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Human Genetic Technologies:
Implications for Preventive
Health Care
Dr. Aparna Sen Chaudhary
 Definitions
 Genetic Epidemiology
 Genetic Technologies Application
 Advances in Molecular Genetics
 Population Genetics
 Genetic Testing: How it is Used for Healthcare
 Ethical, legal and social implications
 Preventive and social measures
 Inadequacy of Genetics Services
 Personalized Medicine, Metagenomics, NIPT Test 02-02-2018
Branch of science that deals with the study of
Human Genetics
Basic biological science for understanding the
endogenous factors in health and disease and
the complex interaction between nature and
Branches in Genetics
Biochemical Genetics
Clinical Genetics
Microbial Genetics
Population Genetics
Genetic Epidemiology
It represents a hybrid of epidemiologic
designs and statistical models that explicitly
consider both genetic and environmental risk
factors for complex disease, that is, those
disease that have some genetic components
to their aetiology but are not exclusively
Eras in Genetic Epidemiology
Genetic factors and disease aetiology
 According to the degree of gene mutation,
diseases are categorised into the following:
1. Chromosomal diseases
2. Unifactorial disorders
3. Multifactorial disorders
Source : Pradhan S, Sengupta M, Dutta A, Bhattacharyya K, Bag S.K, Dutta C, etal. Indian genetic disease database. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011;39:D933–8
Chromosomal disorders
300 numerical and structural types of
chromosomal aberrations have been described
The incidence – 5.6 per 1000 live births
2 per 1000 live births represent sex aneuploids
1.7 per 1000 live births autosomal aneuploidies
1.9 per 1000 live births chromosomal
Chromosomal disorders
1. Related to Sex Chromosomes
a) Klinefelter’s Syndrome (XXY, XXXY)
• Frequency is 1 in 400 among males at birth
b) XYY Syndrome
• Frequency is 1 in 1000 males at birth
c) Turner’s Syndrome (XO)
• Frequency is 1 in 3000 live girls at the birth
d) Super Female (XXX, XXXX, XXXXX)
• Frequency is 1 in 1000
Source : Gender and Genetics. Available at:
Chromosomal disorders
2. Relating to Autosomes
a) Down Syndrome
• Incidence between 1 in 1000 to 1 in 1100 live
• India incidence is 1.4/1000 live births
1. Gender and Genetics. Available at:
2. Sharma R. Birth defects in India: Hidden truth, need for urgent attention. Indian J Hum Genet. 2013; 19(2): 125–9.
Unifactorial (Monogenic) disorders
1. Autosomal Dominant Disease • Huntington’s chorea,
• Marfan’s syndrome,
• Retinoblastoma,
• Polycystic Kidney
2. Autosomal Recessive Disease • Phenylketonuria
• Cystic fibrosis
• Alkaptonuria
• Hemoglobinopathies
3. Sex – linked Dominant Disease • Vitamin D resistant Rickets
• Familial hypophosphatemia
4. Sex- linked Recessive Disease • Haemophilia
• G6PD Deficiency
• Colour blindness
• Retinitis Pigmentosa
Multifactorial (Polygenic) disorders
Campbell (1965) stressed that environmental
factors and genetic interact closely resulting in
The frequency is high compared with that of
Mendelian and chromosomal disorders.
Examples include:
• Essential Hypertension • Diabetes
• Ischemic Heart Disease • Schizophrenia
• Congenital Heart Disease • Mental Retardation
Genetic Technologies Application
There are three main categories of the application of
genetic technologies:
1. Human Cloning:
 Creation of either human embryos or human
children that are genetically identical to their living
or dead parents.
2. Genetic Trait Selection:
 Selection of sperm, eggs or embryos that possess
genes which are associated with certain traits
3. Genetic modification:
 Changes and manipulation of genes in living human
cells 02-02-2018
Advances in Molecular Genetics
Advances in Molecular Genetics
What we KNEW
• Structure of DNA
• Genes code for
• Human genes were
• DNA sequencing was
just being developed.
What we KNOW
• Entire Human
• Using large-scale
approaches like
genome wide
association (GWA)
• Discover new roles
for RNA
• Genetic tools like
DNA fingerprinting.
Hope to LEARN
• Use genetic
information to tailor
drug prescriptions,
screening tests, and
• Predict and prevent
the emergence and
spread of infectious
Advances in Molecular Genetics
DNA Technology
• Synthesis of DNA probes with specific sequences
identifying complementary DNA sequences – allow
genetic diagnosis and further analysis
• DNA sequencing – rapid analysis of unknown DNA and
identification of mutation
• PCR – amplifying known DNA sequence
• Coding sequences – production of therapeutic agents
(insulin, erythropoietin, factor VIII)
• Positional cloning strategies – simplified the study of
Advances in Molecular Genetics
DNA Technology
• In Vitro – examining protein product of gene sequences
with unknown function
• Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) – permits direct
visualization of genes to one another
• Comparison between DNA sequences- elucidate
mechanism of evolution
• Insertion of coding DNA sequences into animal embryos
– create transgenic animals.
