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Home Genomics Testing
Know Thyself
Can you test your genes for your reaction to
drugs, nutrients and vitamins?
Home genomics testing
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
“Know Thyself” is the English translation
of the Ancient Greek inscription at the
Temple of Apollo of Delphi “Gnōthi
How can the “knowledge” of DNA be
used for one’s benefit?
The basis of human variations…
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
… is genetics
Variations between individuals
manifest on a spectrum, e.g:
• Savantism
• Rare disease
• Abnormal responses to therapeutic
• Personality traits
• Rate of aging
Advancements in DNA
sequencing methods enable
precise information about:
• Ancestry
• Predisposition to disease
• Personality
• Dietary requirements
• And more
Home genomics testing enables everybody to
gain knowledge about one‘s individual variations!
The concept behind home genomics testing kits is simple
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
1. The home genomics testing kit is delivered via mail
2. Simple instructions for sample collection:
• Often, enclosed swab is used to scrub cells from inside of cheek  Swab is placed in enclosed tube
• Saliva is collected in tube
3. Sealed package with sample is returned via mail
4. After sample arrival in lab, the DNA is extracted and analysed (via microarrays or next-generation sequencing (NGS))
5. Generated data is analysed by BioIT team
6. Results are provided online
Home genomics testing for personality traits
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
Variations in personality traits have been linked to
genetic polymorphisms!
• Strong correlation between variations in genes encoding proteins
responsible for dopamine metabolism and personality traits ‘Openness to
• Higher levels of dopamine in prefrontal cortex (PFC) are associated with
higher engagement in cognitive and behavioural exploration and curiosity
• Enzyme Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) metabolises dopamine
in PFC
• Certain SNP in COMT (gene) called ‘Val158 Met’ leads to less efficient
version of the COMT enzyme
• Results:
• Decreased dopamine breakdown rate & higher dopamine levels in PFC
• Translates into higher scores in personality trait ‘Opennes’
SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism
Personality traits ‘Openness to experience’ defined as
general inclination to indulge in imaginative, artistic and
intellectual endeavours; represents intellect and creativity
Eurofins Genomics - The DNA Universe
A person’s chronological age is not necessarily the person’s biological age
Chronological age
Represents number of years of life
Biological age
In a sense, relates to morbidity &
mortality risk, as well as aging
Epigenetic clock
Is based on methylation status of
It has been described as the most
accurate molecular measure of
Home genomics testing for the epigenetic clock – how old are you really?
Common practice
A person’s biological age is estimated
via certain clinical biomarkers
Measuring biomarkers can be
somewhat misleading
“Hispanic mortality paradox”:
• People of Hispanic ancestry have,
in general, higher clinical risk
profiles but live longer than people
with European ancestry
• However, according to epigenetic
clock, Hispanics seem to age slower
Epigenetic clock (and rate of aging)
highly depends on genetic make-up
& seems to be hereditary
A person’s ancestors lived to be 100
years old or more
 Probability that this person’s
epigenetic clock is “younger” than
somebody’s clock whose ancestors
did not live to be 100 years old is
very likely
Home genomics testing for the epigenetic clock – how old are you really?
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
Benefit of analysing DNA methylation of an individual
• Prediction of biological age compared to chronological age
• If “DNA methylation age” is higher than chronological age, the risk for
certain diseases is often higher (positive age acceleration)
• If “DNA methylation age” is lower, it implies lower risk (negative age
• Statistically prediction of lifespan and onset of diseases, such as
coronary heart disease, cognitive decline or cancer based on DNA in
blood samples
• Statistical effect of diet and lifestyle factors on biological age (DNA
methylation GrimAge)
 Eating vegetables and fruits (especially carotenoids), exercising &
even education have beneficial effects on aging
 Smoking has most significant negative effect on aging followed by
inflammation, poor waist to hip ratio and diabetes.
