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Which way 
forward ? 
Howard Wood B.Sc.(Hons)
Following last year’s theme: 
“Sustainable Landscape Management. 
A case study of Lyon Parks Department” 
Sustainable landscapes are where natural cycles perpetuate without man’s 
There are no inputs of fertiliser and pesticides. 
There is no need to cut grass, to prune, weed or take away unwanted biomass …. 
Everything is recycled naturally… usually where it falls 
For environmental and financial reasons interest is now being shown in adapting 
sustainability principles to urban landscapes.
Twelve years ago Lyon Parks Department put into place its own 
Sustainable Landscape programme. 
The decision was motivated by : 
1.An ever increasing budget 
2.Local politicians demanding more 
environmental awareness, 
A programme with three distinct themes was put into place : 
1.Environment - Each measure should have a favourable environmental 
2.Training - The workforce needed to adopt new procedures and 
3.Financial - Costs were monitored
It was necessary to find practical solutions to problems, for example : 
• Reduce the green waste budget (250 000 € for 3000 tons / yr.) 
• Reduce the time spent grass cutting, 
• Find less labour intensive floral displays, 
• Achieve the political aim of 0% pesticide use.
Lyon’s parks and open spaces in a few figures : 
395 ha of Parks & open spaces, (= 9m² per inhabitant) 
55 000 trees in parks, 23 000 along roadsides, 
75 fountains, 
135 monuments and statues 
175 play areas, (> 675 features) 
800 000 bedding plants (3 flowers - national 
A 19ha nursery 
An 8ha botanical garden with 6 500m² of greenhouses 
and a collection of 15000 species and varieties of 
which 1400 are in danger of extinction. 
An 8 ha zoo with 800 animals 
> 300 gardeners
A year of trial projects on different sites was undertaken, before being 
adopted across Lyon : 
•Green waste was processed through co-composting, earthworm culture and 
mulching, on small local sites around the city, 
Saving : Green waste 
management 133 800 €
Three thermal weed killing techniques were tried and compared 
Herbicides were reduced by 70% in 2 years and by > 90% in 5 years 
Aquacide system – 
uses hot water 
Waipuna – Hot water 
and natural additives 
A loss of 
32 000 € 
compared to 
Grass cutting areas, height and frequency were reviewed and modified. 
45 700€
New low maintenance planting schemes
urban meadows replaced > 70% of traditional bedding 
Saving : 48 500€
Needy and underprivileged members of 
the community were offered training and 
employment. - 10% of contract values.
•Increased local community employment, 
•Increased environmental benefits, 
▪ minus 20,000km of HGV transport 
across the city, 
▪ locally recycled green waste, 
▪ 90% reduction in herbicide use. 
•13.85% reduction of the parks department 
The programme could have gone further 
achieving 20% -25% budget cuts had it 
been required.
In order to measure the economic benefits of changing maintenance 
practices we need to : 
1. Classify Green Infrastructure, 
2. Establish a baseline, by quantifying what we do - have access to accurate 
land use plans (lineage of hedges, hectares of grass, areas of flower beds..) 
3. Time & motion studies – to know how long it takes to do the tasks. 
The city of Rennes in France, classified it’s green infrastructure in the 1980’s : 
Each class will have its own specification document, summarised below. 
Class Type Simple Definition Example 
1 Horticultural 
Very neat and tidy, frequently weeded, 
fertiliser and chemical applications 
Bedding schemes, proximity to important 
buildings. Bowling Green 
2 High horticultural 
High maintenance, clipped shrubs and 
hedges, flower beds 
Well maintained parks, areas of high 
population frequency 
3 Low horticultural 
Regularly maintained, fewer flowers, no 
or very low chemical applications. 
Less human frequency, 
Suburban areas, main roads into town. 
4 Traditional Infrequent maintenance Secondary roads 
5 Semi natural Minimum maintenance Rural environments, Safety interventions 
6 Natural & 
No maintenance other than for 
exceptional reasons 
River side vegetation, natural woodland, 
Mineral surfaces
Costs can be calculated 
on a m² basis. 