• Insertion of missing DNA or excision of harmful one
Advances in Molecular Genetics
Recombinant DNA Technology
When two DNAs of different origin are combined, the
result is a recombinant DNA molecule.
The recombinant DNA molecule is placed in a host cell.
The host cell then replicates (producing a clone), and
following its amplification it can be purified for further
The top four applications are:
a) Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases
b) DNA Typing
c) Gene Therapy
d) Synthesis of Human Insulin and Hepatitis B Vaccine
Advances in Molecular Genetics
Gene Therapy
Introduction of a gene sequence into a cell
Aim of modifying the cell’s behaviour
Gene may be introduced using virus (retrovirus or
adenovirus) or by means of lipid or receptor targeting.
Used –
• Genetic mutation – Cystic Fibrosis
• Kill a cell – Cancer
• Modify susceptibility – Coronary Heart Disease
Advances in Molecular Genetics
The Human Genome Project
Is an attempt to systematize the research on
mapping and isolating human genes that is
already in progress in many countries.
Agencies include UNESCO, the Genome Data
Base, HUGO, the National Institute of
Health/Department of Energy (USA), the Medical
Research Council (UK), Genethon (France) and
the European Union.
Advances in Molecular Genetics
The Human Genome diversity project
Is aimed at increasing understanding of Human
Major objective – define the genetic relationships
between human population and interpret them.
Source: The Human Genome Diversity Project: past, present and future (2005)
Population Genetics
Defined as a study of the precise genetic
composition of population and various factors
determining the incidence of inherited traits in
Founded by Hardy in England and Weinberg in
Germany in 1908.
Hardy – Weinberg Law states “the relative
frequencies of each gene allele tends to remains
constant from generation to generation.”
Population Genetics
Factors influencing Gene Frequency
a) Mutations
b) Natural Selection
c) Population Movements
d) Breeding Structure
e) Public Health Measures
Role of Genetics in Public Health
Identification of a genetic condition or
predisposition before the onset of clinically
recognized, irreversible disease.
Evidence that screening for a genetic trait and
providing early intervention results in improved
prognosis and favourable health outcomes.
Helps in identification and modification of
environment risk factors among persons
susceptible to disease due to genotype.
Population targeted by Public Health
Genetics Intervention
Priorities need to be established
Depends on the burden of these rare diseases
Ethnic group can be target population of
screening programs
Genetic Predisposition in Human Disease
Genetic predisposition in human disease can
help accomplish goals of Public Health
1. Improved prediction of individuals at risk
2. Design and implementation of targeted
biologic interventions
3. Deeper insights into biology of a disease
Genetic Testing: How it is Used for
 Yesterday
a) Late 1800s - Chromosomes first discovered
b) Early 1900s - inherited diseases were first linked to
c) 1950s - Genetic tests for genetic conditions such as
Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and Duchenne
muscular dystrophy.
d) Genetic testing was used to confirm a diagnosis of a
genetic condition, and to screen new-borns for
conditions such as phenylketonuria (PKU).
Genetic Testing: How it is Used for
 Today
a) Genetic testing is available for over 2000 rare and
common conditions.
b) There are a number of different types of genetic tests
available today
1. Diagnostic testing 5. Pre-implantation testing
2. Predictive and pre-
symptomatic testing
6. New-born testing
3. Carrier testing 7. Research genetic testing
4. Prenatal testing 8. Pharmacogenetics testing
Genetic Testing: How it is Used for
 Tomorrow
a) Genetic Test Registry
b) Cost of genetic testing to decline. Eventually the
cost of sequencing an individual’s entire genome
- will be less than $1,000.
c) Time of more effective “Personalized Medicine”.
Ethical, legal and social implications
1. Use of genetic information: confidentiality and
a) Genetic information does not change over time
b) Genetic information about one individual has
implications not only for the individual but also
for his/her family members.
c) Information might be used as a source of
Ethical, legal and social implications
2. DNA Banks
a) Many DNA banks were formed from DNA samples
collected for specific research or projects
b) Once they serve their use…. WHAT SHOULD NOW
c) Researchers and ethicists face such issues because
nature of prospective research will depend on
decision to use the sample from DNA bank or not.
Ethical, legal and social implications
3. Prenatal diagnosis, assisted reproduction and
embryo selection
a) Genetic test performed make it possible to select
only embryos that fit certain criteria.
b) For now, it is use to avoid birth of children with
severe hereditary disorders.
c) It might open the door to “Embryo selection”
d) Prenatal diagnosis implies that selective abortion is
an option
e) It raises the question of legal status of embryo. 02-02-2018
Ways to address privacy concerns
• UNESCO Bioethics Committee and International
Regulation of Gene Therapy, 1994
• Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act GINA,
• Gene Technology Act 2000
• Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), 1989
• Recombinant DNA Safety Guidelines, 1990 & 1994
• Guidelines for Generating Preclinical and Clinical Data for
rDNA vaccine, 1989
• The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India Bill, 2013
Preventive and social measures
Health Promotional Measures
1. Eugenics
a) Proposed by GALTON
b) Aim – to improve the genetic endowment of
human population
c) Can be
I. Negative Eugenics
II. Positive Eugenics
Preventive and social measures
Health Promotional Measures
2. Euthenics
a) This consist of improving the quality of
human environment, since it has influence on
the genetic potential/development.
