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How To Avoid The Mongols
The Mongols made multiple attempts to take control if the Indian Subcontinent, but they were
always halted by the Delhi Sultanate. The Mongols were persistent in their attacks on Indian
peninsula, with the first attack being launched during the reign of Emperor Ilitmish. Everyone knew
about the brutality and strength of the Mongols, it was considered that "provoking the Mongol fury
[was] inviting disaster" . When Jalāl al–dīn of Khwäriz, the last ruler of Khwarezmian Empire fled
from Genghis Khan, he asked for asylum from Emperor Ilitmish of the Delhi Sultanate. Ilitmish
refused asylum in the hope of earning Genghis Khan's good faith . Another form to avoid the
Mongols was to forge peace amongst each other through relationships. During the
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Thesis About The Mongols
Historians and experts believed that Mongols are the fiercest nomadic group in Asia. Matthew Paris,
13th century chronicler, described the Mongols as 'They are inhuman...more like monsters than
men.' The common trait about the Mongol leaders is that all of them use brutality to punish their
enemies. They believe that they are the 'scourges of God' that were sent from Heaven to punish
those who do bad things or evildoers as they call it. Despite their cruelty, Mongols were hospitable
to their visitors and it was proved by famous merchant Marco Polo on his book, The Travels of
Marco Polo.
Our group partially believe the claims of historians about the Mongols. We believed that at first
Mongols used to be brutal, they destroying ... Show more content on ...
Families that are greatly related to each other form clans for a simple purpose of working together in
able to survive in their everyday lives. But as the Mongol clans are becoming larger and larger, they
have decided to form a larger unit in a form of tribes. In Mongolian tribes, people were able to
choose their leaders by election in a social feast and a political gathering called quiriltai. But the
thing is,people cannot just choose anyone to be their leader because the tribe leader that must be
chosen must come from the most powerful clan in their tribe and it must have a skill, more
specifically, military skills that the chosen leader must be able to make their tribe stronger in all
aspects. Also, the tribe leader must have a ties and connections to the noble families or ruling clan of
the other tribes which are called Borjigid or Kiyad.By the end of 12th century, Genghis Khan was
elected to be the tribe leader of their tribe and after almost 20 years, he was able to unite all the
tribes in Mongolia and he was then titled as the "Great Khan". Under the rule of Genghis, he
replaced the old tribal leaders to military commanders. The military commander's son could inherit
his father's position. As the Mongolian Empire becomes larger under his rule,
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Mongol Influence On Russia
The unification of the Mongol tribes by Chinggis Khan resulted in a powerful army and a series of
military campaigns that constructed the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire, lasting from the 13th
to the 14th centuries, exerted considerable political, social, and economic influence on conquered
regions such as Eastern Asia and Russia. For example, as a result of the Mongols revitalizing long–
distance trade networks such as the Silk Road, both China and Russia experienced the exchange of
cultures, technologies, and diseases. However, Mongol influence on China quickly diminished after
the collapse of the Mongol Empire whereas the influence of Mongol expansion on Russia was more
consequential and far–reaching albeit inadvertently. The Mongol Empire ... Show more content on ...
After Mongol rule over China ended in 1368 CE by rebel forces, the renewal of Confucian values
and a patriarchal social structure in the following Ming Dynasty signifies the refusal by the native
Chinese to assimilate Mongol practices into their native culture. This adamant refusal can be
attributed to discrimination against the Chinese in Mongol law and conflicting ideologies
concerning the role of women and the social status of merchants and artisans. On the other hand, the
impact of Mongol expansion to Russia continued to be influential even after the collapse of the
Mongol Empire. Linguistically, амбар in Russian and амбаар in Mongolian both translate to barn.
Overall, there are thousands of borrowed words, phrases, and other characteristics from the Mongol
and Turkic language that are featured in the Russian language because of interactions between the
two during the Mongol Empire. Moreover, the Golden Horde's occupation of Eastern Europe
inadvertently resulted in the unification and strengthening of Russia. Prior to Mongol rule, Russia
was divided into city–states ruled by various independent princes. A weak economy and the lack of
a strong centralized power made it easy for the Mongols to conquer Russia. However, under Mongol
rule, princes attained wealth through siphoning off taxes as tribute collectors and learned to
centralize their power from the Mongols while the Orthodox Church was able to flourish and rise as
a unifying force through tax exemptions. The Russian state found strength in a common religion and
in an allegiance towards a "grand prince" later called the Tsar; overthrowing the Mongols. The
reason between these differences in China and Russia is due to different methods of administration.
China was mostly governed by foreign officials, only Mongols were allowed to hold high posts, and
the Chinese held little
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Disadvantages Of Mongols
Throughout history the Mongols have continuously demonstrated a remarkable ability of pioneering
strategic and effective methods of successfully conquering more structurally organized civilizations
than themselves. Their life as pastoral nomads produced numerous harsh obstacles to overcome
when faced with larger and more complex groups of people. However, their lack of manpower was
combated by their tenacious and fierce warrior–like mindset which propelled them into
unprecedented prosperity. As a matter of fact, their most notable achievement was their striking
capability to bring all of Eurasia under one central central– something that at the time, was
inconceivable. Through this, the Mongols established the practice of allowing their subjects ... Show
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Khubilai also suppressed Daoism because it engaged in religious warfare between Buddhism. He
issued "punitive action against the Daoists who had set a fire to a Buddhist temple" (Cho 6). These
accounts highlight that there was an active and constant struggle between Buddhism and other
religious sects that disrupted the Mongol Empire internally. With the inclusion of numerous
religions came a constant wave of struggles between the religious sects vying for power. However,
since Khubilai was an advocate for Buddhism, any and every act targeting that religion resulted in
fierce punishment. Yet, if the Khan favored the perpetrating faith and perceived little threat to his
authority, there would most likely have been little political action taken against it. Unfortunately for
the Bri–gung and Daoists, Khubilai
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Globalization Of Mongols
Final Essay The first world economy system increased communications and lessened technological
and cultural gaps between societies on different continents. This early form of globalization spread
goods, ideas, and people to new places. For example, long–distance trade caused Chinese
inventions, like gunpowder, printing, and the compass, to reach Europe for the first time. The
Mongol's influence over Eurasia during the thirteenth and fourteenth century was one of the main
factors led to those increased global communications. This essay argues that Chinggis Khan's
conquests and style of rule during the early thirteenth century increased globalizing interactions
between Eurasian and African societies. The Mongols rapid conquest of Eurasia increased
interactions between Europe, Asia, and Africa in a short amount of time. Before 1200 C.E., nomadic
tribes surrounding China attacked agricultural cities. These tribes were often small. They preferred
raiding cities to conquering them. In 1206 C.E., one of these nomadic tribes, the Mongols, became
united under Chinggis Khan. Khan was a powerful and charismatic military leader. Through
conquest, he built a large army. His empire grew rapidly, because he preferred conquering to
administrating. When overtaking a group, Khan offered them the opportunity to peacefully
assimilate into the Mongol empire. If they resisted, Khan leveled their cities through mass slaughter.
Khan's preference for conquering a place and moving on caused his
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The Mongols And The Mongols
1) Why do you believe that the Mongols are referred to as the "forgotten conquerors?" The Mongols
were very small in number relative to the peoples they conquered, and they were also nomadic.
These two facts lead me to believe that the Mongols were forgotten because they were largely
unable to create a distinctly new civilization. They conquered vast territories, but they did not have
previous experience administering a sedentary civilization, let alone a massive empire. Furthermore,
they simply did not have the numbers to create a sufficient administrative class of Mongols for the
empire. As a result, the Mongols had to extensively borrow knowledge, organization, and manpower
from the states they had conquered, and as time wore on, they essentially assimilated and
disappeared into the cultures they had conquered. For this reason, I think it would be easier to forget
their conquests, as opposed to those of a more traditional empire like that of Rome. 2) Why do you
believe the early Mongol leaders did not want their burial sites known? What inferences can you
make about conquerors that bury their famed leaders in secrecy? I imagine that tradition and religion
both played a role in the secrecy around the burial of Mongol leaders. Their desolate homeland
meant that every day was a struggle to survive the elements, and they led relatively simple, nomadic
lives with less in the way of material goods than other societies. The documentary states that
Temujin was religious,
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Mongol Empire And The Mongol Tribes Essay
In the first place, the Mongols conveyed a charming pioneer, Genghiz Khan, who joined the Mongol
tribes in a dream of triumph and improvement.
The Mongolian speed, a little and to a significant degree dangerous infantry horse which could
move quickly and run deep divisions. Mongol troops were all stallion mounted and could move
The Mongol bow was somewhat composite bow which could decisively shoot a jolt more than 200
yards. Merged with the brisk moving steed mounted infantry, the Mongols had an original purpose
of inclination.
Mongol techniques focused on pace and flexibility. If a city promptly surrendered, they were
tolerant, however, if it contradicted, they were savage.
At whatever point critical, the Mongols were ready to co–pick required capacity. For example, when
they anticipated that would lay assault to a city, they would rely on upon Chinese assault fashioners
to lay assault to Baghdad. Stood out from the domains they vanquished, they weren 't supremacist,
they used people.
Arrive region
The course of action of the Mongol Empire was a direct and troublesome method, beginning with
the unification of the Mongol and Turkic tribes that stayed in the Mongolian steppes. Temüjin
(1165–1227) ascended on the steppes as an appealing pioneer, continuously getting a taking after
before transforming into a nökhör (Amigo or vassal) to Toghril (d. 1203/1204), Khan of the Kereits,
the collective tribe in central Mongolia. While in the organization of Toghril,
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Mongol Dbq Essay
I believe the mongols were barbaric and don't deserve to have the scale tip in their favor. In the first
slide it says the streets were filled with human flesh and fat, from women, children, and adults
regardless if they were a combatant or not. Another example would be the city of Riazan, it was
razed to the ground and it's inhabitants were all massacred, only a few were left alive to spread the
message. It's widely known that if you refused to surrender then the whole city would be massacred
and raised to the ground. (Doc1–3) Doc 1–3 talks about how the Mongol army was just more than a
ragtag horde of calvary. They had discipline and often implemented psychological warfare into their
tactics, I.E. attacking a city non–stop so the defenders get no sleep or raising a city to the ground to
send a message. The mongols had a system where any deserters would either get killed or get their
comrades killed in their place, or if their comrades fail to rescue them, then their comrades will get
executed. ... Show more content on ...
The city had 3,000 crossbowmen but the mongols managed to breach the walls and raised the city to
the ground, and slaughtered it's inhabitants, including cats and dogs. It also mention other cities
raised to the ground, an example would be baghdad with it's loss of 800,000–2mil, and Bukhara
with it's loss of 30,000. Doc 5 depicts mongolians and their atrocities against arabs. Doc 6 it implied
that the mongol connected all these land through trade and implemented a few improvements like
canals in china to improve transportation and
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Write An Essay On The Mongols
The Mongols The Mongols were able to conquer Asia in just 30 years, for many skilled reasons.
They were taught at a young age working with a bow and became very skilled arches. Second they
were great at riding horses and could shoot bows at their enemies while on the horse. They had
several different siege machines that did different things to help them. Mongols were very organized
and that was the main key to a part of their suessess. Last they were the most fierce warriors that
many people would surrender without even trying to put up a fight. The Mongols were skilled
archers, and horses back riding. They had one composite bow made out of sinew and horn, and were
skilled at shooting it while riding there horse. With the bows they had they could shoot as far of a
range from more than 350 yards, and their English longbow was only 250 yards. "By ... Show more
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They had at least over five siege machines that they had in their favor in a war or a battle. The
names of the four main ones are the catapult hurled stones, flaming liquids, the trebuchet, and the
ballista. Ballista was a very powerful one that helped the Mongols a lot, it shot large arrows that
could damage buildings and structures and kill any person or animal in its path. Then the Trebuchet
was a catapult powered by the drop of a heavy counterweight, threw objects faster than the torsion
catapult. If your a Mongol warrior and you have those two main siege machine that will over power
their enemies and don't forget the other ones they have also to do damage. The key to success with
the Mongols that helped them with their machines, and archong skills was organization. Giving
them organization gave them the power to keep all there machines and bows in order and not be a
mess. That's how the Mongol warriors conquered Asia in 30 years and conquered other areas
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Mongol Empire Dbq
Mongolian Empire pos. or neg.
Was the mongol empire a positive or negative impact on the history of Asia? I would say that the
mongol empire was positive, because they did a lot of good for asia like safety for those that are
peaceful and war with those that are not. My first quote is from document #6 "The Mongols
conquered nearly all of Asia and achieved what all Inner Asian steppe empires dreamed of". I copied
this quote because this one talked about how the mongols conquered a lot of asia and that means
they were all working together to survive. My second quote is from document 7 "Juzani wrote that
no one except the owner would dare pick up even a whip lying on the ground" I also wrote this
quote down because it symbolizes that their was ... Show more content on ...
This document is positive because Genghis Khan controlled 4,860,000 square miles and Alexander
the Great conquered 2,180,000 square miles. This shows that Genghis Khan and his empire was
very powerful. When you rule a very large empire it can be hard to control so the people that
rebelled against Genghis Khan were killed.