Site : Chambovet 59,850m² 
Activities Time Surface Area Total Cost €/m² 
Grass cutting, edging, blower m² 94h 50.900m² 2,180.00 € 0.04 € 
Long grass mowing m² 
Strimmer on slopes m² 
Shrub pruning m² 54h 1,100m² 1,258.00 € 1,13 € 
Hedge cutting ml 45h 1,100m² 1,044.00 € 0,95 € 
Collect & disposal of leaves m² 108h 59,850m² 2,505.00 € 0,05 € 
Manual watering U 50h 1,100m² 1,160.00 € 1,05 € 
Irrigation maintenance U 
Hardscape maintenance m² 38h 850m² 8,584.00 € 1,14 € 
Paper picking, cleaning m² 437h 59,850m² 10,138.00 € 0,19 € 
Total cost 825h 59,850m² 19,140.00 € 0,36 € 
Cost without cleaning operations 388h 9,001.00 € 0,17 € 
Labour cost / h 23,20 €
Differentiated Management is appealing for its simplicity. 
Each class will have its own specification document defining quality and 
operational frequency. 
Intensive Maintenance Extensive Maintenance 
Lawns 2000m² 4000m² 8000m² 
Woodland 9500m² 
Footpaths 1200m² 
Hard surfaces 800m² 
Flower beds 400m² 
Hedges 400ml 600m² 
Shrub beds 650m² 
Stream & Pond 1650m²
By combining ; 
1.A classification of Park’s 
2.Known surface areas, 
It is easy to visualise, justify and 
modify park maintenance 
operations to required budget 
Class 5 woodland 
Class 1 lawns 
Class 2 lawns 
Class 3 lawns 
Class 4 Meadow 
Class 1 Flower beds 
Class 6 Mineral 
Class 2 Flower beds 
Parks – Influences, Choices & Decisions 
Political, Planning 
& Legislative, 
Utility & 
interest groups 
Scientific & 
Ecology & 
Financial & 
Sefton Park, Liverpool 
Do all the participants communicate ?
Is everyone on 
Your sustainable board ? 
How and when will 
you communicate 
with the public ? 
Is the internal 
process clear ? 
Are the objectives 
clearly defined ? 
Have investment 
costs been taken 
into account ? 
Internally run or 
external help ?
Number of public parks and recreational public space in the 
UK 27,000 
Known surface area of 12,000 of those parks. 66,000 Ha. 
Estimated surface area of 27,000 parks and recreational 
public space > 143,000 Ha. 
Number of local authorities who do not know the number of 
parks they manage 1 in 6 
Number of local authorities who do not know the surface 
area they manage 35.6% 
Source - The State of UK Public Parks 2014 – funded by the lottery fund 
Estimating the surface area of UK Green Infrastructure is a difficult task, depending upon what is 
included. Private parkland and gardens would increase the total surface area many times over. 
The uncertainty of surface areas is perhaps testament to the low value that has 
been attached to green infrastructure. When monitory value is attached 
accountants will surely know the surface areas with precision. !!
We have briefly looked at some maintenance practices and what can be achieved. 
What does the future hold ? 
1. Landscape planning & design, 
a. How are parks managed today ? 
b. What do we really know ? 
c. Which way forward ? 
2. Carbon auditing, 
a. Do parks and green spaces absorb more carbon than the emissions made to 
maintain them ? 
b. New research on grasses.
Landscape planning & design 
Parks and green spaces in a town or city generally reflect their socio-economic 
evolution, they are rarely planned as a whole. 
The management of these areas very often follows ad hoc the fragmentation 
that exists. We need to adopt a harmonious and holistic view of a city’s 
Sports fields, 
Water features, 
Flower beds, 
Games areas, 
Water run off, 
What can be recycled locally and in what quantity ? 
Surface areas may need to be modified if we want an ecological equilibrium.
For example, look at just one street tree ? 
Roots How far do they extend, ? Will this 
impact on buildings uplift pavements 
1 semi - mature street tree 
eg Platanus x acerifolia 
10 m x 30 cm dbh 
Water How much 
water does it need ? 
where does the water 
come from ? Can 
rainfall runoff be 
better used ? 
Tree pits What is 
the soil quality like ? 