Preventive and social measures
Health Promotional Measures
3. Genetic Counselling
a) Process of offering advice to the individuals
to improve the genetic constitution at the
individual family level.
b) Two types
I. Prospective Counselling
II. Retrospective Counselling
Preventive and social measures
Health Promotional Measures
4. Other General Measures
a) Prevention of Consanguineous Marriage
(prevents albinism, alkaptonuria,
b) Avoiding Late Marriages (prevents Down’s
Preventive and social measures
Specific Measure
a) Avoiding exposure to mutagens (radiation,
b) Immunization against Rubella
c) Immunization of Rh-ve mothers with anti D-globulin
Preventive and social measures
Early Diagnosis and Treatment
a) Detection of Genetic Carriers
b) Prenatal Diagnosis
i. USG
ii. Amniocentesis
iii. Chorionic Villous Sampling
c) Neonatal Screening Procedures
i. Clinical and Biochemical Examination
ii. Hb Electrophoresis
d) General population screening procedures 02-02-2018
Preventive and social measures
Indication for Prenatal
I. Advanced maternal age,
previous child with
chromosome aberration,
intrauterine growth delay
Cytogenetic (Amniocentesis,
Chorionic villous sampling)
2. Biochemical disorders Protein assay, DNA diagnosis
3. Congenital anomalies Sonography, foetoscopy
4. Screening for neural tube
defects and trisomy
Maternal serum Alpha-feto
protein and chorionic
gonadotropin 02-02-2018
Preventive and social measures
Disease Treatment
• Phenylketonuria Diet low in phenylalanine
• Hemophilia Factor VIII
• Spina Bifida Surgery
• Galactosemia Restriction of galactose
• Lactase Deficiency Restriction of Lactose
• Agammaglobulinemia Administration of Gamma Globulin
• Homocystinuria Administration of Pyridoxine
• Maple syrup urine disease Administration of Thiamine
• Hereditary spherocytosis Splenectomy
• Familial polyposis of colon Colectomy
• Adult polycystic kidney disease Kidney Transplantation
Established Genetic population-screening services
Type of service Conditions Preventive or screening action
• Rhesus haemolytic disease
• Congenital rubella
• Congenital malformation
Postpartum use of Anti- D globulin
Immunization of girls
Folic acid, control maternal
diabetes, avoidance of mutagens
• Congenital malformations
• Chromosomal
• Inherited disease
USG of Foetal anomaly scan,
maternal serum AFP estimation
Maternal age and maternal serum
factor levels
Carrier screening
• Congenital malformations
• Phenylketonuria, sickle cell
Examination of new-born for early
Biochemical test for early
treatment 02-02-2018
Inadequacy of Genetics Services
Paucity of Resources
Unaddressed needs in areas of Health Care
Presence of other competing priorities
Low genetic literacy among general public
Culture, legal or religious limitations
Insufficient number of trained health professionals
Inadequate data on health and economic burden
Personalized Medicine
It is the practice of sequencing a patient’s genome
and combining this information with new
knowledge of genetic basis of many disease, as
well as the genetic component of treatment.
The Personalized Medicine Coalition, an
independent, non-profit group “works to advance
the understanding and adoption of personalized
medicine for ultimate benefit of patients”.
Personalized Medicine…
a) Pharmacogenomics
b) Reduce inappropriate
c) Personalized health
and nutritional
a) Possibility of
unauthorized or even
discriminatory use of the
b) Genomic information of
one person can imply to
genetic makeup of the
blood relatives, raising
privacy issues.
 Metagenomics to envision medical microbiology from
ecological viewpoint.
 It skips the step of culturing and isolating individual
microbes and leaps to the step of sequencing the DNA
isolated directly from an investigational microbial
 Leading to the revolutionary era of designing probiotics
which serve as a new approach to disease prevention
and treatment (Regenerative medicine).
 Lactobacillus reuteri 30242 has been found to lower
cholesterol. 02-02-2018
NIPT Test/ Harmony Test/ Panorama Test
 Non invasive Prenatal Testing to detect chromosomal
 Maternal blood carries call free foetal DNA which can be
isolated and measured
 Accuracy – 99.5%
 Done typically between 10th – 24th week of gestation
 Recommended among
Maternal age above 35 years
Family history
Any abnormal Prenatal Test 02-02-2018
Central Research Lab
KMC, Manipal
• Malformation Syndromes • Primary amenorrhea
• Chromosomal abnormalities (Down
syndrome, Turners Syndrome)
• Advanced maternal age (>35 years)
• Genetic anaemic (Thalassemia) • Infertility
• Mental retardation/ developmental delay • Exposure to teratogens during pregnancy
• Short stature • Familial cancers
• Skeletal dysplasia • Any familial / genetic disorder
• Myopathies • Neurodegenerative disorders
• Inborn errors of metabolism • Ambiguous genitalia
• Deafness • Genetic bleeding disorders
• Neural tube defects
• Clinical services offered (Evaluation, Diagnosis,
Counseling, Management and Prenatal Diagnosis)
• Laboratory facilities
1. Karyotyping from blood, tissues, chorionic villi, amniotic fluid and
products of conception
2. Quantitative fluorescent PCR (QF-PCR) for rapid detection of
aneuploidy in prenatal samples
3. Molecular diagnostic services and prenatal diagnosis for genetic
4. Biochemical testing for inborn errors of metabolism
Prenatal diagnosis and genetic counselling
1.Scanning for fetal malformations by ultrasound
2.Chorionic villus sampling
Fetal autopsy
In case of stillbirths and foetuses aborted after ultra sonographic detection of
malformations, detailed radiologic study and autopsy helps in providing a definitive
diagnosis of the condition.