Document #2 talks about the people in charge. This document is positive because Genghis Khan had
a very large empire and if someone ran away the person in charge of them would be punished, so
Genghis Khan found a way to maintain a good order for example he would be in charge of maybe
ten people and those ten would be in charge of maybe another ten and so on.
Document #6 talks about people adapting to the Mongol Empire and the benefits of the silk industry.
The Mongols did a lot for china for example their silk, the people of china liked silk but the problem
was that the deliverers kept getting murdered and the silk stolen so the mongols lent a hand and
created the Silk Road where people could walk without any thought about thieves or murderers
coming for what they have because they feared Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan killed the people that
stole or murdered on the silk road and their families, in other words "if you saw something someone
dropped nobody touched it said Document
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Mongol Empire and Doc
A barbarian decribes a crude person in a primitive state or someone who lacks education or
refinement. During the 13th Century a small Asian tribe known as the Mongols conquered much of
the known world linking Western and Easter Eurasia. The Mongols were a nomadic people until
they acknowledged the supreme leader Genghis Khan in 1206. Most historians formulate an
arguement based on the question "The Mongols: How Barbaric Were the "Barbarians"?" The
Mongols were not very barbaric because they had a highly sophisticated military, lived by a code of
conduct, and helped improve the lives of those they conquered. The Mongols had a very structured
military which grouped their warriors into armies of 10,000 commanded by two or three chiefs. ...
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Here is where I would need an additional document or source to explain the upside–down burial of
living prisoners and why they faced such consequences. The Mongols were not barbaric because
they had a code of conduct which maintained order in their society. Although the Mongols
conquered most of the known world, they also helped to improve the lives of those they conquered
making significant contributions to the political institutions, economic development, and cultural
diversity of many lands. In China the (Mongol) Yuan emperors built canals to improve
transportation and communication.(Doc J) Barbarians are frowned upon as uneducated people. It is
unjust to describe the Mongols as barbaric because they made Asia more civilized and advanced .
The Great Khan also developed the system of relay stations which aquired 200,000 horses stabled at
posts for the special use of the messangers.(Doc L) This stupendous organization made is easier for
the Great Khan to receive immediate news. Over the course, Mongol leaders often converted to the
region's dominant religions– Christianity, Islam, or Buddhism.(Doc M) This clearly shows that the
Mongols accepted all religions. The city of Karacorum had two districts: the Moslem's quarter
where the markets are and the other district of the Chinese who were all craftsmen.(Doc G) The
Mongol cities were highly organized into districts and had some kind of social hierarchy. They also
traded for centuries
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Mongol Trial
In this trial we witnessed how the Mongol empire affected the lives of people in Eurasia. As a jury
member of the trail of Genghis Khan, I have decided that the mongols were civilized due to the
religious tolerance, advancements and stimulation of trade.
There was a common theme on the prosecuting side of lack of religious tolerance from the mongols,
but the witness testimonies were circumstantial to a specific region or rule. It is inevitable for
soldiers and generals to force people to join their own religion, but that does not take away from the
overall religious tolerance of the mongols and their predecessors talked about. There was Buddhist
and Muslims in the upper class positions that were kept strictly for the mongols disproving this ...
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The philosopher also spoke of Genghis Khan's building of colleges and buildings to support the
collaboration of ideas and thought this would improve the rate of advancements. The ability for the
mongol to effectively build infrastructure and gather philosophers proves the civility of their empire.
The last major point of the defence was the stimulation of trade caused by the mongols. A merchant
talked about the increase of trade in Eurasia. There was an undeniable influx of trade in Asia that
was directly caused by the mongol rule, this was caused by the mongols reopening or revitalizing of
the silk trade routes and the spending of the major mongolian wealth to increase trade through
western Europe and Asia. The revitalizing of trade is evidence that the mongols were civilized to
properly improve the trade routes and protection on the trade routes.
The prosecution also had a good point on the mongolian viciousness and unrelenting destruction of
cities and the murder of the innocent civilians does play a role the mongols being uncivilized. But
many other empires such as the Roman empire killed many but were classified as civilized. After
this long and hard fought trail I have decided in favor of the
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The Mongols : Barbaric
The Mongols who were people that went from being nomadic people who lived off the meat, milk
and hide of horse meat and wool of sheep to creating the largest connected and mass empire in the
history of the world exemplifies some behaviors of being barbaric leading people to think they are
just completely barbaric. However, to me they are somewhat barbaric but not utterly barbaric.
If the mongols were barbaric how did they managed to conquer almost all of the known world?
Instead of barbaric a more important description for the Mongols would be they are intelligent and
well trained. In the background essay in paragraph one it said,"Operating from the backs of horses,
Mongol warriors swept across much of Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe.Their reach
extended from Korea to Poland, and from Vietnam to Syria. Nothing quite like it has been seen
since." These Mongols who are considered barbaric managed to conquer all of these places using a
horse and no one has done that since them. This just proves that the Mongols must have been people
who were wise and knew the way to survive. In document one it mentions that Genghis khan
conquered 4,860,000 square miles between 1162 and 1227.This is more land conquered than
Alexander the Great, Tamerlane,Cyrus the Great, Attila, Adolf Hitler, and Napoleon Bonaparte. All
of these people were conquering people just like the Mongols, so if the mongols are to be considered
barbaric so should these people be considered barbaric as
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History Of The Mongols
Mongol Essay The Mongols were descendants of Genghis Khan and have played a big role in world
history. The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a positive impact on the world during their rule of
the Asian continent from 1260 to 1368 by influencing the Silk Road, Asia under one rule, and
military advancements. The Mongols did many things that impacted the world and changed history.
If they didn't do these things then our world would be much different than it is now. Chinggis Khan
had very good military tactics and was a good organizer and brilliant strategist. He organized his
people in units of ten, a hundred, a thousand and ten thousand. The head unit of ten thousand would
have the strongest relationship with Chinggis. This way of organization
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Mongol Essay
When you first hear the word Mongol, the immediate image that comes to mind is that of a fearsome
and ruthless warrior. This reputation helped the Mongols conquer and rule the largest empire in
history which spanned from China to Europe. While the rise of the Mongols is largely attributed to
the emergence of their famed leader, Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire itself would have lasting
effects on China, Korea, and Japan even after his death. The Mongols would occupy Koryo Korea,
defeat the Southern Song Dynasty to occupy China, and attempt to invade and conquer Japan on two
occasions under the guidance of Kublai Khan. These aggressive maneuvers by the Mongol Empire
would have significant ramifications on the development of China, Korea, and ... Show more
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The Mongols launched their fleet of 1,000 ships and landed in Hakata Bay in 1274 in what would be
their first of two attempts to invade Japan. This would be known as the "Battle of Bun'ei" or as the
"First Battle of Hakata Bay". The Mongols would conquer the settlements on the islands of
Tsushima and Iki while on route to Hakata Bay. However after landing at Hakata Bay the Mongols
were pushed back by the Samurai as they were prepared and expected the invasion. Historians
theorize that the Japanese were forewarned by Koryo Korea. The reasons as to why Koryo Korea
would give the Japanese this knowledge is because they were tired of being under the Mongol rule
and because Japan had shown good will to Koryo Korea by suppressing Japanese Piracy along the
coastline of Korea. The advanced warning allowed for Japan to gauge the incoming Mongol forces
as they ravaged the islands of Tsushima and Iki. The initial landing success of the Mongols can be
attributed to their superior weapons, tactics, and fighting experience. However, as time wore on the
numbers began to favor the Japanese and they were able to repel the Mongols back towards their
ships. As a severe storm approached Hakata Bay the Mongols decided to board their ships once
again to avoid being isolated on Japanese soil. The severe storm system was a typhoon and by the
morning a large portion of the ships and one
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The Mongols And The Mongol Empire
Melwin Varghese
Ms. Holzinger
TOK 1 per. 2
18 August 2014
Were the Mongols able to conquer such vast areas of land because of their superior battle tactics or
because of the tools and weapons the Mongols used?
I. Introduction
The Mongols were made up of many fierce tribes originating from the steppes of central Asia. They
were able to take over large parts of the known world in a matter of a few decades. The Mongol
empire was the greatest and largest continuous land empire the world has ever known. Relatively
shortly after Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongol forces, died, the huge Mongol empire split into
four Khanates that were ruled separately and independently. Ultimately these empires also failed
after a period of time but the Mongols had a long standing influence on numerous cultures not only
of Asia but also of the Western world.
Genghis Khan was the leader of the Mongol forces. Originally named Temujin, he gave himself the
name Genghis Khan. The Khan's name has many different translations and one of them is "oceanic
sovereign" (Jarus). He was a natural born tactician and conquered many great empires through
clever, crafty, and many times cruel ways to beat the enemy. Genghis Khan died shortly before he
was about to start a campaign against China and the Shin Empire. By Genghis Khan's death, the
Mongol Empire stretched from China all the way to Egypt. A short time after the Khan's death, the
Empire split into four Khanates. However, their combined size had not
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Mongol Terror, Mongol Peace Dbq Essay
Nigel Lewis November 17, 2010 2nd Period DBQ: The Mongol Terror, Mongol Peace Although
many Mongols conquered peoples of Eurasia viewed the invasion as negative during the 13th and
14th centuries, many viewed this intrusion as positive According to Carpini and William of Rubrick,
they both have positive things to say about the Mongols. I say this because document 1 states that
the Mongols pay their lords more respect than any other people, and would hardly dare lie to them
(Doc #1). I think this document is mainly positive because of the fact that the writer states that the
Mongols are people that show good respect to their gods and lord. On the other hand they are
extremely arrogant toward other people and feel that anybody that is ... Show more content on ...
Even though there were 18 of them and 1 Tater, they wouldn't try to kill the one Tater and flee
because they were to scared (Doc #6). So basically every village or quarter the Taters entered,
everyone would become scared because they know that the Taters are all filled with evil. Ibn al–atir
had a negative point of view because they both have to do with killing people that are one of their
kinds. An alternative of Mongol expansion can be seen through travelers of that time who were
Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta. Document 2 reports on Marco Polo travels through Paris. Marco
discovered that Paris is so favorably situated that it is a market for merchants from India and
Baghdad (Doc #2). Throughout his travels, he learned that the Tater leadership would do great
mischief to traveling merchants. So that is just another example for why people really dislike the
Tater (Mongols). Document 5 talked about the North African Muslim traveler named Ibn Battuta.
During his travels he discovered that the Chinese are infidels and they worship idols and burn their
dead as the Indians do (Doc #5). The Chinese king was a Tater so that explains it all. Taters were not
good people back then. So it is clear that the Mongols had different affects on people during their
expansion westward. As the Mongols expanded throughout the territories, many people viewed this
as a negative impact. On the other hand, the Mongols let the people they conquered
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The Mongols Research Paper
The Barbarians were known as the Mongols, a group of ferocious fighters from the 1200's that was
led by Genghis Khan, who was called Temujin as a boy. The Mongols had no mercy, they wiped out
whole cities, not even letting animals such as cats and dogs live in some places. They were also
nomadic people, they lived in round movable houses called yurts, and they moved after they took
down a city. The Mongols also used torture as a technique to get either information and or revenge.
One example of this torture was boiling their victims alive, if they thought it was necessary. Also,
while they were taking over a village, if any men, women, or children tried to run away, all of them
were put to death right then and there. Together, Mongolian army consisted of a whopping 200,000
troops. The Mongols used this power of fear from Asian people to conquer almost five million
square miles of land. After Genghis died, his direct relatives such as his nephew took his place, but
more and more people were fighting over owning the throne of Khans. So after much arguing, it was
decreed that the land that was already conquered by the mongols to be separated into four different
regions called Khanates, they consisted of, The Golden Horde of Russia, Ilkhanate of Persia,
Chaghadai Khanate of Central Asia, and The Khanate of the Great Khan of China. ... Show more
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Just as they were about to fight the enemy, they lined up around the village and wait and then all at
once, they ambush. They have men with bows that are highly trained shooting the guards from every
direction and the Mongols use their catapults they built to fling over large rocks,a lot of smaller
sized rocks, and sometimes even dead bodies to spread disease in the walls while guarding the walls
so no one can enter or
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The Genetics For Mongol Migration
Maryann Steadman
ANTH 3125
2014, October 11th
Reflection Paper One
Genetics for Mongol Migration Mongolia is located in–between Russia and China, and is a neighbor
to Kazakhstan. The people that live there are called Mongols. Mongolia, which is part of Asia, is
part of what composes Eurasia. When it comes to DNA and chromosomal lineage, there are many
factors that lead to how a person will look, who they will mate with, and what decisions they make
in that process. These categories all run under the term genetics. The second week's lecture said that
there are "three major types of genetic data." There is autosomal, Y chromosome, and mitochondrial
DNA. Autosomal is a combination of your mother and father's DNA that makes you. Y
chromosomes come from your father and are given to a son, and mitochondrial DNA comes from
your mother. Everyone has the autosomal and mitochondrial aspects of genetics. The mitochondrial
makeup is just what genes you got from your mother. However, only males have the Y chromosome
aspect of genetics since males sex genes are comprised of XY while females are XX. Mongols (and
their language of Mongolic) originally came from the Altai Mountains, which are near Mongolia
(week lecture two). In the second week's lecture it is also noted that Mongolia may have been the
original location for starting Y chromosomal lineage. In Zerial's article, "The Genetic Legacy of the
Mongols," it talks about Mongols being a star cluster for other people.