Home genomics testing for drug metabolism
Impact of SNPs on drug metabolism
• CYP2D6 encodes for enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6
responsible for metabolism of nearly 25% of drugs on
the market
Example: Some beta-blockers used for different health
conditions such as high blood pressure
• SNPs in CYP2D6 account for varying enzyme activity
and different phenotypes
Eurofins Genomics - The DNA Universe
Poor drug metabolisers
Little or no CYP2D6 activity
Intermediate drug metabolisers
Intermediate CYP2D6 activity between poor and
normal metabolisers
Extensive drug metabolisers
Normal CYP2D6 activity
Ultrarapid drug metabolisers
Higher CYP2D6 activity that occurs as result of
expression of multiple copies of CYP2D6 gene
Knowing which class of metabolisers a person
belongs to and accordingly adjusting drug dose is
of great importance to achieve optimum therapeutic
effect & avoid unwanted side effects
Vit D3 metabolism
• SNPs in CYP2R1 and CYP24A1 can predict
if a person is likely to be deficient in vit D3
• Vitamin D goes through two hydroxylation
reactions to be converted into active vit D3
Home genomics testing for nutrient and vitamin metabolism
Individual metabolism of vitamins
and nutrients varies drastically
according to individual’s genetic
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
Vit D3 biosynthesis
• First hydroxylation step is catalysed by enzyme CYP2R1
 SNPs in CYP2R1 have been associated with lower vit D3 serum levels
• CYP24A1 encodes for monooxygenase responsible for degrading active vit D3
 Four SNPs in this gene have been linked to lower concentrations of vit D3
Identifying personal metabolism activity of vitamins and nutrients could support measures for improved physical
and mental performance
Home genomics testing of the microbiome
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
The gut microbiome has profound effects on human health and well-being
Gut microbes are classified as commensal/mutualistic, beneficial,
• Beneficial microbes are involved in vitamin biosynthesis,
dietary fibre breakdown, butyrate & neurotransmitter production
• Commensal/mutualistic microbes do not harm the body
but are involved in defence against pathogens
• Pathogenic microbes cause harm to the body
 Importance of well-balanced microbial community in the gut
 Dysbiosis is imbalance of gut microbiome & is linked to
pathogenesis of illnesses such as inflammatory bowel
disease & diabetes
Home genomics testing of the microbiome
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
Ingestion of beneficial microbes can have significant effects
on health
• Daily ingestion of probiotic containing 2 x 1010 CFU
Lactobacillus plantarum P8 reduced levels of stress &
enhanced cognitive abilities and memory
• Daily ingestion of probiotic containing 109 CFU Lactobacillus
plantarum DR7 showed same effects & lowered plasma
cortisol levels
Gut microbiome home testing kits enable analysis to determine if balanced and diverse gut microbiota that supports
optimal body and mind function is present
Analysis results can be used for dietary adjustments and ingestion of probiotics to improve gut flora
Ig Nobel Prize 2021 winner for Physics & Kinetics
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe
Further reading
Read more about the influence of the microbiome on human health at:
Did you know that the microbiome profoundly affects cancer and cancer development? Read more at:
Metagenome analysis – Beyond microbiome analysis. Find out more at:
How are faecal transplants used for the treatment of antibiotics-associated disease? Read more at:
Overview of all microbiome-related articles at:
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Dedicated to DNA and Genomics
Eurofins Genomics whole product portfolio is structured to address 3 types of customer needs
Eurofins Genomics - The DNA Universe
Pre-designed and validated
packages for standard
Flexible standardized
modules for easy design
of custom solutions
Tailored solutions for
complex projects, designed
together with our experts
Application oligos and
qPCR probes
Flexible modules to design
custom DNA and RNA oligos
e.g., custom qPCR assay
with primers and probe in
Custom DNA
Simple premixed solutions in
tubes and plates
Flexible options for
sequencing in tubes and
e.g., SNP analysis, primer
walking, GLP sequencing
Next Generation
INVIEW packages for
frequent applications
Flexible modules for DNA,
RNA and amplicon
e.g., GLP sequencing,
custom amplicon panel
Gene Synthesis /
Molecular Biology
Synthetic genes and
site-directed mutagenesis
Modules of gene synthesis
for individual ordering (e.g.,
gene fragments)
e.g., super express gene
synthesis, plasmid
Genotyping &
Gene Expression
CLA for standard cell lines
and mycoplasma check
CLA for custom cell lines and
e.g., microarray analysis,
authenticity testing
Customer Care:
+49 7531 8160 68
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predicts lifespan and healthspan. Aging, 11(2): 303-27.
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Sciences of the United States of America, 110(39): 15650–5.
Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe

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Home Genomics Testing

  • 1. Home Genomics Testing Know Thyself Can you test your genes for your reaction to drugs, nutrients and vitamins?
  • 2. 2 Home genomics testing Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe “Know Thyself” is the English translation of the Ancient Greek inscription at the Temple of Apollo of Delphi “Gnōthi Seauton” How can the “knowledge” of DNA be used for one’s benefit?