• Fallin MD, Duggal P, Beaty TH. Genetic Epidemiology and Public Health: The
Evolution From Theory to Technology. American Journal of Epidemiology.
• Laberge AM. Genetics and Public Health. Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol
Haematol. 2004:181-90.
• Hanen M. Genetic Technologies and Medicine: Privacy, Identity, and
Informed Consent. Available at :
• Brand A, Brand H, Baumen TS. The impact of genetics and genomics on
public health. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2008;16:5-13.
• Pradhan S, Sengupta M, Dutta A, Bhattacharyya K, Bag S.K, Dutta C, etal.
Indian genetic disease database. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011;39:D933–8.
• Kar SK. The Human Microbiome Concept of Disease Prevention and
Treatment: A Giant Leap in Medical Genetics. Hereditary Genet. 2016;5:1.
• FACT SHEET - Genes: What We Knew, Know, and Hope to Learn National
Institutes of Health. 2010
• Fact Sheet - Genetic Testing: How it is Used for Healthcare National
Institutes of Health. 2010
• Gender and Genetics. Available at:
• Sharma R. Birth defects in India: Hidden truth, need for urgent attention.
Indian J Hum Genet. 2013; 19(2): 125–9.
• Suryakantha AH. Community Medicine with Recent Advances. 4th Edition.
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers;2017
• Park K. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. 23rd Edition. Jabalpur:
Bhanot Publishers ;2017
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• Fact Sheet - Human Genome Project National Institutes of Health.2010. 02-02-2018

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Human genetic technologies

  • 1. Human Genetic Technologies: Implications for Preventive Health Care Dr. Aparna Sen Chaudhary
  • 2. Contents  Definitions  Genetic Epidemiology  Genetic Technologies Application  Advances in Molecular Genetics  Population Genetics  Genetic Testing: How it is Used for Healthcare  Ethical, legal and social implications  Preventive and social measures  Inadequacy of Genetics Services  Personalized Medicine, Metagenomics, NIPT Test 02-02-2018 2
  • 3. Definitions Genetics Branch of science that deals with the study of hereditary Human Genetics Basic biological science for understanding the endogenous factors in health and disease and the complex interaction between nature and nurture. 02-02-2018 3
  • 4. Branches in Genetics Cytogenetics Biochemical Genetics Clinical Genetics Pharmacogenetics Immunogenetic Microbial Genetics Population Genetics 02-02-2018 4
  • 5. Genetic Epidemiology It represents a hybrid of epidemiologic designs and statistical models that explicitly consider both genetic and environmental risk factors for complex disease, that is, those disease that have some genetic components to their aetiology but are not exclusively Mendelian. 02-02-2018 5
  • 6. Eras in Genetic Epidemiology 02-02-2018 6
  • 7. Genetic factors and disease aetiology  According to the degree of gene mutation, diseases are categorised into the following: 1. Chromosomal diseases 2. Unifactorial disorders 3. Multifactorial disorders 02-02-2018 7
  • 8. 02-02-2018 8 Source : Pradhan S, Sengupta M, Dutta A, Bhattacharyya K, Bag S.K, Dutta C, etal. Indian genetic disease database. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011;39:D933–8
  • 9. Chromosomal disorders 300 numerical and structural types of chromosomal aberrations have been described The incidence – 5.6 per 1000 live births 2 per 1000 live births represent sex aneuploids 1.7 per 1000 live births autosomal aneuploidies 1.9 per 1000 live births chromosomal translocations 02-02-2018 9
  • 10. Chromosomal disorders 1. Related to Sex Chromosomes a) Klinefelter’s Syndrome (XXY, XXXY) • Frequency is 1 in 400 among males at birth b) XYY Syndrome • Frequency is 1 in 1000 males at birth c) Turner’s Syndrome (XO) • Frequency is 1 in 3000 live girls at the birth d) Super Female (XXX, XXXX, XXXXX) • Frequency is 1 in 1000 02-02-2018 10 Source : Gender and Genetics. Available at:
  • 11. Chromosomal disorders 2. Relating to Autosomes a) Down Syndrome • Incidence between 1 in 1000 to 1 in 1100 live births • India incidence is 1.4/1000 live births 02-02-2018 11 Source: 1. Gender and Genetics. Available at: 2. Sharma R. Birth defects in India: Hidden truth, need for urgent attention. Indian J Hum Genet. 2013; 19(2): 125–9.