What is the available 
soil volume ? 
Is the hardscape 
covering the root 
system permeable or 
impermeable ? 
Leaf fall. What 
weight of leaves fall 
each year ? What 
weight will fall in 10, 
20, 50 yrs time ? 
Clients & Costs. 
How does this impact 
on a management 
plan in 10, 20, 50 yrs 
time ? 
Tree surgery, 
damage, vandalism 
Can the Biomass be 
recycled at the foot of 
the tree, if not where ? 
nearby ? 
Carbon emissions & Carbon sequestration ? 
We transfer from one area to another thousands of tons of hedge cuttings, grass clippings, leaves, branches and 
felled tree trunks which contribute to high maintenance costs. 
"To successfully design with sustainability in mind we need a lot more technical and scientific facts to work from. 
Species richness; 
Tree fauna, soil 
fauna & flora. 
Environment Noise filtering, 
city cooling effects, dust 
filtering, Oxygen liberation. 
Blocked light. 
Aesthetic value to 
residents; Quality of 
New landscape projects and existing green infrastructure needs to balance 
ecological coherence with amenity use : 
•Re-create living soils to reduce our dependence on chemicals, 
•Above ground biomass should ideally be produced in quantities that can be 
recycled “very” locally by the natural decomposers in the soil, 
•Amenity grasslands can help flood management 
•Avoid plants with “toxic” foliage (Laurel and conifer hedges..), 
•Avoid species whose leaves are difficult to compost, 
•Use the competitive capacity of the plants we want, to outcompete the plants we 
don’t want, 
•Mulching benefits … 
•Choose low maintenance grass varieties, 
•Use nitrogen fixing legumes to reduce fertiliser requirements, 
•Increase the permeability of hardscape surfaces, 
•Take into account the longevity of landscape materials and their potential for 
•Increase biodiversity, 
•Coordination with other professional sectors needs to be improved. 
“The design process of a landscape project and its long term maintenance 
should become a unified intellectual process.”
CARBON AUDITS - Is your green infrastructure 
Carbon negative ? 
Or carbon positive ? 
A Carbon Audit of Romsey War Memorial Park, Hampshire in 2010 was 
researched to test this hypothesis.
A typical British park … 
Surface areas m² 
Flower beds 152 
Shrub beds 469 
Hard surfaces 2016 
Play area 658 
Bowling Green 1500 
Tennis courts 1000 
Bowling Club 5795 
Grass area 14153 
Total 19948 
Number of trees 69
Increasing kg. CO2 / yr. in Fagus sylvatica over 105 years, averaged over 5 yr. intervals.
CO2 content 
annual sequestration 
CO2 kg / yr 
Shrub beds 469 m² 3 735 negligible (pruning) 
Soil (shrub beds) 469 m² 11 010 - 
Lawns 14 153 m² 20 135 - 
Soil (lawns) 14 153 m² 241 530 5 690 
Soil (stocked CO2eq) 14 622 m² 402 471 
Trees 69 95 401 2 593 
Hedges 295 m 4 486 negligible (pruning) 
Total 778 768 8 283 
Park machinery kg. CO2. yr % of total 
Mower 575.25 37.8% 
Strimmer 28.24 1.9% 
Hedge Cutter 22.60 1.5% 
Leaf Blower 65.90 4.3% 
Chain Saw 7.53 0.5% 
Rotovator 15.34 1.0% 
Oil changes 59.00 3.9% 
Total 773.86 50.9% 
Pick-up Supervisor 82.41 5.4% 
Van & Trailor Grass cutting 98.79 6.5% 
General gardening 145.28 9.5% 
Mulch imports 3.29 0.2% 
Leaf sweeping 6.59 0.4% 
Snow clearing 3.29 0.2% 
Tree surgery 38.74 2.5% 
General Pruning 13.17 0.9% 
Hedge cutting 6.59 0.4% 
Road sweeping 39.52 2.6% 
Waste removal 309.94 20.4% 
Total 747.62 49.1% 
TOTAL 1521.48 
Carbon stocks 
778 t. CO2 eq 
Annual sequestration 
8.3 t. CO2 eq yr. 