  • 3. 3 The basis of human variations… Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe … is genetics Variations between individuals manifest on a spectrum, e.g: • Savantism • Rare disease • Abnormal responses to therapeutic agents • Personality traits • Rate of aging Advancements in DNA sequencing methods enable precise information about: • Ancestry • Predisposition to disease • Personality • Dietary requirements • And more Home genomics testing enables everybody to gain knowledge about one‘s individual variations!
  • 4. 4 The concept behind home genomics testing kits is simple Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe Procedure 1. The home genomics testing kit is delivered via mail 2. Simple instructions for sample collection: • Often, enclosed swab is used to scrub cells from inside of cheek  Swab is placed in enclosed tube • Saliva is collected in tube 3. Sealed package with sample is returned via mail 4. After sample arrival in lab, the DNA is extracted and analysed (via microarrays or next-generation sequencing (NGS)) 5. Generated data is analysed by BioIT team 6. Results are provided online
  • 5. 5 Home genomics testing for personality traits Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe Variations in personality traits have been linked to genetic polymorphisms! • Strong correlation between variations in genes encoding proteins responsible for dopamine metabolism and personality traits ‘Openness to experience’ • Higher levels of dopamine in prefrontal cortex (PFC) are associated with higher engagement in cognitive and behavioural exploration and curiosity • Enzyme Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) metabolises dopamine in PFC • Certain SNP in COMT (gene) called ‘Val158 Met’ leads to less efficient version of the COMT enzyme • Results: • Decreased dopamine breakdown rate & higher dopamine levels in PFC • Translates into higher scores in personality trait ‘Opennes’ SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism Personality traits ‘Openness to experience’ defined as general inclination to indulge in imaginative, artistic and intellectual endeavours; represents intellect and creativity
  • 6. 6 Eurofins Genomics - The DNA Universe A person’s chronological age is not necessarily the person’s biological age Chronological age Represents number of years of life Biological age In a sense, relates to morbidity & mortality risk, as well as aging Epigenetic clock Is based on methylation status of DNA It has been described as the most accurate molecular measure of age Home genomics testing for the epigenetic clock – how old are you really? Common practice A person’s biological age is estimated via certain clinical biomarkers Shortcoming Measuring biomarkers can be somewhat misleading “Hispanic mortality paradox”: • People of Hispanic ancestry have, in general, higher clinical risk profiles but live longer than people with European ancestry • However, according to epigenetic clock, Hispanics seem to age slower Epigenetic clock (and rate of aging) highly depends on genetic make-up & seems to be hereditary Example: A person’s ancestors lived to be 100 years old or more  Probability that this person’s epigenetic clock is “younger” than somebody’s clock whose ancestors did not live to be 100 years old is very likely
  • 7. 7 Home genomics testing for the epigenetic clock – how old are you really? Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe Benefit of analysing DNA methylation of an individual • Prediction of biological age compared to chronological age • If “DNA methylation age” is higher than chronological age, the risk for certain diseases is often higher (positive age acceleration) • If “DNA methylation age” is lower, it implies lower risk (negative age acceleration) • Statistically prediction of lifespan and onset of diseases, such as coronary heart disease, cognitive decline or cancer based on DNA in blood samples • Statistical effect of diet and lifestyle factors on biological age (DNA methylation GrimAge)  Eating vegetables and fruits (especially carotenoids), exercising & even education have beneficial effects on aging  Smoking has most significant negative effect on aging followed by inflammation, poor waist to hip ratio and diabetes.
