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How to Strengthen the Customer
Experience through Brand Research
and Testing
Lisa Bertelsen, Partner at Chatter Inc.
Alfonso de la Nuez, Co-Founder and Co-CEO at UserZoom
Lisa Bertelsen
Chatter Inc.
Alfonso de la Nuez
Co-Founder and Co-CEO
• Chat box is available if you have any questions
• There will be time for Q&A at the end
• We will be recording the webinar for future viewing
• All attendees will receive a copy of the
• Twitter hashtag: #uzwebinar
Quick Housekeeping
About UserZoom
 UX Consultants since ’01, SaaS since ‘09
 In Sunnyvale (CA) Manchester (UK), Munich
(DE) and Barcelona (Spain)
 90% renewal rate, 50% revenue growth rate
 UserZoom offers an all-in-one, multi channel and agile approach to
managing digital Customer Experiences by enabling brands to cost-
effectively plan, research, design, and measure CX and UX on a
unified software platform.
Product Suite:
 Unmoderated Remote Usability Testing
 Web and Mobile Voice of Customer
 Remote Mobile Usability Testing
 Online Surveys (web & mobile)
 Online Card Sorting
 Tree Testing
 Screenshot Click Testing
 Screenshot Timeout Testing (5-sec test)
About UserZoom
Test & Act
Unique, innovative & holistic approach to online CXM
Highlighted Customers
About Chatter
 Chatter is an independent, full-service market research consultancy
 Founded in 2002
 Offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York
 We’re business people and brand experts first.
Our team is comprised of senior-level consultants who come from brand strategy,
advertising, and brand management (Prophet, Deutsch, Siegel+Gale, Hal Riney,
–disciplines that inform an actionable, big-picture point of view. Because of this, we use
research as a means to an end, not the end itself.
 Strategic insight is the name of our game.
Chatter has a relentless focus on building strong brands. We deliver recommendations
get to the heart of the issue and are designed to drive businesses forward.
• The link between brand and customer experience (5 min)
• Five types of brand research (35 min)
1. Brand architecture
2. Brand personality
3. Concept & ad testing
4. Name
5. Brand Experience
• UserZoom Capabilities for Marketing Research (5 min)
• Q&A (10 min)
Introduction to Brand Strategy
“The brand strategy offers
guidance on how to implement
and abide by the vision set by the
brand; the customer experience
strategy dictates what the
experience of the brand should
be for customers and how to
achieve it.”
Cory Munchbach,
The Convergence Of Brand, Customer Experience, And Marketing
The link between brand and
customer experience
Customer experience: moving beyond UX
• UX is just one facet of the customer experience
• Brand is another, and it is more expansive
• But there is a lot of crossover between the two
• Today we’re going to look at ways to evaluate the customer experience through
the lens of brand research. In doing so, I’ll compare and contrast, showing how
they are similar and different
“To my mind, a great brand story
cannot exist without an
excellent user experience.”
Posting from QRCA discussion on LinkedIn, December 2013
Brand Experience
Experience (CX)
Experience (UX)
The brand is the customer experience
• When we test a user experience, discussions often center on websites or
devices and whether people can complete tasks. We also talk about the
customer journey, which is a much larger, more comprehensive experience that
moves beyond devices and technology
• When we evaluate a brand, we talk about touchpoints, which are different
manifestations of the customer experience. These include UX, but there are
many other kinds of touchpoints. Brand research focuses on all touchpoints
people come in contact with when interacting with the company
• Brand research also looks beyond customers, to a company’s employees,
partners and influential 3rd parties (e.g., analysts, the press)
• From the individual’s point of view, this flow or journey is simply one
overarching experience
• The customer experience delivers the brand to consumers
In the world of brand, how
and what do you test?
Well, we can test a lot of
things. Today, we’ll look at
types of brand research
that have a lot in common
with traditional CX.
Brand research examples
1 Brand architecture
How well do people understand what you sell?
What are you saying and how are you saying it?
2 Brand personality
Brand research examples
Are your products compelling and do your ads have impact?