  • 12. Unifactorial (Monogenic) disorders 1. Autosomal Dominant Disease • Huntington’s chorea, • Marfan’s syndrome, • Retinoblastoma, • Polycystic Kidney 2. Autosomal Recessive Disease • Phenylketonuria • Cystic fibrosis • Alkaptonuria • Hemoglobinopathies 3. Sex – linked Dominant Disease • Vitamin D resistant Rickets • Familial hypophosphatemia 4. Sex- linked Recessive Disease • Haemophilia • G6PD Deficiency • Colour blindness • Retinitis Pigmentosa 02-02-2018 12
  • 13. Multifactorial (Polygenic) disorders Campbell (1965) stressed that environmental factors and genetic interact closely resulting in abnormalities. The frequency is high compared with that of Mendelian and chromosomal disorders. Examples include: 02-02-2018 13 • Essential Hypertension • Diabetes • Ischemic Heart Disease • Schizophrenia • Congenital Heart Disease • Mental Retardation
  • 14. Genetic Technologies Application There are three main categories of the application of genetic technologies: 1. Human Cloning:  Creation of either human embryos or human children that are genetically identical to their living or dead parents. 2. Genetic Trait Selection:  Selection of sperm, eggs or embryos that possess genes which are associated with certain traits 3. Genetic modification:  Changes and manipulation of genes in living human cells 02-02-2018 14
  • 15. Advances in Molecular Genetics 02-02-2018 15
  • 16. Advances in Molecular Genetics 02-02-2018 16 What we KNEW • Structure of DNA • Genes code for proteins • Human genes were cloned • DNA sequencing was just being developed. What we KNOW • Entire Human Genome • Using large-scale approaches like genome wide association (GWA) • Discover new roles for RNA • Genetic tools like DNA fingerprinting. Hope to LEARN • Use genetic information to tailor drug prescriptions, screening tests, and lifestyle recommendations • Predict and prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases
  • 17. Advances in Molecular Genetics DNA Technology • Synthesis of DNA probes with specific sequences identifying complementary DNA sequences – allow genetic diagnosis and further analysis • DNA sequencing – rapid analysis of unknown DNA and identification of mutation • PCR – amplifying known DNA sequence • Coding sequences – production of therapeutic agents (insulin, erythropoietin, factor VIII) • Positional cloning strategies – simplified the study of families. 02-02-2018 17
  • 18. Advances in Molecular Genetics DNA Technology • In Vitro – examining protein product of gene sequences with unknown function • Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) – permits direct visualization of genes to one another • Comparison between DNA sequences- elucidate mechanism of evolution • Insertion of coding DNA sequences into animal embryos – create transgenic animals. • Insertion of missing DNA or excision of harmful one (GENE THERAPY) 02-02-2018 18
  • 19. Advances in Molecular Genetics Recombinant DNA Technology When two DNAs of different origin are combined, the result is a recombinant DNA molecule. The recombinant DNA molecule is placed in a host cell. The host cell then replicates (producing a clone), and following its amplification it can be purified for further analysis. The top four applications are: a) Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases b) DNA Typing c) Gene Therapy d) Synthesis of Human Insulin and Hepatitis B Vaccine 02-02-2018 19
  • 20. Advances in Molecular Genetics Gene Therapy Introduction of a gene sequence into a cell Aim of modifying the cell’s behaviour Gene may be introduced using virus (retrovirus or adenovirus) or by means of lipid or receptor targeting. Used – • Genetic mutation – Cystic Fibrosis • Kill a cell – Cancer • Modify susceptibility – Coronary Heart Disease 02-02-2018 20
  • 21. Advances in Molecular Genetics The Human Genome Project Is an attempt to systematize the research on mapping and isolating human genes that is already in progress in many countries. Agencies include UNESCO, the Genome Data Base, HUGO, the National Institute of Health/Department of Energy (USA), the Medical Research Council (UK), Genethon (France) and the European Union. 02-02-2018 21
  • 23. Advances in Molecular Genetics The Human Genome diversity project Is aimed at increasing understanding of Human evolution Major objective – define the genetic relationships between human population and interpret them. 02-02-2018 23
  • 24. 02-02-2018 24 Source: The Human Genome Diversity Project: past, present and future (2005)
  • 25. Population Genetics Defined as a study of the precise genetic composition of population and various factors determining the incidence of inherited traits in them. Founded by Hardy in England and Weinberg in Germany in 1908. Hardy – Weinberg Law states “the relative frequencies of each gene allele tends to remains constant from generation to generation.” 02-02-2018 25
  • 26. Population Genetics Factors influencing Gene Frequency a) Mutations b) Natural Selection c) Population Movements d) Breeding Structure e) Public Health Measures 02-02-2018 26