Carbon emissions 
1.5 t.CO2 eq / yr. 
Net annual increase 
6.8 t.CO2 eq / yr.
As part of an environmental research programme, near 
Angers, root growth and carbon sequestration in grass species 
and varieties were compared. 
By courtesy of Top Green, ZA Les Pains 49320 Les Alleuds, France.
Varieties of 
Min. - Max. annual 
t.CO2 eq / yr. 
Average annual 
sequestration t.CO2 eq / 
Lolium perenne 3.89 - 18.00 11.65 
Festuca rubra rubra 4.94 - 20.81 11.78 
Festuca arundinacea 9.26 - 17.32 13.67 
Festuca rubra litoralis 4.47 - 9.28 6.66 
Festuca rubra commutata 5.89 - 9.28 7.78 
Festuca trachyphylla 7.11 7.11 
Agrostis tenuis 9.99 9.99 
Agrostis stolonifera 18.25 18.25 
Poa pratensis 3.51 - 10.96 7.23 
Eco-trifolium mix 11.73 11.73 
Micro Luzerne mix 18.95 18.95 
•By selecting the better performing varieties in a typical amenity grass 
mix carbon sequestration may be doubled or tripled. 
By courtesy of Top Green, ZA Les Pains 49320 Les Alleuds, France.
If we project the 2ha. Romsey War Memorial park to 150 000 ha of 
U.K. parks in the same proportions on trees, shrubs and grasses we 
would find: 
5.2M trees Carbon stored 7.2M t.CO2 eq 
Carbon sequestered per year 177,000 t.CO2 eq /yr. 
35.6M shrubs Carbon stored 281,000. t.CO2 eq 
Negligible sequestration with 
annual pruning 
106,000ha. lawns Carbon stored 1.5M t.CO2 eq 
Carbon sequestered per year 606,000 t.CO2 eq /yr. 
Enhanced park 
Carbon sequestered per year 1M - 1.5M.t.CO2 eq /yr. 
At a soil density of 1.55, a 1% increase in organic matter could add 
50t.CO2/ha. in the soil. 
For 150 000ha of UK parks that’s 7.5M t.CO2
As part of a research programme to develop low maintenance grass mixes, 
grass species were compared in clipping trials between 2002 - 2011, measuring 
the height and weight of arisings of different grass varieties. 
By courtesy of Top Green, ZA Les Pains 49320 Les Alleuds, France.
Varieties of Min. - Max. weight of 
clippings t.ha/yr. 
Lolium perenne 3.04 - 7.39 
Festuca rubra rubra 4.79 - 12.65 
Festuca arundinacea 7.24 - 21.28 
Festuca rubra litoralis 4.53 - 5.96 
Festuca rubra commutata 5.13 
Festuca trachyphylla 4.86 - 6.27 
Agrostis tenuis 8.32 
Agrostis stolonifera 8.02 
Poa pratensis 3.30 
Eco-trifolium mix 4.05 
•Within the commonly used varieties in grass mix formulations there 
is a twofold to threefold difference in growth rates as measured by 
removed clipping weights. 
By courtesy of Top Green, ZA Les Pains 49320 Les Alleuds, France.
1.Various sustainable landscape maintenance programmes have been 
successfully put into place in European cities. 
2.Management needs to classify and quantify its Green Infrastructure; to 
establish a baseline, from which costs can be monitored, and future 
improvements measured. 
3.Our scientific and technical information base is poor, planners and 
landscape designers need to access data that relates to the managerial 
decisions of the future. 
4.Green infrastructure is a carbon sink even when the carbon footprint of 
maintenance is taken into account. 
5.The carbon sink potential for Green Infrastructure can be increased. 
6.Improving the environmental quality of our parks and open spaces is not a 
technical problem but a human one; but it will require a significant shakeup in 
the way people and organisations function.
“Sustainable Landscape Management does not mean abandoning 
maintenance. Rather it remains a challenge to achieve horticultural 
excellence and impact by using less intensive maintenance methods, 
integrating modern research, involving local communities, and using 
renewable local natural resources whenever possible.” 