3 Concept & ad testing
Is your name distinct and does it prompt consideration?
Do your employees understand your brand and do they deliver
on your brand promise? And, what is the quality of the experience
that they deliver?
5 Brand experience
Brand Architecture
What is brand architecture and what does it do?
• Brand architecture is not the company’s org chart
• It clarifies the relationships between your various businesses, products, and services
• Brand architecture contributes to the customer experience by:
– Helping customers navigate your product / service offering
– Allowing you to demonstrate the breadth and depth of your impact
– Creating an emotional connection between your customers and your
Business Intelligence
Evaluation criteria for brand architecture is complex & varied
The optimization of individual
brands with the corporate
• Does your portfolio reflect and reinforce your corporate, brand
and business strategy?
• Do your brands invite the customer relationships you want?
• Is there a clear relationship between your brands?
• Are your branding practices cost-efficient?
• Are you getting your money’s worth from current brand
• Can you afford to move to an ideal scenario?
• What return should you expect from different models?
• Will brand change create unacceptable cultural disharmony?
• Do legal or regulatory obstacles stand in the way of change?
• Are your current operations and technology able to
accommodate brand integration?
Financial Investment
How much change will cost
and what return should be
The human and organizational
barriers to change
• How well do customers understand what you sell?
• Do they understand the relationship between various businesses,
products and services?
• How loyal are customers to your brands?
• What are the risks and rewards of change?
• Can you learn from competitors or peers?
How the marketplace feels and
what they understand about
the current brands; how they
are likely to react to change
Questions we ask when researching brand architecture
• How do decision-makers select products and services? What is their criteria?
• Who or what do they turn to in order to help them make the buying decision?
• How important is the brand? What implications does this have for the brand portfolio
(e.g., Masterbrand vs. House of Brands strategy)?
• Do product definitions make sense? (e.g., by company size, by features, etc.)
• Do branded product names cause confusion?
• Which products are high-end? Mass market?
For companies my size?
• What is each product’s price elasticity?
“COMPANY X has got to stop
renaming brands! There’s no
logical reason behind it. It’s
absolutely ludicrous that in
last two years they have
renamed nearly 400 products.”
-US Analyst, describing a Fortune 100 IT company
How do we test?
• Brand architecture can be tested in numerous ways. Typically, it begins with an
overarching question:
Who is my audience and how does that audience differ across my
product/service portfolio?
• This is precisely the kind of question that CX practitioners are interested in
• Then, brand researchers measure the brand equity of each product (or company, in
the case of a merger/acquisition). Included here is brand valuation (the future
profitability of a brand)
• We also explore different scenarios for product optimization or rationalization
1:1 interviews
and groups
Card sorts
(online and offline)
Brand Personality & Messaging
Brand personality is…
• The distinctive tone, manner and style in which you communicate
• Your brand personality is defined by a set of brand attributes which shape how
you look, feel and sound—blending language, design and content
• A brand’s personality is most captured in messaging
– It is the outward expression of who you are. The goal is to capture the right
language and tone that embodies your brand and differentiates you from
your competitors
Where does the brand personality come to life?
• The brand personality manifests itself across all touchpoints, and is used by all
company stakeholders: employees, PR specialists, distributors, agency
partners, etc.
– Examples: advertising, press releases, newsletters, emails, website content
and employee communications, among others
• Authenticity comes from employing the right modulation of your voice in all of
your communications, both internal and external
• The more consistently you use your voice, the more clearly you establish what it
means to be you
A brand personality comparison
British Airways
British Airways is a full service global
airline, offering year-round low fares with
an extensive global route network flying
to and from centrally-located airports.
Virgin Atlantic
Hello gorgeous!
How do we test messaging?
• The testing criteria typically revolves around relevance, believability, distinctiveness,
clarity and conversion. And, as with CX, we look to use cases to inform messaging
• Testing is typically done on an online platform, using interactive text-markup and
heat mapping
Using research, we can answer questions such as…
• How receptive are people to your offering?
• Is your message and positioning clear?
• Is your messaging and positioning credible?