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The Mongols
Jingdezhen dish with moulded decoration is not only a piece of work of art, but also tells us
something about Yuan–dynasty cultural appropriation and technology development. First and
foremost, Yuan dynasty is the first dynasty in Chinese history ruled by Mongols, who are minority
ethnic group. Although the Mongols had ruled China, their government structure was purely that of
native Chinese dynasties and most of the Emperors learnt Chinese as their second language. This
support from the rulers promotes the culture exchange between traditional Chinese culture and
Mongolian culture, to results in the formation of sino–Mongol. The Mongols can now be seen as a
catalyst in the field of the arts, and realm of ceramics can be taken as a good
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The Mongols And The Mongol Empire
Throughout human history, man has strived for power. It is an unquenchable desire which has led
many great rulers to success and defeat. When thinking of powers which dominated the world, the
Roman Empire, Napoleon's Army or even the time at which Great Britain was considered the center
of the world, come to mind. These rulers/nations were all great and all, at one time, had vast
amounts of power at the expenditure of their use. However, all of these empires fall short in
comparison to the Mongols quest to conquer the World. Though their reign was short, the
Mongolian empire was one of the largest empires to spread across Southern Asia. Led by the furious
Genghis Khan, the Mongols swept across Asia and conquered countless nations. One of the most
profound innovations of the Mongols was their effectiveness in battle. Their well–developed
strategies and innovative ideas pushed the Mongol campaign very deep into Asia. As a result, many
cultures were lost to the Mongols during their military campaigns. Their rule was upheld by vital
principles in war tactics and in politics. Further analysis of the Mongols' power will be discussed by
following these questions,
 What was the motivation of Genghis Khan in his campaign?
 How where the Mongols so successful in conquering Asia?
 How did Genghis Khan deal with the beliefs and overall life style of the nations which he
 How did the Mongol's conquest of nations influence future rulers once their reign had come to an
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Mongol Invasion Dbq
Kai Charland Mr. Fritz What did the Mongols do to become such a large empire? A few things are to
be considered when thinking about the expansion of the Mongol empire. Their unique war tactics
and diplomatic approaches are a few things that the Mongols used fastidiously. However, after
Khubilai Khan launched the first invasion of Japan, the Mongols realized that some of their methods
had to be changed if they wanted to conquer Japan. Many sources group the Mongol invasions of
Japan together, and leave no discernment between the two invasions in 1274 and 1281. However,
the first and second Mongol invasions of Japan differed in many ways. The motivations that
Khubilai Khan had to invade Japan were different from the first and second attempt. ... Show more
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Their plan was to make a landing at Hakata bay after attacking the islands of Tsushima and Iki. For
the second invasion, Much larger forces were sent. A total of around 142,000 troops were sent from
two separate places. 900 ships with 17,000 sailors, 10,000 Korean troops, and 15,000 Mongol troops
set sail from Korea, and a whopping 100,000 recently conquered Chinese troops set sail from
southern China on 3,500 vessels. The first invasions of Tsushima and Iki were quite successful,
slaughtering a large amount of the inhabitants. Also, when the Mongols reached Hakata bay, the
Japanese samurai did not know how to retaliate the coordinated attacks of the Mongols. However,
the second time around, the Japanese had prepared well for the Mongol forces, knowing more of
their tactics. Even though the Japanese were outnumbered, they had erected walls, six feet tall, about
the coastal line. This allowed the Japanese to fend off the Mongol forces. This may have been
because the Japanese realized that the Mongols tried not to get into close combat, and having a wall
which the enemy would have to climb and fight to get over, the Mongols would be forced to pursue
the Japanese coast with some hand to hand combat. The Mongols had taken measures to compensate
for their mistakes in the first invasion, such as wearing mail, instead of lighter armor for
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Rise Of The Mongols Essay
The Mongols were a group of pastoral nomads who lived in the steppe area of China, now modern–
day Mongolia, from as early as 600 CE, and still live there today. They lived in scattered
encampments and relied on animals for their survival. Their leader, Temujin, also known as Ghengis
Khan or Chinggis Khan, formed a small but well organized military following that spread from the
region and began a violent conquest of Eurasia that lasted from 1207 until 1266. Their conquests
were bloody, ending with between 30 and 50 million deaths. The Mongols chose to cruelly destroy
anyone who stood in their way. These battle strategies earned them a reputation of fear, some
surrendering before the mongols arrived. The Mongols, only numbering about 700,000 ... Show
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The Mongol army swept across societies of Eurasia due to brutal violence, which allowed for their
rapid spread of influence because of the fear that they established through destruction. Through the
fear that came from the violence that Chinggis Khan was interested in, they were able to exterminate
any enemies who stood in their way to force societies to gain their rule. The Mongols' brutality
became a key factor in the speed of their conquest when their enemies saw the violence occurring in
a neighboring region or city, and they surrendered long before contact with the Mongols ever
happened. "The Mongols looked to create the expectation of coming violence; people surrendered to
the Mongols sometimes purely on the basis of rumors; being psychologically incapable of fighting
back even before the battle begun" (Snapshot Reader, pg 24). Even the Mongols knew that because
of their violent methods, people were afraid of them and may have even had a sense of an oncoming
threat before the
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The Mongol Empire And The Impact Of The Mongol Empire
Revised paper proposal and bibliography
The Mongol empire was one the greatest empires of all time expanding all over Central Asia.
Bordering Chinese states, the Khwarazmian empire, present day Afghanistan, Siberia, Iran, and
many more, at its height the mongol empire was over 20,000,000 square kilometers. This was all
possible due to extraordinary men in Central Asia, ruled by Genghis khan emperor of the Mongol
empire. These Asian nomads along with their fearless and intelligent leader, flourished against
numerous odds impacting all those whom they waged war against. A recipient of this 'impact' in
particular was Russia. It was around 1219 when the Mongols first entered the Kievan Russia
marking the beginning of the interactions of the two. With the Mongols rise in establishing one of
the largest contiguous empire in history and having Russia only distances away the collision of the
two were inevitable. As history shows this collision did happen in the year 1236 which marked the
beginning of great impact that the Mongols would have on the Russian empire culturally, politically,
and economically.
Prior to the rise of the Mongol empire and their invasion of Russia, was a time of violence.
Mongolia separated by tribes and provinces was a non–unified empire with little impact to Central
Asia. Being separated, feuds between provinces of power and money were the reason why Mongolia
remained separated. The provinces after a long a grueling process eventually became united by a
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Mongol Yam Method
The Mongol Yam method was a route messaging system used frequently and made bigger by
Genghis khan.It was also used by other generations of khans as well.The Yam was ran from eastern
asia to eastern europe.Relay stations on the Yams route were used to supply food, shelter, and horses
for the mongol army and messengers.The Yam was given special attention by the khans because this
was where the mongol armies traveled fast and the messengers had to be faster than the army.So the
Yam was used to spread the process of information and intelligence very fast.It was also used for
war communications as well.The Yam had many relay stations 14–40 miles apart .Messengers from
one station would go to the other station and give the information there
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Impact Of The Mongols
The Impact of the Mongols
The Mongol Empire had many impacts on modern day Asia and other parts of the world. Genghis
Khan led an empire from the steppes of Asia during the 13th century, called the Mongols. They
conquered a lot of land, from to Korea to Poland, and also from Vietnam to Syria. Because they
'terrorized' much of Asia, they were known as barbarians. They were thought to live beyond
civilization, and known as evil. The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a negative impact on the
world during their rule of the Asian continent from 1206 to 1368 by influencing violence,
destruction, and the falling of cities. Genghis Khan and the Mongols were very violent. According to
document 2, Genghis organized his army in rows of ten, in which one man would be a leader. Over
ten groups of ten, there would be one man in charge of all of them, over that 10 there would be one
man in charge. There would be one man in charge of a thousand, then another in charge of 10 groups
of a thousand. The Mongols used the word "tumin" to describe this number. Over every army there
was two to three commanders, but in some way one held the overall command. While the Mongols
were in battle if more than one man fled, the whole group of ten would be put to death, which
caused a lot of acts of unnecessary violence. Also, if an entire group of ten fled, if the whole group
of one hundred didn't flee they would all be put to death, even though technically they did nothing
wrong. Another rule present
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Mongol Barbaric Dbq
Throughout the years, historians have found evidence to show that many ethnic groups were
barbaric, like the Germanic tribes: Ostrogoths and Visigoths, or the nomadic tribes: Huns and
Mongols. Though the evidence is strong to show the primitive nature of the Ostrogoths, Visigoths,
and Huns, the evidence is ambiguous for the Mongols. From what historians have collected – who
they conquered and people they were close to conquering – they believe that Mongols were
barbaric; however disagreements can be made, because of the lack of evidence and prejudices we
have been raised along–side with. This can be shown in their military, their commerce, their laws,
and how they rule their conquered lands. In their military, they had a certain way of doing ... Show
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at 3,036,885 square miles) Genghis Khan conquered (Document A), after conquering a land mass,
they seemed to have been civil to people they lived alongside. In Russia and the Golden Horde, by
Charles J. Halperin states, "Their [the Mongols] economic interests coincided with those of the
native peoples, and the Mongols, after the destruction of the initial conquest, promoted diversified
economic development," (Document J). Not only did the promote the development of the economy,
but they also got rid of, "Adultery and theft. War, strife, bodily harm or murder do not exist, robbers
and thieves on a grand scale are not to be found among them . . . because of the severity of (Mongol)
laws against theft," (Document K). Though these conquered land masses were now under Mongol
rule, they seemed to have been treated with the same decency and respect the Mongol citizens/
visitors were. Marco Polo, an ambassador of Kublai Khan– the man who in 1271 put a, "New legal
system in place; reduces capital crimes by half," (Document H), wrote an article on the messenger
system in the Mongol empire. Polo states, "The whole organization is so stupendous and so costly
that it baffles speech and writing," (Document L). Marco Polo applauded the Mongols in their
organizational skills and their way of doing things. In religion aspects, they were civilized there as
well; William of Rubruck stated, "We Mongols believe that there is but one God, by who we live
and by who we die and towards him we have an upright heart," (Document M). In their social lives,
they had, "Two codes of conduct that guided Mongol life. One of these was the yasa, usually
referred to as Mongol law. The second was the bilik, which was a set of rules to live by," (Document
N). These rules set in place were to keep the people in line, and keep their empire organized and
entitled to the highly respected
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The Mongols And The Mongol Rule
Notorious for their barbaric manners and their brutal tactics of invading and plundering, the
Mongols are commonly associated with a strictly negative reputation and despised for it. Although
this negative image remains associated with their history, with hindsight, historians have been able
to shed light on a positive perspective of the Mongols and their success creating the largest Empire
in world history. This paper will argue that although they were regarded as violent, invading
strangers and initially given few rights, their image in history has changed because the Mongols
were not simply a destructive people; despite lack of historical evidence and documentation,
historians have found they had many positive influences on Asia. Under Mongol rule there was an
improvement of status for many peoples, religious tolerance, and an increase in the trade of
products, culture, and knowledge. The Mongols are known for living a traditionally nomadic
lifestyle and their lack of permanent settlements or even a unified written language makes studying
them difficult for historians. Most of the surviving sources are found in foreign accounts of those
that they came into contact with. Once they began conquering and expanding their vast empire, most
of the permanent cities they created were later on eventually destroyed by their enemies. As a result,
the history of the Mongols is not very well documented. Additionally, most of the available
information on the Mongols is
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Mongols Influence
Around 1200–1360 B.C in what is now Present day Mongolia lived the Nomads of the Asian
Steppe. Among these Nomads lived the Great Genghis Khan, one of the World's most famous and
fiercest Leaders of all time. In the legend of Temujin's birth, he was born with a blood clot in his fist
as a sign from the Gods saying that he was going to be a fierce leader. The Mongol Empire had a
major Positive impact on History and their people, including the Large rule of the Mongols, the Pax
Mongolica, and lastly the Pony Express.
Genghis Khan had fought his way to the top after successfully winning battle after battle. His
amazing strategies would later shape and develop the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan would rule
over 12 million acres of land, more than any individual in history. But even after his death his
ancestors would still be successful. His sons and grandsons would continue his dream of fully
conquering the world, Reaching in all directions they would take over China and break ... Show
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They forced law and order into their Empire. This period is often known as the Pax Mongolica
(Mongol Peace). It was guaranteed that the people were safe while making trade and spreading ideas
throughout their land. Trade was boosted during the Mongol Empire, between Europe and Asia
ideas, inventions, and goods were all passed along the region. Examples like Gunpowder, weapons,
cloth, pearls, carpets, leather goods, silver, live stock, (etc,) could all be found on these trade routes.