Howard Wood

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Howard Wood - Presentation at The Sustainable Green Infrastructure Conference 2014 - Sustainability & Budget Cuts in Green Space Management

  • 1. SUSTAINABILITY & BUDGET CUTS IN GREEN SPACE MANAGEMENT Which way forward ? Howard Wood B.Sc.(Hons)
  • 2. Following last year’s theme: “Sustainable Landscape Management. A case study of Lyon Parks Department” Reminder WHAT ARE SUSTAINABLE LANDSCAPES ? Sustainable landscapes are where natural cycles perpetuate without man’s influence… There are no inputs of fertiliser and pesticides. There is no need to cut grass, to prune, weed or take away unwanted biomass …. Everything is recycled naturally… usually where it falls For environmental and financial reasons interest is now being shown in adapting sustainability principles to urban landscapes.
  • 3. Twelve years ago Lyon Parks Department put into place its own Sustainable Landscape programme. The decision was motivated by : 1.An ever increasing budget expenditure, 2.Local politicians demanding more environmental awareness, A programme with three distinct themes was put into place : 1.Environment - Each measure should have a favourable environmental effect. 2.Training - The workforce needed to adopt new procedures and techniques. 3.Financial - Costs were monitored
  • 4. It was necessary to find practical solutions to problems, for example : • Reduce the green waste budget (250 000 € for 3000 tons / yr.) • Reduce the time spent grass cutting, • Find less labour intensive floral displays, • Achieve the political aim of 0% pesticide use.
  • 5. Lyon’s parks and open spaces in a few figures : 395 ha of Parks & open spaces, (= 9m² per inhabitant) 55 000 trees in parks, 23 000 along roadsides, 75 fountains, 135 monuments and statues 175 play areas, (> 675 features) 800 000 bedding plants (3 flowers - national classification) A 19ha nursery An 8ha botanical garden with 6 500m² of greenhouses and a collection of 15000 species and varieties of which 1400 are in danger of extinction. An 8 ha zoo with 800 animals > 300 gardeners
  • 6. A year of trial projects on different sites was undertaken, before being adopted across Lyon : •Green waste was processed through co-composting, earthworm culture and mulching, on small local sites around the city, Saving : Green waste management 133 800 €
  • 7. Three thermal weed killing techniques were tried and compared Herbicides were reduced by 70% in 2 years and by > 90% in 5 years Aquacide system – uses hot water Waipuna – Hot water and natural additives Butane Flame A loss of 32 000 € compared to chemicals
  • 8. Grass cutting areas, height and frequency were reviewed and modified. Saving 45 700€
  • 9. New low maintenance planting schemes
  • 10. urban meadows replaced > 70% of traditional bedding Saving : 48 500€
  • 11. Needy and underprivileged members of the community were offered training and employment. - 10% of contract values.
  • 12. THE RESULTS WERE POSITIVE : •Increased local community employment, •Increased environmental benefits, ▪ minus 20,000km of HGV transport across the city, ▪ locally recycled green waste, ▪ 90% reduction in herbicide use. •13.85% reduction of the parks department budget. The programme could have gone further achieving 20% -25% budget cuts had it been required.