• Is your advertising relevant and compelling?
• How elastic is the brand?
• Do you have “permission” to sell particular products or services?
Sample findings: brand messaging research for a retailer
Perceived differentiators: Amplify
• The trade-in policy and the 5% store card discount represent the biggest opportunity for
differentiating the company. Continue to extend and lead with messages on this theme.
Continue to build upon supporting strengths of the offering:
• Free tech support
• Installation and delivery
• Recycling (combined with trade-in)
• Extended service plans
Perceived weaknesses: Address or downplay
• Dedicated, knowledgeable employees
• The company lacks credibility when making this claim. Customers automatically assume
that they’re interchangeable with team members in other departments and lack product
When communicating with this customer segment, remember:
• Describing electronics as a way to enable experiences (e.g., sharing with family and
friends) creates a strong, powerful emotion and reminds respondents why they buy
electronics in the first place
• Peace of mind, confidence and comfort are key emotional needs. They convey the
sense that the company is a trusted and reliable advocate. But there are messages on
this theme that should be avoided:
o Explicit talk about the confusion surrounding electronics can be perceived as
condescending—and can create negative imagery
o References to ‘dedicated’ or ‘specially-trained’ team members and ‘focused range
of products’ are met with skepticism. Be careful not to overpromise.
Sample findings: brand messaging research for a retailer
Concept & Ad Testing
Concept and ad testing are where positioning,
messaging & brand personality all come together
• Brand positioning
– The underlying foundation or principle that supports your company and
everything you do. It distinguishes you from your competition and attempts to
sell the benefits of your product or service
• Brand messaging
– As we said before, messaging is about capturing the language and tone that
embodies your brand and differentiates you from your competitors
What do we test?
• Decision drivers—both rational and emotional
• Resonance of needs and use cases
• Messaging and product/service concepts
• Are you different?
• Is your product relevant? Is it impactful? Are you delivering the
right combination of features?
• Are you persuasive? Is the offer believable, coming from you?
• Do you have permission to sell? How much brand stretch?
• Is the value proposition focused and clear?
1:1 interviews
or groups
Q1 2012:
Over 1,752,424 active
name registrations in
the U.S. alone
“We’re moving way
beyond YouSendIt…
For me, the opportunity
for HighTail gives us an
empty vessel to fill with all
kinds of meaning about
how we want to interact
with our end
we want to be known as a
A company or product name is the most visible
manifestation of the brand experience
…and is a topic that CX rarely addresses
• To help inform the rationale for a name decision and overcome factors that can
sway decision-making:
 Biases, internal politics, idiosyncrasies
Why test a name?
• To determine whether a name accomplishes its purpose:
o Distinctiveness
o Consideration
• To mitigate risk (e.g. perform a disaster check)
• To understand how a name affects perception:
o How does it contribute value to the brand?
o What is the brand personality that the name helps to create?
o Does the name help the brand stretch?
• Value contribution
 How well the name contributes value to the concept, category or brand
What and how do we test?
• Associations
o Thoughts, feelings and imagery that people tie to words
• Flexibility
 The more flexible a name is, the easier it is to adapt to different product line
extensions or price tiers.
• Dimensionality
 Greater dimensionality is a key indicator of a name’s ability to be memorable
and engage consumers at an emotional level
1:1 interviews
What and how do we test?
• Emotional engagement
o How a name makes us feel
• Auditory resonance
 How a name sounds and whether the name matches people’s perception of the
product or category
• Pronounceability
 How can you remember (or recommend) a product if you can’t say it?
• Brand stretch
 Price tiers, need states, different product categories
Brand experience
How do we gauge the brand experience? We begin with
the customer experience
• Our focus is on the brand experience that employees deliver
• Again, we use the same techniques as traditional CX
1:1 interviews
Mystery Shops
Online testing
Comms audit
But unlike CX, we also look at internal brand alignment
• In other words, are the company’s employees aligned behind its purpose? Purpose is
the essential reason for which the company exists. Purpose answers the question:
“Why do we do what we do?”