Laws like the "Yassa" (Great law) were put in effect, they made sure that tribal disputes didn't break
out into war. The laws were a major part in trading as well to keep the flow of goods flowing
smoothly, theft and rustling were outlawed and people were punished severely if they were caught
doing these acts so hardly never were there any issues at all making the region a safe place to
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The Mongols: The Mongol Legacy In Russia
COLL–C 103 Prof. Valentino The Mongol Legacy in Russia The Mongols ruled over one of the
largest contiguous empires in human history. At the western end of this empire were the Russian
states, which succumbed to the Mongol invasion in the mid 13th century and were ruled by the
Mongols until the mid 15th century. During this time, the Mongols left an indelible mark on Russian
culture and cuisine, a mark that can be seen to this day. The impact that the Mongols had on Russian
culture includes the tax system used by the Tsars, the spices and ingredients used in Russian food,
and many of the words found in the Russian language to this day. Governing such a large area of
land, the Mongols needed an effective and efficient way to collect tribute and taxes from their
subjects. Thompson states that the Mongol system of tribute is very similar to later tax systems used
by the Russians. The Mongols were the ones who brought the idea of taxes paid to the government
to the Russians. This impact can be seen in the Tsars who ruled Russia after the Mongols, whose
taxes and governments were set up in ways reminiscent of the Mongol rule. ... Show more content
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Toomre states that many of the spices and other flavors found in Russian cuisine were only there
because of the Mongols re–opening the Silk Road of trade from China. Such spices as cinnamon are
heavily prevalent in Russian cuisine but are certainly not indigenous to the area of Kievan Rus'.
Another culinary influence of the Mongols was the practice of pickling vegetables, which is one of
the most important aspects of Russian cooking and was entirely due to Mongol influence on Russian
culture according to
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The Mongols And The Mongols
Mongols Essay
According to background essay on the Mongols "The Mongols were a small tribe during the 13th
century. They were from the grasslands of Central Asia and conquered much of the known world."
They also said that "They operate from the backs of horses and sometimes use siege weapons. The
essay also explained how the Mongols were one of the several nomadic peoples who competed with
one another for pasture land and livestock. They also had no metal working, no written language,
and no permanent homes. The Mongols also were first led by Genghis Khan and did not have a
good reputation. The Mongols may have been successful but it was do to mostly negative examples
and information. The Mongols were although positive in a way. For example their Yam System, to
make them go faster and farther. However, this example and many other positive examples are ways
for the Mongols to fight better and kill more people. The Mongols were barbaric because they were
brutal and ruthless.
The Mongols were first off very brutal people whose only focuses were to kill people to get what
they wanted, land. One reason why the Mongols were so brutal was because their brutal leaders who
told them what to do and go for. According to the background essay on the Mongols "Numerous
chinese cities fell, including where Mongol slaughter was so great the streets were said to be greasy
with flesh." This was all done under the leadership of Genghis Khan who launched this army.
Therefore, Khan led this army
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Argumentative Essay Mongols
For centuries Mongols have been known for being destructive and malicious people who did
nothing but take the land from those they murdered. The name Genghis Khan will always be
remembered the leader of the world's largest and notorious empires in history. While it's true
Mongols had a brute way to how they attained their empire, they did contribute to bettering society.
Not only did they respect the many different religions of their people, shared many things with the
rest of Asia and Europe through trade. As the Mongols expanded their empire across Asia and
Europe, A vast number of people from many different cultures and religions were now under the rule
of Genghis Khan. Khan was accepting of his people's beliefs and allowed them to
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Summary Of The Mongols
How Barbaric The Mongols Are. The mongols in the 13 hundred concerned much of the world on
horseback. The mongols are also very barbaric in such a way many other tribes had dreamed to do
what the mongols did. The mongols are smart in battle tactics but they don't have much. The
mongongo head a leader named temujin as a child timagin had only one friend jamaica and they
became sworn druthers. they lived in straw huts called tents. temujin became genghis cong the
leader of the mongols tribe. genghis cong had a dead that was killed by a tribe of indians. Timajina
and Jamaica shared rolling of the tribe until jamaican betrayed timagin and tried to take half of the
tribe and became roller than go against timajin but jamaica lost
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The Mongols : Mongols Barbarians
The Mongols Essay The Mongols were very harsh and brutal like no one else in their era but I
believe that they are not barbarians. The Mongols had a strong dominating military that was almost
always successful, they contributed to many of the ideas that are still around today, and made a very
stern set of laws that kept their community civilized which is why I believe that the Mongols were
not barbarians. Although the Mongols were sometimes very brutal they were not barbarians. The
Mongols were able to come up with very complex battle tactics like no other military in their era. In
document three " History of the Mongols" recorded by John of Plano Carpini he, states "they make
figures of men and set them on horses. They do this ... Show more content on ...
And lastly, another reason why the Mongols were not barbaric, even though they did commit acts of
violence and conquered many people they still were able to live civilized and contribute to the
community. In document eight Marco polo records that the Mongols created a "pony express" which
horses were used to deliver messages throughout the kingdom. Marco polo states " One of the great
concert messengers sets out along of any of these roads he has only to go 25 miles and there he finds
a posting station... at each of these post the messengers fine three or four hundred horses in
readiness awaiting their command, and power little lodgings." He also states that the neighboring
cities kept boats ready for Messenger is passing over rivers and lakes and when a messenger has to
ride for a long time like 200 miles he signals the nearby post so they can prepare a horse for him to
switch on to immediately so no time is wasted. This shows that the Mongols were not barbaric at all
and had intelligence to set up a system to relay messages in a more effective and fast manner in
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The Mongols
The Mongols were tribal and pastoral nomads that resided in the steppes of Central Asia. This land
proved to be vast and only suitable for herding and not crop growth, leading to the encouragement
of a nomadic lifestyle. Around 1180–1220, there was a drastic temperature drop, which led to a
shortened grass growing season. This struck as a threat to the Mongols' livestock, which served as
the foundation of the Mongols' pastoral–nomadic life. This may have led to their leaving of
Mongolia. Although the Mongols have been written off as the most destructive ethnic group
throughout history, due to their vicious styles of conquering and spread of disease, it is crucial to
acknowledge their achievements such as unifying a large ... Show more content on
Mongol boys were trained to ride horses, hunt, and fight at an extremely young age in the hopes that
they'd be skilled enough to fight whenever the Khan commanded(Burgan). This early training and
principle of promotion to leadership roles based on ability and skill led to a motivated and high
quality set of troops.While the Mongols did not necessarily have the largest army compared to those
that they battled, they truly took the idea of "quality over quantity" to heart and worked to
technologically advance their army. The Mongol armies excelled at the use of weapons such as
sabres, spears, and halberds, each having a specialized duty during battle time (Craughwell). In
order to design effective armor to defend against enemies, the Mongols took advantage of their
contacts with China and the Middle East and looked to them for ideas and inspiration. The
devastation and carnage of their victims serves as a consequence of their heavy reliance on shock
tactics and outright savagery(Turnbull and McBride) . The Mongols mastered the art of surprise
attacks and killing sprees which served as beneficial when fighting against unprepared armies or
unarmed civilians in the name of conquest. Also, the Mongols engaged in psychological warfare
which gave them
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The Mongols DBQ
The Mongols were a group of people who conquered lands and impacted a large part of the world.
Although the Mongols were known for their cruel tactics of conquering, they ended up benefiting as
much as they killed. The Mongols had a skillful army, but they influenced greater goods as they
The Mongols were a nomadic group, who relied greatly on their animals and their trade for survival.
Shortage of their animals and their trade could be significantly detrimental to their survival. In
document 1, " The Mongols in World History", one of the main reason for the Mongols' conquest
was a drop in temperature. The document states " Mongolia experienced a drop in the mean annual
temperature, which meant that the growing season ... Show more content on ...
The Mongols were known to be cruel and nefarious but also positively impacted the world as well.
Mongols specifically influenced Europe. In document 5, by the author Robert Guisepi, the Mongols
influenced trade. It states in the document " making possible the exchange of food, tools, and ideas
on and trade routes brought great wealth to traders"( Doc 5). After the Roman Empire fell, the Silk
Road also fell. This was significant because many other Empires depended on the silk road to trade
goods, and keep their Empire going. Later on, the Mongols strengthen the Silk road. They built
many new bridges and set up many trading posts, the Silk road became safer and easier to travel.
This was one way they benefited the world, because many Empires depended on the trading route.
The Mongols were aiding other Empires. In document 6, by the author Gregory Guzman, the
Mongols also had an impact on the world by influencing the way Europeans viewed the rest of the
world. In the document it states " they were exposed to different cultures beliefs, values, values,
attitudes, and in situations...They began to realize that they had to deal with and relate to the non–
Christian world with its many different peoples."(Doc 6). Before the Mongols were isolationist, they
didn't interact with certain parts of the world because of their beliefs and values. The Mongols came
along and made Europeans more internationalist, they started interacting with the rest of the world
more frequently, whereas before they neglected them. Europeans and the rest of the world became
interconnected, which meant there was cultural diffusion. This is significant because if Europeans
became more involved with the world, they would also be involved with the rest of the world if a
change takes place. On the other hand if they stayed isolationist, they would
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Mongols Dbq
The Mongolians in the 1200s were very barbaric. Throughout most of their endeavors have been
mostly detailed violence. If anything a better word to describe the Mongols were savages. These
ancient warriors conquered and pillaged almost everything of the known world in the 1200s. They
were violent and brutal in their journey to expand and conquer. Mongolians were extremely violent,
lead with a fierce government and a fierce leader known as Genghis Khan. Their ruthless acts of
violence and war has conquered more land than any other known commander. Genghis Khan
himself has conquered approximately 4,860,000 square miles (Document 1 Table) compared to all
the other commander totalling on average, approximately 1,659,166.7 square miles. Another thing
that makes Mongols so violent is the stories of their deeds. Document 4 tells a story about an army
of 300 mongols invaded a Persian city with 3,000 archers and laid waste to everything including
animals. In document 4 it also states the amount of people slaughter from each city based on
chroniclers recordings, varying from Khwarazm and Russia, ... Show more content on ...
Document 5 shows an image of captive prisoners being executed in an inhumane way. One is
appeared to be tied up to a plant and shot repeatedly by arrows slowly dying to the wounds. While
the others were buried upside down, more than likely buried alive and suffocating. Within' document
7 shows a description of theft in mongol territory. Chroniclers state that, "War, strife, bodily harm,
or murder do not exist, robbers and thieves on a grand scale are not to be found among them."
Assuming what the chronicler meant from this quote is that mongolian citizens follow laws set so
strict and punishment to great where there is no attempt to breaking them. Plano Carpini and Ibn
Battuta say that mongolians leave everything unattended or protected because of the severity from
the laws of theft, specified by
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Essay On The Mongols
The mongols were a group of people who were known for their strength, they survived in the
steppes after all. Genghis Khan was the leader of these peoples after he united them. He then
conquered much of the known world. The Mongols were brutal and untamed peoples, however, they
are essential to the fashioning of the modern world. If the Mongols never came, much would be
different. The mongols were a steppe people, they were constantly at war with one another. This was
the case anyway, until Genghis Khan united them all to conquer the known world. The mongols set
out to conquer Asia and Europe, they did, which made them the largest empire known to man.
Timuchin was the son of a poor noble in his tribe. Born sometime in the 1160's, he gradually unified
the disparate Mongol tribes and, in 1206, was elected Genghis Khan, or "Universal Ruler". He
began to vigorously organize the Mongols into a military force through enlistment and taxes on the
tribes. With his small army, he ... Show more content on ...
They launched several attacks to take the city of Kiev, the mongols showed no mercy to there, they
slaughtered their enemies before they even had the chance to surrender. They killed over forty
thousand people, they spared only two thousand people. Now in the thriving city of over two point
eight million people, the scar of the mongol domination still lives on in the ruins of it's buildings.
Most Europeans at the time of the mongol's invasion, thought that they had come from hell itself.
They believed that the mongols were merciless, ruthless, brutal, and deadly. This was all true, the
mongols showed no restraint or feeling in the face of their foes. This helped with a psychological
advantage over their enemies. They continued to take parts of Europe until they were met by the
pope, Pope Innocent IV, who persuaded the mongols to stop their advancement into Europe
(Dawson, Mongol
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Essay On Mongol Empire
Mongol Empire by Genghis Khan founded in 1206 after the unification of Turk–Mongol tribes and
then expanding to the Eurasian mainland, starting with the invasion of Western Xia in northern
China and Khwarizmi in the Persian Empire. In its heyday, Peace Mongolia (the Silk Road of the
Mongol Empire) has created an opportunity for cultural exchange and trade between the East and
the West during the 13th century – the century 14. The Mongols have many tribes, living by
farming, hunting occupied in the vast grasslands of northern China.
Ruling Mongolian brutal policy implementation is killed, robbed, burned so many parts of North
China, the Central States are abandoned, and the court took divided to Mongolian officials. China
gradually assimilated ... Show more content on ...
The first tactic is suddenly to ride up to them, killing, arson, the enemy could not fight back, they've
ridden away, though did not want to chase up again; Then they decided to return to the battlefield.
The second tactic of pretending suddenly lost running back and counterattack. Both tactics are
making the demoralized ranks of the enemy, disorder.