  • 27. Role of Genetics in Public Health Identification of a genetic condition or predisposition before the onset of clinically recognized, irreversible disease. Evidence that screening for a genetic trait and providing early intervention results in improved prognosis and favourable health outcomes. Helps in identification and modification of environment risk factors among persons susceptible to disease due to genotype. 02-02-2018 27
  • 28. Population targeted by Public Health Genetics Intervention Priorities need to be established Depends on the burden of these rare diseases Ethnic group can be target population of screening programs 02-02-2018 28
  • 29. Genetic Predisposition in Human Disease Genetic predisposition in human disease can help accomplish goals of Public Health 1. Improved prediction of individuals at risk 2. Design and implementation of targeted biologic interventions 3. Deeper insights into biology of a disease 02-02-2018 29
  • 30. Genetic Testing: How it is Used for Healthcare  Yesterday a) Late 1800s - Chromosomes first discovered b) Early 1900s - inherited diseases were first linked to chromosomes. c) 1950s - Genetic tests for genetic conditions such as Down syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. d) Genetic testing was used to confirm a diagnosis of a genetic condition, and to screen new-borns for conditions such as phenylketonuria (PKU). 02-02-2018 30
  • 31. Genetic Testing: How it is Used for Healthcare  Today a) Genetic testing is available for over 2000 rare and common conditions. b) There are a number of different types of genetic tests available today 02-02-2018 31 1. Diagnostic testing 5. Pre-implantation testing 2. Predictive and pre- symptomatic testing 6. New-born testing 3. Carrier testing 7. Research genetic testing 4. Prenatal testing 8. Pharmacogenetics testing
  • 32. Genetic Testing: How it is Used for Healthcare  Tomorrow a) Genetic Test Registry b) Cost of genetic testing to decline. Eventually the cost of sequencing an individual’s entire genome - will be less than $1,000. c) Time of more effective “Personalized Medicine”. 02-02-2018 32
  • 33. Ethical, legal and social implications 1. Use of genetic information: confidentiality and discrimination a) Genetic information does not change over time b) Genetic information about one individual has implications not only for the individual but also for his/her family members. c) Information might be used as a source of discrimination 02-02-2018 33
  • 35. Ethical, legal and social implications 2. DNA Banks a) Many DNA banks were formed from DNA samples collected for specific research or projects b) Once they serve their use…. WHAT SHOULD NOW BE DONE WITH THESE SAMPLES?CAN THE RESEARCHERS USE THEM WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THOSE WHO GAVE THE SAMPLES? Etc. c) Researchers and ethicists face such issues because nature of prospective research will depend on decision to use the sample from DNA bank or not. 02-02-2018 35
  • 37. Ethical, legal and social implications 3. Prenatal diagnosis, assisted reproduction and embryo selection a) Genetic test performed make it possible to select only embryos that fit certain criteria. b) For now, it is use to avoid birth of children with severe hereditary disorders. c) It might open the door to “Embryo selection” d) Prenatal diagnosis implies that selective abortion is an option e) It raises the question of legal status of embryo. 02-02-2018 37
  • 38. Ways to address privacy concerns • UNESCO Bioethics Committee and International Regulation of Gene Therapy, 1994 • Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act GINA, US;2008 • Gene Technology Act 2000 • Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), 1989 • Recombinant DNA Safety Guidelines, 1990 & 1994 • Guidelines for Generating Preclinical and Clinical Data for rDNA vaccine, 1989 • The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India Bill, 2013 02-02-2018 38 INDIAN GUIDELINES
  • 39. Preventive and social measures Health Promotional Measures 1. Eugenics a) Proposed by GALTON b) Aim – to improve the genetic endowment of human population c) Can be I. Negative Eugenics II. Positive Eugenics 02-02-2018 39
  • 40. Preventive and social measures Health Promotional Measures 2. Euthenics a) This consist of improving the quality of human environment, since it has influence on the genetic potential/development. 02-02-2018 40
  • 41. Preventive and social measures Health Promotional Measures 3. Genetic Counselling a) Process of offering advice to the individuals to improve the genetic constitution at the individual family level. b) Two types I. Prospective Counselling II. Retrospective Counselling 02-02-2018 41
  • 42. Preventive and social measures Health Promotional Measures 4. Other General Measures a) Prevention of Consanguineous Marriage (prevents albinism, alkaptonuria, phenylketonuria) b) Avoiding Late Marriages (prevents Down’s Syndrome) 02-02-2018 42
  • 43. Preventive and social measures Specific Measure a) Avoiding exposure to mutagens (radiation, chemicals) b) Immunization against Rubella c) Immunization of Rh-ve mothers with anti D-globulin 02-02-2018 43
  • 44. Preventive and social measures Early Diagnosis and Treatment a) Detection of Genetic Carriers b) Prenatal Diagnosis i. USG ii. Amniocentesis iii. Chorionic Villous Sampling c) Neonatal Screening Procedures i. Clinical and Biochemical Examination ii. Hb Electrophoresis d) General population screening procedures 02-02-2018 44