• Employees are the face of the brand. The experience delights or disappoints,
based on their beliefs, behavior and commitment
How do we test brand alignment?
What do employees know and believe about your brand?
What do we stand for? Is our company purpose…
o 1) Unifying 4) Credible 7) Clear
o 2) Compelling 5) Actionable
o 3) Motivating 6) Simple
1:1 interviews
and groups
We started by talking about brand experience and
customer experience
Brand Experience
Experience (CX)
Experience (UX)
Brand research examples
1 Brand architecture
2 Brand personality
3 Concept & ad testing
Product & company names
5 Brand experience
We looked at 5 types of brand research
Brand research examples
We showed how we test brands, and the similarities
between brand and CX research methods
1 Card sorts
5 One-on-one and group
interviews, surveys
2 Use cases
6 Online text mark-up and
online CX tools
3 Mystery shopping/
shop alongs 7 Communications audits
(website, mobile, print)
4 Ethnography
8 Customer journey mapping
brand architecture / names
brand experience
brand experience
brand experience / internal alignment / names / architecture
messaging, brand experience
messaging, brand experience
brand experience
Capabilities for Marketing Research
Online Surveys
 Understand your customers’
attitude, feelings, concerns
and satisfaction levels
 Conduct persona research
Capabilities for Marketing Research
Timeout Testing
 Find out whether
customers understand
what you offer
 Find out what
customers remember
about your offering or
company prior to
Capabilities for Marketing Research
Card Sorting
 Test brand architecture
 Test whether your site is
clearly organized
Capabilities for Marketing Research
Video Question
 Customer Feedback: Get videos of
customers talking about their experience
after using a website
 Ethnographic Research: Ask
participants to record how/when/where
they use your product/website in their
real life.
 Mystery Shopping
Thank you
Lisa Bertelsen Alfonso de la Nuez
Follow us on Twitter @userzoom

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How to Strengthen the Customer Experience through Brand Research & Testing

  • 1. Webinar: How to Strengthen the Customer Experience through Brand Research and Testing Lisa Bertelsen, Partner at Chatter Inc. Alfonso de la Nuez, Co-Founder and Co-CEO at UserZoom #uzwebinar
  • 2. Lisa Bertelsen Partner Chatter Inc. Alfonso de la Nuez Co-Founder and Co-CEO UserZoom Speakers:
  • 3. • Chat box is available if you have any questions • There will be time for Q&A at the end • We will be recording the webinar for future viewing • All attendees will receive a copy of the slides/recording • Twitter hashtag: #uzwebinar Quick Housekeeping
  • 4. About UserZoom  UX Consultants since ’01, SaaS since ‘09  In Sunnyvale (CA) Manchester (UK), Munich (DE) and Barcelona (Spain)  90% renewal rate, 50% revenue growth rate  UserZoom offers an all-in-one, multi channel and agile approach to managing digital Customer Experiences by enabling brands to cost- effectively plan, research, design, and measure CX and UX on a unified software platform. Product Suite:  Unmoderated Remote Usability Testing  Web and Mobile Voice of Customer  Remote Mobile Usability Testing  Online Surveys (web & mobile)  Online Card Sorting  Tree Testing  Screenshot Click Testing  Screenshot Timeout Testing (5-sec test)
  • 5. About UserZoom Listen Researc h Test & Act Measure Unique, innovative & holistic approach to online CXM
  • 7. About Chatter  Chatter is an independent, full-service market research consultancy  Founded in 2002  Offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York  We’re business people and brand experts first. Our team is comprised of senior-level consultants who come from brand strategy, advertising, and brand management (Prophet, Deutsch, Siegel+Gale, Hal Riney, Activision) –disciplines that inform an actionable, big-picture point of view. Because of this, we use research as a means to an end, not the end itself.  Strategic insight is the name of our game. Chatter has a relentless focus on building strong brands. We deliver recommendations that get to the heart of the issue and are designed to drive businesses forward.