After 18 years of war, the Mongols have learned many things in the defeated population: how to
shoot stone fabrication (from Central Asia), used gunpowder to break the wall (of the ship), but
unknown users shotguns, using the copper pipe to throw boats into enemy fire substances (of the
East). So their troops even stronger than before. On the use of rocks to shoot, they shot several
bullets into the enemy fire; carcasses or bodies were decomposing rot to cause the disease.
Mongol Empire has vast land and unified long–term effects, one of those areas (such as east and
west of Russia and some western regions of China) remain unified until today although has gone
through many different regimes. The Mongols were assimilated into the local peoples after the
Mongol Empire collapsed, and many of them have followed the indigenous religions as the Khanate
in the western Muslim, largely influenced Sufi. In fact, the infighting and the weakness of the rule is
one of the main reasons for the collapse of the
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How To Avoid The Mongols

  • 1. How To Avoid The Mongols The Mongols made multiple attempts to take control if the Indian Subcontinent, but they were always halted by the Delhi Sultanate. The Mongols were persistent in their attacks on Indian peninsula, with the first attack being launched during the reign of Emperor Ilitmish. Everyone knew about the brutality and strength of the Mongols, it was considered that "provoking the Mongol fury [was] inviting disaster" . When Jalāl al–dīn of Khwäriz, the last ruler of Khwarezmian Empire fled from Genghis Khan, he asked for asylum from Emperor Ilitmish of the Delhi Sultanate. Ilitmish refused asylum in the hope of earning Genghis Khan's good faith . Another form to avoid the Mongols was to forge peace amongst each other through relationships. During the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Thesis About The Mongols Interpretation Historians and experts believed that Mongols are the fiercest nomadic group in Asia. Matthew Paris, 13th century chronicler, described the Mongols as 'They are inhuman...more like monsters than men.' The common trait about the Mongol leaders is that all of them use brutality to punish their enemies. They believe that they are the 'scourges of God' that were sent from Heaven to punish those who do bad things or evildoers as they call it. Despite their cruelty, Mongols were hospitable to their visitors and it was proved by famous merchant Marco Polo on his book, The Travels of Marco Polo. Our group partially believe the claims of historians about the Mongols. We believed that at first Mongols used to be brutal, they destroying ... Show more content on ... Families that are greatly related to each other form clans for a simple purpose of working together in able to survive in their everyday lives. But as the Mongol clans are becoming larger and larger, they have decided to form a larger unit in a form of tribes. In Mongolian tribes, people were able to choose their leaders by election in a social feast and a political gathering called quiriltai. But the thing is,people cannot just choose anyone to be their leader because the tribe leader that must be chosen must come from the most powerful clan in their tribe and it must have a skill, more specifically, military skills that the chosen leader must be able to make their tribe stronger in all aspects. Also, the tribe leader must have a ties and connections to the noble families or ruling clan of the other tribes which are called Borjigid or Kiyad.By the end of 12th century, Genghis Khan was elected to be the tribe leader of their tribe and after almost 20 years, he was able to unite all the tribes in Mongolia and he was then titled as the "Great Khan". Under the rule of Genghis, he replaced the old tribal leaders to military commanders. The military commander's son could inherit his father's position. As the Mongolian Empire becomes larger under his rule, ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Mongol Influence On Russia The unification of the Mongol tribes by Chinggis Khan resulted in a powerful army and a series of military campaigns that constructed the Mongol Empire. The Mongol Empire, lasting from the 13th to the 14th centuries, exerted considerable political, social, and economic influence on conquered regions such as Eastern Asia and Russia. For example, as a result of the Mongols revitalizing long– distance trade networks such as the Silk Road, both China and Russia experienced the exchange of cultures, technologies, and diseases. However, Mongol influence on China quickly diminished after the collapse of the Mongol Empire whereas the influence of Mongol expansion on Russia was more consequential and far–reaching albeit inadvertently. The Mongol Empire ... Show more content on ... After Mongol rule over China ended in 1368 CE by rebel forces, the renewal of Confucian values and a patriarchal social structure in the following Ming Dynasty signifies the refusal by the native Chinese to assimilate Mongol practices into their native culture. This adamant refusal can be attributed to discrimination against the Chinese in Mongol law and conflicting ideologies concerning the role of women and the social status of merchants and artisans. On the other hand, the impact of Mongol expansion to Russia continued to be influential even after the collapse of the Mongol Empire. Linguistically, амбар in Russian and амбаар in Mongolian both translate to barn. Overall, there are thousands of borrowed words, phrases, and other characteristics from the Mongol and Turkic language that are featured in the Russian language because of interactions between the two during the Mongol Empire. Moreover, the Golden Horde's occupation of Eastern Europe inadvertently resulted in the unification and strengthening of Russia. Prior to Mongol rule, Russia was divided into city–states ruled by various independent princes. A weak economy and the lack of a strong centralized power made it easy for the Mongols to conquer Russia. However, under Mongol rule, princes attained wealth through siphoning off taxes as tribute collectors and learned to centralize their power from the Mongols while the Orthodox Church was able to flourish and rise as a unifying force through tax exemptions. The Russian state found strength in a common religion and in an allegiance towards a "grand prince" later called the Tsar; overthrowing the Mongols. The reason between these differences in China and Russia is due to different methods of administration. China was mostly governed by foreign officials, only Mongols were allowed to hold high posts, and the Chinese held little ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Disadvantages Of Mongols Throughout history the Mongols have continuously demonstrated a remarkable ability of pioneering strategic and effective methods of successfully conquering more structurally organized civilizations than themselves. Their life as pastoral nomads produced numerous harsh obstacles to overcome when faced with larger and more complex groups of people. However, their lack of manpower was combated by their tenacious and fierce warrior–like mindset which propelled them into unprecedented prosperity. As a matter of fact, their most notable achievement was their striking capability to bring all of Eurasia under one central central– something that at the time, was inconceivable. Through this, the Mongols established the practice of allowing their subjects ... Show more content on ... Khubilai also suppressed Daoism because it engaged in religious warfare between Buddhism. He issued "punitive action against the Daoists who had set a fire to a Buddhist temple" (Cho 6). These accounts highlight that there was an active and constant struggle between Buddhism and other religious sects that disrupted the Mongol Empire internally. With the inclusion of numerous religions came a constant wave of struggles between the religious sects vying for power. However, since Khubilai was an advocate for Buddhism, any and every act targeting that religion resulted in fierce punishment. Yet, if the Khan favored the perpetrating faith and perceived little threat to his authority, there would most likely have been little political action taken against it. Unfortunately for the Bri–gung and Daoists, Khubilai ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Globalization Of Mongols Final Essay The first world economy system increased communications and lessened technological and cultural gaps between societies on different continents. This early form of globalization spread goods, ideas, and people to new places. For example, long–distance trade caused Chinese inventions, like gunpowder, printing, and the compass, to reach Europe for the first time. The Mongol's influence over Eurasia during the thirteenth and fourteenth century was one of the main factors led to those increased global communications. This essay argues that Chinggis Khan's conquests and style of rule during the early thirteenth century increased globalizing interactions between Eurasian and African societies. The Mongols rapid conquest of Eurasia increased interactions between Europe, Asia, and Africa in a short amount of time. Before 1200 C.E., nomadic tribes surrounding China attacked agricultural cities. These tribes were often small. They preferred raiding cities to conquering them. In 1206 C.E., one of these nomadic tribes, the Mongols, became united under Chinggis Khan. Khan was a powerful and charismatic military leader. Through conquest, he built a large army. His empire grew rapidly, because he preferred conquering to administrating. When overtaking a group, Khan offered them the opportunity to peacefully assimilate into the Mongol empire. If they resisted, Khan leveled their cities through mass slaughter. Khan's preference for conquering a place and moving on caused his ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Mongols And The Mongols 1) Why do you believe that the Mongols are referred to as the "forgotten conquerors?" The Mongols were very small in number relative to the peoples they conquered, and they were also nomadic. These two facts lead me to believe that the Mongols were forgotten because they were largely unable to create a distinctly new civilization. They conquered vast territories, but they did not have previous experience administering a sedentary civilization, let alone a massive empire. Furthermore, they simply did not have the numbers to create a sufficient administrative class of Mongols for the empire. As a result, the Mongols had to extensively borrow knowledge, organization, and manpower from the states they had conquered, and as time wore on, they essentially assimilated and disappeared into the cultures they had conquered. For this reason, I think it would be easier to forget their conquests, as opposed to those of a more traditional empire like that of Rome. 2) Why do you believe the early Mongol leaders did not want their burial sites known? What inferences can you make about conquerors that bury their famed leaders in secrecy? I imagine that tradition and religion both played a role in the secrecy around the burial of Mongol leaders. Their desolate homeland meant that every day was a struggle to survive the elements, and they led relatively simple, nomadic lives with less in the way of material goods than other societies. The documentary states that Temujin was religious, ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Mongol Empire And The Mongol Tribes Essay In the first place, the Mongols conveyed a charming pioneer, Genghiz Khan, who joined the Mongol tribes in a dream of triumph and improvement. The Mongolian speed, a little and to a significant degree dangerous infantry horse which could move quickly and run deep divisions. Mongol troops were all stallion mounted and could move quickly. The Mongol bow was somewhat composite bow which could decisively shoot a jolt more than 200 yards. Merged with the brisk moving steed mounted infantry, the Mongols had an original purpose of inclination. Mongol techniques focused on pace and flexibility. If a city promptly surrendered, they were tolerant, however, if it contradicted, they were savage. At whatever point critical, the Mongols were ready to co–pick required capacity. For example, when they anticipated that would lay assault to a city, they would rely on upon Chinese assault fashioners to lay assault to Baghdad. Stood out from the domains they vanquished, they weren 't supremacist, they used people. Arrive region The course of action of the Mongol Empire was a direct and troublesome method, beginning with the unification of the Mongol and Turkic tribes that stayed in the Mongolian steppes. Temüjin (1165–1227) ascended on the steppes as an appealing pioneer, continuously getting a taking after before transforming into a nökhör (Amigo or vassal) to Toghril (d. 1203/1204), Khan of the Kereits, the collective tribe in central Mongolia. While in the organization of Toghril, ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Mongol Dbq Essay I believe the mongols were barbaric and don't deserve to have the scale tip in their favor. In the first slide it says the streets were filled with human flesh and fat, from women, children, and adults regardless if they were a combatant or not. Another example would be the city of Riazan, it was razed to the ground and it's inhabitants were all massacred, only a few were left alive to spread the message. It's widely known that if you refused to surrender then the whole city would be massacred and raised to the ground. (Doc1–3) Doc 1–3 talks about how the Mongol army was just more than a ragtag horde of calvary. They had discipline and often implemented psychological warfare into their tactics, I.E. attacking a city non–stop so the defenders get no sleep or raising a city to the ground to send a message. The mongols had a system where any deserters would either get killed or get their comrades killed in their place, or if their comrades fail to rescue them, then their comrades will get executed. ... Show more content on ... The city had 3,000 crossbowmen but the mongols managed to breach the walls and raised the city to the ground, and slaughtered it's inhabitants, including cats and dogs. It also mention other cities raised to the ground, an example would be baghdad with it's loss of 800,000–2mil, and Bukhara with it's loss of 30,000. Doc 5 depicts mongolians and their atrocities against arabs. Doc 6 it implied that the mongol connected all these land through trade and implemented a few improvements like canals in china to improve transportation and ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Write An Essay On The Mongols The Mongols The Mongols were able to conquer Asia in just 30 years, for many skilled reasons. They were taught at a young age working with a bow and became very skilled arches. Second they were great at riding horses and could shoot bows at their enemies while on the horse. They had several different siege machines that did different things to help them. Mongols were very organized and that was the main key to a part of their suessess. Last they were the most fierce warriors that many people would surrender without even trying to put up a fight. The Mongols were skilled archers, and horses back riding. They had one composite bow made out of sinew and horn, and were skilled at shooting it while riding there horse. With the bows they had they could shoot as far of a range from more than 350 yards, and their English longbow was only 250 yards. "By ... Show more content on ... They had at least over five siege machines that they had in their favor in a war or a battle. The names of the four main ones are the catapult hurled stones, flaming liquids, the trebuchet, and the ballista. Ballista was a very powerful one that helped the Mongols a lot, it shot large arrows that could damage buildings and structures and kill any person or animal in its path. Then the Trebuchet was a catapult powered by the drop of a heavy counterweight, threw objects faster than the torsion catapult. If your a Mongol warrior and you have those two main siege machine that will over power their enemies and don't forget the other ones they have also to do damage. The key to success with the Mongols that helped them with their machines, and archong skills was organization. Giving them organization gave them the power to keep all there machines and bows in order and not be a mess. That's how the Mongol warriors conquered Asia in 30 years and conquered other areas ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Mongol Empire Dbq Mongolian Empire pos. or neg. Was the mongol empire a positive or negative impact on the history of Asia? I would say that the mongol empire was positive, because they did a lot of good for asia like safety for those that are peaceful and war with those that are not. My first quote is from document #6 "The Mongols conquered nearly all of Asia and achieved what all Inner Asian steppe empires dreamed of". I copied this quote because this one talked about how the mongols conquered a lot of asia and that means they were all working together to survive. My second quote is from document 7 "Juzani wrote that no one except the owner would dare pick up even a whip lying on the ground" I also wrote this quote