  • 45. Preventive and social measures Indication for Prenatal Diagnosis Methods I. Advanced maternal age, previous child with chromosome aberration, intrauterine growth delay Cytogenetic (Amniocentesis, Chorionic villous sampling) 2. Biochemical disorders Protein assay, DNA diagnosis 3. Congenital anomalies Sonography, foetoscopy 4. Screening for neural tube defects and trisomy Maternal serum Alpha-feto protein and chorionic gonadotropin 02-02-2018 45
  • 46. Preventive and social measures Disease Treatment • Phenylketonuria Diet low in phenylalanine • Hemophilia Factor VIII • Spina Bifida Surgery • Galactosemia Restriction of galactose • Lactase Deficiency Restriction of Lactose • Agammaglobulinemia Administration of Gamma Globulin • Homocystinuria Administration of Pyridoxine • Maple syrup urine disease Administration of Thiamine • Hereditary spherocytosis Splenectomy • Familial polyposis of colon Colectomy • Adult polycystic kidney disease Kidney Transplantation 02-02-2018 46
  • 47. Established Genetic population-screening services Type of service Conditions Preventive or screening action Primary Prevention • Rhesus haemolytic disease • Congenital rubella • Congenital malformation Postpartum use of Anti- D globulin Immunization of girls Folic acid, control maternal diabetes, avoidance of mutagens Antenatal screening • Congenital malformations • Chromosomal abnormalities • Inherited disease USG of Foetal anomaly scan, maternal serum AFP estimation Maternal age and maternal serum factor levels Carrier screening Neonatal screening • Congenital malformations • Phenylketonuria, sickle cell anemia Examination of new-born for early treatment Biochemical test for early treatment 02-02-2018 47
  • 48. Inadequacy of Genetics Services Paucity of Resources Unaddressed needs in areas of Health Care Presence of other competing priorities Low genetic literacy among general public Culture, legal or religious limitations Insufficient number of trained health professionals Inadequate data on health and economic burden 02-02-2018 48
  • 49. Personalized Medicine It is the practice of sequencing a patient’s genome and combining this information with new knowledge of genetic basis of many disease, as well as the genetic component of treatment. The Personalized Medicine Coalition, an independent, non-profit group “works to advance the understanding and adoption of personalized medicine for ultimate benefit of patients”. 02-02-2018 49
  • 50. Personalized Medicine… 02-02-2018 50 Advantages a) Pharmacogenomics b) Reduce inappropriate prescriptions c) Personalized health and nutritional recommendations. E.g. SCIONA Disadvantages a) Possibility of unauthorized or even discriminatory use of the information b) Genomic information of one person can imply to genetic makeup of the blood relatives, raising privacy issues.
  • 51. Metagenomics  Metagenomics to envision medical microbiology from ecological viewpoint.  It skips the step of culturing and isolating individual microbes and leaps to the step of sequencing the DNA isolated directly from an investigational microbial community.  Leading to the revolutionary era of designing probiotics which serve as a new approach to disease prevention and treatment (Regenerative medicine).  Lactobacillus reuteri 30242 has been found to lower cholesterol. 02-02-2018 51
  • 52. NIPT Test/ Harmony Test/ Panorama Test  Non invasive Prenatal Testing to detect chromosomal abnormalities  Maternal blood carries call free foetal DNA which can be isolated and measured  Accuracy – 99.5%  Done typically between 10th – 24th week of gestation  Recommended among Maternal age above 35 years Family history Any abnormal Prenatal Test 02-02-2018 52
  • 54. • Malformation Syndromes • Primary amenorrhea • Chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Turners Syndrome) • Advanced maternal age (>35 years) • Genetic anaemic (Thalassemia) • Infertility • Mental retardation/ developmental delay • Exposure to teratogens during pregnancy • Short stature • Familial cancers • Skeletal dysplasia • Any familial / genetic disorder • Myopathies • Neurodegenerative disorders • Inborn errors of metabolism • Ambiguous genitalia • Deafness • Genetic bleeding disorders • Neural tube defects • Clinical services offered (Evaluation, Diagnosis, Counseling, Management and Prenatal Diagnosis)
  • 55. • Laboratory facilities 1. Karyotyping from blood, tissues, chorionic villi, amniotic fluid and products of conception 2. Quantitative fluorescent PCR (QF-PCR) for rapid detection of aneuploidy in prenatal samples 3. Molecular diagnostic services and prenatal diagnosis for genetic disorders 4. Biochemical testing for inborn errors of metabolism
  • 56. Prenatal diagnosis and genetic counselling 1.Scanning for fetal malformations by ultrasound 2.Chorionic villus sampling 3.Amniocentesis Fetal autopsy In case of stillbirths and foetuses aborted after ultra sonographic detection of malformations, detailed radiologic study and autopsy helps in providing a definitive diagnosis of the condition.