  • 8. • The link between brand and customer experience (5 min) • Five types of brand research (35 min) 1. Brand architecture 2. Brand personality 3. Concept & ad testing 4. Name 5. Brand Experience • UserZoom Capabilities for Marketing Research (5 min) • Q&A (10 min) Agenda
  • 10. “The brand strategy offers guidance on how to implement and abide by the vision set by the brand; the customer experience strategy dictates what the experience of the brand should be for customers and how to achieve it.” Cory Munchbach, The Convergence Of Brand, Customer Experience, And Marketing
  • 11. The link between brand and customer experience
  • 12. Customer experience: moving beyond UX • UX is just one facet of the customer experience • Brand is another, and it is more expansive • But there is a lot of crossover between the two • Today we’re going to look at ways to evaluate the customer experience through the lens of brand research. In doing so, I’ll compare and contrast, showing how they are similar and different “To my mind, a great brand story cannot exist without an excellent user experience.” Posting from QRCA discussion on LinkedIn, December 2013 Brand Experience Customer Experience (CX) User Experience (UX)
  • 13. The brand is the customer experience • When we test a user experience, discussions often center on websites or devices and whether people can complete tasks. We also talk about the customer journey, which is a much larger, more comprehensive experience that moves beyond devices and technology • When we evaluate a brand, we talk about touchpoints, which are different manifestations of the customer experience. These include UX, but there are many other kinds of touchpoints. Brand research focuses on all touchpoints people come in contact with when interacting with the company • Brand research also looks beyond customers, to a company’s employees, partners and influential 3rd parties (e.g., analysts, the press) • From the individual’s point of view, this flow or journey is simply one overarching experience • The customer experience delivers the brand to consumers
  • 14. In the world of brand, how and what do you test?
  • 15. Well, we can test a lot of things. Today, we’ll look at types of brand research that have a lot in common with traditional CX. 5
  • 16. Brand research examples 1 Brand architecture How well do people understand what you sell? What are you saying and how are you saying it? 2 Brand personality Brand research examples Are your products compelling and do your ads have impact? 3 Concept & ad testing
  • 17. Is your name distinct and does it prompt consideration? Do your employees understand your brand and do they deliver on your brand promise? And, what is the quality of the experience that they deliver? 5 Brand experience Name 4
  • 19. What is brand architecture and what does it do? • Brand architecture is not the company’s org chart • It clarifies the relationships between your various businesses, products, and services • Brand architecture contributes to the customer experience by: – Helping customers navigate your product / service offering – Allowing you to demonstrate the breadth and depth of your impact – Creating an emotional connection between your customers and your organization Retail Business Intelligence Virtualization
  • 20. Evaluation criteria for brand architecture is complex & varied Alignment The optimization of individual brands with the corporate strategy • Does your portfolio reflect and reinforce your corporate, brand and business strategy? • Do your brands invite the customer relationships you want? • Is there a clear relationship between your brands? • Are your branding practices cost-efficient? • Are you getting your money’s worth from current brand investments? • Can you afford to move to an ideal scenario? • What return should you expect from different models? • Will brand change create unacceptable cultural disharmony? • Do legal or regulatory obstacles stand in the way of change? • Are your current operations and technology able to accommodate brand integration? Financial Investment How much change will cost and what return should be expected Operations The human and organizational barriers to change • How well do customers understand what you sell? • Do they understand the relationship between various businesses, products and services? • How loyal are customers to your brands? • What are the risks and rewards of change? • Can you learn from competitors or peers? Loyalty How the marketplace feels and what they understand about the current brands; how they are likely to react to change
  • 21. Questions we ask when researching brand architecture • How do decision-makers select products and services? What is their criteria? • Who or what do they turn to in order to help them make the buying decision? • How important is the brand? What implications does this have for the brand portfolio (e.g., Masterbrand vs. House of Brands strategy)? • Do product definitions make sense? (e.g., by company size, by features, etc.) • Do branded product names cause confusion? • Which products are high-end? Mass market? For companies my size? • What is each product’s price elasticity? “COMPANY X has got to stop renaming brands! There’s no logical reason behind it. It’s absolutely ludicrous that in last two years they have renamed nearly 400 products.” -US Analyst, describing a Fortune 100 IT company
  • 22. How do we test? • Brand architecture can be tested in numerous ways. Typically, it begins with an overarching question: Who is my audience and how does that audience differ across my product/service portfolio? • This is precisely the kind of question that CX practitioners are interested in • Then, brand researchers measure the brand equity of each product (or company, in the case of a merger/acquisition). Included here is brand valuation (the future profitability of a brand) • We also explore different scenarios for product optimization or rationalization 1:1 interviews and groups Surveys Card sorts (online and offline)