  • 13. In order to measure the economic benefits of changing maintenance practices we need to : 1. Classify Green Infrastructure, 2. Establish a baseline, by quantifying what we do - have access to accurate land use plans (lineage of hedges, hectares of grass, areas of flower beds..) 3. Time & motion studies – to know how long it takes to do the tasks. The city of Rennes in France, classified it’s green infrastructure in the 1980’s : Each class will have its own specification document, summarised below. Class Type Simple Definition Example 1 Horticultural excellence Very neat and tidy, frequently weeded, fertiliser and chemical applications Bedding schemes, proximity to important buildings. Bowling Green 2 High horticultural vocation High maintenance, clipped shrubs and hedges, flower beds Well maintained parks, areas of high population frequency 3 Low horticultural vocation Regularly maintained, fewer flowers, no or very low chemical applications. Less human frequency, Suburban areas, main roads into town. 4 Traditional Infrequent maintenance Secondary roads 5 Semi natural Minimum maintenance Rural environments, Safety interventions 6 Natural & Hardscape No maintenance other than for exceptional reasons River side vegetation, natural woodland, Mineral surfaces
  • 14. Costs can be calculated on a m² basis. Site : Chambovet 59,850m² Activities Time Surface Area Total Cost €/m² Grass cutting, edging, blower m² 94h 50.900m² 2,180.00 € 0.04 € Long grass mowing m² Strimmer on slopes m² Shrub pruning m² 54h 1,100m² 1,258.00 € 1,13 € Hedge cutting ml 45h 1,100m² 1,044.00 € 0,95 € Collect & disposal of leaves m² 108h 59,850m² 2,505.00 € 0,05 € Manual watering U 50h 1,100m² 1,160.00 € 1,05 € Irrigation maintenance U Hardscape maintenance m² 38h 850m² 8,584.00 € 1,14 € Paper picking, cleaning m² 437h 59,850m² 10,138.00 € 0,19 € Total cost 825h 59,850m² 19,140.00 € 0,36 € Cost without cleaning operations 388h 9,001.00 € 0,17 € Labour cost / h 23,20 €
  • 15. Differentiated Management is appealing for its simplicity. Each class will have its own specification document defining quality and operational frequency. Intensive Maintenance Extensive Maintenance Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Lawns 2000m² 4000m² 8000m² Woodland 9500m² Footpaths 1200m² Hard surfaces 800m² Flower beds 400m² Hedges 400ml 600m² Shrub beds 650m² Stream & Pond 1650m²
  • 16. By combining ; 1.A classification of Park’s maintenance’, 2.Known surface areas, 3.Costs, It is easy to visualise, justify and modify park maintenance operations to required budget changes. Class 5 woodland Class 1 lawns Class 2 lawns Class 3 lawns Class 4 Meadow Class 1 Flower beds Class 6 Mineral Class 2 Flower beds 25,200m2 17,320m2 28,150m2 27,640m2 22,520m2 28,800m2 45,670m2 22,340m2
  • 17. Parks – Influences, Choices & Decisions Political, Planning & Legislative, Utility & Design Community interest groups Scientific & Technical Ecology & Environment Financial & Managerial Sefton Park, Liverpool Do all the participants communicate ?
  • 18. Is everyone on Your sustainable board ? maintenance programme How and when will you communicate with the public ? Is the internal process clear ? Are the objectives clearly defined ? Have investment costs been taken into account ? Internally run or external help ?
  • 19. Number of public parks and recreational public space in the UK 27,000 Known surface area of 12,000 of those parks. 66,000 Ha. Estimated surface area of 27,000 parks and recreational public space > 143,000 Ha. Number of local authorities who do not know the number of parks they manage 1 in 6 Number of local authorities who do not know the surface area they manage 35.6% Source - The State of UK Public Parks 2014 – funded by the lottery fund Estimating the surface area of UK Green Infrastructure is a difficult task, depending upon what is included. Private parkland and gardens would increase the total surface area many times over. The uncertainty of surface areas is perhaps testament to the low value that has been attached to green infrastructure. When monitory value is attached accountants will surely know the surface areas with precision. !!
  • 20. We have briefly looked at some maintenance practices and what can be achieved. What does the future hold ? 1. Landscape planning & design, a. How are parks managed today ? b. What do we really know ? c. Which way forward ? 2. Carbon auditing, a. Do parks and green spaces absorb more carbon than the emissions made to maintain them ? b. New research on grasses.
  • 22. Landscape planning & design Parks and green spaces in a town or city generally reflect their socio-economic evolution, they are rarely planned as a whole. The management of these areas very often follows ad hoc the fragmentation that exists. We need to adopt a harmonious and holistic view of a city’s functioning.
  • 23. Trees Meadows, Sports fields, Water features, Lawns, Flower beds, Woodland, Hedges, Seating, Games areas, Chemicals, Water run off, Irrigation, Biomass transfers, Soils, Hardscape permeability, What can be recycled locally and in what quantity ? Surface areas may need to be modified if we want an ecological equilibrium.