down because it symbolizes that their was ... Show more content on ... This document is positive because Genghis Khan controlled 4,860,000 square miles and Alexander the Great conquered 2,180,000 square miles. This shows that Genghis Khan and his empire was very powerful. When you rule a very large empire it can be hard to control so the people that rebelled against Genghis Khan were killed. Document #2 talks about the people in charge. This document is positive because Genghis Khan had a very large empire and if someone ran away the person in charge of them would be punished, so Genghis Khan found a way to maintain a good order for example he would be in charge of maybe ten people and those ten would be in charge of maybe another ten and so on. Document #6 talks about people adapting to the Mongol Empire and the benefits of the silk industry. The Mongols did a lot for china for example their silk, the people of china liked silk but the problem was that the deliverers kept getting murdered and the silk stolen so the mongols lent a hand and created the Silk Road where people could walk without any thought about thieves or murderers coming for what they have because they feared Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan killed the people that stole or murdered on the silk road and their families, in other words "if you saw something someone dropped nobody touched it said Document ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Mongol Empire and Doc A barbarian decribes a crude person in a primitive state or someone who lacks education or refinement. During the 13th Century a small Asian tribe known as the Mongols conquered much of the known world linking Western and Easter Eurasia. The Mongols were a nomadic people until they acknowledged the supreme leader Genghis Khan in 1206. Most historians formulate an arguement based on the question "The Mongols: How Barbaric Were the "Barbarians"?" The Mongols were not very barbaric because they had a highly sophisticated military, lived by a code of conduct, and helped improve the lives of those they conquered. The Mongols had a very structured military which grouped their warriors into armies of 10,000 commanded by two or three chiefs. ... Show more content on ... Here is where I would need an additional document or source to explain the upside–down burial of living prisoners and why they faced such consequences. The Mongols were not barbaric because they had a code of conduct which maintained order in their society. Although the Mongols conquered most of the known world, they also helped to improve the lives of those they conquered making significant contributions to the political institutions, economic development, and cultural diversity of many lands. In China the (Mongol) Yuan emperors built canals to improve transportation and communication.(Doc J) Barbarians are frowned upon as uneducated people. It is unjust to describe the Mongols as barbaric because they made Asia more civilized and advanced . The Great Khan also developed the system of relay stations which aquired 200,000 horses stabled at posts for the special use of the messangers.(Doc L) This stupendous organization made is easier for the Great Khan to receive immediate news. Over the course, Mongol leaders often converted to the region's dominant religions– Christianity, Islam, or Buddhism.(Doc M) This clearly shows that the Mongols accepted all religions. The city of Karacorum had two districts: the Moslem's quarter where the markets are and the other district of the Chinese who were all craftsmen.(Doc G) The Mongol cities were highly organized into districts and had some kind of social hierarchy. They also traded for centuries ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Mongol Trial In this trial we witnessed how the Mongol empire affected the lives of people in Eurasia. As a jury member of the trail of Genghis Khan, I have decided that the mongols were civilized due to the religious tolerance, advancements and stimulation of trade. There was a common theme on the prosecuting side of lack of religious tolerance from the mongols, but the witness testimonies were circumstantial to a specific region or rule. It is inevitable for soldiers and generals to force people to join their own religion, but that does not take away from the overall religious tolerance of the mongols and their predecessors talked about. There was Buddhist and Muslims in the upper class positions that were kept strictly for the mongols disproving this ... Show more content on ... The philosopher also spoke of Genghis Khan's building of colleges and buildings to support the collaboration of ideas and thought this would improve the rate of advancements. The ability for the mongol to effectively build infrastructure and gather philosophers proves the civility of their empire. The last major point of the defence was the stimulation of trade caused by the mongols. A merchant talked about the increase of trade in Eurasia. There was an undeniable influx of trade in Asia that was directly caused by the mongol rule, this was caused by the mongols reopening or revitalizing of the silk trade routes and the spending of the major mongolian wealth to increase trade through western Europe and Asia. The revitalizing of trade is evidence that the mongols were civilized to properly improve the trade routes and protection on the trade routes. The prosecution also had a good point on the mongolian viciousness and unrelenting destruction of cities and the murder of the innocent civilians does play a role the mongols being uncivilized. But many other empires such as the Roman empire killed many but were classified as civilized. After this long and hard fought trail I have decided in favor of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Mongols : Barbaric The Mongols who were people that went from being nomadic people who lived off the meat, milk and hide of horse meat and wool of sheep to creating the largest connected and mass empire in the history of the world exemplifies some behaviors of being barbaric leading people to think they are just completely barbaric. However, to me they are somewhat barbaric but not utterly barbaric. If the mongols were barbaric how did they managed to conquer almost all of the known world? Instead of barbaric a more important description for the Mongols would be they are intelligent and well trained. In the background essay in paragraph one it said,"Operating from the backs of horses, Mongol warriors swept across much of Asia, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe.Their reach extended from Korea to Poland, and from Vietnam to Syria. Nothing quite like it has been seen since." These Mongols who are considered barbaric managed to conquer all of these places using a horse and no one has done that since them. This just proves that the Mongols must have been people who were wise and knew the way to survive. In document one it mentions that Genghis khan conquered 4,860,000 square miles between 1162 and 1227.This is more land conquered than Alexander the Great, Tamerlane,Cyrus the Great, Attila, Adolf Hitler, and Napoleon Bonaparte. All of these people were conquering people just like the Mongols, so if the mongols are to be considered barbaric so should these people be considered barbaric as ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. History Of The Mongols Mongol Essay The Mongols were descendants of Genghis Khan and have played a big role in world history. The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a positive impact on the world during their rule of the Asian continent from 1260 to 1368 by influencing the Silk Road, Asia under one rule, and military advancements. The Mongols did many things that impacted the world and changed history. If they didn't do these things then our world would be much different than it is now. Chinggis Khan had very good military tactics and was a good organizer and brilliant strategist. He organized his people in units of ten, a hundred, a thousand and ten thousand. The head unit of ten thousand would have the strongest relationship with Chinggis. This way of organization ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Mongol Essay When you first hear the word Mongol, the immediate image that comes to mind is that of a fearsome and ruthless warrior. This reputation helped the Mongols conquer and rule the largest empire in history which spanned from China to Europe. While the rise of the Mongols is largely attributed to the emergence of their famed leader, Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire itself would have lasting effects on China, Korea, and Japan even after his death. The Mongols would occupy Koryo Korea, defeat the Southern Song Dynasty to occupy China, and attempt to invade and conquer Japan on two occasions under the guidance of Kublai Khan. These aggressive maneuvers by the Mongol Empire would have significant ramifications on the development of China, Korea, and ... Show more content on ... The Mongols launched their fleet of 1,000 ships and landed in Hakata Bay in 1274 in what would be their first of two attempts to invade Japan. This would be known as the "Battle of Bun'ei" or as the "First Battle of Hakata Bay". The Mongols would conquer the settlements on the islands of Tsushima and Iki while on route to Hakata Bay. However after landing at Hakata Bay the Mongols were pushed back by the Samurai as they were prepared and expected the invasion. Historians theorize that the Japanese were forewarned by Koryo Korea. The reasons as to why Koryo Korea would give the Japanese this knowledge is because they were tired of being under the Mongol rule and because Japan had shown good will to Koryo Korea by suppressing Japanese Piracy along the coastline of Korea. The advanced warning allowed for Japan to gauge the incoming Mongol forces as they ravaged the islands of Tsushima and Iki. The initial landing success of the Mongols can be attributed to their superior weapons, tactics, and fighting experience. However, as time wore on the numbers began to favor the Japanese and they were able to repel the Mongols back towards their ships. As a severe storm approached Hakata Bay the Mongols decided to board their ships once again to avoid being isolated on Japanese soil. The severe storm system was a typhoon and by the morning a large portion of the ships and one ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Mongols And The Mongol Empire Melwin Varghese Ms. Holzinger TOK 1 per. 2 18 August 2014 Were the Mongols able to conquer such vast areas of land because of their superior battle tactics or because of the tools and weapons the Mongols used? I. Introduction The Mongols were made up of many fierce tribes originating from the steppes of central Asia. They were able to take over large parts of the known world in a matter of a few decades. The Mongol empire was the greatest and largest continuous land empire the world has ever known. Relatively shortly after Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongol forces, died, the huge Mongol empire split into four Khanates that were ruled separately and independently. Ultimately these empires also failed after a period of time but the Mongols had a long standing influence on numerous cultures not only of Asia but also of the Western world. Genghis Khan was the leader of the Mongol forces. Originally named Temujin, he gave himself the name Genghis Khan. The Khan's name has many different translations and one of them is "oceanic sovereign" (Jarus). He was a natural born tactician and conquered many great empires through clever, crafty, and many times cruel ways to beat the enemy. Genghis Khan died shortly before he was about to start a campaign against China and the Shin Empire. By Genghis Khan's death, the Mongol Empire stretched from China all the way to Egypt. A short time after the Khan's death, the Empire split into four Khanates. However, their combined size had not ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Mongol Terror, Mongol Peace Dbq Essay Nigel Lewis November 17, 2010 2nd Period DBQ: The Mongol Terror, Mongol Peace Although many Mongols conquered peoples of Eurasia viewed the invasion as negative during the 13th and 14th centuries, many viewed this intrusion as positive According to Carpini and William of Rubrick, they both have positive things to say about the Mongols. I say this because document 1 states that the Mongols pay their lords more respect than any other people, and would hardly dare lie to them (Doc #1). I think this document is mainly positive because of the fact that the writer states that the Mongols are people that show good respect to their gods and lord. On the other hand they are extremely arrogant toward other people and feel that anybody that is ... Show more content on ... Even though there were 18 of them and 1 Tater, they wouldn't try to kill the one Tater and flee because they were to scared (Doc #6). So basically every village or quarter the Taters entered, everyone would become scared because they know that the Taters are all filled with evil. Ibn al–atir had a negative point of view because they both have to do with killing people that are one of their kinds. An alternative of Mongol expansion can be seen through travelers of that time who were Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta. Document 2 reports on Marco Polo travels through Paris. Marco discovered that Paris is so favorably situated that it is a market for merchants from India and Baghdad (Doc #2). Throughout his travels, he learned that the Tater leadership would do great mischief to traveling merchants. So that is just another example for why people really dislike the Tater (Mongols). Document 5 talked about the North African Muslim traveler named Ibn Battuta. During his travels he discovered that the Chinese are infidels and they worship idols and burn their dead as the Indians do (Doc #5). The Chinese king was a Tater so that explains it all. Taters were not good people back then. So it is clear that the Mongols had different affects on people during their expansion westward. As the Mongols expanded throughout the territories, many people viewed this as a negative impact. On the other hand, the Mongols let the people they conquered ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. The Mongols Research Paper The Barbarians were known as the Mongols, a group of ferocious fighters from the 1200's that was led by Genghis Khan, who was called Temujin as a boy. The Mongols had no mercy, they wiped out whole cities, not even letting animals such as cats and dogs live in some places. They were also nomadic people, they lived in round movable houses called yurts, and they moved after they took down a city. The Mongols also used torture as a technique to get either information and or revenge. One example of this torture was boiling their victims alive, if they thought it was necessary. Also, while they were taking over a village, if any men, women, or children tried to run away, all of them were put to death right then and there. Together, Mongolian army consisted of a whopping 200,000 troops. The Mongols used this power of fear from Asian people to conquer almost five million square miles of land. After Genghis died, his direct relatives such as his nephew took his place, but more and more people were fighting over owning the throne of Khans. So after much arguing, it was decreed that the land that was already conquered by the mongols to be separated into four different regions called Khanates, they consisted of, The Golden Horde of Russia, Ilkhanate of Persia, Chaghadai Khanate of Central Asia, and The Khanate of the Great Khan of China. ... Show more content on ... Just as they were about to fight the enemy, they lined up around the village and wait and then all at once, they ambush. They have men with bows that are highly trained shooting the guards from every direction and the Mongols use their catapults they built to fling over large rocks,a lot of smaller sized rocks, and sometimes even dead bodies to spread disease in the walls while guarding the walls so no one can enter or ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Genetics For Mongol Migration Maryann Steadman ANTH 3125 2014, October 11th Reflection Paper One Genetics for Mongol Migration Mongolia is located in–between Russia and China, and is a neighbor to Kazakhstan. The people that live there are called Mongols. Mongolia, which is part of Asia, is part of what composes Eurasia. When it comes to DNA and chromosomal lineage, there are many factors that lead to how a person will look, who they will mate with, and what decisions they make in that process. These categories all run under the term genetics. The second week's lecture said that there are "three major types of genetic data." There is autosomal, Y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA. Autosomal is a combination of your mother and father's DNA that makes you. Y chromosomes come from your father and are given to a son, and mitochondrial DNA comes from your mother. Everyone has the autosomal and mitochondrial aspects of genetics. The mitochondrial makeup is just what genes you got from your mother. However, only males have the Y chromosome aspect of genetics since males sex genes are comprised of XY while females are XX. Mongols (and their language of Mongolic) originally came from the Altai Mountains, which are near Mongolia (week lecture two). In the second week's lecture it is also noted that Mongolia may have been the original location for starting Y chromosomal lineage. In Zerial's article, "The Genetic Legacy of the Mongols," it talks about Mongols being a star cluster for other people. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Mongols Jingdezhen dish with moulded decoration is not only a piece of work of art, but also tells us something about Yuan–dynasty cultural appropriation and technology development. First and foremost, Yuan dynasty is the first dynasty in Chinese history ruled by Mongols, who are minority ethnic group. Although the Mongols had ruled China, their government structure was purely that of native Chinese dynasties and most of the Emperors learnt Chinese as their second language. This support from the rulers promotes the culture exchange between traditional Chinese culture and Mongolian culture, to results in the formation of sino–Mongol. The Mongols can now be seen as a catalyst in the field of the arts, and realm of ceramics can be taken as a good ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Mongols And The Mongol Empire Throughout human history, man has strived for power. It is an unquenchable desire which has led many great rulers to success and defeat. When thinking of powers which dominated the world, the Roman Empire, Napoleon's Army or even the time at which Great Britain was considered the center of the world, come to mind. These rulers/nations were all great and all, at one time, had vast amounts of power at the expenditure of their use. However, all of these empires fall short in comparison to the Mongols quest to conquer the World. Though their reign was short, the Mongolian empire was one of the largest empires to spread across Southern Asia. Led by the furious Genghis Khan, the Mongols swept across Asia and conquered countless nations. One of the most profound innovations of the Mongols was their effectiveness in battle. Their well–developed strategies and innovative ideas pushed the Mongol campaign very deep into Asia. As a result, many cultures were lost to the Mongols during their military campaigns. Their rule was upheld by vital principles in war tactics and in politics. Further analysis of the Mongols' power will be discussed by following these questions,  What was the motivation of Genghis Khan in his campaign?  How where the Mongols so successful in conquering Asia?  How did Genghis Khan deal with the beliefs and overall life style of the nations which he captured?  How did the Mongol's conquest of nations influence future rulers once their reign had come to an ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Mongol Invasion Dbq Kai Charland Mr. Fritz What did the Mongols do to become such a large empire? A few things are to be considered when thinking about the expansion of the Mongol empire. Their unique war tactics and diplomatic approaches are a few things that the Mongols used fastidiously. However, after Khubilai Khan launched the first invasion of Japan, the Mongols realized that some of their methods had to be changed if they wanted to conquer Japan. Many sources group the Mongol invasions of Japan together, and leave no discernment between the two invasions in 1274 and 1281. However, the first and second Mongol invasions of Japan differed in many ways. The motivations that Khubilai Khan had to invade Japan were different from the first and second attempt. ... Show more content on ... Their plan was to make a landing at Hakata bay after attacking the islands of Tsushima and Iki. For the second invasion, Much larger forces were sent. A total of around 142,000 troops were sent from two separate places. 900 ships with 17,000 sailors, 10,000 Korean troops, and 15,000 Mongol troops set sail from Korea, and a whopping 100,000 recently conquered Chinese troops set sail from southern China on 3,500 vessels. The first invasions of Tsushima and Iki were quite successful, slaughtering a large amount of the inhabitants. Also, when the Mongols reached Hakata bay, the Japanese samurai did not know how to retaliate the coordinated attacks of the Mongols. However, the second time around, the Japanese had prepared well for the Mongol forces, knowing more of their tactics. Even though the Japanese were outnumbered, they had erected walls, six feet tall, about the coastal line. This allowed the Japanese to fend off the Mongol forces. This may have been because the Japanese realized that the Mongols tried not to get into close combat, and having a wall which the enemy would have to climb and fight to get over, the Mongols would be forced to pursue the Japanese coast with some hand to hand combat. The Mongols had taken measures to compensate for their mistakes in the first invasion, such as wearing mail, instead of lighter armor for ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Rise Of The Mongols Essay The Mongols were a group of pastoral nomads who lived in the steppe area of China, now modern– day Mongolia, from as early as 600 CE, and still live there today. They lived in scattered encampments and relied on animals for their survival. Their leader, Temujin, also known as Ghengis Khan or Chinggis Khan, formed a small but well organized military following that spread from the region and began a violent conquest of Eurasia that lasted from 1207 until 1266. Their conquests were bloody, ending with between 30 and 50 million deaths. The Mongols chose to cruelly destroy anyone who stood in their way. These battle strategies earned them a reputation of fear, some surrendering before the mongols arrived. The Mongols, only numbering about 700,000 ... Show more content on ... The Mongol army swept across societies of Eurasia due to brutal violence, which allowed for their rapid spread of influence because of the fear that they established through destruction. Through the fear that came from the violence that Chinggis Khan was interested in, they were able to exterminate any enemies who stood in their way to force societies to gain their rule. The Mongols' brutality became a key factor in the speed of their conquest when their enemies saw the violence occurring in a neighboring region or city, and they surrendered long before contact with the Mongols ever happened. "The Mongols looked to create the expectation of coming violence; people surrendered to the Mongols sometimes purely on the basis of rumors; being psychologically incapable of fighting back even before the battle begun" (Snapshot Reader, pg 24). Even the Mongols knew that because of their violent methods, people were afraid of them and may have even had a sense of an oncoming threat before the ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. The Mongol Empire And The Impact Of The Mongol Empire Revised paper proposal and bibliography The Mongol empire was one the greatest empires of all time expanding all over Central Asia. Bordering Chinese states, the Khwarazmian empire, present day Afghanistan, Siberia, Iran, and many more, at its height the mongol empire was over 20,000,000 square kilometers. This was all possible due to extraordinary men in Central Asia, ruled by Genghis khan emperor of the Mongol empire. These Asian nomads along with their fearless and intelligent leader, flourished against numerous odds impacting all those whom they waged war against. A recipient of this 'impact' in particular was Russia. It was around 1219 when the Mongols first entered the Kievan Russia marking the beginning of the interactions of the two. With the Mongols rise in establishing one of the largest contiguous empire in history and having Russia only distances away the collision of the two were inevitable. As history shows this collision did happen in the year 1236 which marked the beginning of great impact that the Mongols would have on the Russian empire culturally, politically, and economically. Prior to the rise of the Mongol empire and their invasion of Russia, was a time of violence. Mongolia separated by tribes and provinces was a non–unified empire with little impact to Central Asia. Being separated, feuds between provinces of power and money were the reason why Mongolia remained separated. The provinces after a long a grueling process eventually became united by a ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Mongol Yam Method The Mongol Yam method was a route messaging system used frequently and made bigger by Genghis khan.It was also used by other generations of khans as well.The Yam was ran from eastern asia to eastern europe.Relay stations on the Yams route were used to supply food, shelter, and horses for the mongol army and messengers.The Yam was given special attention by the khans because this was where the mongol armies traveled fast and the messengers had to be faster than the army.So the Yam was used to spread the process of information and intelligence very fast.It was also used for war communications as well.The Yam had many relay stations 14–40 miles apart .Messengers from one station would go to the other station and give the information there ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Impact Of The Mongols The Impact of the Mongols The Mongol Empire had many impacts on modern day Asia and other parts of the world. Genghis Khan led an empire from the steppes of Asia during the 13th century, called the Mongols. They conquered a lot of land, from to Korea to Poland, and also from Vietnam to Syria. Because they 'terrorized' much of Asia, they were known as barbarians. They were thought to live beyond civilization, and known as evil. The Mongolians of the Asian Steppe had a negative impact on the world during their rule of the Asian continent from 1206 to 1368 by influencing violence, destruction, and the falling of cities. Genghis Khan and the Mongols were very violent. According to document 2, Genghis organized his army in rows of ten, in which one man would be a leader. Over ten groups of ten, there would be one man in charge of all of them, over that 10 there would be one man in charge. There would be one man in charge of a thousand, then another in charge of 10 groups of a thousand. The Mongols used the word "tumin" to describe this number. Over every army there was two to three commanders, but in some way one held the overall command. While the Mongols were in battle if more than one man fled, the whole group of ten would be put to death, which caused a lot of acts of unnecessary violence. Also, if an entire group of ten fled, if the whole group of one hundred didn't flee they would all be put to death, even though technically they did nothing wrong. Another rule present ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Mongol Barbaric Dbq Throughout the years, historians have found evidence to show that many ethnic groups were barbaric, like the Germanic tribes: Ostrogoths and Visigoths, or the nomadic tribes: Huns and Mongols. Though the evidence is strong to show the primitive nature of the Ostrogoths, Visigoths, and Huns, the evidence is ambiguous for the Mongols. From what historians have collected – who they conquered and people they were close to conquering – they believe that Mongols were barbaric; however disagreements can be made, because of the lack of evidence and prejudices we have been raised along–side with. This can be shown in their military, their commerce, their laws, and how they rule their conquered lands. In their military, they had a certain way of doing ... Show more content on ... at 3,036,885 square miles) Genghis Khan conquered (Document A), after conquering a land mass, they seemed to have been civil to people they lived alongside. In Russia and the Golden Horde, by Charles J. Halperin states, "Their [the Mongols] economic interests coincided with those of the native peoples, and the Mongols, after the destruction of the initial conquest, promoted diversified economic development," (Document J). Not only did the promote the development of the economy, but they also got rid of, "Adultery and theft. War, strife, bodily harm or murder do not exist, robbers and thieves on a grand scale are not to be found among them . . . because of the severity of (Mongol) laws against theft," (Document K). Though these conquered land masses were now under Mongol rule, they seemed to have been treated with the same decency and respect the Mongol citizens/ visitors were. Marco Polo, an ambassador of Kublai Khan– the man who in 1271 put a, "New legal system in place; reduces capital crimes by half," (Document H), wrote an article on the messenger system in the Mongol empire. Polo states, "The whole organization is so stupendous and so costly that it baffles speech and writing," (Document L). Marco Polo applauded the Mongols in their organizational skills and their way of doing things. In religion aspects, they were civilized there as well; William of Rubruck stated, "We Mongols believe that there is but one God, by who we live and by who we die and towards him we have an upright heart," (Document M). In their social lives, they had, "Two codes of conduct that guided Mongol life. One of these was the yasa, usually referred to as Mongol law. The second was the bilik, which was a set of rules to live by," (Document N). These rules set in place were to keep the people in line, and keep their empire organized and entitled to the highly respected ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Mongols And The Mongol Rule Notorious for their barbaric manners and their brutal tactics of invading and plundering, the Mongols are commonly associated with a strictly negative reputation and despised for it. Although this negative image remains associated with their history, with hindsight, historians have been able to shed light on a positive perspective of the Mongols and their success creating the largest Empire in world history. This paper will argue that although they were regarded as violent, invading strangers and initially given few rights, their image in history has changed because the Mongols were not simply a destructive people; despite lack of historical evidence and documentation, historians have found they had many positive influences on Asia. Under Mongol rule there was an improvement of status for many peoples, religious tolerance, and an increase in the trade of products, culture, and knowledge. The Mongols are known for living a traditionally nomadic lifestyle and their lack of permanent settlements or even a unified written language makes studying them difficult for historians. Most of the surviving sources are found in foreign accounts of those that they came into contact with. Once they began conquering and expanding their vast empire, most of the permanent cities they created were later on eventually destroyed by their enemies. As a result, the history of the Mongols is not very well documented. Additionally, most of the available information on the Mongols is ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Mongols Influence Around 1200–1360 B.C in what is now Present day Mongolia lived the Nomads of the Asian Steppe. Among these Nomads lived the Great Genghis Khan, one of the World's most famous and fiercest Leaders of all time. In the legend of Temujin's birth, he was born with a blood clot in his fist as a sign from the Gods saying that he was going to be a fierce leader. The Mongol Empire had a major Positive impact on History and their people, including the Large rule of the Mongols, the Pax Mongolica, and lastly the Pony Express. Genghis Khan had fought his way to the top after successfully winning battle after battle. His amazing strategies would later shape and develop the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan would rule over 12 million acres of land, more than any individual in history. But even after his death his ancestors would still be successful. His sons and grandsons would continue his dream of fully conquering the world, Reaching in all directions they would take over China and break ... Show more content on ... They forced law and order into their Empire. This period is often known as the Pax Mongolica (Mongol Peace). It was guaranteed that the people were safe while making trade and spreading ideas throughout their land. Trade was boosted during the Mongol Empire, between Europe and Asia ideas, inventions, and goods were all passed along the region. Examples like Gunpowder, weapons, cloth, pearls, carpets, leather goods, silver, live stock, (etc,) could all be found on these trade routes. Laws like the "Yassa" (Great law) were put in effect, they made sure that tribal disputes didn't break out into war. The laws were a major part in trading as well to keep the flow of goods flowing smoothly, theft and rustling were outlawed and people were punished severely if they were caught doing these acts so hardly never were there any issues at all making the region a safe place to ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. The Mongols: The Mongol Legacy In Russia COLL–C 103 Prof. Valentino The Mongol Legacy in Russia The Mongols ruled over one of the largest contiguous empires in human history. At the western end of this empire were the Russian states, which succumbed to the Mongol invasion in the mid 13th century and were ruled by the Mongols until the mid 15th century. During this