  • 23. Brand Personality & Messaging
  • 24. Brand personality is… • The distinctive tone, manner and style in which you communicate • Your brand personality is defined by a set of brand attributes which shape how you look, feel and sound—blending language, design and content • A brand’s personality is most captured in messaging – It is the outward expression of who you are. The goal is to capture the right language and tone that embodies your brand and differentiates you from your competitors
  • 25. Where does the brand personality come to life? • The brand personality manifests itself across all touchpoints, and is used by all company stakeholders: employees, PR specialists, distributors, agency partners, etc. – Examples: advertising, press releases, newsletters, emails, website content and employee communications, among others • Authenticity comes from employing the right modulation of your voice in all of your communications, both internal and external • The more consistently you use your voice, the more clearly you establish what it means to be you
  • 26. A brand personality comparison British Airways British Airways is a full service global airline, offering year-round low fares with an extensive global route network flying to and from centrally-located airports. Virgin Atlantic Hello gorgeous!
  • 27. How do we test messaging? • The testing criteria typically revolves around relevance, believability, distinctiveness, clarity and conversion. And, as with CX, we look to use cases to inform messaging • Testing is typically done on an online platform, using interactive text-markup and heat mapping
  • 28. Using research, we can answer questions such as… • How receptive are people to your offering? • Is your message and positioning clear? • Is your messaging and positioning credible? • Is your advertising relevant and compelling? Similar to CX research Different than CX research • How elastic is the brand? • Do you have “permission” to sell particular products or services?
  • 29. Sample findings: brand messaging research for a retailer Perceived differentiators: Amplify • The trade-in policy and the 5% store card discount represent the biggest opportunity for differentiating the company. Continue to extend and lead with messages on this theme. Continue to build upon supporting strengths of the offering: • Free tech support • Installation and delivery • Recycling (combined with trade-in) • Extended service plans Perceived weaknesses: Address or downplay • Dedicated, knowledgeable employees • The company lacks credibility when making this claim. Customers automatically assume that they’re interchangeable with team members in other departments and lack product knowledge.
  • 30. When communicating with this customer segment, remember: • Describing electronics as a way to enable experiences (e.g., sharing with family and friends) creates a strong, powerful emotion and reminds respondents why they buy electronics in the first place • Peace of mind, confidence and comfort are key emotional needs. They convey the sense that the company is a trusted and reliable advocate. But there are messages on this theme that should be avoided: o Explicit talk about the confusion surrounding electronics can be perceived as condescending—and can create negative imagery . o References to ‘dedicated’ or ‘specially-trained’ team members and ‘focused range of products’ are met with skepticism. Be careful not to overpromise. ! Sample findings: brand messaging research for a retailer
  • 31. Concept & Ad Testing
  • 32. Concept and ad testing are where positioning, messaging & brand personality all come together • Brand positioning – The underlying foundation or principle that supports your company and everything you do. It distinguishes you from your competition and attempts to sell the benefits of your product or service • Brand messaging – As we said before, messaging is about capturing the language and tone that embodies your brand and differentiates you from your competitors Definitions
  • 33. What do we test? • Decision drivers—both rational and emotional • Resonance of needs and use cases • Messaging and product/service concepts • Are you different? • Is your product relevant? Is it impactful? Are you delivering the right combination of features? • Are you persuasive? Is the offer believable, coming from you? • Do you have permission to sell? How much brand stretch? • Is the value proposition focused and clear? 1:1 interviews or groups
  • 34. Names
  • 35. Q1 2012: Over 1,752,424 active name registrations in the U.S. alone 35
  • 36. “We’re moving way beyond YouSendIt… For me, the opportunity for HighTail gives us an empty vessel to fill with all kinds of meaning about how we want to interact with our end we want to be known as a brand.” A company or product name is the most visible manifestation of the brand experience …and is a topic that CX rarely addresses
  • 37. • To help inform the rationale for a name decision and overcome factors that can sway decision-making:  Biases, internal politics, idiosyncrasies Why test a name? • To determine whether a name accomplishes its purpose: o Distinctiveness o Consideration • To mitigate risk (e.g. perform a disaster check) • To understand how a name affects perception: o How does it contribute value to the brand? o What is the brand personality that the name helps to create? o Does the name help the brand stretch?