  • 58. References • Fallin MD, Duggal P, Beaty TH. Genetic Epidemiology and Public Health: The Evolution From Theory to Technology. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2016;183(5):387-93. • Laberge AM. Genetics and Public Health. Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. 2004:181-90. • Hanen M. Genetic Technologies and Medicine: Privacy, Identity, and Informed Consent. Available at : .pdf • Brand A, Brand H, Baumen TS. The impact of genetics and genomics on public health. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2008;16:5-13. • Pradhan S, Sengupta M, Dutta A, Bhattacharyya K, Bag S.K, Dutta C, etal. Indian genetic disease database. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011;39:D933–8. • Kar SK. The Human Microbiome Concept of Disease Prevention and Treatment: A Giant Leap in Medical Genetics. Hereditary Genet. 2016;5:1. 02-02-2018 58
  • 59. References • FACT SHEET - Genes: What We Knew, Know, and Hope to Learn National Institutes of Health. 2010 • Fact Sheet - Genetic Testing: How it is Used for Healthcare National Institutes of Health. 2010 • Gender and Genetics. Available at: • Sharma R. Birth defects in India: Hidden truth, need for urgent attention. Indian J Hum Genet. 2013; 19(2): 125–9. • Suryakantha AH. Community Medicine with Recent Advances. 4th Edition. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers;2017 • Park K. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. 23rd Edition. Jabalpur: Bhanot Publishers ;2017 • Ali M A. Genetic Technologies and Ethics. J Med Ethics Hist Med. 2009; 2: 11. • Fact Sheet - Human Genome Project National Institutes of Health.2010. 02-02-2018 59

Editor's Notes

  1. Before Polymorphic DNA Marker Watson and Crick DNA model – 1953 Population based surveillances systems to monitor and control some Mendelian Disease – 1960 Statistical principles of linkage analysis were developed in the middle of the 20th century to identify genes or chromosomal regions that harboured disease mutations based on multiplex families The linkage disequilibrium (genetic variants on the same chromosomes are genetically and spatially correlated in a population sample) Pre – Genome Period Discovery of polymorphic DNA markers Linkage analysis approach - to handle both analysis of individual marker linkage and analyses that included multiple markers simultaneously Moving from simple linkage theory to conducting genome wide linkage. Genome-wide linkage studies This era were based on families with rare mutation in a single gene that exerted a large effect on risk, roughly following Mendelian dominant or recessive patterns, this period could also have been termed the Mendelian era of genetic epidemiology Recognize the utility of traditional epidemiologic design for genetic epidemiology Use of SNP markers instead of simple tandem repeat markers Post-Genome Period Sequencing of Human Genome Development of large SNP markers Use of GWAS – genome wide association studies GWAS –identifying genetic risk factors for complex disease since they are based on preselected DNA markers, they may not identify actual causal variants within a gene, but they do highlight which gene are consistently associated with risk for a given disease. Difficult to identify a single specific genetic variant that can be targeted for the development of therapeutic interventions. Increased ability to measure multiple types of DNA variation
  2. Chromosomal diseases: occur when the entire chromosome, or large segments of a chromosome, is missing, duplicated or otherwise altered. Down Syndrome is a prominent example of a chromosomal abnormality. Single-gene disorders: occur when an alteration occurs in a gene causing one gene to stop working. An example of a single gene disorder is sickle-cell anaemia. Multifactorial disorders: occur as the result of mutations in multiple genes, frequently coupled with environmental causes. An example of a multifactorial disorder is diabetes. Mitochondrial disorders: are rare disorders caused by mutations in non-chromosomal DNA located within the mitochondria. (The mitochondria are subcellular organelles.) These disorders can be found to affect any part of the body including the brain and the muscles.
  3. Metagenomics represents a confluence of experimental and computational advances in genetic sciences and seem to envision medical microbiology from ecological viewpoint, according to which the functions of a given microbial organism and its impact on human organ systems depend on the context of other microbes harbouring the same community. It provides insight to new ways of classifying disease states and tries to find, whether the variability in structural and functional configuration of microbial communities are a cause or a consequence of the disease. Probiotic medication therapy involves capsulated administration of microbial species to individuals harbouring communities of microbial communities that have not developed into a mature fully functional state or that have been disturbed during infections and environmental disasters and epidemics. Probiotics assist in digestion and boost the body’s immunity in diarrhoea and infections. There are probiotics that confer beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system
  4. Metagenomics represents a confluence of experimental and computational advances in genetic sciences and seem to envision medical microbiology from ecological viewpoint, according to which the functions of a given microbial organism and its impact on human organ systems depend on the context of other microbes harbouring the same community. It provides insight to new ways of classifying disease states and tries to find, whether the variability in structural and functional configuration of microbial communities are a cause or a consequence of the disease. Probiotic medication therapy involves capsulated administration of microbial species to individuals harbouring communities of microbial communities that have not developed into a mature fully functional state or that have been disturbed during infections and environmental disasters and epidemics. Probiotics assist in digestion and boost the body’s immunity in diarrhoea and infections. There are probiotics that confer beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system
  5. Metagenomics represents a confluence of experimental and computational advances in genetic sciences and seem to envision medical microbiology from ecological viewpoint, according to which the functions of a given microbial organism and its impact on human organ systems depend on the context of other microbes harbouring the same community. It provides insight to new ways of classifying disease states and tries to find, whether the variability in structural and functional configuration of microbial communities are a cause or a consequence of the disease. Probiotic medication therapy involves capsulated administration of microbial species to individuals harbouring communities of microbial communities that have not developed into a mature fully functional state or that have been disturbed during infections and environmental disasters and epidemics. Probiotics assist in digestion and boost the body’s immunity in diarrhoea and infections. There are probiotics that confer beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system