time, the Mongols left an indelible mark on Russian culture and cuisine, a mark that can be seen to this day. The impact that the Mongols had on Russian culture includes the tax system used by the Tsars, the spices and ingredients used in Russian food, and many of the words found in the Russian language to this day. Governing such a large area of land, the Mongols needed an effective and efficient way to collect tribute and taxes from their subjects. Thompson states that the Mongol system of tribute is very similar to later tax systems used by the Russians. The Mongols were the ones who brought the idea of taxes paid to the government to the Russians. This impact can be seen in the Tsars who ruled Russia after the Mongols, whose taxes and governments were set up in ways reminiscent of the Mongol rule. ... Show more content on ... Toomre states that many of the spices and other flavors found in Russian cuisine were only there because of the Mongols re–opening the Silk Road of trade from China. Such spices as cinnamon are heavily prevalent in Russian cuisine but are certainly not indigenous to the area of Kievan Rus'. Another culinary influence of the Mongols was the practice of pickling vegetables, which is one of the most important aspects of Russian cooking and was entirely due to Mongol influence on Russian culture according to ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. The Mongols And The Mongols Mongols Essay According to background essay on the Mongols "The Mongols were a small tribe during the 13th century. They were from the grasslands of Central Asia and conquered much of the known world." They also said that "They operate from the backs of horses and sometimes use siege weapons. The essay also explained how the Mongols were one of the several nomadic peoples who competed with one another for pasture land and livestock. They also had no metal working, no written language, and no permanent homes. The Mongols also were first led by Genghis Khan and did not have a good reputation. The Mongols may have been successful but it was do to mostly negative examples and information. The Mongols were although positive in a way. For example their Yam System, to make them go faster and farther. However, this example and many other positive examples are ways for the Mongols to fight better and kill more people. The Mongols were barbaric because they were brutal and ruthless. The Mongols were first off very brutal people whose only focuses were to kill people to get what they wanted, land. One reason why the Mongols were so brutal was because their brutal leaders who told them what to do and go for. According to the background essay on the Mongols "Numerous chinese cities fell, including where Mongol slaughter was so great the streets were said to be greasy with flesh." This was all done under the leadership of Genghis Khan who launched this army. Therefore, Khan led this army ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Argumentative Essay Mongols For centuries Mongols have been known for being destructive and malicious people who did nothing but take the land from those they murdered. The name Genghis Khan will always be remembered the leader of the world's largest and notorious empires in history. While it's true Mongols had a brute way to how they attained their empire, they did contribute to bettering society. Not only did they respect the many different religions of their people, shared many things with the rest of Asia and Europe through trade. As the Mongols expanded their empire across Asia and Europe, A vast number of people from many different cultures and religions were now under the rule of Genghis Khan. Khan was accepting of his people's beliefs and allowed them to ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Summary Of The Mongols How Barbaric The Mongols Are. The mongols in the 13 hundred concerned much of the world on horseback. The mongols are also very barbaric in such a way many other tribes had dreamed to do what the mongols did. The mongols are smart in battle tactics but they don't have much. The mongongo head a leader named temujin as a child timagin had only one friend jamaica and they became sworn druthers. they lived in straw huts called tents. temujin became genghis cong the leader of the mongols tribe. genghis cong had a dead that was killed by a tribe of indians. Timajina and Jamaica shared rolling of the tribe until jamaican betrayed timagin and tried to take half of the tribe and became roller than go against timajin but jamaica lost ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. The Mongols : Mongols Barbarians The Mongols Essay The Mongols were very harsh and brutal like no one else in their era but I believe that they are not barbarians. The Mongols had a strong dominating military that was almost always successful, they contributed to many of the ideas that are still around today, and made a very stern set of laws that kept their community civilized which is why I believe that the Mongols were not barbarians. Although the Mongols were sometimes very brutal they were not barbarians. The Mongols were able to come up with very complex battle tactics like no other military in their era. In document three " History of the Mongols" recorded by John of Plano Carpini he, states "they make figures of men and set them on horses. They do this ... Show more content on ... And lastly, another reason why the Mongols were not barbaric, even though they did commit acts of violence and conquered many people they still were able to live civilized and contribute to the community. In document eight Marco polo records that the Mongols created a "pony express" which horses were used to deliver messages throughout the kingdom. Marco polo states " One of the great concert messengers sets out along of any of these roads he has only to go 25 miles and there he finds a posting station... at each of these post the messengers fine three or four hundred horses in readiness awaiting their command, and power little lodgings." He also states that the neighboring cities kept boats ready for Messenger is passing over rivers and lakes and when a messenger has to ride for a long time like 200 miles he signals the nearby post so they can prepare a horse for him to switch on to immediately so no time is wasted. This shows that the Mongols were not barbaric at all and had intelligence to set up a system to relay messages in a more effective and fast manner in ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. The Mongols The Mongols were tribal and pastoral nomads that resided in the steppes of Central Asia. This land proved to be vast and only suitable for herding and not crop growth, leading to the encouragement of a nomadic lifestyle. Around 1180–1220, there was a drastic temperature drop, which led to a shortened grass growing season. This struck as a threat to the Mongols' livestock, which served as the foundation of the Mongols' pastoral–nomadic life. This may have led to their leaving of Mongolia. Although the Mongols have been written off as the most destructive ethnic group throughout history, due to their vicious styles of conquering and spread of disease, it is crucial to acknowledge their achievements such as unifying a large ... Show more content on ... Mongol boys were trained to ride horses, hunt, and fight at an extremely young age in the hopes that they'd be skilled enough to fight whenever the Khan commanded(Burgan). This early training and principle of promotion to leadership roles based on ability and skill led to a motivated and high quality set of troops.While the Mongols did not necessarily have the largest army compared to those that they battled, they truly took the idea of "quality over quantity" to heart and worked to technologically advance their army. The Mongol armies excelled at the use of weapons such as sabres, spears, and halberds, each having a specialized duty during battle time (Craughwell). In order to design effective armor to defend against enemies, the Mongols took advantage of their contacts with China and the Middle East and looked to them for ideas and inspiration. The devastation and carnage of their victims serves as a consequence of their heavy reliance on shock tactics and outright savagery(Turnbull and McBride) . The Mongols mastered the art of surprise attacks and killing sprees which served as beneficial when fighting against unprepared armies or unarmed civilians in the name of conquest. Also, the Mongols engaged in psychological warfare which gave them ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. The Mongols DBQ The Mongols were a group of people who conquered lands and impacted a large part of the world. Although the Mongols were known for their cruel tactics of conquering, they ended up benefiting as much as they killed. The Mongols had a skillful army, but they influenced greater goods as they conquered. The Mongols were a nomadic group, who relied greatly on their animals and their trade for survival. Shortage of their animals and their trade could be significantly detrimental to their survival. In document 1, " The Mongols in World History", one of the main reason for the Mongols' conquest was a drop in temperature. The document states " Mongolia experienced a drop in the mean annual temperature, which meant that the growing season ... Show more content on ... The Mongols were known to be cruel and nefarious but also positively impacted the world as well. Mongols specifically influenced Europe. In document 5, by the author Robert Guisepi, the Mongols influenced trade. It states in the document " making possible the exchange of food, tools, and ideas on and trade routes brought great wealth to traders"( Doc 5). After the Roman Empire fell, the Silk Road also fell. This was significant because many other Empires depended on the silk road to trade goods, and keep their Empire going. Later on, the Mongols strengthen the Silk road. They built many new bridges and set up many trading posts, the Silk road became safer and easier to travel. This was one way they benefited the world, because many Empires depended on the trading route. The Mongols were aiding other Empires. In document 6, by the author Gregory Guzman, the Mongols also had an impact on the world by influencing the way Europeans viewed the rest of the world. In the document it states " they were exposed to different cultures beliefs, values, values, attitudes, and in situations...They began to realize that they had to deal with and relate to the non– Christian world with its many different peoples."(Doc 6). Before the Mongols were isolationist, they didn't interact with certain parts of the world because of their beliefs and values. The Mongols came along and made Europeans more internationalist, they started interacting with the rest of the world more frequently, whereas before they neglected them. Europeans and the rest of the world became interconnected, which meant there was cultural diffusion. This is significant because if Europeans became more involved with the world, they would also be involved with the rest of the world if a change takes place. On the other hand if they stayed isolationist, they would ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. Mongols Dbq The Mongolians in the 1200s were very barbaric. Throughout most of their endeavors have been mostly detailed violence. If anything a better word to describe the Mongols were savages. These ancient warriors conquered and pillaged almost everything of the known world in the 1200s. They were violent and brutal in their journey to expand and conquer. Mongolians were extremely violent, lead with a fierce government and a fierce leader known as Genghis Khan. Their ruthless acts of violence and war has conquered more land than any other known commander. Genghis Khan himself has conquered approximately 4,860,000 square miles (Document 1 Table) compared to all the other commander totalling on average, approximately 1,659,166.7 square miles. Another thing that makes Mongols so violent is the stories of their deeds. Document 4 tells a story about an army of 300 mongols invaded a Persian city with 3,000 archers and laid waste to everything including animals. In document 4 it also states the amount of people slaughter from each city based on chroniclers recordings, varying from Khwarazm and Russia, ... Show more content on ... Document 5 shows an image of captive prisoners being executed in an inhumane way. One is appeared to be tied up to a plant and shot repeatedly by arrows slowly dying to the wounds. While the others were buried upside down, more than likely buried alive and suffocating. Within' document 7 shows a description of theft in mongol territory. Chroniclers state that, "War, strife, bodily harm, or murder do not exist, robbers and thieves on a grand scale are not to be found among them." Assuming what the chronicler meant from this quote is that mongolian citizens follow laws set so strict and punishment to great where there is no attempt to breaking them. Plano Carpini and Ibn Battuta say that mongolians leave everything unattended or protected because of the severity from the laws of theft, specified by ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Essay On The Mongols The mongols were a group of people who were known for their strength, they survived in the steppes after all. Genghis Khan was the leader of these peoples after he united them. He then conquered much of the known world. The Mongols were brutal and untamed peoples, however, they are essential to the fashioning of the modern world. If the Mongols never came, much would be different. The mongols were a steppe people, they were constantly at war with one another. This was the case anyway, until Genghis Khan united them all to conquer the known world. The mongols set out to conquer Asia and Europe, they did, which made them the largest empire known to man. Timuchin was the son of a poor noble in his tribe. Born sometime in the 1160's, he gradually unified the disparate Mongol tribes and, in 1206, was elected Genghis Khan, or "Universal Ruler". He began to vigorously organize the Mongols into a military force through enlistment and taxes on the tribes. With his small army, he ... Show more content on ... They launched several attacks to take the city of Kiev, the mongols showed no mercy to there, they slaughtered their enemies before they even had the chance to surrender. They killed over forty thousand people, they spared only two thousand people. Now in the thriving city of over two point eight million people, the scar of the mongol domination still lives on in the ruins of it's buildings. Most Europeans at the time of the mongol's invasion, thought that they had come from hell itself. They believed that the mongols were merciless, ruthless, brutal, and deadly. This was all true, the mongols showed no restraint or feeling in the face of their foes. This helped with a psychological advantage over their enemies. They continued to take parts of Europe until they were met by the pope, Pope Innocent IV, who persuaded the mongols to stop their advancement into Europe (Dawson, Mongol ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Essay On Mongol Empire Mongol Empire by Genghis Khan founded in 1206 after the unification of Turk–Mongol tribes and then expanding to the Eurasian mainland, starting with the invasion of Western Xia in northern China and Khwarizmi in the Persian Empire. In its heyday, Peace Mongolia (the Silk Road of the Mongol Empire) has created an opportunity for cultural exchange and trade between the East and the West during the 13th century – the century 14. The Mongols have many tribes, living by farming, hunting occupied in the vast grasslands of northern China. Ruling Mongolian brutal policy implementation is killed, robbed, burned so many parts of North China, the Central States are abandoned, and the court took divided to Mongolian officials. China gradually assimilated ... Show more content on ... The first tactic is suddenly to ride up to them, killing, arson, the enemy could not fight back, they've ridden away, though did not want to chase up again; Then they decided to return to the battlefield. The second tactic of pretending suddenly lost running back and counterattack. Both tactics are making the demoralized ranks of the enemy, disorder. After 18 years of war, the Mongols have learned many things in the defeated population: how to shoot stone fabrication (from Central Asia), used gunpowder to break the wall (of the ship), but unknown users shotguns, using the copper pipe to throw boats into enemy fire substances (of the East). So their troops even stronger than before. On the use of rocks to shoot, they shot several bullets into the enemy fire; carcasses or bodies were decomposing rot to cause the disease. Mongol Empire has vast land and unified long–term effects, one of those areas (such as east and west of Russia and some western regions of China) remain unified until today although has gone through many different regimes. The Mongols were assimilated into the local peoples after the Mongol Empire collapsed, and many of them have followed the indigenous religions as the Khanate in the western Muslim, largely influenced Sufi. In fact, the infighting and the weakness of the rule is one of the main reasons for the collapse of the ... Get more on ...