  • 38. • Value contribution  How well the name contributes value to the concept, category or brand What and how do we test? • Associations o Thoughts, feelings and imagery that people tie to words • Flexibility  The more flexible a name is, the easier it is to adapt to different product line extensions or price tiers. • Dimensionality  Greater dimensionality is a key indicator of a name’s ability to be memorable and engage consumers at an emotional level
  • 39. 1:1 interviews Surveys What and how do we test? • Emotional engagement o How a name makes us feel • Auditory resonance  How a name sounds and whether the name matches people’s perception of the product or category • Pronounceability  How can you remember (or recommend) a product if you can’t say it? • Brand stretch  Price tiers, need states, different product categories
  • 41. How do we gauge the brand experience? We begin with the customer experience • Our focus is on the brand experience that employees deliver • Again, we use the same techniques as traditional CX 1:1 interviews Ethnography Shop-alongs Mystery Shops Customer journey mapping Ghosting Online testing Comms audit
  • 42. But unlike CX, we also look at internal brand alignment • In other words, are the company’s employees aligned behind its purpose? Purpose is the essential reason for which the company exists. Purpose answers the question: “Why do we do what we do?” • Employees are the face of the brand. The experience delights or disappoints, based on their beliefs, behavior and commitment How do we test brand alignment? What do employees know and believe about your brand? What do we stand for? Is our company purpose… o 1) Unifying 4) Credible 7) Clear o 2) Compelling 5) Actionable o 3) Motivating 6) Simple 1:1 interviews and groups Surveys
  • 43. Recap
  • 44. We started by talking about brand experience and customer experience Brand Experience Customer Experience (CX) User Experience (UX)
  • 45. Brand research examples 1 Brand architecture 2 Brand personality 3 Concept & ad testing Product & company names 4 5 Brand experience We looked at 5 types of brand research
  • 46. Brand research examples We showed how we test brands, and the similarities between brand and CX research methods 1 Card sorts 5 One-on-one and group interviews, surveys 2 Use cases 6 Online text mark-up and online CX tools 3 Mystery shopping/ shop alongs 7 Communications audits (website, mobile, print) 4 Ethnography 8 Customer journey mapping brand architecture / names messaging brand experience brand experience brand experience / internal alignment / names / architecture messaging, brand experience messaging, brand experience brand experience
  • 47. Capabilities for Marketing Research Online Surveys  Understand your customers’ attitude, feelings, concerns and satisfaction levels  Conduct persona research
  • 48. Capabilities for Marketing Research Timeout Testing  Find out whether customers understand what you offer  Find out what customers remember about your offering or company prior to leaving
  • 49. Capabilities for Marketing Research Card Sorting  Test brand architecture  Test whether your site is clearly organized
  • 50. Capabilities for Marketing Research Video Question  Customer Feedback: Get videos of customers talking about their experience after using a website  Ethnographic Research: Ask participants to record how/when/where they use your product/website in their real life.  Mystery Shopping
  • 51. Thank you Lisa Bertelsen Alfonso de la Nuez Email: Website: Follow us on Twitter @userzoom

Editor's Notes

  1. Alfonso speak.
  2. Alfonso speak.
  3. Alfonso speak.
  4. 21
  5. 27
  6. 29
  7. 30