  • 8. 8 Home genomics testing for drug metabolism Impact of SNPs on drug metabolism • CYP2D6 encodes for enzyme Cytochrome P450 2D6 responsible for metabolism of nearly 25% of drugs on the market Example: Some beta-blockers used for different health conditions such as high blood pressure • SNPs in CYP2D6 account for varying enzyme activity and different phenotypes Eurofins Genomics - The DNA Universe Poor drug metabolisers Little or no CYP2D6 activity Intermediate drug metabolisers Intermediate CYP2D6 activity between poor and normal metabolisers Extensive drug metabolisers Normal CYP2D6 activity Ultrarapid drug metabolisers Higher CYP2D6 activity that occurs as result of expression of multiple copies of CYP2D6 gene Knowing which class of metabolisers a person belongs to and accordingly adjusting drug dose is of great importance to achieve optimum therapeutic effect & avoid unwanted side effects
  • 9. 9 Vit D3 metabolism • SNPs in CYP2R1 and CYP24A1 can predict if a person is likely to be deficient in vit D3 • Vitamin D goes through two hydroxylation reactions to be converted into active vit D3 Home genomics testing for nutrient and vitamin metabolism Individual metabolism of vitamins and nutrients varies drastically according to individual’s genetic make-up. Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe Vit D3 biosynthesis • First hydroxylation step is catalysed by enzyme CYP2R1  SNPs in CYP2R1 have been associated with lower vit D3 serum levels • CYP24A1 encodes for monooxygenase responsible for degrading active vit D3  Four SNPs in this gene have been linked to lower concentrations of vit D3 Identifying personal metabolism activity of vitamins and nutrients could support measures for improved physical and mental performance
  • 10. 10 Home genomics testing of the microbiome Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe The gut microbiome has profound effects on human health and well-being Gut microbes are classified as commensal/mutualistic, beneficial, pathogenic • Beneficial microbes are involved in vitamin biosynthesis, dietary fibre breakdown, butyrate & neurotransmitter production • Commensal/mutualistic microbes do not harm the body but are involved in defence against pathogens • Pathogenic microbes cause harm to the body  Importance of well-balanced microbial community in the gut  Dysbiosis is imbalance of gut microbiome & is linked to pathogenesis of illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease & diabetes
  • 11. 11 Home genomics testing of the microbiome Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe Ingestion of beneficial microbes can have significant effects on health • Daily ingestion of probiotic containing 2 x 1010 CFU Lactobacillus plantarum P8 reduced levels of stress & enhanced cognitive abilities and memory • Daily ingestion of probiotic containing 109 CFU Lactobacillus plantarum DR7 showed same effects & lowered plasma cortisol levels Gut microbiome home testing kits enable analysis to determine if balanced and diverse gut microbiota that supports optimal body and mind function is present Analysis results can be used for dietary adjustments and ingestion of probiotics to improve gut flora
  • 12. 12 Ig Nobel Prize 2021 winner for Physics & Kinetics Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe Further reading Read more about the influence of the microbiome on human health at: Did you know that the microbiome profoundly affects cancer and cancer development? Read more at: Metagenome analysis – Beyond microbiome analysis. Find out more at: How are faecal transplants used for the treatment of antibiotics-associated disease? Read more at: for-a-healthy-microbiome/ Overview of all microbiome-related articles at:
  • 13. 13 Follow Us Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe Facebook Funny content and interesting news LinkedIN Serious content and interesting news Newsletter Special promotions and industry news genomics/kontakt/newsletter-abonnieren/ The DNA Universe BLOG Dedicated to DNA and Genomics
  • 14. 14 Eurofins Genomics whole product portfolio is structured to address 3 types of customer needs Eurofins Genomics - The DNA Universe BUILT FOR YOU Pre-designed and validated packages for standard applications BUILD YOUR OWN Flexible standardized modules for easy design of custom solutions CUSTOMISED SOLUTIONS Tailored solutions for complex projects, designed together with our experts DNA & RNA Oligonucleotides Application oligos and qPCR probes Flexible modules to design custom DNA and RNA oligos e.g., custom qPCR assay with primers and probe in plates Custom DNA Sequencing Simple premixed solutions in tubes and plates Flexible options for sequencing in tubes and plates e.g., SNP analysis, primer walking, GLP sequencing Next Generation Sequencing INVIEW packages for frequent applications Flexible modules for DNA, RNA and amplicon sequencing e.g., GLP sequencing, custom amplicon panel Gene Synthesis / Molecular Biology Synthetic genes and site-directed mutagenesis Modules of gene synthesis for individual ordering (e.g., gene fragments) e.g., super express gene synthesis, plasmid linearization Genotyping & Gene Expression CLA for standard cell lines and mycoplasma check CLA for custom cell lines and FLA e.g., microarray analysis, authenticity testing Customer Care: +49 7531 8160 68