  • 24. For example, look at just one street tree ? Roots How far do they extend, ? Will this impact on buildings uplift pavements 1 semi - mature street tree eg Platanus x acerifolia 10 m x 30 cm dbh Water How much water does it need ? where does the water come from ? Can rainfall runoff be better used ? Tree pits What is the soil quality like ? What is the available soil volume ? Is the hardscape covering the root system permeable or impermeable ? Leaf fall. What weight of leaves fall each year ? What weight will fall in 10, 20, 50 yrs time ? Clients & Costs. How does this impact on a management plan in 10, 20, 50 yrs time ? Tree surgery, summer pruning,storm damage, vandalism Can the Biomass be recycled at the foot of the tree, if not where ? nearby ? Carbon emissions & Carbon sequestration ? We transfer from one area to another thousands of tons of hedge cuttings, grass clippings, leaves, branches and felled tree trunks which contribute to high maintenance costs. "To successfully design with sustainability in mind we need a lot more technical and scientific facts to work from. " QUANTITIES & LONG TERM COSTS NEED TO BE KNOWN. Biodiversity Species richness; Tree fauna, soil fauna & flora. Environment Noise filtering, city cooling effects, dust filtering, Oxygen liberation. Blocked light. Aesthetic value to residents; Quality of life.
  • 25. New landscape projects and existing green infrastructure needs to balance ecological coherence with amenity use : •Re-create living soils to reduce our dependence on chemicals, •Above ground biomass should ideally be produced in quantities that can be recycled “very” locally by the natural decomposers in the soil, •Amenity grasslands can help flood management •Avoid plants with “toxic” foliage (Laurel and conifer hedges..), •Avoid species whose leaves are difficult to compost, •Use the competitive capacity of the plants we want, to outcompete the plants we don’t want, •Mulching benefits … •Choose low maintenance grass varieties, •Use nitrogen fixing legumes to reduce fertiliser requirements, •Increase the permeability of hardscape surfaces, •Take into account the longevity of landscape materials and their potential for recycling, •Increase biodiversity, •Coordination with other professional sectors needs to be improved. “The design process of a landscape project and its long term maintenance should become a unified intellectual process.”
  • 26. CARBON AUDITS - Is your green infrastructure Carbon negative ? CO2 Or carbon positive ? CO2 A Carbon Audit of Romsey War Memorial Park, Hampshire in 2010 was researched to test this hypothesis.
  • 27. A typical British park … Surface areas m² Flower beds 152 Shrub beds 469 Hard surfaces 2016 Play area 658 Bowling Green 1500 Tennis courts 1000 Bowling Club 5795 Grass area 14153 Total 19948 Number of trees 69
  • 28. Increasing kg. CO2 / yr. in Fagus sylvatica over 105 years, averaged over 5 yr. intervals.
  • 29. SUMMARY OF CARBON SEQUESTRATION m² CO2 content kg annual sequestration CO2 kg / yr Shrub beds 469 m² 3 735 negligible (pruning) Soil (shrub beds) 469 m² 11 010 - Lawns 14 153 m² 20 135 - Soil (lawns) 14 153 m² 241 530 5 690 Soil (stocked CO2eq) 14 622 m² 402 471 Trees 69 95 401 2 593 Hedges 295 m 4 486 negligible (pruning) Total 778 768 8 283 ROMSEY PARK CO2 MAINTENANCE EMISSIONS Park machinery kg. CO2. yr % of total Mower 575.25 37.8% Strimmer 28.24 1.9% Hedge Cutter 22.60 1.5% Leaf Blower 65.90 4.3% Chain Saw 7.53 0.5% Rotovator 15.34 1.0% Oil changes 59.00 3.9% Total 773.86 50.9% Transport Pick-up Supervisor 82.41 5.4% Van & Trailor Grass cutting 98.79 6.5% General gardening 145.28 9.5% Mulch imports 3.29 0.2% Leaf sweeping 6.59 0.4% Snow clearing 3.29 0.2% Tree surgery 38.74 2.5% General Pruning 13.17 0.9% Hedge cutting 6.59 0.4% Road sweeping 39.52 2.6% Waste removal 309.94 20.4% Total 747.62 49.1% TOTAL 1521.48 RESULTS Carbon stocks 778 t. CO2 eq Annual sequestration 8.3 t. CO2 eq yr. Carbon emissions 1.5 t.CO2 eq / yr. Net annual increase 6.8 t.CO2 eq / yr.
