pons that serves other areas of the body. The (from the Latin word meaning "bridge") vagus nerve branches extensively to the conducts messages between the spinal larynx, heart, lungs, stomach, and cord and the rest of the brain, and intestines. Among other functions, it between the different parts of the brain. helps promote digestive activity and The midbrain conveys impulses from the regulate heart activity. hypothalamus to the pons and spinal The Diecephalon. The diencephalon cord. It also contains visual and audio lies above the brain stem, and includes reflex centers involving the movement the thalamus and hypothalamus. The of the eyeballs and head. thalamus is an important relay station for Twelve pair of cranial nerves sensory information coming to the originate in the underside of the brain, cerebral cortex from other parts of the mostly from the brain stem. They leave brain. The thalamus also interprets the skull through openings and extend as sensations of pain, pressure, peripheral nerves to their destinations. temperature, and touch, and is concerned Cranial nerves bring information to the with some of our emotions and memory. brain from regions in the face, head, and It receives information from the outside neck. For example, the olfactory nerve environment in the form of sound, smell, transmits messages about smell from the and taste. nose and the optic nerve transmits visual Nervous System – Brain and Nerves Page 31 The Cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up The Cerebellum. The cerebellum is about 80 percent of the brain's weight. It located below the cerebrum and behind lies above the diencephalon. The the brain stem, and is shaped like a cerebrum's outer layer, the cerebral butterfly. The "wings" are the cerebellar cortex, is made entirely of gray matter hemispheres, and each consists of lobes (white matter makes up the inner portion that have distinct grooves or fissures. of the cerebrum). The tissue of the The cerebellum controls the actions of cerebral cortex is about 0.08 to 0.16 inch the muscular system needed for (2 to 4 millimeters) thick. The cerebral movement, balance, and posture. All cortex is folded extensively. The folds motor activity in the body depends on are called convolutions or gyri, and the the cerebellum. shallow grooves between the folds are The Limbic System. The limbic system sulci. Deeper grooves, which are less is a horseshoe-shaped area of the brain numerous, are called fissures. The folds located along the border between the greatly increase the surface area of the cerebrum and diencephalon. Key cerebral cortex—it would have a surface structures of the limbic system include area of about 5 square feet (1.5 square the almond-shaped amygdala and the sea meters) if spread out—and thus the total horse-shaped hippocampus. The limbic number of nerve cell bodies it contains. system is concerned with emotional
  • 33. states (such as rage, fear, and sexual to and from the brain and controls some arousal) and memory. The hippocampus, reflex actions. On average, the spinal in particular, plays a vital role in cord measures about 18 inches (45 learning and long-term memory. centimeters) in length and about 0.5 inch The Spinal Cord. The spinal cord, a (14 centimeters) in width. It weighs glistening white rope, is a continuation about 1.25 ounces (35 grams). of the brain stem. It transmits impulses Respiratory System – Breathing Page 32 Breathing, controlled by the respiratory system, is a continuous process of which a person is normally unaware. If breathing stops, however, a person becomes acutely aware of the fact. An individual can go days without food and water and hours without sleep, but only five or six minutes without air. Anything beyond that would be fatal. The trillions of cells in the body
  • 34. need a constant and generous amount of cell parts and chemicals, and the oxygen to carry out their vital functions. movement of compounds through cells As they use that oxygen, they give off and the body as a whole. carbon dioxide as a waste product. It is the role of the respiration system, PARTS OF THE RESPIRATORY working in conjunction with the SYSTEM cardiovascular system, to supply the Breathing describes the process oxygen and dispose of the carbon of inhaling and exhaling air. The dioxide. exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon Main Function. The main function of dioxide) between living cells and the the respiratory system is to provide environment is a process known as oxygen for the body's cells and remove respiration. The respiratory system, the carbon dioxide they produce. which controls breathing and respiration, Oxygen is the most important energy consists of the respiratory tract and the source for the cells. They need it for lungs. cellular respiration: the process by which The respiratory tract cleans, the simple sugar glucose is oxidized warms, and moistens air on its way to (combined with oxygen) to form the the lungs. The tract can be divided into energy-rich compound adenosine an upper and a lower part. The upper triphosphate (ATP). Glucose is produced part consists of the nose, nasal cavity, in cells by the breakdown of more pharynx (throat), larynx, and upper part complex carbohydrates, including starch, of the trachea (windpipe). The lower part cellulose, and complex sugars such as consists of the lower part of the trachea, sucrose (cane or beet sugar) and fructose bronchi, and lungs (which contain (fruit sugar). ATP is the compound used bronchioles and alveoli). by all cells to carry out their ordinary The nose and nasal cavity. The nose functions: growth, the production of new Respiratory System – Breathing Page 33 is the only external part of the cavity, separating it from the mouth or respiratory system. It is made of bone oral cavity below. Three flat, spongy and cartilage (tough connective tissue) folds or plates project toward the nasal and is covered with skin. The two septum from the sides of the nasal openings to the outside, called nostrils, cavity. These plates, called nasal allow air to enter or leave the body conchae, help to slow down the passage during breathing. The nostrils are lined of air, causing it to swirl in the nasal with coarse hairs that prevent large cavity. particles such as dust, insects, and sand Alveoli, air sacs of the lungs. from entering. Breathing, process of inhaling and The nostrils open into a large exhaling air. cavity, the nasal cavity. This cavity is Bronchi, largest branch of the bronchial divided into right and left cavities by a tree between the trachea and thin plate of bone and cartilage called bronchioles. the nasal septum. The hard portion of the palate forms the floor of the entire nasal