  • 15. 15 References • Belsky, D. W., Caspi, A., Houts, R., Cohen, H. J., Corcoran, D. L., Danese, A., Harrington, H., Israel, S., Levine, M. E., Schaefer, J. D., Sugden, K., Williams, B., Yashin, A. I., Poulton, R., & Moffitt, T. E. (2015) Quantification of biological aging in young adults. PNAS, 112(30): E4104-10. • DNA Solutions (2021) Paternity Testing. [online] Available from: [accessed 19/10/2021]. • Deyoung, C. G., Cicchetti, D., Rogosch, F. A., Gray, J. R., Eastman, M., & Grigorenko, E. L. (2011) Sources of Cognitive Exploration: Genetic Variation in the Prefrontal Dopamine System Predicts Openness/Intellect. Journal of research in personality, 45(4): 364–71. • Chong, H. X., Yusoff, N., Hor, Y. Y., Lew, L. C., Jaafar, M. H., Choi, S. B., Yusoff, M., Wahid, N., Abdullah, M., Zakaria, N., Ong, K. L., Park, Y. H., & Liong, M. T. (2019) Lactobacillus plantarum DR7 alleviates stress and anxiety in adults: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Beneficial microbes, 10(4): 355–73. • Farahmand, N., Ouoba, L.I.I., Naghizadeh Raeisi, S., Sutherland, J., Ghoddusi, H.B. (2021) Probiotic Lactobacilli in Fermented Dairy Products: Selective Detection, Enumeration and Identification Scheme. Microorganisms 9: 1600. • Flockhart D.A., Thacker, D., McDonald, C., Desta, Z. (2021) The Flockhart Cytochrome P450 Drug-Drug Interaction Table. [online] Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Indiana University School of Medicine (Updated 2021). Available from: [accessed 19/10/2021]. • Hekmat, S., McMahon, D.J (1992) Survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum in ice cream for use as a probiotic food. Journal of Dairy Science, 75(6): 1415-22. • Horvath, S., Erhart, W., Brosch, M., Ammerpohl, O., von Schönfels, W., Ahrens, M., Heits, N., Bell, J. T., Tsai, P. C., Spector, T. D., Deloukas, P., Siebert, R., Sipos, B., Becker, T., Röcken, C., Schafmayer, C., & Hampe, J. (2014) Obesity accelerates epigenetic aging of human liver. PNAS, 111(43): 15538-43. • Khan, R., Petersen, F. C., Shekhar, S. (2019) Commensal Bacteria: An Emerging Player in Defense Against Respiratory Pathogens. Frontiers in immunology, 10, 1203. • Laing, B.B., & Ferguson, L.R. (2015) Genetic variations in Vitamin D metabolism genes and the microbiome, in the presence of adverse environmental changes, increase immune dysregulation. Austin J Nutr Metab. 5; 2(4): 1026. • Lew, L. C., Hor, Y. Y., Yusoff, N., Choi, S. B., Yusoff, M., Roslan, N. S., Ahmad, A., Mohammad, J., Abdullah, M., Zakaria, N., Wahid, N., Sun, Z., Kwok, L. Y., Zhang, H., & Liong, M. T. (2019) Probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum P8 alleviated stress and anxiety while enhancing memory and cognition in stressed adults: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 38(5): 2053– 64. • Lu, A. T., Quach, A., Wilson, J. G., Reiner, A. P., Aviv, A., Raj, K., Hou, L., Baccarelli, A. A., Li, Y., Stewart, J. D., Whitsel, E. A., Assimes, T. L., Ferrucci, L., & Horvath, S. (2019) DNA methylation GrimAge strongly predicts lifespan and healthspan. Aging, 11(2): 303-27. • Marietta, E., Horwath, I., Taneja, V. (2018) Microbiome, Immunomodulation, and the Neuronal System. Neurotherapeutics. 15(1): 23-30. • Monte, A. A., West, K., McDaniel, K. T., Flaten, H. K., Saben, J., Shelton, S., Abdelmawla, F., Bushman, L. R., Williamson, K., Abbott, D., & Anderson, P. L. (2018) CYP2D6 Genotype Phenotype Discordance Due to Drug-Drug Interaction. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 104(5:, 933–39. • Ruiz, J. M., Steffen, P., and Smith, T. B. (2013) Hispanic mortality paradox: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the longitudinal literature. American journal of public health, 103(3): e52-60. • Shin, J., & Johnson, J. A. (2007) Pharmacogenetics of beta-blockers. Pharmacotherapy, 27(6): 874–87. • Walle, T., Walle, U. K., Wilson, M. J., Fagan, T. C., & Gaffney, T. E. (1984) Stereoselective ring oxidation of propranolol in man. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 18(5): 741–48. • Zheng, D., Liwinski, T., Elinav, E. (2020) Interaction between microbiota and immunity in health and disease. Cell research, 30(6): 492–506. • Zhu, J. G., Ochalek, J. T., Kaufmann, M., Jones, G., & Deluca, H. F. (2013) CYP2R1 is a major, but not exclusive, contributor to 25-hydroxyvitamin D production in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(39): 15650–5. Eurofins Genomics – The DNA Universe