  • 30. As part of an environmental research programme, near Angers, root growth and carbon sequestration in grass species and varieties were compared. By courtesy of Top Green, ZA Les Pains 49320 Les Alleuds, France.
  • 31. CO2 SUMMARY OF TURF GRASSES Varieties of Min. - Max. annual sequestration t.CO2 eq / yr. Average annual sequestration t.CO2 eq / yr. Lolium perenne 3.89 - 18.00 11.65 Festuca rubra rubra 4.94 - 20.81 11.78 Festuca arundinacea 9.26 - 17.32 13.67 Festuca rubra litoralis 4.47 - 9.28 6.66 Festuca rubra commutata 5.89 - 9.28 7.78 Festuca trachyphylla 7.11 7.11 Agrostis tenuis 9.99 9.99 Agrostis stolonifera 18.25 18.25 Poa pratensis 3.51 - 10.96 7.23 Eco-trifolium mix 11.73 11.73 Micro Luzerne mix 18.95 18.95 Conclusion •By selecting the better performing varieties in a typical amenity grass mix carbon sequestration may be doubled or tripled. By courtesy of Top Green, ZA Les Pains 49320 Les Alleuds, France.
  • 32. If we project the 2ha. Romsey War Memorial park to 150 000 ha of U.K. parks in the same proportions on trees, shrubs and grasses we would find: 5.2M trees Carbon stored 7.2M t.CO2 eq Carbon sequestered per year 177,000 t.CO2 eq /yr. 35.6M shrubs Carbon stored 281,000. t.CO2 eq Negligible sequestration with annual pruning - 106,000ha. lawns Carbon stored 1.5M t.CO2 eq Carbon sequestered per year 606,000 t.CO2 eq /yr. Enhanced park management Carbon sequestered per year 1M - 1.5M.t.CO2 eq /yr. At a soil density of 1.55, a 1% increase in organic matter could add 50t.CO2/ha. in the soil. For 150 000ha of UK parks that’s 7.5M t.CO2
  • 33. As part of a research programme to develop low maintenance grass mixes, grass species were compared in clipping trials between 2002 - 2011, measuring the height and weight of arisings of different grass varieties. By courtesy of Top Green, ZA Les Pains 49320 Les Alleuds, France.
  • 34. Varieties of Min. - Max. weight of clippings t.ha/yr. Lolium perenne 3.04 - 7.39 Festuca rubra rubra 4.79 - 12.65 Festuca arundinacea 7.24 - 21.28 Festuca rubra litoralis 4.53 - 5.96 Festuca rubra commutata 5.13 Festuca trachyphylla 4.86 - 6.27 Agrostis tenuis 8.32 Agrostis stolonifera 8.02 Poa pratensis 3.30 Eco-trifolium mix 4.05 Conclusion •Within the commonly used varieties in grass mix formulations there is a twofold to threefold difference in growth rates as measured by removed clipping weights. By courtesy of Top Green, ZA Les Pains 49320 Les Alleuds, France.
  • 35. Conclusions 1.Various sustainable landscape maintenance programmes have been successfully put into place in European cities. 2.Management needs to classify and quantify its Green Infrastructure; to establish a baseline, from which costs can be monitored, and future improvements measured. 3.Our scientific and technical information base is poor, planners and landscape designers need to access data that relates to the managerial decisions of the future. 4.Green infrastructure is a carbon sink even when the carbon footprint of maintenance is taken into account. 5.The carbon sink potential for Green Infrastructure can be increased. 6.Improving the environmental quality of our parks and open spaces is not a technical problem but a human one; but it will require a significant shakeup in the way people and organisations function.
  • 36. “Sustainable Landscape Management does not mean abandoning maintenance. Rather it remains a challenge to achieve horticultural excellence and impact by using less intensive maintenance methods, integrating modern research, involving local communities, and using renewable local natural resources whenever possible.” ARE YOU READY ?
  • 37. THANK YOU Howard Wood